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Weight loss: Why keto diets arent safe or healthy according to an expert – Express

Posted: August 10, 2020 at 7:45 pm

The expert explains how bodies are quite happy to be in ketosis. It is perfectly safe but it is recommended to be medically supervised while following the diet.

She says: Ketones make you feel less hungry, for reasons that are not entirely understood, so when you get into ketosis, most people feel well and do not have the same cravings for food. You can follow a keto diet plan by eating normal foods which are high in fat like red meat, cheese, cream and butter.

Poor nutrition

However there are serious downsides to the keto diet. Dr Lee says: Nutritionists do not regard the keto diet as a healthy dietOn the keto diet, you only eat small quantities of fruit and vegetables. This is not good for your health because these foods are a major source of antioxidants

Antioxidants are specialist molecules which have a very important role in your body to counteract oxidative stress this is the mechanism in our bodies which underlies the development of many serious diseases such as diabetes, dementia, heart disease, and cancer. We should all be eating more antioxidants not less.

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On the keto diet, you eat large quantities of fat, such as fats found in red meat and full-fat dairy products. However, these are saturated fats and trans fats, which have been shown to increase your risk of atherosclerosis - the main cause heart disease and strokes.

For many years, nutritionists have recommended eating less saturated fats and more unsaturated fats which are plant-based fats, such as olive oil. Many high-fat meat products are ready-made, processed foods which contain high levels of salt and additives, also bad news for health.

Few carbs

Deborah explains: Around 50 percent of our diet is typically made up of carbs, but on the keto diet, only 10 percent of your diet are carbs. You may well find it difficult to stick to such a low-carb intake.

A diet containing 10 percent carbohydrates, equates to only 20g carbs per day. This is a tiny amount, for example, there are 20 g carbs in just half a hamburger bun or one small potato! And thats it folks - for a whole 24 hours! Cutting carbs is often associated with unpleasant side effects read on and find out about keto-flu.

Keep hydrated

Deborah says: When you limit carbs, you tend to lose water, which increases your risk of dehydration. It can be laborious having to continually drink large amounts of water.

For example, on Lighter Life, you are recommended to drink at least 4L per day if you add some black tea and black coffee on top this means numerous trips to the bathroom sometimes difficult if you are at work, or travelling.


The expert says: In the first few days or weeks on the diet, you may experience side effects as your body settles into ketosis. This is known as keto-hunger or keto-flu, and its pretty unpleasantSuggestions to help you get through the keto flu stage include increasing your fluid intake, increasing your salt intake, and adding in multivitamins.

Yo-yo dieting

Deborah explains: Only around 20% of people who successfully lose weight, keep it off long term. This means after a time, the weight creeps back on, and they need to try and lose weight again so-called 'yo-yo' dieting.Although some attempts at weight loss are better than none, the ultimate goal is to re-educate the mind and the body to a lifetime healthy eating pattern so you can lose weight, and then maintain a healthy weight.

The keto diet has been criticised for encouraging yo-yo dieting. Although some experts believe weight cycling may be bad for health, a recent review of the medical evidence suggests this is probably not the case. Yo-yo dieting is unlikely to be higher risk than the risk of continuing to be obese.Other downsides including low fibre, no alcohol, complicated, hair falling out and following the diet can be very expensive.

Dr Lee continues: When you decide to stop the keto diet, its not easy. You may feel incredible cravings to stuff yourself with carbs! Reintroducing carbohydrates should be done slowly.

There is also a tendency to rush and go straight back to how you were eating before the diet and put weight back on very quickly.You need to take advice, plan how to do this, and decide carefully what you are going to eat in the future.

Maintaining weight loss is difficult for everyone but only 20 percent of people who lose 10 percent of their body weight, keep the weight off for a further 12 months.

Deborah concludes: Lets face it, do you really want a diet rated so poorly by nutritionists, which is hard to follow, wrecks your social life, means filling up on fatty foods, and in truth, is no better than any other weight losing diet at helping you lose weight and keep it off?

The keto diet is not a diet for the faint-hearted. Losing weight on any diet means self-control and commitment, but to stick to the keto diet requires self-control and commitment in Herculean proportions!

There really is no quick fix about weight loss. We all live life in the fast lane and when we want it, we want it now. Many people think ketosis will be an answer to their prayers, but as we have seen, the keto diet is more of a sadistic ritual!

In fact - the best way to lose weight is just to do what my mother always told me and its simple. Do regular physical exercise, and follow a healthy, balanced diet.

Read more from the original source:
Weight loss: Why keto diets arent safe or healthy according to an expert - Express

Cycling for weight loss: Calories burned, right post-workout meal and more – Times of India

Posted: August 10, 2020 at 7:45 pm

We all learnt how to ride a bicycle when we were kids and hardly paid attention to our posture while taking a ride. Now when trying it to shed kilos it is important to be careful about your form. Here are a few things you must be careful about.

Your body should be neutral from head to toe

Do not stiffen your shoulders. Keep them down in a relaxing position and away from your ears.

Your hands should be in a relaxed position and shoulders bent to act as a suspension.

Your hands from the elbows to the fingers on the brakes should be in a straight line.

Keep your back neutral and spine straight. Do not slouch in the riding position as this causes backache.

Make sure your knees are exactly above the foot or pedal. If your knees are inclined then it might cause leg strain.

Excerpt from:
Cycling for weight loss: Calories burned, right post-workout meal and more - Times of India

I Went to Germany to Go on a 200-Calorie-A-Day Liquid Diet. Heres Why I Would Do It Again. – Robb Report

Posted: August 10, 2020 at 7:45 pm

I should be miserable Id been cautioned: Watch out for day three. Thats when the demons begin to rage. Im on a medically supervised 10-day fast that promises to help me shed some weight while also futureproofing that newly slimmed-down body against aging. Worth the odd demon or a pang or two, then.

Indeed, Im a bit hungrybut thats not surprising, given that Ive consumed little more than tea, juice and soup over the past 48 hours. But I had been anticipating far worse, as several friends, all veterans of the Buchinger Wilhelmi process I am undertaking, had warned me. The real challenges in forgoing food wouldnt be simple hunger, they said. Fasting isnt the hard part, said one. Its the emotional side. I usually spend the third day curled in a ball in my room, weeping. Everything you repress just comes out, all at once. A second moaned about the physical side effects on day three for her: throbbing headaches, a furry tongue and dry skin, all because the toxins her body was purging began to crest, she said, wide-eyed. The consensus was that Id feel, generally, dreadfulnot just hungry but also sad, aching and exhausted, likely confined to my bed, wakefully toggling between napping and fretting. Yet another confided that it was day three when the risk of cheating peaked. Shed heard that folks usually skulk out the clinics back gate and into the nearby town to scarf down a furtive frankfurter or two to offset the gnawing pains.

Instead, I feel fine.

The pool at the Buchinger Wilhelmi clinic.Winfried Heinze

More than fine. Remarkably, I feel absolutely dandy. Ive no physical problems whatsoever; in fact, Im swimming 50 laps in the pool here at the Buchinger Wilhelmi spa every afternoon, and the only reason my eyes are watering is the troublesome pollen. I miss chewing, for sure, and Im not partial to some of the broth recipes: The mere mention of turnip evokes Dickensian deprivation, though the watery tomato is bright-flavored and delicious. But I havent cheated, despite deliberately wandering into town yesterday morning to tempt myself with the smells of fresh-cooked sausages. I took a deep breathdelicious for sure, but I was happy to eat with my eyes.

Either Im too two-dimensional to be troubled by deep thoughts or Im one of the lucky ones, sailing straight from eating three meals daily to the Zen state of semi-starvation without detouring down a physical and emotional rabbit hole. Ive arrived, instead, at 200-calorie nirvana, where the body, now short on fuel, is forced into overdrive. With my metabolism working harder to produce energy, I experience a new level of strength and mental clarity. I am Superman without the blue tights. In fact, the only challenge for me is my sleep. Usually, I slumber deeply and soundly anywhere, so its strange to find myself so fitful, with bouts of deep rest punctuated by an unfamiliar alertness. Otherwise, I nod sympathetically as I try not to gloat when folks mournfully complain in the feeding salon, the lounge-like area where our non-meals are devoured.

A suite at the Buchinger Wilhelmi clinic.Winfried Heinze

Its inside the salon that I first meet my fellow fasters on day one, at what passes for a welcome party at Buchinger Wilhelmi, on the shores of Lake Constance in Germany, just across the border from Switzerland. My fellow fasters are a motley bunch, drawn from across the world. Im surprised the room is equally split between men and women. There are several first-timers like me: a Saudi couple, for instance, well-padded fiftysomethings who plan to stay for three weeks. Other newbies include a pair of friends, fit, middle-aged financiers who usually take an adventure vacation together each year, leaving their wives at home. Most of the room, though, consists of starvation pros, folks whove followed the Buchinger Wilhelmi method several times before. Typical is the French sculptor whos back for a seventh stay. He became a devotee when his first stint allowed him to permanently shed the 40 pounds hed gained after a car accident. Tall and gaunt, he looks to be in his late 60s or older; hes come again, he explains, as an anti-aging effort. More than the chance to shed pounds, its this elusive promise that underpins the work at Buchinger Wilhelmi.

For this is no conventional fat farm. Forget face-lifts and fitness classesits bouts of fasting that Buchinger Wilhelmi claims will offer a slimmed-down path to eternal youth, or something close to it, at least. Fasting, the staff preaches, will better safeguard your body against the forces of age. The focus here, though, is not only extending your life span but also improving the quality of whatever life you have, or whats now known as your health span. The clinics practice aims to address a conundrum: How do we ensure our brains and our bodies remain in peak condition for our entire lives, bringing both quantity and quality of life in sync? Slash our daily energy source, Buchinger Wilhelmi posits, and the bodys metabolic switch is triggered. Deprived of easy fuel, our bodys metabolism instead turns to ketones, compounds produced from fats by our liver in a state known as ketosis, achieved by fasting at least 10 to 12 hours. Theres more afoot, too: During ketosis, the body starts to repair and reboot, helping bat away looming bad health. Per the clinics owners, eating 200 to 300 daily calories for several days, any time from your 20s to your 60s, isnt just good for your waistline; its an investment in the well-being of seventy-something you.

The Buchinger Wilhelmi clinic.Winfried Heinze

Theres no hardship here, though. The clinic doesnt resemble a traditional sanatorium but rather a five-star hotel. Scattered among several buildings on a steep hill, the rooms are decorated in muted tones and filled with tasteful, vaguely modernist furniture. One of the front-of-house staff is an alum of the Ritz Carlton in New York and proudly wears the lapel pin of Les Clefs dOr, the elite cabal of concierges. Theres a hair salon but no conventional luxury hotel-style spa. Instead, the clinic offers two main medical complexes, where the doctors and nurses on staff perform their examinations, plus numerous treatment rooms discreetly tucked into various buildings, where guests can book everything from osteopathy and shiatsu massage to outre rituals like Chi Nei Tsang, a Chinese abdominal massage, to pass the time between non-meals.

And, yes, the food. Other than at the start and end of your stay, when youll receive delicious, low-calorie vegetarian meals to help ease your digestive system into and out of hibernation, theres little to eat. (Dont confuse fasting-induced ketosis with a ketogenic low-carb, high-fat diet.) Breakfast is herbal tea and a tiny saucer of honey; keep it for the day, the nurse advises, and eat it sparingly when you need some energy. Lunch is fresh-squeezed juice, cut with more herbal tea to reduce its calories. Dinner is the aforementioned broth. Such scrapsor dripsof food leave my digestive system effectively fallow, though there are regular enemas from the nurse just to make sure. She also checks my vitals each morning, reminds me to drink at least six liters of water a day (to stay hydrated and prevent gout) and comes to my room every afternoon to wrap my liver, one of the quirks of the Buchinger Wilhelmi process: After what passes for lunch, youll spend an hour or more in bed, swaddled like a baby with a hot water bottle pressed to your liver. Per the clinics theories, such cosseting helps boost the livers ketone production process.

Breakfast: Tea With Honey (65 calories)Jenny Huang

The woman who helped formalize many such theories is Francoise Wilhelmi de Toledo, M.D. Trained as a conventional physician, she visited the clinic as a guest in her 20sand never left. After marrying into the family, she became the medical director. Toledo is now the clinics head of medical research and lives in a sleek glass box of a house nearby; one of her two sons, Leo Wilhelmi, handsome with a mane of dark hair, handles day-to-day operations. At 66, she has a gamine energy and a feline intelligence, and could easily pass for a decade younger. Doubtless, shed attribute her youthful glow to her decades-long adherence to fasting, both daily (in 16-hour windows) and twice yearly, when she follows the clinics regimen for 10 days or more at a stretch.

She invites me over for teafresh herbs, thyme picked from her gardenso she can explain the work here in person. Like the clinics staff and entire operation, the Swiss-born Toledo slides fluently between French, English and German as she talks; she has an evangelists charisma. Think of fasting as metabolic training, she urges, teaching the body how to use different energy sources, much as a hybrid auto switches between electricity and gas for efficiency. Hunger isnt to be avoided but rather deployed, a forgotten reflex that we need to relearn. Toledo is pleased that the clientele here includes so many men as well as womenthat 50:50 ratio is a rarity for conventional spas. Fasting is not easy, as we take away everything you like at the beginning, so its more of a challenge. Men like that, she says.

Indeed, it was a man who founded the clinic, a hundred years ago. His reasons were personal: Otto Buchinger, a physician, was wheelchair-bound from severe rheumatoid arthritis, at least until he fasted for almost three weeks on the suggestion of another doctor. Buchinger followed the most extreme protocols, ingesting only water. As a result, he later claimed, he was able to walk again. Buchinger turned his belief in the healing power of calorie restriction into his lifes work, setting up this clinic, which his descendants, including his great-grandson Leo, still run. But it is only in the last two decades or so that conventional science has turned its attention to the potentials of calorie restriction, and men have increasingly embraced fasting as the final fitness toola way to put their insides through as punishing a training regimen as they follow at the gym. Broadly speaking, there are two common approaches that aim to leverage reduced food intake for health and weight benefits. The first, periodic fasting, is the approach followed by the clinic; cut calories for an extended period every year or so, for example. The second is intermittent fasting, which deprives the body of nutrition in a given pattern each day or week: 16 consecutive hours in every 24 is popular (often called 16:8). Proponents claim both systems allow the body to shift into that sought-after state of ketosis.

Lunch: Freshly Squeezed Juice (50 calories)Jenny Huang

Peter Bowes is a longtime BBC journalist who periodically fasts in his role as host of the podcast Live Long and Master Aging. During fasting, he says, the body undergoes autophagy, or spring-cleaning mode, meaning it recycles damaged or old cell machinery. Studies suggest that this processwhich derives from Greek words meaning self and to eatcan even result in new synapses forming in the brain. When your immune system is challenged like this, it throws out the cells its not using, that are maybe a little weather-worn, Bowes says, and builds a new immune system, re-growing white blood cells.

A prolonged state of autophagy, then, could be thought of as a real-life counterpart to the serum that transformed scrawny Steve Rogers into super-soldier Captain America. Indeed, the US government has explored how to use intermittent fasting to improve the performance of elite commandos, according to Mark Mattson, a world-renowned expert in fasting and adjunct professor of neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Mattson says officials from NASA and the air force contacted him to discuss how to use his research in just this way. Its evolution, he says. If youre food-deprived, you need to be more alert and motivated to find foodthats why you often feel sleepy after a meal. He suggested using intermittent fasting as a training tool, spending two days per week, for example, drinking only water. Mattson has focused his studies on such intermittent fasts and has a hunch its more effective than the Buchinger Wilhelmi method of one long annual fast, though he recognizes the benefits of calorie-deprivation of any kind. His research includes clinical studies of individuals at risk of cognitive impairment from Alzheimers and similar diseases, in which he found that those on a diet that included fasting showed memory and learning improvements within two months. Mattson says intermittent fasting is also a promising component in cancer treatment. You should hit them in the fasting state with drugs or radiation because cancer cells cannot use ketones [as fuel], so if the glucose levels in the body are relatively low, it makes them more vulnerable, he explains.

Dinner: Broth (36 calories)Jenny Huang

Andrew Jenkinson, a London bariatric surgeon and author of Why We Eat (Too Much), does not recommend long-term fasting but is a proponent of the 16:8 approach. Ketogenesis is probably the best way to lose weight, but unfortunately, its difficult to sustain. Whatever diet you do for weight loss needs to be your new life, says Jenkinson, who recommends a low-carb diet. Fasting for a sustained period of time will improve the inflammatory response over the short term, and it will make you think faster and more clearlyit will give you a real buzz.

Experts differ on how long it takes for autophagy to kick in from intermittent fastingfrom right away to 12 weeksbut for optimal results, Toledo recommends practicing it five days a week. Jenkinson urges caution, too: Individual metabolisms and default weights vary. Veer from the program and youll likely rebound to where you started, he says. Though Toledo has led extensive in situ studies to determine the safety of the protocols used at the clinic, there are no records on the long-term efficacy of stays. The high ratio of repeat visitors could suggest that it is, indeed, hard to maintain such weight loss. Then again, it could be evidence of how effective her evangelical zeal proves in recruiting converts.

Im impressed, if not completely converted, by day 10. At my final morning check-in with the nurse, Ive lost close to 12 pounds and two inches from my waistline. More than anything, though, the stay here has changed the way I eat. I couldnt even finish the first meal of solids, post-fast, served up with a candle and certificate in celebration. Im just not as hungry as often anymore, and Ive adopted that 16:8 system most days. Three months later, even during lockdown with limited exercise, Ive remained slim. Would I come again? Absolutely. But perhaps the bigger question is: Why should I need to? Check back with me in a year.

Go here to read the rest:
I Went to Germany to Go on a 200-Calorie-A-Day Liquid Diet. Heres Why I Would Do It Again. - Robb Report

Water Fasting: What it is and how it works? Everything you need to know –

Posted: August 10, 2020 at 7:45 pm

Weight loss is a universal concern among youths. People try various diet plans and fasting to curb their extra calories. Several diets have gained popularity in the past years for their weight loss benefits. Many of these diets focus on a particular nutrient or food or drink.

Water Fasting is making waves in the popular diet world once again. This is a type of fast that restricts everything except water. It has become more popular in recent years as a quick way to lose weight.

A water fast is true to its name: Its a fast during which all food and drink except water are restricted. That means no coffee, no tea, no alcohol, no zero-calorie sports drinks, or any other beverage. This also means no food. Water fasts typically last 24 to 72 hours. Medically supervised water fasts may last up to 40 days. For your safety, you should not try to fast for longer than 3 days without medical clearance and supervision.

Continue reading here:
Water Fasting: What it is and how it works? Everything you need to know -

I was overweight when I was diagnosed with an eating disorder –

Posted: August 10, 2020 at 7:45 pm

When I did eat, I did it so fast that I didnt taste the food (Picture: Jessica Spencer)

At one of my lowest points with my eating disorder, just thinking about food was enough to induce a panic attack.

I was 21 and had spent years feeling ashamed of myself for being overweight. Now I was avoiding eating until it hurt, suffering painful stomach cramps from hunger and feeling like a failure for wanting food.

When I did eat, I did it so fast that I didnt taste the food. Overwhelming heart palpitations would then take hold, lasting anywhere up to an hour, as I got incredibly upset with myself for not being dedicated to losing weight.

Whilst awful and scary, these episodes at least helped me to admit what I had known for seven years: that I was overweight with an eating disorder.

I was 14 when I decided I wanted to be a presenter on television, but the only ones I saw were thin and glamorous. In contrast, I wore ugly, loose clothing to hide my fat.

I thought that if I wanted the job, I needed the body and believed losing weight would make everything easier.

After learning about calorie counting online, I cut my daily intake over the space of two months until it was eventually halved.

Proudness bubbled in me as everyone marvelled at my sudden thinness. I was thrilled with my progress. For the first time in months, I felt pretty.

There was just one issue every time I stood up, I got overwhelmingly dizzy. An instant headache formed and my sight momentarily blacked out.

These episodes were incredibly scary. When I brought it up, my grandmother told me straight that I wasnt eating enough so I tried to eat more.

After a couple of months, however, things went in the opposite direction.

I found I couldnt control myself, specifically around chocolate, and ate massive amounts.

All the pride I had felt was replaced by yet more shame. I stopped counting calories, afraid to know how much I had eaten and from that point until I was in my early 20s, I found myself in a cycle, swinging between under-eating and binge-eating.

I was so upset at how out of control I felt around chocolate that I began searching online for answers. That was how I discovered binge-eating disorder, a mental illness where people regularly lose control and eat large quantities of food.

The term binge-eating made me feel disgusted. I thought I just needed to practice self-control and forced myself to cut down again.

I started studying for a media degree but my anxiety and depression were both ramping up. I felt out of place as the fattest person in my course and in my first semester, I failed a module I had barely attended due to my worsening mental health.

By 19, therapy seemed like the only option. I spoke about my feelings being fat but avoided discussing my habits around food and my continued reliance on chocolate.

Periods of under-eating lasted weeks while my binge-eating could last months. And while binging, I put a lot of pressure on myself, telling myself I was worthless for being fat.

The idea that I had an eating disorder had been floating around my head but I wouldnt let myself accept it. I thought only thin people had disordered eating and my look didnt fit the part.

I was convinced I was too fat to be ill and besides, losing weight was beneficial for my health and career. This wasnt an illness, I told myself not eating was self-care.

Everything came to a head one day when I was at the hairdresser. She asked me to stand, I fainted and when I came round, I was screaming for my mother.

My BMI was bordering on healthy yet I was miserable and tired of being consumed by my weight and food. If dropping dress sizes wasnt enough, I realised I would never be thin enough until I was dead.

Exhausted, I went to my GP and told him everything.

As I started speaking, it felt as if space was opening in my chest and I could finally breathe again. I left my appointment armed with a new prescription for anti-depressants and a diagnosis: Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorder, known as OSFED.

The condition is a catch-all for anyone with disordered eating who doesnt fit the criteria of other illnesses, such as anorexia or bulimia. Accounting for 47% of all cases, it is the most common eating disorder diagnosis. Over half a million people in the UK are believed to suffer from OSFED.

Restricting calories to lose weight was a symptom of anorexia, but losing control around food chocolate in my case was indicative of binge-eating disorder. For me, OSFED came from this mixture.

I educated myself on eating disorders and stopped engaging with destructive online communities that promoted thinness. I no longer counted calories, repeatedly telling myself You are allowed to eat like a mantra, and it helped to stop the palpitations.

I also took a year out of my degree to focus on myself. Removing the pressure of my studies helped immensely as it gave me extra time to relax by indulging in my hobbies, such as blogging and poetry.

The anti-depressants kicked in within the first couple of months, too and I gradually came to feel more at ease in my body, even starting to appreciate it.

When you are thin and you lose weight, people worry. But when I started to slim down, I was congratulated for taking care of myself.

Having an eating disorder is an awful experience and I have no doubt that being overweight made it worse. The shame I felt at trying and failing to reach a healthy weight was constant.

Under-eating was never sustainable and anything I lost usually snuck back on just as quickly.

To lose weight in a healthy way we should turn to doctors, not the internet what I learned online about calorie counting developed into a seven year illness. Weight loss is as simple as eating well and exercising in moderation anything else is punishing yourself.

It has been four years since I was diagnosed with OSFED. While I sometimes still look to chocolate for comfort, I no longer binge. I stop to consider whether my urge to eat it is a reaction to stress or a normal craving. When its stress, I look at other ways to relax, like reading or watching a film.

I have also recently taken up running but my focus is on my fitness not my weight. Getting fit is about trying to make life easier on my body, not harder.

No matter what the scales say, I have learned to appreciate my body and everything it does to keep me alive.

Recovery is a journey about choosing to live and every day, I choose recovery.

For more information and support on any of the issues raised in this article, visit eating disorder charity Beats website, or ring the helpline on0808 801 0677.

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MORE: How to know if you're living with a binge eating disorder

MORE: So what if you get fat during the coronavirus lockdown?

MORE: How my bulimia nervosa turned into binge eating disorder

Read this article:
I was overweight when I was diagnosed with an eating disorder -

Weight Loss Transformation Sheri Shaw Run to Lose Weight –

Posted: August 10, 2020 at 7:45 pm

Name: Sheri ShawAge: 40 Occupation: Assistant Dean for Student SuccessHometown: Wilmington, North Carolina

Start Weight: 298 poundsEnd Weight: 190 poundsTime Running: 11 months

Running has always been a component of my life. My older brother, Eugene Shaw, was an avid runner in high school in Decatur, Illinois, and I emulated him. So I joined the junior high track and field teams to stretch myself competitively.

In my teens and 20s, I could just get up and run, doing 5Ks, 10Ks, and even half marathons with ease. But as I approached my late 20s and 30s, joint painwhich I blamed on old high school volleyball injuriesbecame a problem for me, and my running habit slowed.

But really, it was because of my inability to manage my time due to the increased pressures to demonstrate professional success. I had begun to grow in university administration, and I became focused on work and less on managing my workout schedule. After consistent late nights and coffee runs, the weight began to creep up. Mentally, I talked myself out of trying to go for a run.

My workouts turned into heavy lifting and low impact cardio, but it didnt fill the void left by running. I loved the feeling of lacing up my shoes, popping on my run-tracking app, turning on my music playlist, and going outside. I missed it, and my weight showed that.

Before I knew it, I had gotten up to 298 pounds in September 2019. At that time, I was having surgery to remove scar tissue that had developed from donating my kidney in 2001. So once I recovered and was cleared to be active, I knew I wanted to get back out and run.

Before I could do that though, I needed to ease the joint pain. That month, I started my journey by changing my eating habits.

As a kidney donor, I have always avoided smoking and drinking, and eaten foods high in fiber. However, I consumed a lot of high-fat foods, fast food, caffeine, and sugar. That, along with the lack of exercise, pushed me to where I was.

When I started utilizing a food-tracking app, I gave up those foods and made more of an effort to put the right things in my body. Adding a little movement to those changes, I lost 40 pounds by the new year.

[Discover how to run 10, 50, or even 100 pounds off with Run to Lose.]

To kick off 2020, I joined a friend and her family at Hilton Head Health, a weight loss retreat. This, I thought, would help me jumpstart my journey, and it did.

It got me excited about the process and to get my running back up, even if I had to start by walking a lot. Every other day, I was going out for two-mile runs coupled with a 30-minute Burn Boot camp workout. Slowly, I saw my endurance go up at the gym where I worked. I would hide the digital screens and focus on running through a song on my playlist.

I found, for me, that music helped me find my cadence and get lost in my runs while heavy beats kept me going at a good pace. It also helped with time. When I started, I tried to run for an entire song. One song became two, then three, and then four. Four songs equaled a mile. I hadnt run a mile without stopping in over four years!

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For months, I stayed in that two-mile comfort zone, afraid of pains resurfacing from previous injuries (IT band, knee, and Achilles). That all changed during the coronavirus pandemic when a friend introduced me to virtual racing. With that, I turned to running three to five miles outside. I started out at 15-minute miles and am already up to 12-minute pace.

With the addition of running again, the weight continues to come off. Im currently at 190 pounds, and Im still going strong toward my goal of 170, the weight at which my doctors say I would be the healthiest for my kidney function.

Having lost more than 100 pounds, I feel like myself again. I am the size I was over 20 years ago, when I first started college. Ive found the runner I want to be again. These changes allow me to move my body with more ease and Ive noticed a return of my high activity level. Im even challenging myself to run for entire playlistsI recently made one that lasted for two hours, and I covered eight miles, my longest run in a long time.

For anyone out there that wants to make a similar change, my advice is to just lace up. I spent so much time talking myself out of running that I wasted precious time toward making myself feel better emotionally, physically, and personally. What I failed to see is that I could create a new runner profile that complemented who I am today rather than trying to be the runner I was in high school.

Also, dont compare your journey to anyone elses. Run for you. This is your race. Face it with grace at your own pace. There will be valleys, hills, setbacks, and roadblocks. Thats why the goal has to be forward motion; not matter how large or small, it is still forward progression. Yesterdays ceiling is tomorrows floor. Keep challenging yourself and keep growing.

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Deepika Singh Recalls Being Body-Shamed Post-Pregnancy And How It Had Helped Her In Losing Weight –

Posted: August 10, 2020 at 7:45 pm

Strangely, we live in a world where everyone is expected to be 'perfect' but there's no such specific definition of being one. Specially, when a celebrity is concerned, they're always under scrutiny and whatever they do, makes them a target of trolls. Be it keeping silence on an issue or raising voice and putting forward their opinion, maintaining their personal life private or keep it as an open book for their fans, losing weight for a film or gaining weight due to pregnancy, celebs aren't spared from the demeaning comments by the trolls.(Also Read:Mouni Roy Flaunting A Diamond Ring In An Instagram Story Makes Us Wonder If She Secretly Got Engaged)

Motherhood is a bliss but it brings along post-pregnancy weight and postpartum depression. And for a celeb mom, it becomes even more difficult to deal with the post-pregnancy weight as being in scrutiny makes them the target of trolls. After Smriti Khanna, Mahhi Vij and Nisha Rawal, Deepika Singh Goyal revealed her story of body-shaming post embracing motherhood. Diya Aur Baati Hum fame, Sandhya bindani a.k.a., Deepika had embraced motherhood on May 20, 2017 and had welcomed a baby boy, whom she has named Soham. Since then, Deepika's life revolves around her little bundle of joy.

In an interview with The Times Of India, Deepika Singh Goyal revealed how she was trolled for gaining weight post the birth of her son, Soham. Recalling the negativity she had received on a birthday picture she had posted after embracing motherhood, Deepika said, "I have been trolled a lot on social media especially for my weight gain. After giving birth to Sohum I was 73 kgs and I had randomly shared a picture of mine without thinking much and it was my birthday, they started writing nasty stuff about me. They did not even think twice that it was my birthday."

Revealing how everyone had commented that she won't get any role or how bad she's looking, Deepika Singh Goyal continued, "They started saying you are such a big actress, you should have waited, now she won't get any role, nobody will take her in a lead role. Look at her how bad she is looking. But I took all those negative comments very seriously and that actually helped me to go to gym regularly. No matter, if I haven't slept at night or not. I took screenshots of all those comments and kept them as a wallpaper on my phone. Whenever I felt lazy these nasty comments helped me to hit the gym. I did cardio a lot and did cycling. I started enjoying working out and I started watching my diet. Ultimately, I proved them wrong."(Also Read:Rana Daggubati and Miheeka's Forest Theme Wedding Was Inspired by This Painting [Picture Inside])

Deepika Singh Goyal feels that it was easy for her to work out for abs during the time of her serial, Diya Aur Baati Hum. Revealing how things have changed now, Deepika added, "During Diya Aur Baati Hum's time it was easy for me to have abs but not right now. I know I can't go on low carbs and low sugar because that will have a toll on my body. Now, I don't restrict myself and eat what I want to and till the time I am hungry. I try to alternate as much as I can with healthy eating choices. Because of all this I have put on weight but people are not understanding and they are still bashing me for my weight gain. But this is not just restricted to social media, I think in real life also we have people who can't become you so they try to pull you down."

Deepika Singh Goyal had weighed herself on July 26, 2017, i.e., two months after giving birth to her son, Soham and she had weighed 72 kgs. With all her hard work, dedication and patience, Deepika had reduced to 56 kgs i.e., she had lost 16 kgs in 7 months. Sharing the following picture of her weight loss journey on Instagram in 2018, she had captioned it as "You dont have to go fast, you just have to go.(Also Read:Samantha Akkineni Shares A Beautiful Picture With Hubby, Naga Chaitanya, He Bathes Her In Flowers)

What are your views on the body shaming which celebrities are being flak with? Do let us know!

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Deepika Singh Recalls Being Body-Shamed Post-Pregnancy And How It Had Helped Her In Losing Weight -

How to get rid of cellulite fast – The Standard

Posted: August 10, 2020 at 7:45 pm

How to get rid of cellulite fast. (Photo/Courtesy)

We all stress over it, but most of us are plagued with it - if you're covering up because of your cellulite we've got some tips and tricks to reduce it without resorting to cosmetic surgery.

Just remember a large number of women in the world are in the same boat as you - as well as men suffering from the same issue. There's nothing wrong with cellulite, but if you want to reduce it there's a few things you can do.

Supermarket shelves are bursting with lotions, potions and pills that claim to beat cellulite, but you can keep it cheap and easy with the following tricks.

1. Dry Body Brushing

Start the day with dry body brushing. Before you turn your shower on, or get in the bath, lightly sweep a dry body brush all over start from your ankles and always brush in the direction of your heart. This will give your circulation a great boost and help eliminate toxins.

2. Blast with cold water

Blast your thighs with cold water before you get out of the shower to get blood flowing to the area.

3. Cellulite creams and lotion

The best cellulite creams that are worth your time and cash include Nivea Q10 Plus Goodbye Cellulite Gel-Cream 200ml, and, while it's more of an oil, Weleda Birch Cellulite Oil, is a good option.

When youre applying your body lotion (a cheap lotion is just as effective), massage it well into your thighs and other potentially dimply areas.

4. Foods to fight it

Cellulite is often caused by toxins (from a less than perfect diet) which reduce skin elasticity and slow down circulation so eat plenty of brightly coloured fruit and veg. Why? Because they contain the most antioxidants, which help our bodies to shed toxins.

ALSO READ: Eating too much rice with your meals could be fatal, experts claim


Berries are particularly good, so have a handful of either raspberries, strawberries, blueberries or blackberries on your cereal every morning.

Bananas and mangoes are renowned for boosting blood flow, which helps prevent cellulite, so tuck into those as often as you can, as well as papaya, which studies show helps prevent tissue damage under the skin.

Vitamin C

Foods rich in vitamin C are also excellent cellulite-busters because they boost levels of collagen in the skin, which promotes elasticity and keeps things firm and taut.

Skin-strengthening foods

Other skin-strengthening foods include oily fish, chicken, grapefruit, tomatoes, apples, spinach, carrots and avocados.


Finally, foods known as diuretics are also good at warding off cellulite. Diuretics basically make us pee a lot and also reduce bloating and fluid retention.

A build-up of fluid can sometimes trigger cellulite, so, along with drinking plenty of water, include diuretics in your diet. Try cucumber, celery, onions and asparagus.

In fact, many Hollywood A-listers swear by eating a plate of asparagus before a red carpet appearance because its so good at reducing bloating.

Green tea

While green tea hasn't been tested it has got a lot of recognition as being a treatment for weight loss. While losing fat isn't an immediate fix it does help reduce fat deposits. Try sipping on 2-3 cups a day - not to near bedtime.

...what not to have

Processed fatty foods, such as sausages, cheese, biscuits and cake, are particularly bad. Theyre often full of additives, salt or sweeteners, which can cause toxin-overload in the body.

ALSO READ: These natural foods will help you lose more weight faster

5. Exercise

Exercise wont get rid of cellulite entirely but it will help you lose weight, get your blood flowing and tone things up which all help banish that orange-peel look.

Cycling and jogging

Cycling and jogging are brilliant because they really target thighs, bottoms and hips, says celebrity personal trainer Cornel Chin.

Try squats

If you have cellulite on your bottom and thighs, squats and lunges are the best moves. You can do either anywhere and they only take seconds.

When you go to do a squat, stand with your feet hip-width apart. Keeping your weight in your heels (ie, dont lean forward), go to sit down on an invisible chair, so your bottom is roughly two feet off the ground. Then lift yourself back up and repeat. Keep your arms straight out in front to help you balance.

Repeat 20 times.


For a lunge, stand with your feet hip width apart. With your hands on your hips, step forward on your left leg (so your feet are roughly three feet apart) and bend down so your front knee is bent and your back foot comes off the floor. Hold for a couple of seconds, then lift yourself up and bend down (lunge) again.

Repeat 15 times on each leg.


Kickboxing is also good, so check out your local leisure centre for classes.

Also use a foam roller in your workouts. Massages also help with circulation and stimulating lymph flow.

6. Cellulite cups

This type of therapy uses a rubber section cup to stimulate blood flow. The idea is to create more oxygen and work out toxins by getting the blood to flow.

The suction and pressure can loosen the muscles too, and relieve pain, according to those who practice it.

7. Don't have caffeine

Some studies show caffeine can make cellulite worse, because of its effects on blood flow and getting oxygen and nutrients to skin tissue. So limit intake of coffee, tea and cola. Only have one or two cups, max, a day.

8. Stop smoking

Avoid smoking and alcohol both create toxins in the body, and booze is full of sugar. Finally, ditch sugar. It slows production of collagen in the skin (so its a good way to cut wrinkles and cellulite).

As well as all the usual suspects, its also in foods such as cereal, pasta sauces (have a look) and yoghurt.

What is cellulite?

Cellulite is a term used to describe the dimpled and uneven appearance of skin caused by fat deposits that are just below the skin.

Scientists don't actually know what causes cellulite, but it's believed to be related to the body's inability to get rid of toxin, fat and fluid. It becomes trapped under the skin and causes fibrous tissue to become hard, that is the dimpling effect we see.

Why do you get cellulite and what puts you at risk?

The puckering of skin happens when the layer of fat beneath the skin pushes against connective tissue and bulges, causing the orange-peel or cottage cheese appearance.

Excess weight doesn't help, as the fatter you are the more it pushes through the sub-dermal structures. So healthier diets plus exercise lower your risk of getting cellulite.

See more here:
How to get rid of cellulite fast - The Standard

Insights on the Global Weight Loss Supplement Market 2020-2024 | COVID-19 Analysis, Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities and Threats | Technavio -…

Posted: August 10, 2020 at 7:45 pm

Technavio has been monitoring the weight loss supplement market and it is poised to grow by USD 1.33 billion during 2020-2024, progressing at a CAGR of over 5% during the forecast period. The report offers an up-to-date analysis regarding the current market scenario, latest trends and drivers, and the overall market environment.

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Technavio has announced its latest market research report titled Global Weight Loss Supplement Market 2020-2024 (Graphic: Business Wire).

Technavio suggests three forecast scenarios (optimistic, probable, and pessimistic) considering the impact of COVID-19. Please Request Free Sample Report on COVID-19 Impact

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The market is fragmented, and the degree of fragmentation will accelerate during the forecast period. Ajinomoto Co. Inc., Amway Corp., Creative Bioscience LLC, Glanbia Plc, GlaxoSmithKline Plc, GNC Holdings Inc., Herbalife Nutrition Ltd., Iovate Health Sciences International Inc., Nestle Health Science S.A., and The Nature's Bounty Co. are some of the major market participants. To make the most of the opportunities, market vendors should focus more on the growth prospects in the fast-growing segments, while maintaining their positions in the slow-growing segments.

The growing obese population has been instrumental in driving the growth of the market.

Weight Loss Supplement Market 2020-2024: Segmentation

Weight Loss Supplement Market is segmented as below:

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Weight Loss Supplement Market 2020-2024: Scope

Technavio presents a detailed picture of the market by the way of study, synthesis, and summation of data from multiple sources. Our weight loss supplement market report covers the following areas:

This study identifies a rise in promotional and marketing activities as one of the prime reasons driving the weight loss supplement market growth during the next few years.

Weight Loss Supplement Market 2020-2024: Vendor Analysis

We provide a detailed analysis of vendors operating in the weight loss supplement market, including some of the vendors such as Ajinomoto Co. Inc., Amway Corp., Creative Bioscience LLC, Glanbia Plc, GlaxoSmithKline Plc, GNC Holdings Inc., Herbalife Nutrition Ltd., Iovate Health Sciences International Inc., Nestle Health Science S.A., and The Nature's Bounty Co. Backed with competitive intelligence and benchmarking, our research reports on the weight loss supplement market are designed to provide entry support, customer profile and M&As as well as go-to-market strategy support.

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Weight Loss Supplement Market 2020-2024: Key Highlights

Table of Contents:

Executive Summary

Market Landscape

Market Sizing

Five Forces Analysis

Market Segmentation by Distribution channel

Customer landscape

Geographic Landscape

Drivers, Challenges, and Trends

Vendor Landscape

Vendor Analysis


About Us

Technavio is a leading global technology research and advisory company. Their research and analysis focuses on emerging market trends and provides actionable insights to help businesses identify market opportunities and develop effective strategies to optimize their market positions. With over 500 specialized analysts, Technavio's report library consists of more than 17,000 reports and counting, covering 800 technologies, spanning across 50 countries. Their client base consists of enterprises of all sizes, including more than 100 Fortune 500 companies. This growing client base relies on Technavio's comprehensive coverage, extensive research, and actionable market insights to identify opportunities in existing and potential markets and assess their competitive positions within changing market scenarios.

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Insights on the Global Weight Loss Supplement Market 2020-2024 | COVID-19 Analysis, Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities and Threats | Technavio -...

The ProLon Diet Mimics FastingAnd It’s the Go-To Cleanse of Quarantine –

Posted: August 10, 2020 at 7:45 pm

This past January when Goop Lab premiered on Netflix, Gwyneth-devotees tuned in to binge watch the wellness entrepreneur (along with her loyal employees) test out everything from extreme cold therapy, psychedelic mushrooms, and a diet designed to mimic fasting that was said to lower ones molecular age (amongst its many benefits).

No one could have anticipated that the five-day program, known as ProLon, would soon become the go-to response to the Covid-cushion (the extra pounds acquired during months of hermetic indulgence during lockdown) for those who could afford $250 for five days of starvation rations.

The timing couldn't have been more fruitful. In the wake of social distancing, the social setwhose calendars are normally filled to the brim with events, cocktail parties, and dinners out every night of the weekwas now freed up to commit to five full days of a meal program that offers little-to-no wiggle room. In the absence of social obligations, and thus dietary obstacles, so came the fasting.

ProLon FMD, or Fasting Mimicking Diet, was developed by Dr. Valter Longo as a five day program low in proteins and sugars, but rich in healthy fats, that does exactly what the name suggests: It mimics the effects of fasting on the body, without actually forgoing food. Studies of the program have demonstrated that it helps promote autophagy, replacing damaged cells with functional new ones, and shifts the body into visceral or abdominal fat-burning mode, which is said to continue even after a return to ones normal diet.

The program is designed to make the body think it's in a fasting state, without actually requiring the participant to avoid food altogether. And while you do have three meals a day, and some days even have snacks, don't be fooledthe rations are small. Much like Paltrow, who documented each day of her experience on the program, Harry Slatkin attests that its no walk in the park.

Participants receive a five-day supply of food, and are instructed to drink no other beverages than water and herbal tea (coffee is discouraged). Day one provides about 1,150 calories and the subsequent four days hover around approximately 700. All meals are plant-based, and each day includes soups, bars, teas and supplements to ensure the participant still ingests essential micronutrients.

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

Slatkin, who lost 12 pounds and was still able to play tennis during the program (in the Palm Beach heat, no less), remarks that you dont necessarily feel hunger, but the cravings were acute. The craving part is probably the part that does you in. This happened for me around the third day. I was missing food but yet not hungry, which is an odd feeling. By the end it felt very restrictive, he says.

Results are results, however. And ProLon FMD certainly boasts a variety of appealing benefits aside from inches off the waist. Not only have published studies shown that the program jumpstarts fat loss without affecting lean muscle mass, but it has also been shown to encourage healthy systolic blood pressure. ProLon users will report they feel greater energy, mental clarity, and focus as a result of the five-day meal program," says Dr. Will Hsu, chief medical officer of L-Nutra, the nutritional technology company that helped develop the program alongside Dr. Longo. "Typically, they also report that mindfulness about what they consume after they finish, able to control their portions immediately after their fast, and reported they felt more motivated to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

Benefits aside, Slatkin says you'll be happy when it's over. We celebrated with a glass of wine and literally it couldve been the cheapest wine known to manwe wouldve looked at it as if it was a Rothschild. I had horseradish as a condiment as if I was having caviar on my shrimp.

My own introduction to the ProLon FMD five-day program came after binging the entirety of Goop Lab. Even watching Gwyneth lament that the soups were not her favorite and that she was feeling low-energy, my interest was piqued. I wasn't necessarily trying to lose weight, but after months of traveling and indulgence, my system was in need of a reset. I wanted to feel a little more energetic and less dependent on my afternoon sugar fix.

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

I started ProLon on Monday, March 9. You could say I was ProLon's first pandemic participantjust don't check me on it. The five days of soups, olives, crackers, and teas flew by. And unlike Gwyneth, I didn't feel like the soups were all that bad. If you are partial to savory rather than sweet, you won't really feel like the meals lack in flavor. I did however add a touch of nutritional yeast to the mix, per the recommendation of a dietician friend, for added B12.

I wasn't exercising save for a daily walk, but I didn't feel all that exhausted. Or hungry for that matterand I was around people who were eating regularly. That said, encroaching contagion does make one want to sit on the couch and eat girl scout cookies to cope, so I will admit to moments of temptation. I held out.

On day one and two, I did distinctly miss substantial food. The third day of the program has what felt like the least amount of foodand it was by far the hardest. I was definitely hungry. By day four I noticed less hunger and in general felt fantasticspritely energy and deep, restorative sleep. It was a palpable change to how I felt in the days before I started. Day five was more of the samethough with the program so close to done, I found myself eager for a real meal.

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

Once I had finished, I didn't weigh myself, but my clothes fit differently. And I no longer felt compelled to anxiously nosh in the afternoon to kill time. My stomach shrank noticeably while on the program so once I finished, I had considerably more control over portion size at mealsand this effect lasted too.

Most importantly, I was craving less sugar and caffeine, both of which I leaned on pre-cleanse to cope with low energy and anxiety.

After I'd finished the program, I vowed I would do one again. But how soon is too soon? Dr. Will Hsu explains that if you want to maximize your results on the program, ProLon suggest doing it once a month for three consecutive months. "After completing the first three cycles, you can do one five-day cycle from time to time when you are looking for weight loss, cellular rejuvenation, metabolic balance and healthy aging."

It's no easy feat, but for a quick tune up it's pretty painless to consider another five days on ProLon. Particularly if restaurants are still off limits.

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The ProLon Diet Mimics FastingAnd It's the Go-To Cleanse of Quarantine -

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