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Extra $265,000 raised for Riverside trail; Jackson intersection might change – The Star Press

Posted: July 4, 2020 at 6:43 am

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This trail, which now ends at the top of this hill near the Morrison Road/Jackson Street roundabout, has been funded to extend to the Ball State University campus.(Photo: Seth Slabaugh/The Star Press)

MUNCIE, Ind. Delaware Advancement Corp. and the city of Muncie have announced that an extra $265,000 will be spent on the Riverside Trail to help address concerns raised by opponents.

The state earlier earmarked$640,000 for the trail, which will run more for more than a mile between the Morrison Road/Jackson Street Roundabout and Christy Woods at Ball State University.

Officials also are reportingthat one lane of Riverside might be eliminated at its troublesome, diagonal intersection with Jackson.

Much of the extra funding is being earmarked for drainage improvements. But some is budgeted for a sidewalk to connect the Catalina Swim Club to the Riverside Trail on Clarkdale Avenue, and $25,000 has been set aside by the Ball Brothers Foundation toreplace trees that are being removed along Riverside.

The team working on the project says it has effectively addressed concerns raised by neighbors, including intrusion of the trail across yards and driveways, poor drainage along Riverside, the removal of existing shade trees, and traffic safety and bad pavementon Riverside.

I couldnt be more pleased that the team has been able to secure additional funding that will enhance the safety of pedestrians living in the neighborhoods that will use the trail," Mayor Dan Ridenour said in a press release. "The notion that youth and families can get to the Catalina Club without being in the street is important. Residents expressed concerns about standing water along Riverside Avenue. Additional funds found to address the water issues is a direct outcome of the neighborhood input at the public meetings."

The city will consider repavingRiverside and putting Jackson and Riverside on a road diet that would eliminate one lane of traffic on Riverside at that intersection.

The trail has been designed to cross Riverside from the south to the north side of the street, just east of Jackson. The crossing will be at the entrance to the Pineview housing subdivision, providing connectivity for pedestrians living there.

The Muncie Sanitary District has committed $100,000 for the trail for storm water infrastructure improvements tohelp relievestanding water along Riverside.

The Regional Development Authority has pledged an additional $140,000 from a grant it received from the Indiana Economic Development Corporation for the drainage work and the construction of the sidewalk to Catalina.

Keith Sweger, president of the Kenmore Neighborhood Association, told The Star Press that lack of drainage along Riverside has, for many years, been a problem that he is pleased to see being addressed.

"I am also pleased that funding has been found for the replacement of trees that will be removed for the trail project," he said in an email. "I understand that homeowners will be part of the process in the selection and placement of these trees.

"I am concerned that the proposed road diet being planned for the area near the Jackson Street/Riverside Avenue intersection will increase traffic in the neighborhoods adjacent to the trail. As the project proceeds, I urge those involved in the planning and execution of the trail plan to continue to respond to the questions and concerns of the homeowners who are directly affected by the project."

The distance between the proposed trail and houses reportedly averages 45 feet, though one home is only 25 feet away. The majority of homes are two car lengths from the trail.

At a public hearing, trail proponents emphasized safety for walkers, runners, bicyclists, strollers, dog walkers and others who now must use the street due to lack of sidewalks or a trail.

The project team has listed oak, maple, sycamore and possibly elm trees to replace those being cut down, but there are plans to poll neighborhood associations for input on tree selection.

Opposition signs, like the one in this file photo, remain on the route of the Riverside Avenue Trail project.(Photo: Jordan Kartholl/The Star Press)

During meetings, the public expressedconcerns about traffic calming, lighting, tree replacement, water issues, trail width, edge of pavement separationand a connection to Catalina, consultant Phil Tevis told The Star Press.

Street lighting has not been addressed. Paving of Riverside has not been addressed but is in discussion.

"The city is hoping to pave the road next year depending on the paving budget/appropriations in 2021," Tevis went on. "Riverside would be paved after the trail is built. The city is also exploring reconstruction of the Jackson/Riverside intersection using a Community Crossings grant. If the intersection is reconstructed, it will resolve congestion issues "

City-county plan commission director Marta Moody and other officials have cited studies, master plans and action plans going back two decades that documented "long and widespread" public support for trails in Muncie, including connectivity between trails and the lack of trails/parks/green space in the area of West Riverside.

The trail primarily is being funded through Next Level Trail grant from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources.

The Next Muncie collaborative has provided resources to facilitate the positive outcomes of the Riverside Trail, the news release said.

RELATED: Column: Next Muncie initiatives help advance city's development,quality of life

"Members of the Next Muncie group have expressed the need city-wide to make quality of place improvements in respect to education, green space, housing and cultural events throughout Muncie. Quality of place is critical in retaining and attracting residents and employees for Muncie and the East Central Indiana region," the release said.

"The Riverside/Jackson trail brings pedestrian connectivity to and from predominately single-family owner-occupied neighborhoods immediately adjacent to Muncies two largest employers, Ball State University and IU (Health) Ball Memorial Hospital."

Contact Seth Slabaugh at 765-213-5834 or

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Extra $265,000 raised for Riverside trail; Jackson intersection might change - The Star Press

Eating healthy while working from home: Here are 5 tips to help you reduce consumption of junk food – Times Now

Posted: July 4, 2020 at 6:43 am

Eating healthy while working from home: Here are 5 tips to help you reduce consumption of junk food  |  Photo Credit: iStock Images

New Delhi: Work from home became common practice all around the world owing to the coronavirus pandemic as social distancing and staying at home became essential to reduce the spread of the virus. We saw people embrace the new normal by trying out new dishes in their kitchens and do things a little differently than they always have. However, as restaurants and takeaway joints were closed and people expected rise in healthy eating, the contrary actually became true. While people did eat home-cooked food, it involved junk, oily and fast food, manufactured in their own kitchen.

As months of the lockdown passed and as the majority of the workforce in the country continues to work from home, people realised that such eating habits may not be sustainable, and are leading to weight gain and other adverse health effects. However, as much as they try, they cannot give up unhealthy but tasty junk food. Therefore, here are some tips and tricks to help you reduce your consumption of junk food as you work from home.

Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a professional healthcare provider if you have any specific questions about any medical matter.

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Eating healthy while working from home: Here are 5 tips to help you reduce consumption of junk food - Times Now

There is no such thing as a boring green meal – Hindustan Times

Posted: July 4, 2020 at 6:43 am

There is no such thing as a boring green meal - more lifestyle - Hindustan Times "; forYoudata += ""; forYoudata += ""; forYoudata += ""; count++; if (i === 7) { return false; } }); forYouApiResponse=forYoudata; $(forutxt).html('Recommended for you'); $(foruContent).html(forYoudata); } } }); } else if(forYouApiResponse!=''){ $(forutxt).html('Recommended for you'); $(foruContent).html(forYouApiResponse); } } function getUserData(){ $.ajax({ url:""+user_token, type:"GET", dataType:"json", success: function(res){ if(res.length>0) { $("[id^=loggedin]").each(function(){ $(this).hide(); }); } } }); } function postUserData(payLoad, elm){ var msgelm=$(elm).parents(".subscribe-update").nextAll("#thankumsg"); $.ajax({ url:"", type:"POST", data:payLoad, contentType: "application/json", dataType: "json", success: function(res){ if(res.success===true){ $(msgelm).show(); $("[id^=loggedin]").each(function(){ $(this).css("display","none"); }); $("[id^=loggedout]").each(function(){ $(this).css("display","none"); 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There is no such thing as a boring green meal - Hindustan Times

Follow THESE healthy eating tips if youre working from home – PINKVILLA

Posted: July 4, 2020 at 6:43 am

Eating healthy can be difficult for someone working from home. Nutritionist Pooja Makhija shares some tips on how to eat healthy when you are working from home.

With the pandemic in its full swing, work from home has become the new norm. You might have thought that now that you are working from home, you will have more time on your hands to exercise and eat healthy. With no excess to office snacks, you might give up on unhealthy eating habits. But lets face it, the reality is far from what you thought. With endless conference calls and meetings, you might find yourself eating an entire pack of chips or maybe more.

You must have heard that what you eat is what you are. Staying fitand healthy dependsa lot on what you consume, which is why it is important to keepyour nutrition in check, especially when working from home. Nutritionist Pooja Makhija shared some nutrition tips to eat and stayhealthy. One of the biggest challenges you face when you are working from home is keeping your nutrition in check. With the lockdown being re-imposed, it is crucial to ensure that your health is monitored and your diet is not derailed, she said.

1. You must have heard that staying hydrated is key to keep your health in check. Drinking 8-12 glasses a day is a must as it acts as a potential barrier to unnecessary snacking. It is a secret tool that improves cognitive development and productivity. Monitor your water intake by setting hourly reminders or drink a whole jug by the end of the day to meet your body's daily fluidrequirement.

2. Keep a check on your caffeine intake and avoid excess creamers and sweeteners. Switch to natural stevia-based low-calorie sweeteners to reduce your calorie intake.

3. Planning your meal times is also important. Avoid heavy meals by snacking every few hours. If you dont eat the right food at the right time, you are more likely to eat the wrong food, especially at the wrong time.

4. Consume foods rich in fibre, and protein to boost your immunity and replace junk food with healthy options like dry fruits, dates, fruits and vegetables. Love foods that love you back and exercise control over what goes into your body.

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Go here to read the rest:
Follow THESE healthy eating tips if youre working from home - PINKVILLA

Weight loss story: I lost 21 kilos without going to gym and by simply following Intermittent Fasting! – Times of India

Posted: July 4, 2020 at 6:42 am

When 31-year-old Aiswarya Pandiyan realised that she was inching towards the overweight category, she felt really dejected. Her weight loss journey is a living proof that lifestyle along with a rock-solid determination can contribute to tremendous health benefits. Read on.Name: Aiswarya Pandiyan

Occupation: Team lead

Age: 31 yearsHeight: 5 feet 4 inch

City: Chennai

Highest weight recorded: 71 kgs

Weight lost: 21 kgsDuration it took me to lose weight: 10 months

The turning point: Even though I had gradually gained quite a lot of weight post my marriage, the day I realised that none of my dresses fit me any longer was a huge shocker! I weighed 71 kilos and the fat percentage parameter had put me in the obese category. Even my clothing size had jumped from M to XL! Once, I realised that I needed to lose weight, I tried several diets to get back in shape which really impacted my immune system. Hence, I decided to stick Intermittent fasting and that is when the magic started happening!

My breakfast: I wanted to follow something which I could continue doing in the long run. So, being a South Indian I stuck to eating regular South Indian breakfast like idly, dosa, upma, ragi porridge in portion control.

My lunch: Curry, 1 chapati, a portion of vegetables, boiled legumes, 1-2 eggs, and buttermilk. I switched between chicken and prawns as well.My dinner: I made it a point to have a big, balanced meal for my dinner

Pre-workout meal: I worked out during my fasting window of IF (Intermittent Fasting), so I did not eat anything before my workout.

Post-workout meal: Almonds and 2 boiled eggs

I indulge in: Since I did not go for any diet, I enjoyed regular home-cooked meals. All my meals were balanced with carbs, proteins and fat and I also made it a point to drink a lot of water. Once a week, I would indulge in my favourite Dominos choco lava cake with white sauce pasta

My workout: Initially, I was not very comfortable with extensive work out sessions, so I chose to stick to walking and climbing stairs. Gradually, as I started to lose weight, I balanced my workout routine with cardio and strength training at home. I absolutely vouch on mountain climbers squat variations. I can proudly say that I never step a foot inside any gym and did all my workout at home! And by doing so, I have reduced my fat percentage and toned my physique.

Low-calorie recipes I swear by: Unfortunately, I have realised that I am not a low-carb person. I tried Keto, got sick and my immune system was wrecked.

Fitness secrets I unveiled: Intermittent fasting worked really well for me! Additionally, I ensured to stay consistent with my efforts, eat healthily and stay hydrated.

How do I stay motivated? Even though I received unconditional support from my friends and family in my weight loss journey, there is no bigger motivation than seeing yourself transform. Once, I could see visible results, there was no looking back. Every day felt like a new learning experience on my journey to lose weight.

How do you ensure you dont lose focus? One of the simplest ways of keeping yourself motivated is to take a look at your old photographs and see how far you have come in life. For me, it works as my greatest source of motivation and helps me to keep moving forward in life. I decided to create a Facebook page India Intermittent Fasting for Women to support women of all age groups who wish to lose weight and get back in shape, in a healthy manner. The page has more than 12 thousand members as of now, who motivate and constantly challenge each other to do better.What shape do you see yourself 10 years down the line? I see myself as a very healthy and active individual who is helping others to achieve their weight loss goals.

What are the lifestyle changes you made? I made a lot of lifestyle changes to reach my weight loss goal. Some of them included:1. Eating balanced meals

See the article here:
Weight loss story: I lost 21 kilos without going to gym and by simply following Intermittent Fasting! - Times of India

The Five Secrets of Permanent Weight Loss –

Posted: July 4, 2020 at 6:42 am

The Five Secrets of Permanent Weight Loss Saturday, September 12, 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Join us to learn about how to lose weight and feel great. The topics to be discussed are:

This program may be presented virtually. Check our online calendar here to register and check the status of the program or call 914-232-5717.

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Presenter: Edward A. Markowitz D.C., D.A.C.B.O.H., received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree in 1979. He has been one of the Clinical Directors of Physicians Health and Injury Center, now Advanced Wellness and Injury Center. Dr. Markowitz is a member of the Foundation of Wellness Professionals and the Danbury Hospital Spinal Surgery Committee. He is a certified wellness instructor by the Foundation for Wellness Professionals. In addition, Dr. Markowitz lectures on the topics of Type 2 Diabetes Reversal, natural solutions to health problems, decreasing the harmful effects of stress, acupressure, chiropractic and holistic health.

Our programs are funded by The Friends of the Library - thanks for your support!The Somers Library ~ 914-232-5717 ~

Read more from the original source:
The Five Secrets of Permanent Weight Loss -

Weight Loss: Drink THIS juice daily to get rid of excess pounds – PINKVILLA

Posted: July 4, 2020 at 6:42 am

Want to get rid of those love handles? Aside from a healthy diet and workout, make sure to add this juice for better and faster results.

Weight loss can be stressful for some. You need a lot of patience as it can not happen overnight. Instead of stressing, which will only deteriorate your weight loss journey, make sure you focus on your healthy diet and physical activity. And follow certain weight loss tips and tricks which are not only easy to follow but also effective. Today we are talking about a healthy juice made from Petha aka Ask Gourd aka Winter Melon and how it can aid to lose fat.

For the unversed, the vegetable has a sturdy green body and white flesh. If you are thinking you have heard the name before somewhere then you are right. There is a popular Agra based sweet dish called Petha. The dish is also prepared from the same veggie. This gourd vegetable is packed with several nutrients and should be added to your diet for overall better health as well.

Ash gourd and wieght loss

As per several studies, water-dense foods like ash gourd may help people lose weight.

It is low in calories and rich in soluble fiber which means it will keep you full for a good time without worrying about calories.

The potassium content acts as a diuretic so if you have water weight then you should definitely have the same.

Vitamin B2 is good for energy levels, facilitates the activity of thyroid gland and stress hormones which indirectly help in weight loss.

It also takes care of the digestive system. And the better gut is linked to weight loss. So, if you have acidity, ulcers and heartburn then you should include this vegetable.

It is also one of the best sources of vitamin C and flavonoids and these help to amp our immunity.

It also alkalizes our body as well and recently we shared how following the alkaline diet can aid in weight loss.

So, drink fresh juice of petha every morning as it acts as a sponge and removes all the toxins from your body, leaving you super cool.

If you are on Keto diet then well you can add this non-starchy vegetable to your diet. They are low in carbohydrates and sugars and it becomes an ideal component of a keto diet.

Just cut boiled ash gourd vegetables and season it with salt and pepper. You can incorporate this on a regular basis.

Check out the recipe of Petha Juice right here:

1. First, peel off the skin of the Petha.

2. Make small slices. Make sure to remove the seeds which are in the middle portion.

3. Grind them in mixer or grate. Discard the juice with the help of a clean cloth.

Follow the video to know more.

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Read the original here:
Weight Loss: Drink THIS juice daily to get rid of excess pounds - PINKVILLA

Nutrisystem ReviewsWhat to Know Before Trying This Program – Observer

Posted: July 4, 2020 at 6:42 am

For many people weight loss is a but a dream, but that doesnt have to be the case. Nutrisystem is a popular weight loss program that follows an innovative method to weight loss. The program is customizable and portion controlled ensuring nutrient dense, delicious meals and adequate caloric intake which satisfies cravings and prevents overeating often an underlying cause of obesity.

It is a pre-packaged healthy food delivery program that delivers meals straight to your doorstep. It saves time and effort by doing the planning, cooking and customizing based on each persons unique, nutritional needs. Nutrisystem has options everyone, from young to old, nursing mothers, diabetics, vegetarian, you name it.

The idea behind Nutrisystems method is to use only the dietary components essential to the body. It leaves out the unnecessary dietary ingredients like unhealthy chemicals added for taste enhancement.

MUST SEE:Critical Report on Nutrisystem Released: This May Change Your Mind!

The Nutrisystem program makes sure its users are eating the essential dietary ingredients fruits, vegetables, dairy, and lean proteins. It sounds like a typical weight loss plan, but in the case of Nutrisystem, the recipes are designed by a professional chef, hence the lack of compromise in taste. Youre likely to forget youre on a diet.

Whats the real reason behind Nutrisystems popularity?

The history of the Nutrisystem diet is rich. In the 1970s, a local entrepreneur named Harold Katz lived on a liquid protein-based diet for weight loss. Using his learnings from this method of eating, he was able to make subtle modifications developing it into the ready to eat food-delivery service it is today.

Ready to eat meals help with weight loss because the planning of meals, grocery shopping, and cooking time are often what prevent people from successfully maintaining a weight loss diet. The pre-cooked meals by Nutrisystem have the accurate daily calorie intake for your unique body enabling users to finally get a hold of weight fluctuations.

This program promises to help people achieve their weight loss targets by allowing them to pick their preferred daily meals from a vast list of options.Once youve selected your meals for the week, you pay online and the order is complete. The online payments for Nutrisystem are made directly to the company and are 100% protected.Every meal plan is unique to the users goals which is why the Uniquely Yours program is one of the highest-selling Nutrisystem plans.

Visit the Official Website of Nutrisystem Here to Buy It Today

Nutrisystem offers many unique plans, differentiated by structure, food preferences and cost. The most popular are outlined below.

This is the most basic meal plan which delivers three meals per day plus snacks. It doesnt allow user customization. This plan is targeted for individuals who want healthy weight loss with lean muscle gain.

Slightly more advanced than the basic plan, Nutrisystem Core allows users to customize their diet plan from over 100 different foods. Users will also have access to a certified dietary coach that will assist in achieving weight loss goals.

Uniquely Yours is the most popular meal plan because of its larger variety of foods, 160 different food options. This plan also offers frozen meals.

The Uniquely Yours Ultimate plan is similar to the original Uniquely Yours but with 28 additional shakes options.

This plan is specifically designed for people with fluctuating blood sugar levels. It contains food that regulates blood sugar and help to prevent further complications of diabetes.

This meal plan is for vegetarians who eat only plant-based foods to lose weight.

Foods that are allowed include; proteins ( nuts, legumes, seeds, tofu, etc.), fruits (berries, avocados, etc.), vegetables (green veggies, onions, mushrooms, asparagus, etc.), fats (plan-based), dairy (skimmed milk, low-fat yogurt, low-fat cheese, etc.) carbohydrates (whole-wheat pasta, bread, brown rice, oats, etc.)

Foods that are not allowed include; deep-fried foods, fatty cut meats, high-sugar desserts, high-calorie veggies (potatoes), butter, oil, full-fat dairy, pasta, rice, ice-creams, etc.

The large number of individuals who have taken advantage of Nutrisystem meal plans have shared their stories online. These user reviews are available on nearly all leading weight loss forums and Nutrisystems website. Click here to read Nutrisystem user reviews.

Nutrisystem is not just for those who are overweight. Its suitable for for those who want to eat in moderation, maintain their weight, or do not have the desire to cook and meal plan. More reasons include,

These notable features of Nutrisystem make it more effective than competitors.

Nutrisystem is affordable and cost-effective for any budget. In addition to this, Nutrisystem offers discounts on meal plans via various promo codes and coupons.

Nutrisystem is internationally famous for its fast weight loss results. It allows individuals to lose weight naturally by receiving professionally made, healthy, low-calorie meals delivered daily.

There are different plans from which a new user can subscribe. Everyone should try Nutrisystem to experience its benefits healthy weight loss and enabling s healthy eating lifestyle.

Continue reading here:
Nutrisystem ReviewsWhat to Know Before Trying This Program - Observer

Vicar reverses Type 2 diabetes after impressive weight loss transformation – Shields Gazette

Posted: July 4, 2020 at 6:42 am

Mervyn Thompson has gone from taking insulin four times a day for Type 2 diabetes to no longer needing it at all after a transformation with Slimming World.

Weighing 19st 10lb, the vicar from All Saints Church on Boldon Lane, struggled with back ache from walking and had to inject insulin at every meal.

But a visit to his doctor at South Tyneside District Hospital in September last year encouraged Mervyn to turn his life around and join the Slimming World group at Whiteleas Community Centre.

Since then, he has managed to lose 3st 11lb and now weighs 15st 13lb.

He said: Joining Slimming World has been immensely valuable. I had joined for health reasons as I was taking a lot of insulin four times a day.

My doctor at South Tyneside Hospitals diabetic unit had said to me that I needed to watch my portion control and join something like Slimming World.

Losing the weight has now reversed my diabetes and around Christmas time last year I was able to come off the insulin.

It's been great to have the encouragement of everyone at Slimming World, we all try to support each other.

I now feel the best I have ever felt.

Exercise has also helped to shed the weight, with Mervyn, 61, now walking around 40 miles a week.

Before his weight loss Mervyn, had a 46-inch waist, but now measures at a 36-inch waist.

His t-shirts have gone from a XXXL to a large and even his collar sizes have reduced by more than two inches.

His efforts have earned him praise from his congregation and even seen him crowned Slimming World Man of the Year at his group meeting.

He added: It has been the best step I have taken and hope to encourage others to grab the opportunity.

No-one is left behind, there is such great support and encouragement to change everyone's life.

Snacks: Crisps and peanuts

Breakfast: Porridge with a banana

Lunch: Chicken casserole with spring greens

Dinner: Omelette and salad

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Excerpt from:
Vicar reverses Type 2 diabetes after impressive weight loss transformation - Shields Gazette

Weight Loss Tip of the Week: How Drinking Green Coffee Helps Lose Weight (Watch Video) – LatestLY

Posted: July 4, 2020 at 6:42 am

Weight loss is often considered to be a challenging task. However, in reality, it is not as difficult. A person wishing to lose weight should stick to more nutritious foods and follow a disciplined lifestyle. It is said that coffee, due to the presence of caffeine, can aid in weight loss and fat loss due to the presence of caffeine in it.However, even better than coffee is green coffee, which is a superfood that has numerous health benefits. In this week's weight loss tip,let's take a look at the properties of green coffee that can help shed some kilos.Weight Loss Tip of the Week: How to Eat Chickpeas to Lose Weight.

Green coffee is different from regular coffee asits beans are not roasted. Also, green coffee is mild in flavour, similar to herbal tea. The beans of green coffee contain a good amount ofchlorogenic acid which acts as an antioxidant.A study published in the Indian Journal of Innovative Research and Development (IJIRD) indicates that chlorogenic acid found in green coffee can aid in weight loss.Weight Loss Tip of the Week: How to Use Wheatgrass to Lose Weight (Watch Video)

Green Coffee For Weight Loss

As the beans of green coffee are not roasted, the compound retained can help in melting the unwanted fat. Drinking green coffee can boost your metabolic rate due to the presence of chlorogenic acid. This antioxidant also does the work of minimising the release of glucose from the liver into the bloodstream. This, in turn, aids in weight loss as the body burns excess fat to fulfil the requirement of glucose for energy. Green coffee also aidsin curbing appetite which helps avoid overeating and, thus, helps in losing weight.

It is worth having green coffee regularly for overall good health. This beverage not only helps in weight loss but also helps in detoxifying the liver and improving blood circulation. An important thing to note is that weight loss does not solely depend on one food item. A healthy diet and regular exercise help in achieving the desired result.

(This article is written for an informative purpose and should not be substituted for medical advice. Kindly consult your doctor before trying any tips.)

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 04, 2020 11:02 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

The rest is here:
Weight Loss Tip of the Week: How Drinking Green Coffee Helps Lose Weight (Watch Video) - LatestLY

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