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Treat Type 2 Diabetes By Adding This Tasty Food to Your Diet – Science Times

Posted: June 29, 2020 at 1:50 pm

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition used to be known as adult onset diabetes, but today more children are being diagnosed with the disorder, most probably because of the rising childhood obesity.

With this disorder, the pancreas either resists the effects of insulin or does not produce enough of it to maintain glucose levels, according to Mayo Clinic. There is no cure for Type 2 diabetes, but a person who has the disorder can manage it.

Insulin is a hormone that regulates the sugar inside the body. If blood sugar levels are not controlled, it can damage blood vessels, which can cause various problems to the body.

Luckily, diet can help manage blood sugar levels and enhance diabetic people's insulin efficiency, thereby lowering high blood sugar levels.

According to experts, there is food that best facilitates the process of managing blood sugar in the body, which gives surprising results. One of these food is cocoa powder, made from cocoa beans without the fat or cocoa butter.

It is most known as the main ingredient for making chocolate, but it also contains compounds that help manage diabetes. This compound is known as flavonols, a type of polyphenol that are compounds found in plants.

Studies indicate that cocoa flavanols slow down carbohydrate digestionand absorption in the gut, improve insulin production, reduce inflammation, and allows the uptake of sugar out of the blood into the muscle.

Slowing down the rate of carbohydrate absorption is crucial in starving off high blood sugar levels because carbohydrate has a pronounced effect on blood sugar levels.

Furthermore, a reviewof human studies suggests that eating dark chocolate or cocoa high in flavanols can reduce insulin sensitivity, improve blood sugar management, and reduce inflammation in diabetic people and those who do not have it.

Moreover, some studieshave shown that a higher intake of flavonols can lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Read Also: Look! Physics Made this Chocolatey Magic Possible

Avigdor Arad, Ph.D. of Icahn School of Medicine's instructor of medicine, endocrinology, diabetes, and bone disease said that it has to be 100% unsweetened cocoa or cocoa powder. He explains that cocoa powder contains very little sugar and is mostly made up of fiber.

Furthermore, unsweetened cocoa powder is also very low on the glycemic index (GI), a value assigned to foods based on how slowly or quickly they cause increases in blood sugar levels. Foods high in GI causes spikes in blood sugar while those low on the GI keep blood sugar levels stable.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics identified other foods that are low on the GI include apples, Greek yogurt, and peanuts.

Flavanolsare commonly found in tea, red wine, blueberries, apples, pears, cherries, and peanuts. They are particularly abundant in cacao beans, which are used to make chocolates.

For many years cocoa has been studied, and it showed that it could help lower blood pressure, improve blood flow to the brain and heart, prevent blood clots, and fight cell damage.

Additionally, flavanols facilitate brain cell connections, and survival and protect brain cells from toxins or the adverse effects of inflammation.

Read more: No to Dementia: Drink Red Wine, Eat Dark Chocolates and Other Flavonoid-Rich Foods

See the original post:
Treat Type 2 Diabetes By Adding This Tasty Food to Your Diet - Science Times

5 Anti-Aging Foods to Add to Your Diet – Top Anti-Aging Foods for Hair, Skin, Gut Health –

Posted: June 29, 2020 at 1:50 pm

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No matter how potent they may be, luxe moisturizers and anti-aging serums can only do so much. Youthful skin begins within, and the lifestyle choices we makeincluding what foods we eat (and dont eat), how much exercise and sleep we commit to, and the extent to which we embrace sunscreenhave tremendous impact on the way that we age. Diet is especially key, says wellness expert, and author of Glow 15 and High Fiber Keto, Naomi Whittel. Its so important to consider food as part of our anti-aging arsenal because food nourishes every cell in our body. When your body is nourished, it can do exactly what it is capable of. It can anti-age itself, it just needs to be activated. Science shows us that food does this. Proper nutrition can support collagen synthesis to fight wrinkles and keep the complexion plump, promote hydration retention for a dewy glow, and encourage elasticity, in addition to promoting overall vitality and mental acuity. Here, five of the best powerhouse anti-aging foods to add to your menu.

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A spiky artichoke may not be the first snack you think to reach for when seeking a health boost, but these thistle-family wonders offer a host of whole-body benefits. "They're rich in soluble fiber, specifically inulin, a powerful prebiotic that is the absolute favorite food of your gut microbiome," says Whittel. "Eighty percent of our immune system lives in our gut, so eating artichokes can boost your immunity, metabolism and mood. They are also a good source of key nutrients, including 'electrolyte' minerals (sodium, potassium, magnesium) and they are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, supporting collagen development and overall anti-aging."


Avocado toast is a health food. "Rich in the antioxidant vitamin E, avocados have been shown to reduce damage from UV rays and make skin more resilient," says Whittel. "This high-fat fruit lowers LDL, raises HDL, and reduces triglycerides. In fact, regular avocado consumption may make you 50 percent less likely to develop metabolic syndrome." Drizzling avocado oil on saladsor swapping it in occasionally in place of olive oilis another smart strategy: "It's revered for improving cardiovascular health, weight management, and blood glucose control, and its overflowing in oleic acid, a monounsaturated omega-9 fatty acid shown to reduce inflammation and lower your risk of breast cancer," says Whittel.

3Wild Alaskan Salmon

Nicholas Perricone, MD, first published his famous anti-inflammatory diet, which recommended eating salmon twice a day, back in the 1990s. It remains sage advice. "Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that reduce inflammation, prevent dry skin, and ward off skin cancer," says Whittel. "It also contains plenty of vitamin E, which may act as a protectant against photoaging, the premature aging of skin caused by UV rays." The benefits of incorporating salmon into your diet will go beyond radiant skin. "With negligible carbs and an abundance of B vitamins, potassium, and selenium, this strong swimmer contains astaxanthin, a compound shown to reduce joint pain and improve muscle recovery, which are both very important in the anti-aging process," says Whittel.


"Besides being one of the best foods to eat for reducing your risk of cardiovascular disease, this water-rich cruciferous vegetable is loaded with sulforaphane, a potent phytochemical that activates your detox process, cleaning up old cells and helping your body to behave like it did when it was younger," says Whittel. Broccoli also contains significant levels of lutein, a carotenoid that protects the eyes and enhances brain function.


The more colorful your fruit bowl, the better. "All berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries) offer plenty of fiber, phytonutrients and antioxidants to help regenerate your youth," says Whittel. "Each type of berry features different polyphenols, such as anthocyanins in blueberries, which may improve cardiovascular health, and ellagic acid in raspberries, a phenol that may bind to certain chemicals responsible for cancer." Plus, berries are bountiful with Vitamin C, which has been proven to promote and preserve collagen in skin.

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5 Anti-Aging Foods to Add to Your Diet - Top Anti-Aging Foods for Hair, Skin, Gut Health -

Urine test will help identify the best diet for each individual –

Posted: June 29, 2020 at 1:50 pm

In a new study led by Imperial College London, scientists have developed a five-minute urine test that measures the health of a persons diet. The technology can be used to identify the best possible diet for an individual based on his or her unique genetic makeup.

According to the researchers, the test produces an individuals urine fingerprint that includes specific details on diet quality.

Study co-author Dr. Joram Posma is a researcher in Imperials Department of Metabolism, Digestion, and Reproduction.

Diet is a key contributor to human health and disease, though it is notoriously difficult to measure accurately because it relies on an individuals ability to recall what and how much they ate, said Dr. Posma.For instance, asking people to track their diets through apps or diaries can often lead to inaccurate reports about what they really eat.

This research reveals this technology can help provide in-depth information on the quality of a persons diet, and whether it is the right type of diet for their individual biological make-up.

Prior to developing the new testing system, the experts analyzed levels of 46 different metabolites in the urine of 1,848 people in the United States. Metabolites are considered to be an objective indicator of diet quality and are produced as different foods are digested by the body, explained the researchers.

The analysis revealed an association between the metabolites in urine and specific types of foods or nutrients in the diet. Some metabolites correlated with alcohol intake, for example, while others were linked to fructose, glucose and vitamin C. The dietary intake of red meats, chicken, and nutrients such as calcium were also related to certain metabolites.

Furthermore, some health conditions can be identified through compounds found in urine. Formate and sodium are linked with obesity and high blood pressure.

Through careful measurement of peoples diets and collection of their urine excreted over two 24-hour periods we were able to establish links between dietary inputs and urinary output of metabolites that may help improve understanding of how our diets affect health, said study co-author Professor Paul Elliott. Healthful diets have a different pattern of metabolites in the urine than those associated with worse health outcomes.

In a second study, the team used their findings to design a five-minute test. The results showed that the mix of metabolites in urine varies from person to person, even when they have the exact same diet.

Our technology can provide crucial insights into how foods are processed by individuals in different ways and can help health professionals such as dieticians provide dietary advice tailored to individual patients, said study co-author Dr. Isabel Garcia-Perez. She noted that the team now plans to use the diet analysis technology on people at risk of cardiovascular disease.

We show here how different people metabolize the same foods in highly individual ways, explained Professor John Mathers of Newcastle University. This has implications for understanding the development of nutrition-related diseases and for more personalized dietary advice to improve public health.

The study is published in the journal Nature Food.

By Chrissy Sexton, Staff Writer

Continued here:
Urine test will help identify the best diet for each individual -

How to live longer – the best morning tea to prevent an early death and avoid diabetes – Express

Posted: June 29, 2020 at 1:50 pm

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a well-rounded diet is crucial to prolonging your lifespan.

You could also boost your lifespan by doing regular exercise. Its the miracle cure weve all been waiting for, according to the NHS.

Making some small diet or lifestyle changes could help to increase your life expectancy and avoid an early death.

Drinking green tea is one of the best ways to lower your risk of a premature death, it's been revealed.

READ MORE: How to live longer - including more of this food in your diet may help

"We know there are no guarantees. But genetics account for just 25 percent of a persons longevity. The rest is up to you," said AARP.

"With this collection of some of the most important longevity findings, youll have the road map you need to get to 80, 90, 100 or beyond.

"If coffees not your thing, green tea also has proven longevity cred, likely because it contains powerful antioxidants known as catechins that may help combat diabetes and heart disease.

"In a large study of more than 40,000 Japanese men and women, drinking five or more cups of green tea a day was associated with a 12 percent decrease in mortality among men and a 23 percent decrease among women."

Meanwhile, you could also lower your risk of early death by regularly eating ginger, it's been revealed.

Ginger has been claimed to reduce inflammation in the colon, which has been linked with bowel cancer.

Dried spices provide the highest concentration of antioxidants, whereas freezing them preserves the antioxidants in fresh spices.

Everyone should liberally add a variety of spices to their meals, nutritionists have urged.

Excerpt from:
How to live longer - the best morning tea to prevent an early death and avoid diabetes - Express

Add the right foods to your diet to beat the monsoon blues – TheHealthSite

Posted: June 29, 2020 at 1:50 pm

The onset of monsoons brings cheer to people. After the heat and dust of the initial dry summer months, you get a respite. But the rainy season also brings with it its own share of maladies. This season has its fair share of illnesses and many diseases rear their heads around this time. Another real problem with the coming of the rainy season is the general feeling of gloom and depression that some people feel. If you feel depressed and lethargic around this time, dont worry. This is just the monsoon blues and you can easily get rid of it. This is also a kind of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) syndrome, which is usually associated with the long and cold winter blues. Also Read - Foods to avoid this monsoon

You get hit by this syndrome when the sun goes into hiding. This is a proven fact. A study at Brigham Young University says that on a rainy day when the sun hardly makes an appearance, people are especially vulnerable to emotional distress. This can happen even to people who are not prone to SAD syndrome. The Journal of Affective Disorders published this study. However, your diet can make a big difference here. Yes, you can easily beat the monsoon blues with the right foods. Let us see what you must include in your diet to give yourself a mood boost during the rainy season. These foods are healthy, it will give you an energy boost and make you happy too. Also Read - Monsoon: Include these healthy foods in your platter

These are loaded with many essential nutrients including antioxidants. Moreover, the burst of flavor you get when you bite into a berry is definitely out of this world. Berries are a good choice if you want to boost your immune system, which is also necessary during monsoons because of the risk of water borne infections. So, load up on cherries, strawberries and blueberries. The colourful fruits will not only lift your mood but also give you a health boost. Also Read - Monsoon diet for Indian women

Whenever you feel that you are slipping into a depressive mood just reach for a handful of nuts. These are healthy and make for wonderful snacks. The best are almonds, cashews and pistachios. Almonds in particular are especially good for booting mood. It reduces stress, gives you an energy boost and also boosts your immune system. Munch on them and feel your mood lifting as you look out at the rain.

Chocolate, especially the dark variety, is good for your mood and heart. But go slow on milk chocolate as it can increase your feeling of lethargy on a rainy day. But dont overdo it and practice moderation.

A cup of hot tea, coffee or milk will give you an instant mood boost. You can add some spices like turmeric, ginger and black pepper to your hot beverage for added flavor and better immunity during monsoons. These beverages will give you a warm and comfortable feeling and make you happy as you battle your monsoon blues.

Published : June 29, 2020 10:11 pm

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Add the right foods to your diet to beat the monsoon blues - TheHealthSite

ASK THE VET: Cat’s tuna-only diet is incomplete – Arkansas Online

Posted: June 29, 2020 at 1:50 pm

Q My elderly cat Tater Tot is losing his appetite for dry cat food, but he loves the tuna I eat. Now that he's eating only tuna, I guess I should ask if that's OK for him.

A It seems you have two concerns: Tater Tot's recent disinterest in dry food and his all-tuna diet.

I'm suspicious that Tater Tot may be experiencing mouth pain that makes crunching dry food uncomfortable, so I suggest he see his veterinarian as soon as possible.

I also am concerned that he is eating only tuna because this diet is nutritionally incomplete and unbalanced.

Tuna is low in vitamin E, so Tater Tot could develop steatitis (stee-ah-TITE'-is), a painful and sometimes fatal inflammation of the body's fat. In addition, tuna's low vitamin K levels can cause internal bleeding.

Cats require large quantities of B vitamins, but tuna provides only tiny amounts. These deficiencies, combined with possible mercury contamination, can cause muscle weakness, loss of coordination, tremors, seizures and other neurologic problems. Tuna is low in calcium, too.

Tuna also contains inadequate linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid that promotes healthy skin. Tuna that is beginning to spoil releases histamine, which can cause skin itchiness and redness.

Conversely, tuna is high in magnesium, which may contribute to feline bladder problems. Moreover, cats fed canned tuna have an increased risk of oral squamous cell carcinoma.

So, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian to figure out why Tater Tot refuses his regular dry food. Until then, feed him canned cat food that's nutritionally complete and balanced and save the tuna for yourself.

Q Two wonderful 4-month-old Labrador retriever puppies joined our family recently. I usually put my dogs on a flea preventive this time of year, but these pups seem too young. Is it OK to give them old-fashioned brewer's yeast to prevent fleas?

A Brewer's yeast is safe, but it doesn't repel or kill fleas.

In 1983, the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association published a report titled "Failure of Brewer's Yeast as a Repellent to Fleas on Dogs." Sixty dogs exposed to fleas were given either brewer's yeast or an inactive placebo for seven weeks. The researchers found that the brewer's yeast was no more effective at protecting the dogs from fleas than the inactive placebo.

Fortunately, a number of effective and safe flea/tick preventives are available. They've been used in millions of dogs, and most are approved for use in young puppies.

They fall into three categories: liquids applied to the skin, chewable tablets and certain collars.

Each category has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, if your two pups roughhouse and mouth each other's necks, the flea/tick collars may be a bad choice.

If you live in an area where heartworms are a problem, consider using a liquid applied to the skin that repels not only fleas and ticks but also mosquitoes, which transmit heartworms.

Your veterinarian can recommend a product that will be safe for your pups and effective against fleas and ticks.

Lee Pickett, VMD, practices companion animal medicine in North Carolina. Contact her at


See the article here:
ASK THE VET: Cat's tuna-only diet is incomplete - Arkansas Online

How to live longer: Including more of this food in your diet could boost life expectancy – Express

Posted: June 29, 2020 at 1:50 pm

The longitudinal data found that those with the lowest vitamin K levels had a 19 percent higher risk of death compared to those with higher selves of the vitamin.

This may be attributed to the benefits associated with vitamin K. It is, after all, known to maintain "healthy blood vessels", says lead study author Kyla Shea, Ph.D., from the Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University.

"There is an important protein in vascular tissue that prevents calcium from building up in artery walls, and it requires vitamin K to function," Shea explained.

"Without vitamin K, this protein is less functional, which may increase susceptibility to calcium accumulation in arterial walls."

READ MORE:Type 2 diabetes symptoms: The sign after eating that could signal you have the condition

Here is the original post:
How to live longer: Including more of this food in your diet could boost life expectancy - Express

Dr. Kendra Reflects on Jazmin Telling Her Not to Eat Cornbread: "It’s a Bit Too Much" – Bravo

Posted: June 29, 2020 at 1:50 pm

This season of Married to Medicine Los Angeles, weve seen Dr. Kendra Segura work with Jazmin Johnson to adopt some new health and fitness habits. But while chatting with The Daily Dish podcast, Dr. Kendra revealed that things got to be a bit too much for her on the June 21 episode, when Jazmin stepped in to enforce her dietary suggestions at Shaniques surprise birthday party, which you can see in the video above.

I was very sleep deprived at that time. And a lot of things were coming at me. And I wanted to have some of her motivation. You know, I wanted inspiration from her cause I saw how disciplined she was, Dr. Kendra explained, adding that she slowly began to see just what she was in for.

Im thinking, OK, you know what? Ive been doing good for the whole week. And now were chilling. Its a party, its a birthday party. And Im thinking that hey, I worked hard the whole week, now I can have a cheat day, said Dr. Kendra. And for Jazmin and myself, that looks completely different. So as you can see, that really got on my nerves.

Dr. Kendra continued to explain that although she has respect for Jazmins discipline, it was too much, too fast, too soon, for her. She also addressed the cornbread situation in an Instagram post on June 22, in which she shared a video of she and Jazmin hanging out in the car.

Did you catch last nights episode? Sometimes you need a friend that will tell you NO! wrote Dr. Kendra.

Want more Married to Medicine Los Angeles? Catch new episodes every Sunday at 9/8c. For a sneak peek of whats still to come in Season 2, check out the preview, below.


The Ladies are Headed to Palm Springs!

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Dr. Kendra Reflects on Jazmin Telling Her Not to Eat Cornbread: "It's a Bit Too Much" - Bravo

Relationship between dietary habits and rheumatoid arthritis activity –

Posted: June 29, 2020 at 1:50 pm

Health & Welfare

Monday, 29 June 2020 Dr. Kosaku Murakami

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that mainly affects systemic joints. Without appropriate treatment, persistent polyarthritis (any type of arthritis involving five or more joints simultaneously) leads to joint deformity and functional disability in daily life. The precise cause and development of RA is unclear, but the contribution of both genetic and environmental factors has been suggested. Various environmental factors, such as periodontal bacteria and smoking, are reported to be associated with RA in several epidemiological or basic medical studies.

Dietary habits are important environmental factors which are associated with many diseases. However, the relationship between dietary habits and the pathogenesis or clinical course of RA has not been fully understood. In previous reports from Western countries, fish intake improves RA disease activity, whereas high consumption of fats and sugars worsens it. Consumption of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids improves disease activity of RA and juvenile idiopathic arthritis, JIA (the most common type of arthritis in teens and kids), and a Mediterranean diet may decrease pain in joints in RA patients.

Dietary culture is much different in East Asian countries and Western countries. There has been an increasing interest in the Japanese diet, which is rich in fishes and vegetables. Epidemiological studies focusing on the Japanese diet have been difficult because of the vast variation in Japanese foods, and there have been few reports in Japan on the association of dietary habits with disease activity and the numbers of patients in those reports were small.

This article adapted and summarized from the original reports on a study to evaluate the relationship between dietary habits of RA patients and their disease activity.

(Editors note: This study has 18 co-authors (see tags below), but we only present the affiliation for the corresponding author, Dr. Kosaku Murakami.)

This study enrolled 441 RA patients who met the classification criteria from Kyoto University Rheumatoid Arthritis Management Alliance.It was based on a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ), which is useful for the detection of dietary habits. In this study, a 22-item FFQ was used to clarify the correlation between dietary habits and RA disease activity.

The food items included were meats, fishes, tofu (bean curd), egg, milk, vegetables, fruits, fried foods, cakes, juice, snacks, sweets, miso soup, Japanese-style pickles, ham, frozen foods, small fishes, canned tuna, squid, shellfishes, fish eggs and fish pastes. In the questionnaire, the patients selected a choice from the list of their intake frequency for each food: 1 = less than once a month, 2 = once to three times a month, 3 = once or twice a week, 4 = three or four times a week, 5 = five or six times a week, 6 = once a day, 7 = twice a day, 8 = three times a day. The answers were checked by clinical staffs.

For detailed information on patients and methods; clinical parameters; the food frequency questionnaire; and statistical analyses, refer to the original publication.

In this study, the dietary habits detected for 22-item food frequency questionnaires (FFQ) were collected from 441 RA patients, and their correlations with RA disease activity were statistically analyzed. This patient cohort was characterized by long disease duration, low disease activity and high frequency of disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD) use.

Data analysis showed that the 22 food items could be categorized into five dietary patterns, as follows: seafoods, vegetables/fruits, meats/fried foods, snacks, and processed foods. Using these factors, multivariate analysis adjusted for clinically significant confounders [variables that influence both the dependent variable and independent variable, causing a false association] showed negative correlation of seafoods and vegetables/fruits with disease activity markers, and indicated that high intake frequency of vegetables and/or seafoods was correlated with low disease activity.

In previous reports from Western countries, high consumption of fishes containing omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) was related to low RA disease activity, whereas greater consumption of fats and sugars was related to high RA disease activity. In another report, it was suggested that high intake of fish might be associated with low disease activity. The results in our study are consistent with the findings in these previous reports.

Previous reports from Japan have reported that the intake of omega3-PUFAs, fish oil and monounsaturated fatty acids might be associated with low disease activity. The results of these reports are consistent with the findings of our study; it is also relevant that the number of patients in these reports were smaller than the numbers in our study.

Our study and results have strong points. First, the number of patients in our research was larger than that in previous reports, because the FFQs we used were more concise than other well-known FFQs. Second, the five dietary patterns were identified and the multivariate (simultaneous observation and analysis of more than one outcome variable) analysis we used with these patterns revealed the negative correlations of the vegetables/fruits or seafoods with disease activity. A negative correlation of seafoods with disease activity was not detected by the univariate (only one variable) analysis with the individual food items.

These results allow two possible interpretations. First, greater consumption of vegetables and/or seafoods decreases RA disease activity. In previous studies, the Mediterranean diet, which is rich in vegetables, alleviated arthralgia (joint pain) in RA patients. In epidemiological and basic studiesPUFAs and their metabolites, which are rich in seafoods, decreased the severity of arthritis.

Also, protein may play a beneficial role in rheumatoid arthritis. Chronic inflammation of RA leads to sarcopenia (a gradual decline in muscle mass due to aging, leading to decreased functional capacity of muscles), which might be improved by the protein from seafoods. And disease activity might influence dietary habits; for example, a high disease activity of RA might decrease the capacity to cook meals, leading to diminished frequency of vegetable or seafood consumption.

Our study had limitations, including that it could determine the causality or rule out the possibility of unmeasured confounders, such as socioeconomic status. For example, the high use rate of biological DMARDs implies a high-income population, which might lead to small impacts of socioeconomic status on disease activity or dietary habits. Second, this study might be affected by recall bias and inaccurate remembrance of past dietary habits.

Results of this study revealed that high frequency consumption of vegetables and/or seafood was correlated with low disease activity in this Japanese cohort of RA patients. To our best knowledge, few reports from the non-western countries have focused on a comprehensive evaluation of dietary habits and their relationship to disease activity. Our study suggests that more intake of vegetables or seafoods could reduce RA disease activity, but further research ach should be carried out to better clarify the precise impact of dietary habits on disease activity of RA.

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Relationship between dietary habits and rheumatoid arthritis activity -

Who Says You Can’t Eat Bread on the Keto Diet? Not Mikey’s – PRNewswire

Posted: June 29, 2020 at 1:50 pm

BETHLEHEM, Pa., July 29, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Mikey's, provider of high-quality, nutritious frozen products that are made with simple and recognizable ingredients, knows that a true burger is not complete without being nestled between a warm toasted bun. This Independence Day and all summer long, there is no need to be the only one at the party eating your BBQ favorites on a lettuce wrap because Mikey's has you covered. With only 2 net carbs and 9 grams of protein, Mikey'sOriginal, Grain-Free English Muffins are the perfect Keto and Paleo bun option to enjoy classic summer recipes such as Burgers and BBQ Chicken sandwiches.

Founded by Michael Tierney, a classically trained chef, Mikey's meets the high standards required to deliver on taste without compromising on nutrition. Utilizing his culinary training, Mikey used only eight simple ingredients found right in his kitchen to create his first product, the English Muffin, and the recipe has not changed. Mikey's is committed to creating products that not only taste great, but are also free from many common allergens such as gluten, grain, soy and dairy to best serve all people no matter what allergen-free or dietary lifestyle they follow. Free of all additives and preservatives, Mikey's is dedicated to clean, nutritious and simple ingredients that leave you feeling great.

Summer is the time to celebrate with family and friends while enjoying great American classics. However, increasing dietary interests and restrictions can sometimes make classic food combinations like Hamburgers and Hotdogs a challenging prospect. Mikey's is proud to offer a high quality and delicious Keto-Certified, Paleo-Certified, Gluten-Free, and Dairy-free bun alternative designed to appeal to the Keto, Low Carb, and Allergen community. "Gluten-free is just one attribute of Mikey's. Our English Muffins are Certified Keto, Paleo, Gluten Free, Dairy Free and low in carbs!" says Michael Tierney, CEO and Founder ofMikey's.

Mikey'saims to serve those with alternative dietary needs and allergies this summer by offering fans the option to swap the classical carb-heavy burger bun with a health-conscious, wholesome Mikey's Muffin. Light in calories and sugar yet packed with fiber, protein and natural fats these muffins are the ideal Ketogenic burger bun option. Light, versatile and perfectly shaped for burgers, Mikey'sMuffinsare unique, tasty, and hit on the universal craving to enjoy certain foods "normally" but more nutritiously.

Mikey'scontinues to be a market leader in meeting the needs of allergen friendly, clean label, better-for-you consumers by offering meal solutions for every eating occasion. For kids and adults following a ketogenic, low carb, gluten free or dairy-free lifestyle, Mikey's offers great tasting food to meet their everyday needs.

Mikey's Keto Burger with Mushrooms and Onion



About Mikey's LLCMikey's is a labor of love from the kitchen of Michael Tierney, a graduate of the Culinary Institute of America who trained in several of the world's most acclaimed restaurants. Recognized by Forbes as one of its 30-Under-30, Tierney's commitment is always to deliver products made with clean ingredients, taste great, and are free from common allergens. In addition to being Certified Gluten-Free, non-GMO and Certified Paleo, all of Mikey's products are free from dairy, grain and soy. Mikey's is available in more than 7,000 stores nationwide in the natural and grocery channels. To learn more visit the website at, or follow the brand on Instagram (@Mikeys), Twitter (@MikeysMuffins), or Facebook (@EatMikeys).

Media Contact:Hayden Hammerling973.405.4600[emailprotected]

SOURCE Mikey's

Originally posted here:
Who Says You Can't Eat Bread on the Keto Diet? Not Mikey's - PRNewswire

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