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How to get rid of visceral fat: Following this diet could reduce your harmful belly fat – Express

Posted: June 24, 2020 at 8:48 pm

Potbelly, spare tyre, middle-aged spread, alcohol belly or the unsightly paunch however you may refer to it, belly fat is not onlyannoying, it can beharmful to ones health.When it comes to getting rid of visceral fat, one diet that has proven effective is intermittent fasting.How does it work?

Intermittent fasting has gained a lot of popularity over the years and is a popular way for some to lose weight, belly fat and visceral fat.

Its a relatively easy pattern of eating which involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting.

Unlike dieting, intermittent fasting does not restrict any foods.

It simply focuses on when a person should eat them.

By following an intermittent way of eating, a person will eat fewer meals and, in turn, fewer calories.

READ MORE:How to get rid of visceral fat - foods to help burn the belly fat

With intermittent fasting, eating fewer meals can lead to an automatic reduction in calorie intake.

Additionally, intermittent fasting changes a persons hormone levels which facilitates weight loss.

As these changes in hormones take place, short-term fasting can help increase a persons metabolic rate by as much as 3.6 to 14 percent.

By helping a person eat less and burn more calories, intermittent fasting causes weight loss by changing both sides of the calorie equation and could help a person lose their visceral fat.


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In a study with the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, intermittent fasting and how it could help with weight loss was investigated.

The study noted: Intermittent fasting facilitates weight loss and improves coronary heart disease risk indicators.

This study examined the effects of intermittent fasting plus cardiovascular risks on body weight, body composition and cardiovascular heart disease risk.

The study involved obese woman and found at the end of the study, those who followed the intermittent fasting diet had a decrease in body weight, decrease in fat mass and visceral fat was reduced.

In another study with Science Direct, intermittent fasting vs daily calorie restriction was investigated.

The study noted: Recent findings suggest that intermittent fasting is effective for weight loss and cardio protection.

The goal of this review was to compare the effects of intermittent fasting on body weight, fasting glucose, fasting insulin and insulin sensitivity in overweight and obese adults.

The study found that an intermittent fasting style helped reduce visceral fat by four to seven percent over a period of six to 24 weeks.

When a person follows a diet which involves fasting it helps them to lose weight as they are consuming fewer calories.

Short-term fasting leads to several changes in the body which help burn fat.

Other changes include reducing insulin, increasing the growth hormone, enhancing epinephrine signalling and boosting metabolism.

Numerous studies indicate that intermittent fasting can help a person to lose weight and reduce their waist circumference, indicating a large loss of the harmful belly fat in the abdominal cavity, strongly linked to chronic disease.

See more here:
How to get rid of visceral fat: Following this diet could reduce your harmful belly fat - Express

What Is Fat FastingAnd Is It Good For Weight Loss? An RD Weighs In – Women’s Health

Posted: June 24, 2020 at 8:48 pm

JulijaDmitrijevaGetty Images

Between all the trendy diets like low-carb, keto, and intermittent fasting, it can be hard to keep track and figure out what might actually work for you. What's more, plenty of these diets have led to all sorts of spin-offs and other versions, including this buzzy one: fat fasting.

While the name sounds a little counterintuitive, this diet involves upping your fat intake, but only for a short period of time. Read on for a full breakdown of the diet, with input from a registered dietitian.

Fat fasting is a very short-term high-fat, low-carb meal plan, usually lasting just three to five days, according to New Jersey-based dietitian Erin Palinski-Wade, RD, CDE, author of Belly Fat Diet For Dummies. Although this is not an actual fast, it is referred to as one since the body forced into a state of ketosis (when you're burning fat for energy) due to the high-fat, low-carbohydrate intake, explains Palinski-Wade.

While it sounds a little bit like a quickie keto diet, it's not the exact same thing. Unlike the keto diet, your calories are restricted to 1,000 to 1,200 per day with 80 to 90 percent coming from fat, which is slightly higher in fat and significantly lower in calories than the standard keto diet. But it's similar in that the focus is on increasing fat intake to achieve ketosis.

Yes, it can. However, any fat loss will likely not be sustainable. As mentioned, the fat fast forces the body into ketosis, which is the process your body uses to convert fat into energy when the body is starved of glucose, explains Palinski-Wade. Your body no longer uses glucose (which is produced from carbs) for fuel when you've been fasting, or when carbohydrate intake is very low, she adds.

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The very low carbohydrate content and low calorie level of the fat fast quickly forces the body into ketosis, Palinski-Wade explains. "[The method] has been touted as a way to break through weight loss plateaus, or for individuals on a ketogenic diet to get back into a state of ketosis after a cheat day, she notes.

Remember: The goal is to keep calories between 1,000 to 1,200 per day and consume 80 to 90 percent of your total calories from fat.

So, foods high in fat with few to no carbohydrates are the ideal choice for this diet, says Palinski-Wade. These can include both animal- and plant-based foods, such as:

Foods you'd want to avoid while fat fasting include:

Due to the extremely low calorie intake and very restricted meal plan choices, it would be next to impossible to meet your daily nutrient goals while following a fat fast, says Palinski-Wade.

This plan is promoted to only last three to five days as a jump start [to weight loss or fat burning], but restrictive diets such as these are unsustainable long term and generally result in binges after such periods of restriction, she explains. The very low calorie and carbohydrate intake of this fast may result in reduced energy, changes in mood, reduced endurance, and nausea and headaches.

For people with diabetes or those on blood glucose-lowering medication, this type of meal plan may also significantly increase the risk of hypoglycemia, she adds. This form of fasting may also negatively impact athletes and those with intensive exercise routines.

Palinski-Wade notes that she generally would not recommend this diet for, well, anyone. However, if someone did try this diet plan, they should be sure to discontinue it within three to five days to prevent nutrient deficiencies, she adds.

Generally crash diets like this plan result in rebound eating behaviors, yo-yo dieting, and unsustainable weight loss, she says. People with diabetes definitely should avoid this form of diet (or consult their medical team before starting) to prevent episodes of hypoglycemia.

The bottom line: Fat fasting may help you burn fat or get through a weight loss plateau temporarily, but the weight loss will likely not be sustainable and may lead to nutritional deficienciesand Palinski-Wade does not recommend this technique.

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See the article here:
What Is Fat FastingAnd Is It Good For Weight Loss? An RD Weighs In - Women's Health

5 foods you must include in your diet to prevent, treat urine infections – Times Now

Posted: June 24, 2020 at 8:48 pm

5 foods you must include in your diet to prevent, treat urine infections  |  Photo Credit: iStock Images

New Delhi: A urinary tract infection, also known as UTI, is a common infection caused by microbes. Most UTIs are caused by bacteria, while some may also be caused by fungi, and viruses, in rare cases. A UTI can affect any part of your urinary tract from your kidneys, uterus, bladder, to your urethra. While lower tract UTIs are more common, upper tract UTIs are more serious.

UTIs can be caused if you come in contact with the pathogens. This can happen anywhere if proper hygiene is not followed. However, it is more common to contract a UTI from a public toilet or urinal. UTIs need to be treated with an antibiotic, and untreated UTI can grow further, and cause various complications in the urinary system. While there are no home remedies or foods that can treat UTI, there are some foods that can help you prevent the infection, and may also improve results of the medicine, providing more relief, and faster.

Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a professional healthcare provider if you have any specific questions about any medical matter.

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Go here to see the original:
5 foods you must include in your diet to prevent, treat urine infections - Times Now

Rebel Wilson loses 20 kg of the same diet that made Adele – Matzav Review

Posted: June 24, 2020 at 8:48 pm

Rebel Wilson it turned out that he had lost 20 kg per diet what she did British singer Adele. In actress in Pitch Perfectsurprised his followers social network wear it with a new one Fig..

Wilson it actress in Comedy who conquered Hollywood; a few days ago the British newspaper The Sun that after the success of his role Amy, Proud ofthe film Pitch Perfecttheir leaders asked them to keep those weightSo, make sure that it is OK to communicate with roles in Comedy what it is very good.


I had a job which paid a lot of money for me proud, sometimes something can be a mess to your head, said the actress in an interview for the newspaper English.

In early 2020 Rebel Wilson he said it will be his year healthybecause tired, to interpret the symbols girl with overweightstarted work out gave as the result large physical changeslike that surprised Adele this year.


In their social network, Rebel was the overall process, declaring that lost more than 20 pounds, ensuring that your goal is to get to 75. In the near future will produce their films, and, perhaps, estrene documentary, sharing his process of weight loss.

Some days are very frustrating, I want to give you, are you bothered by the lack of progress, but good things come, he assured Rebel Wilson in one of its publications via Instagram.


In diet Sirtfood is food proteins which serve to accelerate the metabolism and burning fat. This type of food, rich in enzymes sirtuinas or SIRS (Silent Information Regulators).



It diet there are apples, Turkey, chicken, shrimp, citrus, green tea, Kale, dark chocolate, red wine, berries, coffee, parsley, nuts, onion, olive oil and tofu.


In diet for a start-the first stage reduction of calories, as it allows you to consume a thousand calories a day. In the second stage, the increase in the consumption of calories is the reality, it is obvious that only destroy food referred to above.


(Imelda Tllez)

Read the original here:
Rebel Wilson loses 20 kg of the same diet that made Adele - Matzav Review

Update on trade issues affecting the dietary supplement industry – Regulatory Focus

Posted: June 24, 2020 at 8:48 pm

This article discusses recent updates on US trade policy issues in the dietary supplement industry. It focuses on the trading relationship between the US and its largest trading partners, including China, and analyzes the ongoing effects of current trade policies on companies that produce, buy, and sell dietary supplements. The authors discuss tools available to US companies to reduce financial liability when trade policies are evolving at a rapid pace.IntroductionUS trade policy has been anything but quiet in recent years. The current administration is focused on trade as a central component of its economic policy and has relied on trade tools and policies that had been dormant for decades. The administration describes its approach as making fundamental changes to US trade policy to benefit US companies and workers including reshoring supply chains, encouraging US companies to reduce their business in China, and ensuring that there is significant capacity to produce articles that touch on national security, including medicines, steel, and aluminum.1In the last two years, these trade tools have included the application of tariffs on imports of numerous Chinese goods under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974, an updated United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement that replaces the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement between the three countries, and a phase one trade agreement between the US and China.2 The administrations 2020 trade agenda promises more changes to US trade policies, including increased enforcement of trade laws and agreements; potential new trade agreements with the United Kingdom, European Union (EU), and Japan; and further negotiations with China for an anticipated phase two trade agreement. For US companies, a rapidly evolving trade landscape could be a double-edged sword in that it presents novel opportunities for companies in the US and abroad but also creates a degree of uncertainty that must be taken into account.The US-China trade relationshipThe relationship between the US and China is currently center stage in trade policy. After years of negotiations on various trade frictions, the two countries announced a phase one trade agreement in January 2020 that creates new obligations by China regarding patents, trademarks, trade secrets, and pharmaceutical-related intellectual property and enhances enforcement against counterfeit goods.3 The Phase One Agreement also contains important implications for US companies doing business in China because it prohibits China from pressuring US companies to turn over their technologies as a condition of market access, business advantages, or any licensing approvals.4 This deal will have wide-reaching effects for US and Chinese companies and it lays the groundwork for a phase two deal in the future.Ongoing negotiations between the US and China will have long-lasting effects for dietary supplement companies that import Chinese goods or export to China. For example, 80% of the raw material ingredients used to produce US manufactured vitamins and dietary supplements originate in China.5 Chapter 3 of the Phase One Agreement is devoted to trade in food and agricultural products, and requires China to create a regulatory process that will facilitate US exports to China of various agricultural products, including certain dietary supplements.6 The Phase One Agreement also increases market access opportunities in China for certain US dietary products, such as fish oil. China committed to increasing imports of US goods over the next two years by at least $200 billion, from the 2017 baseline value. The list of products China committed to import as part of that increased value includes essential oils, various types of seeds (oil, flax, sunflower, colza), spices (cinnamon, cloves, ginger, nutmeg, saffron, turmeric, and others), natural gums and resins, vegetable saps and extracts, and other extracts and concentrates.7 This creates new opportunities for US companies that export these products to have more predictable and reliable supply chains to sell to Chinas growing market.Tariffs on US imports of Chinese goods, and retaliatory tariffs imposed by the China government on imports of US goods, remain largely in place, even though the two countries reached the Phase One Agreement. This includes 25% tariffs on US imports of certain essential oils, fish oils, numerous acids, salts, and compounds from China classified under the US Harmonized Tariff Schedule Chapter 29 (Organic Chemical).8 Likewise, US companies that export dietary supplements to China face various retaliatory tariffs. In response to US tariffs, China has placed tariffs ranging from 5%-25% on thousands of US products, including animal and fish oils; certain extracts; various chemicals used in vitamins, food, and medicine; medicinal capsules; and plants used in medicines.9 The extent to which the US industry relies on raw materials from China has been a source of concern for US companies. For example, the Natural Product Association testified at a June 2019 hearing held by the Office of the US Trade Representative to address challenges faced by small- and medium-sized US companies that source from China.10 On the whole, the tariffs remain in place at this time, even though several companies have sought and received product-specific exclusions from them.11The duration of these tariffs remains uncertain. During negotiations for the Phase One Agreement, Chinese officials lobbied to have US duties on Chinese imports lifted, but the US agreed to reduce tariffs on a specific tranche of goods only.12 Negotiations for a phase two agreement were expected to continue immediately after the Phase One Agreement was signed, but the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a significant delay in talks until further notice. A phase two agreement is expected to cover a range of issues, including the Chinese governments provision of subsidies to domestic industries, intellectual property violations and enforcement of those violations, and forced technology transfer as a condition for access to Chinas market.Tariffs on imports from the EUA separate set of tariffs, stemming from the long-standing World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute between the US and the EU, affects US companies doing business in an EU member country. The dispute stems from the EUs provision of subsidies to aircraft manufacturer Airbus and has, for years, been the source of tariffs on US goods imported into the EU and EU goods imported into the US.Most recently, the US issued a new set of tariffs on EU imports after a WTO panel determined in October 2019 that the US was entitled to impose countermeasures against the EU for subsidies provided to Airbus.13 Although the WTO panel determined that the Airbus subsidies caused lost sales and revenues to the US aircraft industry, its ruling does not limit the US to imposing countermeasures (e.g., tariffs) to any particular industry or product. In previous years, the US has imposed duties on EU imports on a rotating, or so-called carrousel, basis, whereby products were subject to duties for a certain period and then removed from the tariff list. In April 2019, the US proposed applying additional duties to a range of EU imports, including various essential oils (orange, lemon, grapefruit, peppermint, eucalyptus, and others), concentrates of essential oils, and resinoids.14 Ultimately, and after much input from the industry including comments submitted by the Council for Responsible Nutrition explaining that many US companies source key raw ingredients from the EU15 none of those items were included on the final list of Section 301 duties for EU imports that is currently in effect.16 The duties went into effect on 18 October 2019, and will remain in effect until further notice.17Country of origin and marking issues for importsAs companies evaluate their supply chains in the midst of this new trade landscape, one option available to any US company is to confirm the country of origin of products it imports from overseas. US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is experiencing an enormous uptick in requests for country-of-origin rulings from US companies. For decades, companies have requested country-of-origin determinations for imported products made of component parts from various countries or processed in a third country before entering the US. The country of origin of an imported product is more relevant than ever today because of the varying tariff levels that apply to imports depending on product and country. Since the Section 301 duties applicable to most Chinese imports went into effect in 2018, CBP has issued hundreds of country-of-origin rulings to advise companies whether their imported products are subject to tariffs. The correct classification of imports is crucial to businesses for financial and liability purposes.For example, if fish oil capsules are made of fish oil that is sourced and processed in Peru and is then shipped to China, where the fish oil is placed in capsules, should those fish oil capsules be labeled as a product of Peru or China when they are imported to the US? CBP answered that question in August 2019 and determined that the fish oil capsules should be marked with Peru as the country of origin.18 In its ruling, CBP explained that the fish oil retains its chemical and physical properties throughout the production process and is merely put into the capsules for dosage in China. For that reason, no substantial transformation of the fish oil occurs in China, and Peru remains the country of origin of the final product. CBP has confirmed in other rulings that the country from which the fish oil is sourced is the country of origin for fish oil capsules, even if the encapsulation process occurs in a third country before the product is imported into the US.19CBP has concluded that a substantial transformation occurs in cases where the processing performed in a third country, or in the US prior to sale, is more involved or complicated. For example, in 2018, CBP considered the country of origin for three different multivitamins.20 In 2018, CBP considered the country of origin for three different multivitamins.20 The multivitamins contained raw material ingredients from numerous countries, including China, India, Spain, Malaysia, Brazil, and the US. The raw materials were all imported into the US, where they were processed into multivitamins at a production facility in Michigan. CBP found that the combining and mixing of the raw materials in the US was substantial because each of the raw materials loses its original identity when combined to create a new finished product, the multivitamins. The multivitamins were, therefore, a product of the US. In another 2019 ruling, however, CBP found that a vitamin product whose active ingredient was sourced in Switzerland, imported to India to be mixed with inactive ingredients, then imported into the US, had Switzerland as the country of origin.21 CBP continues to process hundreds of country-of-origin requests as companies evaluate how to optimize the competitiveness of their production process and supply chain given the current trade climate.ConclusionWhere does this leave US companies? The industry has been vocal about the impact of current trade policies on dietary supplement companies. The dust has settled in certain respects, in that companies understand the impact of tariffs that have now been in place for a couple of years, but there are likely to be further changes ahead. Once the US emerges from dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, companies can expect trade to return to being a top priority. US-China trade negotiations will continue, the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement will be implemented, and new trade agreements will be negotiated all of which will require successful companies to understand the applicable rules and how to structure their operations within those rules to maximize the ability to compete.AbbreviationsCBP, Customs and Border Protection; EU, European Union; HTS, harmonized tariff schedule; USTR, US Trade Representative; WTO, World Trade Organization.References

Continued here:
Update on trade issues affecting the dietary supplement industry - Regulatory Focus

Meet the Women Who Fought to Reopen – – Good News

Posted: June 24, 2020 at 2:48 am

As small business owners breathe a sigh of relief after finally being allowed to reopen, get to know the women, including two from Crown Heights, who sparked a movement to Reopen New York.

By Shterna Karp for Ami Magazine

Parnasah is not something to be taken lightly; we daven for it on Rosh Hashanah because it affects just about everything else in our lives. When businesses are closed and stores arent generating income, entire families pay the price. Mortgage payments are missed, utility bills go unpaid, and parents have trouble paying their grocery bills.

While the current health crisis is of national concern, with organizations like Open America Now calling for the government to let small-business owners return to work, four frum businesswomen in New York State have taken up the call closer to home. Suri Katz, Simcha Minkowitz, Sarah Chani Brafman and Sarale Gitter have established the Reopen New York coalition, the aim of which is not only to raise awareness of the inequity of permitting only larger businesses to operate, but to encourage people to take action. Small businesses can be even safer than big-box stores, they insist, and if they can stay open, theres no reason for them to falter and cause an insidious ripple effect with widespread economic consequences.

Small businesses make up 99 percent of employer firms in America. With only the big-box stores currently open, all of the cash is flowing into the remaining 1 percent, enriching corporations like Walmart and Target while the mom-and-pop shops go under. In a survey conducted by Main Street America in late March, only 16.4 percent of small-business owners said that they were confident of being able to remain open. A staggering 31.2 percent didnt think theyd be able to make it for another two months before having to shutter their shops permanently.

With the encouragement of Reopen New York, some shop owners are now opening their stores, risking substantial summonses or fines. Civil disobedience, they say, defined as the refusal to comply with certain laws as a peaceful form of political protest, is a time-honored American tradition. Even Al Gore, former vice president of the United States, defended the practice when he declared in 2006, Civil disobedience has an honorable history, and when the urgency and moral clarity cross a certain threshold, then civil disobedience is quite understandable, and it has a role to play.

However, the mission of Reopen New York isnt political; for these women, its about helping those who are staggering under the weight of lost parnasah. For some businesses its already too late, but for others theres still a chance they can be saved before going under completely. Having seen the carnage firsthand, these four courageous women have mobilized thousands of their fellow small-business owners, forming what Suri calls a force to be reckoned with. Their message is simplelet people support their families.

Sarah Chani BrafmanOwner of Gymies Gym in Crown Heights

When I was 23, I was teaching math, history and physical education in a local school in Crown Heights. I noticed that a lot of students had a talent for phys ed but no outlet, so I got an idea that one day I would open up a gym for kids. My friends were my angels because they were the ones who pushed me to make it happen. They came with me to scout for properties and sign a lease, and they helped me get my business off the ground.

It was a lot of hard work. All of a sudden I had to learn about labor laws, tax laws, how to manage a business and how to manage other people. In the beginning, a decade ago, I did everything from bookkeeping to cleaning and coaching.

Up until the pandemic, we had about 300 children coming to Gymies every week. Since then weve offered online classes, but only 45 or so students switched over. We lost 85 percent of our income, but we still have obligations like insurance and rent. Im a single mom with two kids, and the shutdown has the potential to be devastating. If the government doesnt allow small businesses to reopen, its only going to get worse for families.

I dont think Ive ever worked on anything this hard since I opened my business. I came on board as soon as my sister Simcha called me to tell me about the coalition. Im not even fighting for my own business at this point because safely opening a gym isnt in the same category as safely opening a store, but I couldnt watch other peoples hopes and dreams be shattered like that.

And if were not vocal now, whats going to happen if theres a second wave, G-d forbid? The government will clamp down even harder, and more people will go bankrupt. Some businesses can survive being shut for a few months but not twice in the same year.

When I saw that there was a crisis, I had to jump in. I also see it as an issue of discrimination, because theyre busy sending sheriffs to Boro Park while people are rioting and looting in the streets.

At first I was hesitant to go public, but then I reminded myself of all the people who are struggling. At the press conference, I spoke about the emotional toll that the stress of lost income is taking on children. My industry is children, and Im worried about them.

I got some backlash from people saying that reopening wasnt a good idea, but for every negative comment there were several positive ones saying things like Thank you! Someone in New York needs to do something.

Unfortunately, my own business has yet to reopen. I put up Reopen New York signs in my windows out of solidarity, but its not practical to open in-person classes. Most of my team has gone on unemployment. But the coalition has helped me feel less lonely because Ive met so many other business owners who can relate to our challenges. Theres a feeling of camaraderie. This has taught me never to underestimate the power of reaching beyond your circle.

Sarale GitterOwner of the Hair by Sarale Salon in Crown Heights

Four years ago, I had a well-paying job working for a jewelry company in Manhattan. But when my father got sick, I knew I needed something more flexible that would allow me time off to go home to Minnesota and help my parents. So I left my job and became a long-term substitute teacher, which covered my bills and still enabled me to go home, sometimes for three months at a time. This was my arrangement for two years, until my father passed away. By then I knew that I didnt want to teach long term and I didnt need the flexibility, so I started to explore other options.

One of my fellow teachers had been pushing me to go into hair styling ever since seeing me make braids for some of the girls, so I began to consider it. The only problem was that I didnt have the time or the money I needed to go to school for it. I was also fearful of what would happen if it didnt work out, so I looked around for other ways to acquire the skills I would need.

There was a top sheitel macher in Flatbush who gave lessons, so I asked her if we could cut a deal. I handed her my last paycheck, my very last penny, and asked her to teach me whatever she could in three hours, and I also asked if she would let me intern at her salon for two weeks. The woman agreed, and thats what happened.

After I finished my internship, I posted a flyer advertising wash-and-sets, and six months after my first client, I felt secure enough to leave teaching completely. A short time later I had enough business to rent my own studio. When we started hearing about the pandemic reaching New York, I was concerned about my clients. What if, G-d forbid, I got the virus and inadvertently passed it on to someone else, especially a person who was immunocompromised or at high risk for other reasons?

After giving it a lot of thought, I called the ten clients I had scheduled for the following day and canceled their appointments. It was with a very heavy heart, but it turned out to be the right choice because a few days later I learned Id caught the virus.

I was closed for my busiest season. The months and weeks before Pesach are so lucrative that I cannot skip working during that time and still manage. This year I didnt get the usual boost, and then I was closed for months afterward. Im out of the red zone now, but it was a miracle; many others have been forced to shut their doors forever.

Simcha and I have known each other for a while now. I helped style some of her photo shoots, and she brings her kids to me to get their hair done for simchahs. So when she asked me if I wanted to get involved, I said, Absolutely!

Thanks to the coalition, Ive forged relationships with a lot of other small-business owners. There was one upscale barber in Brooklyn who had been shut down by the sheriffs. He told us how much business he had lost. It turned out that hes also Jewish. I lent him my salon, and he spent a full day giving Erev Shavuos haircuts to men in Crown Heights. We need to be there for each other.

These days, I go to sleep and wake up thinking about the coalition. Its time-consuming, but theres still work for us to do. Some businesses have opened, but others cant afford the risk of civil disobedience. Any establishment with a state license risks losing it, which is suicide for their business because they wont be able to reopen even after the virus dies down. Governor Cuomo really needs to move up the dates because each phase means more time, and were running out of it. Right now our goal is to have everyone reopen.

This is not my usual modus operandi. You wont even find me on Instagram, but I have to fight for whats right even if it makes me uncomfortable. When Fox News interviewed me, I told them that were fighting for an important American principle.

My father was a refusenik, and my mother was often called a dirty Jew on the playground. My father had a gentle soul, but he had been beaten up so many times that he knew he had to gain the upper hand if he saw someone approaching him for a fight. Growing up with stories like that, I learned that you need to come to your own rescue. The government has nice programs, but at the end of the day it has its own interests in mind. If something has to change, you have to help make that change happen.

Simcha MinkowitzOwner of Amor Fine Jewelry in Boro Park

On the day our store opened almost two years ago, I was frightened. My husband and I had given up our steady paychecks and taken out substantial loans in order to get the business off the ground. What if no one showed up? What if our business didnt succeed? But I was also hopeful because it gave us the potential to provide for our family.

My husband had been in the jewelry business for 18 years when we branched out on our own. We started with a small location upstate just for the summer, and eventually it grew into a year-round store. Its a scary thing to open a business because you have to do everything from the ground up. You need a tremendous amount of bitachon, especially when so many people tell you not to do it. But theres no growth without risk, so we spread our wings to see if we could fly. We had six kids, and we decided to take the chance because we wanted to make a better life for them.

If people only knew what small businesses go through! Theres a reason for the idea that businesspeople see Hashems Hand more clearly than anyone else because they dont know where their next customer is coming from. We dont get a paycheck like other employees. We wake up every day and trust that Hashem will send customers to our store and provide for us. Baruch Hashem, our business really grew over time.

The recent corona lockdown caused us to lose a quarter of our annual income. But I do feel fortunate because were better off than many other businesses and Pesach programs that made no money at all during this time. At least we can do virtual appointments to keep us afloat, whereas some people have lost everything they had.

We didnt start the Reopen New York coalition only for ourselves. We did it for everyone else who is in the same boat. Ive heard so many horror stories of people losing their lifes work, and they exist in every community. If people are allowed out on the streets, in the parks and in the big stores, why not in the smaller ones? Why should people who have worked so hard to provide for their families lose their livelihoods? That can quickly spiral into losing their dignity, shalom bayis and mental health. We started the coalition with a conviction and a sense of kol Yisrael areivim zeh bazeh, because you cant just stand there and watch your neighbors house burn down.

One night I couldnt sleep and spent the whole night tossing and turning. As soon as the sun came up, I called Suri and asked her what we could do. Shes very even-keeled and immediately had a list of ideas. I knew shed be on board because she really cares about the community; she had even closed her stores a week before closing was mandated because she didnt want anyone to get sick on her watch.

After we started the WhatsApp group and began calling elected officials, people began posting videos of themselves talking about how the shutdown had affected them. Thats when the news networks got involved and more people started to take notice. We wanted to build on the momentum, so we went to Sarah Chanis empty gym and started working on holding a press conference.

We put together a diverse panel of speakers. Lorcan Otway, who owns several off-Broadway theaters, talked about how certain things didnt add up. How could people be allowed to crowd into a plane but not be allowed to sit in a socially distanced theater? We tried to find speakers to represent different communities, but it turned out that several of them were Jewish. Lorcan told me that hes an Irish gypsy but that his mothers mother was Jewish, and another speaker, clothier Elliot Ravens of Peter Elliot, was excited to share all the Yiddish he knows. Weve invited both of them to come for Shabbos after this all dies down, bezras Hashem.

After we went public, there was an outpouring of positive feedback. A rabbi in our community called us to say that what we were doing was very important and that we need to continue because countless families are depending on the coalition.

I challenge people who object to what were doing. Are they willing to pay our bills if our businesses fail? Will they make sure our families are fed?

Civil disobedience has always been a respected instrument for change in America, although ironically, de Blasio seems to respect violent civil disobedience more than he respects honest people who are just trying to make a living.

My parents were always involved in the community and cared about the welfare of each person. We had an open home. We all have to be there for each other. I hope that Hashem will see all the good and bring Moshiach, because were certainly ready.

Suri KatzOwner of Mezzo A womens clothing retailerwith locations in the Five Towns and Boro Park

It all began with a phone call.

A few weeks ago, my friend Simcha Minkowitz called me up. We have to do something about this situation, she said. Her husbands friend was on the verge of closing his store because his checks were starting to bounce. He didnt have enough business to survive anymore, and he had no idea how he would support his family. Even businesses that have been around for decades have been brought to their knees in the last few months. Owning a retail store myself, I knew exactly what this person was going through and the hard work it had taken to build up his business.

I used to own a childrens clothing store. I would go to Paris a few times a year for new merchandise, and while I was there, do some shopping for myself. My friends often commented on the clothes I wore because they were different from what they could find in America, so eventually I started shopping for them, too. They would hand me their credit cards before I left for Paris, and Id come home with at least one extra suitcase filled with clothes for them. I saw that there was a demand for up-to-date womens fashions, so we started Mezzo in the same locations wed used for our kids clothing franchise.

Thank G-d, a lot of our customer base carried over because wed built relationships with them over the years; some of them even invite us to their weddings. But running a small business is a lot of work. We source our styles in Europe and work with the companies to customize them for our market. For example, if a neckline is too low or a hem too high, the company will create a special version of the design that will work for our customers. For a good seven months out of the year Im up until 3 a.m. every night, but thats what I have to do to run our stores and support my family.

We have a website, but theres nothing like store traffic in a small business. This is especially true when it comes to apparel, because people like to try things on and see their options in person. On a typical day, around 500 customers walk through our doors, some of whom are lawyers or other professionals who want to look respectable and modest. The coronavirus brought us down to nothingand this was during the pre-Pesach season, which is usually the busiest time for retail. Having to close at such a time was a huge loss.

The first thing Simcha and I did was start a WhatsApp group for small retailers. Within minutes it grew to the maximum number of members a group can have, so we separated it into different chapters. Theres one for Long Island, one for Monsey, one for the Five Towns, and one that includes Crown Heights, Boro Park and Flatbush. A lot of the members said that if we didnt do something right away, it was all over for them.

People may not realize that the financial infrastructure of a community centers around its businesses. When people cant shop in local stores, the money doesnt stay in the community. It goes to the big corporations instead, and the store owners no longer have the means to pay tuition or support tzedakah organizations. If a store goes out of business, the owners cant pay their rent or car lease. They cant go to the grocery store. It snowballs very quickly.

Our complaint was simple. If big businesses can remain open, why cant we? It doesnt seem right that stores like Costco, Walmart or Target can sell toys, clothing and jewelry, but the small shops cant. Big stores arent even enforcing social distancing or safety measures like masks, which is something that the smaller stores are better equipped to do. We can control how many people come in and make sure that everyone is protected. Theres really no reason we cant be open.

We started by giving everyone in the group the phone numbers of their senators, councilman and Governor Cuomo. We launched a nonstop campaign of phone calls and letters, trying to get them to pay attention to us. We also established a social media presence to make our voices heard. There was some response from the politicians but not much, nothing that led to real action. But we did get responses from Ivanka Trump and Ben Shapiro, who retweeted a video Simcha made explaining why its not okay for Walmart to sell jewelry while she cant.

After that video went viral, we really started to gain traction, and over 18,000 New York businesses joined the coalition. Of those, less than 300 were frum establishments.

Our next step was to hold a press conference with as many major news outlets as possible. Bruce Backman, the head of Backman Consulting, helped us tremendously with this. We had nine cameras there from CBS, ABC, Fox and other outlets. Our message was that were not trying to break rules or make waves, just get the point across that small businesses can be safe. The press conference was held in Battery Park, with the Statue of Liberty in the background, which was intentional. We wanted to express the fact that our freedoms are important.

The Reopen New York coalition started with four frum women, but we knew that we needed more diversity, so we found speakers who would represent the full spectrum of small-business owners in New York. Our bottom line at the press conference was that the government cannot continue to favor the big guys, and we announced that the following Tuesday, May 26, we would be reopening. Our hope was that with so many people practicing civil disobedience, it would be hard for Mayor de Blasio to crack down on us.

After the press conference, a lot of major outlets started asking for interviews. People were starting to take notice, and many were encouraging us to move forward. In fact, we gained so much traction that our attorney, Ron Coleman, suggested a soft opening on Sunday before going full force on Tuesday.

At Mezzo, we changed our store hours so were now open 12 hours instead of nine. We also installed a buzzer so we can limit how many people are in the store at one time and still accommodate all of our customers. A lot of sheriffs were sent down on Tuesday and the authorities are definitely targeting our neighborhood, but were determined to ignore them. The worst they can do is issue a summons and possibly fines. Unfortunately, the sheriffs are good at harassing us. They stop by constantly and threaten to write us up. But this movement is saying, Well do whatever we need to do to feed our families.

Id like to point out that reopening isnt going to help store owners recoup their losses during the weeks they were closed before Yom Tov. If a kid outgrew his shoes, yes, he still needs new shoes, but most of the season is gone. People arent buying as much as before, and there are fewer selling days to move products. But at least its a step in the right direction.

It was scary to put ourselves out there. But I believed that we were doing the right thing. A lot of people have stopped by the store to say that they are proud of us for standing up for our rights. Ive gotten many messages telling us what a difference reopening has made. One person wrote, Thank you for helping us do this because now I can put food on my table for Shavuos. A little bit of oxygen has been breathed into peoples bank accounts.

Frankly, Im in awe of peoples emunah and bitachon. We are a nation of real believers who trust that they need to do their hishtadlus, and the rest is in Hashems Hands. We have such a beautiful community. Even competitors are happy to help each other out. We work as a single unit, and its incredible.

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Meet the Women Who Fought to Reopen - - Good News

15 Best Lunch Boxes and Bags for Work –

Posted: June 24, 2020 at 2:47 am

So here you are on the Internet again, trying to solve one of life's nagging but important questions.

You're an adult. You eat lunch. Often, you pack a lunch and take that lunch somewhere to store and, eventually, eat that lunch. You like eating that lunch. You sort of like packing that lunch, because, hey, look at you go, entrusting one of the meals you eat during the course of your day to yourselfnot to some fast-food grease house.

But it's that middle part that's been bugging you: What the heck kind of lunch box does an adult carry?

When you were a kid, this was easy. The answer was clear: You carried a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles lunch box and only a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles lunch box. And if one of your parents bought you, by mistake, say, a Street Sharks lunch box, well then you let them have it.

But you can't carry a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles lunch box as an adult. Or, you could, but that's not really an adult look.

Don't worry. You're in good hands. Because like a good parenta parent that actually listens to you for oncehere are 15 lunch boxes (and bags!) designed to help you carry that lunch you so lovingly prepared for yourself until its time to relish in all its glory.

In your desperate search for answers, you may find other lists like this on the Internet. But this list is more like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and those lists are more like the Street Sharks.

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15 Best Lunch Boxes and Bags for Work -

We rate top celebrity diets from Kim Kardashians plant-based one to Adeles Sirtfood and Gwyneth Paltrows – The Sun

Posted: June 24, 2020 at 2:47 am

ROBBIE WILLIAMS is far trimmer than he was in his party days.

But it is not just giving up drink and drugs that has helped him slim down.


The singer, 46, only eats one meal a day dinner and has no sugar for six days a week.

The dad of three said: You know people say I have been fasting, well, no. I dont want to be but I am very productive from 1am until 5am.

I get a lot done and I wake up at noon. Then I will have a meal at 5pm and I will feel full.

But is it a healthy way to cut calories? Yasmin Harisha asks nutritionist Amanda Ursell if eating like the stars really works and to rate each diet.


AMANDA says: If you only eat once a day then you only have to worry about what is in that one meal and will automatically cut out concerns about overdoing snacks.

It must be one pretty big meal if Robbie only eats once a day for six days out of seven, and is maintaining his current weight.


This would make a very big load for his body to cope with. Its unlikely hed get all his vitamins packed into one meal.

PRO: Cuts out concerns for snacking on junk food and sweets.

CON: Not sustainable and can cause body to lose out on nutrients.


ELLIE, 33, sometimes goes two days without food and will limit herself to tea, coffee and water with added electrolytes.

Amanda says: Losing two days of nutrients by following a 40-hour fast is tough on the body in terms of all other vitamins and minerals.


This feels like an extreme way of keeping in shape. Id avoid this.

PRO: Fasting helps give the digestive system a break.

CON: This diet can leave you feeling wiped out, stressed and struggling to concentrate.


THE X Factor judge, 60, lost 4in from his waist by banning red meat, sugar and opting for light beer.

Amanda says: If these dietary moves are taken with an overall lifestyle overhaul, it could help with weight loss.


Cutting out red meat will see iron levels reduce, but you can make up for this vital mineral with wholegrains, green leafy veg, eggs, dried apricots and nuts.

PRO: Can help stop heart disease, stroke, arthritis.

CON: Red meat is one of our main sources of iron and the body needs it to produce new red blood cells.


REALITY star Kim, 39, sticks to eating foods derived from plant sources, as well as doing high-intensity workouts.

Amanda says: Very nutritious if well balanced. Be sure to have enough protein if doing regular training, and include plant-based proteins such as pulses, nuts and and tofu.


Avoid trendy processed plant-based snacks and stick with good old-fashioned, home-cooked versions.

PRO: You are likely to achieve your five a day and it can lower the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

CON: If you do not plan correctly, you may not meet your protein, vitamin and mineral needs.


THE 47-year-old actress follows the keto diet, which allows only 50g of carbs a day (ideally below 20g) but there is no restriction on fat intake.

Amanda says: This extreme diet has seen positive results when followed under dietitian supervision by people with epilepsy. Celebrities are using it to shift weight swiftly.


You will probably lose weight quickly to start. Side-effects can include low energy, sleep disturbance and bad breath.

PRO: You can feel fuller for longer as fatty foods take longer to process.

CON: Because of food restrictions, you may find this diet a tough one to stick to.


THE Pointless presenter, 49, would fast for 16 hours a day and eat in an eight-hour window with no limits on the types or amounts of food.

Amanda says: Of all intermittent fasting plans, this is one of the most sensible.


You are conscious of what and when you are eating.

Research shows our metabolism is better at burning fat during the night if we eat our last meal of the day earlier rather than later.

PRO: Great for cutting out grazing at night.

CON: Does not teach you much about healthy eating as it allows you to eat what you want.


THE singer, 32, has lost 7st. Diet is plant-based but allows dark chocolate and red wine.

Amanda says: Foods that are recommended on the Sirtfood Diet are said to stimulate proteins in our bodies known as sirtulins.


"They may play key roles in the way our bodies burn calories and control daily rhythms like sleep.

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"The plan uses healthy, nutrient-packed foods, so the likelihood is following it will help you to lose weight and feel well.

PRO: Can activate a type of protein to regulate your metabolism.

CON: Drastically restricts calorie intake, which can make you feel lethargic.

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We rate top celebrity diets from Kim Kardashians plant-based one to Adeles Sirtfood and Gwyneth Paltrows - The Sun

Walking to lose weight: Does it work? – TODAY

Posted: June 24, 2020 at 2:45 am

Looking for an easy-to-start workout regimen that can show results, without having to go to the gym or spend money on equipment?

Try walking.

It might not seem like the most efficient exercise available, but experts on the topic say it can help with weight loss, mental health and more. Even a few thousand steps a day can burn hundreds of calories, and it's easy to add some modifications to your routine to lose weight.

According to Cedric Bryant, Ph.D., the president and chief science officer of the American Council on Exercise, walking "certainly can" help with weight loss.

"It is a low-impact aerobic exercise that allows individuals to expend energy and burn calories, so it can certainly help with weight loss," said Bryant.

Some recommend walking as a form of exercise due to its simplicity and accessibility.

"I am a fan of walking as a form of movement especially if you're just getting started," said Marisa Moore, a registered dietitian in Atlanta, Georgia. "What's most important is finding a type of activity you like and will do."

If you are using walking as a tool to help lose weight, Bryant recommends walking for at least 45 minutes per day most days of the week.

"The basic recommendations in terms of general health and well being is to just to meet a minimum threshold of about 30 minutes of activity on most days of the week," he said. "If you're desiring to lose weight, you really want to work in the 45 to 60 minute range. The thing to understand is that it doesn't have to be all in one walking session, you can break it up through the course of that day."

Bryant recommends breaking up those walks into two or three large chunks.

"Maybe you go for a 30 minute walk in the morning, and then maybe it's another 15 or 30 minute walk following dinner or during your lunch break," he suggested. " "The idea is to try to accumulate, you know, for about 45 minutes to an hour of walking, which tends to correlate best with reasonable weight loss or or better weight control."

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Bryant said it's difficult to guess how much weight one may lose while walking due to the amount of factors involved, but said that people can expect to burn about a hundred calories for every thousand steps they take.

"Generally, the amount of weight once can expect to lose and the impact that you'll derive from usually going to be a function of how frequently you do it in terms of days per week, as well as the duration that you walk and also the intensity at which you walk," he said.

Samantha Cassetty, a registered dietitian based in New York City, explained that "the average 40 year old woman who's 5 '4'' and 165 pounds might lose five pounds in two months if she went from inactive to walking for an hour five times a week."

But you can't out-walk a bad diet, Cassetty said. "She would have to make some healthy tweaks to her diet, which result in a slight calorie deficit (around 100 calories a day).

"Maintaining this workout routine and the healthy eating habits can help keep those five pounds off, but the walking alone isn't likely to result in additional weight loss," Cassetty said.

"Generally speaking, the average healthy adult will likely notice a difference in how they feel by incorporating more movement and sprucing up the diet," said Moore.

"You may or may not lose weight with diet and exercise changes though. Whether you lose weight can vary with personal genetics and metabolism, age, overall physical activity level, stress levels and even sleep."

Walking is one of the easiest exercise routines to start just pick a route and get going! Bryant recommends wearing comfortable footwear, but there's no need to invest in fancy shoes or other gear.

A good speed to start at is walking at a pace of about three miles an hour, or walking one mile in twenty minutes.

If you're looking for a metric to compete with, Bryant recommends trying to work your way up to 10,000 steps, which will help you burn about 1,000 calories.

If you're looking for a full-body workout, it's possible to amp up your walking routine by changing the terrain.

"Walking uphill or inclining your treadmill increases the intensity and challenge of the walk," Bryant said. "You can also introduce some intervals where you change your walking speed. If you're outside, maybe, you know, walk really briskly from from from a stop sign to a stop sign and walk at a normal pace until you get to your next stop sign. If you're on a treadmill ... walk comfortably for three minutes and then for the next minute or two, walk you know a half a mile an hour faster."

You can also add weights, though Bryant recommends avoiding hand weights and instead investing in a weighted vest, which can make you push yourself harder without putting stress on the joints.

If you're looking for an equipment-free way to burn more calories, you can try doing something as simple as waving your arms. A study by the American Council on Exercise found that moving the arms vigorously expends more calories.

"It may look a bit odd but but vigorously pumping the arm certainly adds to the intensity of the workout," Bryant said.

Of course, there are more benefits to walking than just losing weight. Like any other aerobic exercise, walking will help improve the function of your cardiovascular system, will lead to better blood sugar control, and help lower blood pressure.

"Any benefit you can get from other forms of cardio exercise, like cycling, running, swimming, you can derive all those same benefits while walking," Bryant said.

Walking can also have benefits for mental health. Bryant said that the exercise can help relieve and manage stress and anxiety, and said it can be an especially helpful activity during the coronavirus pandemic.

"I would tell people, during this time of a shelter in place and stay at home orders and so forth, to really pay attention and focus on how walking makes them feel, because I think that can serve as a great motivator to kind of keep them in the game in terms of continuing to walk," he said.

View original post here:
Walking to lose weight: Does it work? - TODAY

Weight loss: This is what happened when I did not eat anything for 2 days – Times of India

Posted: June 24, 2020 at 2:45 am

Intermittent fasting is one of the most talked about diets (or lets call it a lifestyle). If you listen to nutritionists and fitness experts talk about their daily routine, there are high chances that youd hear them talk about following intermittent fasting (IF). From lifestyle coach Luke Coutinho to Dr Anjali Hooda, they all have been talking about the goodness of IF. Honestly, all the buzz about resting your digestive system made me start my IF journey - however, I started with 14 hours of fasting. I gradually took it up to 16 hours to test how it worked. And I wont be lying that post the initial hiccup, I actually got used to it. Thats when I heard a fitness instructor recommending a 3-day water fast - an extreme form of IF. While 3 days sounded a lot, I decided to try it for 2 days and here is how it went. Since I was used to fasting for close to 16 hours, my body was working fine until then. But once I crossed 18 hours, I started feeling ravenous, wanting to eat something but I resisted the urge. Some time later I started experiencing a mild headache. I kept on sipping on water and went off to get some snooze time. The first day was tough, and I did have a cup of black coffee to keep myself going. By the second day, the hunger was tolerable and subsequently, even the discomfort was gone. I was surprised that my mid day, I was feeling generally fine. In fact it was a big feat to know that I hadnt eaten anything for the past 38 hours! I was low on energy but high on motivation.By hour 45, I was already thinking about what I would eat once the 48-hour period gets over. I had read somewhere that one should never break an extended fasting period by binging on unhealthy foods so I prepped a healthy meal with chicken, vegetables and a small portion of rice. Overall it went great and it felt like I gave my metabolic system a boost. I am planning to do it soon again, how about you?Disclaimer: If you are planning to try it, I would advise you to consult a nutritionist or your doctor as this may turn out to be extreme for some. Written by Pooja Sharma Kaur

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Weight loss: This is what happened when I did not eat anything for 2 days - Times of India

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