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Weight loss: Why is it difficult to shed the last few extra pounds? – Times of India

Posted: June 24, 2020 at 2:45 am

Firstly, when we lose weight the calorie expenditure of our body decreases. Our metabolism decreases because less calorie is required to maintain and move a lighter body. Secondly, weight loss is always accompanied by increase in appetite. At the beginning of your weight loss journey, you might be able to control your hunger but as you reach near your goal, it may become difficult.

This is because of the hormone leptin, which tells our brain how much fat is stored in our body. In the starting of the weight loss journey, we have more stored fat, which leads to an increase in leptin level, resulting in loss of appetite. But with time, when we lose bodyweight, leptin level slows down, making us feel more hungry.

Both, change in the calorie expenditure and the effect of leptin in our body slow down the weight loss process in the end. But this happens for a very short period of time.

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Weight loss: Why is it difficult to shed the last few extra pounds? - Times of India

Ivanka Trumps Weight Loss Secret: First Daughters Diet, Workout, Morning Routine Revealed – International Business Times

Posted: June 24, 2020 at 2:45 am


Ivanka Trump is very careful when it comes to her choice of food and she also follows a morning routine to make her mind and body ready for the day.

The First Daughter is already a mom of three, but she has successfully maintained her pre-baby figure. In fact, it didnt take long for Ivanka to slip back into her skinny jeans after she gave birth to her second child, Joseph.

Ivanka attributed her 30-pound weight loss to spin classes, salads, lean protein and homemade veggie soups, Shape reported.

Ivanka admitted that her perspective about food changed when she got pregnant with her daughter Arabella. It was at the time when she pushed herself to eat more salmon, chicken, salads and veggie soups.

Slowly, I started to actually enjoy, if not crave, these healthier options. Now healthy eating is the norm for me, especially at breakfast and lunch, she told the outlet.

Ivanka confessed that she doesnt follow juice cleansing. Shetried it, but it didnt work well for her.

I tried a juice cleanse, and it was a total disaster. For the eight hours that I lasted, I felt like I was on the brink of starvation. For me, it's about making the right choices, she added.

Ivanka doesnt skip breakfast. In the morning, her meal usually includes cottage cheese or Greek yogurt because she goes full fat. She told Fit Pregnancythat she prefers it with blueberries or raspberries and cereal.

Sometimes she enjoys oatmeals for breakfast with her children.

If they choose oatmeal, I get out all sorts of toppings chia seeds, berries, flaxseed, goji berries, cinnamon, walnuts, and almonds, she shared with My Morning Routine.

Ivankaalso consumes fluid excessively. She only drink water, Tazo passion tea or coffee. Her excessive fluid consumption even became a joke.

Theres an ongoing joke in the office that I never have less than three glasses of water and some form of tea or coffee in front of me, she told Harper's Bazaar.

Ivanka also told My Morning Routine that she starts her day at 5:30 a.m. to meditate or work out.

I like to be fully ready for the day before my children get up so that my mornings are completely focused on them, Ivanka said.

Ivanka meditates for 20 minutes twice a day. Sometimes she skips her afternoon session, but she always makes sure to not skip the morning one.

It's been invaluable in terms of calming my mind and allowing me to think more clearly, Donald Trumps daughter said.

White House Senior Adviser Ivanka Trump at an event in which her father President Donald Trump unveiled proposals for lowering child-care costs. Photo: Photo by Michael Vadon/Flickr

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Ivanka Trumps Weight Loss Secret: First Daughters Diet, Workout, Morning Routine Revealed - International Business Times

Four dals that are best for weight loss – Times of India

Posted: June 24, 2020 at 2:45 am

This year has truly been about health, however, the way it has dawned upon us have been scary. And when we talk about health, one of the most important elements we should consider is our body weight. Simply because we all know that being overweight increases our chances of catching infections. Yet sadly around 5 per cent of the country's population is affected by obesity. Obesity not just makes one look fat but also increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, hypertension and other serious diseases.

From crash diet, healthy eating to intense gym activity, there are multiple ways that people follow to lose weight. For some it is an easy ride while for others, it might seem just more than difficult.

A healthy diet along with regular physical activity is the best way to lose weight sustainably. And ultimately it is the diet, which has a bigger impact on your weight than even exercise.

According to experts, the humble dals present in our kitchen can be beneficial in losing weight. Here is a list of five such dals that you must include alternatively in your daily diet, to lose weight successfully and easily.

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Four dals that are best for weight loss - Times of India

Keto diet: The lazy keto diet that helps you lose weight without calorie counting – Express

Posted: June 24, 2020 at 2:45 am

All weight loss plans involve some kind of effort, whether its cooking up recipes that youre not used to, shrinking down your portion sizes or upping your fitness game. The keto diet plan, which has grown in popularity over recent years, requires dieters to really watch what they eat, as well as working out the maths of what goes onto their plate. But there is an alternative which could put an end to the stress and still help you reach your weight loss goals.

The ketogenic or keto diet involves cutting back on carbs, and eating a higher fat content than protein.

Sounds simple enough, but it relies on dieters working out a specific percentage of their food intake and tracking their macros.

The keto diet usually means sticking to a meal plan that gets you 70 to 75 percent of your calories from fat, 20 percent from protein, and as little as five to 10 percent from carbs.

Its this special formula that separates it from other low-carb plans such as the Atkins, and this combination is said to help the body to go into ketosis, where it will begin to burn fat for energy - helping you to lose weight.

READ MORE:Keto diet: Expert reveals the surprising downsides of low-carb diet

However, keeping track of exactly how many calories youre eating as well as exactly what the food composition is can take a lot of time.

Thats why some people have come up with the so-called lazy keto plan, which means only focusing on one of the numbers.

The lazy version of the plan involves the same high-fat foods, but means you only have to track the carbohydrates that youre eating.

This makes it much easier to stay on track and to stick with the diet, rather than giving up as it takes up too much time and energy.

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On the lazy keto diet, followers need to aim for five percent of their daily calories to come from carbohydrates, which works out at around 20 grams.

Then its just a case of getting the rest of your calories from high fat foods and some protein - but always with more fat than protein.

Followers of the plan have shared their success stories of how it has worked for them, with one mother of twins telling Womens Health that she lost almost 150 pounds on the diet.

Kimberly Powell, whose Instagram handle is @loving_lessofme_more, now has over 300,000 followers having shared her keto diet hacks.

The Arizona-based Instagrammer now shares body positivity posts and talks about how happy she is compared to when she first lost the weight.

The lazy keto hashtag also has hundreds of thousands of posts as people share their keto diet recipes and tips.

Some share what meals theyre having to keep carbs to a minimum, including coconut pancakes with as little as 1.3 grams of carbs per pancake.

Others are also sharing before and after photos of how they look now that they have seen dramatic weight loss results.

However, some experts have shunned the idea of the lazy keto diet and said its more like an adaptation of the Atkins diet.

Ketosis is difficult to maintain, but that is the goal of any keto diet in order to see the benefits.

Eating too much protein can also hinder your chances of entering the fat-burning mode, so you have to be aware of what youre eating even if youre not counting every calorie.

Other experts also warn of the side effects of the high-fat plan which may not suit everybody.

Anyone looking to start a new weight loss diet should consult a dietitian or doctor before starting, in case its not quite right for them.

Read more:
Keto diet: The lazy keto diet that helps you lose weight without calorie counting - Express

How pumpkin seeds help in weight loss and yummy ways to use them – Times of India

Posted: June 24, 2020 at 2:45 am

-Besides eating them on their own, Pumpkin seeds can be added to smoothies, Greek yogurt and fruit salads.

-They could be incorporated into regular meals by sprinkling them into salads, soups or cereals.

-Pumpkin seeds could also be used in baking, as an ingredient for sweet or savory bread and cakes.

-They could be blended with nutritional yeast, bread crumbs, and seasonings to make vegan Parmesan cheese.

-Crushed pumpkin seeds make a crunchy, flavorful coating for anything from flaky white fish to a hearty rack of lamb.

-Pumpkin seeds could be tossed with a mix of olive oil and savory spices from curry power to cayenne pepper roasted to create the ultimate bar snack.

-A handful of toasted Pumpkin seeds could be thrown into the food processor while blending hummus to add nutty richness.

See original here:
How pumpkin seeds help in weight loss and yummy ways to use them - Times of India

Protein-rich diet for weight loss: Potatoes are not as bad as you think – TheHealthSite

Posted: June 24, 2020 at 2:45 am

Several studies suggest that increasing your protein intake can help in weight loss and increasing muscle mass and strength. Eating protein-rich foods can make you feel full and satisfied for hours after eating. Protein also help boost metabolism and suppress hunger by reducing the levels of hunger hormone, and thus accelerate weight loss process. Because of these reasons, many dieticians recommend protein-rich diet for losing extra kilos and preventing muscle loss during weight loss. When we say protein-rich foods, you may think about dairy products, chicken, eggs, etc. No doubt these are great sources of proteins, but have you ever thought of potatoes or aloo? Also Read - Two shots of AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine may be the solution to the pandemic

Potatoes are usually considered an enemy by those who are on a weight loss journey. But researchers from the McMaster University say potatoes can promote weight loss and help build muscle strength. According to them, potatoes, which is usually regarded as a starchy vegetable, contain high-quality proteins, though in small quantity. The findings of their study appeared in the journal Nutrients. Also Read - COVID-19: How to wear a face mask in the hot summer months

For their study, the McMaster University researchers roped in young women in their early twenties. While one group consumed diets containing protein at the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of 0.8 grams of protein/per kilogram/day, the other group was given additional potato protein, doubling their intake of the RDA to 1.6g/kg/d. Surprisingly, women who consumed the additional potato protein showed increased rate of protein growth in muscles. Also Read - COVID-19 Live Updates: Cases in India surge to 4,56,183 as death toll reaches 14,476

This shows that the recommended daily allowance of protein is inadequate to support maintenance of muscle in these young women, the researchers said. Also, the researchers noted that their study provides evidence that the quality of proteins from plants can support muscle.

Today, many people are moving away from animal-based proteins and switching to plant-based substitutes. If youre one of them, potatoes can be an excellent choice.

Most people consider potato as a carb laden food, which can make us gain weight. But this is not entirely true. In fact, potatoes can prove to be very beneficial to your health, if eaten the right way and pay attention to the calorie count. Wait! Dont open that packet of chips. Were talking about the vegetable without the oil.

Potatoes are not inherently bad, but when they are smothered in cheese, mashed with mayo and deep-fried, it loses its good properties. Here are some benefits of potatoes and how to include a healthier preparation of potatoes in your diet:

Next time you cook potatoes, dont peel off the skin. The potato skin is rich in potassium, which can help in lowering blood pressure. Bake the vegetable to get the maximum benefit. Experts say one large potato baked with the skin on, contains at least 1,600mg of potassium, which is nearly half the recommended amount for a day.

Potatoes are also a good source of vitamin C, which is essential for your immunity system. One medium-sized potato can provide 45 per cent of your daily requirement of vitamin C. Studies have also shown that having adequate amounts of vitamin C can stop the secretion of stress hormones and keep stress away.

Thanks to the fibre content in its skin, potatoes can help in keeping your heart healthy and boosts digestion. Contrary to what many people think, potatoes are fat-free, sodium-free and low in sugar. For your information one medium-sized potato contains just about 1g of sugar. But if youre going to fry the vegetable, and add loads of unhealthy fat and salt, it will turn into a bad diet food.

Published : June 23, 2020 4:34 pm | Updated:June 24, 2020 12:06 pm

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Protein-rich diet for weight loss: Potatoes are not as bad as you think - TheHealthSite

Tom Kerridge on love, weight loss and the restaurant crisis: ‘There will be some horrific casualties’ – The Guardian

Posted: June 24, 2020 at 2:45 am

The mix maybe hasnt risen enough, or the tin is too big, says Tom Kerridge. Is it a wholemeal flour?

Its not every day that an affable Michelin-starred celebrity chef drops by, even if it is via the power of Zoom, and it just happens to coincide with my lockdown loaf emerging from the oven. Of course, I share the magic moment. Its not my proudest attempt at sourdough todays is under-risen, possibly overdone, not entirely un-brick-like.

It looks quite dense, Id be looking for something a bit more Kerridge, so chatty on the telly, suddenly seems lost for words. It looks quite rustic, he says, finally, before adding: And bread is supposed to be rustic.

Correctly rustic Ill take that. But this isnt about me and my fabulous sourdough; its about him, his restaurants, other restaurants and what future they have, if any.

As well as the television and the books, Kerridge, 46, has restaurants in London and Manchester, plus a brace of seriously foody pubs in Marlow, Buckinghamshire. The affluent Thameside town is also where he lives with his wife, sculptor Beth Cullen-Kerridge, and their four-and-a-half-year-old son, where his offices are and where he Zooms from today. He is wearing a grey sweatshirt and looks healthy and quite trim, with no extra lockdown weight.

Kerridge hasnt always been trim. A bacchanalian lifestyle (including sinking 15 pints a night) took its toll until, approaching 40 and weighing 30 stone, he realised he would be pushing daisies before he reached 50 unless he got a grip on his life. So thats what he did. Over a couple of years he offloaded about 12 stone via his own recipe for weight loss that involves a low-carb diet, loads of exercise and abstinence. Tom Kerridges dopamine diet he called it in his 2017 book.

I havent been able to get to the gym, obviously, and I havent got any free weights at home, so Ive lost a load of strength but Ive taken up running, he tells me. I hate every minute of it. Im not built for running but I try to do 20, maybe 25k a week. I make myself do it and I feel better when its done.

What about the diet? The deep-fat fryer did come out last night, he admits, to make fish and chips with his son. I didnt eat the chips. I did have bits of the fish but it was a very thin batter.

And the dopamine levels? Up and down. He has enjoyed time with the family, cooking, tea at home, family bike rides. But there is a really dark cloud floating above it. Theres something not quite right, he says. Its like being on a really shit holiday.

Working in a restaurant is more than a job. It defines you as a person, like being an artist or an actor or a sportsman, he says. Take that away and a big part of you has gone. He filled some of the void by setting up a charitable fund, making meals to serve NHS staff in local hospitals. It has been helpful, not just for the frontline health workers who have been able to sit down for five minutes and eat something that didnt come from a vending machine, but also for the members of his own staff who volunteered. It allowed them to feel they are still doing something proactive, cooking every day. I know we were out on Thursday nights clapping, but this felt like a physical opportunity to give somebody something back.

Restaurants and pubs, the whole hospitality industry, probably couldnt have been hit any harder. Its been a huge wake-up call, he says. Everyone knows the story that two out of three restaurants dont make it through the first year after opening. But everyone sees a busy restaurant and assumes its making loads of money. Most busy restaurants are just about surviving. If youre making 10% net profit on turnover youre seen to be doing good; 10% net profit is such a small margin.

Kerridge is reasonably happy with the government so far, from a business point of view, if not a public health one. His staff are nearly all on furlough, the grants have helped, but the future is massively uncertain. Theres going to be some horrific casualties, close friends, maybe us, who knows? We dont know, until we can open, what the appetite is going to be like for going out.

He says its hard to guess which businesses are most at risk. Theres the restaurant that has to borrow from the government just to reopen, and will then have to make a profit to repay the loan. Or those that had just opened when this happened; or even if you were an incredibly successful restaurateur but had just borrowed to open another restaurant and now cant fund the borrowing. Size is no guarantee of survival; Kerridge points to the report that Pret a Manger was looking to negotiate rents. If theyre having to do it, that means the little guys will have to. Each individual business will have its own sense of vulnerability, why and how it can come through this or why it cant.

If this all sounds incredibly gloomy, Kerridge himself doesnt. Yes, there are black clouds, worries, uncertainties, difficult decisions, but he admits that there is a part of him that finds it quite exciting. Its a little bit like when youre a young chef and youre in service on a Saturday night, theres a sense of fear. Fear about whether youre going to be able to make it through? It is kind of like that, just a bit more serious with a lot more money involved.

But restaurants arent all about money. It runs deeper, its about love and passion and connection to human beings. Youre in the hospitality industry because you like being with other people. There is something very special about working in restaurants, youre operating to give people a great time.

How exactly they are going to operate in order to give people a great time still isnt clear. Kerridge is hoping to be opening in some form as soon as he can, but the guidelines and protocol arent in place no one knows if its going to have to be 1 metre or 2 metres between tables, so he doesnt know what his capacity is going to be, or even whether diners will be ready to come out. How many staff hes going to be employing will ultimately depend on these things.

His pubs will have wooden screens between tables, which he says will be in line with them, as he doesnt want them to feel too different. Eating out is about enjoying yourself, he says. If you make it just about the process, in a sterile and uninviting environment, you may as well just go to a motorway service station.

But behind the scenes it will be more clinical: temperature checks for staff when they come in, questionnaires about symptoms. They need to feel safe, they need to feel cared for, they need to feel loved.

Care, love, social connectivity, these are words that come up a lot when Kerridge talks about his work and the people he works with. He gets very cross when they get referred to in parliament as low-skilled workers. If they think its low-skilled, I wouldnt mind seeing Boris Johnson or Priti Patel come in working the sauce section of the Hand and Flowers. Come and cook 70 perfect pieces of meat on a Saturday night and then tell me its low-skilled.

Surely the question should be: Why is food so cheap? Why can you buy a packet of chicken breasts for 1.99?

If coronavirus has shone a light on the vulnerability of the hospitality sector, it has also highlighted its importance, not least because of the millions of jobs involved in the industry and those connected to it. Hospitality is built on farming and producers, without us open these guys are losing so much. The knock-on effect is massive.

He thinks there will be more recognition of the process and people involved from the farmers to waiters and that good food costs money. When people ask why food is so expensive, surely the question should be: Why is food so cheap? Why can you buy a packet of chicken breasts for 1.99?

No chlorinated chicken at the Hand and Flowers then? Absolutely not, were going to be going the other way. I want to be even closer to the producer, the guy looking after the chickens. I want to be even more connected to the people we get things from, to a human being rather than a process.

There they are again, those human connections. We want and need to be out, saying hello to each other, having that connection. So the hospitality industry will survive, its not going to just shut. There will be some harsh realities and casualties, whether its restaurant groups or individual staff, there will be some very big bumps along the way. But we are a fantastic, forward-thinking, eclectic, diverse, rich, exciting industry that will adapt and come through the other side.

Taking a positive stance then, but he they, the industry need to, he says. Dont forget, this is a man who found positives in the burnt brick that came from my oven.

Tom Kerridge on love, weight loss and the restaurant crisis: 'There will be some horrific casualties' - The Guardian

Nigella Lawson weight loss: Diet plan TV chef used to shrink 2 dress sizes and lose 2st – Express

Posted: June 24, 2020 at 2:45 am

Nigella's favourite is yoga.

She told GoodHousing Keeping in an interview: "I do yoga three times a week. I have to do something I enjoy, otherwise I wouldnt do it."

She suggested the exercise is more appropriate for her age.

Nigella said: "The older I get the more I realise I have got to do lots of stretching. So even if Im not doing yoga, I make myself do lots of stretching.

Not only that, but the less meat a person ate the lower their body mass index (BMI) was likely to be.

What is more, the sort of animal product eaten is linked to higher BMI.

For example eating meat is linked more often to higher BMI than eating eggs, cheese and dairy.

The study found: "A person with a 1.2 point lower BMI on average either completely avoids certain animal products, such as the primary ones, and is on a vegetarian diet. Or she continues to eat meat and fish, but less often."

See the original post:
Nigella Lawson weight loss: Diet plan TV chef used to shrink 2 dress sizes and lose 2st - Express

75+ Healthy Foods for Back-to-Basics Wellness – Greatist

Posted: June 24, 2020 at 2:45 am

FoodNutrientsWhy its good for youapplesfiber, vitamin C, and antioxidantsAn apple a day, right? Itll fill you up between meals, keep you regular, and pack in some vitamins at the same time.avocadosHealthy fat alert! Avo also has potassium, fiber, and vitamin C.Fat is brain food. Do we really need another reason to order more avo toast? bananaspotassium, vitamin B-6, and fiberPotassium is essential for everything from brain function to heart health. Maybe the saying should be A banana a day blueberriesantioxidants and fiberThese juicy little numbers are packed with antioxidants to help you fight off sickness, among other benefits.orangesvitamin C, babyOranges are the OG vitamin C supplement. Vitamin C helps keep your immune system running smoothly.strawberriesvitamin C, fiber, and manganeseThese babies are low carb, delicious, and packed with vitamins. Need we say more?eggsprotein, protein, proteinEggs once had a bad reputation as a cholesterol bomb, but recent research suggests theyre perfectly healthy. Theyre also tiny packages of protein goodness.lean beefprotein + ironLean beef is the king of protein sources. The fact that its rich in energizing iron is the cherry on top.chicken breastsprotein + B-complex vitaminsChicken isnt as high in protein as lean beef, but it is lower in fat. Its an all-star in the protein department.lambprotein (again) + omega-3 fatty acidsMost lambs are grass-fed, which means theyre likely to be lean and packed with nutrients. The omega-3s are good for your heart.almondsvitamin E, antioxidants, magnesium, and fiberAside from adding a bit of protein, a handful of almonds boosts your vitamin and mineral intake. chia seedsGet this: 1 oz of chia seeds = 11 g of fiber + magnesium, calcium, and manganeseTheres a reason chia seed pudding is like a secret superfood dessert. Chia seeds keep your gut regular while loading you up with essential minerals.coconutsfiber and fatty acids (medium-chain triglycerides, aka MCTs, to be exact)Sure, coconuts taste like heaven. But their MCTs, which promote ketosis, really set this plant apart.macadamia nutshealthy fats, vitamins, and mineralsMacadamia nuts are crunchy and full of healthy nutrients like vitamin E and magnesium. walnutshealthy fatty acids, alpha-linolenic and linoleic acids, and other common nutty nutrientsResearch suggests eating walnuts on the reg could lower cholesterol, which can reduce your chance of a heart attack.asparagusvitamin KWhats better than popping a vitamin K supplement? Noshing on low carb, low cal roasted asparagus. bell peppersantioxidants + vitamin CThese colorful beauties boost your immune system in the crunchiest, yummiest way. broccolivitamins C and K, fiber, and even a bit of protein!Protein in a veggie? Plant eaters, enjoy your vitamin-induced healthy hair and immune boost on the side.carrotsbeta carotene, vitamin K, and antioxidantsThe same beta carotene that makes carrots orange will convert to vitamin A in your body, promoting healthy skin.cauliflowersulforaphane, fiber, and several mineralsResearch suggests sulforaphane (try saying that three times fast) could protect against heart disease.cucumbervitamin K and other nutrients plus, hydration!TBH, cukes are mostly water. This makes them a super-healthy low carb snack that also sneaks in a few vitamins.garlicbioactive organosulfur compoundsScience says bioactive compounds in this Italian cuisine mainstay are so powerful theyll weaken your cold and flu symptoms. Garlic knots 4evah.kalevitamins C and K, fiber, and is salad a nutrient?We all know leafy greens are the lifeblood of superfood green smoothies and crunchy summer salads. Kale is fibrous and rocking that vitamin life.onionsnutrient-dense full of a vitamin/mineral comboLove em or hate em, these bad boys offer a nutritional bang for your caloric buck. (See what we did there?)tomatoesvitamin C and potassiumIts a vitamin-rich fruit so low in sugar that it acts like a vegetable. How much more #wholesome could it be?salmonomega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and protein Did you know consuming omega-3s on the reg could help you live longer? Maximize your benefits by eating salmon on a bed of greens or with a helping of healthy berries and other fruits.sardinesLoaded with nutrients, sardines are a perfectly balanced food.Since you eat the whole sardine, you get the benefits of organs, bones, and brain nutrients. Yum!shellfishlots o protein, fatty acids, and micronutrients like B-12 and ironClams, mollusks, and oysters are nutritionally dense, so youll get a mini health boost in every bite.shrimpprotein, selenium, B-12, and moreThis is one of your best high protein, low fat hors doeuvre options. troutsame nutrients as salmon, different taste (variety is the spice of life!)Trout = a toast to long life, glowing skin, and strong muscles and bones!tunalean protein + all the amino acids your body desiresLow in fat and high in protein, tuna is energizing, heart-friendly, and super healthy in general. Just watch your mercury intake.brown ricefiber, vitamin B-1, and magnesiumTheres a reason brown rice is such a staple all around the world. Its an affordable, nutritious way to fill up on fiber.oatsbeta-glucan (nutritious fiber)Science says beta-glucan helps with high cholesterol. A 2011 review of studies found that people who ate oats with at least 3 g of beta-glucan daily reduced their LDL (bad) cholesterol by up to 7%.quinoafiber + magnesiumSuperfood alert! Quinoa is on the A-list of health foods for its tasty take on plant-based protein and fiber.Ezekiel breadpacked with healthy whole grains and legumesWhile many breads are full of simple carbs, Ezekiel bread is made from organic sprouted whole grains. homemade low carb breadsgrains, fiber, and any extra nutrients you throw in The healthiest bread is probs the one you whip up yourself. But stick to nutritionally dense ingredients like whole grains, sprouted grains, and nutrient-packed nuts and beansa rich source of vitamins A, C, and K.Its important to rinse and drain canned green beans to reduce sodium content.kidney beansfiber, vitamins, mineralsLike green beans, kidney beans offer a veg-tastic protein option. Just make sure to cook them fully raw kidney beans are literally toxic.lentilsfiber + proteinLentils are a vegan favorite because theyre tasty, versatile, and full of meatless protein.peanutsantioxidants + proteinPeanuts are an easy, breezy energy boost just watch the salt.cheesecalcium, protein, and (sometimes!) probioticsLet all the cheesemongers breathe a sigh of relief. Despite getting bashed as a tummy-turning artery clogger, certain types of fromage are great for strengthening your bones and boosting gut health.whole milkcalcium, healthy fats, vitamins, and mineralsCalcium strengthens your bones, teeth, and muscles. yogurtprobiotics FTW!Yogurt is the OG tonic for good gut health.butter (from grass-fed cows!)calcium, vitamin K-2, and omega-3 fatty acidsResearch suggests vitamin K-2 could be beneficial for bone health and heart health. And springing for grass-fed butter means youre getting more vitamin K, healthy fats, and omega-3s.coconut oilMCTs, baby!MCTs are known to help with memory, and coconut oil itself could help burn belly fat.EVOO (extra-virgin olive oil)antioxidants + monounsaturated fatsThe healthy fats in extra-virgin olive oil give your body the fat it needs without all the stuff it doesnt. It doesnt hurt to have a few antioxidants on the side! potatoespotassium, vitamin C, and other vitamins and mineralsAside from nourishing your body with healthy vitamins and minerals, potatoes are just plain satisfying. In a 1995 study of 38 foods, boiled potatoes took the prize as most filling!sweet potatoesantioxidants, fiber, B vitamins, and several other micronutrientsSweet potatoes are often touted as being healthier than their basic white counterparts. In reality, theyre equally healthy. But sweet potatoes have a lower glycemic index, in case youre watching your blood sugar. apple cider vinegaracetic acidACV is praised as an immune booster, a weight loss elixir, and more.dark chocolatemagnesium + oodles of antioxidantsCan we just say that dark chocolate is the healthiest dessert on the planet? Since science says the cacao seeds are a legit super fruit, yes, yes we can.

Read the rest here:
75+ Healthy Foods for Back-to-Basics Wellness - Greatist

Homemade weight loss shakes to help stay in shape – Times of India

Posted: June 24, 2020 at 2:45 am

The best thing about making shakes is that you can use any fruit as per your taste preference, but at the same time adding fruits that can blend well without causing any reaction are the ones you should add to your shakes and smoothies. If you want to give your body the much needed boost of energy post workout, then this Papaya Banana Pomegranate shake is perfect for you.

To make this easy shake, take a juicer, add 400 gm pomegranate seeds and extract the juice. Next, cut papaya and banana, take a blender, add the fresh fruits along with pomegranate juice, blend all this into a smooth blend.

Next, add in chopped almonds and cashew nuts, then add 3 tablespoon condensed milk. If you want to make it a bit more healthy, then replace condensed milk with unsweetened fat milk and to add some sweetness you can add some honey. Blend it all again with some crushed ice and serve chilled. This heavy shake can be a perfect healthy meal replacement.

Both pomegranate and papaya are a good source of fiber, folate, magnesium and other vitamins, which will give your body the right amount of nutrition to stay energized and hydrated throughout the day. Moreover, the addition of nuts will add a tasty twist and amp up the health quotient of your shake.

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Homemade weight loss shakes to help stay in shape - Times of India

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