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Living with stones in my body – The Citizen

Posted: June 22, 2020 at 1:45 pm

By Tasneem Hassanali

One night in early September 2017, 11.00 pm I woke up with cold sweat on palms and forehead. I assumed it is just another pregnancy outcome. I had just entered my third trimester.

I felt pain with each deep breath and back aches. And there was that hot, tight, sore spot right above my belly. I woke my husband up, telling him I cant breathe.

I press hard on the center of the pain, close my eyes tight and wait. My heartbeat echoes gently up my fingertips. Is it a heart attack?

Whats going on, I think aloud. The sweats drying, and I can fill my lungs without doubling over from the pain. Its 10 minutes past 11, Im okay.

A week later, at 1.00 am, repeat of above. I am not okay. The pain lasted for more than 10 minutes.

My husband, trying to rub my back but it doesnt seem to be of any help. I cry, shout in pain couldnt understand why the body is suddenly acting this way. The throbbing beneath my breastbone got worse.

Is it acidity, which is a common thing in pregnancy, I think aloud again. The pain lasted for an hour, before I could ease back to sleep. 2.00 am and I am sound asleep.

3 weeks later, at 12.00 pm, in the office, repeat of the above. It was now time to call the doctor but how would I describe the pain to him if I didnt understand what was going on.

Few of my colleagues helped me to ease the pain but it got worse with vomiting. We normalised it as acidity or alike but the pain lasted for hours this time. I was alright by 7.00 pm.

I had just finished nursing my one-month-old baby, when my mother found me on the floor not just squealing but screaming of pain.

It was the same all over. I was rushed to the hospital at wee hours but the doctors couldnt understand why the acidity and pain medications werent working. We were still ruling it out as acidity. I was alright by morning, once again.

My baby had just turned four-months-old when I found myself being rushed to the hospital once again. The pain attack was back.

This time, the doctors suspected something else when they ran some lab tests and history. I was separated from my baby for about 5 days as I was put under-observation, surviving only on IV fluids. I was still breastfeeding my baby and I didnt know what hurt more being separated from the baby and not able to breastfeed her or throbbing under my breastbone.

My surgeon comes up to me and tells me that they are suspecting passing of gallstones. I say, What, gallstones, me? Isnt that for older women?

My mother is a living testament of bearing gallstones within her for God knows how many years now.

I have read every word of every mother-to-be and mother-in-progress book in the English language. How have I escaped knowing that oestrogen levels surge after delivery that can cause many new mothers to develop gall stones?

MRCP imaging technique revealed that I have three gall bladder stones between the size of 0.75cm and 0.97cm.

According to Dr Amritbir Singh, General and Laproscopic surgeon based in Dar es Salaam, 80 per cent of gallstones are made of cholesterol. The other 20 per cent of gallstones are made of calcium salts and bilirubin.

Dr Singh further explains that gallstones are hardened deposits of digestive fluid that can form in your gallbladder. Your gallbladder is a small, pear-shaped organ on the right side of your abdomen, just beneath your liver.

The gallbladder holds a digestive fluid called bile thats released into your small intestine.

Gallstones range in size from as small as a grain of sand to as large as a golf ball. Some people develop just one gallstone, while others develop many gallstones at the same time.

They affect more women, but men are at risk too

When my surgeon first explained to me about gallbladder disease and stones, he mentioned about the 4 Fs that weigh in the fact that women are more at a risk to develop gallbladder stones than men.

These are: Female, Fertile, Fat and Forty. Research shows that women are more likely to develop cholesterol gallstones than men, especially during their reproductive years, when the incidence of gallstones in women is 2-3 times that in men.

Dr Singh explains that the difference appears to be attributable to sex hormone oestrogen, which increases biliary cholesterol secretion, pregnancy is also a major risk factor for gallstone formation.

Oral contraceptives have also been described to be associated with an increased risk for gallstone disease.

Other risk factors Dr Singh explains as, Other factors raise your risk, too. For instance, overweight people are more susceptible since gallstone formation is associated with excess weight, which is often a result of consuming too many high-fat and high-calorie foods. Genes also play a factor. Anyone with a family history of gallstones is at a higher risk.

Additionally, he explains that taking certain medications that contain estrogen, such as oral contraceptives or hormone therapy drugs can increase your risk too.

The change in my lifestyle

I was advised to adopt a low-fat diet to manage my stones before I decide whether I want to have my gallbladder removed or not. This meant anything with cream, whole milk, fat not allowed. I completely cut down on red meat, fatty foods (including the love I had for cheese) and milk.

Dr Singh advises that whether people are symptomatic or asymptomatic, or whether you want to prevent gallbladder disease or stones one needs to drink enough water (about 2.5litres a day), eat a balanced diet, include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, wholegrain foods are encouraged and one needs to cut down completely on saturated fats that can include butter and noodles.

This type of balanced diet with regular meals is recommended. This will not cure gallstones, but it can have a positive impact on any symptoms and pain experienced.

A laparoscopic gallbladder removal, the only possible treatment option for symptomatic gallbladder stones that I was recommended.

But over these years, I have seen my mother live with the gallbladder stones whether in pain or not and till date it keeps me in a dilemma whether I should have my gallbladder removed surgically or not.

I have consulted many doctors, some advice I should go for it, others say stay with it. It has been about 2 years since my last pain attack, I have been trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle but I still wonder and fear when the next pain attack will be. I still have my gallbladder intact with my three stones floating inside I still wonder what to do.

Dr Singh says, A patients treatment plan for gallstones depends on how the symptoms are affecting their daily life. There are stages.

He further explains the stages:

1. Lithogenic State: This is known as the pre-gallstone state.

The conditions inside your gallbladder favour gallstone production, but nothing has formed quite yet. Its kind of like seeing the rain clouds on the horizon, but unlike the weather, you can do something about it. Exercise and eating a healthy diet full of leafy vegetables, fruits, whole grains and beans. Avoid high fat diets.

2. Asymptomatic stage: This is the stage we referenced above. Many people may be dealing with asymptomatic gallstone formation and not even know it.

This could occur because the gallstones are very small and still able to pass through the biliary tract and be expelled, or because they arent causing major blockage.

3. Symptomatic stage: In the third stage, you will begin dealing with what is described as episodes of biliary colic or bile duct blockage.

Your pain will not be constant, and may seem to go in waves, especially after eating a meal. If youre experiencing pain in your abdomen and you suspect you may have gallstones, head to an endocrine specialists office. Some minor cases may resolve with medications, but oftentimes surgery is the preferred route.

4. Complicated stage: Choleithasis is the medical term for gallstone development, and in the final stage the condition is complicated and potentially dangerous. The bile cant flow out of the gallbladder which can lead to inflammation and disease.

We have to categorise each patient as to which stage they are at and then advise medical management accordingly.

This can include strict diet, medications, shock wave lithotripsy [ultrasonic shock waves are aimed at the gallstones, which break them up. If gallstones become small enough, they can then pass safely in the stools. This type of treatment is uncommon and is only used when there are few gallstones present] and in some cases surgery, Dr Singh explains.

Dr Singh gives the following tips:

You can reduce your risk of gallstones if you:

Dont skip meals. Try to stick to your usual mealtimes each day. Skipping meals or fasting can increase the risk of gallstones.

Lose weight slowly. If you need to lose weight, go slow. Rapid weight loss can increase the risk of gallstones. Aim to lose 1 or 2 pounds (about 0.5 to 1 kilogram) a week.

Eat more high-fiber foods. Include more fiber-rich foods in your diet, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Maintain a healthy weight. Obesity and being overweight increase the risk of gallstones.

Work to achieve a healthy weight by reducing the number of calories you eat and increasing the amount of physical activity you get. Once you achieve a healthy weight, work to maintain that weight by continuing your healthy diet and continuing to exercise.

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Living with stones in my body - The Citizen

5 Expert Barre Workout Tips to Improve Your Sweat Sessions – Yahoo Lifestyle

Posted: June 22, 2020 at 1:45 pm

Young asian woman practicing yoga in living room

I wouldn't consider my go-to barre workout to be a high-risk activity for injuries. Still, without an instructor at home to correct my form, I know the potential is there. Talking to Elements Fitness Studio barre trainer Darby Fulcher further opened my eyes to some poor workout habits I've formed - and usually dismiss - that could lead to muscle tightness or strains.

I know I'm not the only one who skips cooldowns or starts to sag midplank, so when Fulcher offered some tips for improving my home barre workout sessions, I felt compelled to spread the word.

Related: 7 Low-Space, No-Equipment Barre Workouts to Ignite That Sweet, Sweet Burn in Every Muscle

If working out from home means you only have access to one set of heavy dumbbells, Fulcher believes it's better to skip the weights or opt for lighter alternatives instead.

"Using weights that are too heavy can affect your form, causing you to raise your shoulders or yank the weights up to try to complete the exercise, which can lead to injuries," she says.

Since barre prioritizes higher rep counts, it's important to use lighter weights (Fulcher recommends between two and five pounds) to create lean muscles.

"If you don't have lighter weights, consider swapping out your heavy set with water bottles or cans as an alternative, or lower the amount of reps you do so that you can maintain your form and prevent injuries," she adds.

Chances are you don't have a ballet barre at home - I surely do not. Fulcher says that alternatives, like a chair or tabletop, are encouraged for balance as long as you're maintaining proper posture.

"Barres in studios are set up to be at a height where you can rest your hands on the barre without having to pitch forward or backward. When using a chair, it might be a bit lower than the typical barre, so really think about your form,"

Her trick: imagine there is a string coming out of the top of your head that reaches up to the ceiling. Lower just your arms (not your upper body) to meet your makeshift barre, and use your core to stabilize. If the chair or counter still feels too low, Fulcher says to move to the wall where you can place your hands at the proper height for balance.

Story continues

We've all experienced shaky planks - you're engaging your core, arms, back, and legs to maintain good form when the muscle fatigue hits. According to Fulcher, the minute you sink into your shoulders and your head drops toward the mat, you're putting yourself at risk for neck and back strain. At that point, your neck is being pulled down by gravity instead of supported by your muscles.

If you feel yourself sag midplank, Fulcher suggests pressing your palms into the mat as if you're pushing it away and holding your gaze about six inches beyond your fingertips to ensure your head stays in alignment with your spine.

There are several ways you can tone your glutes through barre - but, many of those moves allow for the same mistake, Fulcher says.

"When lying on your side doing poses like clamshell, where you're mostly working your top leg, it's common to roll back on the hip, opening the hips up toward the ceiling."

When doing this, Fulcher says you won't feel the exercises as deeply, because gravity is doing some of the work for you.

"Think of stacking your hips, one on top of the other, and create a navel-to-spine connection to stabilize yourself as your lower body moves around," she adds.

By exiting out of your virtual barre class early, you're only doing yourself a disservice - Fulcher says that the cooldown portion of your workout is "vital."

"You're not allowing your muscles the proper recovery time, which can leave you feeling stiff and sore. Stick it out, and give the cooldown the same amount of love and attention you'd give to the rest of the class," she says.

Click here for more health and wellness stories, tips, and news.

Read this article:
5 Expert Barre Workout Tips to Improve Your Sweat Sessions - Yahoo Lifestyle

How to lose weight in legs quickly and effectively: TOP 5 tips – The Times Hub

Posted: June 22, 2020 at 1:44 pm

Learn how to lose weight fast in my legs at home

Anna Kovpak

the editor of the Psychology/Wellness

How to lose weight in legs and thighs? And even on the priest and a little on my stomach? This question confronts many women literally shortly after a heated and lengthy feasts, celebrating Christmas and new year holidays, Hiking on the property, eating candy and Goodies. And now to this list we could add the quarantine-isolation, during which many have tried to gain weight but have managed not all.

And to replace the important question, what to cook, comes no less vital problem how to quickly lose weight in the legs? Read our article with helpful tips, do the exercises, follow the diet and lose weight on health!

How to lose weight in legs

Before you start to lose weight in the legs, you must understand a simple truth: fail to lose weight purely locally, in a single place legs, or hips. Will have to drop the weight and regain a slender entire body.

For starters, lets introduce the rules that will help in General to lose weight and not gain weight even more than you already are. About them told the fitness coach Anita Lutsenko in his Instagram.

Now lets talk about tricks that will help you to lose weight in legs and thighs.

If you are aiming to lose weight in the legs, it is important to focus on the combustion of subcutaneous fat and combating cellulite, which attacks the legs, thighs and ass.

To do this, select either a high protein diet, for example, the Dukan diet, the Kremlin or the paleo diet. This way of eating well nourishes the body, helps fight sweet tooth and also compensates for the consumption of muscle protein during exercise and promotes the formation of new muscles.

A healthy diet is important to comply with all

But dont overdo it, eating a diet solely low carb diet, because it carries serious health risks associated with violation of metabolism, as well as deficit of nutritional resources for the brain and nervous system.

Your diet should be balanced. Thus, refrain from sweet, flour, baking based on refined products oil, sugar, and cereals, fast food, popcorn, chips and other sources of hydrogenated fats and high-calorie convenience foods.

Trick how to lose weight in legs and butt. Make it a rule, as soon as your hand reached for a harmful product, for example, bread or biscuits, do 20 sit-UPS. So you can work off the excess calories and become attuned to the discipline and sport.

So we are off the diet gradually moved to the physical education lessons. For the entire body in General and legs in particular very useful to walk. This is the most simple and feasible load, which will help to keep your muscles toned thighs and legs.

Very useful and effective for weight loss is swimming in the pool this activity is well stimulates the muscles of the legs.

Swimming and walking is an aerobic exercise, during which the body gets energy from oxygen: glucose is oxidised, fat is burned faster, the mood is markedly improved, the effect of regular training repeatedly grows.

How to lose weight in legs

In just a week, the second active walking in the fresh air will allow you to feel a noticeable effect and slimming the legs and thighs.

Also useful for losing weight in legs daily fitness workout in 15-30 minutes: squats, leg swings, jumping rope, running in place, Cycling etc. However, doing sports, do not overdo it with the load, because then your legs will pump up the muscle, but to look lean will not be.

The extra weight that has accumulated in the thighs and legs in women, is manifested in the form of cellulite. Tissue dehydration can cause orange peel effect becomes more noticeable. Therefore, it is important to adjust your drinking regime.

How to lose weight in the legs above the knees and to get rid of cellulite? Daily drink about 1.5 liters of pure non-carbonated water, optimally in small portions at 20 to 30 ml several times per hour.

How to lose weight in legs

If you have a sedentary lifestyle, and most of the time you spend in a sedentary position behind a Desk in the office, the muscles in your legs gradually weaken, lose their shape and appeal.

The conclusion is simple: try to spend more time not sitting and standing, make history, change your posture and engage in at least short term exercises- squats, leg swings. Also a good tool for diversity in the work Desk with adjustable height.

A good tool to temporarily create the appearance of skinny legs can act as shapewear and slimming clothing. Such clothes not only shapes a feminine silhouette, creating a more slender hips, but also has antivarikozny effect, rescuing from the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle. Although the problem of thick legs, it is not clear.

Will the abandonment of sugar to lose weight watch the video:

Meanwhile we figured out how to run in the heat.

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The rest is here:
How to lose weight in legs quickly and effectively: TOP 5 tips - The Times Hub

LeptoConnect Reviews Can it really speed up the weight loss process? –

Posted: June 22, 2020 at 1:44 pm

Miami, Florida, United States, June 22 2020 (Wiredrelease) Health Spotlight Is the inner voice thats nagging you to stop eating disappointing you? Have all dietary control tactics and exercises you promise to follow end up being a complete failure?

Its time to finally smile and breathe a sigh of relief as LeptoConnect is a weight loss solution you had been waiting for.

This supplement triggers a Fat Blaster brain molecule that acts as the key to speed up the bodys metabolism and target the underlying cause of stubborn body fat and uncontrolled eating habits.

LeptoConnect uses only a hundred percent natural ingredients in its effective formula that will help you achieve your target weight, without having any side-effects on your performance. In addition to blasting fat, this supplement also exerts overwhelming background benefits on the body that also make it a comprehensive multivitamin for fulfilling nutrient deficiencies that you might be facing.

This review on LeptoConnect covers every aspect of the supplement including its working mechanism, ingredients used in its recipe, price and availability, and the expected benefits that are projected to follow its use. It is recommended that you read this entire review till the end to make a more enlightened decision as to why LeptoConnect is the ultimate weight loss solution.

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How does LeptoConnect work inside the body?

The research team behind the development of LeptoConnect has designed this supplement to target the root cause of persistent body fat. It is specially formulated for those individuals who have failed in achieving their weight loss targets despite taking all precautions in their diets and following a healthy exercise regimen.

The working mechanism behind LeptoConnect is its ability to address Leptin Resistance, an increasingly common health condition that slows down metabolism and deposits ugly fat in the body.

Leptin resistance is a medical condition in which the body fails to detect appropriate levels of leptin in the bloodstream. Leptin is a vital hormone that performs the crucial function of appetite regulation in the body. With higher levels of this hormone, the body feels satisfied with the portion size of the meal that is eaten, moderating an individuals dietary intake.

When disruptions occur in the production and detection of this hormone, the brain falsely assumes that the bodys cells are starving and not getting enough nutrients. In response to this wrong assumption, the breakdown of fat and carbohydrates is slowed down to conserve as much energy as possible to enable the body to carry out vital functions for performing daily activities.

LeptoConnect addresses this failure of information transmission within the body. The ingredients used in it not only enhance the functioning of the communication networks of the brain but also enhance metabolism and boost energy levels in the body. The combined effect of all these changes brought about by LeptoConnect is a drastic reduction in the weight of individuals combating stubborn body fat.

READ: Latest Report Reveals Shocking Facts about LeptoConnect

What are Ingredients used in the formula of LeptoConnect?

The research team behind the formulation of LeptoConnect handpicked 29 natural ingredients with a distinctive set of benefits that work to dismantle leptin resistance, the underlying cause of uncontrolled weight gain in the body.

Each of these ingredients is derived from natural sources, is bioavailable and potent in nature. Due to this property, the ingredients are absorbed quickly and efficiently by the body to start showing immediate results. This happens mainly due to the fact that nature has programmed the human body to naturally absorb every nutrient that is beneficial for its survival quickly like a sponge.

The following is a list of ingredients used in the formula of LeptoConnect that make it a suitable weight loss supplement for every age group hoping to shed away excess pounds packed on their bodies:

Shitake, Maitake and Reishi Mushrooms

A powerful combination and carefully determined ratio of these three sacred mushrooms is incorporated in the recipe of LeptoConnect.

For centuries, these medicinal mushrooms have been used as food for the brain and body and are widely recognized for their immunomodulatory, antiviral, antidiabetic, and antimicrobial properties.

Found in Maitake, D-Fraction is a vital component that improves the immune system of the body. Its properties enable it to combat other health conditions like hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and hepatitis.

With its carefully determining ratios, maitake mushrooms enable LeptoConnect to burn more fat for energy, speeding up the metabolic breakdown of fat deposits in the body, bringing about a fast weight loss in individuals.

Shitake is packed with vitamin B and promotes tissue growth for improving the transmission and reception of leptin signals in the body. In addition, these mushrooms also have anti-inflammatory properties which enable them to combat joint pain, neuropathy, blood sugar as well as aid them to moderate high cholesterol levels in the body.

These appetite-regulating mushrooms promote a state of satiety in the body, a physiological response that helps in moderating food intake.

Additional benefits of these mushrooms include their ability to enhance brain function and reduce the discomfort caused by degenerative health conditions like dementia, brain fog and memory loss.

Reishi encourages a healthier immune function in the body. These mushrooms also inhibit fat storage in the body, making weight loss an easier process for the users of LeptoConnect.

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Graviola Leaves

This ingredient of LeptoConnect is packed with anti-oxidative properties and enhances gastrointestinal health. It helps to keep the body feeling fuller for a longer period, allowing the users of LeptoConnect to avoid unnecessary snack munching and overeating.

The additional background benefits of this ingredient include blood sugar regulation, immunity enhancement, pain relief and much more.

Pygeum Africanum

Also known as African Cherry, this ingredient helps in improving inter-cellular communication in the body, by strengthening brain networks. This allows for better leptin detection by the brain, leading to a moderated diet for weight reduction.

Red Raspberries

Raspberries have high fiber content which makes them effective in keeping the body feel full for longer. With the elevated ketones present in this ingredient, they reduce appetite efficiently helping in reducing weight. They are particularly effective in melting fat from the belly area.

Cats Claw

Cats Claw promotes the health of the nervous system and strengthens its communication networks. This allows ineffective leptin production and detection, regulating diet and reducing are related to mental degeneration. This shields the body from dangerous health conditions like dementia and Alzheimers.

Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto is an extract of the berries in the saw palmetto trees. It has been used as a popular supplement to treat health conditions like BPH, hair loss, and neuropathy. This ingredient makes an essential part of the blend in LeptoConnect.

In addition to these ingredients, the formula of LeptoConnect also incorporates some essential vitamins like B6 and E, also Zinc and copper that provide support to the body and fulfil any nutritional deficiencies that may arise in the rapid weight loss process.

For more details on these packages, visit their official website now.

Pros of choosing LeptoConnect as a weight loss solution

LeptoConnect has helped thousands of people get back their confidence by finally eradicating the embarrassing excess pounds that stuck with them for ages.

The following is a small list of only some of the most reported benefits that were registered by the users of this supplement:

Works fast- in just 30 days users were able to lose a significant amount of weight There are no side-effects Their brain function and mental focus improved Belly fat was removed completely Cholesterol, blood sugar and hormonal balance markers were improved

Are there any risks?

Expected shortage due to high demand Only available online Consultation with healthcare experts recommended for people suffering from severe health conditions


LeptoConnect is available in three attractive price bundles, allowing users more freedom to choose their most preferred option.

Basic- 1 bottle

Buy 1 bottle, for $59 each

Total: $59

Best Value- 6 bottles

buy 6 bottles for $39 each

total: $234

2 bottles of LeptoConnect Colon Cleanse

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Most Popular- 3 bottles

buy 3 bottles for $49 each

total: $147

1 bottle of LeptoConnect Colon Cleanse

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Final Words

With the growing exposure to pollutants and stressors, normal bodily functions like hormonal balance, brain function, and endurance are getting increasingly disrupted. LeptoConnect is designed after taking all of these factors into consideration and is found to be very efficient in soothing all of these physiological conditions.

Coupled with a healthy diet and regular exercise, LeptoConnect will help you to melt away the stubborn fat so you can finally enjoy the confidence of a sexy and healthy body. Its appetite-regulating characteristic is a great help in maintaining the fat loss process and remain fit and healthy for years to come.

Visit the official website of LeptoConnect for more information, success stories and ordering details.

This content has been published by Health Spotlight company. The WiredRelease News Department was not involved in the creation of this content. For press release service enquiry, please reach us at

Read this article:
LeptoConnect Reviews Can it really speed up the weight loss process? -

Benefits of black pepper on your body – Outlook India

Posted: June 22, 2020 at 1:44 pm

Benefits of black pepper on your body

New Delhi, June 22 (IANSlife) Some foods are considerably healthier than others from a nutritional point of view, and healthcare professionals and nutritionists consider certain foods to be extra beneficial, a case in point being black pepper.

It is not only a useful flavouring element, but a rich source of minerals and nutrients. Most of everything, it''s easy to incorporate black pepper into your diet. If you are a fitness enthusiast looking to lose weight quickly, then you need to add black pepper to your daily menu.

Ever wondered why is black pepper known as the Spice King? Well, this spice has lots of advantages for your body.

Black pepper is a versatile product that stimulates senses, taste buds and affects many body systems positively. The thermogenic features increase the metabolism and strength and therefore boost physical and psychological capacity. There are plenty of benefits surrounding this spice and there is a reason why our ancestors had named it the ''King of Spice''.

Dietician Garima shares some healthy benefits of black pepper and how it can act as a disinfectant that can prevent many diseases.

Used in Ayurveda Medicine

Ayurveda remedies frequently contain the seasoning for its health benefits. Black pepper-in combination with substances like castor oil or ghee-is used as an appetite stimulant, a breathing aid, and a cough therapy.

Good for Digestion

Raw black pepper releases hydrochloric acid in the stomach and thus aids digestion. Hydrochloric acid can help you clean your intestines and helps in barricading other gastrointestinal disorders. So don''t forget to add a pinch of black pepper to all of your food.

Rich in Vitamins and Minerals

The nutritional content of black pepper is far more diverse than you might think. The innocuous-looking substance contains a generous quantity of vitamin A and is rich in vitamins C and K. Other nutrients in black pepper include Thiamin, Pyridoxine, Riboflavin, Folic acid, Choline, Copper, calcium etc.

Prevents Constipation

You may have constipation if you have fewer than three stools a week. However, adding some black pepper every day to your food can solve this problem. Sometimes when you suffer from constipation, you can get exhausted from passing stools or sometimes after passing stools, you may not feel empty. Therefore, black pepper once eaten on a regular basis, curbs bowel cancer, constipation, nausea, among certain bacterial forms of disorders.

HELPs in Weight Loss

The wonderful spice helps to lose weight, and you can add it to green tea 2-3 times a day. This is because the spice contains a rich content of phytonutrients that contributes to the destruction of excess fat. This increases the metabolism of the body as well.

Prevents Any Sort of Cancer

Black pepper combined with turmeric is believed to prevent cancer. It can be consumed in the form of milk by combining turmeric and black pepper. This drink is typically given to people who have extreme cold. This is known to be composed of antioxidants, vitamin A, and carotenoids that help prevent cancer and other deadly diseases

Treats Skin Problems

The ''King of Spices'' is said to prevent skin pigmentation (Vitiligo). This condition makes your skin appear white and this is also called white patches. Though there are many medicines available in the market to restore your skin colour, black pepper protects your skin from any sort of skin pigmentation and helps maintain the original colour of your skin.

So, for both taste and wellness, remember to add a little sprinkle of the wonderful spice to your meal. Make sure you only use the purest and most natural black pepper powder because it will not only make a tremendous difference to the food taste but also to your health. And, when you have a few sniffles and aches to deal with next time, take a look at your kitchen before heading out to your doctor. Maybe the little remedy is sitting pretty, right in your spice rack!

(Puja Gupta can be contacted at



Disclaimer :- This story has not been edited by Outlook staff and is auto-generated from news agency feeds. Source: IANS

Read the rest here:
Benefits of black pepper on your body - Outlook India

‘I Lost 125 Lbs. With Rachel Hollis’ Last 90 Days Challenge And Intuitive Eating’ – Women’s Health

Posted: June 22, 2020 at 1:44 pm

My name is Kiah Twisselman (@kiah_twisselman), and I am 27 years old. I live in San Luis Obispo, California, and Im a weight loss coach and owner of a creative marketing company called Burley & Barley, as well as a sixth generation cattle rancher at Twisselman Ranch. I was frustrated with my weight, so I decided to make some big changes. I've now lost 125 pounds.

I dont ever remember a time when I wasnt overweight growing up. I battled obesity most of my life. I was raised in rural California on my familys now seventh generation cattle ranch, an hour from the nearest grocery store, gas station, or high school. We were surrounded by wide open spaces, beautiful wildlife, and the most incredible home-cooked meals.

Food was comforting for me. I ate when I was sad, angry, excited, happy, boredyou name it. But my weight made doing normal things on the ranch difficult for me, whether that was lifting hay bales or feeding cattle, being able to mount a horse, or keep up with my brothers and cousins.

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

I did the Atkins diet with my parents. I yo-yo dieted off and on through high school and college. After so many failed attempts, I would eventually get to a point where I accepted that I was a victim to the poor genetic hand I was dealt, and that just maybe there was nothing I could do about it.

After college, I moved to Germany for a year. I remember how difficult it was for me to do simple things like walk from my host familys house to the university or even have the energy to explore at all. I love to travel, but my weight made fitting into airplane seats challenging and at one point I even had to ask for a seat belt extender, which felt like a new low for me.

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

I was also worried about my health. Diabetes and heart disease run in my family. I became complacent and just simply accepted that it wasnt if I were to get diabetes and/or heart disease, but when. I grew up in a big family, and I knew I wanted to have my own someday if possible. I would hear stories about overweight women struggling to get pregnant or stay pregnant, and I knew that if I wanted the best chances of being a mom one day, then I needed to start taking care of myself.

I had just bought Rachel Hollis Girl, Wash Your Face. On that one plane ride, I devoured it from start to finish. It was the words I needed at the time, and I was ready to receive them. It was a wake-up call for me that if I wanted to change anything about my lifemy health, my career, my relationshipsthen it was 100 percent up to me to do it. Instead of playing victim to my circumstancesmy job, my income, my geneticsI knew it was time that I take complete ownership of my choices.

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

She had what she called her 5 to Thrive, or five simple daily habits that she challenged you to do each day for the last 90 days of the year (read all about it here):

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

By the end of December, I had lost 25 pounds. For the first time in my life I didnt feel like on January 1st I was making a bunch of empty promises I knew I wouldnt stick with.

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I wanted to find a way to fuel my body with healthy foods that make it feel great while still being able to enjoy the foods I love! Some of my food philosophies include:

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This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

For me, that meant starting with free YouTube dance workout videos in my living room. More than a year and a half later, thats still one of my favorite ways to exercise.

I recently decided to start training for a marathon, so I try to run at least three times a week on my favorite trail by the ocean or at my familys ranch. I sprinkle in free strength training workouts from YouTube using a set of dumbbells, a few rides on a stationary bike ride while watching my favorite Netflix show, and the occasional yoga or hike with friends in between.

I try to move my body for at least 30 minutes every day, even if some days that just means a simple walk on the ranch.

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Change one: I readjusted my mindset. My physical transformation is the most apparent, but my mindset change has been the most impactful. Intentionally choosing thoughts about myself that felt like love instead of hate and judgement was the greatest change I made, and that has led to my success. Choosing to love myself and the future self I am always striving to become motivates me to show up and do the hard thing, even when I dont feel like it.

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Change two: I adopted intuitive eating. Our bodies are incredibly intuitive if we take the time to pause and really listen to them. Instead of telling myself that certain foods were off limits, I started listening to my body telling me when it was satisfied rather than finishing everything on my plate and becoming uncomfortably full. This gave me the freedom to enjoy the foods I loved in moderation and in a way that made me feel satisfied without feeling deprived.

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Change three: I focused on small baby steps and consistency. I stopped beating myself up when I made a mistake and chose to forgive myself and fail my way forward no matter what. It can be frustrating when you dont see results quickly, but it is the small, consistent baby steps along the way that make the biggest impact. Its not about waiting to feel motivated, but about being disciplined enough to keep showing up, especially when you dont feel like itthats where the magic is.

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To date, Ive lost 125 pounds.

Ill admit, I still havent reached my goal weight. What Ive come to realize, though, is that its not really about a goal weight. Sure, its great to set goals, but really this whole journey is more about the person you become along the way. Its about choosing daily to appreciate your body, fuel your body, and strengthen your body to continue striving to be the best version of younot about reaching an arbitrary number on the scale.

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

When I started my health journey, Ill admit that it was hard to look in the mirror and love myself. I practiced imagining my future self, the best possible version of me, and asking myself what she would be doing, how she would be showing up, and what I needed to do today to get one step closer to her.

I would look in the mirror and say, Okay, Kiah, maybe we dont love the way we look or feel right now, but we are going to love our future self enough to show up and do the hard thing today.

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Go here to see the original:
'I Lost 125 Lbs. With Rachel Hollis' Last 90 Days Challenge And Intuitive Eating' - Women's Health

Method to convert mice into COVID-19 models available to researchers – Drug Target Review

Posted: June 22, 2020 at 1:44 pm

Researchers who reported that delivering the human ACE2 protein into mouse airway cells creates COVID-19 models have released their findings to allow other scientists to make their own models.

Researchers have created a gene therapy approach that they say can convert any lab mouse into one that can be infected with SARS-CoV-2 and develop COVID-like lung disease. The team have made their gene therapy vector freely available to any researchers who wish to use it. The study was conducted by scientists at the University of Iowa (UI) Carver College of Medicine, US, and Medical University, Guangzhou, China.

There is a pressing need to understand this disease and to develop preventions and treatments, said Dr Paul McCray, UI professor of paediatrics and microbiology and immunology. We wanted to make it as easy as possible for other researchers to have access to this technology, which allows any lab to be able to immediately start working in this area by using this trick.

According to the researchers, the trick is the use of an adenovirus gene therapy vector that is inhaled by the mice to deliver the human angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) protein into mouse airway cells. This is the protein that SARS-CoV-2 uses to infect cells.Once the mouse airway cells express the hACE2 protein, the mice become susceptible to infection with the virus and they develop COVID-19-like lung symptoms.

Due to differences between the human and mouse ACE2 protein, wild-type mice are not susceptible to the SARS-Cov-2 virus, highlighting the need to develop models. Although the disease is not fatal in the models, the animals do get sick, losing weight and developing lung damage.

The vector is readily adaptable to any strain of mice (and other lab animals), which means research teams can rapidly convert mice with specific genetic traits into animals that are susceptible to SARS-Cov-2, allowing them to test whether those traits influence the disease.

The researchers showed that mice treated with this gene therapy could be used to evaluate a vaccine and several potential COVID-19 therapies, including a preventative strategy known as poly I:C, which boosts the innate immune response, convalescent plasma from recovered COVID-19 patients and the antiviral drug remdesivir. In each case, the therapies prevented weight loss, reduced lung disease and increased the speed of virus clearance in the mice. The team also showed that the mice are useful for studying important immune responses involved in clearing the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

The team say that their gene therapy vector is essentially an off-the-shelf tool that allows labs to create their own COVID-19 mouse model within a few days.

You can create these mice very quickly. You do not have to breed the strain, which is very time consuming and expensive, McCray explained. We think this technology will be useful for investigating COVID-19 lung disease and rapidly testing interventions that people think are promising for treating or preventing COVID-19.

The results were published in Cell.

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Method to convert mice into COVID-19 models available to researchers - Drug Target Review


Posted: June 22, 2020 at 1:42 pm

In this report, our team research the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market by type, application, region and manufacturer 2014-2019 and forcast 2020-2025. For the region, type and application, the sales, revenue and their market share, growth rate are key research objects; we can research the manufacturers sales, price, revenue, cost and gross profit and their changes. Whats more, we will display the main consumers, raw material manufacturers, distributors, etc.

To access the sample report of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market visit at:

Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market competition by top manufacturers/players, with 1% Biotin sales volume, price, revenue (Million USD) and market share for each manufacturer/player; the top players including

AbbVieEndo InternationalEli lillyPfizerActavis (Allergan)BayerNovartisTevaMylanUpsher-SmithFerring PharmaceuticalsKyowa KirinAcerus Pharmaceuticals

On the basis of product, this report displays the sales volume (K Units), revenue (Million USD), product price (USD/Unit), market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split into


On the basis on the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, sales volume (K Units), market share and growth rate of Testosterone Replacement Therapy for each application, including


Geographically, this report split Global into several key Regions, with sales (K Units), revenue (Million USD), market share and growth rate of 1% Biotin for these regions, from 2012 to 2023 (forecast), including

ChinaUSAEuropeJapanKoreaIndiaSoutheast AsiaSouth America

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Table of Contents:

1 Report Overview2 Market Analysis by Types3 Product Application Market4 Manufacturers Profiles/Analysis5 Market Performance for Manufacturers6 Regions Market Performance for Manufacturers7 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Performance (Sales Point)8 Development Trend for Regions (Sales Point)9 Upstream Source, Technology and Cost10 Channel Analysis11 Consumer Analysis12 Market Forecast 2020-202513 Conclusion

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Impact of COVID-19 on Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Analysis, Growth, Vendors, Shares, Trends, Challenges with Forecast to 2027 | Endo…

Posted: June 22, 2020 at 1:42 pm

Notice:This Content doesnt contains all the Information of the Report please fill the form (via link) and get all interesting information just one click in PDF with latest update with chart and Table of Content

The report offers a systematic presentation of the existing trends, growth opportunities, market dynamics that are expected to shape the growth of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market. The various research methods and tools were involved in the market analysis, to uncover crucial information about the market such as current & future trends, opportunities, business strategies and more, which in turn will aid the business decision-makers to make the right decision in future.

This Report Covers Leading Companies Associated in Worldwide Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market: AbbVie, Inc., Bayer AG, Endo Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Eli Lilly and Company, Kyowa Kirin International plc, Pfizer, Inc., Acerus Pharmaceuticals Corporation, and Perrigo Company plc.

We Do Offer Sample of this report. Kindly go through the follow information in order to access sample copy.

Note- This report sample includes:

Brief Introduction to the research report.

Table of Contents (Scope covered as a part of the study)

Top players in the market

Research framework (Structure Of The Report)

Research methodology adopted by Coherent Market Insights

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The report begins with a brief introduction and market overview of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy industry followed by its market scope and size. Next, the report provides an overview of market segmentation such as type, application, and region. The drivers, limitations, and opportunities for the market are also listed along with current trends and policies in the industry.

The key players profiled in this report include: AbbVie, Inc., Bayer AG, Endo Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Eli Lilly and Company, Kyowa Kirin International plc, Pfizer, Inc., Acerus Pharmaceuticals Corporation, and Perrigo Company plc.

Regions included:

o North America (United States, Canada, and Mexico)

o Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia, and Italy)

o Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, and Southeast Asia)

o South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia)

o Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, and South Africa)

The PDF Research only provides Table of Contents (ToC), scope of the report and research framework of the report.

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Key Benefits:

o This study gives a detailed analysis of drivers and factors limiting the market expansion of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

o The micro-level analysis is conducted based on its product types, end-user applications, and geographies

o Porters five forces model gives an in-depth analysis of buyers and suppliers, threats of new entrants & substitutes and competition amongst the key market players

o By understanding the value chain analysis, the stakeholders can get a clear and detailed picture of this Testosterone Replacement Therapy market

The research study can answer the following Key questions:

Table of Contents

Report Overview: It includes the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market study scope, players covered, key market segments, market analysis by application, market analysis by type, and other chapters that give an overview of the research study.

Executive Summary: This section of the report gives information about Testosterone Replacement Therapy market trends and shares, market size analysis by region and analysis of global market size. Under market size analysis by region, analysis of market share and growth rate by region is provided.

Profiles of International Players: Here, key players of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market are studied on the basis of gross margin, price, revenue, corporate sales, and production. This section gives a business overview of the players and shares their important company details.

Regional Study: All of the regions and countries analyzed in the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market report is studied on the basis of market size by application, the market size by product, key players, and market forecast.

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Thanks for reading this article, you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, LATAM, West Europe, MENA Countries, Southeast Asia or Asia Pacific.

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Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.

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Impact of COVID-19 on Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Analysis, Growth, Vendors, Shares, Trends, Challenges with Forecast to 2027 | Endo...

‘Man of the Year’ Andy’s amazing transformation after losing more than 5st – Stoke-on-Trent Live

Posted: June 21, 2020 at 2:50 am

When 34-year-old Andy Rhodes saw posts on social media sites of people losing weight, he decided to give it a go himself and has never looked back.

Andy, from Sneyd Green, joined his local Slimming World group in January, 2019, and has since lost more than five stone.

He initially weighed 20st 7lbs and now weighs 15st 1lbs a total loss of 5st 6lbs.

Now Andy is getting closer to his target all the time and even won his groups Man of the Year award just a few weeks ago.

Andy, who works in a warehouse control room, said he knew he needed to do something about his weight, but taking the first step was hard.

He explained: I had seen a lot of people have good results with the plan, especially a woman that I follow on Instagram.

She posted a lot of food pictures and I thought they looked like simple, tasty meals.

It was definitely scary going to group for the first time, but as soon as I walked in everyone was brilliant and so supportive. Theres a lot more women in the group than men, so they definitely made a fuss of me.

Despite his success, Andy says that the journey can be really difficult, but its all about changing your habits.

Andy said: "I always thought that my eating was OK, and that it was my drinking that got me, because I love a night out.

"But I soon realised that I had to look at my eating, too, so its taught me a lot. We have a private Facebook group and its a great place to get tips and share ideas with other members."

Andy now loves to make his own meals from scratch. He said: "In the past I just always found it easier to order a takeaway, but now Ive changed my habits and learned so much about cooking.

"One of my favorite things to make is an omelette theyre really quick and easy and contain loads of healthy food."

If I have more time, I love cheeseburger pasta. It takes a bit longer but can still be ready in 20 to 30 minutes.

I always use my syns too. Im lucky that as a man I get slightly more. Ill use them for crisps, or a drink at the weekend. It means that I can still have what I enjoy, just within reason. I think I would have given up very quickly if I wasnt allowed any treats at all.

The plan worked so well for Andy that he didnt even need to take up much exercise but as the weight dropped off, it encouraged him to become more active through running and swimming.

Andy would encourage anyone wanting to start their own weight loss journey to just go for it.

He said: Youre always going to find a reason not to do it, so just start today. I am so much happier now its impacted my whole life. Ive never been the most confident person but I am so much better now than I used to be.

Andy attends Slimming World in Sneyd Green. Groups are running virtually via Zoom. For details call Rachel on 07757 269975.

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'Man of the Year' Andy's amazing transformation after losing more than 5st - Stoke-on-Trent Live

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