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Malvern community, family in grief after football player killed while in Texas – The Free Press Standard

Posted: June 17, 2020 at 2:49 pm

By Jordan Miller

Sports Editor

Malvern resident, Landin Robinson, 16, and his cousin, Klayton Manning, 18, were shot and killed on the evening of Tuesday, June 9, while riding a utility terrain vehicle on a country road near Luling, Texas.

Bryan Haynes, 34, of Austin, Texas, was arrested on June 11 and has been charged with two counts of capital murder.

Haynes allegedly shot the two teens multiple times. News reports say that he told his brother he shot two aliens who were chasing him.

Were hoping we get justice, said Landins mom, Amber Hise, following the arrest of Haynes. Landin was a good kid. Klayton was a good kid.

Landins mother was at home in Malvern when she learned of her sons death.

I was going to lay down. My kids were in Texas visiting their dad and I texted them every night I love you. There was not one night I didnt tell my kids I loved them, said Hise. When Landin didnt respond to me, I said Landin, answer your phone. I know youre busy, but Mom wants five minutes just to talk to you. There was no answer.

Then, Hise said, she got the phone call no parent ever wants to get.

My daughter called me and she was screaming through the phone. She said, Mom I need you here now, I need you here now! Landins been killed!

Hise says her family booked a flight for the following morning.

We just got on the plane as fast as we could to get there (Texas), she said.

She said Landin was the protector of his two sisters, Madison and Kaitlin.

His older sister says it shouldve been her and not him. Shes just been telling me over and over and over again how sorry she is and that she shouldve protected him more, said Hise. Thats not a weight that they should have to carry. I just feel so bad for my kids.

They loved their brother. He was their protector, Hise said. Even though he was the baby, he was their protector.

Hise said she doesnt know how shell move on.

I dont know how Ill go on without him. I dont know how any parent is supposed to bury their child, she said. You, as a parent are supposed to have your children bury you; not you bury them.

A GoFundMe page has been set up to help offset some of the funeral expenses.

Hise says the Malvern community has been very supportive.

I appreciate all the love, support and the help. Its just a godsend, Hise said. In such a tragic way, we lost somebody we loved. Landin loved his football team.

We are deeply saddened, stunned and angry about the tragic loss of one of our own, Landin Robinson, said Malverns football coaching staff via Facebook. Landin was such a quiet, kind, humble and hard-working young man. We ask that you please keep his family and friends in your thoughts and prayers as they deal with the loss of Landin.

Hise said Landin could light up a room.He had a lot of friends. He was a joker, but he was a quiet kid, a good kid.

Landin would have been a junior this fall and had just been accepted into the RG Drage welding program.

Hise said her last conversation with her son was about preparing for his classes.

I was talking to him about getting his welding stuff that he would like to have. We were setting up stuff for him for welding. He wanted to be a welder.

Klayton, who was a firefighter at the SE Caldwell County Fire Department in Texas, and Landin were buried with full honors with police officers and firemen attending the service.

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Malvern community, family in grief after football player killed while in Texas - The Free Press Standard

Plant-based nutrition as an alternative to meat – Food Dive

Posted: June 17, 2020 at 2:48 pm

Considering excellent nutritional facts about legumes,FAOand nutrition experts recommend increasing the consumption of legumes and pulses in the daily diet.Legumes are not just great for vegans and vegetarians, but they're a great alternative to industrial snacks for everybody, particularly kids and seniors.

In fact, legumes are universally recognized as a sustainable and inexpensive alternative to meat, and are considered the second most important food source after cereals. In many countries, they are consumed on a regular or even daily basis.

They are a great source of proteins (2045%) with essential amino acids, complex carbohydrates (60%) and dietary fibre(537%), essential for supporting digestive health and helping to reduce the risks of cardiovascular diseases.

Low in sodium, they have no cholesterol and are generally low in fat - with 5% energy from fat, except for peanuts (45%), chickpeas (15%) and soybeans (47%)which can also contribute to reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Legumes are also a good source of essential minerals (iron and potassium) and folate, a B-vitamin naturally present in many foods that is essential to the nervous system function and especially important during pregnancy to prevent fetal defects.

They are also a source of starch, that is broken down by bacteria in the large intestine to produce short-chain fatty acids (such as butyrate) used by intestinal cells for food energy.

Naturis'cereals- and legumes-based products are conceived to meet the increasing demand for plant-based nutrition.

Naturisis an Italian company specializing in the production of legume- and cereal-based foods.

After several years of research, and thanks to the expertise gained in the hydrothermal treatment of legumes and cereals, the company recently launched a new line of snacksImpulsesmeeting the increasing demand of plant-based nutrition.

Crunchy pulses and seeds feature a great nutritional profile and provide a balanced dose of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, the majority of which are unsaturated. They are also a great source of fibers and minerals, such as iron, zinc, phosphorous,folate, and B vitamins.

Naturis' industrial process allows food products to be manufactured safely via a natural hydrothermal treatment process using only water and thermal energy. Thus, nutritional properties of legumes are preserved and even amplified, and proteins become more readily available for biological absorption. The process also improves the flavor of legumes by lightly roasting them to make them distinguishable and tasty.

The Impulses line includes lentils, yellow peas, green peas, chickpeas. They can be consumed instantly as snacks,but are also particularly suitable for the preparation of breakfast mixes or as a delicious addition to salads, allowing food companies to successfully use legumes in their most classic formulations and direct consumption.

They are also good for bakery products, in the production of bars with a high nutritional value. They are not fried and therefore very healthy.

However, to get an even tastier touch, they adapt well to a rapid passage in oil to obtain a golden color and an even crunchier and appetizing texture.

Naturis' cereals are distributed on the North American market by Faravelli Inc, the US subsidiary of Faravelli.Faravelli began operating in its native Italy in 1926, before going on to establish a presence in North America in 2014.

Original post:
Plant-based nutrition as an alternative to meat - Food Dive

Experts on what the health risks of flying on a plane right now are – Insider – INSIDER

Posted: June 17, 2020 at 2:48 pm

You've probably heard someone complain about how they always catch a cold after flying. Maybe you are that person.

Or perhaps you've seen those GIFs showing how germs from someone sneezing can spread all over the plane, or reports that shed light on the dirtiest parts of a plane (yes, tray tables are germierthan airplane bathrooms).

While nonessential travel is still not recommended in many places such as in the US, where the Centers for Disease Control warns against it you might be wondering how safe it really is to fly right now. Are airplanes vessels of disease, best avoided during a global pandemic, or are they no riskier than, say, a trip to the grocery store?

We spoke to four experts to find out what the risks look like.

It's worth noting that if you do choose to travel, it's best to check each state's health and travel advisories, and the CDC's travel recommendations by country.

HEPA filters are also used in hospitals and remove 99.97% of all airborne particles. Stanislav Samoylik/Shutterstock

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) states on its website that "most viruses and other germs do not spread easily on flights because of how air circulates and is filtered on airplanes."

Some experts agree.

Joseph Allen, an assistant professor of exposure assessment science at Harvard University and co-author of the book "Healthy Buildings," told Insider that the air on planes is "clean and highly filtered."

Having studied airplane cabin air quality for over a decade, Allen says: "We have to approach this not just from a medical side, but also understanding the engineering side. When you take a step back and look at how the airplane functions, you quickly see that the airplane is getting a lot of fresh air."

He explains that air on planes comes through the engine from outside, and is usually a 50/50 mix of fresh and recirculated air. The recirculated air goes through a HEPA filter, which is used in hospitals and removes 99.97% of all airborne particles, such as germs and viruses. He adds that airplanes get 10 to 12 full air changes per hour, which is on par with what the CDC recommends for airborne infection isolation rooms in hospitals.

"When an infectious passenger coughs or sneezes, the large droplets are going to fall to the ground. So they're not going to be floating around the cabin. It's the small aerosols that are going to float around the cabin, and hopefully [those] are wiped up by the HEPA filter," said Howard Weiss, a biomathematician and professor in the School of Mathematics at Georgia Tech and an adjunct professor of biology and public health at Emory University. Weiss also co-authored a study titled, "Behaviors, movements, and transmission of droplet-mediated respiratory diseases during transcontinental airline flights."

He adds that it's believed that the flu and the coronavirus, for example, are mostly transmitted by the large droplets, though he says there are some indications of "super spreading events that may be caused by aerosols" for COVID-19.

Claiming that air on planes is probably fresher than the air in your house or office, Weiss says "what that means is that an infectious aerosol won't linger for long periods of time on a plane."

The International Air Transport Association is on the same page, stating on its website that "the risk of catching an infection on an aircraft is typically lower than in a shopping center or office environment."

The tray table is the dirtiest surface on a plane. David Slotnick/Business Insider

"The issue is really who's next to you, and then the surfaces you touch a lot," Charles Gerba, a professor of virology at the University of Arizona who has also studied germs on planes, said.

However, he adds that the current cleaning protocols implemented by most airlines, which disinfect planes between flights in many cases, "should take care of a lot of the concerns with that." In fact, going forward airlines will increasingly focus on hygiene, with ideas such as plastic dividers between seats or in-flight janitors already circulating.

Gerba says that tray tables are the dirtiest place on a plane, according to his studies, and that he's detected influenza virus, norovirus, and parainfluenza virus, which causes the common cold, on them.

"The reason that the trays get so contaminated is because that's where your hands are. You're contaminating it all the time by picking it up. So what we generally recommend is you bring a hand sanitizer with you, try to avoid touching your face, or wear a mask, and I think the risks are minimized." He says to avoid the tray table entirely if you can, and to be careful using the bathroom latch and taps, and the overhead vents.

Weiss agrees, saying that indirect transmission of most respiratory infections (touching something that someone who is infected touched) can for the most part be staved off "by using hand sanitizer religiously if you touch any surfaces in the airplane cabin."

"I think that the risk has always been primarily through inhalation, but it doesn't mean that the surface route is not important, or we don't need to worry about wiping down surfaces or washing our hands and using hand sanitizer. I still think that's very important from an infection risk reduction," said Paloma Beamer, associate professor of environmental health sciences at University of Arizona and president of the International Society of Exposure Science.

According to newly revised guidance on the CDC's website, the coronavirus "does not spread easily" from contaminated surfaces.

It's almost impossible to maintain a 6-foot distance from others on a plane. Associated Press

According to Allen, there are "very few examples of outbreaks happening on an airplane," at least relative to the millions of flights annually. However, he adds that "proximity to the infectious patient or person is the key risk factor."

Gerba agrees, but says "it's only really the immediate area around you" that puts travelers at risk. He says that because the air on planes goes around, instead of back and forth, "studies have shown in outbreaks on planes it's usually the people on either side of you or front and back of you." And while Gerba says, "you can get diseases on planes," he adds that it comes mainly from "the people just right immediately next to you."

Allen says it's down to "the luck of the draw," and whether you sit next to someone who is not only infectious but also asymptomatic, as he hopes that symptomatic patients are screened out of flights at this stage.

"It'd be the same risk if you went out grocery shopping what are the odds you happen to be next to somebody in line with an infection?" he said.

Beamer says that the main issue on a plane is the inability to control your environment.

"If you're on a full plane and you sit down next to somebody who is sick, there's not really a whole lot you can do. You don't have as much control over your exposure on a plane versus other environments. Like, when I'm at Trader Joe's, I can still move away," she said.

According to Beamer, travelers can have up to 20 other passengers within six feet of them on a full flight, but adds that six feet is really just a suggestion. "Six feet 1 inch doesn't make you safe, neither does 5 feet 10 inches make you not safe it's kind of a range. Some people are going to release a lot more virus when they're sick than other people," she said.

Essentially, your probability of getting infected changes depending on how close or far you are from an infected person. Your dose of exposure is another factor, which can depend on how long you spend exposed.

"What our study showed was that if direct transmission, large droplet mediated infectious disease variance falls within a meter or two (3-6 feet), then unless you're seated close to the infectious passenger [...] you have quite a low probability of getting infected," Weiss said.

Close, to Weiss, means the CDC standard for most infectious diseases of three feet.

While many flights are currently operating at low capacity, and some airlines are keeping their middle rows empty, this likely won't last. According to a press release by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), social-distancing measures can reduce planes' maximum load factors to 62%, when most airlines need their planes to be 77% full to break even. Thus, the IATA anticipates fares rising by up to 54% in some places, though this could also mean that flights will simply get filled right back up as soon as there's demand again.

Gerba suggests wearing a mask, not only because it reduces the spread of airborne droplets, "but it keeps you from touching your nose and mouth, which are potential routes of transmission of virus."

While Weiss acknowledges that your level of protection really depends on the kind of mask you wear, he says that "wearing a mask and washing your hands religiously, I think those are the best things you could do."

Allen also suggests keeping the vent above you on and blowing air down.

Crowds like these are not uncommon at airports. Scott Olson/GettyImages

The CDC says that yes, air travel can increase your risk of contracting COVID-19, but clarifies that this doesn't necessarily mean that the risk is only on the plane itself.

"Air travel requires spending time in security lines and airport terminals, which can bring you in close contact with other people and frequently touched surfaces," the CDC writes.

Allen thinks that there are many situations outside of the airplane cabin that deserve our heightened attention.

"If you look at the whole travel experience, you can't disentangle the time in the airplane from these other environments, which may be higher risk," he said, pointing to taking public transportation to the airport, standing in tightly packed lines for check-in, security, and boarding, and potentially eating at a contaminated table in the terminal. He adds that travel often disrupts your sleep cycle and diet, which can also impact your immune system.

His research has also found that often the gates and jetways at airports don't have ventilation running while people board and disembark, which he says needs to change in order to prevent the spread of airborne viral particles infectious people might be shedding.

"We have to place the risk on an airplane in the context of other risks, we can't just point to one environment. If everyone's focus is on the tray table, rather than their entire time through the airport, then that's a mistake because that means they're not paying as much attention to other areas that are higher risk. Those are things that are controllable risks," Allen said.

"I'm not saying we shouldn't take additional precautions during a pandemic, it's just to highlight that the time on the airplane is lower risk compared to these other environments," he added.

"There's some added benefit to sitting in a window seat." Getty Images

"Because people are walking by you in the aisle seat, it's shown in outbreaks and norovirus that people are more likely to get ill if they sit on the aisle because people are touching surfaces and walking by. So based on norovirus outbreaks, the window seat is better," said Gerba.

Weiss agrees. "What we found was under normal circumstances again, we're talking direct transmission of large droplet transmitted infectious diseases if you sit in a window seat, you are more than a meter (3 feet) away from the aisle," he said. "So if you believe in the one-meter cut-off for infectious droplets, then you're going to have far fewer close proximity contacts. So yes, there's some added benefit to sitting in a window seat. It's modest, but it's certainly a benefit."

Wiping down tray tables and other touch points can reduce risk. Joey Hadden/Business Insider

"The airlines have a lot of responsibility here, but let's not ignore the responsibility of the air traveler," Allen said, citing that travelers should stay home if they're sick, wear their mask throughout the entire trip, and maintain physical distance.

Currently, air travel is slightly up again the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) reported 441,255 people flying on June 7 but that's only in comparison to its record low of 87,534 people in April. To put the numbers into perspective, on the same weekday in 2019, the TSA saw 2,669,860 people passing through their checkpoints.

Allen says that travelers should continue to ask themselves whether the trip is really necessary.

"This is not a green light that everyone should run out to the airport tomorrow morning and fly," he said. "While the science shows that the risk is low on an airplane, airplanes are also good vectors of disease. They move people around the country and the world efficiently, and can bring someone who is sick to an area that maybe doesn't have an outbreak happening."

"You have to ask yourself, is it necessary? Do you have any personal risk factors that put you at higher risk? Are you willing to do your part? Are you willing to keep your mask on? Are you willing to wash your hands frequently? Are you willing to maintain physical distancing?" Allen asks.

"I think if we do all of that, and the airport does their role, the airlines do their role, and air travelers do their part, we can get back to a place where we can start to increase the amount of air travel we have."

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Experts on what the health risks of flying on a plane right now are - Insider - INSIDER

How to Maximise your Performance, Recovery and Health by Optimising your Gut Health – BOXROX

Posted: June 17, 2020 at 2:48 pm

Good gut health is absolutely vital for optimal performance, recovery and bowel and general health. According to Daniel Lieberman, Evolutionary biologist at Harvard University, Your guts have about 100 million nerves, more than the number of nerves in your spinal cord or your entire peripheral nervous system, so isnt it about time you started treating this part of your body with more care and attention?

Healthy bowel activity is considered to be one or two movements of moderate size every day. Fewer bowel movements, e.g. every other day or once or twice a week is simply not enough for optimum health.

Why does it matter how regular you are? Because if body wastes dont move through the bowel quickly enough, toxins can get absorbed back into the body through the mucous membranes causing a range of adverse health effects.

Its incredibly important to keep that waste moving. Part of the problem is the modern diet, full of processed foods, alcohol, coffee etc. as it causes the digestive tract to produce mucus layers to protect itself from the toxins in these foods and these layers build up and prevent the body from absorbing nutrients from what we eat.

Also, these processed, low-fibre foods rot away in our gut putrefying, fermenting and leading to bacterial growth and this can lead to unbalanced gut flora.

Common signs of this happening include headache, backache, bad breath, body odour, skin problems, irritability, abdominal gas and bloating. This build-up of wastes in the digestive tract can be severe; the bowel can become impacted with a huge amount of accumulated material, like an old sewage pipe, until the opening is no bigger than a pencil! Of course, if you want to beat constipation for good and be truly healthy the best solution is to make long term positive changes and additions to your diet and lifestyle.

Good-looking poop can indicate that your health and fitness is where it should be. For instance, it can tell you:

If your poo isnt looking so great, it might tell you something important. For instance, less-than-stellar poo might say things like:

How do you know if your poop is looking good? Weve got you covered (not literally), simply click on the link below.

Is my poop healthy?

If you have any problems with your bowel movements, constipation or care about improving your health in general then you should check out Steel Stool. They will help fix yo sh*t!

STEEL STOOL is an all-natural vegan fibre supplement fuelled by psyllium husk, cinnamon, chicory, and aloe vera to keep things moving. The combination of these natural ingredients will bring many health benefits to your body.

Psyllium husk serves as a prebiotic to help facilitate the nourishment of bacteria in the lining of the gut. In turn, this will help proper digestion and healthy absorption of food.

Cinnamon reduces the stomachs rate of digestion, helping to normalize blood sugar levels and reduce triglycerides, bad cholesterol, and total cholesterol.

Soluble fiber is the primary type of fiber found in chicory root. This key ingredient slows digestion and eliminates cholesterol from the body.

Naturally containing high amounts of fiber and water, aloe vera is alkaline, meaning it helps reduce inflammation in the stomach and feed good bacteria in the digestive tract.

Take 3 capsules of Steel Stool, twice daily with plenty of water. Once fully hydrated, their proprietary blend of psyllium husk, cinnamon, chicory, and aloe vera, each capsule swells to form a soft-but-solid mass. The expanded fibre begins to pass safely and gently through your digestive tract, collecting particles and any excess waste left behind in your digestive tract.

The process is similar to a natural scrubber cleaning up behind your meals, providing an excellent medium to help maintain the flow of elimination. These fuller bowel movements lead to the ever-elusive ghost wipe.

Whatever standard you may be, good gut health will considerably help your performances and recovery. Good gut health allows your body to absorb the nutrients and minerals from the foods you eat more easily, maximising their bio-availability. It also allows you to feel comfortable and focused on the task at hand. During longer conditioning WODs or intense strength workouts, the last thing you want to be worrying about is you stomach and how bad it feels.

Fuller bowel movements lead to the elusive ghost wipe. This is that glorious post-poop moment when a single wipe of the toilet paper is completely clean. This indicates exceptionally healthy and optimised gut health.

Fibre, also known as roughage, is the part of plant-based foods (grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and beans) that the body cant break down. It passes through the body undigested, keeping your digestive system clean and healthy, easing bowel movements, and flushing cholesterol and harmful carcinogens out of the body. Steel Stool utilises fibre from all-natural, vegan sources.

Many foods contain both soluble and insoluble fibre. In general, the more natural and unprocessed the food, the higher it is in fibre. There is no fibre in meat, dairy, or sugar. Refined or white foods, such as white bread, white rice, and pastries, have had all or most of their fibre removed.

Dietary fibre and STEEL STOOL normalises bowel movements by bulking up stools and making them easier to pass. This can help relieve and prevent both constipation and diarrhea. Eating plenty of fibre can also reduce your risk for diverticulitis (inflammation of the intestine), hemorrhoids, gallstones, kidney stones, and provide some relief for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Some studies have also indicated that a high-fibre diet may help to lower gastric acid and reduce your risk for gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD) and ulcers.

A diet high in fibre, particularly insoluble fibre from cerealscan lower your risk for type 2 diabetes. If you already have diabetes, eating soluble fibre can slow the absorption of sugar and improve your blood sugar levels.

There is some research that suggests eating a high-fibre diet can help prevent colorectal cancer, although the evidence is not yet conclusive. Diets rich in high-fibre foods are also linked to a lower risk for other common digestive system cancers, including stomach, mouth, and pharynx.

When yeast and fungus are excreted through the skin, they can trigger outbreaks or acne. Eating fibre, especially psyllium husk (as found in Steel Stool), can flush toxins out of your body, improving the health and appearance of your skin.

Fibre, particularly soluble fibre, is an important element of any heart-healthy diet. Eating a diet high in fibre can improve cholesterol levels by lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol. A high fibre intake can also reduce your risk for metabolic syndrome, a group of risk factors linked to coronary heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. Fibre can also help to lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation, improve levels of HDL (good) cholesterol, and shed excess weight around the abdomen.

Steel Stool provides an all-natural, vegan supplement that will have a multitude of positive benefits for your gut and wider general health.

Say goodbye to digestive toxins and hello to a healthier you. Fix yo sh*t


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How to Maximise your Performance, Recovery and Health by Optimising your Gut Health - BOXROX

Is It Safe to Rent an Airbnb or Vacation Home Right Now? – Yahoo! Voices

Posted: June 17, 2020 at 2:48 pm

Consumed with wanderlust after months of quarantine? Same. But even as the world slowly reopens during COVID-19, is it safe to rent an Airbnb or vacation rental home right now? We spoke to a few experts to get clearer answers on the complicated question.

It is certainly safe to rent a vacation home this summer, says Dr. Erika Schwartz, M.D. and founder of Evolved Science. And, according to Dr. Linda Anegawa, internist with virtual primary care platform PlushCare, a home rental, like Airbnb, is actually preferable to a hotel room, which has probably had way more people in it. Still, viruses dont take vacations, so both doctors emphasize that COVID-19 safety measures must still be taken very seriously if you do book. Those include what youve already been doingwashing hands, avoiding touching your face, practicing social distancing and wearing masksin addition to a little elbow grease to do your own deep clean (well get into that).

1. Research how the rental has been cleaned

While information on COVID-19 is still evolving, recent research suggests that the virus can remain contagious in the air for up to three hours, and on some surfaces (like stainless steel and plastic) it can survive as long as three days. Still, Dr. Schwartz says the biggest consideration should not be how recently the place was occupied, but rather how it has been disinfected and its prior history of guests. Bottomline: Be sure to reach out to potential hosts before you book, so you can suss out whether or not the previous occupant was sick during their stay and get the scoop on not just if, but how the home will be cleaned and disinfected before you arrive.

2. Crosscheck that information with CDC

Once youve gotten some information straight from the source, Dr. Anegawa recommends you make sure it aligns with the official CDC guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting.

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3. Give it 24 hours

Regardless of the lag time between guests, the CDC recommends that a 24-hour waiting period should be observed following disinfection of a potentially infected areaso find out the date of cleaning if you can, and then give it a day.

Worried you wont know what to say when you drop your prospective hosts a line? No problem--we asked the American Cleaning Institute to weigh in on what renters should ask before booking if they want to cover all the bases. Heres the breakdown.

Is your home professionally cleaned in between rentals?

Does your cleaning crew disinfect surfaces around your home?*

Do you have an adequate supply of cleaning products, like hand soap, dish soap, disinfectant spray or wipes, available in your unit?

Do you have a washer and dryer available and any detergent that we can use?

*Note: Cleaning and disinfecting are not one in the same. Learn more about the distinction between the two on the CDCs Covid-19 FAQ page.

To reiterate, cleaning practices are a major factor when it comes to the risk associated with any given vacation rental. In acknowledgement of that, Airbnb has updated their cleaning protocol to better protect both guests and hosts from Covid-19 infection. While these policy changes are reassuring, compliance still operates under the honor system, which of course is not always the most reliable. Since you wont be present to confirm the extent to which your Airbnb hosts have followed the recommended disinfecting procedures, the doctors advise all travelers to take matters into their own hands upon arrival at a rental location.

Bring your own alcohol-based disinfectant

Pack household cleaning suppliesDr. Schwartz says any alcohol-based disinfectant should do the trickand spray down all surfaces as soon as you check in.

Pay attention to high-touch surfaces

Dr. Anegawa advises paying particular attention to high-touch surfaces. What are those, you ask? According to the American Cleaning Institute those hot spots to sanitize ASAP include:


Light switches

Flat surfaces (table or desk)

Bathroom (toilet, faucet, sink)

Remote control or phone


Handles (drawers, appliances, etc.)

Pack your own sheets and towels

Finally, it might be wise to bring your own clean sheets; otherwise, plan on doing a load of laundry on day one, so you can rest assured that all the towels and linens have been washed in the warmest water possible and thoroughly dried.

Dos and Donts of a COVID-19 Vacation

So youve settled into your home away from what? Cities are gradually reopening across the country, but certain safety measures are still in effect.

Do: Wear masks in public.

Both experts agree that no matter where you are, masks should still be worn in public places. In fact, Anegawa advises that travelers bring a supply of masks wherever they gocause youre going to need one if you want access to a cafe for a barista-made cup of delicious in the morning.

Do: Social Distance

No matter where you are, social distancing is still the rule, so avoid crowded places. (For example, if the beach is packed, go with plan B and find a nearby hiking trail instead).

Dont: Throw caution to the wind

If a vacation is in the cards for you, bon voyage. Just be sure to enjoy your new surroundings without being reckless to yourself or the community youre entering.

Please note that the information in this story is accurate as of press time. However, things are evolving, and some data may have changed since publication. Before booking a vacation rental, be sure to consult the latest advisories from public health authorities, like the CDC and World Health Organization.

RELATED: This Jennifer Garner-Approved Fitness Brand Now Makes Breathable Face Masks for Running Outdoors

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Is It Safe to Rent an Airbnb or Vacation Home Right Now? - Yahoo! Voices

‘I’m excited for this year’: Meet Miss Louisiana 2020, Courtney Hammons – The News Star

Posted: June 17, 2020 at 2:48 pm

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Miss Louisiana 2020 Courtney Hammons takes her first walk with the crown on Tuesday in Monroe, Louisiana. She's cheered on by Miss Louisiana 2019 Meagan Crews and Miss Louisiana Outstanding Teen 2020 and 2021 Chanley Patterson.(Photo: Matt Sanches/The News-Star)

"I am up for the challenge of 2020, and I'm excited for this year," said Miss Louisiana 2020 Courtney Hammons.

She's not competing for the crown, but thatdoesn't mean Hammons is taking the work of being Miss Louisiana 2020 any less thoughtfully than her predecessors.

In a normal year, about 30 young women undergo a weeklong job interview for the state title, which leads to competing at the national level. Attempts to slow the spread of coronavirus have halted that in all 50 states.

In Maythe Miss America Organization announcedthat the national competition and all state-level events are canceled in 2020. Some queens continued their contracts for another year.

Miss Louisiana: Miss Louisiana 2019 ready to take wing

Miss Louisiana 2019 Meagan Crews is continuing her education at the University of Louisville in Kentucky this fall.

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The Miss Louisiana Organizationcrowned Hammonson Tuesday afternoon in the lobby of theW.L. "Jack" Howard Theatre in Monroe. She's taking the title without a competition week or the ability to compete for the Miss America title.

"It is a very difficult year. It's going to be a challenging year. I mean, 2020 had not been rainbows and sunshine, for sure. But I do want people to know that this is important to me, and it's important for me to let people know that I take it seriously. And I want to represent every Louisianian as best as I can. I want to make my state proud, and I don't take it lightly," she said.

The pageant to find Miss Louisiana 2021 is set forfor June 19, 2021.

All the young women who already earned titles this year are grandfathered in. The field of candidates, however, has not been finalized. Some might want to pursue other opportunities in their careers or personal lives. Candidates cannot be married and compete for Miss Louisiana.

Hammons was the first runner up to Crews as Miss Louisiana Tech 2019. She also won her talent preliminary by playingpiano.

Hammons has been part of the Miss Louisiana Organization since she was 14 or 15 and started as a high school freshman. Her first time to compete for the Miss Louisiana title was in her sophomore year of college.

Education: Dennis Epps announces retirementfrom Louisiana Delta Community College

Initially, she was drawn to the Miss Louisiana pageants because of the talent portion. She said it was a perfect way to share her art while getting to have a social platform and stand for something bigger than herself.

She's been dancing since she was 3 and playing piano since she was 5. This year, she'd planned to play "Malaguea" on piano with an mp3 backing track. The Liberace-style piece was going to be "totally different" than anything she'd brought to Miss Louisiana before.

This would have been her fourth year to compete. She won the Miss Belle of the Darbonne title in July.

She's dreamed of being Miss Louisiana and worked for the job. Stepping into the role, she's eager for the philanthropic work that comes with the title.

I want to be the best representative that I can be for my personal social impact initiative for the food bank here in Monroe and for the Feeding America organization across the United States and also for the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals," she said.

Miss Louisiana 2020 Courtney Hammons addressed the crowd at her coronation event on Tuesday in Monroe, Louisiana.(Photo: Matt Sanches/The News-Star)

Hammons' social initiative is Feed the Food Bank.

While not a reflection of the entire state or the nation, she said, the Food Bank of Northeast Louisiana saw a more than 400% increase in web traffic in the weeks after schools were dismissed statewide to reduce the spread of coronavirus.

"It is pretty alarming to see the increased need right here in northeast Louisiana," she said.

It lets Hammons know her platform is needed, and she wants to educate people to donate and volunteer safely.

As a student, she directed the Good Nutrition Mission on-campus food pantry at Louisiana Tech Universityin 2018 and 2019. It was a partnership with the Food Bank of Northeast Louisiana. She also worked on a partnership with the Ruston Farmers Market to promotesustainable agriculture and share nutrition education in the community.

Last year, she served as a dietitian and mentor at the LouisianaLionsCamp for children with diabetes.

The Choudrant native is working toward a master's degree at Louisiana Tech and plans to become a registered dietitian.

Hammons said she became passionate about nutrition when she was preparing to be on the Louisiana Tech Regal Blues dance team and prepare in Miss Louisiana pageants, which had a swimsuit portion at the time.

"I wanted to look my best but also feel my best and I wanted to fuel by body with nutritious food. I just loved everything about the science because it is..." she said. "I've always been interested in biology and how the body works and so it was just that one step closer. And my passion just lit up as soon as I knew what it was about."

Hammons said Miss Louisiana 2011 Hope Anderson has helped mentor her and fuel her passion. (Anderson works as the Miss Louisiana dietitian and helps young women prepare for Miss America competition and plan for healthy options.)

To reach her goal, Hammons has earned a bachelor's degree and completed an internship of 1,200 hours of supervised practice. Essentially, she was working 40-hour weeks while taking online courses toward her master's degree.

The internship was like a residency, Hammons said. The same way a doctor gets matched, they're matched with their organizations.

Throughout the internship, she acted as a representative of thedietitians. In the clinical setting, she said, it involves looking at commodities to advise people of the most nutrient-rich foods that will meet their needs. It's different than sitting down with someone looking for a weight loss plan.

Sometimes, she said, people thought she was a kitchen worker. Management can be part of the job, but she doesn't cook and serve all day.

She also wants to combat the idea that she's going to suggest the trendy diet at the time. It's about teaching people why it's important to eat nutrient-dense food rather than calorie-dense food. Many people, she said, are overfed and undernourished.

"I see being a dietitian as the science of nutrition and encouraging people," she said. "I personally just want to encourage people to just eat well and live well. Everything in moderation."

She said it can take some training and require a little more work in the grocery store, but it's possible to eat well affordably.

Everything, she said is about balance, and it's an approach she's applying to her reign.

"The (Miss Louisiana) Board had so graciously let me finish my master's this year because it is online basis, so I'm able to balance that this year," she smiled. "So I should have a master's degree by the end of this year, and I'm looking to take the RD exam the registered dietitian exam within this month, hopefully. We will see."

Previous coverage: Miss America, Miss Louisiana postponed because of COVID-19

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'I'm excited for this year': Meet Miss Louisiana 2020, Courtney Hammons - The News Star

Digital copy of your body allows to try out treatments – Mirage News

Posted: June 17, 2020 at 2:48 pm

Every human being is unique. With a unique life in a unique environment, unique behavior, a unique genome and a unique history of diseases. That is why each person reacts differently to treatment, and medication does not always work. Doctors have difficulty estimating this difference. From this fact, a new field of research has emerged in science: personalized medicine. Van Riel: Based on the idea that the average patient does not exist, we use computer models to try to predict an individuals response to a therapy or medication.

With the increase of metering citizens, who use fitbits and other health apps to monitor their own health, more and more data is becoming available per individual. This goldmine of data is currently unused by doctors, while this data can be very interesting in determining what makes you different from others. When people use these apps for a longer period of time, the resulting database runs parallel with your life, so to speak.

That is exactly the information that the DigiTwin research program wants to use. Of course, with due regard for matters such as privacy, ethics and data security. Van Riel: We are creating a computer model based on the mountain of data. And because the model always uses new data, which the individual collects over a longer period of time, the model grows with the individual. This creates a digital twin of the individual. In our case, a simplified digital twin of your metabolic system.

However, human metabolism is an incredibly complex system to replicate. Not only does food intake play a role but also bacteria in the intestine and hormones whose job is to turn digestive processes on and off. In order to develop digital twins, you first need to know how these processes work. Van Riel: Only then can you determine what makes a healthy system different from an unhealthy system.

Once you have developed such a standard model, you can start working with the individual. Instead of using standard values, Van Riel and the researchers in his group fill the models with personal data of an individual patient, for example the hormone values and the eating pattern of that person. You can then carry out simulations; adjust the diet or simulate surgery. The chain reaction that this intervention brings about is visible as an output of the system. And that shows whether the intervention is successful for the patients metabolism or not.

A persons lifestyle plays an enormous role in his or her metabolism. For example, an unhealthy lifestyle can contribute to the development of all kinds of diseases, such as obesity and type 2 diabetes. But not necessarily. Van Riel wants to know where these differences come from.

For example, a lot is still unclear around gastric bypass surgery in obese people. A gastric bypass, which reduces the stomach to the size of a kiwi, leads to a significant weight reduction in 75% of people. Van Riel: The strange thing is that peoples metabolism becomes healthier even before they lose weight. For example, people with type 2 diabetes can stop injecting insulin as early as two weeks after the operation, while the weight loss after the operation typically lasts a year. By making digital twins of the metabolism of these patients, Van Riel wants to discover why this is the case and whether major surgery was the right treatment for that specific patient.

Van Riel and his research group are particularly interested in changes over time, described by means of differential equations in his models. His mathematical models are based on physical laws; the biochemical reactions that occur during digestion, uptake and metabolism. This prevents the creation of a black box, whereby a doctor can always deduce why the model gives a certain result.

Van Riel: In order to be able to convert existing computer models of blood sugar levels in healthy people for application to people with diabetes, you need to include medical domain knowledge in your models, such as in this case how glucose is absorbed and processed in a body with diabetes. Only then can you really make your model fit the patient. And while that may sound obvious, it is not. Many models that are made on the basis of artificial intelligence only look for patterns in the data repository, without considering any physical laws.

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Digital copy of your body allows to try out treatments - Mirage News

The GOLO Diet: What it is and can it help with weight loss? – TODAY

Posted: June 17, 2020 at 2:46 pm

If you take a look at the GOLO diets website, its easy to see the appeal of this plan. The program suggests that its diet along with its dietary supplement can help you lose weight, keep it off, increase your metabolic efficiency and prevent or reverse health conditions. The core concept behind the GOLO diet is the theory that weight problems are caused by insulin resistance. The diet aims to help people maintain healthy insulin levels so their cells can process glucose from their blood efficiently. When insulin levels are within a healthy range, it may be easier to lose weight

GOLO claims that its proprietary supplement, Release, which is promoted as a feature of the diet, can help control insulin, thereby nudging the body to lose weight without dieting. The company also claims that by pairing its balanced meal plan, The GOLO Metabolic Plan, with the Release supplement, your metabolism gets faster and is able to convert food into energy quickly.

The bottom line? No. The Release supplement includes a little magnesium, plus zinc, chromium and some other plant compounds. Though the company cites data suggesting their Release supplement can enhance weight loss, the quality of the research is low. All of it is sponsored by the company, it involves very small populations being observed over a short period of time and most of it isnt published in peer-reviewed journals. The peer review process means that scientific findings are subject to the scrutiny of others with expertise in the field and without this, the findings arent nearly as meaningful.

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Heres what we know: There are no magic bullets for weight loss. Supplements have never been demonstrated to produce long-term weight loss benefits. Also, even if a supplement is plant-based and natural, it might cause side effects. Supplements can also interfere with the medications youre taking. For example, ingredients in Release may interfere with diabetes medication, which might cause your blood sugar to dip too low.

The GOLO diet itself has some merit. It is a calorie-reducing diet and its eating plan the GOLO Metabolic Plan supplies between 1,300 and 1,800 calories per day, through whole foods, like fruits, vegetables, meats, eggs and grains, according to its website. These foods are permitted in portioned amounts so while you can have some brown rice or a dinner roll, it might be a much smaller portion (say, 1/2 cup of rice) than the amount youre used to eating. Processed foods and treats arent recommended, but you can use the plans fit points (earned by exercising) to eat these foods or heartier portions if you wish.

Emphasizing whole foods over heavily processed ones is a good strategy for managing your weight. In one study that compared the same set of participants who were fed a whole foods diet or a calorie-, carb-, fat- and protein-matched processed foods diet, participants ate faster and more on the processed foods diet, gaining about two pounds over a two week period. The same people lost about two pounds over the same period when eating whole foods. Whole foods take longer to eat, have more fiber and are more filling than processed foods, so embracing these types of foods may promote weight loss. Learning how to manage portion sizes and balance meals is also useful. In this case, you might find that your typical eating pattern is low on veggies but high on grains, whereas a more balanced approach is to reverse the ratio. In this case, a pasta dinner might involve 1/2 cup of pasta and 2 cups of veggies instead of 2 cups of pasta and 1/2 cup of veggies.

However, the GOLO diet may not be a healthy choice for everybody, especially if youre pregnant or nursing, or if you have a medical condition that requires you to take medication that could be impacted by the Release supplement.

If youre used to eating larger portions of foods and your diet includes a lot of heavily processed foods, making the changes suggested on the GOLO diet could produce weight loss. But these changes may also feel restrictive and overwhelming. Many weight-loss programs are unsustainable because they dont match your lifestyle (such as how often you like to cook or order takeout) and food preferences and because they promote portions that arent filling enough for you. Its hard to put up with hunger.

To lose weight and keep it off, you need a set of skills that involves more than what you eat or popping a poorly studied supplement that will also prove to be a big expense over time. Instead, eating well, tuning in to your bodys appetite signals, staying active, getting sufficient sleep and managing stress healthfully are better long-term strategies for weight loss and insulin management.

Anyone can lose weight on a low-calorie menu, but whether thats healthy or sustainable for you is the real question. And whether the supplement can enhance your weight loss is certainly questionable. If you want to give the GOLO diet a try, consider these things first:

The rest is here:
The GOLO Diet: What it is and can it help with weight loss? - TODAY

Healthy Eating Pattern Is More Effective In Lowering Heart Disease Risk Than Any Particular Diet: Study – NDTV Food

Posted: June 17, 2020 at 2:46 pm

There's no doubt that healthy eating and healthy living go hand-in-hand. There have been number of studies world-wide to understand our bodies' reaction to certain foods compared to the others. In one such recent study, it has been found that an overall healthy eating pattern is more effective in lowering heart-related risks than any particular diet regime. Conducted by researchers at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, the findings were published in online journal JAMA Internal Medicine.

The study stated that a good diet regime, including various ingredients and nutrients, play a better role in lowering cardiovascular disease, than any particular/specific diet plan. An official release by the school also stated that some earlier studies examined how adhering to one recommended eating pattern led to long-term risk of heart-related issues.

The findings further showed different healthy eating patterns were equally effective in lowering CVD risk across racial and ethnic groups and other subgroups.

The researchers of this study focused on the dietary patterns of over two lakh participants. They found that participants who adhered most to the healthy eating patterns had a 14 to 21 percent lower risk of cardiovascular disease, compared with those who adhered the least.

However, every eating pattern focused on higher consumption of whole grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, and nuts, and lower intakes of red and processed meats and sugar-sweetened beverages.

Speaking about the same, study researcher Frank Hu stated, "There is no one-size-fits-all diet that is best for everyone. One can combine foods in a variety of flexible ways to achieve healthy eating patterns according to individuals' health needs, food preferences, and cultural traditions."

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Healthy Eating Pattern Is More Effective In Lowering Heart Disease Risk Than Any Particular Diet: Study - NDTV Food

Current session of Japan’s Diet to end today – Foreign Brief

Posted: June 17, 2020 at 2:46 pm

An extraordinary 100-day pandemic-oriented session of Japans parliament, the Diet, is set to end today. Despite opposition demands for an

Photo: Nikkei

An extraordinary 100-day pandemic-oriented session of Japans parliament, the Diet, is set to end today.

Despite opposition demands for an extension to better prepare for additional COVID-19 waves, the governing Liberal Democratic Party has refused to prolong a session that has seen the enactment of two record-breaking supplementary budgets and the Bank of Japans controversial foray into negative interest rate territory. The overall projected cost of Japans COVID-19 countermeasures exceeds $1.86 trillion.

Despite the unprecedented emergency allocation, several weeks of initial inaction continue to take a toll on the Japanese economy. The cash handouts, employee adjustment assistance and corporate subsidies stipulated by the first package have been distributed to only a small percentage of intended recipients, and the passage of the secondary budget could further tighten the bottleneck.

Expect todays conclusion to be followed by an easing of domestic travel restrictions later this week, intended to jumpstart the nations flagging tourism industry. The concurrent release of May trade data will likely show a continued export slump reflective of weak US auto sales. Expect further delays in aid distribution to constrain economic recovery in the short-term. Despite the enormity of the allocated amount, no particular use was specified in the recent secondary budget, increasing the likelihood that bureaucratic complications will hamstring the packages rollout.

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Current session of Japan's Diet to end today - Foreign Brief

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