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3 healthy things to eat for clear skin – Yahoo Lifestyle

Posted: June 11, 2020 at 9:44 pm

If youve noticed stress-induced breakouts, rashes or skin irritations while at-home during the coronavirus pandemic, it may be time to add gut-friendly foods to your diet.

Cookies and chips may have been your go-to comfort foods, but overdoing it on pantry favorites can trigger gut dysfunction (an imbalance of gut bacteria) and in turn, cause your skin to react. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, a healthy diet can play a key role in clear skin.

In fact, healthy skin can start in the kitchen. Dr. Taz Bhatia, an immune support and wellness physician, offers Yahoo Life three items that can help your skin thrive.

Apple cider vinegar helps balance gut bacteria, reduces inflammation and lowers the growth of a yeast called candida. An overgrowth of candida can lead to skin problems like acne and eczema. Bhatia suggests adding a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to water or combining it with oil for a salad dressing. Apple cider vinegar may not be your favorite drink, but it is magic when it comes to your skin, she says.

Yogurt provides the body with good bacteria that is essential in overcoming bad bacteria and keeps the gut balanced. It calms the gut down and helps to take inflammation down, Bhatia explains.

Dandelion tea helps cleanse the liver, which over time can help clear your skin. The liver digests, processes and metabolizes different hormones and toxins. One of the common reasons for unhealthy or broken out skin is a clogged up liver, almost like a laundry bag that's never been emptied, says Bhatia.

These foods can not only make your skin look good but they can also help you feel good.

For the latest coronavirus news and updates, follow along at According to experts, people over 60 and those who are immunocompromised continue to be the most at risk. If you have questions, please reference the CDCs and WHOs resource guides.

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3 healthy things to eat for clear skin - Yahoo Lifestyle

Weight loss tricks: Lose weight without starvation, without risking your health and in just one week – Explica

Posted: June 11, 2020 at 9:44 pm

There are no miracle diets but there are adequate, healthy and even fast ways to lose weight. You have to forget phrases like miracle diet and discard that an ingredient or food is going to do all the work for you. One of the issues that you have to take into account is that you should start thinking about cooking at home, with natural products, and avoid processed foods, fast food and all those things that, in addition to gaining weight, are bad for your health. Of course, there is no reason for you to discard any type of food, you just have to know when and in what quantity you should eat them. Here we summarize what you have to keep in mind to start losing weight quickly:

1. No food is prohibited

Choose a varied diet that allows you to eat many different things. Varied diets have been shown to be more effective than others. There is also something psychological in this: if they forbid you, the more you will want to eat it and the greater your anxiety. Otherwise, frustration will not exist. For this reason, choose a menu (for this diet you will have to select one and be enough in it) in which there are all kinds of products.

2. Starving is not necessary

The diet, in addition to being varied, must be sufficient. The portions should be moderate, but you should not skip any of the dishes, including the dessert, which should be based on fruit or dairy. A very drastic diet may have an immediate effect, but it will not last over time, which invites you to put it aside.

3. Forget that you are on a diet

The word diet is a problem. If you think youre doing it, its all about that. What it is about is to change habits, eat what is necessary and add products that you may not have considered.

4. Moderation in rations

Which means that you can eat any product, but less quantity. This recommendation will help you lose what you have left and it will also help your digestive system to work better, avoiding burning, heartburn, flatulence or bloating. In addition to losing weight, you will feel much better.

5. A realistic goal

Most diets start very well because 1 or 2 kilos of weight are lost in a day or two due to the fluid you lose, but that is not realistic. A good goal may be to lose 2 or 3 kilos per week at the beginning and in the following ones, when your body stabilizes, one more every seven days.

6. A menu proposal

Here we propose a menu for a week that can serve you:


First course: Watermelon and fresh cheese saladMain course: Pumpkin stuffed with couscousDessert: A rice pudding ice cream


First course: Mashed carrots with fruitMain course: White rice with vegetablesDessert: A yogurt


First course: Grilled mixed vegetablesMain course: sauted mushroomsDessert: A few French toast prepared without frying in oil and without so much sugar (look for the recipe, there are a lot of methods to do it)


First course: Legs in almond sauceSecond course: swordfish with prawnsDessert: Strawberry and oatmeal smoothie


First course: Beans with tomatoMain course: Pickled fishDessert: Chocolate cake (try a raw, healthier style)


First course: Tuscan salad (with apple, mustard, cheese and mustard)Main course: Try making a steamed burgerDessert: chestnut flan


First course: Chicken and mushroom pieMain course: roasted tomatoesDessert: Catalan cream

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Weight loss tricks: Lose weight without starvation, without risking your health and in just one week - Explica

The wonders of the Keto diet, know the allowed and prohibited foods – Explica

Posted: June 11, 2020 at 9:44 pm

The Keto diet focuses on converting fat into the bodys main fuel, it is known as a 24/7 fat burning diet. It is one of the most popular weight loss trends, know all the details and find out if it fits your lifestyle

It is a fact the keto diet today it is one of the eating plans to lose weight most popular and thanks to this tops the list as the trend of the moment to lose weight. Among its main objectives is characterized by being a high fat and low carbohydrate planYes, it is certainly quite peculiar to get used to the idea of losing weight while you eat bacon and cheese.

Due to the immense success of the keto diet various medical specialists have remained somewhat skeptical of their wonderful effectsFor this reason, it is worth learning more about this trend. The goal of the diet is to induce ketosis, what is a metabolic process in which the body use fat instead of carbohydrates to get the energy; Among the main limitations of this plan is that many people consider that it requires a lot of will.

The term keto is derived from the keto word which refers to the action in which the body is stimulated to produce small fuel molecules calls ketonesWhat happens in a simpler way is to provide the body with an alternative source of fuel that is used when blood sugar is low. The incredible thing is that ketones are produced very quickly when we stop eating carbohydrates and limit protein to the maximum. In a ketogenic diet the body changes its energy supply to practically run on fats, the most impressive thing is that it is a fat burning diet 24-7 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).

Also of course there is always the risk of regain lost weight, when other forms of food are resumed, including the prohibited foods in the keto diet. This type of diet is based on a fairly simple premise that focuses the diet on eat mainly fats, limited amounts of protein and almost no carbohydrates.

One of its great qualities is due to high consumption of healthy fats and other nutrients that are associated with great benefits to lose weight, improve digestive health, positively stimulates brain function and physical and mental performance are enhanced. It is one of the most recommended plans to burn the excess body fat without starving and it is proven that it achieves reverse type 2 diabetes.

The food groups allowed on a keto diet are the following

Meats: The poll meator pig beefsteaks Ground beef, lamb, bacon, turkey ham, sausages, in limited quantities.Fats and oils: Virtually all are allowed, however there is a special recommendation on consuming healthy fats as is the case of olive, avocado and coconut oil. Products such as butter, mayonnaise, lard and lard. Some vegetables: Especially those who they grow on the surface of the earth as is the case the cauliflower, cabbage, avocado, broccoli, zucchini, Peppers, aubergines, tomatoes, asparaguscucumber onion mushroomsspinach lettuce, green beans and olives.High-fat dairy: Thick cream, cheese (soft and hard), cream cheese, and sour cream.Walnuts: Nuts an extraordinary complement, the permitted products are the almonds, peanut, peanut butter, almond butter, macadamia nuts, walnuts and hazelnuts.Fatty fish and shellfish: Seafood is a great ally in the keto diet, the consumption of salmon fillet and seafood like snapper, trout, tuna, cod, catfish, halibut, clams, oysters, lobster, crab, scallops, mussels.Blueberries: The fruits of the berry family as is the case of the blueberries, blackberries and raspberries are allowed in moderation.Sugar substitutes: Artificial sweeteners (in moderation Stevia and sucralose.Alcohol: Always in moderation, the best options are strong spirits, dry wine and champagne.Eggs. Coffee and tea without sugarSpices: The best alternative to flavor.

Keto diet allowed food. / Photo: Pixabay

Fruit: Most fruits are banned from the Keto diet this is due to its sugar content, which are a type of carbohydrate. You should avoid consuming apples, bananasoranges grapes, watermelons, peaches, melons, pineapples, cherriespears lemonslimes grapefruits, plums, mangoes, etc.Grains and Starches: Products and derivatives of trigorice ryeoatmeal cornquinoa barley, Son, bulguramaranth buckwheat, sprouted grains.Root vegetables: As is the case of the potato (both sweet and regular), carrotsyams parsnips Yucca, beets and turnips. Grain Products: All kinds of cereal, bread, pasta rice, corn, oats, cookies, Pizza, popcorn, big wave, bagels and muesli.Vegetables: Black beans, Red beans, Pinto beans, White beanssoy green peas, chickpeas and lentils. Sweeteners: Cane sugar, honey, Maple syrup, agave nectar, splenda, aspartamesaccharin corn syrup. Sweet: Chocolates, pastrybuns cakes ice creams, cookies, pudding and custard.Some fats / oils: As is the case of canola oil, soybean oil, grape seed oil, peanut oil, Sesame oil and sunflower oil.Alcohol: Beer, cider, sweet wines and all range of sweetened alcoholic beverages. Drinks in plastic bottles: Sweetened beverages, juicesmoothies refreshments, sweetened tea and coffee.Low-fat dairy: As is the case of the skim milkskim mozzarella nonfat yogurt, low cheese and cream cheese. Sweetened sauces and sauces: In general all processed sauces like tomato sauce, BBQ sauce, some salad dressings, and hot sauces.

Carbohydrates. / Photo: Shutterstock

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The wonders of the Keto diet, know the allowed and prohibited foods - Explica

Why Am I Exhausted On The Keto Diet? – Flux Magazine

Posted: June 11, 2020 at 9:44 pm

words Alexa Wang

Youre all in.

You heard about all the celebrities whove usedthe keto diet, from Halle Berry to LeBron James. You figured that if it wasgood enough for them, its good enough for you.

Your friends couldnt stop singing the praisesof their ketogenic diets, and they kept telling you how much weight theyvelost. They certainly do look good.

You were sick of dragging all that extra weight around, and were more than ready for all of the other benefits attributed to keto. After all, who could argue with heart health, better brain function, increased focus and more energy?

But you started the keto diet last week, and youcant stop wondering: why am I soexhausted all of the time? Stop worrying, and have another serving of baconand eggs. (Extra bacon, please!)

When you start feeling tired after beginning theketo diet, thats actually a good thing. It means the diet is working.

Why does that happen and how long will itlast? Read on.

The keto diet causes major changes in the wayyour body processes, uses and stores the food you eat. That, in turn, causesmajor changes in the way youre going to feel at least, at first.

To understand how that happens, its importantto learn a little more about ketosis and the keto diet, explained more fully atDietHive.

The keto diets name actually stems from whathappens in your body when you go low-carb, high fat. Here are the key facts ina nutshell.

So in short, keto is a low-carb diet designed toforce your body into ketosis. In that metabolic state, the body burns fat youhave stored up over time, and doesnt have excess glucose to store as new fat.

And the name keto diet is really just shorthand for ketogenic diet, describing the process by which the body burns fat and the process by which you lose weight.

According to TheHealthy, The keto diet is a huge change for your body.Instead of eating a high-carb diet, youre eating lots of fats and proteinwhile avoiding most carbs, entering a state of ketosis as a result. All of asudden, the body has to adapt to a complete diet, and has to find a differentmethod of obtaining the energy it needs.

Thats a difficult process for the body toadjust to, and it can make you exhausted for a while. But its not abnormal.In fact, its to be expected and theres even an informal name for it: the ketoflu. (The more scientific name for it is keto induction, and its sometimescalled ketogenic fatigue.)

Its not really a flu, and its not caused by avirus. But the symptoms are quite similar. Fatigue and weakness, headache,nausea and vomiting are the most common ones. You might also notice musclecramps, constipation, a rash or even bad breath. (Bad breath? One ketone thebody produces is acetone, which you may recognize as a common and smelly solvent.)

You commonly experience the keto flu, and itstelltale low energy levels, when your body is in the process of enteringketosis. Since your body is using up all of its stored glucose and youre notadding more via carbs, you end up with low levels of insulin in yourbloodstream.

Thats a good thing for fat burning and weightloss, but it also causes you to urinate a lot. And in the process, you lose alot of bodily fluid, sodium and potassium. As you might have guessed, thatmeans you may get dehydrated and weak.

There are three pieces of good news, though.First, the keto flu means that youre entering ketosis, the key to the dietssuccess. Second, it doesnt last all that long. According to Diet Hive,most people only experience the keto flu for a week or two, although it canlast as long as a month for some.

Third, in many people, ketogenic fatigue onlylasts a few days and there are thingsyou can do to feel better even faster.

If you know that a problem is imminent, you canprepare for it. In the case of the keto flu, that means being ready to supplementor alter your diet during the first few weeks.

A good first step is to be sure that youre drinking at least 2-3 quarts of fluids every day. It doesnt have to be just water (or flavored water); you can also drink tea, broth or diet soda, although you should keep your caffeine consumption to reasonable levels. If the symptoms worsen during the day or you get a headache, drink a cup of water with a teaspoon of salt mixed in and you should feel better.

Its also important to get enough electrolytes like salt, magnesium and potassium, but avoid the sugar-based drinks you can buy at the store. Get them from salted broth and keto-friendly foods like avocado and nuts, and dont skimp on salt at mealtime. Many electrolyte-heavy foods will also help you avoid constipation.

Almost everyone has to endure the keto flu whenthey start a ketogenic diet. Dont panic; its worth it. Before you know it,youll be enjoying that extra energy and focus they promised, as you watchthe weight fall off.

Go here to see the original:
Why Am I Exhausted On The Keto Diet? - Flux Magazine

Dwayne Haskins, slimmed down and with renewed focus, promises to be better in second year – Alton Telegraph

Posted: June 11, 2020 at 9:44 pm

Les Carpenter, The Washington Post

Redskins quarterback Dwayne Haskins said he has been working hard this offseason and wants "to be the face of the franchise."

Redskins quarterback Dwayne Haskins said he has been working hard this offseason and wants "to be the face of the franchise."

Photo: Washington Post Photo By Jonathan Newton

Redskins quarterback Dwayne Haskins said he has been working hard this offseason and wants "to be the face of the franchise."

Redskins quarterback Dwayne Haskins said he has been working hard this offseason and wants "to be the face of the franchise."

Dwayne Haskins, slimmed down and with renewed focus, promises to be better in second year

Almost as soon as Ron Rivera was named the Washington Redskins' head coach, he has challenged Dwayne Haskins, wanting the quarterback to prove he can be the team's leader. On Wednesday, Rivera seemed to push one again, when during a video news conference he said there would be "one heck of a battle" between Haskins and Kyle Allen for the starting quarterback job in training camp.

Rivera has mentioned this competition many times, despite the fact the job almost certainly belongs to Haskins.

The quarterback struggled at times during his rookie season, from trying to grasp Washington's complex offense, to sensing Coach Jay Gruden had reservations drafting him, to dealing with a coaching change when Gruden was fired after five games. Even his first win was marred by maturity questions after he took a selfie with a fan that kept him from the game's final kneeldown. But he has seemed to understand Rivera's demands. Late Wednesday afternoon the quarterback sat on a couch in his home, wearing a sleeveless T-shirt that showed off his leaner body and said he has been working to prove he can be the leader Rivera wants.

"I'm going to deliver, it's never been a question about that," Haskins said.

He said he has been pushing not just in his private workouts with other players during the novel coronavirus shutdown but also off the field as well. He said he knows there are perceptions that, even as he enters his second NFL season, many around the NFL think he needs to prove something beyond just an ability to throw.

"I won't necessarily say it's just about football, it's with everything in life," Haskins said. "I just wanted to be a man about my business and that's on and off the field. Not that I wasn't prior, too, but now turning 23, still being young and growing, whenever there were questions about immaturity or lack of whatever it was, I was going to change that whether it was me or not - just for myself because I needed to do that for me. I applied pressure with everything I did this offseason with my body and how I studied and it's making a big difference."

Whenever people around the team talk about Haskins this past winter and spring, they mention the amount of time he has spent throwing, lifting weights, running and learning new coordinator Scott Turner's offense. Pressed on this during Wednesday's call, Haskins said, "I just cut off a lot of toxic stuff in my life," without going into detail about what the toxic things were.

He said he is 218 pounds, which is almost 20 pounds lighter than when he came to the Redskins last spring, and weighs 10 pounds less than when he began training this past winter.

"I want to be the best player I can be for my team and that was me working it and it just fell off," he said of the weight loss, adding that he didn't intend to lose that much weight. "I'll be more of a dynamic football player this year and I'm looking forward to making some plays."

The pressure on Haskins will be extreme, given Rivera's need to quickly find the team's future quarterback. Last year, Haskins played poorly early, throwing for just 140 yards in parts of two games with four interceptions and no touchdowns. But he finished strong, throwing for five touchdowns and only one interception in his final three starts.

These later performances appear to have given the Redskins' staff hope to go forward with Haskins. Rivera said Wednesday that he was "proud" Haskins had gone to last weekend's protests in Washington to better understand ways he can "make a difference." Haskins, in his Wednesday call, talked about wanting "to be the face of the franchise" and "working to do that."

"He is a young man who is just learning the game, came out of college early - obviously - and is just one of those things where as you see him grow and develop you can see those types of things that you are hoping for," Rivera said. "I appreciate the attitude and effort that he has approached this with."

Rivera said Haskins sometimes sends him late-night texts, long after the coach has gone to bed, asking questions that the coach won't see until the morning. Still, Rivera said he is happy for the communication, sensing that Haskins is showing "maturity" and understanding the demands Rivera has placed on him to be a leader.

Haskins said he is studying Turner's offense, a process he described as simpler than last year, in the months after leaving Ohio State - in part because he has already gone through learning an NFL offense and partly because Turner's system uses fewer words and "is easier to regurgitate."

In a normal year, Haskins would have been finishing his final minicamp this week, giving the team and the coaches a better understanding of how much he has grown. Instead, they will have to wait until later this summer when training camps open and his second NFL season can begin.

See the original post here:
Dwayne Haskins, slimmed down and with renewed focus, promises to be better in second year - Alton Telegraph

The rise of crack cocaine: HSE warns of spread of highly addictive drug – Echo Live

Posted: June 11, 2020 at 9:44 pm

THE Health Service Executive has issued a warning about crack cocaine, as the drug becomes more popular.

At a recent court hearing in Cork, evidence was presented that an accused man had spent large amounts of money on crack cocaine over a 12-hour period.

Last September, The Echo also revealed that users of the lethal drug are turning to treatment centres in Cork for help in tackling addiction to it.

Harm reduction information from the HSE on the drug states: "Crack is an addictive, stimulant drug which can make people feel more alert, energetic and confident.

"In addition to the effects there are significant health risks.

"The effects of crack wear off very quickly, prompting the person to repeat the dose in a binge type pattern which increases the risks to health.

"Crack has a more intense and immediate effect because it is delivered to the brain much faster than cocaine powder with effects much stronger."

The HSE adds: "Problems relating to acute cocaine intoxication are relatively common. Cocaine can cause a range of acute health-related problems and even sudden death.

"Crack can create a significant number of physical and mental health problems for people.

"Use is highly risky for anybody with high blood pressure or a heart condition.

"Even perfectly healthy, young people can have a fit or heart attack after consuming too much cocaine."

It can also lead to increased anxiety, breathing problems and lung damage, weight loss and debt, according to the HSE.

There is a danger of overdosing, particularly if mixed with substances such as heroin.

Crack cocaine was rampant across the US in the 1980s, devastating communities and spiking crime in the affected areas.

It is in the same family as cocaine but is more potent and more addictive. It has other street names, including rock, stone or free-base.

It can be smoked or injected.

The 2018 annual report from the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction highlighted that there have been increases in the number of clients presenting for treatment for crack cocaine addiction in Ireland and five other European countries, including the UK, since 2014.

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The rise of crack cocaine: HSE warns of spread of highly addictive drug - Echo Live

Film Room: Could Bobby Okereke be the Mike linebacker of the future? – Stampede Blue

Posted: June 11, 2020 at 9:44 pm

The Indianapolis Colts surprised most fans when they drafted linebacker Bobby Okereke in the third round of the 2019 NFL Draft. He was a fine draft prospect but with All-Pro Darius Leonard and solid starter Anthony Walker already on the team, it seemed like a position that didnt need to be addressed.

Okereke came into his rookie season with modest expectations and all but blew them out of the water in 2019. He finished last season with 43 tackles, 2 tackles for a loss, 22 run stops, 1 sack, and 1 forced fumble while playing at SAM backer and as a fill in at MIKE when Leonard missed time. Pro Football Focus rated him as the top rookie linebacker in the NFL and as the 16th overall linebacker in the league during his rookie campaign.

For todays film room, we will be looking at just how good Okereke was during his rookie season and discuss why he could be the future at the MIKE position alongside Darius Leonard.

One of the biggest reasons Okereke was drafted was his ability in pass coverage. His best traits that allow him to excel in this area are his long arms and his above average athleticism. This play is the perfect example of both. He is able to quickly redirect down the line and maintain great depth due to his athleticism and his long arms allow him to jump up and nearly come away with the highlight reel interception on the play. He has to come down with plays like this next year but this shows his promise.

Modern linebackers are tasked with so much in the pass game. They have to understand their zone drops and depth and need to be athletic enough to cover running backs, tight ends, and receivers in space. Here Okereke is tasked with covering Chiefs running back Damien Williams on the wheel route. He locates his assignment and stays in the hip pocket of the running back throughout the route. He could have got his head around at the end to make a play on the ball but he does do a good job of disrupting the running backs hands as the ball arrives. Great coverage rep.

Okereke is a cerebral player. Both Leonard and Walker have raved about how smart he is over the past season. When he gets more experience under his belt, hell be able to combine that cerebral ability with his natural talents to become a really good pass defending linebacker. Here is a glimpse of that potential as he reads this quick slant on the goal line all the way and jumps the route to take the interception all the way back for two points. This is what you want to see out of a rookie linebacker.

While Okereke could stand to improve a bit in run defense, we did see a lot of promise as a rookie. The biggest areas that stand out are his instincts and his athleticism. Here is a great example of that as he quickly diagnoses the run play and gets to the hole before the running back to make the play. Notice his first step to move with the flow of the play and how quick he is to get to the hole and stop the play. Great play.

While this is something that we will talk more about in the next section, I do want to rave about how fearless he is as a run defender. For a linebacker who is on the smaller side of the weight scale, he has no trouble filling run gaps and holding up at the point of attack. Here he meets the fullback in the hole and stands him up. This clogs up the run lane and allows for the rest of the defense to converge on the running back for a loss.

The obvious next step Okereke needs to make as a run defender is to develop his hands and improve his ability to stack and shed offensive linemen. I do think he has a great baseline as a run and chase linebacker who can make plays all over the field. This is an excellent play as the weakside backer as he tracks the ball carrier down across the field for a short gain.

Now lets get to the part that really excites me. When I say that Okerekes physicality is a plus trait, Im not necessarily talking about his ability as a big hitter or tackler. Im mostly talking about that fearless ability to meet blockers head on in the hole and disrupt run plays. It doesnt matter if it is a 300+ linemen or an athletic fullback, Okereke will disrupt the run at whatever the cost. These next two plays are the perfect example of that. This first play he meets 350 pound offensive tackle in the hole and works his way around the block for the tackle for a loss. Look at how fearless he is on this play. Incredible.

This next play may be even more impressive as he meets the Dolphins fullback head on in the hole. Okereke is able to level the smaller fullback before making a play on the running back. Okereke is an absolute tank in the running game and it is so much fun seeing a physical linebacker lay into blockers like this to disrupt plays.

I couldnt conclude this piece without adding this play against the Titans. The Colts sent an all out blitz early against the Titans in this game and Okereke got a free shot at the quarterback. He showed great wherewithal to locate the ball and knock it free for the forced fumble. The future is really bright with this guy.

I thought Okereke was excellent in his rookie season. The game never looked too fast for him and it was rare to find him out of position. He improved each game and by the end of the year, he looked like a legitimate NFL linebacker.

My bold opinion, and one I expect many will disagree with, is that Okerekes potential leaves me pretty comfortable letting Anthony Walker leave this upcoming free agency. This will let Okereke shift inside to the MIKE position for the future.

I do want to say that I think Walker is a fine player who is an excellent run run defender and a great leader in this locker room. If the price is right, Id absolutely be all for his return for 2021 and the future. I just think his price may be too high after this season and it would be a bit foolish to pay a high price for a linebacker when you have a younger, cheaper, and probably better option behind him.

Okereke projects so well as the future at MIKE linebacker. He is a great athlete with excellent instincts and brings a different level of physicality than the other linebackers on the team. I his potential to grow could lead to a really good duo in the future with Leonard.

Film Room: Could Bobby Okereke be the Mike linebacker of the future? - Stampede Blue

Kevin McBride — The day I retired Mike Tyson – ESPN

Posted: June 11, 2020 at 9:44 pm

Former heavyweight Kevin McBride will always remember June 11 for one thing: the day he retired Mike Tyson.

Fifteen years ago at the MCI Center in Washington, D.C., McBride sent Tyson to the canvas -- and eventually into retirement. It was an improbable feat as a significant underdog and a moment that shocked boxing fans around the world.

Boxing announcer Steve Albert, who called the fight for the Showtime pay-per-view broadcast, stated that Tyson couldn't lose this fight, "even if he tried." But it happened.

ESPN spoke to McBride about his journey to that fight, his feeling inside the ring and how he never ultimately capitalized on the biggest win of his career.

Like many other boxers who grew up in the '80s, McBride idolized Mike Tyson. "Iron Mike" became the youngest heavyweight champion in boxing history when he finished Trevor Berbick in two rounds in 1986, and he ruled the heavyweight division with impunity until he was shocked by Buster Douglas in early 1990.

Tyson wasn't just a prizefighter -- he was an international icon. Even to a kid from Clones, Ireland.

At that time, McBride began crafting his amateur career, one that eventually led him to representing his country at the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona, Spain.

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"When I was a kid growing up in Ireland, I trained with this guy, Gerry Rehill," McBride said. "So Gerry would say, 'Listen, you keep training and you'll get places,' and I did box in the 1992 Olympics. It was all surreal out there."

Despite falling short in his effort to stand on the podium, McBride said he enjoyed his experiences at the event, which included meeting Michael Jordan and the iconic Dream Team and standing next to Carl Lewis at the closing ceremonies. He left Barcelona with a participatory medal not so much dismayed, but more focused on one particular dream.

"I remember telling my father one time, 'One day I'd like to fight Mike Tyson,' and he says, 'If you work hard and believe in yourself, maybe one day it can happen.'

"He died when he was 51 years old in 1992," McBride said. "I put the Olympic medal in his coffin."

McBride was not a highly touted prospect, and his pro career got off to a rather inauspicious start in 1992 as he fought to a draw with Gary Charlton, who'd had a record of 1-6 coming in. Then McBride racked up 19 victories before losing to Louis Monaco. Perhaps even more surprising than his 1997 loss to Monaco, who was 4-6-2 at the time, McBride was halted a year later in three rounds by journeyman Michael Murray, who came into the bout having lost his previous seven fights. Of all McBride's losses, Axel Schulz (TKO9) was by far his most distinguished blemish.

But each of those slip-ups was what put McBride in position for the assignment against Tyson. McBride was a guy with a good-enough-looking record but who would provide no actual resistance for Tyson.

As the calendar turned to 2005, McBride was just another guy trying to make a living.

"I was fighting other fights -- that March I was on ESPN, I was the headliner versus Kevin Montiy. I won, then I got the chance to fight Mike Tyson," McBride said, "I got the call to fight him, and I said sure. All they were offering was $150,000. I said, 'Don't negotiate any more, I just want to get in the ring with him.' It was a dream as a kid growing up to be able to fight him. So things started happening. I got the call to go to Washington, D.C., to sign the contract. I met Mike Tyson, and he's a legend. I said, 'I appreciate the fight.'"

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For McBride, the purse wasn't going to be only what mattered. Getting the fight was priceless. Tyson, by contrast, had a listed purse of $5 million.

"Everyone else was kind of greedy, looking for more, but I didn't care -- I would've fought him for nothing," McBride said. "When you're a fighter, and just to meet Mike Tyson, a legend, and then to actually box him."

Trained by Goody Petronelli (best known for his association with Marvin Hagler, with his brother, Pat), McBride had a friend who owned a bar and put up the money to pay for sparring partners and training expenses. McBride even went to a hypnotist. The sessions were, according to McBride, pretty simple -- "Every time Mike Tyson hits you, you're going to be smiling."

As he went to bed during that training camp, the last thing McBride saw was a photoshopped image of Tyson on his backside. After seeing "Cinderella Man," McBride fancied himself the modern-day James Braddock.

At the news conference to announce this event, Tyson tried to intimidate McBride by promising to "gut you like a fish." Undaunted, McBride countered, "Hey buddy, when I hit you on the chin, you're going to take the whole of Ireland."

McBride felt Tyson was dismissive of his talent.

"He was probably saying, 'I don't want to lose to this caliber of fighter,' but I was good enough, as far as I got to the Olympics, I had to qualify, I was the Irish champion. I sparred heavyweights like Ray Mercer, I sparred Riddick Bowe, I sparred Johnny Ruiz. I sparred a lot of champions."

The night before the fight, McBride told his lawyer he wouldn't step into the ring unless he had his funds for that night in his hands.

"So they went to the bank, and I actually got paid the night before the fight. So all I had to do was hear the bell ring."

As McBride marched into the ring in front of a crowd of 20,000, the sound of two men playing bagpipes was drowned out by the loud jeering from the fans who had come to see Tyson -- not his opponent. It was certainly an intimidating scene for the friendly McBride.

"What the hell did I get myself into?" he thought as he made his way to the ring.

At the time, Tyson had more mystique than ability, having lost two of his past three fights by KO. But there was still trepidation in facing him, at least early on.

"He puts the fear of God in anybody," McBride said. "But that's the good thing about me, I have no fear because I love the sport. I would've fought Mike Tyson for nothing. Just to get in the ring and mix with him and hit him."

For McBride, just surviving the first round was a moral victory. Before he could topple Tyson, he had to get over his own nerves.

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"Oh Jesus, he's the most intimidating fighter, ever," he said. "This is the most feared man in the world. But I was just focused on the win and whatever way I could win."

Once Round 1 ended, a significant hurdle was cleared.

"I'm sure him [and] his company thought, 'This is a walk in the park.'"

Tyson got off to a decent start, showing flashes of his trademark power, as he pounded McBride to both sides of the body. McBride admits even that version of Tyson was "one of the hardest hitters I've ever been hit by."

There's a belief in boxing that power is the last thing to go on a fighter, and in this fight, McBride said there was one significant aspect missing from Tyson's game.

"He wasn't as fast," McBride said. "Ten years before that, I might not have lasted that long."

While Tyson threw some booming shots, they were, for the most part, one-punch salvos. The whirlwind combination puncher that once dominated the division hadn't been seen in at least 15 years. His frenetic upper-body movement was reduced to occasionally slipping a punch. Tyson was flat-footed and squared up in his stance.

While he fell behind early on the cards, McBride built momentum by sticking around and gaining confidence. A big part of his strategy was putting his weight on Tyson and laying on him consistently while pushing his head down. More than once he was warned by referee Joe Cortez for this illegal, yet effective tactic. McBride, who came in at 271 pounds, routinely walked back the 233-pound Tyson throughout the night and especially during their clinches.

"I leaned my weight on him," McBride said. "I was the bigger, stronger man."

As the fight played out, McBride started to let his hands go more freely, but getting out of the early rounds -- when Tyson still had something in his gas tank -- was key.

"I was getting stronger and stronger," McBride said. "I could feel the energy sapping out of him."

The momentum shift was subtle, but clear. Outside of a few bursts, Tyson's attack became more muted. By the fifth round it was noticeable that McBride wasn't going anywhere, as he started to land more chopping right hands from close distance.

Understanding that one punch from Tyson could turn around his fortunes, McBride said he never felt comfortable. But as Tyson came out quickly in the sixth round, he appeared to have an air of desperation. The crowd rose to its feet.

"He hit me so hard in the sixth round," McBride said. "I grabbed him, and I said, 'Is that all you got?' And that's when he tried to break my arm and he tried to bite my nipple off. Thank God he had his mouthpiece in.

"People don't understand the pain and suffering. You can just imagine him with a mouthpiece on, biting on it, pulling, and you're like, 'AHHHHHHHHH!!!' and it just slipped off in time. It's like this man's nuts, crazy. I know he wants to win at all costs."

Forty seconds into the sixth round, Cortez deducted two points from Tyson for intentionally headbutting McBride, who suffered a cut over the right eye.

"I know in my heart, when you're in that kind of a zone, you want to win, you don't want to lose," McBride said. "This is your dream, your life. He just wanted to get to the next fight, and make some more money [to] pay his bills."

Yet despite all this, McBride not only weathered the storm, but by the end of the round he had Tyson on the ropes. He caught him with a series of compact right hands and uppercuts that had Tyson reeling.

And then it happened ...

Tyson was on his backside, slumped on the bottom rope. While not an official knockdown, the implications were clear: Tyson was finished.

"They say I pushed him, if you watch the end of the sixth, I caught him with a left hook," McBride said. "Then I went to kneel on him a little bit, not even that hard. He kind of fell to the ground, like he wasn't even trying to get up.

"It's like a dream, a fairy tale," McBride said of the moment. "You can't imagine it, I had a big smile on my face. But I was sad in my heart because I know the guy's a legend, and I know the world loves him."

The round ended, and Tyson slowly rose to his feet with Cortez telling him, "Get to your corner, that was a push." He put himself down on the stool, where trainer Jeff Fenech made the call. "Enough," he told Cortez. The fight was then waved off.

After the euphoria died down inside the ring, McBride was approached by Muhammad Ali.

"He got close to me, he started throwing punches at me, like six at a time," McBride said. "I could feel the wind and he said, 'You're the latest; I'm still the greatest.' Money can't buy that.

"Regardless, win or lose, it was like magic," he said. "It's hard to believe it's [been] 15 years. Time goes real quick."

The victory over Tyson wasn't exactly life-changing or career-altering.

"It didn't change [anything]," McBride said. "I just wanted to maybe fight for a world title; it never materialized.

"I was never in the shape that I should've been in," he said. "For the Tyson fight I trained, I was sober for eight, nine weeks. [Winning] was like a dream come true, it's a feeling nobody can ever take away from me."

There were eight more professional contests to end McBride's career, six of them losses. His final bout came in 2011, a fourth-round knockout loss to Mariusz Wach.

McBride, who now lives outside Boston with his wife, Danielle, and his two kids, Grainne (15) and Caoimhin (12), works for Brendan Hoarty Tree Services.

"It's easier to knock [trees] down than to knock guys out," he quipped. "I would've loved to have the dream money as far as ... have a nice house, my kids would be set for life."

But McBride has no bitterness. His priorities today are simple.

"Just be a good, stand-up dad and be there," he said. "I'm sober, I love life, one day at a time."

And like many other boxing fans, McBride is amused by all this talk of Tyson boxing once again.

"If he called me out, and the money was right, I'd get in shape and fight him again, give him a rematch," he joked. "Maybe you guys can work it out, call Tyson and say, 'Listen, we're going to make a fight again with you and Kevin.' Maybe I could put my kids through college and all that."

Last year at the International Boxing Hall of Fame induction ceremony in Canastota, New York, McBride happened to cross paths with Tyson.

"I walked up to him and said, 'Hey Mike, do you remember me?' He says, 'Yes, Kevin, I remember you.'"

It turns out McBride isn't the only one who won't forget that night.

The rest is here:
Kevin McBride -- The day I retired Mike Tyson - ESPN

Intermittent fasting and exercise: How to do it safely – Medical News Today

Posted: June 11, 2020 at 9:42 pm

Intermittent fasting refers to a diet schedule that cycles between not eating and eating. Cycles of intermittent fasting can be hourly or daily.

People may choose to fast for reasons such as religion, diet, or potential health benefits.

During intermittent fasting (IF), people may wish to continue or begin exercising. It is possible to exercise while fasting, but precautions are necessary.

In this article, we explore exercising while fasting, different types of IF, how to plan workouts during fasting, and safety tips to consider.

People who are fasting can partake in exercise. Some people exercise while IF as they believe it has potential health benefits. These include:

When people eat carbohydrates, the body converts this into a type of sugar known as glucose. The body stores glucose as glycogen.

Research suggests that during periods of fasting, glycogen stores are empty. This means the body starts to burn fat for energy during exercise, which may help weight loss.

One study found that exercising in a fasted state also led to a higher fat loss than in people exercising after a meal.

However, other studies have produced different results.

A 2014 study found that people who fasted overnight and exercised did not lose more weight than people who ate before exercise. Another study in mice concluded that IF with or without exercising led to effective weight loss in mice.

To lose weight, the calories someone consumes must be less than those they burn each day. IF may help a person lose weight as it controls the number of calories they eat.

A study that compared IF with a calorie restricted diet that does not include periods of fasting found no major differences in the amount of weight each group lost.

Findings from a review of research looking at exercise and fasting highlight that it may increase autophagy.

Autophagy is a process that helps destroy unwanted or damaged cells to regenerate newer and healthier ones.

A 2018 study found that IF and exercise may slow down aging and disease processes. This is because IF and exercise may cause changes in metabolism.

Research has also identified some potentially negative side effects to exercise while fasting. These can include

The research examining fasting and exercise seems to have conflicting information. Depending on a persons exercise goals, they may want to try IF for fat loss. However, if someone wants to build muscle, they may wish to use alternative diets.

There are a number of different types of intermittent fasting. These include:

If people want to change their usual eating habits, it is worth discussing this with a doctor or nutritionist, especially for a change such as fasting.

It is important to plan workouts during IF to stay safe. Some considerations are:

Which type of exercise a person does will likely depend on the type of fast they do. For example, a person doing 16:8 or nightly fasts can do either aerobic or anaerobic exercise during their periods of eating.

However, if someone is doing alternate days and wants to exercise during their day of not eating, they should probably stick to less intense aerobic exercise.

Pre-workout nutrition should consist of a meal 23 hours before exercise rather than just before. It can be rich in complex carbohydrates, such as whole grain cereal and protein.

A post-workout meal should consist of carbohydrates, high quality proteins, and fats to help recovery.

After planning the workout, it is also worth considering the following tips to stay safe.

For some people fasting and exercising may be more dangerous, including:

If a person has underlying health conditions but wishes to try IF and exercise, it is best they discuss this with their doctor.

People may fast for a variety of reasons, such a religion, diet, or other potential health benefits. It is possible to exercise during IF safely.

Although IF and exercise may help weight loss, there is conflicting evidence saying whether it is more effective than other means, such as calorie restricted eating.

Possible benefits to fasting and exercise are an improvement in the autophagy process and possible anti-aging effects.

However, people may not be able to build muscle during IF and may find they perform poorer in their workouts. A person may want to consider another diet if they wish to build muscle

There are many types of IF. Whichever a person chooses to do, they should plan the workout accordingly and consider potential safety measures.

Excerpt from:
Intermittent fasting and exercise: How to do it safely - Medical News Today

Yes, Resistance-Band Training Is Worth It – Especially If You Have Joint Pain – Yahoo Lifestyle

Posted: June 11, 2020 at 9:42 pm

Beautiful young woman exercising outdoor with resistance band

If you deal with joint pain, the thought of squatting with a heavy barbell in your home - unsupervised by a professional - is understandably intimidating, especially if you're brand new to lifting weights.

You should know that strength training can be done by those who have joint pain - in fact, the Arthritis Foundation states it can be particularly helpful for those suffering with arthritis.

However, if you're worried that dumbbells will worsen your discomfort or leave you with an injury, you still have options on equipment - try switching up your strength-training tools with resistance bands instead.

"In general, if you are new to strength training or are experiencing a significant increase in pain, resistance bands can be a better option over weights," Jennifer Heberton, PT, DPT, OSC, a physical therapist at HSS says.

"Resistance bands provide feedback to your joints throughout the full motion of an exercise. This allows for increased stability of the joint through muscular activation and decreases the amount of stress put on the joint surfaces."

Because resistance bands offer a light loading to the muscles around the painful joints, Heberton explains they then allow you to try new exercises or different exercise variations with a "decreased risk of overloading the joint surfaces."

But, that's not to say strength training with traditional dumbbells should be avoided if you deal with joint pain.

While resistance bands provide feedback, Heberton says that strength training requires people to have "good control and muscular stability around the joints so they can move a weight without as much feedback."

Related: This Is the Ultimate 15-Minute Resistance Band Workout You Can Do Anywhere

When Heberton is creating a program for someone, she says she typically uses resistance bands to provide ample feedback in the beginning and then challenges the body by progressing to weights as appropriate.

So, it's really all about strength training with weights safely.

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For example, Heberton suggests using the correct weight for each exercise - or one that doesn't sacrifice form or cause you pain while completing the movement - and modifying when needed.

"Injuries occur when people ignore pain, and/or the importance of form and proper muscle activation when doing strength training with weights," Heberton adds.

Of course, it's always a smart idea to consult a certified personal trainer or medical professional before jumping into any strength-training program as a beginner - joint pain or not.

Click here for more health and wellness stories, tips, and news.

Yes, Resistance-Band Training Is Worth It - Especially If You Have Joint Pain - Yahoo Lifestyle

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