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Japan’s government submits record extra budget to Diet for virus relief – The Japan Times

Posted: June 8, 2020 at 8:45 am

The government submitted to parliament on Monday a draft second extra budget for fiscal 2020, totaling a record 31.91 trillion ($291 billion), to implement additional measures to strengthen the medical system and help people hit hardest by the coronavirus pandemic.

With the supplementary budget, which was approved by the Cabinet on May 27, the government plans to roll out a new package of programs worth about 117 trillion. Programs will focus on support for small firms, struggling since stay-at-home requests were imposed in April, as well as medical staff at the forefront of the battle against the virus.

The government said the size of the package, including loans and investments in addition to actual fiscal spending, is worth about 117 trillion, nearly the same size as the first extra budget enacted on April 30.

The novel coronavirus is having an enormous impact on the domestic and overseas economies, Finance Minister Taro Aso said in an address at the House of Representatives. We must continue to help those that have been put in difficult situations and protect jobs, businesses and livelihoods.

The second extra budget for the fiscal year, which started on April 1, is expected to be approved by the House of Representatives on Wednesday, and to be enacted the following day after its passage in the House of Councillors.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abes administration drafted the new budget to double the scale of measures to combat the fallout from the pandemic. Japan will pay for it in its entirety by issuing new bonds, adding to its mountain of debt.

Opposition parties are likely to ramp up their criticism over a lack of transparency in how major advertising agency Dentsu Inc. was commissioned to implement parts of the package.

Among the new measures is a subsidy program for rent payments for small businesses and individual proprietors running out of cash, covering two-thirds of the payments for six months with an upper limit of 6 million.

The government will also deliver 200,000 to each front-line worker at medical institutions treating COVID-19 patients, and 100,000 to each member of staff at hospitals that have secured beds and are prepared to accept people infected with the virus that causes the respiratory disease.

As for assistance for companies that have been forced to keep employees out of the workplace due to worsening business conditions brought on by the pandemic, the upper limit will be raised to 15,000 per day per worker from the current 8,330.

The budget also includes a reserve fund of 10 trillion for potential future countermeasures. We expect this to be a drawn-out battle, and its hard to foresee how the situation will turn out, Aso said.

How to use the fund was not initially fixed. But after facing criticism from opposition parties that the amount was too large for it be spent without Diet approval, the Abe administration recently decided to earmark 5 trillion for helping companies maintain employment and boosting medical services.

Combined with the first extra budget for fiscal 2020, the government has said the enlarged economic package is worth over 230 trillion.

It includes government and Bank of Japan loan programs, and investment by the private sector. The government says such financing programs provided by the first and second packages will support 130 trillion worth of fundraising by companies.

The first supplementary budget, amounting to 25.69 trillion, finances such steps as issuing 100,000 cash handouts to 126 million residents in Japan including foreign nationals.

Amid a deteriorating economic situation and public frustration over the size and scope of the governments initial relief measures, Abe instructed officials to draw up the fresh supplementary budget in mid-May.

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Japan's government submits record extra budget to Diet for virus relief - The Japan Times

5 reasons to add flaxseed to your diet – Arab News

Posted: June 8, 2020 at 8:45 am

NEW YORK: This week, Beyonce delivered a message to the graduating Class of 2020, marking their achievement with a speech amplifying messages of the Black Lives Matter movement and praising change-makers.

The superstar artist was among a roster of A-listers to participate in YouTubes global virtual commencement ceremony Dear Class of 2020.

You have arrived here in the middle of a global crisis, a racial pandemic and worldwide expression of outrage at the senseless killing of yet another unarmed black human being, the 38-year-old mother of three said. And you still made it. Were so proud of you.

Beyonce was referring to the anti-racism protests roiling the nation as thousands take to the streets decrying systemic white supremacy and police brutality.

The wildly popular artist also took the moment to lambast persistent sexism in the music industry and beyond.

As a woman, I did not see enough female role models given the opportunity to do what I knew I had to do, she related.

Beyonce wrapped her message that ignited social media with a message for those who feel left on the margins: Your queerness is beautiful, your blackness is beautiful, your compassion, your understanding.

Your fight for people who may be different from you is beautiful.

Originally posted here:
5 reasons to add flaxseed to your diet - Arab News

Coronavirus: The best oil to use while cooking to protect against deadly COVID-19 symptoms – Express

Posted: June 8, 2020 at 8:45 am

The UK has officially passed the peak of the coronavirus infection.

The government has advised the public to remain indoors in an attempt to curb the spread of the infection.

Despite nearing the final stretch of the COVID-19 outbreak, hundreds of people are still dying in the UK everyday.

But, eating more extra virgin olive oil could lower your chances of severe complications of coronavirus, it's been claimed.

READ MORE: Coronavirus symptoms - seven signs you may have COVID-19

"The microbes that live in your gut [microbiome] play an important part in maintaining your immune system and your overall health," said the COVID-19 Symptom Study app.

"If you want to do the best thing to support your health during the COVID-19 pandemic, maintaining a healthy gut is probably more important than stockpiling toilet paper.

"Recent research has shown that following a Mediterranean diet can improve your gut diversity and reduce inflammation, which may put you in a better position to fight pathogens like coronavirus.

"This involves eating plenty of fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, legumes and pulses; healthy fats like high-quality extra virgin olive oil; and lean meat or fish for those who wish. At the same time, keep your gut bugs healthy by limiting alcohol intake, salt, sweets and sugary drinks."

Read more here:
Coronavirus: The best oil to use while cooking to protect against deadly COVID-19 symptoms - Express

High cholesterol warning: The fatty growths on your skin that raise your heart attack risk – Express

Posted: June 8, 2020 at 8:45 am

Blocked blood vessels raises the risk of heart attacks and strokes, as it limits the blood supply to the heart and the rest of the body.

It's not always easy to know whether you have high cholesterol, as there aren't any obvious symptoms.

But, there are some hidden warning signs that you should consider getting your cholesterol levels checked.

You could, however, be at risk of high cholesterol if you develop yellow fatty growths on your skin.

READ MORE: High cholesterol - eat this snack daily to lower levels

"A high level of cholesterol in the blood doesn't have obvious symptoms," said medical website WebMD.

"But, it can increase your risk for conditions that do have symptoms, including angina [chest pain caused by heart disease], high blood pressure, stroke, and other circulatory ailments.

"Soft, yellowish growths or lesions on the skin called xanthomas may indicate a genetic predisposition to cholesterol problems.

"Call your doctor about heart disease if you detect soft, yellowish skin growths on yourself or on your children. Ask about being tested for high cholesterol."

Your doctor or dermatologist should be able to diagnose xanthomas from a quick examination.

A skin biopsy may confirm their diagnosis, which is where a sample of your skin is sent to a laboratory for examination.

Treating the underlying cause of the xanthoma is the best way to get rid of the fatty lumps.

But, they can also be removed via surgery or chemical treatment. They may return, however, so treating the underlying cause is the best option.

Meanwhile, high cholesterol may be caused by eating lots of fatty foods, or by not doing enough exercise.

Obesity, smoking, and drinking lots of alcohol, all contribute to your cholesterol levels.

Medication can help to keep your cholesterol levels in check, but it's also important to stick to a healthy diet, and to do regular exercise.

Everyone should aim to eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables every day, as well as 150 minutes of exercise every week.

Read more here:
High cholesterol warning: The fatty growths on your skin that raise your heart attack risk - Express

Study reveals the impact of lockdown on children’s diets – The Northern Echo

Posted: June 8, 2020 at 8:45 am

A STUDY in the North-East has found half of the children who received free school meal vouchers are reporting a significant drop in their intake of fruit and vegetables since schools closed in March.

Research by Northumbria Universitys Healthy Living Lab found over 50 per cent stated they had eaten no fresh vegetables across a three-day period following the UKs Covid-19 lockdown.

Almost half reported having eaten no fruit in the same period, yet many reported a large increase in consumption of sugary drinks and snacks.

The findings of the study have been released today, a week after many English schools re-opened their doors to children in selected year groups.

Northumbria Universitys Healthy Living Lab is one of the UKs leading research centres into issues around the provision of child feeding programmes and holiday hunger.

Researchers were keen to investigate what children entitled to free school meals would be eating when it became apparent that the UK was going to enter a period of lockdown and schools would be closing their doors to all but the most vulnerable pupils and children of key workers.

Although the Department for Education implemented a shopping voucher scheme worth 15 per child per week in England to provide support for those children who would normally receive free school meals, many parents and schools reported a number of issues with the scheme and the devolved governments in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland chose to introduce alternative schemes.

The researchers worked with almost 60 nine-to-twelve-year-olds in London and the North East of England who completed specially designed questionnaires on their eating, sleeping and physical activity across six days.

Data were collected on three consecutive days before, and three consecutive days during, lockdown.

The questionnaires were returned to the researchers by parents for statistical analysis.

The preliminary findings show a significant decrease in the amount of fruit children have been eating.

Before school closures they ate, on average, just over one portion of fruit per day.

During the three-day reporting period during lockdown, almost half of the children (45%) said they hadnt eaten any fruit, with the remaining children eating an average of half a portion of fruit per day.

Similar results were seen in the childrens responses on the amount of vegetables they had eaten.

More than half of the children (55%) said they had not eaten any fresh vegetables during the three days during lockdown.

The mean vegetable intake dropped from just over two portions per day when children were attending school, to an average of half a portion per day at home.

However, a four-fold increase was reported in the amount of sugar-sweetened drinks consumed, together with a substantial rise in the amount of crisps, chocolates and sweets being eaten.

Childrens consumption of unhealthy snacks increased from an average of one over the three days when they were at school to six portions across three days at home during lockdown.

The researchers also asked if the children had skipped any meals.

Approximately 25% said they had skipped at least one meal a day prior to schools closing usually their breakfast and this increased to 35% following lockdown.

Professor Greta Defeyter, director of the Healthy Living Lab said: These preliminary findings make for pretty horrific reading. As a nation our shopping habits have changed, with an increase in shopping online and shopping locally. However, if a parent doesnt have internet access or has a low data allowance, cant afford the minimum shop for free delivery, or lives in a food desert that is populated with fast food takeaways then it is hardly surprising that, in the absence of free school breakfasts and free school lunches, some childrens overall dietary intake has changed. While I welcome the fact that more supermarket chains are now included in the DfEs voucher scheme the preliminary findings in our report highlight wider, systematic, societal failures.

Baroness Boycott, chairwoman of the charity Feeding Britain agreed.

She said: "The social and economic consequences of coronavirus are exposing millions of people in our country to hunger and malnutrition.

"As these preliminary findings show, we need a seamless year-round programme of nutritious meals for all children which incorporates school breakfasts and dinners, as well as a continuation of that service, alongside enriching activities, during the holiday periods. The automatic registration of all eligible families for Healthy Start vouchers the take-up of which is pitifully low would also increase the flow of fresh fruit and vegetables to young children.

Professor Defeyter said there is a high probability that children from lower socio-economic backgrounds will be most disadvantaged when the new academic year begins in September, given the combination of a lack of healthy nutritious food and the educational learning loss experienced due to school closures, which will disproportionally affect disadvantaged children.

She called for a universal school meal service and school breakfast club programme to be made available to all children, to ensure equal access to a healthy diet to promote health, and learning, adding: Our report highlights the importance of free school meal provision, and the importance of access to healthy, nutritious food in every community. We believe that all children have the right to access nutritious healthy food within their community and school.

In the immediate term, we urge the UK government to rethink school summer holiday provision to ensure that all children from low income households are provided with the opportunity to access healthy food, cultural, social and physical activities during the upcoming holiday period

Expansion of the DfEs funded holiday provision programme will support parents in childcare provision and their return to work, reduce parental stress, ensure children receive healthy, nutritious food that complies with school food standards, and provide a solid foundation for an extended school programme to provide long-term support to address educational learning loss.

Dr Emily Mann, who also worked on the study, said that parents and schools had reported difficulties in accessing the food voucher scheme.

We already know that households with children eligible for free school meals are at risk of food insecurity. Parents and schools in England complained about the time taken to receive the vouchers and said some shops refused to accept them as they are limited to certain supermarkets.

The additional 15 per child from the food vouchers has not enabled the lowest-income households to move out of this risk area, especially at a time when household income is likely to have suffered due to the economic impact of the pandemic.

The full report is entitled The Free School Meal Voucher Scheme: What are children actually eating and drinking?

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Study reveals the impact of lockdown on children's diets - The Northern Echo

No effect of a liquid diet in the management of patients with stricturing Crohns disease. – Physician’s Weekly

Posted: June 8, 2020 at 8:45 am

Patients with stricturing Crohns disease (CD) may experience episodes of intestinal sub-occlusions, which in many cases lead to surgery. The aim of this study was to examine whether adding a liquid diet to medical therapy could improve the management of patients with stricturing CD.Medical records of CD outpatients with a small bowel stricture, either receiving (group 1) or not (group 2) a 24-h liquid diet every 10-14 days, were retrospectively analyzed. Number of sub-occlusive episodes, frequency, and timing of intestinal resections for strictures were analyzed.During the 12-month follow-up, there was no significant difference in the occurrence of new sub-occlusive episodes between the 2 groups (10/37 patients (27%) in group 1 vs 9/45 patients (20%) in group 2). Similarly, the number of patients undergoing bowel resections for sub-occlusive episodes non-responsive to medical therapy did not statistically differ between the two groups (9 patients (24.3%) in group 1 vs 7 patients (15.5%) in group 2). In group 1, surgeries were equally distributed along the 12-months of follow-up, while 85.7% of patients in group 2 underwent intestinal resection within the first 3 months of follow-up.Adding a liquid diet to medical therapy does not help management of patients with stricturing CD.


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No effect of a liquid diet in the management of patients with stricturing Crohns disease. - Physician's Weekly

World Poha Day: The nutritional value of the popular breakfast and simple ways to incorporate it in your diet – Times Now

Posted: June 8, 2020 at 8:45 am

World Poha Day: The nutritional value of the popular breakfast and simple ways to incorporate in your diet  |  Photo Credit: iStock Images

New Delhi: Let me begin with this fun fact: Poha may rightly be described as one of the world's first-ever "fast foods, that is super healthy too. Every time I eat poha, which incidentally is one of my favourite dishes, I am reminded of just how Sarvagun Sampann it is. And yet, it is so underrated! One of the biggest nutritional benefits of poha is its high fibre content as dietary fibre is an essential part of a Sampann and healthy diet.

A bowl of cooked poha delivers about 250 calories, and with the addition of vegetables, peanuts, coconut and a squeeze of lemon, it delivers a lot of fibre, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.It offers some iron and lots of B vitamins, particularly vitamin B1 (thiamine), which aids in stabilizing blood sugar. It is an excellent meal option for diabetics as it promotes the slow release of sugar into the bloodstream, and also keeps you full for a longer time. Poha is gluten-free so everyone from infants to elderly people can have it.

That said, besides knowing the benefits it is also important to know how to pick the right kind of poha. Did you know that it is always better to pick packaged poha over loose poha? That is because packaged poha assures 100% quality and has no residual powder at the bottom of the pack.

Try red poha, which is made from red rice. The red colour is due to the presence of a pigment called anthocyanin, which is a flavonoid (antioxidant). Plus it is rich in fibre, vitamin B, and minerals like calcium, zinc, iron, manganese, magnesium etc. that your body definitely needs.

There are several ways you could eat poha and every single one of them can be very exciting.

The Traditional Recipe: Cook with lots of rai (mustard seeds), curry leaves, peanuts, potatoes, and peas, with a generous squeeze of lemon juice on top

Experiment: Prepare it pilaf-style with raisins, nuts, black pepper, salt, green chillies, and sugar to taste. Or, give it a continental twist by making red rice poha with peppers, mushrooms, and cheese. You could also soak poha in water, sieve it, add curd and a pinch of table salt in it, and then relish it with mango or lime pickle.

Make it Protein-Packed: Add boiled egg, chickpeas, sprouts or soya nuggets to your poha dish or just pair it with curd.

Go Eccentric: There are no limits when it comes to poha. Try stuffing samosas with spicy poha filling for a lip-smacking snack with chai.

Jump from Savoury to Sweet: Make Aval Nanachathu (literally means poha that is moist). This is rice flakes mixed with grated coconut, cardamom, a bit of milk and jaggery, embellished with banana slices. This mix gives both, instant as well as a sustained release of energy and fortifies like no other dish.

With that said, go get your pack of poha and begin experimenting with the Indian way of nutrition!

Kavita Devgan is a guest contributor. Views expressed are personal.

Read the original:
World Poha Day: The nutritional value of the popular breakfast and simple ways to incorporate it in your diet - Times Now

Global Astaxanthin Market to Expand as Dietary Supplements Become a Part of the Food Industry: TMR – Yahoo Finance

Posted: June 8, 2020 at 8:45 am

- Rise in demand within the global astaxanthin market can be attributed to advancements in biochemical research. Several new chemical compounds used in key industries have been researched across leading research laboratories. Terpene compounds, of which astaxanthin is a key classification, have gained traction from several researchers.

- The use of Terpene compounds in chemical research has gained momentum in recent years. Several applications of these compounds in food and non-food industries have come to the fore. This trend has reflected in the growth of the global astaxanthin market.

ALBANY, New York, June 8, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- The demand for astaxanthin has increased alongside advancements in the field of chemical research. Compounds containing oxygen, hydroxyl, and ketone groups have gained popularity across the globe. These compounds are constantly being studied to explore their properties and applications. It is important for the chemical industry to acknowledge the effectiveness of these compounds in key industries. This would help in popularization of the benefits and applications of these compounds. In light of the factors stated herein, the global astaxanthin market is projected to grow along a lucrative trajectory. Astaxanthin occurs naturally in freshwater micro algae, adding to its utility and purity. Attempts to artificially synthesize the compound have also been made in the recent past. The growing relevance of the compound in key industries has created a plethora of opportunities for market growth.


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Approval by FDA as a Precursor to Popularity of Astaxanthin

In recent times, production and extraction of astaxanthin has become a matter of discussion across global research circles. It has become evident that the uses of astaxanthin in leading industries have prompted researchers to look into its chemical and physical properties. Several trends and factors have played a formative role in popularizing astaxanthin across key industries.

Gather core insights about the leading trends operating in the Astaxanthin Market (Source; Grade; Application; Form) - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast, 2020 2030 at:

Global Astaxanthin Market: Growth Drivers

The growth of the global astaxanthin market mainly depends on the use of this compound in commercial industries. Some of the leading driver of demand within the global astaxanthin market are:

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Global Astaxanthin Market: Restraints to Expansion

Despite the accepted usage of astaxanthin in feeds for aquaculture, several medical research organizations have contested the effectiveness of the compound. The compound is still under preliminary research across several research labs. The European Food Safety Authority, in the past, has asked for safety certifications from manufacturers of the compound. Vendors operating in the global astaxanthin market are looking for ways to bypass the odds to market expansion.

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Global Astaxanthin Market: Key Market Players

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Global Astaxanthin Market to Expand as Dietary Supplements Become a Part of the Food Industry: TMR - Yahoo Finance

I tried every fad diet in the book but now Im happy and confident after my four stone weight loss – The Sun

Posted: June 8, 2020 at 8:45 am

DONNA Mitchell tried every fad diet in the book before finally finding weight-loss success with WW.

The 41-year-old school office manager, who lost nearly 4st on the plan, says WW not only changed her dress size butchanged her view on healthy eating for good.


Donna, who lives in Ferndown, Dorset, with husband Steve, 41, a bank worker, and sons Oscar, ten, and Archie nine, adds: Im quite short so at school I was always a little bit chubby.

In my 20s I was your classic yo-yo dieter.

I would gain weight easily then sign up to the latest fad diet, lose a few pounds, then put it all back on.

I tried low carb, Slimfast, cabbage soup, sugar-free.

Diet -before

BREAKFAST: Big bowl of porridge.

LUNCH: Cheese sandwich, packet of crisps, chocolate bar.

DINNER: Chinese takeaway, glass of wine.

SNACKS: Choccie biscuits.

Id start on a Monday and by Saturday Id be so hungry Id give up.

I also tried going to the gym, but that would just make me hungrier.

Id think, Ive earned a good dinner now, then go home and eat a pizza with a large glass of wine.

I got married in 2008 and I weighed just over 9st and wore a size 10 dress and felt really confident at this size.


But then things changed. We wanted a family but struggled to conceive.

We went through fertility treatment for a few years, which was tough, and I admit I comfort-ate because my focus wasnt on my diet.

When I finally fell pregnant I was high risk, and was monitored alot and told not to do any strenuous exercise.

I felt so anxious I didnt do anything at all to put the pregnancy at risk, and I just ate without thinking about calories.

Diet - after

BREAKFAST: Overnight oats.

LUNCH: Homemade soup.

AFTER: Tortilla Pizza, Vodka soda and lime.

SNACKS: Fruit.

When Oscar was born in December 2009 I was so relieved.

Id put on 3st during the pregnancy and so, with all the worry gone, I felt like I needed to take back control of my body and lose weight this time for good.

In January 2010 I signed up to WW, weighing 12st 8lbs and a size 16.

I wanted something long-term this time, not a quick fix. The first week was an eye-opener for me.

I could still have the foods that were familiar to me, like spag bol and pizza, but homemade versions that my husband could enjoy, too.

It took me back to basics with food and cooking and I understood that small changes made a big difference overall.

Swapping wine for a vodka soda and lime, or full-fat cream for light creme fraiche, for example.

I could make my favourite take-aways as fakeaways and loved the banana pancakes I cooked up at the weekends.

I lost 3st 8lb in four months and felt amazing.

I felt like me again and I felt confident and happy with all my food choices for the first time in years.

I fell pregnant again naturally in July 2010, which came as a shock.

I put on weight again with this pregnancy, but this time I knew I had my WW plan to go back to after the birth, and I lost the weight back to mygoal again.

I never thought Id find a diet that became my lifestyle as I was so used to starving myself on these awful fads, but WW is just a way of life now.

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OH BABYI get skinny-shamed as a mum by women what if I judged someone with rolls of fat?

I can still eat out, and still cook for my whole family, I just make smart choices.

I now wear a size 8, I feel confident in who I am, and I know Im a positive role model for my kids, which is really important.

I recommend WW to anyone who needs to kick-start a weight loss I never went hungry and Im in the best shape of my life.

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I tried every fad diet in the book but now Im happy and confident after my four stone weight loss - The Sun

Dietary Interventions For COVID-19: Researchers Recommend Vitamin K-Rich Foods Like Cheese And Natto – International Business Times

Posted: June 8, 2020 at 8:45 am

Several hospitalized COVID-19 patients, particularly those admitted to intensive care units (ICUs) have been diagnosed with vitamin K deficiency, raising hopes that dietary changes might be a significant way to combat the pandemic.

COVID-19 patients admitted to the Canisius Wilhelmina hospital in the Dutch City of Nijmegen praised the benefits of vitamin K after discovering an association between deficiency of the vitamin and worst coronavirus outcomes.

COVID-19 has been reported to cause blood clots and degradation of elastic fibers in the lungs. Vitamin K which plays a major role in blood clotting is required by the body to produce prothrombin- a protein and clotting factor that is vital in the blood clotting mechanism.

And dietary vitamin K which is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract is important for the production of these proteins that regulate clotting as well as protecting against lung disease.

The researchers urge everyone, other than those who are on blood-thinning medications like warfarin to consume adequate vitamin K-rich foods.

We are in a terrible, horrible situation in the world. We do have an intervention which does not have any side effects, even less than a placebo. There is one major exception: people on anti-clotting medication. It is completely safe in other people, Dr. Rob Janssen, one of the researchers, told The Guardian.

He urged people to take vitamin K supplements, whether or notit helps protect against severe COVID-19. He emphasized that the vitamin is not only good for your blood vessels and bones but probably for the lungs as well.

Janssen also pointed out the health benefits of consuming foods enriched with vitamin K. We have vitamin K1 and K2. K1 is in spinach, broccoli, green vegetables, blueberries, all types of fruit and vegetables. K2 is better absorbed by the body. It is in Dutch cheese, I have to say, and French cheese as well, he told the Guardian.

Foods rich in Vitamin K

The Study:

The researchers who collaborated with the cardiovascular research institute Maastricht studied 134 COVID-19 patients between 12 March and 11 April alongside a control group of 184 participants in the same age group who werent diagnosed with the coronavirus infection.

The researchers wantto give vitamin K in a significantly high dose and check whether it will activate the protein associated with blood clotting. They want to conduct clinical trials and find out if the protein which is important to protect their lungs is safe.

Foods rich in vitamin K can fight COVID-19 Photo: whui1818, Pixabay

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Dietary Interventions For COVID-19: Researchers Recommend Vitamin K-Rich Foods Like Cheese And Natto - International Business Times

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