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Getting more full market value hogs through early intervention – The Pig Site

Posted: June 8, 2020 at 8:45 am

While feed conversion and average daily gains have more often been used as measurements of success, Dr Russell Fent, Director of the Swine Technical Group at Ralco, a global nutrition company that focuses on natural approaches to improve nutrient conversion in plants and animals, argues that mortality and full market value hogs are greater indicators of success.

Currently, only 64 percent of hogs raised in the US reach market at full value.

This is something that has been commonly accepted over time, said Fent. No matter what type of production or industry that you are in, the fact of losing 30 percent of product that becomes low value or no value is really inefficient.

Dr John Deen at the University of Minnesota has conducted work that looks at attrition in pigs, and although his work included stillborn piglets and mummies, he found that most attrition comes in the form of mortalities, culls and lightweight pigs at market.

Deen has also looked at what components contribute to variation in profitability. The most common parameters used to measure success in pig production are average daily gain and feed conversion rates, but those components might not be the most important, said Fent.

The impact of mycotoxins through losses in commodity quality and livestock health exceeds $1.4 billion in the United States alone, according to the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology. This guide includes:

Dr Deen points out that while those components are certainly components of profitability, what contributes most to variation in profitability are mortalities, culls and lightweight pigs, and certainly, an eye opener in terms of how to address that from a profitability standpoint, said Fent.

The swine sector in the US has focused, in recent years, on growing more pigs and increasing productivity. While the sector has done an excellent job in improving selection for litter size, it has led to some challenges. As litter size increases, for instance, average birth weight per piglet drops. Furthermore, the percentage of pigs born at under one 900 grams of body weight has increased linearly as litter size has increased.

Fent presented data on the distribution of piglets by birth weight. Broken down into increments of half pounds of body weight, the data reveals that more than 10 percent of the studied population fell under 2.5 lbs. (1.1 kg) of body weight. Mortality rates correspond with birth weights and were as high as 59.4 percent in piglets born under 1.5 lbs., 35.1 percent in piglets born at body weights of 1.51.9 lbs., and 22.7 percent in piglets born at 2.02.4 lbs.

Piglets born at very low birth weights ranging from 1.5 lbs. to 1.9 lbs. are rare, though, and would normally be considered non-viable.

Really, we would have a tougher time of dealing with those pigs and improving their liveability and success after that, said Fent.

Beyond that, though, there are opportunities to improve success through interventions, especially those born in the 22.9 lbs. range.

The greatest points for intervention to improve the number of full-value market pigs occur in the early stages of growth, especially at the start at lactation and in the nursery. In fact, the greatest percentage of body weight variation throughout the growth cycle occurs during lactation and in the nursery phase.

In a 2018 study that looked at the long-term performance of pigs, it was determined that in a normal growth cycle, pigs born at less than 2.65 lbs. were 1.5 times as likely to be in the last group that goes to market, said Fent. Furthermore, pigs that were less than 10.74 lbs. at weaning were 7 times more likely to be in the last group that goes to market, he said.

To reiterate, what they found was that lactation and nursery phases were the two most critical periods in relation to growth suppression and also increasing weight variability, and so those would be areas that we could focus on, said Fent.

Management can impact piglet health, growth and liveability during gestation as well. Gestation diet composition, feed amount and sow body condition all contribute to piglet health and viability. Research conducted at the University of Minnesota shows that boosting health and immunity in the sow through the use of oregano essential oils can also boost health in piglets. Specifically, essential oils, according to their studies, improve colostrum quality and passive immunity in piglets.

The study tracked the same piglets from start to finish and found those that came from sows that were fed oregano essential oil had greater body weight throughout the entire growth cycle. The study also showed advantages in terms of curbing pre-weaning mortality.

This is an example of an early intervention upstream, before the pigs are born, giving an intervention to sows, have an effect in piglets all the way downstream until market, said Fent.

Piglets are born with very little stored energy in their bodies, which means it is critical to get them nursing as soon as possible. At this critical stage, Fent offered another intervention that could aid in piglet development. When given to all piglets at birth, bioactives from bovine colostrum administered to piglets on day one in a single dose have been shown to improve weaning weight and lower pre-weaning mortality by as much as 3 percent. But when given to the bottom 20 percent of pigs by birth weight only, results improve substantially, said Fent. In fact, studies showed that pigs at an average birth weight of 2.59 lbs. showed an increased weaning weight of 0.6 lbs. over the control, but pre-weaning mortality was reduced from 12 percent (control) to 4 percent (with intervention).

Supplemental milk replacers in the farrowing crate have also been show to improve weaning weight. Furthermore, the percentage of pigs that were weaned at less than 8 lbs. of body weight was reduced by more than half. Their growth was tracked through to finishing where the percentage of pigs that reached full market value increased by 7.64 percent.

I would point out that the Birthright milk-fed pigs were actually five days less on feed when they went to market, on average, than the no-milk fed pigs, said Fent.

Results are greater when targeting opportunity pigs, said Fent. In a study that looked specifically low birth weight piglets that were pulled off the sow and raised exclusively on milk replacers, the pigs that received milk replacement were almost 3 lbs. heavier at weaning than those left on the sow. But probably the biggest advantage was in mortality rates. On average, the study showed that mortality of low birth weight piglets exclusively on milk replacer decreased to 5 percent, while those left on the sow had a mortality of 26 percent. At finishing, the milk replacer piglets showed a 10 lb advantage over those left on the sow.

Creep feeding is another lactation intervention that could impact later development, said Fent. While studies show that there is no statistical difference in terms of average daily gain and mortality when creep feeding is used as a lactation intervention, growth performance improves significantly.

This tells us that those pigs that have been fed creep feed in the crate, they knew what feed was and recognised what it was when they went to the nursery, said Fent. When they went to the nursery they could then eat feed quicker, and they got on feed sooner.

Getting onto feed quicker did translate into greater average daily gains once in the nursery, he added. Pigs that lose weight in their first week in the nursery will take more time to get to market.

In the nursery, research shows that complex diets have an advantage over simple diets, said Fent. Simple diets are those made up of less digestible and less palatable ingredients, such as corn, soybean meal and DDGS. Complex diets, on the other hand, include highly digestible, easily utilised and highly palatable ingredients, including dried whey/whey permeate, plasma protein, oat ingredients, fishmeal, highly palatable simple sugars and yeast products.

Complex early nursery diets, said Fent, improve overall health and nutrition and minimise overall health challenges. Utilising purified amino acids and easily digestible protein sources helps to support optimal gut health and promote gut barrier function and nutrient absorption. The result, according to a University of Nebraska study, is improved weight growth by as much as 26.3 lbs. when compared to pigs on simple diets.

More recent data shows that pigs that were fed a complex diet in the early nursery phase had a 4 lb. weight advantage when they got to that later finishing phase.

Before implementing any of these strategies, Fent advises growers to first identify their appropriate sub-population of opportunity pigs. This might mean tracking pigs by birth weight or body weight to see where they are within the population. Once opportunity pigs are identified, producers should choose intervention strategies that best fit their farm, their management style and overall economics, and track those pigs to see what impact their interventions had on full market value.

While feed conversion and average daily gains have more often been used as the greatest measures of success, if the pig doesnt make it to market, ultimately, its just money lost.

The greatest potential for profitability can be looking at the number of mortalities, culls and lightweight pigs and improving the number of full value market hogs that get to market at the end of the day, Fent concluded.

Melanie Epp is a freelance agricultural journalist from Ontario, Canada.

Read the original here:
Getting more full market value hogs through early intervention - The Pig Site

Legumes, yes; no red meat; this is the ideal diet for the elderly during confinement | Blog Sixty-something – The Union Journal

Posted: June 8, 2020 at 8:45 am

Those over 70 years are the most vulnerable population group in this coronavirus health crisis, both in number of infected and deaths. After weeks of confinement, the quality of life of this group has improved significantly with lack of confidence. Currently, these people can walk in two hours, from ten to twelve in the morning and from seven to eight in the afternoon. But to stay in good shape they have to keep an eye on more factors.

The fact that the elderly can get out has been a breath of fresh air, especially in the case of the most fragile and vulnerable people. A vicious cycle of sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass) occurs, associated with mood disorders and with alterations in nutrition. The fact of being able to go out, with the feeling of freedom, generating movement and therefore strength and muscle mass, without a doubt means an improvement in the quality of life, especially that related to health, explains Javier Gmez Pavn, Geriatric doctor member of the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN) and the Spanish Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology. An aspect that also coincides Paula Rodrguez, dietitian-nutritionist also a member of the FEN.

According to experts, daily walks not only improve the psychological and cognitive part of the relationship with the environment, but also and especially the functional one: Walking outdoors, enjoying the environment after staying more than a month without leaving home, it generates the muscle and with it the bone and with them the coordination, and therefore, the brain improves rapidly and intensely, with improvement in sleep, the feeling of physical and emotional well-being, the desire to do things, projects , in short, to continue living. And with all this it improves the appetite .

In the current situation, efforts must be made to maintain the quality of life of older people so that they remain healthy and can face this pandemic with strength. And one of these aspects, as both experts indicate, is also taking care of food.

The Spanish Nutrition Foundation has published some recommendations, which are included in the White Paper on Nutrition for the Elderly in Spain (2019), so that they eat correctly in these days of confinement. FEN experts argue that older people should follow the Mediterranean diet, a diet that, as they explain, is rich in complex carbohydrates which we find in peas, whole grains and vegetables, among others, and it has a low contribution of saturated fats. Which means that foods such as red meat, butter, palm oil or coconut, etc., should be avoided or consumed in low doses, added Javier Gmez Pavn and Paula Rodrguez.

In addition, they indicate that food must have a high nutritional density, that is, that they have a high proportion of nutrients with respect to their amount of calories. Legumes are also recommended. As experts explain, they are an important source of protein, complex carbohydrates and fiber, just like fish and shellfish. Foods in this group should be consumed two to three times a week.

Like the rest of the population, older people have to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a day; make sure there is a high protein content in food; and they should drink at least two liters of water a day. We must not forget that our elders have a greater decrease in the perception of thirst and, therefore, a greater risk of dehydration. The advisable thing is that, at least 80% of the ingested liquid is direct consumption water intake and the other 20% is from solid foods (vegetables, fruits) , explain the experts.

Similarly, it is important that food encourages chewing and the sensory capacity of the elderly, such as the senses of taste or smell.

According to both professionals, throughout the day the elderly person can divide the intake into four or six intakes, appropriately distributing the energy contribution, and giving more value to breakfast, lunch and dinner: An adequate menu for the intake of the lunch and dinner could be distributed as follows: a first plate of foods that provide carbohydrates such as legumes, potatoes, rice ; a second plate of foods rich in protein (fish, lean meat, eggs) and accompanied by a garnish of vegetables, with fresh fruit for dessert and water as the main drink, using virgin olive oil as the main culinary fat .

In addition, they advise that lunch and dinner be structured as a single dish, containing the same groups previously proposed: the composition of the menu will depend on the habits of each person.

To prevent fractures, experts say it is essential to be active and consume foods such as dairy, cereals (preferably whole grains), blue fish and small fish (for example canned sardines) and egg yolks. All of the above has the objective of providing sufficient amounts of critical nutrients such as calcium and vitamin D. They also point out that, if the intake of this vitamin is not enough, you could opt for fortified foods, such as milk. adapted. And as far as possible, remember, a daily sun exposure on hands, face and arms of at least 10 minutes is advisable.

Finally, the FEN recalls that motivation is essential for everyone during this pandemic, but it is especially important for our elders. And they conclude that diet, among other factors, positively influences healthy life, and more if it can be done in company.

The main risk [de mala alimentacin] It falls on the frail elderly, elderly, with difficulties in walking and carrying out instrumental activities such as shopping, cleaning the house, etc. and who live alone, explains the FEN.

Furthermore, according to Javier Gmez Pavn and Paula Rodrguez, these people present a high risk of isolation and loneliness, a situation that the pandemic and confinement have worsened, resulting in mood disorders that are mainly reflected in greater asthenia and anorexia, with a less varied and easily prepared diet and, therefore, worse nutrition . According to they maintain, if all this is accompanied by little movement, the sarcopenia is served, entering vicious circles of less movement, less activity, more asthenia, more anorexia, and worse nutrition.

For this reason, the Spanish Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology and the Spanish Nutrition Foundation insist on taking special care of nutrition in this population group at risk and carrying out representative dietary and nutritional assessment surveys, both for those who live in their homes and in residences. And, especially, in a population group as vulnerable as those over 80 years of age, conclude the experts.


Original post:
Legumes, yes; no red meat; this is the ideal diet for the elderly during confinement | Blog Sixty-something - The Union Journal

COVID-19: Nutritionists counsel on advantages of healthy diet – Guardian

Posted: June 7, 2020 at 12:51 am

But is there a place for good diet and nutrition in the management of COVID-19 spread and treatment according to experts. They have argued that malnutrition severely weakens immunity, increasing peoples chances of getting ill, staying ill, and dying because of illness

President, Federation of African Nutrition Societies and the immediate past President, Nutrition Society of Nigeria, Professor Ngozi Nnam stated that though diet is not a risk factor in contracting Coronavirus, diet can help in curbing it, as it plays a significant role in helping individuals recovery process.

According to her, healthy diet is very important at this time, because consuming diet rich in food nutrients will boost the immunity. COVID-19 is a virus, with no vaccine to treat it at present, so we are relying on body immunity to fight and kill it. Some people after testing positive will receive care and days after, they will test negative, it is because their body immunity is high. Yet, some people that went to the isolation centre with them will still be receiving treatment, ten days after they are still positive.

The treatment they are getting is not for the virus, the treatment is to take care of the manifestations, as a result of the virus attacking the body system. So, the virus would be suppressed, if the individuals immune system is high, because the individual has the ability to fight back the virus.

The implication is that we should be taking adequate diet rich in nutrients that can help boost our immune system. And such nutrients are Vitamin A, B complex, D and E, because vitamins are good at boosting the immune system. And the foods that are rich in these vitamins are within reach. We have fruits and vegetable, which are often neglected in meals. So, at this time, we need to take a lot of fruits and vegetable, including avocado peer. Then, the normal legumes and cereals; all help us to grow well; rice, beans, yam very important with vegetable.

The nutritionist, nonetheless, said Nigerians should not wrongly believe that with high immune system, they cannot contract Coronavirus, good nutrition only helps to weaken the virus when it enters the body, as the high immune system will suppress and not allow it to thrive.

The professor of nutrition noted that taking unhealthy diet would lead to malnutrition, which makes the body immunity to be very low, and if such a person gets infected with COVID-19, the virus will continue to thrive and multiply in the body system, with the system unable to fight and kill it.

And the likelihood of recovery will be longer, and the person is likely to develop complications as a result of COVID-19. The numbers that are being announced is not the actual number of people that are infected with COVID-19, the number is much higher, because many people are infected without knowing, their immune system is suppressing it and there will be no manifestation of symptoms sometimes till they recover. Some may even have mild manifestation, but because they are not very sure they have it, they do not call the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) officials, yet they will recover, because their immune system has suppressed the virus, so that is the place of nutrition.

Mind you, we have avenues for all these nutrients, like vitamin D, just coming out during the early morning sun, the skin will synthesize enough Vitamin D from the sunlight. You dont need money for that, just stay in the sun during mid-day for 30 minutes.

Nnam said as the country continues to battle the pandemic, it is important government and all stakeholders step up nutrition advice to get people informed about healthy eating.

She noted that some Nigerians do not feed well, not necessarily because they do not have money to buy food to feed well, but because they are not well informed. They do not buy food that they can combined for adequate diet. Some will buy expensive food, thinking it will give adequate diet; it might not necessarily be, so people need to be informed.

Some people say it might be difficult for the poor to eat adequate diet, no, because not all nutritious foods are expensive. The rains are here; vegetables are cheaper in the market now. And some of the foods are still within the reach of the poor because most of the locally available foods are rich in these nutrients; the protein foods- beans and crayfish are good components, Nnam said.

Dr Patience Ikeme Ogbuli, a nutritionist, said By healthy nutrition, we mean adequate consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, protein of high biological value, and reasonable daily calorie, less consumptions of sweet foods and beverages, and adequate intake of water daily. Safe and healthy practices that will help build immune health include limited alcohol and tobacco consumption, possibly total cut off tobacco, daily exercises, adequate sleep and less stressful lifestyle.

It is rather unfortunate that it took COVID-19 pandemic to expose the poor immune health of Nigerians. The majority of Nigerians due to insufficient finances, power failure, excessively long working hours, and lack of access to fresh fruits and vegetables depend on vendor and street foods for daily subsistence. Indomie, bread, high carbohydrate foods and snack, and sugary beverages, and low protein foods are the mainstay nutrition in Nigeria. It cannot be a mistake that hunger, malnutrition and poor unhygienic environments will kill many Nigerians before COVID-19 may find them to finish the job.

It behooves the stakeholders of our nation to consider the pandemic of hunger, starvation, and filthy environment and attack it more aggressively than the pandemic of COVID-19. The former has killed and will continue to kill more Nigerians than COVID-19.

On availability of advice on nutrition advice, Ogbuli said advice would make sense if the people have good chance of adhering to the advice. Rather, she said government should improve food supply and make them affordable. We have enough people in the nation to do the job of nutrition education. It takes job restoration, improvement in job creation, and improved wages to begin to heal the nation. She said that it is the responsibility of all stakeholders to change the picture of the pathetic nutritional status of many Nigerians, not just that of government alone.

On her part, a Clinical Nutritionist, Funmilola Wunmi Ijiwola stated that healthy food doesnt necessarily mean expensive, as the key point in achieving healthy diet is knowing the right quantity and quality of nutrients to be included in a meal.She advised Nigerians to eat seasonal foods, which are cheaper. Beans with sweet potato and grated crayfish cooked with palm oil makes an adequate diet. Also,eating avocado pear with bread and vegetable, which is now in season, are rich in fatty acid and protein. Using fruits in season as snacks also contributes to healthy eating and good health status.

She noted that malnutrition causes a general imbalance of nutrient composition in the body, its either low nutrient, which is deficiency or too much nutrient, which is excess. If their is an imbalance, the body doesnt function well and the malfunction will eventually lead to symptoms that can be corrected with adequate diet or lead to a permanent damage of some organs or system in the body.

Ijiwola also implored government to step up advocacy for good nutrition, because food is the first drugs to make the body function well and ensure good health. If our food intake is taken care of, there wont be need for treatment of disease conditions. Good nutrition is the perfect description of prevention is better than cure

Dr Abimbola Odusote, also a nutritionist stated that a virus as COVID-19 attacks the body and the body fights back to overcome it, so if the body is not healthy and the immunity is not strong, the virus would overwhelm the person.

A person can build his immune system through what he feeds his body. It cam also be through rest, reduction of stress, adequate exercise, sunlight and fresh air. This is the time to up our micronutrients, eat lots of fruits, vegetables and remove the junk foods. Those giving out palliatives should consider what are in the packs- are they packagedprocessed foods?Why not consider adding fresh fruits and vegetables to the packs? We have lots of fruits rotting away that can be put to good use.

Odusote said it is important that people learn what foods to buy with little money, which is why nutrition advice at this time is important.

See the article here:
COVID-19: Nutritionists counsel on advantages of healthy diet - Guardian

Best weight loss: Eating more of this food can help burn fat during lockdown – expert tips – Express

Posted: June 7, 2020 at 12:51 am

Earlier this year, the UK government issued a nationwide lockdown to respond to the coronavirus crisis.

Since then, gyms have been closed and most people have been asked to stay indoors as much as possible.

While this is sure to have got in the way of many fitness plans, slimmers can still stay healthy at home.

Jessie Pavelka, fitness and wellbeing expert who has recently launched the app, JP4, shared four ways to get into shape without leaving the house.

READ MORE: Weight loss: This is the best time to eat to burn belly fat

When it comes to changing the diet, slimmers do not need to follow restrictive plans.

In fact, eating more colourful foods, such as fresh fruit and vegetables, can change the body, the expert suggested.

Jessie told "Eat. Food heals, nourishes and nurtures our bodies and our minds. It brings us together, connecting us to ourselves and the world around us.

"Colour on your plate is always a good start to eating to feel good.

With gyms closed, finding the right exercises can be more challenging.


However, slimmers should focus on making sure they move each day, no matter what they do.

"Focus on that sweat element," Jessie said. "Each day we have an opportunity to live through our bodies.

"We must make time to give ourselves the gift of movement. Whether thats 20 minutes or an hour, show up!

To stay on track, those hoping to slim down should make an effort to think about what they are doing.

He continued: "Keeping fit and healthy at home can be less about exercise, and more about motivation.

"Its like your choice of meals; we all have a general idea on what we need to eat to be healthy, but the question is why do we make those choices? Motivation starts with awareness.

Dieters can also focus on different goals each day to help get into a healthy routine.

The expert added: "So that you can clear away mental clutter and look at your choices with a clear perspective, using what I call the Four Elements can help.

"They give you a framework that enables you to show up as the best version of you, something you can engrain into your daily routine.

"Ask yourself each day if you have focused on each one, that is Eat (diet), Sweat (exercise), Think (awareness) and Connect (connection to your feelings, and others) and youre on the road to success.

Creating the right mindset will also help slimmers get the best results while at home.

By taking time to process, dieters could set themselves up for the day and it could promote healthy habits, the expert suggested.

Jessie explained: "Think and Connect are both relative to mindfulness. When we Think, it fosters heightened awareness; consideration towards our actions.

"There is great power in simply being in the moment, especially in the challenging times that we all face, so we need to stop and just focus on the 24 hours we are in.

Connection to ourselves, another person, a group (via technology perhaps) or something greater than ourselves will help you continue to retain perspective, and ultimately together we have the opportunity to achieve more.

The rest is here:
Best weight loss: Eating more of this food can help burn fat during lockdown - expert tips - Express

Free food distribution for people with special dietary needs held in Lansdale – Montgomery Newspapers

Posted: June 7, 2020 at 12:51 am

LANSDALE Garden of Health, which provides food for those with special dietary needs, held a contactless free food pickup the morning of June 4 at the Lansdale Business Center.

A dozen eggs, a box of USDA produce, a box of Homefree cookies and a box of food from gluten-free food donated by Schr USA was being given to each of the vehicles coming through the drive-through pick up, Garden of Health founder Carol Bauer said.

Enough boxes for 200 pick-ups had been placed out, with additional ones available, she said.

We're prepared for 250, Bauer said.

More than 100 vehicles made pick-ups, the organization later posted on social media.

This is the first time Garden of Health held this type of food distribution, Bauer said.

Hopefully, we'll be able to do it again, she said.

Garden of Health provides allergen-friendly, gluten-free food and fresh produce to more than 25 food pantries and, since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, has added providing food for community meal programs started or expanded during the pandemic, as well as distributing food to more than 100 private clients in need of special dietary foods, according to a Garden of Health release.

If another drive-through pick up is held, another location will have to be found for it because the Lansdale Business Center space will no longer be available after the middle of June, Bauer said.

We have another tractor trailer of Schr products waiting for us, but their (Lansdale Business Center) space is taken, so we need to find another location that can take a tractor trailer full of food, she said.

The Clemens Food Group donated the use of a refrigerated trailer for the produce and eggs in the June 4 distribution, she said.

Before the start of the food distribution, a $13,500 contribution to Garden of Health was made by the Harleysville Rotary Club.

They're doing excellent work, Gary Volpe, president of the Harleysville Rotary, said about Garden of Health.

He also lauded Bauer's leadership of the organization.

Her heart is incredible and the work she puts forward is also incredible, he said.

Bauer said the Harleysville Rotary has also assisted in other ways, including with volunteer work at Garden of Health's garden in which fresh produce is raised.

Here is the original post:
Free food distribution for people with special dietary needs held in Lansdale - Montgomery Newspapers

Has the fourth season of Santa Clarita Diet been cancelled? Heres everything you should know. – Auto Freak

Posted: June 7, 2020 at 12:51 am

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Santa Clarita Diet is a horror-comedy show. Three seasons have released till now on Netflix with a total of 30 episodes. The running time of each episode is 26 to 36 minutes.

As Sheila attempts to discover a reason for her new life, new foes show up in Santa Clarita. They are the Serbian knights and the Serbian military man Dobrivoje Popovic (Goran Visnjic). The previous has the crucial demolishing the undead to save humankind, and the last needs to acquire the dark substance that goes through the veins of zombies. This substance is fit for deferring and in any event, disposing of maturing.

Be that as it may, those are not by any means the only issues the Hammonds need to manage. They should keep Anne from educating the entire world regarding what she considers to be a marvel. Abby and Eric must conceal any proof connecting them to the blast at the site of Fracking, and Joel needs to conclude whether to be nibbled by his zombie spouse to become undead.

Toward the finish of the third period of Santa Clause Clarita Diet, Joel joins the Serbian Knights to secure Sheila. Abby murders two zombies, and in spite of the fact that Popovic gets the couple, they figure out how to get away and slaughter him.

At the point when they appeared to have a breather, Mr. Ball Legs came out of his fish tank, got into Joels ear, and executed him to control his mind? Sheila bit him in a urgent endeavor to spare him, and Joel woke up as an undead.

This consummation leaves us with a few inquiries that a fourth season could fathom: Did Joel return as undead, or is Mr. Ball Legs the person who controls him on schedule? What will befall the Knights of Serbia since Joel has gotten one of them? What will happen to Sheilas religion? Who precisely is Mr. Balls legs?

Individuals were anticipating that the fourth season should be out by March this year. However, due to the coronavirus circumstance, there is a stop in the discharge. No official declarations are out yet. We are trusting that the finish of this current year should discharge the fourth portion.

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Has the fourth season of Santa Clarita Diet been cancelled? Heres everything you should know. - Auto Freak

Hardwood Has Not Heard the Last of Allen-Murdock – Wanderer

Posted: June 7, 2020 at 12:50 am

Aaron Allen-Murdock wont let a little knee injury discourage his hoop dreams.

The 19-year-old Marion native was all ready to run the fast break right into the Old Rochester Regional High School gymnasium to retrieve his Class of 2020 yearbook when he was whistled for a three-second lane violation.

Allen-Murdocks momentary miscue amused the faculty and staff charged with managing the arrival of up to 175 graduating seniors who on May 27 participated in an organized campus drive-through arranged by homeroom for safe-spacing purposes.

A big reason for the smiles and laughter was the positive energy exuded by a student whose goals have dimensionally expanded thanks to a dramatic loss of weight from 250 to 170 pounds. Eager to make his mentors proud, the 5-foot-7 guard is essentially paying forward the support he received from classmates who noticed he was on a mission.

Ive been losing weight since the beginning of last (school) year. I started lifting (weights), going to the gym and I started boosting everything. And they noticed it, said Allen-Murdock, who had his heart set on playing varsity basketball for ORR when he tore the anterior-cruciate ligament in his right knee while playing basketball last fall at the Gleason Family YMCA in Wareham.

During recovery, he gained back 15-20 of the 60 pounds he had lost from habits and the injury part because I was down. The thing is, when youre down, you want to eat because you feel bad so you just do it, he explained. The thing is I wanted to work out, and youve got to remember I just lost 50-something pounds, and Im injured and I cant go to the gym at all now. It was hard on me.

Along the way back to full mobility, Allen-Murdock righted his ship, resumed what he calls the 16-8 diet (i.e. 16 hours of fasting and an eight-hour window to eat) and got his weight down to 170 pounds. Now he wants to add muscle mass while continuing to lose fat.

My goal is to get in the best shape of my life, he said. I think Im capable of walking on. At a very healthy weight with muscle mass, I think I am capable of playing for a (Division III) college basketball team.

Allen-Murdock plans to attend Cape Cod Community College for the next two academic years before transferring.

His dream job is to someday call play-by-play for an NBA team. To that end, he studied in Mike Besons sports-media class. Allen-Murdock has an Instagram page on which he posts Celtics analysis and NBA-related notes.

Beson says Allen-Murdock was always a hard worker in high school. Anything that sports came into it, he was so excited about it.

The value in a sports-media class, says Beson, is in exposing students to what really goes on and whats required on a daily basis.

To have to write and do something for hours at a time and not just love it when youre watching it, is a true test, one that Beson said Allen-Murdock passes with flying colors. Aaron loves doing anything and everything with sports. (For him its) pure excitement.

Allen-Murdock participated in his high schools fledgling Unified sports program, impressing former ORR basketball player and future superintendent Mike Nelson, who was on hand for the May 27 graduation-related event.

His personality and the way he went about it, in terms of the care he brought and the attitude to make everyone feel included; it was contagious, said Nelson. I feel that anyone who would watch any of the games would be proud of him I think he really set the stage for future years.

Led by Principal Mike Devoll who was at curbside with clipboard in hand, several members of the ORR faculty and staff gave the arriving seniors in their cars a memorable sendoff. Students returned textbooks and received COVID-19 kits and a Bulldog Quarantine long-sleeve t-shirt.

The first to arrive was Rochester native Abby Aldworth, 18. A former Old Colony Regional Vocational-Technical High School student, Aldworth changed course and attended ORR for her senior year. She plans a gap year for 2020-21 and will take online courses at Bristol Community College while plotting a new direction.

I wanted to be a nurse initially, and then I kind of figured out that that wasnt the path I wanted to take, said Aldworth, who did become a certified nursing assistant and works at Sippican School.

Aldworth, who drove up with her mother Donna, graduates the same year as older sister Lindsay Aldworth, a Bristol Aggie alumna who just graduated with Bridgewater State Universitys Class of 2020.

By Mick Colageo

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Hardwood Has Not Heard the Last of Allen-Murdock - Wanderer

How to Lose Weight During Pregnancy Safely

Posted: June 7, 2020 at 12:49 am

In a perfect world, you had planned for your pregnancy in every way possible. This included getting down to your ideal weight beforehand. But for many women, this isnt realistic. Pregnancy, while an exciting time, can turn into a weight dilemma for women who are already overweight. This is because of the inevitable weight gain associated with having a baby.

Fortunately, growing research suggests that losing some weight during pregnancy might be possible and even beneficial for some women who are extremely overweight or obese (have a BMI over 30).

Losing weight, on the other hand, isnt appropriate for pregnant women who were at a healthy weight before pregnancy. If you believe you can benefit from weight loss during pregnancy, talk to your doctor about how to do so safely without affecting your baby.

Even before theyre born, your future baby relies on you in numerous ways. Your body nourishes and carries them for about 40 weeks, helping them grow and develop. Having excess weight can cause problems during pregnancy because it can get in the way of these processes.

Being obese while pregnant may lead to:

Despite such dangers, your best approach to weight loss is through a consistent, yet gradual plan with a focus on healthier lifestyle changes. Gradual weight loss is best for your body and your baby.

If your doctor recommends that you lose weight, heres how to do so safely during pregnancy.

Being overweight during pregnancy can sometimes change the focus to only losing weight. But the fact is, youll still gain some weight, and it is important to know how much a healthy amount of is. After all, there is a human growing inside of you!

Follow these pregnancy weight gain guidelines from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, based on your weight before you became pregnant:

The first way you can lose excess weight is by reducing your daily calorie intake. Eating more calories than you burn off is the most common cause of weight gain. It takes a 3,500-calorie deficit to lose 1 pound. Over the span of a week, this equates to about 500 calories per day to cut out.

Before you slash this many calories from your diet, be sure to keep a log and figure out just how many calories you really eat. You can talk to a dietitian to discuss food plans. You can also look up nutritional labels for foods from stores or restaurants to get a sense of how many calories are in each food.

Keep in mind that pregnant women should eat no fewer than 1,700 calories per day. This is the minimum and helps to ensure that both you and your baby are getting enough energy and nutrients on a regular basis.

If you normally consume far more calories than this, consider cutting down gradually. For example, you can:

Take a daily prenatal vitamin to ensure that you are getting all of the nutrients you and your baby need. Folate is especially important, as it helps decrease the risk for birth defects.

Some women are afraid to exercise out of fear of it harming their babies. But this definitely isnt true. While some exercises, such as situps, can possibly be harmful, exercise overall is extremely beneficial.

It can help you maintain your weight, reduce birth defects, and even ease some of the aches and pains you experience during pregnancy.

The current recommendation isnt different from nonpregnant women: 30 minutes of activity per day. If this is too much for you to start, consider breaking up the 30 minutes into shorter blocks of time throughout the day.

Some of the best exercises for pregnant women are:

On the flip side, you should avoid any activities that:

While youll certainly gain weight naturally from your pregnancy, the majority of this weight gain happens in the second and third trimesters. Your baby also grows rapidly during the last two months of pregnancy. You cant control weight gain attributed to your baby and supporting elements like the placenta, so its best to address any weight issues earlier in pregnancy.

Some success in weight intervention among pregnant women has been reported through a study published in the journal Obesity.Researchers found that women who received advice between weeks 7 and 21 of pregnancy were less likely to gain excess weight during the third trimester. The same group of women studied also benefited from weekly support group meetings.

This is just one example of when early planning helped to stave off excess weight gain. If you want to lose weight, or control the amount of weight you gain overall during your pregnancy, be sure to have your doctor help you come up with a plan early on. Your doctor can also refer you to a dietitian for more advice and meal planning.

For most pregnant women, weight management is safer than any form of significant weight loss. Despite the benefits of having a lower BMI during pregnancy, losing weight isnt appropriate for all women.

Part of the concern comes from the methods of traditional weight loss: calorie cutting and exercise. Its important to watch your calorie intake and to exercise during pregnancy. But overdoing it to an extreme could potentially harm your baby. This is why most doctors dont recommend weight loss during pregnancy, unless youre significantly overweight. Discuss any questions or concerns you have with your doctor.

Your doctor can help you make the safest decision for you and your baby. You can always revisit an overall healthy weight loss plan after your baby is born.

View original post here:
How to Lose Weight During Pregnancy Safely

The Best Way to Lose Weight for a Female of Age 60 …

Posted: June 7, 2020 at 12:49 am

Weight loss at any age can improve your sense of well-being, your body's functions and overall health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that losing just 5 to 10 percent of your body weight -- about 10 to 20 pounds for a 200-pound person -- can improve your blood pressure, blood cholesterol and blood sugar levels. As a 60-year-old woman, weight loss may come more gradually than it did in your youth, but the positive effects are undeniable. The typical weight-loss tactics -- moderating portions, choosing foods with a high nutritional quality, and becoming more physically active -- don't change as you age.

Activity helps you manage your weight at any age.

Image Credit: moodboard/moodboard/Getty Images

Principles of Weight Loss

A calorie deficit helps you lose weight no matter how old you are. Consume 3,500 calories fewer than you burn to lose 1 pound. If you create a deficit of 250 to 1,000 calories per day for a week, you'll end up 1/2 to 2 pounds lighter.

As a 60-year-old woman, you most likely burn fewer calories than a woman half your age. You have less muscle mass from the natural effects of aging, which lowers the number of calories your body burns per day. Exercise and other daily physical activity can help you burn more, though. An average, sedentary woman at age 60 burns 1,600 calories; but if she's moderately active, that number increases to 1,800. If you're highly active, you could burn as many as 2,200 calories per day.

Eat Adequate Calories

Consume a minimum of 1,200 calories per day to get all the nutrients you need and prevent your metabolism from slowing down further. For all but the most active 60-year-olds, cutting 1,000 calories from your daily intake to lose 2 pounds per week will result in an intake that's too low. Instead, plan on a more moderate loss of 1/2 to 1 pound per week, which means you'll create a deficit of just 250 to 500 calories per day. Use an online calculator or talk to a dietitian to get your baseline calorie needs from which to subtract calories and create a deficit.

Starving yourself won't provide you with the nutrition or the energy you need for your daily activities. Avoid processed foods, such as snack mixes, baked goods, refined white flour foods and soda. Choose whole foods for meals, with your portion sizes depending on your goal calorie intake. An intake of 1,200 and 1,400 calories per day is considered low and will mostly likely yield weight loss.

Dietary Choices for Weight Loss

Base each meal on lean proteins, whole grains and fresh vegetables. Between meals, snack on low-fat dairy, healthy fats and fresh fruit.

Typical breakfast foods include eggs, whole-grain toast and an orange; oatmeal, strawberries and skim milk; or low-fat plain yogurt, slivered almonds and blueberries.

For lunch and dinner, have a 2- to 4-ounce serving of protein, such as tofu, white fish, skinless poultry, white-meat pork or lean steak. Adequate protein while dieting helps postmenopausal women preserve essential lean body mass, showed a 2008 study published in the Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging.

Serve the protein alongside approximately 1/2 cup of whole grains, such as wild rice, quinoa, barley or brown rice. Fill up your plate with watery, green vegetables, such as broccoli, fennel, asparagus, kale and spinach. Other colorful vegetables, including cauliflower, bell peppers, eggplant and cabbage, are also appropriate. Vegetables have a low number of calories per serving, but lots of phytonutrients and also fiber, which helps fill you up.

Watch sauces and dressings; they can add a lot of extra calories without much nutritional value. Opt for lemon juice or vinegar, olive oil and fresh herbs for flavor.

The Importance of Exercise for 60-Year-Old Women

If you're sedentary, plan on burning extra calories with at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio activity most days and weight training three times per week, advises a comprehensive review published in 2011 in the Journal of Midlife Health. Deep breathing, yoga and stretching can help reduce stress, which also contributes to weight gain.

Weight training with exercises such as the leg press, squats, lat pull-downs, military presses, seated rows and back extensions, helps you preserve lean muscle mass and improves bone density once you've passed menopause, especially when you're taking in a restricted number of calories. A 2010 study of Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise followed the effects of six years of resistance training on previously sedentary post-menopausal women. Researchers determined that the exercise prevented weight gain and loss of lean muscle mass, compared to participants who did not practice resistance training. When you've cut calories to lose weight, the weight training helps ensure you lose fat, rather than muscle.

Originally posted here:
The Best Way to Lose Weight for a Female of Age 60 ...

Chin up vs pull up: what’s the difference, which muscles are worked and most importantly, WHAT IS THE BEST ONE? – T3

Posted: June 7, 2020 at 12:49 am

The chin up vs pull up question may never go away but the truth is, they are both excellent compound exercises, albeit not easy to perform correctly. Although similar to some degree, chin ups and pull ups work different muscles, or at least work similar muscles differently. Choosing one over another very much comes down to what muscle groups you would like to focus on more in your workout routine.

There are many different ways to build muscle and lucky for you, we have many great workout options here at T3: have a look at the best full body workout routine, this two-day push-pull workout, we also have a two-day push-pull upper body workout as well as the best beginners calisthenics workout too, just to mention a few.

Make sure the pull up bar is drilled in properly at home

(Image credit: mirafit)

Especially is you are trying to perform chin ups or pull ups at home, make sure that the pull up bar you're using is safe to use before you apply your weight onto it. These exercises might not seem too dangerous at first but your bodyweight provides plenty of resistance and if you fall off the bars for any reason, you can hurt yourself, pretty badly.

Before you even attempt to do either chin ups or pull ups, improve your grip strength by just hanging from the bar, resting your legs on the floor or on an elevated surface like a chair or aerobic step. When hanging, try not to drop your shoulders and engage your core as well.

Doing multiple sets of chin ups/pull ups require a lot of strength so don't try to rush progress and hurt yourself in the process.

Important: if you are new to exercising or haven't done much exercising in the past, try easing your body and mind into working out rather than going too strong at the beginning. If you have some excess body fat, we have a few handy tips on how to lose weight fast (relatively) as well as many articles on different diet methods (link to these are in the article above). Just be sensible.

Chin should go over the bar at the top

(Image credit: Future)

Best for: sculpting big arms, especially the biceps and strengthening the lats

Muscle worked: biceps, lats, forearm, shoulders, core

Chin ups are probably a tad bit easier to perform than pull ups, mainly because in the case of chin ups, your arm muscles especially your biceps can be utilised more during the movement. For the same reason, chin ups are better to build arm definition and to really make the biceps pop.

To perform a chin up, grab the bar with an underhand grip (palms facing you), hands being shoulder apart. Even in the lowermost position, you should drop your shoulders completely and engage your core too. This will help you stabilise your body, especially on your descent.

At halfway point, your chin should be over the bar. otherwise it's only a half-rep and you don't want to half-rep. It is not only less effective but also promotes bad form as well.

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Hands wide apart for a nice V-shape

(Image credit: Future)

Best for: achieving the coveted V-shape, building a strong upper back

Muscles worked: lats, teres major, rhomboids, biceps, core

Being able to perform pull ups correctly is the ultimate power move in a gym. Many people who can powerlift twice their bodyweight would struggle to do eight clean reps of pull ups.

Pull ups are challenging because you need to be agile as well as strong to be able to do the pull ups, not to mention shoulder mobility, something a lot of people ignore and just assume they have because "they use to rule the monkey bars in primary school".

To perform a pull up, hold the bar with an overhand grip (palms facing away from you) and hands being wide apart. A nice wide grip will help activate the lats even more and will help you shape that back-V sooner.

The same rules apply to pull ups as for chin ups: core engaged, not dropping shoulders, being mindful of the descent. As with any exercise, the slower you can perform it within reason the longer you activate the muscles and the quicker you are going to see results.

Munch on the right snacks

(Image credit: Grenade)

To avoid any injuries and to help recovery, keep an eye out on your protein intake and always stretch after your exercising sessions. And make sure you drink plenty of water as well. A decent gym water bottle doesn't cost all that much.

Supplement-wise, you only really need two: protein powder and creatine. The former will help in the muscle repair process and latter will boost performance. Both are safe to use and there is a wide variety of offerings so you can choose a flavour you prefer.

With creatine, we recommend you get the unflavoured variety because it mixes well with any liquid and you only need a small amount to keep your creatine levels saturated. This means you can mix your 3-5 grams of creatine with anything in the morning (water, juice, even coffee) without having to worry about an aftertaste.

If you feel like you need a nibble throughout the day, opt in for low-sugar protein bars and snacks as opposed to Mars bars.

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Chin up vs pull up: what's the difference, which muscles are worked and most importantly, WHAT IS THE BEST ONE? - T3

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