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11 Best Weight Loss Apps of 2022, According to Registered Dietitians – Good Housekeeping

Posted: September 2, 2022 at 2:04 am


Overall health has always been a hot topic of conversation, and inevitably talk of weight issues takes center stage. But even if your goal is not to lose weight, weight loss apps can be a great way for you to maintain your current weight, gain weight, track workouts, log hydration levels, introduce healthier foods into your diet or just monitor your overall health. With so many downloadable weight loss apps available, it can be exasperating to figure out which one is the best one for you.

The best weight loss apps will teach you sustainable healthy eating habits, educate you on portion control and promote balanced meals, says Stefani Sassos, MS, RDN, CSO, CDN, NASM-CPT, Deputy Director of the Good Housekeeping Institute Nutrition Lab. Hydration, sleep, activity, mental health and so much more play into the holistic health equation, arguably far more so than weight. Apps that provide support in those areas in addition to encouraging healthy food choices are ideal.

The registered dietitians at the Good Housekeeping Institute are here to help you navigate this crowded field and find the app that will help you achieve your goals. Please note that weight loss, health and body image are complex subjects before deciding to go on a diet, consider visiting our article that investigates the hazards of diet culture.

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Our registered dietitians took the following factors into consideration when reviewing and choosing these apps: Range of features, ease of use, cost, community and social networking opportunities, dietary preferences, and ability to log fitness, sleep and hydration. We also looked for apps that encouraged mindfulness and relaxation techniques and ones that were rated the highest among users on both Android and iOS.

When selecting the ideal weight loss app, you'll want to consider the following:

Meeting your wellness targets: Not all apps are created equal, so its important to find one that is tailored to your needs and lifestyle. If you travel a lot maybe you may want choose an app that has a large database and contains both local and international brands. If you cook at home, look for an app that welcomes a variety of ways to track such as with photographs or by entering recipes. Apps that provides healthy recipe ideas and substitutions may also be a great choice if you need guidance with meal prep.

Affordability: Most apps offer some sort of free trial, so you can give it a road test before committing to the full month or year subscription. Our experts say its important to carefully compare advantages of both short term and longer term commitments. The great thing about apps is that you can figure out if it's going to work for you after a few tries, so feel free to experiment and test it out for a month or two before you make a major commitment.

Community: If you are motivated by the shared experiences of others, look for an app with larger membership numbers and greater social opportunities, such as Facebook groups. Check out the activity and quality of interactions on the apps social media platforms before committing.

The experts in the Good Housekeeping Institute Nutrition Lab stress that these apps are not regulated and many are not formulated with dietary or medical experts. In addition, these apps require some work on your part, so it depends on how much time and effort you can commit to logging your daily foods. For many people, these systems work well because they hold them accountable for the foods they eat, although research is mixed on the effectiveness of apps. The concept is akin to a financial budget, which works only if you accurately track of your spending. When you are logging everything that you consume, you might be surprised at how many calories you are taking in, and that could encourage you to make different choices. As a bonus, these apps can help to keep you on track with staying properly hydrated and maintaining physical activity. Basically, its up to you to get the most benefit out of these apps.

Take note: For individuals with a history of disordered eating, logging calories could be associated with unhealthy dieting practices. In this instance, the use of weight loss apps should be avoided or monitored closely by a healthcare provider.

Weight loss apps arent for everyone, but they can be a useful tool to help to educate you about your diet and to teach you how to make healthier choices. It is always important to remember that there are many factors that go into successful weight loss including setting a realistic weight range that works for you and that you can maintain without feeling restricted. Genetics, life stage and overall health can also play a role.

Remember that there is no magic pill for weight loss; the goal should always be to improve your overall health and to learn how to make better choices when it comes to food and nutrition.

A well-balanced diet should consist of plenty of nonstarchy vegetables, lean proteins, healthy fats, whole grains, nuts, seeds and fruit. If you can use these apps to help you add more vegetables to your meals and to eliminate sugary foods and beverages while becoming more aware of what you consume, then it's a win.

As a registered dietitian, Amy Fischer has worked with thousands of patients to improve their overall health through a whole foods and nutritious diet. Amy believes that food is to be enjoyed even on a weight loss journey and that while calories count, the focus should be on health, eating and living better and not just losing weight.

Having been through her own weight loss journey and providing nutrition counseling to patients and clients for the past eight years, Stefani Sassos, registered dietitian and Deputy Director of the Good Housekeeping Institute Nutrition Lab, is passionate about sustainable weight management and healthy eating practices. Shes extremely well versed in the current health and wellness app space and leads category testing efforts for Good Housekeeping.

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11 Best Weight Loss Apps of 2022, According to Registered Dietitians - Good Housekeeping

10 Foods That Lower Your Blood Pressure – Men’s Health

Posted: September 2, 2022 at 2:04 am

If youre one of the nearly half of American adults with hypertensionor if you want to avoid becoming one of thema few dietary tweaks (plus regular exercise and shedding excess belly fat) could make a big difference.

One of the best ways to upgrade your diet is to add more plant-based foods, like fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, and grains. A study review in the Journal of Hypertension showed that people who ate plant-rich diets, such as the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet, Nordic diet, or Mediterranean diet, had lower blood pressures on average than those who didnt.

You can still eat animal foods like meat and dairythe idea is just to add more plants into the mix. Plant foods tend to be high in nutrients like potassium, magnesium, and others that help counterbalance sodium, a mineral many Americans overeat, to keep blood pressure in check.

Think of the relationship between sodium and these other minerals kind of like as a pulley system, says Roberta Anding, MS, RD/LD, a dietitian and assistant professor at Baylor College of Medicine. When you think about high-sodium foods, usually things that are really high in sodium are low in these other nutrients, and what you're trying to do is balance these out, so it's not like you can never have salt or anything that's got sodium in it, but the question is what is on the other side of the pulley system.

Follow the American Heart Associations guideline of less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day. Then, add more of the following foods to your diet to help you keep your BP in the safe zone.

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Your favorite salads can help you lower your blood pressure and protect your heart, thanks in part to a compound called nitrate, which helps blood vessels open and close. In a study published in the European Journal of Epidemiology, people who ate the most nitrate-rich vegetables had lower systolic blood pressures, by about three points on average, than people who ate the least. Then, over the following 23 years, people who consumed about 60 milligrams of nitrate from vegetables per day had a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease than those who ate less. Lettuce was the top nitrate-rich vegetable in participants diets. The researchers say about a cup of green leafy vegetables per day could be enough to reduce cardiovascular disease risk. Check out the easiest way to eat a whole day's worth of greens in one sittingand it's not a smoothie.

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Beet juice is Andings favorite BP-reducing food. The reason: Its rich in blood-vessel-friendly nitrates, and its easy to incorporate into your diet even if you hate the taste of vegetables. She has helped many collegiate and professional athletes keep their BPs in check by showing them how to work beet juice into their daily routines. You can down a one-ounce serving of beet juice like a shot or mix it into your favorite fruit or vegetable smoothie. If you like beets in their natural form, roast three to five beets as a side dish or accompaniment to your favorite salad.

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These green nuts could help you keep your BP in the clear. In a study review published in the British Journal of Nutrition, researchers found that regular pistachio consumption is associated with a systolic blood pressure reduction of about two points. Pistachios and other nuts are rich in magnesium, fats, fiber, and polyphenols that might all have beneficial effects on blood pressure, says Anding. She recommends crushing pistachios and using them in place of breadcrumbs or croutons. Those are probably the two ways I use it, as a coating for either chicken or fish or in salads, she says.

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Another nut worth cracking? The cashew. A study review published in the journal Complementary Therapies in Medicine showed that people who regularly ate cashews had systolic blood pressures about three points lower than those who did not. The fatty acids in cashews might beneficially affect baroreflex sensitivity, one of your bodys mechanisms for regulating blood pressure, the researchers say. Cashews are also rich in arginine, which your body uses to make nitric oxide to expand and contract your blood vessels.

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Good old H2O can help you regulate your BP. In a study published in the journal Nutrients, healthy adults who drank an extra 550 milliliters of water in the morning and at bedtime reduced their systolic blood pressure by about six points within 12 weeks. The extra hydration might have helped study participants in multiple ways, such as improving their kidney function to help them clear excess sodium and water, changing their secretion of hormones involved in raising BP, or decreasing resistance in their circulatory system, the researchers say. (Check out this guideline for how much water you should be drinking in a day.)

If you already have hypertension and take medicine to control it, talk with your doctor before changing your fluid intake. This is especially important if you take a diuretic, which works by helping your body clear out excess water and sodium, says Anding.

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Sipping tea could help you calm your mind and tame your blood pressure. A study review published in the journal Complementary Therapies in Medicine suggests that drinking about three to four cups of tea daily, especially green tea, could reduce systolic blood pressure by about 3.5 points and diastolic blood pressure by about a point. Antioxidants in tea might lower blood pressure in many ways, such as increasing the bioavailability of nitric oxide to dilate blood vessels, suppressing a hormone system known to trigger blood pressure increases, and reducing inflammation, the researchers say.

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You can upgrade your daily breakfast with less than a half cup of hot cereal. In a study published in the journal Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, people with hypertension who consumed 30 grams of fiber-rich oat bran daily reduced their systolic blood pressure by an average of 15 points and their diastolic blood pressure by an average of 10 points within 30 days. The bran eaters then needed less BP-lowering medication than people in the control group. One reason: The bran diet induced a beneficial shift in gut bacteria toward species that produce short-chain fatty acids that might activate receptors in the kidneys and blood vessels in a way that benefits blood pressure regulation.

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Beans are sometimes lauded as magical foods, and heres another reason to believe. In a study published in the journal Nutrients, people who ate 55 to 70 grams of legumes (about one-third of a cup of cooked lentils or beans) per day were 43 percent less likely to develop hypertension over nearly four years than people who ate less. Legumes tend to be high in potassium plus filling fiber and protein, says Anding. Pair them with other BP-reducing foods for a healthy meal; for example, you can add nuts to lentil curries for creaminess and crunch, she recommends.

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In a study published in the journal Nutrients, people who added 1,000 milligrams of potassium per day from baked or boiled potatoes (thats about a potato and a half) to their daily diets reduced their systolic blood pressure by about three more points than people on a control diet within just 17 days. Potatoes are rich in potassium and may help reduce sodium retention, the researchers say. Sadly, people fed French Fries didnt reap the same benefits. Check out other ways potatoes are great for you here.

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Fatty fish like salmon are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which help transfer sodium, potassium, phosphorus, and fluids into your cells and aid your bodys regulation of an important hormone. Omega-3 sensitizes your body to your own insulin, says Anding. When you make your own insulin in the right amount, things go well; when you make too much insulin, you can have the retention of fluid and sodium, which contribute to high blood pressure. The American Heart Association recommends eating two servings of fish, such as salmon, tuna, or cod, per week.

Julie Stewart is a writer and content strategist whose work has also appeared in Health, and Womens Health, Everyday Health, Vice, and Shape.

More here:
10 Foods That Lower Your Blood Pressure - Men's Health

Eating meat isnt a crime against the planet if its done right – The Guardian

Posted: September 2, 2022 at 2:04 am

I have huge admiration for George Monbiot, a columnist of this newspaper. His work has highlighted the urgent need to reduce our CO2 emissions and switch to greener energy. He has also shown intensive farmings role in the dramatic levels of species decline and biodiversity loss. Much of what he writes I wholeheartedly agree with but when it comes to the solutions we need to change our farming and food systems, we have radically different takes.

It is indisputable that the farming revolution of the 1950s, with its widespread use of ammonia fertilisers and herbicides, pesticides and fungicides, has waged war on nature. These intensive, monocultural ways of producing food are not only contaminating our land and waterways, but are heating up our planet and contributing to a crisis in human health (more people die of diet-related disease globally than smoking, according to a study published in the Lancet). The animals in factory farms dont have a great time either. The decline of insect life is incredibly worrying: without the earthworm, beetle and bee, life as we know it could cease. Topsoils, which we use to grow 95% of the worlds food, are depleting at an astonishing rate. We need to change the way we eat and produce food, and we need to do it quickly.

Thus far Monbiot and I agree. But in a recent article, he wrote that organic, pasture-fed beef and lamb are the worlds most damaging farm products. He criticises chefs and foodies like me for focusing on regenerative grazing, which he calls rebranded ranching. His alternative vision includes a revolution in creating food through precision fermentation: growing food in labs from microbes and water. Before long, most of our food will come neither from animals nor plants, but from unicellular life, he wrote in this paper in 2020.

Although not averse to the idea of lab-grown food, I am much more for small-scale, community-driven farming because I believe in the potential of food to be a force for good, for human and environmental health. The methods that regenerative farmers such as the writer Gabe Brown propose have shown how non-intensive livestock, when managed well, can increase topsoil more than previously thought, which can then accumulate biomass (carbon) and retain precious rainwater. The argument put forward by Monbiot that it is not possible to produce enough food this way is often used to decry better food systems, yet according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, small-scale farmers currently produce about a third of our food.

Monbiots enthusiasm for precision fermentation worries me greatly. Just about all of this new food technology is heavily funded by tech oligarchs, venture capitalists or the occasional celebrity, writes the retail podcaster Errol Schweizer in Forbes. Precision fermentation claims to get us off our destructive addiction to cheap meat, but not without potential downsides. These inventions are heavily patented, pushing the future of our food supply further into the hands of an increasingly small and powerful collection of multinational food players..

There is very little transparency about the amount of energy and materials needed to build the system of factories that would be needed to adopt these foods to the degree that their proponents would like. How fossil-fuel dependent are they? How many other chemicals and compounds are needed to make them, and where will we get them from and how? In our race to look for better systems of food production it is tempting to look for magic bullets, but we cannot afford to ignore the risks.

Ultra-processed foods make up half of the UKs calories, and their health impact gets very little attention from the government or in medical schools. We know that other ultra-processed foods even some plant-based meat alternatives are high in protein but can also be very high in salt and fat.

Companies that practise regenerative farming, such as Hodmedods in the UK, are producing affordable pulses and grains that are rich in protein and fibre, through a cooperative of small-scale farms that almost all use some grazing animals in their systems to aid the nutrient cycle in their soil. In these types of farms, small herds of cattle or sheep graze diverse cover crops, boosting the biodiversity on their land, not reducing it (as Monbiot claimed in his article). The cover crops build back goodness in the soil and remove the need to use pesticides. The presence of livestock adds nutrients through their muck and saliva. They also add the nutrients to our diets: animal fats from grass-fed animals are hard to replace in human diets. Plus, the livestock adds an extra revenue stream for the farmers, making them more resilient.

Through the work we do at the charity Chefs in Schools, I have seen first-hand how it is possible to feed people food that is high in fibre and in flavour, and that costs less than the ultra-processed food children were being fed before. With the right political will (60% of secondary schools are currently failing school food standards and food plays no role in actual Ofsted ratings), we can feed people on all incomes a better diet, not just through schools but also in hospitals, prisons and social canteens. If we continue to go down the ultra-processed route then food may well continue to make people sick, which, according to Henry Dimblebys National Food Plan, costs the economy an estimated 74bn.

I love doughnuts and crisps, but we cant live on these alone. I am open to plant-based foods if we can move away from making them with the mono-crops that are so destructive to animal life and soils. And I am all for technology, but as long as it works with nature, not against it. We need better funding for soil science and for feeding proper food to people on lower incomes.

We need to change our diets. We do have to eat significantly less meat. But the evidence of the past 70 years suggests that when we replace natures complex biology with a tunnel-visioned look at certain aspects of chemistry and ignore others, it has profoundly negative and often unforeseen consequences. In nature the animal and vegetable worlds are never separate we should learn something from that.

Thomasina Miers is a cook, writer and restaurateur

Do you have an opinion on the issues raised in this article? If you would like to submit a letter of up to 300 words to be considered for publication, email it to us at

Read more:
Eating meat isnt a crime against the planet if its done right - The Guardian

Wild foods found to be widely collected across all agro-ecological zones of Zambia – CIFOR Forests News – Forests News, Center for International…

Posted: September 2, 2022 at 2:04 am

New research in Zambia highlights the high volumes collected of a wide range of wild foods from insects to freshwater fish to leafy greens and tubers in rural areas across all of the countrys agroecological zones. Across Zambia, many types of wild food were collected by every rural household surveyed, except one, and in substantial amounts, said Ashley Steel, a forest officer with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and lead author of the paper, which was published this month in People and Nature.

The study provided methods to quantify the amounts collected of these wild foods, and presents data to show how much wild food rural Zambians are collecting. It highlighted the need to acknowledge this resource in forest management policies to ensure that these foods remain available, particularly in the face of challenges such as climate change and deforestation. The work suggested that accurate and local data can help policy makers design effective forest management policies and ensure community access to forests.

Wild food collection from forests, even degraded forests, appears to be ubiquitous in rural areas, said Steel. Forest loss and degradation are, therefore, national concerns that have food security and social implications in addition to environmental impacts.

Globally, government policies rarely pay enough attention to the importance of wild foods such as wild fish, small animals, and plants used in traditional medicines in part, because use of these products has been difficult to quantify. As a case in point, this data is thought to be some of the first to quantify the volume of wild forest foods collected across Zambia. To do so, the scientists measured how much of these foods is collected, and what types in which areas. The research, which formed part of a pilot project that has informed a larger survey of wild food collection in Zambia, involved 209 households across 14 villages covering all agroecological zones in the country. Sixty vendors in five large markets were also surveyed.

Fruit was the most common product collected across regions and households, with at least 90 percent of households saying they gathered fruit. About 76 percent of households collected green leafy vegetables, and 73 percent collected mushrooms. Twenty-seven to 75 percent of households across the five sites said they collected medicinal and aromatic plants, and 10 to 68 percent of households collected honey. There was high variation across agroecological regions in the quantity of insects, tubers, nuts, wild meat, wild fish, and aquatic plants gathered, pointing to the importance of data that can be disaggregated to the local level.

The authors used the findings to extrapolate that rural households in Zambia collect 380,000 cubic meters of wild foods annually thats about 12 million large (20-litre) collection buckets! About 88 percent of the volume of wild foods collected in the study was gathered directly from forests, indicating that wild foods from forests can be important to building the resilience of households in the face of crises such as climate change or pandemics.

Wild foods can also make a significant impact on dietary diversity, said paper co-author and principal investigator for the project, Amy Ickowitz, who is a scientist with the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)World Agroforestry Center (CIFOR-ICRAF). These nutrient-rich wild foods are particularly important in Zambia, where maize-based staple foods are the base of diets which lack diversity, she said; wild foods can provide an important nutritional supplement to diets, increasing their diversity and nutrient content.

Although the most food-insecure households collected high volumes of wild food, the correlation between food security and wild food collection wasnt strong. Evidence was also mixed on whether wealth was a predictor of wild food collection, and other factors such as proximity to forests were also likely important.

The goal of the methodological design and awareness-raising provided by the new research is to improve global data on collection of wild foods from forests. Wild foods are not only important in Zambia: 15 of 71 non-OECD countries surveyed reported regular use of wild foods by the majority of their populations, according to a 2019 FAO report.

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Originally posted here:
Wild foods found to be widely collected across all agro-ecological zones of Zambia - CIFOR Forests News - Forests News, Center for International...

37 Best Home Remedies for Weight Loss Fast

Posted: September 2, 2022 at 2:03 am

Updated: 07/23/2019

A poor diet is one of the main factors known to contribute to hundreds of serious diseases such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension) and cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke. And its not just malnutrition that is the problem, but over nutrition obesity is one of the main underlying health risks for such as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, high cholesterol, cancer, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and so on. Other problems associated with being overweight, such as poor body image and low self-esteem, are also attracting attention, especially among women.

If you are stuck in the above situation, a few easy but effective natural remediescan aid your weight loss goals when used alongside a healthy diet and physical exercise. In this article, reveals to you the best natural home remedies for weight loss fast. To maximize the effectiveness of most of the following remedies, you should combine them with daily exercises which will speed up the process of losing weight.

There is no science-based evidence for the following homemade recipes. The recipes we've focused on are traditional home remedies, so always consult your doctor and check out your health condition regularly to know if a remedy is working for you.

If you are suffering from the discomfort of being overweight, lemon juice may help you feel better. Lemon juice can boost digestion and aid in detoxification. Besides, it will help you maintain healthy digestion, which is very important for losing weight because it will help your body absorb essential nutrients and burn fat more quickly[1] [2] [3].

The Medical Experts are all here to answer your questions online or with a phone call.

Lemon juice can be combined with a variety of natural materials such as black pepper and honey to create a wonderful treatment for overweight.

NB If you have a medical condition or are taking prescribed medicines, always check with your doctor before following a juice fast.

When mixed with black pepper, lemon juice becomes a spicy drink that can help your fight against being overweight. Black pepper is loaded with piperine which gives it a pungent flavor. Many studies show that piperine may help control the operation of fat cells, reduce the fat levels in blood flow, and promote the absorption of nutritious foods[4] [5].

Method 1:

Method 2:

Consuming an apple each day can help you lose excess weight efficiently. Even though it doesnt contain abundant nutrients like other vegetables or fruit, it is still helpful in losing weight. Apples are storehouses of fiber, which is very useful to curb appetite[6][7][8]. If you add this fruit to your daily diet, it can help curb your hunger for less healthy snacks. Apple also have beneficial effects on blood sugar levels to help regulate your energy levels and appetite[9][10]. Apples also contain pectin which can lower cholesterol levels and control blood sugar by slowing the absorption of carbohydrates. And, as a naturally low-sodium fruit, apples help to prevent water weight and excess water retention.

You need to prepare 1-2 fresh apples, rinse them, and slice them to eat for 1-2 times a day. You should wash them carefully and eat the peel because it contains necessary fiber and antioxidants.

According to a recent study, grapefruit can promote fat burning, confirming its reputation as one of the safest home remedies for weight loss. A flavonoid called naringenin, which is found in grapefruit, may help you control blood sugar levels and avoid metabolic syndrome, which is associated with obesity[11]. Other research in Ontario shows that grapefruit can help reduce a build-up of fat in the liver and reduce its storage. Therefore, adding grapefruit to your daily diet not only helps you with weight loss but also helps to prevent diseases arising from obesity such as type 2 diabetes.

Note: If you are on medication, take advice from a doctor before taking grapefruit juice, as it interacts with some prescribed drugs.

Prickly pear is also called Indian fig, and is used traditionally in the treatment of so many diseases including overweight, obesity and high cholesterol levels[12]. This fruit is loaded with many antioxidants, which help to control blood sugar levels and lower levels of harmful cholesterol and reduce cravings for starch or sweetness. Antioxidants found in prickly pear also help to increase fat burning. It also has high fiber content, which can help to fill you up to reduce hunger, and aid bowel movements to mitigate water retention.

Note: If you are taking medication for diabetes, you must consult your doctor before taking this juice. Pregnant and lactating mothers should also see their doctor first.

Papaya contains a digestive enzyme called papain, which is effective at digesting proteins and cleaning the intestinal walls. The metabolic rate of the body raises and helps burn the fat when your digestive system begins functioning better[13]. It also helps to stimulate metabolism and inhibit heart disease[14]. You can either take a piece of ripe papaya early in the morning on an empty stomach or eat papaya soup in place of dinner for 2-3 months.

Peaches are among the fruits with a low level of calories. Instead of choosing food with a high calorie content, pick some peaches. Peaches are loaded with fiber which fill you up and may aid in weight control[15][16]. They also contain up to 89% water, which can help mitigate cravings for high-calorie food.

Bottle gourd is a kind of hard-shelled fruit, which is evidenced to help you lose weight effectively[17]. In fact, it is considered among the best home remedies for weight loss. Due to its great content of fiber, it will help to create feelings of fullness and limit appetite. Besides, it contains plenty of water and is also rich in beneficial nutrients.

When you feel hungry for a snack or fatty food, drink a chilled cup of bottle gourd juice mixed with a little lime juice.

Apple cider vinegar is abundant in acetic acid that has anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory effects and promotes weight loss[18] [19]. It can help to break down fat and reduce the accumulation of fat in the body.

In a study involving 175 obese people, taking apple cider vinegar every day for 12 weeks significantly reduced waist circumference and promoted weight loss. Those taking:

Follow these steps to aid your weight loss goals:

Note: The maximum amount of vinegar you should have for a day is 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar. You should not exceed this amount because it may affect and decline the levels of your blood potassium and lower the density of your bone mineral.

Green tea is listed among the greatest home remedies for weight loss. Green tea is loaded with three main properties namely caffeine, catechins, and theanine, which play an important role in dealing with overweight[20] [21]. According to a study at Penn State, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) green tea has a positive influence on the weight loss because it may help to slow down weight gain by restricting the amount of fat absorption and enhancing the ability of the body to use fat efficiently[22]. Green tea is also full of many helpful nutrients such as vitamin C, zinc, selenium, carotenoids, and other trace minerals, which can supplement essential energy to your body without forcing you to eat much.

Method 1:

To help reduce excessive weight, drink 3-4 cups of green tea every day. You can also mix green tea with ginger tea or cayenne pepper.

Method 2: Green Tea Mixed With Ginger

Blood sugar has an apparent impact on your weight as excess glucose is burned as fuel (reducing fat burning) and is also converted into fat for storage. Cinnamon will help you to balance blood sugar[23]. While there are still controversies about the effectiveness of cinnamon, recent studies have come out that suggest cinnamon may really help you lose weight efficiently and curb fat storage[24][25].

Method 1:

Method 2: Cinnamon And Honey

There are several advantages of keeping a healthy liver, but in coping with overweight, the liver helps to control fat absorption and processing. Dandelion and peppermint tea is believed to strengthen your liver because dandelion includes hepatoprotection components, which are able to prevent liver cells from damage. Both dandelion and peppermint have the ability to encourage the production of bile in the liver to help boost digestion and the absorption of nutrients[26]. Chlorogenic acid, a chemical housed in dandelions, may help decrease lipid retention and weight gain[27].

There are several kinds of ginseng, but two are shown in studies to have a desirable outcome for losing weight: American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) and Asian or Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng)[28]. Although they are known to stimulate a sluggish metabolism, the greatest effect of ginseng is to fight fatigue and boost energy and mental alertness. This is really a huge benefit in helping to treat overweight[29].

Cortisol can have a negative influence on your blood sugar level and appetite and force your body to store fat rather than breaking it down. Another neurochemical called neuropeptide Y also contributes to stress effects on weight by promoting the storage of fat around the abdomen and stimulating appetite. One of the best ways to cope with this problem is to take the herbal remedy, sage, which has positive effects on both your mind and body[30]. You can take sage tea or add this into your daily meals to fight against uncomfortable stress[31].

Hibiscus flowers contain polyphenol antioxidants that inhibit the effect of intestinal enzymes (amylase and lipase) to help lower the absorption of carbohydrates and fats from the diet. Consuming hibiscus will help to reduce obesity, lower levels of abdominal fat and improve fatty liver changes[32]. Besides, this flower contains a mild diuretic compound, which can help reduce water weight and bloating[33]. It can also intensify immune function since it is loaded with antioxidants, as well as lowering blood pressure which is often raised in people who are overweight.

You can try both hot and cold hibiscus tea. If you want a hot cup of hibiscus tea, follow these steps:

If you are a fan of cold hibiscus tea, you can try this:


Pregnant and nursing women or people who are taking medication should consult a doctor before taking this kind of tea.

Though yerba mate tea can energize you due to its natural caffeine content which is more than is found in green or black tea, but less than in a cup of coffee. Yerba mate can raise your metabolic rate, which will decide how many calories you burn each day. It is also loaded with beneficial vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants, and minerals, which can help slow down digestion so you feel full for longer and consume fewer calories each day[34] [35].

Parsley is loaded with medicinal properties, which are very helpful for your health. Plus, it has cleansing properties, which can help you combat overweight. The active principles include antioxidant flavonoids, iodine and essential oils which are important compounds responsible for stimulating intestinal movements, metabolism, and diuresis[36]. If you are overweight and wish to get rid of fats and excess fluid retention, parsley tea can help.


If you are pregnant or are breastfeeding, you should see your doctor first before using this tea.

Aloe Vera is found to contain natural collagen proteins. It also helps to eliminate toxins out of the colon and digestive system. With such marvelous properties and function, aloe vera is very efficient in fighting excessive weight because it may promote the metabolism, enhance the energy consumption, and mobilize unnecessary fat in the body[37] [38].


If you are pregnant or are breastfeeding, avoid Aloe vera juice.

Guggul has been recommended since ancient times in Ayurveda for its great effect on human health and weight loss[39][40]. According to some modern studies, guggul is considered one of the most effective home remedies for weight loss. Boosting the activity of the thyroid gland is the main effect by which guggul aids weight loss. Thyroid hormones determine your metabolic rate, which is responsible for how many calories a day you burn. Guggul enhances your thyroid function and helps to raise the metabolic rate to reach an optimum level to help support your weight loss.

Yogurt contains probiotics, beneficial bacteria which may have an effect on the digestive tract and keep your body healthy by optimizing digestion and having beneficial effects on appetite, glucose absorption and weight loss to help counter obesity and type 2 diabetes[41][42]. All you need to do is absorb 1/2 1 cup of plain (not vanilla) live Bio yogurt mixed with 1 tablespoon of organic raw honey as a snack or for breakfast. You can also add some fruits or even oats to your snack to avoid feeling fed up with it.

Milk thistle is another kind of herb, which has a positive effect on your weight loss because it contains dynamic flavonoid compounds known as silymarin which are very helpful for liver function the important organ involved in the control of weight and fat burning[43]. When your liver function is suppressed, your weight loss may be reduced by 30%. You can take milk thistle in many ways, but it is suggested you should take the capsule form as long as the source is reliable. Or else, you can try milk thistle tea because its effect is not mitigated by soaking in water.

Dark chocolate contains flavonoid antioxidants which help to reduce insulin-resistance and to reduce hunger. Dark chocolate also contain healthy fats, which help to reduce sugar absorption into the bloodstream, thereby avoiding glucose and insulin spikes. Studies have shown that eating chocolate containing at least 70% cocoa solids will curb the cravings for sugar, fat, and salt in your daily diet[44][45]. Remember not to take chocolate with too much milk or sugar, as these may have the opposite effect and harm to your weight and health.

After a meal, havee a small piece of 70% dark chocolate to consume slowly.

When mentioning the natural home remedies for weight loss, we may not ignore tomatoes. Tomatoes are rich in vitamins A, C, and K, magnesium, choline, manganese, folate, and other nutrients, which are very helpful for your health. They are also loaded with antioxidants, which help to protect against certain cancers. The insoluble fiber in it may help bind to the fat molecules while preventing their absorption[46]. Having tomatoes will help lower oxidative stress and aid you in losing weight due to its antioxidants[47].

For this purpose, you can eat 2 tomatoes in the morning daily on an empty stomach. Dont forget to eat both the peels and seeds of tomatoes because they contain dietary fiber.

Cabbage includes tartaric acid, which is involved in the conversion of carbohydrates into fat. In addition, it is packed with vitamin C with a high level of fiber but low level of calories[48]. It further has phytochemicals, which play a beneficial role in estrogen balance and metabolism, and which may have beneficial effects on fat storage and protect against hormone-related conditions such as ovarian cancer. You also can try other kinds of cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, or Swiss Chard which similar effects to cabbage for reducing excessive weight.

Cucumber contains a high level of water (90% water) as well as fibre to help suppress appetite. Eating cucumber in your daily meals is a totally natural and safe way to reduce weight[49].

Carrot is also very useful to lose extra flab[50]. Take a cup of carrot juice in the early morning, you can feel a better mood with your weight. You can also try a whole carrot or chopped carrot mixed with salad, or cooked carrots for variety.

Cranberry is widely known for its rich content of vitamin C and antioxidants, which can help to avoid the formation of free radicals and support weight control by stimulating your metabolism and weight loss[51]. With its high content of fiber and polyphenols, it is considered among the best home remedies for weight loss effort. They contain more polyphenols than some other kinds of fruits such as apples, strawberries, oranges, or blueberries.

Cayenne pepper is one of the most widely known home remedies for weight loss because it stimulates metabolism to help take control of obesity and aid in weight loss. Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin, which stimulates your body to burn fat and raises energy expenditure[52] [53]. Moreover, it can help to boost digestion and supre excess appetite . You can try cayenne pepper tea for the purpose of weight loss.

Gurmar has been widely used by Ayurveda to deal with bunches of diseases including kidney stones, enlargement of liver, obesity, diabetes, etc. This herb is known for its digestive stimulant, astringent, and diuretic attributes. According to some studies, this herb contains gymnemic acid, which takes charge of the positive effects such as balancing blood sugar levels, improving triglycerides levels and cholesterol function, especially when it is absorbed internally. As this herb can stop your cravings for sweetness, it is taken as one of the best home remedies for weight loss[54]. Prepare 6-12 grams of ground gurmar leaves (about 1,5 to 3 teaspoons) to absorb each day.


If you are taking medication or have diabetes, seek advice from your doctor before taking this herb.

Curry leaves contain mahanimbine, an organic compound which can be extracted and used for its anti-obesity and lipid-lowering effects. Hence, it may improve weight loss process and reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels[55].

You should practice eating 10 fresh curry leaves each day in the morning. Use this treatment regularly for 3-4 months to get the best results.

Fennel has been used to treat obesity since ancient times[56]. It was also used as a traditional treatment to prevent growling stomachs. Fennel seeds also have diuretic properties which help to reduce fluid retention and help you lose weight speedily in the short term .

Almond nuts contain healthy monounsatured fats, protein and fibre which together make them one of the greatest home remedies for weight loss[57][58]. Almonds are a beneficial snack as they curb appetite and contain high-quality nutrients such as vitamin E, calcium, and healthy fats. The high content of calories in almonds can be daunting, but research shows that people who eat the most nuts lose the most weight, so dont be put off eating them in moderate amounts. You can add almonds to low-calorie diet with a low level of carbohydrates to enhance your weight loss process. There are many ways to consume almonds.

A long time ago, flax seed was believed to help people deal with digestive disorders and to be among the greatest home remedies for weight loss. Flax is rich in fiber and mucilage, which may help to reduce cholesterol levels and lower blood sugar levels[59][60]. Because of its high level of fiber, using flax seeds is also a great natural way to feel full for longer, manage bowel moments and increase healthy gut bacteria, for beneficial effects on weight loss. Remember to consume ground flaxseed rather than whole seeds, which would move through the intestinal tract undigested, preventing you from getting the full nutritional benefits.

All you need is to consume 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed once daily. Or you can sprinkle some over cereal or oatmeal if you like.

Originally posted here:
37 Best Home Remedies for Weight Loss Fast

How Much Weight Can You Actually Lose in a Week? Experts Explainand Give Their Best Tips for Doing It Safely – Rockdale Newton Citizen

Posted: September 2, 2022 at 2:03 am has an extensive editorial partnership with Cleveland Clinic, consistently named as one of the nation's best hospitals in U.S. News & World Report's annual "America's Best Hospitals" survey. Click here to learn more about our health reporting policies.

Taking diet pills, exercising around the clock, engaging in restrictive eating habits and following trendy diets promising to speed up metabolism are just a few of the methods people use to drop weight fast. While a tempting concept, most experts maintain that rapid weight loss is neither healthy nor sustainable, and even somewhat deceiving.

There is a long and short answer to the question, How much weight can you lose in a week? Sure, if you stop eating altogether and amp up exercise, you can lose up to 30 pounds in a week. How much weight should you aim to lose in a week? The majority of expertsincluding the Centers for Disease Control and Preventionunanimously agree that an average of one to two pounds of weight per week is a healthy weight loss goal. In fact most of them, including Jenna Kilgore, MS, NASM CPT, FNS andNoom Coach, maintain that suddenly losing a lot of weight is less sustainable than slow and steady weight loss.

Dr. Wajahat Mehal, MD, PhD, weight loss expert with Yale Medicine and director of the Weight Loss Program and professor at Yale School of Medicine, suggests looking at the big picture, focusing on how much weight you can lose overall versus how much weight you can lose in a week. Total weight loss with lifestyle intervention is generally 3-4% of starting weight, he explains.

There are a number of factors that contribute to weight loss, which may result in a more rapid or gradual weight loss. Weight loss is a complicated process, kind of like putting a puzzle together, adds Kilgore. In other words, you may be able to lose more or less than the average one to two pounds per week due to these variables. Here's everything you need to know about how to do it safely.

7 variables that contribute to weight loss

1. Body mass

Kilgore explains that someone who is starting off at a higher BMI is more likely to lose more weight in a week than someone with a lower one. Additionally, while science has concluded that muscle doesnt actually weigh more than fat (a pound of muscle weighs the same as a pound of fat) it is denser. This is why most health and fitness experts rely more on body composition measurements than simply the weight on the scale.

2. Water weight

Water weight is more of a sign of quick weight loss than sustained weight loss, explains Gans. Since our body is made up of 60% water it is not uncommon to see weight fluctuations from one to five pounds in a given day. Bottom line: You shouldnt consider water weight loss true weight loss, because it will come back as soon as you hydrate.

When attempting to lose weight, most people focus on calorie intake. While seriously restricting caloric intake will inevitably lead to rapid weight loss, experts suggest taking a more moderate and sustainable approach with your total number of calories consumed per day dependent on how many you burn. For example, a more active person who is regularly exercising needs more calories than someone who is sedentary. However, overall a 500 calorie deficit per day should lead to one pound per week of weight loss, maintains Gans.

A doctor or weight loss expert can help you determine a healthy deficit goal using bioimpedance analysis, or BIA, which uses factors such as your muscle mass and basal metabolic weight to figure out what your caloric deficit should be.

4. Nutrition

When it comes to sustainable weight loss and food, calories arent the only thing that matters. Nutrition is the most important aspect of a healthy weight, stresses Dr. Mehal. Without changing the home food environment it is very difficult to have significant weight loss.

In the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 20202025, the USDA explains that a healthy eating plan is not only one that stays within your daily calorie need but involves fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products, protein-rich food including seafood, lean meats and poultry, eggs, legumes (beans and peas), soy products, nuts, and seeds, and is low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt (sodium), and added sugars.

5. Movement

Movement is essential in any wellness journey. Finding ways to move throughout the day, whether that be short bursts or longer, more intentional workouts, or both, can have a lot of benefits, says Kilgore. Exercise is very beneficial for health even without weight loss, reminds Dr. Mehal. Not only does it help burn calories, but promotes mental and physical health, releasing feel-good hormones. It can cause a boost of endorphins that can also domino into our other choices too, Kilgore adds.

6. Sleep

When we dont get enough sleep, we may find ourselves hungrier and more often craving our comfort foods, she explains. We also tend to have lower energy, which can impact our daily movement, our motivation, etc. A good nights rest is paramount, especially when working on a weight loss goal."

7. Stress

While stress is normal, too much stress can wreak havoc, specifically on our hormones. A prolonged increase in cortisol is linked to abdominal fat storage, Kilgore explains. Not only can stress affect our hunger and fullness cues which can lead to overeating, it can also result in reaching for those comfort foods and ignoring portion sizes. Chronic stress often shows up as a plateau in progress, she says.

Expert endorsed tips to encourage healthy weight loss

In order to maximize weight loss in the healthiest and most sustainable way possible, follow these expert-endorsed weight loss tips.

Fill up on fiber

Fibrous foods are your friend when it comes to sustainable weight loss, says Gans. Fiber-rich carbs, such as 100% whole grains, fruits and veggies, take longer to digest in the body than refined carbs causing more satiety at mealtimes, she says.

Dont eliminate foods you love

Instead of ditching your favorite foods, Gans suggests modifying them. For example, dont stop eating pasta, and instead try to make it healthier. Swap your go-to huge bowl of fettuccine Alfredo, for a healthier dish with one-cup cooked pasta tossed with sauted spinach and grilled shrimp. Or, instead of eating a whole pizza topped with sausage and pepperoni, limit yourself to two slices with spinach and mushrooms, supplementing it with a large mixed green salad on the side. Want French fries with the burger? Go for it, but perhaps lose the bun, she advises.

Focus on progress, not perfection

Trying to eat healthy 100% of the time is unrealistic and unwarranted, says Gans. Instead, focus on a more realistic and smarter approach, such as making healthy choices 85% of the time, and allowing yourself to indulge in whatever you wish the remaining 15%. Dr. Mehal agrees that mindset is key. Most people have too high expectations and then feel as though they have failed, he states.

Try the plate method

Gans also suggests creating most of your meals with the plate method in mind, filling your dish up with one-half veggies, one-quarter carbohydrate, and the remaining one-quarter protein and a fat serving. By default, your portions will be more in check and the protein and fat will help fill you up, she says.

Stay hydrated

The more water you drink, the less you will eat, maintains Gans. Many times individuals confuse thirst for hunger. Simply try and stay hydrated by drinking more water and/or unsweetened, low-calorie beverages, she suggests.

Focus on the whys of weight loss

Kilgore stresses the importance of staying connected to the whys instead of the hows. Remembering why losing weight or reaching our goals is important can go a long way, she says. Motivation can be fleeting and that is one of the biggest challenges we see. When a motivational low hits, it can be hard to power forward. Learning to navigate those ebbs and flows will be valuable in the long run.

Find a support system

Its so important to have a strong support system to reach your weight loss goals. The process can feel lonely at times, Kilgore explains. She suggests building up a support system of family members, friends, coaches, and anyone who can help provide motivation and accountability.

Bottom line: Weight loss is an individualized journey

Remember that there is not a one-size-fits-all approach to weight loss and how much weight you can lose in a week. Everyones journey to weight loss is their own, notes Kilgore, who recommends keeping the focus on sustainability over speed. "Consistency is a huge factor since this journey can take time and patience to put all of the puzzle pieces together, which can be really mentally trying. Of course, weight loss is not a linear process so pauses, ups, and downs are totally normal along the way! Its important to look for an overall downward trend.


Rookie Spencer Strider pitched eight scoreless innings and set a franchise record for a nine-inning game with 16 strikeouts as the Atlanta Braves beat the visiting Colorado Rockies 3-0 on Thursday. Click for more.

Read the original post:
How Much Weight Can You Actually Lose in a Week? Experts Explainand Give Their Best Tips for Doing It Safely - Rockdale Newton Citizen

Michael Mosley’s ‘go-to breakfast’ for weight loss plus one to avoid – ‘laden with sugar’ – Express

Posted: September 2, 2022 at 2:03 am

Weight loss guru Dr Michael Mosley is the man behind the 5:2 diet and the Very Fast 800 Keto.

The 5:2 sees participants spend two days per week fasting with just an 800 calorie crutch and following a healthy Mediterranean diet the remaining five days.

The Very Fast 800 is a more short-term, rapid weight loss solution, whereby dieters consume just 800 calories daily for between two to 12 weeks.

This low calorie diet will be a moderately low-carb, high-protein one that priorities the Mediterranean style of eating.

But no matter what weight loss plan you are following, the expert suggested that there is one key breakfast you should be eating.

READ MORE:Say goodbye to saggy breasts with these exercises - video

Those following a Mediterranean diet should stock up on healthy fats and oils, full-fat yoghurt, nuts, fibre, dairy, an array of multi-coloured vegetables and proteins.

Dr Michael emphasised those hoping to lose weight should be careful of which meats they eat.

On his website, Dr Michael revealed to slimmers his ideal breakfast: "Start the day with eggs."

He continued: "Boiled, poached, scrambled or as an omelette - they'll keep you feeling fuller for longer compared to cereal or toast."


He explained that eggs are high in protein, Vitamin B and selenium.

He also assured slimmers eating them will not raise their cholesterol, contrary to popular belief.

The onions that he puts in the omelette are high in prebiotics, which feeds the good bacteria in the gut, and mushrooms are full of Vitamin D, particularly if left out in the garden for an hour before cooking.

He also adds nutrient-rich spinach and flavour enhancers such as garlic, turmeric and chilli flakes.

See more here:
Michael Mosley's 'go-to breakfast' for weight loss plus one to avoid - 'laden with sugar' - Express

On A Diet But Not Losing Weight? Heres What Nutritionist Lovneet Batra Has To Say – NDTV Doctor

Posted: September 2, 2022 at 2:03 am

As per the nutritionist, a weight loss of 0.2 to 0.9 kilograms a week is the typical ideal recommendation.

A slow and steady approach is key to healthy weight loss

When you are on a diet aimed at shedding those extra kilograms, it can be frustrating to see little to no loss. While losing weight can be a long process, the slow and steady approach is best recommended, as per nutritionist Lovneet Batra. In a video on Instagram, the nutritionist shares that it is not uncommon for people to say that they are not losing weight despite eating smaller quantities. Addressing this, Lovneet states in a note: It's tempting to buy into promises of fast and amazing weight loss. A slow and steady approach is a bit difficult to keep up. A weight loss of 0.2 to 0.9 kilograms a week is the typical recommendation.

The nutritionist explains that successful weight loss requires a long-term commitment to making healthy lifestyle changes in terms of diet, physical exercise and other habits.

Lovneet adds, Focus on eating right foods in appropriately sized portions is more important than eating less. Rather than focusing on calories alone, quality is also key in determining what we should eat and what we should avoid in order to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

It is not just the calorific value that is important, Lovneet adds, Rather than choosing foods based only on caloric value, choose high-quality, healthy foods, and minimising low-quality foods. Eating less amounts of unhealthy foods, severely cutting calories or removing entire food groups cannot be the long-term approach.

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In another post, Lovneet Batra also lists some foods that can aid in weight loss. As per her Instagram post, focussing on feeding one's body healthier foods is always a more efficient weight loss strategy than cutting out entire food groups.

Lovneet Batra says that papayas, lentils, amla, vegetables and coconut water also aid weight loss.

Before you make any significant changes to your diet, always consult an expert.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

DoctorNDTV is the one stop site for all your health needs providing the most credible health information, health news and tips with expert advice on healthy living, diet plans, informative videos etc. You can get the most relevant and accurate info you need about health problems like diabetes, cancer, pregnancy, HIV and AIDS, weight loss and many other lifestyle diseases. We have a panel of over 350 experts who help us develop content by giving their valuable inputs and bringing to us the latest in the world of healthcare.

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On A Diet But Not Losing Weight? Heres What Nutritionist Lovneet Batra Has To Say - NDTV Doctor

Why Carbohydrates Aren’t the Enemy of Weight Loss – Men’s Health

Posted: September 2, 2022 at 2:03 am

Carbohydrates get a bad rap when it comes to weight loss. Conventional wisdom has us believe that to lose weight, we must limit or eliminate carbs in our diet. But its not that simple. In reality, carbs sugars and starches found in grains, fruits and vegetables provide crucial, fast-acting energy to feed your brain, muscles and metabolism. And when theyre not processed into pastry form, they also contain a lot of the minerals, vitamins and fibre needed to maintain good health. In fact, carbohydrates are generally your bodys main (and preferred) source of fuel.

The problem is, many eating plans from the past two decades cast carbohydrates as the enemy of weight loss. These diets demonise all carbs, from oats and lentils to fruit, and urge you to exorcise them from your life. Its true that by limiting highly processed carbs you can make weight loss a whole lot easier. But shunning the good stuff can hinder your health and fitness goals. Read on to learn how to slice it.

Carbs, like proteins and fats, are macronutrients energy sources that keep you alert, active and, well... alive. Think of carbs as your bodys primary source of crude oil. Through digestion, carbs are transformed into glucose, kind of like high-octane unleaded gas. Carbohydrates are the only nutrients that exist solely to fuel the body, says Donald Layman, a nutrition consultant at the University of Illinois. Without glucose, your blood oxygen levels suffer, your energy levels tank and your brain gets foggy.

You should aim to get 45% to 65% of your daily calories from carbs. If youre a moderately active man consuming 2,600 calories a day, that means 1,170 to 1,690 calories should come from carbs. And since carbs whether from sugar, starch or fibre contain four calories per gram, you should shoot for 295g to 425g a day. This will help your brain, blood and nervous system function at their best, says Dr Layman.

If you keep your intake under 80g a day, as some diet plans suggest, your body will begin to break down fat stores to produce ketones to use as fuel, which can lead to that low-carb cloudy feeling. Excess dietary carbs, like all calories, are stored as body fat. You want to strike a balance.

Theres more to it than grams and portion sizes, however, says Frank Sacks, a nutrition professor at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health. The type of carb matters, as well as how much you eat. Complex carbohydrates, found in starchy veg and whole grains, are linked to healthier weight and lower risks of both type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Complex carbohydrates are difficult for the body to break down, and thats a good thing, says Gail Cresci, a researcher in gastroenterology and nutrition at Cleveland Clinic. These carbs digest slowly, meaning the absorption of sugars into your bloodstream is slower, too. The increases in your blood sugar and insulin levels are moderate enough that they dont reach levels associated with body-fat storage, Dr Cresci says. Plus, your gut likes them in more ways than one. The gut microbiota prefer complex carbs over any other food source, says Dr Cresci. After your gut bacteria feast on carbs, they send compounds called short-chain fatty acids into your bloodstream, which may help lower inflammation and strengthen your immune system.

Most foods that contain complex carbs are also high in fibre, which helps you feel full. In one study, people who were asked to eat 30g of fibre a day on top of their usual diet lost about as much weight as those who were following a strict (and probably far less enjoyable) meal plan.

Refined carbs those in white bread, biscuits and crisps have the opposite effect of the complex kind. After you eat, say, a jam doughnut, your blood sugar rises, your insulin levels jump up and your gut bacteria spit out inflammatory compounds, says Dr Cresci. The odd indulgence wont do any damage, of course. But too much too often will set you up for potential metabolic malfunction.

Its true that if you eliminate almost all carbs from your diet youll drop a lot of weight but not for the reason you might think. On a low-carb diet, your body churns through its muscle glycogen stores. And for every bit of muscle glycogen you burn, your body releases twice as much water, Dr Cresci says. So those initial kilos you drop will be from water, not just body fat.

Eating more oats, quinoa, beans and sweet potatoes and fewer pastries sounds incredibly simple, but there are some traps to look out for. Beware of products that market themselves as low fat. When food producers remove fat from foods such as yoghurt or salad dressings, they often replace the lost flavour with processed sugar (a carb), which is more easily converted into body fat than unprocessed carbs, Dr Cresci says. Youre better off sticking with the real deal.

Dont let the gluten-free trend hook you in, either: many free-from foods contain more sugar and calories than conventional counterparts. Unless youre among the relatively small minority of people who have coeliac disease or a known sensitivity, theres probably no need for you to swerve grains such as wheat, barley and rye.

And, finally, to settle the debate on fruit. While berries, bananas and the like contain simple carbs, they come with plenty of fibre, which slows their absorption. In fact, a recent BMJ study found that fibre from fruit may reduce your risk of heart disease. Anyone who cuts down on fruit to reduce their sugar intake is making a mistake, says Dr Sacks.

Carbs are stored as glycogen in your muscles and liver, serving as fuel for high-intensity and endurance exercise. If your fitness regimen is intense say, youre training for a marathon you need an extra 40g to 60g of carbs per hour of training to perform at your peak, says Stuart Galloway, who studies exercise metabolism at the University of Stirling, Scotland. Another way to think about this is one additional gram of carbs per minute you work out.

As for carb cycling, theres no robust evidence to suggest that switching between high- and low-carb days helps performance. Some experts say it may even harm your health by contributing to low-grade inflammation, says Dr Cresci.

After your workout, you need to restock those carbs as well as taking in protein. Raising levels of insulin can help with protein synthesis and muscle building, a study in the Journal Of The International Society Of Sports Nutrition suggests. Aim for a 1:1 or 2:1 carb-to-protein ratio post-gym. Some good choices are chocolate milk (really), sliced apple with almond butter, or pitta and hummus.

The bottom line? Eat a consistent amount of complex carbs every day (unless youre running a marathon or doing something similarly hardcore) from a variety of whole-food sources. For an appetising prescription, try our recipes over the page.

Continue reading here:
Why Carbohydrates Aren't the Enemy of Weight Loss - Men's Health

Try These Food Combinations to Speed up Weight Loss – News18

Posted: August 25, 2022 at 2:12 am

You should avoid processed and junk food to achieve weight loss results.Most people have a notion that food and weight are directly proportional. As a result, they starve themselves thinking that it will help them lose weight. What many people are unaware of is that eating properly can also help them lose weight. However, you have to follow a healthy diet regimen. You should also avoid processed and junk food to achieve results early.

To be precise, how quickly you can lose weight depends on the right combination of food items in your daily diet. The right nutrients can aid you on your weight loss journey. For instance, the right combination of protein, fibre and carbohydrates could accelerate your weight loss process.

Here are a few food combinations you can try to achieve positive results in your weight loss journey.

Oatmeal and BerriesAdd oatmeal topped with berries into your regular diet. These two foods are abundant in insoluble fibre. Insoluble food fibres are excellent for the digestive system.

Pistachios and AlmondsConsuming pistachios and almonds together result in positive outcomes when it comes to weight loss. Almonds are abundant in the amino acid L-arginine. L-arginine assists the body to burn more carbs and fats.

Chicken and Cayenne Pepper SauceAccording to WebMD, this combination is not only delicious but is also good for weight loss. Chicken is abundant in protein. One chicken breast contains fewer than 150 calories and can provide a person with about 27 grams of protein. Protein makes a person feel full for a long time as it takes time to digest while making sure that they do not feel hungry. Combining your chicken with a sauce made of cayenne pepper increases your calorie burn, as spicy food increases the bodys metabolism for a short time.

Bean and vegetable soupA mouth-watering broth-based vegetable soup can be extremely filling. As a result, it leaves less room in your belly to consume higher-calorie foods. Adding beans, like chickpeas or black beans into the soup can increase the dishs nutritional profile because they are rich in protein and fibre.

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Try These Food Combinations to Speed up Weight Loss - News18

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