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What is a plant-based diet and is it good for you? – CNA

Posted: June 3, 2020 at 1:45 am

Youve probably come across stories of people proclaiming how going on a plant-based diet has changed their lives for the better.

These could even be first-hand accounts from a friend or a relative you previously knew as a hardcore carnivore who scouted the island for the best steak and char siew and is now embracing kale salads and asking for extra veggies like a new mantra.

But have you ever wondered why someone would resolutely make that 180-degree lifestyle change?

There are different reasons why many people are adopting plant-based or vegan diets in Singapore, said Professor Francis Seow-Choen, a consultant colorectal surgeon from Concord International Hospital.

These could range from influence by the media and advertising, the belief that it contributes to savingthe world, animal rights and activism, and better health.

The latter is something that seems to be catching on here, according to Jaclyn Reutens, a dietitian and founder of Aptima Nutrition and Sports Consultants.

Recent health scares like being diagnosed with prediabetes or having borderline high blood pressure and cholesterol readings have a tendency to spur some to make an effort to eat healthier.

In fact, since the middle of 2019, Reutens revealed shes received 10 per cent more queries on plant-based diets and how to get started on it. Some are trying it for general health purposes to just feel better; some for weight loss, or to manage or prevent diabetes, she said.


While vegetables are certainly involved, there are differences between a plant-based diet and vegetarianism.

A plant-based diet encourages a greater intake of fruit, vegetables, legumes and nuts, but does not strictly exclude animal-based products such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs and dairy, said dietitian Goh Qiu Le from Changi General Hospitals Dietetic & Food Services.

The makers of The Game Changersare vegan, so I would take the nutritional stance of the show with a pinch of salt because it was clearly from a biased perspective. There are so many successful medal-winning athletes who are not vegan or even close to following a plant-based diet.

As for vegetarianism, it comes in many forms, continued Goh. Lacto-vegetarian diets exclude meat, fish, poultry and eggs, but include dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt. Ovo-vegetarian diets allow eggs, while avoiding meat, fish, poultry and dairy products. Vegan diets exclude meat, fish, poultry, eggs and dairy products.

But no matter what form of vegetarianism, the main difference between a vegetarian and someone who is on a plant-based diet is processed foods, said Reutens.

A plant-based diet steers you to consume more minimally-processed products instead of highly-processed foods that contain refined sugars.


The good news is, it is never too late to improve our dietary habits, said Goh. Studies have shown that plant-based diets are associated with reduced risks of chronic diseases, such as heart disease and Type 2 diabetes.

Reutens shared the same sentiments: If you have developed high cholesterol or high blood pressure in your 40s because of bad lifestyle habits, it is not too late to manage these conditions through a change in your diet such as a plant-based diet.

As for sticking to it, Goh advised to make the changes gradual. Sudden, abrupt changes, while well-intentioned, may not be sustainable in the long run. Instituting gradual, positive changes has been shown to be more achievable for most people, he said.

To set you on the right path, seek professional advice and confirmation from a dietitian first, said Goh, before making changes to your eating habits and lifestyle.


Some fitness-conscious individuals could be inspired to switch after watching documentaries such as Netflixs The Game Changers, which showcased how elite athletes and special ops soldiers got bigger, faster and stronger by going vegetarian.

Many people are shocked by such documentaries but it is important to know that they are often not as evidence-based and objective as they appear, said Prof Seow. They may make broad generalisations to suit their storylines. It is highly advisable to use hard science-based evidence to guide our diet decisions.

We are seeing an increasing number of people admitted to hospitals with irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, abdominal pain and/or diarrhoea because of the increased ingestion of plant products.

Prof Seow wouldnt recommend switching to plant-based to up your fitness game. Also, individuals who are sick, recovering from a major surgery or going through puberty will benefit much more from meat-based than plant-based diets, he said.

Reutens is also unconvinced by such documentaries. (The Game Changers) incorrectly led people to believe that not just plant-based but a vegan diet trumped one that included animal protein. There are so many nutritional challenges in a vegan diet but those were clearly omitted.

The makers of the documentary are vegan, so I would take the nutritional stance of the show with a pinch of salt because it was clearly from a biased perspective. There are so many successful medal-winning athletes who are not vegan or even close to following a plant-based diet, said Reutens.

So if youre thinking of going plant-based in the hopes of boosting your performance like ex-UFC fighter James Wilks, maybe you should reconsider. Watch it for the entertainment value and not live your life by it. You are not going to be jumping out of planes like Tom Cruise after watching Mission Impossible, are you? said Reutens.


As friends and colleagues who are plant-based converts would effusively tell you, they feel better than the meat-gnawing population.

And they might be right. If their previous diet was one that was very high in red meat, one of the immediate effects would be that they feel great because they would have ingested a lot less fat that made them sluggish, said Reutens.

Plant-based meat substitutes are highin sodium due to the processing methods, and a high sodium intake is associated with greater risks of cardiovascular disease.

The initial effects would be a surge in energy levels, better bowel movements, and they would be more conscious of their food intake, she said, adding that in the long run, a plant-based diet can reward you with good energy levels, a healthier digestive tract, mentally more alert, and a significant reduction of health risks associated with a high intake of animal products.

But is a plant-based diet for everyone? It is, after all, about eating more greens and that cant be bad, right? It may not suit everyone because some individuals may need a high iron intake and red meat is a very good source of iron, said Reutens.

Prof Seow also recommended taking a plant-based diets deemed merits with care. Humans need essentialfatty acids and essential amino acids that are readily obtainedfrom animal sources but are lacking or rare in plant sources, he said.

Other nutrients that may be deficient include calcium, iron and Vitamin B12, said Reutens. In fact, a plant-based diet may pack too much carbohydrates and fats, especially saturated fats, she said, and you may end up feeling tired (from the lack of iron) as well as body aches and cramps (from the lack of essential minerals) eventually.

Prof Seow is also concerned about the higher intake of fibre. While fibre has been associated with better bowel movements, he said that too much fibre can create more problems. Undigested fibre ferments in the large intestine and results in bloating, gas, cramps, irregular bowel with small, pellet-y stools, bulky stools, diarrhoea or irritable bowel syndrome (diarrhoea alternating with constipation).

We are seeing an increasing number of people admitted to hospitals with irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, abdominal pain and/or diarrhoea because of the increased ingestion of plant products, he said.


You would have heard of or even tasted products such as Impossible Burger, Beyond Sausage and Quorn Sausage Patties. And while they are purportedly better for the environment, are they actually better for you?

Plant-based meat substitutes are higher in sodium due to the processing methods, and a high sodium intake is associated with greater risks of cardiovascular disease, said Goh.

In fact, Reutens doesnt think such products qualify as plant-based. Faux meat is considered a highly processed food, and I do not see it as nutritionally superior to its real meat counterparts. If you want to switch to plant-based protein, she said youre better off dipping into beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas, nuts, seeds, quinoa that can provide good amounts of proteins, minerals and energy.

Since a plant-based diet allows you to eat real meat, you should eat it. The leaner cuts of red meat are more nutritious than faux meat. But if you want faux meat to be one of your tastier vegetarian options, there is no harm in including it from time to time, said Reutens.


As beneficial as a plant-based diet is to health, Goh said that it is not the only way to achieve positive health outcomes. Each patient has a unique set of conditions and there is no single diet that is all encompassing.

Furthermore, healthy eating is neither complicated nor expensive eat two servings of fruit and vegetables daily, stay adequately hydrated, and choose leaner sources of protein at meals, said Goh.

Reutens agreed that the plant-based diet is not the singular path to a healthier life and wouldnt routinely recommend it unless the patient has been consuming too much meat and poultry and is negatively affecting their health. I do tell my patients to eat less red meat but not to the extent of a plant-based diet unless they pursue the topic further.

There is currently no medical reason to go on plant-based diets, said Prof Seow, adding that people who do are usually advised to by their doctors for different kinds of intestinal problems caused by diabetes, hypertension or cancer.

Even young people who switch to too much plant-based foods develop malnutrition and other symptoms when they change to plant-based diets.I would usually advise them against a vegan diet to ameliorate these problems, said Prof Seow.

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What is a plant-based diet and is it good for you? - CNA

There’s a Direct Link Between the Western High-Fat & Sugar Diet and Skin Conditions – YouBeauty

Posted: June 3, 2020 at 1:45 am

Our body literally makes itself out of the nutrients our food provides it thats right, you very much are what you eat. In the case of your skin, the food you consume can have a much larger impact that just a few zits after a late-night sweets binge. If you have issues with inflammatory skin conditions like severe acne, psoriasis, or rosacea, youll want to know what researchers at UC Davis Health have discovered.

The typical American diet is certainly tasty, but not as healthy as it is delicious. High sugar and fat consumption with low fiber intake characterize most standard American diets. While we know that weight gain and even obesity are the usual outcomes of this diet, there is an even earlier result that will make your beauty regiment less effective.

Health researchers tested the effects that this high fat and sugar diet had on lab mice and found that before the mice experienced the expected outcome of weight gain, skin issues presented themselves. These mice who were put on an unhealthy diet for only four weeks began showing signs of skin inflammation, including the development of psoriasis. Before even gaining weight, the mice on the high sugar and fat diet suffered worse skin health outcomes than the mice on an exclusively high-fat diet. Thats right, put down the second serving of that dessert.

Not the most polite dinner table conversation but it turns out that bile may play a more important role in your skins health than youve ever thought (if youve ever thought). Researchers found that using a drug that lowered cholesterol levels by binding bile acids in the intestine actually worked to lower the level of skin inflammation. This finding indicates theres an important connection here that researchers will need to probe further.

If youre wondering what all this bile and diet information means for you in your everyday life, its as simple as making a few more conscious choices around your eating habits. Its easy to treat ourselves to high fat and high sugar foods, but these findings that place a direct link between skin inflammation, including psoriasis, and your diet can serve as a healthy dose of fitspo to get you back on track to make healthier dietary choices. Just remember, dont undo all the work and money that goes into your skincare regiment with diet.

Read the rest here:
There's a Direct Link Between the Western High-Fat & Sugar Diet and Skin Conditions - YouBeauty

A Few Almonds Daily Can Offer You These Amazing Health Benefits – NDTV

Posted: June 2, 2020 at 5:53 am

Almonds can offer you multiple health benefits

You should eat nuts daily- you might have heard this a thousand times. Almond is one of the healthiest nuts that you should consume regularly. The benefits of almonds for better heart health are quite popular. These are loaded with essential nutrients and micro-nutrients that you need for better health. Developing a habit of eating almonds daily can be beneficial to your health in various ways. It is a ritual in many Indian houses to start their day with soaked almonds. Well, this practice is a boon to your health. Below, is a list of benefits eating almonds daily can offer you.

Almonds are loaded with properties beneficial for your heart health. The presence of vitamin E, magnesium and antioxidants in almonds makes them a heart-friendly nut. Studies have also highlighted that eating almonds can control the risk of heart diseases.

Almonds are loaded with properties beneficial for your heart healthPhoto Credit: iStock

Also read:Reasons Why You Should Start Your Day With Soaked Almonds; Know Amazing Health Benefits

Vitamin E offers some amazing benefits to your health. This vitamin is good for your skin and hair. It is a powerful antioxidant that helps repair damaged cells.

Also read:Almonds Beauty Benefits: Boost Your Skin And Hair Health With This Amazing Nut

High blood pressure is a serious health condition that should not be ignored. To control your blood pressure numbers a healthy diet plays a major role. Magnesium in almonds may help you regulate your blood pressure.

Almonds may help in controlling blood pressure with the help of magnesium present in itPhoto Credit: iStock

Almonds are a healthy snack. A few almonds can keep you full for longer and make you consume fewer calories. It can help you maintain a healthy weight.

Almonds are a healthy snack for diabetics too. Many studies also suggest that almonds may help you bring down blood sugar levels naturally. Diabetics are also at a significantly higher risk of heart disease that can be controlled with almonds.

Also read:Know How Many Almonds You Should Eat To Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Almonds are high in calories. You need to balance your overall calorie consumption to add almonds safely to your diet. Dietitian Ruchika Jain recommends that the safe limit is 6-8 almonds each day. Soaked almonds are also beneficial, you can soak them overnight and consume them in the morning. It is also advised to avoid fried and salted almonds.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

See the article here:
A Few Almonds Daily Can Offer You These Amazing Health Benefits - NDTV

Detailed records must be kept to assess response to virus outbreak : The Asahi Shimbun – Asahi Shimbun

Posted: June 2, 2020 at 5:53 am

How should the government act to protect the lives and livelihoods of the public from outbreaks of infectious diseases?

To answer this, it is important to keep detailed records of government responses to the novel coronavirus pandemic so that the policy decisions can be assessed effectively to glean lessons for the future.

Despite its characterization of the outbreak as a historic emergency situation, the Abe administration has failed to keep records of important discussions on how it has dealt with the crisis.

This can only mean the administration does not yet fully grasp the importance of public document management.

It has been revealed that no formal minutes have been kept of the meetings of the expert panel advising the government on its responses to the COVID-19 outbreak.

While the government has produced excerpts of the panels discussions without identifying the speakers, there are no official records of the remarks made at the panels meetings for making informed evaluations of related policy decisions.

The guidelines for official document management stipulate that minutes should be taken of any meetings where policy decisions are made or approved. The government claims as the advisory panel meetings do not fall under this category, there is no need to take minutes.

This stance reflects disregard for the value of official records in general as it is based on a very narrow definition of the meetings subject to this requirement. It also contradicts the remarks about the issue made in a March Diet session by health minister Katsunobu Kato, who then pledged to use stenographers to record every single word uttered at the panel meetings.

These experts are tasked with analyzing the latest situations concerning the infection and making recommendations accordingly. They are all also members of the governments advisory council to discuss basic policies for responding to the pandemic.

Even if policy decisions are not made or approved at the meetings, it can be safely said that they play a very important role in guiding the governments responses to the crisis.

Abe himself has often referred to the opinions of the experts as grounds for his policy decisions while explaining them at the Diet or in news conferences.

The government has said the members of the panel feel more comfortable about expressing their views and opinions when the speakers are not identified.

As some members have started calling for minutes to be kept of their meetings, however, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said the government will obey any decision by the panel on this issue, in a sudden shift in stance.

There are stenographic records, if not audio recordings, of the meetings available, according to the government. If so, it should immediately start compiling the minutes.

To secure broad public understanding and cooperation for its policy efforts to contain the virus, the government needs to win the solid trust of the people. This requires the government to actively disclose relevant information to inject a convincing transparency into the decision-making process.

A report compiled by the health ministrys review panel that scrutinized the governments responses to the outbreak of a new influenza in 2009 stressed the importance of providing sufficient and accurate information to the public.

It called for taking steps to secure transparency when seeking opinions from medical and other experts (through formal meetings and other means), including taking minutes.

The measures to deal with the outbreak restrict the freedom and rights of many people and bring huge consequences for the nations economy and society.

The public deserves to know how the government made policy decisions concerning the pandemic and what kind of information it used in doing so.

The Abe administration has a responsibility for making and keeping detailed records of not only discussions at the expert panel but also other discussions and communications involved, including informal talks and exchanges among Cabinet members and those between the government and the ruling coalition.

Such records will be vital for a comprehensive review of the way the government handled the latest public health crisis.

--The Asahi Shimbun, June 2

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Detailed records must be kept to assess response to virus outbreak : The Asahi Shimbun - Asahi Shimbun

Coronavirus Update: Blood kits will be sent to 10000 Canadians to estimate total spread of virus – The Globe and Mail

Posted: June 2, 2020 at 5:53 am

Good evening, here are the coronavirus updates you need to know tonight.

Top headlines: Britons head out to enjoy record-breaking heat as officials try to prevent a surge of new cases; World Health Organization, health experts say no evidence of coronavirus becoming weaker

In Canada, 91,647 cases have been reported, more than double the number from 37 days ago. There have also been 49,489 recoveries and 7,325 deaths. Health officials have administered 1,773,164 tests.

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Worldwide, 6,221,339 cases have been confirmed; with 2,670,410 recoveries and 373,163 deaths.

Sources: Canada data is compiled from government websites, Johns Hopkins and COVID-19 Canada Open Data Working Group; international data is from Johns Hopkins University.

Coronavirus explainers: Updates and essential resources Coronavirus in maps and charts Lockdown rules and reopening plans in each province

Staff gather outside the Orchard Villa retirement home on Monday to watch people lay flowers at an event to honour victims of COVID-19 hosted by SEIU Healthcare, a union for front line workers. The Pickering long term care home is one of the hardest hit in the pandemic with over 70 resident deaths. (Melissa Tait / The Globe and Mail)

Melissa Tait/The Globe and Mail

A doctor at St. Michaels Hospital in Toronto is leading one of the first large-scale surveys with 10,000 blood kits that will examine participants blood for antibodies that are specific to the virus that causes COVID-19.

There are currently at least 2,068 hospitalized cases, a 13% drop from a week ago. Of those, 302 are in intensive care.

In Ottawa, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the government will provide this years full payment of $2.2-billion in gas tax transfers to municipalities in the coming weeks rather than the usual practice of spreading the transfers over two payments, as an interim measure to offset budget shortfalls cause by the pandemic.

The Federation of Canadian Municipalities said more than a month ago that cities will need at least $10-billion in new emergency funding from the federal government to maintain existing services.

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Manufacturing activity contracted for the third straight month in May, but the pace of decline was less severe than in April, data shows.

Canadas economy shed about three million jobs in March and April combined, while GDP was estimated to have fallen in April by a record 11 per cent month-over-month.

Also today:

Question: Who do masks protect: the wearer or other people?

Answer from Andr Picard: Masks principally protect other people, not the wearer. Coronavirus is spread by respiratory droplets from an infected person. If you wear a mask, you are less likely to spread virus when you cough, sneeze or talk, and less likely to leave germs on surfaces. As the saying goes: Your mask protects me, my mask protects you.

The Globes health columnist Andr Picard answered reader questions on social distancing and many additional topics.

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The Vesey's Seeds retail store in York, PEI, on May 25.

John Morris

The frenzy began near the end of March. In the midst of a pandemic, Canadians forced to isolate suddenly expressed an insatiable desire to dig in the dirt.

All across the country, firms that fill seed packets have been swamped. In an unexpected development related to the novel coronavirus, garden-variety growers have become obsessed with obtaining seeds.

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For the grill enthusiast: Summer grilling ideas to make meal planning a little easier

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Coronavirus Update: Blood kits will be sent to 10000 Canadians to estimate total spread of virus - The Globe and Mail

World Milk Day 2020: Know Benefits Of Drinking Milk Other Than Optimum Calcium Intake – NDTV

Posted: June 2, 2020 at 5:53 am

World Milk Day 2020: Milk is one of the best calcium sources

World Milk Day is observed on June 1 each year. This day celebrates the dairy sector and the benefits of dairy products. World Milk day 2020 is promoting #WorldMilkDay and #EnjoyDairy. Since childhood, the need to drink milk has always been emphasised. Milk is one of the best sources of calcium which ensures better bone and teeth health. In India, milk is consumed almost daily commonly for breakfast. Many are not aware of the multiple benefits of milk other than being a good source of calcium. On this World milk Day, here's the list of benefits that drinking milk would offer you.

Milk is a combination of multiple nutrients. Drinking milk can keep you full for longer and may prevent overconsumption of calories. Several studies have also stressed on the link between milk consumption and weight loss. These studies also suggest that hug her intake of dietary calcium can reduce the risk of obesity.

Also read:Is It Healthy To Drink Milk Every Day? What Is The Best Time To Drink Milk? Know Answers From Experts

Protein should be an essential part of your diet. It supports different body functions. Protein is called the building block of the body as it helps in repairing as well as the development of tissues. One cup of milk contains almost 8 grams of protein. It is considered as a complete protein.

Milk Day: Milk is considered as a complete proteinPhoto Credit: iStock

Many know that milk is loaded with calcium. Not just calcium milk can offer multiple other nutrients as well. It contains protein, vitamin B12, potassium, magnesium, thiamine, vitamin A, selenium and more.

Also read:Here's Why You Must Have A Glass Of Milk Everyday

Milk can be safely consumed daily for better nutrition and calcium intake. It can be consumed for breakfast with nuts or other healthy options like oats. Shakes are also quite filling that can be prepared with milk.

Also read:Cow Milk Vs Buffalo Milk: Which Is Richer In Protein And Calcium?

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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World Milk Day 2020: Know Benefits Of Drinking Milk Other Than Optimum Calcium Intake - NDTV

Dancing in the street with DAZL’s Garden Groovers – South Leeds Life

Posted: June 2, 2020 at 5:53 am

The Residents of Intake Square were dancing in the street as DAZL brought their Garden Groovers project to Middleton last Wednesday (27 May 2020).

Garden Groovers is a one hour outdoor dance session, led by DAZLs professional dance leaders. You dont have to travel and you can keep your safe social distance whilst you make your moves. Its an easy class that anyone of any age can join in, or you can just come to your gate and clap along to the music.

Ian Rodley, DAZLs Director, said:

The sessions have been really successful, we had 70 people engaged at Intake Square, it was fantastic.

I want say a big thank you to everyone who has been involved and especially the Youth & Community Team at BARCA who have been brilliant.

We just want to get people together, get them dancing and having fun. If you want Garden Groovers on your street, get in touch.

Sessions are already lined up for Nesfield Gardens, Sissons Road, Lingwell Approach and Windmill Road.

Film by Wayne Sable

Garden Groovers isnt the only thing DAZL has been busy with during the lockdown. As soon as it had to cancel physical classes, DAZL took all their groups online. You can carry on with your weekly dance class via Facebook full details of how to sign up safely are on the DAZL website here.

They have also been delivering food parcels to 40 families in South Leeds each week and from next week they will double that to cover 80 families. The parcels include an activity pack with dance activities for those who cant access the internet. For more information Please contact Amy & Chrisie via email or Call/Text 07519 018675.

DAZL has been involved in the Healthy Holidays work in Leeds for several years now, providing lunches at their activity camps during school holidays. The work has also involved teaching children about eating a healthy diet.

DAZL isnt just about physical activity, although thats at the core of what we do explains Ian. Its about helping young people to be healthy, whether thats movement, healthy eating or mental health.

DAZLs community focus stretches to a weekly check-in phone call to parents to make sure theyre coping and offer help and advice.

Garden Groovers is funded by Leeds Community Foundations Healthy Holidays and Leeds Inspired

See the original post here:
Dancing in the street with DAZL's Garden Groovers - South Leeds Life

Most heated debate this week – should you eat peas for breakfast – Essex Live

Posted: June 2, 2020 at 5:53 am

When you think of a full English breakfast, crispy hash browns, runny egg yolk and sizzling sausage springs to mind - but one amateur chef has divided opinion by adding a colourful vegetable to the mix peas.

Jessica Ms post appeared on the popular Twitter page Rate My Plate, whereby fellow food enthusiasts are invited to judge other peoples meals. The picture of her impressive fry-up creation includes sausages, hash browns, gammon steaks, fried egg, and baked beans as well as the bizarre choice of a generous helping of peas.

The post has since sparked a heated social media debate, with a number of Twitter users jumping to Jessicas defence. One pea lover argued Good enough for me! Love peas and happy to have them for breakfast!.

For many Twitter users, having peas for breakfast is a step too far - one user claimed the addition was a No no never peas. Crime against breakfast, while another said OMG! Who has peas with breakfast??. A third person shared their sentiment by professing that Its a criminal offence to consumer peas before noon.

Not one to miss a pea-related debated, frozen food giant Birds Eye, who have been growing British peas in the UK since 1946, weighed in, retweeting the original picture and asking its followers for their thoughts on whether peas belong on the same plate as a Full English Breakfast.

Helen Fraser, Senior Brand Manager at Birds Eye, said: We know Brits are crazy for peas, in fact the average person eats nearly 9,000 a year - but we can safely say weve not seen them added to an English breakfast before! Its great to see Jessica adding some colour (and goodness) to her meal, and while it isnt a combination weve thought of eating before, our Sunday fry up might feature a burst of green this weekend!

The British Growers Association Yes Peas campaign, which promotes peas in the UK diet, has come up with a pea-based breakfast recipe for Green baked eggs with peas and leeks.

Read more:
Most heated debate this week - should you eat peas for breakfast - Essex Live

Coronavirus patients can safely see others within 10 days of symptoms – CDC – Daily Trust

Posted: June 2, 2020 at 5:53 am

People who had the coronavirus are allowed to meet with others after theyve gone at least three days with no fever, new Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines say.

The CDC has updated its guidelines for when people who have had the novel coronavirus can safely see others.

According to the new recommendations, patients are allowed to meet with others after theyve gone at least three days with no fever.

Additionally, their symptoms need to have improved and at least 10 days need to have passed since they first noticed symptoms.


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The updated guidelines come as states begin to reopen their economies and people begin considering going back to work and school.

They can also safely see each other if its been 10 days since they first noticed symptoms.

The CDC says people who test positive for the virus are still contagious so waiting 10 days helps symptoms pass.

People with conditions that weaken their immune system might need to stay home longer than 10 days, the federal health agency said.

If you are exposed to someone who had a confirmed case of the virus, then you must stay home for at least 14 days to see if symptoms develop.

Depending on your healthcare providers advice and availability of testing, you might get tested to see if you still have COVID-19, the CDC wrote.

If you will be tested, you can be around others when you have no fever, symptoms have improved, and you receive two negative test results in a row, at least 24 hours apart.

However, not having symptoms or testing negative isnt a substitution for practices including social distancing and good hand hygiene.

Limit touching frequently touched surfaces such as kiosks, digital interfaces such as touchscreens and fingerprint scanners, ticket machines, turnstiles, handrails, restroom surfaces, elevator buttons, and benches as much as possible, the CDC wrote.

If you must touch these surfaces, as soon as you can, wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water or rub your hands with sanitiser containing 60% alcohol, it adds.

The agency also advises using contactless payment and trash cans with foot pedals whenever possible.

If you are using a taxi or a ride share, the CDC recommends opening windows to improve air circulation in the vehicle.

Limit the number of passengers in the vehicle to only those necessary, the agency suggests.

Avoid pooled rides or rides where multiple passengers are picked up who are not in the same household. Sit in the back seat in larger vehicles such as vans and buses so you can remain at least six feet away from the driver.

If you are taking public transit, the CDC advises riding during off-peak hours, traveling six feet apart and frequent hand cleaning.

Culled from MailOnline


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Coronavirus patients can safely see others within 10 days of symptoms - CDC - Daily Trust

Gelesis Receives Approval to Market PLENITY in Europe as a Weight Loss Treatment – Business Wire

Posted: June 2, 2020 at 5:52 am

BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Gelesis, a biotechnology company developing a novel hydrogel platform technology to treat obesity and other chronic diseases related to the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, announced today that it has received approval to market Plenity, a novel weight loss treatment, in Europe. Gelesis received a Conformit Europenne (CE) mark for Plenity as a class III medical device indicated for weight loss in overweight and obese adults with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 25-40 kg/m2, when used in conjunction with diet and exercise.

Seventy percent of the western world is affected by overweight or obesity and there are few non-invasive, non-systemic solutions without major risks, says John Wilding, M.D., FRCP, a clinical researcher Obesity, Diabetes and Endocrinology at the University of Liverpool and the incoming president of the World Obesity Federation. Through my participation in the clinical trial, I saw firsthand the impact Plenity can have. The CE mark will further broaden access to a weight loss option that can impact tens of millions of patients globally.

The CE mark indicates that Plenity has been assessed to meet health and safety standards for products sold within the European Economic Area (EEA), as required by the European Medical Device Directives. Gelesis will now be able to market Plenity throughout the EEA and in other countries that recognize the CE mark.

Obesity is a global public health crisis, and too many individuals have struggled to lose weight on their own, without an effective therapeutic intervention to help them. We believe Plenity is a highly differentiated option for this serious public health issue, said Yishai Zohar, founder and chief executive officer of Gelesis. Receiving the CE mark is an important milestone for the Gelesis team and for our hydrogel technology platform.

Gelesis plans to bring Plenity to the U.S. first, where it is now available by prescription to a limited extent while the company ramps up its commercial operations and inventory for a broad launch in 2021.

About Plenity

Plenity is an oral, non-systemic, superabsorbent hydrogel which has received FDA clearance as an aid in weight management in overweight and obese adults with a BMI of 2540 kg/m2, when used in conjunction with diet and exercise. It is made by cross-linking two naturally derived building blocks, modified cellulose and citric acid, that create a three-dimensional matrix. Plenity particles rapidly absorb water in the stomach and homogenously mix with ingested foods. Rather than forming one large mass, it creates thousands of small individual gel pieces with the elasticity (firmness) of solid plant-based foods (e.g., vegetables) without caloric value. The Plenity hydrogel increases the volume and elasticity of the stomach and small intestine contents and induces a feeling of fullness and satiety. Once it arrives in the large intestine, the hydrogel is partially broken down by enzymes and loses its three-dimensional structure along with most of its absorption capacity. The released water is reabsorbed in the large intestine, and the remaining cellulosic material is eliminated through the bodys natural digestive processes. Plenity is considered a medical device because it achieves its primary intended purpose through mechanical modes of action consistent with mechanobiology constructs. For more information, visit

Important Safety Information

For the safe and proper use of PLENITY, refer to the U.S. Instructions for Use or the EU Instructions for Use.

About GelesisGelesis is developing a novel hydrogel platform technology to treat overweight and obesity and chronic diseases related to the GI pathway. Gelesis proprietary approach is designed to act mechanically in the GI pathway to potentially alter the course of certain chronic diseases. In April 2019, Gelesis received FDA clearance for its lead product candidate, Plenity, as an aid for weight management in overweight and obese adults with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 25-40 kg/m2, when used in conjunction with diet and exercise. Plenity is currently available in limited supply in the U.S. Additionally, Gelesis is developing its second investigational candidate, Gelesis200, a hydrogel optimized for weight loss and glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes and prediabetes. Novel hydrogel mechanotherapeutics based on the Gelesis platform technology are also being advanced in other GI inflammatory conditions, such as non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and Chronic Idiopathic Constipation (CIC). Gelesis was named one of Fast Companys Most Innovative Companies for 2020.

The Gelesis executive and advisory team includes some of the worlds leading experts in obesity, materials science, chronic disease research, and commercialization. Gelesis was co-founded by PureTech Health (LSE: PRTC). For more information, visit or connect with us on Twitter @GelesisInc.

Read the original post:
Gelesis Receives Approval to Market PLENITY in Europe as a Weight Loss Treatment - Business Wire

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