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I fasted for Ramadan after shunning the ritual for years, and it changed my mental health for good – Insider – INSIDER

Posted: May 29, 2020 at 1:53 am

Having grown up surrounded by people who were mostly white and non-Muslim, I can see how others might view some of the practices of Islam and Ramadan as irrational, or even alien.

However, fasting for Ramadan for the first time in years has changed my mental health for good.

Ramadan is a 28 or 29-day lunar month running up to Eid al-Fitr, one of the biggest Islamic festivals. For many, it entails focusing on self-betterment and helping others but you're also supposed to abstain from food and water from dawn until dusk every day for a month.

From the outside, fasting might seem extreme but my memories of Ramadan are some of the happiest I have.

My father was a lapsed Catholic before he reverted and married my mother so, though I was raised Muslim, my siblings and I had the best of both worlds.

With my dad's parents, I have fond memories of trick-or-treating at Halloween, painting eggs on Easter, and decorating Christmas cakes.

As I got older, my relationship with Islam changed. Ruqayyah Moynihan

At home, Ramadan, Sar (pre-dawn) breakfasts felt like midnight feasts. There were homemade advent-style calendars counting down the days to Eid, dinner parties for Ifr (dusk) meals, and show-and-tell days where my mom would bring in henna and craft supplies for Eid cards.

After spotting the new moon, we'd wake up to wrapped gifts, decorations, and lights. Both sides of my family, neighbors, friends, and classmates would turn up to the house in their best clothes for food, fireworks, and party games.

Eid and Ramadan brought everyone I loved together and were more exciting than my own birthday.

As I grew up, family and friends dispersed, and the novelty of Ramadan and Eid wore off.

Throughout my younger years, being surrounded mostly by peers of irreligious or lapsed Christian backgrounds had never been a bad thing for me; I'd even been placed on a pedestal for my differences.

When I was eight, shortly after the September 11 attacks, I tried to join in with my usual crowd at recess, and it became evident I was being ignored. Bewildered, it turned out one girl's parents had forbidden her from playing with me because my family was Muslim.

This event set the tone for the two decades that followed. Terms like "Muslim," "half-caste," "ugly," "brown," and "P*ki" came to be thrown around interchangeably, and everything that had once set me apart in a positive way became a burden.

High school, a predominantly white and non-Muslim space, saw me yearning for inclusion.

My parents chose to raise me Muslim from a young age. Ruqayyah Moynihan

It was incredibly isolating to have my mixed, Pakistani, and Muslim roots held up against a white (and often antireligious) backdrop. Conversely, I was also shunned for being overly liberal as a Muslim.

All of this took a toll on my wellbeing.

I got into trouble at school, experiencing disordered eating, wound up in problematic relationships, and suffered from body image issues colored by racism.

In my formative years, I was desperate to gain acceptance and tried to erase my background: it was easier than batting off stereotypes that often dipped into racism.

I shunned wearing shalwar kameez, Pakistani clothing introduced to South Asia by Muslims. I anglicized my name. I avoided catching the sun to stop my "visibly Muslim" and Pakistani heritage seeping through. My behavior drew ire from my family, but I felt withdrawn and unenthusiastic when Ramadan came around.

Bonds with family members continued to erode, and I drifted apart from any sense of community. I lost friends, and struggled to make new ones.

By my early twenties, I'd stopped observing Ramadan entirely. After my naani (maternal grandmother) died in 2015, I was left estranged from my family. I had no reason to fast and no one with whom to observe Ramadan: I discarded my Pakistani and Islamic heritage.

If I couldn't win and wouldn't be accepted as a "good Muslim," I decided I wouldn't be any sort of Muslim at all.

Denying my Muslim upbringing, regardless of my beliefs, was farcical. Ruqayyah Moynihan

After a period of little contact with my family, however, I realized that denying my Muslim upbringing, regardless of my beliefs, wasn't the right thing to do.

By not acknowledging my background, I was missing out on so much.

This year, in an effort to try and reclaim some of what I had let go, I chose to join my family in observing Ramadan, staying at my parents' house.

I fasted, performed Salat (an Islamic meditative ritual performed five times a day), and practiced mindfulness. It didn't just transform my relationships with food and my body; it altered my sense of purpose and direction, and gave me ownership over my choices.

I used to think of many aspects of Ramadan as unnecessary, mindless rituals that just "weren't for me," particularly fasting.

When I chose to fast this year, though, it didn't just test my self-discipline; it transformed my relationship with eating.

For years I had become rigid in whatever I could control in my life, including my diet. Structure had become a safety net on which I was reliant.

I'd forgotten how much I enjoy making food and sharing it with others. Ruqayyah Moynihan

Fasting forced me to let go of this need to be in control or follow a certain routine. It helped me moderate my approach to nutrition, and allowed me to just enjoy cooking and eating.

Though I had fewer meals, I ended up putting time and love into food, cooking with others, trying new things, sharing meals, and reconnecting with my heritage through family recipes.

Fasting won't help everyone. Many people I know simply can't fast for some, fasting and doing your job safely are mutually exclusive. Health conditions like diabetes, eating disorders, or immunity problems can make fasting unsafe.

But I've been much more mindful of how I eat since Ramadan ended.

Over the years, I'd come to derive self-worth from achievements I felt I had to earn it.

As an amateur pole athlete, I was so worried about falling behind in fitness that I hadn't stopped to consider the fact I might have been overexercising before Ramadan: working out is fine while fasting, but my normal workouts were leaving me sore, drained, and lethargic.

I realized that in pushing my body to feel a sense of accomplishment, I'd been losing sleep and getting dehydrated well before Ramadan started.

I'd punished myself for not being strong or flexible enough or for not picking tricks up immediately. It dawned on me that, just by functioning while fasting, my body was doing an amazing job.

Though I love pole, fasting forced me to confront the fact that exclusively strength-based and high-impact exercise just wasn't good for my body or my mind. I'd become too fixated on achieving and had forgotten why I liked pole in the first place.

I've often been unkind to my body where pole is concerned and pushed it too hard. Ruqayyah Moynihan

Since Ramadan ended, I've continued to rest when I need to, and tried not to feel guilty about it.

Having felt genuine thirst, I've remembered to drink more and have even tried yoga, which I'd never thought I'd enjoy.

I've been more mindful of not overworking myself in other ways, too I remember to step away from my screen more often and to stick my head out the front door to breathe in between meetings.

In many ways, fasting forcing me to conserve energy and cut back on pole training was a blessing in disguise: I thought I'd feel lost, but instead was able to indulge in so much I'd forgotten I loved.

I rediscovered a love for art and playing music and spent time baking with my sister. I messed around with henna, and read book and all of it was just for the sheer enjoyment.

As a kid, I dreaded my mom asking me to join her for Salat, though it never took long.

Salat is a ritual performed at dawn, midday, evening, dusk, and night. It entails a few cycles of verses recited in Arabic coupled with set motions, and it's not exclusive to Ramadan; it's meant to be done through the year.

I can recite and have memorized parts of the Qurn, but never took the time to study classical Arabic. Reciting words I couldn't really understand felt like a boring, mindless chore.

After performing Salat, I'll never dismiss rituals or meditation again. Ruqayyah Moynihan

I decided to join my family for Salat this Ramadan, and it proved to be a calming escape. The verses are repetitive, but reciting them has proved to be a retreat from a noisy mind. It's melodic and meditative, especially at dawn or twilight with birdsong.

Knowing there are millions of people pausing at the same time and moving in unison is also a pretty powerful feeling. I doubt the intended purpose of Salat is to "zone out," but taking regular breaks to focus on movement and sound has been grounding.

It helped me to understand why people meditate and do breathing exercises.

Fasting and pausing during the day also helped me consider things I normally take for granted feeling alert, warm, and full in the day, having a roof over my head, the means to afford what I need, and a warm home.

Having time to reflect on what I have, I feel very fortunate to live in a place where I was neither forced to observe Ramadan nor was I banned from doing so. Fasting and Salat helped me find gratitude in small things. Ruqayyah Moynihan

Fasting andperforming Salat also brought back memories of my naani, since when I was younger I'd always participated in both alongside her.

I was able to mourn not just my grandmother, but everything our family and I lost when she died we'd become scattered and lost cohesion. The one final connection I had to Pakistan, which I have never visited myself, was gone, and I never really grieved.

Recalling what it was like to perform Salat alongside my naani helped me remember things about her that I'd forgotten.

I grew up in a Muslim household but had the best of both worlds on both sides of my family. Ruqayyah Moynihan

Until I felt curious enough to retry fasting this month, I didn't realize how isolated I'd become.

My choice to cut myself off from Muslim practices, including Ramadan, had led me to miss out on an accepting and supportive community, on friends, and on family.

As an adult, being with my family in Ramadan hasn't always been easy, or even possible, but being reunited with them this year, I was able to reminisce and make new memories, too.

Even just taking time to look back on happy memories with family members has been rewarding. Ruqayyah Moynihan

It also allowed me to open up more about all the issues I've felt unable to confront for years.

Though well-meaning peers have lectured me on how it's backward, regressive, or extreme to fast when I'm "not even religious," for the most part, coworkers and non-Muslim friends have helped me feel reassured, too.

In fact, friends taking an interest and even poking fun at me for not eating has helped me to feel more included than I ever thought I could. Totally unprompted, many non-Muslim friends wished me "Ramadan Kareem" or "Eid Mubarak," and many even offered to fast alongside me.

I couldn't see friends or cousins for Ifr this year due to the coronavirus pandemic, but I've made an effort to keep in touch with and open up to Muslim friends, old and new. It's helped me see there's room for me in many accepting groups of people.

Losing privileges I take for granted helped me think about what really matters to me, and to stop worrying about how people will view my choices.

Rather than feeling anxious or hopeless about things that aren't in my control, Salat forced me to stop and enjoy the moments I had, and to focus on how I could make the best of bad situations rather than try to control them.

It also made me pause to consider whether the things I've always claimed to be important to me, like spending time with family and friends or making travel plans, were being reflected in my day-to-day decisions.

Losing privileges I take for granted helped me contemplate what really matters to me. Ruqayyah Moynihan

For two decades, I consistently had reductive stereotypes thrust upon me an angry Muslim, a zealot, a failed Muslim, an observant, or an oppressed one.

I felt that I was being denied a more nuanced cultural identity among Muslims and non-Muslims.

Some people still condemn Ramadan as unhealthy, then tout the benefits of intermittent fasting; others judge and dismiss the more contemplative aspects of Ramadan as ritualistic. Some say my fasts won't count as I'm not a "real" Muslim.

However, after fasting this year, I realize that I don't care whether I'm considered adherent, liberal, or devout enough to have earned a label Muslim or non-Muslim. I don't need to explain or justify everything I do.

I didn't fast or do Salat for anyone else; I chose it for myself. Learning to walk away from judgmental conversations helped me protect my mental health, and I've been fortunate to find friends I can trust, respect, and open up to.

I can't and won't ever entirely belong to one single community, but I now know that I don't need to in order to matter.

Read more:

How to work out and eat to maintain muscle and fitness while fasting during Ramadan

How to support your Muslim coworkers who are fasting during Ramadan

7 things you should avoid saying to a fasting coworker during Ramadan

Originally posted here:
I fasted for Ramadan after shunning the ritual for years, and it changed my mental health for good - Insider - INSIDER

How to treat insomnia and get better sleep with self-care, therapy, or medication – Business Insider Australia

Posted: May 29, 2020 at 1:53 am

Insomnia is a sleep disorder, characterised by difficulty falling and staying asleep. It requires a doctors diagnosis to determine the underlying cause, and can usually be treated with lifestyle changes, therapy, or medication.

There are two types of insomnia:

To diagnose insomnia, your doctor will ask about your medical history, sleep history, bedtime routine, and lifestyle, and conduct a physical examination to check for other medical problems. After that, your doctor will discuss treatment options.

Anyone with insomnia will be able to improve sleep by making small lifestyle changes, says Minesh Morker, MD, a clinical neurophysiologist and sleep medicine specialist at Northwestern Medicine Kishwaukee Hospital.

These natural remedies for insomnia include:

Additionally, Morker says that having a dark and quiet room to sleep, sticking to consistent sleep and wake times, refraining from naps, avoiding alcohol, and trying relaxation techniques like meditation or deep breathing can all help someone with insomnia.

However, for those with chronic insomnia, these lifestyle changes may not be enough to effectively resolve sleep troubles.

Chronic insomnia is classified in two ways:

Cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is an effective option for those with chronic sleep troubles. During CBT-I, a therapist will help you address harmful thoughts and anxieties that may be disrupting your sleep.

CBT-I often includes:

A 2018 study from Royal College of General Practitioners found that just four to eight CBT-I sessions were effective in reducing both the time it takes to fall asleep and the time spent awake during the night. In fact, the improvements in sleep quality were even maintained for up to 12 months post-therapy.

It also helps you learn new strategies to sleep better, says James Rowley, MD, President of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM). CBT-I can include techniques for stress reduction, relaxation, and sleep schedule management.

CBT-I may also encompass other types of therapy. For example, stimulus control therapy can teach you how to implement consistent sleep and wake times, avoid naps during the daytime, and what to do if you are not able to fall asleep or wake up too early.

Light therapy can help patients adjust the bodys circadian rhythm, an internal biological clock that responds to light and darkness in order to initiate sleep.

This method of therapy can be particularly useful for those who have insomnia due to circadian rhythm sleep disorders, such as sleep phase delay syndrome.

Studies have found that as people age, circadian rhythms are more likely to be interrupted, and the risk for developing a sleep disorder increases with age. A 2018 study found insomnia in the elderly ranges between 30% to 48%, compared to 12% to 20% in the general adult population.

As a result, light therapy may be one of the best options for older patients with insomnia, as taking medication carries more potential risks, and light therapy can reset circadian rhythms and improve sleep quality safely.

However, Morker warns against treating yourself without a therapist. This can be an effective treatment if done appropriately, but if you dont know what youre doing, you can make things worse by shifting the internal clock in the opposite direction, he says.

Medication is only used to treat insomnia on a short-term basis, as prescription sleeping pills are known to have potentially harmful risks.

Sleeping pills might be prescribed to you to help you adjust to a new sleeping schedule as part of your CBT-I, or for some cases of short-term insomnia triggered by a stressful event.

A few common types of medications for insomnia, called sleeping pills or hypnotics, include:

According to AASMs 2017 Clinical Practice Guideline for the Pharmacologic Treatment of Chronic Insomnia in Adults, eszopiclone and zolpidem were the two hypnotics most recommended for the treatment of insomnia, and Rowley notes both are commonly used by sleep physicians.

Moreover, a 2018 review found that when these medications were used in combination with CBT-I, results were better than with the use of CBT-I alone. The study recommended starting the use of hypnotics early in treatment, and slowly weaning the patient off the hypnotics as they progress with therapy.

However, that study also noted the danger of potential side effects with benzodiazepines and Z drugs such as nausea, headaches, and extended drowsiness that can impair your ability to drive the next day. Even though these medications may be effective in the short-term, the risks often outweigh the benefits.

And even though over-the-counter medication, like melatonin, may seem helpful and harmless, Rowley advises against its use.

There are insufficient studies available on the safety and effectiveness of most over-the-counter sleep aids, including melatonin, says Rowley.

Additionally, Rowley warns against plant-based herbal remedies like kava and valerian root for the treatment of insomnia, because they also lack evidence on their efficacy.

Overall, consulting with a medical practitioner to work out the root of your sleeping problems is the best way to find a treatment path that suits you whether its therapy, lifestyle changes, medication, or a combination of all three.

Rowley recommends speaking to your doctor first, who may then refer you to an accredited sleep centre for further help.

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Continued here:
How to treat insomnia and get better sleep with self-care, therapy, or medication - Business Insider Australia

Best home gym equipment: all you need to work out at home – T3

Posted: May 29, 2020 at 1:51 am

Get the best home gym equipment and you'll end up with the best home gym and by extension be able to execute the best home workout. This shouldn't come as a surprise. As everyone scrabbles to avoid weight gain at home, the best home gym equipment is in demand like never before. There is a LOT of equipment to choose from, in theory, and it requires research to know which machines, weights and whatnot are the best. That's why many people give up before even making the first steps.

Even here on T3, we have dozens of home gym buying guides which could take hours to pore over. So to save you from staring at the screen for hours reading them all, we decided to create one, ultimate guide that lists ALL the best home gym equipment, from all categories, giving you the very best and most affordable models in each.

So, a lot of whats in the guides below is currently sold out. For the UK, we have compiled a couple of listswhere we included all the best deals on home weights and cardio machines:

Where to buy weights online: the best kettlebell, dumbbells and resistance training equipment deals

Where to buy treadmills online: the best exercise bike, rowing machine and fitness equipment deals with home delivery

Those are a curated lists, but you can also browse our favourite retailers of the best home gym gear.

Shop home gym at Fitness Superstore (UK)

Shop home gym at Wolverson (UK)

Shop home gym at Amazon (UK)

Shop home gym at Dick's Sporting Goods (USA)

What sort of home gym equipment you should buy first depends on your fitness goals and of course, the available floor space. If your aim is to build muscle and haven't got much space, you'd better get a weights bench and a dumbbell set. Same goal but more space? Get a barbell and a multi gym as well.

If you are into cardio but have limited space and limited budget, you might want to consider getting a foldable indoor rowing machine. Have a bit more space? Get an indoor exercise bike. Got even more money and space and also couldn't care less about the downstairs neighbour? Get a treadmill.

If you are really on the budget and live in a small rented apartment, you can still build a home gym by getting an ab roller, a door pull-up bar and a set of resistance bands. No budget is too short and no home is too small to build the best home gym!

Garage indoor cycling gym, aka pain cave

(Image credit: Wattbike)

Your personal fitness goal will determine what is the best home gym equipment for you. We all have different goals, let it be the need to lose weight fast or to tone up, maybe both. You shouldn't get a pull up bar if your aim is to lose belly fat and no need to invest in a treadmill if you want to build muscle mass.

If you have some money to burn on home gym equipment and your aim is to build functional muscles, get the Assault AirRunner Curve Treadmill. It might be an investment at the beginning, but this wonder-machine can help you lose fat and build muscle too. It has a commercial grade belt and doesn't require any electricity either.

Should you want to build muscle mass at home, get the Bowflex SelectTech 1090 dumbbells. Dumbbells are the single most versatile home weights you can have and with them, you can work out your whole body. The Bowflex SelectTech range is said to provide best-in-class dumbbell workout experience, a pair of them replacing more than 20 dumbbells.

(Image credit: Bowflex)

The best home weights, but cost as much as some fitness machines

Weight spread: 2-22.5kg or 4-41kg

+Space saving design+Feel like regular dumbbells+High quality

-Premium price tag

Modular dumbbells have a lot of advantages over regular, single-weight dumbbells, in a home gym environment. They take up much less space and it is also more convenient to switch between weights. And when it comes to modular dumbbells, nothing compares to the Bowflex SelectTech dumbbells, being one of the most coveted home gym equipment in general.

These beasts from Bowflex pack 2-24 or 4-41kg in each dumbbell, depending on the model you go for, with weight selection as easy as spinning a dial. When paired with a simple weights bench, they offer an effective alternative to a gym floor, yet don't require an entire rack to house.

Read our Bowflex Selecttech review

There are other modular dumbbell brands and models, of course, but Bowflex's SelectTech range wins by offering an experience similar to classic dumbbells and merging this experience with the convenience of the dial switch. the different weights are not colour coded, though, so pay attention which setting the dial is on before you try to lift the dumbbells of the plastic holding tray.

Overall, a great solution for those who like to push on with intensive 'drop set' workouts or for those who are tight on space. In fact, our only real reservation is the price, which will make you sweat before you even try to lift them.

Buy the Bowflex 2-24 Kg SelectTech Dumbbells (Pair) at Fitness Superstore

(Image credit: Mirafit)

Get one pair at the time as you progress

+Rubber coating for less floor impact and noise+Great value for money+Knurled steel grip

-There is no option to buy a range, only in pairs

If you prefer and have space for storing multiple dumbbells, opt in for the Mirafit Rubber Dumbbell Set. You can buy them as you go along and the weight range is pretty good so it will see you through many years of home exercising. You can go from 5 kilo all the the way up to 35 kilo per dumbbell in 2.5 kg increments.

Needless to say, to buy all the different weights would not only take up significant amount of space but it would also cost quite lot, too, so be considerate before you decide to buy another set. It's best to check what weight range you use in a gym most often and get the corresponding weights for your home gym.

The Mirafit Rubber Dumbbell Set as the name suggests has a rubber cover on the plates so they make less sound as you throw them down on the hard floor in the living room (please don't throw weights around). The rubber coating also helps the dumbbells stay in place once they are on the floor. The handles are knurled, making them easier to hold without the weights spinning as you perform your barbell curls. Which is pretty much the only exercise you will do with these weights, let's face it.

Buy the Mirafit Rubber Dumbbell Set at Amazon

(Image credit: TRX)

The best kettlebells you can get

Weight range: 4kg to 28kg

+Top quality+Comfortable handle

-Heavier versions are expensive

Buy TRX Training Gravity Cast Kettlebells at Amazon

Kettlebells are probably almost as versatile as dumbbells and even better, most kettlebell exercises are less stationary, helping you build functional muscles as a result. Just like Bowflex with modular dumbbells, TRX is the household name in the world of kettlebells.

Its premium line of kettlebells are all beautifully finished and each one has been put through a "premium gravity cast moulding process", which is said to increase durability. It also results in that lovely, flat bottom, which makes its easier to rest the kettlebell on the floor when switching hands during an arduous squat push press routine.

The different weights have colour coded handles, making it easier to distinguish them and pick up the correct one, even if the side with numbers on facing away from you. The available weight range is between 4-24 kg, although for anything heavier than 16 kilos, you will have contact TRX directly. Not like a 16 kilo kettlebell is not enough for most two handed kettlebell exercises.

TRX kettlebells are the best we've ever used for full-body workouts

(Image credit: Opti/Argos)

Best cheap kettlebell for beginners

Weight range available: 2kg to 10kg

+Gets the basics right+Bargain price

-Only go up to 10 kg

Buy Opti Kettlebells at Argos

The Opti Kettlebell range manages to offer decent quality for a very reasonable price: the lightest, 2 kilo Opti Vinyl Kettlebell costs as little as 5.99 at Argos. Granted, not many people will be able to have a proper workout using a single 2 kg kettlebell, but still, it can give you an idea just how well priced Opti kettlebells are.

On the downside, the heaviest Opti kettlebell you can get is the 10 kg variety and if you are planning on doing some demanding kettlebell swing sessions, a single 10 kilo kettlebell might not cut it. You can, of course, do more reps with smaller weights and eventually get a 12 or even 16 kg kettlebell if you think you can't possibly do more than a 100 reps with the 10 kg Opti Vinyl Kettelebell.

The Opti Kettlebells are compact and quiet and the different weights have different colours too. Not just the handles, the whole kettlebell has been coated with coloured vinyl, making them striking looking and the handles a bit slippery when your palms are sweaty. For the price, though, we are not complaining.

Two in one: best AND most affordable weight bench for home

Max load: 260kg (incl. user)

Dimensions: 125x55x43 (Flat) to 117cm (Highest Position) cm

Foldable: No

Adjustable: Yes

+Gym-grade equipment for less than a membership+Adjustable

-Cushion on the thin side

Despite the reasonable asking price, the Mirafit Heavy Duty 260kg FID Weight Bench still packs a solid frame, constructed from 7cm x 5cm steel tubing. It also boasts premium extras such as the small wheels at the back and grab handle at the front for easy manoeuvrability around the sofa or the debris on the garage floor.

Working your pecs from all the different angles won't come easier than this. The Mirafit Heavy Duty 260kg FID Weight Bench has six backrest angles and four individual seat angles that allow a great selection of positions from which to perform gun-busting routines.

As versatile as the Mirafit Heavy Duty 260kg FID Weight Bench is, it doesn't come with a weights rack, so unless you add one the bench is more suitable for use with a dumbbells and other one handed weights.

Buy Mirafit Heavy Duty 260kg FID Weight Bench at Amazon

55 different exercises all on one machine

Weight stack: Dual, 160lb (73kg) each

Type of movement: Cable motion/User defined motion

Bench: Optional

+Massive weight stack+Gym-grade home equipment

-Bench is extra 500

Life Fitness G7 Multi Gym is STILL available at Fitness Superstore for 2,995 but they cannot install it for you at this time

The Life Fitness G7 multi-gym is a professional-grade setup for private use, featuring hefty dual weight stacks, fully adjustable twin pulleys and a chin-up bar, making it one of the most all-encompassing system that you can own and giving you the ability to workout almost every conceivable muscle group in the body.

With the Life Fitness G7 multi-gym, you can perform 55 different exercises but you will need definitely need some floor space to house this gargantuan beast of a home gym equipment. It measures over two-metres tall, around two-metres wide and the same depth, which is quite a lot of floor space to take up. It's not cheap either.

In fact, buying a Life Fitness G7 multi-gym will set you back 2500/$2999 and that price doesn't include the optional weight bench, adding that on will cost an extra 500/$500.

However, the US-built contraption is designed and constructed to last for many years and that hefty initial outlay does include free installation, a training DVD with two workout routines, an exercise book with over 60 exercises and a bunch of pulley attachments to ensure you hit every muscle that counts. Also, it removes the need to workout near people. Money well spent, then.

Full upper body workout

Weight stack: Single, 57 kg

Max. capacity (high pulley): 65kg

Max. capacity (low pulley): 145kg

Maximum user weight: 135kg

+Solid build+Integrated preacher pad

-Supports only one type of leg exercise

With a 57kg weight stack and a pulley system that equates to a maximum resistance of 150kg on the leg developer pads, the Weider 8700 home multi-gym offers great bang for the buck and is great for anyone looking to pile on the mass at home.

A chunky construction and comfortable pads make up for the fact that the amount of adjustability on the back pad is limited (no flat press here), but it's still possible to conduct all manner of exercises without the space typically required by free weights and barbells.

The Weider 8700 home multi-gym is best for upper body workouts since there is really only one leg exercise you can do with it: seated leg extensions. Given the low price tag, cutting some corners are to be expected, so we are not all disappointed after all.

Buy the Weider 8700 home multi-gym at Amazon

(Image credit: Garmin)

Read this article:
Best home gym equipment: all you need to work out at home - T3

The truth about ‘starvation mode’ when you’re trying to lose weight – Insider – INSIDER

Posted: May 29, 2020 at 1:51 am

When trying to lose weight, it's often suggested that you shouldn't drop your calories too low, because your body will go into "starvation mode" and hold on to fat.

The idea is that if you stop eating or don't eat enough, your body will do everything it can to preserve energy, including holding on to the weight you're trying to lose.

While the concept of avoiding crash dieting and severe restriction is important, it turns out "starvation mode" is probably not the reason your weight loss efforts have stalled, unless you're extremely malnourished.

In reality, there are many factors at play when people think they're in starvation mode and not losing fat as a result.

Insider spoke to a dietitian, a registered nutrionist, and two personal trainers and fat loss coaches to find out what's really happening, and what you need to do to achieve your weight loss goals in a healthy way.

Registered dietitian and spokesperson for the British Dietetic Association Jennifer Low told Insider that starvation mode is "a survival mechanism."

"If you reduce your energy intake too much, your body slows its metabolism in response to this," she said. "It wants to maintain its weight."

Low explained that she has seen people following fairly extreme calorie reduction diets in a bid to lose weight, becoming lethargic and exhausted, growing frustrated with the scales, and then falling into the yo-yo dieting trap.

But a ccording to registered nutritionist Rhiannon Lambert, true starvation mode only occurs in cases of extreme malnourishment, such as when someone is suffering from an eating disorder.

"When the body is starved of calories or energy, your muscle mass then declines as well in turn," she told Insider.

"And of course with the lower amount of muscle mass, your metabolic adaption is changed. So when your metabolic rate declines, you don't require as many calories and you stall any weight loss, your body is just trying to cling on to what it can in order to survive."

Lambert said starvation mode is a confusing term, because although it isn't a made-up concept, it's not something the vast majority of people are experiencing when their fat loss progress plateaus.

A post shared by RHIANNON LAMBERT BSc MSc RNutr (@rhitrition)Mar 15, 2020 at 1:33am PDT

"[Starvation mode] occurs in people that are severely, severely malnourished and that have burned all their fat away," she explained.

"Now they're burning away at the muscle, that tends to be the situation in which it's used."

Lambert said this is why you shouldn't try and lose more than two pounds of weight a week, as any more than that is "ineffective."

"Your body's very clever, it will adapt to a period of famine where it will preserve fat stores rather than burn them," she said.

"But like I said, for most of us, it's very, very unlikely we would be putting our body into that type of state. It's a very, very extreme situation."

The now infamous Minnesota Experiment makes this clear: It saw 36 male conscientious objectors during World War Two volunteer to take part in a semi-starvation study where their calories were dropped to around 1,800 for six months (following three months at 3,200 calories), and they were asked to expend 3,000 a day.

It wasn't until the men reached extreme levels of leanness with body fat levels of about 5% that they stopped losing weight, because they would have died if they lost any more.

Although starvation mode is real, it's not something the average person encounters when trying to lose weight. You don't go into starvation mode from, say, skipping a meal, fasting for 24 hours, or just dropping your calories a bit too low for a few days.

Fat loss coach and personal trainer Jordan Syatt describes the concept of starvation mode as "completely and utterly stupid" when it comes to most people's weight loss efforts, adding: "That is not how the body works."

Syatt maintains that eating too little certainly is not advisable, but he told Insider that you only need to look at people throughout history who have been severely underfed due to awful conditions to prove that the concept, as most people think it works, doesn't make sense.

"There's never been a prisoner of war who came out of being a prisoner overweight," Syatt said.

While Syatt stressed that it's important not to under-eat in order to maintain a healthy plan you can stick to, he added that for most people, they won't start holding on to fat because they're eating too little.

Jordan Syatt is a personal trainer and fat loss coach. Jordan Syatt

Personal trainer and fat loss coach Emma Storey-Gordon, who holds a degree in sports and exercise science,echoed Syatt's sentiment.

"The starvation mode myth is essentially the notion that you can eat too little to lose weight, meaning you would have to magically store calories you haven't consumed," she told Insider.

"On a physiological level this simply isn't true. The crudest example is that if starvation mode did occur then no one would starve."

To lose weight you need to be in an energy deficit (ie. consuming fewer calories than you burn over the course of the day).

As you lose weight, there's less of you, so you require fewer calories, a concept referred to as metabolic adaptation.

"As you go deeper into a deficit, your metabolism will slow down. That's a normal human response to a caloric deficit," Syatt explained.

A post shared by Jordan Syatt (@syattfitness)Apr 14, 2020 at 3:21pm PDT

Studies prove this point and show that it works in reverse, too; when you start to eat more, your metabolism gets a boost, but if you're in a calorie surplus instead of a deficit, you could still gain weight.

"People hear that your metabolism goes down from being in a calorie deficit and they think that must mean you should never go into a calorie deficit," said Syatt.

"Well, that's not true. If you want to lose fat, you have to be in a calorie deficit. If you're eating in a calorie surplus, even though your metabolism is higher, you're still in a surplus, so you're still going to gain body fat."

If you want to lose fat sustainably, your calorie deficit needs to be small enough that you can stick to it and still enjoy your lifestyle.

If you restrict yourself and drop your calories too low for five days, the chances are every weekend you'll feel the need to go wild. In just a couple of weekend blowout meals (especially with drinks), it's very easy to undo the calorie deficit you created in the five days leading up to it.

If you're not losing weight when you're sticking to your strict calorie target most days, these binge sessions could be the reason.

"I have a lot of clients coming to me saying they are not losing weight despite being on very low (always seems to be 1,200) calories," Storey-Gordon told Insider.

Emma Storey-Gordon is a sports scientist and personal trainer. Emma Storey-Gordon

"What is actually happening is that they are over-restricting so much that they inevitably end up over-indulging and eating way over their calories every few days, which means that on average, over time, they are not in a deficit and thus are not losing body fat."

She added: "The answer here isn't to try to avoid the over-indulgence, which is where most people focus, but to stop the over-restriction.

"Bringing calories up to something manageable means that you can actually stick to those calories, create an energy deficit over time, and force the body to use its fat stores for energy. That is how you lose fat!"

Syatt agreed, stressing that eating too little is unsustainable in the long-term, precisely because it drives overeating episodes.

"If you take a more sustainable approach, it's significantly better long-term physiologically and psychologically as well," he said.

Syatt told Insider another way people go wrong is by equating the number on the scale their weight with their body fat.

In reality, your weight will fluctuate massively depending on when you last ate, what you ate (salty foods, for example, cause water retention), and other factors, including where a woman is in her menstrual cycle.

"If you associate your weight with body fat, when the scale spikes up, you think you must be gaining weight too," Syatt explained.

"When the scale doesn't change, you think your calorie deficit must not be working. You [think you] must be in starvation mode."

Syatt said this leads to people giving up, when actually if they'd just remained consistent, the scale would have dropped back down again in a few days.

Storey-Gordon said one thing people don't realize when they're in an energy deficit is that they're naturally moving less over the course of the day, known as adaptive thermogenesis. This can lead to burning fewer calories, and therefore not losing as much weight.

"What people may not notice is the reduced energy expenditure," she said. "This is via things like reducing NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis), which is a fancy way of saying how active you are."

NEAT is essentially movement you do that isn't formal exercise, such as walking up stairs, cleaning, or carrying shopping. When you have less energy due to eating less, it's normal to move less subconsciously.

Numerous studies have proven that adaptive thermogenesis is real, so when you think your body has entered starvation mode, it could actually just be that you're moving less without realizing.

"You also become more efficient and expend less energy doing the same activity," Storey-Gordon said.

"As you lose weight and become a smaller person, your resting metabolic rate drops (the calories you expend just lying in bed), and you require fewer calories."

A comprehensive review of 90 studies found that the quicker you lose weight (a two to six week diet or "cut" compared to a longer time spent in a smaller calorie deficit), the more your metabolic rate will drop.

It's also worth bearing in mind that your progress will likely slow the further you get down your fat loss journey.

"It is important to know that your metabolism does drop from being in a calorie deficit, but it's not inherently bad," Syatt told Insider.

"It's just a normal human physiological response that as you're losing weight, your body requires less energy in order to live. So your metabolism drops, you're burning less, you're using less energy.

"That's just normal in the same way that when you're gaining weight, your metabolism is increasing, but you don't want to add calories, you don't want to eat more just to increase your metabolism because you'll end up gaining weight."

Metabolic adaptation isn't a problem to be "fixed," it's just what happens.

A post shared by ESG (@esgfitness)Mar 22, 2020 at 12:38pm PDT

However, you can keep your metabolism as high as possible by focusing on strength work and making sure you eat enough protein.

"Resistance training to build and maintain muscle mass and adequate protein consumption can help offset some metabolic adaptation," Storey-Gordon advised.

An often-cited study compared three groups of people who were all put in a calorie deficit. One group was told to resistance train, the second to do cardio, and the third to do no exercise.

People in the resistance training group were found to maintain their metabolic rate, strength, and muscle, unlike those in the other two groups.

Equally, research suggests that eating adequate protein can help keep your metabolism up when in a calorie deficit.

"In general, long-term fat loss is about creating good habits like exercising, being active, and eating a balanced diet in accordance to your energy needs," Storey-Gordon said.

The key is to think long-term.

Dietitian Low advises listening to your body to work out what healthy means to you.

"If you're restricting your food intake, you may be slowing your metabolism, making social eating more difficult and setting yourself up for a lifetime of weight yo-yo-ing," she said.

"Also remember, it is not normal for us to all be aspiring to be a size 6!"

Read more:

5 crucial exercise lessons I learned when I cut my body fat nearly in half in 6 months without losing my muscle

I want to lose fat and get defined abs but have no fitness equipment. How should I exercise from home for weight loss?

I lost 35 pounds in 6 months without going on a diet, and it taught me 7 lessons about eating for healthy fat loss

The rest is here:
The truth about 'starvation mode' when you're trying to lose weight - Insider - INSIDER

Weight Loss Following Chemotherapy Was Associated With Worse Outcomes in Patients With Advanced Gastric Cancer – Oncology Nurse Advisor

Posted: May 29, 2020 at 1:51 am

Weight loss is associated with worse outcomes in patients receiving initial treatment for advanced gastric cancer, according to a new retrospective analysis published in Supportive Care in Cancer.

The study was an analysisof the medical records of 131 patients in Japan who were treated for advancedgastric cancer. In this study, researchers examined outcomes with regard to weightloss over time after beginning initial systemic chemotherapy. Weight loss wasdefined as occurring over the prior 6 months, while on chemotherapy, andequaling a reduction in weight of more than 5%, or more than 2% in patients witha body mass index that was below 20 kg/m2.

Patients had a median ageof 68 years, median body mass index of 21.1 kg/m2, and medianEastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status was 0.

The researchers found thatin the initial 12 weeks following the start of chemotherapy, patients had acumulative incidence of weight loss of 53.4%. This rate rose to 87.7% by 48weeks.

Overall survival (OS) showeda significant association with weight loss within 12 weeks, 24 weeks, or 48weeks following the initiation of chemotherapy. Patients with weight loss duringthe first 12 weeks had a median OS of 442 days, compared with 500 days forthose without weight loss (P =.0167). For those with weight loss duringthe first 48 weeks, the median OS was 459 days, compared with 851 days forthose without weight loss (P =.0020).

Adverse events associatedwith greater prevalence and intensity in the weight loss group were fatigue andloss of appetite.

The researchers concluded that weight loss, and outcomes associated with it, began relatively early in this patient population. These results suggest the importance of monitoring [weight loss] or providing nutritional support at the beginning of chemotherapy, wrote the researchers in their report.


Fukahori M, Shibata M, Hamauchi S, Kasamatsu E, Machii K. A retrospective cohort study to investigate the incidence of cancer-related weight loss during chemotherapy in gastric cancer patients [published online May 3, 2020]. Support Care Cancer. doi:10.1007/s00520-020-05479-w

See the article here:
Weight Loss Following Chemotherapy Was Associated With Worse Outcomes in Patients With Advanced Gastric Cancer - Oncology Nurse Advisor

Black Tea Help for Weight Loss – Health Benefits of Tea –

Posted: May 29, 2020 at 1:51 am

Cristian Alberto Perez / EyeEmGetty Images

You know that eating a healthy diet can help you stay slim, but can certain foods or drinks boost weight loss if you add them to your menu? Tea, especially black tea, is one thats often touted for its weight-loss benefitsand for good reason. One 2014 study found that people who drank three cups of black tea every day for three months gained less weight and shed more inches from their waist than folks who consumed a different caffeinated beverage. However, as time went on, those benefits didnt hold up, and six months later there were no statistical differences between the two groups of study participants. So, does drinking black tea really promote weight loss? We asked a researcher for the truth.

In a 2017 study at UCLA, mice were fed either a high-fat/high-sugar diet or a low-fat/low-sugar diet. The mice on the high-fat/high-sugar gained weight, but when researchers added black tea or green tea powder, their weights dropped to the level of those on the low-fat/low-sugar diet. It was remarkable that the body fat deposits decreased, says Susanne Henning, Ph.D., R.D., a professor of nutrition at UCLA Center for Human Nutrition and lead author of the study. The tea extracts also changed which bacteria grew in the intestinethe pattern of bacteria was similar to those found in people with lean body mass.

Unfortunately, not everything thats a boon for mice works as well in humans. The dose used in the mouse study was high, warns Henning. You would need to drink six cups of strong tea per day. Plus, polyphenols are the most important part of tea when it comes to health benefits, and Henning notes that the polyphenol composition of black tea is highly variable depending on production method, the type of tea leaf, and length of fermentation. If you opt for a decaffeinated tea (something that might be necessary if youre drinking six cups a day!) or prefer a flavored brew, that extra processing can also lower the number of polyphenols.

Theres a lot of research behind the health benefits of green tea and it seems to be more effective because the chemicals in green tea are absorbed directly into the bloodstream. However, Henning and her colleagues now believe that black tea is beneficial tooit just works differently in the body. Black tea has polyphenols with larger molecular weights that arent absorbed in the small intestine, she says. The bacteria in the intestine have enzymes to break them down into smaller compounds that can be absorbed. In Hennings study, black tea increased the activity of a substance in the liver that stimulates thermogenesis, a process that uses fat to produce heat instead of letting it be stored. The researchers dont know what triggered that change, but they think those smaller particles that were broken down by bacteria have something to do with it.

Its not a miracle drink that will put you in your skinny jeans tomorrow, but unsweetened black tea might be a smart addition to your menu if youre already eating healthy or decide to drink it place of sugary beverages. Black tea can be part of a healthy diet, says Henning, but the important principle for weight loss is to consume fewer calories than the body needs.

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Black Tea Help for Weight Loss - Health Benefits of Tea -

WW International Still Leads the Pack in Weight Loss – Motley Fool

Posted: May 29, 2020 at 1:51 am

WW International (NASDAQ:WW) traces its roots back nearly six decades, and for much of that time, it was known as Weight Watchers, a name that still resonates with people. Since the weight loss industry has always had fad diets and fly-by-night operators, this staying power is impressive.

With people forced to stay home these days, many are dealing with weight gain and unhealthy habits. WW International's strong brand recognition and focus on a person's well-being make it a natural choice for consumers looking for that extra push in the right direction.

Oprah Winfrey feels so strongly about the company that she has a significant ownership stake and sits on the board. She also embarked on a tour,WW Presents: Oprah's 2020 Vision, which is now a free online seminar that promotes the wellness vision.

While a good company doesn't always equate to an attractive investment opportunity, WW International has strong potential.

Image source: Getty images.

A few years ago, WW International broadened its focus from just weight loss to an individual's overall health. Why is this important? Other companies concentrate on helping people lose weight, but WW's approach allows the company to attract and retain members for a long time since the emphasis is on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, with weight control only a part of the broader program.

There are a lot of diet and fitness companies, but WW International's offerings stand apart. One competitor, Jenny Craig, has been pushing a new program that encourages rapid initial weight loss, and it sells users its own food. Another company, Noom, does take a broader wellness approach, but its subscription service costs $59 per month (with an annual plan coming in at $199). WW International's all-digital offering costs $21 per month, although there are promotions for those who sign up for a longer period. There is also a $55 monthly plan if you want access to a coach.

The company has been pushing digital products as part of its holistic wellness strategy. The web-based and app programs allow you to track your points easily (a core concept is assigning point values for different foods), keep tabs on your exercise using different trackers, and connect to others (e.g., share recipes).

This has helped drive overall subscriber growth, which increased to five million in the first quarter, a year-over-year gain of 9%. More than 70% of those are purely digital subscriptions. Revenue rose 10% to $400.4 million, and adjusted operating income increased 30% year over year to $28.5 million.

COVID-19 has accelerated the shift in the business, with the disease causing the company to suspend in-person meetings and move members to a virtual experience. For the quarter, digital subscribers grew 16% while digital + studio subscriptions (those who attend in-person meetings and subscribe to a digital offering) dipped from 1.5 million to 1.4 million.

Headwinds from the pandemic also forced the company to implement a $100 million cost-savings initiative. This has resulted in eliminating positions as physical meeting spaces become less important to maintaining an online community. Though management took these steps to address the current environment, they should also allow WW International's profit to expand down the road as the business recovers.

WW stock remains down over 40% from its year-to-date high mark despite more than doubling in the past two months.

The company does have a fair amount of debt -- $1.7 billion at the end of the first quarter. A smaller debt burden is better during an economic downturn, but this is not your typical consumer-discretionary company. I expect people to continue turning to its programs to look and feel better. The company has evolved as it has provided a successful approach with long-lasting benefits. To me, that is a winning formula.

See the article here:
WW International Still Leads the Pack in Weight Loss - Motley Fool

Rebel Wilson gets real with fans about her weight-loss journey and goals – TODAY

Posted: May 29, 2020 at 1:51 am

Rebel Wilson is committed to her weight loss journey, even if it sometimes feels challenging.

The actress has been showing off a trimmer figure lately, and she just got real with fans about her health goals and what keeps her motivated.

"Ill be honest with you guys - with my 'Year of Health' mission Im trying to get to 75kgs and career wise am trying to get one of my movies into production before the end of the year! Both of these things are requiring a daily effort and theres constant set backs - but Im working hard x," Wilson wrote in a new Instagram post.

The "Pitch Perfect" star knows firsthand how hard chasing your goals can be, but she left fans with some words of encouragement to help motivate them during these difficult times.

"Even if you have to crawl towards your goals, keep going x it will be worth it. Try and give a little bit of effort each day...I know some days are frustrating as hell, you feel like giving up, you get annoyed at the lack of progress...but good things are coming your way " the 40-year-old wrote.

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Wilson's followers were quick to compliment the actress on her hard work and her commitment to fitness. "Keep killin it!! We are all extremely proud of you!! " @adreamworthmeltingfor commented.

Many Instagram users were appreciative of the star's honesty and loved her words of motivation. "Thanks girl!!! We all need to cheer each other on!!" @rikkilyn_kourtni wrote.

Some of Wilson's followers, including @nicky.superstar, seemed to feel a strong connection to her words: "honestly girl thank you for this post because I have been feeling really low with my exercise and losing weight lately! I know there is great things to come to even if we try a bit everyday! So grateful to see Im not alone in this !! ."

In January, Wilson announced that she was making 2020 The Year of Health and vowed to make "some positive changes" this year.

The star's trainer, Jono Castano, shared an update on her progress the same month and revealed that Wilson had been working out seven days a week.

Since then, Wilson has been sharing regular updates about her journey.

In 2016, the actress said she hadn't really felt pressured to lose weight while working in Hollywood.

"You know what? People say, 'Don't lose weight,'" Wilson told E! News. "You don't want to be in that weird range of 'are you skinny or are you fat'? Because how do you class yourself then? Weirdly, a lot of people say don't. But then I guess when you're doing movies with actresses who are super skinny and whatever and you got to do a photo shoot side by side then you notice you're twice the weight they are."

In the end, Wilson said she's always been focused on feeling confident and comfortable in her own skin: "You never want to be, like, too unhealthy because that's bad. But you just want to be comfortable with who you are, whatever your size."

See more here:
Rebel Wilson gets real with fans about her weight-loss journey and goals - TODAY

Daphne Oz Reveals 50-Pound Weight Loss 9 Months After Giving Birth – E! NEWS

Posted: May 29, 2020 at 1:51 am

Daphne Oz is opening up about her postpartumweight loss journey.

On Wednesday, the health and wellness expert revealed that she has lost 50 pounds nine months afterwelcoming her daughter Giovanna "Gigi" Ines.

Taking to Instagram to show off her transformation, she explainedthat she has been able to lose the weight by switching to healthy eating habits, noting that she's on her way to her goal weight.

"I'm down nearly 50lbs since giving birth to Gigi 9 months ago," she shared, along with a mirror selfie of herself showing off her svelte frame. "I still have a way to go, but my aim to feel strong in my skin, energetic for my kids, and to love the way my clothes fit have been my guide I've had these goals in the back of my mind throughout the upheaval and stress of the past few months, because historically for me it would have been such an easy way to slip back into old emotional eating habits."

A WW ambassador herself, Oz credited working with a WW coach with finding the healthiest approach to losing weight, adding, "my@wwapp and amazing coach Lisa have been incredible extra support to help me make the smartest decisions possible the precision of the program is based on the millions of people it has already served, and these guardrails help keep me honest in total food freedom (those points are ours to spend how we want!)"

Back in August, Oz revealed that she and husband JohnJovanovic, who are already parents to Philomena, 6, Jovan, 4 and Domenica, 2, had welcomed baby Gigi with an exciting announcement.

"Our beautiful girl is here!! Giovanna Ines Jovanovic (Gigi!!) joined our family Wednesday, August 14, 2019 at 9:03pm and our hearts and hospital bed have never been so full," theMasterChef Juniorjudge wrote,posting a picture of the Jovanovic family together.

Before welcoming their bundle of joy, Oz opened up about her difficult pregnancy with People and how she prioritized her fitness throughout. "This has been my hardest pregnancy, physically," she told the outlet. "But trying to feel good in my skin, whether it's finding little ways to take care of myself or finding clothes that fit in a way that makes me feel good, has made a big difference."

Months after Gigi's arrival,The Happy Cookauthor shared some of hertips for fitting in a workout while juggling being a mom of four, sharing thatshe has gotten into a "really great rhythm of making that half an hour time" for herself every couple of days to do various fitness activities. "I really tried to stay active during my pregnancies and I have older children to run after," she told E! News in February. "It's not like I totally fell out of shape but I think that continuing to remind yourself of ways to give back to yourself is great."

Read this article:
Daphne Oz Reveals 50-Pound Weight Loss 9 Months After Giving Birth - E! NEWS

Detox Tea: Here is an easy way to make the weight loss beverage, and why you should consume it every day – Times Now

Posted: May 29, 2020 at 1:51 am

Detox Tea: Here is an easy way to make the weight loss beverage, and why you should consume it every day  |  Photo Credit: iStock Images

New Delhi: Detoxing your body is extremely important. When we consume foods and beverages that contain antioxidants, it reduces the free radical activity in the body. This helps reduce oxidative stress, and can help ward off diseases and lose weight.

Detox teas are a great beverage to include in your diet for weight loss. Know how you can make the drink, and how it helps to lose weight.

Detox tea can be of many types, depending on the ingredients used for making it. Turmeric tea, Lemon Ginger tea, and many others are equally good, and should be made a part of your diet. Here is how you can make Lemon Ginger tea for weight loss.

What you need:

How to make:

How Lemon Ginger detox tea helps in weight loss

Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purpose only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a dietician before starting any fitness programme or making any changes to your diet.

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The rest is here:
Detox Tea: Here is an easy way to make the weight loss beverage, and why you should consume it every day - Times Now

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