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‘Fat burning zone’? The best way to exercise to burn fat – The Conversation UK

Posted: May 28, 2020 at 5:45 am

When it comes to losing weight, people often want know the best way to shed excess pounds and theres no shortage of fad diets or fitness crazes claiming to have the secret to fat loss. One theory even suggests that exercising at around 60% of your maximum heart rate will bring our bodies into a so-called fat burning zone, optimal for losing weight.

But does this fat burning zone even exist?

First, its important to understand a little about our metabolism. Even if we were to sit at our desk all day, our body still needs fuel to meet energy demands. This energy comes from carbohydrates, proteins, fats and phosphates. However, the rate at which we use them, and how much we have available, varies between people. It depends on a number of factors, such as dietary intake, age, sex and how hard or often we exercise.

Generally, exercising at lower intensities such as sustained walking or light jogging doesnt require as much effort by our muscles as sprinting, for example. This means the amount of energy needed by the body is lower, so energy supply predominantly comes from fats.

But as exercise intensity increases, fat cant be metabolised fast enough to meet increased energy demand. So the body will use carbohydrates, as these can be metabolised more rapidly. This means there is indeed an exercise intensity where fat is the predominant energy source.

At the lower end of this spectrum is our resting state. Here, the number of calories our body needs to function is considerably low, so the body primarily metabolises fat to use for energy. This means the potential zone for metabolising fat is between the rested state and the level of exercise intensity where carbohydrates become the dominant energy source (in terms of percent contribution to energy demand).

But this is a wide range, which lies between a resting heart rate of around 70 beats per minute to around 160 beats per minute during moderate effort exercise (such as cycling at a constant speed where holding a conversation becomes challenging), where the crossover from using fat to carbohydrates for energy occurs.

The issue with such a wide zone is that the person exercising wouldnt necessarily be optimising their ability to metabolise fat, because as the exercise intensity increases theres a gradual change in the balance of fat and carbohydrates your body uses for energy.

So how can we know at which point our body will switch from using fat to other fuels for energy? One approach researchers take is assessing how much fat is being used for energy during different exercise intensities.

By measuring how much air a person expels during an exercise test which gets progressively harder, physiologists have been able to calculate the relative contributions of fat and carbohydrates to meet the exercise demand at different intensities. The highest amount of fat burned is called the maximal fat oxidation rate (or MFO), and the intensity this occurs at is termed FATmax.

Since this method was first used by researchers, studies have shown that as the intensity rises from around 40-70% of a persons VO max which is the maximum amount of oxygen a person can use during exercise theres an increase in the rate of carbohydrates and fats being used. The rate of fat being burned starts to decline at higher intensities as the body requires energy more rapidly.

The so-called fat burning zone has been shown to occur anywhere between about 50-72% of a persons VO max. However, the ability to burn fat is also based on genetics, with studies showing that this fat burning zone is likely to be lower in overweight or obese people around 24-46% of their VO max and higher in endurance athletes.

Another point to consider is how much fat we actually burn during exercise (if we express it in grams per minute). The answer is: surprisingly little. Even in studies with athletes, at FATmax, participants only burned on average a mere 0.5 grams of fat per minute. This would equate to around 30 grams of fat per hour.

In the average person, this appears to be even lower, ranging between 0.1 and 0.4 grams of fat per minute. To put it in perspective, one pound of fat weighs around 454 grams. So, though training in this fat burning zone will help with fat loss, this might also help explain why it takes some people longer to lose fat through exercise.

But there is evidence that following certain diets (such as intermittent fasting or a ketogenic, high fat diet) and longer exercise can increase the actual amount of fat we burn.

Perhaps its time to no longer consider burning fat to have a zone, but rather an individualised sweet spot which can be used to optimise our exercise regimes to lose weight. Regular physical activity around this sweet spot (which typically occurs at a low to moderate feeling of effort, for example 30-60% of your maximal effort, or a perceived exertion level of one to four out of ten) will likely improve our bodys efficiency in using fat for energy and translate to a lower overall body fat percentage.

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'Fat burning zone'? The best way to exercise to burn fat - The Conversation UK

Want to lose weight, get healthy and help the planet? The Zombie Apocalypse Diet could be for you – ABC News

Posted: May 28, 2020 at 5:45 am

How would you like to lose weight, improve your health and help the planet? And fast?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then my Zombie Apocalypse Diet might be just for you.

In only four weeks on the Zombie Apocalypse Diet, I lost 9.8 kilograms, my blood cholesterol dropped from an unhealthy 6.1 to a respectable 4.4, my waist circumference dropped from 99 to 91 centimetres, my liver function improved and my BMI came back into the healthy range.


I'm still working out the sales pitch, but it sounds pretty good right?

It worked for me when for four weeks, I acted as if the zombie apocalypse had struck without warning no food in the shops, nothing in my fridge or cupboards. Everything I ate I had to grow, catch, or forage.

If you want to catch up on the backstory, and the rules of the challenge, the video for episode 1 (below) should answer all your questions.


Here's a quick recap of what was on the menu during the four weeks.

There are plenty of people out there with the knowledge and skills to be completely self-sufficient in their sleep. They might even be able to put on weight.

But most people, me included, aren't that person. And that was the point I wanted to see whether a relative novice could make it if the food taps were suddenly turned off.


As well as looking at the health impacts of such a diet and lifestyle change, I wanted to compare the environmental pros and cons of this diet with a commercially sourced one, and to see how much money would be saved.

So, here are the results:

The early health indicators of this diet appear to be pretty positive.

Waist circumference is an indicator of cardiovascular risk, and lower cholesterol can reduce the chance of complications like clogged arteries.

There are two main reasons that my weight loss was so rapid on the diet.

Firstly, eating far less food means you go into kilojoule deficit I got less energy from food than I expended, and my body started to convert stored fat to energy.

The second reason is the lack of carbohydrate-heavy foods like potatoes, legumes and even milk. My body entered a state of ketosis where it burns fat to compensate for the lack of carbs.

However, losing weight rapidly increases the risk of rebounding back to your original weight, or even gaining more weight if you take up old habits, according to GP Krystyna de Lange.

"Certainly if we look at your physical parameters and bio-chemical parameters, we have seen some positive changes," Dr de Lange said.

"[But] rapid weight loss, where you're just going into a caloric deficit isn't always the healthiest way to do it, and it is making sure that those changes are then sustainable."

The money was almost a no-brainer.

For four weeks I was paying nothing for food. And if you can keep your foraging and catching local, you'll spend hardly any money on fuel either.

In my case, I estimate I came out about $250 ahead each week on average.

Those savings mostly came down to avoiding the four horsemen of the bank-balance apocalypse takeaway lunches, coffee, booze and fuel.

Grazing cows and sheep are the biggest individual contributors to Australia's food emissions, so taking out all red meat puts you ahead from an emissions perspective.

But what about the roosters I killed and ate?


The biggest source of emissions, as well as water use and resource consumption in the commercial farming of chickens in Australia, is the production of feed stock according to a life cycle analysis from 2017.

Typically, meat birds sold at supermarkets are grown extremely fast, and are killed at between six and eight weeks old.

In my case, the roosters, who were hatched from a neighbour's backyard eggs, were several months old and had been fed some grain in their diet.

While it could be argued that they enjoyed a higher standard of living than some of their commercially raised counterparts, it's likely that more resources went into keeping them alive longer.

The biggest environmental considerations for seafood are the sustainability of the species you're eating and how they're caught, according to agronomist Daniel Tan from the University of Sydney.

"We want to eat species that are at the bottom of the food chain, [that] there are lots of, and try to avoid the top-order predators things like sharks and tuna," Associate Professor Tan said.

That's because there are typically fewer top order predators, and they're more susceptible to overfishing.

Apart from a bonito [tuna] and flathead, all the seafood on the menu mullet, pipis, snails, prawns fit into that lower-order category.

And the fishing methods cast-netting and line fishing were pretty low-impact as well, Dr Tan said.

"If you look at a lot of trawlers out there, there is sometimes a lot of bycatch. It could be up to 50 per cent of bycatch is not eaten and is thrown back in the ocean that's a lot of waste there."

There needs to be a big warning here: firstly, some insects and arachnids are poisonous and expert identification is required.

Secondly, even non-poisonous insects in urban areas can contain pesticides and environmental poisons that make them unsafe to eat.

However, from a sustainability perspective, insects, especially when sourced locally, are extremely low impact.

Grasshoppers, termites, scorpions and crickets can all be caught and don't require any inputs like feed.

For this reason and more, insects are going to become a key protein source of the future, according to insect farmer Olympia Yarger.

"In a climate-change world we're going to need resilience in producing food. Animals don't do well when it's 45 degrees [Celsius] outside, but we can create climate-controlled environments in our cities for insects," she said.

""I'm not wanting to do away with cattle farming, that's not where I'm trying to go. But the two things can't be true at the same time: Climate change is real, but we'll be able to farm the same."

If you're anything like I was up until recently, that's not an appetising thought. But here's an inside tip: Deep-fried scorpions are delicious, grasshoppers taste like prawns, and crickets taste like cashew nuts.

Termites on the other hand, taste like...dirt.

The biggest environmental issues with our veggies and salads are land-clearing for cropping, water use, food miles, and fertiliser and pesticide use.

In my case, those factors were negated by growing the veggies in my garden or foraging them nearby, and the water I used came from tanks.


The answer to this question is yes, with a few caveats.

I went into this challenge with an advantage. I live on a few acres with room to grow plenty of food, and access to clean water.

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And I also wasn't really facing a zombie apocalypse. I had plenty of time to prepare. Which is what most experts say we need to be doing collectively right now.

Whether we'll ever face a real zombie apocalypse is still unwritten, but climate change is making the strongest bid to throw our food systems into disarray.

Forecasts say some crops will no longer be able to be grown in Australia, and longer, harsher droughts and storms will make growing seasons less predictable.

The good news is by making changes to how we produce and consume food, we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create more climate-change resilient food production.

The other good news is we don't have to do anything as drastic as being completely self-sufficient.

Experts say diversifying what we eat, sourcing local and seasonally available foods, and reducing the amount of red meat we consume can all help us avoid having to adopt a real-life zombie apocalypse diet.

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Want to lose weight, get healthy and help the planet? The Zombie Apocalypse Diet could be for you - ABC News

Intermittent fasting is one more tool in weight-loss toolbox – Clinton Herald

Posted: May 28, 2020 at 5:45 am

DEAR DR. ROACH: My adult son has lost over 100 pounds on an intermittent fasting diet (16 hours fasting per day) and now wants to continue fasting in the morning and just eat a heavier lunch and dinner to maintain his new weight. I am not sure that this kind of long-term fasting is good for his health. For his meals, he eats anything he wants and counts his calories. I have told him that it is better for his health if he eats more of a Mediterranean-style diet, which would include a plate made up of mostly vegetables, a small amount of meat, grains and some good fats. Could you advise us what you think is a good way to maintain weight loss after being on an intermittent fasting diet? G.B.

ANSWER: Most of the studies on intermittent fasting use an alternate-day approach, where a person takes in very little food (25% of needs) on fast days and more (125%) on the intermittent feast day. The studies show effective weight loss, similar to those put on a calorie-restricted diet. There arent as many data on a 16-hour daily fast.

My experience is that intermittent fasting is an effective strategy for some people in whom other strategies have been unhelpful. One of my colleagues, an expert in weight loss, calls intermittent fasting another tool in her box.

While I agree with you that a Mediterranean-style diet has many health benefits, your son has had success with his fasting strategy. I have seen over and over again people having success with their plan (whatever that plan might be), only to go back to their old dietary habits and have the weight come back on. I would recommend he continue with the intermittent fasting, continuing to count calories, but to try to make sure what he does eat is as healthy as possible.

DEAR DR. ROACH: In a recent column, a reader was concerned about his enlarged prostate and possible UTI. You wrote that he may possibly benefit from changing the pH of his urine, but you did not specify which way. It implied that acidic urine could be a problem. However, doesnt the drug Hiprex given for recurring UTIs help prevent infections by making the urine acidic? J.B.

ANSWER: Methenamine (Hiprex) is converted in an acidic environment (a pH below 5.5) to ammonia and formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is not an antibiotic, but does have general bacteria-killing effects. Hiprex also contains two organic acids, hippuric acid and mandelic acid, which help keep the urine pH low so the drug will work. Other physicians prescribe vitamin C in addition to help ensure an acidic urine.

So, its not the acidic urine that kills the bacteria with methenamine, its that the drug is converted to bacteria-killing formaldehyde in the acidic urine. Most bacteria are relatively resistant to the acidic pH changes that are possible in the urine.

Methenamine is not an oft-used treatment. The antibacterial effect of the formaldehyde is weak compared with antibiotics. You are correct that it is most commonly used to prevent infections rather than to treat them. I have given it in women who have had allergies to multiple antibiotics.

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We are making critical coverage of the coronavirus available for free. Please consider subscribing so we can continue to bring you the latest news and information on this developing story.

Original post:
Intermittent fasting is one more tool in weight-loss toolbox - Clinton Herald

Weight loss: Experts reveal the best time to drink apple cider vinegar – Express

Posted: May 28, 2020 at 5:45 am

The popular condiment is made from acetic acid, which provides the body with several health benefits.

A recent trend is to drink it before bed but many are left wondering whether or not this is the best time to consume the drink.

Drinking apple cider vinegar at night may also help lower blood sugar but if weight loss is your aim, experts suggest drinking throughout the day.

Some evidence suggests that drinking small amounts of apple cider vinegar before bed may help lower morning blood sugars but in terms of weight loss Healthline recommends drinking it before meals.

READ MORE:Rebel Wilson weight loss: Pitch Perfect star flaunts incredible weight loss transformation

Studies have also shown that consuming apple cider vinegar before meals can help reduce food cravings, meaning you will be less likely to reach for snacks throughout the day.

Consuming a shot of apple cider vinegar mixed in water before a meal may reduce your food intake which will in turn help you lose weight.

You can also incorporate the condiment into your diet by adding it to salads.

For the best results, pair apple cider vinegar with a low-carb diet such as Keto, Dukan or Paleo diet.

This can be incredibly helpful if you wish to target belly fat. Apple cider vinegar can help balance your blood sugars and by keeping your blood sugars low, your belly fat will decrease.

Apple cider vinegar has also been seen to lower insulin levels in the body. People with diabetes should take caution when attempting high vinegar diets and should always consult a doctor before undertaking.

High insulin levels can lead to many health problems. Healthline recommends taking steps to increase your insulin sensitivity and decreasing your insulin levels can help you lose weight.

Weight loss results from this method may take longer to show but some experts suggest that it is a more healthy way of losing weight because you arent putting your body through a vigorous diet plan.

To lose weight from apple cider vinegar will need to be incorporated into a healthy diet plan along with exercise if you wish to see results sooner.

Alternating between light cardio exercise and high-intensity weight lifting exercise can help build muscle and someone following this regime could find themselves losing weight in no time.

While experts suggest that apple cider vinegar appears to be safe, you do not want to consume excessive amounts of it.

Since it is a vinegar and contains high amounts of acid, it can cause erosion and weaken your tooth enamel. This is why diluting it with water is the best option for weight loss.

Some slimmers have found benefits from taking apple cider vinegar in the morning like cutting out on mid-morning snacks and cutting down on their portion sizes so it is recommended to try what works best for you and your body.

Read more:
Weight loss: Experts reveal the best time to drink apple cider vinegar - Express

Best exercises for burning calories and losing weight – TheHealthSite

Posted: May 28, 2020 at 5:45 am

Losing weight is never easy. If you have ever gone on a weight loss journey, you will know the truth of this statement. The minute you decide to lose weight, you will receive solicited as well as unsolicited advice on how best to get rid of your excess kilos. Diet plays an important role here. But along with diet modifications, you also need to follow a dedicated exercise regime. Without the right exercises, your weight loss journey will take more time or, worse still, may never really take off. But how do you choose the right exercises that will help you shed weight fast? There are so many exercises and many people will offer conflicting advice. That is why, here, we bring you a list fitness workouts that will help you attain your goal. We will also reveal how much calories each workout will help you burn. Also Read - Weight loss tips: Floor exercises for older adults to stay fit during lockdown

Calories burnt: 990 Also Read - Sara Ali Khans loving her hula-hoop session at home: Give a shot to this fun indoor workout

The humble jumping rope that you played around with when you are a kid can actually help you lose a lot of weight. You can burn as much as 990 calories in an hour if you can manage 120 skips per minute. For even better results you can go for a weighted jump rope. Also Read - Simple weight loss exercises you can do at home

Calories burnt: 946

You must have heard that taking the stairs is always better that going up in an elevator. This is true and you gain a lot of health benefits from this. But it can also be the fastest way that you can adopt to lose weight. If you run up and down the stairs for an hour, you will end up burning as much as 946 calories. But dont overdo it. If you feel tired, try doing up fast for 30 seconds and then walk up the stairs for the next 30 seconds. It will be just as effective. If you live in a hilly area, instead of the stairs go for a sprint uphill. You will get the added benefit of being out in nature.

Calories burnt: 864

This is a cardio workout modified from martial arts. It is great for weight loss and you can burn almost 864 calories in an hour if you do this. Other than losing weight, this workout will also build muscles, improve balance and coordination and boost flexibility. But if you have never done this before then you need a good instructor to guide you through the paces. It consists of choreographed movements of punches, kicks and knee strikes.

Calories burnt: 841

This works your leg muscles and builds endurance and strength. For best results, you can go cycling uphill. This will help you burn more calories. But if you live in the plains, then just cycle instead of taking your car. This way, you get to enjoy nature while losing weight. But in crowded cities and towns, you may want to go for stationary cycles. This will also help you lose weight just as effectively. In fact, you will end up burning almost 841 calories in an hour. If you want to continue burning calories for a long time afterwards, do a mix of high and low intensity cycling. This means that you intersperse your workout with sudden bursts of high intensity cycling for a few seconds.

Published : May 26, 2020 6:36 pm | Updated:May 27, 2020 9:27 am

Read more:
Best exercises for burning calories and losing weight - TheHealthSite

Weight loss tricks: The definitive trick to lose weight: five keys that will make you lose 5 kilos in a month – Explica

Posted: May 28, 2020 at 5:45 am

Losing weight is easy if you know how. In addition, it does not require a lot of effort if you adopt healthy lifestyle habits. By following these six tips that we are going to reveal below, you can lose around 5 kilos in just one month. Here are the keys:

Do not skip breakfast. Although the need to break the fast to lose weight divides the scientific community, more specialists recommend eating food minutes after waking up. Of course, it does not need to be a copious menu. The ideal is to eat something to activate the body and regain strength to start the day.

Make meals meals every three to four hours. It does not have to be a large intake. Although, it is advisable that they be carried out, since it favors the body to burn calories with digestion. In addition, it will also satiate us and prevent us from bingeing on any of the meals of the day as a result of anxiety. It is also essential not to skip meals.

Following the plate rule is another key. That is, that half of what we are going to eat are vegetables and greens, 25 percent of the dish is protein and the remaining quarter carbohydrates. You have to run away from ultra-processed food. Also from fats. For this, it is very useful to organize a weekly menu before going shopping. Thus we will also avoid the acquisition of products on an impulsive basis. It is advisable to avoid those products that come packaged: on the one hand they are less friendly to the environment and, on the other hand, they are usually more processed because they are manufactured in an industrial way.

Drinking water is another key to losing weight. It is recommended to drink at least a liter and a half a day. The consumption of alcoholic beverages and soft drinks must also be abandoned. Both are harmful to the body.

Rest is another key. Sleeping well, a minimum of seven hours a day helps lose weight.Another fundamental point to lose weight is exercise. You dont have to become an elite athlete. Rather, its about doing minimal activity for at least an hour a day. For example, walking. Acquiring a routine of going for a walk for an hour in the morning or at the end of the day, after work, is very beneficial for the body, not only for losing weight.

According to experts, following these tips you can lose up to 5 kilos of weight in just one month. Although, this figure depends on the metabolism and how precisely each of these tips is followed.


Read the rest here:
Weight loss tricks: The definitive trick to lose weight: five keys that will make you lose 5 kilos in a month - Explica

Rebel Wilson Shared Her Next Weight-Loss Goal on Instagram and the Internet Is Rallying Behind Her – NewBeauty Magazine

Posted: May 28, 2020 at 5:45 am

In January, Rebel Wilson publicly declared that 2020 would be her Year of Health. Almost six months later, the 40 year-old is holding fast.

In a motivational post shared to Instagram on Monday, Wilson outlined her weight-loss goal of getting down to 75 kg, or 165 pounds, by the end of this year. She also shared a career goal of getting one of her films into production by the close of 2020, as well.

Even if youhave to crawl towards your goals, keep going x it will be worth it, shepenned, alongside a photo of herself in a baby blue athletic set. Try andgive a little bit of effort each dayI know some days are frustrating as hell,you feel like giving up, you get annoyed at the lack of progressbut goodthings are coming your way.

Wilson continued, What are your goals this year? Ill be honest with you guys with my Year of Health mission Im trying to get to 75kgs and career wise am trying to get one of my movies into production before the end of the year! Both of these things are requiring a daily effort and theres constant set backs but Im working hard x.

The Pitch Perfect star toldEntertainment Tonightthat she started losing weight while filming Cats and has since dropped between 40 and 50 pounds.

Losing any amount of weight can be a battle, but Wilson appears to be prepped and ready for the remainder of her weight-loss journey with a positive attitude and personal trainer Jono Castano at her side. Were rooting for you, Rebel!

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Original post:
Rebel Wilson Shared Her Next Weight-Loss Goal on Instagram and the Internet Is Rallying Behind Her - NewBeauty Magazine

Why You’re Losing Weight but Not Belly Fat – and What to Do About It – Yahoo News UK

Posted: May 28, 2020 at 5:44 am

You've gotten into the stride of a healthy nutrition and workout regimen, and you're seeing the results on the scale. But many women reach their target weight only to be disappointed that they've lost little to no belly fat. Although it seems logical that our belly fat will shrink as we lose weight, you can't really tell your body where to lose fat, and it's extremely common to lose weight disproportionately. But don't worry - we've got you covered with tips that'll help you get strong and lean all around.

First things first: why is belly fat so darn stubborn? Everyone's body type is different, so it depends on the person, but there are a few common reasons. "Belly fat is often a sign of 'stress' or insulin resistance. When you are stressed, your cortisol levels rise, which may lead to storing fat in your middle," Amy Shapiro, MS, RD, CDN, and founder of Real Nutrition, told POPSUGAR. "Genetics do play a role here as well, so if your parent tends to carry weight in their middle, you might end up doing the same."

Related: Hormones Can Cause Belly Fat - Here's What You Can Do to Lose It, According to 2 Experts

How to Lose Hormonal Belly Fat

In addition to genetics, Cassie Lambert, NASM certified trainer and strength coach, told POPSUGAR that your weight-loss method may also play a role. "For example, a low-carbohydrate diet will kick-start weight loss, but this is because of the water loss from the glycogen in the muscles and not fat," she explained. Lambert also cited large amounts of cardio as an example of how to quickly lose weight but not necessarily belly fat.

Evan Harden, personal trainer and National Bar League founder, told POPSUGAR that losing weight too rapidly is a common mistake. "When that happens, it is difficult to preserve muscle, let alone grow new muscle," Harden said. "This leads to losing weight but not body fat and ultimately a poor body composition." Losing weight gradually is essential to preserving muscle, and Harden noted that new research shows we shouldn't lose more than one to three percent of our bodyweight per week. Here's more information on how soon you should expect to see results from working out.

Related: Don't Believe All the Fad-Diet Hype - Losing Fat Boils Down to These 7 Basics

Although you can't spot-reduce fat, there are nutrition and fitness methods that are effective for losing weight in the most proportional way possible. Shapiro recommended a nutrition plan that consists of high-fiber foods, lean proteins, and healthy fats at every meal. "Visualize [your] plate and cut it in half. Make sure half the plate is full of plants, fruits, and veggies at every meal," she advised. "Then cut the other half into quarters, and make sure one-quarter is protein and one-quarter is whole grains."

Additionally, Shapiro provided the following nutrition tips for overall weight loss:

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How Many Calories Should I Eat to Lose Weight?

And while it's great to be committed to eating well, keep everything in perspective. Don't berate yourself if you veer off course for a meal or two. "[If] you fall off your plan, get right back on the next time you eat," Shapiro said. "Consistency is what moves the needle, not one mistake."

Now that we've got nutrition covered, let's talk workouts. Even if you only do exercises that target your stomach muscles, you can't spot-reduce fat. A combination of HIIT cardio exercises and strength training is the most effective fitness regimen to lose body fat all around. Lambert recommended strength training three to five times per week. "[It] improves body composition and metabolic function, [which] speeds up the metabolism," she explained. Lambert said to integrate cardio workouts into your routine in order to increase your caloric deficit.

And while we often think of workouts as happening solely in the gym or on the running trail, there are myriad opportunities each day to get moving - and it makes a difference in the long term. "Move more throughout your day to increase the amount of energy burned outside of daily exercise," Lambert said. "In time, you will be able to reduce fat in a sustainable manner."

Story continues

See original here:
Why You're Losing Weight but Not Belly Fat - and What to Do About It - Yahoo News UK

Want to reduce facial fat? These food habits will help – TheHealthSite

Posted: May 28, 2020 at 5:44 am

Your face is your identity and no matter how good-looking you are, facialfatcan make you look older than you are, thanks to the double chin that it gives you. Facial fat is one of the most stubborn fats of our body. Most of the times, excess of facial fat is the result of unhealthy eating. Therefore, only a healthy diet can help you lose this rigid fat. Also Read - Try the lacto-vegetarian Indian diet for sustained weight loss

If you are a junk food lover, then theres bad news for you. Processed junk foods are more likely to increase fat around your face and especially chin. In some cases, facial fat is also the result of water retention and inflammation due to several ailments. Also Read - 3 milkshake recipes which can help in weight loss

You can get a slim face by simply inculcating a few good food habits through minor dietary changes. According to experts, taking the right amount of fat, carbs, proteins, vitamins, minerals and trace elements is very necessary in order to get rid of chubby cheeks. Foods which are rich in Vitamin B-12, Vitamin D and Omega-3 fatty acids are said to be the best to reduce facial fat. Take a look at a few easy ways to lose face fat and get a perfect jawline. Also Read - Weight loss diet: Should you ditch dairy products to shed those extra kilos?

Including fresh fruits like apples, watermelons, kiwi and veggies like broccoli, cucumber, spinach, mushrooms, pumpkin to your diet can help you lose that stubborn fat quickly. They are loaded with nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, fibres and juices, which not only increase your bodys metabolism, but also keep it hydrated naturally.

Gluten-free foods are low on the glycaemic index and help reduce your bodys inflammation. So, adding gluten-free grains and seeds may help you reduce that extra fat from your cheeks.

According to astudypublished in the journal Annals of Dermatology women who consumed about a teaspoon ofaloe vera gelfor 90 days showed improvement in facial elasticity. This means that you may be able to lose facial fat just by having some amount of aloe vera gel. However, just check that you are not allergic to this herb.

That excess fat on your face may be the result of water retention. However, if you want to get rid of it, start by reducing your salt intake. You may even switch to alternatives such as rock salt and low-sodium salt to name a few. Also, opt for low-sodium foods which include broccoli, cauliflower, peppers, red beans, brown rice, quinoa, berries, apples, bananas, pears and more. When you reduce your salt intake, it helps in reducing inflammation as well as bloating. All these will result in a slimmer face.

Drinking ample amount of water keeps you hydrated and helps in reducing any type of inflammation in the body. Having water and fresh fruit juices are great for reducing facial fat naturally. According to experts, an average adult needs to drink at least 2 litres of water every day.

Published : May 27, 2020 2:05 pm | Updated:May 27, 2020 2:36 pm

Go here to read the rest:
Want to reduce facial fat? These food habits will help - TheHealthSite

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market 2020 Analysis of Competitive Developments Such As Expansions, Agreements, New Product Launches, And…

Posted: May 28, 2020 at 5:43 am

Latest Report On Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market including Market Landscape, and Market size, Revenues by players, Revenues by regions, Average prices, Competitive landscape, market Dynamics and industry trends and developments during the forecast period.

The global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market is broadly analyzed in this report that sheds light on critical aspects such as the vendor landscape, competitive strategies, market dynamics, and regional analysis. The report helps readers to clearly understand the current and future status of the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market. The research study comes out as a compilation of useful guidelines for players to secure a position of strength in the global market. The authors of the report profile leading companies of the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market, Also the details about important activities of leading players in the competitive landscape.

Key companies operating in the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market include: , AbbVie, Endo International, Eli lilly, Pfizer, Actavis (Allergan), Bayer, Novartis, Teva, Mylan, Upsher-Smith, Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Kyowa Kirin, Acerus Pharmaceuticals

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The report predicts the size of the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market in terms of value and volume for the forecast period 2020-2026. As per the analysis provided in the report, the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market is expected to rise at a CAGR of xx % between 2020 and 2026 to reach a valuation of US$ xx million/billion by the end of 2026. In 2020, the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market attained a valuation of US$ XX million/billion. The market researchers deeply analyze the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy industry landscape and the future prospects it is anticipated to create

Segmental Analysis

The report has classified the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy industry into segments including product type and application. Every segment is evaluated based on growth rate and share. Besides, the analysts have studied the potential regions that may prove rewarding for the Testosterone Replacement Therapy manufacturers in the coming years. The regional analysis includes reliable predictions on value and volume, thereby helping market players to gain deep insights into the overall Testosterone Replacement Therapy industry.

Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Segment By Type:

, :, Gels, Injections, Patches, Other ,

Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Segment By Application:

: Hospitals Clinics Others

Competitive Landscape

It is important for every market participant to be familiar with the competitive scenario in the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy industry. In order to fulfill the requirements, the industry analysts have evaluated the strategic activities of the competitors to help the key players strengthen their foothold in the market and increase their competitiveness.

Key companies operating in the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market include: , AbbVie, Endo International, Eli lilly, Pfizer, Actavis (Allergan), Bayer, Novartis, Teva, Mylan, Upsher-Smith, Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Kyowa Kirin, Acerus Pharmaceuticals

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Table of Contents 1 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Testosterone Replacement Therapy1.2 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Segment by Type1.2.1 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Growth Rate Comparison by Type (2021-2026)1.2.2 Gels1.2.3 Injections1.2.4 Patches1.2.5 Other1.3 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Segment by Application1.3.1 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Comparison by Application: 2020 VS 20261.3.2 Hospitals1.3.3 Clinics1.3.4 Others1.4 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Size Estimates and Forecasts1.4.1 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue 2015-20261.4.2 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales 2015-20261.4.3 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Size by Region: 2020 Versus 2026 2 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Competition by Manufacturers2.1 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Market Share by Manufacturers (2015-2020)2.2 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue Share by Manufacturers (2015-2020)2.3 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Average Price by Manufacturers (2015-2020)2.4 Manufacturers Testosterone Replacement Therapy Manufacturing Sites, Area Served, Product Type2.5 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Competitive Situation and Trends2.5.1 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Concentration Rate2.5.2 Global Top 5 and Top 10 Players Market Share by Revenue2.5.3 Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3)2.6 Manufacturers Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans2.7 Primary Interviews with Key Testosterone Replacement Therapy Players (Opinion Leaders) 3 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Retrospective Market Scenario by Region3.1 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Retrospective Market Scenario in Sales by Region: 2015-20203.2 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Retrospective Market Scenario in Revenue by Region: 2015-20203.3 North America Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Facts & Figures by Country3.3.1 North America Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales by Country3.3.2 North America Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales by Country3.3.3 U.S.3.3.4 Canada3.4 Europe Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Facts & Figures by Country3.4.1 Europe Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales by Country3.4.2 Europe Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales by Country3.4.3 Germany3.4.4 France3.4.5 U.K.3.4.6 Italy3.4.7 Russia3.5 Asia Pacific Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Facts & Figures by Region3.5.1 Asia Pacific Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales by Region3.5.2 Asia Pacific Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales by Region3.5.3 China3.5.4 Japan3.5.5 South Korea3.5.6 India3.5.7 Australia3.5.8 Taiwan3.5.9 Indonesia3.5.10 Thailand3.5.11 Malaysia3.5.12 Philippines3.5.13 Vietnam3.6 Latin America Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Facts & Figures by Country3.6.1 Latin America Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales by Country3.6.2 Latin America Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales by Country3.6.3 Mexico3.6.3 Brazil3.6.3 Argentina3.7 Middle East and Africa Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Facts & Figures by Country3.7.1 Middle East and Africa Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales by Country3.7.2 Middle East and Africa Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales by Country3.7.3 Turkey3.7.4 Saudi Arabia3.7.5 U.A.E 4 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Historic Market Analysis by Type4.1 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Market Share by Type (2015-2020)4.2 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue Market Share by Type (2015-2020)4.3 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Price Market Share by Type (2015-2020)4.4 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Share by Price Tier (2015-2020): Low-End, Mid-Range and High-End 5 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Historic Market Analysis by Application5.1 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Market Share by Application (2015-2020)5.2 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue Market Share by Application (2015-2020)5.3 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Price by Application (2015-2020) 6 Company Profiles and Key Figures in Testosterone Replacement Therapy Business6.1 AbbVie6.1.1 Corporation Information6.1.2 AbbVie Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue6.1.3 AbbVie Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)6.1.4 AbbVie Products Offered6.1.5 AbbVie Recent Development6.2 Endo International6.2.1 Endo International Testosterone Replacement Therapy Production Sites and Area Served6.2.2 Endo International Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue6.2.3 Endo International Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)6.2.4 Endo International Products Offered6.2.5 Endo International Recent Development6.3 Eli lilly6.3.1 Eli lilly Testosterone Replacement Therapy Production Sites and Area Served6.3.2 Eli lilly Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue6.3.3 Eli lilly Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)6.3.4 Eli lilly Products Offered6.3.5 Eli lilly Recent Development6.4 Pfizer6.4.1 Pfizer Testosterone Replacement Therapy Production Sites and Area Served6.4.2 Pfizer Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue6.4.3 Pfizer Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)6.4.4 Pfizer Products Offered6.4.5 Pfizer Recent Development6.5 Actavis (Allergan)6.5.1 Actavis (Allergan) Testosterone Replacement Therapy Production Sites and Area Served6.5.2 Actavis (Allergan) Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue6.5.3 Actavis (Allergan) Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)6.5.4 Actavis (Allergan) Products Offered6.5.5 Actavis (Allergan) Recent Development6.6 Bayer6.6.1 Bayer Testosterone Replacement Therapy Production Sites and Area Served6.6.2 Bayer Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue6.6.3 Bayer Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)6.6.4 Bayer Products Offered6.6.5 Bayer Recent Development6.7 Novartis6.6.1 Novartis Testosterone Replacement Therapy Production Sites and Area Served6.6.2 Novartis Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue6.6.3 Novartis Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)6.4.4 Novartis Products Offered6.7.5 Novartis Recent Development6.8 Teva6.8.1 Teva Testosterone Replacement Therapy Production Sites and Area Served6.8.2 Teva Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue6.8.3 Teva Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)6.8.4 Teva Products Offered6.8.5 Teva Recent Development6.9 Mylan6.9.1 Mylan Testosterone Replacement Therapy Production Sites and Area Served6.9.2 Mylan Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue6.9.3 Mylan Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)6.9.4 Mylan Products Offered6.9.5 Mylan Recent Development6.10 Upsher-Smith6.10.1 Upsher-Smith Testosterone Replacement Therapy Production Sites and Area Served6.10.2 Upsher-Smith Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue6.10.3 Upsher-Smith Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)6.10.4 Upsher-Smith Products Offered6.10.5 Upsher-Smith Recent Development6.11 Ferring Pharmaceuticals6.11.1 Ferring Pharmaceuticals Testosterone Replacement Therapy Production Sites and Area Served6.11.2 Ferring Pharmaceuticals Testosterone Replacement Therapy Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue6.11.3 Ferring Pharmaceuticals Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)6.11.4 Ferring Pharmaceuticals Products Offered6.11.5 Ferring Pharmaceuticals Recent Development6.12 Kyowa Kirin6.12.1 Kyowa Kirin Testosterone Replacement Therapy Production Sites and Area Served6.12.2 Kyowa Kirin Testosterone Replacement Therapy Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue6.12.3 Kyowa Kirin Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)6.12.4 Kyowa Kirin Products Offered6.12.5 Kyowa Kirin Recent Development6.13 Acerus Pharmaceuticals6.13.1 Acerus Pharmaceuticals Testosterone Replacement Therapy Production Sites and Area Served6.13.2 Acerus Pharmaceuticals Testosterone Replacement Therapy Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue6.13.3 Acerus Pharmaceuticals Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)6.13.4 Acerus Pharmaceuticals Products Offered6.13.5 Acerus Pharmaceuticals Recent Development 7 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Manufacturing Cost Analysis7.1 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Key Raw Materials Analysis7.1.1 Key Raw Materials7.1.2 Key Raw Materials Price Trend7.1.3 Key Suppliers of Raw Materials7.2 Proportion of Manufacturing Cost Structure7.3 Manufacturing Process Analysis of Testosterone Replacement Therapy7.4 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Industrial Chain Analysis 8 Marketing Channel, Distributors and Customers8.1 Marketing Channel8.2 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Distributors List8.3 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Customers 9 Market Dynamics 9.1 Market Trends 9.2 Opportunities and Drivers 9.3 Challenges 9.4 Porters Five Forces Analysis 10 Global Market Forecast10.1 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Estimates and Projections by Type10.1.1 Global Forecasted Sales of Testosterone Replacement Therapy by Type (2021-2026)10.1.2 Global Forecasted Revenue of Testosterone Replacement Therapy by Type (2021-2026)10.2 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Estimates and Projections by Application10.2.1 Global Forecasted Sales of Testosterone Replacement Therapy by Application (2021-2026)10.2.2 Global Forecasted Revenue of Testosterone Replacement Therapy by Application (2021-2026)10.3 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Estimates and Projections by Region10.3.1 Global Forecasted Sales of Testosterone Replacement Therapy by Region (2021-2026)10.3.2 Global Forecasted Revenue of Testosterone Replacement Therapy by Region (2021-2026)10.4 North America Testosterone Replacement Therapy Estimates and Projections (2021-2026)10.5 Europe Testosterone Replacement Therapy Estimates and Projections (2021-2026)10.6 Asia Pacific Testosterone Replacement Therapy Estimates and Projections (2021-2026)10.7 Latin America Testosterone Replacement Therapy Estimates and Projections (2021-2026)10.8 Middle East and Africa Testosterone Replacement Therapy Estimates and Projections (2021-2026) 11 Research Finding and Conclusion 12 Methodology and Data Source 12.1 Methodology/Research Approach 12.1.1 Research Programs/Design 12.1.2 Market Size Estimation 12.1.3 Market Breakdown and Data Triangulation 12.2 Data Source 12.2.1 Secondary Sources 12.2.2 Primary Sources 12.3 Author List 12.4 Disclaimer

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market 2020 Analysis of Competitive Developments Such As Expansions, Agreements, New Product Launches, And...

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