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Why you Should Buy Clen and Kickstart your Weight Loss – The African Exponent

Posted: May 24, 2020 at 6:44 am

Losing weight is one of the most challenging things that youll ever do in your entire life. Some people have this idea that they will lose weight immediately and it doesnt work that way. You think that going for walks, exercising, or eating healthy will make the fat melt away. Theres so much more involved in losing weight than any of that. You need to buy Clen today and put yourself on the right path. Without Clen, youre more than likely, never going to achieve your weight loss goals.

What keeps people from losing weight?

You might think that youre not losing weight because youre eating the wrong things. There may be some truth in that your diet is causing you not to lose weight fast enough. A balanced diet is essential, and you cant load up on too many carbohydrates. However, the real reason why so many out there cant lose weight is due to their metabolism. Your body isnt allowing you to lose weight. Why would your body do anything to make you not lose weight? You must think about what your fat means to your body. You store fat as a means of storing calories for when you need them at a later date. You see, there was once a time when people didnt have enough to eat, and their body fat is what kept them alive.

Trick Mother Nature into allowing you to give up the fat

Mother Nature is as smart as a whip, and she doesnt want you to do anything that would harm your long term survival. Your body thinks that at any time, you could wind up in a situation where theres no food. Your body is the result of millions of years of humans living in the jungle. There were times when food was scarce, and your body fat meant survival. We dont live in those times anymore, and you dont have to worry about not having access to enough calories. Its okay to shed your weight because the store has all the food youll ever need.

Clen helps trigger the weight loss response in your body

No one should be surprised that they need help losing weight. Clen is the ace in the hole that youve been searching for. Clen triggers the body through a chain of events that produces weight loss. The oral steroid will increase the rate that your body sheds the weight. It doesnt make you lose weight; it helps encourage your body to do what it doesnt want to do. Your body doesnt want to give up its precious reserves of energy, but Clen will encourage it. Clen does just that and helps put you on the right track to success.

Can human growth hormone help you lose weight also?

All of this talk about the need for help losing weight has probably brought up memories about HGH and how it, too, helps people lose weight. The real question is how much does a cycle of HGH cost? Each cycle will cost you $200. Thats peanuts if you put into consideration how it will change your life. Youll look, feel, and perform better in your day to day life while taking HGH. Anyone who needs help losing weight or needs a boost in their overall performance should consider the human growth hormone.

Losing weight is never easy, but it does get easier

Anyone who has packed on the pounds knows that its not easy to get rid of them. Help is out there in the form of Clem and or HGH. Both can help you get rid of the weight that you packed on over the years. You didnt become overweight overnight, and you wont lose it as quickly either. You can, however, put yourself in a better situation and lose weight faster than most. You do that by putting your body in weight loss mode and making sure to stick to a strict diet and exercise regimen. If you dont, then you cant expect the type of results youre looking for. If youre dedicated to your health, then losing weight and building muscle is a must, and a helping hand like Clen is what you need.

Why you Should Buy Clen and Kickstart your Weight Loss - The African Exponent

Intermittent Fasting Explained: How it works, types, pros and cons and much more – TheHealthSite

Posted: May 24, 2020 at 6:44 am

All of us practise intermittent (IF) fasting every night while we sleep. However, we dont name it intermittent fasting. Our sleeping hours constitute our daily fasting phase which is well-aligned with our bodys circadian rhythm. A 2012 documentary by BBC, known as Eat, Fast and Live Longer, is often attributed the credit of popularizing intermittent fasting. This dietary pattern has long been associated with reducing the risk of many serious health conditions like breast cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and cognitive decline. In fact, research has proved that restricted calorie intake adds years to your life. Also Read - Following intermittent fasting, but not able to hit your weight loss target? Heres why

IF requires you to embrace fasting for long durations intermittently. The duration could be for weeks or days. The basic principle is calorie restriction during stipulated time periods. There are different formats of this dietary pattern. Various scientific studies have been conducted on animals. But more human studies are required to fathom its impact on human health. Popularly, it is believed to promote weight loss and boost longevity. Also Read - What is 5:2 diet all about? Heres your answer

There are no recommended foods for intermittent fasting, nor is there any elimination. Here, the theory is calorie restriction for restricted time periods. While there is limit on food intake during the fast days or times, you can eat whatever you wish to on the days you arent fasting. This is what is known as Ad libtum. This Latin term means as much as necessary or desired. Also Read - Planning to try the latest trend of dry fasting? Here's a look at the pros and cons of this fad diet

What makes this dietary pattern stand apart is the importance it associates with food timing. There are more than one ways of practising intermittent fasting. The basic principle is dividing a day or week into eating and fasting periods. During the fasting periods, you either in low proportions or skip meals altogether. Each method of intermittent fasting comes with its own set of rules and regulations. These are the most popular ones:

Being easy to follow, this is the most popular form of intermittent fasting. The basic principle you fast on one day and feast on the next. On the days of fasting, food intake is minimal, focussed mainly towards liquids while on the feast days, theres no calorie restriction. Research is going on about the health impact of this kind of fasting.

This is quite similar to the previous format with a little difference. In Intermittent fasting with calorie restriction, your food intake on fasting days is limited to only water, herbal teas, and black tea/coffee with no sugar. Also, on feasting days, you have to watch your calorie intake.

In this form, the practitioners eat only during restricted hours of the day. While their food intake is restricted for 6 to 8 hours of the day, the rest no-food window lasts for the rest of the day. They may or may not restrict calories during the eating hours. Research suggests that this eating pattern is optimal for metabolic health.

If you want to follow this type of dietary pattern, then you are allowed to eat for five days a week and fast for 2 days. On the fasting days, you need to limit your calorie intake to 500 to 600 calories and on the feasting days, you are allowed to eat normally with no restriction in mind.

In this method, you fast occasionally during a week or a month and eat during the rest of the days. During the non-fasting days you need to maintain a moderate eating pattern.

This dietary pattern is known for very many health benefits it has. However, scientists suggest that more research is required to validate the preliminary evidences and popular beliefs. Here we guide you on some of the ways intermittent fasting may help you stay healthier.

Many diets impose ban on macronutrients like carbs, fat or protein which are essential for your body. Moreover, those eating patterns require you to substitute many of your favourite foods with the healthier versions. Intermittent fasting doesnt necessitate any of these. However, in this eating style, you have to cut down portions in fasting and non-fasting days too.

Studies have revealed that IF has significant impact on the loss of fat mass. That is why it may be effective in promoting weight loss. However, experts are of the opinion that it is as effective as other diets while it comes to shedding extra kilos. IF may not have additional benefits in this regard. But more research is required to reach a definitive conclusion. A 2018 study published in the journal Nutrition also revealed that IF reduced body mass in the younger population (20 years) while among the older population (50 years), no such evidence was found.

Intermittent fasting is popularly believed to boost longevity. A mice-model study by the National Institute on Aging observes that intermittent fasting extended the longevity of rodents and reduced their risk of life-threatening conditions, especially cancer. However, more research is required to draw a definite conclusion.

Though intermittent fasting isnt a new practice, research on its benefits is still at a nascent stage. Some studies have, however, observed that this dietary pattern comes with its own set of limitations too. For example, you may feel extremely weak, fatigued and cranky on the fast days. Talk to your physician and a nutritionist before embracing this plan. Here is a low-down on some of the side challenges that you may face while following this plan.

This is a common complaint among those who follow intermittent fasting. You may feel severe hunger pangs while on fast as no or very low food intake is allowed.

Intermittent fasting doesnt teach you how to make the right choice of foods because it focusses only on mealtimes and calorie count. So, you dont learn healthy eating skills. However, for long-term health benefits you need to master the art of mindful eating.

Intermittent fasting doesnt talk about or recommend physical activity. So, if you are following this dietary pattern, you are likely to neglect your daily requirement of physical activities.

Practising intermittent fasting may be particularly challenging if you are taking medications that necessitate you to have meals at definite time frames. Speak to your physician if you want to take up this diet while on medications.

Published : May 24, 2020 3:10 pm | Updated:May 24, 2020 3:25 pm

Read the original post:
Intermittent Fasting Explained: How it works, types, pros and cons and much more - TheHealthSite

COVID 19 Impact On Global Weight Loss Diet Market 2020 Analysis By Top Players | Johnson Health Technology, Thinique, Herbalife, Nuviva, Nutrisystem,…

Posted: May 24, 2020 at 6:44 am

Global Weight Loss Diet Market Analysis by Region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Middle East and Africa), by Application (Fitness Centers, Slimming Centers, Consulting Services, Online Weight Loss Programs) and, by Type (Meal Replacements, Low-calorie Sweeteners, Low-calorie Food, Organic Food, Diet Soft Drinks), 2019-2025

Owing to the outbreak of the pandemic, every market scenario has changed drastically. By taking into consideration the following situations, theMarket Research Storehas published a new report on the globalWeight Loss Diet market. Each and every information about the Weight Loss Diet market has been updated considering all the facts regarding COVID-19. This study will enable the client to understand the Weight Loss Diet market comprehensively. The research report consists of all technical and profitable business outlook. The study includes historical data from 2016-2019 and forecasts the data from 2020-2026. The Weight Loss Diet market report consists of over 150 pages of market description which is illustrated with the help of tables and figures.

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The market players that are operating in the Weight Loss Dietmarket is included in the report. Some of the major industry players that are included in the study isJohnson Health Technology, Thinique, Herbalife, Nuviva, Nutrisystem, 24 Hour Fitness, Gs, JumptStart MD, Medifast, Ethicon, Visalus, Covidien, Jenny Craig, Curves, HMR, Weight Watchers, Atkins Nutritionals, Technogym, Apollo Endosurgery, LA Fitness, VLCC Healthcare, MyFitnessPal, Brunswick, Amer Sports, Atkins Nutritionals, Herbalife, Metabolic Research, Smart For Life, Slimming World, Physicians Weight Loss, Slim-Fast, NutriSystem, Weight Watchers, Isagenix, Lindora Clinics, Optifast, Slimgenics, Medi-Weightloss, Ideal Protein, Jenny Craig, The Golds Gym. A detailed section about the company profiles is included in the Weight Loss Diet market report study.

The market description is not restricted to global analysis but includes regional as well as country-based analysis. An extensive perspective about the Weight Loss Diet market gets cleared through this dossier. The research analysts have tried to incorporate equal amount of quantitative data along with qualitative briefing about the Weight Loss Diet market. The data in the report are shown with the help of pictorial representations such as pie charts, histograms, bar graphs for clear market understanding.

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The Weight Loss Diet market report consists of each and every detail about the market. The contents that are included are the market drivers, restraints, opportunities, challenges, market trends, etc.

The Weight Loss Diet market has the following market segments{Meal Replacements, Low-calorie Sweeteners, Low-calorie Food, Organic Food, Diet Soft Drinks}; {Fitness Centers, Slimming Centers, Consulting Services, Online Weight Loss Programs}. Some of the major segments are also segregated into sub-segments. In-depth study of each of the segments is performed for getting a clear idea about the market scenario. The geographical presence of the Weight Loss Diet market is also studied in a comprehensive way.

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1. Weight Loss Diet advertise report helps with understanding the Basic product segments alongside likewise their potential future.2. This global Weight Loss Diet report offers pin-point evaluation for changing competitive dynamics.3. The Weight Loss Diet market supplies pin point analysis of changing competition dynamics and keeps you in front of competitors4. Original images and illustrated a SWOT evaluation of large segments supplied by the Weight Loss Diet market.5. This report supplies a forward-looking perspective on different driving factors or controlling Weight Loss Diet market gain.6. This report assists to make wise business choices using whole insights of the Weight Loss Diet and also from creating a comprehensive evaluation of market sections.

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Note In order to provide more accurate market forecast, all our reports will be updated before delivery by considering the impact of COVID-19.(*If you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.)

Read more here:
COVID 19 Impact On Global Weight Loss Diet Market 2020 Analysis By Top Players | Johnson Health Technology, Thinique, Herbalife, Nuviva, Nutrisystem,...

Inside Richard Madden’s epic weight loss journey from ‘fat and shy’ teen to ripped hunk – Mirror Online

Posted: May 24, 2020 at 6:44 am

Richard Madden became an absolute sensation among fans after the hunk was spotted in BBC One drama Bodyguard.

And it appears the actor is not at all shy about his good looks after being dubbed a "heartthrob" by crushing fans.

But for Richard, who is now 33, it hasn't always been this way as he described himself as "fat and crushingly shy" when he was a youngster.

However it seems since his school days, the ripped star has been putting in the work over the years to look as good as he does now.

The Game Of Thrones actor confessed he wasn't always considered a hunk at his "fairly tough high school" in the town of Paisley in his native Scotland.

"I was fat and shy.Crushingly shy, going to what was a fairly tough high school. Aggressive, masculine," he previously told The Sun.

Richard admitted he couldn't fit into his jeans at the time, adding: "I was a 38in waist when I was 12. I didn't wear denim until I was 19 because denim is hard to take up. My mum couldn't take my jeans up."

He's previously told Flaunt he'd be a "shy, fat kid living in Scotland with no girlfriend," if it weren't for his acting career.

But fast-forward to 2020, and the award-winning star looks totally different to his teenager self.

The actor now has a very sporty and gym-honed physique, as well as a chiselled torso.

He has turned his life around completely, as he uses running and a clean diet to keep him in tip-top shape.

The star often shares snaps of himself on Instagram after his rather long and sweaty runs, including up mountains and in the rain.

One of his captions read: "This time last year I could barely walk, was on crutches and miserable. Today I ran 22km (half marathon) and am feeling happy and grateful to be where I am doing what I love (and to be back on my feet).#RunningNotRaving"

And he's previously explained he had to lose weight for his acting job, which is likely to have spurred on his incredible weight loss journey.

Despite looking amazing, Richard has criticised the "unrealistic" demands that are put on actors and actresses to lose weight.

Richard said being told to shed weight for jobs "doesn't just happen to women".

In a 2019 interview with Vogue, he explained: "We're projecting a very unrealistic body image.

"I find myself with actor friends, after we've done a kind of barely eating, working out twice a day, no-carbing thing for these scenes, looking at each other going, 'We're just feeding this same s**t that we're against.'

"I've done numerous jobs where you're told to lose weight and get to the gym."

He also touched on having his "fat rolls pinched" and having to wear costumes "so tight they feel like a corset".

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Read this article:
Inside Richard Madden's epic weight loss journey from 'fat and shy' teen to ripped hunk - Mirror Online

The Science And Math Behind How Muay Thai Can Help You Lose 10 Kilos In 10 Weeks – Yahoo Singapore News

Posted: May 24, 2020 at 6:44 am

ByEvolve MMA

The average person is always looking to get in better shape. But whether youre looking to lose 10 kilos or 20 kilos, the requirements to achieve your fitness goals remain the same. You have to put in the hard work consistently in order to reap the desired results.

Now thats where things get tough. With the amount of information available online, its hard to zero in on the important stuff and block out the noise. Most people dont know how to go about losing weight. They dont know what to do, nor where to start.

At Evolve MMA, were advocates of utilising martial arts classes such as aMuay Thai class,boxing class, orBJJ classto unlock the true potential of our bodies. Muay Thai, in particular, can help fast-track you to reaching your fitness goals in a matter of weeks.

In fact, combine a proper diet together with the right amount of martial arts training and it becomes fairly simple to reach your milestones.

There are many different ways to lose weight, but in the end, it all comes down to the math. To lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit; you need to burn more calories than you consume.

To calculate how many calories your body burns per day, start off by calculating yourBasal Metabolic Rate(BMR), the number of calories you burn just by existing. Your BMR is based on factors such as your weight, height, and age. Once you have your BMR, add on the amount calories you plan to burn based on your exercise routine this is where Muay Thai comes in. In a one-hour Muay Thai class, you can burn up to 1,000 calories! By incorporating regular Muay Thai classes into your routine, you can get your total calorie expenditure quite high.

Once you know your total calorie expenditure, you can then create a diet plan to consume the right number of calories to end up with the desired calorie deficit.

To lose 1 kg of weight, you must create a deficit of 7,700 calories.So if you want to lose 1 kg per week, you need to maintain your average daily calorie deficit at 1,100 calories.

At this rate, you will be able to shed 10 kilos in 10 weeks.

A daily calorie deficit of 1,100 calories is quite high, however, and may not be sustainable for everyone especially if youre new to exercising. In that case, you can maintain a daily calorie deficit of 550 calories, and shed 10 kilos in 20 weeks.

Now that you know the math, its time to stop thinking about losing weight and getting fit and start getting up, moving, and actually doing something about it. Weve put together a handful of tips to get you started.

Today, Evolve Daily shares five ways a proper diet and Muay Thai can help you lose 10 kilos.

Karate world champion Hiroki Akimoto training Muay Thai at Evolve MMA. (PHOTO: Evolve MMA)

Youve made the decision to start training in Muay Thai. Give yourself a congratulatory pat on the back, and then get right to work. The first step is learning the art.

Most discover that when you take the time out to properly learn the art all its underlying techniques and its physical science results come faster. In order to truly commit to learning the discipline, everything else should become secondary. Better health and fitness then becomes a by-product of proper training.

When learning the techniques, dont be lazy. Laziness makes things easier, yes. But learning the art in the right way reaps better results. Getting it right is much harder, which in turn requires more energy and focus. This directly equates to more calories expended and thus, better weight loss.

Muay Thai is an incredible martial art and one of the most fundamental disciplines for self-defence. Its great to learn and opens doors to many other martial arts disciplines for you to train in the future.

With Muay Thai, the harder you work in the gym, the better you will look come fight night. (PHOTO: Evolve MMA)

Story continues

We cant stress this enough. If you want the results you crave, youve got to put in the work. When you come to class, get your game face on and go.

Muay Thai training sessions can burn up to 1,000 calories per hour, depending on the intensity of the workout. Make sure you maximise your training by putting in your full effort. Hard work is the only way to achieve your goals. If you dont put in the work, then you cant get to where you want to be. Its as simple as that.

Look at it this way. Youre only in the gym for a small portion of your day, your week. You might as well maximise your time there. Time is the most precious commodity in this life, and its the one thing you cant make back. Dont waste your time putting in half the effort. Commit fully to your training, and youll see the results.

One way to fast-track your weight loss and fitness is by focusing on building strength and muscle.

Most beginners dont start off with very much muscle. In fact, if youre just starting out in Muay Thai and martial arts training, your body probably isnt yet equipped to handle the majority of the workouts. But this, of course, will change as you progress in your martial arts journey. Eventually, your body will become stronger and leaner.

After a period of time, your body will get accustomed to the intensity of your workout, and youll have to push yourself even more to gain continuous results. Constantly challenging yourself is important in Muay Thai, and martial arts in general, because its the basis of daily self-improvement.

In the same vein, a strong body breeds a strong mind. The mind is just as important. The more physically strong you become, the more you also become mentally sound. The two definitely go hand-in-hand.

This is probably where most weight loss and fitness journeys fail. Consistency is key if you want to see results.

Everybody is motivated during the first couple of weeks of training. But a lot of people tend to start to lose focus after the third or fourth week, probably because they dont notice much change in their bodies. Its important not to get frustrated and to trust in the process. If you can hold on long enough, and stay consistent and disciplined, you will definitely be happy with the results.

Train every day if you can, some days intensely, and some days as active rest. Consistency is the key to weight loss. Be patient. Youll get to where you need to be eventually, and youll thank yourself for sticking to your guns.

Last but certainly not least, eat clean. This is the most important factor of all when it comes to significant weight loss and improved health and fitness. What we put in our bodies directly equates to what we see in the mirror.

If all we eat are donuts, pretty soon well start to resemble one in front of the mirror. Get your healthy dose of fresh vegetables and fibre fill yourself up with good, lean protein, and try not to consume excess carbohydrates. You know whats good for you and whats not, so trust your judgment. Most people wont admit it, but they know what kind of food they should stay away from.

If youre looking to lose weight then, of course, make sure you are consuming food at a caloric deficit. You have to be expending more calories than you are taking in. It may be tedious at first, but make it a point to count calories.

Combine the proper diet with Muay Thai training, and youll see fast results that last.

So if youre looking for an activity that will get you into the best shape of your life, give martial arts a go and discover first hand how it can enhance your life!

This article, The Science And Math Behind How Muay Thai Can Help You Lose 10 Kilos In 10 Weeks, originally appeared onEvolve MMA,Asias No. 1 martial arts organisation.

Read the original here:
The Science And Math Behind How Muay Thai Can Help You Lose 10 Kilos In 10 Weeks - Yahoo Singapore News

Pets are great, but think before adopting | News | – Ottumwacourier

Posted: May 24, 2020 at 6:42 am

This month we will focus on owning pets and the benefits to our mental health from owning pets.

Most of us like to have pets in our lives. Did you know that just sitting with your pet and stroking their fur can help reduce stress and anxiety? Even having pet fish can reduce stress. We all know how important that can be right now.

Owning a pet can give people purpose every day. Pets give us a reason to get up every day and dogs can get us out of the house for a walk or run. If you or if someone you know is suffering from a mental health disease, then maybe a pet will help. A pet can be a sounding board and they dont talk back! Pets are also nonjudgmental and provide unconditional love. Consult your mental health provider and a veterinarian before getting a pet.

When owning a pet it is important to remember the following:

Commit to the pet for their lifetime. Pets, depending on their size and type, have different life spans. A Chihuahua may live for 15-20 years, but a Great Dane may not live to be 10. Some birds can live for 30-plus years. Before owning a pet, it is important to assess your own life in order to know what type of animal is best to get. Talk with a veterinarian or your own doctor about which pet might be right for you. Educate yourself on how to best care for your pet during their younger stages and their older stages. Should he or she be fed a certain diet? Do they need different veterinary care? Know what is normal for your pet!

Be prepared for emergencies. Emergencies can happen anytime. Make sure you know what to do in case of an emergency with your pet (eg. basic first aid knowledge) and make sure you have written instructions for your pet in case someone else has to care for your pet. Do not forget your pet in a plan for a natural disaster!

Keep your pet healthy by seeing a veterinarian on a regular basis. Pets need to see a veterinarian once a year, even if they do not need shots and even if you think they are healthy. Animals can hide illnesses well, so early detection is key!

Dont own a pet if you can not afford to care for them properly. Pets can be expensive! There are vet bills and food bills, among other bills. It is best to have an emergency fund just for your pet. It can cost a lot to properly treat an animal who is sick. There is pet insurance that can be helpful, as well as companies like Care Credit. When owning a pet, you need to be financially responsible for that animal. In many instances, a pet is like a child. You should be prepared to pay the bill for your pets care anytime they need to go to the veterinarian.

Make sure you know what to do in order to travel with a pet, the right way. Right now, travel is not likely, but when the pandemic is over and we begin travel again, your pet needs to be included in your plans. There are, in most instances, airline requirements that must be met. Did you know that when traveling out of our country with your pet, he or she needs a health certificate? Some countries have specific requirements regarding rabies vaccines. It is also good to know what your pet needs to safely ride in a vehicle.

Social skills are essential for your pet. Every pet needs to know what is appropriate when they are around other people and other animals. I owned a cat that would run and hide whenever people came over to the house. When he was a kitten, I did not give him the social exposure that he needed. Some dogs can get aggressive when people come over to the house. This is not OK in most instances. Animals have a stage of life that is their imprint stage. Now is not the best time to get a puppy or kitten, because it is impossible to get them the socialization skills that they need.

Diet and exercise are important regardless of the pet you own. Marketing by some pet food companies is genius. It is best to find out from a veterinarian what the best food is to feed your pet. Did you know that feeding certain treats is the same as humans eating a candy bar? Should your dog get a treat every time they go outside during the day? Calories are important to us and our pets. Exercise is needed, not only to keep your pet in shape, but it also helps with their behavior. You need to commit at least 20 minutes of undivided attention every day to interact with your pet (going outside, playing with toys). There are many creative ways to exercise your pet. Even cats need exercise!

Owning a pet can benefit our health, but owning a pet comes with responsibility. If you do not own a pet, it can be a major decision. If you already own a pet, make sure you are caring for them properly. Be kind and be safe.

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Pets are great, but think before adopting | News | - Ottumwacourier

Inside the pilot program that Iowa State is using to bring back its athletes – Dallas County News

Posted: May 24, 2020 at 6:42 am

AMES Mark Coberly and his sports medicine staff spent the better part of a month planning how to bring student-athletes back to Iowa State safely amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

They tried to consider every angle, action and avenue that might serve as an issue or a remedy as they searched for solutions to dial down the risk of exposure to a virus that has killed nearly 100,000 Americans, shut down economies across the globe and imperiled college sports cash cow, football.

Its a situation where facts are constantly changing and stakes are incredibly high.

The list never ends. It just never ends, said Coberly, ISUs associate athletic director for sports medicine. You get one area handled, and then you think, heres another area weve got to look at.

Overwhelming is the right word, but at the end of the day, those are the things we have to think about.

Coberly and his staff, though, are doing their darndest to navigate the circumstances. They spent the better part of April game-planning on what mitigation strategies would be when student-athletes returned to Ames, and have spent the last three weeks in a pilot program with a small group of student-athletes rehabbing injuries at ISU facilities.

A lot of times you think you might know what would work, Coberly said, but until youve actually done it, you dont really know. Our fear was going to be if we cant test anything at all and we have a bunch of people all come back at once, if that doesnt work, weve got a lot of problems.

We want to keep risks of infection to everybody at the very minimum because thats the thing that will derail everybody.

Without a vaccine, the name of the game is mitigation. Dialing down the risk as low as possible.

College-aged athletes, the actual physical health risks arent extremely high for them, Coberly said, but some of the people they work with are extremely high (risk) and we have some athletes with underlying medical conditions that can be high (risk).

Thats where its all about were in this as a team and its our job to think through as many things as we can to mitigate the risk as much as possible. Thats what were stepping through.

The macro strategies ISU will employ are the ones that society at large as been employing over the last months. Social distancing as much as possible. Masks. Hand-washing. Extra custodial work.

Thats the easy stuff, the obvious issues. Its the more granular actions that can make the process overwhelming.

Its never-thought-of-before things like not sharing towels between players. How do football players gloves get disinfected? How do you handle hydration when you cant share water bottles? What do you do with shared equipment - both on the field and in the weight room? How can coaches meet safely?

The more we bring athletes in and start working with them, Coberly said, the more it reminds us of all these different little things weve taken for granted that weve got to review and have a procedure in place.

Its taken the planning process to some very unlikely places.

Weve met with our custodial people and our buildings and grounds people and started talking about cleaning of areas and what that looks like and how its being done, Coberly said. What chemicals are we using, do we need to treat our turf field - daily? Weekly? Hourly?

Whats the risk of somebody playing on a turf surface? We dont think its very high but its something we wanted to make sure we didnt skip to address.

Thats made the athletes across various sports who are in the facilities rehabbing something of guinea pigs in the service primarily of getting football - and its revenues - back.

I might feel that way, wrestler Ian Parker said, but Im not bothered by it at all.

Were all aware that most athletics depend on football so the quicker we can get them running, wrestling and other sports can get running. Im ecstatic that I can help in that in any way.

Its a mission that is especially critical for Parker after he saw his chance at competing for a national title disappear in March when the NCAA canceled its championships due to the pandemic. So when wrestling trainer Tim Weesner told him about the opportunity to be part of the project after Parker underwent knee surgery, he jumped at it.

I was ecstatic to come back, the Big 12's 141-pound champion said.

Before arriving at the Bergstrom Football Complex - rather than Lied Recreation where he typically would train - Parker fills out an online questionnaire that asks about his whereabouts over the previous 14 days and if he is experiencing a variety of symptoms.

A huge list of all sorts of things, Parker said, and then they take your temperature as soon as you get in the door and have a mask for you if you didnt bring a mask.

Parker sees Weesner, but no other athletes while getting treatment as ISU keeps numbers to a minimum, which will perhaps be one of the larger challenges when something like over 100 football players arrive along with coaches and support staff in the dozens.

We actually spend more time closer to each other than we think, than we realize, Coberly said. Were having to consider what that looks like when we return people and bring them in with small groups in the weight room or conditioning.

We know large group activities are not going to happen right away and theyre not recommended right away. What is that going to look like? Were communicating pretty regularly with our strength coaches and our coaching staff.

One of the biggest weapons in this fight, public health officials have stressed throughout the pandemic, is wide-spread testing. That, though, could be a challenge to implement in athletics in the near-term.

Everyday testing is not going to happen, Coberly said. Athletics teams are not going to be testing regularly until regular testing is available to the public. The cost of testing is extremely high - thats going to have to be factored in as well. I think the billion dollar question thats out there and the NCAA has said it already, were going to have to have testing available to be able to safely return, but nobody has defined that yet of what that is because nobody knows.

What does that look like? Today is going to be different than a month from now. Im sure it is. So were all basically in the preparation mode to get everything we need in place from a resource standpoint and wait for those recommendations to come. I do believe one of our biggest challenges across the country is going to be testing availability and what tests are they?

With all the preparation, thought and effort ISU is putting in to bringing athletes back to campus and keeping them safe while they're there, Coberly is confident that ISUs facilities will be incredibly safe for athletes and staff.

Athletes and staff, though, dont spend 100 percent of their time within the confines of ISU facilities.

What youre doing outside of these walls is probably more important than what were doing inside of these walls, Coberly said, because thats when the exposure is going to go up if you dont practice these mitigation strategies. Thats whats going to keep everybody else in the program safe as well.

Thats going to be some pretty strong messaging to athletes all across the country. If theyre going to have a chance to have these seasons go, the biggest threat to the season is some team-wide infections where they have to shut some sports down. Thats going to be the biggest threat to success.

That type of personal responsibility will just have to be an added cost to success.

Its not the conventional way of thinking, Parker said, but if you really have those high goals and youre really devoted to them, this will just be another part of it like your diet and your social life at night and workouts.

The social distancing will just be another part of that to mitigate outbreaks.

The scope of planning for a pandemic is all-consuming. It is, simply, overwhelming.

It also might be doable.

We have what we think are preliminary plans that we think go all the way up to when school starts, Coberly said, but those change literally daily based on what were learning.

Its a really daunting task. I do think its doable or we would tell everybody it wasnt. We just have to make sure were doing as much as we can to mitigate.

See the original post here:
Inside the pilot program that Iowa State is using to bring back its athletes - Dallas County News

Mum lost five stone in a year and became super fit after the dramatic birth of her baby – Berkshire Live – Berkshire Live

Posted: May 24, 2020 at 6:42 am

A mum who had two surgical emergencies performed simultaneously lost five stone in a year after her ordeal inspired her to become super fit.

In agony, pregnant maths teacher Mari Wyn, 33, of Bangor, was rushed to hospital on January 6, 2018, with a ruptured appendix.

Then, after removing the damaged organ, hospital surgeons delivered baby Gwion five weeks premature, by caesarean section, feeling it was the safest option to protect the lives of both mother and child.

I was petrified on the way to the hospital and in a lot of pain, recalled Mari, whose husband, Gerallt, 33, is a construction technician.

I knew me, and my baby could be in serious danger.

Everything was such a blur. When I came to, I had no idea if I had a baby or not.

Thankfully, little Gwion had arrived safely, weighing 5lb 12oz, and soon after both mother and baby were allowed home.

Put through the mill, Mari needed three months to make a full recovery, which she mostly spent stuck on the sofa, unable to properly care for her newborn son, instead, relying on Gerallt to take look after them both.

But her recovery signalled the start of a new dawn for Mari who, in April 2018, then an unfit size 18, vowed to get into the best shape of her life, so she never missed out on a moment of her sons life again.

Mari explained: Not being able to take care of Gwion for those first few months after the operation was heartbreaking.

Ive always yo-yo dieted and never been one to exercise a lot. But those 12 weeks were a real wake up call. I was so weak I could barely bend down to pick up my son.

It made me realise that to be the best mum to Gwion when I recovered, I needed to be as fit and healthy as possible, so I never missed any moments with him again.

But losing weight meant changing the habits of a lifetime for Mari a serial yo-yo dieter, whose weight had crept up to almost 15 stone.

She said: Throughout my life Ive struggled with my weight and yo-yo dieting and Ive never been able to stick to a weight loss plan for long.

I suppose I never had enough motivation or willpower to.

At 5ft 3 and weighing 14 stone 12lbs, Mari had a body mass index (BMI) used to measure a healthy weight of 36.8, compared to the NHS recommended figure of between 18.5 and 25, meaning she was classed as obese.

But, at last, her baby had given her the motivation to slim down successfully.

Having little Gwion was all the motivation I needed to get myself as fit and healthy as possible, she said.

And, by April 2019, Mari had shrunk from 14 stone 12lb to 10 stone, reaching her goal weight.

But not content simply to maintain her slender size 10 frame, by April this year Mari had shed another half a stone and even ran her first half marathon in Cardiff in September.

This is the slimmest Ive ever been in my life, she said. I hit my goal weight a year ago and over the last year Ive lost another half a stone.

She added: Ive completely transformed my life. I never imagined Id be able to run a few miles let alone half a marathon. I feel incredible and also in the best shape to be the best mum.

Maris dramatic transformation has been thanks to following a WW eating plan and adding in exercise to her routine.

But, mostly, she credits a change in mindset for being able to maintain her weight loss one year on.

My mindset has changed forever Im never going back to the way I was, she said. I still enjoy food, and the odd treat, but now its all about balance and making healthy choices.

Mari had struggled with her weight throughout her adult life, even though she was at her heaviest in April 2018.

She recalled: When I wasnt trying to diet, I didnt have the healthiest eating habits. Before I started WW, breakfast was usually a bowl filled with sugary cereal Id eat as much as I could fit in it.

She continued: Lunch was usually some sort of meal deal where Id buy a sandwich, chocolate and a packet of crisps.

And dinner was something carby like pasta with lots of sauce and a slice of bread. And my portion sizes were too big because Id have the same sized dinner as my husband.

For pudding, I could polish off a whole bag of Maltesers or Minstrels in one sitting.

Stressful situations would also drive her to comfort eat.

If I had a stressful day at work, Id come home order a takeaway and wash it down with a bottle of wine and chocolates, she said. If I was stressed, Id snack too Id eat crisps and chocolate and never think to work out how many calories I was actually eating.

At the time, it made me feel better, but really it was just a short-term fix.

And, though she was delighted to be able to being Gwion home, she still struggled, given that she was recovering herself.

It was really tough, I was a new mum, but I could barely do anything for my son myself, she continued.

Because I wasnt able to do anything my husband took over all the cooking, and it was a lot of quick easy meals like toast, pasta or microwave meals. And because I couldnt move around much my weight started to creep up.

Her turning point came when she had Gwion and, three months into motherhood, joined her local WW class.

I wanted to get back into shape to be the best mum possible and as a kick start, I gave myself a month to lose one stone, she explained.

I joined WW and I followed the plan to a tee and within the first week Id lost 9lbs.

Swapping sugary cereal and snacks for three balanced meals a day, Mari says the weight soon fell off.

She explained: It was really easy to follow because all the meals were really tasty breakfast was usually eggs on toast, lunch was a chicken salad or chicken wrap and dinner was usually fish or meat with some healthy carbs and lots of veg.

Shedding one stone in one month, when Mari went on holiday to an all-inclusive hotel in Cyprus with her husband Gerallt and Gwion in May, she still stuck to the healthy eating plan.

She said: Usually, if I was going to an all-inclusive, Id happily eat everything I saw. Id have the attitude of, Ive already paid for this so Im going to eat it.

But by that point Id changed my mindset and I didnt think anything of reaching for the fruit and yogurt for breakfast.

For lunch Id have fruit and salads, and for dinner Id eat what I wanted, but I just make sure to have smaller portions.

And since losing weight, Mari has not looked back even adding exercise into her routine, something shed never done previously.

She said: I started jogging, which is something Id never done before in my life and I started walking two or three miles every day with the baby, so the weight just seemed to come off.

And in March 2019, just one month before she reached her goal weight, Mari ran her first ever 10km.

Exercise isnt just good for losing weight, its great for your mind too, she said. Jogging has kept me on track and helped me stay positive and motivated throughout my weight loss journey.

Then, in September, she ran the Cardiff Half Marathon.

I never believed Id ever be able to run half a marathon, she said. It was amazing experience running along to all the crowds and Gwion and Gerallt were there to cheer me on too.

Being an accomplished half a marathon runner has also helped when it comes to dashing around after her little boy.

Gwion wont sit still, hes constantly running around doing things, she said. If I hadnt lost the weight theres no way, Id be able to keep up with him.

Now Im fitter than Ive ever been, and I can be the best mum to my son. When I couldnt take care of Gwion for those few weeks it really made me think about looking after myself and my own health.

She continued: Even though Id tried to lose weight before I was never in the right mindset or didnt have enough motivation to do it. But having my son as motivation set me on the right path, because I wanted nothing more to be the best mum.

Now Im in the best shape of my life and all it took was a change of mindset, a healthy eating plan and some exercise. Im proof the WW plan really does work.

Ray Kaur a nutritionist at WW, said staying motivated can be a challenge as our brains can latch onto the idea that we are going to get an instant return for our hard work.

She explained: While its natural for our motivation levels to dip, which can mean defaulting to old habits or giving into temptations, its important to remember its not a permanent state.

Remembering your why the purpose that drives you and setting small, measurable steps will help you towards your overall goal.

Studies have shown the effect a few small changes can have on our overall wellbeing.

This could manifest itself in tweaks to our routines like experimenting with new recipes, trying an online exercise class to shake up work outs or even getting to bed a little earlier, meaning youll feel more refreshed the next day.

Read more:
Mum lost five stone in a year and became super fit after the dramatic birth of her baby - Berkshire Live - Berkshire Live

Telehealth Visits Allow Patients to Connect to Care During COVID-19 – UC San Diego Health

Posted: May 24, 2020 at 6:42 am

Dr. Joseph A. Califano III

A seizure sent Danielle Lovette to the hospital where a brain scan revealed an oligodendroglioma, a cancer of the central nervous system. Subsequent mobility and communications challenges caused by the malignancy, compounded by recovery from necessary surgery and radiation treatments, made the 24-mile round-trips from her home to Moores Cancer Center at UC San Diego Health daunting and exhausting.

With the help of her husband, Corey Nigrelli, Lovette endured the lifesaving treks, but then the novel coronavirus changed everything, including how Lovette attends speech therapy.

Telehealth video visits have been very helpful, said Lovette.Given the current pandemic, they have been the only source of rehabilitation available to me.

Prior to COVID-19, video visits were used sparingly. UC San Diego Health had completed just 870 telehealth appointments in the preceding three-year period. But days before the state of California issued a stay-at-home ordinance, UC San Diego Health put in motion a plan to provide all of its health care providers with the tools and training they needed to convert in-person appointments to video visits.

In just four days, a team lead by Dr. Christopher Longhurst, chief information officer and associate chief medical officer, Lisa Moore, executive director of the UC Telehealth Collaborative, Dr. Brett C. Meyer, medical director of UC San Diego Health Telehealth, Marc Sylwestrzak, director of Information Services Experience and Digital Health,and Keith Payne, senior director of surgical specialties and hospital affiliations, expedited a large-scale rollout by identifying technology resources on a Thursday, training health care providers and staff on a Sunday and converting more than 1,000 face-to-face clinic appointments to virtual visits by Monday.

Nine weeks into the stay-at-home ordinance, UC San Diego Health has safely increased in-person appointments with health care providers by 26 percent while seeing only a modest 3 percent decrease in video visits. Telehealth visits continue to make up 55 percent of medical appointments.

Danielle Lovette

Lovette was among thousands of UC San Diego Health patients who, in the first six weeks of the states stay-at-home ordinance, participated in more than 34,000 telehealth visits, allowing them access to essential medical services that range from a consultation with a primary care provider to a post-surgery follow-up appointment.

Once a week, Lovette logs into the MyUCSDHealth app on her mobile device for a live, 45-minute speech therapy video visit. During the session, Liza Blumenfeld, a speech-language pathologist at Moores Cancer Center, might ask Lovette to verbally explain the process of making a sandwich while Lovette is in her kitchen physically preparing it or they talk about Lovettes dog while she holds it.

Danielle and I havent lost any ground shifting to video visits. In fact, I would say that in her case, telehealth has enhanced functionality because she works at home using words from her day-to-day life, said Blumenfeld. We have not cut ties with our patients. We have not allowed COVID-19 to get in the way of providing life-changing care and remaining connected.

Video visits are not ideal for all patients, prompting some providers to get creative, said Blumenfeld, who is currently averaging six telehealth visits per day. People who undergo surgery to remove a tumor from the mouth or throat may need to be re-taught how to eat. Normally, Blumenfeld would see the patient in-person and use sophisticated technology as they swallowed to evaluate progress.

Now, shell ask patients to place a penny on the larynx (voice box), which is involved in breathing, talking and swallowing. Seeing the penny rise and fall during swallowing is one indicator of safe swallowing. She can also evaluate voice and speech function. Most importantly, the model allows for patients to receive comprehensive education and support that is essential during cancer treatment.

Currently, 75 percent of appointments at Moores Cancer Center are telehealth visits, said Dr. Joseph A. Califano III, physician-in-chief and director of the Head and Neck Cancer Center at Moores Cancer Center.

I had a consultation with a patient from Palm Desert who has a tongue cancer and needs surgery. He cannot travel easily so telehealth was a great option for him, said Califano. We are able to set up an anesthesia pre-evaluation, schedule surgery, setup pre-op nutrition, speech pathology and survivorship visits. All through telemedicine.

Telehealth provides people with access to health care services that were previously challenging to access because of location, poor health or the inability to take time off from work, said Califano.

Support services for cancer such as palliative care, speech therapy, psychological services, diet and nutrition are now almost all conducted via telehealth since these visits do not require physical exams, but still help maintain a connection between patients and their health care teams. Moores Cancer Center has also converted many of its support groups and its wellness and education classes to virtual.

Being in the comfort of my own home and having the ability to sit and conduct face-to-face, personal therapy has been amazing, said Lovette. I have enjoyed it so much that I would prefer the telehealth method over the inconvenience of driving to the hospital and conducting the therapy there.

Dr. Howie Tran, UC San Diego Health heart failure and transplant cardiologist, said patients with cardiovascular disease, especially those he sees who have undergone heart transplantation and are taking medications to suppress their immune system, also like that they can visit with their health care team through telehealth while reducing unnecessary public exposures.

Twenty cardiovascular health care providers began using telehealth the first day it rolled out at UC San Diego Health in March. The MyUCSDHealth technology allows patients to consult with multiple providers, from cardiologists to pharmacists to nutritionistsall during the same video visit. An easy-to-follow video explains the process to patients, though departments often call the patients 30 minutes before the appointment time to ensure they can successfully login and fill out any necessary pre-appointment questionnaires.

UC San Diego Daily Ambulatory Patient Encounters

While cardiologists prefer to interact with their patients in-person, to listen to their hearts and take other vitals, Tran said there is a place for telehealth even as hospitals transition back to in-person visits. For patients who live outside of San Diego, doing telehealth follow-ups will reduce the stress of travel. On one recent day, Tran had 10 video visits with patients living in Riverside and Orange counties.

If patients are not having active health problems, a video visit can replace some face-to-face appointments, said Tran. Patients with CardioMEMs, an implanted sensor that wirelessly measures heart and lung pressures, can lay down on a specialized pillow to remotely transmit vital information to help aid in crucial management decisions.

I think telehealth has revolutionized our practice. It is going to change things moving forward, said Tran. Even as we return to face-to-face clinics, we will also have telehealth clinics and mobile clinics to accelerate access to appointments. This experience has given us the comfort to resort to telemedicine when necessary, and patients appreciate the flexibility in this practice. We will continue to use virtual visits as appropriate.

Dr. Jerasimos Ballas, UC San Diego Health maternal-fetal medicine specialist, said his team, which cares for women with high-risk pregnancies, ramped up quickly for the shift to telehealth. Like cardiologists, Ballas said in-person visits with a mother-to-be allows for better evaluation of their well-being and for measuring the fetal heartbeat.

His team conducts new patient visits in-person to understand the patients risk and to build a trusting relationship. During that visit, the team will log in with the patient to ensure they are set up on MyUCSDChart and walk them through the process for scheduling future video visits.

Telehealth has made patients feel safer and that builds trust with us. I would like to continue as least a portion of telehealth visits in the long run such as routine trimester visits. The patients have constant appointments and if telehealth alleviates some of the stress, this can help them, said Ballas.

When it comes to eye health, telehealth may make it challenging to diagnose patients. But in one case, Dr. Shira Robbins, an ophthalmologist at ShileyEye Institute at UC San Diego Health, had no choice. A patient called with new symptoms of double vision but refused an in-person visit because of fears about COVID-19.

I had a video visit with her that day and diagnosed a new onset sixth nerve palsy, a disorder that causes your eye to cross inward towards your nose. There are many possible causes but because she also had vertigo it concerned me for a significant brain disease, said Robbins. I ordered an immediate MRI. The scan revealed a brain aneurysm. We then got the patient to neurosurgery all through telehealth. It can work with the right patient and right set up. I am so glad she called as we likely saved her life.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, UC San Diego Health has made telehealth available to all of its providers for clinic appointments, express care services and consultations with patients already hospitalized to help maintain social distancing guidelines. UC San Diego Health has also instituted telehealth services with El Centro Regional Medical Center to provide access to experts without requiring the physical transfer of patients.

Visit the UC San Diego Health website for COVID-19 resources.

Read more here:
Telehealth Visits Allow Patients to Connect to Care During COVID-19 - UC San Diego Health

Regional travel and beauty salons: Exactly what is reopening from June 1 in Australia. – Mamamia

Posted: May 24, 2020 at 6:42 am

As Australians pull out their wintery wools on June 1, many will be able to go to beauty salons and host small gatherings for the first time in months.

Two months after Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced a two-person limit on public gatherings due to the coronavirus pandemic, restrictions will soon be lifted to reopen and revive the economy, which is heading for a recession.

In one week, both New South Wales and Victoria the two Australian jurisdictions who have been hit the hardest by COVID-19 will liftsignificant restrictions currently in place to mitigate the spread of coronavirus.

Heres exactly what you need to know about what is reopening as of June 1, 2020.

As of June 1,beauty salons in NSW will be able to open for business and begin treatments, albeit with strict new rules in place.

Of all the requests Ive had as health minister, this one topped the barrel, NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard announced on Sunday.

A big day for women in our community, a big day for everybody in the community beauty salons are open, tanning salons, nail salons, waxing salons how good is this Sunday?

Before reopening, businesses will require a COVID-19 safe plan which includes removing books and magazines from waiting areas, stepping up hygiene protocols and keeping a record of attendance.

Listen: The risk and reality of a COVID19 second wave in Australia. Post continues below audio.

No more than 10 clients will be allowed inside salons at any one time and four square metres of space must be allowed per person.

From June 1, zoos, reptile parks andaquariums will also be re-opening, as willmuseums, galleries and libraries.

Read the rest here:
Regional travel and beauty salons: Exactly what is reopening from June 1 in Australia. - Mamamia

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