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You Can Lose Weight Without Skipping Any Meals – monroviaweekly

Posted: May 22, 2020 at 5:56 am

By John William

Between 2013 and 2016, the total number of adults who tried to lose weight was 49.1%. From weight loss supplements to taking admission in a fitness program, people try everything to achieve slim bodies.

Its now common knowledge that skipping meals is an unhealthy weight loss practice and receives heavy criticism from nutritionists and health experts. Though diet challenges are far from healthy, it is not advisable. But we have come up with great ideas such as choosing the right food and changing lifestyle to help you lose excess fats safely without losing the muscle mass.

With thisshort and easy-to-follow guide, weight loss is no big task for you.

1Watch Your Calorie Intake

Weight losshas a direct relationship with your calorie consumption. While a significantreduction in calorie intake is not realistic, health experts suggest cuttingout some calories from diet daily. If an adult cut 500 calories a day, he/shemight reduce one to two pounds at the end of the week. It looks like theeasiest way to cut calories is to skip a meal, but it leads to a significantdrop in blood sugar which is dangerous.

2Plan A Healthy Breakfast Routine

One thing that most people do to kick-start their weight loss journey is skipping the first meal of the day. Evidence suggests that skipping breakfast is bad for health and makes people hungrier. So, if youve skipped your breakfast, chances are higher for you to overeat at lunchtime. However, if you are really concerned about your meals, then make a bowl of whole-grain cereals in low-fat dairy mixed with fresh strawberries and cranberries. Moreover, you can learn some amazing breakfast recipes and encourage yourself to eat a healthy breakfast.

3Get More Steps In Your Day

Increasingyour step count is the most natural way to lose weight. If you are someone whodoesnt want to start a weight loss journey with intensive workouts, then gofor a walk daily. Go on a walk with a neighbor or walk to the mart to shop foryour groceries, a 15 to 30-minute walk is essential for weight loss andimproving your mental and physical health.

4Stop Weighing Yourself Daily

Our weightcan fluctuate daily depending on a number of factors including frequency ofbowel movement, hormonal changes, and fluid balance. A slight drop in weightmight encourage you, but the opposite makes sense as well. For this reason,people aiming to lose weight should not check their weight daily as it cancause anxiety, and you might end up binge-eating.

5Control your Stress

Most of thetime, its the stress that makes weight-loss tough for people. For some people,stress can cause weight loss, but for most people, it can cause weight gain.For example, when students are overly stressed due to the overwhelming burdenof assignments and exams, they eat high-fat calorie-rich foods such as fries,hamburger, chocolates, and cold drinks. By managing your stress, it is expectedthat you can reduce your cravings. Add some de-stressing exercises in yourroutine like yoga. If it doesnt work, visit a behavioral specialist.

6Go For Fiber & Protein-RichDiets

Instead ofskipping meals, put a full stop on your cravings with healthy and tummy-fillingmeals. Prepare protein- and fiber-rich meals as they can help you feel moresatisfied while being on a weight loss journey. Make sure that you evenlydistribute your fiber and protein intake evenly throughout the day.

7Go For Weight-Loss Friendly Snacks

Not all snacks are bad for you. Replace sodium-rich meals and carbs with healthy snacks to help you keep your resolutions like popcorn, nutrition bars, nuts, and dark chocolate. You can also prepare your own low-calorie easy-to-make snacks for munching during your favorite show at Netflix. Some examples include celery sticks with cheese dip, roasted salted chickpeas, yogurt banana dessert, hummus, oatmeal with walnuts and almonds, and homemade dry fruit trail mix.

8Shut The Kitchen Door

Set a timewhen you stop eating, preferably after your dinner so you wont go for a midnightsnack. A more favorable strategy is to make changes in your kitchen. For example,post sticky-notes on your refrigerator to remind yourself about yourresolution. This small activity will help you achieve a healthy mindset.Moreover, replace unhealthy foods such as chips, soda cans, candies, beverages,and ice cream with fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, lean protein, poultry eggs,and Greek yogurt.

9Learn About Portion Control

Portion control isnt really about eating a tiny portion of food. Instead, it is about differentiating between foods that you can consume plentifully and foods that you need to keep an eye on. To control your portion size, take a small plate, take veggies first, drink water before your meal, and eat slowly.

10Change Your Lifestyle

Perhaps themost critical factor responsible for your obesity is your sedentary lifestyle. Includingregular exercise will boost your metabolism and support your weight loss. Ifyoure interested in fast weight loss, then try aerobic exercises for 1 to 1.5hours. Regular cardio also improves heart health and could reduce your risk ofdiabetes. Try outdoor physical activities or some kind of sport.

Now, ifyouve finally decided to lose weight, make sure that you dont act desperately.Good things take time but remember nutrient-dense meals and healthy snackscombined with an active lifestyle can help you achieve your target only if youshow consistency with your efforts.

John William is a Business Development Officer at Crowd Writer. You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness or nutritional program to determine if it is right for your needs. This publication offers health, fitness and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health related advice from your health-care professional because of something you may have read in this article. The use of any information provided in this article is solely at your own risk.

Read more:
You Can Lose Weight Without Skipping Any Meals - monroviaweekly

I Finally Care More About Being Strong Than Skinny, and It’s Because I’m Working Out at Home – Yahoo Lifestyle

Posted: May 22, 2020 at 5:56 am


The first time I was congratulated for losing weight, I had just gotten my wisdom teeth out. For the past week, the only thing I had been able to stomach was chocolate pudding, plain yogurt, and lukewarm soup, but my doctor didn't know that. All she saw were the numbers on the scale ticking downwards - a cause for celebration, not concern.

I liked what my doctor was saying. For once, I felt like I had done something important - like I might actually have a shot at looking like the models I loved to compare myself to. I felt powerful, in control, and enjoyed being praised for what could only be my newfound commitment to health and fitness. In the moment, I didn't feel like acknowledging that my weight loss was by no means the result of a healthy lifestyle.

I had always been a healthy weight, but was never traditionally thin, so this kind of admiration was new to me. In years past, I would try to suck in my gut during dance class, shrinking my profile in the mirror as much as I could, and becoming frustrated when I couldn't make my backside look completely flat like the other girls. I became obsessed with my size and thought that if I could just lose a few more pounds, I would look the way I was "supposed to." I didn't know how, but I knew that getting thinner was my ultimate goal.

As I went through high school, I placed more and more value on superficial measures of skinniness that (spoiler alert) I was never able to fully achieve. Thigh gaps, flat stomachs, and, most importantly, the numbers on the scale, were the determining factors in how I felt about myself. What I heard that day in the doctor's office only confirmed my own toxic ideas about weight loss: skinniness meant health, and fitness wasn't anything without it.

A few years later I was off to college, and most of the exercise I attempted there continued to center around weight loss. I'd have a great workout and still find myself discouraged if I felt like I was gaining weight. Likewise, I'd pick up terrible eating habits and become delighted once I found that they were helping me become closer to a skinnier ideal.

Story continues

Related: As a Young Girl, I Was Ashamed of My Strength, but Now It's a Source of Pride

When social distancing became the new normal, however, my goals were temporarily derailed. I was home, hungry, and didn't have anyone around me to impress - not even my doctor. Without a gym or any motivation to do anything other than skim through social media and watch Tiger King, I turned to home workouts. Not as a means to lose weight, but as a way to pass the time and keep myself moving during a long period of isolation.

I started off half heartedly with a few videos that promised to target my abs and arms, and they delivered. The next morning my muscles were sore in a new way - a good way - and although I didn't initially believe that the various sets of crunches and planks would ever become easier, I was interested in the idea that a workout could mean more than just a smaller dress size.

I was finally working out because I wanted to feel like my best self no matter what my body looked like externally.

For the next month, I worked my way through different home workouts, even attempting intense HIIT exercises I used to avoid at all costs. In those four weeks, I grew stronger than I ever had when all I cared about was losing weight. My body was changing in a way I liked, but I was more excited about my ability to fly through the workouts I had initially struggled with, challenging myself in new ways and genuinely enjoying myself in the process. Workouts were now something I looked forward to instead of something I dreaded, and I noticed real progress that had nothing to do with my weight.

It took a few weeks of social distancing and some chaotic circumstances, but I was finally working out because I wanted to feel like my best self no matter what my body looked like externally. Going into my second month of home workouts, I'm continuing to view my health in terms of strength and nutrition, not weight loss and quick diets. Now when I approach my fitness, I remember to be mindful about what it is I actually want to achieve and whether or not I'm being honest with myself about my goals. Home workouts were my unexpected saving grace, but even when the gyms open back up and social gatherings resume, these are habits I'll want to keep forever.

The rest is here:
I Finally Care More About Being Strong Than Skinny, and It's Because I'm Working Out at Home - Yahoo Lifestyle

You Just Need 2 Dumbbells and These 30 Upper-Body Exercises to Get Strong, Sculpted Arms – Yahoo Lifestyle

Posted: May 22, 2020 at 5:56 am

Bodyweight moves like push-ups and planks will definitely make you stronger, but if you want to up the ante, you need to add weights to your strength-training workouts. We've compiled the most effective upper body dumbbell exercises all in one place. Choose four to six moves to create your own workout or follow along to these video workouts. Once you get the form down, don't be afraid to go for heavy dumbbells. After just a few weeks, you'll notice a difference in how strong your arms feel and how strong they look!


The Ultimate Home Workout Guide to the 150 Best Moves, Plus 30-Minute Workout Videos

Bicep Curl

Wide Bicep Curl

Overhead Triceps Extension

Upright Row

Overhead Shoulder Press

Dumbbell Thruster

Single Arm Overhead Squat

Bicep Curl and Overhead Press

Man-Maker Burpee

Squat and Press

Burpee Squat Press

Bent-Over Row

Triceps Kickback

Bent-Over Reverse Fly

Single-Leg Scarecrow

Lateral Arm Raise

Pilates Boxer

Plank Dumbbell Row

Plank and Straight-Arm Kickback

Side Plank With Weight

Push-Up and Rotate

Dumbbell Bench Press

Single-Arm Chest Press

Skull Crusher

Bridge With Chest Press

Lying Chest Fly

Lying Overhead Reach

V-Sit With Single-Arm Chest Fly

Right-Angle Bicep Curl

Bicep and Deltoid Squeeze

Excerpt from:
You Just Need 2 Dumbbells and These 30 Upper-Body Exercises to Get Strong, Sculpted Arms - Yahoo Lifestyle

The Real-Life Diet of Gamer TimTheTatman, Who’s Giving Intermittent Fasting a Shot – Yahoo Lifestyle

Posted: May 22, 2020 at 5:55 am

In 2015, it all came together. Tim Betar, aka TimTheTatman, was able quit his day job and transition to playing video games for a living.

To be fair, he wasnt just playing the gameshe was streaming them, usually for tens of thousands of fans, providing a running commentary of his exploits. His streams began in earnest in 2012, but those first years werent as lucrative, and they required some expert-level time management. (He estimates he was working 70-plus hour weeks between his normal job and his streaming.) After making the switch to gaming full-time, TimTheTatman amassed more and more and more followers across platforms; his meteoric rise timed out perfectly with the meteoric rise of Twitch, the go-to streaming service for gamers and, really, anyone doing anything. He now has millions of followers across platforms.

Theres no guide on how to stream video games for a living, nor is it easy to work from home every day, as many are learning during the COVID-19 crisis. Over the last handful of years, Tim has experienced his own ups and downs as hes establishedand then attempted to maintaina healthy lifestyle while also staring at a screen all day. Mostly, he makes sure to always leave the house in the morning for a Starbucks coffee run.

GQ called up TimTheTatman, whos currently streaming lots of Call of Duty: Warzone, to talk about working from home without losing your mind (relatable!), and how he feels healthier than ever after an on-again, off-again weight-loss journey.

For Real-Life Diet, GQ talks to athletes, celebrities, and everyone in-between about their diet, exercise routines, and pursuit of wellness. Keep in mind that what works for them might not necessarily be healthy for you.

GQ: How did you figure out a healthy structure as you progressed to streaming for hours and hours every day?

TimTheTatman: When I was working a full-time job and doing this on the side, I was basically working like 70 hours a week. I was younger and didnt have a ton of obligations, so it was doable. Once I started streaming full-time, I had to change that. Ive always been a big advocate of streamers taking a couple days off. I always make sure I can take like, two days a week to relax and reset. Not many streamers do that, surprisingly. A lot of them are younger, and play and play and playI get it to an extent, because I used to do that too.

Do you have any sort of working-at-home rituals based around your streaming schedule? I think lots of people are trying to figure out their working-at-home rituals right now.

I have a daily regimen, especially for when I wake up. Before the pandemic happened, I would go to Starbucks and grab my coffee, almost like my own little work commute, even though Im just going to get coffee and then going back home [laughs]. It is pretty easy to sit in your bed all day, but Im a new father, so thats basically impossible for me, since my son wakes me up every day. Ill get up and have my routine with him now.

So you have to force yourself into a routine a bit?

Yeah, totally. When I first started doing this, it was really easy to be like, Im just going to sleep in. Whos gonna tell me otherwise? I was and am my own boss. I really had to force myself into forming habits around my day, which made things a lot better.

Do you have anything that you do to separate your job from your daily life when youre working from home? Theres got to be some sort of mental switch that you flip when you go from streaming for lots of people to relaxing, right?

Before I had this job, I would go to work and come home to play games to relax. So sometimes Ill play games on streams for the majority of the day, and then to wind down, Ill sit back and play some more games at night [laughs]. My audience really loves first-person shooters and battle royales, games that are more fast-paced. They dont like World of Warcraft or similar games as much since theyre more low-key. Sometimes at night, Ill finish streaming for eight hours, and be like, Alright, see ya guys later! Ill put my son to bed, and then play some World of Warcraft. Its kind of hard to explain to my wife and difficult to justify in general.

You were working on the computer all day, and now youre getting back on it at night to blow off some steam. Im sure part of streaming is that you really have to dial everything up and perform for your audience.

Oh yeah, totally, that's a huge part of it. I mean, more than playing, the biggest part of my job is talking. Im talking and talking, reading the chat, responding to viewers, playing the game, looking back over at the chatits a lot.

I saw you were posting on Twitter about some weight loss progress you made recently.

Yeah! I tend to go through phasesin college, I was lifting a ton, trying to lift as heavy as I could, and then stopped. Then I had this running phase. I dont know why, but I did that for awhile. Then I progressed to CrossFit for a bit, and lost some weight while doing that.

Right after I got married, I guess you could say I got really... comfortable. Ive always been a bigger guy; I was like 225 pounds in high school. At the beginning of last year though, after I got married, I was up to 325 pounds. I just kind of took some time off from working out and was eating anything I wanted. The wake-up call came when I went to the doctor and he told me I had high blood pressure at the age of 28, which is not great.

What did you start doing to address that?

The biggest thing was my diet. At first I tried a bunch of different kinds of diets. I tried Keto and it didnt really work for me; I would eat a piece of bread and feel like I gained five pounds from that. So I went simple and tried to incorporate more proteins, more veggies, and less carbohydrates. If I was eating carbs at all, I tried to make sure it was complex carbs like brown rice. Just doing that, I dropped 20 pounds in the first month.

After plateauing a bit, I tried different diets again, including programs like Optavia. I felt way lighter from that, but it was just so unsustainable for me. I was down to about 260. I know my body, and I know what I like, so I knew that wasnt going to last. But over the last year Ive gotten down to 270ish from about 325.

And recently, I started working out again, though thats been thrown for a loop because of the pandemic. We do have a Peloton that I got for Christmas, though.

If the other diets you were on didnt feel sustainable, what's the diet like now?

Ive been focusing on intermittent fasting. Ive still been eating clean, but not being super hard on myself. What my routine now is when I wake up, Ill bike for about 30 minutes, doing interval and HIIT rides. Thats at around 8 or 9 in the morning during my fasting window, and I dont break my fast until 2 p.m. During that time, Im basically just drinking a ton of water. It was a tough adjustment for me, but I realized that I didnt really need to be eating all day. Sometimes I would think that I was super hungry, but it was just because my body was on a set schedule.

When I first started working out again, I had to be careful, because I didnt want to overdo it while also fasting. Its been interesting to see how my body gives me different cues now. You can tell that around 2:00 p.m., Im starting to get hungry and more irritable; if Im losing in a game, I get double-mad.

Thankfully my wife has been an incredible help with this new diet. Im always live during the time period in the morning where Im fasting, and then at 2:00 p.m. is when I break my fast with either a small meal or a snack. I love pistachios. Ive been eating a ton of them. At first I wasnt too big on them, but now Im in love with them. I have no clue why, but breaking my fast with pistachios is like, amazing. That will usually take me to the end of my stream at about 5 or 6 p.m., and then Ill have my big meal, and a little snack before bed.

Seems like its been quite a journey.

It has. I get a good amount of questions from my Twitch chat about this, and, like, Im no health expert by any means. This is all just stuff that I did myself trying to get my health under control. Its not necessarily about trying to look better or anything. My blood pressure is better and Im feeling healthy again.

This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.

Real-Life Diet is a series in which GQ talks to athletes, celebrities, and everyone in-between about their diets and exercise routines: what's worked, what hasn't, and where they're still improving. Keep in mind, what works for them might not necessarily be healthy for you.

The Real-Life Diet of Insecure's Alexander Hodge, Who Worked Hard for His Shirtless Moment

The Australian actor prepped for his glowed-up role by hiring a trainer, going all-organic, and sleeping as much as possible.

Originally Appeared on GQ

See the original post:
The Real-Life Diet of Gamer TimTheTatman, Who's Giving Intermittent Fasting a Shot - Yahoo Lifestyle

How the sugar showdown is sparking a food revolution – Food Dive

Posted: May 22, 2020 at 5:55 am

Bombarded by messages related to the optimal course for healthy eating, consumers are always looking for the latest and greatest. With more than three-quarters of adults trying to manage their weight, they are searching for healthy, yet tasty, options, and increasingly, these informed consumers are embracing a low-sugar diet as one of the top eating trends.

Manufacturers now have a new tool to meet these evolving preferences.

Whereas fat was once a diet villain, consumers are recognizing that it improves the taste of food and keeps them fuller longer. "Consumers are realizing that fat doesn't make you fat,"said Dr. Cedrina Calder, who practices preventive medicine in Nashville, Tennessee. "In actuality, it's a diet that's too high in calories, combined with a lifestyle that's too low in activity."

That's why consumers who scrutinize labels have a new top concern: Today, 52% scour labels for total sugar, making it the No. 1 consideration over fat and calories. That's because consumers increasingly believe that added sugars in food, rather than fat, lead to weight gain as well as health problems.

And that is a health win, Calder said. "What scientists and medical professionals now know is that a high-sugar diet increases your risk of obesity, heart disease, diabetes and other medical conditions."

But this new awareness can leave manufacturers scrambling to meet consumers'changing preferences. "Much of the added sugar in food is an unintended consequence of earlier efforts to maintain the flavor and texture of foods while slashing fat,"said Tom Burrows, CEO of Epogee LLC, the company that manufactures EPG, an alternative-fat ingredient designed to allow consumers to enjoy favorite foods with fewer calories.

"The result is a plethora of mediocre food offerings with inferior sensory qualities and unhealthy levels of added sugar and excess calories,"Burrows said.

The great news for manufacturers is that they no longer have to shun fat, because consumers have become more knowledgeable about its benefits. As Calder works with her patients, she urges them to pay attention to the type of fat in the foods they eat. "I educate them to read labels and focus on limiting saturated fat and completely avoiding trans fat."

But this fat renaissance doesn't mean that consumers aren't still focused on how their diet contributes to weight gain. Instead, they're looking to cut calories, while not sacrificing flavor.

Today, the "low calorie"descriptor on foods appeals to nearly half of consumers, compared with only 43% looking for "fat free."

Studies show that while they may consider the overall makeup of foods in their diet, one factor remains constant: Taste is still the top consideration for consumers in the treats they choose.

"I urge patients to focus on quality of food and not calorie counts,"Calder said. "A common concern of theirs is that healthier foods may not be as tasteful."

Manufacturers face the puzzle of addressing trade-offs between consumers'desire for a healthier food and one that is still delicious and fulfilling. Including fat in recipes has always been the key to delivering rich flavor, mouth feel, creamy texture and a satisfactory "finish"to food and yet high levels of fat carry the penalty of excess calories.

Fortunately, they no longer have to compromise, Burrows said. "EPG safely and effectively provides all the sensory advantages of fat, while cutting calories by 92% for each unit of fat replaced."

As manufacturers move forward with new formulations that meet consumer preferences, they will face a daunting task yet one Burrows feels this new food technology is uniquely qualified to handle. As he explained, just reducing sugar content alone isn't an option, because it yields a wide set of physical and functional changes that must be understood and effectively managed.

"Adding EPG allows the introduction of fat function without adding back fat calories,"he said. In product categories where sugar reduction and lower overall calories are the focus, he finds innovators using EPG are achieving richer and more complex flavor palates along with a satisfying mouthfeel.

"We see great opportunities ahead as EPG moves forward in combination with developments in sugar-reduction technology. It can play a key role in the trend toward reduced sugar by helping manufacturers reimagine the possibilities of offering consumers foods they love and simultaneously meeting their health and taste expectations."

Read more:
How the sugar showdown is sparking a food revolution - Food Dive

JFS Village by the Shore Programs in June – South Jersey Observer

Posted: May 22, 2020 at 5:55 am

Margate, NJ (May 21, 2020) If youre looking to enjoy some fun, unique virtual programming and a chance to socialize while safely at home, then the Jewish Family Service Village by the Shore events are for you. In June, the Village will feature interactive programs for your mind, body and creative skills as well as a chance to showcase your musical talents.

Relaxation Workshop

Wednesday, June 3 from 10:30am to 11:30am

Decompress virtually in a positive, relaxing environment and join in conversation with JFS Wellness Coordinator Mary Jean Arreola and Village Care Supervisor Jamie Reichelt. This workshop includes guided meditation, a discussion on breathing techniques and positive affirmations as well as tips to relax and wind down. Those new to guided meditation are in for a treat!

The Positivity Project The Mind-Body Connection

Friday, June 5 from 10:30am to 11:30am

Join JFS Wellness Coordinator Mary Jean Arreola and Rothenberg Center Supervisor Sharon Simon as you discover ways to boost your wellness mind, body and soul. Youll explore how emotions, diet and physical activity impact your health, while discovering healthy habits that fit your lifestyle.

DIY Container Garden

Tuesday, June 9 from 10:30am to 11:30am

Embrace your green thumb and join us for an informative session on creating your own manageable container garden. Youll learn how to grow and care for herbs and vegetables for display on your porch, deck or balcony.

Karaoke Sing-Along with Alex

Thursday, June 11 from 4pm to 5pm

Are you feeling nostalgic for the annual Village Spring Social, sponsored by United Methodist Communities? If so, we can still come together virtually as local musician Alex Town leads friends and neighbors through a late afternoon of songs and live music. Dance along as Alex plays all of your favorites on the keyboard.

Coffee Klatch

Thursday, June 18 from 10:30am to 11:30am

Our world in 60 minutes! Insightful, animated and fast-paced conversation with friends spanning both sides of the aisle and the middle. Share your thoughts on politics, technology, world events, the arts and more. This program is moderated by JFS Village by the Shore Membership Director Tina Serota.

Memoir Workshop

Friday, June 19 from 10:30am to 12pm

Experience the thrill of capturing your lifes adventures, history, ancestry and more at our Memoir Workshop led by award-winning author and Drexel University Professor of Creative Writing, Harriet Levin Millan. You must have a laptop or pen and paper to enjoy the full experience of the workshop.

Get Physical with Fox Rehab

Tuesday, June 23 from 10:30am to 11:30am

Put on some sweats, grab your sneakers and kick those quarantine blues! Join a Fox Rehab Exercise Physiologist for a 45-minute session no special equipment required. Exercises include a warm-up, gentle stretches, yoga-like techniques and cool-down. Stick around afterward for a 15-minute Q&A with Fox Rehab Regional Director of Operations Lauren Hunt, OT, MS, OTR/L, and Fox Rehab Account Manager Tara Pietrowitz.

Comfort Cuisine

Thursday, June 25 from 10:30am to 11:30am

Join us as we share our favorite recipes and the memories they invoke. This month, well focus on desserts, so send a copy of your favorite confection, pastry or treat to Tina Serota at by June 18. Dont forget to include your special memory and keep an eye out for special guest chefs.

All community members are welcome to participate in these programs, so please invite your friends, family or neighbors. To participate in any of the programs, please RSVP to Tina Serota at 609.287.8872 or A Zoom link or call-in number for each program will be e-mailed or provided to you.

Village by the Shore is a membership program for adults over the age of 50. The program provides Intergenerational Events and Programs, Transportation, Grocery Shopping and Delivery, Kosher Meals on Wheels and more. For information or to join the Village by the Shore, contact Tina Serota at 609.287-8872 or or visit

About Jewish Family Service

Jewish Family Service of Atlantic & Cape May Counties (JFS) encourages strong families, thriving children, healthy adults, energized seniors and vital communities. With dozens of program areas, JFS specializes in counseling, mental health services, homeless programs, vocational services, adult and older adult services and also hosts an on-site food pantry.The agency impacts 8,000 lives throughout Atlantic and Cape May Counties each year.

JFS mission is to motivate and empower people to realize their potential and enhance their quality of life. In keeping with Jewish values and the spirit of tikkun olam (healing the world), JFS provides services with integrity, compassion, respect and professionalism regardless of their religion, race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, age or background.

For more information or to keep up-to-date with JFS events and programs, visit or follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.


Here is the original post:
JFS Village by the Shore Programs in June - South Jersey Observer

What is FODMAP intolerance and how to relieve the symptoms – Insider – INSIDER

Posted: May 22, 2020 at 5:55 am

No matter how good they taste, an ice cream sundae or a big slice of watermelon might send some people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) running to the bathroom or clutching their stomach in pain.

Many people with IBS have trouble tolerating foods containing certain kinds of carbohydrates, or sugars. These carbohydrates are known as FODMAPs. FODMAP is an acronym that stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides Disaccharides Monosaccharides and Polyols.

FODMAP intolerance is when you have difficulty digesting high FODMAP foods, which can trigger uncomfortable gastrointestinal symptoms like bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and pain. FODMAP intolerance tends to coincide with other gastrointestinal conditions like IBS, inflammatory bowel disease, and Crohn's disease.

FODMAPs are ubiquitous in all types of foods, so it can be difficult to know what exactly may be triggering your symptoms. Here's a break down of the different kinds of FODMAPS:

Most types of oligosaccharides are indigestible, so they move through your small intestine to your large intestine, where bacteria finally break them down. They can help prevent constipation, but they can also cause bloating and gas.

Common foods that contain oligosaccharides are onions, garlic, wheat, rye, artichokes, and legumes.

You may have heard of the three most common types of disaccharide: sucrose, lactose, and maltose. Lactose tends to be the culprit for most cases of intolerance. According to the American Chemical Society, as many as one in four adults is lactose intolerant.

Common foods that contain disaccharides include molasses, maple syrup, and ice cream.

These are your simple sugars, like glucose, fructose, and galactose. It tends to be easier for your body to digest glucose and galactose compared to fructose which can take longer.

Examples of foods that contain monosaccharides are fruit, honey, candy, and soft drinks.

Polyols are sugar alcohols often used to provide a sweet flavor to foods. They also don't get fully digested in the small intestine, so they move to the large intestine, where bacteria begin the fermentation process, which often results in gas. They can also have a laxative effect.

Common examples of foods that contain polyols include peaches, plums, cauliflower, and mushrooms.

People with gastrointestinal conditions like IBS, IBD, and Crohn's disease are often counseled to avoid foods high in FODMAPS.

As the body processes the foods containing FODMAPs, some of them may ferment. As a result, your gut may fill with some extra fluid and gas and get a little bloated or distended, which can be painful for people who already have a sensitive gut.

If you have FODMAP intolerance, one of the best ways to avoid symptoms is to cut out the foods that trigger them. Or limit the amount you eat at one time, to reduce the likelihood that your body will react. A low-FODMAP diet may be just the ticket for you.

But it's figuring out what kind of intolerance you have that's the challenge.

Finding out which FODMAPs you can't tolerate is basically a process of elimination. Jesse Houghton, a gastroenterologist in Portsmouth, Ohio, explains that he typically advises people to eliminate FODMAPs from their diet for a few weeks, until their symptoms of discomfort are gone.

"I tell my patients to reintroduce the FODMAPs that they previously enjoyed eating, one at a time, for one to two weeks per food item," he says. "If their symptoms do not return, great! That item can be safely eaten from now on. If they feel one or more of their symptoms returning, that food item should be avoided long term."

However, when trying a low-FODMAP diet, Pillepich says "I would highly recommend working with a registered dietitian to implement this diet. The FODMAP categories are pretty random and not categorized in an easy-to-remember way. It is very helpful to work through this process under the guidance of a professional."

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What is FODMAP intolerance and how to relieve the symptoms - Insider - INSIDER

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Market Development, Trends, Key Driven Factors, Segmentation And Forecast to 2020-2026 – Cole of Duty

Posted: May 21, 2020 at 5:56 am


The report is a compilation of different studies, including regional analysis where leading regional Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales markets are comprehensive studied by market experts. Both developed and developing regions and countries are covered in the report for a 360-degree geographic analysis of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales market. The regional analysis section helps readers to become familiar with the growth patterns of important regional Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales markets. It also provides information on lucrative opportunities available in key regional Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales markets.

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Table of Content

1 Introduction of Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Market

1.1 Overview of the Market1.2 Scope of Report1.3 Assumptions

2 Executive Summary

3 Research Methodology

3.1 Data Mining3.2 Validation3.3 Primary Interviews3.4 List of Data Sources

4 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Market Outlook

4.1 Overview4.2 Market Dynamics4.2.1 Drivers4.2.2 Restraints4.2.3 Opportunities4.3 Porters Five Force Model4.4 Value Chain Analysis

5 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Market, By Deployment Model

5.1 Overview

6 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Market, By Solution

6.1 Overview

7 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Market, By Vertical

7.1 Overview

8 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Market, By Geography

8.1 Overview8.2 North America8.2.1 U.S.8.2.2 Canada8.2.3 Mexico8.3 Europe8.3.1 Germany8.3.2 U.K.8.3.3 France8.3.4 Rest of Europe8.4 Asia Pacific8.4.1 China8.4.2 Japan8.4.3 India8.4.4 Rest of Asia Pacific8.5 Rest of the World8.5.1 Latin America8.5.2 Middle East

9 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Market Competitive Landscape

9.1 Overview9.2 Company Market Ranking9.3 Key Development Strategies

10 Company Profiles

10.1.1 Overview10.1.2 Financial Performance10.1.3 Product Outlook10.1.4 Key Developments

11 Appendix

11.1 Related Research

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Tags: Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Market Size, Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Market Trends, Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Market Growth, Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Market Forecast, Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Market Analysis Sarkari result, Government Jobs, Sarkari naukri, NMK, Majhi Naukri,

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Market Development, Trends, Key Driven Factors, Segmentation And Forecast to 2020-2026 - Cole of Duty

Could HRT protect women against coronvirus and explain why men are at greater risk? – The Sun

Posted: May 21, 2020 at 5:56 am

DOCTORS are working on new research that suggests women who take hormone replacement therapy (HRT) could be protected from the coronavirus.

Data from the Office of National Statistics has previously stated that among those of working age, men were twice as likely to contract Covid-19 than their female counterparts.


The figures revealed that there were 9.9 deaths per 100,000 in men compared with 5.5 per 100,000 in women.

Now one doctor has suggested that this may be due to the fact that many women are being shielded from the virus because of their hormone medication.

Menopause specialist, Dr Louise Newson today said that specialists are now looking into how hormones could be preventing women from contracting the virus.

Speaking on Good Morning Britain she said: "What we do know is that men have more severe disease with Covid-19 than women and we know that they are more likely to die and more likely to be in intensive care.


"For a while we have been thinking is there something to do with our hormones, we also know that women who are younger and women who take HRT seem to have some protection.

"We also know pregnancy is protective as well and obviously in pregnancy people have very high hormone levels".

So far in the UK over 35,000 people have died from the coronavirus and the research could unearth why more men have succumbed to the illness than women.



Dr Louise said she is currently working with Professor Tim Spector and his team with a new appl called Zoe.

The app aims to study different Covid symptoms and the team have now starting asking questions relating to hormone therapy.

These relate to whether or not a woman is on HRT, whether she is having a period, or if she takes the contraceptive pill.

"We want to find the data so we can obviously provide some evidence for policy makers", Dr Louise added.

"Im also working with a team of experts in infectious diseases, clinical pharmacology and public health in Liverpool University so we can really explore this potential role of oestrogen in Covid-19.

What is HRT?

HRT is a treatment which uses oestrogen and progesterone to relieve menopausal symptoms.

As the therapy replaces the hormones that your body is lacking after this change, its considered to be one of the most effective remedies for the following ailments

Hormone replacement therapy is widely available to those who are battlingmenopausal symptoms.

Despite this, the NHS outlines those who may not be suitable for the treatment

"We know that oestrogen is very important for our immunity so the cells that fight any infections and we have oestrogen receptors on these cells.

"We know that stimulating them with oestrogen actually makes them work better, it makes them more efficient so it's more likely to fight the disease".

Numerous theories have emerged as to why men are more likely to have severe cases of the coronavirus.

Evidence shows that men have more angiotensin converting enzyme which allows the Covid virus to enter the lungs and other tissues.

This is while testosterone is also known to suppress the immune system and is at higher levels in men.

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Most women will experience some or all symptoms of the menopause before they reach a certain age and many turn to HRT for relief.

HRT is a treatment which uses oestrogen and progesterone to relieve menopausal symptoms.

There are different ways of taking HRT and it can be administered through tablets, skin patches, gels and vaginal creams, pessaries or rings.

A study claimed thatwomen on hormone replacement therapy tend to live longer.

Taking the menopause relief treatment has survival benefits and cuts the overall risk of death by 30 per cent, experts claim.


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Could HRT protect women against coronvirus and explain why men are at greater risk? - The Sun

Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market Global Innovations, Competitive Analysis, New Business Developments and Top Companies Forecast to 2027 -…

Posted: May 21, 2020 at 5:56 am

May 19, 2020 8:00 PM ET iCrowd Newswire May 19, 2020

The transdermal drug delivery system market was valued at US$ 6,063.85 million in 2019 and is projected to reach US$ 8,415.04 million 2027; it is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.3% from 2020 to 2027.

Transdermal Drug Delivery System (TDDS) is described as a self-contained or discrete dosage form known as patches or semisolid forms that are applied to the intact skin. There are different types of semisolid forms, such as, creams, ointments, gels, and sprays. Dosage forms are designed to deliver a therapeutically effective amount of drug across a patients skin. Thetransdermal drug delivery system marketis expected to witness a huge growth due to increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, growing demand for non-invasive drug delivery devices, and high demand for self-administration of drugs. However, high cost involved in development of drug delivery systems along with drug failure and recalls of transdermal drug delivery systems are likely to restraint the growth of the market during the forecast years.

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Top Leading companies operating in this research areNovartis Ag, Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc., Glaxosmithkline Plc., Bayer Ag, Mylan N.V., Boehringer Ingelheim International Gmbh, Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Co.,Inc., Luye Pharma Group, Purdue Pharma L.P., and Lavipharm.

Based on the type, the global transdermal drug delivery system market is segmented into transdermal patches and transdermal semisolids. The transdermal patch segment is further sub segmented into drug-in-adhesive patches, matrix patches, reservoir membrane patches, and micro needle patches. The transdermal semisolids segment is further sub segmented into gels, ointments, and sprays. The transdermal patches segment held the largest share of the market in 2019 and the same segment is estimated to register the highest CAGR in the market during the forecast period owing to the advantages such as better patient compliance, faster onset of action, and improved permeability and efficacy. Moreover, increasing research and development activities in order to validate the feasibility of transdermal patches for treatment of new diseases is likely to boost the new product introduction, which will further driving the growth of the market by 2027. For instance, in October 2019, Noven Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a subsidiary of Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Co., Inc., got FDA approval for SECUADO (asenapine) Transdermal System. The newly launched and approved system is intended to treat schizophrenia.

Application-Based Insights

Based on application, the transdermal drug delivery system market is segmented into pain management, central nervous system disorders, hormonal applications, cardiovascular diseases, and other applications. The hormonal applications segment is further sub segmented into transdermal estrogen therapy and testosterone replacement. In 2019, the pain management segment accounted for the largest share of the global transdermal drug delivery system market owing to increasing number of transdermal drug delivery systems for the pain management. Also, pain management segment is estimated to register the highest CAGR in the market during the forecast period.

End User-Based Insights

Based on end user, the transdermal drug delivery system market is further segmented into hospitals and clinics, home care settings, and others. The hospitals and clinics segment held the largest share of the market in 2019, owing to increasing emphasis on adoption of transdermal drug delivery systems in clinics. Hospitals serve a significant role by providing extensive range of medical services to the patient population suffering from wide variety of diseases. This increased the adoption of drug delivery systems in hospitals and clinics.

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Strategic Insights

Product launches and expansion strategy is commonly adopted by companies to expand their footprint worldwide and meet the growing demand. This strategy is most commonly adopted by the market players in order to expand its product portfolio.

The market players operating in the transdermal drug delivery system market adopted the strategy of product innovation to cater to changing customer demand across the world, which also permits the players to maintain their brand name globally.

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Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market Global Innovations, Competitive Analysis, New Business Developments and Top Companies Forecast to 2027 -...

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