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The pros and cons of popular diets – HOLA! USA

Posted: August 25, 2022 at 2:06 am

Intermittent Fasting involves consuming all your calories within a set period and fasting for the rest of the day. There are different approaches to intermittent fasting, the most popular being an 8:16 split meaning you consume your calories in an eight-hour eating window and fast for the other 16 hours of the day.

You can also do a 10:16, 16:10, or even a 6:20 eating: fasting split. The concept is that you will eat fewer calories since you are squeezing them into a narrower timeframe instead of consuming them throughout the day.

Intermittent Fasting is the most popular diet online, receiving a huge 1.2 million average monthly searches worldwide. Kourtney Kardashian and Jennifer Aniston are among the many celebrities to endorse the benefits of Intermittent Fasting.

Advantages of Intermittent Fasting: Leads to weight loss help improve insulin resistance, reduce oxidative stress on your cells, stabilize blood sugar levels, and reduce the risk of strokes.

Disadvantages of Intermittent Fasting: It can be challenging to stick with long-term due to low energy, cravings, habits, and the discipline required to stick to the specific time frames. Studies investigating intermittent fasting also point to specific side effects that may occur during the fasting stage, for example, mood swings, constipation, dehydration, or diminished sleep quality.

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The pros and cons of popular diets - HOLA! USA

Rapid weight loss diet that helped couple lose 12st for their wedding – ‘So easy!’ – Express

Posted: August 25, 2022 at 2:06 am

Liam also revealed the point in his weight loss journey when he felt the most fully invested in his goals.

The first big jump in clothes really set us on our way, he said. There is nothing more satisfying than being able to see a visible difference. That took us both approximately six weeks.

Hannah added: Snacking always used to be a problem for us, but we soon realised that eating between meals didnt have to dramatically increase calorie counts.

Our main go-to is protein bars - they have satisfying textures and flavours, but you dont feel the usual guilt of having too much sugar. We opted for high in fibre, low in sugar snacking alternatives, which fuelled us for the whole day. Id say the key to snacking is to find something healthy that doesnt compromise on flavour or taste.

READ MORE:Michael Mosley used 'helpful' diet to lose 10kg and reverse diabetes

The rest is here:
Rapid weight loss diet that helped couple lose 12st for their wedding - 'So easy!' - Express

Man Slammed for Complaints Over Girlfriend’s Diet and Weight: ‘Controlling’ – Newsweek

Posted: August 25, 2022 at 2:05 am

Internet commenters were outraged after one man shared a laundry list of complaints about his girlfriend's diet and weight with a popular online forum.

In a viral Reddit post published on r/AmITheA**hole, Redditor u/unlucky_Revolution27 (otherwise referred to as the original poster, or OP) issued multiple negative opinions about his partner's body and expressed his concern with moving forward without dramatic intervention.

Titled, "[Am I the a**hole] for encouraging my girlfriend to lose weight?" the since-deleted post received more than 6,000 upvotes and 3,500 comments in the last day.

"I'm 27 years old and have a girlfriend of [six] years who I live with," OP began. "She's about 19 [pounds] heavier than when we first met and on her 5'2" frame it definitely shows."

Continuing to explain that his girlfriend regularly consumes cannabis and recently "started eating like s**t," the original poster said he confronted her about her habits and convinced her to follow his strict diet and exercise plan.

The original poster also said that he "did everything to support her in losing weight," but lamented that his efforts were all for naught.

"I finally sat her down last month and said enough is enough," OP wrote. "I paid for an expensive supplement program, I woke up early in the morning and prepared her healthy lunches she could take to work.

"Today I borrowed her car and found fast food wrappers everywhere...she's been picking up fast food everyday," OP continued. "I confronted her and she started crying.

"[My girlfriend's sister] said I was being controlling and an a**hole. But from my perspective I simply just want her to be healthy," OP added. "We don't even have kids yet so to be gaining this type of weight so rapidly is definitely concerning to me."

Expressing concern, or any other sentiment, about a loved one's weight is a delicate matter that needs to be handled accordingly.

Whether addressing a dangerous weight gain or loss, leading mental health publication Psychology Today maintains that there is a right wayand a wrong wayto do so.

Unfortunately, the "wrong" way is far more common, and closely mirrors the methodology detailed within the viral Reddit post.

While compassion, empathy, love and respect are necessary when speaking with a loved one about their weight, clinical psychologist and Psychology Today contributor Jennifer Kromberg advises against many popular strategies including offering "helpful" weight-related tips, framing discussions around weight and closely monitoring food and exercise.

"Keep the discussion focused on health," Kromberg recommends. "Stick to speaking about your love and concern for him or her personally. Do not focus on how he or she canor shouldreach the goal."

Despite the original poster's repeated assertions that he is concerned for his girlfriend's health, Redditors responding to the viral post were quick to call out how he addressed those concerns and speculated that his uneasiness is rooted outside the realm of physical well-being.

"[You're the a**hole]," Redditor u/StAlvis wrote in the post's top comment, which has received nearly 22,000 upvotes. "You don't attack people who need to work on healthier eating habits.

"You have no reason to suspect she isn't [healthy]," they continued. "You're just concerned with how attractive she is to you."

Redditor u/andravens, whose comment has received nearly 10,000 upvotes, offered a similar response.

"Have you ever considered asking her what's driving her to eat and the need to smoke?" they questioned. "You're offering all sorts of support for the physical and nothing for the mental and emotional.

"If you only care about why she's gaining weight because of her looks and passing care for her physical health you need to take a step back and re-evaluate," they continued. "Drop the talk about weight loss."

"If you no longer want to be with your girlfriend because she's gained 19 [pounds], just go ahead and break up with her," another Redditor chimed in, receiving nearly 4,000 upvotes.

"You're just a controlling a**hole who clearly values some impossibly strict physical beauty standards over your actual relationship with your very human girlfriend," they added.

Man Slammed for Complaints Over Girlfriend's Diet and Weight: 'Controlling' - Newsweek

The Keto Diet Is Losing Followers, Is Inflation to Blame? – The National Herald

Posted: August 25, 2022 at 2:05 am

The rift between the Democrats and Republicans is nothing compared to the chasm separating those on either side of the keto camp. But, love it or hate it, its undeniable that the ketogenic diet has left its mark on the minds and waistlines of the country.

According to data gathered from Google Trends, however, interest in the ketogenic diet has never been lower, dropping 94% since its peak in May 2018.

What is The Ketogenic Diet?

The ketogenic diet, or keto, is a diet that flips conventional wisdom on its head. Instead of eating low fat and restricting calories, keto proponents tell us to eat high fat until were full.

The limitation, however (theres always a restriction somewhere when dieting), is that you must restrict carbohydrate intake. Carbohydrates are in starchy foods like bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes. However, quitting starchy foods is not enough to stay in ketosis. Most people on the ketogenic diet consume no fruit, root vegetables, or other foodstuff containing carbs.

Most recommend that you stay under 20g of net carbs daily to stay in ketosis. For reference, a single apple is 25g.

The preferred macronutrients by calorie split for ketogenic dieters:

75% fat20% protein5% carbohydrateCan You Really Lose Weight Eating Bacon and Butter?

For the uninitiated, the ketogenic diet seems absurd. A slab of butter in my morning coffee, followed by eggs and bacon, will help me lose weight?

No matter how counterintuitive it may seem, the results speak for themselves. Peoples personal experiences fill every keto-related comment thread, and theyve lost vast amounts of fat eating fat. I decided to try it in 2018 and lost 20 lbs in the first six weeks. So theres no doubt that the ketogenic diet is effective now, but how does it work?

Ketones are the key. Ketones are an alternative fuel source the body can use if glucose (blood sugar) levels are low. Ketones are produced in the liver from fat cells. Once the body switches to this alternative energy source, its said to be in ketosis.

A person in ketosis is essentially running on fat, that may be dietary fat, from a fatty cut of meat, for example, or stored body fat. This is how ketogenic dieters can achieve such extraordinary feats of fat loss. The body becomes so well adapted to using fat for energy that it willingly consumes body fat 24 hours a day.

When Did Keto Become Popular?

The ketogenic diet has been a known medical treatment for epilepsy since the 1920s, but it wasnt until 2016 that it became a popular diet people used to lose weight.

As the diet began gaining traction in 2018, two influential celebrities further catapulted it into the mainstream: Kourtney Kardashian and Joe Rogan. Rogan published several keto-related podcasts in 2017 and 2018 with experts such as Dom DAgostino, Ph.D. Kardashian wrote a blog post on February 27, 2018, titled I Tried the Ketosis Diet.

Its no surprise that in New Year 2019, more people were Googling the keto diet. Since then, however, searches have only decreased, up ticking each January when everyone makes resolutions, but monthly searches have now fallen 94%.

What Killed Keto?

Most people Googling the keto diet were likely looking for a definition or quick summary to understand the diet. So its natural now that most people know what keto is, these types of searches would go down. So instead, a better metric to track people using the diet is a search term like keto lunch ideas, which is more likely to be Googled by people on keto.

For this term, since its peak in January 2019, its fallen 60%.

I spoke to industry expert Carine Claudepierre who runs Sweet as Honey, a website focused on low carb and keto diet recipes, and asked her if she was feeling the downturn.

I think were at the point where the keto diet isnt a new thing anymore; it doesnt have anything to prove, says Claudepierre.

Most people are already aware of the ketogenic diet. They no longer need a top-level definition or summary, but theres more behind the dramatic loss of interest.

Keto recipes also cost more as they rely on expensive ingredients such as almond flour and avocados that have increased in price massively, says Claudepierre.

Inflation levels hit 13.1% for groceries in August, and stores across the country see increases in many goods, making already expensive keto foods simply out of reach for the budgets of most Americans.

Can Keto Be Affordable?

The ketogenic diet doesnt need to be expensive, you can swap the pricey foods for cheaper ones, but your meals will likely be repetitive and a little less inspired. If thats something you can sacrifice, keto can be affordable. Fatty cuts of meat are often cheaper than their lean counterparts, and leafy greens dont need to cost much.

Look for goods on a keto shopping list that you could see yourself eating and wont break the bank.

So why not buck the trend and make keto one of your goals this year?

Does the Weight Stay Off?

If you continue doing the ketogenic diet, the fat will continue to fall from you, but does it stay off when you shift back to a more traditional diet?

Most find that if they return to their previous bad eating habits, the weight will return, but it doesnt have to be that way. The ketogenic diet is the perfect reset diet. So after the reset, you can potentially have a whole new life if you dont return to your bad eating habits. This was the draw of the ketogenic diet when it first gained popularity in 2018.

Now that the novelty has worn off, however, fewer people are willing to undertake the intense restrictions that the ketogenic diet demands. Claudepierre sees it this way. The keto diet is evolving from a restrictive, permanent diet to a more on-and-off diet. The frequent fluctuations in the data would seem to agree.

My own ketogenic journey continued for 18 months until covid hit in 2020. I became leaner than ever, and despite a lax diet throughout the pandemic, I only regained 10 lbs. So Im now restarting my ketogenic journey and documenting it on Face Dragons.

Should You Give it a Try?

If you feel like youve already tried everything else and are committed to losing weight, the ketogenic diet is an excellent proven method to lose weight fast. Its very restrictive, but it will give you the desired results without starving yourself or enrolling in a Bootcamp.

Keto flu is also a consideration. As the body goes through this change, dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, and low blood sugar can cause whats known as keto flu, flu-like symptoms in the initial adaptation phase. However, there are natural keto flu cures; the key is staying hydrated and keeping your electrolyte levels high.

If you try the keto diet, give it some time to work. It can take the body weeks to become fully fat adapted, so dont quit if you arent seeing results in a few days. And, of course, talk to a doctor before starting any kind of diet or lifestyle change.

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44 Hobbies for Men Over 50Starting Over at 40: A Roadmap from Zero to HeroThis post was produced by FaceDragons and syndicated by Wealth of Geeks.

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The Keto Diet Is Losing Followers, Is Inflation to Blame? - The National Herald

Im 28st and taken up window cleaning in bid to lose weight fast food destroyed my life… – The Sun

Posted: August 25, 2022 at 2:05 am

FORMER fast food fan Shaine Tench has taken up window cleaning in a bid to lose weight after tipping the scales at 28st.

Shaine, 25, set about slimming down because he started fearing for his health.



At his worst the ex-takeaway worker was scoffing an entire tub of cookie dough ice cream, two pizzas and three litres of Coca Cola a day.

Shaine who has to clean low level windows because he is too heavy for the ladders admitted: Fast food was destroying my life.

I had it in my head that it was going to kill me.

I realised Id never seen a fat window cleaner.

Theyre always slim and healthy looking, so I thought it would be a great way to lose weight.

Shaine, of Crewe, Cheshire, joined his brothers business A Star Window Cleaning last year.

He said: I believe Im the fattest window cleaner in Britain.

I work with other guys who are much slimmer than me, who can go up the ladders and clean the higher-up windows. Its my dream to be able to do that.

Reflecting on his past, he said Ive spent all my life working in fast food restaurants, meaning I kept piling on weight.

During a shift, Id eat two large pizzas, wedges, chicken strips, and up to three litres of Coke each day. And then I would eat an entire tub of cookie dough ice cream in the space of 15 minutes.

Shaine said he was initially too big to wear a proper window cleaners belt.

He said: I had to get creative and make my own. I ordered a 22in leather belt from Jacamo and added clips I could attach my tools to.

I received some nasty comments on Facebook about people not wanting a fat window cleaner because they didnt think Id be up to the job. It made me want to prove them wrong.

I was 28st and Im now 26st 5lb.

"Id need to lose another 8st to safely go up the ladders, but Im confident I will get there one day.

"I feel great and I am getting fitter.




Im 28st and taken up window cleaning in bid to lose weight fast food destroyed my life... - The Sun

Give these 10 exercises a chance for a flat belly at home – Health shots

Posted: August 25, 2022 at 2:05 am

These days, if youre gaining weight, you may find it mostly on your belly. Isnt it? Although every persons body responds to weight gain differently, the belly is an area that is prone to retain fat, leading to belly fat. Its harmful since it serves as an open invitation to numerous fatal and life-altering illnesses. Therefore, if you want to accelerate your weight reduction process and lose all the extra kilos youve accumulated, here are some of the best exercises for flat belly.

Health Shots spoke to fitness professional Vikash Sharma about these exercises, which can help you reduce belly fat and can speed up your weight loss journey. These exercises can be practiced at home and can show results if done regularly in the right manner.

So ladies, practice these exercise at home regularly to see results!

Read more:
Give these 10 exercises a chance for a flat belly at home - Health shots

The Worst Cardio Habits That Are Aging You Faster, Trainer Says Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

Posted: August 25, 2022 at 2:05 am

Carving out time for cardio in your regular routine is not a questionit's a necessity. In addition to keeping your heart and joints healthy, this form of exercise can improve everything from the function and state of your lungs, pancreas, and blood, to the quality of sleep you get. (Oh, and expect major energy and mood boosts!) Whether you're biking, running, swimming, or even jumping rope, there are reasons why you should make sure to do the proper amount of cardio and incorporate just the right exercises in your routine. If you don't, then you might be doing more harm than good to your body. For instance, you'll want to check out the following cardio habits that are aging you faster.

We spoke with Rob Wagener, NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach, who tells us the bad cardio habits you should stop doing ASAP. Read on to learn more, and get ready to ditch them.

Wagener explains that although performing high-intensity cardio is a great way to "get the heart rate and blood pumping" and will put you on the right track to losing weight, it's important to be aware that it can strain your body.6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e

"Just like a car, running it at 100 mph all the time might seem like a good time, but it will eventually lead to a faster breakdown of the essential parts and more likely lead to more frequent injuries," Wagener says, adding, "Low-intensity cardio, such as walking or slow running, can yield calorie-burning weight loss results while giving your body a break from fast-paced activities."

Related: What Science Says About the Cardio Habits That Slow Aging

When you think of cardio, running, stair climbing, and working out on the treadmill likely come to mind. These exercises can shape and tone the muscles that are working hard. That's all well and good, but Wagener cautions, "Too much lower body cardio can leave the upper body under-conditioned."

So don't forget to show your upper body some TLC, too! Wagener explains you can do this by looking for "ways to increase your heart rate through upper body movements." Battle ropes are a stellar tool to work with if you want to train your upper body via cardio. You can also grab a set of lightweight dumbbells, which Wagener says work a bit quicker and will give you the results you're looking for. "When it comes to cardio, remember it's a total-body opportunity," Wagener stresses.

Related: Fitness Mistakes at 50 That Prevent You From Losing Weight, Says Trainer

If you've ever had sore joints or deal with joint pain on a regular basis, then you know it's an issue that certainly makes you feel older. As Wagener points out, "Nothing will age a person faster than sore joints. Being unable to move fluidly due to pain or joint restriction is not fun."

That's why it's important to make sure you're not harming your joints by indulging in too much of the wrong kind of workout. Wagener tells us, "When it comes to cardio, keep in mind that low-impact cardio can be just as effective for your body as high-impact cardio, but will less pressure and knock on the joints."

For instance, consider working out on an elliptical over the treadmill every now and then. If that doesn't interest you, then what about a water-based workout? As Wagener explains, swimming is an incredible total-body, low-impact cardio workout that's easy on your joints and will have you torching calories.

When it comes to leaving the house for your workout, Wagener says that getting in your strides outside is one of the best kinds of cardio workouts due to the health benefits and all-around enjoyment. However, when it comes to the cardio habits that are aging you faster, this final one is a major no-no.

Wagenercautions, "The sun can cause havoc on the skin. Too much sun exposure for extended periods of time can lead to advanced skin aging, wrinkling, sunburn, or even worse, skin cancer."

To avoid these issues, he stresses wearing proper protection in order to "protect your skin from the elements." This way, you aren't putting the health of your skin at risk in order to burn some calories. Don't forget your sunscreen!

Desire O

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The Worst Cardio Habits That Are Aging You Faster, Trainer Says Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That

What to eat before a workout –

Posted: August 25, 2022 at 2:05 am

Unsure what to eat before a workout? Theres a real science to what passes your lips before training: typically, youll want to consume slow-release carbs for longer endurance sessions and youll need fast-release carbs for short, intense workouts.

But what counts as a slow-release or fast-release carb? And how do other macronutrients, like protein and fats, help during training? We asked a group of qualified nutrition experts to explain.

Pre-training nutrition should be determined by the type of exercise you plan to do and the physiological adaptation youre trying to achieve like gaining muscle (opens in new tab) or losing weight. But carbs are best for providing energy.

If you favor exercises like HIIT, weightlifting, or power training, you should attempt to prioritize quick-releasing high-glycemic carbs that spike sugar levels for a quick energy release. Think instant oatmeal and sports beverages. If you prefer low-intensity endurance exercise like longer runs, slow-release carbs planned a few hours to an hour in advance will help sustain energy release over time. Think quinoa, whole grains, sweet potatoes, and pulses in this case.

Rob Hobson, Head of Nutrition at Healthspan Elite, recommends consuming something quick-digesting before your standard workout like toast with peanut butter, an oat smoothie, or a banana (opens in new tab). But for a long race lasting more than an hour, Hobson says you should ideally plan carb intake more carefully, aiming for up to 4g of carb per kg of body weight, which means eating several meals starting four hours before you hit the start line.

Rob Hobson is an award winning registered nutritionist with 15 years of experience working in the industry. He's previously worked with public health bodies in the UK, along with trade bodies and private clients. He holds a BSc in Nutrition and an MSc in Public Health Nutrition and has delivered lectures at various universities in the UK.

Jamie Wright, Myprotein (opens in new tab) nutritionist, agrees that carbs should be the main focus leading up to a workout, but says you shouldnt overlook other macronutrients. A source of high-quality protein can further reduce the breakdown of existing protein structures (like muscle) and may contribute to a reduced recovery period post-workout, he says. But for simplicitys sake, and because some can experience digestive issues when having protein pre-workout, I usually suggest having carbohydrates leading into training and protein after.

There are actually three different sources available to your body for energy: carbs (opens in new tab), proteins (opens in new tab), and fats (opens in new tab). All play a crucial role in helping your body function, but carbs are the bodys main energy source.

Fat can be utilized as an energy source but its usually only tapped into when youre in a fasted state and havent consumed any carbohydrates. And the body typically only uses protein for fuel when it cant access either carbs or fat. As such, having a good supply of carbohydrates is crucial for workouts, as it provides the energy you need.

Wright explains the science behind it: When we work out, our body burns through a molecule called adenosine triphosphate (ATP) at a much higher rate than usual. ATP is simply the bodys currency of energy, and all processes in the body require a certain amount.

Consumed or stored carbohydrates are like large daisy chains of smaller units of carbohydrates. When we eat carbohydrates or need to use our stored supplies, we have to cleave off these smaller units from the chain to transport around the body for energy, he explains. Glucose [from carbohydrate] is one example of this and it travels in the blood to our cells. If its to be used to produce energy, it enters a series of complex processes known as cellular respiration to produce ATP.

Carbohydrate produces a tonne of ATP during these processes, which makes it, at least in my and the bulk of available scientific literatures opinion the best nutrient to have leading into a workout.

Wright adds that eating carbs pre-workout also reduces or delays the use of existing energy stores (namely glycogen, the stored form of carbohydrate within our muscle and liver), which can extend how long you can exercise.

Jamie Wright is an accredited nutritionist, with a BSc in Sports and Exercise Science and an MSc in Human Nutrition. He's currently the head nutritionist at Balance; a team of fully qualified nutritionists and dieticians working with everyone from office workers to Olympic athletes.

Most advice states that you should eat two to three hours before a workout. A small study, published in Nutrients Journal (opens in new tab), compared the effects of a six-hour versus three-hour pre-feeding regimen in a group of eight active women. In general, performance results were more favorable for the three-hour group, suggesting that this really is the golden time for loading up with food.

However, its not always possible to adhere to this two-to-three-hour rule. If you have an early morning training session (especially if you dont fancy eating before your session), having a carbohydrate-rich meal the evening before can still help give you the energy you need, suggests Hobson.

If the thought of eating before you train turns your stomach, there could be some benefit to skipping on a feed altogether. Brian Carson, head of science and innovation at Whole Supp and a senior lecturer in exercise physiology, tells Live Science that exercising following a period of fasting can promote adaptation towards your bodys ability to utilize fat as a fuel source.

We have previously published a systematic review (opens in new tab) and meta-analysis at the University of Limerick examining this approach and found a greater utilization of fat during exercise, with no negative impact on performance for exercise which lasts less than 60 minutes when performed in a fasted state, he explains. We also recently published research looking at restricting carbohydrates pre-exercise and feeding protein before high-intensity sprint interval training, and found that this was an excellent approach for this short intermittent type activity.

Brian Carson, Phd, is a senior lecturer in exercise physiology at the University of Limerick, where he is pursuing research into the role ofexercise and nutritionin the regulation of metabolism for performance andhealth. He's also the head of science and innovation at Whole Supp (opens in new tab).

Hobson suggests that other factors can help you decide whether to plan a pre-workout meal. Some people like to train on an empty stomach, and endurance athletes often train after fasting, known as training low, he explains. The effect of intermittently periodizing your nutritional intake in this way (intermittent fasting (opens in new tab)) is that the body adapts in positive ways, like improving the oxidation of fats (breakdown of fatty acids); this has a glycogen-sparing effect and can enhance performance when racing.

In other words? Theres no one size fits all approach to pre-exercise meals. Fasting has benefits, but if your body is in a significant calorie deficit (opens in new tab), you might not have the energy to perform.

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What to eat before a workout -

5 Absolute Worst Carbs for Weight Loss Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

Posted: August 25, 2022 at 2:05 am

Carbs are not the enemy, even though people have painted them out to be. Whole, complex carbs like fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains are excellent sources of fiber and many different vitamins and nutrients. Eating these types of carbs along with a healthy diet can help you manage your blood sugar, improve your gut microbiome, slow the aging process, and achieve your weight loss goals.

Not all carbs are the same, though. While complex carbs can provide plenty of health benefits, refined carbs are heavily processed and the foods they're found in may contain added sugars. Larger amounts of these can contribute to certain health issues and have even been known to contribute to weight gain if consumed on a regular basis.

To learn more, we talked with a few dietitians about the worst types of carbs for weight loss. Read on, then check out 6 Best High-Protein Foods for Weight Loss.

Although they're a breakfast staple for many, bagels are one of the worst carbs for weight loss. "White bagels are around the equivalent of eating 4-5 slices of bread and most people do not realize that," says Lisa Young, Ph.D., RDN, author ofFinally Full, Finally Slim and member of our medical expert advisory board.

Bagels are hardly ever enjoyed plain, so adding certain toppings typical to a breakfast bagel can add in extra calories, too.

"These are often used as a breakfast meal with various toppings like cream cheese, peanut butter, and other high-calorie foods," says Trista Best, MPH, RD, LD, a registered dietitian at Balance One Supplements.

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Many brands are making breakfast cereals that are healthier than the typical choices, but it's important to watch out for the extra sugary, heavily-processed breakfast cereals.

"People often associate cereal with health food, but sugary cereals often have as much or more added sugar than a cookie, and it's easy to pour too much cereal into your breakfast bowl," says Dr. Young.

Not only are they usually sugary and void of helpful nutrients, but eating certain cereals first thing in the morning may have some consequences. "The morning is the worst time to eat these because it leads to a quick spike in blood sugar," says Morgyn Clair, MS, RDN, author at Fit Healthy Momma.

RELATED:The 4 Worst Breakfast Habits for Blood Sugar

When it comes to carbs that are the worst for weight loss, soda takes the cake.6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e

"Soda and sugary drinks are some of the worst carb choices in my opinion because it provides virtually no other nutrients besides a high dose of sugar," says Clair. "Further, there is no fiber no help slow the body's absorption of the sugar, meaning it leads to a quick spike in blood sugar."

One study published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity found that drinking soda led to increased weight gain regardless of the person's physical fitness and activity levels.

RELATED: American Foods That Are Banned Abroad

A white bread like Wonder Bread might bring a lot of us back to our childhoods, but white bread is heavily processed, stripped of almost all of its nutrients, and can potentially contribute to weight gain if consumed on a regular basis.

According to a study from the British Journal of Nutrition, reducing your intake of white bread (not wheat bread) and sticking to a Mediterranean-type eating plan was associated with less weight gain and less abdominal fat.

When it comes to pasta, the culprit behind why this carb causes weight gain is more about portion than it is about the pasta inherently. "Pasta may cause weight gain when eaten in America but not in Europe because we tend to eat a big portion," says Dr. Young. That being said, refined pasta is still one of the worst carbs for weight loss because it's lacking digestion-slowing nutrients like fiber. "There is no fiber in refined pasta so we don't feel full and will most likely keep eating," says Dr. Young.

Thankfully, there are plenty of whole-grain pasta options or kinds of pasta made with alternative ingredients like chickpeas or lentils that provide more fiber and fewer refined carbs.

Read this article:
5 Absolute Worst Carbs for Weight Loss Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That

6 Simple Steps To Follow When You’re Trying To Lose Weight –

Posted: August 25, 2022 at 2:05 am

What do you do to lose weight? Gym, diet and everything in between?

However, if your strategy and foundation aren't correct, weight loss starts looking like an impossible task.

Remember that you'll need to make some permanent changes to your lifestyle and adopt healthy habits to lose weight and maintain it for a long time.

Now the question is, how can you make those permanent changes? You have to follow these six steps to achieve success when you're trying to lose weight permanently.

Table of Contents


Long-term weight loss also requires commitment along with time and effort. If you want to lose weight, you must make sure that you are ready to make permanent changes in your eating and activity habits. Before your preparation you must ask yourself these questions:

If you need help with stress or feelings, you should talk to your doctor. When you're ready, it'll be easier for you to set goals, stay committed, and change habits.


Remember that no one else can make you lose weight. You have to make changes in eating and exercise for yourself. To stick with your weight loss plan, you need to find what motivates you.

Make a list of what's important to help you stay motivated and focused, whether it's an upcoming vacation or better health. Then find a way to make sure you remember your motivational factor when you're about to stray from your goals. For example, you can post a motivational note for yourself on the pantry door or refrigerator.

To support your weight loss journey, choose people who can encourage you in a positive way without being shy. Find people who will listen to your concerns and feelings, spend time with you exercising or creating a healthy menu, and help you develop a healthy lifestyle.

If you prefer to keep your weight loss plan private, hold yourself accountable by regularly checking your weight, recording your diet and exercise progress in a journal, or tracking your progress using digital tools.


Setting weight loss goals is a better option. But do you really know what your real goal is? Over the long term, aiming to lose 1 to 2 pounds (0.5 to 1 kg) a week is a smart decision.

To typically lose 1 to 2 pounds in a week, you need to burn 500 to 1,000 calories through a low-calorie diet and regular physical activity.

Depending on your weight, 5% of your current weight may be a realistic goal for a beginner. If you weigh 180 pounds (82 kilograms), your goal might be 9 pounds (4 kilograms).

Even this level of weight loss can help reduce the risk of chronic health problems such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

When you're setting goals, think about both the process and the outcome of the goal. "Walk for 30 minutes every day" is an example of a precise goal. An example of achieving a target is "losing 10 pounds".

You don't have to have a solid goal, but you should definitely set a process goal because changing your habits is the key to weight loss.


When adopting a new eating style to promote weight loss, you should reduce your total calorie intake. But reducing calories doesn't mean giving up on taste or satisfaction.

You can reduce your calorie intake by eating more plant-based foods, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Try a variety of foods to achieve your goals without sacrificing flavour or nutrition.


You can also lose weight through physical activity and calorie restriction, but exercise is still very important. Exercise can help you burn extra calories, which you cannot reduce with diet alone.

Exercise also provides many health benefits, including boosting your mood, strengthening your cardiovascular system, and lowering your blood pressure.

Exercise also helps in maintaining weight loss. Studies show that people who maintain a low weight for a long time have more physical activity.


If you want to lose weight over the long term, just eating healthy foods and exercising for a few weeks or months isn't enough. These habits should become a way of life. Lifestyle changes begin with an honest look at your eating patterns and daily routine.

After assessing your personal challenges to weight loss, try working on a strategy to gradually change the habits and attitudes that have stalled your previous efforts.

Then recognize your challenges and move on. Plan how you will deal with them. If you deal with them once, you can be successful in losing weight forever.

See the article here:
6 Simple Steps To Follow When You're Trying To Lose Weight -

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