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Measure your BP to live long – Daily Excelsior

Posted: May 17, 2020 at 6:44 am

Dr. Sushil Kumar Sharma

World Hypertension day is celebrated annually on the 17th May. The main aim of the day is to educate the public and increase awareness of hypertension, which is also commonly known as high blood pressure.Traditionally held on May 17th, due to covid-19 pandemic, The World Hypertension League (WHL) has announced that it will postpone the celebration of World Hypertension Day (WHD) 2020 until October 17, 2020. The expanded theme for World Hypertension Day is Measure Your Blood Pressure, Control It, Live Longer, with a goal of increasing high blood pressure (BP) awareness in all populations around the worldPrevalence:Hypertension is a major cause of a range of health problems such as strokes, heart attacks and kidney disease, and can also contribute to dementia. Globally, an estimated 26% of the worlds population (972 million people) has hypertension, and the prevalence is expected to increase to 29% by 2025, driven largely by increases in economically developing nations.The high prevalence of hypertension exacts a tremendous public health burden. As a primary contributor to heart disease and stroke, the first and third leading causes of death worldwide, respectively, high blood pressure was the top modifiable risk factor for disability adjusted life-years lost worldwide. In some recent studies both covid-19 case fatality rates and hypertension prevalence increases with age, reaching 8.0% and over 50% respectively for the 70 to 79 year age group.Symptoms of hypertensionHypertension is generally a silent condition. Many people wont experience any symptoms. It may take years or even decades for the condition to reach levels severe enough that symptoms become obvious. Even then, these symptoms may be attributed to other issues.Symptoms of severe hypertension can include:* headaches* shortness of breath* Epistaxis* flushing* dizziness* chest pain* loss in VisionThese symptoms require immediate medical attention. They dont occur in everyone with hypertension, but waiting for a symptom of this condition to appear could be fatal.The best way to know if you have hypertension is to get regular blood pressure readings.Categories of BP in AdultsBP Category SBP DBPNormal <120 mm Hg And <80 mm HgElevated 120-129 mm Hg And <80 mm HgHypertensionStage 1 130-139 mm Hg Or 80-89 mm HgStage 2 140 mm Hg Or 90 mm Hg

High blood pressure EmergenciesHigh blood pressure is usually a chronic condition that gradually causes damage over the years. But sometimes blood pressure rises so quickly and severely that it becomes a medical emergency requiring immediate treatment, often with hospitalization.In these situations, high blood pressure can cause:* Memory loss, personality changes, trouble concentrating, irritability or progressive loss of consciousness* Stroke* Severe damage to your bodys main artery (aortic dissection)* Chest pain* Heart attack* Sudden impaired pumping of the heart, leading to fluid backup in the lungs resulting in shortness of breath (pulmonary edema)* Sudden loss of kidney function* Complications in pregnancy (preeclampsia or eclampsia)* BlindnessPrevention of high blood pressureHealthy lifestyle changes can help you control the factors that cause hypertension. Here are some of the most common home remedies.Developing a healthy dietA heart-healthy diet is vital for helping to reduce high blood pressure. Its also important for managing hypertension that is under control and reducing the risk of complications. These complications include heart disease, stroke, and heart attack.A heart-healthy diet emphasizes foods that include:* fruits* vegetables* whole grains* lean proteins like fish* Increasing physical activityReaching a healthy weight should include being more physically active. In addition to helping you shed pounds, exercise can help reduce stress, lower blood pressure naturally, and strengthen your cardiovascular system.Aim to get 150 minutes of moderate physical activity each week. Thats about 30 minutes five times per week.Reaching a healthy weightIf you are overweight or obese, losing weight through a heart-healthy diet and increased physical activity can help lower your blood pressure.Managing stressExercise is a great way to manage stress. Other activities can also be helpful. These include:* meditation* deep breathing* massage* muscle relaxation* yoga or tai chiThese are all proven stress-reducing techniques. Getting adequate sleep can also help reduce stress levels.Adopting a cleaner lifestyleIf youre a smoker, try to quit. The chemicals in tobacco smoke damage the bodys tissues and harden blood vessel walls.If you regularly consume too much alcohol or have an alcohol dependency, seek help to reduce the amount you drink or stop altogether. Alcohol can raise blood pressure.Key Message* Proper management can control hypertension and prevent its complications.* Effective lifestyle and drug treatments are available that could control hypertension in most individuals. Newer drugs provide better control while avoiding the side effects that have limited therapy in the past.* A close collaboration between the physician and patient is needed to optimize better health outcomes.There is as yet no evidence that hypertension is related to outcomes of COVID-19, or that ACE inhibitor or ARB use is harmful, or for that matter beneficial, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Use of these agents should be maintained for the control of blood pressure, and they should not be discontinued, at least on the basis of current evidence at this timeThe unintended consequences of discontinuing effective treatments for hypertension, without a suitable replacement titrated against blood pressure measurements under direct medical supervision, could put patients at needlessly increased cardiovascular and possibly coronavirus risk. In addition, managing such titration currently, when primary care is prioritizing acute illness over routine contacts (including blood pressure checks), makes the proposed strategy impractical and risks further diluting access to care.(The author is Head Department of Cardiology)

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Measure your BP to live long - Daily Excelsior

What Your Walking Style Can Reveal About Your Health – msnNOW

Posted: May 17, 2020 at 6:44 am

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When we traipse around the house or step out for a stroll, most of us don't think twice about putting one foot in front of the other. For many people, it's a given to take the ability to walk (and to walk well) for granted. That is, until something goes wrong. Then we develop a newfound appreciation for our former ambulatory prowess.

Your walking style can reflect a host of physical, physiological, neurological, and even psychological influences and problems. "Your gait reveals a lot," says Jessica B. Schwartz, a doctor of physical therapy and a spokesperson for the American Physical Therapy Association. "I see health issues manifested not only in my patients' steps, but among the general public when I see people walking in a mall or airport," says Dr. Schwartz, who is also a physical therapist at Physical Therapy to Go based in New York City.

So, wonder what your walking style can reveal about your health? We spoke with medical experts who share how certain walking styles can shed light on specific health conditions. (Also, here are the health benefits and risk of walking barefoot.)

Favoring one leg when bearing the weight and impact of each step suggests that a joint injury is present. This can come from structural problems like a muscle strain, sprained ligaments, a torn meniscus, or other damaged joint structures, arthritis, leg length differences, or foot problems. And it can get worse because an off-balance stride affects other body parts, too.

"The body is amazing at creating compensation mechanisms for ailments of the lower extremity," says Henry C. Hilario, a physician specializing in foot and ankle surgery at The Orthopaedic Clinic in the Willis-Knighton Health System in Shreveport, Louisiana. "Some patients may have always had one leg that is shorter but might only notice it later in life as their body's compensation over time, eventually wears joints out faster and contributes to back-, hip-, knee- and foot pain. The foot and ankle also compensate for being flatfooted or having a high instep which can then lead arthritis later in life."

If pain in your lower extremities becomes chronic and actually alters your gait, it's important to get help. "The causes of limping can be evaluated and treated by a skilled physical therapist," adds Dr. Schwartz. You can find a physical therapist here.

"Age can be tied to how fast or slow a person's walks," says Dr. Hilario. Lower body muscles like the glutes, tend to weaken with age, according to a 2017 study published in BMC Geriatrics. Also, the fast-twitch muscle fibers in the lower body can decline, suggests a 2013 study in Experimental Gerontology. Together, these two things may result ina loss of power and, therefore, slower walking.

"Someone with obesity or pain from joint injuries or osteoarthritis tends to walk slower as well," adds Dr. Schwartz. "With obesity, a person may have a wider stance and spend a longer time in each phase of the stepping motion since transferring the excess body weight quickly can be more difficult, especially if a person is out of shape."

Of course, walking, along with a nutrient-rich, lower-calorie diet, is a great way to help a person who's obese lose weight if done frequently enough and for long enough.

A shuffling step where the feet don't lift high off the ground and instead scoot, rather than roll, through the full heel-to-toe range of motion could also be indicative of Parkinson's disease, according to Dr. Schwartz. "If your walking is altered by pain or dysfunction you need to see a PT," she says.

Many people do not realize that you do not need a prescription or referral from a physician to see a physical therapist. In a policy known as Direct Access, a person can have at least one exam by a physical therapist without a referral, and in many states, you can have up to 30 days of treatment before you need a prescription. "There are often things we can do to help with pain and dysfunction," says Dr. Schwartz.

Some exercises that can help strengthen the muscles that lift your feet with each step are heel lifts (rise up and down on the balls of your foot to develop calf strength, which helps to push your body weight forward with each step) and knee lifts (raise your thigh to hip level to strengthen the hip flexors, which help raise your leg and foot with each step.)

Some people have a tough time staying centered and appear to waddle from side to side. Sometimes veering in a sideways direction from the continual imbalance with each step. "This can be a sign of gluteal muscle weakness," says Dr. Schwartz.

"This pattern, known as the Trendelenburg gait, that resembles a penguin walk is often due to hip osteoarthritis." Exercise can help since the condition stems from muscle weakness and imbalances in the pelvis. "You can do the old-style fire hydrant exercise also known as doggy kicks, where you get on your hands and knees and raise your bent leg up and down on each side," says Dr. Schwartz.

These moves target the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus muscles which, when strong, help keep the legs better aligned.

Think about when you've felt happy, excited about something, or even in love. These emotions can carry-over into your walking style, as well. "You can tell a lot about a person's mental state from their physical demeanor," explains Barry Gritz, MD, a psychiatrist based in Houston. "Someone who is in a good place ambulates differently, almost gliding when they walk."

Since you're energized when you're experiencing positive emotions, it's a good idea to take a walk. Walking more and bumping up your intensity a notch can help you reap even greater physical and mental benefits from your workouts. (Plus, check out these tips to get the most happiness from your daily walk.)

Some people experience those out-of-the-blue, muscle-clenching cramps that leave you frozen until the pain resides. "If leg muscles cramp when walking, it could indicate the presence of a disease that has not yet been diagnosed like pulmonary disease or peripheral artery disease, (PAD)" says Jenna Yentes, PhD, assistant professor, department of biomechanics and associate director, nonlinear analysis core at the Center for Research in Human Movement Variability at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. (PAD is caused by a clogging of the arteries that supply the legs with blood; it is a risk factor for heart trouble, which is also due to clogged arteries.)

"Rather than thinking that this is just a sign of aging, it's not normal and it's better to speak to your doctor because even if you have a more serious health condition, early diagnosis is typically better." Also, know your status. This can help when potential red flags arise and allow you to start effective treatments faster.

Stumbling over the occasional crack in the sidewalk is normal. But don't write yourself off as clumsy if you have a regular habit of tripping.

"There can be a neurological undertone to tripping," explains Dr. Schwartz. "Diabetic neuropathy is commonand commonly under-diagnosed." As diabetes progresses the feet can become numb and a person may not feel temperature changes in their feet, or have a solid awareness of where their body is in space.

Eventually, this condition can become painful. Controlling blood sugar with exercise, healthy eating, and medication, if necessary, can reduce the risk of diabetic neuropathy.

If you're power-walking with fast feet and pumping arms, then you should get out of breath. If you're walking, even slowly, but it's uphill or upstairs, it's normal to end up huffing and puffing, too. But if you are walking slowly on flat terrain, or walking for just a short time before you start to feel breathless, that could be a warning sign that you have a heart or lung condition.

Many conditions can cause shortness of breath, including asthma or a respiratory infection. These conditions can make it tough to get enough oxygen. A common lung disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, also known as COPD, also leaves those who have it at higher risk of falls, explains Yentes.

"You can do exercises such as pursed lip breathing to improve your lung function and be able to walk further or for longer periods," she says. "But you should speak with a doctor and start with pulmonary rehabilitation so you can start an exercise program in a safe environment."

A person who is feeling down, whether it's from sad or stressful moments in life or due to diagnosed clinical depression is going to walk just like they feel. "If they have depression, their posture may be stooped or slumped and their gait slower, says Dr. Gritz.

Of course, walking and other types of exercise are one of the best antidotes for depression and a 2012 study published in Mental Health and Physical Activity showed that regular walking can result in measurable clinical improvements.

"Exercise is definitely one of the non-pharmacological treatments I recommend for depression," explains Dr. Gritz. "In fact, we can tell when a patient is feeling better through these non-verbal indicatorsthey will tend to walk faster and with a lightness in their step."

So, how much should you walk? The U.S. Physical Activity Guidelines recommend that adults do at least 150 minutes to 300 minutes per week of moderate intensity exercise, or 75 to 150 minutes per week of moderate-to-vigorous intensity aerobic activity, preferably spread throughout the week. If you're just starting out, take it easier and shorter, and build up to longer harder sessions.

Before you start, make sure you have the best walking shoes for your feet.

Slideshow: Doctors reveal the real questions you should be asking them (The Healthy)

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What Your Walking Style Can Reveal About Your Health - msnNOW

COPING WITH CORONAVIRUS: O-W Bruins ‘trying to keep in a football mindset’ – The Tand

Posted: May 17, 2020 at 6:44 am

"That's something we've talked about, building that culture and that toughness, knowing how to finish games," Crosby said. "We tell them it's a process and you have to trust the process. This is a setback, without having spring ball, but I think the kids will come back more hungry than before.

"I think it's going to impact everybody, all positions on the team. I think the skill guys are probably doing some things to get out there and play some backyard football and work on things. Hopefully they are being active. Kids are going to be kids and not stay in the house all day."

Crosby believes most teams will show signs of weakness or inexperience in the first part of the season, whenever high school games return.

"I think it will show up early, but come region time, you want to be ready," he said. "But, we might not start till we have region games.

"If we have non-region games, we will use the early games as preseason games. There are new challenges, changing regions and coming back to 3A. It's a tough region to be in, (Region 5) with Strom Thurmond and Gilbert and Brookland-Cayce and Swansea and Fox Creek. We will have to respond quickly and get things done."

There will be some sense of relief and a return to normal life when teams can get back to activities.

"Playing football is playing football, whether we get five or six games in, or a full season," Crosby said. "It's just having the opportunity to play, especially for our upcoming seniors who have put in the work before all this happened.

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COPING WITH CORONAVIRUS: O-W Bruins 'trying to keep in a football mindset' - The Tand

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Insights Report 2020-2025 Bulletin Line – Bulletin Line

Posted: May 17, 2020 at 6:42 am

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Size, Status and Forecast 2020-2026

This report studies theTestosterone Replacement Therapy Marketwith many aspects of the industry like the market size, market status, market trends and forecast, the report also provides brief information of the competitors and the specific growth opportunities with key market drivers. Find the completeTestosterone Replacement Therapy Marketanalysis segmented by companies, region, type and applications in the report.

The market report aims to make detail analysis and in-depth research on the development environment, market size, share, and development trend. Its a well-drafted report for those who are eager to know the existing market status at the global level. All contents featured in this report were gathered and validated via extensive research methods such as primary research

secondary research, and SWOT analysis. Here, the base year is considered as 2018 for the research while, the historical data is also taken for projecting the market outlook for the period between 2020 and 2026.


Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Growth 2020

One of the crucial parts of this report comprises Testosterone Replacement Therapy industry key vendors discussion about the brands summary, profiles, market revenue, and financial analysis. The report will help market players build future business strategies and discover worldwide competition. A detailed segmentation analysis of the market is done on producers, regions, type and applications in the report.

On the basis of geographically, the market report covers data points for multiple geographies such as United States, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, India, and Central& South America

Analysis of the market:

Other important factors studied in this report include demand and supply dynamics, industry processes, import & export scenario, R&D development activities, and cost structures. Besides, consumption demand and supply figures, cost of production, gross profit margins, and selling price of products are also estimated in this report.

Predominant Questions Answered in This Report Are:

The conclusion part of their report focuses on the existing competitive analysis of the market. We have added some useful insights for both industries and clients. All leading manufacturers included in this report take care of expanding operations in regions. Here, we express our acknowledgment for the support and assistance from the Testosterone Replacement Therapy industry experts and publicizing engineers as well as the examination groups survey and conventions. Market rate, volume, income, demand and supply data are also examined.

Table of contents:

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Global Market Research Report 2020

1 Market Overview

2 Manufacturers Profiles

3 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales, Revenue, Market Share and Competition by Manufacturer

4 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Analysis by Regions

5 North America Testosterone Replacement Therapy by Country

6 Europe Testosterone Replacement Therapy by Country

7 Asia-Pacific Testosterone Replacement Therapy by Country

8 South America Testosterone Replacement Therapy by Country

9 Middle East and Africa Testosterone Replacement Therapy by Countries

10 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Segment by Type

11 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Segment by Application

12 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Forecast (2020-2024)

13 Sales Channel, Distributors, Traders and Dealers

14 Research Findings and Conclusion

15 Appendix

Customization of the Report:

This report can be customized to meet the clients requirements. Please connect with our sales team, who will ensure that you get a report that suits your needs.

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Insights Report 2020-2025 Bulletin Line - Bulletin Line

Is Testosterone Therapy Safe for Women? –

Posted: May 17, 2020 at 6:42 am

The hormone testosterone (called T for short in medical circles) has long been associated with the male physique, athleticism, and a heightened sex drive. But now, theres an idea making the internet search rounds that testosterone therapy may be the secret sauce to revamping a womans shuttered sex drive.

Even health-conscious celebrities have gotten in on the hype. In 2011, Jane Fonda told The Sunday Telegraph that she started taking the hormone in her 70s to boost her sex drive. But before you run to your doctor to ask for a prescription, you should know that testosterone therapy is a controversial approach that is not FDA-regulated for women at this time. Despite its mythical reputation, this hormone isnt a cure-all for sexual dysfunction, and it could even be dangerous for your health if not taken carefully. Let us explain.

Testosterone may be known as a male hormone, but womens bodies naturally produce it, too. Its one of many hormones that work together to control our mood, metabolism, sexual desire, bone and muscle growth, and reproductive system. As you age, your hormone levels change, with one of the biggest shifts occurring during menopause when your menstrual cycle stops for good. Menopause causes your estrogen and progesterone levels to decrease, but interestingly, it is not associated with a sudden decrease in testosterone, according to the North American Menopause Society.

That said, there is evidence that testosterone decreases throughout your life. Testosterone drops with age more than with menopause, says Margaret Wierman, M.D., professor at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora, CO and former Vice President of Clinical Sciences at the Endocrine Society. This may explain why testosterone pills, gels, and patches are sometimes touted by drug marketing campaigns (and celebs) as a sex drive booster for older men and women whose testosterone is naturally lower than it used to be.

The problem with this approach, according to Chrisandra Shufelt, M.D., associate director of the Barbra Streisand Womens Heart Center at the Cedars-Sinai Smidt Heart Institute in Los Angeles, CA, is that testosterone is not necessarily the miracle drug you may be reading about on the internet. If you search online, it seems like testosterone could be the panacea of all hormones, relieving everything from fatigue to weight gain to depression, Dr. Shufelt says. But interestingly, she notes, there is no scientifically proven list of symptoms directly correlated to low T in women. Everyones hormone levels are naturally different, and what looks low on a testosterone test for one woman may be a perfectly normal T level for another.

To some extent, yesbut its not the end all, be all. Dr. Wierman explains that there are many different causes of sexual dysfunction (the term for when youre no longer craving or enjoying sex). There are mechanical hardware causes, there are relationship causes, there are mood causes, she says. There are rarely hormonal causes, and [in those cases] it's usually estrogen deficiency that is causing abnormalities.

Testosterone products are supplemental versions of the hormone that people take to increase their existing T levels. They come as a patch, gel, pill, tablet, or injection. Prescription testosterone products are FDA-approved for men whose bodies cannot produce adequate testosterone, due to genetic conditions like Klinefelter syndrome or damage from infection or chemotherapy. Testosterone products are notwe repeat, not!approved for people whose testosterone is decreasing with age.

Nevertheless, this hasnt stopped people from taking T (and doctors from prescribing T) for reasons other than it is officially intended. This practice has become so widespread, in fact, that the FDA issued a safety announcement in March 2015 urging doctors not to prescribe testosterone to anyone other than men with testosterone-lowering medical conditions. The statement noted that testosterone therapy could possibly increase your risk of cardiovascular problems or stroke.

For women, the risks of testosterone therapy are even less clear. What we know about safety and what has been studied in women is the short-term effects, up to two years, Dr. Shufelt says. Longer effects are not known, and we do not know the effects in women who have risk factors for heart disease and breast cancer. She stresses that longer-term studies will be necessary to determine whether low-dose testosterone therapy has detrimental effects on a womans body.

When testosterone is taken in excess quantities, Dr. Shufelt explains, it can lead to some pretty severe medical issues for women. Too much testosterone in women can result in deepening of voice, hair loss, acne, anger, and negative changes to the cholesterol panel, she says. Dr. Wierman remembers seeing a perimenopausal patient who had been given testosterone pellets at an anti-aging clinic. The high levels of T caused an increase in bad cholesterol, increase in blood pressure, excessive body hair growth, and loss of scalp hair.

In September 2019, the Endocrine Society, International Menopause Society, European Menopause and Andropause Society, and others got together to publish a global consensus statement on the safety and efficacy of testosterone therapy for women. Dr. Wierman, one of the principal authors, explains the major takeaway: testosterone therapy has only proven to be useful for one specific subset of womenpost-menopausal women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder.

Hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) is characterized by an absence of sexual desire, to an extent that it causes emotional distress and relationship problems for a couple. HSDD can be caused by a variety of factors, from medication use and chronic health conditions, to chemical imbalances and hormone deficiencies. It is diagnosed by a healthcare provider using a questionnaire and treated with anything from counseling to hormone replacement therapy, depending on the situation.

Dr. Wierman says that for post-menopausal women with HSDD, controlled studies showed that getting high physiologic doses [of testosterone] increased satisfying sexual relations by one per month, with some other potentially good effects on sexual function, such as arousal and ability to orgasm. The consensus statement specified that these doses should mimic not exceed natural levels of testosterone in premenopausal women. The statement authors urged that more research be done on testosterone therapy for women, and that testosterone products for HSDD should be created specifically with women in mind.

If youre curious about testosterone therapy and wondering if you fit into the subset of women who may benefit, Dr. Wierman suggests talking to your regular womens healthcare provider. I think that most providers, whether theyre gynecologists or endocrinologists or primary care doctors who specialize in menopausal women, can discuss the issues related to testosterone pros and cons, she says.

But before you walk away with a prescription, keep in mind that your low sex drive may not have to do with your hormones. The first thing when someone has abnormalities in their sexual function is to discuss all the different other causes of it, and try to be a detective, Dr. Wierman says. If she is having painful intercourse, maybe it's local vaginal estrogen she needs. If theres stress in the relationship, maybe therapy is what they need. Testosterone therapy is one option to increase libido, but its certainly not a foolproof key to amazing sex. And unless youre a postmenopausal woman with HSDD, you probably want to steer clear.

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Is Testosterone Therapy Safe for Women? -

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Worldwide & Regional Industry Size, Trends, Analysis, Statistics & Forecast 2026 – News Distinct

Posted: May 17, 2020 at 6:42 am

The recently published market study by GLOBAL MARKETERS.BIZ highlights the current trends that are expected to influence the dynamics of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market in the upcoming years. The report introspect the supply chain, cost structure, and recent developments pertaining to the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market in the report and the impact of the COVID-19 on these facets of the market. Further, the micro and macro-economic factors that are likely to impact the growth of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market are thoroughly studied in the presented market study.

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Leading Players Are :

AbbVieEndo InternationalEli lillyPfizerActavis (Allergan)BayerNovartisTevaMylanUpsher-SmithFerring PharmaceuticalsKyowa KirinAcerus Pharmaceuticals

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Critical Data in the Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Report

Company share analysis and competition landscape

Recent trends and notable developments in the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market space

Growth projections of each market segment and sub-segment during the forecast period

COVID-19 impact on the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market

Recent innovations, product launches, and technological advances relevant to the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market

Regional Assessment

The regional assessment chapter in the report offers an out and out understanding of the potential growth of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market across various geographies such as:

Application Assessment

The presented study ponders over the numerous applications of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy and offers a fair assessment of the supply-demand ratio of each application including:

Market Taxonomy

By Type


By Application


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By Region

North America

Latin America




SEA and Other APAC


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The report resolves the following doubts related to the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market:

1. Who are the leading market players operating in the current Testosterone Replacement Therapy market landscape?

2. Which region is expected to dominate the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market in terms of market share and size during the forecast period?

3. What are the various factors that are likely to contribute to the growth of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market in the upcoming years?

4. What is the most impactful marketing strategy adopted by players in the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market?

5. What is the projected CAGR growth of application 1 during the forecast period?

Continued here:
Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Worldwide & Regional Industry Size, Trends, Analysis, Statistics & Forecast 2026 - News Distinct

Hormone Replacement Therapy Market Trends, Analysis and Forecast till 2029 3w Market News Reports – 3rd Watch News

Posted: May 17, 2020 at 6:42 am

The research study on Global Hormone Replacement Therapy market 2019 presents an extensive analysis of current Hormone Replacement Therapy market size, drivers, trends, opportunities, challenges, as well as key Hormone Replacement Therapy market segments. Further, it explains various definitions and classification of the Hormone Replacement Therapy industry, applications, and chain structure.In continuation of this data, the Hormone Replacement Therapy report covers various marketing strategies followed by key players and distributors. Also explains Hormone Replacement Therapy marketing channels, potential buyers and development history. The intent of global Hormone Replacement Therapy research report is to depict the information to the user regarding Hormone Replacement Therapy market forecast and dynamics for the upcoming years. The Hormone Replacement Therapy study lists the essential elements which influence the growth of Hormone Replacement Therapy industry. Long-term evaluation of the worldwide Hormone Replacement Therapy market share from diverse countries and regions is roofed within the Hormone Replacement Therapy report. Additionally, includes Hormone Replacement Therapy type wise and application wise consumption figures.

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After the basic information, the global Hormone Replacement Therapy Market study sheds light on the Hormone Replacement Therapy technological evolution, tie-ups, acquisition, innovative Hormone Replacement Therapy business approach, new launches and Hormone Replacement Therapy revenue. In addition, the Hormone Replacement Therapy industry growth in distinct regions and Hormone Replacement Therapy R;D status are enclosed within the report.The Hormone Replacement Therapy study also incorporates new investment feasibility analysis of Hormone Replacement Therapy. Together with strategically analyzing the key micro markets, the report also focuses on industry-specific drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges in the Hormone Replacement Therapy market.

Global Hormone Replacement Therapy Market Segmentation 2019: Hormone Replacement TherapyThe study also classifies the entire Hormone Replacement Therapy market on basis of leading manufacturers, different types, various applications and diverse geographical regions. Overall Hormone Replacement Therapy market is characterized by the existence of well-known global and regional Hormone Replacement Therapy vendors. These established Hormone Replacement Therapy players have huge essential resources and funds for Hormone Replacement Therapy research as well as developmental activities. Also, the Hormone Replacement Therapy manufacturers focusing on the development of new Hormone Replacement Therapy technologies and feedstock. In fact, this will enhance the competitive scenario of the Hormone Replacement Therapy industry.

The Leading Players involved in global Hormone Replacement Therapy market are:

By Therapy Type (Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Replacement Therapy, Testosterone Replacement Therapy, Thyroid Replacement Therapy, Estrogen Replacement Therapy)

By Application (Growth Hormone Deficiency,Menopause, Hypothyroidism, Male Hypogonadism, and Others)

By Route of Administration (Oral, Parenteral, and Others)

By Distribution Channel (Hospital Pharmacies, Retail Pharmacies, and Online Pharmacies) 

By Region (North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa )

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Worldwide Hormone Replacement Therapy Market Different Analysis:Competitors Review of Hormone Replacement Therapy Market: Report presents the competitive landscape scenario seen among top Hormone Replacement Therapy players, their company profile, revenue, sales, business tactics and forecast Hormone Replacement Therapy industry situations. Production Review of Hormone Replacement Therapy Market: It illustrates the production volume, capacity with respect to major Hormone Replacement Therapy regions, application, type, and the price. Sales Margin and Revenue Accumulation Review of Hormone Replacement Therapy Market: Eventually explains sales margin and revenue accumulation based on key regions, price, revenue, and Hormone Replacement Therapy target consumer. Supply and Demand Review of Hormone Replacement Therapy Market: Coupled with sales margin, the report depicts the supply and demand seen in major regions, among key players and for every Hormone Replacement Therapy product type. Also interprets the Hormone Replacement Therapy import/export scenario. Other key reviews of Hormone Replacement Therapy Market: Apart from the above information, correspondingly covers the company website, number of employees, contact details of major Hormone Replacement Therapy players, potential consumers and suppliers. Also, the strengths, opportunities, Hormone Replacement Therapy market driving forces and market restraints are studied in this report.

Highlights of Global Hormone Replacement Therapy Market Report:* This report provides in detail analysis of the Hormone Replacement Therapy and provides market size (US$ Million) and Cumulative Annual Growth Rate (CAGR (%)) for the forecast period: 2019 ; 2029. * It also elucidates potential revenue opportunity across different segments and explains attractive investment proposition matrix for world Hormone Replacement Therapy market. * This study also provides key insights about Hormone Replacement Therapy market drivers, restraints, opportunities, new product launches, approvals, regional outlook, and competitive strategies adopted by the leading Hormone Replacement Therapy players. * It profiles leading players in the worldwide Hormone Replacement Therapy market based on the following parameters ; company overview, financial performance, product portfolio, geographical presence, distribution strategies, key developments and strategies and future plans. * Insights from Hormone Replacement Therapy report would allow marketers and management authorities of companies to make an informed decision with respect to their future product launches, market expansion, and Hormone Replacement Therapy marketing tactics. * The world Hormone Replacement Therapy industry report caters to various stakeholders in Hormone Replacement Therapy market. That includes investors, device manufacturers, distributors and suppliers for Hormone Replacement Therapy equipment. Especially incorporates government organizations, Hormone Replacement Therapy research and consulting firms, new entrants, and financial analysts. *Various strategy matrices used in analyzing the Hormone Replacement Therapy market would provide stakeholders vital inputs to make strategic decisions accordingly.

Global Hormone Replacement Therapy Market Report Provides Comprehensive Analysis of Following: ; Hormone Replacement Therapy Market segments and sub-segments ; Industry size ; Hormone Replacement Therapy shares ; Hormone Replacement Therapy Market trends and dynamics ; Market Drivers and Hormone Replacement Therapy Opportunities ; Supply and demand of world Hormone Replacement Therapy industry ; Technological inventions in Hormone Replacement Therapy trade ; Hormone Replacement Therapy Marketing Channel Development Trend ; Global Hormone Replacement Therapy Industry Positioning ; Pricing and Brand Strategy ; Distributors/Traders List enclosed in Positioning Hormone Replacement Therapy Market.

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Moreover, the report organizes to provide essential information on current and future Hormone Replacement Therapy market movements, organizational needs and Hormone Replacement Therapy industrial innovations. Additionally, the complete Hormone Replacement Therapy report helps the new aspirants to inspect the forthcoming opportunities in the Hormone Replacement Therapy industry. Investors will get a clear idea of the dominant Hormone Replacement Therapy players and their future forecasts.

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Kenneth Research provides market research reports to different individuals, industries, associations and organizations with an aim of helping them to take prominent decisions. Our research library comprises of more than 10,000 research reports provided by more than 15 market research publishers across different industries. Our collection of market research solutions covers both macro level as well as micro level categories with relevant and suitable market research titles. As a global market research reselling firm, Kenneth Research provides significant analysis on various markets with pure business intelligence and consulting services on different industries across the globe. In addition to that, our internal research team always keep a track on the international and domestic market for any economic changes impacting the products demand, growth and opportunities for new and existing players.

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Hormone Replacement Therapy Market Trends, Analysis and Forecast till 2029 3w Market News Reports - 3rd Watch News

Anti-Trans Laws Are Preventing Trans Women From Playing on Womens Sports Teams – Teen Vogue

Posted: May 17, 2020 at 6:42 am

Sign the ACLU's petition to support trans student athletes.

Growing up, I never felt like I fit in. I was trying to be this cool, masculine, teenage boy, but I felt like I was faking it. In high school, I secretly shopped for girls clothes at Goodwill and would put them on after school. But when I looked in the mirror, I was so disappointed. I didnt understand it at the time, but what I was experiencing was gender dysphoria, a deeply painful feeling that comes from knowing that your sex assigned at birth and your body do not reflect your true gender.

One solace during this confusing time was running. Running was always my passion, but it was only after I joined the cross-country team that I found a community. The four years I spent on my high school track-and-field team and the three years I spent on the cross-country team were the best part of high school. My teammates became my whole friend group, my coaches were my mentors, and the discipline of group practices helped me focus better on my schoolwork. Running with a team gave me confidence, made me feel good, and also helped me forget about my sadness and internal struggles.

At the end of my senior year of high school, I took a major, life-affirming step that seemed sudden but was a long time coming: I came out to myself as trans. With college imminent, I could imagine myself becoming the person I wanted to be the person I am. That summer, I began aligning my body with my female gender and soon after started hormone replacement therapy.

When I started college last fall at Boise State University I took solo runs, but I didnt try out for track or cross-country. I needed some time to become comfortable with my new identity and college life.

Besides, I couldnt have tried out even if Id wanted to. The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) requires women who are transgender like me to complete 12 months of hormone therapy to suppress testosterone as part of their gender transition before competing. I was already doing this because I needed it for my health, and I knew that by the start of my sophomore year I would be ready to compete again when eligible in the fall of 2020.

And then something devastating happened.

Earlier this year, Idaho legislators introduced HB 500, which not only banned trans girls and women athletes from competing on their school teams, but exposed all girls and women to invasive, intrusive genital testing if anyone challenges their gender. I joined activists and community members in speaking out against the bill at the statehouse, but it passed anyway. On the eve of March 31, Trans Visibility Day, Governor Brad Little signed the bill into law. That meant I could no longer try out for the Boise State track or cross-country teams or participate on any of my universitys sports teams even club or intramural ones.

So I decided to fight for myself and for all the trans and intersex student athletes across Idaho, as well as for all Idaho girls and women athletes, who shouldnt be subject to invasive sex verification exams in order to play school sports. On April 15, a team of lawyers from Legal Voice, the American Civil Liberties Union, and Cooley LLP filed a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the bill because it invades young peoples privacy and because it discriminates based on sex.

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Anti-Trans Laws Are Preventing Trans Women From Playing on Womens Sports Teams - Teen Vogue

Do you have lockdown body? How to lose weight without going on a diet –

Posted: May 17, 2020 at 6:41 am

According to areport, on average we are enjoying an additional 333 calories a day while confined to our houses.And comfort eating and drinking is to blame.

The survey reveals the average Brit is consuming three alcoholic drinks a day while reaching for 'comfort treats'. The most popular lockdown snack is cheese on toast, for 22 percent of the nation, followed by crisps (21 percent), bacon sandwiches (19 percent), chocolate cake (19 percent) and cheese and crackers (18 percent)

Registered dietitian and founder of Nutrition Rocks, Hala El-Shafie, says she's had a sharp rise in clients reaching out via social media, concerned about their unhealthy eating habits since lockdown began. "Everyone's usual coping mechanisms have been taken away from them and many are turning to food instead.

'They can't see friends and family or socialise in the same way they used to be able to, and they are substituting with alcohol and sugary snacks,'she explains. Indeed, almost half of the nation (48 percent) say the thing they miss most about life before lockdown is being able to see friends and family.

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Do you have lockdown body? How to lose weight without going on a diet -

Coronavirus diets: What’s behind the urge to eat like little kids? | News, Sports, Jobs – Escanaba Daily Press

Posted: May 17, 2020 at 6:41 am

(THE CONVERSATION) Have you noticed grabbing an extra bag of chips at the supermarket? Or eating more frozen dinners than you used to? Or even eating snacks that you havent eaten since you were a little kid?

The COVID-19 pandemic has upended nearly every facet of our daily lives, from how we dress, to how we work, to how we exercise.

Its also changing the way we eat. As a registered dietitian and nutrition researcher, Im fascinated by the types of food people are buying during this strange time.

One recent survey found that 42% of respondents indicated theyre purchasing more packaged food than they typically would and less fresh food.

Sales of frozen pizza have almost doubled. Sales of frozen appetizers and snacks think Bagel Bites are over a third, while ice cream sales have increased 36%.

According to Uber Eats, the most common food delivery order in the United States has been French fries, while the most popular beverage has been soda.

To me, these foods have one thing in common: Theyre the stuff we ate as kids.

Why might grown adults be reaching back into the pantry of their pasts? What is it about a pandemic that makes us feel like were teenagers at a sleepover?

The reasons are deeply rooted.

At its core, the purpose of food is to nourish. Of course food provides us with the necessary energy and balance of vitamins and minerals to power and fuel the body. But anyone whos reached for a pint of Ben and Jerrys after a particularly stressful day will know that nourishment is about more than nutrition.

During periods of stress, people tend to eat more and show a greater preference for higher calorie foods. The sweeter and saltier the better. Regardless of hunger, a tasty snack can feel comforting. Theres evidence to suggest that highly palatable foods, especially those high in fat and sugar, may illicit a response in the brain that is similar to the response from opioids.

Yes, a delicious slice of rich chocolate cake can be just as good as drugs.

We tend to call many of these foods comfort foods, but the definition of comfort food is a bit slippery. Food is deeply personal. The foods that comfort people depend on their cultural background, taste preference, and personal experience. We know, however, that food can induce feelings of nostalgia that transport us back to simpler times.

So perhaps its no surprise that, during a period of uncertainty that has many of us desperate for some relief and comfort, the foods of our childhood can act as a salve. For some of us, that bowl of Lucky Charms isnt just a sweet treat; its a reminder of days gone by, a time of safety and stability.

Theres nothing inherently wrong in finding temporary relief from chaos and uncertainty through food. But its probably best to view these changes in eating behavior as a temporary habit during a weird time. After all, a diet rich in macaroni and cheese and chicken nuggets doesnt exactly set our bodies up for long-term success.

As peoples lives start to regain some sense of normalcy, diet can actually be a major part of the equation. Returning to a more health-conscious diet could be part of reestablishing your previous routines. And if youve never been able to find the time to prioritize healthy eating, now could actually be a good opportunity to start laying the groundwork for habits that become the new normal.

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license.

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Coronavirus diets: What's behind the urge to eat like little kids? | News, Sports, Jobs - Escanaba Daily Press

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