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Everything the Men’s Health Fitness Director Eats in a Typical Day –

Posted: May 9, 2020 at 11:44 pm

For Men's Health Fitness Director Ebenezer Samuel, C.S.C.S, creating the perfect eating schedule wasnt always easy.

Ive been strength training since I was in high school, but for a long time, I wasnt in control of my diet and didnt know what I was doing, he says. Once I learned that about five or six years ago, then I was able to make really good gains in terms of strength and the size I wanted.

Samuel keeps to a rigid eating schedule, making sure to fuel every 2 hours from the moment he wakes up. He also tracks how much he eats throughout the day. His preferred daily amounts are around 180 grams of protein, 120 to 180 grams of carbohydrates and 60 to 90 grams of fats.

"As long as Im awake, Im gonna eat. I want to be sure that I have some form of nutrition floating through my system so my muscles can constantly get a re-supply of nutrients." he says.

Samuel's day usually begins at 7:30 a.m., when he reaches for a shake. He likes to mix 1 scoops of whey protein, 1 tablespoon of almond butter, a greens supplement to get some antioxidants, and water to get his first food source of the day.

There is one catch: Its not necessarily the best tasting drink, Samuel says. But it also doesnt taste as bad as you may think. By 10:00 a.m., Samuel is ready for another shake to carry him through morning meetings.

When noon comes around, Samuel switches to natural sources of protein. A typical lunch for him includes six ounces of salmon, three ounces of brown rice, and two to three ounces of broccoli. That way, he gets a good green vegetable, a slow-burning carb to keep him going through the rest of the day, and a great go-to protein source. He repeats this meal at about 2:30 p.m. I dont need a lot of choices in my diet, he says, as long as its giving me the fuel I need.

At 5:00 p.m., it's workout mode. Before training Samuel tries to get in another meal. Because hes looking to bring a variety of natural protein sources into his food routine, he likes to have five to six ounces of a protein (either chicken, beef or pork), four ounces of potatoes, and a side of peppers and onions.

If he feels like he needs to add some fat into his dinner, then hell eat a spoonful of almond butter straight out of the jar. Hell repeat this again around 7:30 p.m. and by 10:00 p.m., he has his last fueling by eating some salmon and broccoli.

As for hydration, Samuel has a target of finishing a gallon of water a day. Although it might seem daunting (especially at work), he makes it easier by carrying around a large bottle of water everywhere, especially at meetings where he doesnt always need to speak.

I dont have to talk for every minute of every single meeting, he says. Meetings are a great chance to sit back when somebody else is talking and guzzle as much water as I possibly can.

Even though Samuels diet looks regimented, he does like to have a cheat day on Saturdays. He does have some caveats though: He respects his water intake, eating intervals ,and protein intake. But dont think he only likes to eat salmon and broccolihe does love some peanut butter cups and a slice or two of cheesecake.

So whats Samuels advice for someone looking to create their own eating structure? Find something that will work with you for the long haul and will give you the nutrients necessary for health and for building muscle. Find a way that works for you. Dont fall into the trap of going onto a restricted system. Build a system that you can maintain.

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Everything the Men's Health Fitness Director Eats in a Typical Day -

How to build muscle at home: 5 of the most effective muscle building tips for beginners (and pros too) – T3

Posted: May 9, 2020 at 11:42 pm

With gyms being closed until further notice due to global lockdown, many people turned to at-home workouts and started researching the best way how to build muscle at home. True, full-body HIIT workouts are a great way to lose weight fast and get fit in general, but if you really want to build muscle at home, you'll need to do a bit more than just jumping around to music in your living room.

The key to muscle building is good diet ample amount of protein, healthy carbs and good fats and resistance training. Beginner at-home bodyweight workouts can be a good starting point but after a while, your body adjusts to the load and you will need a bit more than just the weight of your body to increase the girth of your upper arms.

We collected five bullet-proof tips that can seriously improve your home gym sessions and build muscles more effectively. These tips are great for home gyms but can also be used elsewhere too; some of them are even useful for people who don't want to work out at all.

Without further ado, here is the list of the most effective muscle building tips for home.

Fitbit Versa 2 Fitness Smartwatch, Stone/Mist Grey | Sale Price 170.54 | Was 199.99 | You save 29.45 at AmazonThe Fitbit Versa 2 comes with built-in voice assistant, 24/7 heart rate tracking, smart notifications, over four days of battery life and even integrated memory for music. One of the most popular fitness trackers ever, the Versa 2 is an update to, rather than a revolution from, the original Versa, yet it offers plenty of functionality to justify the price.View Deal

(Image credit: ONNIT)

We keep on harping about protein here at T3, mainly because consuming enough protein and maintaining a healthy diet is just as important as pumping weights when it comes to building muscles. You can source protein from protein powder supplements, weight gainer powders, protein bars or protein rich food, as long as you eat enough, you'll get ripped sooner.

How much is enough? For someone actively working out, the appropriate amount of protein is around 1,6-2 grams of protein per body kilogram per day. For a 70 kg person, it's 112-140 grams of protein per day. 100 grams of chicken breast contains around 30 grams of protein, but even kale has over 4 grams in it per 100 grams.

When it comes to protein supplements, the options are pretty much endless. We recommend getting a good quality protein powder, like ONNIT's plant based protein or its whey protein, derived from grass fed cows. If you are after vegan protein treats, check out One Pro Nutritions protein bars: these vegan bars are high on protien and low on sugar, the perfect post-workout snacks.

Promixx MiiXR X7 Performance Nutrition Food Blender 7 Piece Set Black | Buy it for 89.99 at Amazon UKInstead of snacking on chocolate all the time, how about having a smoothie? The Promixx MiiXR X7 is a performance blender with two different mixer heads, two Tritan bottles and two no-leak lids so you can carry your freshly made smoothies with you. The 700w motor pulverises anything you put in this blended in a matter of seconds. The Promixx MiiXR X7 is dishwasher safe but also easy to hand-wash, too, thanks to the ergonomic shape of the bottles.View Deal

(Image credit: JaxJox)

When it comes to working out, dumbbells and kettlebells are your bread and butter, real must-have accessories if youre looking to build muscle. Saying that, knowing where to buy weights online is a bit tricky at the moment but if you keep your eyes peeled, you can come across some good deals still. For an hour, the extremely versatile Bowflex SelectTech 840 kettlebell was back in stock at Fitness Superstore last week.

Bowflex Selecttech 1090i dumbbells are a particularly convenient option given their adjustability, effectively providing you with 15 sets of weights in one. If youre short on storage, these adjustable dumbbells will be your best friend. By simply turning a dial on the side, youll have access to weights ranging from 4 kg to 41 kg.

Check dumbbell stock at Fitness Superstore

Similarly,JAX JOXs Kettlebell Connectproduct requires just the touch of a button to alternate between six different weight options whatever your muscle growth goals. Dumbbells and kettlebells are simple yet incredibly effective and can be used in hundreds of different workouts including cardio routines, a much cheaper alternative to high-end machines.

Check kettlebell stock at Fitness Superstore

(Image credit: Getty Images)

The time under tension (TUD) technique can be used by anyone and requires no equipment. A key technique if youre looking to enhance muscle growth, TUD refers to the length of time a muscle is under strain during a movement / exercise. The length of time that is recommended depends on the number of repetitions and sets per exercise, but generally, it is advised to do less reps in a longer period of time.

To give you an extreme example: it could be more beneficial to do four to six reps within 60 seconds, than 20-25 reps in the same period of time. With less reps, the window of time during which the muscles are actually under tension is therefore longer, the end result being hypertrophy (muscle growth). 15-25 seconds is often used as somewhat of a benchmark as to how long you should look to place the targeted muscle / muscles under strain.

Similar to TUD is a technique called maximum mTor activation (mTor). This technique focuses on the negative movement and requires you to focus on muscle activation as you return to the starting position. For example, doing overhead presses, you push the bar over your head in an explosive fashion, but release it back down onto your chest in 3-5 seconds. Try this when you do the best full body workout session next time.

(Image credit: SIXPAD)

Electrical muscle stimulation is without a doubt a growing sector and although just using EMS gear alone won't give you an instant six pack, using it in adjacent to working out can speed up the results. Japanese brandSIXPAD are arguably the top dogs when it comes to EMS technology, offering a range of products from small butterfly-like stimulation pads, all the way to complete abs belts that cover your obliques too.

According to SIXPAD's research, its products can help users achieve a 12% improvement in abdominal muscle size after 8 weeks when used alongside a balanced diet and exercise, while an 8% improvement was seen after just 4 weeks. As we noted in our SIXPAD review, the emphasis is on the "alongside a balanced diet and exercise" bit, so don't expect the belt to give you a washboard stomach without any effort.

On the upside, you can stimulate other body parts than just your abs with SIXPAD products, forcing those biceps and shoulders to pop. The best thing is, you can literally sit back and relax as you perform your SIXPAD sessions. Brilliant.

SIXPAD Electric Muscle Stimulation Training Gear | Prices from 175 at Amazon UKSIXPAD training gear won't replace hard work but it can make it more effective. These cordless pads can effectively enhance muscle stimulation and can "help users achieve a 8% improvement in abdominal muscle size after 4 weeks alongside a balanced diet and exercise" or so does SIXPAD claim. A great alternative to midday runs, using the SIXPAD won't make you sweat but will still provide some degree of muscle stimulation.View Deal

(Image credit: Hyper Vest)

As mentioned in the intro, bodyweight workouts can supply enough resistance for many people, especially beginners who work out at home, but also for hardcore gym buffs: just try following the hardest calisthenics workout or the Navy SEAL workout. If you are not quite ready for performing the hardest workouts just yet but doing regular pushups feels a bit less challenging, consider donning a weight vest when you exercise.

Buy weight vests at Amazon UK

Buy weight vests at Walmart US

TheHyperwear Hyper Vest PROis our top pick here: you'll be pleased to know that the CORDURA fabric used for these vests is water repellent, comfortable and most importantly, odour resistanteveryone else in the house will appreciate that were sure. They also offer 5lb booster packs to add additional weight if desired.

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How to build muscle at home: 5 of the most effective muscle building tips for beginners (and pros too) - T3

Don Lee: Into the blue yonder in a battery-powered airplane – The Tribune – Ironton Tribune

Posted: May 9, 2020 at 11:42 pm

In the last column, we reviewed the 1986 Voyager non-stop trip around the world in nine days with Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager. This week, we explore more recent news.

The continuing development of electric-powered airplanes made the news recently. I think it didnt make the mass media, since everyone wants the latest news on the infamous virus known at COVID-19.

NASA has become interested in the electric-powered airplane it has named the X-57 Maxwell electric plane.

It is the first government-sponsored experimental airplane in 20 years.

It is not exotic as previous X-designated planes. A comment I read mentioned that the test pilots will be wearing polo shirts and shorts rather than special pressure suits. That says this experimental aircraft is about as laid back as it can get.

The electric plane has to overcome several obstacles before it is a practical way to travel.

First of all, the current development of a battery is not very efficient, even though the lithium battery is a great improvement over the lead acid battery that starts our internal combustion powered vehicles.

The lead acid battery was invented in 1859 by a French scientist, Gaston Plante. It has a very low energy to weight ratio even though it powered electric cars in the 1918-era.

My dad, Robert E. Lee, not the Civil War general (I am not that old), told me that the doctor that came to deliver my oldest brother in November 1918 arrived in an electric car.

Also, in the late 1930s, I remember seeing these old ladies driving an electric car in Terre Haute, Indiana. It had a vase on the windshield near the drivers side with a flower in it. It was rather slow moving.

OK, back to the latest, the X-57 Maxwell is powered by 14 electric motors and two 400-pound lithium-ion batteries.

It will use all the motors to take off, but when it is in cruise mode, only the two large motors mounted in the wing tips will be used.

When the smaller motors are shut down, the propellers fold back to reduce the drag.

As with government projects, it will be several months before they will actually fly it. The ground testing will occupy them during this time.

The electric plane has a few problems over the jet and internal combustion powered engines. The jet-powered planes take off with more fuel than they can safely land with. When they reach their destination, they are considerably lighter in weight.

The electric plane doesnt lose weight and this takes more power. Also, the batteries need a long time to charge, although the plane could be designed to change out the batteries quickly.

The name Maxwell was inspired by remembering the 19th century physicist, James Clerk Maxwell, who was a pioneer in studying electromagnetism.

Albert Einstein was an admirer and said he accomplished his theories by standing on the shoulders of Maxwell.

Don Lee, a pilot flying out of Lawrence County Airport since 1970, has been in charge of equipment and grounds maintenance for the last several years. He can be reached at

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Don Lee: Into the blue yonder in a battery-powered airplane - The Tribune - Ironton Tribune

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market 2020 | Growth Drivers, Challenges, Trends, Market Dynamics and Forecast to 2026 – Cole of Duty

Posted: May 8, 2020 at 5:50 pm

Acerus Pharmaceuticals

The scope of the Report:

The report analyzes the key opportunities, CAGR, and Y-o-Y growth rates to allow readers to understand all the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market. A competition analysis is imperative in the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market and the competition landscape serves this objective. A wide company overview, financials, recent developments, and long and short-term strategies adopted are par for the course. Various parameters have been taken into account while estimating market size. The revenue generated by the leading industry participants in the sales of Testosterone Replacement Therapy across the world has been calculated through primary and secondary research. The Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market analysis is provided for the international markets including development trends, competitive landscape analysis, and key regions development status.

By Regions:

* North America (The US, Canada, and Mexico)

* Europe (Germany, France, the UK, and Rest of the World)

* Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, and Rest of Asia Pacific)

* Latin America (Brazil and Rest of Latin America.)

* Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, the UAE, , South Africa, and Rest of Middle East & Africa)

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Highlights of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market study:

Speculations for sales:

The report contains historical revenue and volume that backing information about the market capacity, and it helps to evaluate conjecture numbers for key areas in the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market. Additionally, it includes a share of every segment of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market, giving methodical information about types and applications of the market.

Key point summary of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market report:

This report gives a forward-looking prospect of various factors driving or restraining market growth.

It presents an in-depth analysis of changing competition dynamics and puts you ahead of competitors.

It gives a six-year forecast evaluated on the basis of how the market is predicted to grow.

It assists in making informed business decisions by creating a pin-point analysis of market segments and by having complete insights of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market.

This report helps users in comprehending the key product segments and their future.

Strategic Points Covered in TOC:

Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product scope, market risk, market overview, and market opportunities of the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market

Chapter 2: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market which consists of its revenue, sales, and price of the products

Chapter 3: Displaying the competitive nature among key manufacturers, with market share, revenue, and sales

Chapter 4: Presenting global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market by regions, market share and with revenue and sales for the projected period

Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by manufacturers with revenue share and sales by key countries in these various regions

Finally, the report global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market describes Testosterone Replacement Therapy industry expansion game plan, the Testosterone Replacement Therapy industry knowledge supply, appendix, analysis findings and the conclusion. It includes a through explanation of the cutting-edging technologies and investments being made to upgrade the existing ones.

Report customization:

Market Research Intellect also provides customization options to tailor the reports as per client requirements. This report can be personalized to cater to your research needs. Feel free to get in touch with our sales team, who will ensure that you get a report as per your needs.

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Market Research Intellect provides syndicated and customized research reports to clients from various industries and organizations with the aim of delivering functional expertise. We provide reports for all industries including Energy, Technology, Manufacturing and Construction, Chemicals and Materials, Food and Beverage and more. These reports deliver an in-depth study of the market with industry analysis, market value for regions and countries and trends that are pertinent to the industry.

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market 2020 | Growth Drivers, Challenges, Trends, Market Dynamics and Forecast to 2026 - Cole of Duty

Great Eastern Q1 profit sinks 90% on non-operating losses – The Straits Times

Posted: May 8, 2020 at 5:48 pm

SINGAPORE (THE BUSINESS TIMES) - Great Eastern Holdings on Wednesday (May 6) posted a 90 per cent drop in net profit to $33.9 million for the first quarter ended March 31, 2020 from $342.7 million a year ago.

The insurance arm of OCBC Bank was weighed down by non-operating losses of $222.8 million, compared to a non-operating profit of $75.9 million a year earlier. Great Eastern said this was due to lower valuation of investments, arising from unfavourable financial market conditions in the first quarter.

Meanwhile, operating profit doubled to $298.6 million from $148.7 million from the same quarter last year. This was driven by increased contribution from its core markets and a reduction in insurance contract liabilities in both Singapore and Malaysia.

Total weighted new sales for the quarter grew 21 per cent to $298.8 million, from $247.4 million a year ago.

According to Great Eastern, the group's operations in Singapore and Malaysia continued its growth momentum, driven by agency channels in both countries and the bancassurance channel in Singapore.

Correspondingly, new business embedded value increased by 15 per cent for the quarter to $126.1 million, from $109.8 million for the corresponding period last year.

Great Eastern shares closed at $18.73 on Tuesday, up $0.13 or 0.7 per cent.

See the original post here:
Great Eastern Q1 profit sinks 90% on non-operating losses - The Straits Times

Weight loss: Have a cup of green tea daily to shed your excess kilos – TheHealthSite

Posted: May 8, 2020 at 5:47 pm

Green tea is one of the most popular beverages of health and fitness enthusiasts. It contains potent antioxidants and is an anti-inflammatory. It has detoxifying compounds that help protect your body from free radicals. The catechins, anti-inflammatory polyphenols found in green tea, can significantly bring down your risk of cancer and also heart and liver disease. Besides its range of health benefits, green tea also helps you lose weight. Also Read - Want to lose weight fast? Pick the diet that suits you best

According to a 2019 study at the Ohio State University, green tea encourages the growth of good gut bacteria, and that leads to a series of benefits that significantly lower the risk of obesity. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry published this study. Another study at Oklahoma State University found that people who drank green tea or took green tea extract lost about 1.3 pounds more over 8 weeks than people who drank water. A few other studies also suggest that even decaf green tea may have weight loss benefits. Also Read - You don't need fad diets and grilling workouts to lose weight: Small lifestyle changes will help

Of course, you must remember that just adding this beverage to your diet alone will not help you lose weight. You also need to follow a healthy diet and exercise for weight loss. But yes, a couple of cups of green tea a day will definitely speed up your weight loss journey. It has a high concentration of vitamins and minerals and is very low in calories and this helps when you want to lose weight. Also, if you have it just after your meals it will help you lose weight faster because this is the time when your metabolism is most active. Here, let us take a look at how this beverage helps you lose weight. Also Read - Weight loss: Best yoga asanas to burn off your extra kilos

Green tea contains caffeine and this acts as a stimulant. It can hasten your fat burning process and improve exercise performance. Drinking a cup of green tea before your workout will help you lose weight much faster than otherwise.

This beverage is loaded with potent antioxidants known as catechins. These can help in the fat burning process. It also revs up your metabolism. And, the more active your metabolism, the faster you will lose weight. This drink will not only elevate your metabolic rate, but it will also increase fat oxidation and even improve insulin activity.

Green tea is a natural diuretic and this property makes it the ideal beverage to help you fight fluid retention problems and overall tissue inflammation. In fact, if you have two cups of this beverage daily, you may be able to reduce your body fat by up to 19 per cent.

Green tea contains an amino acid known as theanine. It has a calming effect on your brain. This helps bring down your stress and anxiety levels. Stress sis one of the leading causes of weight gain. When you are stressed, you tend to eat more, and this leads to unwanted weight gain. But bringing down your stress levels, this beverage helps you maintain your weight.

Published : May 7, 2020 3:23 pm | Updated:May 8, 2020 7:46 am

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Weight loss: Have a cup of green tea daily to shed your excess kilos - TheHealthSite

Six health benefits of fasting – Arab News

Posted: May 8, 2020 at 5:47 pm

DUBAI: In addition to spiritual advantages, fasting offers several health benefits when done properly.

Fasting does indeed help with weight loss.When we fast, insulin decreases dramatically, and lower levels of insulin facilitate fat burning.

Research has proven that fasting helps boost brain power. When our bodies are overworked and overwhelmed by the stresses of daily activities, stress levels increase and disrupt sleep patterns.

During a state of fasting, our brain goes into a meditative mode, enhancing its ability to regulate stress levels and thus helping us make better strategic decisions.

The body does require energy to move throughout the day, but contrary to popular opinion, fasting does not deplete that energy.

With the proper diet, its estimated that more than 50 percent of food intake is transformed into stored energy. Fasting balances food intake and energy use.

Research has also found that fasting reduces an enzyme called PKA, a protein-dependent enzyme that has several functions in cells, including the regulation of glycogen and the metabolism of sugar and lipids. PKA is also linked to an aging hormone that increases cancer risk and tumor growth.

When toxins enter the system, the body tries to neutralize them or eliminate them them through the intestines, liver, lungs, kidneys, lymph glands, and skin. If these systems fail to cleanse the toxins, they simply become stored in body fat.

Fasts cleanse our systems from toxins and chemical residue (synthetic chemicals, heavy metals, pesticides, detergents, etc.) without harming our health.

On a psychological level, fasting represents the renewal of ourselves and invites a state of peace. With repetition, our behavior changes and we become more relaxed. It is through abstaining that we regain control of our nerves and can assimilate to the environment around us if and when it is filled with negative energy.

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Six health benefits of fasting - Arab News

Meghan McCain Admits Her Worst Fear Right Now Is The Medias Reaction To Her Not Losing The Baby … – Celebrity Insider

Posted: May 8, 2020 at 5:47 pm

On the newest episode of The View, Meghan McCain opened up about her biggest fear and its pretty surprising! According to the conservative pundit, the thing she fears most is receiving backlash over not shedding the baby weight fast enough after giving birth!

As you might know, Meghan is pregnant with her first baby and it so happened that the topic of discussion on The View earlier today was celebrity weight loss!

Whoopi Goldberg started the conversation focused on Adeles incredible transformation given the fact that the singer has dropped no less than 100 pounds.

The star just shared a picture from her birthday celebration in which she was showing off her new fit frame while wearing a little black dress that put her legs and tiny waist on display.

Whoopi argued that there is something about the reaction to Adeles weight that validates the fact that you need to be thin to be valued in this world. And it kind of confirms all of the fears women like me have that if only Id lose 30 something pounds maybe the media would love me more.

Meghan then shared her view on this, saying that: I was talking to my sister in law and was telling her that one of the weird parts about being pregnant during this pandemic is that the world does not get to see my body changing because you guys only see me from the waist up. And one of my biggest fears when we hope to come back to the show, is the medias reaction will be to the weight I gain being pregnant and then if I do not lose it fast enough.


She went on to stress once again that her worst fear at the moment is unrelated to the election or politics in general but rather how the media is going to react to her bodys transformation after having her baby.

Post Views: 773

Read the original here:
Meghan McCain Admits Her Worst Fear Right Now Is The Medias Reaction To Her Not Losing The Baby ... - Celebrity Insider

Genetics and Weight: Is There an Obesity Gene? – LIVESTRONG.COM

Posted: May 8, 2020 at 5:47 pm

There are many factors at play when it comes to your weight, and genetics is certainly one of them. Every person's body responds differently to food and exercise, and there's some truth to the notion that obesity can run in families.

Genetics and weight are definitely linked, but you're not doomed by your DNA.

Image Credit: Rostislav_Sedlacek/iStock/GettyImages

But what runs in your family may not necessarily be your fate. How your genetics affect your weight is only one piece of the puzzle.

If it seems like some people can eat pizza for breakfast while others gain weight just from looking at sugar, that's because, well, everyone is different thanks in part to genes.

"We inherit all kinds of traits, such as hair and eye color, height and also body type," Keith-Thomas Ayoob, EdD, RD, clinical professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, tells "If two people both have what might be called a "stocky frame," their kids are probably not going to have frames that are long and lanky."

Like other traits, there's no singular gene connected to weight or obesity. In fact, according to Harvard Health Publishing, more than 400 genes are involved in contributing to obesity.

And while we're not sure exactly how they work, there's definitely a connection between genes and weight. Indeed, a November 2017 study in the International Journal of Obesity found that people with a higher genetic risk of obesity tended to gain more weight from age 20 on than those without this risk.

What we do know: Our genes form the basis for our body's signal and response system, which guides food intake, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). One hypothesis is that our bodies are primed to protect us against weight loss because energy, stored in fat, is crucial to survival. So the same genes that helped our ancestors survive food scarcity are still working to protect us, even though most of us have all the food we need and then some.

While most research has focused on how genetic risk affects obesity, more recent research has taken an in-depth look at the links between genetics, obesity and body mass index (BMI) over time.

In one study published January 2020 in JAMA Cardiology, researchers assessed the data on more than 2,500 adults from 1985 to 2010. Using a score based on each participant's DNA, they calculated the genetic risk of obesity for each person and compared it to measurements taken over the course of the 25-year study period. They also monitored each person's BMI over time.

"You may need to adjust your goals to take into account what your body can do [but] lifestyle and your eating style are major players in the obesity war perhaps the main players because they're the only ones over which you can have some control."

Their analysis showed that BMI in young adulthood explained about 52 percent of a person's BMI 25 years later, while genetics explained only about 14 percent. In the end, they concluded that fitness and BMI over time were better indicators of obesity risk than genetics.

Ayoob agrees that having a family history of obesity does not mean you have no control over your BMI.

"It means you may need to adjust your goals to take into account what your body can do and what you should expect," he says. "Lifestyle and your eating style are major players in the obesity war perhaps the main players because they're the only ones over which you can have some control."

Aim for at least 150 minutes of physical activity each week, and remember: Walking counts!

Image Credit: Igor Alecsander/E+/GettyImages

The bottom line? Genes play a role, yes, but lifestyle aka the diet and activity choices you make every day is the best determining factor when it comes to the number on the scale, your BMI and your overall health.

And if your lifestyle isn't the healthiest, it's worth it to make some improvements: The excess fat associated with obesity puts people at risk for other serious conditions, such as cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Here are some suggestions from the experts to get started:

1. Add Weight Lifting to Your Routine

People with a genetic propensity toward obesity can lower their percentage of body fat by raising their metabolism, Robert Herbst, a personal trainer specializing in weight loss, tells

To do this effectively, he highly recommends regular weight lifting.

"You should perform compound movements such as squats, lunges, bench press and deadlifts. These cause your metabolism to be elevated for 48 to 72 hours afterward as your body repairs muscle fibers that were broken down during the exercise and builds additional muscle in anticipation of greater loads in the future," he says.

Since muscle is more metabolically active than fat, building more of it helps your body burn more calories, even at rest.

Obesity is diagnosed when your body fat levels are much higher than the healthy range. At the very basic level, too much body fat occurs when more calories come in than go out. So it makes perfect sense to take stock of how and what you eat when confronting obesity.

"Genetics aside, look at the eating habits you grew up with. Are they compatible with having a healthy weight?" Ayoob asks.

A healthy, balanced diet where no food group is restricted is the best approach, he says.

Herbst recommends focusing on whole foods (think: fruits, vegetables and whole grains) and limiting empty-calorie junk foods like soda, chips and sweets.

As part of a healthy eating plan, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute emphasizes staying within your daily calorie goal for weight loss and controlling portion sizes.

Wondering how to calculate your calories for weight loss? Download the MyPlate app to do the job and help you track your intake, so you can stay focused and achieve your goals!

An important part of the equation when making healthy lifestyle changes is making sure those changes are maintainable. Ayoob recommends setting realistic goals and starting off slow.

"Weight loss that is slow and steady, not fast and furious, will win this race," he says. "Give yourself a year. The year will pass anyway, so it's a matter of it passing with progress or just keeping the status quo," he said.

In that time, aim to be purposefully active most days, even if that means just brisk walking, for at least 30 minutes.

He advises his own patients to engage in 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity five or more days a week, with walking being the most common activity.

This is in line with the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services' Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, which recommend adults do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity each week along with muscle-strengthening activities at least two days.

Original post:
Genetics and Weight: Is There an Obesity Gene? - LIVESTRONG.COM

The Zone Diet is an anti-inflammatory diet designed to help you lose weight – Business Insider Australia

Posted: May 8, 2020 at 5:47 pm

The Zone Diet is a meal plan where each meal is broken up so that it contains 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein, and 30% fat. This differs from a traditional Western diet because youre eating slightly fewer carbs, more protein, and less fat.

The boost in protein and fewer carbs are meant to help you keep your blood sugar levels stable, reduce inflammation, and lose fat at the fastest possible rate, according to the diets proponents and founder Barry Sears.

However, some experts are sceptical of the Zone Diet. And while limiting carbs has been shown to help regulate blood sugar levels, theres no evidence that the Zone Diet, specifically, is superior to other fad diets.

The Zone Diet does not exclude any food groups. However, in order to burn fat as quickly as possible, proponents of the diet say that you must reduce inflammation throughout your body.

Therefore, the foods you should and should not eat are based on whether or not they may cause inflammation and blood sugar spikes.

The Zone diet offers an easy way to remember some of its rules like its hand method. The number 5 like the five fingers on your hand represents 3 meals a day, plus 2 snacks, and also reminds you never to go more than 5 hours in between meals.

The Zone diet also uses a block method to help you track which foods to eat and how much of each food. In this method, one block equals:

For each meal, the average woman needs to eat 3 blocks of her choice, while men need 4 blocks. Including 2 daily snacks, which is 1 block each, that equates to:

However, depending on your starting point, you may need more. To find out what your particular needs are, the Zone Diet website has a body fat calculator.

Theres nothing magical about the fact that this diet encourages primarily whole, less processed foods, says Lauren Harris-Pincus, a registered dietician and founder of Nutrition Starring YOU.

Harris-Pincus adds that any nutritious diet will lead to improvements in blood sugar and inflammation and may also help you lose weight. So, you dont have to follow the carbs-protein-fat ratio of the Zone Diet to achieve those results.

Its unlikely that following the diet would cause real harm, says Harris-Pincus, but the bans on certain foods dont seem to make sense health-wise.

Any diet that discourages consumption of foods known to be beneficial to human health concerns me, Harris-Pincus says, adding that the diet discourages eating many different fruits and whole grains, which as part of a balanced diet reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

There has been very little research on the Zone Diet, and the small studies that exist dont live up to all of the diets claims of improvements in blood sugar, reduced inflammation, or weight loss. For example, a small 3-week study from 2004 found that people on the Zone Diet showed no added improvement in blood sugar or weight reduction compared with people eating their regular diets.

Admittedly 3 weeks is a short time. However, two other studies found that people who were overweight who followed the Zone Diet for a year did not improve blood sugar levels and only led to only 3.5 pounds in weight loss.

If the Zone Diet fits with your lifestyle, there is no harm in trying it, says Harris-Pincus. However, you may want to alter the diet to leave in healthy carbs like whole grains and fruits or opt for a healthier eating plan thats actually recommended by experts like the DASH diet or Mediterranean diet.

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The Zone Diet is an anti-inflammatory diet designed to help you lose weight - Business Insider Australia

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