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I Fasted 20 Hours a Day For 2 Weeks, and This Was My Experience – msnNOW

Posted: May 6, 2020 at 12:49 pm

Editors note: The opinions in this article are the authors, as published by our content partner, and do not necessarily represent the views of Microsoft News or Microsoft. MSN Health Voices features first-person essays and stories from diverse points of view. Click here to see more Voices content from MSN Lifestyle, Health, Travel and Food.

I've been following the 16:8 intermittent fasting (IF) plan for over seven months now, which means I don't eat for 16 hours a day and only eat during the other eight hours. I find a lot of inspiration and information from watching YouTube videos on IF. Recently, I'd been seeing a lot about the Warrior Diet. It's a stricter form of intermittent fasting, during which you have a much shorter eating window of just four hours and then a fasting window of 20 hours.

It seems extreme, right? Yet so many people rave about it. You're meant to obtain more mental clarity, increased energy, better digestion, reduced sugar cravings, and, for those looking for it, faster and better weight-loss and muscle definition results.

I never gave it serious thought, though. I mean, how can you only eat for four hours?! But one day, it happened accidentally. I meant to eat at noon as usual, but I was running around doing tons of errands, and it was 4 p.m. by the time I realized I was hungry and able to eat. If I could do it one day, I could do it for one week, right?

One of the best things I've experienced from intermittent fasting is getting a handle on my sugar cravings and food addiction. Not eating until noon was so freeing. It was beginning to help me not obsess about food all the time. I wanted to see how shortening my eating window to four hours would affect that.

I felt like an eating window of 3:00/3:30 p.m. to 7:00/7:30 p.m. would be good for my work, life, and family schedule. I decided to commit to one week on the Warrior Diet because I thought I'd be starving the entire time and wouldn't be able to stand another day. But by the sixth day, I was feeling so good, I wanted to keep going. I decided to commit to two weeks.

This surprised me, too, but no, I wasn't. I felt a little hungry around 10 a.m., so I'd have a cup of black coffee or green chai tea. The first couple of days I felt a little hungry around noon, since that's when I was used to eating. But by the fourth day that passed, and I instead noticed noon was the time of day when my mental clarity, focus, energy, and happiness really started kicking in.

One thing I noticed about the Warrior Diet compared to the 16:8 plan is that eating eight hours a day still didn't entirely prevent me from overeating or wanting sugar, which always made me feel uncomfortably bloated. Eating just four hours a day made it impossible to overeat - my belly filled up so quickly and I felt so satisfied that I didn't want to eat more. Because I had no desire to overeat, I didn't feel bloated at night or in the morning.

Mentally speaking, before I started IF, I was always thinking about food, stressing about counting calories, feeling hungry and deprived, or feeling bad if I ate too much or ate "bad" foods. I realized I was so unhappy back then because all my hard work was just making me gain weight. Only eating in a four-hour window helped me think even less about food, and when I ate, I didn't feel restricted or bad about it. I wasn't expecting to feel such an emotional weight lifted, and this is what kept me inspired to stick with it.

When 3:00/3:30 p.m. rolled around, I felt a subtle sense of hunger but wasn't completely famished. I craved mostly healthy foods and would eat a big tofu kale salad, leftovers, or a bowl of roasted tofu, sweet potatoes, and red peppers. I followed that with a banana, sometimes two, with raw almonds or cashews and plenty of water. Dinner was around 6:00 p.m., and I'd have whatever was on the menu: black bean burritos, avocado pasta with Trader Joe's meatless meatballs and steamed broccoli, lentil soup and bread, or veggie burgers with roasted veggies. If I felt like it, I'd eat a little dessert after. Sometimes it was some trail mix and fresh fruit . . . annnnd sometimes it was a vegan brownie sundae.

I ate what I craved, and as much as I wanted. That was one of my favorite parts about the Warrior Diet. I never felt deprived. I was able to sit down to a huge plate of food and feel completely satisfied and not guilty because my meal was over 400 calories. Another surprising benefit was that my taste buds became so sharp that even basic foods like fresh mango tasted mind-blowingly delicious.

Yep, my 5:45 a.m. CrossFit classes still happened. I felt the same as I always do, but this shortened eating window made for amazing deep sleep, so I felt super rested and energized. I was still able to box jump and burpee as usual, and today I even got a personal record for my squat snatch. One thing I noticed was that from not feeling bloated, I felt lighter and more agile and just more excited to move my body.

I was surprised that I lost about two pounds - I've been about the same weight for years! This doesn't seem major, especially since it's hard to tell from the before-and-after photos, but for me, it was all in my belly. I noticed zero bloating (zero!) and a flatter tummy. I've also noticed more muscle definition in my arms and thighs, but that's not just from the past two weeks; it's because I've been doing intermittent fasting for over seven months now.

Someone expressed their concern to me that intermittent fasting is an eating disorder. I actually feel like it's the exact opposite. I feel more in control and have a healthier relationship with food than I ever had. I finally know what true hunger feels like and am learning to listen to my body to eat when I'm hungry and - this is the most important thing - to STOP when I'm full. I'm no longer overeating or obsessing about food, and I feel more free from the thoughts about how eating affects my weight.

I've been wondering this every single day over the past 14 days. Some days I'm like, "Hell, no!" I especially felt that way on the third and 13th days. But then on the other days I just felt so good; I felt like I wanted to keep this up.

There are two main reasons I've contemplated sticking with the Warrior Diet. One, not being bloated has been huge for me, since I have been struggling with that since July 2016. It's made me so self-conscious and uncomfortable - on my worst days, I felt really depressed about it. So to look down and see a flatter tummy and not feel pain makes me tear up; I'm so happy.

And two, I can't get over how I'm not obsessing about food. Even when I begin my eating window, I'm not scarfing food down or craving sweets, and I'm not overeating. And during my fasting window, I'm not daydreaming about the food I'll eat. Restricting my diet for over 20 years and obsessing about weight loss really messed me up, and intermittent fasting feels like free therapy. It's slowly curing me of all my worries and detrimental body-negative thoughts.

OK, so the one thing that was hard was the weekends. I had my best friend visiting on the sixth day, and we went out for brunch. Sipping on coffee while she ate pancakes was tough - I'm not gonna lie. But that's what's cool about choosing IF as a lifestyle. I can tailor it to meet my needs, which means sticking with it most days and being lenient about not fasting when I want to.

I've loved the heightened benefits of the Warrior Diet vs. the 16:8 plan - I'm blown away that I haven't been famished all day and that I've been so energized. I'm over the moon that I'm feeling zero belly bloat because I'm not overeating all day long, and I love not obsessing about food.

I think I'm going to keep going! I'm not sure I'll be strictly Warrior-ing it up every single day. Maybe some days I'll have a five- or six-hour eating window. Some days I'll do 16:8, and, well, other days (like on the weekends), I'll wake up and hit up my local vegan bakery for a sticky bun and keep eating all day long.

If you're considering intermittent fasting, I definitely would not try the Warrior Diet right off the bat. I'd start with a 12-hour fasting window, not eating from, say, 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. Gradually increase the amount of time you're fasting by 30 to 60 minutes every few days. I took a few weeks to get on the 16:8 plan, so just ease your body into it, and you'll find more success. As always, chat with your doctor before making any serious changes to your diet.

Aside from jumping into IF too fast, avoid these other intermittent fasting mistakes, such as eating the wrong foods. Once you get into a rhythm, you'll love the benefits of weight loss, increased energy, and the lowered risk of disease and feel inspired to keep going. You just might inspire someone else to hop on the IF train, too!

Slideshow: Shannon lost 85 lbs. in 10 months with barely any exercise (Courtesy: PopSugar)

See the article here:
I Fasted 20 Hours a Day For 2 Weeks, and This Was My Experience - msnNOW

Teff Flour: Uses, Nutrients, and Benefits – Healthline

Posted: May 6, 2020 at 12:49 pm

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Teff is a traditional grain in Ethiopia and one of the countrys staple foods. Its highly nutritious and naturally gluten-free.

Its also commonly made into a flour for cooking and baking.

As gluten-free alternatives to wheat are growing in popularity, you may want to know more about teff flour, such as its benefits and uses.

This article tells you everything you need to know about teff flour.

Teff is a tropical grain crop belonging to the grass family, Poaceae. Its grown primarily in Ethiopia and Eritrea, where its thought to have originated thousands of years ago (1, 2).

Resistant to drought, it can grow in a range of environmental conditions and comes in both darker and lighter varieties, the most popular being brown and ivory (1, 2).

Its also the worlds smallest grain, measuring just 1/100 the size of a wheat kernel.

Teff has an earthy, nutty flavor. Light varieties tend to be slightly sweet as well.

Much of its recent popularity in the West is because its gluten-free.

Teff is a tiny grain grown primarily in Ethiopia that has an earthy, sweet taste. It naturally contains no gluten.

Because its so small, teff is usually prepared and eaten as a whole grain rather than being split into the germ, bran, and kernel, as is the case with wheat processing (1).

Teff can also be ground and used as a whole grain, gluten-free flour.

In Ethiopia, teff flour is fermented with yeast that lives on the surface of the grain and used to make a traditional sourdough flatbread called injera.

This spongy, soft bread usually serves as the base for Ethiopian meals. Its made by pouring fermented teff flour batter onto a hot griddle.

Additionally, teff flour makes a great gluten-free alternative to wheat flour for baking bread or manufacturing packaged foods like pasta. Whats more, it commonly serves as a nutritional boost to wheat-containing products (2, 3).

You can use teff flour in place of wheat flour in numerous dishes, such as pancakes, cookies, cakes, muffins, and bread, as well as gluten-free egg noodles (2).

Gluten-free recipes call only for teff flour and other gluten-free options, but if youre not strictly gluten-free, you can use teff in addition to wheat flour (2).

Keep in mind that teff products, which lack gluten, may not be as chewy as those made from wheat.

Teff can be cooked and eaten as a whole grain or ground into flour and used to make baked goods, breads, pastas, and traditional Ethiopian injera.

Teff is highly nutritious. Just 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of teff flour provide (4):

Its important to note that teffs nutrient composition appears to vary significantly depending on the variety, growing area, and brand (1, 5).

Still, compared with other grains, teff is a good source of copper, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, and selenium (1, 5).

Additionally, its an excellent source of protein, boasting all the essential amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein in your body (1).

Its particularly high in lysine, an amino acid thats often lacking in other grains. Essential for the production of proteins, hormones, enzymes, collagen, and elastin, lysine also supports calcium absorption, energy production, and immune function (1, 6).

However, some of the nutrients in teff flour may be poorly absorbed, as theyre bound to antinutrients like phytic acid. You can reduce the effects of these compounds through lacto-fermentation (1, 7).

To ferment teff flour, mix it with water and leave it at room temperature for a few days. Naturally occurring or added lactic acid bacteria and yeasts then break down the sugars and some of the phytic acid.

Teff flour is a rich source of protein and numerous minerals. Fermentation may reduce some of its antinutrients.

Teff flour has several advantages that may make it a great addition to your diet.

Gluten is a group of proteins in wheat and several other grains that gives dough its elastic texture.

However, some people cannot eat gluten due to an autoimmune condition called celiac disease.

Celiac disease causes your bodys immune system to attack the lining of your small intestine. This can impair nutrient absorption, leading to anemia, weight loss, diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, and bloating.

Additionally, some people without celiac disease may find gluten difficult to digest and prefer to avoid it (8).

As teff flour naturally contains no gluten, its a perfect gluten-free alternative to wheat flour (9).

Teff is higher in fiber than many other grains (2).

Teff flour packs up to 12.2 grams of dietary fiber per 3.5 ounces (100 grams). In comparison, wheat and rice flour contain only 2.4 grams, while the same size serving of oat flour has 6.5 grams (1, 10, 11, 12).

Women and men are generally advised to eat 25 and 38 grams of fiber per day, respectively. This can be made up of both insoluble and soluble fibers. While some studies claim that most of teff flours fiber is insoluble, others have found a more even mix (1).

Insoluble fiber passes through your gut mostly undigested. It increases stool volume and aids bowel movements (13).

On the other hand, soluble fiber draws water into your gut to softens stools. It also feeds the healthy bacteria in your gut and is involved in carb and fat metabolism (13).

A high fiber diet is associated with a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, bowel disease, and constipation (1, 14).

Teff is said to be extremely high in iron, an essential mineral that carries oxygen throughout your body via red blood cells (15).

In fact, intake of this grain is linked to decreased rates of anemia in pregnant women and may help certain people avoid iron deficiency (16, 17, 18).

Incredibly, some research reports iron values as high as 80 mg in 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of teff, or 444% of the DV. However, recent studies show that these astonishing numbers are likely due to contamination with iron-rich soil not from the grain itself (1).

Additionally, teffs high phytic acid content means that your body probably doesnt absorb all of its iron (19).

Nonetheless, even conservative estimates make teff a better source of iron than many other grains. For example, 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of one brand of teff flour provides 37% of the DV for iron while the same amount of wheat flour offers just 5% (4, 10).

That said, wheat flour in the United States is usually enriched with iron. Check the nutrient label to find out precisely how much iron is in a particular product.

The glycemic index (GI) indicates how much a food raises blood sugar. Foods above 70 are considered high, which means they raise blood sugar more quickly, while those below 55 are deemed low. Anything in between is moderate (20, 21).

A low GI diet can be an effective way for people with diabetes to control their blood sugar (22, 23, 24).

Whole, cooked teff has a relatively low GI compared with many grains, with a moderate GI of 57 (25).

This lower GI is likely due to it being eaten as whole grain. Thus, it has more fiber, which can help prevent blood sugar spikes (1).

However, the GI changes based on how its prepared.

For example, the GI of traditional injera ranges from 7999 and that of teff porridge from 94137 making both high GI foods. This is due to water gelatinizing the starch, which makes it quicker to absorb and digest (1).

On the other hand, bread made from teff flour has a GI of 74, which while still high is lower than bread made from wheat, quinoa, or buckwheat and similar to that of oat or sorghum bread (1).

Although teff may have a lower GI than most grain products, remember that its still moderate to high GI. Anyone with diabetes should still carefully control their portion sizes and keep carb content in mind.

Teff flour is gluten-free, making it ideal for people with celiac disease. Its also rich in fiber and iron.

Given that the production of teff flour is currently limited, its more expensive than other gluten-free flours.

Cheaper gluten-free flours include rice, oat, amaranth, sorghum, corn, millet, and buckwheat flours.

Some restaurants and manufacturers may add wheat flour to teff products like bread or pasta to make them more economical or enhance texture. As such, these products are unsuitable for people on a gluten-free diet (1).

If you have celiac disease, you should ensure that pure teff is used without any gluten-containing products. Always look for a gluten-free certification on any teff products.

Teff flour is relatively expensive compared with other gluten-free flours. Some teff products are mixed with wheat flour, making them inappropriate for anyone who avoids gluten.

Teff is a traditional Ethiopian grain thats rich in fiber, protein, and minerals. Its flour is quickly becoming a popular gluten-free alternative to wheat flour.

Its not as widely available as other gluten-free flours and may be more expensive. All the same, its a great addition to breads and other baked goods and if youre feeling adventurous, you can try your hand at making injera.

Shop for teff flour online.

Read more from the original source:
Teff Flour: Uses, Nutrients, and Benefits - Healthline

Coronavirus Northern Ireland live updates as Chief Medical Officer says there will be a future after lockdown – Belfast Live

Posted: May 6, 2020 at 12:49 pm

Dodds announces two skills initiatives in response to the pandemic

Economy Minister Diane Dodds today announced a free skills programme for small businesses and a free post-graduate certificate in software development for people whose career has been impacted by Covid-19.

The Skills Focus programme, available for SMEs with fewer than 250 employees, is now offering free upskilling for staff, including those who are furloughed. The 25% cost to businesses has been removed, until 31 March 2021, to support companies throughout the pandemic. The courses, with accredited qualifications, are delivered by the local further education colleges.

The Minister also confirmed 100 fully funded places for a part-time postgraduate certificate (PgCert) in software development with Queens University Belfast. The part-time course, starting in late May, is open to people whose careers have been impacted by the pandemic and who have a 2:2 degree in any non-computing subject or appropriate work experience.

The postgraduate certificate in software development is a part-time course running from late May to December 2020. There is also the option of accelerated learning to finish in September and progress directly into Year 2 of study on the full MSc in Software Development, complete the Masters in Sept 2021 and enter graduate-level roles (software engineer, analyst, etc.).

The part-time PgCert is open to those who have been furloughed, lost their job, economically inactive or are self-employed and lost their income because of the pandemic. Applicants must either hold a 2:2 degree in any non-computing subject or have appropriate work experience.

All applicants must have access to a computer and internet connection and will be required to complete a short online aptitude test.

The two measures represent an investment of around 500,000.

Go here to see the original:
Coronavirus Northern Ireland live updates as Chief Medical Officer says there will be a future after lockdown - Belfast Live

District Courts In New Jersey And New York Dismiss Securities Class Actions Against Life Science Companies Emphasizing the High Pleading Bar With…

Posted: May 6, 2020 at 12:45 pm

The United States District Courts for the District of New Jersey and the Southern District of New York recently dismissed putative securities class action complaints filed against life science companies in Smith v. Antares Pharma, Inc., et al. and Schaffer v. Nabriva Therapeutics PLC, et al.[1] The decisions make clear that the duty to disclose, imposed on life science companies by the federal securities laws, does not cover all conceivable information investors may find or consider relevant. Moreover, both courts held life science companies are not prohibited from expressing optimism about the prospects of FDA approval for products simply because of less-than-positive feedback from the regulator during the review process. The decisions, and their implications, are discussed below.

Antares Pharma Complaint

On December 21, 2016, Antares Pharma, Inc. (Antares) announced it submitted a New Drug Application (NDA) with respect to Phase 3 clinical studies, conducted in 2014 and 2015, for a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) drug called QuickShot Testosterone which is currently marketed as Xyosted. Its stock price increased with the announcement. In October 2017, after Antares announced an October 11 FDA letter identifying deficiencies with the NDA, its common stock fell 37.80%. One week later, the FDA issued a Complete Response Letter (CRL) that rejected the NDA and identified clinically meaningful increases in blood pressure and incidents of depression and suicide. On January 11, 2018, Antares disclosed a 12.7% rate of hypertension observed in one of its Phase 3 studies.

Antares submitted a revised NDA in April 2018, which was approved by the FDA on October 1, 2018 with a black boxed warning for blood pressure increases, as well as warnings for risks of depression and suicide. Plaintiff contends Antaress stock price decreased 3% [o]n the heels of the revelation of approval with the requirement of a black box warning and risk of depression and suicide.

Nabriva Therapeutics Complaint

During the class period, Nabriva Therapeutics PLC (Nabriva) had only two products being considered by the FDA for marketing approval; it was not generating revenues from product sales, and did not expect to, unless one of the two drug candidates received approval. In October 2018, Nabriva filed a NDA with respect to Contepo, a drug intended to treat complicated urinary tract infections; this prompted FDA review, which would conclude with a final decision from the FDA by April 30, 2019. On December 14, 2018, the FDA issued a Form 483 letter[2] identifying inspectional observations it made, after visiting the manufacturing plant, that suggested the plant was not in compliance with applicable standards. Nabriva made several statements regarding the Contepo NDA during the class period, none of which mentioned the FDAs Form 483. Ultimately, the FDA did not approve the Contepo NDA. Instead, it issued a CRL withholding approval based substantially on the issues identified in the Form 483 letter. Upon this news, Nabrivas share price declined over 27%.

On August 16, 2019, Nabriva announced it would resubmit the Contepo NDA after rectifying the issues identified in the CRL. Because resubmission would retrigger a six-month review cycle, the FDA would likely not approve Contepo in 2019. Plaintiff alleged statements Nabriva made during the class period were misleading because they led investors to believe the FDA would approve the Contepo NDA in 2019, even though the Form 483 demonstrated that approval would be delayed beyond that year.

Dismissals of the Complaints

In both cases, the complaints were dismissed in their entireties, emphasizing that a life science companys duty to disclose is not unlimited and that it is not enough to plead that an optimistic forward-looking statement regarding approval prospects or timing of approval turns out to be incorrect.

Duty to Disclose

The Supreme Court has made clear that Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act and Rule 10b5 do not create an affirmative duty to disclose any and all material information. Disclosure is required . . . only when necessary to make . . . statements made, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.[3]

In this vein, the Antares decision rejected plaintiffs argument that the failure to disclose the exact statistical risk of any adverse event was not actionable where the specific adverse event was identified as a common side-effect. The court similarly rejected plaintiffs allegation regarding the failure to provide data demonstrating the adverse event risks of its drug compared to the risks of other TRT treatments on the market, emphasizing that there was no duty to disclose such information unless Antares had disclosed some other comparative safety data that would render this omission misleading.


The two dismissals also reiterate that puffery or vague statements of corporate optimism are not actionable under Section 10(b) and Rule 10b-5 because they are so general that a reasonable investor would not rely on them.

For example, the Antares court deemed statements that the drug was found to be safe, showed positive . . . safe data and that nothing unusual occurred regarding the FDAs review of the drug as vague and general statements of optimism. The court explained statements cannot be read in a vacuum, concluding a reasonable investor would understand Antaress statements on the drugs safety in light of the disclosure of adverse events. The Nabriva court similarly held company press release statements describing Contepos NDA submission as another major milestone, and Contepo as a first in class antibiotic, as classic examples of puffery because both are vaguely optimistic descriptions that make no particularly definite assertions of existing fact and thus provide little basis to mislead a reasonable investor.

Forward-Looking Statements

The dismissals also emphasized the protections afforded forward-looking statements under the safe harbor provision of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act (PSLRA).

The Nabriva court rejected challenges to statements made by the company in its March 12, 2019 10-K regarding the risk of delay in FDA approval. Plaintiff argued that the characterization of the delay as a risk rather than a certainty was misleading in light of the concerns raised in the FDAs December 2018 Form 483 and that as a result the statement was not a forward-looking statement but rather a misstatement of existing fact. The court rejected the contention that the risks identified had already materialized, reasoning that the expected approval date was still over four months away and that the Form 483 reflected interim feedback and not a final decision.


In dismissing the complaints, the courts reiterated that interpretations of clinical data are opinions and emphasized the heightened pleading requirements with respect to opinion statements following the Supreme Courts decision in Omnicare.[4]

In Antares, the court rejected plaintiffs argument regarding the falsity of the companys opinion about the physiologically normal benefits of the drug, concluding that plaintiff had failed to allege that the opinion was either objectively or subjectively false. The court explained that incidents of hypertension, depression or suicide did not render false the companys opinion regarding the drugs ability to provide patients with physiologically normal and steady levels of testosterone.

The court also held a statement regarding the positive safety data resulting from the study was an interpretation of the clinical trial data and as such an opinion. It reasoned the statement was not actionable absent facts showing Antares did not honestly believe the studies produced positive safety data and lacked a reasonable basis. [5] Similarly, the court held plaintiff failed to allege Antares lacked a reasonable basis for its opinion that the drug was safe, and noted a failure to allege that Antares was aware of this comparative risk data when [it] made the statement.


Antares and Nabriva are helpful precedents for pharmaceutical companies defending against securities class action lawsuits based on optimistic statements made about products undergoing FDA approval. The decisions emphasize that alleged misstatements cannot be read in a vacuum, and indicate that plaintiffs cannot simply rely on less-than-stellar feedback from the FDA, coupled with statements of corporate optimism made during the drug approval process.

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District Courts In New Jersey And New York Dismiss Securities Class Actions Against Life Science Companies Emphasizing the High Pleading Bar With...

Revitalize You MD Reveals That Demand for Botox Remains Strong in Georgia – Press Release – Digital Journal

Posted: May 6, 2020 at 12:45 pm

Revitalize You M.D., based in Roswell, Georgia, has revealed that even with all restrictions due to the Covid-19 crisis situation, the demand for Botox in the state of Georgia is still growing. Botox offers a way to minimize or get rid of aging lines and wrinkles, which are the major feature of the skin aging process. Ever since the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the cosmetic use of botulinum toxin, it has become one of the most common minimally invasive procedures, with more than 3 million treatments being done annually. Meanwhile, Revitalize You M.D. ensures that they only utilize top quality injectables, such as Botox.

Rachael Clark, a spokesperson for Revitalize You M.D., says, The world-famous botulinum toxin has been developed to treat moderate to severe frown lines. But thats not all what Botox is good for. At Revitalize You MD, we administer Botox treatments to improve hyperhidrosis or severe underarm sweating. We inject 50 units of Botox in each armpit to paralyze these overactive sweat glands, which cause you to start sweating less as a result.

Among the FDA approved products for treating wrinkles, the neuromodulators Botox and Dysport are for the purpose of minimizing or getting rid of the lines between the eyebrows, on the forehead, and around eyes through the relaxation of the muscles that cause the development of dynamic and static lines or wrinkles. Thus, the three most popular and medical uses of Botox are for treating forehead lines, crows feet lines, and frown lines. In addition, it can also be used for treating migraines and hyperhidrosis, which is excessive sweating of the hands, underarms, or feet. Those who would like to learn more about Revitalize You M.D. may want to check out their Instagram page.

Treatment with Botox results in the gradual relaxation of the muscles, allowing the overlaying skin to look smooth and without wrinkles. Either provided alone or in combination with other facial rejuvenation treatments, people can experience a significant enhancement in their appearance. An important advantage is that sedation or anesthesia is not required, and there is no recovery period that will prevent people from returning to work immediately. The results will become noticeable within three to seven days, and the effect of the treatment will usually last for about four to six months.

Revitalize You M.D. also offers other anti-aging treatments, aside from Botox. These are the hormone replacement therapy, IV therapy, and weight loss programs. Hormone replacement therapy is used to counteract the hormone imbalance that men and women alike experience as they age. For instance, when men reach the ages of 40 to 55, they start to experience a decline in their testosterone levels, which is known as andropause. Andropause has a number of symptoms, including increased fatigue, reduced energy levels, low sex drive, decreased strength and muscle mass, depression, lack of mental focus, and erectile dysfunction. Mens testosterone therapy is available at Revitalize You M.D. for andropause.

For women, the hormonal imbalance problems can occur from their late 30s and beyond. Symptoms include foggy memory, persistent weight gains, muscle loss, unexpected and excessive sweating vaginal dryness, consistent and growing fatigue, and lack of sexual desire. Hormone replacement therapy for women differs from that of men because of the symptoms, which means that that the timing and the treatments will differ.

Intravenous (IV) therapy is another treatment used to counteract the effects of aging. This offers a way to feed vitamins, minerals, and amino acids directly into the patients bloodstream to treat intracellular nutrient deficiencies. An important advantage of IV therapy is that it bypasses the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and the nutrients go directly into the system. Oral administration of the nutrients is much slower because they have to go through the GI system first before the nutrients can get into the bloodstream.

Those who are interested in Botox and other cosmetic treatments offered by Revitalize You M.D. may want to check out the Revitalize You M.D. website, including their GMB website, or contact them on the phone, or through email.


For more information about Revitalize You MD, contact the company here:

Revitalize You MDRachael Clark+1 678-304-1850info@revitalizeyoumd.com1105 Upper Hembree Rd ste b, Roswell,GA 30076, US

See the original post:
Revitalize You MD Reveals That Demand for Botox Remains Strong in Georgia - Press Release - Digital Journal

Hormone Replacement Therapy Market Trends, Analysis and Forecast till 2029 Aminet Market Reports – amitnetserver

Posted: May 6, 2020 at 12:45 pm

The research study on Global Hormone Replacement Therapy market 2019 presents an extensive analysis of current Hormone Replacement Therapy market size, drivers, trends, opportunities, challenges, as well as key Hormone Replacement Therapy market segments. Further, it explains various definitions and classification of the Hormone Replacement Therapy industry, applications, and chain structure.In continuation of this data, the Hormone Replacement Therapy report covers various marketing strategies followed by key players and distributors. Also explains Hormone Replacement Therapy marketing channels, potential buyers and development history. The intent of global Hormone Replacement Therapy research report is to depict the information to the user regarding Hormone Replacement Therapy market forecast and dynamics for the upcoming years. The Hormone Replacement Therapy study lists the essential elements which influence the growth of Hormone Replacement Therapy industry. Long-term evaluation of the worldwide Hormone Replacement Therapy market share from diverse countries and regions is roofed within the Hormone Replacement Therapy report. Additionally, includes Hormone Replacement Therapy type wise and application wise consumption figures.

The Final Report will cover the impact analysis of COVID-19 on this industry.

Download Sample of This Strategic Report:

After the basic information, the global Hormone Replacement Therapy Market study sheds light on the Hormone Replacement Therapy technological evolution, tie-ups, acquisition, innovative Hormone Replacement Therapy business approach, new launches and Hormone Replacement Therapy revenue. In addition, the Hormone Replacement Therapy industry growth in distinct regions and Hormone Replacement Therapy R;D status are enclosed within the report.The Hormone Replacement Therapy study also incorporates new investment feasibility analysis of Hormone Replacement Therapy. Together with strategically analyzing the key micro markets, the report also focuses on industry-specific drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges in the Hormone Replacement Therapy market.View Source of RelatedReports :

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Global Hormone Replacement Therapy Market Segmentation 2019: Hormone Replacement TherapyThe study also classifies the entire Hormone Replacement Therapy market on basis of leading manufacturers, different types, various applications and diverse geographical regions. Overall Hormone Replacement Therapy market is characterized by the existence of well-known global and regional Hormone Replacement Therapy vendors. These established Hormone Replacement Therapy players have huge essential resources and funds for Hormone Replacement Therapy research as well as developmental activities. Also, the Hormone Replacement Therapy manufacturers focusing on the development of new Hormone Replacement Therapy technologies and feedstock. In fact, this will enhance the competitive scenario of the Hormone Replacement Therapy industry.

The Leading Players involved in global Hormone Replacement Therapy market are:

By Therapy Type (Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Replacement Therapy, Testosterone Replacement Therapy, Thyroid Replacement Therapy, Estrogen Replacement Therapy)

By Application (Growth Hormone Deficiency,Menopause, Hypothyroidism, Male Hypogonadism, and Others)

By Route of Administration (Oral, Parenteral, and Others)

By Distribution Channel (Hospital Pharmacies, Retail Pharmacies, and Online Pharmacies) 

By Region (North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa )

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Worldwide Hormone Replacement Therapy Market Different Analysis:Competitors Review of Hormone Replacement Therapy Market: Report presents the competitive landscape scenario seen among top Hormone Replacement Therapy players, their company profile, revenue, sales, business tactics and forecast Hormone Replacement Therapy industry situations. Production Review of Hormone Replacement Therapy Market: It illustrates the production volume, capacity with respect to major Hormone Replacement Therapy regions, application, type, and the price. Sales Margin and Revenue Accumulation Review of Hormone Replacement Therapy Market: Eventually explains sales margin and revenue accumulation based on key regions, price, revenue, and Hormone Replacement Therapy target consumer. Supply and Demand Review of Hormone Replacement Therapy Market: Coupled with sales margin, the report depicts the supply and demand seen in major regions, among key players and for every Hormone Replacement Therapy product type. Also interprets the Hormone Replacement Therapy import/export scenario. Other key reviews of Hormone Replacement Therapy Market: Apart from the above information, correspondingly covers the company website, number of employees, contact details of major Hormone Replacement Therapy players, potential consumers and suppliers. Also, the strengths, opportunities, Hormone Replacement Therapy market driving forces and market restraints are studied in this report.

Highlights of Global Hormone Replacement Therapy Market Report:* This report provides in detail analysis of the Hormone Replacement Therapy and provides market size (US$ Million) and Cumulative Annual Growth Rate (CAGR (%)) for the forecast period: 2019 ; 2029. * It also elucidates potential revenue opportunity across different segments and explains attractive investment proposition matrix for world Hormone Replacement Therapy market. * This study also provides key insights about Hormone Replacement Therapy market drivers, restraints, opportunities, new product launches, approvals, regional outlook, and competitive strategies adopted by the leading Hormone Replacement Therapy players. * It profiles leading players in the worldwide Hormone Replacement Therapy market based on the following parameters ; company overview, financial performance, product portfolio, geographical presence, distribution strategies, key developments and strategies and future plans. * Insights from Hormone Replacement Therapy report would allow marketers and management authorities of companies to make an informed decision with respect to their future product launches, market expansion, and Hormone Replacement Therapy marketing tactics. * The world Hormone Replacement Therapy industry report caters to various stakeholders in Hormone Replacement Therapy market. That includes investors, device manufacturers, distributors and suppliers for Hormone Replacement Therapy equipment. Especially incorporates government organizations, Hormone Replacement Therapy research and consulting firms, new entrants, and financial analysts. *Various strategy matrices used in analyzing the Hormone Replacement Therapy market would provide stakeholders vital inputs to make strategic decisions accordingly.

Global Hormone Replacement Therapy Market Report Provides Comprehensive Analysis of Following: ; Hormone Replacement Therapy Market segments and sub-segments ; Industry size ; Hormone Replacement Therapy shares ; Hormone Replacement Therapy Market trends and dynamics ; Market Drivers and Hormone Replacement Therapy Opportunities ; Supply and demand of world Hormone Replacement Therapy industry ; Technological inventions in Hormone Replacement Therapy trade ; Hormone Replacement Therapy Marketing Channel Development Trend ; Global Hormone Replacement Therapy Industry Positioning ; Pricing and Brand Strategy ; Distributors/Traders List enclosed in Positioning Hormone Replacement Therapy Market.

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Moreover, the report organizes to provide essential information on current and future Hormone Replacement Therapy market movements, organizational needs and Hormone Replacement Therapy industrial innovations. Additionally, the complete Hormone Replacement Therapy report helps the new aspirants to inspect the forthcoming opportunities in the Hormone Replacement Therapy industry. Investors will get a clear idea of the dominant Hormone Replacement Therapy players and their future forecasts.

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Kenneth Research provides market research reports to different individuals, industries, associations and organizations with an aim of helping them to take prominent decisions. Our research library comprises of more than 10,000 research reports provided by more than 15 market research publishers across different industries. Our collection of market research solutions covers both macro level as well as micro level categories with relevant and suitable market research titles. As a global market research reselling firm, Kenneth Research provides significant analysis on various markets with pure business intelligence and consulting services on different industries across the globe. In addition to that, our internal research team always keep a track on the international and domestic market for any economic changes impacting the products demand, growth and opportunities for new and existing players.

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Read more from the original source:
Hormone Replacement Therapy Market Trends, Analysis and Forecast till 2029 Aminet Market Reports - amitnetserver

Where is Teretha From My 600-lb Life Now? An Update – The Cinemaholic

Posted: May 6, 2020 at 12:44 pm

My 600-lb Life gives a very honest and real depiction of what it means to be obese. It doesnt only show the journey that an individual embarks on to lose weight and live a healthy life, but it also portrays their life and their troubles as an obese person. The TLC original is a series that documents a patients year-long journey in Dr. Younan Nowzaradans (often referred to as Dr. Now) weight-loss program in Houston, Texas, as they attempt to reduce their weight. They do this by following a strict diet, after which they might get gastric bypass surgery or sleeve gastrectomy to assist their weight loss process further.

Teretha Hollis-Neely, the then 47-year-old from Detroit, was the subject of season 4, episode 9 of My 600-lb Life. The 800 lb woman was one of the heaviest people to be featured on the show. Always anxious and fearing a stroke, Teretha hadnt moved from her bed in two years before she decided to seek help from Dr. Now.

Its been two years since Ive been able to get up out of this bed, she admitted during her episode. I am not OK not being able to go out. I mean, months go by and I dont go outside. Hell seasons change, and I dont get to go outside.

Her food addiction, like many others whove been on the show, began due to childhood trauma. When Teretha was 11 years old, she was molested by her uncle, which led her to turn to food for comfort and gave way to her rapid weight gain. At 15, she even found out that she was pregnant. Her lowest point, however, was as an adult, when she lost her job as a program coordinator for the City of Detroits Health Department. After that, food was her only source of happiness.

Acknowledging the irony and the fact that she would die if she didnt turn her life around, and soon, she decided to enroll in Dr. Nows weight loss program. Things were so bad that nine paramedics had to carry her from her bed to the van that would take her to Houston, and since she hadnt moved for the better part of two years, life-threatening blood clots were a huge possibility too.

Fortunately, Teretha made the 30-hour trip from Detroit to Houston safely. Determined to win back control of her life, she followed all of Dr. Nows guidelines and diets and was able to lose 210 lbs in the first four months of the program itself. Ultimately, she lost enough weight to be approved for weight loss to assist surgery.

By the end of her year and the episode, Teretha had lost an astounding 339 lbs making her final weigh-in be 441. She had lost so much weight that she could even stand again, albeit with a little help. During her follow-up episode, she admitted that she has tried to at healthy and stay fit but still remained bedridden and had gained 30 lbs in just a month.

Teretha got the operation on the lymphedema in her legs and even went to rehab, where she was finally able to walk again little by little. Despite the setbacks she faced, she still continued on with her battle against obesity and her addicts. From her Facebook, its quite obvious that Teretha has kept a positive mindset and has continued with her weight loss journey.

While she looks slimmer than ever before from her pictures, Teretha hasnt revealed her actual weight. It seems like she is enjoying life with her husband, children, and grandchildren without being anxious and worried like she used to be before. She keeps her fans updated with selfies every now and again, along with posting milestones that she has achieved.


Posted by Teretha Hollis-Neely-My New LIFE Journey After Bariatric Surgery onSunday, January 5, 2020

Were honestly really rooting for her well being and happiness. After all, she is one of the few people who took the whole weight loss journey seriously from day one. We also hope to see her again on another follow-up Where Are They Now? episode, and get to know exactly how she has been doing.

Read More: Where Is Alicia Kirgan From My 600-lb Life Now?

See the rest here:
Where is Teretha From My 600-lb Life Now? An Update - The Cinemaholic

Dont Be Afraid to Workout! –

Posted: May 6, 2020 at 12:44 pm

For some people the thought of exercising or going to the gym can be an overwhelmingly daunting experience that causes more anxiety than excitement. The reason this happens is usually because they think a workout needs to be grueling and painful in order to see the results. That is NOT true! In fact, that is the opposite of how you should approach getting in shape, especially if you have not been physically active for a while or ever. In order to understand how to workout, it's important to understand the core concepts of exercise in order to blow the whistle on the ubiquitous myth that the harder and more intense the workout, the better it is for you. To avoid injury, you must prepare your body for high intensity activity in a progressive manner. Here are some tips about the most common types of exercise that will help you understand how to progressively engage in a workout routine to effectively build yourself up to not be so afraid of doing a workout.


Cardio short for "cardiovascular exercise" is any activity that increases heart rate and blood circulation in your body. It's one of the best ways to burn calories and strengthen your heart. There are many types of cardio activities that can help you achieve your fitness goals. Some cardio activities are for advanced participants, while others are for beginners. For example, classes such as the very popular CrossFit and/or HIIT are for advanced students. For beginners, it's best to start with simple cardio. This is where many people go wrong and what usually causes the workout anxiety. Often when trying to get in shape, people make the mistake of going from zero activity to trying to run a marathon immediately. This happens because there is very little information out there about how to safely begin a workout routine. Instead, what you mostly hear is the higher the intensity of the workout, the more calories you burn. And since we've developed into a society of "calorie counters," logically most people want to go for high intensity of the bat. This is not only ineffective for the long term, it is highly dangerous as it increases the chances of injury.

Since you may not have access to exercise machines, I will use running as a great a cardio option to get you started on a healthy cardio routine. Contrary to popular belief, running is actually NOT a natural human motionit is a technique in motion that is very stressful on your ankles, knees and hips. The only way to protect these very essential yet sensitive joints is to build the muscle around them in order to avoid injury. The way to build up your cardio is to start with a simple motion and practice it until you either go faster and/or can do it for longer. For example, if you'd like to get into running and have not run for a long time or ever, start with fast paced walking. See how long and how fast you can do that activity initially, then each time you do it try to increase your speed and/or distance.

Try this workout motivation tip:

Week 1: Walk on a treadmill at a speed of 3.5 for 20 mins for 3 days every other day. If you don't have access to a treadmill, calculate a mile in your neighborhood (with all the navigation apps available, this should be no problem). If walking outside: walk 1 mile every other day for 3 days and see how long it takes you. Week 2: On the treadmill, increase your speed to 4.0, and do that for 3 days. If walking outside, try to cut your mile walk by 2 minutes from the week before.

I suggest 3 days a week to start, because rest between workouts is so essential for muscle recovery, especially when you're just starting to workout. If you stress your muscles too much and do not take rest days your chances of injury increase, which will set your workout efforts back!

Keep this steady 3 day pace and increase your speed each week until you get to the point where you naturally want to jog. This is the best way to build up to running. Not only is 3 days a week for 20 mins not as intimidating as trying to force yourself to run for an hour, it will easily help you get into the swing of doing cardio, which will help your fitness motivation long term without burning you out!


Cardio may speed up the process of burning fat initially, however strength training in combination with a healthy diet is the ONLY way to lose body fat for the long term. Strength training is a type of physical exercise specializing in the use of resistance to induce muscular contraction which builds strength, anaerobic endurance, and size of skeletal muscles (the muscles that protect your bones). We lose lean muscle mass naturally with age. If you don't strength train to build and maintain your muscles, they will continue to diminish and over time your body fat will replace it. The only way to have low body fat is to develop muscle, and the only way to develop muscle it to implement a strength training routine into your workouts. Strength training is important to help preserve and build your muscle mass at any age, because without it you will have a high body fat percentage, which may lead to acquiring heart disease, diabetes and/or issues with blood pressure. Not implementing a strength training component into their workouts is another mistake many people make.

There is a common belief that cardio is the best way to lose weight. This theory has developed because when you begin adding cardio exercise to your life the extra calorie burn will usually help you lose weight quickly initially. However, the problem begins after about 2-3 months of engaging in new cardio activities as this is when you "plateau" weight-wise. The plateau happens because without building muscle, the cardio that initially was so great at helping you lose those extra pounds, will eventually eat away at the little muscle you did have and your body fat will begin to replace it.

There are several reasons strength training is beneficial to your health in addition to helping maintain a low body fat percentage:

1. It strengthens your bones. By adding stress to your bones, strength training can increase bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

2. It helps manage your weight. Strength training increases your metabolism to help burn more calories, which can help you manage and/or lose weight.

3. It fixes chronic spinal and joint conditions. Strength training helps with back, knee and/or hip pain, by developing the muscles around your spine and joints, which helps protect them from stress.

4. Strength training enhances your quality of life by improving your ability to do everyday activities. Building muscle contributes to better balance, overall agility and reduces your risk injury.

Like cardio, strength training should be incorporated into your workouts in a progressive manner.

Try this workout motivation tip: I suggest starting a strength training routine twice a week with no more than 2-3 rest days in between. You've probably heard of breaking the workouts into two partsupper body one day, lower body the next, and yes, this is the optimal way to start overall strength training/muscle building. Start with 5 basic upper body exercises one day then 5 lower body exercises the other day. For each exercise do 3 sets of 12 repetitions. Make sure you don't take more than 30-60 second breaks between your exercises for a more efficient calorie burn!

Working out does not have to be a scary experience! Just be patient and start your routine out slowly. As I explained, both cardio and strength training have their individual benefits to overall health, but a combination of both is necessary for weight loss and healthy weight maintenance. The right kind of cardio can help you burn fat, but building muscle is the only way to keep body fat low in the long run. If you only do cardio, you will eventually hold on to more body fat over time. Building muscle not only reduces body fat, it also helps burn more calories at rest. Do both and you'll be in optimal shape! For best results long term, give yourself 3 months to progressively build your workout routine up.

MBX is offering virtual training sessions! If you need extra health and fitness motivation, contact us at:

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Dont Be Afraid to Workout! -

Opinion | The legislative session has restarted. So have the shenanigans –

Posted: May 6, 2020 at 12:44 pm

Let the shenanigans begin!

You had to know that when Republicans not exactly known for their courageous governance in the best of times kept pressing for a shortened legislative session in the middle of a pandemic that something shady was afoot.

It has taken less than two days for that shadiness to spill out, and for Republicans to break their promise of using this forced session to focus solely on local bills and the two state budgets.

The first and shadiest of the moves is a bill sponsored by Sen. Arthur Orr who, at this point, has to be near the top of the leaderboard in all-time worst bills that would provide legal immunity to businesses that force employees to choose between their health and a paycheck during a pandemic, or businesses that just generally behave irresponsibly during a pandemic.

Orr, whose Facebook page is filled with so many links to stories from kooky websites and conspiracy theorists that it looks like a poor mans version of InfoWars, has been railing on and on for weeks now that the coronavirus isnt that serious and that the state should be reopening everything.

A position that seems to undercut the need for this bill hes pushing.

If all is well and good, and the coronavirus truly poses no real threat, then these businesses who follow his advice and reopen shouldnt have a thing in the world to worry about. Right?

But then, this is the Alabama Legislature, and why let common sense get in the way of screwing over the working-class people of Alabama?


And thats exactly what Orrs bill does.

It excuses businesses, for example, that demand employees not wear facemasks oh, yes, those exist out there from facing legal action if those employees get sick and require medical care or lose their wages.

During. A. Pandemic.

And Id like to remind you that this is occurring not on the tail end of a pandemic, when there are a few dozen cases, a vaccine just on the market and new infections trailing off. Its happening at the absolute height of death and illness with around 2,000 people dying every day, and with Alabama experiencing another surge in new cases per day.

Alabama COVID-19 cases are trending up again as death toll surpasses 300

After a dip in new reported COVID-19 cases after April 12, the number of new cases being reported in Alabama per day is trending back up again as the state reports its largest daily increase since April 9.

In fact, one of the most often cited models by the White House has recently increased its projections for both the country and for Alabama. It now predicts total COVID-19 deaths to be around 135,000 for the U.S. and around 2,300 for Alabama.

Those projections were increased after trends showed the virus spread worsening after several Republican governors, at the urging of the White House, began easing back on stay-at-home restrictions.

Thankfully, in Alabama, Gov. Kay Ivey has ignored the cries to reopen from the know-nothing clowns and has instead leaned on the advice of doctors and medical professionals. While she has reduced some restrictions, she has kept in place some of the most stringent and effective limitations, and while Alabamas new infections have increased, they havent increased at nearly the rates of neighboring states whose governors completely rolled back restrictions.

You would think such statistics would encourage lawmakers to push for more safety. But the health of the average Alabamian has never mattered as much as a dollar to our lawmakers.

And if Orr has his way, businesses can be as careless and ignorant as he has been about this virus and their actions will either result in no legal action or an award that is severely limited. For example, in cases of death caused by obvious negligence of a business, Orrs bill prevents the victims family from suing for actual economic damages. They can only sue for punitive damages, which are limited under Alabama law.

Because, you know, judges and juries are too stupid to figure out if a lawsuit has merit and if a victim is deserving of compensation. Only the Alabama Legislature in its infinite wisdom can determine that before they hear any facts or see any evidence.

And judges and juries arent the only ones state lawmakers dont trust with money. They also dont want their own governor, Kay Ivey, doling out the nearly $2 billion in federal dollars headed our way.

A bill sponsored by Sen. Greg Albritton who would challenge Orr for the record of most awful bills sponsored would set up a three-person committee, including the governor and House and Senate budget chairmen, to determine how that money would be spent.

That would be the Republican Legislature stripping the Republican governor of the ability to direct funds she would ordinarily be in charge of.

Thats because GOP lawmakers have become increasingly concerned that Ivey might do something with that money to help poor people. And thats literally true.

Their biggest concern, expressed over the last couple of weeks, is that Ivey and her administration could use some of those funds and future federal money to expand Medicaid in the state.

Ivey in a late April press conference said, It would be irresponsible to think about expanding Medicaid just for the sake of expanding Medicaid without having a complete and honest discussion about the source of stable funding to pay the match.

That is a reasonable position to take because complete and honest discussion generally yields thoughtful results.

Sen. Doug Jones has been working behind the scenes to procure federal money for the state for that specific purpose, or to make it allowable for states to cover their share of the expansion with stimulus dollars.

The pandemic has made clear to anyone with a working brain that Alabamas health care infrastructure is badly broken and in need of immediate repair. And there simply is no way, outside of Medicaid expansion, to implement the widespread changes needed in so many poverty-stricken areas.

Not to mention, there is relatively no downside to expansion. It would more than pay for itself in the long run, not to mention provide hundreds of thousands of Alabamians with the routine health care that is desperately needed.

Of course, Republicans in the Alabama Legislature are against that.

Probably because someones friend/business partner/golfing buddy/former co-worker/law partner needs a handout. Like always.

Because if theres one thing you can count on, even in a pandemic, even in a shortened session, its shenanigans.

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Opinion | The legislative session has restarted. So have the shenanigans -

8 Walking for Weight Loss Tips – How to Lose Weight By Walking –

Posted: May 5, 2020 at 8:45 pm

Over the past few years, walking and staying active have honestly become trendy. Hitting a certain number of steps for the day and corporate walking challenges have helped to improve daily physical activity. In fact, the US Department of Health and Human Services advises that adults should move more and sit less throughout the day, and they urge that some physical activity is better than none. If you are trying to manage your weight, walking can be a useful weight management tool. Here's everything you need to know about walking for weight loss, including our tips and tricks for maximizing your stride.

Research continues to show that overall regular exercise is beneficial for your health, but walking itself has several benefits which include:

Curious to see how many calories you burned on your walk? Carrying your phone with you and connecting to one of the apps below can give you an idea, but certain walking calorie calculators are available on the web to provide an estimate as well. Your calorie burn will vary greatly depending on several factors, including your weight, distance walked, incline, and terrain.

If you're going for a walk by yourself, you'll want to make sure you keep entertained and have something to look forward to. Here are a few of our favorite walking apps and audiobooks to get the most out of your walking time.

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8 Walking for Weight Loss Tips - How to Lose Weight By Walking -

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