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The secret life of an anonymous speechwriter to the stars – The Guardian

Posted: May 4, 2020 at 10:45 am

I write speeches for people who can barely read their scripts because public speaking makes them nervous (statistically, public speaking is the number one fear, worse even than death). I write for people who are so compelling and beautiful that they could recite the alphabet and get a standing ovation. I write arguments that are recited in the House and Senate, in the seats of power. My words are on television and in stadiums that hold thousands of eager listeners. Im not there at all. The speeches, toasts and rallying cries I write go further than I ever will: I may not be seen, but I am heard. The words that do not matter when I speak for myself are amplified when I put them in the mouths of others. Because as anyone knows, its not just the words that matter. Its who says them, and when, and how.

Before I started writing for reality TV stars, musicians, political leaders and lecturers, I assumed that everyone wrote their own lines. Why wouldnt I think that? A well-written speech sounds like the person whos giving it. Or at least, it sounds like the person the speaker wants you to believe they are. Now I know that I was naive to assume that any public figure, even one who is a good writer, writes their own speeches and biographies and other ephemera. Ive learned that you are probably hearing something written in the style of by a very talented mimic.

Im an excellent mimic. This makes me a good speechwriter, but when I came out as nonbinary trans, it also became a survival skill. My welfare often depends on whether the non-transgender people around me see me as fully human and that means knowing exactly what to say, when, and in what tone. I needed to sound confident but not overbearing; friendly but not obsequious. My masculine presentation had to be balanced by kindness, consideration of others, and a willingness to cede the floor. I couldnt afford to blunder through any conversation, and I approached every interaction with more awareness and intention than ever before. Honestly, I spent a lot of time thinking about what Fred Rogers would say.

The only place where I didnt need to moderate my tone, where I could speak freely, was in my addiction recovery community. Through the first, dramatic stages of my transition, when my voice broke and when I was so afraid that my anger and panic was unwelcome in the world, the friends I knew there listened to me and encouraged me to keep sharing. They understood that, for people like us, honesty is lifesaving. People who swallowed their feelings relapsed, disappeared and died. I lost many friends to overdoses and substance-related accidents and suicides, silent deaths that went unacknowledged outside of our community. I kept showing up, and I kept talking. Tears, bile, all of me was welcome.

Outside of meetings, I couldnt express myself with the same openness. Although the words I spoke didnt change, my voice and the way I sounded altered the way that others heard me. Short statements, in a deep, gruff voice, can be heard as controlling, dismissive or rude, a sign of un-self-aware male privilege. The anger that commanded respect and interest when I presented as female became a liability as my voice lowered, acquiring the tones of patriarchy. Each word carried more weight, bigger consequences than before. Id had practice writing speeches for other people. Now, I had to learn new lines that were right for my voice and the body that carried it. Once my voice hit a certain frequency, I became my own ghostwriting client: how did I want to be perceived? What character was I playing now?

I started ghostwriting at the end of Barack Obamas first term as president. His writer, Jon Favreau, wrote sonorous lines for Obama. Those wide, soft vowels became musical. Like Winston Churchills, Obamas speeches were written in psalm-form, blocks that mimic the way people speak when they are going off script. The euphony in Obamas campaign speeches, alternately fiery and soothing, changed to the melody of authority once he was in office. I listened to Obama lean on the linguistic patterns of pastors, visionaries and teachers. His speeches used simple, two-syllable words, to avoid making him seem too much like an arugula-eating liberal. They had a signature three-verse structure, with a bridge in the middle. Once Id heard this music, I couldnt un-hear it.

The first time I wrote a speech for money, I was working as a research assistant for the manager of a hedge fund in Oregon. Dave* was also a member of a secret society that met annually for a black-and-white gala dedicated to the brilliance of Winston Churchill. At this gala, he told me, everyone wore a real tuxedo, penguin-style, with tails and a top hat. They slugged gallons of Churchills favorite drink Beefeater martinis and chomped cigars. The gala was a tense time, Dave explained, because of the elaborate system of speeches. Depending on his place in the hierarchy, any one of the guests would be expected to rise and disgorge a brief, bon-motstudded toast.

At that time, my voice was much higher, smoother and sweeter. I had not started hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and I still sounded like a woman. People dont listen to womens voices; they hear women speaking, but not the words they say. Research shows that voices with higher pitches, vocal fry, feminine vocal characteristics like a lisp, and gendered vocal tics such as the repeated use of like are ignored. Over five decades, the fundamental frequency of a test group of womens voices dropped by 23Hz, which correlates with womens entry into a previously male-dominated workplace. I did not have a high voice, but it was undeniably female. I was used to being read as a woman, discounted and ignored. The idea of Dave saying my words to a group of powerful, wealthy strangers shook something loose in me.

There were two caveats: the toast had to include a quote from Churchill that had never been used before, in the hundred-year history of the club; and it had to be short. I labored over this speech, getting stuck on all of the things I would say if I were the one in the spotlight. I could only hear myself and my own opinions. A speech like that would never make it into Daves shirt pocket, much less be read at this gala. I needed to alter my voice. I spent eight hours a day listening to Dave on the phone, as he bragged about the pitchers of sangria the waitress used to bring them from the VQ Cafe, back when Dave was a big deal, when he was young, before this dotcom bullshit. I knew exactly what he sounded like and how he wanted to be heard.

I imagined him, drunk and puffy in his Churchill costume, one hand on the tablecloth next to a plus-size martini and a half-eaten slab of roast beef smeared across a china plate, listing to port as he read the remarks Id written for him. I heard his voice, the money-basted sound of arrogant privilege. I looked at the toast again, picked up my pen, and started over. I was a good listener. I nailed it.

The speech I wrote for Dave was the first of many, and it worked because I stopped trying to write a speech and started imitating the best version of Dave. I wrote a script for the character he wanted to play that night, and it worked. For the duration of my job with him, I wrote his emails, fundraising letters and other speeches. I mocked him to my friends, pitch-perfect lines that could have come right out of his mouth. I said the things he hadnt thought of yet.

For the next six years, I wrote more speeches, lectures and manuscripts, mostly for people who didnt know who I was, aside from the writer. I didnt identify my gender when I did this work. I was just a voice on the phone, transcribing our conversations into ideas and paragraphs that would move an audience to the desired result. Want a million dollars in donations? I can write a speech that will achieve that. Want to pass lifesaving legislation? I can write one for that too. Want to change the way your audience feels about love, survival, health, politics, literature, community or hope? Thats my bread and butter. Sometimes, I wrote for people whose beliefs were diametrically opposed to my own. They were not difficult to mimic. In fact, those pieces were the easiest, because I could never confuse their voices for my own.

Then I started my physical transition. Within a couple of months on testosterone, I developed the usual hoarseness as the hormones affected my vocal fold structure, tissue integrity and thickness. My voice started to drop, a second adolescence. Yet my expressions did not change. When I spoke, my cadence and word choices were still female. I wandered around my subjects and avoided direct answers or simple statements. I preferred to agree without saying yes, refuse without saying no. I wrote in my clients voices, transcribing their desires. I went to meetings and barked about the unmanageable problems in my life: cravings, friends who caught a bad batch and didnt wake up, my disintegrating relationship with my immediate family, my fear of the painkillers that came with top surgery. It was a hard time. I was grateful for any ear, any place where I could go off script.

As I became audibly and physically queer, those spaces disappeared entirely. Id been socialized as female and already knew not to be abrasive in mixed company or share my opinions; before my transition, Id had the distinct experiences of being ignored and talked over by men. However, after a while, cis women stopped hearing me too. Or they heard me but didnt listen. My voice was husky from the early months of HRT. It was weak and airy, as though I had a throat cold; it vaporized in group conversations. I coughed out an idea and watched it disappear. More than once, I shared an opinion in a group and was ignored, but I noticed that when someone else parroted what Id said, they were acknowledged. I was afraid to speak up and challenge others conditional acceptance of me. I had so few places to go where I felt safe, giving up some airtime felt like a fair trade.

I stopped making declarative statements, stopped asserting myself. I kept quiet and listened. I reasoned that my actions spoke louder than my words, and that I didnt need my opinions or feelings acknowledged in order for them to be valid. There was no point in debating with people who didnt hear me when I spoke. I could let most ideas float by, unchallenged and unexplored. They were just noise. They didnt matter.

Then, I was hired to write a piece of testimony for a client, woven together with his personal experience with recovery from addiction. I wrote the first draft straight, drawing from his notes, but I barely had to glance at them to know what I needed to say. I was listening to my own story. Like me, my client had lost friends to preventable overdoses. He, too, struggled to make his voice heard outside of the recovery community. Unlike me, he had found a way and was using his story to create real change. He had access to lawmakers: he was meeting with Congress members, pushing policy to make sure naloxone was available in every sober living home in his state. His story was powerful and it burned in my ears as I wrote it down. I believed what I was writing; I felt the message. Although I wrote in my clients distinctive voice, I knew I was also speaking for myself.

I read the speech out loud in my studio to a hanging photo of my father. I recited it in the park to a smattering of pigeons. I heard the speechs music and the deep, implacable rage underneath it. Although Id written it for my client, I heard my own voice in it. What would I say if I wasnt afraid? I wished I could stand on a stage in front of hundreds of sign-clutching protesters and demand justice, as this client would, jabbing his finger toward the sky. Our time is now. What would I say if people actually listened? I went over the speech again, fine-tuning its message. I imagined my client, one of the bravest people I knew. I wanted to give him words that would speak for him, for me, for everyone who was listening. Every syllable had to move his audience. Lives hung in the balance: if the speech failed, that was one step back. The legislation tied to it might not pass. More people would die.

When I was done, I felt like Id handed over a piece of my heart. Id never cared so much before or put all of myself on the page that way. Id given the best of myself, the self I wished others perceived.

My client delivered the speech. His legislation passed. The news wire picked up the story, amplifying his words. The ripples spread. Later that week, I watched a video of my client on the day he read his story and had the jarring experience of hearing my voice come out of someone elses mouth. From his inflections to his gestures, we could have been mirror images. The crowd roared in all the right places. They resonated with the same passion Id felt when my client first hired me to write for him: his courage, transmittable, went from him to me to the massive audience that hung on his every word.

Although Id set out to be the channel for my clients voice, I had received so much more. I felt his confidence as he spoke. Writing for him awakened my own voice. The next time I heard an acquaintance sneer about dirty addicts who were a waste of resources, I cleared my throat. The person turned to me, eyes narrowed.

Fewer than 10% of people with substance use disorder ever get help of any kind because of stigmatizing language like dirty or clean, I said. The speech Id written trickled out of my mouth. Even people with substantial periods of recovery need support for their mental health. Addiction isnt a moral failing, and its not fair to frame it that way.

To my surprise, they nodded, leaned closer. They heard me. They listened.

* Daves name has been changed.

This story originally appeared on the digital storytelling platform Narratively. Looking for more great work? Here are some suggestions:

See original here:
The secret life of an anonymous speechwriter to the stars - The Guardian

The Last Laugh: Another update on my Bright Line Eating weight loss journey – Fairfield Daily Republic

Posted: May 4, 2020 at 10:44 am

I wrote about my weight loss journey in Bright Line Eating back in September 2019 ( and January of this year ( and it continues.

Tony Wade: The Last Laugh

I started May 17, 2019, when I weighed 381 pounds. As of May 1, 2020, I weigh 234 pounds 147 pounds gone forever. I wore a size 4XL shirt last year; I can now wear a medium. I started out wearing a 52-waist pants; I now wear 36-waist pants. I started out with a size 14 shoe; well, I still have those.

Blood sugar? Cholesterol? Blood pressure? All normal and they were not before.

I feel wonderful physically, but I also have clarity of mind and a newfound confidence. In BLE we celebrate non-scale victories and here are a few Ive experienced:

I can easily and comfortably cross my legs now. I can and do take walks three times a week for more than an hour where I sustain a very brisk pace. I can no longer shop at the Big and Tall and Overpriced store in Vacaville . . . because their clothing sizes start at ones that are too big for me.

In the first BLE column I wrote I included this paragraph: I havent hit my goal weight yet and the obvious thing would have been to just wait until I do and maintain it to write this column, but heres why I wrote this today when I am in-between my before and after pictures: I am completely, and I mean 100%, sure I will get there and I have never felt that way before in my life.

Well, I am now in maintenance and have absolutely no doubt I will be able to stay within a range that I am comfortable with.

I switched to a whole-food, plant-based (WFPB) diet Feb. 17 after watching several documentaries about the health benefits and reading the book The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss, and Long-term Health by Thomas Campbell.

Now, I did it for me, but I was startled by how many people suddenly acted as if I was a fanatical carnivore hater. Not at all. Its just my choice for me.

You know, I never knew the differences between vegans, vegetarians and people who eat plant-based whole food. I mean, theres a ton of stuff designated vegan that I would never eat. I didnt know that junk-food vegan was a thing.

I prefer the term plant-powered. Its opened up a whole new world for me. The only vegetables I used to eat were those snap pea crisps. Since I started, Ive redefined what a meal is and I love it.

The good news is that BLE works for Norwegian vegans, Bulgarian vegetarians and Baltimore omnivores.

If theres a weakness to BLE, its that it is very nuanced and doesnt lend itself easily to a succinct definition. I always recommended people read the book Bright Line Eating: The Science of Living Happy, Thin and Free by Dr. Susan Peirce Thompson.

Look, you can Google the four Bright Lines (no sugar, no flour, three meals a day, weighed/measured meals), but, like a nonfiction book, BLE is not defined by what it is not.

While it is not a 12-step program, I now refer to BLE as a one-day-at-a-time food recovery program. It has helped me put food in its proper place. Meals are times for me to refuel, not a trip to Disneyland. If you have never considered yourself addicted to food, this may make no sense at all to you and thats OK. It works for me.

I dont eat special food or anything, and I certainly am not interested in desperately trying to make what I eat now somehow resemble the things I used to eat. I tried that more than 20 years ago with Atkins and it just led me back to those things and gaining all the weight Id lost and then some.

I enjoy my food more now than ever and it really is pretty simple stuff that I eat. But that is the point. I dont have the incessant food chatter bouncing around my brain anymore. My food is not boring; its clear, measured and succinct.

The concept is best summed up in a saying I often hear Bright Line Eating Engagement Specialist Sonja Johansen Waters say: I eat in black and white so I can live in color.

Reach Fairfield writer Tony Wade at [emailprotected].


Go here to see the original:
The Last Laugh: Another update on my Bright Line Eating weight loss journey - Fairfield Daily Republic

This Weight Loss Tip Is So Easy You Can Do It With Your Eyes Closed – Yahoo Style

Posted: May 4, 2020 at 10:43 am

From Men's Health

We get it. Squeezing in an extra workout class, batch-cooking healthy meals, the early morning cycle to work; following weight loss advice would be easier with more hours in the day. But getting up an hour earlier, or going to bed an hour later, and letting your new regimen eat into sleep is self-sabotage.

Its true that research published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that low calorie dieters achieved the same amount of weight loss whether they slept for an average of 5.5 or 8.5 hours a night, but the devil is in the detail.

According to the scientists, skipping on sleep means most of the weight youre losing comes from lean mass, not fat. In other words, start burning the candle at both ends and itll be hard-earned muscle youre torching through. Just 25% of the weight lost by those getting less than six hours sleep came from fat, while those who were getting the recommended nightly amount lost twice as much.

And it gets worse for sleep dodgers. In this experiment, both groups were assigned exactly the same amount of food by the researchers. But with no lab assistant on hand to rein in impulses, sleep deprived individuals eat twice as much fat and more than 300 extra calories the next day. Thats because lack of sleep causes a spike in ghrelin the hormone that makes you feel hungry and a fall in leptin the hormone that signals you feel full. Not to mention the risk that, by spending three more hours awake, youll simply spend more time snacking. Take our advice and sleep on it.

0700: Drink two glasses of ice-cold water before breakfast. Youll not only start burning more energy, youll shave a few extra calories as your body warms the liquid.

1000: Take your kids fidget-spinner to work. It might drive your colleague mad, but you can burn 350 calories extra per day with fidgeting like tapping your feet or doodling.

1400: Chew sugar-free gum after lunch. Sure, youll have fresh breath, but youll also burn a few extra calories and be less tempted by the biscuit tray.

1900: Eat more protein at dinner. Going all-in on the macronutrient with extra chicken or tofu increases the thermic effect of your meal, meaning you burn more calories as you digest it.

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Originally posted here:
This Weight Loss Tip Is So Easy You Can Do It With Your Eyes Closed - Yahoo Style

Weight Loss and Diet Management Market will touch a new level in upcoming year with Top Key players like Weight Watchers, Abbott Nutrition, The…

Posted: May 4, 2020 at 10:43 am

Weight Loss and Diet Management Market report focused on the comprehensive analysis of current and future prospects of the Weight Loss and Diet Management industry. This report is a consolidation of primary and secondary research, which provides market size, share, dynamics, and forecast for various segments and sub-segments considering the macro and micro environmental factors. An in-depth analysis of past trends, future trends, demographics, technological advancements, and regulatory requirements for the Weight Loss and Diet Management market has been done in order to calculate the growth rates for each segment and sub-segments.

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Top Key Vendors of this Market are:

Weight Watchers, Abbott Nutrition, The Coca-Cola, Pepsico, Nutrisystem, Medifast, Kraft Foods, Kellogg, Herbalife Ltd, General Mills, Amylin Pharmaceuticals, Amer Sports Corp, Alpro Ltd, Ajinomoto Co, AIDP, AHD International, Acatris.

Various factors are responsible for the markets growth trajectory, which are studied at length in the report. In addition, the report lists down the restraints that are posing threat to the global Weight Loss and Diet Management market. It also gauges the bargaining power of suppliers and buyers, threat from new entrants and product substitute, and the degree of competition prevailing in the market. The influence of the latest government guidelines is also analyzed in detail in the report. It studies the Weight Loss and Diet Management markets trajectory between forecast periods.

The report provides insights on the following pointers:

Market Penetration:Comprehensive information on the product portfolios of the top players in the Weight Loss and Diet Management market.

Product Development/Innovation:Detailed insights on the upcoming technologies, R&D activities, and product launches in the market.

Competitive Assessment: In-depth assessment of the market strategies, geographic and business segments of the leading players in the market.

Market Development:Comprehensive information about emerging markets. This report analyzes the market for various segments across geographies.

Market Diversification:Exhaustive information about new products, untapped geographies, recent developments, and investments in the Weight Loss and Diet Management market.

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The report summarized the high revenue that has been generated across locations like, North America, Japan, Europe, Asia, and India along with the facts and figures of Weight Loss and Diet Management market. It focuses on the major points, which are necessary to make positive impacts on the market policies, international transactions, speculation, and supply demand in the global market.

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Table of Contents:

Global Weight Loss and Diet Management Market Research Report

Chapter 1 Weight Loss and Diet Management Market Overview

Chapter 2 Global Economic Impact on Industry

Chapter 3 Global Market Competition by Manufacturers

Chapter 4 Global Production, Revenue (Value) by Region

Chapter 5 Global Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions

Chapter 6 Global Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type

Chapter 7 Global Market Analysis by Application

Chapter 8 Manufacturing Cost Analysis

Chapter 9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers

Chapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders

Chapter 11 Market Effect Factors Analysis

Chapter 12 Global Weight Loss and Diet Management Market Forecast

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Weight Loss and Diet Management Market will touch a new level in upcoming year with Top Key players like Weight Watchers, Abbott Nutrition, The...

Weight Loss Tips: Eat THIS food item more and get rid of belly fat – PINKVILLA

Posted: May 4, 2020 at 10:43 am

Weight Loss Tips: Want to lose weight, especially fats around your waist? Read on to find out which food item will help you the most.

If you want to shed those extra pounds around your waist then it is a good decision as the excess fat can lead to several health issues. The fat especially visceral fat which is located deep around our organs can lead to health issues such as type 2 diabetes and cardiac-related diseases among others. However, the good news is that you can torch away those extra fats with the help of physical activity and a healthy balanced diet. Today we are talking about a food item that works as an elixir to get rid of visceral fats. And it is whole grains.

Speaking of whole grains, they are good sources of complex carbohydrates, important vitamins and minerals such as B vitamins, iron, folate, selenium, potassium, magnesium among others. How does it work? Grains are very high in fibre which means the same will keep you full and satisfied for long and unwanted calories from craving based eating will be at bay. They are also linked to lower several health issues such as heart diseases, diabetes and certain cancer and others.

A study was conducted by the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health to analyze how the grains impact visceral fats. As per the same, they concluded that higher intakes of whole grains are linked to lower abdominal adiposity. In short, more whole-grain intake can lead to lower visceral fat in adults and higher intakes of refined grains can result in higher levels of visceral fat.

About whole grains and refined grainsWhole grains are either present in their whole form or ground into flour and it has all parts of the seed. Speaking of refined grains, they are milled so that the germ and bran are removed to give them a finer texture and the same also extends their shelf life. One should note that refining them removes many nutrients including fibre. White flour, white rice, desserts, pastries, cookies and white bread are made from refined grains.

List of whole grainsWhole-wheatWhole-Grain RyeQuinoaBarleyBrown riceBuckwheatBulgur (cracked wheat)MilletOatmealCorn

Bottom lineInstead of refined grains and their products, go for whole grain-based rice, bread, flour and pasta, and nowadays they are easily available in grocery stores. Instead of white rice, one can have quinoa, oats, brown rice, barley or bulgur.

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Weight Loss Tips: Eat THIS food item more and get rid of belly fat - PINKVILLA

How ‘Real Housewives of Orange County’ Emily Simpson is Maintaining Her Weight Loss While in Quarantine – Showbiz Cheat Sheet

Posted: May 4, 2020 at 10:43 am

Emily Simpson of Real Housewives of Orange County has been chronicling her weight loss journey since it began. Shedding 15 pounds after modifying her diet to focus on healthy foods and incorporate a steady regimen of exercise, Simpson recently spoke on how shes staying the course despite being in quarantine due to the coronavirus crisis.

When quarantine restrictions were first implemented, Simpson wanted to be realistic about maintaining a healthy diet while allowing herself some indulgences.

Well, yesterday my plan was to eat healthy, but then my in-laws dropped off pizza, so I had pizza, she told Hollywood Life in March as an example of good intentions being thwarted. But then I felt so guilty I ate pizza that I did like three sets of squats, and then shoulder presses, and push-ups and I did a whole bunch of working out, too.

The reality star shared that she plans to keep healthy foods in her diet while enjoying some traditional snacks with her kids, Annabelle, 6, and twins Luke and Keller, 4.

I try to counter balance it, the RHOC cast member explained. I think my day is really filled with snacks. Ill eat an apple, but then Ill eat the rest of my kids Goldfish that they didnt finish. And then Ill eat like a turkey sandwich and then Ill eat chips because my kids want chips. Its like a combination between healthy and then the rest of my kids snacks is basically what it is.

With many people struggling to keep their social distance from the refrigerator during lockdown, Simpson revealed that shes trying to offset any extra munching with her workouts.

Ive been eating way too much but to counter balance that I have some 12 pound hand weights that I use consistently throughout the day to do shoulder presses, curls and squats, she said in April. I also virtually work out with my trainer Paulina Stein three times a week viaInstagram Liveand the kids and I set up an obstacle course in the backyard for PE class.

Simpson makes a point of staying away from the scale, especially during quarantine, and remains focused on the importance of exercise.

I really honestly dont weigh myself very often and I definitely dont want to do it during this quarantine period because Ive been eating more than normal, which I think probably the population is in the same boat, she said. My trainers relentless so shell bother me constantly. its good because I feel like it keeps me in pretty good shape because last week we worked out four times and its a pretty intense workout. So I think thats how I keep the weight off going forward.

The Real Housewives star is keeping her kids active during quarantine with some old-fashioned mainstays. I would say our quarantine essentials are puzzles and games and Uno to keep the kids busy, Simpson shared. Clorox wipes to continuously keep the house clean and stay healthy and champagne for mom so I dont lose my mind!

As for binging, she keeps that activity for the television set. I just finished binge watching theTiger King, Simpson said of the Netflix show. It was a high speed train wreck on meth and I was unable to look away. I need a new series now and [my husband]Shaneand I are excited to start binge watchingOzarkSeason 3 Seasons 1 and 2 were amazing!

Full episodes of Bravo TVs Real Housewives of Orange County are available for streaming now.

Read this article:
How 'Real Housewives of Orange County' Emily Simpson is Maintaining Her Weight Loss While in Quarantine - Showbiz Cheat Sheet

Weight Loss and Obesity Management Market Size by Top Key Players, Growth Opportunities, Incremental Revenue , Outlook and Forecasts to 2026 – Latest…

Posted: May 4, 2020 at 10:43 am

Beijing Noble Laser Technology

Global Weight Loss and Obesity Management Market: Competitive Landscape

This section of the report lists various major manufacturers in the market. The competitive analysis helps the reader understand the strategies and collaborations that players focus on in order to survive in the market. The reader can identify the players fingerprints by knowing the companys total sales, the companys total price, and its production by company over the 2020-2026 forecast period.

Global Weight Loss and Obesity Management Market: Regional Analysis

The report provides a thorough assessment of the growth and other aspects of the Weight Loss and Obesity Management market in key regions, including the United States, Canada, Italy, Russia, China, Japan, Germany, and the United Kingdom United Kingdom, South Korea, France, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, Mexico, India and Brazil, etc. The main regions covered by the report are North America, Europe, the Asia-Pacific region and Latin America.

The Weight Loss and Obesity Management market report was prepared after various factors determining regional growth, such as the economic, environmental, technological, social and political status of the region concerned, were observed and examined. The analysts examined sales, production, and manufacturer data for each region. This section analyzes sales and volume by region for the forecast period from 2020 to 2026. These analyzes help the reader understand the potential value of investments in a particular country / region.

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Key Benefits for Stakeholders:

The report provides an in-depth analysis of the size of the Weight Loss and Obesity Management world market, as well as recent trends and future estimates, in order to clarify the upcoming investment pockets.

The report provides data on key growth drivers, constraints and opportunities, as well as their impact assessment on the size of the Weight Loss and Obesity Management market.

Porters 5 Strength Rating shows how effective buyers and suppliers are in the industry.

The quantitative analysis of the Weight Loss and Obesity Management world industry from 2020 to 2026 is provided to determine the potential of the Weight Loss and Obesity Management market.

This Weight Loss and Obesity Management Market Report Answers To Your Following Questions:

Who are the main global players in this Weight Loss and Obesity Management market? What is the profile of your company, its product information, its contact details?

What was the status of the global market? What was the capacity, the production value, the cost and the profit of the market?

What are the forecasts of the global industry taking into account the capacity, the production and the value of production? How high is the cost and profit estimate? What will be the market share, supply, and consumption? What about imports and export?

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Market Research Intellect

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Tags: Weight Loss and Obesity Management Market Size, Weight Loss and Obesity Management Market Trends, Weight Loss and Obesity Management Market Growth, Weight Loss and Obesity Management Market Forecast, Weight Loss and Obesity Management Market Analysis

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Weight Loss and Obesity Management Market Size by Top Key Players, Growth Opportunities, Incremental Revenue , Outlook and Forecasts to 2026 - Latest...

Post Avengers: Endgame Actor Chadwick Bosemans Drastic Weight Loss, THIS Is The Black Panther Info You Would Want! – Koimoi

Posted: May 4, 2020 at 10:43 am

Post Avengers: Endgame Actor Chadwick Bosemans Drastic Weight Loss, THIS Is The Black Panther Info You Would Want!

Avengers: Endgame actor Chadwick Boseman has been creating a lot of noise lately over his drastic weight loss. The actor first appeared on an Instagram video while talking about his contribution to COVID-19 relief funds. Marvel fans were taken aback to look at TChalla undergoing such concerning changes. Now, we have the latest information regarding Black Panther, and below is all the scoop you need!

Many wouldnt know, but Chadwick Boseman had signed a 5-film contract with the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The actor has previously been a part of his solo Black Panther film, Captain America: Civil War, Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame. That makes it 4, and the upcoming Black Panther 2 will be the fifth and last film from the contract. So, what about the actors future in the universe? There can be two possibilities.

The first one could witness Storm being the first X-Men who would join the MCU with their entry in Black Panther, as reported by Cheat Sheet. Furthermore, there may be a love angle between Black Panther and Storm, further paving the way for a bright future in the universe, as they may get married and fight together like a team. In that scenario, Chadwick Boseman has a win-win situation!

However, another possibility suggests that if Storm doesnt appear, TChallas younger sister, Shuri could take over the responsibilities as Black Panther. As read in the comics, Shuri undergoes intensive training to undergo trials in order to become Black Panther.

Well, if the later situation happens, it is likely that we may have to bid goodbye to Chadwick Boseman from the Black Panther franchise as well as the MCU. This could also be a strong initiation of the A-Force mash-up featuring Captain Marvel, Jane Fosters Thor, and She-Hulk.

Do you want Chadwick Boseman to continue his portrayal as Black Panther? Share your views in the comment section below.

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Post Avengers: Endgame Actor Chadwick Bosemans Drastic Weight Loss, THIS Is The Black Panther Info You Would Want! - Koimoi

Need To Satisfy A Beauty Itch? We’ve Got 4 Safe Ways To Have Fun Right Now –

Posted: May 4, 2020 at 10:42 am

Perhaps youve decided to use this time to really get to know your skin, inside and out. And for many of us, we may have a lot to learn about our skin: What are common breakout triggers, what topical ingredients should you be using, what steps should you take morning at night?

And sure you could guess-and-test on your own (what many of us have been doing for years), but currently Naturopathica is hosting virtual consultations with skin care expert, master herbalist and founder Barbara Close. ($100, and the proceeds go to COVID-19 relief; launching on May 13, and you can book an appointment here.) The beloved natural brand hosts similar consultations in-store and -salon, however given the current climate thats obviously not an option. So, like much of theworld, they moved online.

But now, no matter where you live, you can get her sage advice. In the consultations, you may discuss your stress levels, diet, and current skin care routine, to get a full picture of your skin care routine. (Because skin care routines are not just products.) From there shell offer suggestions for lifestyle modifications and treatments. One of the best ways to deal with stress is to help our bodies adapt to it using herbal remedies and relaxing well-care rituals, says Close. My goal with these consultations is to share the tips that Ive learned over the past two decades as an herbalist, esthetician and product formulator to help alleviate some stress from our community.

You can also buy a facial bundle (check the skin care packages here) and book an appointment with a licensed esthetician, who will take you through the process and make you feel like you are at a spa, if just for a moment. After, you'll have all the effective products, and can continue to do the facial at your leisure.

Original post:
Need To Satisfy A Beauty Itch? We've Got 4 Safe Ways To Have Fun Right Now -

5 Foods You Need To Avoid When Dealing With EczemaGuardian Life – Guardian

Posted: May 4, 2020 at 10:42 am

When it comes to eczema, many people who suffer it also have food allergies. But those without diagnosed food allergies notice they experience flare-ups of their eczema after they eat certain foods.

However, this may be a food sensitivity rather than an allergy and its worth paying careful attention to how your diet affects your eczema in case it might help to avoid specific foods.

But you should bear in mind that there certain foods that have the tendency of causing a flare-up of your eczema; these include:

Canned FoodsIf you suffer from a type of eczema called dyshidrotic eczema, you may be sensitive to nickel. If so, eating foods containing nickel can exacerbate symptoms, like the small blisters that may appear on your feet and hands. Nickel can be found in a number of foods, including wheat, legumes, oat, rye, chocolate, and cocoa. But since many manufacturers use nickel in the production of cans for food preservation, nickel can also show up in those canned foods.

NutsIts very common for people with eczema to be allergic to peanuts. If you seem to have developed allergic symptoms, including eczema flare-ups, after eating peanuts, peanut butter, or any other food containing peanuts, you may want to consider allergy testing.

MilkCows milk is one of the most commonly cited culprits of eczema flare-ups in young adults. Also, experts caution, that parents shouldnt just routinely eliminate milk or milk-based products from their childrens diets. If it is completely removed from the diet, they may develop vitamin deficiencies and other issues.

This kind of elimination diet should only be reserved for people with severe eczema; so speak with your doctor about the appropriate food substitutes.


In babies and young children, eggs are another common trigger of eczema exacerbation. If youre trying to avoid them, it may be easy enough to avoid scrambled or fried eggs, but be vigilant about dishes like bread and other baked goods that may contain eggs. Keep in mind it might only need to be a short-term avoidance strategy; as with milk allergies, some children with egg allergies also outgrow them, too.

FishInterestingly, some experts note that certain types of fish, including salmon, sardines, and herring, are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can fight inflammation in your body. But others warn that fish is on the list of foods that commonly cause allergic reactions. You may want to be cautious until you know how your body reacts.

Ultimately, before you completely eliminate any foods from your diet, consult with your doctor. He or she can help you determine what steps to take when safely cutting out different food products.

The medical information provided in this article is provided as an information resource only. This information does not create any patient-physician relationship and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment.

See the rest here:
5 Foods You Need To Avoid When Dealing With EczemaGuardian Life - Guardian

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