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Robin and Isaac: A month of no gyms, mixed results – Salisbury Post – Salisbury Post

Posted: May 3, 2020 at 6:48 am

Robin Satterwhite and Isaac Miller have finished four months in the Salisbury Post wellness program. The time has flown by quickly but neither participant is content with the results so far.

Satterwhite, a professor and department head at RCCC, has struggled this month. She said, I am not where I thought I would be but am not giving up. I have been battling a knee injury for the past two months with up and down success. With physical therapy and a consultation with an orthopedic specialist, I plan to be back on track soon. I have really missed the gyms and the variety of machines available there. The stationary bike is good for an aerobic workout but also easy on the knee. I love running, but it has been challenging with this particular injury.

Miller, a Salisbury police officer, said, By now I hoped to have lost more weight. But I think Im in a good place mentally and physically. Im not happy where I am weight-wise, but I think Im in the right place mentally to achieve my overall goal.

Both Satterwhite and Miller do have some good things happening. Satterwhite said, I am trying to concentrate on the positives, one of which is an impressive lowering of my anxiety level. I have suffered with mild depression and major anxiety off and on for 20 years. With regular exercise, I have been able to reduce the medication needed for this. My doctor is thrilled with my activity level and improvement. I have also lowered my resting heart rate from 90 to 74. My last blood pressure check was 120/72. I want to begin lowering my blood pressure meds soon as well.

I am particularly impressed with Satterwhites next statement. She said, I really enjoy getting up in the mornings and getting my day started. This hasnt happened in a very long time.

With another view, Miller said, My win would be none of my jeans fitting and my frustration would be none of my jeans fitting. The pandemic doesnt allow me going to a store to get new jeans. My true frustration is my current weight. I run almost every day, but its getting more and more difficult to lose weight. Miller is getting faster and ran a 36:38 5K last week on the Knox track.

Goals for May are really important. It looks likely that we wont have gyms until late in the month. Satterwhite said, My goal for May is to get my knee and its surrounding muscles stronger. I also want to increase my running pace (or maybe I should say decrease my pace.) I am currently between 15 and 16 minutes per mile and would like to reach a 14 pace on a 5K by Bare Bones on Saturday, May 23, if that event can be held. I want to get back to losing weight. I think eight pounds is a realistic weight loss goal. Miller said, My goal for May is to be 15 pounds down from where I am now.

I asked both to look forward and tell me what they want to see by the end of the year, just eight months away. Satterwhite said, No more injuries. For the remaining months, I want continued weight loss and running pace improvement. By the end of the year, I want to weigh less, be more fit and totally off my anxiety and blood pressure medication. Running a 5K in under 40 minutes would be a bonus. Miller added, I just want to be a success in this program and in life, and comfortable in my own skin.

Miller lost another six pounds and is now at 302, down 22 for the year. His results are coming, just not as fast as he wants. His additional regular workouts include pickleball and weight training. Satterwhite is down 5 1/2 for the year but up one for April. Satterwhite had briefly experimented with group classes. Variety will be the key to their future success. Their goals are too high for May based on results so far, but doable with the proper mix of diet and exercise.

As I have said before, this is a long hike toward the summit. Stay tuned! See you at the end of May.

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Robin and Isaac: A month of no gyms, mixed results - Salisbury Post - Salisbury Post

Size 24 mum who was ‘ashamed’ of her weight loses eight stone – Kent Live

Posted: May 3, 2020 at 6:48 am

A care manager who was so ashamed by her weight that she only went to the supermarket after dark told how she shed nearly 8st.

Leanne Wrathall weighed 18st 6lb before her transformation which saw her shrink from a size 24 to a10.

The 36-year-old mum-of-four of Harlow, Essex, said her life was ruined by her weight, leaving her humiliated during nights out and so paranoid about attracting negative attention that she always made her husband fill up their car at the petrol station.

Just 5ft 1in tall, at her 18st 6lb heaviest, she was so big that her body mass index (BMI) used by medics to gauge a healthy weight was 46.8, compared to the NHS recommended range of between 18.5 to 24.9, meaning she was obese.

But Leanne, who has four children, Teagan-Faye, 12, Hayden-Leigh, 10, Teddy, eight, and Xander, three, with her care worker husband, Darren, 38, said her turning point came when she could not fasten an airline seatbelt over her belly prompting her to join the 1:1 Cambridge Weight Plan shedding 7st 10lb and making her a 10st 10lb size 10 to 12.

Recalling how she felt haunted by her massive belly, she said: Id wake up, put my hands on my stomach and think, Its still there.

I couldnt look at myself in the mirror. My husband would have to get out of the car to get petrol at the garage, because I was too worried that people were looking at me. They probably werent but in my head they were.

Leanne explained: I would shop in the supermarket at night when there were less people there to see me, because I was so paranoid.

And if I put something in my shopping trolley, even if it was for my children, I worried that people were thinking, She shouldnt be eating that.

Describing herself as a comfort eater, Leanne who had always been on the bigger side fell into bad habits, grabbing food whenever she could, because of the unsociable hours she worked as a care manager.

Every time she tried to lose weight, managing to shed six stone for her wedding 11 years ago, she could not keep it off.

If I was having a good day, I would celebrate by eating and if I had a bad day or was stressed, I would treat food as my comfort blanket, she said.

I realised I rarely ever ate because I was hungry.

If I was out with friends or my kids, if they did not finish their meal, I would finish it for them, she recalled.

Carbs were my downfall. I would eat a lot of pasta and convenience food, especially because of my work. I work long, unsociable hours and I would not have time to prepare dinner, so it would be pizza or a takeaway, then Id go to sleep.

Sometimes I wouldnt eat all day, then I would think, Well, I can treat myself.

Leanne continued: I felt awful about it. It left me depressed. My weight would be the thing I thought about last thing at night and first thing when I woke up in the morning.

Nights out also filled Leanne with dread weeks in advance, as she stressed about what to wear.

Id have friends come to stay from abroad and I couldnt bring myself to go on nights out with them, because of how I looked, she recalled.

If I did go out, I would sit in the corner, not even getting up to go to the toilet for the whole night. I would hold it in because I didnt want to walk across the room in front of people, she added.

I would stress for weeks if I had something coming up especially if anyone asked me what I was going to wear. I could not talk about it and on the night itself, I would sit in my bedroom crying.

I could not walk up the stairs without getting out of breath and I couldnt play with the kids.

She said: If my three-year-old was having fun in a soft play area, I wouldnt join him, because I was worried about what I looked like.

The final humiliation came for Leanne when she had to ask for a seatbelt extender before take-off on a flight to Romania.

I travel to Romania quite a lot, as I volunteer with charities, so the turning point for me was at the beginning of 2018, she said.

I had to ask for a seat belt extender. Id been stretching the seatbelt as far as I could and trying to hold in my stomach, but I simply couldnt fasten it. It was so embarrassing, she recalled.

That was the moment when I finally knew I had to lose weight.

Finding slimming groups intimidating, Leanne opted to follow the 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan, where she met with her consultant Nikki one-on-one, rather than in a group.

Asked not to be told her starting weight, she only found out that she had reached 18st 6lb after she had lost three stone.

Swapping her usual junk food for shakes, porridge, snack bars and healthier meals like spaghetti Bolognese and cottage pie, the weight started to drop off.

I began to see results really quickly and every time I lost a stone, I would get a fridge magnet. Those fridge magnets felt like getting the Olympic gold medal, she laughed.

I lost eight pounds in the first week and a stone and a half in the first month. Then it was an average of a stone a month, she said.

If I went on holiday, Id have a little break from the plan, but I found I would naturally pick the healthier options.

I love the food. I know its full of goodness and nutrients, and especially at the moment, Im doing my best to keep healthy.

I also drink three litres of water a day, Leanne added.

Leanne even started to exercise doing a couple of cardio classes at the gym each week and taking part in charity runs slimming down to 10st 10lb by October 2019.

Now I just feel content. Im not saying I look in the mirror and say, Wow, I look good, but I feel much more confident, she said.

Im the first to suggest to my friends that we go to a concert, or meet up if theres a DJ on in town, she said.

We went on holiday to Ibiza in June and it was the best holiday weve ever had. I just enjoyed it and because I was enjoying it, the kids had a great time too. I was in the swimming pool playing with them.

I bought a different bikini to wear every day for the whole two weeks. In fact, I bought 16, so a couple of times I had to change, because I was determined to wear every one of them and Id never worn a bikini before.

She said: I stopped worrying what people were thinking and felt comfortable walking around the supermarket in daylight.

It takes a while for your brain to catch up with your body, so in my head I was not a size 10 and Id still go and pick up a size 14.

Someone would say, That looks big on you, so Id pick up a 10 and think, Oh my God it fits! As a size 16 I was still wearing a size 22!

Four people who have really benefited from Leannes weight loss are her children.

My kids love it, she said. They used to play a game where they would measure my waist by hugging me. Now they can touch their hands around me, whereas when I was big, they couldnt do that.

My consultant, Nikki, is fantastic. Its not a quick fix, its a lifestyle change and she has been there for me every step of the way.

Now I want other obese people to stop being miserable by following in my footsteps and losing weight. If I can do it then anyone can.

See the article here:
Size 24 mum who was 'ashamed' of her weight loses eight stone - Kent Live

Heres a diet for colleges to cut the fat from their bloated athletic budgets – Tampa Bay Times

Posted: May 3, 2020 at 6:46 am

We all know the dire economic repercussions for college athletics if there is no football season this fall or even if there is a football season without any fans or a limited number of fans.

As Florida State athletics director David Coburn said last week when talking with school leaders about the financial ramifications of having no football season: God help us.

With all due respect, I believe God has better things to do than to help college athletic programs manage their bloated budgets, and thats why Im here to help.

I believe college presidents and ADs should look at the next several months as an opportunity instead of an obstacle. They should use these trying times as a way to do what should have been done long ago. From this point forward, they should quit spending money like drunken Democrats, er, sailors.

Here is my top-10 list of changes college athletics can make to finally start becoming financially responsible:

1. Put a salary cap on coaches, starting with this stipulation: College head coaches must make at least $1 less than the school president. Why? Because the president is the leader of the school and because academians who hire school presidents are generally much more responsible with their money than wild-eyed, free-spending athletic directors in search of the next Nick Saban. This move alone would cut the salaries of top college head coaches making $5-10 million a year to about $1 million a year. If Saban wants to make more than $1 million a year, then let him go fail again in the NFL.

2. Head coaches can only be signed to two-year contracts. This would solve the obscene amount of money our institutions of higher earning spend on buying out the long-term contracts of their failed coaches. FSU having to pay Willie Taggart roughly $18 million (the terms before he was hired in December by Florida Atlantic) not to coach the Seminoles for the next four seasons is the worst waste of public money in this state since the Cross Florida Barge Canal.

3. Cut the over-inflated football support staffs. The Florida Gators, for instance have, 10 assistant player personnel directors on the payroll, which means Alabama probably has 20. Fellas, is there really that much tape to break down?

4. Disarm the arms race. Schools need to quit going into debt to build ridiculously palatial facilities. Does Alabama really need indoor waterfalls in its football complex? Does Oregon need a barber shop? Does Clemson need a bowling alley, laser tag and a mini-golf course? It would be cheaper just to give every recruit a brand new car like they used to do back in the good ol days.

5. Regionalize the nonrevenue sports. My good friend and radio partner Marc Daniels has been preaching this for years. Heres how it would work: The existing conferences stay intact for football and mens basketball, but for sports such as baseball, softball, golf, tennis, etc., you simply play teams within your own region. If you ask me, it makes no financial sense for UCFs softball team to fly to Houston, Wichita State and Connecticut for American Athletic Conference games when they could easily bus to Florida, Florida State and FAU. And did the FSU tennis team really need to travel to Hawaii last season? Come on now!

6. Combine certain mens and womens individual sports. Instead of having mens and womens golf and tennis teams with two separate coaching staffs and two separate schedules, why not just have one co-ed tennis and golf team?

7. Shorten the season for nonrevenue sports. Would it really matter if college baseball and softball teams played 45 games instead of nearly 60?

8. Adjust schedules for nonrevenue sports so teams only play on weekends. Be creative and have weekend Olympic-type sports festivals in cities such as, say, Orlando where you could bring in collegiate teams in baseball, softball, track, golf, etc. It would be like an AAU basketball tournament for all sports. The teams would have a chance to play several games over the course of the weekend. Are Tuesday night road baseball games really necessary?

9. Reduce athletic scholarships across the board, starting with football. We dont want to eliminate opportunities for athletes, but tough times call for tough measures. The biggest expense for nearly every athletic department is reimbursing the university for every athletic scholarship. You dont have to be a mathematical genius to realize football teams dont really require 85 scholarships when there are only 22 starting positions. Why not 65 scholarships and 20 walk-ons?

10. Please stop having football teams stay in hotels the night before home games. Texas A&M, according to a report by GateHouse Media, spent $346 a night at a local hotel for its more than five dozen rooms for every home game during the 2018 football season. Not only that, but the Aggies doubled their cost by booking two nights for each home game. Its astounding why college football teams find it necessary to pay for hotel rooms, catered food, conference space, buses and police escorts for home games. Why not just have the players sleep in their own dorm rooms and walk to the stadium on Saturdays just like they do every other day of the week?

Go here to read the rest:
Heres a diet for colleges to cut the fat from their bloated athletic budgets - Tampa Bay Times

The only diet that can keep your brain healthy for years – Trendinindia

Posted: May 3, 2020 at 6:46 am

Our brain is a very powerful organ in our physique. Our brain regulates all the opposite features and metabolic processes together with our heartbeat, respiratory, digesting of the meals and all the things else.

The cognitive decline can be accelerated or delayed by a number of various factors. But our diet is the very best shot at stopping cognitive disturbance for a very long time.

The research

According to a brand new research revealed within the Journal Alzheimers and Dementia, a diet wealthy in greens, fruits, legumes, olive oil and nuts, dramatically reduces ones danger of creating neurodegenerative illnesses later in life.

According to the identical research, the Mediterranean diet is related to a decrease danger of cognitive impairment however not slower decline within the cognitive perform.

Another research carried out for nearly 10 years discovered that individuals who adhered closest to the Mediterranean diet loved the very best cognitive perform all through the observational research (10-year window).

Mediterranean diet is particularly outlined as recurring consumption of complete fruits, greens, complete grains, legumes, nuts, fish, olive oil and lowered consumption of purple meat and alcohol.

Routine fish consumption was related to increased charges of cognitive functioning and the bottom charge of decline over time.

Though scientists are but undecided how the Mediterranean diet helps the brain. The diet has been proven to enhance cardiovascular well being, which can in flip additionally cut back ones danger of dementia danger.

On the opposite hand, a typical western diet (purple meat, sugar, salt, fats, refined grains) has been related to elevated heart problems danger, contributing to quicker brain-damaging.

The only diet that can keep your brain healthy for years - Trendinindia

Construction to Begin Monday on Highway 14 Road Diet – KNIA / KRLS Radio

Posted: May 3, 2020 at 6:46 am

After nearly five years of planning, construction will begin Monday on the Highway 14 Road Diet. Construction will begin on the southside of Knoxville near the airport and Weiler Drive and could cause a few delays for commuters entering Knoxville, according to Knoxville City Manager Aaron Adams. Adams says the work south of town will be more extensive as the roadway will be widened as well as a left turn lane installed at Weiler Drive.

Adams says the construction south of town should also take longer than the rest of the work throughout Knoxville. Highway 14 will be reduced to three lanes starting at the south side of Knoxville and will feature one southbound lane, one northbound lane and a middle turn lane as well as wider shoulders. The road diet is expected to improve the flow of traffic on Highway 14 through Knoxville. Adams says the construction should last through the majority of the summer with the contractors having 140 working days to complete the project.

See more here:
Construction to Begin Monday on Highway 14 Road Diet - KNIA / KRLS Radio

Coronavirus Diet: 9 Foods That Promote Relaxation To Help You Stay Calm – CBS Los Angeles

Posted: May 3, 2020 at 6:46 am

In need of a little calming influence? Try eating food that helps yourelaxnaturally.

If youre experiencing nervousness, racing thoughts, difficulty getting to sleep, or even panic during thecoronavirus pandemic, youre not alone. This is anextremely stressful time; its only natural that wed feel a little amped and uneasy.

If youre having trouble relaxing, avoidingsugarandcaffeineis a must. These ingredients can further stress our bodies and set us up for anxiety. On the flip side, there are foods that can help support our nervous system, increase our resiliency to stress, and even make us feel calm right after we eat them.

As we move through this crazy time, lets lean on these 9 foods that promote relaxation.

Related Reading:How to Shop for Groceries If Youre Concerned About Coronavirus

A fermented drink that falls somewhere betweenyogurtand milk,kefiris a great addition to your social distancing routine. It can be made from dairy milk ornut milkand contains high amounts of beneficial bacteria, which support a healthy gut microbiome. At first glance, our gut health might seem unrelated to our nervous systems, but its actually quite the opposite. Studies have shown not only thatstress can alter the microbiomein undesirable ways, but thatanxiety could actually be alleviatedby regulating gut bacteria.

You can drink kefir plain or use it as a creamy base for recipes like in thisChilled Avocado, Cucumber, and KefirSoup recipeby Julie Smolyansky.

Fatty fish likesalmonare full of omega-3 fatty acids, which have proven to be extremely beneficial for calming the nervous system. In fact, a systematic review of 19 clinical trialspublished inJAMA Open Networkshowed that improvements in anxiety symptoms were associated with omega-3 fatty acid treatment. Try thisMaple Mustard Grilled Salmon recipefromChristine Gallaryand add salmon to the menu a few times a week.

Related Reading:The Best Places to Buy Fresh Seafood Online

Tart cherriescontain high levels of various phytochemicals, including melatonin. Youve probably heard of melatonin before; its known as the sleep hormone because our bodies release it in the evening to help us get to sleep. Well,studies have shownthat consuming tart cherry juice increases melatonin levels and can improve sleep quality and duration. If youre having trouble winding down at night, tart cherries might be the perfect food to lean on. For otherfoods that can help you sleep, read this.

Have you ever wondered whycucumber wateris so popular? It could be because the smell ofcucumbershas natural stress-relieving properties. And its not only the smell, either; this low-sugar fruit also contains B vitamins, which help support our central nervous system. In fact,studieshave shown that a B complex vitamin can improve anxiety symptoms compared to placebo.

Plenty of studies have found interesting links between vitamin C and mood. In fact, one study on 42 high school students showed thatvitamin C actually lowered anxiety levels. Citrus fruitslikelemons,limes, oranges, and grapefruitare one of the best ways to get vitamin C in your diet. Hereshow to segment citrusfor easy, mess-free eating.


You might not think of Vegemite as a health food, butone study, published in 2018, showed that people who consume yeast-based spreadssuch asMarmite, Vegemite, Promite, and Aussiemitehave lower levels of anxiety and stress. According to the researchers, the B vitamin content in these spreads is likely to thank for their anxiety-reducing powers. To start using Vegemite, try spreading it thinly on one side of agrilled cheese sandwich. It adds a bitter, salty flavor that you may just learn to love.


Onionsare one of the best sources ofprebiotic fiber, which helps to feed healthy gut bacteria. As we now know, a balanced microbiome is essential for optimal mental health. Other sources of prebiotic fiber include leeks,bananas,garlic, andapples. Try adding raw onions to salads or whips of thisEasy Caramelized Onions recipefrom Aida Mollenkamp.

Pumpkin seedsare one of the best sources of magnesium, which is often referred to as the relaxation mineral and is one of the topstress-relieving nutrients. Many of us are deficient in magnesium, as processed foods are virtually devoid of this mineral, but luckily, pumpkin seeds provide more than 150 mg of magnesium per cup, which is almost 50 percent of your daily recommended intake. Try thisHomemade Pumpkin Seed Milk recipe, from the book Magnesium Everyday Secrets.

Related Reading:This Pumpkin Sourdough Focaccia Is the Perfect Accompaniment to Any Stew

Lucky you: Research published in theJournal of Proteome Researchfound that eating about 1 ounces ofdark chocolateper day can actually lead to lower levels of cortisol, which is one of our primary stress hormones. For extra relaxation benefits, dark chocolate also contains significant levels of magnesium. Just make sure you opt for dark chocolate and if youre not sure what to buy, these are thebest dark chocolate barsout there.

Focusing on these foods can help promote relaxation, peaceful sleep, and a sense of calm despite whats going on outside. Luckily, most of these foods are also affordable, delicious, and can be prepared in any number of creative ways.

Article provided by CBS sister site All featured products are curated independently by Chowhound editors. When you buy something through their retail links, they may receive a commission.

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.

See more here:
Coronavirus Diet: 9 Foods That Promote Relaxation To Help You Stay Calm - CBS Los Angeles

The impact of the coronavirus on the Diet Food & Beverages Market 2019 New Technology, Growing Demand, Trends, Comprehensive Analysis, Major…

Posted: May 3, 2020 at 6:46 am

The Diet Food & Beverages market research encompasses an exhaustive analysis of the market outlook, framework, and socio-economic impacts. The report covers the accurate investigation of the market size, share, product footprint, revenue, and progress rate. Driven by primary and secondary researches, the Diet Food & Beverages market study offers reliable and authentic projections regarding the technical jargon.All the players running in the global Diet Food & Beverages market are elaborated thoroughly in the Diet Food & Beverages market report on the basis of proprietary technologies, distribution channels, industrial penetration, manufacturing processes, and revenue. In addition, the report examines R&D developments, legal policies, and strategies defining the competitiveness of the Diet Food & Beverages market players.The report on the Diet Food & Beverages market provides a birds eye view of the current proceeding within the Diet Food & Beverages market. Further, the report also takes into account the impact of the novel COVID-19 pandemic on the Diet Food & Beverages market and offers a clear assessment of the projected market fluctuations during the forecast period.

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The impact of the coronavirus on the Diet Food & Beverages Market 2019 New Technology, Growing Demand, Trends, Comprehensive Analysis, Major...

Top tips to lose weight by improving your digestive system – Express

Posted: May 3, 2020 at 6:46 am

WEIGHT LOSS can often be a hard journey for many, not knowing where to start and not knowing the correct foods to feed your body. From crash diets to restricting your body of nutrients it is often hard to know what your body needs in order to lose weight healthily.

Your digestive system aka your gut, is one of the most important parts of your body, it breaks down food and nutrients which the body uses for energy, growth, and cell repair.

Alex Glover, nutritionist at Holland & Barrett told There are lots of ways to lose weight over the short term, but this doesnt mean theyre healthy or sustainable.

There are millions of bacteria living inside your gut, known as your microbiome. Everyones microbiome is unique to them, and everyones plays a large factor in weight management.

Studies by Kings College, London have shown that your microbiomes affect how even identical twins differ in gaining and storing weight.

READ MORE:Healthy breakfast ideas that help boost weight loss and keep you fuller for longer

Dr Rossi added: Rather than counting calories, Id recommend focusing on variety - the more, the better - and keeping to appropriate portion sizes.

However Dr Rossi explains that it is important not to obsess over portion control as this can impact your relationship with food as well as your overall well being.

The Gut Health Doctor continued: Unlike other types of carbohydrates, our human cells cant digest fibre. Its sole purpose is to feed our gut bacteria, which, in turn, produce beneficial compounds that help to balance our blood sugars and tell our brains that were full.

At the moment in the UK, were only getting 19g a day of fibre on average, out of the recommended 30g daily. Its a good idea to increase your fibre intake to help with blood sugar balance.

Healthline says that eating more foods rich in fibre can be an effective strategy to help lose weight.

However, it wont lead to long-term results unless you pair it with a lasting lifestyle change.

A long lasting lifestyle change refers to daily exercise, getting plenty of sleep and nourishing the body with good whole foods.

Dr Rossi suggests aiming for two pieces of fruit, five portions of vegetables, three portions of wholegrain, one to two portions of nuts or seeds daily.

See original here:
Top tips to lose weight by improving your digestive system - Express

Discover the diet post-pregnancy Irina Shayk to retrieve the figure – OI Canadian

Posted: May 3, 2020 at 6:46 am

Many people wondered, after that Irina Shayk it will show your slender body after her pregnancy, how she managed to regain her figure. She revealed that it was due to several factors: a healthy diet and exercise routine.

When questioned by his power, the model commented that she had recovered her figure thanks to that I had a fast metabolism, according to the magazine Baazar. To this we can add the type of diet you followed to achieve to recover your figure in a short time.

This diet it included vegetables and fruits. Also consumed in salads and soups. The consumption of meat preferred it steamed and grilled. Although, due to its accelerated metabolism in the model is allowed to eat burgers and fries, what is certain is that your diet is healthy.

In this sense, she created a balance with what consumed, and we can say that it is still the same way today. However, keep in mind that, in addition to diet, a good exercise routine has been important to regain her figure.

The Russian model also loves to swim, and it was something that it started after your pregnancy. Go swimming, along with routines of jiujitsu, has been the key to retrieve the toning of the muscles and the flexibility of the same.

On the other hand, going for a walk or jogging for at least 1 hour a day, helps the body to lose fat and weight. This is the formula that the Russian model was followed to achieve to regain your figure.

In your case, you can follow these same recommendations, or adapt them to your lifestyle. What is important is that you eat balanced and healthy, you exercise and you practice a sport that you like. Yes, discipline and consistency is important to help you regain your ideal figure.

Read more from the original source:
Discover the diet post-pregnancy Irina Shayk to retrieve the figure - OI Canadian

High blood pressure – the best oil to lower your risk of deadly hypertension symptoms – Express

Posted: May 3, 2020 at 6:46 am

High blood pressure is a common condition that affects more than a quarter of all adults in the UK. But, you could lower your risk of developing hypertension by regularly using olive oil with your cooking, it's been claimed.

High blood pressure - which is also known as hypertension - puts extra stress on blood vessels and vital organs.

The condition could lead to some deadly complications, including strokes and heart attacks.

It could be caused by eating an unhealthy diet, or by not doing enough exercise.

One of the easiest ways to protect against high blood pressure is use olive oil with your cooking, it's been claimed.

READ MORE: High blood pressure - the edible seeds to lower hypertension

"Olive oil is a concentrated source of monounsaturated fats such as oleic acid, and antioxidants such as vitamin E, carotenoids and polyphenols such as oleocanthal," the nutritionist wrote on her website,

"These are most concentrated in extra virgin olive oil.

"When effects on cholesterol balance are also taken into account, a diet rich in olive oil reduces the risk of coronary heart disease by 25 percent and the risk of a second heart attack by 56 percent.

"Olive oil antioxidants are reduced when stored in glass bottles exposed to light.

"A bottle can lose 40 percent of its antioxidant oleocanthal within the average usage time of 10 months.

"Select olive oil in dark coloured glass or tins designed to prolong the health benefits, instead."

Meanwhile, you could also lower your blood pressure by regularly eating avocados, said the nutritionist.

They boost the amount of 'good' HDL cholesterol in the body, which significantly lowers the risk of a heart attack.

Continued here:
High blood pressure - the best oil to lower your risk of deadly hypertension symptoms - Express

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