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Intermittent fasting can help people in high-stress jobs – OUPblog

Posted: May 2, 2020 at 3:43 am

During times of crisis such as the COVID-19 outbreak, citizens often rely on first responders to ensure their daily living remains largely unaffected. However, behind the scenes, people serving in high-stress occupations (i.e. soldiers, police officers, nurses, firefighters, etc.) are often plagued with lack of sleep, shift work, poor eating habits and lack of access to nutrient dense foods, psychological stress (i.e. post-traumatic stress disorder), and minimal time for exercise. Over time, chronic exposure to these stressors can result in depression, weight gain, and the eventual development of heart disease. In fact, more firefighters die fromheart disease related eventsthan from actually fighting fires, and bothpolice personnelandmilitary soldiershave recently been documented as being too overweight to adequately perform their jobs. Given the abnormal work cycles of these high-stress occupations, an intervention flexible enough to accommodate the most hectic schedules, could prove to have life-saving implications.

Time-restricted eating is a nutrition intervention which alternates between a period of fasting (12 16 hours) followed by a period of eating (8 12 hours). Unlike other diets, which focus on the caloric content of a meal orwhichfoods you should eat, time-restricted eating focuses exclusively onwhenyou eat by compressing and standardizing the feeding window each day. In turn, people following this type of eating pattern naturally enter a state of caloric deficit.

A common counterpoint from critics is, why not just reduce daily caloric intake? Although people who extend their fasting window are likely to consume fewer calories,the consumptionof ultra-processed foods is likely itself the key driver to weight gain and obesity. These ultra-processed foods can serve astrigger foods, which can lead to overeating and overallpoor adherenceto following a diet pattern simply focused on reducing caloric content. Moreover, ultra-processed foods are generally the foods available to nurses working nightshifts, firefighters returning to their department after a call, police officers patrolling neighborhoods, or military soldiers during field-exercises. Thus, time-restricted eating removes the added stress of what to eat, and serves as a practical intervention conducive to the schedules of many people.

If you are not yet convinced of the practicality of implementing time-restricted eating into your daily routine, reading about the health benefits of time-restricted eating might influence you to give it a try. Time-restricted eating has been shown to lower circulating insulin, blood pressure, body fat and overall body weight, inflammation, and oxidative stress.

Can someone following time-restricted eating still obtain health benefits, regardless of whether or not they lose weight? What about regardless of whether they restrict their caloric content during the eating window? Heres the good news. One recentstudywhich split college-aged males into two time-restricted eating groups showed that simply confining those calories to a specified eating window resulted in improvements to body composition, blood pressure, cholesterol, and anti-inflammatory markers. Further, a separatestudydemonstrated that overweight men following time-restricted eating improved their blood pressure profile and insulin levels regardless of weight loss at the end of the study. Bottom line: change how you eat, and you could prevent the need for blood pressure medications down the road.

So, if you are interested in implementing time-restricted eating, where do you begin? Simple: choose an eating window (8 12 hours) that fits into your daily routine and one that you can consistently maintain day-to-day. Consistency is the key. When the feeding window has closed, maintain your fast until the next feeding window becomes available. For example, if you are following a 16/8 (hours fasting/hours feeding) cycle, and have your first meal at 8:00 a.m., your feeding window would end at 4:00 p.m. You would then fast, having only non-caloric beverages until 8:00 a.m. the next morning.

Two common questions are: Can I drink coffee and tea during my fast, and 2) Does it matter the duration of my fasting window? Regarding the first question, research is not conclusive about caffeine, antioxidants, polyphenols, and other compounds found in these beverages and how it interacts with the fasting phase. Regardless, until evidence is found that these ingredients significantly impact the fasting window, feel free to consume these, making sure to forgo any sweeteners. As for the fasting duration, there does seem to be a dose-response relationship, meaning the further the fasting window is extended, the greater the health benefits obtained on average. With this said, do keep in mind that there is a point of diminishing returnnot to mention the longer the fasting window is extended, the less likely someone will be able to adhere to this type of eating.

Overall, time-restricted eating is a strategy meant to alleviate some of the stresses of everyday life by providing a practical alternative to traditional dieting techniques. Customize the fasting/feeding windows to fit your lifestyle, and in doing so, potentially extend your own life.

Featured Image Credit: Intermittent fasting via Wikimedia Commons

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Intermittent fasting can help people in high-stress jobs - OUPblog

How This Lahori Guy’s Weight Loss Journey Of 50 Kg In 9 Months Is Inspiring Others To Do The Same – MangoBaaz

Posted: May 2, 2020 at 3:43 am

This dudes weight loss journey is amazing

Being overweight has become a stress factor for many because of the societys conditioning to body shame or because of health reasons. It is no news that overweight people grow up listening to humiliating insults, insensitive jokes and absurd nicknames hurled at them. However, when someone takes actions about the bullying, in whatever form they feel safe and comfortable doing, thats laudable. Something similar happened with this student from Lahore.

He was a student of O Level when Hasnain decided to completely change what he saw in the mirror.

They say youre just one decision away from completely changing your life; and, perhaps this befits the situation completely. We reached out to Hasnain and he told us that on October 17, 2017, he ate a lot of food, much more than he wanted to. And, that was his way to bid food goodbye. Weighing 120 kg with 58 height, on October 18, 2017, Hasnain completely made his mind to lose all the extra weight and that there was no going back.

Especially to be noted, just three days after Hasnain started his weight loss journey, he met with an accident and was not allowed to go to the gym. He was, however, unstoppable and used to go for walk for three hours each day.

All the students can completely relate to what a stressful time is around the final O level/Matric examinations. Hasnain, too, was juggling between his O levels last year, his socializing and now his determination to workout. He shared that he was so resolute in losing weight that for the first month in his weight loss journey, he only consumed 300-400 calories per day when an average person should take up to 2000 calories each day. He soon realized that he needs to have a healthy balance.

Hasnain shared that he was so impulsive to lose weight that he went to unhealthy lengths to do that, which shouldnt be the case. After one month of irrational schedule, he finally sat down to make a routine with healthy eating and exercising. Heres what his food chart looked like:

What to avoid: Soft drinks, oil, white rice, fast food.

Hasnain mentioned that every Saturday he would have a cheat meal to balance the nutrition intake. He would workout three hours per day with 1.5 hours for gym, 45 minutes for swimming and 1 hour for walk at night. After six months into his weight loss journey, he included some supplements such as protein shake, multivitamins, fish oil and black coffee in his regime.

In the amidst of finals approaching and growing academic pressure, it only took Hasnain a moment of realization to make a life altering decision. While talking to us, Hasnain shared that he constantly thought that something lacked, as if something was just missing from his personality. Being an obese child, he was always subjected to body-shaming and mocking. He would sometimes engage in a fight with strangers who made fun of his weight, but would be forced to remain silent when people close to him did so. Hasnain shared that no matter how much he denied, he did feel the need to look presentable so he thought to give it a shot. With a mindset that theres no turning back, off he went on his weight loss journey. He also said that once you start seeing the results, you automatically feel the need to be consistent.

Hasnain shared that every Saturday he would have a cheat meal to balance the nutrition intake. After reaching 70 kg, he gained a few kilos to suit his body type. His goal was to maintain 75 kg and to achieve that, he would workout three hours per day with 1.5 hours for gym, 45 minutes for swimming and 1 hour for walk at night. After six months into his weight loss journey, he included some supplements such as protein shake, multivitamins, fish oil and black coffee in his regime.

Hasnain shared with MangoBaaz that the key that kept him going was consistency. He shared that the answer to lose weight and then to keep maintaining is consistency. He also told that due to his busy schedule, he had to cut down on socializing. whenever he had to attend a birthday party, he would already had his healthy meal prepared in car, to avoid any junk eating. This is the consistency level that he had achieved. He did not even compromise his routine during his O level exams and went to gym before taking the exam.

Hasnain Sheikh from Lahore said he knew what he was fighting against his biggest challenge was his habit of smoking. He said his habit was too strong to let go of. Due to excessive smoking, he had no stamina for workout. Hence, he took the tough decision to quit smoking. He made his health his first priority and did not touch a cigarette until he had lost 40 kg. Another great challenge was the hectic routine and last year of O levels. However, nothing could stand in front of his motivation.

Hasnains story is a true inspiration and a hope for everyone out there trying to lose weight. It took him 9 months of hard work to reach where he ultimately did.

They key that Hasnain kept repeating is consistency and not losing your faith on your journey with setbacks that you may face even if you do not see the results right away, hang in there and keep working towards your goal.

Cover image via: Hasnain Sheikh

View original post here:
How This Lahori Guy's Weight Loss Journey Of 50 Kg In 9 Months Is Inspiring Others To Do The Same - MangoBaaz

Comedian Catherine Cohen Knows the Power of Taco Bell Fire Sauce – Grub Street

Posted: May 2, 2020 at 3:43 am

Catherine Cohen with her pigs in a blanket. Illustration: Margalit Cutler

I just kinda see what happens, and its been fun and a really nice way to remember what day it is, says the comedian Catherine Cohen of her weekly stand-up show, Cabernet Cabaret. Since the lockdown began, shes moved it from Club Cumming to her living room, performing on Instagram live while drinking things like dirty martinis and Ina Gartens cosmo. But even more than the show, she says, cooking helps her differentiate Tuesday afternoon from Thursday morning: Truly, Cohen says, food is the thing that is anchoring me to reality.

Thursday, April 23How on Gods green Earth is it already the end of April? No one knows! Im currently quarantined with my hot/cute, infinitely patient boyfriend Brian at his familys cabin in the Berkshires. I know, Im a spoiled little princess, yet I still find time to complain How does she do it?! Whenever I think about the word diary, I immediately hear Britney Spears singing the phrase Dear Diary, as she does on her sleeper hit of the same name (track 12 on Oops! I Did It Again), so as you read my diary, please imagine me whisper-crooning the whole thing into the cracked spine of a bubblegum-pink Moleskine.

Dear Diary,

Two years ago, I met this guy at a show for 12 minutes and he explained the concept of intermittent fasting to me over the dull roar of an East Village dive bar and ever since then I have half-tried to do it, which usually means I dont start eating until 2 or 3 p.m. and then I stop whenever I want. Thats not how intermittent fasting works, but that is the freaky-Friday-fucked-up way I do it because I have no self-control and a quirky, flirty way about me. 😉

Every morning, I like to have what I call Brians coffee. This just means that I try and convince my boyfriend, Brian, to make me coffee, even though he does not drink coffee. I want Brians coffee. Its better than what I can make, I coo in velvet tones from the bedroom. Brians coffee tastes the same as when I make coffee (which critics and fans alike call Catherines Coffee), but I am lazy and only learned how to use a coffee machine a few weeks ago. Come through, woman in tech!

My other obsession is hydration. I need to have at least three liters of water a day to keep my vocal cords buzzing beautifully, but I dont trust myself to keep track of how many glasses I have, so I only drink water from my One Liter, Overpriced Hydro Flask. I always keep it by my side and dont wash it enough. Stars theyre just like us!

So I had my morning combo of Brians coffee and a liter of water. Then, around 2 p.m., because we were out of eggs, I made oatmeal and mixed in peanut butter, maple syrup, and raisins. Normally, I would have eggs like a fitness girl on a sad diet. Oatmeal is sad in a different way, but I was randomly into it today. Whenever I have oatmeal, I feel like Im a pioneer woman making slop for everyone on the wagon. All aboard!

I was still hungry minutes after the oatmeal (brave), so I had some Siete Chips (nacho-cheese flavor) dipped in garlic hummus. It was a bad combo that I immediately regretted. I turned to Brian and was like can you believe these chips are grain free, gluten free, and paleo friendly, and he was like, Yeah, I can.

We had made brownies the night before, so then I cut myself a brownie edge. Later in the day, Brian was like, Did you eat all the edges? and I was like, Hmm, maybe a ghost did that to it. Ive never seen a ghost, but I am scared of them. Isnt it more fun to believe something exists? Okay, I just got my Ph.D. in being existential as fuck.

Around 8 p.m., I became furious and then realized I was hungry. I frantically put some black beans in a tortilla and had a sad, wet taco. I learned during quarantine that they actually sell Taco Bellbrand Fire Sauce at the grocery store. I put so much TBFS on my taco that I kind of keep it in my hand the whole time I eat a taco. Brian and I joke that TBFS is my drink to go with my meal. We have fun! We both had another sad black-bean taco and shared a Heineken. Then we made sweet, sensual love. JK. I dont know why having sex at night is the thing. I like having sex around 3 p.m., but Ill save that for my OTHER diary, wink-wink. I am rock-and-rolling my way through this food diary, and youre lapping it up, you sick freak!

Friday, April 24I started my day with Brians coffee and a liter of water. I was doing a voice-over gig all afternoon, so I had to eat before my usual window, which was upsetting. My life is so hard!

I had chopped up sweet potato and chickpeas in a tortilla with some yogurt on it, topped with my daily dose of Taco Bell Fire Sauce, and I will now be referring to it as mothers medicine. I also feel its important to include that every day at 10:30 a.m., I take my birth-control pill, which I call the queens candy. Dessert vibes!

After my voice-over session, I was feeling some kind of way (COSMICALLY DEPRESSED) and I suggested we make the Pillsbury cinnamon rolls I had bought two weeks ago in case of emergency. We inhaled all five cinnamon rolls in about six minutes while standing over the hot tray in the kitchen, panting like beasts that had just ripped an alive mammal to bloody shreds after being released from captivity. Cuteness! We both agree the icing-to-roll ratio is off. There should be more icing. I love icing because it tastes good! Opinions here are my own.

That night I went the fuck OFF and made vodka sauce from ScRaTCh to have with rigatoni and baked chicken breast. Me and Bri both have a disease where we never know when chicken is done and are terrified of not cooking it enough. Its like I become colorblind and suddenly the whole thing looks pink. Brian suggests we call his friend Josh hes a chef thats about to open a new restaurant called Orso in L.A. (sexy lil quarantine tip: Hes doing fresh pasta and homemade sauce delivery weekly). Josh tells us the best way to tell if chicken is cooked is to feel it with your hands Now youve heard everything. Through touching, it is revealed that we have overcooked it. Anxiety prevails! The meal is still a hit. I also had two massive IPAs from Berkshire Brewing Company. Just a light Friday-night supper! Obviously, that night in bed, I was rolling around in pain from overeating kind of like The Princess and the Pea, but the pea is inside of me and the pea is a half-pound of pasta and 32 oz. of extremely hoppy beer. Tale as old as time!

Saturday, April 25I felt bad asking Bri to make my coffee again, so I made it myself. Feminist win! I was literally so full from dinner the night before that I didnt eat ever again. JK, but I did skip breakfast/lunch.

We went on a three-hour hike (two-hour hike, but we got lost; youre obsessed!). On the drive home, Bri looked at me with a glimmer in his eye and I knew what was up since our groceries were almost gone, we were going to treat ourselves to takeout for the first time in six weeks!

Thats wild for me because in NYC I never cook and only eat via or Caviar if Im feeling like a billionaire. In New York, I literally have a college-dorm-room mini-fridge situation, so I never cook. I dont even have a freezer, so I have to buy a bag of ice if I want to make drinks.

I do really enjoy cooking, so its been great to actually get to do it we made the Marcella Hazan Bolognese, and it was really fun to spend all day doing something. I never wouldve done that normally.

Bri and I felt like we EARNED, it so we had the most decadent meal from the incredible Baba Louies pizza in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. We ordered the Dawns Delight salad (gorgonzola, pears, dried cranberries, figs, and toasted walnuts with mixed greens and a balsamic vinaigrette) and a BBQ-chicken pizza (BBQ sauce, chicken, red onions, mozzarella, smoked Gouda, oregano, and Parmesan). There was a bit of drama because I reallllly dont like blue cheese (I know this is an unsophisticated take its literally the only food I dont like), so we had to get it on the SIDE. But even on the side, as they say in the biz, I could still smell it and kept asking Bri if my feet smelled while we watched TV (TV = Love Island) for a few hours. It was finally revealed that my feet actually smelled normal/good and it was the CHEESE I was smelling. I am so sensitive, so in tune, so easy to be around!

For dessert, we had picked up black-raspberry ice cream from SoCo Creamery. This ice cream is like nothing your little slutty mouth has ever tasted its just beyond! Plus, at the SoCo shoppe, there was the most iconic woman, who in the midst of a (say it with me) pandemic, sampled at least nine flavors from underneath her mask. Chaotic Queen.

Sunday, April 26Brians coffee and water followed by leftover pizza and salad for lunch around three. For dinner, I had some of that leftover sweet-potato veggie hash plus chorizo and rice and mothers medicine.

I have made it one of my quarantine goals to learn how to make perfect rice. I know it sounds simple, but its hard its always soupy or burned. This time, I really got it right and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize (i.e., a huge glass of ros). Bri and I both had out-of-body experiences after doing back-to-back Zooms with our families that totaled about four full American hours, so I needed more wine. I dont actually really like wine. I prefer beer (guys-girl alert!), but lately Ive taken to drinking ros with ice. I kind of thought if it was extra cold and watered down, Id like it more. And I was right. Its the finer things in life

Monday, April 27Kicked off another exciting week in quarantine with Brians coffee and my morning water liter. At this point we had basically no groceries we made it 23 days without going to the store! Epic win! so I made grilled cheese for lunch, which I dipped in Franks Red Hot, of course. At first I felt cute, like a child again I famously used to call grilled cheese girl cheese, which is adorable and true! It is my cheese! I am a girl! But a few minutes after finishing the sandwich, my stomach felt like shit, which was kind of nice because it gave me something specific to complain about instead of shouting What the hell is going on? out loud to the wall every 14 minutes.

That night, we randomly got drunk off Negronis because we watched that video of Stanley Tucci making one on Insta. They were amaze, even though we made them with definitely expired vermouth. I felt TiPsY after two sips and then had leftover kidney beans and rice for dinner Its a glamorous life. The plan was to go to the grocery store the next day, which truly got me hyped up now that we never leave the house.

I want to make coq au vin doesnt that seem like a thing I should do? I have such insane, unearned confidence when it comes to cooking. Thats just what makes me me! XOXO miss u already.

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Read the original:
Comedian Catherine Cohen Knows the Power of Taco Bell Fire Sauce - Grub Street

The Biggest Plant-Based Eating Myths That Nutritionists Want You To Stop Believing – Forbes

Posted: May 2, 2020 at 3:43 am


Ever since the 2011 documentary Forks Over Knives put plant-based eating in the spotlight, the popularity of veggie-forward diets has only increased over the years.

According to Nielsen, nearly 40% of Americans are now "actively trying to eat more plant-based foods". While a staggering 94% of Americans are willing to eat more plant-forward meals, states a recent report published by the Earth Day Network and the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication.

Today, over 40% of U.S. households are consuming plant-based milk while 14% of households are eating plant-based meats, notes the Good Food Institute (GFI).

However, as plant-based diets become more mainstream, misconceptions that surround veggie-forward eating have also multiplied.

Here, four nutrition experts debunk some of the most prevalent myths about plant-based eating:

Myth 1# Plant-based eating is the same as veganism and vegetarianism. "A vegan diet completely excludes all animal products in the diet and often lifestyle, including dairy, eggs and meat," tells Alexis Joseph, Columbus-based nutritionist and founder of Hummusapien. While "a vegetarian diet includes eggs and dairy but does not include meat, poultry and fish," she explains. Plant-based eating, however, means adopting a diet that prioritizes whole plant foods. "But It doesnt have to mean eliminating any nutrient or food group altogether," notes Jaclyn London, registered dietitian and head of nutrition and wellness at WW (Weight Watchers). "Theres more than one way to adopt a more plant-based style of eating, but the keyword there is 'more'more vegetables, more fruit, more whole-grains plus nuts, seeds, legumes and plant-derived oils," adds the nutritionist.

Myth 2# It's hard to get enough protein on a plant-based diet. "Protein needs are grossly overstated in America, which is fueled largely by the diet industry," says Joseph. "Eating less meat doesn't mean you're going to suffer from protein deficiency," tells the registered dietitian. "Protein is found in all foods. It's impossible not to get enough protein if you're eating a balanced diet," she points out. "Even foods like oats, whole-grain pasta, vegetables and fruit of all types will provide some amount of protein, even if nominal," adds London. To up your protein intake, load up on beans, legumes, peanut butter, soy milk, tofu, tempeh, nuts and seeds to your daily diet, suggests Claire Power, plant-based nutritionist and founder of Healthy French Wife. Power also suggests trying vegan protein powders made of pea, hemp or brown rice protein.

Myth 3# Plant-forward eating is expensive. If your diet predominantly consists of unprocessed plant protein foods like beans, lentils, nuts and seeds then a plant-based diet can actually be cheaper than a typical meat-heavy diet, says Dawn Jackson Blatner, registered dietitian nutritionist and author of Superfood Swap and The Flexitarian Diet. To make your meals more budget-friendly, stock up on seasonal produce and indulge in expensive plant-based foodslike vegan cheeses, yogurts, faux meat and burgersonly occasionally and in small amounts. "It will not only keep the costs down but will also help you focus more on getting nutrients from natural plant-based foods," tells Blatner.

Myth 4# All plant-based foods are healthy. Just because something is plant-based doesn't mean it's automatically healthy. "There are vegan versions of almost everything these days, but vegan isn't synonymous with healthy," says Joseph. "Those foods are fun and I enjoy them too, but they shouldn't make up the bulk of your diet," she tells. The best strategy to eat healthy on a plant-based diet is to focus more on whole foods, tells Blatner. "If something comes in a package, read the ingredient list to see if it contains items that you would use in your own kitchen," suggests the nutritionist. "The more C.R.A.P. (chemicals, refined sugar/flour, artificial additives and preservatives) it contains, the more processed and less healthful food is," she points out. A healthy plant-based diet is one that is both balanced and diverse, says Power. Ideally, it should be high in whole-grains, legumes, seeds, nuts, fruits and veggies and very limited in processed foods," she adds.

Myth 5# Plant-based meals are not very filling. On the contrary, "many people feel less hungry on a whole-food plant-based diet than they do on a typical American diet, which tends to be low in fiber and high in sugar," states SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University. A plant-based meal can be very satisfying provided its well-balanced. "Plant proteins are very filling. In fact, they may keep you more full than animal protein because, in addition to the staying power of protein, they also have filling fiber," tells Blatner.

Myth 6# Going plant-based means swearing off meat forever. "A plant-based diet is mostly plants, but theres still room for foods like meat, poultry, eggs, cheese, yogurt and fish," tells Blatner. In fact, "research suggests that following a flexitarian dietincreasing plant-based foods and reducing, but not eliminating, animal foodsyields similar health benefits as a vegetarian diet, like reduced risk of heart disease and diabetes," says Joseph. Meaning, indulging in cheese or some chicken here and there isn't going to make or break your health, assuming you don't have an extreme medical condition that requires giving up a particular food group altogether.

Myth 7# Plant-based diets are very restrictive. "The definition of 'plant-based' is often misinterpreted and in some cases, can be extremely misapplied," says London. Plant-forward diet involves making more of your meals veggie-based and eating more natural plant-based foods in general. "Anything that feels restrictive wont benefit you in the long-run, so if trying a more plant-forward style of eating makes you feel limited, then you may want to reassess your approach," suggests London.

Myth 8# Plant-based diets aren't suitable for children.

Yes, they are, says Power. However, it's important to ensure that the bulk of their diet is made of natural plant-based foods like fruits veggies, whole-grains, seeds and nuts, notes the nutritionist. Also, "parents need to be mindful that their kids get enough calcium, protein, zinc, iodine and iron from food sources as well as supplement their diet with a Vitamin B12 supplement," she adds.

Why plant-forward eating is good for you?

Adopting a diet rich in natural plant-based foods has an array of benefits for your health as well as the environment. "Regularly consuming foods high in plant proteins (like beans, legumes and tofu) versus animal protein can help prevent and reverse a slew of chronic conditions, including cancer, diabetes and heart disease," says Joseph. Additionally, "these nutrients also help support healthy cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar levels," notes the nutrition expert. Research also suggests that a healthy plant-based diet may help prolong the lives of those living with chronic kidney disease (CKD).

Moreover, "plant-based foods are packed with fiber and phytonutrients that support immunity, combat inflammation and feed the healthy bacteria in your gut," says Joseph. And as an added bonus, "plant proteins are far more affordable and far better for the planet than animal proteins," she points out. Eating more whole plant foods reduces your carbon footprint, lowers habitat destruction and saves water. "Twenty servings of vegetables have fewer greenhouse emissions than one serving of meat, with beef and lamb having the highest emissions," tells Joseph.

Plant-forward eating tips for beginners

If you're considering switching to a plant-based diet, try these nutritionist-backed tips to ease into the habit effectively:

Last but not the least, speak with a registered dietitian or nutritionist before starting any new diet. "There is nothing more personalized than health," says Joseph. Anyone with a history of disordered eating should proceed with extreme caution when following a diet, especially one that eliminates or limits intake of particular food groups, she adds.

Read this article:
The Biggest Plant-Based Eating Myths That Nutritionists Want You To Stop Believing - Forbes

Editorial: COVID-19 Protein and Diet – KETV Omaha

Posted: May 2, 2020 at 3:43 am

This is a editorial from KETV president and General Manager Ariel Roblin The spread of Covid-19 in meat packing plants have been making headlines all week. Some workers are afraid to go to work, ranchers are concerned they will be forced to euthanize their livestock, and consumers are even hoarding meat in their freezer. Nebraska Governor Ricketts warns of civil unrest if we lose access to meat and says it is an important part of a healthy diet. While the vast majority eat it daily, its not the only way to get protein. We should be willing to adapt, even just temporarily, to adding a few plant or fish-based meals in our diets. Science has long supported the idea that more plant-based food is healthy and strengthens your immune system to fight illnesses. That's something everyone of us needs right now. Plant-based diets also support lower risks of heart disease, certain cancers, type two diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. You can also easily buy plant-based protein on line: Peanut butter, almonds, quinoa, lentils, and protein supplements can be shipped to your door. A careful approach to processing meat can provide a safe environment for workers, and build a stronger food supply chain. That should be enough of an incentive to try something new. I realize an editorial in Omaha Nebraska about the benefits of eating less meat is probably not going to go over very well I get it, but we're talking about risking human life in fear of an outraged community because they won't try another source of protein. We're better than that.


Editorial: COVID-19 Protein and Diet

The spread of Covid-19 in meat packing plants have been making headlines all week. Some workers are afraid to go to work, ranchers are concerned they will be forced to euthanize their livestock, and consumers are even hoarding meat in their freezer.

Updated: 10:49 AM CDT May 1, 2020

The spread of Covid-19 in meat packing plants have been making headlines all week. Some workers are afraid to go to work, ranchers are concerned they will be forced to euthanize their livestock, and consumers are even hoarding meat in their freezer.Nebraska Governor Ricketts warns of civil unrest if we lose access to meat and says it is an important part of a healthy diet. While the vast majority eat it daily, its not the only way to get protein. We should be willing to adapt, even just temporarily, to adding a few plant or fish-based meals in our diets.Science has long supported the idea that more plant-based food is healthy and strengthens your immune system to fight illnesses. That's something everyone of us needs right now. Plant-based diets also support lower risks of heart disease, certain cancers, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. You can also easily buy plant-based protein on line: Peanut butter, almonds, quinoa, lentils, and protein supplements can be shipped to your door.A careful approach to processing meat can provide a safe environment for workers, and build a stronger food supply chain. That should be enough of an incentive to try something new.I realize an editorial in Omaha Nebraska about the benefits of eating less meat is probably not going to go over very well. I get it, but we're talking about risking human life in fear of an outraged community because they won't try another source of protein. We're better than that.

The spread of Covid-19 in meat packing plants have been making headlines all week. Some workers are afraid to go to work, ranchers are concerned they will be forced to euthanize their livestock, and consumers are even hoarding meat in their freezer.

Nebraska Governor Ricketts warns of civil unrest if we lose access to meat and says it is an important part of a healthy diet. While the vast majority eat it daily, its not the only way to get protein. We should be willing to adapt, even just temporarily, to adding a few plant or fish-based meals in our diets.

Science has long supported the idea that more plant-based food is healthy and strengthens your immune system to fight illnesses. That's something everyone of us needs right now. Plant-based diets also support lower risks of heart disease, certain cancers, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. You can also easily buy plant-based protein on line: Peanut butter, almonds, quinoa, lentils, and protein supplements can be shipped to your door.

A careful approach to processing meat can provide a safe environment for workers, and build a stronger food supply chain. That should be enough of an incentive to try something new.

I realize an editorial in Omaha Nebraska about the benefits of eating less meat is probably not going to go over very well. I get it, but we're talking about risking human life in fear of an outraged community because they won't try another source of protein. We're better than that.

Editorial: COVID-19 Protein and Diet - KETV Omaha

The only diet that can keep your brain healthy for years – Times of India

Posted: May 2, 2020 at 3:43 am

Our brain is the most important organ in our body. Our brain regulates all the other functions and metabolic processes including our heartbeat, breathing, digesting of the food and everything else. The cognitive decline can be accelerated or delayed by several different factors. But our diet is the best shot at preventing cognitive disturbance for a long time. The studyAccording to a new study published in the Journal Alzheimer's and Dementia, a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, legumes, olive oil and nuts, dramatically reduces one's risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases later in life.According to the same study, the Mediterranean diet is associated with a lower risk of cognitive impairment but not slower decline in the cognitive function.

Another study conducted for almost 10 years found that people who adhered closest to the Mediterranean diet enjoyed the highest cognitive function throughout the observational study (10-year window).

The only diet that can keep your brain healthy for years - Times of India

What to expect when cutting meat from your diet –

Posted: May 2, 2020 at 3:43 am

Cutting meat from your diet can be a significant lifestyle adjustment, but the documented health benefits can make the change well worth it.

If your doctor has recommended that you cut back on your meat intake or you have decided to fully embrace a meat-free diet, here are some of the changes your body may experience. Just keep in mind that the effects can vary from person to person.

Because red meat and heavily processed meat products tend to be calorie-dense, eliminating them from your diet may help you lose weight. A 2015 study published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine found that people following a vegetarian diet lost more weight than people on other diets.

Plenty of studies have demonstrated how going meatless can lower your risk for cardiovascular disease and heart disease-related mortality. An American Heart Association study found that people who ate plant-based diets were 16 percent less likely to develop heart disease and 32 percent less likely to die from heart disease and stroke.

The balance of good and bad bacteria in your gut has been linked to many different health issues. Adding probiotics to your diet can create a healthier gut environment, but so can going meatless. This is because animals that are conventionally raised have been given hormones and antibiotics that can wreak havoc on your gut microbiome.

In addition, your body produces Trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) while digesting red meat high levels of which have been linked to cardiovascular disease, heart failure and chronic kidney disease.

Some studies have found that adopting healthier lifestyle changes (like reducing meat intake) can affect the length of our telomeres, which are the caps at the end of DNA strands that protect our chromosomes. The shortening of telomeres can cause damage to the DNA strands and has been linked to increased risk of breast and prostate cancers.

According to a 2019 Nature study, cutting back on or eliminating meat especially red meat and eating more nuts and fruits, which have anti-inflammatory properties, can reduce the inflammation levels in your body.

High levels of systemic inflammation in the body can weaken your immune system, contributing to the development of immune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.

In order to reap the most benefits from going meatless, its important to protect yourself from any potential nutritional deficiencies.

When cutting out large food groups from your diet, its important to find alternative sources for the nutrients they provided. For instance, if youre not getting most of your protein from meat, youll need to up your intake of other sources like eggs, low-fat milk, beans, peas, soy products, and unsalted nuts and seeds. Stay away from heavily processed and sugary foods that can also have a negative impact on your health.

Be sure to also talk to your doctor about taking supplements of certain essential nutrients and minerals like vitamin B12, vitamin D, and iron. A B12 deficiency can cause anemia or lead to damage to the nervous system.

Getting into the groove of making healthy meat-free meals doesnt happen overnight so dont get frustrated. Try to be as consistent as possible and remember its okay to start with just adding a few meatless meals into your weekly mix.

The more prepared you are before going meatless, the easier it will be to stick to it. Make sure you do plenty of research on tips and recipes ahead of time, and ask your doctor or nutritionist for help creating daily and weekly meal plans that are built around beans, lentils, vegetables, and whole grains instead of meat.

Information on this site is provided for informational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. If you have, or suspect that you have, a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider.

What to expect when cutting meat from your diet -

John Tesh Is Staying Healthy With Exercise and Diet Post-Cancer – Bulletin Mail

Posted: May 2, 2020 at 3:43 am

Since John Tesh had the good news that he was cancer free in 2018, he is doing everything he can to stay healthy and in the best shape possible. The beloved television star and musician exclusively tells Closer Weekly that he remains cured with a good daily diet and exercise regime.

I really have [no restrictions], says the 67-year-old, pointing to his wife, Connie Selleccaand stepson, Gib Gerard, help him stay the course especially in quarantine in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Jim Cooper / AP / Shutterstock

I mean, my wife and son are on a ketogenic diet, he continues, referring to the weight loss program in which you eat a very low amount of carbohydrates and a lot of fat. I was on it when I was sick, but I eat quite well.

The former Entertainment Tonight star who linked with Connie, 64, in 1992 said that although he is not in the gym at the moment, he stays in shape with full exercises air.

We live on land with about 150 steps going down into a valley, he explains. So Im on these steps every day and it keeps me on the ground. If I dont wake up at 4:30 a.m. or 5:00 a.m. and exercise, then the rest of my day is [shooting].

In addition to staying healthy after his terrifying battle with cancer, artist Roundball Rock who organized a six-hour live Facebook fundraiser with Connie and Gib, 38, to support front-line workers online during the coronavirus pandemic in late April says the majority of his schedule stayed the same.

It really is, he insists. Just more work, you know, but again [Im] grateful to do it.

Jm Smeal / EIB / Shutterstock

Throughout his multi-year battle with cancer, John has been fairly open and honest about the trials and tribulations he has faced. In a recent issue of Closer magazine, radio host Intelligence for Your Life congratulated the greatest American actress for being with her in her fight against a rare form of prostate cancer.

I had two major surgeries, then chemo, then I took a drug that sucks up all the testosterone. You are going through menopause, night sweats, you cant eat or sleep, and the cancer keeps coming back, he shared with Closer in early March, admitting frankly that he once asked Connie to please kill me while he suffered mightily . a night.

Meanwhile, we discovered the healing scriptures we started to study, he continued. I started to recover, then they found three or four spots and wanted to irradiate my pelvis with 62 treatments. [It was then] that we realized that I was done with the treatment. It was two years ago, and all the markers indicate that there is no cancer in my body.

We hope John and his family will stay safe during this unprecedented pandemic!

Given the ever-changing nature of COVID-19, Weekly closing wants our readers to have access to the most accurate resources. For the latest information, advice, and support on coronaviruses, see the CDC, WHOand information local public health officials. If you have symptoms of coronavirus, call your doctor for medical advice.

Report by Diana Cooper.

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John Tesh Is Staying Healthy With Exercise and Diet Post-Cancer - Bulletin Mail

Ways other than diet, exercise to stay healthy while at home – Finger Lakes Times

Posted: May 2, 2020 at 3:43 am

The coronavirus outbreak has upended a sense of normalcy and daily routines, which may be affecting your typical health and wellness regimen as well.

And while health experts say maintaining a healthy weight is important, you don't have to go overboard to avoid gaining weight right now.

"I'm not suggesting starting a strict diet or intense exercise program while sheltering in place, but there are some simple things you can do to prevent weight gain and protect yourself not only from Covid-19-related complications, but also from diseases such as diabetes and heart disease," Dr. Melina Jampolis wrote in an article for CNN.

Make stress management a priority

Amid the coronavirus outbreak, it's important to take care of your mental health as well as your physical health, experts note.

"I know, it isn't easy. Balancing homeschooling, financial challenges, cabin fever, social isolation and illness is stressful, but stress can contribute to poor eating choices and increase fat deep in your belly (underneath the muscle) that can contribute to heart disease and diabetes," Dr. Jampolis wrote in the CNN article.

Additionally, the CDC recommends the following measure to look out for your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak:

Pay attention to what you're buying

When you go to the grocery store, or order supplies to be delivered, pay attention to what you're adding to your cart. Try to stay away from having too much junk food in the house to avoid temptation.

Getting enough water and servings of fruits and vegetables is also recommended.

More tips on cooking amid the pandemic can be found here.

Get a good night's rest

If you've been having trouble sleeping lately, a new study shows that you're not alone.

The study, commissioned by Sleep Standards, found that nearly 77% of Americans have lost sleep over the coronavirus pandemic.

Sleep is an essential part of all-around health.

"Both excess sleep and inadequate sleep have been linked to weight gain, increased appetite and worsening blood sugar control, so try your best not to completely abandon your sleep schedule," according to CNN.

Stay social

Just because you're sheltering in place, doesn't mean you have to be socially isolated. In fact, the World Health Organization even encouraged experts to move away from calling it "social distancing" and instead opt for "physical distancing."

Maintaining a sense of connection with people in your life can help keep a sense of normalcy, which can help keep you healthier all around.

"It occurred to me from the beginning that this was an unfortunate choice of language to talk about 'social distance', when actually what was meant was 'physical distance,'" Martin W Bauer, a London-based sociology professor told Al Jazeera. "It is good that WHO finally tried to correct an early error of mistaking physical distance for social distance. In these strange times of the virus, we want clear physical distance, but at the same time, we want people to remain close to each other 'socially.'"

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Ways other than diet, exercise to stay healthy while at home - Finger Lakes Times

Coronavirus Diet: 9 Foods That Promote Relaxation To Help You Stay Calm – CBS Chicago

Posted: May 2, 2020 at 3:43 am

In need of a little calming influence? Try eating food that helps yourelaxnaturally.

If youre experiencing nervousness, racing thoughts, difficulty getting to sleep, or even panic during thecoronavirus pandemic, youre not alone. This is anextremely stressful time; its only natural that wed feel a little amped and uneasy.

If youre having trouble relaxing, avoidingsugarandcaffeineis a must. These ingredients can further stress our bodies and set us up for anxiety. On the flip side, there are foods that can help support our nervous system, increase our resiliency to stress, and even make us feel calm right after we eat them.

As we move through this crazy time, lets lean on these 9 foods that promote relaxation.

Related Reading:How to Shop for Groceries If Youre Concerned About Coronavirus

A fermented drink that falls somewhere betweenyogurtand milk,kefiris a great addition to your social distancing routine. It can be made from dairy milk ornut milkand contains high amounts of beneficial bacteria, which support a healthy gut microbiome. At first glance, our gut health might seem unrelated to our nervous systems, but its actually quite the opposite. Studies have shown not only thatstress can alter the microbiomein undesirable ways, but thatanxiety could actually be alleviatedby regulating gut bacteria.

You can drink kefir plain or use it as a creamy base for recipes like in thisChilled Avocado, Cucumber, and KefirSoup recipeby Julie Smolyansky.

Fatty fish likesalmonare full of omega-3 fatty acids, which have proven to be extremely beneficial for calming the nervous system. In fact, a systematic review of 19 clinical trialspublished inJAMA Open Networkshowed that improvements in anxiety symptoms were associated with omega-3 fatty acid treatment. Try thisMaple Mustard Grilled Salmon recipefromChristine Gallaryand add salmon to the menu a few times a week.

Related Reading:The Best Places to Buy Fresh Seafood Online

Tart cherriescontain high levels of various phytochemicals, including melatonin. Youve probably heard of melatonin before; its known as the sleep hormone because our bodies release it in the evening to help us get to sleep. Well,studies have shownthat consuming tart cherry juice increases melatonin levels and can improve sleep quality and duration. If youre having trouble winding down at night, tart cherries might be the perfect food to lean on. For otherfoods that can help you sleep, read this.

Have you ever wondered whycucumber wateris so popular? It could be because the smell ofcucumbershas natural stress-relieving properties. And its not only the smell, either; this low-sugar fruit also contains B vitamins, which help support our central nervous system. In fact,studieshave shown that a B complex vitamin can improve anxiety symptoms compared to placebo.

Plenty of studies have found interesting links between vitamin C and mood. In fact, one study on 42 high school students showed thatvitamin C actually lowered anxiety levels. Citrus fruitslikelemons,limes, oranges, and grapefruitare one of the best ways to get vitamin C in your diet. Hereshow to segment citrusfor easy, mess-free eating.


You might not think of Vegemite as a health food, butone study, published in 2018, showed that people who consume yeast-based spreadssuch asMarmite, Vegemite, Promite, and Aussiemitehave lower levels of anxiety and stress. According to the researchers, the B vitamin content in these spreads is likely to thank for their anxiety-reducing powers. To start using Vegemite, try spreading it thinly on one side of agrilled cheese sandwich. It adds a bitter, salty flavor that you may just learn to love.


Onionsare one of the best sources ofprebiotic fiber, which helps to feed healthy gut bacteria. As we now know, a balanced microbiome is essential for optimal mental health. Other sources of prebiotic fiber include leeks,bananas,garlic, andapples. Try adding raw onions to salads or whips of thisEasy Caramelized Onions recipefrom Aida Mollenkamp.

Pumpkin seedsare one of the best sources of magnesium, which is often referred to as the relaxation mineral and is one of the topstress-relieving nutrients. Many of us are deficient in magnesium, as processed foods are virtually devoid of this mineral, but luckily, pumpkin seeds provide more than 150 mg of magnesium per cup, which is almost 50 percent of your daily recommended intake. Try thisHomemade Pumpkin Seed Milk recipe, from the book Magnesium Everyday Secrets.

Related Reading:This Pumpkin Sourdough Focaccia Is the Perfect Accompaniment to Any Stew

Lucky you: Research published in theJournal of Proteome Researchfound that eating about 1 ounces ofdark chocolateper day can actually lead to lower levels of cortisol, which is one of our primary stress hormones. For extra relaxation benefits, dark chocolate also contains significant levels of magnesium. Just make sure you opt for dark chocolate and if youre not sure what to buy, these are thebest dark chocolate barsout there.

Focusing on these foods can help promote relaxation, peaceful sleep, and a sense of calm despite whats going on outside. Luckily, most of these foods are also affordable, delicious, and can be prepared in any number of creative ways.

Article provided by CBS sister site All featured products are curated independently by Chowhound editors. When you buy something through their retail links, they may receive a commission.

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.

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Coronavirus Diet: 9 Foods That Promote Relaxation To Help You Stay Calm - CBS Chicago

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