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Soul Survivor: Wisdom from a TSU professor who went to work for 70 yearsuntil COVID-19 – TMC News – Texas Medical Center News

Posted: April 28, 2020 at 12:45 am

For the first time in 70 years, 100-year-old professor Thomas Freeman cannot go to work at Texas Southern University.

A global pandemic has done what nothing else could: Forced him to stay at home.

Freeman was the ever-present elder of the TSU debate team until COVID-19 closed the university in Houstons Third Ward as well as most college campuses across the country.

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Over the years, some of Freemans students have earned great renown for their oratorical skills. Early in his career, while teaching a religion class at Morehouse College in Atlanta in the late 1940s, one of his students was a young man named Martin Luther King, Jr. Upon arriving at TSU, Freeman helped a bright, young woman harness the power of her voice. That student was Barbara Jordan, who would become the first Black woman from the South elected to Congress. When preparing for his role as a forensics professor in The Great Debaters film, two-time Academy Award winner Denzel Washington traveled to Houston to consult with Freeman.

Now, the coach emeritus of the debate team he founded in 1949 waits at home bored and wanting to be with the students, according to Gloria Batiste-Roberts, DPH, Freemans former student and successor as director and debate coach at what is now called the T.F. Freeman Center for Forensic Excellence.

At a prolonged time of COVID-19 uncertainty, illness and death, Freeman shares his life experience on overcoming adversity, achieving longevity and devoting time to meaningful endeavors.

Thomas Franklin Freeman, Ph.D., who was born in 1919, turns 101 in June.

Q | Has involvement with students for many decades contributed to your longevity?

A | Im not so sure that it has contributed to the longevity. I am reasonably sure that it has contributed to my continuous activity. Because I have this to do, I have a reason for existence. Whether that has contributed to longevity, I dont know, but it definitely is a factor. Senility would have set in had I not continued my activity. Continuous activity means muscles are in use and continue development.

Q | How have the students benefited from your longevity?

A | The older you grow, the greater your chances of making valuable contributions to those who are coming along who could not even imagine what you have experienced. Sharing with them helps them lift themselves out of some situations through which you have already gone.

Q | Most people will succumb, ultimately, to heart disease, accidents or cancer. How have you avoided those to become a centenarian?

A | I dont think I have avoided those three things. I think I have avoided the consequences of those three things. The human body is subject to attacks and somehow is not destroyed. I have prevailed by the grace and mercy of God.

Q | You dont drink alcohol or smoke, do you?

A | I am not a smoking man. Im not a drinking man. I am not a carousing man.

Q | Do you think that accounts, even in part, for your long life?

A | I dont know. Im from a family of longevity. My dad lived to be 95. My mother, 87. I have one sister left and she is 82. There were 15 of us and only two left.

Q | What advice do you have for people who want to live a long time?

A | A lot of things that are happening are not under our control. What we need to do as a society is to return to moral values as a basis for good lives. As families, we have to rebuild the moral structure so one has a guide to determine behavior. That starts in the home. Train up a child in the way that they should go.

Q | Do you do any particular exercises?

A | My wife tries to get me to walk and I say, Ill walk when Im going somewhere. Somebody gave me a stationary bike, but I dont use it.

Q | Do you have a special diet?

A | Whatever my wife serves, I eat. She happens to be a good cook and wants to do it. I have a well-balanced meal every time I sit at the table.

Q | Your wife, Mrs. Clarice Freeman, is in her 90s?

A | Yes, 99. [She turns 100 in August.]

Q | How long have you been married?

A | It will be 67 years in 2020. [They wed in 1953.] Three children; four grandchildren.

Q | How has working as a professor and as a minister enhanced your contribution to both education and faith?

A | Its like the left hand and the right hand. Without one, you couldnt do as much. One balances the other. Ive been pastoring for 69 years and Ive been at TSU for 70 years.

Q | From the perspective of what we now call brain health, how do you keep your mind sharp?

A | The activity that is transpiring now is a part of that. I interact with people. Without interaction, there would be stagnation. If I sat here all day long and looked at the chair, we would get nowhere. With a person sitting in the chair, there is an interaction.

Q | How does it feel to be a centenarian?

A | I can hardly believe that I am 100 years old. [Laughs heartily.]

This conversation is a compilation of two interviews, one from 2019 and another from earlier this year, between Freeman and TMC Pulse Assistant Editor Cindy George. The responses have been edited for clarity and length.

Original post:
Soul Survivor: Wisdom from a TSU professor who went to work for 70 yearsuntil COVID-19 - TMC News - Texas Medical Center News

Heres what area people are saying about Ohio reopening – Dayton Daily News

Posted: April 28, 2020 at 12:45 am

People living in the Miami Valley have mixed opinions on Gov. Mike DeWines plan to reopen the state.

In his press conference on Monday afternoon, DeWine announced that starting on May 1 health care and dentists would begin opening up, manufacturing and construction will open on May 4 and retail and services will open on May 12.

Lt. Gov. Jon Husted said no business will be required to reopen. Employees and customers will all be required to wear masks.

Bellbrook resident Harold Phelps is scheduled to go back to work on May 1, but he is nervous about catching the coronavirus. Phelps works for a dental lab delivering supplies to various dentist offices in the area. He doesnt think the state should reopen now.

I think it is still too soon, Phelps said.

Phelps said he would love to eat at a restaurant, but wont go right after they reopen because he doesnt want to be around a crowd of people.

Everyone is anxious to get back to normal, but it wont be normal yet, Phelps said.

Complete coronavirus coverage

Chasady Combs, who lives in Jefferson Twp., is ready for Ohio to reopen.

I think he should be cautious about reopening, because we dont want another outbreak, Combs said. But some peoples livelihoods depend on it. If you dont start reopening some things, a lot of people are going to be in a really bad situation.

Combs is one of those people.

She was laid off from her job at Panera Bread because of the coronavirus and has had to get another job as a car hop at another restaurant.

With no unemployment and no stimulus, were struggling, Combs said.

Combs and her 15-year-old son waited in line for the mass food distribution in Greene County at Wright States Nutter Center for three hours last week to be turned away.

I cried all the way home, Combs said. Its hard enough to ask for a hand out and then for that to happen.

RELATED:Heres what DeWines plan to reopen Ohio says, what businesses must do

Combs husband is considered essential and has continued to work his construction job.

If stuff dont start opening up, people wont be out and we wont be able to make money, Combs said, and tips is how I make most of my money.

Combs said that her family struggles every day to try to figure out how to put food on the table.

Bills are still coming in, she said. When this is all over, were still going to get our bills.

Her teenage son has had three open heart surgeries and is now on a restricted diet. Combs said she worries about the virus because of her son.

Its hard to get him what he needs and stay in his diet restrictions, Combs said. Im ready to bang my head against the wall.

MORE:Are kids learning right now? And what will school look like in August?

Leslie Scott of Kettering doesnt think the state should open back up.

I dont think were ready, Scott said. Until we start to see a steady decline in deaths, I dont think we should reopen. I just dont think its smart.

Scott said she feels that Gov. Dewine is catering to pressure from the president and from protesters.

I understand the frustration of the people who are out there protesting. It is frustrating to see how many people have lost their jobs and it is frustrating to just sit at home, she said. I dont think they fully understand or believe that its real. They just arent being informed, Im not saying that the people out there are uneducated, just that theyre not fully informed on the issue.

Scott is a manager at the Dayton Mall and said she is afraid to go back to work her business is one that would be allowed to open on May 12. She has fibromyalga and because of that has chronic exhaustion.

Since Scott manages a store, if stores were to reopen she would have to report back to work.

If I got sick it would devastate my body, Scott said.

Scott has been able to work from home since stores have been closed. She plans to wear a mask and be diligent about social distancing in her store when possible.

Just from me going out to the grocery store, it seems like a lot of people dont care. I see kids in shopping carts, with both parents, and no one is wearing protective gear, Scott said. I know it is rough right now, but if we stay strong now well be able to get out of this soon. If there is a second wave, this is going to affect our older family members and our children.

MORE:More women than men losing jobs in Ohio. Heres why.

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See the original post here:
Heres what area people are saying about Ohio reopening - Dayton Daily News

The impact of unhealthy eating – Trinidad & Tobago Express Newspapers

Posted: April 28, 2020 at 12:45 am

WHILE most of us are concerned about keeping ourselves and family members protected from COVID-19 (and rightfully so), there are other dangers lurking around that can have serious health consequences. The break in routine, combined with regular snacking and a lack of physical activity can actually exacerbate an already existing problem in T&T childhood obesity and chronic lifestyle diseases among our nations youth.

Prior to the pandemic, statistics revealed that In Trinidad alone obesity rates rose from three to 11 per cent in the past ten years and that children were becoming more prone to diabetes, elevated blood pressure and elevated cholesterol at a younger age, said diabetes educator and dietician James Harper.

In addition to that, studies done in the past have shown that the prevalence of type 2 diabetes among children was mostly as a result of their habits or lifestyle choices which include a lack of exercise, unhealthy diets and a sedentary lifestyle, said family practitioner Dr Visham Bhimull.

The temporary closure of fast food restaurants doesnt necessarily mean that everyone is suddenly eating healthier, rather, the natural tendency for any human being whether adult or child is to eat more than they should when they are at home, said Bhimull.

Eating food is not just a matter of taking in nutrition, its also considered a social activity. So if kids are eating unhealthy foods especially now that they are home it will obviously affect them in the long run and put them at risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol, said Bhimull.

Protect your immune system

During these times, it is especially important that our immune system is functioning at its best said Bhimull who suggested that households include in their daily diet fruits, vegetables and legumes which support the immune system. As part of our Trinidadian culture, we consume meat daily but its recommended that meat should actually be included in our diet two to three times a week.

These unprecedented times give parents the opportunity to involve their children while preparing meals, so that they could teach them what is healthy as opposed to what is not, said Bhimull.

Good eats

Instilling healthy eating habits in children must begin with the parents, emphasised Harper who has spent years helping diabetics make wise decisions regarding their diet.

Kids follow by example. Its the responsibility of the parents to provide healthy options for their children. Children are visual eaters, if they see the parent eating something they will want to try it too,said Harper. Parents need to make healthy food fun - for instance children like pizza, so you can make a whole wheat pizza and grate the cheese over vegetables.

Or you can make ice popsicles using fresh fruit juice and incorporate vegetable purees in macaroni pie or with mac and cheese. There are many websites that help parents to be innovative when it comes to picky eaters.

So instead of making chocolate chip cookies, make oatmeal cookies and instead of ice cream, freeze some bananas and mix them with yoghurt as an ice cream substitute. This is also a time to instill in children that unhealthy snacks are to be enjoyed once in a while and not every day.

Exercise routine

In addition to helping a child adopt a healthier diet, exercise is crucial. A sedentary lifestyle can lead to weight gain and chronic disease.

You have to look at the logistics of ones home, a person who lives in a house with an open space may have more resources to allow their kids to move around and get in some physical activity as opposed to someone living in an apartment in Maloney.

But even if you dont have the facility or yard, something that is recommended is listening to music and dancing, there are also games children can play that can keep them physically active like hopscotch and other games that their parents may be more familiar with,said Bhimull.

Having lots of unstructured time can lead to unhealthy habits like overeating and sedentary behaviour, so its especially important that parents work with their children to install a routine, said the physician.

If your daily schedule is disorganised, you can feel a loss of control and spiral into anxiety and depression. The same applies to children, said Bhimull. Its recommended that a childs routine include a set time for getting up and going to sleep, as well as time for school work, chores and recreational activities.

By preparing meals with the help of their children, taking responsibility at home and having a routine which involves exercise, parents can use this opportunity to exchange poor lifestyle choices with good ones. This in turn can help reduce the incidence and prevalence of chronic diseases among our youths.

One wonders when this is over if homemade meals may become more en vogue than buying fast food. I think that would be one of the positives to come out of this pandemic. But one would hope that it would spark a change regarding our habits and that we would choose healthy habits as opposed to unhealthy ones, said Bhimull.

View original post here:
The impact of unhealthy eating - Trinidad & Tobago Express Newspapers

Exercise, Immunity and Weight Loss | Health – The Mountaineer

Posted: April 28, 2020 at 12:44 am

Exercise decreases immunity? What the heck! I thought I was doing something good for my body! Or, Reduce my exercise? How am I EVER going to lose this weight. Ive been hearing these remarks quite a bit from our new clients in the past few weeks. We all know exercise is a key component to our overall well-being, but most of us arent aware that it can wreak havoc on our immunity if we arent smart about it. In general, we also think we need to exercise A LOT to drop weight or maintain it.

So, whats the deal? How much exercise do we need to support our best immunity while keeping the weight off? The answer is to watch the clock and your heart rate. Now is the time to embrace the shorter and less intense workout- nice from a time management standpoint, right?! Long, intense training sessions unfortunately are more apt to drain and overly stress your body while potentially depressing your immune system and making you hungry. Shorter, less intense workouts will actually support stronger immunity by increasing lymphocytes and natural killer cells- two good things.

This is good news from a weight loss standpoint too. We are often told that weight loss is simple that we simply need to eat less and move more, that calories in equal calories out. There is, however, a major problem with this concept; our bodies are much more complicated than a simple equation. The benefits of increased activity on weight loss arent as clear cut as what we have come to believe. In actuality, exercise should be viewed as a wellness tool rather than a weight loss tool for many reasons which I can elaborate on when we have more time.

For now, here are the details on exercise duration and intensity for your best immunity:

Watch your heart rate. Find your max heart rate (220-age) and subtract your resting heart rate. This equals your heart rate reserve. Find 60% of your heart rate reserve and add your resting heart rate. This is the heart rate at which you can exercise to find an immune boosting function.

Max HR Resting HR = HR Reserve. 60% HR Reserve + Resting HR = HR Goal for Optimal Immune Strength

Example of 55 year old man: Max HR (220-55 yrs) = 165. 165 max HR 65 Resting HR = 100 HR Reserve. 60% HR Reserve (0.6 x 100) = 60+ 65 Resting HR = 125 heart rate goal.

Watch your clock. Exercise around the heart rate you found above for about 20-60 minutes, 5-times per week. Get outside and go for a nice brisk walk on the other days. If weight loss is the goal, 30 minutes of brisk walking every day should be a sufficient duration.

All in all, good news as you can still get your sweat on this spring while supporting your immune system and dropping weight. Who knows, maybe youll find that less is actually more, allowing you to come out of this crisis leaner and stronger than you had ever imagined.

Ashley Lucas has a doctorate in sports nutrition and chronic disease. She is also a licensed, registered dietitian. She is the founder and owner of PHD Weight Loss and Nutrition, offering In-Office and At-Home/Virtual weight management and wellness services. Serving WNC and The Upstate. Visit or call 828.552.3333.

Exercise, Immunity and Weight Loss | Health - The Mountaineer

Tucson woman says she’s a new person, thanks to this weight loss program – KGUN

Posted: April 28, 2020 at 12:44 am

What were you weight loss goals at the beginning of the year? Have you met your weight loss goals? Are you moving in the right direction? Is it hard to stay on track?

Losing "stubborn" fat is hard and as you get older - it just gets harder and harder. You might go to the gym five days a week, sweat on the treadmill for an hour, and see maybe a pound or two drop in a month. Is that really worth your time? Or... imagine going to a medical facility, laying down, spending 25 minutes relaxing, then getting up and finding out you've lost two inches around your waist. Which do you prefer? What if you could keep doing that and losing more and more fat until you looked like you did years ago? If you have any interest in this and how it works when it comes to inch loss, you should stop what you're doing and call the office for an appointment immediately. This new treatment technology - now available in Tucson - uses a special light therapy to trick your mitochondria (in your fat cells) to release their fat content. ULTRASLIM is now cleared for prescription use in the United States as the only noninvasive treatment for immediate fat removal without dieting, exercise, or pills.This treatment is safe and painless! Click here for more information.

If you eat better, drink plenty of water, stay away from sugars, and carbohydrates, this can lead to permanent fat loss without surgery. Here's a heads up. If you have tried liposuction in the past - you know that when you"regain the weight" it goes to different places-making your body look distorted and then unfortunately, you're back to where you started, only worse. With this technology we don't destroy your fat cells. What we do is we simply drain the contents of the fat cells so you lose the inches and look good again.

Read the original post:
Tucson woman says she's a new person, thanks to this weight loss program - KGUN

Mark Labbett weight loss: how The Chase star achieved his dramatic transformation – Heart

Posted: April 28, 2020 at 12:44 am

27 April 2020, 21:00 | Updated: 27 April 2020, 21:01

Chaser Mark showed off his dramatic weight loss last year - here's how he managed to shed the pounds.

Mark Labbett lost a whopping two-and-a-half stone last year through a combination of diet and exercise.

Read more: The Chase viewers left REELING by the answer to a question about Haribo flavours

The Chase star, 54, who stands at an impressive 6ft'6ins high, was photographed looking noticeably slimmer at a pub quiz in October 2019.

Mark revealed that he had lost two-and-a-half-stone from his original 378lbs weight.

Previously opening up about his weight loss, Mark wrote on social media: "#thechase lost four inches off my chest and six inches off my belly in last six months. So they have bought me a new suit for the show. First target achieved (sic)".

Read more: The Chase fans left 'distracted' by Bradley Walsh's dramatic hair transformation

He also mentioned Lisa Riley - who famously lost around 11 stone - saying: "@Reallisariley I am not at your level yet but in last six months dropped 2.5 stones, four inches off chest and six inches off stomach (sic)".

Lisa congratulated Mark on his weight loss, saying: "Mark that's FANTATSIC...and now you keep strong and keep going. With ZERO pressure doing it at your own pace, this is for YOU and nobody else CHAMPION, I'm crazy proud of you @MarkLabbett (sic)".

Mark is said to have lost weight through a combination of diet and exercise.

Opening up about his decision to lose weight on Loose Women, he said: It was the diabetes. My colleague Paul Sinha also got the diagnosis and he rapidly lost two stone and he went from being diabetic to pre or non-diabetic.

He added: "Im waiting for my next check up and Im hoping the figures are going to be better.

"Im still eating very well I'm just cutting out sugar because of the Type 2 diabetes."

He appeared on TV show Sugar Free Farm, and revealed that he'd turned down the chance to appear on I'm A Celebrity because of the lack of food on the show.

Mark said: "I've been asked to do the jungle but the base calorie intake is about 700. Look at me! If I survived a week I'd drop three stone and cannibalism would be on the cards.

"On Sugar Free Farm the weight fell off me because I couldn't eat enough. Does 'The Chase' need me big? Put it this way, whenever I start losing weight because I'm doing a fitness kick of whatever, the producers go past me and hand me a second portion of pudding."

Read more from the original source:
Mark Labbett weight loss: how The Chase star achieved his dramatic transformation - Heart

Weight loss tips: How to lose weight like this guy who lost 40 kg in 4 months – GQ India

Posted: April 28, 2020 at 12:44 am

While theres no one-size-fits-all approach for weight loss; cleaning up your diet and following an active lifestyle can work wonders for you. It certainly did for Priyansh Tiwari, a self-confessed foodie. He shares that hes always been very fond of making new dishes and experimenting with all kinds of junk food but after his body weight reached a whopping 101 kg mark, he felt it was time to start making positive and sustainable changes in his diet and lifestyle.

I had accumulated a lot of fat in my body, which eventually led my body weight to tip to a 101 kg mark. This ginormous number made me realise that I needed to make significant changes in my daily routine to get back in shapewhich I was able to do very successfully by staying true to the below weight loss diet plan and fitness routine. I lost 40 kg in 4 months by following this plan.

Early morning: A glass of lemon water

Breakfast: A plate of fruits and 50 gm boiled soya chunks

Lunch: 1 big glass of milk, 1 bowl of oats and 1 plate of freshly cut fruits

Evening snack: A bowl of roasted chana

Dinner: A big plate of roasted Paneer roasted with vegetables, followed by lots of fruits

Every morning Id go to the gym for an intense cardio and weight training session. In the evenings, Id go for an 11 km walkexcept on my days off.

QUICK READ: Best cardio exercises for fat loss

Rest and recovery are very important as well. Hope this plan helps you frame a well-informed fitness plan for yourself.

Disclaimer: The fitness journey, diet and workout routines shared by the respondents are purely for inspirational purposes and in no way intend to propagate a specific body type. Please consult an authorised medical professional before following any specific diet or workout routine mentioned above.


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Here is the original post:
Weight loss tips: How to lose weight like this guy who lost 40 kg in 4 months - GQ India

4 Surprising Benefits of Losing Weight After 50 – LIVESTRONG.COM

Posted: April 28, 2020 at 12:44 am

Although losing weight at any age has considerable health benefits, it turns out that dropping a few pounds after age 50 might be especially good for you.

Losing weight after 50 is doable, and it comes with some big health perks.

Image Credit: kali9/E+/GettyImages

Hormonal and metabolic changes that commonly take place after 50 make it easier to pack on weight, Kristine Gedroic, MD, medical director of the Gedroic Medical Institute, tells But while weight gain after 50 might be common, it can also be dangerous: Putting on pounds at this age, Dr. Gedroic says, increases the risk of diseases like stroke and diabetes.

But while weight gain might be risky, weight loss is possible and worth it if your weight has crept into the unhealthy range. Here are a few of the most notable benefits.

Did you know that keeping a food diary is one of the most effective ways to manage your weight? Download the MyPlate app to easily track calories, stay focused and achieve your goals!

Obesity at 50 was associated with an increased risk of dementia in a study published February 2018 in the journal Alzheimer's & Dementia (although, curiously, obesity at 60 or 70 was not).

While researchers aren't clear exactly why this is, Dr. Gedroic says the gut microbiome, which can become imbalanced as we age, might be a potential link.

"Research has shown that we have a natural tendency toward an imbalanced gut, including more bad bacteria in our gut, as we grow older," she says. "An imbalance in the gut microbiome can affect brain health and has even been tied to neurodegenerative disease."

Indeed, one January 2019 study published in Scientific Reports analyzed the fecal samples of participants in a memory care clinic and found that the samples that came from patients with dementia had a higher prevalence of bad bacteria.

Eating more fruits, vegetables and high-fiber foods can contribute to weight loss, balance the gut, and lead to a healthier brain in the process, Dr. Gedroic says.

Hot flashes, which occur as a side effect of menopause and are most common in women over 50, are notoriously uncomfortable and carrying extra weight can make them even more so.

"Hormones like estrogen are stored in fat tissue, so it makes sense that the more fat a woman has, the more estrogen in her body and the more pronounced her menopausal symptoms can become," Dr. Gedroic says.

In fact, one study from the December 2017 issue of BMC Women's Health found that women with obesity were "significantly" more likely to have moderate to severe menopausal symptoms as well as have them more often, including hot flashes.

Dropping to a healthy weight can help ease joint pain.

Image Credit: dragana991/iStock/GettyImages

Osteoarthritis, or OA, is one of the most common side effects of aging, according to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

With OA, the cartilage that cushions and protects the bones wears down over time, causing the bones to rub together and joints to become swollen, stiff and painful. Carrying extra weight exacerbates osteoarthritis, causing more pressure on the joint and, often, more pain.

Arthritis and damaged cartilage aren't conditions that can be reversed. But, according to the Cleveland Clinic, losing weight can put less pressure on the joints and reduce symptoms, making it easier and less painful to walk around.

Cancers that are hormone-dependent can show up in women over 50 due to weight gain since hormones like estrogen are stored in fat, Dr. Gedroic says.

"The more fat you're carrying, the higher your hormone levels," she says. "This is why obesity in women has been linked to a higher risk of hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer, and why women who lose weight particularly after the age of 50 dramatically reduce their risk of the disease."

Not surprisingly, a study published December 2019 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found that women who lost weight in their 50s had a lower risk of breast cancer than women whose weight stayed the same even if the women who lost weight ended up gaining some of it back.

What's also important to note, Dr. Gedroic says, is that obesity is also associated with a poorly functioning liver. The liver is critical to filtering out harmful chemicals like environmental pollutants and cancer-causing toxins. With cancer rates already higher due to age, having a poorly functioning liver due to obesity "increases the risk of many diseases, including cancer," she says.

4 Surprising Benefits of Losing Weight After 50 - LIVESTRONG.COM

‘My 600-lb Life’: James gained 160 lbs in 2 months, called it ‘water weight’ while his wife sneaked him pizza – The-Latest News

Posted: April 28, 2020 at 12:44 am

James King had been fighting for his life before coming on the show as his weight stopped him from living a normal life. Weighing 791lbs, doctors had informed his family that he only had a few months left to live if he continued in the same direction. Unable to cut ties with food, James had always struggled with his weight.

He put the blame on his past trauma and unloving relationships that he had in the past. James revealed on the show that his parents did not have a healthy relationship. He recalled seeing his mother only thrice in his childhood and during these times she was always drunk. James added that it was his dad who took care of him.

While James spent a lot of his time wondering how his life would have been if he had his mother in his life, as he grew up, he finally got the chance to reconnect with her. This moment made James believe that he had everything in his life but nothing had prepared him for what was to come.

A couple of months after their meeting, James mother passed away and it left him shattered. On the same day, James revealed that he got a call where he was informed that his house had burnt down. Having two losses on the same day, James fell into a deep depression and his journey with food began.

While James got addicted to food, his family tried their best to help him out. Jamess father even refinanced his home in the bid to make some money that could help James with his weight loss journey. Meanwhile, his daughter dropped out of school as she wanted to help her father with everyday chores.

While James father and daughter tried to help him out, his wife, Lisa, did not seem to be on board with the idea. Dr Younan Nowzaradan had a hard time convincing Lisa that she was an enabler. While James had to be on a strict diet to lose his weight, the results were not showing and Dr Nowzaradan could not help but blame Lisa for it.

It reached a point where James had to be admitted to the hospital because his health conditions due to his weight became bad. Dr Nowzaradan was surprised to see how his health scare also did not motivate him to lose some weight.

He tried to put him on a strict diet when James got admitted into the hospital but was surprised to find out that in two months he had managed to put on 160lbs while staying in the hospital.

Dr Nowzaradan was quick to question James about his weight gain. There were a handful of excuses that he had planned. Right from justifying his weight gain to it being water weight to saying it might be muscle weight, James refused to admit that he had put on weight due to overeating.

Dr Nowzaradan held Lisa accountable for these changes as he found out she tried to sneak in food including pizza for James to eat. He was not happy about this and looking at his level of motivation, James was soon taken out of the program.

In April 2020, TLC confirmed that James was no more. TLC was deeply saddened by the loss of James King, who shared his weight-loss journey on My 600lb Life. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family at this difficult time, they wrote on their Twitter page.

My 600-lb Life airs on Wednesdays at 8 pm ET on TLC.

If you have an entertainment scoop or a story for us, please reach out to us on (323) 421-7515

See original here:
'My 600-lb Life': James gained 160 lbs in 2 months, called it 'water weight' while his wife sneaked him pizza - The-Latest News

Anne Hegerty weight loss: how The Chase star lost 3 stone – Heart

Posted: April 28, 2020 at 12:44 am

27 April 2020, 16:30

The former I'm A Celebrity contestant has shed the pounds in recent years, but how did she do it?

The Chase star Anne Hegerty has opened up about how her weight loss has boosted her confidence and helped her with her dating life.

TV brainiac Anne, 51, has previously opened up about how dating with her diagnosis of Aspergers syndrome has been a struggle in the past for her.

However, her weight loss has helped her build the confidence re-enter the dating scene.

Back in 2018, Anne appeared on I'm A Celeb, and it's well known that all of the campmates tend to lose a significant amount of weight during their period down under.

This is down to them merely surviving on a diet of rice and beans, with the occasional treat.

Anne has revealed that this experience really helped kick-start her weight loss after she lost a whopping three stone in just three weeks.

Following her stint in the jungle, she appeared on This Morning and told Philip Schofield and Rochelle Humes that she believed that the lack of salt in her diet on the show helped her shed the pounds.

A source told The Sun: What the celebs are eating is very healthy.

From veg to meat protein and fish and that is absorbed quickly by the body.

"The weight loss doesnt do any permanent damage, and most pile it back on within three weeks.

The celebs see it as a detox, although at the same time it is very difficult as they have nothing to distract them from the hunger.

Speaking about her newfound confidence to The Sun, Anne revealed: It took years of psychotherapy before I even considered dating.

I lost weight, replaced my glasses with contact lenses and felt a lot more confident.

But I find it really hard to hold down a relationship.

More here:
Anne Hegerty weight loss: how The Chase star lost 3 stone - Heart

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