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I-Team: A look into the world of vitamin supplements during the COVID-19 pandemic – KLAS – 8 News Now

Posted: April 24, 2020 at 3:44 am

LAS VEGAS (KLAS) To date, there is no cure or vaccine for COVID-19, but there are ways to boost your immune system so you dont get sick.

In the last month or so, sales of vitamin supplements have exploded. But do they work?

The I-Team checked out one of the largest vitamin producers in the West.

When Wayne Gorsek first invited a television camera into his gleaming vitamin venture five years ago, he beamed while describing the state of art quality control systems, high tech machines that cost him millions of extra dollars.

The Las Vegas plant is a 55,000-square-foot mechanized marvel, stainless steel throughout, as clean as an operating room. Dr. Vita sells its own line of supplements, mostly online, but the bulk of what is produced at the Las Vegas plant is sold under different brand names by giant retailers including Walmart and Costco. In the weeks since COVID-19 led to shutdowns and quarantines, sales of vitamin supplements have exploded.

To keep up with the virus-inspired demand, the company recently doubled its production capabilities and can now crank out up to two billion capsules per year with a wide range of different supplements.

But the big question, does any of it work? If you read recent articles about vitamins, the opinions are all over the place. Yes they do. No they dont. Gorsek says medical science has proven beyond all doubt that vitamins, in particular C and D, help boost our immune systems, but test results vary because of the types and amounts of active ingredients in a given study. Vitamin D3 is well proven for the immune system, Gorsek told Mystery Wire, But the dosage in a typical multivitamin is worthless. Leave between four and 5000 NU per day to get levels in your blood that youve been shown to be beneficial for your being system levels of a 1000 and under probably dont work.

One of the best known vitamin brands contain about two cents worth of actual vitamins, he says, not enough to make much of a difference.

Few vitamins have been studied more than vitamin C. Modern medicine generally agrees it is vital in warding off infections or viruses. Its considered a staple during flu season.

Studies show it can also lessen the time it takes to heal, but doctors often say a balanced diet should provide all the vitamins we need, and supplements are a waste of money.

Since the coronavirus arrived in the U.S., various hucksters have been marketing miracle cures and magical elixirs. Gorsek doesnt think vitamins deserve to be lumped into that group. He notes there is no cure for COVID-19 and no proven vaccine. But there are hints that a stronger immune system can help.

In New York City, one hospital chain has reported some success by administering massive doses of vitamin C to COVID-19 patients. We asked Gorsek which vitamins hes taking during the lockdown. (I) take multivitamin Theres a lot of coq10. Which benefits the immune system in the heart, the brain. A lot of turmeric. I (also) do fish oil.

Doctors are right when they say a balanced diet should provide all the vitamins we need. But in a time when millions of us are gorging on pizza, mac and cheese, and other comfort foods while binging Netflix, a balanced diet is not that easy to achieve.

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I-Team: A look into the world of vitamin supplements during the COVID-19 pandemic - KLAS - 8 News Now

Rafe Spall: ‘Dieting is the opposite of sex!’ – The Guardian

Posted: April 24, 2020 at 3:44 am

In October 2005, Rafe Spall was starring in the role he thought he was born to play. Only 21 at the time, hed bagged a part in Anna Mackmins reimagining of Francis Beaumonts 1607 comedy The Knight of the Burning Pestle at the Barbican. The play isnt just any old Renaissance play in the Spall household, its a hallowed text.

His father (Timothy Spall, you might have heard of him) had played the same part in a 1981 RSC version that changed his life for ever. It was while playing that role he met his wife, Shane, and the pair loved the play so much they decided to give their first child the name of the character his father played: Rafe. To make it seem even more preordained, it was Rafes grandmothers favourite ever performance by his father. No pressure, then.

I thought, great, I need to confront this head on, says Spall, who is now 37. This is the next thing where my and my fathers world converge.

Things didnt exactly go to plan. It was a massive flop, says Spall, matter-of-factly. There was a big picture of me in the Guardian with a big arrow in my head, next to a one-star review. The headline was A Turkey for Christmas.

He can laugh about it now, but at the time it was torturous. Spall had just about recovered after failing to get into Rada four years earlier, which was the path his father took one that led him to become one of the UKs most respected character actors. Another thing where I thought, this isnt the way that things worked out for my old man, he says. But it put hairs on my chest. You need that. You need massive slaps in the face, especially if youre following in the footsteps of your actor father who is a national treasure. You need it because it makes you realise youre really wanted when things go right.

At the moment things are going right. Secluded in the Cotswolds with his family three children (aged eight, seven and four), his dog Lucy and his wife, the actor Elize du Toit (best known for her role as Izzy in Hollyoaks) before the UKs lockdown hed had an impressive run. Hollywood roles in blockbusters Life of Pi, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom and Men In Black: International, dovetailed with a starring role in the BBCs The War of The Worlds and highly praised stage performances in London (Constellations) and on Broadway (Betrayal). Not bad for an actor who was once billed as the go-to man for feckless losers when he first caught peoples attention in The Rotters Club, Pete Versus Life and Edgar Wrights Cornetto trilogy.

Behind the feckless loser tag was a subtext about Spalls weight. He believes theres always been an unhealthy focus on his body image, which started when he got the lead role in the romcom I Give It a Year, alongside Rose Byrne. Casting directors told him to lose weight. Spall started jogging and got his hair cut and as a result interview after interview focused on his reinvention as a new leaner, fitter, more believable leading man. My body fat level had no equation to whether or not I was funny in that film, says Spall. I was in a fucking romantic comedy for Working Title, I wasnt playing Jake LaMotta.

Spall expects to be asked about two things in interviews: his weight loss and his father. When it comes to nepotism theres a pithy response: Accusations of nepotism? he asks, rhetorically. Theyre not accusations theyre facts. I benefited from nepotism. On his weight loss (he shifted five stones before the romcom gig), hes more guarded now. I understand it, but youve got to be very careful with peddling the basic idea that being thin is happy and being fat is unhappy because all my problems are the same, regardless of the size of my waistline, he says.

More importantly, his wife hates it when hes on a strict diet. I dont know who it is for, says Spall, visibly agitated. Its so subjective: the idea of what we find attractive in people. When Im extremely disciplined and not eating anything my wife doesnt find me attractive what she finds attractive is eating together and the sensuality of food.

Theres a pause. Look, he says. Eating nothing but fish and salad for 12 weeks is the opposite of sex.

His current project doesnt require a diet, thankfully. Hes about to star in Apples first British commission, Trying, a comedy about conceiving and adoption created by some of the team behind Catastrophe. So whats life like on the set of a production from one of the worlds biggest corporations? The coffee is slightly better, Spall deadpans. Perhaps more importantly, he says, the influx of Silicon Valley money into the UK TV industry isnt only about bigger budgets, better coffee and more cash for everybody its the all important creative control.

Spall always looked back enviously at cinema in the 1970s, films such as Performance, Klute and Three Days of the Condor, which were all studio movies with serious financial backing. People were like, Why cant we make films like that any more? Why wont studios pay for films like that? That is now in TV. Well look back at this time and it will seem halcyon.

Spalls last two projects have had fatherhood at their centre. The one-man play Death of England, which started life as a Guardian and Royal Court microplay before going on to get a full commission at the National Theatre, followed a Londoners grief and complicated relationship with his own racist father and his best friend, Delroy. Trying is on the other end of the scale, a black-ish comedy about the complications of conceiving in your mid to late 30s.

So what is he like as a father? I make a lot of mistakes, he says. I try to be kind and loving but kids can really test your patience and it can be really difficult not to shout or get angry. But I really try.

He adds: But my kids know that theyre loved. The biggest gift that my parents gave me was confidence. Confidence as a result of warmth, love, appreciation and encouragement.

Spall describes Death of England as the thing he is most proud of in his career. An hour and 40 minutes of acting with a capital A, where he tackled Clint Dyer and Roy Williamss state-of-the-nation play two black playwrights giving voice to an angry, disenfranchised white working class male, Michael. It was a chance to be subversive.

Id be bantering with the audience, giving them biscuits, says Spall, who prepared by watching hours of standup routines. Id get them onside. Then I tell them a story about my best friend Delroy and how I once called his mother a black bitch and you feel the whole temperature of the room change.

Youre doing it for the National Theatre audience, which is a particular demographic, he adds. I would get down into the audience and make eye contact with them and it struck me that a lot of these people would never have interactions with people like this. They never meet people like Michael.

Spall says his childhood going to school in New Cross, where he was one of half a dozen white kids in a class made up predominantly of second-generation West Indian kids and first-generation Nigerian children, might make Death of England the role he was really born to play. It was like some mad possession, he says.

At the same time Death of England was on, Laurence Fox was presenting his own ideas about race in the UK on Question Time. Spall and Fox have known each other for years, and get on, but Spall wasnt impressed by his friends performance. If you feel like youre being attacked then you can get angry, you can spout stuff, he says.

You might think youre being cogent and original but actually its just born out of anger. So thats not pushing the conversation forward, because its angry and reductive and without nuance.

Does he think, as some argued, Fox had been radicalised by right-wing YouTube commentators? We can all go on and have our shitty opinions vindicated, he says. Then you start writing tweets about the mainstream media, and before you know it youre banging on about 5G conspiracy theories. Its a really slippery slope. When you pick and choose bits of information that suit your agenda, thats bigotry.

Its not just about Fox, Spall insists. Hes making a general point about the state of public debate and whose opinions are heard and valued. I get dressed up, wear foundation and pretend to be other people, he says. Thats a lovely thing and people enjoy it, but Im not a political commentator, Im not a sage. I mess about and get paid for it.

So should we take all actors on Question Time with a pinch of salt? Put it this way, he says, I think theres an inelegance when people from any walk of life go shouting from the rooftops about something when theyre not equipped to. Its like, Babe, youre wearing base.

Trying starts on Apple TV+ on 1 May.

See the rest here:
Rafe Spall: 'Dieting is the opposite of sex!' - The Guardian

Lifestyle Steve Villanueva: From red meat to hardly any at all Steve Villanueva 1:58 PM –

Posted: April 24, 2020 at 3:44 am

Recently I decided to make a big change in my life. And for me, it's a huge one.

Something I never thought I could do, I've been doing for the last several months. And so far, so good.

Every year I get an annual physical. And it's always the same story. My cholesterol and blood sugar run above normal. My mother has type 2 diabetes and I am pre-diabetic.

Since I'm nearly 50 years old, I figured now is a good time as any to try a new lifestyle. As of Jan. 1, I now eat a mainly vegetarian diet to try to get my cholesterol under control. I also started running on a regular basis to help lower my blood sugar.

My family is from Argentina, a huge meat-eating country. I was raised on eating red meat. It's part of our nearly daily diet. No wonder my cholesterol is on the higher side. My maternal grandfather was a strict vegetarian (except he ate liver. Yuck!) and he lived to nearly 100 years old. So there has to be something to this whole animal-fat-in-the-veins thing.

So far it's been fairly easy. I do eat eggs still (mainly egg whites) and fish. As far as beef, pork, chicken; almost nothing. Since I still love a good steak, I reward myself with one every three months. My wife, being Swiss, loves beef bourguignon. That was my reward for eating clean for three months.

There are a several benefits to eating this way. I've lost a few pounds without starving myself. It's much easier on the wallet. And the main one I've noticed: my stamina is way up when I go running.

I used to run two miles and then quit. Now I run three miles easy and feel like I could go for more.

Over the next few weeks I'll try to show you how it's going on my end and share new recipes I discover. Wish me luck!

Lifestyle Steve Villanueva: From red meat to hardly any at all Steve Villanueva 1:58 PM -

Planet Fitness’ "United We Move" Campaign is offering free work-ins amid the coronavirus pandemic – 47abc – WMDT

Posted: April 24, 2020 at 3:44 am

MARYLAND With non-essential businesses like the gym, closing because of the coronavirus pandemic, many people are left wondering what can they do to maintain a healthy lifestyle with diet and exercise.

47 ABCs Deana Harley spoke with fitness trainer, Theodore Teddy Savage to get those questions answered.

Savage, who is a fitness training director says Planet Fitness is remaining committed to the community, despite the COVID-19 pandemic. He says through the United We Move campaign, the fitness center franchise is offering Home Work- Ins, which is a series of free fitness classes for everyone, and you dont have to be a member to join.

Savage says classes are being led by certified Planet Fitness trainers as well as special like The Biggest Loser coach and fitness trainer Erica Lugo and many others. Savage aka Teddy has a weekly work-in slated Teddy Tuesday. He is the only host with a regular time slot, on Tuesdays at 7 pm. He says classes are 20 minutes or less and they dont require any equipment, so there should be no excuses.

Just doing simple exercises like squats, jumping jacks, push-ups, even stretching shows youre moving in the direction.

Savage explains that the classes are designed for people of all fitness levels. So if you havent been to the gym in a while or have never been to a gym, now is the chance to get fit and healthy while staying at home. He says that Planet Fitness is truly about the community, helping people make decisions to change their lives for the better.

Overall, the home work ins offer tools to combat stress, while providing motivation and inspiration sure to keep us all physically and mentally fit.

Savage also says they are working diligently to prepare themselves for when gyms across the nation reopen.

So to get your work-in on, you can visit Planet Fitness Facebook and Twitter at Planet Fitness or you can download the Planet Fitness app, which is completely free to everyone. And if you arent able to join in live, each workout will also be available to view on both the Planet Fitness Facebook page and YouTube channel after the broadcast is over. For more information, you can visit their website at

Go here to read the rest:
Planet Fitness' "United We Move" Campaign is offering free work-ins amid the coronavirus pandemic - 47abc - WMDT

Blood sugar levels may influence vulnerability to coronavirus, and controlling them through conventional means might be protective – The Conversation…

Posted: April 24, 2020 at 3:44 am

Can watching your blood sugar help fight COVID-19?

Sugar is not only something that sweetens our food. It is also something that is an essential part of the proteins that make up our bodies.

That led me to believe, as I wrote in the Journal of Medical Virology, that control of blood glucose by diet and exercise, as well as better control of blood sugar in diabetics, especially when ill with COVID-19, may possibly help control the severity of the disease and even its spread.

I have worked in the field of breast cancer for many years, and my colleagues and I have been trying to use a drug called hydroxychloroquine in clinical trials. The goal: reduce the number of breast cancer cells in the bone marrow and prevent their re-emergence many years later to cause recurrence whats called tumor dormancy.

You probably have heard a lot about the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine in recent months as it has been suggested as a treatment for COVID-19. No conclusive evidence to date proves that hydroxychloroquine is effective. But, it turns out, hydroxychloroquine might be able to lower blood sugar like metformin.

Colleagues of mine have shared that many of their COVID-19 patients not only had diabetes but some were undiagnosed diabetics as well.

Knowing the drugs potential to lower blood sugar, coupled with reports of high blood sugar in COVID-19 patients, led me to put both together to try to explain some things about COVID-19 and how blood sugar may interact with the virus.

The new coronavirus infects cells by attaching to the surface through a receptor called the angiotensin converting enzyme 2, or ACE2. Both the ACE2 and the virus need sugar molecules bound to their protein for this to work properly.

My idea, which I have described in a peer-reviewed article in the Journal of Medical Virology, is that COVID-19 infection and its severity is influenced by the concentration of sugar-coated virus and the concentration of sugar-coated ACE2 receptors in the lung tissues. The degree and control of the lungs immune response may also depend on how much sugar is attached to viruss spike protein approximately eight to 10 days after symptoms start, which may vary depending on your age and sex

Researchers already know that people with diabetes are more vulnerable to COVID-19. What is unusual is that when I talked to physicians around the country taking care of COVID-19 patients, they told me that a lot of their patients in the hospital not only had diabetes and prediabetes but others had high blood sugar, without being aware of it. There is a recent report from Wuhan, China, that finds that is true there as well. COVID-19 patients with Type 2 diabetes have poor glucose control.

People with SARS - which is related to the new coronavirus seem to get high blood sugar temporarily when they get infected as well.

This makes sense because there are a lot of ACE2 receptors on the so-called islet cells of the pancreas. These are the cells that make insulin which is critical for controlling blood sugar. If the virus infects these cells, then they stop making insulin and you can get a temporary diabetes with COVID-19.

High blood sugar increases the number of sugar-coated ACE2 receptors in the lungs of diabetic mice. So not only are the number of receptors greater, but also there are more sugars attached to them. This makes it easier for the virus to infect cells. When there is more insulin, or through diet or exercise, there is less sugar, so there are fewer ACE2 receptors and less sugar on each one, and this may reduce the amount of virus getting into the cell.

That suggests that a high blood sugar test called hemoglobin A1c which can be used even in those without diabetes or prediabetes could be used as a marker for patients at risk for COVID-19 disease. In fact, 3.8% of the U.S. population has a high A1c.

Hydroxychloroquine may work by blocking processes in the cell that add sugars to proteins. This the opposite of what high blood sugar seems to do. This would theoretically impede the virus from interacting with its receptor and modulate the inflammatory response to the virus.

It is unclear whether hydroxychloroquine will work for everyone, or even in a small group of patients. While the medical community awaits clinical trials to tell us once and for all if hydroxychloroquine works in COVID-19, the interesting thing to me is that this debate may have brought us a possible hypothesis as to why high blood sugar may make the disease worse, and possibly what to do about it.

A lot of new drugs and theories are emerging about COVID-19 and the science is advancing rapidly. It is important to have theories explaining what you are seeing clinically and scientifically to see if they fit and then test them. If not, try a variation. It is the thinking and the testing that will allow us to beat COVID-19.

[You need to understand the coronavirus pandemic, and we can help. Read The Conversations newsletter.]

See the article here:
Blood sugar levels may influence vulnerability to coronavirus, and controlling them through conventional means might be protective - The Conversation...

Oh Darn, We Might Run out of Meat – Try #2 – The Almanac Online

Posted: April 24, 2020 at 3:44 am

Local Blogs

By Laura Stec

E-mail Laura Stec

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As of April 16th, South Dakota reported a COVID outbreak of 598 workers at Smithfield Foods, a pork processing facility in Sioux Falls responsible for 5% of U.S. pork production, causing the plant to close indefinitely. The Chinese-owned company released a statement that the virus is pushing our country perilously close to the edge in terms of our meat supply, making it impossible to keep our grocery stores stocked if our plants are not running.

Several other U.S. meat processing plants have also closed temporarily, including a Tyson Foods plant in Iowa, and a JBS USA Colorado factory, which both had two deaths.

Part of the problem may be the high concentration of the U.S. meat industry in the hands of a few. Four companies control 80% of the beef industry. Five companies control about 60% of the chicken market, and four companies control nearly 70 percent of pork.

Oh darn, we might run out of meat.

The Food Party! isn't crying over closures, or spilt milk in the news however. On the contrary, we feel empowered. Most Americans need to cut down on meat. (On average, we ate more than 217 pounds of beef, pork and/or chicken in 2019 (over 4 pounds weekly). Time to learn more about the secrets of vegetables and the endless options, and unique tastes and textures achieved when incorporating more plants into your diet.

Decreasing or eliminating animal flesh, while increasing plant consumption, is better for our health, and as many are realizing, also the health of animals and our planet. Actually, one of the best things you can do as an individual for the environment begins on your breakfast, lunch and dinner plates. With the 50th anniversary of Earth Day coming next week, April 22nd, consider using this time to flex your plant-based cooking muscles and create more meals with less, or no, meat.

Graphic from Cool Cuisine Taking the Bite out of Global Warming (2008)

Track results of your meat-free days by joining the Darwin Challenge (and local environmental group [

We also have all kinds of recipes, diatribes, and options at the Food Party! to help:What's the Hottest Trend in Eating?

Global Warming DietThe Impossible Burger

City Supper the Future of FoodBurger Please, Side of IntegrityOom is Moo Spelled Backwards

Lastly, Insider Tips, our new, weekly feature for those stuck in the house, can also assist.

Inside Tip #3

I gave some of the sauerkraut (and juice) we made last week to a client, leaving me with some partially fermented cabbage, sans juice. I could have topped off with salt water to keep fermenting, but instead chose to sauted it up with raw onion,

And made a quick dinner topping for my frozen Trader Joes veggie wontons.

Add a splash EZ Seasoning (salt and pepper with a college education) of umeboshi vinegar, mirin, brown rice vinegar and soy sauce, and you got an easy, filling meal with the perfect touch of sour pucker power. Top with sauted seitan, tempeh or chicken for your protein kick.

Photos by LSIC

We need your support now more than ever. Can we count on you?


Read this article:
Oh Darn, We Might Run out of Meat - Try #2 - The Almanac Online

Want to lose belly fat fast? Try these tips, cheats and gadgets while in lockdown – T3

Posted: April 24, 2020 at 3:44 am

Want to know how to lose belly fat fast? Well you can't. But there are ways to torch fat, shed the dreaded visceral fat and maybe even reveal your abs. During lockdown it's a problem a lot of us are facing but then again, its a problem a lot of us were facing before lockdown.

Contrary to what a lot of websites will tell you, directly targeting 'belly fat' is largely impossible outside of surgical procedures. It's more of a matter of knowing how to lose weight in general some of which will be around your belly. It can also be useful to work on your abdominal muscles, so that when the fat is finally gone, your stomach will be properly flat, not fat. Although there's no magic bullet to slay belly fat, there are ways to burn visceral fat that are tried, trusted and true.

And, as you have probably guessed, we have a list of them. So if you want to burn belly fat and get fit, this is our 'six-pack' of tips, cheats, technologies and strategies. Oh and if you want to round it up to a lucky 7 tips, try this one blindingly obvious way to avoid lockdown weight gain.

Important note here, everyone: Belly fat these days is often referred to as visceral fat because that sounds scarier. If you really need to shed visceral fat because it's endangering your life, that is an area where you should probably be seeking medical advice, if that is at all possible. But while this guide is more about slimming down a bit, or avoiding ballooning during lockdown, belly fat loss also has an element of visceral fat loss.

Our lose belly fat tips aren't necessarily quick, and this is not about telling you how to get six pack abs although we have plenty of guides to that, too. No, this is just a 'six pack' do you see what we did, there? of tips to getting a healthier life and feeling comfortable with the girth of your mid-riff. We're not looking to fat shame anyone here or totally bro out, we're just offering advice.

We've got some great tips, a few cheeky shortcuts and key strategies to lose belly fat quickly, healthily and sustainably. As we just said, there are no quick fixes here; we want you to develop habits that ensure you'll stay trim for good.Weve also got the lowdown on the best exercises to lose belly fat, and all the gear youll need to get started although, of course, the most important 'gear' is the bit between your ears.

There's no hard-and-fast rule for slim-down success: the best way to lose belly fat is the way that works around your lifestyle. If you follow an unsustainable plan, you won't last: it's as simple as that. In this article we lay out six principles that are applicable to everyone, whether you're a total beginner starting your weight-loss journey or a seasoned pro who fell off the wagon over Christmas.

These guiding lights will keep you on the straight and narrow, even during a lockdown situation. Dont try to take on more than you can reasonably fit into one day. And, despite the name of this feature, don't fixate on 'belly fat'. It's important to reduce visceral fat, which does tend to lurk around the belly area, but that is best achieved by trying to slim down and tune up overall.

Here are six strategies to help you start losing weight.

(Image credit: Getty Images)

The short answer to the question of how to lose belly fat is to burn more calories than you consume on a regular basis. In the fitness world, this is known as achieving a "calorie deficit".

If this sounds like a waking nightmare, there's a trick to it: what you need to do is ensure youre eating the correct kind of food to make sure you feel full and sated, even when consuming fewer calories than you're burning off.

Certain foods are "empty calories" while others release energy slowly, keeping you fuller for longer. This is a big danger, especially while you're at home, with all your food within easy reach.

But before that, you'll need to find a good way to track your calories burned and calories taken in. The free MyFitnessPal app is one of the best ways to record your calorie intake, but to track your calories burned, you'll need a dedicated fitness tracker. If you already own a smartwatch, most will offer calorie tracking as standard, but for those yet to make the plunge, the Fitbit Versa Lite is the best activity tracker you can buy right now. Check out the deal below.

Oh, and staying hydrated is crucial, as well

Fitbit Versa 2 | now 199 at AmazonThe Fitbit Versa 2 is getting regular price cuts in 2020. The Versa 2 features advanced cardio tracking as well as the usual steps and sleep stuff, and has Alexa built in. It's also unusually stylish for a Fitbit, and via its excellently presented app and sprawling ecosystem, you can use it as the basis of a complete fitness and diet programme. You can also enter your meals to log calories consumed, so you can have all your dietary data in one place.View Deal

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S'Well Marble Drinking Water Bottle | now 17.50 at John LewisIn this case beauty is more than skin deep. This bottle is vacuum sealed, which means it should be able to keep liquids warm for 12 hours and cold for 24 hours. Its stainless steel, has a capacity of 500ml and requires handwashing, and its definitely one for one-upping your co-workers boring flasks and supermarket specials.View Deal

BEEFIT Biltong, 10 x 30g bags | now 16.99 on AmazonLooking for a calorie-dense but highly nutritional snack? Swap your bag of crisps or chocolate bar for jerky or biltong, a cured meat snack high in protein. BEEFIT comes in handy 30g bags, to keep yourself fuller for longer. It's packed full of protein to help build muscle after a workout (Over 20g per pack, to be precise), and is even gluten free too.View Deal

Intermittent fasting is becoming more and more popular. It involves significantly cutting calories or abstaining from food altogether for a portion of the day or week, and then cramming all your calories into a much shorter time window.

The best-known intermittent fasting plan is the 5:2 diet, where you eat as you normally would (although hopefully a bit healthier) for five days a week, then scoff no more than 600 calories two days a week.There are also variants of this diet where you consume almost no calories, two days per week. This is much more doable than it sounds, so long as you are in good general health, but it's not exactly fun.

However, for trainees who are serious but not that serious, there's the 16:8 diet. With this diet you have only 8 hours a day to fit all your meals in, but can only drink water (and maybe some black coffee, if you're feeling naughty) within a 16 hour fasting period outside of those 8 hours. Most choose to eat from 10am to 6pm, but as long as you stay within an eight hour window, you can start and finish at any time of the day. This isHugh Jackman's strategy, so if you have ever wanted to be in Wolverine shape

Why try fasting, though? Well, during the fasting period the body will run out of sugar to run on, and so will start eating up the bodys fat stores. The big negative is the adjustment period: if you're used to a big breakfast or an early dinner, a 16-hour fast feels tough at first, especially if you're exercising. You're going to get seriously cranky.

Soylent Nutrition Shake, Cacao (Chocolate), 12 Pack | now 35.00 on AmazonMarketed as a 'complete meal in a bottle' soylent is a perfect on-the-go quick feed for breakfast or lunch. With 20g of plant protein - to keep you going and slow-burning carbs to help you stay full, Soylent is vegan, gluten free, nut free, dairy free and low GI. At under 3 a shake, it's an ideal replacement to your usual hurried, bland supermarket meal deal.View Deal

Dead set on having chips? An air fryer can deliver a lot of the delicious taste with less of the not-quite-so-delicious oil

(Image credit: Future)

If you eat fried food all the time, switching to an air fryer will definitely cause you to lose weight unless buying one causes you to start eating loads of chocolate because you've reduced your fat intake. No, it doesn't taste as delicious as proper fried food of course not but it turns out meals with a good fried/roasted taste, but with up to 80% lower fat content.

If you don't eat fried food all the time but like to treat yourself now and then, switching to an air fryer could still help with you to lose weight. Even with a solid balanced diet and a good workout ethic, there will come a time when your willpower will falter and you'll want to fall back on your old favourites, like fried chicken, fish, chips and all the other foods you love normally dripping with grease. If you schedule in cheat days and do this in a controlled way, it's good to know you're cooking these foods in a way that still helps you hit your goals.

Enter the air fryer. The best air fryers are revolutionary pieces of kit that use hot air combined with a teaspoon of oil (as opposed to the gallons of oil found in the deep-fat variety) to cook your crispy favourites. If kitchen space and budget is no object, you can cook a whole chicken in the Philips Airfryer XXL, but if you're after something a little more economical, Pro Breeze Airfryer 1400W is lightweight, versatile and cheaper, perfect for portion control. It also seems to usually be sold out all the time at present, so perhaps everyone has already taken our advice, here.

This is just one way to have your (fried) cake and eat it too. Swapping high-calorie pints of ice cream to the low-calorie versions like Halo Top or Oppo, or switching out cholesterol-laden butter for a healthier olive spread, are other easy ways you can make relatively simple lifestyle choices and still keep weight off.

Weight training is a great way to tip your muscle-fat ratio the right way

(Image credit: Getty Images)

There are two main types of exercise: cardio training and weights, otherwise known as resistance training.Although cardio burns a lot of calories while you do it, weight training builds muscle which burns more than fat as you go about your day. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you'll burn even when not working out.

Resistance training may seem scary if you're doing it for the first time, especially in the gym when the area's dominated by serious lifters, but you dont have to start adding big plates to the bar right now. There's plenty of ways to get started at home with smaller weights such as dumbbells, kettlebells and even medicine balls.

Were not going to list every single lifting exercise, so why not pick the body part you want to start toning up and check out some of our muscle-building how-tos. One you've done that, grab one of the best dumbbell sets on the market. They're not just for arms: you can use a dumbbell to work your core, shoulders, and even your legs with combination movements.

The only issue you will find right now is that most of them are sold out, but this store still has home gym equipment for online delivery. By the time this lockdown ends, you'll be ready for the gym.

If everything for the home gym has sold out which happens a lot lately consider doing bodyweight exercises. If that idea makes you think of muscular men working out in prison, try our guide to the best bodyweight exercises for beginners and ease into it gently. Before you know it you'll be ready for the Navy SEAL workout. None of these require any specialist equipment.

York 20kg Cast Iron Dumbbell Spinlock Set | Buy it for 59.99 at the Fitness SuperstoreIdeal for starters, the York 20kg Cast Iron Dumbbell Spinlock Set features knurled handles for a secure grip, plastic spinlock collars and solid, durable weight plates. considering you can't buy any reasonably priced home weight sets anywhere at the moment, this might be your best option to get an adjustable dumbbell set for under 500 for a while.View Deal

Powerplate Move vibration plate | 2,199 | Was 2,699 | Save 500 at John LewisIf you want to really power up your bodyweight exercises, and certain dumbbell moves, try doing them while being violently vibrated. This is particularly good for your core as your body has to work extra hard to complete moves.View Deal

All of this aside, dont neglect cardio, as regular cardio workouts are important for fitness and stamina.

Electric Muscle Stimulation can help your muscles recover faster

(Image credit: PowerDot)

It may seem gimmicky when you unwrap your new six-pack vibrating belt, complete with a picture of Ronaldo on the box, but don't roll your eyes just yet. While you can't just sit there eating crisps and expect to get ripped, Electric Muscle Stimulators can help as part of a controlled dietary and exercise plan.

EMS can cause the muscles to contract, essentially tensing and untensing rapidly. During downtime post-workout, you can continue to encourage muscle growth with EMS, while the right bit of kit can also encourage faster recovery, allowing you to get back in the gym all the quicker. According to the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, EMS stimulates the muscle in the same way as a massage, prepping it for the next go-round.

It's not a bona fide shortcut to a six-pack, but it can speed up the muscle-building process with regular use.

(Image credit: Sixpad)

Our top choice is always SIXPAD as used by Cristiano Ronaldo, a man who takes great pride in his body. Perhaps a little too much pride, the unkind or jealous might say. Amazon also sells all manner of abs belts by brands we have never heard of, for about 20. Needless to say we dont recommend these.

PowerDot 2.0 - Smart Electric Muscle Stimulator | now 185 at AmazonAlternatively, the PowerDot 2.0 is a smartphone-controlled muscle stimulating monster.This neat muscle stimulator works from your phone, allowing you to control intensity, stimulation and goal. Reduce your recovery time and increase muscular performance, as the PowerDot working to support your gym schedule. This model has two stimulators, but you can scale up to four for 325View Deal

Planks are a tough abs workout and a great end-of-workout finisher

(Image credit: Taco Fleur from Pixabay)

As well doing both muscle-building and cardio exercises, if you want to lose belly fat its also important to switch up the pace of your workout.

Every time you workout, you should exercise using both steady state (working hard but not at max capacity, such as during brisk jog) and high intensity (going flat out, like sprinting) to torch your abdominal fat.

Steady state or aerobic exercises include cycling, running or uphill hiking.Its a crucial part of losing belly fat because it burns through your fat stores. However, it also uses your sugar stores for energy first, so you need to do steady-state for long enough to use up all that sugar before it eats into your fat reserves.

High intensity workouts use mainly sugar for fuel, so they don't hit the fat right away, but it does help in building muscle, which will help you torch fat even on days you're not exercising. Explosive weight lifting, sprinting and HIIT-friendly exercises like mountain climbers are all great high-intensity exercises.

A good fitness tracker will help you to gauge the intensity of your workout by monitoring your heart rate. For overall fitness trackers, check out the Fitbit Versa Lite above, but for a dedicated running watch, you can't beat the Garmin Forerunner 645, the best on the market right now.

Find out more about heart rate zone training

Garmin Forerunner 645 | now 342.34 at AmazonGarmin dominates the running/fitness watch category so totally, it's almost embarrassing for the competition. The most recent addition to their premium line, the Garmin 645, incorporates GPS and wrist heart-rate tracking, which is good for monitoring your resting and all-day rates. The 645 crunches a lot of data to suggest recovery times, make a decent stab at estimating your VO2 Max, tell you how optimal your training load and lots, lots more.View Deal

FitBit Aria 2 smart bathroom scale | now 119.99 on AmazonThis clever scaletells you your weight, BMI and body fat percentage which is all a lot of people want. It then reports this to your Fitbit account, so you can monitor your weight trends and use it alongside your Fitbit wearable's daily calorie-burn estimates. Add MyFitnessPal or Fitbit's own dietary features and you can then sync your meal-plans, daily calories consumed and weight goals, if you want.View Deal

The most important thing to bear in mind is this: losing weight takes time. You'll have setbacks and slip-ups, but if you stay committed to your goal, you'll be fitter and healthier in 2020, building up great habits for many years ahead.

Need some help to get started? Check out all the latest deals on the kit you'll need to get fit in 2020.To start with, you'll need a killer playlist and a good set of workout headphones to listen to it on:

Beats By Dre Powerbeats Pro | now 219 on AmazonPowerbeats Pro are a 'game changer' for Beats; the quality of them is over and above anything the brand has produced before. Designed for workouts and running, the clever design of these true wireless buds means they stay still in your ears during even the most arduous physical jerks. Battery life is way better than most true wireless buds at 8-9 hours and they recharge incredibly fast.View Deal

Read the original here:
Want to lose belly fat fast? Try these tips, cheats and gadgets while in lockdown - T3

Keto BHB Review: Is it Safe To Use (Ingredients, Side Effects) Everything You need to Know – The Amuse Tech

Posted: April 24, 2020 at 3:44 am





Sometimes you need to lose weight quickly and eating healthy and daily exercise does not help you to lose weight quickly. You also have to make sure that you dont get that fat back.Thats why we want to share Keto BHB with you.Keto BHB will help you lose weight within a short time and will help you keep in shape. It also help people with a busy schedule to lose weight without any hassle.

There are hundreds of weight loss supplements out there that will promise you fast weight loss without showing any proof or sharing its ingredients while Keto BHBs ingredients are public for everyone to see. Keto BHB helps you lose all your unwanted fat with a process known as Ketosis.

Keto BHB is made up of all-natural ingredients and one of its most important ingredients is BHB. BHB or Beta-hydroxybutyrate is a kind of ketone that starts the process of ketosis in your body. Ketones are naturally produced in the body. these ketones are called endogenous ketone, whereas a few come out of a synthetic source away from the body and are known as exogenous ketones. type of ketones are used to help in increasing natural ketones of the human body, which induce ketosis. It means whether to begin a keto diet or not, using the Keto BHB will force you to shed weight without requiring any strict diet.

All the ingredients used in Keto BHB are totally natural and will ensure ketosis in your body which will help you lose weight. One of the most important ingredients in Keto BHB is the Beta-Hydroxybutyrate BHB, It is necessarily required to push the body in ketosis, especially when you arent following a keto diet. Some of the ingredients are:

To Receive Your bottle of Keto BHB, you have to go to the official Keto BHB website and submit your request. In a few days, you will be able to get the body of your dreams!

If you wanna lose weight quickly and safely then Keto BHB is the right product for you. Its made up of all natural ingredients which help you lose weight without any side effects. Keto BHB will help you in your weight loss journey.

Mention some advantages of Keto BHB

Who cannot consume this weight loss supplement?

This supplement is natural and does not have any side effects. some people may experience dizziness because of your low carb diet. Dont confuse feeling hungry with a negative effect, it is not. And do not fear for any unwanted effects since there are not any.

See the article here:
Keto BHB Review: Is it Safe To Use (Ingredients, Side Effects) Everything You need to Know - The Amuse Tech

The one thing this Tassie mum refused to do before her wedding day – 9Honey

Posted: April 24, 2020 at 3:44 am

When Kate Kernan married her husband Justin two months ago, she didn't try to change her body before the big event.

The 26-year-old tells 9Honey she was already happy with how her body looked and felt.

"Even though usually people go crazy before their wedding and try to get to a certain number, I didn't because I was already comfortable," she adds.

"I love all my wedding photos. In all of them you can tell I felt comfortable and that I am happy and healthy. That's all that matters."

However, Kate hasn't always been so happy with her body, having struggled with body image issues since she was a child and trying her first diet shortly after leaving high school.

RELATED: Brisbane mum drops 45 kilos in under a year after postnatal depression battle

"I always loved my food, especially chocolate. I have a massive sweet tooth."

Kate, who lives in Tasmania, didn't know anything about how to lose weight, so simply stopped eating.

"Then I'd end up eating chocolate and stuff like that. I tried diet shakes at one stage but they were disgusting," she says.

Working in a cafe didn't help, surrounded by food each day, and despite persevering with the shakes for almost a year, she remained the same size.

"I just wasn't happy with myself. I was unhappy at how I had let myself go," Kate recalls.

"Then I met my husband. I went to hospital when my nephew was born and he was visiting my nephew as well."

Justin, 36, was a friend of her brother's. It was truly meant to be.

"I still wanted to lose weight and I wanted to be happy with my body, but I never was," Kate adds.

"Justin always said he liked how I looked, that he was happy if I was happy."

Kate says she gained more weight, reaching her highest weight while pregnant with her daughter Alice.

A month away from giving birth, a friend introduced her to Healthy Mummy.

"I had put on a lot of weight and I was unhappy with how I looked," Kate recalls.

Her first few weeks and months as a mum weren't her happiest time, with Kate saying she didn't go out much.

"I didn't have depression but I was very uncomfortable and none of my clothes fit," she adds.

"I was at a point that I had to buy bigger clothes."

Kate had started the Healthy Mummy pregnancy program towards the end of her pregnancy, kicking her weight loss efforts up a gear once she was home with little Alice.

Not a big breakfast eater, Kate started having smoothies for breakfast and following the healthy recipes for the rest of the day.

"The smoothies were much better that the ones I used to have," she says.

"Each day I'd get out and walk with Alice, and the Healthy Mummy support group was really motivating."

During her pregnancy, Kate began experiencing pain in her feet but doctors could only attribute it to pregnancy and weight gain. It wasn't until she fell pregnant with her son that she was diagnosed with arthritis.

"I now take medication so I can work normally compared to how I was," she said.

The first time Kate weighed herself was just after having a daughter and then following her weight loss efforts. During her second pregnancy with son Arlo she maintained her health habits and quickly lost the pregnancy weight the second time around.

These days she avoids the scale, choosing to focus on how she feels instead of a number.

"I stopped weighing myself. Now I know when my body is at its healthiest."

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See the original post here:
The one thing this Tassie mum refused to do before her wedding day - 9Honey

Weight Loss Review – A Review of the Acai Berry and Steph Curry’s Weight Loss Product – Coin Digital Standard

Posted: April 24, 2020 at 3:44 am

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Ive only just discovered Steph Currys remarkable acai berry weight loss product and the rave reviews have been amazing. It works because it comes packed with fruit, nutrients and all of the antioxidants necessary to help you get rid of those extra pounds fast.

The most important benefit is the help it provides for weight loss because it provides a boost to the endocrine system which increases the metabolic rate, which in turn causes fat loss to happen very quickly. The process takes place so fast that you dont see the change. The way this works is that the bodys own cells are replaced by muscle cell replacement and this causes your body to burn more calories.

But theres so much more to Steph Currys product than just the antioxidant and muscle cell replacement. The acai berry helps the liver to detoxify the body, it fights toxins and removes old red blood cells from the body. This aids in weight loss because the body has more energy and an easier time getting rid of the toxins.

The acai berry also contains a number of essential vitamins, including B1, C, D, E and A. None of these vitamins have a lot of work to do to get them into the body. These vitamins are essential for normal function of the body, but they dont do much work if you arent ingesting them. The acai berry helps to do this for you by assisting in the production of hormone and testosterone.

These all together help to improve the whole body detoxification. In the case of the acai berry, the increase in energy helps to speed up the metabolism, which helps to burn off the fat quicker.

If you want to try and lose weight without the need for the acai berry, I would suggest using a variety of other methods. But if you really want to lose weight, you should give it a go.

It is a great weight loss product and it helps people to improve their health. For an excellent start, I would recommend trying it.

If you havent tried the amazing acai berry with Steph Currys weight loss product, you should give it a try now. You will be amazed at the result.

Mucklai began writing seven years ago, landed his first client that same year, and published his first book six years ago.

Mucklai has served thousands of clients, including Game of Thrones, Emmy award wining singer Halsey, and most notably Matrix 4 (currently in pre-production)

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Read more from the original source:
Weight Loss Review - A Review of the Acai Berry and Steph Curry's Weight Loss Product - Coin Digital Standard

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