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Not just the lungs: Some COVID-19 patients show signs of neurological ailments – Waterbury Republican American

Posted: April 22, 2020 at 8:42 pm

Strokes, seizures, loss of smell and taste and other neurological deficits are showing up in patients critically ill with the coronavirus.

Although the virus is classified as a respiratory disorder and primarily damages the lungs, clinicians are seeing patients with a wide array of symptoms, from seizures to hallucinations, brain inflammation, disorientation, delirium and loss of smell and taste.

I had a patient, a young guy, 48, who attended a party in New Rochelle two weeks before and came in with hallucinations and confusion, said Dr. Pooia Fattahi, regional chair of neurology for Trinity Health Of New England. The patient had no fever and only a slight cough. Still, aware some COVID-19 patients show up at hospitals with seizures, strokes and confusion, Fattahi suspected, correctly, that the patient had COVID-19. Three of those who attended the same New Rochelle party ultimately died of the virus.

A third of COVID-19 patients hospitalized in Wuhan, China, suffered neurological symptoms, according to a Chinese study published April 10. Moreover, many of the patients developed these symptoms early; in some cases, the brain abnormalities were their only symptom. Because of that, study authors encouraged front-line clinicians treating patients with brain deficits to consider COVID-19 to avoid delayed diagnosis or misdiagnosis and prevention of transmission.

Precisely why and how the virus attacks the brain penetrating the protective blood-brain barrier is complex and not well understood, said Dr. Jennifer Moliterno, chief of neurosurgical oncology at Yale Department of Neurosurgery and Yale School of Medicine. Other viruses can similarly affect the brain, so its not completely surprising but it is somewhat surprising, she said.

Moliterno speculates that the brain dysfunction seen in COVID-19 patients could originate in two different responses. First, the hyperactive immune system response that physicians have observed in COVID-19-positive patients known as a cytokine storm could trigger an inflammatory response that could cause widespread clotting throughout the body_ That would explain why hospitals are seeing so many patients who manifest with stroke and later test positive for COVID-19.

Second, experts believe COVID-19 infects cells through ACE2 receptors, which are also present in the specialized endothelial cells that make up a critical part of the neurological netting that comprises the blood-brain barrier.

That can allow the virus to leak into the brain, Moliterno explained.

It is also possible that COVID-19 enters the body through the olfactory system, close to the frontal lobes in the brain, which controls cognitive skills, Fattahi and Moliterno said. Inflammation of those lobes is known as encephalitis, whose symptoms include memory loss, behavioral changes, confusion and irritation.

Fattahi noted that anywhere from 5 to 24 percent of COVID-19 patients experienced a difficulty with smell. We dont know but we suspect there are ACE2 receptors that attach the olfactory nerves, which pass through those nerves into the brain, he said.

Those who present with brain disorders, Moltinero said, have a particularly dangerous infection. These patients are really sick, she said. A lot of the patients with the neurological symptoms have the more severe COVID-19 cases.

In Italy, the neurological damage has been so severe among affected patients that a neurologist at the university of Brescia has opened an 18-bed neuro-COVID-19 unit to treat these patients exclusively. Dr. Alessandro Pezzini, associate professor of neurology at the University of Brescia, has advised U.S. doctors to consider the possibility that these brain events are another effect of the virus.

So is a pronounced loss of smell. In South Korea, China, and Italy, about a third of patients who have tested positive for COVID-19 have reported a loss of smell known as anosmia often as their only symptom. That has led some experts to speculate that those who experience a loss of smell might be unsuspecting carriers of the virus who have unwittingly transmitted it to others.

British researchers recently advised doctors to consider loss of smell among the first symptoms of the virus.

There is potential that if any adult with anosmia but no other symptoms was asked to self-isolate for seven days we might be able to reduce the number of otherwise asymptomatic individuals who continue to act as vectors, not realizing the need to self-isolate, Professor Claire Hopkins, president of British Rhinological Society, said in a joint statement released late last month with the British Association of Otorhinolaryngology. Hopkins noted that because these patients do not have the dry cough, fever or shortness of breath that are hallmarks of the virus, they may not meet criteria for testing or self-isolation, though they could be spreading Covid-19.

Dr. R. Peter Manes, a rhinologist at Yale New Haven Hospital, said it was possible that people who lost their sense of smell in the absence of anything else, it can be one of the first signs of COVID-19.

At Saint Marys, Fattahi said he was perplexed to see a seizure in a relatively young patient. I thought, This is a guy who is not a drinker, has no personal history of seizure, so why is he having seizures?' Fattahi said of his 48-year-old patient. I was worried he was maybe exposed to COVID-19 at a party. Unwilling to wait for lab results, Fattahi said he ordered a CT scan, which confirmed his COVID-19 diagnosis. The patient was treated with a battery of antibiotics, anti-seizure medications and hydroxychloroquine and released.


WATERBURY Brain malfunction is also a feature of many young, obese patients who are rapidly emerging as at high-risk to contract COVID-19, said Dr. Juan Diego Holguin of Alliance Medical Group.

Once they become infected with the virus, it seems to make their neurological effects more pronounced, Holguin said.

He points to the propensity for the obese to have abnormal pressure of the cerebral spinal fluid. He noted those with a body mass index more than 50 who contract the coronavirus also tend to deteriorate more rapidly.

The progression is unusually fast, Holguin said. We dont know why it progresses so quickly.

Because of the rapid deterioration, he recommends that those younger than 60 with a BMI over 40 should be tested as soon as they develop symptoms: You run the risk of progressing too quickly.

A 6-foot male with a BMI of 50 would weigh 370 pounds. A 54 woman with a BMI of 50 would weigh 290 pounds, Holguin said.

They already have restriction of their thorax from the excess weight. They already have problems getting air to their lungs, he said.

A series of new studies have found obesity may be among the most important predictors in severe COVID-19, particularly among young people. A study from NYU Langone study of patients under age 60 found that those with obesity were twice as likely to be hospitalized. was the second-highest reason why patients were hospitalized with COVID-19. Tracey OShaughnessy


See the rest here:
Not just the lungs: Some COVID-19 patients show signs of neurological ailments - Waterbury Republican American

How to get rid of a headache: 4 ways to quickly relieve head pain – Business Insider Australia

Posted: April 22, 2020 at 8:42 pm

A headache is one of the most common and irritating types of pain. In order to relieve your headache, its first helpful to know whats causing it.

There are two main types of headaches. A primary headache occurs independently of any other medical condition. Whereas a secondary headache is a side effect of another health issue such as a sinus infection or high blood pressure.

Secondary headaches are most effectively treated by addressing the underlying medical condition. But there are many simple ways to get rid of a primary headache. Heres how.

When it comes to primary headaches that have no other underlying cause, figuring out your headache triggers and avoiding them is the best defence, says Vernon Williams, MD, director of the Centre for Sports Neurology and Pain Medicine at Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute.

Headache triggers can be a specific part of your lifestyle like diet, stress, or sleep habits that bring on the pain of a headache. Here are the best ways to avoid or get rid of your triggers:

Most headaches are episodic, meaning they are infrequent and dont require medical attention, says Williams. One of the treatment methods above may provide relief, or the headache can even resolve on its own.

However, more severe or persistent head pain should be checked out by a doctor. If your headache occurs three or more times in one month, Williams says, then its a good idea to speak with your primary care provider.

In addition, headaches that follow physical injury or include other concerning symptoms may require serious medical attention.

If a headache follows a blow to the head, is accompanied by sudden, excruciating pain, a stiff neck, fever, convulsions, confusion, loss of consciousness, or associated with severe pain in the eye or ear, then immediate medical evaluation is crucial, says Williams.

Finally, you may want to see your doctor if you experience headaches alongside blurring of vision, double vision, facial numbness, or any cognitive changes. Even if these symptoms go away, its important to get yourself checked out.

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How to get rid of a headache: 4 ways to quickly relieve head pain - Business Insider Australia

Fighting World War III In A Fjord And Chasing Soviet Submarines In The S-3 Viking – The Drive

Posted: April 22, 2020 at 8:42 pm

It was a time of peak naval aviation of sorts, with President Reagan's military buildup having drastically expanded the Navy's fleet, the movieTop Gunhaving become a pop culture sensation, and the Soviet Union sputtering towards its eventual collapse. To call it a colorful time in military and world history would be a vast understatement. It was here, during the twilight of the Cold War, that Kevin Noonan found himself hunting submarines from the cabin of a carrier-based S-3 Viking.

We followed Noonan through the trials and tribulations of training and learning the shadowy art of chasing submarines from the sky. Then went along with him on his first cruise aboard an aircraft carrier where we got a full understanding of how he plied his deadly sub-hunting trade. Now, in this the third part of our four-part exclusive series, we strap-in beside Kevin to see not only him, but also his beloved mount, the S-3 Viking, mature into wiser and more potent weapons of war.

After a major deployment, a carrier and its air wing tended to get a solid month of restrest being a relative term. At the squadron, during the first days at home, our sister squadrons would stand our hangar and Squadron Duty Officer (SDO) watches. But even for the first month, we operated with a skeleton crew with many of the squadron members on leave and a good portion more being transferred to their next duty station. Some, after a Mediterranean (Med) cruise, were more than happy to get out of the Navy if their enlistment was up.

Those fools!

We did very little flying during the first month back home at NAS Cecil Field. In fact, a returning squadron sometimes gave up their best birds to the squadron that was in line to deploy next. Other aircraft, particularly the notoriously broken hangar queens, might be sent for major repair at a high-level maintenance station. My impression of this time around was that I had somehow rejoined the Naval Reserves! It was so quiet, but neither squadron nor aircraft carrier rests for long.

Oh, wait, we no longer had an aircraft carrier, at least for the time being.


S-3 Vikings based at NAS Cecil Field flying over Jacksonville, Flordia in 1988.

It was one hell of an interesting culture shock when we arrived aboard the then-latest Nimitz class aircraft carrier, the USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71) in February of 1988. She was to be Air Wing Eights (CAG-8) new home.

One might think that one Nimitz class carrier is the same as any other Nimitz class carrier. They, however, would be wrong. Granted, the various decks remain the same and to the untrained eye, the ship's outward appearance seems the same, but the personality of the ship, her crew, and the ships 'soul' are entirely different.

My fellow enlisted Naval Aircrewmen (AWs) and I of Sea Control Squadron 24 (VS-24) Scouts were excited to be aboard a brand-new boat. That is, until we discovered we did not have a special aircrew berthing or a space for our aircrew shop.

Misery quickly set in.

No one from CAG-8 had bothered to think about the needs of VS-24 other than the acquisition of Ready Room Four that occupied the same deck and spaces we had aboard Nimitz, as well as the maintenance shops required to allow our squadron to function. If memory serves, they failed to provide us with a place for our Personnel Department as well. As a result, that misery quickly transformed into being pissed off.


A squadron ready room aboard a Nimitz class carrier circa 1988.

For our aircrew shop, we ended up getting a paint storage spacethat had no air conditioning and no heat. Wed be in the Caribbean in a few days and above the Arctic Circle in a few months. Worse still, we ended up sharing sleeping spaces on the O-3 level that berthed over a hundred other sailors in the stern or in the bow. We moved back and forth between these two locales several times over the next two years.

The space in the bow was the most difficult to adjust too. That berthing lay just beneath the bow catapults. Every time an aircraft would be launched, wed be entertained with resonating sound of the shuttle running the length of catapult track ending with a powerful THUMP!' as it stopped at the water brake.

If we slept, it was a fitful, angry sleep.

It may sound like Im whining, but aircrew sleeping habits were dictated by NATOPS (Naval Air Training and Operating Procedures Standardization) and we actually needed a small, isolated space like we had on Nimitz that allowed us to sleep around the clock since we flew around that clock. Granted, we couldnt avoid the bow catapult sounds and the Air Wings Officer Country sleeping area was also in the bow on the 0-3 level, so us enlisted guys werent subject to that issue alone. What we could have avoided was the noise made by a whole bunch of sailors coming and going throughout the day and night slamming stand-up and coffin lockers, laughing, and doing the things tired sailors do.

Yes, this is mestill whining some 30 years later!

Otherwise, TR was a really great ship. Over the months ahead we adjusted to the black shoe crew (those that ran the ship), and they to us, and learned to commune with the spirit of this brand new, mighty aircraft carrier.

The culture shocks kept coming, however. On the flight deck, an airplane that looked suspiciously like a lawn dart had replaced that lovable, combat-proven Short Little Ugly Fucker, or SLUF, that was also known as the A-7 Corsair II. No longer did we share the flight deck with the Marauders of VA-82 and Sidewinders of VA-86.


F/A-18 Hornet taking to the catapult aboard the'TR.'

After a week or so of carrier qualifications for all the air wing aircraft, including the hybrid fighter-attack squadrons VFA-15 'Valions' and VFA-87 'Golden Warriors' and their shiny, new, low-viz grey F/A-18 Hornets, we headed to the Gitmo Op Area (just off Guantanamo Bay, Cuba) for a shakedown cruise. Although it took time, ship and air wing began to find a mutual rhythm.

Oh, heres something you all may not have considered: every time an Atlantic Fleet aircraft carrier pulled out of Norfolk or Mayport requiring its Air Wing to embark, the poor VAQ bastards (electronic attack squadrons) had to fly their EA-6B Prowlers and their squadron all the way across the length of the United States and meet their particular ship. And us Florida-based squadrons bitched and moanedconstantlyabout our comparatively very short trek off our coast to the ship.

Since I had joined the Nimitz back in 86, a month prior to her last Med deployment from the East Coast, I missed all the fun of the work-up cycle, which found a carrier and her squadrons going to sea very often. Sometimes, it lasted just a couple of weeks while at other times wed be at sea for a month or two. The process of going back and forth made going to the boat a genuine pain-in-the-ass. Looking back, of course, Id gladly haul cruise boxes up and down narrow ladders and through endless numbers of knee-knockers just for the chance to serve aboard today!

Sometimes, the ship pulled out of Norfolk without us. Consider this brief, interesting at sea period described in the Roosevelts official Command History:

Standardization and deceleration trials were conducted with David W. Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center observers at HECTOR RANGE on 23 and 24 April. Resulting data determined maximum speed for CVN-71 and filled in tactical data for NIMITZ class carriers.


The TR underway during training.

As is the nature of an aircraft carriers flight deck, tragedy is just one distraction away, no matter how well the crew gels. On the morning of March 13th, we happily welcomed the arrival of a C-2 Greyhound COD. After she unloaded her mail and supplies and reloaded passengers who were leaving the boat, the E-2 squadron maintenance personnel started her up for taxiing to the cat where she would launch with the next cycle.

I was in our ready room and for some reason my eyes were glued to the PLAT TV screen, which was filled with the COD getting in position for launch. Then, to my horror, a young VAW-124 plane captainmesmerizedwalked into one of the C-2s spinning propellers.

I just couldnt understand what I just saw.

I do not remember much more of that day except the haunting sound of the call for a FOD (foreign object debris) walk-down on the flight deck after TR lost her first crew member.

Despite our tragic loss, we successfully completed a period of operations that had us learning how to work as an air wing again. The Roosevelt then sailed north out of the Caribbean and dropped anchor off of Fort Lauderdale, Florida on March 31st. Some of the aircraft and most of the CAG-8 personnel disembarked to make room for an oddly-timed Tiger Cruise that saw over 1,500 dependents join the Navys newest aircraft carrier.


At the end of the following month, we once again joined the TR for ops off of Virginia, Jacksonville, and in the Caribbean to accommodate the Reactor Departments major readiness inspection known as the ORSE (or Operational Reactor Safeguards Examination). This at-sea period lasted from the 23rd of May to the 28th of June.

Once again, tragedy struck the flight deck. This time it was a member of my own squadron and a friend. William Berry, a young airman, was working to become an Aviation Electrician (AE), if memory serves. He was one of the most promising, gentle, professional, and kind individuals I had ever had the pleasure of meeting.

Despite the admonishment to keep your head on a swivel on the flight deck to see what is going on all around you at all times, you cant account for everything, including not seeing a Tomcat turning its two powerful engines toward you. Berry was lifted off his feet by an F-14 and blown over the side of the flight deck, falling 90 feet into the ocean, the surface of which acts as essentially concrete from such a high fall.

Some said they witnessed him struggling, while others stated he didnt move after impact. As the ship mustered for the man overboard, the plane guard helicopter searched and searched for him. Sadly, everyone quickly lost sight of him.


An SH-3 with rescue swimmer aboard circa the late 1980s.

Once the ship-wide muster was completeconfirming he was the only soul missingI went out onto the starboard aft sponson in what daylight remainedand stood therewilling my eyes to see him... just over there

His body was never recovered.

It is a genuinely precious thing, when serving in the military and watching people die, to be forced to face the full weight of what it means to be humanparticularly at that young age when you are certain you are not only infallible and indestructible, but also eternal.

An interesting at-sea period took place without us having to embark on the 7th of July, 1988. Again, the ships official Command History describes what was a truly historic event:

The top Soviet military officer, First Minister of Defense and Marshal of the Soviet Union Sergei F. Akhromeyev, and a dozen top-ranking Soviet military officers embarked. The Marshal's visit was the first time a Soviet military leader had been aboard one of America's sophisticated nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. Guests of the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral William J. Crowe, the Soviets were given a tour of TR, from galley to the bridge. Ship operations were explained by TR crew members. On the flight deck they observed aircraft being launched and recovered and Carrier Air Wing EIGHT'S air power demonstration.

USN via Kevin Noonan

First Minister of Defense and Marshal of the Soviet Union Sergei F. Akhromeyev aboard the TR, S-3 Viking looming in the background.

A month later, President Reagan was giving a speech for the 70th Annual National Convention of the American Legion and described what took place aboard TR during the Soviet visit. His words still give me the chills:

We took Marshal Akhromeyev to visit our newest supercarrier, USS Theodore Roosevelt. We thought it would be a valuable education for him. And so he saw that magnificent ship go through its paces. He watched our superb aircraft perform. All in all, he spent a day on one of the technological wonders of the world, a floating airfield his Navy had nothing to equal; and yet, you know what he said he was most impressed with when he was through with the visit? Our enlisted men and women. I was told that he couldn't get over the fact that we had them doing work that the Soviets would reserve exclusively for officers, in many cases, very superior officers. And he couldn't believe that our enlisted people were so self-assured in speaking up when asked a question, so articulate in giving their replies, and so ready to add their opinions.

It was a great time to be an American sailor and a great, great time to be an AW.

Then, on August 25th, the USS Theodore Roosevelt joined up with her full battlegroup for the first time and set sail toward the North Atlantic on one of the most realistic exercises I had ever been on or would be a part of. Teamwork 88 most closely resembled what we would do in a war with the Soviet Union.

As we prepared to engage in a wartime penetration of the Greenland-Iceland-United Kingdom (GIUK) gap on our way to the aircraft carrier bastions that were, and still are, the Norwegian fjords, we were joined by over 200 allied warships and auxiliaries and over 500 aircraft of all types. Some of those ships would form an amphibious strike force that would conduct a landing on the northern part of Norway on the 16th of September to practice repelling an anticipated Soviet invasion. German and Dutch warships would form a Task Group that would escort a resupply convoy sailing from England to Central Norway. From there, a Norwegian Task group would takeover escort duty and resupply allied warships and bases at Bodo and Narvik.

The United States first supercarrier, the USS Forrestal (CV-59) would join the nations latest supercarrier in a simulated battle. A third flat top, the U.K. Royal Navy's HMS Illustrious (R06), would meet us off Iceland as we ran the GIUK gauntlet.

The Brits would act as overall anti-submarine warfare (ASW) commanders for both carrier battle groups (CVBG) and the amphibious group.

To contrast a Cold War CVBG with todays Carrier Strike Group (CSG), allow me to list my carriers battlegroup elements:

USS South Carolina (CGN-37) our primary carrier escortUSS Leyte Gulf (CG-55) air warfare commander and towed array shipUSS Mahan (DDG-42)USS William V. Pratt (DDG-44)USS Moosbrugger (DD-980) our most excellent towed array shipUSS Comte De Grasse (DD-974)USS Charles F. Adams (DDG-2)USS Conyngham (DDG-17)USS Moinester (FF-1097) our towed array frigate.USS Detroit (AOE-4) a fast combat support ship that was our one-stop-shop for fuel, weapons, snacks, and cigarettes.

We also had two nuclear fast attack submarines (SSNs) escorting us: the USS Jack (SSN-605), an old Permit class boat that was still fighting strong, and possibly the very unique and super quiet USS Narwhal (SSN-671). Overall, more than 10 submarines would be participating in the exercise.

Again, this was just my CVBG! The Forrestal had a similar composition of warships escorting her, as well.

As we made our way up the North American east coast with the amphibious strike group, we were joined by a Canadian Task Force off of Halifax, Nova Scotia. Then, just south of Iceland, we were further reinforced by the primary NATO ASW Strike Force under command of the British on board the Harrier-carrier HMS Illustrious (R06).

Kevin Noonan

HMS Illustrious sailing alongside the TR during Teamwork '88.

Over the next few days, we fought an opposed penetration of the GIUK Gap, simulating NATOs failure to anticipate Soviet preparation for a war. Ideally, our forces would already be in the Norwegian fjords before the deployment of the Red Banner Northern and Baltic Fleets.ideally.

With the addition of some of our escorts with towed sonar arrays and the full Canadian task force, the NATO ASW Strike Force set about clearing the waters between Greenland, Iceland, the Faroe and Shetland Islands. The Ticonderoga class cruisers worked with our E-2s and Tomcats to defend against the various Soviet Naval Aviation threats that opposed us including:

Tu-16 Badgers (primarily the G and J variants) simulated by various aircraft including EP-3s, EA-3Bs, EA-6As, NKC-135s, British Canberras, and the unique EC-24 the DC-8 the USN modified for electronic countermeasure (ECM) training.

Tu-95 Bears (primarily the D and F variants) simulated by EP-3s.

Su-24 Fencers simulated by Norwegian F-16s and British Tornados and Buccaneers.

Various anti-ship missiles primarily those fired by Badgers, Bears, from Nanuchka class missile boats, and from nuclear-guided missile submarines (SSGNs)Charlie IIs and the sole Papa class boat, during wartime. These missiles were simulated by Buccaneers and Canberras.

It was quite the battle just to penetrate this famous group of choke points.

The second phase of this evolution began on September 14th as we fought to enter Vestfjord. This was when we were joined by the USS Forrestal just coming from a six-month deployment in the Med. Now, even more assets were making their way from Europe to become a tremendous combined battle fleet. These were composed of NATOs Standing Naval Force Atlantic and a German and Dutch Task Group that would add to our ASW Strike Force and escort actual convoys to reinforce the amphibious landings.


An ominous shot of the TR and Forrestal battle groups sailing together during Teamwork '88.

The plan was to have our escorting SSNs creep into the fjord ahead of the CVBG and hunt any Soviet diesel submarines that would most assuredly be pre-positioned there. Also, the ASW Strike Force sent ships ahead to listen with their tails (towed sonar).

Once the carrier was safely tucked into the fjord, mines were laid to seal us in and keep additional submarines out. VS-24 and yours truly launched on several missions to radar-flood the Fjord in order to either catch a diesel snorkeling or a nuke boats periscope, or to keep them down, making them mission-ineffective.

Then the fun began.

There were definitely multiple sub-surface contacts made, some real and many false. We launched on these repeatedly and I got my first hard dose of reality of just how difficult it would be to hunt a diesel submarine in wartime.

On one particular mission we launched in support of an SH-3 sub-hunting helicopter from HS-9 that had gained intermittent contact on what appeared to be a CERTSUBa submarine that has been positively identified. We dropped a couple of SSQ-62 DICASS (Directional Command Activated Sonobuoy System) sonobuoys and I began pinging.

Holy shit! I didnt know what the hell I was looking at. I had never seen a display or heard echoes like I was now encountering. This was not the Med and it certainly wasnt anything that our systems trainer could reproduce. The uncanny environment that is the nature of the fjords simply unnerved me!

But I kept trying and pinging. Finally, I got a very mushy contact. I called it. We dropped another DICASS closer and when it tuned up there was a solid ping. We told the world that we were in hot for an attack and I got one more, weaker ping and that was it. I never saw another return off of any of my buoys.

Later evaluation would confirm that it was an enemy boat and we were credited with a kill.

My mind was spinning. I really began to worry, for the first time, about myabout our ability to fight a Soviet diesel submarine in very real-world conditions. In the Med, we expected to go against theEcho II or Charlie II SSGNs and possibly the Juliett SSG, but the waters in the Med were much more conducive for what we do than what I saw in this disturbing echo chamber.

Kevin Noonan

The TR inside the fjords.

My confidence would be shaken even more when, later, we went after a nuclear boat that had either been in Vestfjord lying in wait after the initial battles or had slipped past our minefields. The contact ranges were crazy-low one day and on the rare days when the water was a glass surface, we seemed to have ranges that went on forever. Among so many other realizations, it was clear that we werent preparing ourselves with detailed knowledge of how this body of water, and others like it all around the world, would play against or work for our sensors.

The good news was the submarines were having the same acoustic propagation problems as we were.

We spent several more days in the war against the Soviets flying many missions. Towards the end, the USS Forrestal joined us in Vestfjordthe first time, I believe, that two supercarriers had operated together in such an environment as part of a proof-of-concept showing that two full CVBGs could fight the battle of the fjords.

Ive got to tell you about my favorite mission while tucked away in the Fjordthe one where I got 'shot down. We were launching a full Alpha-Strike and, as usual, the E-2 and the S-3s were first to get shot off the pointy end of the carrier.

I watched the E-2 run down CAT 1 (catapult one). Then it was our turn. As we went down CAT 2, I noticed a sudden flash go across the windscreen, about 500 yards off the bow. We got airborne and then another flash went by followed by flares popping out everywhere it seemed. At that point, we heard the Air Boss on guard frequency yelling at the attacking Norwegian F-16s (simulating Su-24 Fencers) to get the hell out of HIS air space, because they were endangering the launching aircraft!

Well, two immediate things struck my mind. First, I didnt get the chance to hear what laughter sounded like in Norwegian because none of the F-16 pilots responded and the attack ended as quickly as it started. But Im sure there was plenty of laughter and joy because these great pilots left a flaming strike force on the deck of the mightyTheodore Roosevelt and my helpless S-3 got shot down, as well as the E-2 and another Viking that was launching off one of the waist catapults, in the process.


A Norwegian F-16A carrying an AGM-119A Penguin anti-ship missile.

On the other hand, I participated in the laughter in my cockpit as we all realized just how pure the brass was on the pair of balls each of those Norwegian pilots had. We also realized just how serious the people of Norway were (and are) about training for war since they lived under the shadow and certainty of attack from the Soviets and the memory of WWII. Those pilots didnt give a shit about the 'Bosss' precious air space. They wanted to teach the United States Navy and NATO the reality of the old adage:

You fight the way you train.

My crew and I were convinced and Id like to think that any protests that were offered to the Norwegians about this attack were presented with a knowing smile.

What an amazing time it was up there, above the Arctic Circle, training for World War III during the final throws of the Cold War.

After the intense ops in Vestfjord, the TR and her escorts made their way to Wilhelmshaven, Germany for a well-earned port call. The air wing was invited to participate in one of the legendary fly past airshows being held at RAF Abingdon in Oxfordshire, England. Feeling quite fortunate to have been picked for this event, I manned Scout 710 with pilot Lt. 'JT,' Co-pilot/Tactical Coordinator (COTA) Lt. 'SM' and because we were going to an unfamiliar airfield, an Aviation Electricians Mate, AE3 'JR' was joining us. He sat in the Sensor Operator (SENSO) seat, while I took the Tactical Coordinator (TACCO) seat.

We launched from the boat just as the TR entered the North Sea, an hour or so ahead of the other CAG-8 aircraftone aircraft from each squadron, except one from our embarked helicopter squadron, HS-9. The combination of being worn out from the high-tempo ops and having to wear our drysuits made the flight seem longer than it actually was. Of course, I had to play with the radar and was awed by the on-rush of history as my APS-116 painted the English coastline. I was sharing the airspace that had been traversed by He-111s, Spitfires, Bf-109s, Ju-88s and Hurricanes during World War II.


Here is the original post:
Fighting World War III In A Fjord And Chasing Soviet Submarines In The S-3 Viking - The Drive

These 6 Exercises Will Help to Fix Your Posture After Days on the Couch – Yahoo Lifestyle

Posted: April 22, 2020 at 8:41 pm

From Men's Health

If you're stuck inside during the coronavirus pandemic, you're probably spending the bulk of your time sitting down. That also means that you might have been the type of person who logged your work days seated at a desk before quarantine. That's all to say that you're used to planting your butt in a seat looking at a computer for hours on endwhich isn't the best thing for your posture.

Get up, get moving, and get yourself in a better position with this set of exercises from trainer Charlee Atkins, C.S.C.S., who is always eager to help guide her office working clients to better posture. She knows how tough it can be to get right, after allthe trainer was once a SoulCycle Master Instructor, so she's spent her share of time in hunched over the handlebars.

"Attention desk warriors: Are you doing these exercises?" she asks. "Let's face it, we sit at desks and look at phones all day. Here are my favorite exercises that you can do at home to help train your posture."

You don't necessarily need dumbbells to take on the workout, like Atkins uses in her demos. Try using everyday items you have around the house like water bottles or bags of salt if you don't have traditional weights handy, and focus on your form.

Perform each exercise for 45 seconds, then rest 15 seconds.

Carries - "Great for the core and posture. My favorite cue: Puff your chest out like you're walking out of the gym on chest day."

Rows - "These work you back muscles, and help to retract and depress the shoulder blades."

Story continues

Y-Raises - "Great warm-up drills to do before any upper body day. In fact, you should do these before the start of any day."

T-Raises - see above

Scapular Pushups - "Mobilize the shoulder blades."

Around The Worlds - "Use a light weight and take the arms through their full range of motion. Tip: Try the exercise kneeling to eliminate the ankle and knee joints so you can put more focus on your arms and core."

Run through the series once as a warmup for an upper body day, or three times through for a quick standalone corrective series.

Want to learn more moves from Atkins? Check out our series full of her workout tips, Try Her Move. You can also take on her new 30 day challenge in our streaming All Out Studio app, check out her Le Sweat workout app, and follow her on Instagram to find out when she's hosting live workouts from her living room.

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View post:
These 6 Exercises Will Help to Fix Your Posture After Days on the Couch - Yahoo Lifestyle

Weight. Schools to be closed for the remainder of the school year due to coronavirus – Mash Viral

Posted: April 22, 2020 at 8:41 pm

Students will not return to their classrooms this school year.

Gov. Charlie Baker on Tuesday announced his daily news conference on state responses to the coronavirus epidemic. Urgent care programs for children will remain closed until June 29. Residential special education schools are exempt.

At this point, there are no authoritative guidelines or tips on how to work safely with schools and how to get children to and from schools safely, Baker said, announcing the closure extension.

With Tuesdays order, Baker followed the lead of 34 other states, including Vermont, Maine and New Hampshire, according to tally by Education Week.

This is an unprecedented interruption for a whole generation of students, said State Education Commissioner Jeff Riley. We want to minimize the loss of learning.

Many parents and teachers have been quietly accepting for weeks that such a measure is inevitable, given its widespread adoption elsewhere and the fact that, on a per capita basis, Massachusetts has experienced the fifth highest death toll in the country by some experiences. virus as of Tuesday morning.

This week, state education officials plan to give more guidance on distance learning.

We have a long way to go to make distance learning work seamlessly for our students and we are committed to doing it, Riley said.

Riley said the state will work with parents, teachers, school leaders and health professionals to determine how schools can eventually reopen. He said it was too early to decide on a summer school.

[What] we saw from other countries that started the opening process are things: like checking the temperature of students, holding desks six feet apart, some people have schedules, Riley said. There are many options.

In early March, when the virus became more common in Massachusetts, district officials complained that a slow response from government officials forced them to close their school buildings unilaterally and with little guidance or planning.

Summoned by the mayors and the states largest teacher union, Baker finally announced a three-week closure on March 15. Ten days later he extended this end to May 4 but not until the end of the year.

At that time, Baker was defending his standby approach.

There are many children for whom the school will be the place where they have the biggest and best and most meaningful opportunity to get the kind of education they need, the manager said earlier. I dont want to start with the assumption that were just going to blow that up for the rest of the year.

On Tuesday, Baker paid special attention to seniors in high school who will personally miss their graduation and graduation ceremonies.

Its a huge loss if youre a kid in high school, he said, noting that he and his wife enjoy watching children gather in front of Swampskot City Hall to celebrate the ball every year. The rituals we lost will come back. In many cases, they will return differently than they used to, but they will return.

With additional reporting by Steve Brown and Kathleen McNerny of WBUR.

Read more from the original source:
Weight. Schools to be closed for the remainder of the school year due to coronavirus - Mash Viral

Hindu Diet: Practices, Benefits, and Foods – Healthline

Posted: April 21, 2020 at 9:50 pm

The Hindu diet is practiced by adherents of Hinduism, the third largest religion in the world (1).

Its a primarily lacto-vegetarian diet, which means that it includes dairy products but excludes meat. Still, some people who practice Hinduism choose to eat certain meats or other animal products.

You may be curious about its history, how it compares with vegetarianism, and whether it offers health benefits.

This article tells you everything you need to know about the Hindu diet.

The Hindu diet is the eating pattern usually followed by adherents of Hinduism, most of whom live in India. Yet, as an estimated 1.1 billion people practice this religion, there are many variations of the diet (1).

In general, Hindus follow a lacto-vegetarian diet, which excludes meat, fish, shellfish, and eggs but includes dairy.

Hindu religious texts advocate for ahimsa, a practice of nonviolence toward all living creatures. This tenet justifies a lacto-vegetarian diet, as the killing of animals for food can be considered violence in Hindu cultures (2).

Additionally, Hinduism considers cows sacred, as theyre representative of maternal gentleness. As such, even among Hindus who eat meat, beef and byproducts like beef lard are taboo (3).

There are no universal, mandatory dietary restrictions for practicing Hindus with the exception of abstinence from beef.

Thus, the Western concept of vegetarian diets, with its rigid bans on certain food groups like meat, fish, and poultry, doesnt apply to the Hindu diet.

All the same, a majority of Hindus follow what could be considered a lacto-vegetarian diet. Some may follow a stricter diet while others may have more relaxed practices even eating meat, such as chicken or goat.

In fact, many Hindus living in India report including at least some meat in their diet particularly those who are poorer or lower in the caste system (4).

The Hindu diet is followed by adherents of Hinduism. While its primarily a lacto-vegetarian diet, many Hindus may eat meats like chicken or goat.

The traditional lacto-vegetarian version of the Hindu diet may provide several health benefits.

Lacto-vegetarian diets can be associated with heart health, as they tend to be higher in fiber, fruits, vegetables, and antioxidants than omnivorous diets.

Indeed, vegetarian diets are linked to lower blood pressure levels than diets that contain meat (5).

Additionally, one review found that vegetarian diets lowered levels of total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol, which are risk factors for heart disease. All the same, vegetarian diets also reduced HDL (good) cholesterol (6).

However, the Hindu diets inclusion of dairy products may help maintain or increase HDL (good) cholesterol levels. That said, dairy products may also raise LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, depending on what types of dairy products are involved (7, 8).

In Hinduism, moderation of food intake is considered an important virtue called mitahara. This practice emphasizes diet and nutrition as keys to healthy living (9).

This focus on food moderation may promote healthier attitudes about food. In fact, dietary moderation is associated with lower calorie intake (10).

In turn, a lower calorie intake may aid weight loss.

Indeed, the traditional lacto-vegetarian Hindu diet is linked to lower body weights in India, compared with other eating patterns common in the country (11).

The traditional Hindu diet may be richer in fiber and antioxidants than other diets due to its high concentration of fruits and vegetables (12).

Fruits and vegetables both boast fiber, which has several health benefits. These include lowering cholesterol and promoting healthy digestion (13).

Fiber intake is also associated with a lower body weight because it promotes feelings of fullness. High fiber foods, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains, likewise tend to be lower in calories than low fiber foods (13).

Additionally, fruits and vegetables are some of the best dietary sources of antioxidants. These plant compounds may help prevent or reverse cellular damage caused by unstable molecules called free radicals (12).

Antioxidants may decrease chronic inflammation and lower your risk of illnesses like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers (14).

Notably, a study in 100 people in India revealed that those who followed lacto-vegetarian or ovo-lacto-vegetarian diets which include eggs had higher antioxidant levels in their blood than non-vegetarians (15).

The Hindu diet is primarily plant-based, but the addition of dairy products helps ensure that your body gets adequate vitamin B12 and zinc, which may help your body fend off anemia and certain chronic illnesses (16, 17).

Specifically, due to their fiber, nutrient, and antioxidant contents, plant-based diets are associated with a decreased risk of heart disease, autoimmune conditions, kidney disease, and type 2 diabetes (18, 19, 20, 21).

One study in 32 vegetarians and non-vegetarians in India found that the non-vegetarians had ratios of gut bacteria similar to those of people with colon cancer or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) (22).

From these results, researchers inferred that a vegetarian diet may protect against these conditions. All the same, more research is needed (22).

The traditional Hindu diet may be associated with improved heart health and antioxidant status, as well as reduced body weight and chronic disease risk.

The Hindu diet is primarily lacto-vegetarian, though some practicing Hindus eat meat.

Generally, the only food completely banned for Hindus is beef. That said, many Hindus refrain from alcohol, and some may avoid onions and garlic, as these plants are tied to anger or passion according to certain religious doctrines (3).

Here are some foods that are commonly eaten or acceptable on the Hindu diet:

Ghee is a type of clarified butter widely used as a cooking fat in India.

Some Hindus follow a strict vegetarian diet, while others eat meat. Generally, the only food strictly off-limits on the Hindu diet is beef.

The Hindu diet is practiced by adherents of Hinduism and primarily lacto-vegetarian.

However, theres a large degree of flexibility, as some Hindus strictly abstain from meat while others eat certain meats, such as chicken or goat.

Thus, theres not necessarily one right way to follow the Hindu diet although its usually associated with a high intake of whole, nutritious vegetables and high fiber grains and legumes.

In general, lacto-vegetarian diets are associated with lower body weight and a decreased risk of several diseases.

Thus, the traditional Hindu diet offers a number of health benefits.

Read the original post:
Hindu Diet: Practices, Benefits, and Foods - Healthline

The Slow-Carb Diet Is All About Eating Fiber-Rich Carbs, But It’s Pretty Restrictive – Yahoo Lifestyle

Posted: April 21, 2020 at 9:49 pm

Photo credit: fcafotodigital - Getty Images

From Women's Health

If youve already given keto or any other low-carb diets a try, you might be eager to test out the Slow-Carb Diet, which is *somewhat* similar.

The eating plan is included in the book The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman by Timothy Ferriss (an entrepreneur, author, and podcast host), which was published in 2010. In the book, Ferriss details his Slow-Carb Diet approach. But the diet has also gained lots of followers who haven't necessarily read about it in The 4-Hour Bodyit's a buzzy diet that makes the rounds.

So what's the Slow-Carb Diet all aboutand can it really help you lose weight in a safe and sustainable way? Let's get into it, with the help of a registered dietitian.

The Slow-Carb Diet involves eating five food main groups (animal protein, vegetables, legumes, fats, and spices) and teaches to eat four meals a day for six days of the week. You also get one cheat day, on which you can eat whatever you want, explains Brigitte Zeitlin, a registered dietitian and owner of BZ Nutrition in New York City.

Basically, the idea is to follow a very low-carb regimen on the premise that it will increase your bodys ability to break down fat for energy and reduce your overall fat stores, says Zeitlinand in turn, reduce your body weight.

Ferriss also talks about various supplements (like calcium and magnesium) you can take while doing the diet, but they aren't a requirement. Now, a break down of the Slow-Carb Diet eating rules.

The slow-carb diet is based on the following five fundamental rules, which Ferriss also detailed on his blog:

Avoid white carbohydrates. If you are on this diet to lose weight, then you need to avoid all processed carbohydrates (like breads, pastas, cereals, baked goods, etc.) for six days per week. If you are on the diet to increase your muscle and strength, then youre allowed to eat these foods within 30 minutes of finishing a resistance-training workout.

Eat the same meals over and over. Basically just re-make the same meals from the approved five groups of foods (animal protein, vegetables, legumes, fats, and spices).

Watch what you drink. This diet boasts the importance of drinking water and other unsweetened tea or coffee. Consuming alcohol, juice, smoothies, sodas, or any calorie-filled beverage is discouraged.

No fruit. This diet bans all fruit intake on the premise that they contain too much sugar for weight loss. (Psssst, many other experts still recommend fruit on a weight-loss plan, though!)

Take one day off per week. One day a week of your choosing, you can cheat and eat and drink anything you wish. (More on that later.)

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Turns out, there are no foods that are actually dubbed slow-carbohydrate foods. "I believe the name of this concept comes from the approved-food lists and the fact that the carbs that are allowed are all complex carbohydrates, meaning they have fiber in them and therefore take your body longer to break down and process," says Zeitlin. "In other words, they move through your system at a slower rate than the simple, or white, carbs that are off limits on this diet."

For anyone unfamiliar with the concept of simple versus complex carbs: White-flour items or simple carbohydrates move through the body at a faster pace than complex ones like legumes or dark leafy greens, Zeitlin explains. So, simple carbs end up being less filling and satiating, plus they spike your blood sugar, compared to complex ones due to the removed fiber. So, complex carbs = slow carbs. Get it?

Foods allowed on the Slow-Carb Diet include:

Animal proteins: Eggs, cottage cheese, chicken, beef, pork, and fish

Legumes: Lentils, black beans, pinto beans, red beans, and soybeans

Certain vegetables: Spinach, asparagus, peas, green beans, sauerkraut, kimchi, and cruciferous veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and Brussels sprouts)

Fats: Butter, olive oil, grapeseed oil, nuts, ghee, and dairy-free creamer

Spices: Salt, pepper, herbs, and seasonings

FYI: Several food groups are off-limits on this diet, including fruit, dairy (except for cottage cheese), fried foods, white-flour products, and alcohol.

One of the main aspects about this diet is that you must take one day "off" to eat whatever you want. The book calls it a "free day," during which you can eat and drink anything you wish.

"[Ferriss] believes this eases the mental stress that often comes along with dieting and that it may help to boost your metabolic rate, which can sometimes slow down with calorically restrictive diets like this one," says Zeitlin.

One of the principle rules of the diet is that you will eat the same things over and over. A variety of meals is not the goal or purpose.

The following are a few examples of meals you could enjoy that would fit the Slow-Carb Diet bill, provided by Zeitlin:

Slow-Carb breakfasts

Slow-Carb lunches

Slow-Carb dinners

Salmon with roasted broccoli

Stir-fry with all the allowed vegetables and soybeans

Grilled steak with cauliflower

The diet cuts out processed foods, sugary beverages, and other less-nutritious foods, and doing so can certainly yield weight-loss results. Allowing for a day of eating whatever you want may help some people feel less deprived, too. (However, the opposite can also be arguedsee the cons comin' up!)

The reviews about the Slow-Carb Diet online are mixed, but there are certainly lots of positive ones. "Even if you don't actually apply any of the techniques, this book will likely make you think about your overall health in a different way," one reviewer wrote on Amazon. "There is a wealth of information in this book, and it has helped me lose weight, gain strength, and run faster in the last 12 months."

The same reviewer went on to explain: "Like most of Ferriss' work, it could easily be misunderstood. Be clear that it isn't about shortcuts or 'hacks'it's about efficiently getting maximum benefit from the minimum inputbut that 'minimum input' still requires effort and dedication. You'll get out what you're prepared to put in." (That's only *one* person's opinion, of course, but valid points.)

There are very few pros to fad, restrictive diets like this one, according to Zeitlin. You can definitely lose weight, but she warns it may not be sustainable for everyone. As soon as you reintroduce the healthy food groups that have been removed, like whole grains and fruits, you will regain weight and likely gain back more weight than you originally lost, Zeitlin says.

Zeitlin also warns that you may feel guilty about falling off the plan, and you may end up going overboard on the restricted foods if you feel deprived while omitting simple carbs, alcohol, and more six days of the week. Additionally, the concept of a free or cheat day can create a messed-up relationship with food, reinforcing the notion that they are 'good' foods and 'bad' foods, when some of those 'bad' foods are vitamin-rich fruits and whole grains," she adds.

The choice is ultimately yours, and you know your body and personality best. Some people have an easier time losing weight by following structured guidelines and grocery lists, while others (like people with a history of disordered eating) may find that type of heavy guidance and rigidity harmful or even downright dangerous.

Zeitlin personally doesnt recommend trying an overly restrictive diet like the Slow-Carb Diet. "Diets that encourage cutting food groups out completely dont support your health-goals long-term and can leave you yo-yo-ing up and down with your weight," she says.

If you are trying to lose weight, Zeitlin recommends "concentrating on foods you should be adding in versus taking out," she says. This includes adding in more veggies, lean proteins, whole grains instead of white flour, and fruits. "Keep your grains and fruits to two servings each per day and dont forget to add in more water, along with sleep and physical activity," she says.

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Original post:
The Slow-Carb Diet Is All About Eating Fiber-Rich Carbs, But It's Pretty Restrictive - Yahoo Lifestyle

Effect of Mediterranean Diet on Cognitive Function in Patients with Age-Related Eye Disease –

Posted: April 21, 2020 at 9:49 pm Interview with:

Emily Y. Chew, M.D.Director of the Division of Epidemiology and Clinical ApplicationsDeputy Clinical Director at the National Eye Institute (NEI),National Institutes of Health What is the background for this study?

Response: Dementia is a common disorder that was estimated to have a worldwide prevalence of 44 million in 2016 and is projected to hit 115 million by 2050. Many phase 3 trials of various therapies have failed and we have no treatment currently available for the prevention or reduction of the course of dementia. A slow neurocognitive decline throughout life is part of the normal process of aging. However, there is a subset of individuals who may have accelerated aging and is at high risk of development dementia. If the course of such accelerated decline could be altered in any way, it would be important to evaluate. The role of diet with biologic aging has been studied and diet has been also found to be associated with age-related conditions linked to dementia, including cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

We were interested in the cognitive function of our participants who had another neurodegenerative disease, age-related macular degeneration (AMD). We had conducted two randomized controlled clinical trials designed to evaluate the role of oral supplements for the treatment of AMD. We also studied cognitive function in both clinical trials of nearly 8,000 participants who were followed for 10 years. We also evaluated the dietary habits of the participants with food frequency questionnaires (FFQ) at baseline. Cognitive function testing was conducted in the first study, the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) near the end of the clinical trial while the AREDS2, the second study, evaluated cognitive function testing at baseline and every 2 years until year 6. AREDS study evaluated cognitive function with in-clinic study visits while AREDS2 was conducted using telephone interviews.

Our aim was to determine whether closer adherence to the alternative Mediterranean diet (aMED) was associated with impaired cognitive function these two studies. We were interested in the particular components of the Mediterranean diet that may be important. We also evaluated the interaction of genetics with the diet. What are the main findings?

Response: Mediterranean diet adherence was associated with decreased risk of cognitive impairment. There was a dose response relationship in that the higher the adherence, the better the beneficial effect. The results were consistent between the two clinical trials of persons who did not have cognitive impairment at the baseline of the study but did have varying degrees of severity of AMD. The strength of this relationship of diet with cognitive function was fairly large with 40 to 50 % reduction.

Higher fish consumption was associated with decreased risk of cognitive impairment and slower cognitive decline. Fish may be the component that drives the effects of the Mediterranean diet on cognitive function to a certain extent. But in general, the Mediterranean diet with all its components may play a very important role in cognitive function. What role did theApoE gene have on the results?

Response: Although APOE risk haplotypes were significantly associated with faster decline in cognitive impairment scores (p<0.0001) in general, APOE status did not influence the association of the Mediterranean diet with decreased risk of cognitive impairment and nor did it have an influence on the association of fish consumption with decreased risk of cognitive impairment and slower cognitive decline. What should readers take away from your report?

Response: It is important to consider possible modification with your diet. These are not the results of a randomized trial but the data are quite compelling. And other studies have supported this theory that you are what you eat. Eating fish twice a week has beneficial effects and having a Mediterranean diet has been demonstrated to reduce the risk of heart disease and impairment in cognition. What recommendations do you have for future research as a result of this study?

Response: This is a study of association so it would be important to have randomized controlled clinical trials to test the effect of a Mediterranean Diet on cognitive function. A randomized trial (PREDIMED) conducted in Spain with comparisons between Mediterranean diet vs. low fat diet found that participants randomized to a Mediterranean diet had higher cognitive function scores after 6.5 years than those randomized to a low-fat control diet. The NIH is also supporting the Mediterranean-DASH Diet Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay (MIND) Study. This is a Phase III randomized controlled trial designed to test the effects of a 3-year intervention of a hybrid of the Mediterranean and DASH diets, called MIND, on cognitive decline among 600 individuals 65+ years without cognitive impairment who are overweight and have suboptimal diets, as described the That would be the gold standard for establishing a potential treatment for cognitive impairment. This study is done in persons who are high risk of developing cognitive decline.

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See original here:
Effect of Mediterranean Diet on Cognitive Function in Patients with Age-Related Eye Disease -

How to live longer: Sprinkle this 70p herb on your meals to increase your life expectancy – Express

Posted: April 21, 2020 at 9:49 pm

Life expectancy cannot be predicted with absolute certainty but informed predictions can be made based on your overall lifestyle. That's because the leading causes of death in the world are mostly attributed to unhealthy lifestyle habits. The most obvious being heart disease, which is directly caused by eating an unhealthy diet.

Committing to a healthy diet can therefore provide some guarantee of a long life.

There is no single miracle worker but evidence suggests certain ingredients provide numerous health benefits so it would be wise to include them in your diet.

One such superfood is sage, a staple herb used to spruce up various dishes.

Sage has shown promise in combating the mechanisms that may lead to serious health conditions, such as heart disease.

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The herb has been shown to lower LDL cholesterol, a fatty substance that is a precursor to heart disease.

In one study, consuming sage tea twice daily lowered bad LDL cholesterol and total blood cholesterol while raising good HDL cholesterol after just two weeks.

HDL cholesterol counters the negative effects of LDL cholesterol by transporting the harmful cholesterol to your liver where it is flushed out of your body.

The perennial herb has also been shown to lower blood sugar and increase insulin sensitivity, factors that underpin type 2 diabetes, another precursor to heart disease.

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In one study, sage leaf extract lowered blood sugar and improved insulin sensitivity with comparable results to rosiglitazone, another anti-diabetes drug.

Another study in mice with type 2 diabetes found that sage tea acts like metformin a drug prescribed to manage blood sugar in people with the same disease.

What's more, it may boost memory and brain health, factors that may reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, a degenerative brain condition.

In one study, 39 participants with mild to moderate Alzheimers disease consumed either 60 drops (2 ml) of a sage extract supplement or a placebo daily for four months.

Those taking the sage extract performed better on tests that measured memory, problem-solving, reasoning and other cognitive abilities

The benefits are partly attributed to the compounds found in sage, which can act as antioxidants.

Antioxidants are compounds that intercept unstable molecules called free radicals in the body.

Free radicals cause cell damage and are associated with the negative effects of ageing, such as brain decline.

In addition to packing your diet with healthy items, it is important to exercise regularly to ward off heart disease and other serious health conditions.

"Regular exercise will make your heart and blood circulatory system more efficient, lower your cholesterol level, and also keep your blood pressure at a healthy level," explains the NHS.

It also helps you to maintain a healthy weight, which is also essential for longevity.

Obesity is linked to heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some types of cancer, warns the NHS.

Read the original here:
How to live longer: Sprinkle this 70p herb on your meals to increase your life expectancy - Express

Coronavirus: Scots told to give up cigarettes and reduce alcohol from lockdown diet – HeraldScotland

Posted: April 21, 2020 at 9:49 pm

SCOTS have been urged to give up smoking and cut down their alcohol consumption in a bid to reduce complications linked to conroavirus.

The countrys interim chief medical officer, Dr Gregor Smith, has called on people to cut their intake of alcohol and tobacco during the lockdown to reduce the likelihood of becoming more unwell if they contract Covid-19.

Dr Smith had called on the public to enjoy a balanced diet during the lockdown.

He said: Now more than ever, its important that we all take the steps possible to look after ourselves. Eating well, staying active are really important for both our physical health and our mental wellbeing.

Eating a balanced, healthy diet which includes a variety of different foodswill help ensure that you get all the essential nutrients and energy you need throughout the day. Foods an important part of our daily lives and something that many of us enjoy.

Dr Smith has he understood many found it tempting to turn to cigarettes or alcohol during times of stress, such as the lockdown.

He said: This is a stressful time for people. Sometimes, when we feel this way, we use substances like tobacco or alcohol more than we usually do.

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We know that both these habits can be harmful - particularly in relation to coronavirus.

Evidence suggests that smoking may contribute to the severity of Covid-19 disease. We know that people who smoke are much more likely to experience other respiratory infections such as flu.

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Please, if you can, try to cut down or even stop your smoking. If you continue, please remember to wash your hands before and after so that theres less opportunity for the virus to spread.

He added: Alcohol can also reduce the immune systems ability to fight off infectious disease and also have an impact on your heart and your lungs.

Choosing to cut back on how much you drink may reduce some of the complicationslinked to coronavirus.

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Coronavirus: Scots told to give up cigarettes and reduce alcohol from lockdown diet - HeraldScotland

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