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COVID-19: Diets that boost immune system – Experts – Daily Trust

Posted: April 21, 2020 at 9:49 pm

There is no single food item that can prevent or cure coronavirus (COVID-19) at present, the Dietitians Association of Nigeria has said.

The association, however, said an adequate diet would help support the bodys immune system to fight infections. It said its attention was drawn to several claims regarding nutrition and COVID-19, and that dietitian-nutritionists have also received several questions concerning what to eat to prevent coronavirus infection.

The dieticians said their association and relevant regulatory agencies have also not approved any single supplement or combinations to prevent, treat or cure COVID-19. There is no evidence that any supplement or health product will protect the body against the coronavirus.

Nigerians are hence advised to be wary of unregulated supplement claims, the association said in a statement signed by its National President, Prof. Elizabeth Kanayo Ngwu.

Nutrition, immunity and COVID-19

The dieticians said the immune system depends on both macro and micro-nutrients (substances in foods) for proper functioning and as such, many nutrients were involved in the proper functioning of the immune system.

These nutrients cannot be sourced from a single food rather by consuming a variety of healthy foods. A healthy diet will, therefore, strengthen the immune system and enable it to play its role of defending the body against infections and fight diseases. Examples of these nutrients include proteins, vitamins A, B6, B12, C and D, copper, folate, iron, selenium and zinc, omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, etc, they said.

They advised that to obtain these nutrients, food selection should be done from different food groups and that these groups are:

Cereals and grains: The foods in this group include rice, maize, wheat, bread, pasta, hungry rice (acha), sorghum and others.

Roots, tubers and plantain: Examples of foods in these groups include yam, cassava, garri, fufu, plantain, alubo and others.

Legumes and nuts: Examples of foods in this group include beans, bambaranut (okpa), yam, bean (Azam or Ijiriji or Ozaki), soybeans, walnut, cashew nut, groundnut and others.

Meat, poultry and fish: Examples include beef, chicken, eggs, fish and meat.

Milk and milk products: These include milk, yoghurt, cheese, nono, and other milk products.

Fruits: include banana, avocado pear, mango, watermelon, pawpaw, orange, apple, African star apple (udara or agbalumo), Velvet Tamarind (icheku, awin, tsamiya) and many other common ones in various states.

Vegetables: include all leaves used in cooking meals, carrots, garden eggs, cucumber, green beans, onions and many others.

Water: Drink clean uncontaminated water, at least three litres a day (about six sachets). Do not wait until you are thirsty.

According to the experts, in order to keep the immune system functioning optimally, people should maintain the consumption of an adequate diet with lots of variety.

An adequate diet should supply nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, fibre, vitamins and minerals, among others in the right quality and quantity. Fruits and vegetables are especially important; selecting a colourful array; such as carrots, green leafy vegetables, fresh tomatoes, oranges, will provide you with vitamins which play important roles in immune function.

Once you are consistent with an adequate diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle (exercise, not smoking, adequate sleep, managing stress etc.) you would not need any supplement marketed around COVID-19.

The dieticians association also called on the government to come to the aid of Nigerians who could not afford food to eat, especially numerous daily wage earners and unemployed youths.

While citizens do their best to stay at home to help reduce the spread of the disease, it is also important that necessary measures be taken to cushion the effects of staying at home, especially as it concerns food supplies to the poor, the association said.

Food safety and hygiene

The dieticians said there was no evidence to suggest that COVID-19 was transmitted through food handling or food preparation, adding that the primary aim of food safety and hygiene was to prevent food poisoning and other food-borne illnesses.

Poor food handling and inadequate food safety can cause infections especially in young children, older adults, pregnant women and people with weakened immune system, they stated.

They said some of the ways to maintain adequate food safety and hygiene include:

Washing hands thoroughly with soap and running water.

Cleaning surfaces regularly with disinfectant.

Keeping appliances clean.

Washing food products like fresh vegetables and fruits with salt and water (under running water if available) before usage.

Use separate cutting boards for raw meats, vegetables and cooked foods.

Keep hot food hot and cold food cold.

Protective measures against coronavirus

They advised the public to protect their health and that of others by doing the following:

Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

Sanitise with an alcohol-based hand rub or sanitiser. This would kill viruses that may be on your hands.

Maintain social distancing. This means keeping at least two metres (six feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing, to protect you from liquid droplets which may contain the virus from coughs or sneezes of people who may have coronavirus disease.

Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth unnecessarily. The hands pick up viruses from surfaces and once contaminated, can transfer the virus to the eye, nose or mouth and make you sick.

Practice respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow when you cough or sneeze. If you use tissue, dispose of it immediately.

The dieticians also advised the public to improve physical and mental activity as they remained in the confines of their homes. There is the need to find space for little indoor exercises appropriate for our age and physiological states, eg aerobics, rope skipping etc.

You are also encouraged to exercise your mind and emotions for general wellbeing through games like ludo, scrabble, chess etc. Reach out to loved ones and engage in heart-warming and cheerful conversations.

They advised the public to receive information on nutrition from trustworthy sources, adding that Registered Dietitians-Nutritionists (RDNs) are the health professionals trained in providing evidence-based information and individualised dietary advice/counselling.


View original post here:
COVID-19: Diets that boost immune system - Experts - Daily Trust

Operation Transformations Aoife Hearne explains why you DONT need to diet right now –

Posted: April 21, 2020 at 9:49 pm

Operation Transformations Aoife Hearne has told people that they should stop trying to lose weight at the moment.

The dietician said that although people may think its the perfect time to cut back due to being stuck at home, now isnt a good time to focus on weight loss.

She revealed that is important not to be too restrictive during these complicated times.

I think this is potentially a high-risk time for people to get sucked into the diet mentality, she told the Irish Daily Mirror.

Id really encourage people to not even have weight as a focus to get through this. I think if we are focusing on that, it actually doesnt help long term.

Many of us are gaining COVID kilos and it is so hard right now. We are being bombarded with so much information and much is very negative.

When it comes to eating, peoples expectations at the moment are too high.

This is not being perfect with our eating. It is about eating as well as we can and allowing the treats because they are going to come in.

This is all about survival in my mind.

Aoife Hearne was back on our screens last week as Operation Transformation returned for a new spin-off show.

It focused on the different ways that people can keep their minds and bodies healthy while staying at home.

During the show, viewers were introduced to a number of households around the country and the different ways they were surviving and keeping themselves busy.

Viewers loved Operation Transformation: Keeping Well Apart and took to social media to gush over the show.

Well done to everyone #OTKWA, one fan wrote.

That was a really great show which I think will really resonate with lots of people right now. Compassionate, supportive and nonjudgmental. Looking forward to next episode already.

See the original post here:
Operation Transformations Aoife Hearne explains why you DONT need to diet right now -

Eating a varied diet help fight the Covid-19 virus, says university professor – NW Evening Mail

Posted: April 21, 2020 at 9:49 pm

Eating a diverse and varied diet provides the best chance of boosting the immune system to fight Covid-19, according to a scientist.

Philip Calder, a professor of nutritional immunology at the University of Southampton, has produced a report advising the public to ensure they eat a mixed diet to help combat the virus.

His research also shows that supplements are a safe, effective and low cost way to support an optimal immune system.

A university spokesman said: A diet with a diverse and varied mixture of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and pulses, along with some meat, fish and dairy products provides the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients the immune system needs for optimal function.

Prof Calder said: The strength of somebodys immune systems will not influence whether they get coronavirus; handwashing and social distancing are the best ways to avoid that.

However, the immune system helps the body deal with the virus if they are infected and what we want is a system that functions properly when its challenged with bacteria and viruses.

The university spokesman added: Among the foods Professor Calder recommends are a variety of fruits and vegetables which are a good source of vitamins and minerals that are important for supporting the immune system.

Foods that are high in fibre are also important as some of the undigested fibre in the gut can promote the growth of good bacteria which interact with the immune system to make it work better.

The third recommendation is oily fish which is a source of omega 3 fatty acids that help to regulate and control the immune system.

Finally, meat is important as a good source of nutrients such as iron and vitamin B12, so people who do not eat meat should consider supplements.

Whilst consuming commercial probiotic products can have a role to play by seeding good bacteria in the gut Professor Calder recommends plant-based food and fibre as an alternative as these provide an environment to grow the good bacteria that are already in the large intestine.

Professor Calder added: The present situation with Covid-19 shows that we cannot just rely on vaccinations to limit the impact of respiratory infections.

Improving our nutrition is a very straightforward step that we can all take to help our bodies deal with infections and limit the emergence of new, more virulent strains of viruses.

We therefore strongly encourage public health officials to make sure nutritional strategies are included in all their messaging about coping with viral infections.

Continued here:
Eating a varied diet help fight the Covid-19 virus, says university professor - NW Evening Mail

Black Panther fans worried about Boseman’s weight loss – Looper

Posted: April 21, 2020 at 9:49 pm

Given the current state of the world, fears over Boseman's health are probably a bit more heightened than usual. The good news is that Boseman still seems very energetic in the video, and genuinely excited that "Operation 42" has been such a success. However, the fact that the video in question has been unceremoniously removed from the main portion of Boseman's Instagram feedis still a bit worrisome. That, coupled with the radio silence coming from the actor and his management team, is fueling the fires of concern on all fronts.

Looking at the video, one might be inclined to believe Boseman has probably begun a weight-loss regimen in preparation for a future role. That is, after all, a familiar enough tactic for actors having been utilized by A-listers like Christian Bale, Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, and, most recently,Joaquin Pheonix in his Oscar-winning Jokerturn.

Still, those actors and their reps have historically been quick to announce the planned weight loss, and tend to do so literally the moment pictures of the sometimes dangerously thin performers begin to surface. With no announcement coming fromBoseman's camp yet, fans' imaginations are left to run wild, and we all know just how wild those imaginations can be.

With any luck, we'll be getting an announcement soon enough that Boseman has indeed lost weight in preparation of a challenging new role, and we can get back to celebrating the remarkable achievements of "Operation 42" instead of fretting over Boseman's health. That being said, like the rest of the actor's fanbase, we're also keeping our fingers crossed that Boseman isn't actually battling some previously unknown health issues.

Read more:
Black Panther fans worried about Boseman's weight loss - Looper

Massed gatherings are who we are – losing them feels surreal – The Irish Times

Posted: April 21, 2020 at 9:49 pm

Its a sign of the grim times were in when the Government can announce a ban on massed gatherings stretching out for months ahead of us and it doesnt really feel like a shock. Ordinarily, this would be jaw-dropping, world-shattering news. Instead, its probably no worse than what most sports followers suspected.

A summer of sport and gigs and festivals and everything else has been zapped before were even out of mid-April. Yet, given rising death tolls and the looming economic clouds, it feels like very small beer. Thats where we are with everything.

The swirl of news can make the days feel like being on Willy Wonkas boat, hurtling through the Tunnel of Terror with a new nightmarish image flashing by at every turn. Theres no earthly way of knowing in which direction we are going. Certainly, not a speck of light is showing. The confirmation that the simple act of going to a big sporting event is unavailable to us until September at the earliest makes it all feel darker than ever.

At a stroke, the touchstones of the Irish summer have been written off. We already knew we wouldnt be at the Euros or the Irish Open or the Dublin Horse Show. Now we know for sure that we wont be at the football or hurling championships. Therell be no day out at a refixed Champions Cup quarter-finals. We wont go to the Curragh for the Derby. Theyve even shut down the Tidy Towns for a year.

Massed gatherings are who we are. Without them, were not a we at all. We are just ourselves, ambling along in lives of small connections. And though the small ones are obviously the most important ones, we cant deny that it does the soul good to occasionally feel yourself in a maw of something bigger. Like a lot of things we never had to imagine before, losing that is surreal.

It doesnt have to be sport, of course. Indeed, so resigned have we become to losing sport from our lives for a while that it feels from this vantage point like the ban is aimed more so at the summer of festivals around the country. Therell be no Electric Picnic or Longitude or All Together Now and so on. No Fleadh. No Rose of Tralee.

These all sound like fripperies and they are. But we should acknowledge their loss all the same. Its only human to feel the sad, grim weight of the nightly numbers and to still find room for the sting of something like this. The summer will come and go but it wont be like any summer that went before it. To just shrug that off as nothing would be dishonest.

We can mourn our dead and still feel justified in grieving for the loss of the stuff of life. The events you need a massed gathering for are generally the things that sustain us. They take us out of ourselves, give us licence to colour outside our usual lines. In a crowd you can make noise, you can roar, you can curse, you can dance, sing, cry and all the other bad good stuff, safe in the knowledge that everyone else is doing it too.

Thats gone now. We dont know for how long. We dont even really know what it means, either. Technically, its still presumably possible that you could put on a Pro-14 game in, say, late July and cap the numbers through the turnstiles at 4,000. Or to start running off the League of Ireland season. Or to crank the club championships into gear. But even if you do, how can you be sure those are things that people will want to be a part of?

Right now, that feels a world away. Until theres a reliable method of telling who you are surrounded by at any one moment in time, people are surely going to be leery about going anywhere. There will be sport before the vaccine, we can presume that much at least. But whether well stand in crowds watching it depends on the level of confidence society can provide in itself.

The gateway to that can only really be testing either for the virus itself or for immunity. Unless you can test people quickly and efficiently and cordon them off appropriate to their results, it wont really matter what limits the Government decides to put on the numbers who can attend big events. People just wont go.

The beauty of a massed gathering is that it says something nobody would ever have imagined needed saying before now. It says were okay to be here together, all these people with nothing to fear from each other. Sport as we knew it wont be back until we can say that again.

Or, more accurately, until we dont need to say it.

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Massed gatherings are who we are - losing them feels surreal - The Irish Times

Alabama’s Anfernee Jennings rebounds from catastrophic injury to the edge of the draft – Yahoo Sports

Posted: April 21, 2020 at 9:49 pm

The bad news came in the form of an accidental leg-whip from a teammate. The much worse news came in the form of a tweet from a random fan.

It was 2018. The Alabama Crimson Tide had just polished off Clemson in the CFP semifinal in New Orleans. Late in the game, linebacker Anfernee Jennings, shutting down a short run in the red zone, took a leg to his knee. The knee buckled and Jennings dropped to the Superdome turf, done for the night and unable to exult in the joy of a 24-6 victory over the Tigers.

The preliminary diagnosis: a tear to Jennings posterior cruciate ligament. Traumatic, but not necessarily catastrophic. But the next morning, Jennings was back in Tuscaloosa, thumbing through Twitter when he caught sight of a photo that showed his leg bent sideways like a greater-than symbol. He texted it to his trainer, who found little pulse in Jennings ankle and recognized that there was much more at work here than a simple torn ligament.

Suddenly, a relatively standard injury became a far more serious concern.

Within minutes, Jennings was headed for an MRI, which quickly revealed artery damage and a blood clot. Team officials loaded him into an ambulance bound for a Birmingham hospital. Now the question wasnt whether Jennings would play in the fall, it was whether hed keep his leg.

Where will Anfernee Jennings be drafted? (Gregory Shamus/Getty Images)

One successful surgery, one successful rehab, and two successful seasons later, and Jennings is now ready to enter the NFL draft. If youre looking for stories of adversity overcome, its tough to top nearly lost his leg.

Jennings is now awaiting the draft and waiting out the quarantine in Tuscaloosa, working out at a socially responsible distance with his trainer at a nearby field. Hes interviewed with several teams via FaceTime, everybody feeling their way through this new world.

Its such a weird time for [teams], too, Jennings said. Nobodys used to everything being virtual. Its good to be talking football, though. Im making the most of it.

Jennings grew up in Dadeville, Alabama, a couple hours east of Tuscaloosa and a whole lot closer to Auburn than Bama.Even as a child, he was one of the best on the field. He would always make the All-Star team in Little League, says Jennings mother, Felicia. He would always make it to the Super Bowl.

A four-star recruit coming out of high school, Jennings opted for Alabama over other SEC schools like Arkansas, Georgia and Mississippi State. He redshirted his first year, posted respectable redshirt freshman and sophomore years ... and then came that Sugar Bowl.

The game was already in hand, deep in the fourth quarter. A teammates leg slammed into Jennings knee, and he crumpled. The initial diagnosis was a sprained knee, but Jennings knew it was much worse than that.

Doctors raised the possibility that Jennings career could be over, but he would have none of it. Nobody, at 20 years old, wants to be told youre done, he says. I knew I still had something to prove. I wasnt done yet.

Anfernee Jennings at the lowest point of his career. (Ken Murray/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images)

He set small goals, starting with getting out of the hospital that first time. When I was in the hospital, the doctor told me the only way I would be able to go to the championship game [the following week] was if I could walk on crutches, Jennings said. I made that my goal of the whole week. I did it on the day I had to do it.

Story continues

Jennings was on the sideline for Alabamas national championship victory over Georgia in 2018, but just a few months later, he was back on the field for his redshirt junior season. Over the next two years, Jennings would notch 134 tackles (25.5 for losses), with 13.5 sacks, two interceptions and a touchdown.The rehab was agonizing, brutal and relentless.

I go from having one of my best games to the worst nightmare, Jennings said. You gotta start all the way over, learn how to walk again, learn how to run again. There was a time period when I just had to run forward, I couldnt cut.

Sal Sunseri, Jennings linebacker coach at Alabama, points to Jennings exceptional game against LSU last fall, where Jennings had two sacks in the Alabama loss, as evidence. He came off the edges and got the sacks, those were very flattering, Sunseri says. Those tackles were supposed to be good. They thought they could single [cover] him. They couldnt block him.

By the time he was done at Alabama, hed earned First-Team All-SEC honors, and hed also earned Nick Sabans trust enough to represent the Tide on the podium at last years SEC Media Days.

The way he healed from it, and not let it bother him, brings tears to my eyes just talking about it, Felicia Jennings says. The willpower that he has. Its amazing how he came back and didnt miss a beat.

These days, Jennings whose father was a big Penny Hardaway fan back in the 90s, as youd imagine is trying his best to keep his edge while under lockdown. He and his girlfriend are taking care of their young son, and hes trying his best to learn the culinary arts. I make a mean breakfast casserole, he says, and Im not bad on the grill. In Alabama, thats a bold statement.

So whats next? Jennings may have to wait for his name to be called, but hes got definite pro potential.

"Jennings is an interesting player, says Yahoo Sports draft expert Eric Edholm. He's a three-year starter at Bama, so that's a big plus. High-motor guy. Short but stout. A really aggressive player who has some pass-rush skill but isnt quick around the edge. He's also got some good run-stopping ability and knocked down a lot of passes at the line for a guy his size.

Anfernee Jennings prepares to devour Joe Burrow. (Photo by Gregory Shamus/Getty Images)

Sunseri concedes that Jennings speed could be an issue. Any time he found deficiencies, he worked on them, he says. Hes fast enough to go make plays as long as he keeps his weight where its at right now. He needs to work on pure speed, but hes going to be fine.

So where does Jennings end up? Edholm says to wait around until Day 3. To me, he's probably one of those guys who fits best on a Patriots/Lions/Dolphins type of defense, Edholm says. He's a really intense kid and a worker who can fill a few roles as a hybrid defender and someone who likely will be solid on special teams. Will he ever be special at any one thing? Probably not. He's really not ideal in coverage and not twitchy at all. More of a physical guy who wins with force more than finesse.

Jennings offers up a strong defense of his own skills. I got heart, he says. Im a soldier. Im passionate about the game, I love the game, I'm a winner. Im a leader on and off the field. Im one of the most valuable linebackers in the draft, one of the most versatile, and I can help a team on Day 1.

Hes a damn good football player, Sunseri says. Whoever gets this guy is going to have him for a long time.


Jay Busbee is a writer for Yahoo Sports. Follow him on Twitter at @jaybusbee and contact him with tips and story ideas at

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Alabama's Anfernee Jennings rebounds from catastrophic injury to the edge of the draft - Yahoo Sports

Options to Increase Your Testosterone

Posted: April 21, 2020 at 9:48 pm

In the last 100 years, life expectancy for men has increased by 65 percent, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

In 1900, men lived until about age 46. By 2014, that age jumped to 76. Theres no question that men are redefining what it means to be 50, 60, and 70 years old or older.

Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and adequate rest all help maintain energy and vitality in men over 50. But men are also turning to one of the most advanced aging solutions available. Over the last decade, testosterone use among middle-aged and senior men has become popular.

Testosterone is the hormone responsible for the development of male external genitalia and secondary sexual characteristics. Its produced by the testicles. Testosterone is important for maintaining:

Testosterone also contributes to vitality and well-being.

As men age, their bodies gradually produce less testosterone. This natural decline starts around age 30 and continues throughout the rest of a mans life.

Some men have a testosterone deficiency called male hypogonadism. This is a condition in which the body doesn't produce enough testosterone. It may be caused by problems in the:

Men at risk for this condition include those who have had an injury to the testicles or have HIV/AIDS. If youve gone through chemotherapy or radiation therapy, or had undescended testicles as an infant you are also considered at risk for hypogonadism.

Symptoms of male hypogonadism in adulthood include:

Doctors can determine if you have male hypogonadism through physical exams and blood tests. If your doctor detects low testosterone they may perform additional tests to determine the cause.

Treatment typically includes testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in the form of:

TRT reportedly helps to:

However, scientists caution there isnt enough information to determine the safety of regular testosterone supplementation.

Many men experience changes as they age similar to the symptoms of hypogonadism. But their symptoms may not be related to any disease or injury. Some are considered a normal part of aging, such as:

The Mayo Clinic reports that TRT can help men with hypogonadism. The results are not as clear with men who have normal levels of testosterone or older men with decreasing testosterone levels. More rigorous studies are needed, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Studies are mixed on whether TRT is beneficial for normal men as they age. Some research has brought up serious risks with the therapy, particularly when taken long term. This has led doctors to be cautious about recommending it.

A large, 2010 meta-analysis of 51 studies looked at the safety of TRT. The report concluded that safety analysis of TRT is of low quality and fails to inform the public about potential long-term effects.

The Mayo Clinic cautions that TRT also may:

There are also risks involved in having low testosterone levels, such as:

Previously, there were concerns that TRT raised the risk of developing prostate cancer.

Most current data, including two reports in 2015, no longer supports a link between testosterone replacement and the development of 1) prostate cancer, 2) more aggressive prostate cancer, or 3) prostate cancer that returns after treatment.

If you have male hypogonadism or low testosterone, talk with your doctor about whether TRT may be a good option for you. Discuss the risks and benefits of TRT.

If you dont have hypogonadism, but youre interested in feeling more energetic and youthful. The following alternative methods may help increase your testosterone level without the use of hormone therapy.

One way to increase your testosterone levels is through TRT. Its especially effective if you have hypogonadism. Studies have not yet demonstrated the effectiveness of TRT in helping men with normal levels of testosterone or older men with decreasing testosterone levels due to aging.

Men who take TRT usually experience increased energy, a higher sex drive, and overall well-being. But its long-term safety hasnt been established.

There are a variety of lifestyle treatments involving exercise, diet, and sleep that have been shown to increase testosterone levels. Talk to your doctor about what may be best for you.

See the rest here:
Options to Increase Your Testosterone

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Studies 2019

Posted: April 21, 2020 at 9:48 pm

2018 saw a plethora of reports on testosterone replacement therapy, health risks, studies, trials, and types of TRT. Here at HGH doctor, our hormone replacement physicians keep up on the latest research to ensure we provide the best quality care to our clients. Part of our focus is passing new information and studies forward to you here on our website.

The results of one study on middle-aged and older men focused on the best type of treatment for fat-free mass (FFM) and muscle strength response. Men participating in the study received either intramuscular testosterone injections, transdermal TRT, or a placebo.

Although all forms of testosterone therapy showed positive improvements in FFM, total body strength, and lower and upper extremity strength, the changes seen were 3 to 5 times greater in the men who received testosterone injections rather than transdermal TRT. [1]

Testosterone therapy studies such as this one help our doctors choose the appropriate treatment for each person.

The Testosterone Therapy Trials in elderly men consisted of seven coordinated trials looking at the following areas:

We will report on these, as well as other trials and studies in this article.

Testosterone studies shed light on the benefits and safety of using testosterone replacement therapy.

For years, doctors steered men with or at greater risk of developing prostate cancer away from TRT. Even if a male had all the signs of low testosterone, many doctors believed that treatment with testosterone therapy would increase prostate cancer dangers. Luckily, there has been much research done in this area, showing the safety and benefits of TRT following prostate cancer treatment. Also, men who suffer from prostate enlargement or prostate cancer risks can also safely use testosterone therapy.

In the most recent testosterone replacement therapy studies, mounting evidence points to the safety of testosterone without reducing the risk of prostate cancer.

In a pooled analysis of 18 testosterone replacement therapy recent studies on 3,886 men diagnosed with prostate cancer, and 6,439 in the control group, there was no association between testosterone levels, DHT, and prostate cancer. [2, 3]

In a 2017 report, the Registry of Hypogonadism in Men reported that there was no increase in the odds of developing prostate cancer with the use of TRT. [4]

A 2013 study of men who underwent prostatectomy for prostate cancer found no increased risk of prostate cancer following testosterone therapy. [5]

In 2015, a study of men who underwent radiation therapy for prostate cancer followed up by testosterone therapy showed only a minor increase in serum PSA and a low rate of biochemical recurrence. [6]

Based on the current research, testosterone replacement therapy shows positive benefits for improving quality of life and well-being in men treated for prostate cancer.

With a multitude of testosterone replacement therapy studies reversing the prior concerns about cardiovascular risk, many men can improve their quality of life with TRT to treat the symptoms of hypogonadism.

Testosterone supports heart health through the production of red blood cells needed for circulation. Additionally, testosterone improves nitric oxide production crucial for proper insulin function and blood flow.

Nitric oxide is crucial to heart health and is made by the endothelium the lining of the blood vessels. Testosterone helps to lower LDL cholesterol to reduce the plaque clogging the arteries.

In 2017, a look at testosterone and the heart showed that low levels of testosterone might increase risk factors for metabolic syndrome, coronary artery disease (CAD), and type 2 diabetes. Testosterone replacement therapy helps to improve myocardial ischemia in males diagnosed with CAD. TRT also increases exercise capacity in men with congestive heart failure (CHF). Testosterone aids in weight loss and improving serum glucose levels and insulin resistance. This study reports that TRT reduces the risk of mortality in testosterone deficient men. [8]

Testosterone has many benefits for heart health, improving circulation, and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The study duration of one year consisted of receiving either testosterone gel or a placebo. Three different questionnaires every three months assessed sexual function. Results of the study showed that TRT had significant improvements for 10 out of 12 measures of sexual activity. [9, 10]

Testosterone replacement therapy studies for men with urinary symptoms such as urinary frequency, weak stream, urgency, straining to void, and other issues have found that benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) can impact urinary health. Prostate enlargement often occurs as men age, along with a decline in testosterone levels. Urinary issues can impact not only quality of life, but also overall health. Treatment with testosterone therapy has been shown to decrease nocturia (nighttime voiding) and improve urinary symptoms. [11]

A 2017 study of more than 650 men showed that testosterone therapy reduces weak urinary stream, nighttime waking to urinate, incomplete emptying of the bladder, and frequent urination. Additional benefits were found in erectile functions and quality of life. [12]

Testosterone has benefits for improved sexual functions as well as urinary health.

Reviewing testosterone replacement therapy studies allows our doctors to incorporate the latest research into patient treatment protocols. Low testosterone is frequently associated with the following medical conditions:

In the Physical Function Trial for men with hypogonadism, the focus was on walking distance as a measurement of testosterone benefits. TRT increased the fraction of distance walked, and the absolute increase in distance walked in 6 minutes.[13]

The Vitality Trial measured only the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy fatigue scale, and while the results were not significant, the overall findings from the entire testosterone trials whose positive improvements on vitality, mood, and depression symptoms. However, a 2018 report found that testosterone replacement therapy reduces depressive symptoms except in individuals with major depressive disorder.[14]

The results of the Anemia Trials from these studies on testosterone therapy were extremely positive. In both men with explained and unexplained anemia, there was a considerable increase in hemoglobin concentration. The increase was associated with a significant change in the impression of vitality and general health in these men.

The Bone Trial purpose was to determine if TRT in older men could increase volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD) and bone strength. The outcome showed a total increase in vBMD of the trabecular bone in the spine as well as the whole bone vBMD. Hip strength also improved with TRT. Treatment with testosterone therapy could result in reduced risk of bone fractures for older men.

A surprising outcome of the Testosterone Therapy Trials is that there was not much in the way of cognitive benefits. However, other studies offer different findings. A double-blind, placebo-controlled study found modest improvement in global cognition.[15]

Testosterone replacement therapy can benefit physical ability, red blood cell production, and bone density.

Based on the many testosterone replacement therapy studies available for review today, we believe that the safe and supervised use of TRT can offer many benefits for middle-aged and older men. The key factor here is the need to engage in proper diagnostic testing for low testosterone and remain under doctor-supervision while receiving testosterone therapy.

To date, there is less research on testosterone therapy for women with Low T. A 2014 review of 20 randomized, placebo-controlled trials shows positive benefits for sexual response, sexual desire, frequency of activity, and overall satisfaction and orgasm. The majority of research does not show a connection between testosterone and breast cancer, making TRT a possible menopausal treatment for women who cannot use estrogen therapy. [16]

A 2015 report discusses the possible cardiovascular effects of testosterone for women, as well as enhancements for cognitive performance and musculoskeletal health in postmenopausal women. [17]

Regarding future testosterone therapy studies, 2019 should also be a promising year. HGH Doctor looks forward to keeping you informed of the latest research. At this time, we believe testosterone therapy to be extremely safe for men and women following proper diagnostic procedures.

For more information on testosterone replacement therapy, please contact our hormone clinic for a free and confidential consultation.

Research has shown testosterone replacement therapy to be extremely safe and highly effective for treating symptoms of Low T.

Read this article:
Testosterone Replacement Therapy Studies 2019

Testosterone Replacement Therapy: Get Facts on Side Effects

Posted: April 21, 2020 at 9:48 pm

Testosterone deficiency introduction

Testosterone is a hormone produced by the testicles and is responsible for the proper development of male sexual characteristics. Testosterone is also important for maintaining muscle bulk, adequate levels of red blood cells, memory, bone growth, sense of well-being and sexual function.

Inadequate production of testosterone is not a common cause of erectile dysfunction; however, when ED does occur due to decreased testosterone production, testosterone replacement therapy may improve the problem.

What causes testosterone deficiency?

As a man ages, the amount of testosterone in his body gradually declines. This natural decline starts after age 30 and continues throughout life. Other causes of lowered testosterone levels include:

The significance of age-related testosterone decline is controversial and poorly understood.

What changes occur in the body due to testosterone deficiency?

How do I find out if I have a testosterone deficiency?

The only accurate way to detect the condition is to have your doctor measure the amount of testosterone in your blood. Because testosterone levels fluctuate throughout the day, several measurements will need to be taken to detect a deficiency. Doctors prefer, if possible, to test levels early in the morning since this is when testosterone levels are at their highest.

How is testosterone deficiency treated?

Testosterone deficiency can be treated by:

Each of these options provides adequate levels of hormone replacement; however, they all have different advantages and disadvantages. Talk to your doctor to see which approach may be right for you.

Who shouldn't take testosterone replacement therapy?

Men who have prostate cancer or breast cancer should not take testosterone replacement therapy. All men considering testosterone replacement therapy should undergo a thorough prostate cancer screening prior to starting this therapy with a rectal exam and PSA test.

What are the side effects of testosterone replacement therapy?

In general, hormone replacement therapy is safe. Possible side effects include:

Laboratory abnormalities that can occur with hormone replacement include:

If you are taking hormone replacement therapy, regular follow-up appointments with your doctor are important.

Like any other medication, directions for administering testosterone should be followed exactly as your doctor orders. If you are unsure or have any questions about testosterone replacement therapy, ask your doctor.

Latest Sexual Health News


The Hormone Foundation.

Edited by John M. Baird, MD, FACS on January 01, 2007

'Portions of this page The Cleveland Clinic 2000-2004

Here is the original post:
Testosterone Replacement Therapy: Get Facts on Side Effects

Testosterone Therapy Effects: What to Expect After …

Posted: April 21, 2020 at 9:48 pm

Testosterone replacement therapy can sound a little like the fountain of youth. Replace lost levels of the hormone, travel back in time to your younger years?

As guys age, their levels of testosterone tend to decline. And thats a big problem: Testosterone binds to proteins throughout your body and brain called androgen receptors, which help control and regulate a whole range of different bodily functions, explains Ronald Tamler, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor of medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.

If theres not enough testosterone to go around, those androgen receptors all over your body and brain stay silent, leading to symptoms like low libido, weak erections and orgasms, inability to build muscle mass, low energy, or just feeling a little blue. A condition called hypogonadism low testosteronedevelops when your body cant produce enough of it.

Related: 8 Sneaky Signs Your Testosterone Is Too Low

Thats where testosterone replacement therapya treatment that raises your low testosterone levelscomes in. Testosterone can be supplemented in the form of an injection, a gel, a suction cup on your gums, and even a deodorant. It comes down to personal preference and what your insurance covers, says Dr. Tamler.

Now, testosterone therapy is just for guys whose levels are actually low, usually under 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dl) on a blood test. If youre in the normal range, T-therapy isnt on the tableand wouldnt do you good anyway, he says.

If you are prescribed testosterone therapy, youll likely start to see some changes, big and small, pleasant and not-so-pleasant. You may not see them all, and they may not all appear right away, but here are 9 benefits and drawbacks of testosterone therapy you should watch for.

When youre low on testosterone, you might notice your sex drive begin to dip. Androgen receptors are located in the parts of your brain that influence sexual desire, so if you dont have enough T to activate them, you may notice a drop in wanting to get it on, says Abraham Morgentaler, M.D., the director of Men's Health Boston and author of Why Men Fake It: The Truth About Men and Sexand Testosterone for Life.

When you replace your lost testosterone, that can activate those androgen receptors in the part of your brain that controls desire. In fact, regaining a healthy sex drive is one of the biggest benefits of testosterone replacement therapy, says Dr. Morgentaler.

In addition to upping libido, T-therapy can possibly make your erections more satisfying, too. You need to have testosterone to work on the receptors in the penis to help it trap blood to keep it [erect], says Dr. Tamler. Receptors help steer that process, and if you dont have enough T then the process is impaired.

This isnt the only piece of the puzzle, thougherections also rely on healthy nerves and blood flow. So that means that testosterone therapy by itself isnt a cure for erectile dysfunction itself.

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"Muscles are extremely responsive to testosteroneone of the most reliable things we see [when someone starts testosterone replacement therapy] is an increase in muscle mass," says Dr. Morgentaler.

This is because androgen receptors are found in muscle tissue, so testosterone activates them to stimulate growth. Of course, to make the most of this benefit, youll need to be doing your part by strength training as well.

In addition to an increase in lean muscle mass, some men report fat loss as well. While testosterone doesnt directly incite fat loss itself, part of it may be thanks to the uptick in muscle massthe more muscle you have, the higher your basal metabolic rate (or BMR) will be, which means your body will burn more calories at rest. (Want to max out the process even more? Try The 21-Day Metashred from Men's Health, the at-home workout plan that will help you build lean muscle and burn fat at the same time.)

Jed Kaminetsky, M.D., a clinical assistant professor in the department of urology at NYU Langone Medical Center also notes that this may be partially because testosterone improves overall motivation to get up and sweat it out, so if you're motivated to put in the work again, you'll see results.

Related: 7 Reasons You're Not Building As Much Muscle As You Could

"It's very common for men to come in with low T and one of their primary symptoms is fatigue," says Dr. Morgentaler. "And when we treat them, a lot of men will say that their energy has improved." Many men also report an improvement in the "brain fog" that can come along with low testosterone, adds Dr. Tamler.

While researchers aren't exactly sure how exactly testosterone plays a role in energy yet, Dr. Morgentaler says one of the thoughts is that it has an effect on your mitochondria, which produce energy within cells. This case isnt closed on this yet, but the theory is that "testosterone turns them on so they're more productive in terms of creating the energy that the cells need."

Dr. Tamler also notes that it may be tied back to androgen receptors as well. "If they don't get sufficient input, that can cause fatigue," he says. So bringing testosterone levels back up can help reverse this.

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Similar to its effects on energy, experts don't have a definitive answer to why testosterone impacts mood so deeplyafter all, "the brain is a complicated thing," says Dr. Tamlerbut they do see it as a potential life-changing benefit.

"In some ways, the impact on mood is one of the most profound benefits of T that we see," says Dr. Morgentaler. "Not everybody has that, but when we see it, it's remarkable. In my practice, patients will say, 'Oh, my mood's OK, maybe I just feel a little bit tired or blah.' And they come back and they say things like, 'I wake up in the morning and I'm optimistic about my day. I haven't felt that way in years.'"

In fact, a 2012 study published in The Aging Male found that after 12 months of testosterone therapy, the percentages of guys with moderately severe to severe depression symptoms decreased from 17 percent to 2 percent.

And more recent research also backs that up: "The largest randomized control trial for T was just completed a year ago, called the T Trials, and it showed that men who received T had a greater improvement in mood than men who received placebo," notes Dr. Morgentaler.

Related: 7 Surprising Symptoms Of Depression In Men That Prove It's Not All About Sadness

This is one of the most common side effects of testosterone replacement theory.

Normally, when your pituitary gland senses that there's not enough testosterone in the bloodstream, it sends down a hormone called luteinizing hormone (LH) to signal your testicles to start producing more testosterone, and a hormone called follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) to signal sperm production.

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When you take outside testosterone, the pituitary gland gets the memo that there's enough T in your bloodstream, so it stops sending these signals. This essentially puts the testicles to sleep (read: little or no sperm and testosterone production), says Dr. Kaminetsky.

"Most of the size of the testicle is dedicated to making sperm, so when you're making less sperm, the testicles get smaller," says Dr. Morgentaler. This also means it can hamper fertility, acting like birth control, so if you're planning on having kids, testosterone replacement therapy isn't an option.

6 Things Every Man Should Know About His Penis:

And production doesn't always go back to normal afterwards, either says Dr. Kaminetsky. A 2017 study in Fertility & Sterility found that increasing age and longer length of T-therapy was linked to less chances of normal sperm recovery. (Here are 7things you do every day that might be messing with your sperm.)

Some people notice a little swelling in their feet and ankles because testosterone can encourages your body to hold onto excess fluid, says Dr. Morgentaler.

This isn't a big deal for most people, he says, and its more common to see it if you're taking a non-daily treatment like an injection, where you're getting a higher dose of T in one sitting. You may notice a pound or two of difference on the scale, but it should melt away after a few days.

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Going on testosterone replacement therapy may change your skin typefor better or for worse, says Dr. Morgentaler.

Like other hormones, testosterone can increase oil production, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's important for healthy skin, so you may actually end up with a better complexion. However, too much oily buildup can lead to breakouts.

Thankfully, this isn't that common, says Dr. Morgentaler, and it's typically seen in men who have a history of acne. (If you shudder at the reminder of your teenage skin, this might be a more likely side effect.)

Similar to the fluid retention, this is mainly seen with treatments like injections, when you're getting a higher dose all at once.

Related: 5 Reasons You Still Get Acne As a Grown-Ass Man

In all menwhether youre taking T or notsome testosterone is converted into the hormone estradiol, a form of estrogen. And in men who have more breast tissue by nature, the T they're taking that's naturally converted into estradiol could stimulate this breast tissue to grow.

This is called gynecomastia, says Dr. Morgentaler, and it's relatively uncommonhe says he doesn't even see one case a year.

If this does happen, though, your doctor will likely stop treatment for a month or two to allow your breast tissue to go back to normal, and then start you back up with T along with a drug that blocks the conversion of testosterone to estradiol.

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Testosterone replacement therapy has traditionally come along with serious warning labels that your risk for heart attack, stroke, and prostate cancer could rise, but this is still very controversialand recent evidence has begun to debunk some of these fears.

In the case of heart attacks and strokes, the concern is that testosterone thickens blood because it binds to androgen receptors that stimulate bone marrow to produce more red blood cells. Thicker blood is linked to a greater risk of heart attack and stroke.

But there isn't strong evidence to connect these cardiac events to testosterone itself, and some more recent studies actually suggest that normal testosterone levels might actually protect against these risks, says Dr. Morgentaler.

One mechanism at play here could be that reduced body fat is linked to overall better health, and testosterone replacement therapy can encourage this, says Dr. Morgentaler. More research is needed, he says, and to be safe your doctor will monitor your red blood cell count throughout your treatment.

As far as prostate cancer goes, this is fuzzy, too. Because there are androgen receptors in the prostate, testosterone can make it grow. So if you already have an enlarged prostate that makes it difficult to urinate, testosterone could exacerbate the issue, says Dr. Tamler.

Related: Should You Get the PSA Test to Screen For Prostate Cancer?

If you have existing prostate cancer, theoretically, testosterone could make it grow in the same way, says Dr. Kaminetsky. However, there isn't evidence to suggest that T actually causes prostate cancer.

Read more here:
Testosterone Therapy Effects: What to Expect After ...

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