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Treatment of acute blood clots – SYP Studios

Posted: April 19, 2020 at 3:43 am

Trying to lose weight does not mean that a person has to give up all the snacks.Certain snacks, such as almonds and hummus, can help a person achieve their weight loss goals.Contrary to popular belief, when a person tries to lose weight, they dont have to avoid eating or just eat at mealtime.

Some studies suggest that people are more likely to maintain their weight loss if they have a healthy eating pattern.

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), skippingfoods to lose weightgenerally works against you because it causes a person to overeat.

However, when a person satisfies their hunger with healthy snacks, they are much less likely to want to eat unhealthy foods or exceed their calorie limit.

Eating healthy snacks can help a person lose weight.

Some foods are better for weight loss than others.

In general, foods rich in fiber or protein tend to fill more.This means that the person will feel satiated more quickly and will be able to eat less at each snack or meal.

Other considerations are finding foods that are low in calories but high in volume or density.The more space a food occupies in the stomach, the fuller the person can feel.Again, this helps a person eat less with each snack.

People may also want to consider foods that help with metabolism and energy.Greater energy can help a person burn more calories, and better metabolism can help a person process the food they eat more efficiently.

People looking to lose weight should avoid foods that contain large amounts of:

Unprocessed foods are good options because many processed snacks contain high levels of sugar, salt, or both.Eating snacks between meals can help you lose weight.Eating snacks with healthy options can help prevent someone from overeating, as well as provide vitamins, fiber, and protein.

The following are some of the best weight loss snacks.

Hummus is a traditional Mediterranean dish prepared with chickpea puree.Due to its increasing popularity, there are often several flavor options for premade hummus sauces available in stores.People can also make hummus at home.

According to a 2016 study, hummus offers many potential benefits.Hummus provides a good source of protein and fiber, which can help a person feel fuller faster.

When people eat hummus with vegetables, they are getting the benefits of hummus, as well as any other additional nutrients from vegetables.

Celery is a low calorie vegetable.According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), two large stalks of celery count as 1 cup of vegetables out of the 2.5 cups needed per day for a 2,000-calorie diet.

Celery is primarily water, which can help a person feel full.Dipping celery in nut butter, such as peanut or almond butter, can also provide the benefits of healthy fats and protein.

Apples and peanut butter are a good diet snack.

People can be creative with their fruit and nut butter combinations if they want.According to the USDA, a medium apple provides 20 percent of a persons dietary fiber, and 1 of the 2 recommended cups of fruit each day.

Dipping a slice of apple in peanut or other nut butter also adds protein and good fat to a persons snack.

Low-fat cheese is a source of protein and calcium.

Low-fat cheese products offer many nutrients and less fat than regular cheese.

Some of the benefits include:

Low-fat cheese also contains fewer calories than whole cheese.

What can be eaten with a low carb diet?Here are some tips for a low carb diet.

Walnuts can be a very healthy and filling snack.

Walnuts provide good protein and fat.However, those looking to limit their salt intake should check the label to make sure there is no added salt.Also, a person should avoid flavored cooked nuts, as flavors often contain sugar or salt.

People should look for raw or dry roasted nuts.Walnuts are relatively high in calories, so a person should only eat a small amount per snack.

Eggs are an excellent source of protein.However, in previous years, many people thought that eggs were unhealthy due to concerns about cholesterol.

However, more recent research suggests that eggs do not raise cholesterol levels and contain many essential nutrients.

Greek yogurt is high in protein and calcium and low in fat and calories.A person can safely add fresh fruit or nuts to Greek yogurt to improve its flavor and add nutritional value.

The best Greek yogurt for weight loss is the simple variety.Greek flavored yogurts often contain extra sugar, which is not good for weight loss.

Edamame is a legume that a person can eat as a snack.Like other legumes, edamame is a source of fiber and protein.

It is also high in potassium, iron, and magnesium.When people eat it between meals, edamame can help a person feel more satisfied while providing some essential nutrients.

Popcorn is a popular snack in the U.S.Often you get a bad reputation because of the extra amount of sugar, fat, or salt that people put on you.

Air-popped popcorn does not contain these additional ingredients. Simple popcorn is a low-calorie whole grain that offers plenty of filling fiber.

A person may find it helpful to prepare healthy snacks beforehand.

The most effective way to add healthy snacks to your diet is to keep a stock of them in an easily accessible location.

For example, a person could prepare a week of snacks at the beginning of the week.Once prepared, the person can divide the sandwich into individual portions.

For example, a person can prepare hummus in a large batch at the beginning of the week by mashing chickpeas with olive oil, tahini, and seasonings in a food processor.

After preparation, they can put the hummus in small containers and accompany each container with a bag of carrot sticks.

Those who dont have time to make their own sandwiches can search for sandwich-sized portions sold at grocery stores.Many products come prepackaged in snack sizes.

People looking for pre-made and proportioned snacks should know that they are often more expensive.They will also have to be on the lookout for added sugars, salt, and fat.

Eating healthy snacks can play an important role in helping a person lose and control their weight.

People should look for snacks that are low in sugar, fat, and salt.They should also look for snacks rich in nutrients like fiber and protein.

Beans, nuts, and raw vegetables and fruits are often good choices that will help a person feel fuller and provide the necessary nutrients.

Nichole Kerr is a reporter for SYP Studios. Sarah has previously worked for Wired, MacWorld, PCWorld, and VentureBeat covering countless stories concerning all things related to tech and science. Nichole studied at Anthem Institute in Las Vegas.

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Treatment of acute blood clots - SYP Studios

The importance of taking part in the census – Austin Daily Herald – Austin Herald

Posted: April 19, 2020 at 3:42 am

Every 10 years, everyone in the United States is counted through the census. A lot is at stakethe census determines funding for programs like special education, health care, and more.

On top of that, the U.S. Census Bureau considers people with disabilities a hard to count population. Even with many self-isolating, it is easy to complete the census. It takes just a few minutes to fill out and can be done safely right in the comfort of your home. When everyone is counted, communities get their fair share of federal funding to help keep all people safe and healthy. Health care, education, and emergency planning all depend on getting an accurate census count.

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Pop Cans (Brisk Iced Tea with Lemon, Diet Cherry Pepsi, Diet Mug Root Beer, Sunkist Orange, Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi) 75 cents

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The importance of taking part in the census - Austin Daily Herald - Austin Herald

Opinion: There Is No ‘Get Tough’ With Coronavirus; We Need A New Slogan – NPR

Posted: April 19, 2020 at 3:42 am

A man crosses an empty street in Detroit, Michigan on March, 24, 2020. - At 12:01 am Tuesday March 24,2020 Governor Gretchen Whitmer ordered a 'Stay at Home and Stay Safe Order' to slow the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) across the State of Michigan which now has 1,791 confirmed cases and 24 deaths due to the virus. SETH HERALD/AFP via Getty Images hide caption

A man crosses an empty street in Detroit, Michigan on March, 24, 2020. - At 12:01 am Tuesday March 24,2020 Governor Gretchen Whitmer ordered a 'Stay at Home and Stay Safe Order' to slow the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) across the State of Michigan which now has 1,791 confirmed cases and 24 deaths due to the virus.

Americans like to think of ourselves as rolling up our sleeves to do a hard job.

But these days, we have to remind ourselves first: wash your hands!

The coronavirus has made some of our long-time slogans and clichs about confronting a crisis sound a just a little tinny.

There is no way to "get tough" with a virus. As the medical staff so staunchly at work in hospitals now can attest, viruses are the truly tough characters. No regimen of aerobics, running, weight training, or Pilates will make anyone so fit they become immune to Covid-19. No paleo, macro, low-carb or vegan diet will make anyone impervious. No slogans or official bluster can make Covid-19 cower.

And, no faith, optimism, good vibes, or philosophy can protect any human being from becoming infected.

It's a time not just for determination and grit, but hand-sanitizer and disinfectants. Churchillian blood, tears, toil, and sweat won't help humans prevail through this virus so much as soap, water, masks, and a sense of humor, which, by the way, Churchill also possessed.

It may be a time that's less for the courage to sail out into the world than for the audacity for those who can to stay inside, and explore places through books, music, friendships, and our own imaginations.

It may be a time to be intrepid enough to be even-tempered and good-humored, even as we spend hour after hour looking at the same walls and people with all family members home, hungry, and noisy with no restorative respite from even those we cherish.

It's a time to have the simple human consideration not to be a risk to those we love or total strangers by paring down our presence in the streets, stores, and workplaces, which is the only way known right now to try to keep people from becoming infected, or endangering others.

Theories are being traded now, among scientists and public officials, about what markers must be met before more people can begin to safely move about the world again. We like to look for dates and timelines. We ask people their opinions. But viruses don't abide by clocks or calendars.

They don't sign surrenders. The biggest victory for a while may be just getting by. A country on hold, in so many ways, is hard on all especially those who have lost their jobs, who may be poor, who may be sick, and who may be lonely.

The wisest rallying cry for weeks like this, and perhaps ahead, may be just: Patience.

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Opinion: There Is No 'Get Tough' With Coronavirus; We Need A New Slogan - NPR

Weight loss: Man shed one stone in just 12 weeks with this home workout plan – Express

Posted: April 19, 2020 at 3:41 am

When trying to lose a few pounds, slimmers can change their diet plans and start to exercise more. The government has urged Britons to stay at home amid the coronavirus pandemic which means many are struggling to stick to their usual fitness regime. A man shed one stone and carved six pack abs in just 12 weeks with at home workouts.

Mat Smith, 40, from Cheltenham, first decided to get into shape after becoming a father-of-two.

With two young children in the house, he wanted to set a good example and started to workout at home.

Mat said: "My biggest motivation for maintaining a healthy lifestyle is our four-year-old son.

"Both in terms of my desire to set a positive example for him, but also remain an active part of his life as we both grow older."

READ MORE: Kimberley Walsh weight loss: Singer shed three stone and toned slim waist with this diet

Tipping the scales at 13st 2lb, Mat focused on losing body fat and improving his fitness as well as losing weight.

In the past, the dieter ate foods high in protein but switched to eating whole foods with a LiveUP fitness plan.

"The biggest change in terms of my nutrition was the focus on eating a balanced diet based solely on whole foods," Mat added.

"Previously I had always prioritised protein above all other macronutrients and significantly under eating fresh fruit and vegetables."


By focusing on eating the whole foods and a balanced diet, Mat cut out the need to count calories.

He explained: "In addition historically when I have paid specific attention to my nutrition I have always closely counted my calories.

"However as the LiveUP Plan is designed to simplify achieving your fitness goals and educating you adopt sustainable habits.

"It eliminates the need for calorie counting and focuses on quantified serving sizes with the ultimate longer term goal of educating you how to visually determine your serving sizes without needing to measure them out."

Weight loss: Man shed one stone in just 12 weeks with this home workout plan - Express

Biggest diet myths busted including carbs making you fat and gaining weight with age – Mirror Online

Posted: April 19, 2020 at 3:41 am

We're bombarded with diet, exercise and health facts and figures but just how much weight can we put behind them?

Does eating after 8pm really make you pile on the pounds? And will 100 sit-ups a day give you washboard abs?

With so much conflicting information, its no wonder we sometimes feel overwhelmed and confused.

But today, the Sunday People is here to bust the myths and the big fat lies.

Weve asked the experts to delve into eight common diet and fitness fables and separate the truth from the porkies.

MYTH: Some foods burn more calories while being digested than they actually contain.

FACT: Negative calorie foods simply dont exist.

Anita Bean, author of The Complete Guide to Sports Nutrition, says: People will fall for anything that promises results without effort.

Sure, drinking ice cold water can lower body temperature slightly but in order to see that translate to significant caloric benefits, you would have to drink about 200 pints of it!

That same rule applies to celery and green peppers. Eating 50 calories of either veg may take a little more energy for your body to metabolise than 50 calories of something filled with fat and sugar, such as ice cream or cake.

But Anita says: That doesnt mean theres no calorie contribution from the celery or the green pepper.

In fact, starving or withholding certain food groups only makes the body panic and shut down its metabolism making it even harder for you to lose weight.

MYTH: Doing 100 sit-ups a day will give you a six-pack.

FACT: Sit-ups can strengthen your rectus abdominus, or six-pack, but they wont reduce stomach fat. So to reveal your abs, you must reduce your body weight. Combine high-intensity activities, such as running or swimming, with breathing and postural exercises, like pelvic tilts.

Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat, push your lower back flat into the floor, suck in your abdomen hard and hold for five seconds. Repeat 50 times, twice a day.

MYTH: Lifting weights makes you look too bulky.

FACT: Building large muscles occurs only after years of serious weight-training and strict diet. Its even more difficult for women to bulk up as they lack the testosterone levels necessary to do so.

But weight training can help strengthen your bones, increase your metabolism so you burn more calories and improve your balance, posture and recovery.

Combining weights with cardio will create a greater proportion of lean body mass to body fat, making you look more streamlined.

MYTH: Reducing your calorie intake is the best way to lose weight.

FACT: If you sink below your bodys basic energy requirements (about 1,200 calories a day for women, 1,500 for men), it goes into survival mode to slow down your metabolism and save energy.

So while you may lose weight in the short term, youll put it back on when you start eating normally.

Aim to cut 500 calories a day and eat more lean protein, such as poultry and fish. Also eat regular meals that include complex carbs from fruit and veg and essential fats from nuts, seeds and olive oil. Proteins and fats tell the body it has had enough food and keep your metabolism revved up.

MYTH: You have to do at least 20 minutes of exercise before you start burning body fat.

FACT: Your body starts tapping fat for fuel the moment it creates an energy deficit. If you create that deficit by exercising regularly and cutting calories, you will burn off flab all day long.

It was once believed you needed to exercise in a range between 60 per cent and 80 per cent of your maximum heart rate. Any lower was thought to be too easy and any higher made it difficult to use fat for fuel.

But your body uses up more energy during high intensity exercise just look at the physique of a sprinter so stick to interval workouts with short bursts of high-intensity movement, followed by active recovery periods.

Walk briskly between two lampposts, run between the next two and repeat. This will be better for your heart and for fat loss.

MYTH: Carbs will make you fat.

FACT: Nobody is going to say that a diet of chips three times a day will be good for you, but theres more to chips and almost any other comfort food than carbohydrates.

Weight loss is independent of the micronutrient composition of the diet, says Dr Richard Cottrell, nutritionist at The Sugar Bureau.

If you eat less energy than you expend, you lose weight.

And that is the truth, no matter what you eat. In fact, Richard says: Carbs and protein are more satiating than other foods, so are better for weight control.

Its easy to confuse high-carb foods with high-fat ones because the two ingredients often appear together, especially in baked or fried products like cakes and chips.

But Richard says: Its high-fat foods that obese people crave, not the carbs.

MYTH: We all gain weight as we age.

FACT: An inactive retirement or a desk job is more to blame for your belly than getting older, according to Amelia Lake, of Newcastle Universitys Human Nutrition Research Centre.

She says: When you adopt a more sedentary lifestyle, you lose muscle mass so you burn fewer calories.

Losing two or three pounds of lean tissue means youll burn around 100 fewer calories a day 10lb in a year.

Amelia says: Its a misconception that your metabolism naturally slows as you get older. Its all about activity.

The best way to maintain muscle mass is strength training working those muscles once a week.

MYTH: Eating after 8pm will make you pile on the pounds.

FACT: It doesnt matter what time of day you eat its how much you have eaten during the whole day and how much exercise you have done that will make you gain or lose weight.

Your body will store extra calories as fat, no matter when you eat. But if you fancy a snack before bedtime, try to think about how many calories you have already eaten that day.

Anita Bean says: Try not to snack while doing other things like watching telly, reading or using the computer.

If you eat in the kitchen or dining room, youre less likely to be distracted and more likely to be aware of what, and how much, you are eating.

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Biggest diet myths busted including carbs making you fat and gaining weight with age - Mirror Online

Simon Cowell weight loss: How did the Britain’s Got Talent host lose weight and what did he look like before? – Heart

Posted: April 19, 2020 at 3:41 am

18 April 2020, 18:00 | Updated: 18 April 2020, 18:01

Simon Cowell has been on an impressive weight loss journey over the past year, but what did he do and how much weight has he lost?

As Britain's Got Talent returns to screens, people have been quick to compliment judge Simon Cowell on his slender new figure.

Simon, 60, has lost just over a stone and a half since he changed his lifestyle and diet, and is looking great for it.

READ MORE: Who is Simon Cowell's girlfriend Lauren Silverman and how many children does she have?

But how did the star drop the weight, was he on a diet, and what did he look like before?

The music mogul is believed to have lost a huge 20lbs since her changed his diet and lifestyle.

In an interview with The Sun, Simon told them: "The most dramatic period was the first month where most of the weight comes off and you look at yourself and think wow.

I used to be 36 inch waist and now Ive lost four inches. Im really happy now."

Simon is believed to have lost weight by cutting out sugar in his diet entirely, as well as cutting down on his meat intake.

Talking about his diet, Simon said that you have to keep "the food sensible", but that it's also has to be interesting and tasty to make it "surprisingly easy".

He explained: "All I do is avoid just red meat - white meat is fine - and I eat loads of vegetables, salads and drink this great beer.

If youre on a diet you have to keep the food sensible, but its got to be interesting and tasty, then the diets surprisingly easy."

He added: "Im on a diet but it doesnt feel like it now because the food I eat is really healthy and I dont find it tedious. If its boring you wont stick to it.

This summer, Simon showed off the extent of his weight loss as he was pictured on holiday with his family in Barbados.

Walking along the beach with his son Eric and partner Lauren Silverman, the X factor star looked slender and confident with his new physique.

READ MORE: What is Simon Cowell's net worth? How the Britain's Got Talent judge made his millions

Read the original here:
Simon Cowell weight loss: How did the Britain's Got Talent host lose weight and what did he look like before? - Heart

Want to lose weight at home? Theres one thing thats just GOT to go from your lockdown diet – T3

Posted: April 19, 2020 at 3:41 am

Lockdown weight gain is perhaps inevitable, and not necessarily the end of the world. But if you want to stave it off and even lose weight, we have one great tip. Its blindingly obvious but you may not have properly considered it yet.

We are a month into lockdown now and for many people, not putting on weight in isolation has become a big issue. Even with so many free apps, fitness videos and extended trials, the motivation to get fit at home has subsided by now and we are struggling to keep the girth-expansion of our torso at bay. Want to know how to lose weight at home without excessive exercising? It's easier than you think.

Let's get one thing out of the way right at the beginning: the best way to lose weight is not to exercise more, but to eat less. Especially now that we have to stay indoors almost all the time, eating the same amount of food as we used to will result in us putting on weight. Cutting back on calories a bit could help you in your weight loss battle significantly. No news there.

There is one item in a lot of people's diet that could be easily cut and would result in losing weight faster. Yet, if Google Trends is anything to go by, everyone seem to be having more of this particular thing, now that we are in full lockdown. You guessed it: the culprit is alcohol. No one needs a lecture about why alcohol is bad for your health but I think a lot of you don't realise how consuming alcohol effects your diet and your weight loss. Or your weight gain, more accurately.

There are a lot of misconceptions about alcohol and as I mentioned above, I'm not here to lecture anyone about just how bad it is to consume alcoholic beverages. Sure, some types of alcohols contain certain micronutrients (like minerals) that can be beneficial for health, but this doesn't outweigh the negative effects of these drinks.

One very important thing to realise about alcohol is that it is basically pure carbohydrate. Carbs are one of the three main macronutrients your body needs to function; the other two are lipids (fats) and protein. This doesn't mean your body needs alcohol to function, on the contrary. Drinking alcohol adds nothing to your diet, alcohol calories are just 'empty calories'.

Just how many calories, though? There are a few options that are considered 'low-calorie' drinks, like vodka and diet coke. Although diet coke can be considered free of calories (still pretty bad in every way) a double shot (50 ml) of vodka contains over 100 calories. You would have to run 10 minutes to burn off those calories and that is just one drink.

How about beer? A small bottle (12 oz/355 ml) of Goose Island IPA is 208 calories, twice as much as what's in a double shot vodka plus diet coke combo. And whoever has only one small bottle of beer when they drink? That's right, no one.

Maybe wine? A bottle (750 ml) of Cabernet Sauvignon is just under 600 calories, meaning that two medium glasses (approx. 175 ml) contain around 250-300 calories.

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The best idea, of course, is to keep your alcohol consumption to the minimum. As I mentioned in the 'how to lose weight at home' article, being mindful about your diet and food/drink intake can help. Before you pour yourself another drink, ask yourself: do I want another drink? Am I bored? Is there another task I'm putting off by drinking?

Admittedly, on some occasions, especially during social gatherings, it is pretty challenging to get out of drinking at least some alcohol. When everyone is having beers and wines around you, the social pressure on you to have one too could be immense. Even in these cases, there are ways to reduce consumption.

If you are a wine drinker, have a soda spritzer instead of just a glass of wine. You would still get the sensation of having a wine in a wine glass, but you also drink plenty of water, which dilutes the alcohol and makes it easier for your body to digest it more efficiantly.

If you are more of a beer drinker, see if there are any low calorie/alcohol-free beers in stock. A bottle of alcohol-free Holstein is only 8 calories (!) and there are plenty of low-cal options out there, especially if you live in the US.

And in any case, if you drink a glass of water after you had a drink, your stomach will fill up sooner and you will feel fuller sooner, making you less likely to drink too much alcohol. It also helps with hangovers, too.

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Want to lose weight at home? Theres one thing thats just GOT to go from your lockdown diet - T3

What are muskies eating in Miltona? Local lake part of Minnesota diet study on four major game fish – INFORUM

Posted: April 19, 2020 at 3:41 am

Kamden Glade is a 25-year-old graduate student at Bemidji State University who is in charge of gathering most of the diet data. The Minnesota DNR and Bemidji State University have a contract to complete the project, with Brian Herwig of the Bemidji DNR office and Jeff Reed of the Glenwood office leading the overall research.

The work is scheduled to look at 11 bodies of water in Minnesota. Seven of those lakes hold muskies, but northern pike, largemouth bass and walleyes are also a part of the study that is designed to do a wide-ranging diet overview of some of the states most popular predatory fish and see how the species are co-existing in Minnesota waters.

Were taking diets from muskies, northern pike, walleye and largemouth bass in all the lakes so that were able to compare diets between lakes and between seasons, Glade said. Then we have (four) reference lakes too to see if theres any kind of significant difference in walleye, pike and largemouth bass diets in lakes that do or dont have muskies in them.

Miltona, Little Boy (Longville), Bald Eagle (East Metro), Ten Mile (Hackensack) and South Center (Chisago) Lakes were sampled in 2019 during the spring, summer and fall seasons. Other muskie lakes that are scheduled to be sampled for the study include Bemidji and Shamineau (Little Falls) in 2020 and North Star (Grand Rapids) and Pelican (Fergus Falls) in 2021. Lakes without muskies in the study are Ten Mile, South Center, Grace and Deer (Bemidji).

The COVID-19 pandemic is likely to stop spring sampling in 2020, but Glade said they are hopeful that sampling not done this year could be rescheduled to 2021. The work is scheduled to be completed in the fall of 2021 with final publication of the results following that.

Glade has not analyzed all the numbers from every lake that was sampled in 2019 due to the study being ongoing, but he has taken a hard look at the data from Lake Miltona.

Most of the muskies that are sampled are captured through electrofishing at night. Researchers also looked at the diets of fish on Miltona by going along with crews from the Glenwood Area Fisheries department during netting surveys in 2019.

Kamden Glade watches as a muskie swims free on Lake Miltona after taking a diet sample from the fish in 2019. (Contributed photo)

Diet samples are taken from muskies by placing a small piece of clear tubing through the fishs mouth and into the back of its stomach. Water is then slowly pumped in before pressure builds enough to cause the fish to regurgitate any stomach contents. Some fish sampled had nothing in their stomachs due to not feeding recently.

Overall, we had a 67% full stomach rate on muskies throughout all seasons, which is actually quite a bit better than most of the other studies that Ive seen, Glade said.

From Miltona, 29 muskies were sampled with full stomachs in the spring, compared to two in the summer and 15 in the fall. The contents ranged from easily identifiable species that had just been eaten, down to matter that was nothing more than bones or a small piece of tissue.

Some of those you can identify the species based on the bone structure, Glade said. Beyond that, were working with Dr. Loren Miller from the University of Minnesota and the Minnesota DNR. Hes a geneticist. Hes able to take a little chunk of flesh from a diet and he can do genetic barcoding on that chunk of flesh and tell us what species it was.

The preliminary numbers on Lake Miltona showed that yellow perch made up the largest percentage of the muskies diet by numbers.

Largemouth bass were a fairly important diet item for them as well, Glade said. They had a decent amount of bullheads there, and also some crappie and bluegill. Then white suckers were also important for them.

Yellow perch came out to about 65% of the total diet items by number for Miltona muskies, but that is not the only thing researchers look at when assessing diet studies.

Percentage by mass, the total mass of one prey species divided by the total mass of all prey species present, is also an important factor. Yellow perch made up about 8% of the muskies diet by mass on Lake Miltona.

Thats because muskies will commonly feed on larger prey. One muskrat, one ring-billed gull, 11 northern leopard frogs and two northern pike were found in muskies on Miltona. A couple of bowfin, commonly known as dogfish, were also found.

Theyre not eating extremely frequently, but when they do eat theyre eating some fairly large diet items, Glade said. We had a couple muskies from Miltona that had white suckers in their stomach that were at or over 20 inches in length.

A total of three walleyes were found in muskies on Lake Miltona. That made up less than 1.5% of the muskies diet by number and less than 2% by mass.

Its definitely not like they were targeting walleyes, Glade said. We expected to see some. I was kind of surprised we didnt see more, just based on how often we saw muskies and walleyes in the same areas when we were sampling.

Kamden Glade holds up a Lake Miltona muskie. (Contributed photo)

Researchers for the study are using an overlap metric to analyze how the predator species are competing for limited resources within a lake. That overlap metric is accumulated by looking at each species diet as it relates to percentage by number and by mass.

It gives a number between zero and one. For muskies and walleye, that was about 0.23, so definitely low, Glade said. Anything below 0.4 is considered low overlap. So its definitely looking like at least on Miltona they are not competing for the same resources too much.

Yellow perch are an important prey species for all the game fish, but the low percentage by mass that perch accounted for in the muskies diet made for that low overlap with walleyes.

Northerns surveyed on Miltona had a diet of yellow perch that consisted of almost 70% by number and 40% by mass. Largemouth bass also had nearly 40% by mass of yellow perch, and walleyes relied on perch for their diet at 40% by number and about 60% by mass.

Walleyes, northern and bass exist in the lake at much higher densities. Miltona is managed as a trophy lake for muskies, and fingerlings are stocked at low numbers in order to create better opportunities for fish measuring 50-plus inches.

I havent really analyzed the numbers from a lot of the other lakes, but just from looking at Miltona, there was a lot higher chance of overlap between the other three species than muskies had on any of the other three species, Glade said. For instance, walleye had a relatively high overlap with both pike and largemouth bass. That was a little interesting to see, but not entirely unexpected. The muskies had relatively low overlap with all three of the other species.

Sampling is completed on Lake Miltona, with more lakes left to look at across Minnesota over the next two years. The end result should be some modern research that can help guide management decisions on Minnesota waters.

If there is a significant shift in diets when were stocking muskies, maybe that is something we need to look at a little closer, Glade said. If theres not, that also gives managers important information theyre able to continue stocking or increase stocking and have scientific data to back that up instead of anecdotal observations.

Original post:
What are muskies eating in Miltona? Local lake part of Minnesota diet study on four major game fish - INFORUM

Justin Jefferson: The Real-Life Diet of the LSU Receiver and Likely First-Round NFL Draft Pick – GQ

Posted: April 19, 2020 at 3:41 am

If youre a casual college football fan, then your introduction to LSU wide receiver Justin Jefferson very well may have come during the Peach Bowl on December 28, when the junior caught 14 passes for 227 yards and four touchdowns in the Tigers 63-28 shellacking of the Oklahoma Sooners. Its a crazy stat line, only made crazier when you remember all four touchdowns were in the first half.

Jefferson was a steady hand in the National Championship game as well, catching nine balls for 106 yards as he, Heisman Trophy-winning quarterback Joe Burrow, and Americas favorite head coach Ed Orgeron capped off an undefeated season with a 42-25 victory over the Clemson Tigers.

Now Jefferson is a week away from being selected in the 2020 NFL Draft, almost certainly in the first round. Of course, this years draft, which runs April 23 to April 25, wont resemble prior years. Because of the coronavirus crisis, NFL general managers will be making their picks from their own homes, and incoming rookies like Jefferson will also be hunkered down. (For Jefferson, thats with his family in St. Rose, Louisiana.) As a highly-ranked prospect, Jefferson was sent camera gear by the NFL thatll capture the exact moment he finds out his pro destination.

In the meantime, Jefferson is mixing in receiving drills and whatever weight training he can, while also studying playbooks in order to ace phone interviews with NFL general managers and scouts. Below, Jefferson tells GQ more about this unusual draft prep, what Coach O is like in the weight room, and who would win a game of one-on-one between himself and his LSU teammate Burrow, the presumed top overall pick.

GQ: Whats the at-home draft-day outfit going to be?

Justin Jefferson: I dont know yet. Still thinking about whether I want to be all classy, or if I want to lay back. Itll be a last-minute decision, but Ive got to figure out what to rock.

I imagine its been a busy few weeks for you. Can you walk me through an average day of late?

Its been very weird. Everything has been all over the place. Nothing is really scheduled besides interviews. You go to sleep whenever you can and wake up whenever you wake up. I usually get a breakfast in with eggs and bacon and toast, because Ive been trying to keep this weight on me. I tried to keep weight on at school too, but just with all the running we were doing, and the college schedule we have, I wasnt able to maintain the weight that I wanted to. My parents are cooking for me, so for other meals, Im having chicken on the grill, salmon, beans and rice, lots of protein.

I do an afternoon workout, and its chilling the rest of the day. Im not as much a morning person, so if its on my time, I workout in the afternoons. Ive been cleaning up the little things I need to improve on to be the versatile receiver the coaches want me to be. Ive got a field near my house that Ive been working out on with a couple of high school friends. Its been a combination of football workouts and weight-room workouts. I want to keep this strength on me.

How are you staying mentally sharp, especially given all the draft interviews you have lined up?

Im making sure Im studying and looking over plays at night on my iPad when Im laying down and chilling. As long as Im doing that, Im still being reminded of the formations and maintaining my football smarts. [The NFL general managers] definitely want to see if Im a smart football player. Luckily we had similar concepts at LSU, so its been more so seeing what NFL teams call those concepts, and adjusting from there.

See the original post here:
Justin Jefferson: The Real-Life Diet of the LSU Receiver and Likely First-Round NFL Draft Pick - GQ

High blood pressure – the 50p vegetable to lower your risk of deadly hypertension symptoms – Express

Posted: April 19, 2020 at 3:41 am

High blood pressure is a common condition that affects more than a quarter of all adults in the UK. But, you could lower your risk of developing hypertension by regularly eating celery, it's been claimed.

High blood pressure - which is also known as hypertension - puts extra stress on blood vessels and vital organs.

The condition could lead to some deadly complications, including strokes and heart attacks.

It could be caused by eating an unhealthy diet, or by not doing enough exercise.

But adding more celery to your diet is one of the easiest ways to lower your blood pressure, it's been claimed.

READ MORE: High blood pressure - avoid this in lockdown to reduce risk of high bp

"Celery and celery seed are often overlooked as health-promoting foods, but can help to lower a high blood pressure," she wrote on her website, MyLowerBloodPressure.

"With a high water content, celery stalks are low in calories and have a mild but distinctive flavour due to their unique antioxidant polyphenols.

"This flavour is more pronounced in celery leaves and celery seeds which are also used in Chinese medicine to treat both high blood pressure and stroke.

"Celery seed extracts are available in supplement form, sometimes combined with other beneficial blood pressure lowering herbs such as Montmorency cherry."

Meanwhile, you could also lower your blood pressure by regularly eating avocados, said the nutritionist.

They boost the amount of 'good' HDL cholesterol in the body, which significantly lowers the risk of a heart attack.

Avocados are also rich in vitamin E, potassium and essential fatty acids.

All of these contribute to a lower chance of developing hypertension, she said.

Read the original here:
High blood pressure - the 50p vegetable to lower your risk of deadly hypertension symptoms - Express

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