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Bombing Bremen: Why Most of America’s B-17 Bombers Didn’t Come Home – The National Interest

Posted: April 17, 2020 at 7:51 pm

Bombs Away rang out over the intercom static of the 29 aircraft of the 91st Bomb Group (Heavy). From each olive drab Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress, five 1,000-pound general purpose bombs broke free of their shackles and fell through the open bomb bay doors.

Relieved of the weight, the bombers lurched upward. The high explosives streamed downward onto the Bremen, Germany,Flugzeugbauassembly works of the Focke-Wulf aircraft factory 26,000 feet below. The plant produced about 80 Focke-Wulf FW-190 fighters each month. FW-190s, along with hoards of Messerschmitt Me-109s, were wreaking havoc among heavy bomber formations as they penetrated into German airspace.

Many of the bombs exploded within the factory itself, destroying at least half of the buildings. Others fell on the adjoining airfield and aircraft dispersal areas. The time was 1259 hours, April 17, 1943 and planes of the 91st Bomb Group had been in the air for almost three hours. Thus ended successfully the days work for Uncle Sam. From that point on, the air crews were working for themselves. The crewmens primary objective for the rest of the day was to return safely to their home base at Bassingbourn, East Anglia, England where a party awaited them. Local English girls, the crewmens dates, were already preparing for a night of dancing and general revelry. In a few hours, passion wagons, (trucks) would be heading out to nearby villages to pick up the girls and bring them to the airbase.

The Largest Heavy Bomber Contingent to Date

For the April 17 mission, VIII Bomber Command had launched the largest number of heavy bombers over the continent to date in the war. Of the 115 aircraft put into the air earlier that morning, 107 made it to the target, another record. It was a rough mission, even for this period of the air war over Germany.

Weather over the target was clear, perfect for bombing, putting the Germans on guard as to the possibility of an attack on Bremen. Further, a Luftwaffe reconnaissance plane spotted the American formation while it was still well out over the North Sea. German fighter control was alerted as to the likely target, as well as heading, speed, altitude, and number of bombers in the strike force. A welcoming committee of 150 German fighters awaited the formations as they approached the enemy coast.

This was the 69th combat mission the 91st Group had flown since its first foray over the continent on November 7, 1942. The 91st and the 306th Bomb Groups, comprising the 101st Provisional Combat Wing (PBCW), with the 91st in the lead, were first over the target that day. They were followed by the 305th and 303rd Groups of the 102nd PBCW. The 91st Group put up 32 bombers that morning, the largest force it, too, had mounted to date.

Heading for the Initial Point

The 91st Group lead aircraft, Stupntakit, of the 323rd Squadron, had lifted off at 0956 hours. Other planes followed at approximately 30-second intervals, the last one, No. 399, Man-O-War, leaving the runway at 1008 hours. There was considerable ground haze at Bassingbourn during takeoff, reducing visibility to between one and two miles. In spite of this, the pilots did not experience serious problems in forming up on the group lead and heading for the wing rendezvous with the 306th Group.

Weather conditions over the prescribed route to the target were the best they had been for the past month. Although a general ground haze covered the continent and cloud patches were prevalent at 6,000, 14,000, and 20,000 feet over most of the route, at no place did cloud cover exceed 5/10 density. Still, it required considerable skill and a little luck for the lead navigator, Captain Charles F. Maas, to identify checkpoints along the route.

The flight path took the strike force to the northeast over the North Sea, over the East Frisian Islands, and on to Germany west of Wilhelmshaven and Oldensburg. Checkpoints along the way were Baltrum Island, Edewecht, Ahlhorn, and the IP (Initial Point, beginning of the bomb run) at Wildeshausen. The IP was five minutes from the target. The prescribed rate of climb to bombing altitude while over the North Sea was very fast; the bombers had to move from 6,000 feet to 26,000 feet in 32 minutes.

Two Bombers Turn Back Early

This placed considerable stress on the heavily loaded bombers. Two aircraft encountered problems because of the fast rate of climb.

One 322nd Squadron crew in the Composite Group, Lieutenant McGehee Words Piccadilly Commando, had to return to base. After test firing his .50-caliber left waist machine gun, S/Sgt. Edward A. Murphy lifted the gun back into the aircraft to make adjustments. In doing so, he accidentally hit the trigger, causing the gun to run away inside the fuselage. He shot up the stabilizer, knocked the oxygen system out, and nearly hit the tail gunner, S/Sgt. Marvin E. Dyer. Word turned back at 1230 hours, 15 miles northwest of Baltrum Island.

When the group crossed onto the continent, only 29 of the 32 bombers that left Bassingbourn remained in the strike force. Eight 401st Squadron planes went over the continent, five in the low squadron of the 91st formation and three in the low squadron of the Composite Group.

The Luftwaffe Greeting Party

As the 91st passed over the East Frisian Islands, moderately heavy and accurate flak came up at the formation. None of the 91st Group planes received serious hits. As soon as the bombers passed beyond the range of these antiaircraft guns, German fighters appeared. The fighters did not at first charge into the bomber stream, but gradually picked up the tempo of runs at the bombers until the IP, Wildeshausen, by which time they were mounting vicious attacks on the intruding aircraft. All the while flak continued to come at the strike force from Aurica, Oldenburg, Alhorn, Wildeshausen and of course, Bremen.

Nearly every type of fighter available to the Luftwaffe came at the strike force. Most were Me-109s, but a number of FW-190s also attacked the bombers. Although the majority of the enemy aircraft stormed in on the bombers from between 10 oclock and 2 oclock high, attacks were made from almost every conceivable direction. Many of the passes were made by javelin formations of several enemy aircraft flying in line directly through the bomber formation. Others swarmed at the bombers in groups of three.

Me-110 twin-engine fighters engaged the bombers at a distance of over 1,000 yards, beyond the protective range of the bombers machine guns, firing 20mm and 30mm cannon shells at the planes. Twin-engine Junkers Ju-88s were believed to have dropped aerial bombs into the formation from above. No fewer than 125 single-engine and 25 twin-engine enemy aircraft were estimated to have engaged the strike force.

Captain Maas could not see the IP because of the haze, but rather than diverting to the alternate target, he turned at the time he was supposed to turn on the IP and hoped for the best. He was accurate. Bremen appeared directly ahead, and the bomb run was on course.

The heaviest fighter attacks were experienced at the beginning of the flak barrage at Bremen. Fighters continued coming at the bombers over the target as enemy pilots ignored the exploding flak. It appeared to the bomber crews that the enemy attacks were planned to drive lead elements of the squadrons off the bomb run after the group had been committed, to render the entire bombing inaccurate. Many German pilots pressed their attacks to within 25 yards of the bombers before breaking off. In spite of persistent flak on the run into the target and intensifying fighter attacks on the 91st as the group approached Bremen, all 91st planes that crossed the enemy coast remained in formation over the target.

Despite Damage, Sky Wolf II Makes Its Bombing Run

Just after leaving the IP and beginning the bomb run, Sky Wolf II received flak hits and was attacked head-on by German fighters. The windshields in front of both pilots were shattered. Fighters were queuing up off to the left of the bomber, darting ahead, turning over on their backs, and circling back in head-on attacks. Others were coming in from all positions. Some of the enemy aircraft came so close that 1st Lt. Nicholas Stoffel and co-pilot Captain Robert Foster could see their eyes. Crewmen were literally screaming out directions of incoming fighters over the intercom.

One 20mm shell came through the nose of the plane and exploded in the bulkhead just in front of the pilots legs, severely wounding the bombardier, 2nd Lt. Everet A. Coppage, in the buttocks. A piece of shrapnel went on through the nose compartment and into the flight deck, hitting Foster in the right leg, causing a gaping wound. Stoffel was wounded in the left leg by the exploding shell.

Foster believed his wound to be serious and knew that he would need immediate medical attention. He went down into the nose to bail out, hoping the Germans would find him quickly and get him to a hospital. When he discovered that he did not have his chute on, he returned to the cockpit, removed the chest pack from under his seat, snapped it on, returned to the nose, and bailed out.

After free floating for a short while, Foster pulled the ripcord. It came loose in his hand. He had to pull the parachute canopy out of the pack by hand. While descending, Foster took his oxygen mask hose and tied it around his right leg to slow the blood still flowing from his wound. He landed heavily in a field and lay there, unable to get up because of his injured leg. A group of angry farmers came running at him from one direction and a small open vehicle with military men in it from another. The military won, and he was taken prisoner. Foster was taken to a hospital in Oldenburg, where he remained for almost five months while his leg healed. He was later moved to the center compound at Stalag Luft 3.

Sky Wolf II continued to the target, with Stoffel handling the controls alone. She took more flak hits on the bomb run. The No. 1 engine was set afire while 20mm cannon shells ripped through the rest of the plane. Much of the electrical system was knocked out, and the plane sustained structural damage to the wings and fuselage. Still, Sky Wolf II remained in formation.

All of the Bombs are Dropped

The Composite Group also remained intact to the target. In the confusion of evasive action in response to fighter attacks, Lieutenant William Genheimer and Frisco Jinny moved ahead of Lieutenant Kenneth Wallick in The Old Standby, who ended up flying on Genheimers right wing. As the two aircraft turned on the IP, 20mm cannon fire blasted into the top turret of Frisco Jinny. The gunner, T/Sgt. Roland E. Hale, was hit in the middle of the back and killed instantly. In spite of the damage to Frisco Jinny, the two 322nd Squadron planes continued over the target, dropping with the rest of the formation.

Only two bombers from the entire Strike Force, both from the 306th Group, were lost en route to the target.

Except for Ritzy Blitz of the 324th high squadron of the Composite Group, the 91st bombers dropped all their bombs on the target. Three bombs hung up when the bombardier of Ritzy Blitz, 2nd Lt. R.W. Stephenson, toggled over the target. He eventually was able to salvo the three remaining bombs, causing them to fall on Ochtelbur at 1329 hours on the return leg of the mission.

Flak over the target was intense, the most concentrated barrage the group had encountered on any mission up to that time. The crews had been briefed that morning that there were an estimated 496 antiaircraft batteries around Bremen. This appeared to be an accurate assessment. The guns put up a solid box of exploding 88mm and 105mm shells. The resulting flak formed a massive black cloud of steel shards over the target.

A Nightmarish Trip Home

The trip home proved to be a nightmare for the 401st Squadron. After bombs away, the prescribed route out of Germany started with a 90 degree right turn off the target, heading south into a sweeping right turn just north of Vilsen, angling back over Wildeshausen, and then to Ahlhorn. From there, the bomber stream made a straight-line run out of Germany, passing east of Emden, west of Aurich and to the North Sea over the west end of Juist, one of the Frisian Islands.

The enemy aircraft did not break off their attacks on the 91st until the group had left the enemy coast and was about 40 miles out over the North Sea. At this time, the strike force was picked up by a formation of 12 British Supermarine Spitfire fighters which escorted the bombers back to England. Only two 401st bombers, both from the Composite Group, were still in the air when the strike force was met by the protecting British fighters.

The Crash of Invasion 2nd

While over the target, Invasion 2nd took flak hits and was attacked by German fighters. Three fighters came in head-on at 12 oclock. They shot the front of the No. 2 engine completely off. The left wing and fuselage were also hit, turning the bomber into an inferno. Invasion 2nd was on her way down. The pilot, Captain Oscar ONeill, rang the bail-out bell and called over the intercom for the crew to leave the aircraft.

The ball turret gunner, T/Sgt. Benedict B. Borostowski, came into the fuselage to the partly open waist door. The door was jammed, and the waist gunners, S/Sgts. William B. King and Eldon R. Lapp, were sitting in front of the door, unable to squeeze out. Borostowski stepped up, put a foot between the shoulders of the two men, and one at a time, pushed them through the narrow opening. The others in the rear of the aircraft had already left. The tail gunner, S/Sgt. Aaron S. Youell, dropped through his tail escape hatch. The radio operator, S/Sgt. Charles J. Melchiondo, and the flight engineer, T/Sgt. Harry Goldstein, went out through the bomb bay.

There was no one left to push Borostowski out, so he went to the tail escape hatch and dropped out. The rest of the crew, including ONeill and the co-pilot, 1st Lt. Robert W. Freihofer, bailed out through the nose hatch. The bombardier, Captain Edwin R. Bush, detached the Norden bombsight and tossed it out the escape hatch before following the navigator, Captain Edwin M. Carmichael, through the opening.

Invasion 2nd crash-landed in an almost perfect landing on the ground near Oldenburg. Five planes were left in the low squadron.

Hellsapoppin Goes Down

The next 401st low squadron plane to go down was Hellsapoppin. Three or four minutes after the target was hit, there was a very hard jolt under the left side of the plane, close to the fuselage. An antiaircraft shell had exploded just under Hellsapoppin.

Flak ripped into the left side of the aircraft, tearing off chunks of metal from the fuselage and throwing them through the interior of the plane. At the same time, a three-foot section of the right wingtip was blown off by a flak burst. A one-and-one-half-foot hole appeared in the nose compartment, and all the nose window plexiglass blew out. There was fire in the left wing and nose compartment. The radio room became engulfed in fire from broken oxygen lines.

The pilot, Lieutenant John Wilson, was wounded in the head, and the co-pilot, 1st Lt. Arthur A. Bushnell, was hit in the right eye, both legs, the left arm, and the right hand by flying aluminum. In the nose, bombardier, 1st Lt. Harold Romm was hit in the left leg by flak. Earlier, before arriving over the target, Romm had been hit in the same leg by a machine-gun bullet during an attack by an FW-190.

In the top turret, the flight engineer, T/Sgt. Norman L. Thompson, felt a jolt and saw the left wing on fire. He had just seen a fighter off the left wing going after a plane below and was afraid it would come back up at Hellsapoppin. The enemy fighter was about 15 feet too low for Thompson to deflect his top turret guns to get off a burst.

Since the intercom was shot out, Thompson was not certain what was happening to the plane. He stepped down from the turret and went into the cockpit. There he saw both pilots with their oxygen masks off and blood pouring from under their helmets. He assumed both were dead. Thompson had not heard any firing from the gunners since Hellsapoppin had left the target. He figured they either had been killed by the flak and fighters or were too seriously injured to move. From the intensity of the fire he knew Hellsapoppin could explode at any second.

Thompson took a final glance at the instruments to ensure that the plane was still in level flight. He went back to the bomb bay and opened the doors. After checking below and seeing there was no plane under him, he dropped out.

Almost immediately after Thompson bailed out, the plane broke in two at the radio room. Four others, Bushnell, Barton, Romm, and the radio operator, T/Sgt. Howard A. Earney, were wounded but managed to escape the plane. The rest of the crew remained trapped in the falling aircraft. Hellsapoppin crashed 20 miles south of Bremen. Four planes were left in the low squadron.

The Demise of Thunderbird

Thunderbird also was hit hard by flak over the target and limped along only a few minutes longer than did Hellsapoppin. Apparently, Thunderbird took two direct hits on the No. 3 and 4 engines. The right wing was immediately set ablaze by burning oil. There was also fire in the radio room and bomb bay. The pilot, Lieutenant Harold Beasley, hit the fire extinguisher switch. Nothing.

The ball turret gunner, S/Sgt. James L. Branch, looked up at all the fire and knew Thunderbird was in serious trouble. He figured it was time to get out. Branch had been hit in the corner of one eye by a piece of shrapnel, and blood covered the eye. He called Beasley over the intercom and asked to come into the fuselage.

After getting out of the turret, Branch grabbed a fire extinguisher and went to work in the radio room and bomb bay but could not extinguish the fires. Beasley rang the bail-out bell and then asked Branch to go to the rear of the plane to see if everyone was out. Branch saw that the tail gunner, S/Sgt. Johnnie Cagle, had bailed out through the tail hatch. He then told the waist gunners to jump from the waist hatch and told the radio operator, T/Sgt. Jay M. Franklin, to get your ass back there and bail out.

Franklin started back but passed out in the door of the radio compartment, apparently from lack of oxygen. Branch and the right waist gunner, S/Sgt. Everett L. Creason, picked him up and threw him out, assuming he would come to and open his chute when he fell to where oxygen was adequate. He did. Creason bailed out, and Branch called up to the pilot to tell him everyone else was out and he was leaving. After exiting the aircraft, Branch opened his chute and looked up. He saw Thunderbird rise up on its back, turn on it nose, and go straight into the ground.

While all this was going on in the rear of the aircraft, the flight engineer, T/Sgt. Mark L. Schaefer, came down from the top turret and stood behind the pilot and co-pilot to assist them in getting control of the aircraft. He saw Beasley push the control column all the way forward and then pull it all the way back. No response! The controls were shot out. Beasley and the co-pilot, Lieutenant Walter McCain, were getting ready to get out of their seats and snap on their chutes as Schaefer went down to the nose hatch and bailed out.

As the action had begun to develop, the bombardier, 2nd Lt. Mathew Michaels, who was on his first mission, saw puffs of black smoke around the aircraft. He thought to himself, This must be what they had told us about. Just then Thunderbird took direct flak hits in the right wing. Beasley hit the bail-out bell, which Michaels mistakenly took to be only a warning. While Michaels was waiting for the second bail-out bell to ring, the navigator, 1st Lt. Harry D. Sipe, headed for the nose hatch and bailed out. At that time a fighter appeared alongside the bomber. Lt Michaels fired at him with the side gun, but missed.

Thunderbird started spinning downward. A case of .50-caliber machine-gun ammunition pinned Michaels to the top of the nose compartment. He heard glass breaking as his head crunched against one of the windows. A fighter came head-on at Thunderbird, blowing away part of the nose with 20mm cannon fire. The next thing Michaels knew, he was floating free of the plane. Either he had been blown out the nose when the 20mm cannon shells hit or was stunned by the explosion and did not remember going out the nose hatch. He was still fairly high up and pulled his ripcord in time to float safely to the ground.

Beasley and McCain must have been locked into the plane as it nosed over and dived downward. Their bodies were discovered by the Germans in the wreckage of Thunderbird, which crashed about 20 miles southwest of Bremen. Three planes were left in the low squadron.

Sky Wolf II Finally Succumbs

Although Sky Wolf II had been hit hard on the bomb run and the No. 1 engine was on fire, Stoffel kept her in position over the target. The bombardier, Coppage, toggled the bombs with the rest of the squadron. As soon as the group turned off the target and was just beyond the edge of the flak barrage, more enemy aircraft jumped Sky Wolf II. Another 20mm shell hit the nose, throwing plexiglass into Coppages face, causing severe wounds. The navigator, 1st Lt. John F. Segrest, Jr., who had also suffered wounds in both legs and his shoulder, told Coppage he needed immediate medical attention and helped him out the nose hatch. Although alive when he left the aircraft, Coppage did not survive.

Segrest then went into the cockpit to help Stoffel fly the plane. They flew along for about five minutes when more fighters came at them. Sky Wolf II took a direct 20mm hit that knocked out all the controls. Stoffel pushed the bail-out bell and said to Segrest, Lets go. Both officers went down to the nose hatch and bailed out.

The electrical system to the ball turret was inactive, and the gunner, Sergeant Carl H. Quist, could not rotate around to get out. He remained trapped in the falling aircraft. The tail gunner, Sergeant Mathew C. Medina, had not been heard over the intercom for some time. He apparently was either dead or so badly injured that he could not bail out. Medina also went down with Sky Wolf II, which crashed 10 miles south of Aurich, in Ostfriesland, Germany. Two planes were left in the low squadron.

Just Two Planes Left in the Low Squadron

Rain of Terror was hit by flak as well as by Me-109s and FW-190s over the target, setting the aircraft afire. The bombs had just dropped when more flak hit the aircraft. The bomb bay doors were still open. The pilot, Lieutenant Robert Walker, managed to keep the plane with the formation in spite of the fire. On the way to the coast, a fighter made a pass over the top of the bomber, wounding the top turret gunner, T/Sgt. Robert F. Flanagan. The tail gunner, S/Sgt. Nick Sandoff, was most likely killed during this attack. The radio operator, T/Sgt. Gust E. Collias, saw him slumped over in the tail.

As Rain of Terror continued toward the North Sea, the fires became more intense, and Walker could no longer keep her in the air. The aft crew bailed out, Collias going out through the bomb bay. He did not see the left waist gunner, S/Sgt. Donald J. Snell, in the plane when he bailed out. He assumed Snell, who did not survive, had already gone out the waist door. The ball turret gunner, S/Sgt. Raymond C. Ottman, came up from the turret and went out the waist hatch. He had been hit in the buttocks and back during the fighter attacks.

The togglier, a Sergeant Zedoneck, and the navigator, 1st Lt. Roy W. Scott, bailed out the nose hatch. Zedonek landed in a tree, severely straining his back. German farmers spotted him and turned him over to the military. Scott fell softly to the ground about two miles southwest of Bremen. As Rain of Terror continued losing altitude, the pilot and co-pilot finally made a crash-landing on the coast of the North Sea. They both became POWs.

All 401st planes were now gone from the low squadron. Only the 323rd Groups spare aircraft, No. 399, Man-O-War, flown by the 92nd Bomb Group crew, was left. Pilot Lieutenant Lowell Walker formed up with another squadron for protection. The low squadron was no more.

Short Snorter III Goes Down at Sea

In the Composite Group, No. 337, Short Snorter III, made it through the flak over the target without being hit. On the way out to the coast, she was attacked by fighters which inflicted heavy damage on the aircraft. Still, Short Snorter III remained in formation. At 1326 hours, as the aircraft passed three miles east of Emden, Short Snorter III took direct flak hits that knocked out the No. 3 engine and set the No. 4 engine afire. The pilot, Lieutenant Nathan Lindsey, feathered the No. 3 engine. Almost immediately afterward, another antiaircraft shell burst into the cockpit, killing both Lindsey and the co-pilot, 2nd Lt. George Slivkoff. More flak hits smashed into the aircraft. Short Snorter III began slowly circling downward.

The bombardier, 2nd Lt. Albert Dobsa, was hit in the stomach by one of the flak bursts. The navigator, 2nd Lt. Rocco J. Maiorca, was uninjured. Dobsa, sensing the plane was out of control, went to the cockpit to see what was wrong. He saw both pilots dead in their seats. He looked back into the fuselage and saw crewmen lying on the floor, also apparently dead.

Dobsa knew it was time to bail out and went back into the nose. Maiorca was standing above the nose hatch, hesitating to jump. Dobsa pushed him out the hatch and dropped through after him. Dobsa came down in the shallow water near a beach in the Frisian Islands where he was immediately captured by German troops. Maiorca drifted about a mile out to the sea off the Islands and swam ashore. He was in the water for three hours before he was taken captive.

Short Snorter III went on out to sea where she crashed, taking the rest of the crew with her to a cold, watery grave. Only two of the seven 401st planes, Nos. 484 (Bad Egg) and 437 (Franks Nightmare) were still flying. Franks Nightmare had only six bullet holes in the right stabilizer, and the pilot, Lieutenant Donald Frank, landed her at 1556 hours. Bad Egg had one of her tail guns disabled by a flak burst and several holes in the fuselage. She touched down at Bassingbourn at 1615 hours.

The Heavy Toll on the 91st

Of the 21 returning aircraft in the other three squadrons, three sustained heavy damage. The top turret of No. 497 (Frisco Jinny) was blown out by the 20mm shell that killed Sergeant Hale. The other two bombers with major damage were from the 323rd Squadron. Number 77 (Delta Rebel No. 2) was hit hard; a 20mm shell had exploded in the nose, knocking out most of the glass, damaging the Norden bombsight, and wounding the bombardier, 1st Lt. Robert G. Abb, in the hand. The No. 1 engine was also hit. Number 475 Stric-Nine, flown by 1st Lt. Homer C. Briggs, Jr., was raked by 20mm cannon fire as she came off the target. The No. 4 engine and the oxygen system on the planes left side were shot out. Stric-Nine landed at Hethel to refuel before going on to Bassingbourn.

The remaining 91st planes returned safely to England. The last plane in formation going straight on to Bassingbourn, No. 481 (Hells Angels) of the 322nd, touched down at 1636 hours. The sky was clear of bombers. The 401st ground crews milled around with looks of disbelief on their faces. Only three of the nine squadron planes that had taken off six and a half hours earlier were now sitting on their hardstands. One of these had aborted over the English Channel and did not make the run.

Fifty 401st crewmen, along with 10 men of the 92nd Group flying in the 401st Squadron, were missing. Eventually, it would be learned that a total of 32 had been killed and 28 survived to become POWs. While accustomed to losses, so many on one mission and all from one squadron had a demoralizing effect on all crewmen of the 91st Bomb Group, flight and ground alike.

Morale was no better over in the 306th Bomb Group at Thurleigh. Ten of the two dozen planes the group had put in the air were shot down. Five of the six planes in the high squadron and three of four in the low squadron were lost. Thirty-four crewmen were killed, and 66 became POWs. Planes of the 369th Squadron of the 306th, flying in the Composite Group, were hit hard by flak and fighters, but none of these bombers went down. During the May 17, 1943, mission to Bremen, 16 of the 107 bombers that reached the target were lost, all from the 91st and 306th Bomb Groups.

Of the 233 91st Group crewmen who returned to Bassingbourn from Germany that day, 42 were later killed in action, while 31 others became POWs. The casualty rate among them was 31.3 percent.

Bleak Future for the Surviving Planes of the 91st

The future for the surviving planes of the 91st Group was even bleaker. Eighteen of the 23 returning B-17s were shot down within a few months. Three were so badly damaged that they were placed in salvage and cannibalized for spare parts. One was declared unfit for combat and transferred to the Aphrodite program to be filled with explosives and sent as a flying bomb to attack the V-1 buzz bomb site at Mimoyecques, France. The plane was blown to bits and missed her target. A total of 80 crewmen flying on the last missions of these bombers were killed in action, and 92 became prisoners of war. Another 19 crewmen were shot down but evaded capture.

Hollywood movie director William Wyler had been at Bassingbourn for several weeks filming combat action for a documentary dealing with VIII Bomber Command. His intention was to base the documentary on the plane and crew to complete 25 missions, the required number for a return Stateside. The Army planned to have the crew fly its plane back to the States for a public relations tour to encourage sales of war bonds. The plane Wyler had selected and had been filming was Invasion 2nd, but the crew and Captain Oscar D. ONeill were lost on the pilots 24th mission.

With the loss of Invasion 2nd and Captain ONeills crew, Wyler had to select another plane and crew. He picked No. 485, Memphis Belle, and Captain Robert K. Morgans crew from the 324th Squadron. Memphis Belle flew her final mission on May 19, with 1st Lt. Clayton L. Andersons crew. Captain Morgans crew had completed its 25th mission two days earlier.

Memphis Belle was ordered to return to the U.S., and Captain Morgan and his crew departed with her on June 13. Memphis Belle was the only plane that flew the May 17 mission to Bremen to survive the war. She was also one of the very few B-17s that flew combat to escape the recycler after the war. Memphis Belle eventually came to reside on public display in Memphis, Tenn.

The party scheduled for the evening of May 17 went on as scheduled. Approximately 200 officers and 150 service and civilian guests congregated in No. 1 Mess. The events of the day cast an ominous gloom over the evening, the sense of despair heightened by the presence of girls whose dates were among the missing. A few found other escorts, but most simply stood around watching the dancing until the trucks took them back to their villages.

Late in the evening, many of the officers who had indulged too freely of the alcohol became unruly, creating a considerable disturbance. This behavior was understandable, given the pent-up frustration of losing so many friends and knowing that very likely they would be next. Eventually order was restored, the men retired to their billets, and the girls returned to their homes.

There would be other bad missions, other parties, other dates, and other missing escorts. The losses went on, the parties went on, the war went on. There were 271 missions yet to be flown.

Lowell L. Getz is professor emeritus of ecology, ethology, and evolution at the University of Illinois. He is also a retired U.S. Army colonel.

See the article here:
Bombing Bremen: Why Most of America's B-17 Bombers Didn't Come Home - The National Interest

Opinion: No good answer on how long college football players will need to safely start season – Courier Journal

Posted: April 17, 2020 at 7:51 pm

SportsPulse: USA TODAY Sports' Steve Gardner discusses the story of Myron Rolle, a college football standout who is now battling on the front lines in the fight against coronavirus. USA TODAY

As one of the most successful coaches in the history of DivisionIII college football, Lance Leipold rarely had players on campus at Wisconsin-Whitewater working out during the summer. Maybe a few would pop in for a weekend or to help out with a summer camp. But if 10 stayed in town for the offseason, it was unusual.

To have a team fully stay and have a regular program? said Leipold, who won six NCAA championships in eight years. Not once.

Things are different now for Leipold, who has been at Buffalo the past five seasons. Even for a team in the Mid-American Conference, there is no offseason in the Football Bowl Subdivision, where the cycle of postseason drills, spring football and summer conditioning leading into fall camp never stops.

Except during the time of COVID-19.

SUNY Buffalo head coach Lance Leipold(Photo: Gene J. Puskar, AP)

This indefinite interruption to the way major-college football programs operate has raised a significant question to which there remains broad disagreement across the sport.

When its finally safe to bring football players back to campus for regular training, how long would they need before it's safe to start a season?

We have to get football right, Dr. Brian Hainline, the NCAAs chief medical officer, said in a webinar late last week. Football is an aggressive, rugged contact sport, so we need to be certain players are really well prepared because we dont want to see all the sudden a number of musculoskeletal injuries or overuse injuries because we brought players back too quickly.

The problem is, theres no right answer to how long that will take because theres never really been a situation like this one.

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Penn State athletic director Sandy Barbour drew raised eyebrows this month when she mentioned on a call with reporters that its staff was looking at a 60-day runway between the arrival of athletes on campus and the start of the season.

Thats would be a significant length of time, since it would mean college football programs starting their normal operations back up by July 1.

Weve relied on our sports science folks, strength and conditioning, our head team physician, to really look at this from a health and safety standpoint, Barbour said. And we believe given the amount of time that training has been for football, we think that 60-day window is about right.

Others disagree. While there is broad agreement that programs will need some type of window before the typical football-focused fall camp to get players up to speed given that nearly all of them are limited in their capacity to work out at home, whether that encompasses weeks or two months is little more than an educated guess.

Im not sure theres a science-based answer, said Amy Hollingworth, director of the Safe Sports Network at the New Hampshire Musculoskeletal Institute. There arent a lot of corners you can cut so I think thats going to be an issue. As much as players can still prepare themselves (at home), they cant do some of the physical and contact work that they need to do that is used in the preseason. Shortening the preseason would be potentially detrimental to the players and increase their injuries.

But theres no playbook for any of this.

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There are three key components driving some of the angst around this issue.

First is that even in the best-case scenario, coaches expect that players are going to struggle staying in optimal shape while at home under social distancing rules. Schools can supply players with workout programs and simple equipment like resistance bands, but its not the same as going in at 7 every morning to a world-class weight room with highly qualified trainers.

Theres also a significant inequity with nutrition, which schools can try to address by shipping boxed meals or protein shakes. But the concern is that many players from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds are not getting the type or amount of food that they need to maintain their bodies.

And finally, assuming players come back in July or August, trying to practice in the heat of summer when they arent in optimal shape is a recipe for disaster given what we now about the risks of heat stroke.

Heat acclimatization is one of the big changes that has happened in football in particular, and that period seems like it might need to be also lengthened, Hollingworth said.

While some coaches have said they feel as if they could get their team ready to play in roughly a month, the likelihood is that a plan to bring football back would fall somewhere in the range of six weeks.

But that decision will ultimately have to be made by the NCAA, which has convened a COVID-19 advisory panel led by Hainline, several other physicians and four athlete liaisons.

The six-week time frame lines up with what Ohio State coach Ryan Day mentioned as a starting point in a call with reporters Wednesday, meaning a mid-July return to campus would be enough to start the season on time if programs got an all-clear to begin preparations.

American Athletic Conference Commissioner Mike Aresco said the working group it hasformed within the league to address this issue led by Cincinnatis Luke Fickell and Memphis Ryan Silverfield has even broken down what each week would look like during a six-week ramp up and submitted it as feedback to the NCAA.

Still, is six weeks too much? Not enough? Nobody really knows the answer, and the only way you might find out it wasnt enough is if teams get into practice and start having more injuries than normal.

I wont put a young man on a playing field and ask him to compete unless he has had the opportunity to be properly conditioned and trained to play this game at the highest level, Notre Dame coach Brian Kelly said. Again, I think Ive made it pretty clear in talking to our training staff and our strength and conditioning staff were going to need a proper amount of training necessary from a safety standpoint to play this game. Its not going to be just a few days, its not going to be a week;minimally three or four weeks to prepare our team.

What everyone agrees on, though, is that its going to have an impact on the product. Coaches mighthave to apportion more time on conditioning than on football, even after the traditional fall practice starts. They might have to limit their playbooks in some way. Inevitably, some players are going to come back in better shape than others.

But coaches like Leipold, who came from a level of football where year-round practice didnt really expect,will be nimble enough to figure it out.

At Whitewater, wed have a conditioning test and a lifting test and get a barometer of where theyre at and work accordingly for those who didnt pass it, and you just have to find a way to get them caught up and be really smart about it, Leipold said. But everybody should be in the same boat as far as a starting date, and as long as that part is consistent I think everybody has a chance to get their teams ready. Will it be the same in the in-depth of what you might have normally? Probably not. But whatever the parameters are, everyone will be excited and we'll get them ready to play.


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Go here to read the rest:
Opinion: No good answer on how long college football players will need to safely start season - Courier Journal

Is Any Weight-Loss Diet Plan Better Than the Rest? – Muscle & Fitness

Posted: April 17, 2020 at 7:50 pm

When it comes to choosing a weight-loss dietto follow, things arent always clear-cut. From Atkins to Mediterranean or DASH, there are so many options promising fast results that it can be difficult to decide which is best for you. But as it turns out, it probably doesnt matter which diet you follow if your goal is to kickstart weight loss.

In a new study published in The BMJ, researchers separated 14 popular diets like Weight Watchers, South Beach, and Atkins into three groups: low-carb, low-fat, and moderate-macronutrient. They looked at the results of 121 randomized trialsa total of 21,942 people following the various diet plansto find out which are the most effective for weight loss and overall health.

Compared to people who werent given any specific diet instructions to follow, those who followed any of the low-carb or low-fat diet plans had similar weight-loss results (about 8-11 pounds) and better blood pressure after six months. People on moderate-macronutrient diets still saw improvements, just slightly less.

The bad news is that by the time the one-year mark came around, the weight-loss and cardiovascular effects of the diets had all but disappearedexcept in the case of the the Mediterranean diet, which was also the only one that significantly lowered LDL cholesterol (the bad one) levels.

Each diet plan had slightly different results, but there was no clear winner in the end as far as this studys authors are concerned. So instead of stressing over choosing a diet that will help you lose the most weight, they suggest going for the strategy that sounds most appealing to you, according to a release.

Considering the way most of the benefits all but came to a halt by just a year later, the most important aspect may be deciding on a strategy to maintain any weight loss and health improvements that come from following a weight-loss diet plan.

Their advice is to take it easy on the sugar, salt and alcohol and eat more vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. Hopefully, youre not shocked by this information. If this is news to you, it may be best to just clean out your fridge and start repopulating it with some healthier ingredients.

Follow this link:
Is Any Weight-Loss Diet Plan Better Than the Rest? - Muscle & Fitness

The 4 Intermittent Fasting Methods We Know Actually Work – Sporteluxe

Posted: April 17, 2020 at 7:50 pm

Intermittent fasting has fast become a super popular health trend. The diet is said to cause weight loss, improve metabolic health, and perhaps even extend lifespan and heart health. Several methods of this eating pattern exist. Every method can be effective, but figuring out which one works best depends on the individual. According to the Harvard Health Blog, as a weight-loss method has been around in various forms for ages but it was highly popularized in 2012 by BBC broadcast journalist Dr. Michael Mosleys TV documentaryEat Fast, Live Longerand bookThe Fast Diet, followed by journalist Kate Harrisons bookThe 5:2 Dietbased on her own experience, and subsequently by Dr. Jason Fungs 2016 bestsellerThe Obesity Code. IF generated a steady positive buzz as anecdotes of its effectiveness proliferated.

According to the Harvard Health Blog, The food we eat is broken down by enzymes in our gut and eventually ends up as molecules in our bloodstream. Carbohydrates, particularly sugars and refined grains (think white flours and rice), are quickly broken down into sugar, which our cells use for energy. If our cells dont use it all, we store it in our fat cells as, well, fat. But sugar can only enter our cells with insulin, a hormone made in the pancreas. Insulin brings the sugar into the fat cells and keeps it there.

Basically as long as we do not snack, our levels of insulin go down and our fat cells release, and we burn this off as energy. You can go this often enough and for long enough that you burn off all of your fat. Please keep reading to find out how to do intermittent fasting.

Image: Gardie Design & Social Media Marketing via Unsplash

According to Healthline, the 16/8 methodinvolves fasting every day for 1416 hours and restricting your daily eating window to 810 hours.mWithin the eating window, you can fit in two, three, or more meals. Doing this method of fasting can actually be as simple as not eating anything after dinner and skipping breakfast. You can drink water,coffee, and other zero-calorie beverages during the fast, which can help reduce feelings of hunger. Its very important to primarily eat healthy foods during your eating window. This method wont work if you eat lots of junk food or an excessive number of calories. Is this how to do intermittent fasting? Maybe this method is for you.

The5:2 dietinvolves eating normally 5 days of the week while restricting your calorie intake to 500600 for 2 days of the week. This diet is also called the Fast Diet and was popularized by British journalist Michael Mosley. For example, you might eat normally every day of the week except Mondays and Thursdays. For those two days, you eat 2 small meals of 250 calories each for women and 300 calories each for men.

Eat Stop Eat involves a 24-hour fast once or twice per week. This method was popularized by fitness expert Brad Pilon and has been quite popular for a few years. By fasting from dinner one day to dinner the next day, this amounts to a full 24-hour fast. For example, if you finish dinner at 7 p.m. Monday and dont eat until dinner at 7 p.m. the next day, youve completed a full 24-hour fast. You can also fast from breakfast to breakfast or lunch to lunch the end result is the same. Water, coffee, and other zero-calorie beverages are allowed during the fast, but no solid foods are permitted.

If youre doing this to lose weight, its very important that you eat normally during the eating periods. In other words, you should eat the same amount of food as if you hadnt been fasting at all. The potential downside of this method is that a full 24-hour fast may be fairly difficult for many people. However, you dont need to go all-in right away. Its fine to start with 1416 hours, then move upward from there.

In alternate-day fasting, you fast every other day. There are several different versions of this method. Some of them allow about 500 calories during the fasting days. Many of the test-tube studies showing the health benefits of intermittent fasting used some version of this method. A full fast every other day can seem rather extreme, so its not recommended for beginners.

Visit link:
The 4 Intermittent Fasting Methods We Know Actually Work - Sporteluxe

What Are Meal-Replacement Shakes And Should Anyone Be Using Them? – Coach

Posted: April 17, 2020 at 7:50 pm

If youre looking to lose weight in a hurry, meal-replacement shakes can look like a very tempting option. These shakes aim to provide the nutrition you need in a convenient, low-calorie drink, so you dont have to go into great detail with a diet plan or learn a load of new recipes to make healthier meals.

However, that doesnt mean they are a good idea or will even be effective. When we asked dietitian Anna Daniels, speaking on behalf of the British Dietetic Association, about them, she warned that meal-replacement shakes were not something shed normally recommend.

Meal-replacement shakes are basically a liquid that can be drunk in place of a meal.

It is not normally something that I recommend, certainly not for weight loss. If someone is wanting to lose weight, looking at their whole diet and lifestyle and making smaller, longer-term changes would be a better approach for long-term weight management. The risk with a meal-replacement shake is that they tend to be a shorter-term approach, and taking up this kind of diet mindset often wont work in the long term. However, it does depend on the individual and in some cases it can be a useful tool to kick-start a plan.

There really is no need to use shakes if you can properly plan your meals and create meals with fewer calories or better nutrition. However, they may be useful for someone who is time-poor and cant plan meals and create lower-calorie versions. That is when a meal replacement can be an easy and fast way of getting in nutrients and ensuring that you are receiving the ideal energy requirements for your individual needs.

You can find these shakes at many health food shops or online sites. However, they dont all have the adequate and balanced nutrients of a nutritious meal, so its important to choose the right one for your needs.

Some weight-loss shakes can also be high in added sugar, so be sure to read the labels, choosing nutritionally complete shakes where possible.

For someone who, in the short term, just wants to replace one meal per day with a light 200-calorie shake, it wouldnt be so imperative that the shake is nutritionally complete. However, if you want to replace more meals [which, again, isnt something Daniels normally recommends], then ensuring the shake provides adequate nutrients, vitamins and minerals along with fibre is essential.

More here:
What Are Meal-Replacement Shakes And Should Anyone Be Using Them? - Coach

Cauliflower Rice: Calories and Nutrition Facts – Healthline

Posted: April 17, 2020 at 7:49 pm

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Cauliflower rice is a popular low carb substitute for rice thats made by shredding or grating fresh cauliflower.

The resulting product not only packs vitamins and minerals but also has the look and feel of rice at a fraction of the calories and carbs. It can be eaten raw or cooked.

This article tells you everything you need to know about cauliflower rice, including its nutrition facts and how to make it.

At 25 calories per cup (107 grams) both raw and cooked cauliflower rice provides just 1020% of the calories youd expect from the same quantity of cooked rice. Its also particularly hydrating, as water comprises over 90% of its weight (1, 2, 3).

Research links low calorie, water-dense foods like cauliflower to weight loss, as they may reduce hunger and boost feelings of fullness. Both of these factors may reduce your calorie intake (4).

In addition, cauliflower rice is low in carbs. It provides only 3 grams of net carbs per cup (107 grams) 18 times fewer carbs than the same quantity of rice (1, 2, 3).

The term net carbs measures the number of carbs your body ends up digesting. Its calculated by subtracting a foods grams of fiber from its total carbs.

While carbs are one of your bodys primary sources of energy, many people follow low carb diets like the ketogenic diet to try to lose weight. As such, cauliflower rice could be particularly helpful for people looking to slash their carb intake.

Compared with regular rice, cauliflower rice is especially low in calories and carbs. This makes it a popular choice for people trying to lose weight or watch their carb intake.

Cauliflower rice is rich in nutrients and beneficial plant compounds. One raw cup (107 grams) contains (2):

The fiber in cauliflower rice helps feed the healthy bacteria in your gut, reducing inflammation and promoting digestive health (5).

Studies link fiber-rich veggies like cauliflower to a lower risk of illnesses, such as type 2 diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Fiber also promotes feelings of fullness, which may aid weight loss (4, 6, 7).

In addition, cauliflower is one of the best plant sources of choline a nutrient crucial for your heart, liver, brain, and nervous system (8).

Moreover, like other cruciferous vegetables, its rich in glucosinolate and isothiocyanate antioxidants, which fight inflammation and may even slow cancer cell growth (9, 10, 11, 12).

Its other antioxidants, including vitamin C, flavonoids, and carotenoids, may reduce your risk of illnesses like heart disease (9, 13, 14, 15).

Cauliflower rice is a good source of fiber, choline, and various antioxidants. Its particularly rich in vitamin C.

Cauliflower rice is easy to make.

Start by washing and drying a head of cauliflower thoroughly before removing the greens. Then cut the head into four large chunks and grate each of them individually with a box grater.

The medium-sized holes commonly used to grate cheese tend to yield pieces that best imitate the texture of cooked rice.

Alternatively, you can use the grater attachment on a food processor, or the pulse setting on a high-speed blender to shred your cauliflower more quickly. Just keep in mind that these techniques may make a final product thats slightly less fluffy.

Once shredded, remove excess moisture from the rice by pressing it into an absorbent dishtowel or large paper towel. This helps prevent sogginess.

Cauliflower rice is best eaten fresh. While it can be refrigerated for up to 5 days, it may develop an unpleasant sulfur smell.

Cooking and freezing it immediately can limit this odor. Cauliflower rice can be safely frozen for up to 12 months (16).

Cauliflower rice makes a versatile addition to many dishes.

You can eat it raw or saut it in a large skillet. To do so, heat a small amount of oil over medium heat, add the cauliflower rice and spices of your choice, and cover with a lid. You dont need to add water, as this veggie is already water rich.

Cook for 58 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the grains become slightly tender.

Cauliflower rice is an excellent substitute for rice and other grains in dishes like fried rice, risotto, tabouleh, rice salad, stuffed vegetables, sushi, rice fritters, and stir-fries. You can also add it to burrito bowls, soups, and casseroles.

For a unique twist, try adding cauliflower rice to smoothies or use it to make porridge or pizza crust.

To make cauliflower rice, simply grate or shred raw cauliflower with a grater or food processor. Though its best eaten fresh, you can also refrigerate or freeze it. It makes a great alternative to rice and other grains in a variety of dishes.

Store-bought cauliflower rice is a quick substitute for the homemade version. Its particularly convenient when youre in a rush or when fresh cauliflower isnt available.

Keep in mind that fresh vegetables start losing some of their nutrient content once cut. Hence, fresh cauliflower rice likely packs slightly more nutrients than store-bought versions (17).

Freezing may limit these nutrient losses though the overall difference between refrigerated and frozen versions is probably negligible (18).

Keep in mind that store-bought versions may vary slightly in taste and texture compared with homemade cauliflower rice.

Shop for cauliflower rice online.

Store-bought cauliflower rice may save you a bit of time in the kitchen. Although frozen varieties may retain slightly more nutrients than refrigerated versions, both options are generally just as nutritious as homemade versions.

Cauliflower rice is a nutritious alternative to rice thats low in calories and carbs.

It may even provide a number of benefits, such as boosting weight loss, fighting inflammation, and even protecting against certain illnesses. Whats more, its simple to make and can be eaten raw or cooked.

The next time youre thinking about cooking rice, consider grating whole cauliflower instead.

Excerpt from:
Cauliflower Rice: Calories and Nutrition Facts - Healthline

Trans men who have been on testosterone can still be fertile – LGBTQ Nation

Posted: April 16, 2020 at 11:46 pm

Freddy McConnell is a transgender man whose pregnancy was the subject of the film "Seahorse."Photo: Manuel Vazquez for "Seahorse"/Promotional image

A recent study from a fertility clinic in Massachusetts has found that transgender men who stop taking testosterone (T) had similar egg yields to cisgender women.

Boston IVF is a fertility clinic and research center, and they decided to look at years of data they had collected to see if T had a permanent effect on fertility, even after a transgender man stops taking it.

Related: How a transgender dad won the right to be the legal father of the child he carried

They found that about half of transgender men who wanted to become pregnant were undergoing hormone replacement therapy (HRT) before they tried to get pregnant. Those who were taking it stopped on average four months before undergoing ovarian stimulation cycles as part of an in-vitro fertilization process.

And they had similar egg yields to cisgender women who never took testosterone.

The landmark study involved data from 25 transgender men.

The numbers were very small, but it was very reassuring that even though these transgender men had taken testosterone, when they stopped it and were treated, they responded well and we had good outcomes, Boston IVF Medical Director Dr. Samuel Pang told NBC News.

The studys results flies in the face of the conventional wisdom that transgender men need to freeze eggs before starting T in order to one day have children.

Emmett Hardiman said that he knew he was transgender since he was young and he started HRT when he turned 18. He thought that he was definitely going to be infertile.

I had to make a choice, he said.

But his period started again several years later when he stopped T due to a lack of insurance. He had eggs harvested and his wife carried two children who came from those eggs. (Fertility experts recommend trans men go off hormones to collect and freeze eggs, although one 16-year-old trans boy reportedly was able to have eggs harvested without going off hormones.)

Dr. Pang said that even though its possible for trans men to go off HRT to have a child, that can still be asking too much.

The thought of stopping testosterone or going through hormone treatments if very daunting for them, so they frequently will not pursue it because of that, he said.

Just having to go off testosterone in order to do IVF was not a great option, but it was, to me, better than the alternative, said Hardiman.

The study looked at transgender men who started HRT as adults. Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy, medical director of the Center for Transyouth Health and Development at Childrens Hospital Los Angeles, said that it would probably be different for trans men who took puberty blockers and then moved directly on to T since their reproductive organs never matured.

We dont know because no one has ever done it, she said. It stands to reason that somebody would, because your hypothalamus doesnt change.

View original post here:
Trans men who have been on testosterone can still be fertile - LGBTQ Nation

Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market 2020 Regional Analysis, Growth Prospects, Size, Outlook and Forecast 2025 – Galus Australis

Posted: April 16, 2020 at 11:46 pm

Magnifier Research published a Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Report 2020, Forecast to 2025 which provides a comprehensive study on the market, comprising a nitty-gritty and fair-minded evaluation of this market. The markets segmentation and the significant market verticals are considered while evaluating its industrial chain, production chain, manufacturing capacity, sales volume, and revenue. The research is a meticulous study of the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market which portrays each and every detail of the market. It provides an overview of market segmentation such as type, application, and region. It also lists the drivers, limitations, and opportunities available in the market.

Some well-known companies identified to operate in the global market are: AbbVie, Endo International, Eli lilly, Pfizer, Actavis (Allergan), Bayer, Novartis, Teva, Mylan, Upsher-Smith, Ferring Pharmaceuticals

Factors that are contributing to the growth of a specific type of product category and factors that are motivating the status of the market highlighted in the report. The report covers the details on market acquisitions, mergers, and significant trends that are influencing the growth of the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market in the coming years from 2020 to 2025. During the report compilation, analysts have used established and beneficial tools and techniques such as SWOT analysis and Porters Five Forces analysis to carry out the research study. The geographical scope of the products is also taken into consideration.


On the basis of product type, this report displays the shipments, revenue (Million USD), price, and market share and growth rate of each type: Gels, Injections, Patches, Other

On the basis on the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, shipments, revenue (Million USD), price, and market share and growth rate for each application: Hospitals, Clinics, Others

An All-Inclusive Framework of The Geographical Terrain:

The global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market report covers market shares for global, North America (United States, Canada and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia etc.), Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa). The analysis of this report has been used to examine various segments that are relied upon to witness the quickest development based on the estimated forecast frame. Moreover, data concerning growth opportunities for the market across every detailed region is included in the report. The anticipated growth rate expected to be recorded by each region over the estimated years has been given within the research report.


Opportunities in The Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Report:-

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Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market 2020 Regional Analysis, Growth Prospects, Size, Outlook and Forecast 2025 - Galus Australis

Weight-loss surgery may lower risk of heart disease in people with diabetes – Harvard Health Blog – Harvard Health

Posted: April 16, 2020 at 11:44 pm

Obesity is a serious, chronic, treatable, and global disease epidemic. Over 98 million people currently have the disease of obesity, and in a recent New England Journal of Medicine article, Harvard researchers predicted that by 2030, 50% of the population in the United States will have the disease of obesity.

Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is significantly associated with obesity. While many people with obesity do not have diabetes, most people with T2D have the disease of obesity. Excess adiposity (body fat storage), which is present in obesity, contributes to many chronic diseases beyond T2D. These include high blood pressure, heart disease, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, which is becoming the number one reason for liver transplant across the globe.

Metabolic surgery, also known as weight-loss surgery and bariatric surgery, can be an effective way to lose excess weight and keep it off. Two of the more popular procedures are gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy.

We have known for many years that weight-loss surgery has a positive impact on cardiometabolic risk factors, including high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and abdominal obesity. It is also the most successful treatment for remission of T2D, which is another cardiometabolic risk factor.

A recent study published in JAMA set out to determine whether the beneficial effects of weight-loss surgery on cardiometabolic risk factors translated into improved cardiovascular (CV) outcomes in people with obesity and T2D. To do so, they compared CV outcomes (death, heart attack, stroke, heart failure, kidney disease and atrial fibrillation) in 2,287 adults with T2D and obesity who underwent weight-loss surgery against CV outcomes in 11,435 adults with T2D and obesity who did not have weight-loss surgery.

The researchers found that weight-loss surgery in people with T2D and obesity reduced the risk of death by about 40% over the eight years of observation. In fact, weight-loss surgery resulted in a significant benefit for all CV outcomes compared to no surgery. These study results illustrate the benefit of weight-loss surgery for both diabetes remission and heart disease risk reduction.

This was a large study with many patients in both the surgery and no-surgery groups. The researchers did a comprehensive analysis of the data, and controlled for many differences in the groups, including age, sex, body mass index (BMI), and average blood sugar level. The study authors appropriately acknowledge that since the study was observational, it cannot be seen as conclusive. A randomized trial of patients moving forward is needed to determine whether weight-loss surgery actually caused the beneficial outcomes.

The human body is incredibly engineered to promote fat storage; weight loss induces physiological changes that promote regaining of lost weight. This survival mechanism is hard to overcome by lifestyle interventions like diet and exercise alone.

Weight-loss surgery leads to physiologic changes that help regulate excess body fat, thereby promoting fat loss. For example, it influences metabolism, and can help you lose weight more efficiently and maintain the lost weight more effectively. These changes cannot currently be replicated with nonsurgical interventions in their entirety.

Our genes also play a large role in the disease of obesity and our tendency to store extra fat, given an environment in which we are surrounded by inexpensive, unhealthy, supersized food options. Genetics also plays a large role in the development of diabetes.

This helps explain why reversing diabetes can require re-engineering our physiology through a combination of specific lifestyle changes, medications, and surgery. As illustrated by this study, the remission of diabetes and obesity may prevent a host of future complications such as heart disease and stroke.

No one wants to have surgery, but when a surgical intervention produces the greatest odds of disease remission, we must consider it to get the best long-term outcome. We see this for example in cancer treatment, where a combination of surgery, medication, and radiation is used to produce the best chance of remission.

All people with T2D and obesity (a BMI greater than or equal to 35) should strongly consider metabolic surgery to reverse their diabetes and, as this study suggests, potentially prevent future heart attacks, stroke, and other cardiovascular complications. Metabolic surgery is increasingly safe, and currently has the same risk profile as having your gallbladder removed; less than 1 out of 1,000 people have a risk of death from the surgery itself.

If you have T2D and obesity, an evaluation at a comprehensive multidisciplinary obesity treatment center can help you understand your individual risks and benefits for metabolic surgery, and can help with medications and lifestyle interventions if you choose not to undergo surgery.

See the original post here:
Weight-loss surgery may lower risk of heart disease in people with diabetes - Harvard Health Blog - Harvard Health

Insights into the Worldwide Health and Weight Management Industry to 2025 – – Yahoo Finance

Posted: April 16, 2020 at 11:44 pm

The "Health and Weight Management Market" report has been added to's offering.

This report represents an important business tool for evaluating technologies, trends, products and market participants in the health and weight management sector. The geographic scope of this study is worldwide. The report identifies the main elements of products, services, and trends in different types of industries.

The Report Includes:

Health is defined as the state of physical, mental and social well-being, in which disease is absent. Indeed, in our modern society, many people are aware of the importance of a healthy lifestyle, including weight management. However, health/weight maintenance is a difficult task for many people due to sedimentary lifestyles. That is why this market has become such a complex and sophisticated industry.

Key Topics Covered:

1 Introduction

2 Summary and Highlights

3 Market Background

4 Fitness Industry: Equipment and Services

5 Monitoring and Weight Management Market

6 Nutrition and Weight Management Programs Market

7 Obesity Medications and Drug Development

8 Other Treatments for Weight Loss and Weight Management

9 Health and Weight Management and Diagnostics Sector

10 Patent Review for Health and Weight Management Market

11 Market Summary

12 Company Profiles

For more information about this report visit

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Insights into the Worldwide Health and Weight Management Industry to 2025 - - Yahoo Finance

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