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From being obsessed with the gym to clean eating, three women reveal how their addiction to health made them – The Sun

Posted: March 30, 2020 at 9:44 pm

ADDICTION to drugs or booze can ruin lives but what about overdosing on healthier habits?

Singer Ellie Goulding has told how her obsession used to rule her life, saying: I did at one point have a gym addiction. I felt I had to go every day. I was skipping the studio and writing sessions that was when it just wasnt worth it. JENNY FRANCIS talks to three women about how their wellness cravings just made them unhealthily obsessive.


SINGLE mum Chloe Howard became obsessed with sleep after reading about the importance of getting nine hours a night.

But the outdoor activities instructor, from Norwich, who is mum to Freddie, three, became so fixated on sleep-tracking apps, as well as associated herbal remedies,

breathing techniques and sleep-inducing exercise, that ironically she ended up with chronic insomnia and got into debt buying so many sleep products. She says:

"Ive always been interested in fitness and staying healthy and then last May, sleep seemed to be a big topic of conversation in the wellness scene. Lots of studies were talking about the importance of sleep, and sleep quality, for our mental health.

I was amazed at the science behind it all. I decided to revamp my bedtime for my health and began by going to bed earlier. But after a few nights of lying in bed at 9pm, trying desperately to nod off, it wasnt working. So I upped my game.

I bought sprays and balms that promised to help me drift off. I read articles on how to create the perfect sleep environment, and even redesigned my bedroom. I wanted a really accurate way to track my sleep, so I downloaded tracker apps on my phone.

The minute I woke up in the morning, I would download my data and check how many hours I had managed to get. The apps gave me a score, depending on the quality of my sleep, and if this dropped below 80 out of 100, then I would spend the whole day feeling anxious.

Id feel a growing sense of dread and pressure to do better the next night. I even began cancelling plans with friends to try to get afternoon naps to clock up my hours.

I began buying expensive herbal remedies, including Nytol and Sleepeaze tablets, magnesium supplements and valerian tablets. My bedtime routine took three hours, starting with sleepercise which is gentle exercise to get you ready for bed then a bath with oils, candles and yoga.


By last October, I was taking treble the dose of my herbal tablets. Despite everything, I was sleeping less than ever. Id be awake for hours, worrying about this. I racked up about 850 on my credit card to get all the products I thought I needed.

But I was exhausted during the day, so miserable. When friends invited me out, I refused because I didnt want it to interfere at all with my sleep. I began to find parenting really tough. I would put my son to bed but, if he woke me up, I would find it really difficult not to be frustrated with him.

I realised I was more snappy with him and there were times when I worried more about my sleep than reading him a bedtime story. I decided I had to go cold turkey on it all.I deleted all the apps and threw away all the products. It was tough but, within a week, I was sleeping better than I had in months and felt much happier."


ORIANA FINDLAY got so addicted to working out she lost friends and became a shell of herself.

Oriana, from Richmond, South West London, works in fashion marketing and says a simple goal to tone up and drop a dress size quickly escalated from a healthy workout routine to a real obsession with exercise. She says:

"Id always tried to stay reasonably active. But back in January 2017 I made a New Year resolution to get fit and go from a size 10-12 to a size 8. Id just completed my degree and was applying for jobs so I wanted to look and feel my best.

I joined a local gym and started going three times a week for an hour. Id go on the treadmill or step machine and leave feeling really proud of myself. Within a few weeks I noticed a change in my body. I was sleeping better and had more energy.

By February I started upping my gym visits to four times a week, then increased to five days. I just wanted more of that buzz and as I got fitter, I wanted to keep improving.

I began taking pictures of myself at the gym and sharing them on social media, and I loved seeing all the likes and positive comments. Within six months Id lost one-and-a-half stone and was going to the gym seven days a week, sometimes for two hours at a time.

Every day I got up at 6am for a morning cardio class then Id spend the day thinking about whether I worked hard enough, and Id go back to the gym in the evening to do an hour of weights. Exercise came first above everything and Id get stressed or anxious if I had to miss a workout.

I was missing meet-ups with friends and even found it hard to reply to their messages because I was either too tired or too busy planning my next workout. I was constantly frustrated, tired, groggy and unhappy.


In March I sat down with my sister, Christine, and told her I needed help. We agreed to slowly wean me off exercise and she drew me up a new plan which limited me to four times a week to start with, then three and only an hour at a time.

I immediately started feeling happier, with more energy and had time to see the friends Id neglected. Im now a size 10, still toned, fit and healthy, but Ive left my addiction behind me."


FINANCIAL adviser Hannah Galliers needed therapy after becoming addicted to clean eating having a diet of whole-foods in their most natural state. This obsession made Hannah, from Gloucester, depressed. She says:

"Growing up, I was bullied because of my size. Id tried a few diets but none worked. In 2017 I started following lots of wellness and fitness accounts on Instagram to motivate myself.

Within a month I decided to swap to clean eating. I wanted to be like the girls I saw online slim, healthy and happy. I ditched all processed foods, any refined sugar, additives or anything pre-made, like sauces.

At first it was tough, but I loved copying the meals I saw on Instagram. I had the occasional piece of chocolate, but within a month Id already lost half a stone.


I decided the odd treats had to stop and everything I put in my mouth had to be clean. I became obsessive about foods I considered clean and every month would ban more from my list. I considered anything not on the list an enemy and was often hungry. I dropped from a size 14 to an 8.

By that October I was only eating a tightly controlled number of foods. I had a protein shake for breakfast. Lunch was plain chicken breast with no skin and steamed broccoli.

Then dinner was egg brown rice. I snacked on spinach and vegetables and refused to deviate. I only drank water or herbal tea and no alcohol at all.

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Friends were shocked at my weight loss but also couldnt believe the number of foods I refused to eat. Most of them teased me at first, but when I stopped accepting invites for drinks or dinner, they started to get annoyed.

I began to realise no one wanted to hang out with me. I hadnt been on any dates because I didnt want to drink or eat out.

I knew I needed to change so I saw my GP, who diagnosed me with an addiction and prescribed cognitive behavioural therapy. It taught me how to regain control. Im a size 12 and much happier.

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From being obsessed with the gym to clean eating, three women reveal how their addiction to health made them - The Sun

Does Turmeric Have Weight Loss Benefits? – Healthline

Posted: March 30, 2020 at 9:44 pm

Turmeric, also known as the golden spice, is popular in Asian cuisine and has been a part of traditional Indian medicine or Ayurveda for thousands of years.

Most of turmerics health properties can be attributed to curcumin, a compound that has strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties (1).

Recent studies indicate that turmeric may play a role in weight loss (2).

However, you may wonder whether its effective and how much you would have to take to see results.

This article explains whether turmeric aids weight loss.

Recent research has examined turmerics role in weight loss.

In fact, test-tube studies suggest that curcumin may suppress particular inflammatory markers that play a role in obesity. These markers are typically elevated in people with excess weight or obesity (3).

Animal studies indicate that this compound may promote weight loss, reduce fat tissue growth, curb weight regain, and enhance your sensitivity to the hormone insulin (3, 4, 5, 6).

Whats more, a 30-day study in 44 people who were previously unable to lose weight found that supplementing twice a day with 800 mg of curcumin and 8 mg of piperine led to significant reductions in body weight, body mass index (BMI), and waist and hip circumference (7).

Piperine is a compound in black pepper that may boost curcumin absorption by up to 2,000% (8).

Furthermore, a review of 21 studies in over 1,600 people linked curcumin intake to reduced weight, BMI, and waist circumference. It also noted increased levels of adiponectin, a hormone that helps regulate your metabolism (2, 9).

While current research is promising, more human studies are needed before turmeric can be recommended for weight loss.

Turmerics antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capacity mostly related to its compound curcumin may play a role in weight loss. All the same, further human research is necessary.

In general, turmeric and curcumin are considered safe.

Short-term research demonstrates that taking up to 8 grams of curcumin per day poses little risk to health, though long-term studies are needed (10, 11).

Nonetheless, some people who take large doses of this compound may experience adverse effects, such as allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, constipation, skin rash, or diarrhea (10).

Also, those with the following conditions should avoid turmeric supplements:

Note that theres insufficient evidence regarding the safety of these supplements among pregnant or breastfeeding women. Therefore, they should avoid them.

Moreover, some turmeric products may contain filler ingredients not revealed on the label, so its best to choose a supplement that has been certified by a third party, such as NSF International or Informed Choice.

Curcumin may also interact with many medications, including anticoagulants, antibiotics, cardiovascular drugs, antihistamines, and chemotherapy drugs (16).

Consult your healthcare provider to determine whether turmeric or curcumin supplements are right for you.

Turmeric and curcumin are widely considered safe, but large doses may have adverse effects. Certain populations should avoid these supplements.

Turmeric comes in several forms, though the easiest way to use it is as a cooking spice.

Its also enjoyed in beverages like turmeric ginger tea and golden milk, which is made by heating milk, turmeric, ginger, black pepper, and cinnamon powder.

In Indian cuisine, turmeric is commonly consumed in tea with black pepper and other ingredients like honey, ginger, olive oil, and coconut oil.

That said, most human studies suggest that health benefits are only seen at higher doses, such as those found in turmeric extracts or curcumin supplements.

Thats because turmeric is used in small amounts as a spice. Moreover, the spice contains a mere 28% curcumin whereas extracts pack up to 95% curcumin (3, 17).

You may want to choose a supplement that includes black pepper, as its compounds significantly improve curcumin absorption.

Although there are no official dosage guidelines for these supplements, most research suggests that 5002,000 mg of turmeric extract per day is sufficient to see potential benefits (8).

However, you should avoid taking high doses of turmeric for longer than 23 months at a time, as long-term safety research is unavailable.

While you shouldnt expect turmeric to aid weight loss, this powerful herb has numerous other benefits, such as lowering your risk of brain conditions and heart disease.

Remember to inform your healthcare provider of any supplements youre taking, including turmeric and curcumin.

Turmeric is a versatile spice and can be used in cooking or taken as a supplement. Though its effects on weight loss need to be studied further, it may provide numerous other benefits.

Turmeric is a popular spice associated with many benefits, including heart and brain health.

While it holds promise for weight loss, more extensive human studies are needed before it can be recommended for this purpose.

Turmeric and its active compound curcumin are widely recognized as safe, but you should consult a health professional if you have any concerns.

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Does Turmeric Have Weight Loss Benefits? - Healthline

Surgery kickstarted this Katy womans 120-pound weight-loss journey. The rest was all her. – Houston Chronicle

Posted: March 30, 2020 at 9:44 pm

Katy resident Lisa Carey just bought a full-length mirror. She hasnt used one in years.

Recently, she appreciates her reflection more. Its not just the changes in her own body the weight loss that matters, she explained. Its what she can do without feeling weighed down.

Im doing things now that Id never do before, said Carey, 53.

For example, she recently headed to a Twenty One Pilots concert with her daughter, stood the entire time, danced to the music and posed for photos. Spending more time with her children has been her goal since day one. The whole reason I did this was to be the mom I needed to be, she said.

That required hitting a reset button, Carey said. While a number of people find success in fasting or other weight loss programs, for her the answer came with surgery.

But first, she had to commit to making major changes in her diet.

A lot of people look at surgery and think its an easy way out, Carey said. Theres nothing easy about this.

Careys weight gain had been gradual. She added a few pounds after the birth of her first two children. Then she was diagnosed with traumatic fibromyalgia, deep pain triggered by a car accident.

All of a sudden, this active lifestyle I had wasnt as active as before, she said. And the medications didnt help.

In addition, in vitro fertilization for her third and fourth children also affected her fitness. All you want to do is sleep, she recalled. Youre so tired from the hormones and you just shut down. My active lifestyle was gone.

Carey said she tried everything to lose the weight, but nothing worked.

A year and a half ago, she started researching surgical options. I just decided that Im sick of this, she said. My body was not the person I was inside, and my body was ruling my world.

Carey yearned for the days when she felt like an active mom. As her youngest children entered their teenage years, she wanted to be more involved in their lives.

I was so weighed down with the weight, she said. It was keeping me from what I wanted to do. I wanted to be the mom I was before. I was inside - but I wanted to be that mom outside.

Carey booked a consultation with Dr. Ricardo Bonnor at Texas Surgical Arts, who explained her options. They made a plan for Carey to undergo a gastric sleeve surgery, removing part of her stomach.

Bonnor stressed how active a role Carey would have to assume in the process. He also explained that theres a stigma that persists, associated with the operation. Some patients need help, he said.

Still, its not a quick fix. You have to have the proper mindset, mentality and attitude, Bonnor said. Surgery is just a component.

Carey had to completely change the way she looked at food. Food is fuel, she said. Its not entertainment. And so much of what we do is wrapped around what you eat.

She had to learn to eat on a schedule, watch portion sizes and make time for breakfast.

For the two weeks before surgery, Carey could only eat soft foods. She also eliminated sugar, carbohydrates, alcohol and carbonated beverages completely.

After surgery, she maintained a liquid diet for a week, consuming only three ounces of nourishment at a time.

With time, she was able to add in more food. But even now, she maintains certain dietary restrictions. She counts about 1,500 calories a day and limits her carb intake. She upped the amount of water she drinks and the amount of protein she eats.

Its a total and complete lifestyle change, Carey said. Its all about the foods you eat and when you eat them.

In addition, she tries to increase her exercise. Even when she doesnt have time for a work-out, she makes an effort. For example, shell park her car farther from a destination to increase the walk.

In total, Carey has lost 120 pounds. She also had a tummy tuck to eliminate extra skin.

I didnt go in thinking that this was a magic wand, that my life would be great if only I lost weight, Carey said. I truly started this process, just because I wanted to be the person outside that I was inside. I wanted to be healthier.

Bonnor said that Carey has been an exceptional patient. Shes a great case of someone who made a powerful transformation, both on the inside and outside, he said.

She considers the lifestyle changes a long-term solution. The scale is just a number, she said. What really matters is how you feel when you look at yourself.

Carey has always been a busy person. In addition to being a wife and mother, she runs her own social media management company, New Creative Media, and maintains a blog, Money Saving Parent.

Self-care starts with acknowledging our weaknesses and then tackling them, Carey said. Were a lot stronger than we think we are.

Lindsay Peyton is a Houston-based freelance writer.

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Surgery kickstarted this Katy womans 120-pound weight-loss journey. The rest was all her. - Houston Chronicle

The Global Weight Loss Supplement Market is expected to grow by USD 1.33 bn during 2020-2024, progressing at a CAGR of 5% during the forecast period -…

Posted: March 30, 2020 at 9:44 pm

New York, March 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- announces the release of the report "Global Weight Loss Supplement Market 2020-2024" - Our reports on global weight loss supplement market provides a holistic analysis, market size and forecast, trends, growth drivers, and challenges, as well as vendor analysis covering around 25 vendors. The report offers an up-to-date analysis regarding the current global market scenario, latest trends and drivers, and the overall market environment. The market is driven by growing healthcare expenditure. In addition, rise in promotional and marketing activities is anticipated to boost the growth of the global weight loss supplement market as well.

Market Segmentation The global weight loss supplement market is segmented as below: Distribution Channel: Online Stores Retail Outlets

Geographic Segmentation: North America APAC Europe South America MEA

Key Trends for global weight loss supplement market growth This study identifies rise in promotional and marketing activities as the prime reasons driving the global weight loss supplement market growth during the next few years.

Prominent vendors in global weight loss supplement market We provide a detailed analysis of around 25 vendors operating in the global weight loss supplement market 2020-2024, including some of the vendors such as Ajinomoto Co. Inc., Amway Corp., Creative Bioscience LLC, Glanbia Plc, GlaxoSmithKline Plc, GNC Holdings Inc., Herbalife Nutrition Ltd., Iovate Health Sciences International Inc., Nestle Health Science S.A. and The Natures Bounty Co. . The study was conducted using an objective combination of primary and secondary information including inputs from key participants in the industry. The report contains a comprehensive market and vendor landscape in addition to an analysis of the key vendors.Read the full report:

About ReportlinkerReportLinker is an award-winning market research solution. Reportlinker finds and organizes the latest industry data so you get all the market research you need - instantly, in one place.


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The Global Weight Loss Supplement Market is expected to grow by USD 1.33 bn during 2020-2024, progressing at a CAGR of 5% during the forecast period -...

Do this work to scale back weight reduction by decreasing blood sugar – Sahiwal Tv

Posted: March 30, 2020 at 9:44 pm

Many strategies are adopted to drop a few pounds, however because of these many different well being associated issues begin, so one ought to all the time watch out whereas making weight reduction that it doesnt have any dangerous impact on well being. So today were going to share with you a particular weight loss plan plan to drop a few pounds, which is also referred to as Golon Diet, so whats the delay, tell us about it.


Your urge for food, weight and metabolism are managed by retaining insulin and blood circulation good within the Golo weight loss plan. In easy phrases, when insulin isnt working to present power to your cells, then sugar stays in your blood and because of this, extra fats is collected within the physique. Under this weight loss plan, the emphasis is on retaining blood sugar and insulin ranges proper. In this fashion it is possible for you to to make use of the power of the physique correctly.

You ought to embrace protein, carbs, wholesome fat and greens and so on. below the Golo weight loss plan. You ought to keep away from consuming packet meals, sugar, different candy issues, processed meals. Include totally different styles of hen, sea meals, dairy, nuts, seeds, eggs, lentils, inexperienced beans, inexperienced greens simply accessible. You may also make potatoes, leafy greens, and one fruit day by day as a part of your weight loss plan for starch. Golo weight loss plan is a combination of various meals. It contains meats, greens and fruits which can be simply combined. Under this weight loss plan, you must take a combo of protein, carbs, fats. You should make such a weight loss plan that retains your sugar secure and in addition pacifies your starvation. For instance, within the morning you possibly can eat two eggs (two models of protein), one toast (one unit of carb), butter (one unit of fats) and one seasonal fruit (second unit of carb) in breakfast. You can drop a few pounds by consuming.

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Do this work to scale back weight reduction by decreasing blood sugar - Sahiwal Tv

James Argent shows off his weight loss as he takes a bike ride near his home in Essex – The Sun

Posted: March 30, 2020 at 9:44 pm

JAMES Argent has showed off his incredible weight loss as he takes a bike ride near his home in Essex.

The 32-year-old made the most of his daily hour of exercise outside of isolation by keeping fit.


He wore a green mask in a bid to give some protection as he ventured outside.

Keeping safe, Arg wore a helmet and kept cool in shorts with a hoodie and long socks.

Arg returned to the UK two weeks ago after spending months in a rehab in Thailand.

Yesterday he was seen reunited with his girlfriend Gemma Collins for the first time in months.




They kept two metres apart as they walked with Arg's mum for some fresh air as they caught up.

The couple's relationship famously started back in 2012 when the stars were onTowietogether.

But they've been forced apart since Christmas as Arg turned to a retreat to battle his demons.

Despite the distance - and the fact they now have to self-isolate apart - Gemma has remained dedicated to getting Arg fully fit.

But it's been far from smooth sailing.Since getting out, Arg's best friend Mark Wright has been helping him "get back to his best" as he struggles to adapt to life out of rehab.






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The former Towie co-stars, who have been pals since school, have always turned to each other in the tough times - and Arg has been leaning on Mark in recent months .

A pal told us: Mark was straight on the phone to James to make sure he is OK.

"Theyve spoken a lot and James knows that Mark is there for him. Michelle will be too. They both think the world of him and want him to get back to his very best.

The friend said that James has admitted he's found his first week back in the UK "a bit of a head-f***."

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James Argent shows off his weight loss as he takes a bike ride near his home in Essex - The Sun

Interactive Global Outlook of the Weight Loss Therapeutics Market based on rising trends to 2025 – Skyline Gazette

Posted: March 30, 2020 at 9:44 pm

Weight Loss Therapeutics Market 2025:

The global Weight Loss Therapeutics market report added by Alexa Report is based on the year 2020. This market report studies Manufacturers (including international and domestic), Suppliers and Vendors, Regions, Product Type, Product Variants and Application for the forecast period. The study provides information on past and present market trends and development, drivers, capacities, technologies, and on the changing capital structure of the Weight Loss Therapeutics Market. The study will help the market players and consultants to understand the on-going structure of the market.

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The report provides a basic overview of the industry including definition, applications and classifications. Then, the report explores the international and regional major industry players in detail. The overview covered in this report also presents the company profile, product specifications, capacity, production value, and market shares for each company.

The key regions in the market which have a scope of development and a large number of opportunities in the Weight Loss Therapeutics Market have been provided thoroughly studied in this report.

This research study involved the extensive use of both primary and secondary data sources. The research process involved the study of dynamic factors affecting the industry such as the government policy, market environment, competitive landscape, historical data, present trends in the market, technological innovations, upcoming technologies and the technical progress in industry.

Prominent players ruling the industry Abbott, Novartis AG, Arena Pharmaceuticals, Sanofi, Pfizer, Novo Nordisk, VIVUS, Johnson & Johnson, Orexigen Therapeutics, Biocon, Eisai, Eli Lilly, Roche, Amgen, Zafgen

By Type: Appetite Suppression, Increasing Body Metabolism, Interfering with the Digestion Absorption Patterns

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The objective of the reports:The report offers information of the market segmentation by type, application and regions in general. The report highlights the development policies and plans, government regulations, manufacturing processes and cost structures. It also covers technical data, manufacturing plants analysis, and raw material sources analysis as well as explains which product has the highest penetration, their profit margins, and R&D status. Weight Loss Therapeutics market analysis further consists of a competitive landscape of Weight Loss Therapeutics market, market development history and major development trends.

Table of Content (TOC) at a glance:Chapter 1, Overview of the market includes Definition, Specifications and Classification of Weight Loss Therapeutics market, Features, Scope, and Applications.Chapter 2, Product Cost and Pricing Analysis: The Manufacturing Cost Structure, Raw Material and Suppliers cost, Manufacturing Process, Industry Chain Structure.Chapter 3, Market Demand and Supply Analysis that includes, Capacity and Commercial Production Date, Manufacturing Plants Distribution, R&D Status and Technology Source, Raw Materials Sources Analysis;Chapter 4, Forces that drive the marketChapter 5 and 6, Regional Market Analysis that includes North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia & India, Weight Loss Therapeutics Market Analysis (by Type);Chapter 7 and 8, Industrial structureChapter 9, Market Trend Analysis, Regional Market Trend, Market Trend by Product TypeChapter 10, Weight Loss Therapeutics sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data source.

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In the end, the report covers the precisely studied and evaluated data of the global market players and their scope in the market using a number of analytical tools. The analytical tools such as investment return analysis, SWOT analysis, and feasibility study are used to analyze the key global market players growth in the Weight Loss Therapeutics industry.

About Us:Alexa Reports is a globally celebrated premium market research service provider, with a strong legacy of empowering business with years of experience. We help our clients by implementing decision support system through progressive statistical surveying, in-depth market analysis, and reliable forecast data. Alexa Reports is a globally celebrated premium market research service provider, with a strong legacy of empowering business with years of experience. We help our clients by implementing decision support system through progressive statistical surveying, in-depth market analysis, and reliable forecast data.

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Interactive Global Outlook of the Weight Loss Therapeutics Market based on rising trends to 2025 - Skyline Gazette

Fasting for weight loss: Know the pros and cons – The Shillong Times

Posted: March 30, 2020 at 9:43 pm

Across India, fasting isgenerally linkedwith religious beliefs, and people fast before or during traditional rituals. On the other hand, fasting also has many health benefits and some of its pitfalls.Many times, people ignore their bodily conditions and choose to fast.For instance, women who are breastfeeding or are pregnant must not fast.Also, people with Type 1 Diabetes who are on medication and people who have had a history with an eating disorder should consult a health specialist before altering a dietary pattern.Fast can be done in various patterns: the 16:8 pattern involves 14 to 16 hours of fasting and eating between the 8 hours.Another fasting method is 5:2, that is fasting for alternate two days in a week.There are various types of fasting methods that you can follow considering your health condition, as says Shikha Mahajan, holistic nutritionist and founder of Diet Podium:Intermittent FastingIntermittent fasting or IF includes reducing calorie intake for an interval of time so that the person fasts for the other hours.This kind of fasting allows restricting the calorie intake and results in weight loss. Time-Restricted Fasting is also similar to IF.Water FastingWater fasting is a way of fasting where the individual only takes water and the intake of food is restricted for a duration of time.This kind of fasting should only be preferred under medical supervision. Sometimes doctors prescribe this kind of fasting to cure various health issues.There is a major drawback of this fasting. Since it is very difficult for a body to survive only on water. Therefore, it can cause many adverse effects on the body.Fasting Mimicking DietThis is the diet that tricks the body to think it is fasting.The individual is allowed to eat but only the diet which includes plant-based food, low in carbs and calories, and high in fat.Here are some prosof fasting.Fasting helps to boost immunity. It naturally increases energy and will help you to feel more alert and focused throughout the day.It helps you attain a leaner, harder physique as fasting kills body fat dead.There are cons of fasting too. The desire to binge after fasting is the biggest problem people face with fasting.Sometimes people tend to overeat during the non-fasting duration.This can lead to health issues like hormonal imbalances, increase in stress and migraines.Occasional lightheadedness is the major problem faced during fasting, To negate this con, you can start with shorter fasting periods first. Always remember fasting or changing your dietary pattern can make a big change to your body functioning, its metabolism and psyche.Before opting for any kind of fast, consult a health expert and consider your health background. (IANS)

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Fasting for weight loss: Know the pros and cons - The Shillong Times

Healthy and effective: weight loss with intermittent fasting: a question of timing – The KXAN 36 News

Posted: March 30, 2020 at 9:43 pm

It acts as a true miracle pill! One speaks of fasting with Dr. Petra Bracht over the Interval, then it comes very quickly to these superlative.

The a physician Nutrition specialist and author from Bad Homburg in Germany is certainly one of the pioneers of the diet method eating Pause, and she practiced the method since the end of the 1980s, out of Conviction.

fasting is the Trend, according to a Forsa-survey on behalf of the DAK 63 percent of Germans are in favour of for themselves to reduce, at least temporarily, the diet, or change, or by 20 percent more than almost ten years ago.

Particular interval of fasting, even intermittent fasting is becoming more and more popular. Because in addition to the weight loss of this method can be attributed to many health effects.

However, Only little of it is scientifically proven as yet, clearly. Although there are a number of animal experiments in rats and monkeys, the fasting, an effect of Interval around the cells health and life expectancy show yet so simple to humans, such results can not be transferred.

As healthy interval fasting

A study from Graz, with 100 participants may bring with it the discussion now, because it shows that, Already after four weeks of positive effects in humans on the health evidence.

And even after six months were no negative (side) effects detected. The researchers from the Institute for Molecular Biosciences to a rather rare variant of the interval fasting: 36:12. This is about the perfect fast formula?

a Brief explanation: When intermittent fasting, you eat during a fixed period of time, as usual, ends, without changing the amount and type of food followed by a Phase in which no or only very reduced calories, are allowed in the amounts as follows.

The best known is the Schema 16:8 is: Of the 24 hours of each day is an eight hour period for eating is reserved, followed by 16 hours in which the body gets no food.

Who eats Breakfast so, for example, 9 oclock, may eat as usual for lunch and must have finished his evening meal till 17 oclock then just calories, are allowed free drinks, more water, tea, coffee in moderation is said necessarily recommended.

The 5:2 principle, the Plan runs not hours, but days of operation: five days you can eat as usual, two days are almost time.

At this, the calorie intake is limited to around 500 calories for women and 700 for men. This is no more than a small meal. The Graz researchers chose for their study a middle ground, the Alternate Day Fasting or 36:12.

Visible results after four weeks of

Of the 100 subjects, half was allowed to eat for six months, so only every second day. Together with the night before and after the day of fasting that results in a rhythm of 12 to 36 hours.

The other 50 participants ate, as always, however, the researchers selected the biochemist Frank Madeo after some time, 25 from this group at random, the four weeks to the 36:12-almost rhythm changed. So they wanted to explore the short-term effects.

Countless data from body fat to blood pressure, bone density to the insulin value, the Grazer documented. And were amazed: after only four weeks of fasting, the participants had reduced their weight by 4.5 percent, and effective belly fat lost.

This visceral fat around the internal organs is considered to be particularly harmful. The cholesterol level decreased, also the amount of proteins in the body that make the researchers of ageing processes responsible.

More muscles despite the absence of

And thats just a few of the results of the investigation. You confirm what has been observed by Dr. Petra Bracht also in their work with patients virtually: I have been practicing interval fasting for more than 30 years. I havent started, there was the concept yet.

From the American natural healing scene is the Knowledge that it is much better not to eat so often came, and to process, especially that it gives the body time for the food alone. This seemed to me to be very logical, and I have tried it myself to a time when there were six to eight small meals are recommended the day.

One of the most exciting effects that you get when you fast found and also the Graz study confirmed the Autophagy: in the past, it was thought that fasting would consume proteins and thus the breakdown of muscle to carry. But that is not true.

In the Autophagy-mode, the body is already consumed proteins, splits it into individual amino acids and gives the body back. Therefore, we observe that people who are fasting, and this move can build muscle mass. Our body uses old protein, new muscles and also to make antibodies, explains the expert.

feelings of happiness during the interval fasting

In women, the time of the Autophagy begins after 13 to 14 hours of fasting, men and a good hour later, adds Dr. Bracht.

thats Why men in particular of a longer fast would benefit interval. I recommend to men to be fasting, therefore, more like 18 hours, the Doctor says, the eating itself usually only in a time window of two to four hours of the day.

Still another effect is seen in practice as well as in the experiment: During the interval fasting of the body between the carbohydrate processing in the food phases and fat burning, known as ketosis goes, in the fast breaks.

Both alternates, what the cells need. Anything else would be harmful, says Dr. Bracht.

The ketone bodies in the fasting phase by means of an increase the production of the appropriate hormones for the mood of the people is stimulated. And this feeling makes us the hunger the hours easier to bear.

the Graz study showed this mood. Also, the hormone boost also acts as an anti-inflammatory with a variety of positive effects on health.

Even small steps will help

the question of the ideal almost Remains the interval. Im a Fan of 16:8. All other methods do not have this waiver in-character, which is why many people keep on that, says Dr done.

And warns of excessive goals: Its not about all or nothing. Basically, every day I intervallfaste is a Plus for the health.


Peter Schmidt-Feneberg

*The post Healthy and effective: weight loss with intermittent fasting: All is a question of timing, published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.


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Healthy and effective: weight loss with intermittent fasting: a question of timing - The KXAN 36 News

In Iraq, Restraint Is America’s Best Option – War on the Rocks

Posted: March 30, 2020 at 9:42 pm

Maximum pressure on Iran is working, the Trump administration insists, as the United States applies concerted diplomatic, economic, and military pressure to constrain Iran and its allies across the Middle East. In Iraq, however, Americas confrontational posture is diminishing U.S. influence, and empowering Iran and its Iraqi allies.

After this months round of deadly rocket attacks on foreign forces in Iraq and retaliatory U.S. airstrikes, the United States is now locked firmly into a tit-for-tat cycle of violence with Iraqi paramilitaries linked to Iran. If this cycle continues or escalates, amid reports that the Pentagon has drawn up plans for a military campaign to destroy one paramilitary faction it will end disastrously for both the United States and Iraq.

Iraq is facing an unprecedented crisis, as the spread of coronavirus and the collapse of global oil prices gravely threaten its economy and the states ability to provide for ordinary Iraqis. The country does not need, on top of this, the United States bombing Iraqi paramilitaries, which polarizes Iraqi politics between pro- and anti-American camps and helps frustrate efforts to name a new government that could confront the countrys dire circumstances. Further unilateral U.S. action will only amplify voices in Iraqi politics who argue that the Americans have to go, now. Irans Iraqi allies will consolidate their influence in the countrys politics, as paramilitaries continue their attacks on U.S. forces maybe to the point of forcing the United States out of Iraq.

If the United States wants to preserve the U.S.-Iraqi relationship or stay in Iraq to help combat the so-called Islamic States (ISIL) persistent insurgency, it will have to break this retaliatory cycle but not by counter-escalating against Iraqi paramilitaries. There is a better way for the United States, albeit one with its own risks: restraint. If the United States can hold itself back, a pause in this cycle could create the conditions for Iraqis to form a new government capable of partnering with Washington and negotiating a new, legitimating framework for U.S. and coalition troops to remain. That could weaken the anti-American narrative now prevailing in Iraqi politics.

Americas best hope to remain safely in Iraq is to hold its fire; otherwise, it risks shooting its way into an embarrassing strategic defeat.

A Slow-Burning Conflict

The U.S. drone strike that killed the top Iranian Quds Force general, Qassem Soleimani, and senior Iraqi security official and paramilitary veteran Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis (Jamal Jafar) on Jan. 3 was ostensibly meant to restore deterrence. It did not. Iraqi paramilitaries resumed attacks on U.S. assets in the country only weeks later, re-igniting a slow-burning conflict between the United States, Iran, and Irans Iraqi allies.

The latest flare-up came on March 11, when a hail of rockets struck the Iraqi military base Camp Taji outside Baghdad and killed two U.S. servicemen and one British soldier deployed in Iraq as part of the U.S.-led international coalition to combat ISIL. The United States retaliated the next day with airstrikes against what it alleged were weapon-storage facilities belonging to Iraqi paramilitary faction Kataib Hizbullah. These terror groups must cease their attacks on U.S. and coalition forces or face consequences at a time and place of our choosing, warned the Pentagon in a March 12 press release. Iraqi officials, meanwhile, said U.S. strikes had in fact killed Iraqi soldiers and police, as well as one civilian worker. In a statement, the Iraqi security forces Joint Operations Command described the U.S. bombing as a naked aggression on Iraq. Two days later, unknown assailants plainly undeterred again rocketed Camp Taji, wounding three U.S. troops and several Iraqis.

The March 11 rocket barrage was only the most recent and deadliest in a series of attacks on U.S. assets in Iraq that began in summer 2019. Those strikes came amid a wave of disruptive, largely unattributed attacks against U.S. interests and allies across the wider Middle East, including September attacks on Saudi oil installations. Most or all of these operations seem to have been part of a coordinated campaign by Iran and its local allies in response to the Trump administrations policy of maximum pressure.

Irans Asymmetric Retaliation

Irans defense apparatus is not organized for a head-on military confrontation with the United States. Rather, Iran has developed extensive asymmetric capabilities, including by cultivating capable, motivated nonstate allies regionwide.

In Iraq, what is sometimes termed Iranian influence manifests mainly in the form of Irans many Iraqi allies. Iranian officials have made a long-term investment in social, political, and economic ties with Iraqi political and paramilitary factions. Now those officials leverage those ties to forge and break deals between Iraqi factions. In 2014, most pre-existing Iran-aligned armed factions were officially incorporated into Iraqs newly formed Popular Mobilization forces (al-Hashd al-Shabi) as the country rallied paramilitary auxiliary units to beat back ISIL. But this Iran-linked subset self-identifies not only as part of the Popular Mobilization but also as Resistance factions (fasail al-Muqawama) champions of an anti-imperialist and anti-Zionist cause, and part of a regionwide coalition marshalled by Iran. They are often called, reductively, Iranian proxies. But these groups have their own personalities and interests, even if they make common cause and often coordinate their actions with Iranian officials.

The United States and Irans regional conflict previously reached a crisis point in December and January, when the United States retaliated for another deadly rocket attack with airstrikes against Kataib Hizbullah in both Iraq and Syria. After Iraqi mourners at a memorial for the groups fighters, and other supporters of Iran-backed factions, stormed the U.S. embassy in Baghdad, the United States reacted in shocking fashion by killing Soleimani and Muhandis in a drone strike as the two men left Baghdad International Airport.

This stunning escalation raised fears of all-out regional war, as the United States and Iran traded threats. Iran responded on Jan. 8 by firing more than a dozen ballistic missiles at two Iraqi military bases hosting U.S. and coalition forces. Thanks to some advance warning and a healthy dose of luck, no U.S. servicemembers were killed in the missile strikes, although more than 100 were later diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries sustained in the attack. The Iranian response was presented by Washington as an effectively de-escalatory, face-saving move. Iranian Foreign Minister Jayad Zarif announced that its defensive response had concluded, saying, We do not seek escalation or war, but will defend ourselves against any aggression. Fears of a wider regional war dissipated.

But those missile strikes only represented Irans direct, overt retaliation. It then reoriented strategically toward expelling the United States from the region. Nor did the strikes necessarily provide satisfaction for Irans local allies, who have their own agency and scores to settle.

Amid the shock over Soleimanis death, it went underappreciated that the United States also killed Muhandis, who was both deputy head of the Popular Mobilization and one of these Resistance factions most influential leaders. Because of how Iran has assembled its security exoskeleton regionally, it has Iraqi paramilitary allies who are evidently able and motivated to respond to the U.S. killing of both Muhandis and Soleimani with or without Iranian prodding.

After Muhandis and Soleimanis deaths, these factions initially promised to exercise restraint as Iraqs politicians attempted to secure a U.S. exit from the country through political means. But as those political efforts stalled, attacks ticked back up again, pushing the expulsion of foreign forces back to the top of the countrys agenda.

The Anti-American Turn in Iraqi Politics

The U.S. killing of Soleimani and Muhandis reshuffled Iraqi politics, allowing Iran-friendly factions to take up the rhetoric of resistance to foreign occupation and make newly energetic efforts to require the United States to leave the country.

On Jan. 5, a narrow majority of Iraqs parliament voted to mandate the Iraqi government to end the presence of foreign forces in the country. The parliamentary resolution while officially nonbinding nonetheless lent legislative cover to Prime Minister Adel Abdulmahdi to tell the U.S. ambassador in Baghdad that he intended to implement the resolution, and to ask Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to develop a mechanism for the departure of U.S. forces. Washington rebuffed him, announcing it was not interested in discussing withdrawal.

How much weight Abdulmahdis request carries is up for debate, coming as it did from a caretaker prime minister Abdulmahdi resigned in late 2019 but has remained in the role pending a confirmed successor based on a nonbinding parliamentary resolution. Nonetheless, the combination of the resolution and the prime ministers request shifted Iraqs political discourse, recentering the countrys political debate on the legitimacy of the U.S. presence as part of the counter-ISIL campaign. Previous attempts by parties friendly to Iran to legislate the United States out of Iraq had failed. It was the killing of Soleimani and Muhandis that allowed them to muster the political support and parliamentary votes for such a move and to enlist Shiite blocs that had previously endorsed the necessity of a coalition presence despite disagreement even among the parties that voted for the resolution over which forces should leave and how.

Iran-aligned armed factions have used the parliamentary vote to emphasize not only the illegitimacy of the U.S. presence but also the correspondingly legitimate right to resist U.S. occupation. They have praised the most recent attacks, but also avoided claiming responsibility themselves. This has created enough ambiguity for them to portray the attacks as acts of organic popular resistance, while additionally protecting their own stake in Iraqi politics.

The clumsy retaliation for these attacks, moreover, has undermined Americas political standing in Iraq and stirred opposition to the United States among Iraqis who are not resistance ideologues, but who do not want their country to be the scene for bloody U.S.-Iranian score-settling.

Iraqi security officials told us in a phone interview in the past several weeks that the United States gave Iraqi security agencies some advance notification before its retaliatory strikes but has otherwise executed them unilaterally, undermining Iraqi officials trust in a U.S. administration they see as acting less like a partner and more like an occupying force. That trust was eroded further when, they say, the March 12 U.S. bombings killed Iraqi security personnel and an Iraqi civilian. Those strikes prompted condemnation from even Iraqis friendly to Washington, lending more energy to the push for U.S. forces to leave the country. Iraqi President Barham Salih, who is considered sympathetic to the U.S. presence, condemned the foreign bombing and resultant loss of Iraqi life, calling it a violation of national sovereignty. In its statement after the March 14 rocket attack on Camp Taji, Iraqs Joint Operations Command said that unilateral U.S. action does not limit these acts. Rather, it fuels them, weakens the capability of the Iraqi state, and leaves further losses among Iraqis and others, all of which demands the speedy implementation of Parliaments resolution on withdrawal.

Unilateral U.S. retaliation thus burns goodwill even among Iraqis inclined to support an American role in the country.

Disastrous Impacts for Iraq and U.S.-Iraqi Ties

Continuing tensions between the United States, Iran, and Irans Iraqi allies and the resulting intermittent spasms of violence have already had a deeply negative impact on Iraq and on the U.S.-Iraqi relationship. If this goes on, it will further destabilize the country and could rally more Iraqis against the United States.

This conflict has exacerbated the domestic political crisis with which Iraq has been grappling since October 2019, when mass youth protests broke out nationwide. Prime Minister Abdulmahdi yielded to popular pressure and resigned in November. But Iraqs politicians have since failed to form a new government, a task complicated by domestic division over the U.S. presence. It was already difficult to find a suitable candidate for the premiership who would be acceptable to both the political establishment and the activist street. The U.S. killing of Soleimani and Muhandis led Iran-friendly parties and paramilitaries to harden their rejection of the U.S. troop presence in the country, further polarizing the countrys political blocs between proponents and opponents of a continued U.S. role. The result has been deadlock.

That political polarization has also taken on a sectarian dimension, undoing some of the progress Iraq has made since the campaign to defeat ISIL began in 2014. Among the salutary effects of that otherwise terrible, costly war was a marked reduction in the sectarian political polarization that had originally helped empower ISIL, which insinuated itself as a Sunni mass mobilization against Shiite Baghdad. More recently, Iraqis had formed cross-sectarian political coalitions and increasingly forged personal links across communal lines. Yet as Iraqi politicians have divided again into U.S.- and Iran-aligned camps, they have also split along ethno-sectarian lines. The Iraqi parliamentary resolution calling for the expulsion of foreign forces passed with most Shiite lawmakers votes, while most Sunni and Kurdish representatives avoided the session. For their part, Kurdish and Sunni factions have stepped up their engagement with the United States, as they have seen the escalating tensions empower Irans allies in Iraqs intra-Shiite politics. Without the United States, they worry those Iran-aligned parties rhetoric will prevail in Shiite politics, and on the Iraqi national scene. This realignment in Iraqs parliament along ethnic and sectarian lines has persisted as the countrys parties have jousted over the nomination of a prime minister.

The result has been a political vacuum, in which paramilitaries can continue to attack U.S. and foreign forces with near-impunity as they simultaneously push for a prime ministerial candidate friendly to their interests.

Iraq needs a government, particularly as plummeting oil prices impoverish its oil-dependent state and the spread of coronavirus both threatens Iraqi lives and further paralyzes the countrys economy. But additionally, without an Iraqi government interlocutor, the United States and its coalition partners cannot negotiate a revised agreement that would provide legal cover and mitigate Iraqi political resistance to the coalition presence in the country. Coalition members had hoped to devise some new formula or reconfiguration of foreign forces in Iraq that would de-emphasize the U.S. role symbolically and push to the fore less controversial coalition member countries. If the heightened tension continues, though, this will be far more difficult. Moreover, that tension immobilizes even coalition partners that might otherwise facilitate Iraqi government formation or engage Iran-friendly political parties and paramilitary factions to discuss de-escalation. Recent attacks on coalition forces may instead encourage these countries to withdraw their servicemembers from the country. Coalition members including the United Kingdom, France, Italy, and Spain have all announced that they will withdraw troops from Iraq, mainly citing coronavirus risk and a related pause in the training of Iraqi forces, but against the backdrop of continued tensions and rocket attacks.

Tensions Benefit the Islamic State

This escalation between the United States, Iran, and its local friends has already compromised joint efforts to combat what remains of ISIL the reason U.S. and coalition forces are in Iraq to start with. The jihadist organization continues to wage its insurgency in Iraq as small, autonomous guerrilla units, operating from Iraqs most rugged and forbidding terrain, including mountains and expanses of open desert. From these areas, ISIL militants can terrorize outlying rural communities. This insurgent-friendly terrain cannot be properly held by Iraqi forces. To maintain effective pressure on ISIL militants in these rural safe havens, the Iraqis have thus relied on assistance from the U.S.-led coalition, which has provided Iraqi forces with key technical capabilities such as air support, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance. This is in addition to the training and advice the coalition also contributes, which is important over the longer term if Iraq is to achieve self-sufficiency.

Tension since January has hamstrung cooperation between U.S. and Iraqi security forces, leaving Iraqis to pursue ISIL with reduced coalition assistance, to seemingly diminished effect. By at least some accounts, ISIL has taken advantage by more aggressively targeting Iraqi forces and intimidating civilians in rural areas.

If attacks on coalition forces escalate and Iraqi pressure for a U.S. exit grows to the point that the United States has to leave, nearly all coalition members which depend on American logistics and political heft are likely to leave with it. The United States contributes the majority of coalition troops in Iraq and the enabling capabilities that are most vital to the counter-ISIL fight; there is no clear substitute. The exit of coalition forces and the loss of coalition support seem like the most direct way to relieve pressure on ISIL remnants, allowing them to qualitatively escalate their insurgency, and to expand numerically and geographically. Steps underway to consolidate U.S. troops in fewer, more easily defensible bases already may compromise U.S. forces contribution to Iraqi counter-ISIL efforts.

If the United States is forced out of Iraq in an ugly, contentious fashion, it could poison the bilateral relationship. The Trump administration may decide that Iraq has fallen entirely under Irans sway and decline to renew existing waivers that exempt Iraq from sanctions on Iran on which Iraq relies for electricity generation or even levy threatened new sanctions on Iraq itself, crippling the countrys already hard-hit economy just as it struggles to respond to the coronavirus pandemic.

A U.S. exit would also disrupt Iraqi politics, as Iraqi forces friendly to Iran could find themselves in a position to dictate the governments personnel and policy. Even a worsened ISIL insurgency would likely only enhance these forces influence. As Iran-linked paramilitaries return to the fore in the battle against the jihadist group, their centrality to national security would translate into enhanced political leverage. At the local level, these factions will not be able to rely on the same technologically sophisticated, precise tools such as precision airstrikes and the detailed intelligence that makes them possible the American-led coalition has used to combat ISIL. If they instead resort to blunter, less discriminate means to fight ISIL in mostly Sunni areas, it could come at a terrible human cost and re-open deep societal rifts.

Recapturing the Strategic Initiative

The United States ought to recognize that the current escalatory dynamic in Iraq is, for America, a losing one.

With its retaliatory airstrikes, the United States has opted for hard military means to protect its troops and deter Iran-linked factions provocations. It has not succeeded. The groups perpetrating the attacks have not been deterred. Whats more, each ill-considered attempt to do so risks repeating what happened with the March 12 strikes, killing uninvolved Iraqis and mobilizing more Iraqis against a continued American presence. The United States faces a dilemma: It needs to protect its troops, and it is hard to allow these attacks to pass without some rejoinder. Yet knee-jerk U.S. responses uncoordinated with Iraqi partners which are ostensibly meant to make American personnel safer risk making Iraq more hostile and dangerous, and potentially untenable for U.S. forces.

All of this is a distraction from why the United States purportedly is in Iraq. The United States continues to maintain that its forces are there to support Iraqis own counter-ISIL efforts, not to wage war on Iran and its proxies. The United States needs to safeguard its personnel. But by letting itself be baited into repeated retaliatory strikes, the U.S. military is allowing self-defense and force protection to consume its original mission. U.S. forces participating in back-and-forth violence with Iraqi factions at times at the expense of Iraqi bystanders, civilian, and military and that are not effectively enabling counter-ISIL efforts are a net negative for Iraqi security. They are making Iraq less safe, not more.

Even in terms of the Trump administrations professed aim of countering Irans regional influence, this tit-for-tat escalation is not working. Its swift retaliatory strikes are meant to convey American strength and determination. In reality, they mostly demonstrate how Washington has ceded the initiative to its Iran-linked adversaries, who can dictate the timing and circumstances of Americas next reaction. Each U.S. misstep only plays into their hands, further undermining American influence in the country and increasing the likelihood of a total U.S. exit.

This dynamic is two-sided, of course, but the armed factions demanding a U.S. exit have little reason to stop it. The asymmetric campaign paramilitaries are waging is low cost and sustainable. And for them, violence is working they now seem on their way to dramatically reducing U.S. influence in Iraq, tilting Iraqi politics toward their agenda, and, if they run the United States out of the country entirely, scoring a major strategic victory regionally.

If anyone is going to break this retaliatory cycle, then, it has to be the United States. But it cannot be done by doubling down on threats and reflexive deterrent responses. Nor can the United States realistically expect the Iraqi security forces to confront these paramilitary factions, risking wide-open civil conflict. Instead, Americas best chance is to exercise restraint, consult with its Iraqi partners, and provide an opportunity for the formation of a new Iraqi government.

With a new government in place, the United States and its coalition partners could negotiate a new agreement on the deployment of foreign forces in the country that reasserts Iraqi authority and supervision; reduces the U.S. footprint in Iraq, even if only symbolically; and ensures countries other than the United States are the face of the coalition effort to support Iraq. An agreement of this kind would both solidify the legitimate legal basis for coalition forces presence and undercut the argument of those denouncing the U.S. presence as a foreign occupation violating Iraqi sovereignty. If the controversy over the legitimacy of foreign forces presence can be dialed down, political and popular forces that advocate more balanced relationships with both the United States and Iran should be in a stronger position to reassert themselves. Washington will also be freer to partner with Baghdad on initiatives that could win lasting Iraqi goodwill for the United States, such as support for the countrys coronavirus response.

This broader political shift could also constrain anti-American paramilitaries, which would be defying the countrys government and laws if they continued armed resistance against U.S. and foreign forces. These factions are not wholly immune to Iraqi politics; they have an ideology and an agenda, but they also must take into account Iraqi public opinion.

It may be a long shot. Still, this could be the United States best hope to remain in the country under relatively stable conditions, both to continue a counter-ISIL fight that is an important U.S. priority and to balance Irans influence in Iraqi politics. De-escalation in Iraq is a U.S. interest it can help create conditions for the formation of a new government and for putting U.S.-Iraqi relations on more solid footing. That is what would represent a genuine strategic victory, albeit not a victory won on the battlefield.

Maria Fantappie is special adviser for the Middle East and North Africa with the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue. Follow Maria on Twitter: @MariaFantappie.

Sam Heller is International Crisis Groups senior analyst on Non-State Armed Groups, as part of the organizations work on Jihad in Modern Conflict. Follow Sam on Twitter: @AbuJamajem.

Image: Mehr News Agency

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In Iraq, Restraint Is America's Best Option - War on the Rocks

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