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Exercise and diet with the that Adele got her new figure – Play Crazy Game

Posted: March 29, 2020 at 2:46 am

The british singer stars in a amazing weight loss

Last week, Adele debuted a new look on the birthday party of Drake.

Always elegant, but above all much more thin. Already this year, we had noticed the singer more interested in the gym, and less voluptuous. Month-to-month, and despite being very private even to post pics, we saw how the british lost weight. First, the media pointed out that this was due to his divorce, but what is certain is that Adele did it for herself and for her son, according to

Today, with about 10 kilograms less than several months ago, the singer of Someone like you looks fantastic, and it is all thanks to a particular diet, and 3 types of exercises, training several times a day, have given a new figure that is displaying with pride.

Watch in the video above all the details of the scheme almost obsessive Adele.

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Raju has an exquisite taste. For him, video games are more than entertainment and he likes to discuss forms and art.

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Exercise and diet with the that Adele got her new figure - Play Crazy Game

Know the pros and cons of fasting for weight loss – The Sentinel Assam

Posted: March 29, 2020 at 2:45 am

NEW DELHI: Across India, fasting is generally linked with religious beliefs, and people fast before or during traditional rituals. On the other hand, fasting also has many health benefits and some of its pitfalls.

Many times, people ignore their bodily conditions and choose to fast. For instance, women who are breastfeeding or are pregnant must not fast. Also, people with Type 1 Diabetes who are on medication and people who have had a history with an eating disorder should consult a health specialist before altering a dietary pattern.

Fast can be done in various patterns: the 16:8 pattern involves 14 to 16 hours of fasting and eating between the 8 hours. Another fasting method is 5:2; that is fasting for alternate two days in a week.

There are various types of fasting methods that you can follow considering your health condition, as says Shikha Mahajan, holistic nutritionist and founder of Diet Podium:

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting or IF includes reducing calorie intake for an interval of time so that the person fasts for the other hours. This kind of fasting allows restricting the calorie intake and results in weight loss. Time-Restricted Fasting is also similar to IF.

Water Fasting

Water fasting is a way of fasting where the individual only takes water and the intake of food is restricted for a duration of time. This kind of fasting should only be preferred under medical supervision. Sometimes doctors prescribe this kind of fasting to cure various health issues. There is a major drawback of this fasting. Since it is very difficult for a body to survive only on water; therefore, it can cause many adverse effects on the body.

Fasting Mimicking Diet

This is the diet that tricks the body to think it is fasting. The individual is allowed to eat but only the diet which includes plant-based food, low in carbs and calories, and high in fat.

Here are some pros of fasting. Fasting helps to boost immunity. It naturally increases energy and will help you to feel more alert and focused throughout the day. It helps you attain a leaner, harder physique as fasting kills body fat dead.

There are cons of fasting too. The desire to binge after fasting is the biggest problem people face with fasting. Sometimes people tend to overeat during the non-fasting duration. This can lead to health issues like hormonal imbalances, increase in stress and migraines.

Occasional lightheadedness is the major problem faced during fasting. To negate this condition, you can start with shorter fasting periods first. Always remember fasting or changing your dietary pattern can make a big change to your body functioning, its metabolism and psyche.

Before opting for any kind of fast, consult a health expert and consider your health background. (IANSlife)

Also Read: Researchers revealed Weight loss surgery may improve breathing issues

Also Watch:East Siang District Administration in Arunachal Pradesh cautious over corona virus

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Know the pros and cons of fasting for weight loss - The Sentinel Assam

‘I wasnt in a good place’ Kedren loses amazing 3.5st to help turn life around – Stoke-on-Trent Live

Posted: March 29, 2020 at 2:45 am

After being made redundant and receiving a diagnosis which forced her to stop satisfying her passion for running, Kedren Elliott embarked on a weight-loss journey to help turn her life around.

The 45-year-old admitted she 'wasn't in a good place' at the time in 2015, when she also weighed in at her heaviest of 13st 10lbs.

She was also diagnosed with Fibroids tumours on a woman's uterus which can cause severe abdominal pain.

But on seeing a leaflet for Slimming World, Kedren, from Congleton, decided to make a change and embarked on a weight-loss journey which has now seen her lose 3.5st.

She said: I was feeling pretty rubbish, none of my clothes were fitting me. I am a runner but at that time I wasnt doing much activity, I had been made redundant from Barclays as well so I wasnt in a good place.

I got a leaflet through my door and I was like I think I need to give this a go because I am unhappy and this is probably the heaviest I have ever been.

When I joined Slimming World it was the first time I felt like I was in control of my food rather than the other way around.

Its about making permanent changes to the way that you cook and shop.

Prior to her weight-loss Kedren, who works for mental health charity MIND, was eating foods high in carbohydrates throughout the day including toast for breakfast and sandwiches for lunch, and in the evenings she was drinking quite often.

She added: My diet is a lot more varied now because not only have I changed a lot with Slimming World, I have gone back to being vegetarian and I am a vegan now.

Now for breakfast I quite often have high fibre cereals and things like overnight oats and things like that, I eat a lot of fruit for breakfast.

I like to cook for my lunch which is a good thing, Ive got a carrot and ginger soup so its about bringing stuff with you rather than going out and getting fast food.

In the evening we are having fajitas, it is a very varied diet and you can adapt to pretty much everything.

Unfortunately in this day and age everybody is so busy all of the time it is easy to go out and grab something that is going to be quick but its not going to be the best for your diet.

A varied diet is very important because if you go back to old habits and start eating fast food and not eating a lot of fruit and veg, I think it really affects not only your physical health but your mental health too.

On top of losing the weight, Kedren has now become a Slimming World consultant in her hometown and is helping other slimmers to reach their goals.

She added: I hardly ever have back pain from losing the weight, it enables me to get my personal best when I am running as well.

Generally I just feel better about myself, I think when I first joined I was made redundant so I wasn't in a good place. Losing that weight and taking control of my diet and weight loss was very empowering and I felt like I could do anything.

Being a consultant puts an extra amount of pressure on you because you are helping people to lose weight and you have got to be living it as well as teaching it.

It doesn't make you immune and the thing about becoming a consultant is that you have to be a member first so you understand what its like for somebody to have problems with their weight.

Sometimes it takes a lot of courage for somebody to walk through the doors of the Slimming World and people wont know what to expect, Ive never done anything like it. Ive made so many friends through joining.

Its a great way of getting to know people and knowing that you are not on your own and forming a new social network.

Theres a problem at the moment with mental health as well where people are so isolated, everybody is busy and they are running a hundred miles an hour, this is a time for you to think about what you want to do.

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'I wasnt in a good place' Kedren loses amazing 3.5st to help turn life around - Stoke-on-Trent Live

Anemia and the Vegan Diet: What You Need to Know – LIVEKINDLY

Posted: March 28, 2020 at 10:54 am

According to the World Health Organization, anemia affects 1.62 billion people, globally. In the U.S., anemia is the most common blood condition, affecting more than three million Americans.

Anemia occurs when the number of healthy red blood cells in a persons body is too low. Aplant-based diet may increase ones risk of developing anemia,but there are many other factors that can cause a person to become anemic.

Anemia occurs when the body doesnt produce enough RBCs, loses too many RBCs, or destroys too many RBCs. If a persons body does not contain enough RBCsor the bodys hemoglobin levels are low it will not get enough oxygen.

People with long-term diseases, women, and young children are more likely to have anemia. According to the Mayo Clinic, iron deficiency is one of the most common causes of anemia, but there are many different types of the blood conditioneach with its own cause.

The blood condition affects people of all races, ages, and ethnicities, but there are certain factors that may put a person more at risk for developing anemia. They include:

Anemia cases are typically classified as either chronic or acute. There are more than 400 different types of anemia. According to WebMD, they can be divided into three main categories anemia caused by blood loss, anemia caused by decreased or faulty RBC production, and anemia caused by the destruction of RBCs.

The body contains three different types of blood cells: platelets, white blood cells, and red blood cells (RBCs).

Platelets, most white blood cells, and RBCs are produced regularly in the bone marrow the soft spongy tissue found inside bone cavities. Platelets help stop bleeding by creating blood clots, while white blood cells (also known as leukocytes or leucocytes) help fight off infectious diseases and protect the body against foreign invaders.

RBCs contain an iron-rich protein called hemoglobin that gives blood its red color. Anemia is measured by how much hemoglobin is present in RBCs. Hemoglobin carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Conversely, hemoglobin carries carbon dioxide back from other parts of the body to the lungs to be exhaled.

According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, the average red blood cell can only survive for about 120 days. When RBCs die, the hemoglobin breaks apart. Any iron contained within is saved and transported to the bone marrow via proteins called transferrins. The iron is then recycled and used to produce new RBCs.

According to the Mayo Clinic, symptoms of anemia vary depending on the conditions cause. Chronic conditions can mask a persons anemia or, depending on the causes, there could be no symptoms at all.

If a person does have symptoms, they may include weakness, fatigue, pale or yellowish skin, chest pain, cold hands and feet, headaches, dizziness, shortness of breath, and irregular heartbeats.

In order to diagnose anemia, your doctor will also ask about medical and family history. Your doctor will also perform a physical exam and run a handful of tests.

Tests include a complete blood count to determine the number of RBCs present in a sample of blood. Your doctor will pay close attention to the size, shape, and levels of RBCs (hematocrit) and hemoglobin in the blood.

Normal adult hematocrit values vary among medical practices but are generally between 40% and 52% for men and 35% and 47% for women. Normal adult hemoglobin values are generally 14 to 18 grams per deciliter for men and 12 to 16 grams per deciliter for women, states the Mayo Clinic.

If a positive anemia result comes back, a doctor may require additional tests to determine the cause of the condition.

If a person does have anemia, their doctor may include dietary changes in their treatment plan. Recommended dietary changes may include increasing the intake of vitamins that are essential for RBC and hemoglobin production. Your doctor may also urge you to eat foods that aid the body in absorbing iron.

In order to create RBCs, and thus hemoglobin, your body must get ample vitamins and nutrients from food including iron, folate, and vitamin B-12.

A diet lacking in vitamin B-12 and folate may impact the bodys ability to produce RBCs. A plant-based diet may also increase ones risk of anemia. Including certain foods in a vegan diet may help reduce the risk of developing anemia.

Although meat and seafood are high in iron, there are plenty of plant-based foods a person can eat to increase iron intake. Eating iron-rich foods may help fight iron deficiency anemia. These include leafy greens (spinach and kale), beans, fortified foods (white rice and pasta), and nuts and seeds. Iron supplements are another option for increasing iron intake but consult with your doctor prior to making these changes.


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Anemia and the Vegan Diet: What You Need to Know


Anemia is the most common blood condition US. Aplant-based diet may increase the chances of developing it, but other causes could be to blame.


Audrey Enjoli

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See original here:
Anemia and the Vegan Diet: What You Need to Know - LIVEKINDLY

Bulls’ Lauri Markkanen content with diet one year removed from heart scare – Yahoo Sports

Posted: March 28, 2020 at 10:54 am

In a perfect world, Lauri Markkanen would be preparing to face Joel Embiid and the 76ers on Thursday.

But even before the COVID-19 virus suspended the NBA season and placed much of the world on hold, Markkanen knew all about imperfect worlds.

Thursday marked the one-year anniversary since Markkanen experienced an irregular heartbeat while facing the Raptors in Toronto, ending his 2018-19 season after just 52 games. A severe elbow injury had delayed his season debut until Dec. 1, 2018.

Last April 11, the Bulls cleared Markkanen to resume all basketball activities after a series of tests at two hospitals revealed no abnormalities in his heart. A team release, citing doctors from Rush University Medical Center and John Hopkins University, reportedthe cause of Markkanen's symptoms "to be primarily related to a combination of dehydration and nutrient deficiency."

This led to some speculation, most of it existing online, about whether Markkanen's diet contributed to the issue. Markkanen, whose wife is vegan, gave up red meat 2 1/2years ago and largely has eschewed dairy.

In an interview before the novel coronavirus virus temporarily shut the Bulls and the NBA down, Markkanen denied his dietary choice played a factor and said he was told at the time that his sodium level was too low.

Markkanen had no issues with his heart or dehydration during his 2019-20 season, thoughhe battled nagging injuries throughout. When the virus hit, hehad just returned from missing 15 games with an early stress reaction in his right pelvis.

"It wasn't because of my diet because I was doing this diet a long time before that (heart incident)," Markkanen said in a recent interview. "I have a chef. He makes sure I get the right amount of protein."

Markkanen pinpointed the very day he made his dietary decision.

"You can look it up. My rookie year, we played at Indiana during December. I went to (a steakhouse) right next to the hotel. That was my last steak," Markkanen said of the Dec. 6, 2017 game. "I was thinking about it before and that's when I decided I wanted to move away. I couldn't move after eating that.

"I felt like I was really stuffed after every time I ate. I couldn't move and stuff. So I felt it would be better for my body. I feel lighter and I can eat more and still feel good."

Markkanen, who still eats chicken and fish, said he noticed a difference in the first week of his decision.

"I felt like I could've worked out right away after eating," he said. "Obviously, I wouldn't. And it's not the same for everyone. But for myself, meat and dairy really made me sit down for like a half-hour before I moved. I was that full."

He also said the decision didn't affect his workouts or offseason ability to add muscle.

"If you had told me when I was in high school that I could gain weight with no meat and dairy, I would not believe you. But I did," he said. "After my rookie year, I didn't eat meat all summer and I gained 17, 18 pounds of muscle. You can really work around that stuff. It felt weird to feel stronger without it."

Back when he was playing, Markkanen said Umami is one of his preferred spots for vegetarian burgers ifhe's not at home heating up the pre-prepared meals his chef makes for his family. Chicken enchiladas have also become a go-to meal. A few teammates asked him about his decision to change his diet.

Markkanen, who said he can envision fully going vegan at some point in his life, believes his dietary choices have made him healthier overall.

In fact, his theory about the irregular heartbeat is that it was caused in part by stress. He said he almost got into a serious car accident the day before the incident in Toronto when a car ran a red light and almost hit him broadside at a high rate of speed on Markkanen's drive to the Advocate Center.

"I feel great, other than some of the treats I eat," he said, smiling. "Luckily, I like Finnish candy better than here. So it's pretty easy to stay away from treats during the season."

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Bulls' Lauri Markkanen content with diet one year removed from heart scare originally appeared on NBC Sports Chicago

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Bulls' Lauri Markkanen content with diet one year removed from heart scare - Yahoo Sports

FAQs on coronavirus and diet – Economic Times

Posted: March 28, 2020 at 10:54 am

Do we need to avoid food from outside, can Corona virus be transmitted through food?

Ans. No, its a myth. Corona virus is not transmitted through food. A virus grows on a host (human or animal). It does not grow in food.

Can one get Corona virus by consuming eggs, chicken or fish?

Ans. The ground source of the virus is suspected to be mainly an animal but the exact source has not yet been identified. It is generally recommended to well cook all non-veg food as it kills all germs and reduces any possibility of the virus to sustain itself.

Does Corona virus spread if an infected person handles or prepares food?Ans. Yes, it can be transmitted by a person infected with the Corona virus, as it spreads through droplets formed during coughing and sneezing. Therefore, food getting contaminated by an infected person is something that cannot be ruled out.

Can one consume certain foods that help build immunity or prevent from being infected by the Corona virus?

Ans. Sadly No! A healthy diet and disciplined lifestyle (adequate water intake and sleep, optimal physical activity, healthy food options) will naturally include foods rich in vitamin C, vitamin D, and Zinc and are good immunity boosters

What precautions should be taken with regard to food?

Ans. a) Thoroughly washing hands with soap and water should be a priority before handling food, cooking or eating.b) Soak all fruits and vegetables for minimum 2 hours or so. Cover food and keep in zip locks or air tight containers. It reduces the chances of any human touch or contamination.c) If feeling unwell, having even a normal cold or cough, avoid cooking. If unavoidable, cover your mouth with a mask all the timed) Avoid outside food raw food, fresh fruit juices, food from roadside vendors, cold foods ( yogurt, ice cream, frozen desserts etc)e) Increase your intake of fluids, specially of hot beverages like hot water, soups, green tea or herbal tea. Taking a shot of amla juice will help to boost immunityf) Incorporate herbs and spices either by infusing in water or as a concoction in your daily diet. Cloves, cinnamon, black pepper corns, turmeric, mint , tulsi, ginger, garlic etc may be beneficial especially if you have congestion or sore throat.g) Avoid tobacco and excessive use of alcohol.

DISCLAIMER : Views expressed above are the author's own.

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FAQs on coronavirus and diet - Economic Times

Plant-Based Diets May Help Manage Asthma; Whereas Dairy Products And High-Fat Foods May Worsen It: Study – NDTV Food

Posted: March 28, 2020 at 10:54 am

Plant-based diet has long been touted as one of the most effective diets with several health benefits. A study published in Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that plant-based diet can reduce heart-failure risk by as much 41 percentas compared to diets rich in fried food and added fats. Another study, published in Clinical Journal of American Society of Nephrology, stated that healthy plant-based diet can protect kidney function. A third study, presented at the UEG Week Barcelona 2019, implied that this diet is also gut-healthy. Adding on to the list of the health benefits of this diet, a new review found that a plant-based diet mayhelp in preventing asthma. It was further stated that dairy products and high-fat foods may raise the risk. The study was published in the journal Nutrition Reviews.

On that note, asthma, in layman's language, is a common chronic condition where breathing becomes difficult due to inflammatory disease of the airways to the lungs. This can make some physical activities tough for the person affected.

"Asthma is a condition that affects more than 25 million Americans, and unfortunately, it can make people more vulnerable in the COVID-19 outbreak. This research offers hope that dietary changes could be helpful," stated study author Hana Kahleova, MD, PhD, director of clinical research for the Physicians Committee, as per a report in ANI.

Researchers, with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, through the study found that fruits, vegetables, whole grains and other high-fibre foods can be beneficial for people having asthma; while dairy products and saturated fat foods can be harmful.

Also Read:Plant-Based Diet Is Not The Same As Vegan Diet, Key Differences You Must Know!

Highlighting the benefits of plant-based diet, the authors suggested that it is rich in fibre, which improves the functioning of the lungs. This diet has also shown to reduce systemic inflammation, which can exacerbate asthma. They further stated that the antioxidants and flavonoids in this diet may also have some protective effects.

On the other hand, some studies, as per the ANI report, found that children who consumed the most dairy had higher odds of developing asthma, compared with the children consuming the least.

"This groundbreaking research shows that filling our plates with plant-based foods--and avoiding dairy products and other high-fat foods--can be a powerful tool for preventing and managing asthma," says Dr Kahleova.

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Plant-Based Diets May Help Manage Asthma; Whereas Dairy Products And High-Fat Foods May Worsen It: Study - NDTV Food

Diet And Nutrition Could Have A Great Impact On Gut: Study – NDTV Food

Posted: March 28, 2020 at 10:53 am

What you eat could affect your gut health in a big way. For the unversed, gut refers to a community of microbes that reside in our system. Good bacteria could do wonders for your digestion, immunity and more. According to a latest study, nutrition and diet have a great impact on microbial composition in the gut. This in in turn affects a range of metabolic, hormonal, and neurological processes. The article was published in Nutrition Reviews.

The review by scientists from the George Washington University (GW) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) stressed upon the link between diet and gut microbiome.For the longest time, scientists have been studied gut microbiome to target new strategies to diagnose and treat disease.

The prevalence of diseases that may involve disruption of the gut microbiome are increasing by the day, and at present, there's very little evidence on what defines a healthy gut microbiome.

The researchers assessed the current understanding of the interactions between nutrition and the gut microbiome in healthy adults.

"As we learn more about the gut microbiome and nutrition, we are learning how influential they are to each other and, perhaps more central to public health, the role they both play in prevention and treatment of disease," said Leigh A. Frame, PhD, MHS, program director of the Integrative Medicine Programs at the GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

The bi-directional relationship between nutrition and the gut microbiome is something that should not be ignored. Immense amount of research is being conducted on how microbiota utilize and produce both macro and micronutrients. The review happened to focused on the benefits of dietary fiber, which serves as fuel for gut microbiota, and also found that, in contrast, protein promotes microbial protein metabolism and potentially harmful byproducts that may sit in the gut, increasing the risk of negative outcomes on health.

"This review reveals that the measurement tools currently in our arsenal are ineffective for identifying the microbial and molecular signatures that can serve as robust indicators of health and disease," said Scott Jackson, adjunct assistant professor of clinical research and leadership at SMHS and leader of the Complex Microbial Systems Group at NIST.

Authors emphasized the need of future investigations on individual responses to diet and how the gut microbiome responds to dietary interventions, as well as underlined function of the microbiome over merely composition.

The authors suggested that future research must consider individual responses to diet and how the gut microbiome responds to dietary interventions, as well as emphasized function of the microbiome over merely composition.

(This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.)

Diet And Nutrition Could Have A Great Impact On Gut: Study - NDTV Food

Joseph Everett: Learn to make your own healthy decisions – The Japan Times

Posted: March 28, 2020 at 10:53 am

Name: Joseph EverettAge: 30Nationality: AmericanOccupation: YouTuber, with the channel What Ive LearnedLikes: Video games, books, exercise, interesting facts and, believe it or not, carbsDislikes: Rules that dont make sense, fiction that relies on magic and video games that dont have a clear end

1. How long have you been doing What Ive Learned? Since 2016.

2. Did you imagine that you would get to 1.3 million subscribers? No! I started because I was looking for a good video that explains how low-carbohydrate diets work, but I couldnt really find anything. I thought I would make one, and if it got 1,000 views great. I definitely wasnt expecting millions of views and subscribers, or for it to be a profitable endeavor.

3. What are your videos about? I bring attention to unusual but interesting topics, or the areas of common knowledge that are out of line with what the actual science and research says. I cover several topics but mostly health and nutrition. The idea is to help people to understand the science behind certain ideas and claims, and that this will lead to some useful action they can take in their own lives.

4. If you could correct just one common misconception about health, which would it be? The idea that saturated fat and cholesterol are necessarily bad for you, and everything that flows from that misconception, like the idea that we should eat vegetable and corn oil, or that we should replace fat with carbohydrates.

5. Why do you research and contradict popular ideas? It was mind-blowing that facts can actually be completely different from what were taught. I thought I must be late to the game or that maybe I didnt read enough and that many people knew about this. But it was hard to find the information explained in an accessible way. I wanted to explain that theres data that show some ideas are just wrong and the research supporting them doesnt stand up.

6. Do you question everything? If someone tells me something and it doesnt make sense, I want to look into it myself. Its not that I dont trust them, its just that I like to ask questions and confirm things for myself.

7. How would a friend describe you in five words? Goofy, positive, nerdy, funny and open-minded.

8. Why did you move from Texas to Japan? I originally came here to do a study abroad program.

9. Do people ask if you have a medical background? Sometimes ideas are not questioned or refuted because they come from a medical doctor or someone else with authority. But their information has to come from somewhere, and you can check that source yourself. Ive gotten comments like, Why should we trust you? How do we know youre not biased? Im not asking you to trust me, Im just showing the data and the reasoning behind ideas. You can make your own decisions based on that.

10. Is America doomed to high rates of obesity compared with Japan? It really depends on where in the U.S. you live and your income level. There are food deserts where the only food available is shelf stable food highly processed, filled with vegetable oils and sugar, and definitely not good for you. I dont know if Americans are doomed, but I dont see any revolutionary change happening any time soon.

11. Are there any downsides to the Japanese diet? Perhaps the drinking culture could use some work.

12. Whats the most controversial popular idea that youve challenged? That a vegan diet is the epitome of health.

13. Has your research changed the way you eat? If a friend makes bread or brings me sweets, Ill eat it. But over the month, I would say Im 90 percent low-carb, 70 percent keto and about 80 percent of the time I eat within a seven-hour window.

14. Do you measure your macronutrients and keep track of everything? No, Im not organized enough.

15. Why do incorrect ideas about health and well-being persist? When you have people who are very respected, and theyve written books and been saying the same thing for 30 to 40 years, its not easy or in their interest to come out and say, I was wrong. There are a lot of people who have a lot riding on conventional knowledge.

16. What have you learned from running a YouTube channel? People are really perceptive; they watch very closely. Sometimes people bring up really good points in the comments and I like it when theres someone who is into the details as much as I am. Ive also learned a lot about narration and how I can use intonation to emphasize the most important points.

17. How did you learn to make and edit videos? Thats self-taught.

18. How long does it typically take to make one of your videos? Somewhere between 40 and 70 hours, more or less.

19. Lots of YouTubers make their face their brand, but you dont. Why not? I never really thought it would be appealing to be recognized in the street, so I guess Im just a little shy. But I also wanted to put the emphasis on the data, so its not about me portraying myself as an expert. The whole point is that anyone can understand these ideas if they put in a little effort. This information is not locked behind a Ph.D.

20. What advice would you give someone starting a YouTube channel? Make the best content you can before you bother about branding, marketing, SEO or anything else.

The rest is here:
Joseph Everett: Learn to make your own healthy decisions - The Japan Times

How to avoid the newly dubbed ‘quarantine 15’ while being forced to stay home –

Posted: March 28, 2020 at 10:53 am

We spoke with a dietitian about how to stay healthy while staying at home.

MINNEAPOLIS Youve heard of the freshman 15, but this new way of life from home, for some, is lending itself to the newly dubbed quarantine 15 as pantries across America become overstocked with quarantine snacks.

"Mindless eating is a disaster in times like this," said Licensed Dietitian Kari Collett, with A to Zinc Nutrition.

Collett says being stuck at home is a perfect time to re-evaluate our priorities specifically when it comes to food and stretching out our nutritional dollars.

"That means a lot time learning how to cook and so giving yourself that time to look for recipes that have 5 ingredients or less you know that you can cook in under 15 minutes thats a beginning place that that can lead to other opportunities if people want to," said Collett.

Of course its easy to fall into the trap of situational stress eating in times like these, but Collett says eating is something we can control.

"Theres nothing necessarily wrong with eating in response to stress it is an actual true coping mechanism. However, take that first few bites of whatever it is thats relieving your stress, recognize it, and... find a new method, like go for a quick walk. You know, the Governor hasnt told us that we have to stay locked in our homes. He's just told us to stay home. I mean, he said get outside," said Collett.

Experts say keeping a schedule to limit grazing when bored can make all the difference when it comes to keeping off those extra unwanted pounds.

"Set a time for breakfast for lunch and for dinner just like when you were working full time and at the office. You had a lunch time, you had a dinner time. Keep that schedule, because once you go back into that working world again, youre going to transition right back to it easily," said Collett.

Some believe that everything in moderation is key when it comes to limiting junk food in our diets, but experts warn this isn't the best practice.

"I've heard that expression a number of times and it concerns me because a person who drinks 24 cans of mountain dew a day might think that one or two a day is moderation, but by my standards, thats not a healthy option either," said Collett.

When it comes to your kids, make whole foods convenient foods because what you put out kids are going to eat. These best practices experts say begin at the grocery store, because what you put in your cart will ultimately end up on the table.

"Kids need structure at snack time. They shouldnt be grazing all day either, so have breakfast, a snack if you need to, lunch, dinner, and then bedtime snack if you need to, but parents are in charge of whats in that snack -- not the kids," said Collett.

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How to avoid the newly dubbed 'quarantine 15' while being forced to stay home -

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