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Is There Any Hope for Picard? – Vulture

Posted: March 27, 2020 at 3:59 am

Jean-Luc Picards (Patrick Stewart) struggle to hold on to hope in the face of chaos is ripe for exploration, especially when the world feels so destabilized and confusing. Photo: Matt Kennedy/CBS

Lately, I have been seeking pleasure, trying to capture joy wherever I can find it cooking a lush meal, taking a brightly colored bubble bath, Skyping friends as we navigate the chaos and uncertainty of the present moment. Beset by the realization that the coronavirus pandemic will endure for months, continuing to expose the frailties of the systems that control our lives, I have found myself turning to Star Trek: The Next Generation, a series that fosters the kind of empathy, curiosity, and optimistic belief in humanity that feels like a balm in a time lacking these qualities.

Star Trek: The Next Generation which ran from 1987 to 1994, spawning several movies after that started out roughly but bloomed into a show brimming with curiosity about human nature and our impulse toward connection. That quality has been hardwired into the franchise since its beginning, percolating beneath the surface as a bold and timely argument for the importance of community and social bonds, including and beyond blood relations. Watching the show now conjures up a host of memories, ripe and tactile: my mothers nimble hands oiling my scalp and braiding my hair, the heat of Miami nights, the smell of plantains frying in the kitchen. So I have found myself turning to everything from trenchant and moving episodes like The Inner Light to episodes with more ridiculous moments, like Commander Data (Brent Spiner) reciting a poem about his cat, Spot. This is not merely an exercise in nostalgia, but a means to experience and cherish that which undergirds Star Trek as a franchise: hope.

One of the most trenchant aspects of Star Trek: The Next Generations nature is its essential hope about humankind and the ways we relate to one another. This holds true for the Star Trek franchise even in its darkest moments, like the latter seasons of Deep Space Nine, which explored the nature of war and the price for maintaining peace in a chaotic universe. And it should hold true for Star Trek: Picard, the new CBS All Access series that follows The Next Generations iconic Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) as he navigates a milieu that doesnt adhere to his hope for better worlds. This Picard is a changed man in many ways rougher around the edges, quicker to anger, and burdened by grief that renders him more vulnerable than weve seen before which could have led to rich territory if Picard showed a greater commitment to the Star Trek franchises most central, enduring theme. What does it mean to hold on to hope in a universe that no longer seems to believe in it? Thats a vibrant question to explore right now more than ever.

Unfortunately, Star Trek: Picard has struggled to live up to Stewarts tenderhearted, fully realized performance, which imbues Picard typically a stalwart captain modeling the kind of grace, intelligence, and empathetic leadership absent in the world today with the weight of grief and failure in a universe that now lacks the order he typically clings to. The struggle to hold on to hope in the face of chaos is ripe for exploration, especially now as the world feels destabilized and confusing. But while Picard has shown sparks of interest in this struggle, its largely traded such somber reflections for a bombastic story line concerning Romulan cabals intent on wiping out the galaxys synthetic lifeforms, which Picard feels an obligation to stop due to connections to The Next Generations Data that are too laboriously complicated to lay out here.

A major factor in Star Trek: Picards uneven nature is that it doesnt seem to know exactly what it wants to be, even in the wake of its first season finale. Is this meant to be a continuation of an iconic character that speaks to established fans, or is this a glossy reimagining meant to conjure new viewers by bending to the mores of the Peak TV era? Like the show he was born into, Picard feels out of step with the expectations of modern TV in many ways, so Star Trek: Picard has capitulated by casting its universe in darker shades while leaning into mysteries formatted like puzzles for the audience to solve. This was most apparent in the Romulan intrigue involving siblings Narek (Harry Treadaway) and Narissa (Peyton List), played with an odd incestuous bent among their murky spy dealings, which were largely separate from Picards journey until the last third of the season.

Not every show is made to bend toward mystery like Lost or Watchmen. Whats made Star Trek so enduring is not slow-burn intrigue and puzzle-box storytelling; its the people who populate its fantastical settings, watching them navigate the unknown and the frankly human. Perhaps thats why Picard has so far been at its best when engaging with characters from Star Treks past like Hugh (Jonathan Del Arco) and Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan), who gets some of the most badass, action-oriented moments in the series; or Riker (Jonathan Frakes) and Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis), who have a new sort of relaxed casualness with Picard rather than bending itself to the surface-level dynamics of modern dramas that lean heavy into mystery.

Its not like Picard isnt set up for this sort of character exploration. The Jean-Luc of Picard is a haunted man when we meet him in the beginning of the series, tormented by the loss of Data, the destruction of Mars, Starfleets refusal to help Romulan refugees, and the widespread banning of synthetic life. His return to the stars is shadowed not just by his age but the terminal diagnosis he receives before leaving his vineyard in France. This setup is ripe with opportunity on a character level. What does it mean to face a mission you know will likely be your last? How do you remain hopeful in the face of oblivion? How do you put one foot in front of the next when you barely believe in the person you are? How do you grapple with unmet yearnings at the end of your life? But Picard has repeatedly eschewed the somber for the bombastic, giving us not nearly enough moments to breathe and really dig into the new reality facing Picard, as well as the new characters surrounding him.

At first blush, the new characters that round out Picard hold a lot of intriguing bramble. Raffi (Michelle Hurd) is beset by addiction issues and a fractured relationship with a son who wants nothing to do with her. Dr. Agnes Jurati (Alison Pill) is obsessed with synthetic life and moves with boundless, bubbly energy. Rios (Santiago Cabrera) is guarded, grappling with the loss of a captain whom he deeply cared for and looked up to when he was in Starfleet. Unfortunately, these characters have been developed with a mind toward raising more questions and complicating the shows mystery. Agnes killing Bruce Maddox, her colleague and love, was an intriguing character turn quickly soured by the fact that the show thought it was more interesting to withhold information than properly explain why she made the decision she did. Rioss backstory feels especially clunky and mishandled when the captain of his past is revealed to have killed himself due to an elaborate plot that forced him to kill two synths, one of whom looked just like Soji (Isa Briones). Are you still with me? Despite the genuinely good work by the actors, theres only so much you can do to provide emotional resonance to a plot this thinly drawn and convoluted.

In the penultimate episode, Picard reveals to his ragtag crew the terminal diagnosis hes been hiding from them. There is a false levity to Stewarts physicality that denotes the tension between the casualness with which hes presenting this news and the gravity of the situation. Its a wrenching moment that works because Stewart wills complication into the moment, not because the characters surrounding him have been properly fleshed out. Just watch nearly any scene that doesnt include Picard (or returning characters like Seven of Nine) and youll witness how uneven the show is in its characterization. This recurring failure leaves me not only angry about Picards inability to reach its full potential, but confused about what it is trying to say about the grand theme of hope in a time of chaos, grief, and loss.

This confusion speaks to what the show is ultimately lacking, the thing that attracted me to Star Trek in the first place: its curiosity. Even at its darkest, Star Trek has been propelled by an essential curiosity about how various worlds and their inhabitants work, holding them up as a mirror to our own lives and histories. Picard at times displays this curiosity when it digs into its characters histories, or uses its plot machinations to speak to concerns of xenophobia, immigration, and the failures of political powers; the show is at its best when it tangles with the franchises past and complicates what we already know about these characters. But Picard often undercuts the potential of these dynamics with its tendency to keep viewers in the dark for the sake of mystery. Too often the plot turns on what we dont know, and what is new to Star Trek lore even more secret Romulan cabals, secret synth societies, and so on elements far removed from the more empathetic concerns Star Trek has always tangled with.

The tension within the series between embracing its essential Star Trek nature and bowing to the demands of Peak TV comes to a head in the finale, which grants Patrick Stewart many moments to stretch his skills, showing Picard at his most impassioned and most vulnerable, sometimes within the same moment. He makes grand proclamations that speak to the notions of empathy, curiosity, and humanity that power Star Trek. Fear is an incompetent teacher [] To be alive is a responsibility as well as a right, he says with conviction at one point, and my heart swelled. We are even granted a touching reunion of sorts between Data and Picard in an ornate simulation after Picard seemingly dies. The entire scene hinges on Picard finally proclaiming his love for Data and acknowledging his grief over his loss. Its a beautiful moment that works not because of the plot beats that brought us there, but due to the character history upon which its built.

There are moments of beauty within Picard, to be sure watching Riker diligently make pizza; Seven of Nine shooting phasers through a room; Picard gently speaking to Soji about Data or encouraging her with care and conviction and most of these moments hold the thrill of seeing the show hearken back to its roots, rather than running from them and toward the expectations of modern TV drama. The Next Generation started out roughly itself, so I have a bit of faith that Picard can still find its own path. But for Picard to become the show it has the potential to be, it needs to eschew the darkness and intrigue that comes with the expectations of Peak TV storytelling, and fully embrace the curiosity, beauty, and sense of hope that has made Star Trek endure.

The rest is here:
Is There Any Hope for Picard? - Vulture

Dillian Whyte’s brutal taunts to Andy Ruiz Jr over weight issues –

Posted: March 27, 2020 at 3:58 am


British boxer Dillian Whyte enjoys winding up rival heavyweights and has had a crack at Andy Ruiz Jr.

British boxer Dillian Whyte has been humiliating heavyweight rival Andy Ruiz over his weight issues.

With Ruiz's prospective trainer Teddy Atlas claiming the Mexican's eating habits were like that of a "drug abuser", Whyte has chimed in wth some body blows to the former world champion.

He started by tweeting a video of an obese man struggling to get out of a sports car but moving quickly whena hamburger was placed in front of him. Whyte captioned it: "You need to chill bro, chill champ, chill" with the hashtags#fastcars#fastfood, a hit on Ruiz's liking for both.

Whyte then taunted Ruiz by posting a video of another obese man doing some dance moves, saying: " Stick to boxing brother, leave the dancing alone." His hastag this time of #Andythecakedestroyer was a play on Ruiz's "Destroyer" fighting nickname.

But this wasn't a one way fight and Ruizcame back with a merciless reply.

He found a video of Whyte being knocked senseless by fellow British heavyweight Anthony Joshua, telling his teaser: "Bro you still running your mouth? Hold this L to your forehead. Thank you for showing us the Stanky Leg."

Ruiz is yet to announce his plans following his December loss to Joshua. He went 12 rounds with Joshua in Saudi Arabia but lost a unanimous points decision.

That was in stark contrast to his exhilarating seventh round knock out of Joshua in their first fight in New York last June where Ruizbecame Mexico's first heavyweight world champion in one of the division's biggest upsets.


Andy Ruiz Jr turned up in poor shape for his world title rematch with Anthony Joshua and was soundly beaten on points.

Whyte is currently in Portugal training for his scheduled May 2 fight with Russian Alexander Povetkin in Manchester that is under threat of being postponed because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Whyte drove 40 hours from Britain to his training camp base.

"The mindset is my date is still going ahead, so I'm training," Whyte said, on an Instagram live video

"I had to drive 40 hours non-stop from my house straight to here. I drove because I brought the dogs with me, so I didn't want to fly.

"It's very important to show people in this time that it's important to train, to get on with life the best you can in these kinds of situations, because it is easy to panic and just shut down. I'm just trying to show as much positivity as I can.

"It's quiet but there's food on the shelves and I have a good set-up here."

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Dillian Whyte's brutal taunts to Andy Ruiz Jr over weight issues -

10 Ways to Stick With Your Weight-Loss Goals When Youre Stuck at Home – LIVESTRONG.COM

Posted: March 27, 2020 at 3:57 am

Whether you're nursing a nagging cold, snowed in during a Nor'easter or practicing social distancing, odds are being stuck at home is disrupting your daily diet and gym routines. But just because you're temporarily cooped up doesn't mean all your efforts to drop unwanted pounds are doomed to fail.

Yes, it is possible to lose weight at home here's how.

Image Credit: franckreporter/E+/GettyImages

Here, experts share 10 ways to stay healthy and stick to your weight-loss goals when you're shut in for the short term.

"Working at home is a double whammy," Julia Dugas, RDN, a dietitian with Life Time, tells "First, you have access to your fridge and pantry all day long. Second, even with good intentions and daily at-home workouts, you are still likely far less active than your typical day (and burning less calories)."

That's why it's important you stick to a schedule eat exactly as you would if you were at the office. "Maintaining the same meal and snack structure can help you stay on track with the appropriate amount of food to continue towards your weight-loss goal," she says.

Preparing your meals ahead of time can help you do just that. With meal prep, you can "avoid getting sidetracked with unhealthy options or larger-than-intended portion sizes," Dugas explains.

"If you're used to going to a gym or group fitness classes, working out at home isn't an easy transition," says Emily McLaughlin, in-house certified fitness trainer and nutrition expert at 8fit.

But you can still find quality workouts and fitness instruction online to help you lose weight at home. The best part? There are plenty that won't cost you a penny.

McLaughlin recommends taking advantage of free workout apps and streaming services or following credible and credentialed certified personal trainers on Instagram and YouTube.

With so much fitness-related content in the palm of your smartphone-holding hand, you won't have an excuse to avoid exercising at home.

"If your workspace is right next to your kitchen, or you're working from your kitchen table, it's going to be extremely difficult to ignore all those snacks calling your name," Erika Fox, RDN, a registered dietitian and community manager for 310 Nutrition, tells

The solution? Relocate! Find another spot to set up your workspace away from the temptations of the fridge and the pantry. "This will help keep you focused on your work and not so much on snacking," Fox says.

You don't need a gym to get in a good workout, just a little bit of space and motivation.

Image Credit: jacoblund/iStock/GettyImages

No weights? No worries. You don't need expensive gym equipment to get a great workout and lose weight at home just a little imagination and ingenuity.

"If you don't have weights, a bike or treadmill at home, you'll need to get creative," McLaughlin says. In other words, use what you have available. "Enlist the help of everyday objects like chairs for triceps dips, canned goods or wine bottles for weight and towels for sliding or extra resistance," she recommends.

Did you know that keeping a food diary is one of the most effective ways to manage your weight? Download the MyPlate app to easily track calories, stay focused and achieve your goals!

Whatever the reason you're holed up at home, you might be feeling a little anxious and antsy without your regular routine in place.

"During times of high stress, our nutrient needs increase," Dugas says. "Getting a minimum of six (or more) servings of fruits and vegetables daily can ensure you're getting the vitamins and minerals you need for metabolic function, good energy levels and weight loss."

To keep you feeling fuller longer, Dugas recommends pairing fruits and veggies with foods that are high in protein and healthy fat. Think:

If you depend on a gym buddy to help you push through grueling exercise routines, you might find your stamina (and your motivation) lacking during solo workouts. But there's good news: You don't have to suffer through home sweat sessions alone.

By using video conferencing tools like FaceTime, Skype or Zoom, you can still connect with your gym partner from the comfort of your own home, McLaughlin says. Collaborate and plan your workouts ahead of time, then schedule your at-home "gym" sessions in your calendar.

This is a great way to hold yourself accountable and stay motivated while you're temporarily stuck in the house.

Track your water intake throughout the day to make sure you're drinking enough.

Image Credit: Kentaroo Tryman/Maskot/GettyImages

Don't forget to fill up your water bottle. Staying hydrated is a must-have for maintaining a healthy metabolism. That's because when you're not properly hydrated, your cells don't function efficiently, i.e., they slow down, Dugas says. And if this happens, your metabolism can grind to a halt.

Not being hydrated can also make you feel hungry. So, before you pop something in your mouth, try sipping some water first. Keeping hydrated can help you feel fuller and avoid the common pitfall of mistaking dehydration for hunger.

What's more, your water intake is also important for joint lubrication, muscle function and energy levels, Dugas explains. And you'll need healthy muscles, joints and strength to stay active and focused on your weight-loss goals.

Tuning into your hunger and fullness cues can help you avoid overeating and snacking unnecessarily, Dugas says. "When you make a trip to the fridge, check in with yourself: Are you feeling hungry or are you just bored, stressed, anxious or sad?"

In reality, you might just need a quick breather. "When you're at the office and feel like you need a brain break, it's easy to get up, walk around and chat with others, but at home, these brain breaks usually turn into snacking," Fox says. "Oftentimes, people aren't even hungry, but rather just need something to do so they can refocus."

Instead of resorting to snacks, try incorporating a different activity into your routine, says Fox who recommends going for a walk, taking a quick journal break, stretching or exercise.

Dugas agrees: Focusing on doing things you like (reading a book, calling a friend, running a bath, etc.) is a "good way to not only distract yourself, but to engage in an activity that can help you develop coping skills for reducing stress and anxiety in the long run."

To lose weight at home, remember to just keep moving.

Image Credit: Antonio_Diaz/iStock/GettyImages

Is all that time at home making you a couch potato? Unfortunately, spending countless hours on the sofa isn't good for your glutes.

"Our glute muscles get sleepy when we sit too much," McLaughlin says. And when our movement is limited, these muscles essentially go into hibernation.

Though leg and butt-focused workouts are a great way to combat this problem, you can also incorporate more movement throughout your day. McLaughlin recommends adding squats to your daily activities like washing your hands, emptying the dishwasher, brushing your teeth and waiting for water to boil.

A functional, compound exercise, squats not only activate the glutes but will also help you burn more calories and stay the course for your weight-loss efforts.

"Many people snack while working from home because they're either bored or need something to do while they work," Fox says. Just like when we watch TV, it's easy to engage in mindless eating when we keep a box of cookies next to the computer.

And with easy access to the fridge and pantry, this situation can quickly become a recipe for overindulging.

Again, heed your hunger cues and "when you are hungry, step away from the computer," Fox says. "Take the extra time to sit down and eat a snack or meal, and don't get back to work until you feel fully satisfied."

Bottom line: When your belly is happy, you're less likely to graze on greasy chips all day.

Read more stories to help you navigate the novel coronavirus pandemic:

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10 Ways to Stick With Your Weight-Loss Goals When Youre Stuck at Home - LIVESTRONG.COM

Make this easy, weight-loss-friendly breakfast in minutes, before you sit down to work in your home-office – Times Now

Posted: March 27, 2020 at 3:57 am

Make this easy, weight-loss-friendly breakfast in minutes, before you sit down to work in your home-office  |  Photo Credit: Getty Images

New Delhi: Due to the coronavirus pandemic, various countries, including India have gone under a lockdown, forcing all of us to work from home, except services that require people to be at their workplace. All of us seem to be struggling to be healthy, both physically and mentally. Some of us are also finding ourselves worried about how we will gain weight by the end of the pandemic, and all our weight loss goals will be left unachieved.

We know how important breakfast is to stay healthy and lose weight. Given we have a little too much time on our hands right now, eating a tasty, healthy breakfast is easier, since we do not have to go to office, but have to work from home. It is also important to eat right and make sure we are at our healthiest to reduce our risk of infection.

If you have run out of breakfast ideas, here is a simple, easy, and quick breakfast recipe that you can make, before you head out to your work office.

Pancakes are the perfect, exotic breakfast that everyone loves. However, traditionally, refined flour, butter, and various other unhealthy ingredients are used in making the pancakes. To make a healthier version, here is what you can do.

Add 2 cups of oats, one mashed banana, 1 cup of protein powder, and some skimmed milk into a blender. Add a pinch of baking powder to it. Blend the mix. This will make the pancake batter smoother. Pick a non-stick pan, and pour the batter on the pan, after turning the stove on. When little bubbles appear on the top surface of the pancake, flip it. Let it cook for 30 seconds to 1 minute on the other side, and take it off into a plate.

You can make as many of these as you wish, and serve them with maple syrup, honey, or chocolate syrup, depending on what you prefer.

The pancakes will be ready in just minutes, and will take even lesser time to eat. While you work from home and stay at home to keep yourself safe, make sure you eat healthily as well.

Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purpose only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a dietician before starting any fitness programme or making any changes to your diet.

View original post here:
Make this easy, weight-loss-friendly breakfast in minutes, before you sit down to work in your home-office - Times Now

Weight Loss and Weight Management Market Growth Rate, Demands, Status And Application Forecast To 2025 – periodical360

Posted: March 27, 2020 at 3:57 am

The Global Weight Loss and Weight Management Market analysis report published on is a detailed study of market size, share and dynamics covered in XX pages and is an illustrative sample demonstrating market trends. It covers the entire market with an in-depth study on revenue growth and profitability. The report also delivers on key players along with strategic standpoint pertaining to price and promotion.

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Weight Loss and Weight Management Market Growth Rate, Demands, Status And Application Forecast To 2025 - periodical360

UW Football heights and weights have been updated – 247Sports

Posted: March 27, 2020 at 3:57 am

Looking at the outside linebackers first, it sure seems like Coach K is trying to get his guys around the 260-270 range, and the players adjusted accordingly. At that size, there weren't a ton of big movers, certainly no-one in double digits, at least until you get to Trice, who made a big move to nearly 250 pounds. That's something UW fans should be very happy about. And seeing guys like Bowman and Latu trim down should also be seen as a positive result.

Tupuola-Fetui's move to 272 isn't unexpected. His frame always looked like he could carry 265+ very comfortably. But Lolohea! It's clear he was able to gain any weight lost from his mission, and then some. A 24-pound gain is pretty big, especially on a 6-1 frame. I wouldn't be surprised if he trims it back a bit before the start of the season.

But of all the years I've been doing this, I don't think I can ever remember a 40-pound weight gain - but Hansen did exactly that. At 6-foot-4, he was Charles Atlas getting sand kicked in his face. Now he's clearly something different.

Moving inside, there's two distinct groups. Those that are 230+ (Tafisi, Sirmon, Ulofoshio, Tuputala) and those that are right around 220 (Ah You, Heimuli, Calvert, Hines, Fowler). Do they line up with who Coach Gregory is going to use at the MIK and WIL? It's possible. The bigger guys traditionally lock down the middle, while the others come from the weak side to mop up.

Ryan Bowman 6-0, 277, Sr. to 6-0, 269 (-8) Joe Tryon 6-5, 262, Jr. to 6-5, 262 (no change) Jackson Sirmon 6-3, 238, So. to 6-3, 237 (-1) MJ Tafisi 6-0, 235, So. to 6-0, 241 (+6) Edefuan Ulofoshio 6-0, 231, So. to 6-0, 234 (+3) Zion Tupuola-Fetui 6-3, 266, So. to 6-3, 272 (+6) Laiatu Latu 6-4, 275, So. to 6-4, 266 (-9) Ben Hines 5-10, 234, So. to 5-10, 221 (-13) Miki Ah You 6-1, 215, RFr. to 6-1, 218 (+3) Josh Calvert 6-2, 223, RFr. to 6-2, 218 (-5) Daniel Heimuli 6-0, 217, RFr. to 6-0, 225 (+8) Bralen Trice 6-3, 236, RFr. to 6-3, 249 (+13) Alphonzo Tuputala 6-2, 224, RFr. to 6-2, 231 (+7) Ruperake Fuavai 6-2, 230, RFr. to 6-0, 239 (+9) Drew Fowler 6-1, 210, RFr. to 6-1, 218 (+8) Hunter Hansen 6-4, 191, RFr. to 6-4, 231 (+40) Jordan Lolohea 6-1, 247, Fr. to 6-2, 271 (+24)

UW Football heights and weights have been updated - 247Sports

Befit Keto Cut Review – Will It Help With YOUR Weight Loss! – Knnit

Posted: March 27, 2020 at 3:57 am

Are you here checking out Befit Keto Cut because youre starting a ketogenic diet? If you are, you know how difficult this lifestyle is. But ketone supplements like Befit Keto Cut can help you achieve your ketone weight loss! In this review from Be fit Keto Cut, find out how it can be possible. But, if you already have the idea of using a BHB ketone supplement to help you with your keto diet, you can just click any button on this page now!

When you start a keto diet, you may experience difficulties. Did you know that to enter ketosis, you must commit to eating less than 50 grams of carbohydrates per day? For a long period of time? And you have to keep it that way in order to get the dramatic weight loss that ketogenic diets promise! And thats why people are taking BHB ketone supplements like Befit Keto Cut, to help support their ketone efforts. How do Be fit Keto Cut diet pills do this? Keep reading to find out! Or, if youre ready to see where you can buy the Be fit Keto Cut food supplement now, click the banner below while supplies last!

Befit Keto Cut Weight Loss works with the exogenous ketones BHB. To understand how BefitKeto Cut diet pills work, you must first understand how ketogenic diets work. Because Befit Keto Cut pills are meant to complement your efforts to become keto. So how does a keto diet work? You reduce the amount of carbohydrates you eat to less than 50 grams per day. Then your body begins to switch from burning glucose for energy to producing ketones which work to burn energy using fat stores instead. BefitKeto Cut provides you with ketones so you can have them before your body starts producing their own.

This supplement may be right for you if youre starting the keto diet. It will not work for anyone who takes it without any other behavior change. It is not meant to be a miracle weight loss pill that anyone can take to lose weight. It is a tool to help you lose weight with a ketogenic diet. Thats all. Does it work? This can happen if you eat as directed by Keto. In other words, it can help you get into ketosis faster even if you havent made the switch from low to almost carbohydrate free. This can help you have more energy during periods when your body is withdrawing from carbohydrates and reduce cravings. The Be fit Keto Cut Diet supplement can also help treat other symptoms of AKA carbohydrate flu keto. But you will finally have to try it to see for yourself.

Be aware that side effects are possible with any ketone supplement. In particular, they can be hard on your liver if you use them too much or for too long. Talk to your doctor if you have any concerns. Especially if you have major health problems. In addition, you should check to see if the keto diet is right for you initially. Of course, if you experience any side effect while taking this pill or any other diet pill, stop using it immediately and seek professional help if necessary.

You can buy BefitKeto Cut Ketone Pills directly from the official BefitKeto Cut website! Click any button on this page to check it out now! And, if you want to contact Premier Keto directly about anything, call them at 1-866-216-8411 or by email at

Go here to see the original:
Befit Keto Cut Review - Will It Help With YOUR Weight Loss! - Knnit

Unplanned resident weight loss on the rise – Australian Ageing Agenda

Posted: March 27, 2020 at 3:57 am

Almost 3,000 more aged care residents recorded significant unplanned weight loss last quarter than in the previous period, the latest aged care quality indicators report shows.

In the October-December 2019 quarter, 14,733 residents experienced significant unplanned weight loss, which is a loss of three or more kilograms in the period.

And 15,398 residents recorded consecutive unplanned weight loss, which is a loss of any amount every month over the three consecutive months.

This is up from 11,803 and 12,177 residents experiencing significant and consecutive unplanned weight loss respectively in the July-September 2019 quarter.

Thats according to the second quarterly report of the National Aged Care Mandatory Quality Indicator Program published by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare onGEN Aged CareData.

There were also more occasions of intentional physical restraint recorded in the October-December 2019 quarter (25,529) than in the previous quarter (25,101).

There were 60,804 recorded occasions of physical restraint devices such as bedrails, chairs with locked tables, seatbelts, safety vests and shackles to intentionally or otherwise restrain a resident, up from 60,217 the previous quarter.

In the October-December 2019 quarter, there were 12,509 pressure injuries recorded, down from 13,306 the previous quarter, according to the report.

Pressure injuries are categorised as:

Most of the recorded pressure injuries were stage 1 (5,426) and stage 2 (5,225), the least severe categories and both have decreased from the previous quarter (5,801 and 5,425 respectively).

However, the report shows there were more stage 3 pressure injuries (906) in the October-December 2019 quarter than the previous quarter (861).

Last quarter, 94 per cent of Commonwealth approved residential aged care services submitted on quality indicator data, up from 90 per cent the previous quarter, the AIHW said.

View the quality indicators data here.

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Tags: aihw, australian-institute-of-health-and-welfare, national-aged-care-mandatory-quality-indicator-program, news-2, physical restraints, pressure injuries

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Unplanned resident weight loss on the rise - Australian Ageing Agenda

Coconut Water vs. Coconut Milk: What’s the Difference? – Healthline

Posted: March 27, 2020 at 3:57 am

Coconut palm (Cocos nucifera L.) is a common tree found in the tropics that yields many food and beverage products, including coconut water, oil, milk, and cream.

However, you may wonder what sets apart coconuts main beverages.

This article explains the differences between coconut water and coconut milk, along with the pros and cons of drinking either.

The coconut fruit consists of 38% shell, 10% water, and 52% coconut flesh also called coconut meat (1).

Both coconut water and coconut milk come from the edible part of the fruit, called the endosperm tissue (2).

However, theyre two very different coconut byproducts.

Coconut water is a sweet, translucent fluid that you may drink straight from young green coconuts.

It comes naturally within the fruit and is referred to as the liquid endosperm (2).

Once young coconuts start to mature, coconut water starts to harden to form coconut meat known as the solid endosperm (2).

However, the maturation process doesnt fill the entire coconut cavity with the meat, so you may still find some coconut water in mature coconuts.

Coconut water is a refreshing beverage popular for its health-promoting effects.

Unlike the water, coconut milk is a processed coconut byproduct.

Its made by grating the flesh of mature, brown coconuts and simmering it in hot water. The mixture is then strained to remove any solid remnants.

The amount of water used to make the milk determines its consistency, which may be either thick or thin (2).

Thin coconut milk is mostly used as a cows milk substitute. In contrast, thick coconut milk is usually used as a thickening agent for sauces or traditional recipes in many Indian and Southeast Asian dishes.

Coconut water and milk are two different coconut beverages. The water is found naturally within the fruit. In contrast, the milk is a processed byproduct made out of coconut meat.

Being two distinct coconut beverages, coconut water and milk have different nutritional profiles.

Heres a comparison between 1 cup (240 mL) of coconut water and milk, respectively (3, 4):

As you can see, there are significant differences between them, starting with their calorie content.

Coconut water is a low calorie drink, while coconut milk is a high calorie one with about a 12 fold higher number.

As for their composition, its no surprise that coconut water contains mainly water about 94% and carbs while having virtually no fat and proteins.

On the contrary, coconut milk has a lower amount of water around 50% with fat being its predominant nutrient (2).

However, they share some similarities when it comes to vitamins and minerals, although coconut milk has a higher folate and manganese content, whereas coconut water is higher in sodium.

Coconut water and coconut milk have very different nutritional profiles. Coconut water provides mostly carbs and water, while coconut milk provides primarily fat. Still, both are excellent sources of vitamins and minerals.

Coconut water and milk have multiple health benefits to offer. However, you may prefer one over the other depending on your nutritional goals and needs.

Coconut water has become quite popular among physically active people due to its ability to replenish electrolytes, such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium, lost through sweat during exercise (2, 5).

Also, research in rats with diabetes suggests that coconut water may help lower oxidative stress, blood sugar levels, and A1c hemoglobin, an indicator of your blood sugar over the last 3 months (6, 7, 8).

Further research in rats shows that coconut water may support heart health by lowering blood cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL (bad) cholesterol while increasing HDL (good) cholesterol levels (9, 10).

Still, research in humans is needed to confirm these claims.

As for coconut milk, while around 89% of its fat content comes from saturated fats, studies show that it doesnt cause a detrimental effect on blood lipid profiles (4, 11).

This is due to its medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) content, which may even aid weight and fat loss (12, 13).

Coconut waters potassium levels may help lower blood pressure in people with high blood pressure. However, those with kidney disorders may want to limit their intake (14, 15).

An impaired renal function often leads to hyperkalemia elevated blood potassium levels due to the kidneys inability to excrete potassium. Therefore, consuming too much of this mineral may have harmful effects (16, 17).

On the other hand, while coconut milks MCT content may have a positive effect on weight loss, its still a high calorie beverage. Therefore, try to limit your intake to keep your calories in versus calories out equation managed.

Additionally, some experts suggest that since coconut milk is a high FODMAP drink, you should limit its intake if you have a FODMAP intolerance or are following a low FODMAP diet (18, 19).

However, others classify it as a low FODMAP food. Therefore, you may want to assess your own tolerance to it to determine whether you should limit its intake or avoid it altogether (20).

FODMAP is an acronym for fermentable oligo-, di-, mono-saccharides, and polyols a group of carbs that may cause abdominal symptoms, such as bloating, nausea, diarrhea, and constipation, in some people (21).

Also, while coconut allergies are usually rare, coconuts are an emerging allergen in the United States. Thus, you should avoid drinking coconut water and milk if youre allergic to coconuts (22, 23).

Lastly, whether you choose to drink packaged coconut water or coconut milk, always check the ingredient list and avoid those with added sugars.

Sugar-sweetened beverages have been linked to an increased risk of conditions like obesity and type 2 diabetes (24).

Both coconut water and milk offer plenty of health benefits. However, people with kidney disease should limit coconut water, while people with FODMAP intolerance may want to limit coconut milk. Those with coconut allergies should avoid both.

Coconut water and milk are often confused because theyre both popular coconut beverages.

However, theyre two distinct drinks, as coconut water occurs naturally within the fruit, whereas coconut milk is a processed beverage. They also have different nutritional profiles and culinary uses.

Although they both offer multiple health benefits, people with kidney disease may want to avoid drinking coconut water, while people with FODMAP intolerance should limit coconut milk depending on their sensitivities.

Whether you choose coconut water or coconut milk, avoid brands with added sugars to enjoy their benefits.

See the original post here:
Coconut Water vs. Coconut Milk: What's the Difference? - Healthline

Best fruits for weight loss – Herald of Fashion

Posted: March 27, 2020 at 3:57 am

If you have a big appetite which is causing you to gain more and more weight with the passage of time, now is the time you can get rid of the extra inches by eating FRUITS! Yes, you read it right. It is not always necessary that eating stuff can lead to the accumulation of extra fats on your body. There are certain kinds of food items that not only help you satisfy your appetite but also lead to making you look slim and smart. Most of the people avoid eating fruits as they think the presence of sugar in them would lead to the development of fats in their bodies. To some extent, this is true. However, there are plenty of fruits that help you maintain your weight or even lose it because of the special elements present in them. They are filled with amazing nutrients that will cut off the extra fat as well as will make your skin look radiant and glowing.

Strawberries are one of the most good looking fruits in the world. People are fond of this fruits because of its good looks as well as the sweet taste it comes up with. However, not many people know that this fruit can help them a lot in their mission of losing the extra fat that has been causing issues for them for such a long time. Though, the fruit is sweet but still it comes up with just 50 calories even if you eat a bowl full of them. Eating this fruit is beneficial from the health perspective as well as it is known to regulate the level of sugar in human body.

Watermelon is also famous for its properties of helping the people who are struggling with their weight loss issues. The reason why it helps people losing the extra fat is the presence of water in it. The fruit is ninety percent of water that makes no difference even if you consume the fruit in a large quantity. So, if you crave to eat something even in the middle of the night, settle for a bowl of watermelon.

Apple is a fruits that comes with numerous benefits for the human body. Along with its properties of helping the human having a better level of immune system, it also whitens the teeth. However, along with these two properties, it is amazing for people who want to shed of the extra calories. An apple contains just fifty calories and is nothing when compared to a whole meal!

Young woman carries a shopping basket filled with fresh produce. She is shopping for fresh fruit and vegetables in a grocery store.


If you are looking forward to the ways that can help you out in having a fitter body, you need to change your diet first. Add the above-stated fruits in your regular meals and you will soon witness a change in your physical appearance. With time, you will be able to change your lifestyle altogether.

Follow this link:
Best fruits for weight loss - Herald of Fashion

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