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U.K. Scientists Paying People $4,000 to Get Infected with Coronaviruses – Newsweek

Posted: March 13, 2020 at 10:45 pm

As scientists race to develop treatments and vaccines for the COVID-19 virus, one facility in London is looking for volunteers to be infected with a coronavirus to help with research.

hVIVO, an arm of a pharmaceutical company based in the U.K. capital, is looking for 24 people to be infected with common strains of a member of the large coronavirus family of pathogens which the new coronavirus is also a member of.

The bug isn't the same as the COVID-19 virus, but close enough for biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies to safely test vaccines and antiviral drugs to fight the new coronavirus on participants.

The volunteers will be paid 3,500 ($4,380) according to The Times. To qualify, they must be must be healthy, aged between 18-55 years old, non-smokers, and have a verifiable medical history, Cathal Friel, executive chairman of Open Orphan, the company of which hVIVO is a subsidiary, told Newsweek.

To keep participants safe, the team will use strains like OC43 and 229E, which have been widespread "for many years and cause only a mild cold-like respiratory illness" according to a statement by hVIVO.

The catch? Participants must be comfortable with being quarantined for up to 14 days at the clinic.

The facility, known as FluCamp because of its usual focus on fighting the flu and common cold, has 24 hospital-like private rooms with en suite showers, toilets, and access to TV and WiFi. Participants must keep to a "strict" routine, and eat a nutritionally controlled diet and abstain for alcohol, smoking and exercise.

Friel stresses of the 3,000 volunteers to stay at FluCamp, none have had an adverse reaction, and the three to leave did so due to family emergencies.

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 started in Wuhan, over 4,700 people worldwide have died in over 127,000 cases, according to a dashboard tracking the virus by Johns Hopkins University. More than 68,000 people who have tested positive for the virus have recovered.

Most of the deaths have occurred in Hubei, at over 3,000. The virus has spread to every continent except Antarctica, as shown in the Statista map below. There are currently no treatments or vaccines, and those who fall ill must manage their symptoms, which in severe cases requires hospital treatment.

World Health Organization advice for avoiding spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

Hygiene advice

Medical advice

Mask usage

Originally posted here:
U.K. Scientists Paying People $4,000 to Get Infected with Coronaviruses - Newsweek

Certified Vegan Course at Limerick College of Further Education –

Posted: March 13, 2020 at 10:45 pm





Plant based educator and caterer Ciara Brennan, founder of Happy Food at Home, has teamed up with Limerick College of Further Education to offer the first certified vegan course in Limerick.

Introduction to Plant Based Cooking will take place on Tuesdays from 7pm 9pm on the LCFE Mulgrave Street campus and will include demonstrations of affordable and uncomplicated plant based dishes which are suitable for all ages to enjoy. Students will have an opportunity to learn how to safely adopt a plant based diet, receive nutritional advice and enjoy sampling the dishes prepared.

Ciara has been a lifelong vegetarian and studied hotel management in Shannon to indulge her passion for cooking and to pursue a career as a chef. She has worked in kitchens across the globe but found that her vegetarian diet was not compatible with her dream job and moved into human resource management within the hospitality sector. In 2016 she changed from a vegetarian to a plant based diet along with her teenage daughter and has personally experienced the nutritional and financial challenges that the transition presents.

At the same time, Ciara established Happy Food at Home. Initially a Saturday food stall selling vegan dishes upstairs in the Limerick Milk Market, the business has evolved to include bespoke catering, menu consultancy with hotels and restaurants and educational experiences as well as a regular food stall at the Limerick Milk Market and Ennis Farmers Market.

Every week in the Milk Market and in Ennis, I am asked for advice about how best to adopt a vegan lifestyle, explained Ciara. The first step is diet related and I love hosting cooking classes in customers homes on a one to one or group basis. The collaboration with LCFE presents a very exciting opportunity to share my plant based expertise and vegan journey and to provide students with a repertoire of mouth watering recipes.

The 90 course starts on Tuesday 24th March and runs until Tuesday 28th April.

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Certified Vegan Course at Limerick College of Further Education -

‘Sister Wives’: Janelle Brown Shares How the Brown Family’s Religion Is Helping Them Prepare for the Coronavirus Pandemic – Showbiz Cheat Sheet

Posted: March 13, 2020 at 10:44 pm

Now that the world is anxiously navigating the minefieldthat is CoronavirusDisease 19 (COVID-19), many celebrities and reality stars have also beensharing their fears about, and preparation for, the virus. JanelleBrown, Kody Browns second wife and star of TLCs long-running reality showSister Wives, recently took to Twitter to share how the massive Brownfamily is preparing for the pandemic.

The Brownshave 18 children, 15 of whom are Kodys biological kids with his four wives(Meri, Janelle, Christine, and Robyn Brown), and three of whom he adopted fromRobyns first marriage. With such a huge family, its especially important forthe Browns to stay on top of the potential of contracting the virus.

Janelle explained that, when it came to the coronavirus, it was all about long-term preparation. The Sister Wives star added that the Browns religious background made them feel more prepared for emergencies and disasters.

On Mar. 9, Janelle wrote about the Brown familys emergencyreserves of food and other necessities in case of an epidemic or pandemic likethe coronavirus.

Growing up in the LDS church, we were encouraged to have afood storage, including t.p., to get us safely through natural disasters andeconomic hard times, Janellewrote. I have seen the wisdom of that advice and can definitely see thewisdom of that advice now!

Longtime Sister Wives fans have probably noticed the Browns preparedness in the past. The family buys large annual stores of meat to keep in freezers and regularly buys basic items like soap in bulk. The sister wives have also discussed their practice of canning and preserving food, especially produce, for long-term use in a public health emergency, natural disaster, or financial downfall.

Many SisterWives fans praised Janelle andher family for thinking ahead in terms of preparing for an emergency or hardtimes.

I grew up extremely poor and I will never not have astorage of food, one viewer wrote to Janelleon Twitter. Honestly, Im surprised more people dont have at least two weeksof the basics.

Another Sister Wives fan agreed about the importanceof preparedness, writingin a comment, Another RN here- My family has stocked up on cold and flumedicines, prescription drugs, canned foods, pet foods, Gatorade powder,powdered creamer, etc. Preparedness works!

Still, a few Twitter users warned Janelle against spreading panic and worry to her fanbase. Ok, but its one thing to prepared but what is going on now is unfounded panic! a commenter wrote in response. Just as many people die from other random viruses everyday. The average person is fine if common sense practices are used. The problem is common sense isnt very common at the moment!

The practice of staying prepared and putting an emphasis onfood storage is, indeed, part of a religious practice for the Browns.

Kody and his family are part of a fundamentalist Mormon sectcalled the ApostolicUnited Brethren (AUB). Members of the AUB share their faith origins andmany similar basic tenets, including scriptures and values, with members of theChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS church).

Fundamentalist Mormons practice and endorse polygamy. They broke off from the mainstream LDS church in large part because of their continued belief in plural marriage, which modern-day Mormons (members of the LDS church) no longer practice or agree with. However, they share similar values in terms of encouraging self-reliance, forethought, large families, avoiding debt, long-term planning, and thriftiness.

Moreover, some of the Sister Wives parents wereraised in the mainstream LDS church. Both Kodyand Janelle were raised LDS and converted to fundamentalist Mormonism as youngadults. Meanwhile, Meri, Robyn, and Christine were all raised in polygamousfamilies. Kody and Janelles LDS-based beliefs likely crossed over into theirpractice within the AUB sect.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has a guidefor members that encourages them to build a store of enough food, water, andmoney to last for three months at a minimum, just as Janelle suggested. Overtime, they encourage members to build an ever larger supply for long-term use.

Onemanual suggests, We encourage members worldwide to prepare for adversityin life by having a basic supply of food and water and some money in savings.We ask that you be wise, and do not go to extremes. With careful planning, youcan, over time, establish a home storage supply and a financial reserve.

Later, the guide states, Store foods that are a part ofyour normal diet in your three-month supply. As you develop a longer-termstorage, focus on food staples such as wheat, rice, pasta, oats, beans, andpotatoes that can last 30 years or more.

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'Sister Wives': Janelle Brown Shares How the Brown Family's Religion Is Helping Them Prepare for the Coronavirus Pandemic - Showbiz Cheat Sheet

California Bans Chlorpyrifos After Concerns for Children’s Health – Occupational Health and Safety

Posted: March 13, 2020 at 10:44 pm

California Bans Chlorpyrifos After Concerns for Childrens Health

The new ban will affect many farmers and agriculture workers in the state, as they will no longer be allowed to use the widely used insecticide based on its threat to human health.

After extensive research by the California Environmental Protection Agency, the state of California is ending the use of chlorpyrifosa pesticide associated with neurodevelopmental problems and impaired brain function in children.

One U.S. News article breaks down the conversation: what the pesticide is, why its harmful, why it took so long to reach this conclusion, whats special about California and how the U.S. EPA is involved.

What is Chlorpyrifos and How is it Used?The article describes chlorpyrifos as an inexpensive and effective pesticide that has been on the market for decadessince 1965. Farmers across the country use millions of pounds of it to grow crops including many vegetables, corn, soybeans, cotton and fruit and nut trees.

It is an organophosphate insecticide, which means it is designed to kill insects by blocking an enzyme called acetylcholinesterase. This enzyme has another function, however: it normally breaks down acetylcholine, a chemical that the human body uses to transmit nerve impulses. Organophosphate insecticides are effective for killing insects, but they are also toxic and potentially lethal to humans.

Chlorpyrifos was used in homes for pest control until 2000, after a 1996 Food Quality Protection Act banned its indoor use and required additional protection of childrens health. However, residues left after indoor use were very high, and toddlers who crawled on the floor and put their hands in their mouth were at risk of poisoning.

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California Bans Chlorpyrifos After Concerns for Children's Health - Occupational Health and Safety

What is the 1200 Calorie Diet and How Do You Do It? – Parade

Posted: March 13, 2020 at 10:43 pm

Trying to shed some weight? You may have heard of the 1200-calorie diet. Whether its because you need to or simply want to, the key to losing weight fast is to take in fewer calories than you burn. The challenge is figuring out exactly how many calories it takes in order to lose weight without driving yourself mad from hunger. Turns out, science has already done it for you: the 1200-calorie-per-day threshold seems to be the sweet spot, providing your body with enough fuel to get through the day while still helping you drop a few pounds.

A 1200-calorie diet is a diet focused on counting calories; it is primarily for weight loss, as it is a low calorie meal plan. Losing weight this way emphasizes a calorie level, rather than types of foods or nutrients being consumed, says Daniela Novotny, registered dietitian and instructor of biomedical sciences at Missouri State University.

The good news about following a 1200-calorie diet is that you dont have to follow a strict list of foods you can and cant eat. You can choose a plant-based diet or a clean-eating approach, you can go keto, or you can eat the foods you love but pare back portion sizes. You simply need to keep track of the calories youre eating throughout the day and avoid going much higher than 1200. The best way to do that? Use one of the many calorie counting apps out there to keep track, like MyFitnessPal or Cron-o-meter.

That said, youll quickly find that your choices definitely affect your success when it comes to following a 1200-calorie diet. Ryan Maciel, RD and Head Nutrition CoachElite Athletes and Organizations for Precision Nutrition says, since its such a restrictive diet, you do want to focus on consuming mainly whole foods, having well-balanced meals made up of lean protein, vegetables, healthy carbohydrates and healthy fats. This is really going to help keep you full for a longer period of time and give you a better chance of success.

Related: What is GOLO Diet?

While you may not need any gadgets or gizmos to follow the 1200-calorie diet, theres one thing you definitely will need, and thats a plan! For most people, limiting daily caloric intake down to 1200 is a pretty drastic cut. So in order to avoid mood swings and blood sugar imbalances, its a good idea to draw up a meal plan to follow, even if its just a rough idea of what youll eat as you follow the 1200-calorie diet.

The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute has put forth a healthy guide with examples for all three meals, and includes small amounts of fats like margarine and mayonnaise to keep you feeling fuller. Their recommendations also include several glasses of water each day. Need more inspo? Pinterest is a great place to search for 1200-calorie diet ideas.

Use filtered water in humidifiers. Unfiltered water may contain minerals and micro-organisms that could irritate lungs if breathed in.

If you want to lose weight fast, restricting your calories to 1200 is certainly an effective way to do it. But, how much weight can you lose on the 1200-calorie diet isnt an exact science. Theres a lot that goes into calculating someones energy needs for the day, like their height, age, weight, sex, how much they move throughout the day, how much physical activity they do, says Maciel. And then, of course, everybodys metabolism is slightly different. But the average weight loss that most people see on the 1200 calorie diet is about one to two pounds per week.

If you choose to follow the 1200-calorie diet, you may find you lose more weight in the first week, simply due to the large changes youre making to your diet, especially if youre opting for healthier food than you were before beginning the diet. After that, weight loss may begin to level off a bit.

Related: We Looked Into the Trendy Dr. Sebi Diet and, Well, Youd Better Read This

The biggest, and some might argue the only, advantage of following the 1200 calorie diet is rapid weight loss. And since most adherents to this diet tend to stick to whole, unprocessed foods, a healthier lifestyle is a fringe benefit as well.

One of the biggest drawbacks of the 1200-calorie diet is the fact that its just not a fun plan to follow. No matter what foods you eat, or how you space them throughout the day, youre bound to experience some amount of hunger on this diet. Not all diets are going to have you reduce your calorie intake by this much, says Maciel. Twelve hundred calories is really the low end. Anything lower than that and you run the risk of developing nutrient deficiencies.

As such, the 1200 calorie diet can be exceptionally difficult to stick with for the long term. Due to the fact it is not often maintainable, a 1200-calorie diet is often followed by a time where you tend to eat a larger amount of calories, leading to weight gain. True, lasting weight loss rarely occurs following extremely low calorie diets, says Novotny.

Finally, constantly counting calories can lead to an unhealthy preoccupation with food, especially if youve dealt with an eating disorder in the past. A much better way to lose weight if youve ever struggled with disordered eating is to combine healthy food choices with daily exercise.

In conclusion, limiting yourself to only 1200 calories each day is an effective way to lose weight for the vast majority of people. And while this diet isnt overly difficult to follow, it is challenging to stick with, since there are very few cheats or rewards to look forward to. The best way to do the 1200 calorie diet may be to follow it for a few weeks or months, then slowly add more calories without adding in a bunch of junk food like sweets or processed food.

Get more info on 100 diets.

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What is the 1200 Calorie Diet and How Do You Do It? - Parade

Addition of Odgers brings strength to Wild | – American Hockey League

Posted: March 13, 2020 at 10:43 pm

by Tom Witosky |AHL On The Beat

John Odgers knew at a young age he wanted to work in the world of professional hockey.

After all, the 26-year-old native of Spy Hill, Sask., and son of NHL veteran Jeff Odgers is what one might call a hockey brat.

I lived in locker rooms from September to April growing up and on the family farm from May through August, the Iowa Wilds strength and conditioning coach said. We lived in San Jose, Boston, Colorado, almost in Minnesota, but then finally in Atlanta.

Odgers experiences and family travels with a father who played more than 800 games in the NHL speaks volumes about how someone of his age could become the first full-time strength and conditioning coach for Iowa.

We got along right away when we met in development camp, Iowa head coach Tim Army recalled. He came highly recommended by the Minnesota staff. It was an easy decision to make.

Odgers, known as Odgie around the Wild weight room in the basement of Wells Fargo Arena, already has received a lot of credit for helping several Wild players, whether it was Mason Shaws rehabilitation of his third knee surgery or providing a weight loss regimen for forward Dmitry Sokolov and defenseman Matt Register.

Hes been great for me, said Shaw, who only recently returned to playing after an eight-month recovery from a knee injury sustained in last years playoffs. Im really happy with the work he did with me to get where I am. He brings a great attitude every day. Hes very fun to be around and were very lucky to have him.

Similarly, Register, who recently signed his first standard AHL contract after seven seasons in the ECHL, gave a lot of credit to Odgers to get him to lose weight and improve his overall conditioning to land the contract.

He helped me a lot, Register said. Its a process and he worked with me to stay on it. He had my back throughout all of it and he helped me get to that level and goal where I wanted to be.

While some players came to the team in need of weight loss, others require Odgers services to keep weight on.

With players like Reggie or Sokolov, we work hard at improving the ability to move more quickly and to have better stamina by losing weight, Odgers said. Someone like Sam Anas, however, we are trying to get him to stay where is or gain weight.

Odgers oversees the daily workout routines of each Wild player from his desk positioned right inside the weight room. Workout sessions differ throughout the season with more of an emphasis on increasing strength in the offseason and early season to maintenance of strength and muscle recovery as the year progresses. He also works with Wild head athletic trainer Masa Takaiwa on all rehabilitation exercises for injured players.He also monitors the players nutritional needs, including the ordering of food for breakfast and lunch for practices and morning skates.

Odgers interest in strength training and conditioning began when playing junior hockey for Yorkton Terriers in the Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League.

I was somebody who always enjoyed being in the weight room and working out during the season, he said. And then, as I got into it more, I discovered that I liked reading about it and learning more about it.

As his junior hockey career ended, Odgers understood his playing career didnt hold much promise, but a career combining hockey and strength training and conditioning did.

I wanted to have a career that combined the two things that I enjoyed the most, which is hockey. And then the other side of it was strength conditioning, lifting weights, health and fitness, he said.

Odgers received a bachelors degree in kinesiology from the University of Regina and just completed his masters degree in November at the same school.

Ironically, the biggest problem for Odgers in deciding to study kinesiology was having to explain to his grandfather that he didnt want to work on the family farm a nearly 2,500-acre spread that raises cattle and grows wheat and flax.

The farm, located about a 2.5-hour drive southeast of Regina, is a century farm this year and has had five generations of the Odgers family work and own it.

Odgers said his brother, Dakota, will be the one to take over the farm once he decides to stop playing hockey. He currently plays for Carlton University located in Ottawa.

I always joke that Im lucky that he wanted to take over the farm because I would have to tell my grandpa that I didnt want to farm, Odgers laughed.

His decision to get a masters degree came as a result of a four-month internship with one of his fathers old teams, the San Jose Sharks, under the direction of Mike Potenza, the Sharks strength and conditioning coordinator.

The hiring of a full-time strength and conditioning coach a position filled as a part-time post until this season, was a huge priority for Army, who emphasizes how the AHL team must replicate the Minnesota Wild as much as possible.

Army said he talked with Tom Kurvers, Iowas general manager, about establishing a full-time position strength and conditioning position beginning in 2019-20.

We needed to hire a full-time strength coach here; that was a huge priority. It doesnt matter who the player is. They all need this kind of attention, Army said. Its an important piece of their ability to be able to play to their full strength.

Army added young players are the ones who likely need it the most, making it even more important to establish a full-time coach in Iowa.

Our younger players need somebody because they dont know this process, he said. They need some oversight on what theyre doing.

Army said Odgers won the job while working with Minnesota Wild staff during last summers development camp. Ever since, hes been a valuable part of the Wild staff.

I just took to him right away. I really liked him, Army said. He worked well with all of the players and got a high recommendation from the Minnesota staff. Its been a good fit.

Read the original here:
Addition of Odgers brings strength to Wild | - American Hockey League

Colson Smith weight loss how the Coronation Street star shed over a stone – The Sun

Posted: March 13, 2020 at 10:42 pm

COLSON Smith turned heads at The Television and Radio Industries Club Awards this week - as he showcased his impressive weight loss.

The Coronation Street star, 21, looked remarkably trim as he sported a fitted suit and waistcoat for the star-studded bash.



And many fans, desperate to follow in his footsteps, were left asking exactly how Colson, who plays fan favourite Craig Tinker in the ITV soap, managed to trim down.

In particular, Colson has been hitting the gym regularly to make sure he's fit for his storyline on Corrie.

His police officer character has taken up running after finding that he was out of breath while chasing shop lifters.

Craig told his Weatherfield pals that he was going to make an effort to get healthier after being bullied at work.



Despite overhauling his fitness, Colson also admits that food poisoning caused him to lose one and a half stone in December.

He ignored advice not to eat some seafood while holidaying in Thailand.

Speaking on his podcast Sofa Cinema Club - which he hosts with Jack P Shepherd, 31, and Ben Price, 47 - the star explained: "I was in Ko Lanta. I was sat on the beach and the waiter came over and was like, 'What would you like?' And I said, 'I'll have the prawns to start please.'

"I had avoided seafood but I was sat on the beach and I was like, 'How can you not have seafood on the beach?'


"I had avoided seafood [on Ben's advice] but I was sat on the beach and I was like, 'How can you not have seafood on the beach?'

"Well, anyway. I'm not doing that again. I've lost about a stone and a half."

Colson was only able to eat a banana and three slices of toast for a whole week before recovering.

The drop in Colson's natural daily calorie intake put his body in a calorie deficit state - a state which has been proven to help slimmers stimulate rapid weight loss.



Of course the way Colson lost weight was not a healthy way to shed pounds but to lose weight in a similar manner, a slimmer needs to also reduce their daily calorie intake.

Harry Thomas, owner of No1 Fitness and nutrition expert said: "So the first thing is to reduce calories and get yourself into a deficit, this means burning more than you are consuming.

"The best way is too create awareness on what you are currently consuming, including all food and liquids.

"This is a great way to learn about how much we are consuming."

Another simple way you can lose weight is by simply doing more exercise.

Harry added: "The best way is to move more - this will all help to burn more calories."Make it simple and pay attention to your step count.

"I recommend a minimum or 10000 per day, but if you are way short of that, aim to beat your average score. The more you move the better."

Original post:
Colson Smith weight loss how the Coronation Street star shed over a stone - The Sun

Global weight loss management market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 6.5% over the forecast period from 2019-2025 – GlobeNewswire

Posted: March 13, 2020 at 10:42 pm

New York, March 13, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- announces the release of the report "Weight Loss Management Market: Global Industry Analysis, Trends, Market Size, and Forecasts up to 2025" - 5% over the forecast period from 2019-2025. The study on weight loss management market covers the analysis of the leading geographies such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and RoW for the period of 2017 to 2025.

The report on weight loss management market is a comprehensive study and presentation of drivers, restraints, opportunities, demand factors, market size, forecasts, and trends in the global weight loss management market over the period of 2017 to 2025. Moreover, the report is a collective presentation of primary and secondary research findings.

Porters five forces model in the report provides insights into the competitive rivalry, supplier and buyer positions in the market and opportunities for the new entrants in the global weight loss management market over the period of 2017 to 2025. Further, IGR-Growth Matrix gave in the report brings an insight into the investment areas that existing or new market players can consider.

Report Findings1) Drivers Technological advancement and increasing number of bariatric surgeries Increasing incidence of obesity among the population2) Restraints High the cost involved in low-calorie diet food3) Opportunities Rising health and fitness consciousness and increasing expenditure on health and fitness products

Research Methodology

A) Primary ResearchOur primary research involves extensive interviews and analysis of the opinions provided by the primary respondents. The primary research starts with identifying and approaching the primary respondents, the primary respondents are approached include1. Key Opinion Leaders associated with Infinium Global Research2. Internal and External subject matter experts3. Professionals and participants from the industry

Our primary research respondents typically include1. Executives working with leading companies in the market under review2. Product/brand/marketing managers3. CXO level executives4. Regional/zonal/ country managers5. Vice President level executives.

B) Secondary ResearchSecondary research involves extensive exploring through the secondary sources of information available in both the public domain and paid sources. At Infinium Global Research, each research study is based on over 500 hours of secondary research accompanied by primary research. The information obtained through the secondary sources is validated through the crosscheck on various data sources.

The secondary sources of the data typically include1. Company reports and publications2. Government/institutional publications3. Trade and associations journals4. Databases such as WTO, OECD, World Bank, and among others.5. Websites and publications by research agencies

Segment CoveredThe global weight loss management market is segmented on the basis of services, and diet.

The Global Weight Loss Management Market by Services Slimming Centres Fitness Centres Consulting Services Weight Loss Programs

The Global Weight Loss Management Market by Diet Food Beverages

Company Profiles Herbalife Ltd. Atkins Nutritionals Inc. NutriSystem, Inc. Kellogg Company Zydus Cadila Healthcare Ltd. Arena Pharmaceuticals Health Biotech Ltd. Avestia Pharma Olympus Corporation Cybex International

What does this report deliver?1. Comprehensive analysis of the global as well as regional markets of the weight loss management market.2. Complete coverage of all the segments in the weight loss management market to analyze the trends, developments in the global market and forecast of market size up to 2025.3. Comprehensive analysis of the companies operating in the global weight loss management market. The company profile includes analysis of product portfolio, revenue, SWOT analysis and latest developments of the company.4. IGR- Growth Matrix presents an analysis of the product segments and geographies that market players should focus to invest, consolidate, expand and/or diversify.Read the full report:

About ReportlinkerReportLinker is an award-winning market research solution. Reportlinker finds and organizes the latest industry data so you get all the market research you need - instantly, in one place.


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Global weight loss management market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 6.5% over the forecast period from 2019-2025 - GlobeNewswire

Soap stars biggest weight loss transformations from Natalie Cassidy, Catherine Tyldesley to Alan Halsall – The Sun

Posted: March 13, 2020 at 10:42 pm

SOAP stars are some of the hardest working actors in showbiz as they have to be on screen up to five days a week.

But the hard slog doesn't stop there for our favourite celebrities, with many of them inspiring viewers to get fit in real life with staggering body transformations.

Here, we delve into some of the most dramatic weight loss journeys from the stars of Emmerdale, Coronation Street, and EastEnders.


The 36-year-old actress, who plays Sonia Fowler in EastEnders, has lived most of her life in the public eye and amazed fans when she shed a staggering three stone.

Many of Natalie's fans were left asking exactly how she managed to trim down - and drop from a size 16 to a size eight.

The mum-of-two now feels "much more confident and comfortable", telling The Sun: "I have learnt how to eat and how to be comfortable with who I am."

And Natalie credits training for the London Marathon last year for helping her to lose weight.


The 56-year-old Coronation Street actress, who plays Eileen Grimshaw in the ITV soap, has wowed viewers as she dropped from a size 14 to a 12 in recent months.

Her secret to losing weight has been going on a Mediterranean diet, which is high in foods that are good for you, and low in naughty foods, such as those with a high sugar content.

It's high in vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, beans, cereals, grains, fish, and unsaturated fats such as olive oil.

This diet has been proven to be beneficial for the heart, even helping to reduce the risk ofheart disease.


Jennie, 36, plays Fiz Brown in Coronation and has grown up in front of the cameras having joined Corrie in 2001.

She impressed fans when she lost two stone back in 2009 when she was 25 years old, and said at the time: "Ice cream is bad, salad is good - it's not rocket science!

"If you eat more of the good stuff and take more exercise then you'll lose weight."


Alan, 37, dedicated himself to four-hour workouts after his split from wife Lucy Jo-Hudson.

The actor, who plays Tyrone Dobbs in the ITV soap, has been on a health kick since last year and the Sun Online revealed Alan had been burning more than 4,000 calories during his sessions.

The results of his exercise regime have been clear, as he has shed a noticeable amount of weight and changed his overall body shape.


His on-screen character Craig Tinker is dropping pounds after being bullied by his fellow police officers for poor fitness.

And 21-year-old soap star Colson Smith looked noticeably slimmer in a slick three-piece suit and trainers at the TRIC Awards last week.

But Colson said he actually lost a stone a half after getting food poisoning on holiday in Thailand.


The mum sensationally dropped from a size 22 to a size 10, the actress spoke about life before she lost weight.

Catherine, 36, told The Mirror: "I took control of my weight, and I slowly and steadily lost more than five stone. I was always the fat, funny friend.

"Along the way, I learned to understand just how important a healthy, balanced diet is. It sparked my huge interest in healthy living and nutrition."

"It has to be a lifestyle. Diets do not work. Fact. I have done every diet going. Ill do a big gluten-free pizza with lactose-free cheese. Now that I eat so clean and avoid all junk, I just feel ill when I eat it. We make our own sweet potato chips too as a treat. Im so rock n roll arent I?"

She lost even more weight thanks to her recent stint on Strictly Come Dancing.


The36-year-old star opened up about being in the public eye and her time on ITV soap Emmerdale, playing troubled Kerry Wyatt.

At her heaviest, Laura consumed an extra 1,700 calories a day - the equivalent of a large pepperoni pizza.

She said would also guzzle two large bottles of Coke daily on set - but is now proud of how far she has come with her fitness.

She said on Lorraine last year: "Do you know, in the eight years that I have been there, I have never once had a pudding.

"I can't. It's just a slippery slope."


Shayne Ward, 35, said he would be the first in line to tuck to sweet treats when playing Corrie knicker-factory boss Aidan Connor.

However, he ditched his "dad bod" in favour of a sizzling six-pack after leaving the ITV soap.

Shayne enlisted the help ofUltimate Performancepersonal training and cut his body fat down from 29 per cent to 16 per cent.

The X Factor winner said goodbye toWeatherfield in 2018 but blamed the soap for his expanding waistline.

The heartthrob, who previously piled on THREE stone while starring on Coronation Street, said about his new fitness regime: "I'm happy to not be in that place I was 21 weeks ago. I was sluggish, I was stressed and I didn't really want to do anything."


Lisa, 43, overhauled her life after losing 12 stone, saying she no longer drinks alcohol or eats carbs.

The Emmerdale star admitted that even she can have bad days with her diet, saying: "Everyone is bound to have little blips along the way, but dont see that as failure and a signal to give up just draw a line under it and move on...

"I had made myself fat by gorging on bread, crisps, crumpets and red wine. Once I accepted responsibility for my health, weight and lifestyle it made it easier to take control. You dont have to have starter, main and pudding."

Lisa also previously told the Sun that she used to overcompensate for her large size by trying to be the centre of attention and making everyone laugh.

The star also revealed that she lost a stone in saggy skin alone.


Katie, 26, shed an impressive one stone after feeling "dowdy and frumpy" during her last weeks of filming Coronation Street in 2019.

The actress, who played cancer stricken mum Sinead Tinker, confessed she felt "very down" about her appearance.

She said her hectic schedule and late working hours meant she was often eating unhealthily and not able to go to the gym.

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After leaving Corrie, Katie has found she has had more time for a healthy lifestyle.

Her diet now includes nutrient and protein high meals and green, fibre rich veggies.

This includes superset weight workouts targeting compound exercises and bigger muscle groups.

The rest is here:
Soap stars biggest weight loss transformations from Natalie Cassidy, Catherine Tyldesley to Alan Halsall - The Sun

Fast, safe and effective medically supervised weight loss – KUSA

Posted: March 13, 2020 at 10:42 pm

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