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Safety First: Cold Weather Benefits of Exercising Outdoors – Legal Reader

Posted: March 12, 2020 at 11:44 am

As to the exercise in cold weather benefits, these are quite numerous, and you will be able to notice them quite quickly. You will see significant improvements, both in terms of sleep quality and mental state.

No matter how you put it, practicing sports will mostly benefit your body and health. However, exercising outdoors, these benefits substantially increase. Not only physically and mentally, but also socially and intellectually! Numerous experts in the field and highly acclaimed health and training platforms like Gym Expert agree that outdoor sports are much healthier, thanks to the quality of the air outside. Unlike the air in your regular gym room, which is far more polluted, outdoors you will be inhaling much cleaner air. This is also one of the many exercise in cold weather benefits.

Outdoor training can, however, also be conditioned by the weather. Take for example people suffering from asthma it will be a lot more difficult for them to withstand the low temperatures outside. Even for those who just have minor sensitivity to low temperatures, there are quite a couple of exercising in the cold dangers. But this is not to say that you should completely give up on outdoor sports the moment the temperature starts to drop. On the contrary, there are proven exercise in the cold weather benefits, not just for your body, but also for your mind. All you need to do is make sure to follow a few safety measures and the following basic winter exercise tips:

Pay Attention to Your Diet!One of the first safety measures, when preparing for outdoor training in cold weather, is to ensure a higher intake of carbohydrates in your diet. This goes for both before training, and in the first half-hour after youve finished the workout, as it will help your muscles recover faster. You can provide the necessary level of protein with the best protein cookies.

Hydration is another key factor in our list of winter exercise tips. Make sure that the water you carry with you during your workout is at room temperature, so that it doesnt get much colder from the low temperature outside.

Another significant exercising in the cold danger is the cooling down part. As you approach the finish line, your body will be sweating regardless of the temperature outside. Thus, its advisable to make your route so that the finish line will coincide with getting close to your house, or at least your car. If youre trying to figure out how to exercise in winter safely, warming up before is also crucial. It is extremely important for you to conduct a thorough warm-up session before you start your training! When its cold outside, the peripheral circulation of your blood has a lower flow than normal, and this could lead to muscle pains or injuries.

Dress Accordingly!

The next important entry in our winter exercise tips list is clothing. When exercising outdoors in the cold, dressing accordingly is mandatory! Just because the temperature outside is low, this doesnt mean that you have to wear thick clothes that will keep you warm right from the start. It might not seem so in the beginning, but one of the many exercising in the cold benefits is getting all pumped up and warm faster than you normally would. Thus, its advisable to wear many layers of thin clothing that will allow the sweat to evaporate gradually. You must choose synthetic materials, preferably those that are specially designed for athletes. One of the things you should avoid is cotton fabric, as it retains moisture. Knowing when to start shedding off layers of clothing is another one of the safe winter exercise tips. Generally, when you start feeling comfortable with your winter equipment on, thats when you can give up the first layer. The longer your training session, the fewer layers of clothing you should be wearing in the end.

Always Put Safety First!Regardless of the many exercise in cold weather benefits, youre still going to put in a lot of effort, so safety should always come first! Before anything, a medical checkup is mandatory, in case there are health problems or certain conditions that you might not be aware of. The physical effort could aggravate them, so you should first get your doctors approval. You can also check with a personal trainer for added safety. In addition to this, most of them can also provide more personalized winter exercise tips. Aside from this, you should always pay attention to the limits of your body, and react to all the signals it gives you. If you get tired, it is recommended you stop and rest a bit.

ConclusionAs long as you make sure to follow these simple safety guidelines and winter exercise tips, you should be good to go. As to the exercise in cold weather benefits, these are quite numerous, and you will be able to notice them quite quickly. You will see significant improvements, both in terms of sleep quality and mental state. Not only will you sleep better, but you will also reduce your stress level, prevent chronic diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and lower your cholesterol.

Read the original here:
Safety First: Cold Weather Benefits of Exercising Outdoors - Legal Reader

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Well, regarding those in China almost everyone smokes there, which weakens the lungs – Modern Ghana

Posted: March 12, 2020 at 11:44 am

I have decided to republish this important article that was forwarded to me by my mentor in Holistic Medicine-Dr. Geo Espinoza in my column today. This column post is his opinion and interpretation of the scientific articles he read on the Coronavirus and how to strengthen the immune system. This post is not meant to replace medical advice.

Listen to Dr. Espinoza now:Coronavirus has been a major pain in the butt. Coronavirus what is it? Is it really that much of a big deal? what can I do to protect myself and my family?

This is what I found.The statistics on the Coronavirus (March 8, 2020) are:

Before I share my thoughts on the Coronavirus, whether or not you should freak out over it and what to do to keep yourself and your family protected, allow me to give you an overview on it all.

What is the Coronavirus (COVID 19)?Technically speaking, COVID-19(Coronavirus Disease 2019) is not the name of the virus, but the name of the disease caused by SARS-CoV2, the real name of the virus everyone is concerned about.

The common name, Coronavirus, stems from the fact that the SARS-CoV2 virus has spikes around it in a circular shape, which looks like a corona, Latin for crown.

How do Viruses work?A virus is an infectious agent, about one hundred times smaller than a bacteria, and, unlike a bacteria, it needs a host to survive. In other words, for viruses to cause health problems, it needs to get into your cells.

Once in your cells, viruses infect you and begin infecting other nearby cells unless your body does something to stop it.

The something your body needs to stop the virus from going haywire in your body is a robust immune system (more on that later).

That said, some viruses are more severe than others. Still, a robust immune system is the name of the game to avoid getting ill from the Coronavirus, or any virus for that matter.

What are the Symptoms Associated with the Coronavirus?

The main symptoms of the Coronavirus are similar to the flu and the common cold (rhinovirus, mostly).

The most common symptom is fever in about 80% of the cases followed by a cough.

Other symptoms include shortness of breath, body aches, headaches, and upper respiratory symptoms.

Severe symptoms include pneumonia, bronchitis, and death can occur mostly in the feeble, the weak, or the elderly who often, not always, have a weak immune system.

You can be older (above 65 years) and still have a strong immune system, but the older one is, on average, the more work it requires for robust immunity you know, sleep, nutrition, exercise, etc. (more on that too, stay with me)

How can the Coronavirus be Deadly?Death is caused by pneumonia or swelling in the lungs, which can cause the lungs to stop working effectively.

The less optimal the lungs function, the less it can send oxygen to critical organs in your body like the heart and brain.

How Can the Coronavirus Spread?The Coronavirus, like most viruses, is passed on from person to person, either from:

Can someone have the Coronavirus and not know they have it?

Yes.The incubation period is about two weeks, meaning someone can have the virus without symptoms for up to two weeks and still spread it.

The average incubation period seems to be about four days , however.

What are the Medical Treatments to treat the Coronavirus?

None. At this time, there are no vaccines or medical treatments available to treat the Coronavirus.

What Countries Have the most cases of the Coronavirus?

The Coronavirus is affecting close to 110 countries . (March 8, 2020)

Countries most affected to date with the coronavirus are China, Japan, South Korea, Iran, and Italy.

How can You Protect Yourself from the Coronavirus Naturally?

The following suggestions are based on my experience (both personal and clinical), the available scientific data, and common sense. None of my advice is meant to replace a consult with your physician or a nutritionally oriented doctor. **

Behavioral methods to protect yourself from the Coronavirus.

Wash your hands often for 10 to 20 seconds. I mean, be compulsive about it. Aside from after using the restroom and going from room to room at the clinic, I am not obsessed about washing hands. Some exposure to microbes is healthy.

Well, at least for now, I am obsessed with washing my hands.

You can get infected from touching any object that has the virus; doorknobs, hand-to-hand contact, faucets, even money from a contaminated person.

Sneeze or cough on the opposite side of your elbow (called the crotch of the elbow), not your hands.

Sleep well. This is not the time to skimp on good sleep. Get at least 6 to 7 hours a night. Sleep resets your immune system.

Exercise daily, but no marathons or extreme physical activities. Exercise strengthens your immune system, but excessive activities like marathons or triathlons weaken it.

It is common for runners to get colds after running the New York City marathon, for example.

No Handshaking. This one is hard as I am used to shaking hands all day. It feels disrespectful to no extend my hand to greet someone. Because of this, I have been about 50% compliant with greeting people with anything other than my hands. (Thats why handwashing is so important)

Use fist bump or elbows to greet. Forget about using feet to greet, please. Thank you.

Foods to Avoid and Foods to Eat to Protect from the Coronavirus

Sugar and processed foods weaken your immune system. Avoid them. This includes white table sugar, candies, candy bars, cookies, and baked goods. Sorry. I like them too, but

Eat immune-boosting foods: soups with garlic, onions, ginger, mushrooms. A great book on soups is Clean Soups by Rebecca Katz.

Practice some fasting. Notice when you are sick that you dont want to eat much. Thats because your body is trying to heal, and digesting food can be taxing to the body trying to fight disease. Stay hydrated.

Time-restricted eating, 14 hours a day or so away from food works well.

Hydration, hydration, hydration.( I feel like a realtor here, location, location, location :)). 8 to 12 glasses of filtered water a day. Soups, fruits, and vegetables contain mostly water too, so, when consumed, you may need less drinking water.

Get an N95 mask, but you may not need it. Keep it stored just in case. If you have a compromised immune system, stay home, but if you have to come out, use a mask.

Load up on the right dietary supplements.When it comes to using dietary supplements, it comes down to using the right type along with the best amount.

Dietary practices do not replace a physicians advice and proper behavioral practices. In general, the better your diet and behavioral practices, the less dietary supplements you need.

VITAMIN CVitamin C is one of my favorite nutrients as it does a lot of good things to the body beyond treating scurvy. One of them is an excellent immune booster, but if taking vitamin C in supplement form, one pill a day will not cut it.

Vitamin C increases iron absorption, which is OK in most, especially menstruating women (not a problem in men too, just get ferritin, transferrin and liver panel levels checked), UNLESS the person has Iron overload in the body, a conditioned called hemochromatosis. If iron overload is suspected, stay away from vitamin C.

Talk to your physician about this or a nutritionally oriented doctor. **

Wait, I heard most vitamin C is urinated out of the body, so its not worth taking, you are thinking, isnt vitamin C just expensive urine?

Yes, the kidneys control how much vitamin C stays in your body and how much is urinated out. When there are high amounts of vitamin C going through the kidneys, the body, in its great wisdom, gets rid of what you dont need.

Thats why vitamin C consumption should be spaced out to no more than 500mg at a time. At that amount, most vitamin C stays in the body to do the work it does.

So, while, yes, some vitamin C comes out in your urine, you should take enough to saturate your cell with this essential nutrient.

Keep in mind you also pee out most of the water you drink. Should you stop drinking water?

For prevention, take 500mg of vitamin C two times a day.

If fighting an infection take 500mg of vitamin C EVERY two to three waking hours. That sums up to about 4000 to 5000mg a day.

Your stools may soften a little when taking high amounts of vitamin C. Thats not a big deal it will normalize when you scale back.

ZINCZinc is essential from a strong immune system . Foods high in zinc include grass-fed meats, oysters (the highest), pumpkin seeds and chicken.

Take 15 to 30mg of zinc, once to two times daily. Taking 60 mg of zinc a day for a long time may require at least one to two mg of Copper with it to avoid copper deficiency.

Zinc lozenges are also excellent.VITAMIN D3Vitamin D is vital for a healthy immune system, but it is better to get it from dietary supplements in the winter since we dont have much sun exposure around this time of the year.

4000 to 5000 units a day is good before or after a viral infection.

SELENIUMSelenium, like zinc, is one of the most important minerals to boost the immune system and anti-viral activity. For prevention or treatment, take 200 micrograms of selenium a day.

Medicinal Botanical & Herbs that Strengthen the Immune System & Anti-viral Qualities

Medicinal herbs that have anti-viral properties and essential for immunity include elderberry, Andrographis, goldenseal, Echinacea, Astragalus, and Arabinogalactan (Larch tree).

ACTIVE HEXOSE CORRELATED COMPOUND (AHCC)AHCC *- known to help with viral infections and boost immunity. (also the main cancer nutrient used in Japan).

For prevention, take 1 pill (750mg) two times a day

For treatment, take 2 pills (1500mg) two times a day

Herbal & Nutritional Formulas to ConsiderHerbal throat spray like Gaias Echinacea, Goldenseal Propolis is a good one. Throat mist from Wise women is good too. I carry either one in my pocket and spray numerous times a day throughout the day.

My Final Thoughts on the CoronavirusWhat comes next is my rapid-fire views on the Coronavirus. This is my opinion, based on my research on the topic and being a healthcare practitioner for over fifteen years.

Lets goYes, the media is overdoing it in creating unnecessary fear.

Lets put things in perspective.While the coronavirus is indeed deadly, the flu killed 18,000 people this past flu season, compared to 3800 people, so far from the Coronavirus.

And 18 million who died from heart attack s globally.

And 10 million died from Cancer.That said, this is not to undermine the deadly potential of the Coronavirus pandemic, but just we should not go crazy over it.

You will likely die from something other that the Coronavirus and should do everything in your power to avoid it. Keeping a strong immune system is one very important component to accomplish reaching those older year successfully.

Most articles you are reading say that the elderly (those above 65) and very young children are most vulnerable to the Coronavirus because its assumed that those in this age group may have a compromised immune system.

This may be true, but anyone can have a compromised immune system, not just small kids and older people.

People on medical treatments that weaken the immune system like chemo or anti-autoimmune drugs should be particularly careful, despite age.

Masks are unnecessary and an overkill for almost everyone. However, a mask might be helpful if you have a weak immune system medically induced or for any other health reason.

Relatively Young People are Getting sick from the Coronavirus or dying from the similar infections

The lawyer gentleman from New York who is quarantined in a nearby hospital with the Coronavirus is only 50 years old.

The average age in China of those with this is 47.And a recent news article reported the unfortunate case of a physician who died from flu complications at 62.

How can this be? How can young people, whom, presumably get the virus, or worse yet, die from it?

Well, regarding those in China almost everyone smokes there, which weakens the lungs, the primary target of the Coronavirus.

The lawyer in New York, who is still severely ill in a nearby hospital burns the candle on both ends as the saying goes, like most New Yorkers. His wife was quoted in saying

He is a very caring hardworking person who constantly cares for his clients and those around him over himself. I think it is from this that he was run down and susceptible to the illness he acquired.

Lastly, what about the cardiologist who recently died from the flu .

Most, not all physicians in my observation, are extremely unhealthy with poor lifestyle practices. They (we, I guess) work long hours, sleep little, eat poorly and take no supplements.

Id like to think I am in good shape, and, so far, it seems like I am, but I exercise every day and take about twenty-three supplement pill twice a day many of those mentioned above. My sleep is good, not great (like you, I have so much to do), and I eat moderately well.

What makes the Coronavirus a big deal is that it is new; we dont know much about it, and it is killing about 1.4% of people infected, but experts think it is likely lower. For comparison, the seasonal flu kills about 1.3% of people infected on average.

The president of the US has said that the Coronavirus will go away after the Winter season, but we dont know that to be true yet.

With the nutrients recommended above, you can take all the recommendations listed above safely, but you should consider seeing a nutritionally oriented physician if worried you are taking too much.

If on a budget, make sure to do the things that are free, wash hands, sleep well, etc. Also, eat well, no junk food, lots of spices like garlic in your food.

Vitamin D, zinc, selenium and Vitamin C are relatively inexpensive, start with those.

DISCLAIMER : This post is for enlightenment purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for professional diagnosis and treatments. Remember to always consult your healthcare provider before making any health-related decisions or for counselling, guidance and treatment about a specific medical condition

Dr. Raphael Nyarkotey Obu, PhD, Is an honorary Professor of Naturopathic Medicine with a research interest in Naturopathic & Holistic Urology, Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University, Ukraine. President of Nyarkotey College of Holistic Medicine- Formulator of FDA approved Mens Formula for Prostate Health, Womens Formula for wellness & Nyarkotey Tea for cardiovascular Health. 0241083423 or 0541234556. The author also is currently pursuing LLB Law/MBA concurrently

Excerpt from:
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Well, regarding those in China almost everyone smokes there, which weakens the lungs - Modern Ghana

The 6 steps to beat sugar cravings the right way and lose weight fast – The Sun

Posted: March 12, 2020 at 11:43 am

WE'VE all experienced it - those couple of hours after lunch when all you can think about is a trip to the vending machine.

Or when you're sat in front of the TV watching a movie and you're gripped by the compulsion to eat a whole tub of Ben & Jerry's.


For some these intense sugar cravings strike most days - which can be especially harmful if you're trying to lose weight.

As top dietitian Susie Burrell says: "Often sweet in nature, it is intense food cravings that can see our dietary goals fly out the window as we are completely overcome by a desire to eat foods that are high fat, calories, salt and/or sugars.

"While cravings can tell us a lot about our base line nutrition, how we respond to our cravings is also important, as eating more of what you are craving can actually make the cravings worse."

Here, the Sydney-based expert takes us through some simple strategies to help you take control of your sugar cravings and maximise your weight loss...

Doing something different at the time you would usually have a sweet snack or treat such as going for a brisk walk is a great way to curb sugar cravings.

Not only will it distance you from the food you're craving but it will help to release endorphins - the 'feel good' chemicals in your brain - which can help turn the craving off.

Writing in her blog Shape Me, Susie says: "Cravings are largely behavioural and can easily be broken when we work to alter the neural pathways that we have previously established."

A study published in the journal Appetite found that a significant number of participants lost their craving for chocolate altogether when they had to go for a walk before they could indulge.

Slimmers should try to avoid any large servings of intense sugars and high fat foods such as chocolates, biscuits and ice-cream - as these will be virtually impossible to stop yourself from overeating.

Susie urges people to go forindividual portions of ice-cream or chocolate so you physically cannot overeat them.

Susie recommends practicing the art of food combining - and putting protein rich foods with something sweet to help balance out the flavours you are exposing yourself to.

Here you will avoid the frenzied feeding that can occur when you are quickly eating sugary foods, whilst still satisfying the need for something sweet.

Susie says: "The foods higher in fat hummus, cheese and peanut butter will give you the rich mouth feel you are looking for, as well as offering protein which will also help to keep you full.

"Some of my favourite food combos include apple slices or celery dipped or spread with peanut butter, Greek yoghurt with berries, chopped nuts and a spoon of honey (this can also be made into frozen yoghurt, or rice cakes or corn cakes topped with peanut butter and banana."

We're all guilty of reaching in the biscuit tin or munching on a bar of chocolate right at the end of the day to give us a boost.

However, Susie urges slimmers to set a time when they stop eating to ensure they don't gorge on sweet treats.

She says: "Aim to stop eating by a certain time, and brush your teeth to help to shift the desire for sweet food.

"Or if cravings take hold mid-afternoon, try and preempt them with a healthy snack and keep gum or sugar free mints or vegetable sticks on hand to take the place of sweet foods when you want to mindlessly munch."

Factoring in one sweet, but healthy option each day will help to take the edge off the craving before it takes hold of you.

You could have one Jaffa Cake which contains 46 calories or one two-finger KitKat which contains just 106 calories,

Hunger is one of the biggest reasons why people experience cravings.

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To avoid these, it may be a good idea to make sure you're eating regularly and have healthy snacks close at hand.

By being prepared, and avoiding long periods of hunger, you may be able to prevent the craving from showing up at all.

Susie says: "Eating well throughout the day can go a long way in keeping your blood glucose levels well controlled and ultimately preventing extreme cravings long term."

Read the original:
The 6 steps to beat sugar cravings the right way and lose weight fast - The Sun

Scarsdale Diet Plan: Benefits, Risks and Results – LIVESTRONG.COM

Posted: March 12, 2020 at 11:43 am

A lot can happen in two weeks. You can quit a job, pick up a new hobby or finish a hefty novel. But losing a substantial amount of weight in two weeks? Not a good idea.

Breakfast on the Scarsdale diet includes half a grapefruit, dry toast and black coffee.

Credit: Oxyggen/iStock/GettyImages

That's the promise behind the Scarsdale diet, though. And you might think because it was created by a doctor that the plan is a healthy approach to weight loss. Here's what you should know.

The Scarsdale diet as we know it today stems from The Complete Scarsdale Medical Diet, a book published in the late 1970s by cardiologist Herman Tranower, founder of the Scarsdale Medical Center. It was a trendy diet in its time, much like keto and intermittent fasting today, and it promised to help followers lose up to 20 pounds in just 14 days.

Fast results usually mean drastic measures. So what does the diet entail?

The Scarsdale diet is a very restrictive, low-calorie, two-week regimen. The macros (carbs, protein and fat) are calibrated to supposedly increase 'fat burn': 34.5 percent carbohydrates, 22.5 percent fat and 43 percent protein. (For reference, the current recommendations from the Food and Nutrition Board are that adults get 45 to 65 percent of calories from carbs, 20 to 35 from fat and 10 to 35 percent from protein.)

After two weeks, followers move to the maintenance program.

Foods you can enjoy on the diet:

The diet provides a very specific meal plan for what you can eat day-by-day for one week (its then repeated for week two):




In general, the majority of the meals are focused on proteins and vegetables with some fruit.

The ketogenic and Scarsdale diets have some similarities: They're both focused on the distribution of specific macros and are low in carbohydrates. But there are a lot of differences, too.

For starters, the keto diet is higher in fat and lower in protein (70 to 80 percent fat and 10 to 20 percent protein), according to the Harvard School of Public Health. Keto is also much lower in carbs, accounting for just 5 to 10 percent of total calories.

The Scarsdale diet features a prescribed meal plan for a set period of time, while the keto diet allows you to eat what you want for the most part, as long as you stay within macronutrient guidelines. The keto diet doesn't have a set timeframe, either. And finally, one of the most significant differences is that keto doesn't mean low-calorie, while the restricted-calorie feature is a crucial tenet of the Scarsdale diet.

Did you know that keeping a food diary is one of the most effective ways to manage your weight? Download the MyPlate app to easily track calories, stay focused and achieve your goals!

Yes. You can and probably will lose weight on the Scarsdale diet if you follow it as recommended.

The trouble is, it's a very restrictive diet, making it difficult to adhere to. While it can help you lose weight quickly, it doesn't teach you how to eat in a healthy and sustainable way so once the diet is 'over,' you'll likely resort back to old habits and gain back the weight you lost.

If this doesn't sound like such a big deal, consider that losing weight too quickly likely means you're losing lean muscle mass instead of fat, according to the Mayo Clinic, which can slow your metabolism and make it even harder to lose weight down the road.

Unless you're under the supervision of a doctor, aim for a healthy rate of weight loss, which means 1 to 2 pounds per week, per the Mayo Clinic. To achieve this, you'll need to cut between 500 and 1,000 calories from your daily diet. But keep in mind that women shouldn't fall below 1,200 calories per day and men should stay above 1,500 to prevent nutrient deficiencies.

Just because a diet "works" doesn't mean it's healthy. There are a lot of red flags with this diet, including:

A healthier approach is one that's more conservative and teaches healthy habits for the long run. Its also one thats evidence-based and proven not to just be healthy, but safe, too. The Mediterranean diet is one such diet with decades of research supporting its many benefits, like supporting heart health, weight management, brain health and reducing the risk of cancer. It likely wont help you lose 20 pounds in two weeks but itll most likely be better for your health, including your weight, in the long term.

Read more:
Scarsdale Diet Plan: Benefits, Risks and Results - LIVESTRONG.COM

MCTC Begins Organization of Industry’s THC-V First Animal Study – Does THC-V Promote Weight Loss? – Associated Press

Posted: March 12, 2020 at 11:43 am

LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / March 11, 2020 / MCTC Holdings, Inc. (OTC PINK:MCTC), a cannabinoid and hemp extract science forward company developing infusion and delivery technologies, seeks to answer a pressing question within the cannabinoid industry arena: Does tetrahydrocannabivarin (THC-V) promote weight loss?

MCTC has completed Phase One of its Project Varin, a program designed to develop delivery systems and uses for THC-V. The Company is now moving into its second phase of research. The primary Phase One goal of producing highly loaded THC-V nanoscale fibers was achieved, as was the secondary goal of initial investigation of pH sensitivity issues. Company researchers are now focused on organizing what is believed to be the industrys first animal study specifically focused on determining if the administration of THC-V leads to appetite suppression and/or weight loss.

While many in the hemp extract and cannabinoid industry openly discuss the potential for THC-V as an aid to appetite suppression and weight loss, there has yet to be any studies specifically designed to validate such statements, commented Arman Tabatabaei, CEO of MCTC Holdings. We plan to use several internally developed delivery systems in a diet-induced obesity model (DIO) utilizing C57 Black 6 male mice. These delivery systems will include our internally developed patent pending nanoparticle and fiber technologies, and our patent pending 100% natural infusion technologies originally developed for cannabidiol (CBD), which will now be applied to THC-V.

Phase One of Project Varin produced nanoscale fibers, utilizing both food-grade and non-food grade polymers, with customizable dissolution times relative to the presence of water and variability of pH levels. Goals relative to load factors were achieved with the researchers believing even higher load factors are possible as parameters are further refined.

Mr. Tabatabaei continued, We are seeing strong interest in our natural approach to cannabinoid infusion, which unlike the vast majority of other infusion technologies, utilizes no chemical surfactants, emulsifiers or other chemicals. Our R&D program is now at the stage where we are able to integrate our previous discoveries into new programs to not only bring to market new core delivery systems, but to also move these new delivery systems into actual products and into the marketplace. We plan several such productizations over the coming months as our research program expands beyond basic research and into product creation.

The Company has recently filed patents on six different technologies on cannabinoids, hemp extracts and delivery systems. MCTC is currently working with patent counsel to protect various other aspects of its other new technologies and plans additional patent filings over the coming months.

About MCTC Holdings, Inc.

MCTC Holdings, Inc. (d/b/a: Cannabis Global) is a Delaware registered, fully reporting and audited publicly-traded company. With the hemp and cannabis industries moving very quickly and with a growing number of market entrants, MCTC plans to concentrate its efforts on the middle portions of the hemp and cannabis value chain. The Company plans to actively pursue R&D programs and productization for exotic cannabinoid isolation, bioenhancement of cannabinoids and polymeric solid nanoparticles and nanofibers for addition into consumer products and for dermal application. The Company was reorganized during June of 2019 and announced its intent to enter the fast-growing cannabis sector and its intent to change its corporate identity to Cannabis Global, Inc. The Company is headed and managed by a group of highly experienced cannabis industry pioneers and entrepreneurs.

Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THC-V) is not scheduled as a controlled substance at the U.S. federal level and is not approved as a food additive by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

More information on the Company can be viewed at

For more information, please contact:

Arman Tabatabaei

Forward-looking Statements

This news release contains forward-looking statements which are not purely historical and may include any statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions regarding the future. Such forward-looking statements include, among other things, the development, costs and results of new business opportunities and words such as anticipate, seek, intend, believe, estimate, expect, project, plan, or similar phrases may be deemed forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Actual results could differ from those projected in any forward-looking statements due to numerous factors. Such factors include, among others, the inherent uncertainties associated with new projects, the future U.S. and global economies, the impact of competition, and the Companys reliance on existing regulations regarding the use and development of cannabis-based products. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this news release, and we assume no obligation to update the forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Although we believe that any beliefs, plans, expectations and intentions contained in this press release are reasonable, there can be no assurance that any such beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions will prove to be accurate. Investors should consult all of the information set forth herein and should also refer to the risk factors disclosure outlined in our annual report on Form 10-k, our quarterly reports on Form 10-Q and other periodic reports filed from time-to-time with the Securities and Exchange Commission. For more information, please visit

SOURCE: MCTC Holdings, Inc.

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MCTC Begins Organization of Industry's THC-V First Animal Study - Does THC-V Promote Weight Loss? - Associated Press

Johnny Walker Needed A Change – The Official Website of the Ultimate Fighting Championship

Posted: March 12, 2020 at 11:43 am

I learned a lot and I have so much to learn, said the 27-year-old Brazilian, who has trained abroad for much of his career. I know I have so much to learn and Firas has so many things to teach me. One camp is not enough, so I will be back there as soon as possible.

I always try to be in a good place. When I was in Russia, I had really good guys to train with. I was in Thailand training with good Muay Thai guys, and now Im with Firas and I know I have to stay here for a long time because I have so much to learn with them.

I know theyre the right people to have around me; I recognize that, he added. I have to come back because this is just the beginning.

In addition to expressing a desire to find a new sensei to guide him in his mixed martial arts journey immediately following his loss to Anderson, Walker also lobbied for the chance to get back into the cage as soon as possible.

Where some competitors would opt to press pause and take a step back before resuming their charge, the infectiously positive Walker quickly put everything into perspective and saw no reason to take time off considering he came away from the fight with nothing more than a loss on his record.

Ive only been a professional for five years and I started fighting seven or eight years ago; Im like a baby, said Walker, who correctly theorized that losing to Anderson didnt knock him too far down the rankings and that a couple quality wins would put him right back where he was prior to their showdown at Madison Square Garden. Im young. I know what I want in my life. I chose to be a fighter, so I have to do this; I have to come back quickly.

Im in the right place now, he added. To be the champ, in order to be the best, I have to be with the best people, so Im doing the right thing now.

Johnny Walker Needed A Change - The Official Website of the Ultimate Fighting Championship

Bernie Emerges From 17 Hours of Silence Ready to Debate – The Daily Beast

Posted: March 12, 2020 at 11:43 am

BURLINGTON, VermontAfter avoiding addressing his fate on election night, Bernie Sanders was suddenly in a hurry to explain his merits in the presidential race.

The 78-year-old Independent moved quickly to the front of a meeting space inside the Hotel Vermont in Burlington, more somber than angry, more of a realist than an optimist.

Speaking to reporters on a chilly afternoon, he started from the gate by announcing the obvious: he was not currently winning the 2020 primary from a delegate point of view.

There was no crowd of supporters or even much in the way of staff to cheer him on. His wife, Jane O'Meara Sanders, and Faiz Shakir, his campaign manager, sat to the side in chairs watching the senator make what may be one of his final cases of the campaign. His message was straight to the point.

We are losing the debate over electability, he said, while claiming victory over the ideological debate of progressive ideas.

Sanders remarks came after a little over 17 hours of uncharacteristic silence, following losses in Mississippi, Missouri, Idaho, and Michigan. The Michigan loss was particularly devastating given its mathematical and emotional significance to the candidate.

The last message on Sanders official Twitterusually buzzing with activitywas frozen at a more hopeful time, 7:44 p.m. on Tuesday, well before all results trickled in from several states. His last tweet on election night provided optimistic guidance for voters to stay put amid accounts of long lines to vote.

If youre in line at the polls, stay in line! he tweeted.

With his scheduled rally in Cleveland canceled due to coronavirus concerns and no good news on the horizon to tell his supporters, the senator, at a critical moment in his second presidential campaign, went dark.

Sanders was taking stock of the race, absorbing the round of losses and what they meant for his future, a source familiar with his thinking told The Daily Beast.

The senator is a very deliberate thinker, the source who has been involved in high-level campaign discussions, said when asked about this decision not to speak Tuesday night.

He defies convention in every single way.

Before his press conference, on Wednesday morning, there were signs of life from the campaign with Sanders co-chairs, former Ohio state Sen. Nina Turner and Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA), who were previewing lines about keeping the campaign going until at least the next Democratic debate, scheduled for Sunday.

The point now is to move forward for the issues that Senator Sanders has been fighting for, Khanna said on CNNs New Day early Wednesday morning.

By early-afternoon, an aide to one senior Sanders official said they were still standing by to hear further guidance.

Sanders, himself, was in Vermont still reeling from what one person close to the senator described as the whole force and weight of the Democratic Party coming up against one man.

That weight had been shifting at a rapid pace from Sanders to former Vice President Joe Biden since South Carolina, where Biden scored a landslide victory that helped catapult him to success on Super Tuesday, when the lions share of the primarys delegates were up for grabs. Then, dozens of endorsements rolled in, including the coveted backing of Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), Cory Booker (D-NJ), and former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, some of the partys brightest stars and both contenders former rivals.

For Sanders, the Michigan defeat36.4 percent to Bidens 52.9 percentwas particularly painful. Four years ago, when, after winning the states primary by a slim margin against Hillary Clinton, he claimed a resurgence in support for his progressive bid. At the time, he remarked it was an enormously successful night for us.

This time around, the success was significantly harder to quantify. From the numbers, its obvious the difference is dramatic, Steve Marchand, an early backer of Sanders 2016 effort, said about the immediate aftermath of Michigan from the past election to present.

Certainly at 9 p.m. or 10 p.m. I thought it might be a precursor to a withdrawal today, Marchand said. When youre having a good night, you like to crow about it, but when youre not you tend to clam up.

Natalia Salgado, political director at the Center for Popular Democracy Action, which endorsed Sanders this cycle, said his initial silence struck her as a much needed moment of self-awareness for the senator to go in deep with his team to assess the road forward. I think the result of that thoughtfulness was reflected in his speech today, she said.

At his Burlington press conference, Sanders was realistic about his current place in the race and signaled he would use the debate platform to hold Biden accountable on several of their biggest points of contrast, including rising health care costs and medical debt.

Sanders will also have a chance to deliver something of a monologue on Wednesday night, appearing on NBCs The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.

But beyond the bookends of late night television and Sunday nights debate, the time in between is largely unknown. In Burlington, even the traveling reporters who follow his every move were unsure of Sanders next location.

Still, as the candidate plotted his way forward, other parts of the campaign continued to function as usual. At the headquarters, on the second floor of an office building on a popular street for shops and restaurants in the city, a street level sign encouraged visitors to volunteer, donate, and get free bumper stickers.

This week: PIZZA+ calls, the sign read, encouraging people to help out on Saturday.

Outside the office, a wooden piece of art portraying Sanders loomed over visitors with the tag line KNOT FIR SALE.

Bernie Emerges From 17 Hours of Silence Ready to Debate - The Daily Beast

Plus-size model is praised over viral video of her working out – Brinkwire

Posted: March 12, 2020 at 11:43 am

A plus-size model is inspiring millions of fans by sharing a motivational video montage of herself working up a sweat in a stylish sports bra and matching leggings.

Anna OBrien, who is best known as @glitterandlazers on social media, can be seen lifting weights, doing pushups, and climbing a step machine in the viral video, which has been viewed more than 15 million times.

Always keep your head up and chase after your dreams, the 35-year-old captioned the clip when she posted it on TikTok on Tuesday.

The video, which is set to Surfaces Sunday Best, begins with the influencer doing pushups and quickly cuts to her walking on a step machine.

Anna is decked out in a pink and green sports bra and matching leggings, and she has a smartwatch on her wrist.

The footage goes on to show her on a rowing machine and lifting heavy dumbbells. She has a smile on her face while doing jumping jacks, and the feel-good clip ends with her wiping the sweat off of her face and giving the camera a thumbs up.

The video has been liked 2.5 million times and has received more than 30,000 comments in just one day.

While some of the messages were from cruel, body-shaming trolls, many fans commended Anna for her workouts and praised her for her strength.

Yall dont even START attacking her. Shes making an effort to do this for herself, one person wrote, while another commented: Respect!

I literally cant even do 1 pushup, someone else added.

FINALLY. Theres actually people that just wanna be healthy, one fan noted.

Anna, who is also a runner, opened up about her workouts and why they have nothing to do with losing weight in an essay published by UK in 2018.

She noted that whenever she is out running, people always cheer her on because they assume she is trying to lose weight and its the first time she has ever gone for a run before.

For me, running isnt about weight loss. Its about pushing my body and connecting with my community, she wrote.

As a plus-size woman Im shamed if I dont exercise and Im shamed if I do exercise, she added. It sucks that you have a choice on the way you want to be shamed, but thats the reality of the world we live in.

Last April, Anna was cruelly mocked after a photo of her smiling in a bikini was used to promoteGillette Venus razors on Twitter.

The brand urged followers to go out there and slay the day, when posting the snapshot, but the body-positive and inclusive message was lost on many Twitter users.

Critics attacked Gillette for promoting obesity and taunted Anna with harsh jokes and remarks about her weight.

Venus is committed to representing beautiful women of all shapes, sizes, and skin types because ALL types of beautiful skin deserve to be shown, Gillette tweeted in response.

We love Anna because she lives out loud and loves her skin no matter how the rules say she should display it.

Plus-size model is praised over viral video of her working out - Brinkwire

10 Tips For Preparing To Stay At Home Due To The Coronavirus – BuzzFeed News

Posted: March 11, 2020 at 2:49 am

Spencer Platt / Getty Images

John F. Kennedy International Airport on March 7.

Last week I got back from a vacation in Vietnam. It was a lovely trip! I ate so much pho, rode a motorbike, and went to beaches and museums. I was also offline and not really following the news for about two weeks. Did I miss anything?

The coronavirus outbreak had been on the rise in China shortly before I left, but with no travel advisories in place for Vietnam (cases of the virus have been minimal there compared to surrounding countries), I went ahead with my travel plans. Imagine my surprise and confusion when I got back to New York and found everyone in full-on prepper mode.

Things got even more disorienting when I got an email from BuzzFeed HR the day I got back, saying that anyone who had been somewhere with a COVID-19 travel advisory was mandated to work from home for two weeks. That included me, as I had had a brief layover in Japan.

Id originally thought it overly cautious to stockpile food and supplies, but then my doctor suggested I stay indoors as much as possible. I wasnt totally clear how concerned I should be I was only in Japan for one hour! but just to be safe, I bought heaps of groceries, prepped a bunch of freezer meals, and readied myself for self-quarantine.

Then this week, all my colleagues at the New York office were told to work remotely out of an abundance of caution just as many other offices have been doing.

Outbreak Today

As coronavirus upends life for more and more people, you might be feeling uncertain or fearful about whats to come. When that anxiety is coupled with a sudden drop in social contact whether because youre quarantined or just working from home for who knows how long those feelings can feel even more heightened, said Laura Hawryluck, a critical care physician and associate professor at the University of Toronto.

We dont realize just how social beings we are until that contact is reduced or diminished because we can't leave our homes, Hawryluck told BuzzFeed News.

We dont realize just how social beings we are until that contact is reduced or diminished because we can't leave our homes.

Shortly after the SARS epidemic in China in the early 2000s, Hawryluck authored a study on the psychological effects of people quarantined for SARS. It showed there was a high prevalence of psychological distress for people who had been quarantined.

With SARS, there was that sense of isolation, Hawryluck said. People also didnt feel that they got consistent or accurate information, and that led to a lot of fear, a lot of anger, frustration, and stress. A lot of people felt very depressed by all of it, and a lot of people had nightmares.

Those symptoms can be worsened for people who have been exposed to the disease and live with other people, as they may worry about spreading the coronavirus to people they care about. Most people arent worried for themselves, because they think theyll get through it, which in and of itself is a coping skill, said Hawryluck. But worry about someone they love, that makes all those psychological symptoms more prominent.

Adilisha Patrom checks her stock of face masks in her coronavirus pop-up store in Washington, DC, on March 6.

There are a whole bunch of reasons you may be staying home for a while due to coronavirus. At the least restrictive end of the spectrum are the many workers, like me, who are doing their jobs from home for the foreseeable future because their employer mandated it. More serious are those (like Sen. Ted Cruz) who are self-quarantining after coming in contact with someone infected with the virus, as well as those people self-quarantining after exhibiting flu-like symptoms. At the most severe end are people who are medically quarantined because they have been diagnosed with the coronavirus. You might also live in a country, like Italy, or a US county that's under lockdown, where travel is being restricted and people are being urged to stay home as much as possible.

If youre self-quarantining for any reason, working remotely, or just feeling anxious about having to do either of those things for a while, there are tons of little ways to prepare yourself that arent just buying up your grocery stores entire stock of beans (though heres a guide to making a coronavirus preparedness kit, in case you need that too).

We asked experts, consulted guides, and crowd-sourced tips online. Here's some of our advice:

Just because youre stocking up doesnt mean you have to live on nonperishable foods and canned vegetables. Thats going to get tiresome real quick, and there are plenty of ways to eat the things you normally would.

Fill your freezer with fresh, flavorful soups. Keep pasta in your pantry and tomato sauce in your freezer. Think about the foods you would want to eat on a typical day; usually theres a way to keep those around. Personally, I froze a big batch of taco soup and a bunch of marinated salmon, and made a crunchy quinoa salad that lasts well in the fridge for the week. I also bought eggs, sweet potatoes, peanut butter, hummus, carrots, and a bunch of other things normal staples for my diet that will keep for a decent length of time.

You dont just need well-balanced meals! You need Cheez-Its, peanut butter cups, popcorn, gummy bears...really whatever snacks youll be craving if youre stuck inside for a while. There has never been a better time to have ingredients around to bake cookies. And if youre out here thinking meal prep time would be a good time to get super healthy and only eat lentils, get real. These are trying times. Buy the damn candy.

On that note, dont forget coffee and tea, if you drink them, and some booze if thats up your alley. You probably dont need to stockpile water, but I bought enough seltzer to tide me over for a while. Priorities.

A passenger wearing a protective mask walks at Sheremetyevo airport, outside Moscow, March 6.

Being forced to stay inside might sound like an introverts dream come true, but when its in the midst of a worldwide epidemic and everyone is panicking, its not such a fun and chill time. It took me one day stuck at home to get lonely and stir-crazy.

Check in with your people. Get on the phone or FaceTime and call your family and friends with some regularity youll probably need it, and so will they.

And if someone you know actually gets quarantined, or gets infected with the virus, be there for them as much as you (safely) can. Call them, or just send a playlist, some memes, or links. And even if you cant go hang out with them IRL, consider cooking them a meal and leaving it outside their door, which is safe to do.

People [need to] know who to call if they do start getting symptoms, [and] know there is somebody who is going to check in on them, that theyre not just going to be isolated and forgotten about, said Hawryluck. If youre afraid youre going to get sick, what you really need and want is to know that somebody is going to care for you.

There are plenty of workouts you can do from the comfort of your own home, and doing so can seriously help your mental health.

Here are a bunch of exercises you can do without any equipment, and YouTube has tons of channels that offer instruction in everything from yoga to Pilates to strength training.

And if you can still go outside, nothing beats a walk. Just avoid big groups of people.

Not only does it protect against the spread of illness, it also makes being cooped up in your home a lot more pleasant. Heres a big list of spring cleaning chores you may have been putting off.

When the SARS epidemic broke out in 2002, Facebook, Twitter, and even Myspace did not yet exist. Now, people are far more digitally connected, and the ability to keep in touch over social media and video chat can have major benefits on mental health during isolation. It shortens distances between people, Hawryluck said.

But the internet also creates issues that didnt exist during SARS namely, the spread of misinformation.

People are afraid, and thats okay we are human, there are things in our lives that are going to scare us, and this is one of them, said Hawryluck. But how we handle that fear, I think fear can be lessened if we have accurate information.

Heres a running list of misinformation about the coronavirus to keep on hand as you peruse social media. Also, be wary of those hawking fake cures online or trying to infect your computer with malware by sending you suspicious coronavirus-themed emails.

Watch the news, for sure, but dont just stay glued to cable news. The worst thing people can do is sit around and watch TV or watch their screens and look for the hourly update of numbers, Hawryluck said. I think that just exaggerates the symptoms of fear and its effects.

You know all those shows and movies youve been meaning to watch but never get around to? Make a list yes, an actual list of the titles, and youll never run out of things to watch.

But if spending too much time looking at screens is driving you nuts, shut it down.

Get out a bunch of books from your library. Pull out the board games and puzzles. Have some craft supplies on hand, if thats your thing.

Whether youve been to a therapist before or are just realizing you might need to see one, seeking help with your mental health doesnt need to wait till you can go outside again. Lots of therapists offer sessions over the phone or video chat. Here are a bunch of tips for how to find a therapist. There are also apps to help you with your mental health.

A self-quarantined resident who claims to have tested positive for COVID-19 listens beside his window as volunteers perform a Purim reading March 9, in New Rochelle, New York.

Working from home sounds like the dream pajamas all day, slacking off, working from the couch! but it can get bleak and unproductive pretty quick if its not approached the right way.

Matt Greenwell, BuzzFeeds director of engineering, has worked from his home in Austin for six years. He advised people new to the WFH life to try to keep a regular routine as much as possible, including getting dressed and grooming yourself like you usually would, eating breakfast, and having a ritual to signal a transition into the work day, like taking a walk.

The getting dressed bit is a bit of a trope, [but] if you dont put effort into yourself, you wont put effort into anything else, Greenwell told BuzzFeed News.

And actually seeing and speaking to people matters too, he said. He suggested holding meetings over video chat and actually turning the camera on for them.

Luckily my wife is at home with me as well so we can chat with each other and have lunch together, but if she wasnt, Id be desperate for human interaction when she got home from work, he said.

Information is power, and having the right info can be helpful in stopping yourself from freaking out. You dont need to go overboard on research, but its a good idea to be aware of what you should do if you do think youve contracted the coronavirus.

And perhaps the easiest way to stay healthy is to maintain proper hygiene. You dont need a face mask (unless youre sick), but you should be washing your hands regularly (and remember, soap and water is just as effective as hand sanitizer).

Once thats done, just try to take it easy (and maybe order some dumplings to support your favorite Chinese restaurant). These are tough, uncertain times, and the best thing we all can do is be kind to ourselves and our neighbors as we all go through it.

Read the original post:
10 Tips For Preparing To Stay At Home Due To The Coronavirus - BuzzFeed News

Carrie Underwood Admits to Trying a Few Crazy Diets in Her Quest to Be Healthy –

Posted: March 11, 2020 at 2:49 am

Between winning American Idol and now, Carrie Underwood has learned plenty about eating healthy. Underwood, who just launched her Find Your Path book and fit52 app, previously opened up about how painful people's comments were about her weight, while she was on Idol. Although painful, and untrue, the remarks started Underwood on a path to finding true health, which she is now sharing with others.

"I've seen crazy diet suggestions, and I've tried some that are entirely unsustainable," Underwood told PARADE. "No, I'm not going to puree my own peas or make my own hummus. They have it at the store. You know what I do? I eat microwave burritos multiple times a week because they're easy. It's about finding those solutions and doing your best."

Underwood also admits she still struggles in one area: allowing her body to rest. While she promotes taking time for yourself in Find Your Path, it's an area she acknowledges she still needs to work on in her own life.

"Sometimes moments do need to be wasted," Underwood conceded. "You need to take a breath and stop. That is an area of self-care that I am awful at."

The 37-year-old is very task-oriented, which is why she has a difficult time allowing herself to unwind.

"Relaxing is so hard for me. If there's one thing I do not do, it is waste a moment," Underwood said. "Nobody else notices, but I feel personal satisfaction setting and meeting goals."

Underwood may not allow much time for herself, but she does make time with her family, including 5-year-old Isaiah and 1-year-old Jacob, a priority.

"We have dinner together six nights a week," Underwood revealed to PEOPLE. "I feel like that's something really important. What my husband and I talk about more than anything is how to make sure our children have a 'normal' childhood. That's hard with this particular life."

She also prioritizes time with Fisher, while her children are sleeping, starting the day by themselves, and ending the day with a few mindless shows.

"Mike and I sit on the couch and catch up and watch The Bachelor or The Walking Dead," Underwood shared. "That's my balance, work hard and then veg."

Photo Credit: Getty / Barcroft Media

See the article here:
Carrie Underwood Admits to Trying a Few Crazy Diets in Her Quest to Be Healthy -

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