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Wait, What? Study Shows Eating a Big Breakfast Can Lead to Weight Loss – msnNOW

Posted: March 11, 2020 at 2:45 am

Provided by Eat This, Not That! Healthy breakfast foods blueberries bananas bowl of yogurt oatmeal and coffeeEating more food can help you lose weight surely, we're kidding, right? Well, a new study actually suggests that those who eat a bigger meal in the morning burn more than twice as many calories compared to those who have their biggest meal for dinner.

What to eat for breakfastor even just having breakfasthas been called into question in recent years. If you're wondering if cutting out your morning meal completely, consider a new study from The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology&Metabolism.

The study looked at 16 men who ate a low-calorie breakfast and a high-calorie dinner, then did the reverse, over the course of three days. The findings were fairly shocking. Research showed a low-calorie breakfast is more likely to cause snacking throughout the day.

Not only do those who eat a smaller breakfast tend to snack more, but they also eat more at dinner. A big breakfast leads to fewer hunger pangs and less cravings for sweets on the daily.

Measuring subjects food metabolism food through diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT), revealed that, on average, their DIT was two and a half times higher after breakfast, compared to dinner. That's right, the participants' metabolisms were far more active after their morning breakfast, which of course leads to burning calories.

The study also revealed that the men's blood sugar and insulin levels were lower and that they experienced fewer cravings for sweets with a big breakfast, rather than a big dinner. The results confirm that a big dinner has negative effects on glucose tolerance, for those who are looking to avoid blood glucose peaks. The study states "An extensive breakfast should, therefore, be preferred over large dinner meals to reduce the risk of metabolic diseases."

So, you may want to consider a larger meal at breakfast, not only to power yourself up in the morning, but for weight loss, to even out your glucose levels, and to power up your metabolism early in the day.

Gallery: 20 ways to overcome a weight-loss plateau

See the rest here:
Wait, What? Study Shows Eating a Big Breakfast Can Lead to Weight Loss - msnNOW

Len Romes Local Health: Are you trying to lose weight? – WYTV

Posted: March 11, 2020 at 2:45 am

Don't think of weight loss as being on a 'diet,' but rather a permanent change in lifestyle

by: Len Rome

(WYTV) Losing weight is tough but keeping weight off can be even harder.

So what happens when you start regaining that weight? You get your high blood pressure back and maybe the risk of diabetes.

Leslie Heinberg, PhD from The Cleveland Clinic says that losing weight and staying thinner is never easy, so we have to keep at it until we find something that works for us.

If at first you arent able to lose that weight and keep it off for the long-term, try something again. Try a different approach. Try putting in more physical activity; get the support of a healthcare professional that works on weight-loss.

When people lose weight, they see risk factors grow smaller when it comes to blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol.

Those who kept off at least 75% of the lost weight maintained the benefits of their health improvements.

Dont think of weight loss efforts as being on a diet, but rather a permanent change in lifestyle habits and make physical activity a regular part of your day.

See original here:
Len Romes Local Health: Are you trying to lose weight? - WYTV

The FOUR breakfast meals to boost weight loss and slash 800 calories – The Sun

Posted: March 11, 2020 at 2:45 am

BREAKFAST is said to be the most important meal of the day.

However, a few simple swaps in the morning could make it the healthiest - and could even help aid weight loss.


Nutrition expert Graeme Tomlinson, also known as The Fitness Chef, says switching up your morning choices could make all the difference when it comes to your overall daily calorie intake.

In fact, he says a few simple tweaks could even slash 800 calories from your diet and speed up weight loss.

And Graeme tells slimmers that you don't need to cut out your favourite snack or beverage - just replace them with something significantly lower in calories.

For example, he recommends picking a large cappuccino over a large caramel latte.


Writing on his Instagram, he adds: "Mornings can be frantic, but calm application of simple information relevant to the goal in hand can be the difference between success and ongoing frustrations."

Here, Graeme takes us through the four morning swaps to slash 800 calories from your daily diet...

Your morning coffee not only has the power to get you out of bed in the morning - it could also help you to lose weight...if you pick the right one.

Graeme recommends ditching your large caramel latte, which is loaded with sugar, in favour for a large cappuccino instead.

While a large caramel latte contains 346 calories, by picking a large cappuccino totalling 119 calories you will be cutting 227 calories from your diet.

There's nothing better than starting the day with a fresh pastry from the local bakers or Starbucks.

However, the pastry you choose could make a huge difference in the amount of calories you're consuming.

While you may think a pain au chocolat would be the unhealthiest option - it actually has significantly less calories than a large croissant.

A 60g pain au chocolat contains 236 calories, whereas an 80g croissant contains 365 calories.

So by picking the pain au chocolat you'd be slashing 129 calories to your day.

We're all guilty of reaching for a mid-morning snack come 10.30 to keep us going through a busy day at work.

But, as Graeme says, the snack you pick can result in "excessive caloric consumption".

For example, if you go for a large chocolate chip muffin you'll be gorging 480 calories in one go.

On the other hand, opting for 50g of berries, 200g of zero per cent fat yoghurt and two chocolate digestive thins is just 227 calories.

This would be cutting 253 calories out from your diet.

One danger food when it comes to empty caloriesis sweetened fruitjuices.

While on the surface they seem healthy, one 500ml glass of orange juice can contain 190 calories.

Therefore, simply ditching your daily glass of juice for 500ml of water is one simple way to cut down on the calories you're consuming each day.

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Water also boosts your metabolism, cleanses your body of waste and acts as an appetite suppressant, experts say.

It's almost important for your liver and kidney health too.

Guidelines suggest about two litres per day, but it can vary from person to person, so simply drink when you're thirsty and stop when you feel well hydrated.

Go here to read the rest:
The FOUR breakfast meals to boost weight loss and slash 800 calories - The Sun

Global Weight Loss & Diet Management Market 2020 by Top Manufactures, Challenges, Size, Share, Segment Applications, and Forecast 2026 – News…

Posted: March 11, 2020 at 2:45 am offers in-depth analysis of varied verticals segments through its report. This time it published a new report titled, Global Weight Loss & Diet Management Market Research report 2020. The Historical, as well as Forecast data, is presented in this report along with the market size of the market. The complete product portfolio and company profiles of top players is presented. Global data, regional data, and country-level data are offered with import-export scenario, consumption and gross margin analysis from 2015-2020 and the production rate is presented in this report. Market value by Weight Loss & Diet Management markets region in 2020 for top players is analyzed. The cost structures, growth rate, and gross margin analysis is covered.

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One of the important factors in global Weight Loss & Diet Management market report is the competitive analysis. The report studies all the important parameters such as product invention, market strategies of the major players, latest research and development, revenue generation, market share and market expert views.

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Objective of Weight Loss & Diet Management Market Research report:

Segmentation on the basis of Geographies:

The research provides answers to the following key questions:

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2) What is the expected Market size and growth rate of the Weight Loss & Diet Management market for the period 2020-2026?

3) Which Are The Major geographies Covered in Reports?

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Table of Content:

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Global Weight Loss & Diet Management Market 2020 by Top Manufactures, Challenges, Size, Share, Segment Applications, and Forecast 2026 - News...

Experts share the food and drink to avoid after 6pm for weight loss – RSVP Live

Posted: March 11, 2020 at 2:45 am

With longer hours, commutes, as well as shift work, not all of us are sitting down to eat dinner at 6pm.

For many of us, dinner has become later and later, however according to the experts there are certain foods that should be avoided after a certain point in the evening if you're looking to lose a few pounds.

Sleep is an essential element for weight loss. So it's crucial to avoid caffeine before bed, which could mess with your sleeping pattern. That means steering clear of coffee, fizzy drinks and other stimulants for eight hours before you plan on heading to bed.

While there is nothing wrong with adding some spice to your diet, eating it too late at night can cause bloating, heartburn and indigestion.

Meat is a great source of protein, which is essential for weight loss. However, red meat is also high in fat, meaning it digests slowly. Eating a burger or steak late at night can cause bloating or stomach pains as your body works into the wee hours to break it down, which can interfere with sleep.

That biscuit with your tea or bar of chocolate might seem like the ideal nightime treat, but it could also cause your blood sugar levels to spike just before bed, which could make it difficult to fall asleep. Plus the peaks and falls in your blood sugar level, lead to you craving more snacks to get another hit, leading you to overeat and gain weight.

Yes, toast is the ultimate comfort food, and a pretty easy supper, but it's definitely one to avoid late in the evening due to it's high glycaemic index (GI) content. ood with a high GI can make your sugar and insulin levels spike, leaving you tired and hungry, and again prone to overeat as your body craves more.

See the original post:
Experts share the food and drink to avoid after 6pm for weight loss - RSVP Live

More than weight loss: Intermittent fasting’s health benefits unveiled – The Age

Posted: March 11, 2020 at 2:45 am

When they took liver biopsies from the mice following intermittent fasting, they identified the effect on HNF4-(alpha), which acts as a master regulator, affecting metabolic processes.

Weve now been able to see these molecular changes in the liver and the metabolic changes that occur when you dont have food available.

One of those changes is that fats, which are sent by fat tissue into the liver and converted into fuel for the body to use, also act as a signalling mechanism, changing the way cells behave.

The liver can see all the fat coming in and that can trigger things such as the regulation of lipid metabolism, Larance said. Our analysis suggests [when fasting] the liver was simultaneously synthesising fat but also trying to break it down.

This may explain some of the beneficial effects of intermittent fasting, such as improved blood sugar levels, because lower levels of fatty acids can improve the body's ability to transport glucose into cells for energy.


Its possible that eating less on a daily basis would elicit the same effect, however, Larance said intermittent fasting can be more sustainable for most people. Also, he added, the mice were given double quantities of food on eating days, which shows that the effects are not the result of weight-loss.

Its the fasting period itself that is causing the benefit, the molecular changes, Larance said.

The ideal length of time to fast remains unclear.

The line between alternate-day feeding or time-restricted feeding is a very grey area, he said. If youre fasting for 16 hours you may have the same effect as 24 hours. We chose 24 hours... to standardise the intervention.

Previous human studies into the effects of intermittent fasting are limited.

Typically, in human studies pretty much the only sample you can get in order to understand the biology is blood and that can really limit our understanding of whats going on, Larance said.

We chose to use mice because they are quite a good model in general for mammalian fasting responses. That enabled us to get a deeper understanding of the molecular changes in tissues and allows us to then use that knowledge in future human studies.

A better understanding of the fasting response (a core aspect of human physiology, according to Larance) means researchers can figure out how to optimise fasting regimes in humans.

It could make intermittent fasting in healthy humans more effective at preventing disease, but also for the treatment of those with a disease, we could optimise it.

Sarah Berry is a lifestyle and health writer at The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

Read more here:
More than weight loss: Intermittent fasting's health benefits unveiled - The Age

This Man Believes He’s Created Nutritionally "Perfect" Powdered Food – Men’s health UK

Posted: March 11, 2020 at 2:45 am

Julian Hearn, founder of Huel, is a pragmatist. His first health company a platform that tested every diet to help users choose the right one was noble but too complicated to survive. So, he followed it with the simplest idea he could think of: powdered food. He called it Huel: just add water and the resulting human fuel has what Hearn calls the optimal balance of carbs, fats, protein and micronutrients. Today, Huel has sold 100 million meals. But is eating for pleasure really the enemy of good health?

Huel isnt a liquid. Its solid food ground down to remove the water. When you do that, you also remove the bacteria, so it has a long shelf life. We have pea, brown rice, flaxseed and oats, mixed with a vitamin-nutrient blend and natural flavourings. So, you add water to consume it, but its not a liquid. A vital part of the digestive process is releasing enzymes that help to break down the food in your digestive system. Huel has to be broken down all were doing is getting to that part quicker. We also make bars and granola, for people who want something to chew.

We focus solely on nutrition, so some people have said that, yes. But we think that the pursuit of pleasure can be a negative: people can develop addictions to things that give them pleasure, but arent good for them. Pleasure is a short-term thing, but happiness is a long-term goal. Thats what we prefer to focus on. A healthy mind and a healthy body can lead to that kind of long-term happiness.

Theres a balancing act. If we say most people have 21 meals a week, how many of those actually fit that mould? Maybe a Sunday lunch, and evening meals. Instead of replacing those, Huel is therefore your most inconvenient meals. By using Huel, you might free up the time to cook for friends and family. I have Huel for breakfast and lunch in the working week, then sit down for a family meal in the evening. I often dont use Huel at all on the weekends.

"The pursuit of pleasure can be a negative: people get addicted to things that aren't good for them"

People have a lot of anxiety about whether or not theyre eating the right food. One week, you can read about protein-heavy diets being good; the next week, the story might be that too much protein is bad for you. First and foremost, Huel is a foodstuff optimised for nutritional benefits. I come to work in the same outfit everyday it simplifies things. Huel does the same for your meals.

Yes, and a lot of those foods are optimised for taste, not nutrition. Nutrition should be the primary purpose of food, not texture and taste.

Not really, theyre just the most popular. Were a direct-to-consumer business, so we get a lot of feedback. Weve had everything from, This makes me feel like a kid again, to, This has radically changed my life and I feel so much better. Mind and body are deeply connected. If one suffers, so does the other. If youre eating a lot of the wrong things and have a bad diet, you can feel, well... shitty.

We have several new products in the pipeline. Following some feedback, we recently launched a Black Edition powder, with half the level of carb and more protein. And were not afraid of the competition. Weve sold millions of meals, but weve still reached less than 1% of the population in Europe, America and Japan. So, we see absolutely massive potential.

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See the original post:
This Man Believes He's Created Nutritionally "Perfect" Powdered Food - Men's health UK

Space-Grown Lettuce Is Safe and Astronaut-Approved – The Scientist

Posted: March 9, 2020 at 11:46 pm

Lettuce can be safely grown in space using a unique system for plant cultivation in weightless environments, according to a study published on March 6 in Frontiers in Plant Science. The growing system was designed by NASA scientists with the goal of improving astronauts traditional diet of dehydrated meats, freeze-dried ice cream, and other processed foods that degrade and become less nutritious over time, according to The Guardian.

Veggie, as the system is called, addresses the unique challenges of watering plants in space where we can get too much water or not enough water, coauthor Gioia Massa, a plant scientist at the NASA Kennedy Space Center in Florida, tells The New York Times. Water coats your surfaces. It will clog the pores of things. It will even crawl up the plants if you have too much water.

Roughly the size of a piece of carry-on luggage, Veggie holds six plants that grow from seeds embedded in wicks on what the authors call plant pillows. These pillows are filled with fertilizer atop a clay foundation that is typically used in baseball fields, reports CNN. The pillows are injected with water, which the wicks then deliver to the seeds. A magenta LED light and a fan contribute to optimal growing conditions for the plants.

In the new study, the scientists looked at batches of lettuce grown between 2014 and 2016, Some of the leaves were eaten by astronauts who cleaned them with sanitary wipes, and others were deep-frozen and analyzed on Earth, according to The Guardian. The researchers found that the space-grown lettuce had a similar composition to Earth-grown lettuce, but was higher in phosphorous, sulfur, zinc, sodium, potassium, and bacteria, likely due to the warm, humid growing conditions, though the plants did not contain E. coli, Salmonella, or Staphylococcus aureus.

Its just a rigorous, careful study on the safety of crops grown in space, environmental plant physiologist Bruce Bugbee of Utah State University who did not participate in the research tells the Times. This kind of research is really helpful for us to feed people away from the planet Earth.

We were delightfully surprised at how much the astronauts enjoyed growing and eating the fresh lettuce! says coauthor Christina Khodadad of NASA's Kennedy Space Center in remarks to CNN. The ability to grow food in a sustainable system that is safe for crew consumption will become critical as NASA moves toward longer missions. Salad-type, leafy greens can be grown and consumed fresh with few resources.

Massa tells CNN that future research will look at growing peppers, tomatoes, and other types of leafy plants in order to add more fresh produce to the astronaut diet.

Amy Schleunes is an intern atThe Scientist. Email her

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Space-Grown Lettuce Is Safe and Astronaut-Approved - The Scientist

Groundbreaking legislation would create safe, accessible parking for trucks – The Trucker

Posted: March 9, 2020 at 11:46 pm

WASHINGTON A solution could be in sight for the nations truck-parking crisis. In a bipartisan effort today, U.S. Reps. Mike Bost, R-Ill., and Angie Craig, D-Minn., both members of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, legislation to increase truck-parking capacity.

H.R. 6104, the Truck Parking Safety Improvement Act, would dedicate $755 million to projects designed to increase truck-parking spaces so truck drivers can safely comply with hours-of-service regulations. The legislation proposes constructing new truck-parking facilities and converting existing weigh stations and rest areas to include functional parking spaces for truck drivers. Funding would be awarded on a competitive basis, and applicants would be required to submit detailed proposals to the U.S. Department of Transportation.

Right now, there is a lack of places for truck drivers to safely stop, forcing them to pull over to the side of the road, or continue driving, both of which are risky, said Rep. Angie Craig. Thats why I am proud to be working my colleague, Rep. Mike Bost from Illinois to increase truck parking spaces, increasing safety for folks transporting goods to and from Minnesotas Second Congressional District.

Bost, who said he grew up in a family trucking business, is no stranger to the rewards and pitfalls of the industry.

I learned at early age what a rewarding career [trucking] could be, said Bost. However, I also understood that trucking can be a tough, demanding and even dangerous job. One concern for truck drivers is the lack of enough safe parking spots where they can get the rest they need without risking collisions on the shoulder of the highway or being forced to push their limits to find the next rest stop. This puts the truckers and other motorists as significant risk. Thats why Im proud to lead this effort to create sufficient rest parking options for long-haul truckers.

H.R. 6104 is supported by numerous trucking-industry organizations, including American Trucking Associations (ATA), the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA), the Truckload Carriers Association (TCA), the National Association of Small Trucking Companies and the National Motorists Association.

Americas truck drivers work every day to deliver goods to keep our economy moving safely and efficiently, said Chris Spear, president and CEO of American Trucking Associations (ATA). The government mandates drivers pull over and rest to comply with the hours-of-service rules; the least our government can do is work to ensure [the drivers] have a safe place to park to get the rest they need.

Reps. Bost and Craig recognize that in order to do their jobs, truck drivers need paces where they can safely park and rest and we applaud them for their leadership in introducing this important legislation, Spear continued.

Congress and the Federal Highway Administration have tried to address the issue of commercial-truck parking with the enactment of Jasons Law and the launching of the National Coalition of Truck Parking. Even so, nearly half of all truck drivers report being forced to park on the shoulders of highways or other unofficial, unsafe locations due to lack of parking. On average, the cost of looking for parking amounts to $5,500 in lost wages each year.

One of the persistent complaints our drivers have is that they struggle to find safe parking, said Randy Guillot, ATA chairman and president of Triple G Express Inc., New Orleans. This bill will provide the means to help address that concern.

The truck-parking shortage has garnered national media attention in recent days, with the shooting of a truck driver by a security guard at a travel stop in Oklahoma City during a dispute about a reserved parking spot.

After decades of ignoring the problem, Congress is finally getting serious about fixing the severe lack of truck parking across the country. Finding a safe place to park is something most people take for granted, but its a daily struggle for hundreds of thousands of truckers, said Todd Spencer, president and CEO of OOIDA. Congressman Bost and Congresswoman Craig have shown they not only understand truckers are experiencing a crisis, but have the mettle to address it through groundbreaking, bipartisan legislation.

David Heller, vice president of government affairs for TCA, said, Truck parking consistently ranks as one of the most important issues for the Truckload Carriers Association and trucking stakeholders across the country. On a daily basis, our companies drivers face dangerous conditions due to the lack of safe and convenient parking options. TCA applauds Reps. Bost and Craig for their dedication to resolving this critical safety obstacle through this legislation, which will devote significant funding toward the development of suitable parking on our nations highways.

David Owen, president of the National Association of Small Trucking Companies, said, The availability of truck parking has become so scarce that, in many parts of the country, its reached crisis levels. The scope of the problem is such that the solution must be multifaceted. The legislation sponsored by Reps. Bost and Craig represents an important part of the solution grants dedicated to putting truck parking along federal roads.

Groundbreaking legislation would create safe, accessible parking for trucks - The Trucker

FDA Releases Action Plan to Advance the Safety of Leafy Greens – PerishableNews

Posted: March 9, 2020 at 11:46 pm

Today the U.S. Food and Drug Administration released the2020 Leafy Greens STEC Action Plan, outlining steps the agency plans to take this year to advance the safety of leafy greens. While most strains ofE. coliare harmless, Shiga toxin-producingE. coli, or STEC, can be life-threatening. The most common STEC,E. coliO157:H7, is the type most often associated with outbreaks.

Fresh leafy greens are an important part of an overall healthy diet. While millions of servings of leafy greens are consumed safely every day, this produce commodity has been too often implicated in outbreaks of foodborne illness. Between 2009 and 2018, the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identified 40 foodborne outbreaks of STEC infections with a confirmed or suspected link to leafy greens in the U.S.

In an FDA Voices article, FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn and Deputy Commissioner for Food Policy and Response Frank Yiannas highlight the importance of FDAs action plan and the agencys focus on prevention, response and addressing knowledge gaps.

The FDA intends to hold a webinar in coming weeks to further discuss the action plan with interested stakeholders. More information, including how to register for the webinar, will soon be available on

For More Information

2020 Leafy Greens Action Plan

FDA Outlines 2020 Action Plan to Advance the Safety of Leafy Greens

E. coliand Foodborne Illness

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FDA Releases Action Plan to Advance the Safety of Leafy Greens - PerishableNews

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