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TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) – My Journey 2019 …

Posted: March 5, 2020 at 1:44 pm

328 ng/dl.

Finally, I had received the lab results to confirm what I had suspected all along: Low Testosterone.

The last few months, Ive noticed my quality of life dropping. Not a sudden drop but rather slowly going downhill.

The reason I got this Testosterone blood test in the first place was because the symptoms of Low Testosterone became almost unbearable.

I am not exaggerating when I say that I would take a 200mg caffeine pill and then have a window of about an hour during which I would function OK.

OK doesnt mean optimal and it simply meant I was getting a bit of work done. Either that or I could use that hour to go to the gym.

Either way, after that hour, it was GAME OVER.

When I say, GAME OVER, I mean it.

I would spend the rest of the day lying in bed watching YouTube videos or sleeping. I would always be in a state in which I couldnt focus on anything, was super tired but not tired enough to actually go to sleep.

Nothing would get me out of that state.

The diet I was (and am currently) following was very healthy already. I was taking additional supplements such as a multivitamin, Vitamin C, Magnesium

There was no obvious reason for me to feel that way. I was working out regularly; on paper (blood test), I looked healthy (except Low T).

I also noticed that taking stimulants (caffeine) started to work less and less to the point at which sometimes I would take 300mg caffeine and go right to sleep.

The day after I got the lab test back, I knew I had to take action.

Still, going on Testosterone Replacement Therapy isnt an easy decision. It (usually) is a lifetime commitment.

In the years prior to that, I had given it a thought but eventually decided against starting TRT. After all, things were not THAT bad.

This time, it was different. I had reached my personal threshold.

I had a few realization in the following days:

This was the primary reason for me to start TRT.

Every day that I am performing at 30%, I am literally wasting my potential in terms of income, making progress in the gym and enjoyment of life.

I knew that I was in this low energy state (feeling like a 105 year old) for the last 2 years, yet, still I was ableto build an entirely passive online business from scratch netting me over $10,000+ per month.

I was thinking, Holy cow! I have achieved that while feeling like absolute crap, whats possible if I perform at my best?

Testosterone Levels are only going to drop as I age.

Meaning, TRT is inevitable anyway if I want to feel energetic and reap all the benefits of optimal testosterone levels.

Looking at it this way, I realized the question was not whether or not I should start Testosterone Replacement Therapy, but rather when.

I dont think Ill ever be happy being average.

Whether thats in regards to lifestyle, online business or my physique.

I just cant talk myself into being average (trust me, I have tried). I want to tap my full potential.

To be clear, I dont want to be a massive bodybuilder, but I am not OK with having an average body with little muscle mass either.

Prior to starting TRT, I had also met with a professional bodybuilder to hear what he has to say and find out what (in his opinion) is possible as a natural athlete. (I trust his opinion; he himself looks great and has coached hundreds of naturals and enhanced athletes.)

This is when I learned that a truly great physique (top 1%) just isnt possible unless you are a true genetic freak.

I am no genetic freak, which means floating around in the normal Testosterone range, Im not ever going to have a great body.

I know this because in the years prior, my diet and training had always been on point. I was taking the right supplements to close any possible deficiencies. Sleep was good.

Yet, still, I wasnt able to put on any muscle or make progress in terms of lifting heavier weights in the gym. Any weight gain (however slow it was) would go directly to my belly area.

The only thing for me to change and expect drastic changes from that was left was my hormones: Testosterone.

The tiredness I was experiencing was gone right away.

I wasnt tired anymore. I could get work done, go to the gym and wouldnt even need coffee or music to motivate me. This was really profound.

During the day when walking around I didnt yawn (as Id usually do), or feel really exhausted mentally. I felt good, steady energy.

I would also say that I was more emotionally resilient. In the sense that I wouldnt overthink, ruminate too much or be emotional about petty things, such as feeling like I am missing out on something, wondering if others are having more fun/a better time

In the last few years, I literally couldnt get myself to go to the gym or work out more than a few minutes without consuming a large amount of coffee first.

These were the first profound changes Ive noticed right away. And these were things that clearly werent subjective.

The things that were subjective: very little rumination or negative thoughts. Feeling more positive.

Before the first injection, the clinic I went to did another blood test to get my baseline. Turns out my Testosterone was actually 580 (just a few days after a blood test that showed 328).

I was confused as to how this could possibly be?Are the Testosterone tests inaccurate?

The doctor explained that I also have high prolactin. Ideal is 10-12; mine was at 25. Prolactin is a barometer of stability of the system. High prolactin, as the doctor said basically means one day I am feeling good, the next day not so much.

Testosterone can be 580 one day, then 328 the next day. Massive ups and downs. Still, even if it were steadily at 580, that wouldnt be good enough for me and what I expect from myself.

To get my prolactin down, I had to take Cabergoline.

By the way, high prolactin also means you have a longer refractory period after sex.

Anyway, this was my first week on Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

On the last day of the first week, I noticed that some of the symptoms I was complaining about had come back.

Definitely not at full force but I noticed a slight increase in rumination and generally not feeling as positive as during the 6 days prior to that.

It couldve been random.

Perhaps sleep was off?Perhaps the intense leg workout the day before?

However, if it really were related to sleep or external circumstances, it would be a bit odd for the reason that I didnt sleep much the first week and generally felt great nonetheless.

Anyway, I will continue to keep track of changes.

At the beginning of week 2, I came across the topic of NoFap and semen retention and did further research.

The following comment sparked my curiosity:

Whats interesting about this comment is that it was posted by a guy who had done steroids in the past and knows what supernatural Testosterone levels feel like.

In other words, this isnt coming from some scientist doing a study; this is based on first-hand experience.

Notice the super boost your Testosterone levels?

Ive tested this and found that on day 3, the sexual arousal (horniness) became so unbearable that I had to ejaculate.

The normal NoFap protocol would be to simply refrain from masturbation/ejaculation.

The super-boosting-Testosterone protocol (mentioned in the comment above) says you should masturbate or have sex but refrain from ejaculation.

Thats precisely what I did.

Heres the good and the bad:

Given enough practice, I guess the increased sex drive can be channeled as to not be a distraction.

Of course, there is a connection between sex drive and testosterone but its not as simple as saying high testosterone equals high sex drive or vice versa.

You see this a lot inNoFap communities.

Guy doesnt masturbate for a few days, feels higher sex drive and attributes it to heightened testosterone.

If you research masturbation testosterone, you find studies stating that masturbation does not affect testosterone levels.

Other studies claim that abstinence can increase testosterone, but that T levels go back to their baseline after day 7.

Noticing higher than usual sex drive, but that could just be a normal fluctuation.

Ive noticed that sex drive is higher on an empty stomach not sure, it might just be that digestion requires a lot of energy/blood flow and sex drive is automatically put on the back-burner.

Right before I received the first Testosterone shot of week #3, a blood test was done.

Total testosterone turned out to be at 1251 ng/dL (which is just outside the normal range).

Estradiol (E2) is also optimal at 26.9 pg/mL

Estradiol should be kept in the 20-25 pg/mL range, otherwise you might experience some nasty side effects such as acne outbreaks, mood swings or weight gain.

High Estradiol (E2) can causegynecomastia, but the same can be said about high prolactin. My doctor has said that by keeping Estradiol in check, you also automatically control your prolactin.

That might be the case with most men, but didnt apply in my situation. My Estradiol was already in the normal range, yet prolactin was out of range.

I used to think that gynocomastia can happen so quickly that you can wake up the morning and realize its already too late.

I can only talk about my experience, but thats totally not the case at all. First, you notice increased nipple sensitivity; at worst a minor burning sensation.

At that point, you can still take action and no damage is done (yet). Lower Estradiol and itll all be good.

Anyway, back to the Testosterone test results I mentioned

The fact that my Testosterone levels were measured right before I got another shot of Testosterone Enanthate is reason to believe that my testosterone levels were much higher in the days prior.

When you inject Testosterone, plasma levels rise quickly only to drop steadily in the days after.

This drop is why another injection is required to keep plasma levels somewhat stable.

When it comes to injectable Testosterone, there are different esters you can choose from.

Testosterone is Testosterone, however, the ester dictates how quickly the Testosterone is being released to the body.

As is the case with many other drugs, there are versions of the exact same compound with quick or slow release.

The faster-acting the ester, the more frequent the injections should be.

I am using 125mg of Testosterone Enanthate per week injected twice per week (62.5mg each time).

My first month on TRT is $440.

That price includes everything from the injections, to ancillaries and blood tests. I expect the monthly costs to drop sharply in the months after.

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TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) - My Journey 2019 ...

Aromatase Inhibitors and Testosterone Replacement Therapy …

Posted: March 5, 2020 at 1:44 pm

A good balance of hormones helps to maintain a healthy body and mind. The sex hormones estrogen and testosterone are responsible for sexual reproductive and other functions in men and women. As men age, their body produces less and less of these hormones.

This often results in a severe hormonal imbalance which leads to various symptoms or health conditions including low testosterone or hypogonadism, andropause, excess weight gain or obesity, and gynecomastia.

Testosterone can deplete naturally or decline due to the bodys natural conversion of testosterone to estrogen. Estrogen is primarily a female hormone but is also needed for certain functions in men. In fact, it helps regulate sexual functions in men.

The three estrogens are estrone, estradiol, and estriol. Estradiol is the most potent of them all. The conversion of testosterone to estrogen is a common reason for a decline in testosterone. This happens when the body aromatize testosterone and androgens (another sex hormone) and convert them into estrogen. While testosterone decreases estrogen increases and may cause the following symptoms:

You may have low T if you experience one or more of the symptoms related to high estrogen or estradiol. However, low T can be accurately diagnosed by your doctor. Your doctor will assess your medical history and symptoms and will need to run blood tests to determine the level of the hormone in the body. If you receive a positive diagnosis, your doctor may recommend one or more treatments including testosterone replacement therapy by injections.

Testosterone replacement therapy is used to boost testosterone levels. It is best and most effectively administered by intramuscular injections. Depending on the patients individual needs, the treatment can be done with or without aromatase inhibitors.

Aromatase inhibitors (AIs), or estrogen blockers, are a class of drugs used to prevent the body from converting testosterone to estrogen, especially estradiol. These drugs, for example, anastrozole, letrozole, and exemestane are used off-label in men undergoing testosterone replacement therapy. By blocking estrogen, aromatase inhibitors help to boost testosterone levels.

It is not necessary for all men taking hormone replacement therapy to receive aromatase inhibitors. Your doctor will make this determination based on the baseline level of estradiol. For example, treating you with an AI when your estradiol is high will cause uncomfortable symptoms. Your doctor will also need to test your blood regularly to monitor hormone levels.

While testosterone replacement can be done through the use of skin patches, skin pellets, gels, or implants, hormone replacement by injections remain the most effective way of treatment. However, testosterone replacement therapy is not right for everyone due to potential health risks. For example, men planning to have children should avoid TRT since it can lead to a drop in sperm count or infertility.

You may need to take the treatment for a lifetime, otherwise, once you stop taking it your hormone levels will drop. Furthermore, persons with the following conditions should avoid this therapy:

The results of TRT vary from patient to patient. Some men with low T who undergo testosterone replacement reportedly see improvement in energy levels and sex drive as well as an increase in sexual functions and performance. Some men say they feel youthful and rejuvenated, experience hair regrowth, and see an increase in muscle mass.

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Aromatase Inhibitors and Testosterone Replacement Therapy ...

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Insights with Latest Statistics and Growth Prediction to 2026 | AbbVie, Endo International, Eli lilly, Pfizer,…

Posted: March 4, 2020 at 10:45 am

The Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market report draws accurate insights by examining the latest and prospective industry trends, helping the readers recognize the products and services that are boosting revenue growth and profitability. The study performs a detailed analysis of all the significant factors impacting the market on a global and regional scale, including drivers, constraints, threats, challenges, prospects, and industry-specific trends. Additionally, the report cites worldwide certainties and endorsements, along with a downstream and upstream evaluation of leading participants.

To ask for a sample copy of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Report, visit:

Scope of the Report:

The report focuses on the important geographies of sale of the Testosterone replacement therapy such as North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. The entire testosterone replacement therapy market has been categorized into three segments in this report, namely- manufacturers, regions, type and application.

Reasons to Buy the Report:

For the purpose of this report, Reports and Data has segmented the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market on the basis of type, source, animal, application, and region:

In market segmentation by types of testosterone replacement therapies, the report covers

Get Discounts on the Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Report at:

In market segmentation by applications of the testosterone replacement therapy, the report covers the following uses

Regional Outlook (Revenue in USD Million; 20162026)

Key highlights of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market:

The report is distributed over 15 Chapters to display the analysis of the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market.

Chapter 1 covers the Blow-Fill-Seal (BFS) technology product Introduction, product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market risk, market driving force;

Chapter 2 talks about the top manufacturers and analyses their sales, revenue and pricing decisions for the duration 2016 and 2017;

Chapter 3 displays the competitive nature of the market by discussing the competition among the top manufacturers. It dissects the market using sales, revenue and market share data for 2016 and 2017;

Chapter 4, shows the global market by regions and the proportionate size of each market region based on sales, revenue and market share of Blow-Fill-Seal (BS) technology product, for the period 2012- 2017;

Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, are dedicated to the analysis of the key regions, with sales, revenue and market share by key countries in these regions;

Browse Table of Contents with Facts and Figures of Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Report at:

We are grateful to you for reading our report. If you wish to find more details of the report or want a customization, contact us. You can get a detailed information of the entire research here. If you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Insights with Latest Statistics and Growth Prediction to 2026 | AbbVie, Endo International, Eli lilly, Pfizer,...

Key Emerging Trends in Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market 2020 | AbbVie, Endo International, Eli lilly, Pfizer, Others – Feed Road

Posted: March 4, 2020 at 10:45 am

The Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market report draws accurate insights by examining the latest and prospective industry trends, helping the readers recognize the products and services that are boosting revenue growth and profitability. The study performs a detailed analysis of all the significant factors impacting the market on a global and regional scale, including drivers, constraints, threats, challenges, prospects, and industry-specific trends. Additionally, the report cites worldwide certainties and endorsements, along with a downstream and upstream evaluation of leading participants.

To ask for a sample copy of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Report, visit:

Breadth of the Report:

The report focuses on the important geographies of sale of the Testosterone replacement therapy such as North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. The entire testosterone replacement therapy market has been categorized into three segments in this report, namely- manufacturers, regions, type and application.

Reasons to Buy the Report:

For the purpose of this report, Reports and Data has segmented the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market on the basis of type, source, animal, application, and region:

In market segmentation by types of testosterone replacement therapies, the report covers

Get Discounts on the Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Report at:

In market segmentation by applications of the testosterone replacement therapy, the report covers the following uses

Regional Outlook (Revenue in USD Million; 20162026)

Key highlights of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market:

The report is distributed over 15 Chapters to display the analysis of the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market.

Chapter 1 covers the Blow-Fill-Seal (BFS) technology product Introduction, product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market risk, market driving force;

Chapter 2 talks about the top manufacturers and analyses their sales, revenue and pricing decisions for the duration 2016 and 2017;

Chapter 3 displays the competitive nature of the market by discussing the competition among the top manufacturers. It dissects the market using sales, revenue and market share data for 2016 and 2017;

Chapter 4, shows the global market by regions and the proportionate size of each market region based on sales, revenue and market share of Blow-Fill-Seal (BS) technology product, for the period 2012- 2017;

Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, are dedicated to the analysis of the key regions, with sales, revenue and market share by key countries in these regions;

Browse Table of Contents with Facts and Figures of Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Report at:

We are grateful to you for reading our report. If you wish to find more details of the report or want a customization, contact us. You can get a detailed information of the entire research here. If you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.

Here is the original post:
Key Emerging Trends in Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market 2020 | AbbVie, Endo International, Eli lilly, Pfizer, Others - Feed Road

Letter To The Editor: Alternative Foods = Better Environment – Los Alamos Daily Post

Posted: March 4, 2020 at 10:44 am

By BRIGHAM CONLINLos Alamos High SchoolStudent

Personally, I really love meat. I dont care if it is beef, chicken, fish, really any kind I like it.

I will eat any meat without a second thought about where it came from or how it is for my health. Up until recently, I did not even consider the environmental effects of raising the animals that produce the meat.

Despite my enjoyment of meat, I was never informed of the large emissions of gases caused by the raising and maturing of animals. These gases include carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane. They heat the worlds climate and are a large reason for global warming.

Our planet is in a very unhealthy state and is only going downhill. We need a change before we destroy our planet. There isnt one solution to global warming, but there are ways where normal people can cut back on their carbon emissions. One of the ways most can cut down on is their food. You wouldnt think that food produces many greenhouse gasses, but the agricultural output is 9 percent of the total greenhouse gas emissions in America and for the average American.

Nine percent doesnt sound like a huge amount, but if you could take away a tenth of all the greenhouse gasses global warming would be slowed. So what difference can individuals make? About 10-30 percent of a households carbon footprint is created from food. Carbon Footprint Factsheet We can shorten our individual emissions by about 10 percent by cutting out all beef consumption.

If we were to cut down on our carbon footprint, the world would be in a much healthier state. There would be fewer natural disasters, our forests could return easier, and the sea levels would return to what they should be. Luckily for us, there is a way we can do that. Companies have created an alternative to meat. They make plant-based meals that taste almost exactly like real meat of all types from burger patties to meatballs.

If people would change to eating mostly plant-based meals their individual carbon footprint would greatly lessen. Also, if people eat a plant-based diet you cut out the middleman of animals, instead of having to grow plants for animals to make more food you can simply just grow plants for yourself.

Now, I am sure you are thinking, oh great, more awful vegan meat. And I would agree with you, I have tried vegan burgers, they dont taste good. But companies, like Impossible Foods, now have made much more realistic alternative meat. While the plant-based meals are mostly vegan these companies care more about making their food as close to real meat as possible. Not only does their food taste the same as real meat, but it also looks like, smells like, even has the same texture of real meat. In fact, they have made it sound the same when you slap a piece of it down on your grill. You still get the satisfying sizzle of a fresh piece of meat!

Not only do they make it the same in taste, smell, sound, and texture, they also are healthier for you to eat. The nutrition of normal meat is all there but are free of the animal hormones, antibiotics, and contaminants (ImpossibleFoods). Basically you get rid of all the gross bacteria and things that can cause you sickness if you eat meat. In fact, their meat is so clean you could eat it raw safely, though it probably doesnt taste good that way. Plus, they hand-pick all of their ingredients so the processing of normal food has been cut down as well.

Our planet really needs a boost. When we look around all we hear is how bad our planet is getting, and that the attempts to change arent good enough. People are too scared or too lazy to try to make a difference. And its understandable. But the consequences of taking no action will be so much worse than trying something. If more people would switch to plant-based meals we can make a difference. We can save our planet. It will take work, and yes, it will take more than changing our eating habits, but it is a start.

So why not switch now? It will be better for you and the environment. You will be able to feel like you arent polluting our home. Even if you dont make a full switch and instead eat real meat some of the time and plant-based food the other times you can still make an impact.

There are other options if you dont enjoy Impossible Foods like Beyond Meat and multiple others. You can find plant-based meat in stores all over, from Burger King and Carls Jr. to many, if not most, grocery stores in the United States.

Our planet needs us to help it so we can continue prospering and we can help it by cutting down our greenhouse gas emissions. It is an easy switch to plant-based meat, it is healthier, cleaner, and in the long run, it will even be cheaper. Switch now, and help save our planet.

Read the original post:
Letter To The Editor: Alternative Foods = Better Environment - Los Alamos Daily Post

Climate Change Will Turn These Common Foods Toxic – VICE

Posted: March 4, 2020 at 10:44 am

Around 20 years ago in northern Mozambique, a medical student, Hiplito Nzwalo, saw an entire family that could only walk with the help of walking sticks. Their legs were stiff and rigid, moving like a pair of scissors opening and closing, instead of bending at the knee.

They had a neurological disease known as "konzo," which translates to "tied legs." The struggle to walk is irreversible, said Nzwalo, now a neurologist and professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of Algarve in Portugal. It can also lead to sudden paralysis.

Konzo is brought on by exposure to high amounts of a toxin from a starchy root vegetable, cassavaone of the staple foods in the diet of more than 500 million people who live in Africa.

With proper preparation, the toxin, hydrogen cyanide, can be flushed out with water. But in the face of agricultural crisis, drought, and poverty, people are forced to choose between going hungry and adhering to these preparations. A lack of rain can also increase the concentration of hydrogen cyanide in cassava, making the plant even more dangerous to eat. All these factors, and especially drought, are predicted to get worse with climate change and increase the risk of konzo.

Konzo is just one example of how the climate crisis is going to fundamentally change the availability and safety of the foods we eat. In 2019, researchers found that climate change and higher CO2 levels could reduce certain vitamins in foods, like zinc, iron, and protein. But there might be even more dramatic impacts: Instead of just making plants less nutritious, they could also become toxic, like cassava when faced with drought.

This could happen in several ways: Indirectly, through extreme weather, poverty, and hunger pushing communities to eat and rely on underripe or un-prepared food, and creating a scarcity of other options. Or, in more common foodsincluding barley, millet, flax, maize, sorghum, cherries, and applesthere is the potential for an accumulation of toxins due to loss of water and erratic weather events. Over-exposure to any of these toxins could lead to dramatic effects on health and disorders of the nervous system.

During the food shortages in the Spanish civil war, people had to rely more heavily on grass pea, a hardy legume known for being a "famine food." Grass pea can cause a neurological disease called lathyrism from ingesting too much of two toxic amino acids it contains. The symptoms are similar to konzomuscular weakness, an inability to walk, paralysis, or tremors. Eating too much grass pea led to an epidemic from 1941 to 1943 of what the Spanish called Azan's Disease, after one of the villages it afflicted.

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In India, people safely eat small amounts of grass pea as part of their normal diet. But during a drought or extreme weather, if other food crops die off, people might need to consume more of it, on account of it being available and plentiful. Now you can see the links with climate change, Peter Spencer, a neurologist at Oregon Health and Science University said.

Many of the plants we eat have toxins in them, but since we eat them at such low levels it doesnt affect our health. One of the basic tenets of toxicology is that for something to be harmful, it depends on the amount. As the adage goes: the dose makes the poison.

People are more at risk for these nutritional neurotoxic disorders when faced with poverty, hunger, a lack of water, and other food options being limited. These pressures will only get worse with climate change, Spencer said, because it will cause water and food insecurity.

In a study from 2019 in the journal Environmental Neurology, Spencer and his colleagues described several other foods that have toxins that can make people sicklike the fruit of the ackee tree, eaten in West Africa and Jamaica, and lychee fruit from South Asia.

Every year, children in India go to the hospital for fever, convulsions, and seizures. One suggested cause is that they are being sickened from toxic chemicals in unripe lychees, which can cause dramatic drops in blood sugar and encephalopathy, or damage from swelling of the brain, Padmini Srikantiah of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention office in India told CNN. The effect increases if a person who eats them is malnourished; those eating unripe lychees out of hunger or desperationwhich could increase with climate changewould be more affected. The children who ate lychees on an empty stomach were found to get more sick. (It's still somewhat of a mystery, though, as recent cases have indicated there might be another factor at play.)

Nzwalo said that theres no speculation needed about what a changing climate will do to the numbers of people with konzo, because past droughts have already shown it will get worse. In the Kahemba district of Bandundu, almost 2,000 children were crippled during one dry seasona span of a few months from June to September of 2009.

Changing climates can also cause people to migrate to other areas, in search of food or waterand could lead to introduction of bitter cassava in areas where historically cassava processing methods are not used, exposing locals to the toxicity," Nzwalo said.

If your diet doesn't regularly include foods like lychee or cassava, a 2004 report from the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) found that some more familiar foods are also at risk for becoming more toxic.

Plants try to protect themselves in the face of a changing climate too, and the ways they do can be harmful to humans. They use a compound called nitrate to grow, and convert it into other molecules like amino acids and proteins. When crops like barley, maize or millet are faced with drought, they slow down or stop this conversion, which leads to a nitrate buildup.

In an interview with German media organization Deutsche Welle, Jacqueline McGlade, chief scientist and director of the Division of Early Warning and Assessment at UNEP, called the result a poison chalice." If a human eats large amounts of nitrate, it can stop red blood cells from transporting oxygen in the human body, Yale360 reported.

In the opposite direction, heavy rains can lead to a toxic buildup of hydrogen cyanide or prussic acid in foods like flax, maize, sorghum, arrow grass, cherries and apples. Hydrogen cyanide is the same ingredient that can be found in some types of chemical warfare, Reuters pointed out. With flooding, there can be an increase in fungal growth and mycotoxins on crops.

All these toxins cause disorders of the nervous system. They can really make it difficult for people to breatheit's like asphyxiation [suffocation], McGlade said in the interview. If animals or human beings are pregnant, that can cause miscarriage.

As with many other issues regarding climate, the most vulnerable people are being affected first: subsistence farmers and people in rural areas without access to diverse foods. Around 4.5 billion people in developing countries are already exposed to toxins in their food, the report found.

We can look at a map of the world of drought conditions and you can pretty much guarantee that somewhere in those areas you are going to find it, McGlade told Deutsche Welle. So in sub-Saharan Africa, but increasingly in northern and southern parts of Africa. We see definite trends in Latin America and Brazil. Really, all over the world now.

If CO2 levels aren't dramatically reduced, in the future we'll need to develop drought-resistant crops that dont create buildups of those toxins, or crops that are resistant to fungal toxins. As we look forward and see the effects of climate change, we can really start to see the upper end of this: 70 percent of agriculture production is going to be affected by either too much rain or too little rain, McGlade said. So we need to be aware: this exposes potentially billions to toxins.

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Climate Change Will Turn These Common Foods Toxic - VICE

18 health myths that are outdated and wrong – CNET

Posted: March 4, 2020 at 10:44 am

Organic products aren't necessarily healthier for you, and GMOs aren't harmful.

Cracking your knuckles causes arthritis. Eating eggs gives you heart disease. Coffee stunts your growth. No, no and no again -- for decades, health myths like these have influenced consumer decisions, originating from obscure studies or the opinion of a then-influential doctor. Science has debunked much of this conventional wisdom that percolates as fact -- here are 18 of the most persistent health myths that everyone needs to stop believing right now.

Feel free to work out at night if that's your jam.

The truth: Not for everyone.

The advice of late-1900s exercise professionals would have you believe that exercising too late in the evening keeps you up at night. It's just not true for everyone: Researchers have found that nighttime exercise may have no impact whatsoever on your sleep quality, and for some people, exercising before bed can even result in better ZZZs.

Go ahead and eat your omelet.

The truth: Eggs have almost no effect on your blood cholesterol.

You, among millions of others influenced by the 1968 recommendation that adults should eat no more than three whole eggs per week, may have needlessly avoided eggs for the last 50 years. Scientists have since debunked the idea that eggs increase your blood cholesterol and heighten your risk for heart disease, and Harvard University's analysis of two 2018 studies even suggests that eating eggs can improve your heart health.

The truth: Everyone has different hydration needs.

Everyone knows the eight-by-eight rule: Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day. This water intake recommendation stems from a very outdated -- in this case, centuries-old -- ideal. While based on accurate observations (water keeps you healthy), the notion that everyone needs exactly 64 ounces or two liters of water each day is wrong. Everyone has different hydration needs and should adjust their water intake accordingly based on their activity level and signs of dehydration.

The truth: It's just not.

Walking is fantastic exercise; it really is. But walking 10,000 steps a day is not enough to get healthy for most people. Exercise isn't one-size-fits-all, so it just doesn't make sense to blanket the general public with a step recommendation.

I don't even get close to 10,000 steps per day (my average is about 4,000), but all my vital signs are healthy and I'm free of disease -- perhaps because I generally eat a healthy diet and meet the recommendations in the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.

Work your core, but focus on strength over aesthetic.

The truth: Six-packs are a scam.

Having six-pack abs does not make you the fittest person on earth, although it's totally valid to feel that way if you do have them. Forging twelve little divets into your stomach certainly requires hard work in the gym and mindfulness about your diet, but abs are more of a genetic quality than anything else.

I, for one, could eat McDonald's once a day and maintain a toned stomach as long as I keep up with my workout schedule -- and I recognize that it's not that easy for everyone.

Six-pack abs aren't something you should strive for, anyway, if your body type just doesn't support the goal: For some people, a six-pack means their diet is too restrictive or they're not taking in enough calories overall. Aiming for a strong core over a visible core is a better goal.

The truth: There are more factors to consider.

Medical literature still contains much controversy about saturated fat and its relationship to cardiovascular diseases. For decades, public health agencies warned consumers about the dangers of saturated fat, and things really got turned upside-down when a groundbreaking 2017 study boldly proclaimed that saturated fat does not, in fact, clog the arteries. The study also stated that the risk of "bad" (LDL) cholesterol has been overstated.

Since then, the scientific consensus has dissipated, and research about dietary fat and heart health is ongoing. The FDA still recommends limiting (but not completely avoiding) saturated fat intake in the updated Dietary Guidelines for Americans, and to be safe, it's a good idea to follow their advice.

The truth: Evidence is extremely limited.

To date, there is just not enough valid scientific evidence that supports organic produce as superior to conventionally farmed produce. Studies have concluded that "there is some evidence for potential benefits of organic food consumption" but "considerable uncertainty/controversy remains on whether or to what extent these composition differences affect human health."

Organic produce is subject to different farming practices and tighter regulations than conventional produce (like no synthetic pesticides), but so far, that doesn't mean it's actually more nutritious.

Many consumers also believe organic food to be healthier because it isn't produced with synthetic pesticides, but research isn't clear on that, either: One study concluded that "Organic foods convey lower pesticide residue exposure than do conventionally produced foods, but the impact of this on human health is not clear."

Another study stated that analyses of human specimens (such as urine) after eating conventional and organic produce showed that there is a possibility that organic foods lower the risk of pesticide exposure, although the clinical implications are unclear.

All sugar, just in different colors and forms.

The truth: Sugar is sugar.

Coconut sugar, agave nectar, "raw" sugar, palm sugar, evaporated cane juice -- these are all sugar. They just sound healthier because they have fancy names. And hate to break it to you, but molasses and honey are just as bad as sucrose, or table sugar, when they're added to foods (and they still count toward your daily added sugar intake).

Your body processes all simple sugars, like those above, the same way. There is one differentiation worth making, though: Sugar in fruit comes along with fiber, vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, which makes it more nutritious than sugar-laden snacks or candy.

The truth: Genetics determine your height.

For reasons unknown, this is a wildly common belief. According to Harvard University, "There is no scientifically valid evidence to suggest that coffee can stunt a person's growth." As for any other health risks you believe about coffee, those probably aren't true either: Coffee isn't linked to any medical conditions except for a slight, temporary increase in blood pressure.

GMOs aren't as scary as you might think.

The truth: No, they don't.

Genetically modified crops are just not as scary as they're made out to be -- plain and simple. The wellness world might have you believe otherwise, but there is no scientific evidence that GMOs cause cancer (or any other health problems). A meta-analysis of long-term studies on GMOs concluded that "GM plants are nutritionally equivalent to their non-GM counterparts and can be safely used in food [for people] and feed [for animals]."

Plus, they can help farmers decrease pesticide use and increase crop yields and increase food security in developing countries. Science is good.

The truth: Nope.

Microwaves heat your food: nothing more, nothing less. They do emit electromagnetic radiation, a form of non-ionizing radiation similar to the radiofrequency waves that come from your cell phone (which also won't give you cancer, by the way), but non-ionizing radiation isn't known to cause cancer in humans because it isn't strong enough to alter the structure of cells.

Plus, the radiation in microwave ovens is contained within the walls of the appliance, as long as yours is working properly. But even if yours does leak, the Food and Drug Administration imposes a maximum leak requirement on microwave oven manufacturers that is far lower than what would harm people.

Putting on deodorant is (hopefully) something we all do everyday.

The truth: No again.

Are we noticing the cancer thing yet? Apparently, everything causes cancer. This myth started coming about in the early 2000s, when studies like this one reported that applying deodorant to cells in a petri dish caused individual cell damage, and aluminum got called out as a potential culprit. But humans apply deodorant to the very outer layer of skin, not to individual exposed kidney cells.

A review of studies later determined that aluminum in various forms is not known to cause cancer in humans. The American Cancer Society has also made its statement on antiperspirants and breast cancer: "There are no strong epidemiologic studies in the medical literature that link breast cancer risk and antiperspirant use, and very little scientific evidence to support this claim."

Also, the International Agency for Research on Cancer has a handy list of carcinogens classified by level of evidence that a substance can cause cancer, and aluminum is not on the list. Aluminum production is listed, but don't confuse the production of a metal with what is in your deodorant.

Eat breakfast, or don't -- whichever you prefer.

The truth: It's fine to skip breakfast.

The world will not end if you skip breakfast. Actually, the science behind intermittent fasting actually suggests that skipping breakfast could benefit you more than eating it. If skipping breakfast suits your lifestyle and your health needs, go for it: Just soothe your hunger before it turns into hanger.

The truth: Weather alone cannot make you sick.

Ah, a classic case of correlation without causation. Yes, more people get sick when temperatures drop, but cold weather doesn't directly make you sick. Possible explanations include: People spend more time indoors when it's cold out, and viruses spread more easily in close quarters; viruses spread more easily through dry air; and cold weather can temporarily impair your immune system.

The truth: Everyone is different.

Eight is the magic number: Get eight hours of sleep and you'll wake up feeling like a magical forest fairy with boundless energy. For me, this is a big fat myth. I don't wake up feeling ready to leap out of bed unless I snoozed for a solid 10 hours. It's quite annoying, honestly -- I wish I was one of those superheroes who thrived on just six or seven hours of sleep.

The point is: Everyone has a unique circadian rhythm that determines how much sleep is optimal for them. While seven to nine hours is still the standard recommendation for adults, you should treat sleep like hydration and exercise: Get enough so that you feel your best and keep your body healthy, but not so much that it starts affecting you negatively. You can always have too much of a good thing, even sleep.

The truth: They both emit UV rays that cause skin cancer.

Tanning in the sun and in a tanning bed do the same thing: expose your skin to ultraviolet rays that cause premature aging and are known to cause skin cancer. There are arguments both ways -- the sun is safer, tanning beds are safer, but the American Academy of Dermatology knocks both sides down. Neither is good for your skin.

The truth: It's just the release of gases.

Your joints may creak, crack and pop, but those noises typically have nothing to do with your risk of arthritis -- usually, it's just the harmless release of gases from synovial fluid, the fluid that lubricates your joints.

If you have pain while cracking any joints though (or joint pain in general), it's worth getting checked out by a doctor, because you could have arthritis or another condition, such as tendinitis.

The truth: Your body cleanses itself.

Despite the popularity of juice cleanses to detoxify your body, your liver, kidneys and skin will get the job done on their own. Your body also eliminates waste and impurities through your digestive tract (poop, hello), your lungs and your lymphatic system. In other words, your body is basically one big filter for icky stuff.

You can support your body's natural detoxing efforts by eating a healthy diet with minimal processed foods, exercising and working up a sweat, and drinking enough water. Juice cleanses or water fasts can do more harm than good, though: You just deprive your body of essential nutrients, both micro and macro.

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.

Read more here:
18 health myths that are outdated and wrong - CNET

CNBLUEs Minhyuk and Jungshin discharged from military over coronavirus –

Posted: March 4, 2020 at 10:44 am

Minhyuk and Jungshin will not return for duty in the military (Picture: Instagram)

CNBLUE singers Kang Minhyuk and Lee Jungshin are set to be discharged from the Korean military this month due to the coronavirus outbreak.

The K-pop stars have been enlisted in the military since 2018 but it emerged this week that they will be released from duty in line with health and safety policy.

In a statement, Minhyuk and Jungshins agency FNC Entertainment said: Kang Min Hyuk and Lee Jung Shin will be discharged on March 19 without returning [to their bases] from their ETS leaves according to the Ministry of National Defenses policy.

According to Soompi, the Ministry of National Defense have made sweeping changes in an attempt to combat the coronavirus strain Covid-19, which originated in China but has since spread worldwide.

This has included regulating and restricting leave and visits for military personnel, adjustments to holiday dates to ensure that those on approaching their final vacation dates will be discharged without returning to their bases.

Minhyuk and Jungshin will follow suit of 2PM singer Wooyoung, who was also reportedly discharged from the Korean military last month.

Its reported that Minhyuk and Jungshin stuck to their scheduled respective leave dates of 3 and 4 March and are not required to return.

The singers announced they were enlisting in the Korean military to fulfill their mandatory duties as citizens in July 2018.

Ill be going now, Minhyuk wrote on Instagram at the time.

He also posted a photo with his gym trainer, saying: Im worried because Im leaving without working out. After leaving you, Im going to become so lean again. Ill miss you.

Jungshin also uploaded a photo of him getting a haircut, posting: A clean cut.

The pair enlisted at the same time but different locations which were not disclosed by FNC Entertainment to allow Minhyuk and Jungshin to enter the military camp quietly and without any fanfare.

CNBLUE member Lee Jonghyun also enlisted into the military that summer.

At the time, Jonghyun told fans: Im receiving so many gifts saying for me to return safely from the military. I will eat them well! I gained weight, so I should take care of my diet a bit before entering.

However, he quit the group last year after being accused of sending inappropriate messages to women.

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MORE: Regretful Lee Jong Hyun quits K-Pop band CNBLUE amid controversy as agency releases statement

See the original post here:
CNBLUEs Minhyuk and Jungshin discharged from military over coronavirus -

Our House Is on Fire by Greta Thunberg et al review a family and planet in crisis – The Guardian

Posted: March 4, 2020 at 10:44 am

A movement born without a face tends to acquire one. Since August 2018, when 15-year-old Greta Thunberg began a solo school strike for the climate, the teenager has become the unlikely face of climate activism. Our House Is On Fire is, among many other things, the story of how and why Greta came to be sitting on the pavement outside the Swedish parliament with a home-made placard. The book is co-authored by Greta, her mother Malena Ernman (the primary narrator), her father Svante and her sister Beata. It is an urgent, lucid, courageous account.

The personal is political was a rallying cry for 1960s demonstrators, and the slogan applies neatly here. The first quarter of Our House Is On Fire describes events in 2011, when Greta sank into depression and the familys expectations went off-script for good. She was slowly disappearing into some kind of darkness and little by little, bit by bit, she seemed to stop functioning. She stopped playing the piano. She stopped laughing. She stopped talking She stopped eating.

The book wastes no time in dispelling any notion that Sweden is a utopia of public services. The description of getting help and a diagnosis out of the adolescent psychiatric services Where everyone is burned out from struggling with a constantly growing workload and where much of the time is spent putting out fires will have parents across the world groaning with grim recognition. Not a lot better is mainstream education, where all pupils must function in exactly the same way and where overworked teachers on a conveyor belt end up hitting the wall. Greta was bullied, her school was indifferent, she lost 10kg in two months and reached the brink of hospitalisation before she was, eventually, diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder, selective mutism and Asperger syndrome. Her sister, in time, was diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. To live with these conditions is very tough: to care for children living with them and to keep your marriage afloat is also very tough, and behind the books matter-of-fact prose, Gretas parents emerge as involuntary superheroes and recipients of no awards but hard-won wisdom: Perhaps we will never be fine, but we can always get a little bit better, and there is strength in that. There is hope in that.

The middle quarters of the book stay in touch with the up-and-down progress of Gretas family, but focus on the climate crisis and its effects on politics, feminism, economics, ecology, psychology and sociology. Dont be put off by these ologies: the book is a highly readable sequence of shortish scenes written in the direct language Greta uses in her speeches. The life-vest of humour inflates more often than youd expect, and the text is studded with subversive, persuasive maxims: Carbon offsetting is like paying poor people to diet for us; The truth is just another of those things that can be bought with money; When youre used to privilege, equality feels like oppression. I wrote down several pages of quotations for this review until it got ridiculous: I was copying out half the book.

While many readers will be familiar with much of the science and the contradictions of all you can eat consumerism, the book also explores the less obvious circuitry that connects apparently disparate things. One impactful passage links our winners take all culture with the explosion of mental illness suffered by the losers (as defined by the winners) who are disproportionately female, neuro-diverse and/or socially maladroit people not unlike Greta Thunberg. Autistic people, as Greta noted in her 2018 Ted Talk, tend not to be good liars, either to others or to themselves. Gretas initial depression was triggered by her lack of the neurotypical talent to compartmentalise fact A We know we are destroying our planet with orgiastic overconsumption (my words) safely away from fact B We carry on regardless. This talent lets us neurotypicals function as inconvenient truths pile up but it also prevents us from making the systemic changes needed to avert ecological collapse. Famously, Greta has described her Aspergers as a superpower and the point is well-made. Single-mindedness and immunity to flattery and abuse are crucial qualities for activism. (Writing as the dad of an autistic young man, I view Greta Thunberg as a default autism advocate as well as a climate activist.) In some quarters, however, this way of thinking is a red flag to a bull. Greta provokes, observes her mother. In certain cases to such an extent that normally respectful people lose their composure. Not only does she say that everything has to change, she has autism too. And she has the gall to brag about it. Thats not how things are supposed to work.

Gretas parents emerge as involuntary superheroes and recipients of no awards but hardwon wisdom

To engage with the climate crisis is to engage with climate crisis denial. A revolution in how we live is needed, and no revolution can succeed without broad support: otherwise, its a doomed putsch. Our House Is on Fire makes this engagement with acuity drawn from a deep well of hard-won experience. Our future ecological state has been reduced to a political game where its word against word, and the most popular wins. And guess which climate and sustainability story sells the best? The one that demands changes or the one that says we can continue shopping and flying for all eternity?

Piety these days rebranded as virtue signalling is notable in the book by its absence: They say that climate change deniers are idiots. But everyone is a climate change denier. Every single one of us. The trolls of Greta Thunberg (whose prestigious ranks include Presidents Trump, Bolsonaro and Putin) are considered with an emotional intelligence that is rarely, if ever, reciprocated. The message that business as usual is the enemy is not a welcome one for those of us conducting business as usual. Far comfier to dismiss the messenger as a mentally ill brat, or the stooge of eco-fascist lizard people hellbent on establishing their own World State, than to admit culpability in ecocide. Far easier to dismiss the science as biased, as false, as not settled. The problem is that with every swath of Australia or California burned, every never-before flooded city flooded, every hurricane of record-breaking destruction, and every Floridasized ice-shelf splitting off from Antarctica, the same message gets affirmed: that business as usual will roast us, drown us or starve us.

The final quarter of the book describes the tension-filled days leading up to Gretas Skolstrejk fr klimatet outside the Swedish parliament. There are reasons some things go viral and some things dont. There is an ancient power in symbol and narrative. There is a powerful magnetism in the defiance of the powerless. These are glimpsed in a scene during a meeting with climatologists and family friends in Uppsala: There is a pause. These thoughts take over the room that the almost invisible little girl on the chair by the window is planning to put herself at the very centre of the spotlight, and, all alone, in her own thoughts and words, question the foundation of the prevailing world order. Gretas parents anxieties about exposing their 15-year-old daughter to incoming flak from any ill-disposed passerby in Stockholm are matched by Gretas resolve to stage her strike no matter what, and by a growing sense that activism is a strange kind of cure. What happened next on that pavement in Stockholm is well-documented elsewhere but everyone with an interest in the future of the planet should read this book. It is a clear-headed diagnosis. It is a glimpse of a saner world. It is fertile with hope.

David Mitchells novels include Cloud Atlas. He translated, with Keiko Yoshida, Naoki Higashidas The Reason I Jump: One Boys Voice from the Silence of Autism. Our House Is on Fire by Malena Ernman, Svante Thunberg et al is published by Penguin (16.99). To order a copy go to Free UK p&p on all online orders over 15.

Continued here:
Our House Is on Fire by Greta Thunberg et al review a family and planet in crisis - The Guardian

The Tenuous Future of Glyphosate in Africa – Agribusiness Global

Posted: March 4, 2020 at 10:44 am

A growing assault against glyphosate in the U.S. and Europe is threatening the future of the widely used weed killer in Africa due to the perceived concerns that it causes cancer.

The onslaught, which started with lawsuits in the U.S. before mutating to bans in Europe, is slowly gaining momentum, with regulatory authorities across the globe monitoring the unfolding events before deciding on the next course of action.

In Africa, a continent that largely gets precedent from the West, regulators have adopted a cautious approach while keenly following the events surrounding the controversial herbicide. This is despite pressure from civil society organizations to ban the weed killer developed by Monsanto.

German giant Bayer acquired Monsanto in a deal worth U.S. $62.5 billion in 2018 and is feeling the pressure of defending the product from mounting lawsuits, which currently number about 42,000 in the U.S. alone.

We are monitoring the debate going on globally, but as far as we are concerned, glyphosate will continue to be available for use by farmers in Kenya because there is no scientific proof it causes cancer, Peter Opiyo, Kenyas Pest Control Products Board (PCPB) Managing Director, says.

Malawi is the only country in Africa that early last year temporarily suspended the importation of glyphosate before rescinding the decision.

Although glyphosate remains in use in Africa, the African Centre for Biosafety (ACB) is running a campaign to push governments on the continent to ban the product. It is imperative that African leaders heed the precautionary principle now and take urgent steps toward protecting their people and the environments of which they are custodians against any further damage, ACB stated in a petition.

Despite the growing attacks, Bayer maintains that Africa should desist from looking at events in other parts of the world but look at their own interests, bearing in mind the benefits of the herbicide in the continents agricultural sector and the fact there are not many viable alternatives.

In Africa glyphosate is the basis of a number of agriculture systems, particularly the conservation tillage, a technique in which farmers stop plowing and plant immediately after the previous harvest. The technique helps to preserve the soil structure, reduce erosion, and save fuel.

Banning of glyphosate may happen. I cannot say that it cannot happen, but in case a country takes that decision, it will not be science based; it will be a political and emotive decision, Eric Bureau, Bayer East Africa Managing Director, says.

In Europe and the U.S., politics and emotions have been the common denominator pushing the glyphosate ban, following a 2015 International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) study that classified glyphosate as probably carcinogenic to humans.

Numerous scientists have contested the study, including a joint Food and Agriculture Organization and World Health Organization review on the risks associated with glyphosate that concluded the herbicide is unlikely to pose a carcinogenic risk to humans through diet.

Also giving Roundup a clean bill of health have been the European Food Safety Authority, U.S. EPA, Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority, Canadas Pest Management Regulatory Agency, Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency, and New Zealands Environmental Protection Authority.

This has not stopped Austria, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Qatar, and many other countries from banning or imposing partial bans on the use of glyphosate and glyphosate-based herbicides. France and Germany have also embarked on the process of banning the popular weed killer, both announcing plans to stop its use in 2021 and 2023, respectively.

In the U.S., Bayer/Monsanto was ordered to pay $2 billion in damages to a man whose cancer was alleged to have partly been caused by Roundup herbicide, a ruling that opened a floodgate of lawsuits. The $2 billion was later reduced and is under appeal.

Despite its ban in some countries, and others lining up to halt its use, glyphosate is approved for use in more than 160 countries globally. It is important to distinguish the position of science and regulatory authorities and the position of emotions in the public around the potential risks of cancer. What is clear is that science has demonstrated that Roundup is not carcinogenic and can be safely used, Bureau says.

This is the position propagated by the Agrochemicals Association of Kenya (AAK), which reckons that, based on current scientific evidence, glyphosate-based products pose no undue health risks, including cancer, to the public. There is overwhelming evidence from extensive scientific research involving more than 800 studies on the safety of glyphosate, which has led to the conclusions of regulators worldwide that glyphosate is not carcinogenic, says Eric Kimunguyi, AAK Chief Executive Officer.

South Africa, which accounts for 2% of global pesticide use, is the largest consumer of pesticides in Africa, mainly because the country has adopted genetically modified organisms. The country has 96 glyphosate formulation-registered products.

In Kenya there are over 70 products registered containing glyphosate out of 1,540 pest control products approved for various uses in crop production. Forty-two of the 300 chemicals in the Uganda market are glyphosate-based. Based on the import permits and data the last two years, about 2.6 million kilograms of glyphosate-based products are imported in Kenya annually.

Statistics show the market value of glyphosate worldwide is forecast to increase from $8 billion currently to $10 billion by 2022.

John Njiraini is a Kenyan-based freelance writer with 10-plus years of experience covering the East Africa region. He can be reached at [emailprotected] See all author stories here.

More here:
The Tenuous Future of Glyphosate in Africa - Agribusiness Global

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