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Is Whey Protein Good For Women? – Version Weekly

Posted: March 1, 2020 at 7:45 am

Protein supplements and high protein diets are frequently consumed by athletes and bodybuilders who try to improve muscular strength or build massive muscles. So, it doesnt come as a surprise when the majority of the information pertaining to proteins caters to mostly men.

Women too have nutritional needs and fitness goals, but these are different from men. Hence, the guidelines should be different with regard to the type, amount and frequency of protein foods that must be consumed to achieve a lean and toned body without bulking up.

The recommended dietary allowance of protein for an adult woman is 0.8 g/kilo body weight per day. The requirement is higher during the physiological stages of pregnancy (an additional 15g/day) and lactation (RDA+25 g/d) and also if the women is recreationally active or an endurance athlete (1.2- 1.4g/kilo body weight/day).

The simplest way to meet the daily requirement is through the consumption of high biological value (contains all essential amino acids) protein sources such as eggs, milk. fish and meats, Vegetable proteins such as beans, grains, and nuts Can also meet the recommendations, both in terms of quantity and quality, when consumed in combination with other plant or animal proteins (for instance khichdi or roti with paneer).

Protein supplementation may be a convenient way of sprucing up the protein content of diet but these should not be construed as substitutes for dietary sources.

Whey protein has emerged to be a popular protein supplement that may prove beneficial tor women to not only step up the protein content consumed, but also to improve satiety, body composition and shed some extra pounds. A variety of whey protein supplements are available such as whey concentrates to whey isolates and whey hydrosylates that get assimilated into the system quickly.

Whey proteins contain higher amounts of branched-chain amino acids (especially leucine) and glutathione that work favourably in tissue growth/repair and enhancing immune functions respectively Thus. depending on the activity level, training regime and the protein requirement, women can safely consume one-two scoops of whey protein powder once a day. without worrying about gaining rippling muscles. However, for non-athletes or women who do not hit the gym frequently, sticking to a balanced diet with ample sources of lean protein in the diet would be the best bet!

Is Whey Protein Good For Women? - Version Weekly

Indiana Regenerative Medicine Institute Offers Innovative Approaches in Regenerative Medicine, Hormone Replacement and Pain Management – Zionsville…

Posted: February 29, 2020 at 2:44 pm

February 2020

Are you looking for a health care provider who offers innovative alternatives and a customized approach to your health issues? Indiana Regenerative Medicine Institute (IRMI) believes in offering specialized alternatives to health care. Its medical team, headed by Doctor of Chiropractic Preston Peachee, utilizes the latest developments in regenerative medicine, hormone replacement and pain management.

Dr. Peachee is a native of Jasper, Indiana. He graduatedfrom Logan College of Chiropractic and has been in practice since 2003. Hisareas of specialty include patients with chronic and severe back, neck andjoint pain as well as other complex neurological conditions.

Dr. Peachee has earned a reputation as an innovative thinkeras well as a compassionate practitioner who brings his wide expertise andexperience to the Greater Indianapolis area. His ability to help those in needof regenerative medicine, neuropathy pain relief, low testosterone or otherphysical ailments, such as back pain or fibromyalgia, makes him not only uniquebut highly sought-after.

A key member of the IRMI team is Leann Emery, FNP. Emery isa family nurse practitioner with more than 20 years of experience in hormonereplacement and alternative pain management. Emery provides optimal patientcare through personal consultations and assessments to identify her patientsspecific health needs. She was rated in the top 10% of providers in the U.S.with patient satisfaction.

Regenerative medicine is making huge leaps in our understanding of the human body, and it is offering real, possible treatments that would have seemed like science fiction a few short years ago, according to IRMI. Most patients we see have tried other more traditional treatments and have either not gotten any better or have gotten even worse. Unfortunately, a lot of people we see depend on multiple medications per day to try and function but still are not happy with how they feel or how they live their lives. It is unfortunately the nature of deteriorating and degenerative joints, they will get worse with time, and generally the pain increases as well.

Depending on the injury, Dr. Peachee will often combinelaser therapy with the regenerative medicine protocols to improve the outcomesand try and speed the recovery process.

We offer mesenchymal stem cell therapy, Dr. Peachee said. With the combination of laser therapy, mesenchymal stem cell therapy is incredibly effective for rotator cuff problems and treating knee pain. Eighty percent of our stem patients are dealing with knee pain or Osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis-or O.A. of the knee- is a huge problem for a lot of people, and we get great results from these therapies. Most people can even avoidknee surgery.

Dr. Peachee recently introduced hormone treatments for low testosterone. Family Nurse Practitioner Leann Emery has been doing [hormone] treatments for 20 years, and that area of medicine became a natural fit for IRMI.

I have several patients who were seeking this type ofcaremany who are police officers and firefighterswho couldnt find thetherapy and individualized care and attention that they needed.

Dr. Peachee explained that low T treatments help patients with unique and even complicated cases of Erectile Dysfunction (E.D.). Most people seek us out for treatment because they are tired, worn out, stressed out and just simply lack the energy they used to have.

We are able to fill a niche with patients who hadcomplicated cases that were not responding well with their primary careproviders or other places, Dr. Peachee shared. We have a patient who hasstruggled for a long time with fertility issues but has done very well [withtreatments], and we just got good news that he and his wife are expecting aftertrying for a really long time. So, he is really enthused about that.

The typical candidates for low T treatments, according toDr. Peachee, are men who feel worn out, are lethargic and have lost theirzest for life.

Our patients dont have the same pep that they had 10 or20 years ago, Dr. Peachee stated. They struggle getting up in the morning andmight be struggling in the afternoon after having six cups of coffee or threeRed Bulls just to get through the day. We have a lot of people that want to getback into the gym and get the maximum benefit of their workouts. We can helpthem improve their overall health and energy so that they can enjoyrecreational activities like working out or practice with the Little Leaguewith their kids. Many times we hear from spouses, friends and family how muchbetter they feel and that they seem happier and get more out of life again.

It goes without saying that proper hormonal balance canimprove a patients personal relationships as well and improve the overallmental health of a patient by reducing stress, anxiety and depression oftencaused by symptoms related to low testosterone levels.

We focus on injectable [low T] treatments because we canmodify the dosage and give more frequent doses to keep our patients at a levelthats going to give them the maximum benefit and improvement for theirconditions, Dr. Peachee explained.

With the modern changes in medicine over the last 20 and 50years, were helping people to live a lot longer and adding 20 to 30 years totheir lives, but we have not given them an improved quality of life as theyage. By working with their hormones and getting them in balance, their qualityof life becomes way better, and were seeing a positive improvement for manypeople with these treatments.

Patients suffering from severe disc injuries, such a bulgingor herniated disc or discs, or who suffer from degenerative disc disease mayhave undergone treatment from chiropractors or have seen physical therapistsbefore coming to Indiana Regenerative Medicine Institute.

Our typical patient who comes in for this type of treatmenthas seen other therapists or chiropractors but hasnt found lasting relief,Dr. Peachee said. Many of our patients want to get off the rollercoaster ofopioids and pain medications. They are looking for a solution without narcoticsand risk of addiction or other possible negative side effects of narcoticsand/or surgery. We are generally able to alleviate the pain in 90% of patientsand are able to keep them from having surgery or from taking addictivemedications.

Laser therapy allows Dr. Peachee to work on the damaged tissue so that it can heal, and the method reduces inflammation and swelling in a way that traditional treatments cannot.

Its an innovative new therapy within the last decade thatallows us to do some amazing things, Dr. Peachee stated. We perform ourprocedures in our office and have several different devices for the specificneeds and issues of our patients. For instance, we have a unique device forpeople with knee pain that can help the majority of our patients walk betterand live more pain-free. We get a phenomenal outcome with this procedure.

One of the other major differentiators that sets IndianaRegenerative Medicine Institute apart from other offices and clinics is thatthey are advocates for their patients, especially when it comes to dealing withtheir patients insurance providers.

A lot of our low T patients are able to get their insurancecarriers to cover the services so that it doesnt cost them as much out ofpocket for the care they seek, Dr. Peachee said. Weve partnered with abilling company that has helped us to be able to navigate the craziness of ourmodern insurance companies, and by doing so, were able to keep the cost downfor a lot of patients. Not every insurance plan will cover this type of care,but a lot of them will. When its possible and ethical, we do whatever we canto benefit our patients to help keep the cost low. I have spent a lot of freetime writing letters on behalf of our patients. We go above and beyond with ourservice and care of our patients.

The Indiana Regenerative Medicine Institute team will make housecalls or come to a patients place of work when the situation calls for thatlevel of care.

We will go and draw blood for blood work, bring medications and even do exams in some situations, Dr. Peachee said. As I mentioned before, we see a lot of police officers and firemen all over the statefrom Mishawaka to South Bend and all over Indiana. We go once a month to see these patients at their departments and stations so that we see them all in one day versus making 10 to 15 guys drive hours to come in to see us. Its a service we can offer because we are a small clinic and we are focused on that one-on-one patient attention and relationship building. We have great relationships with our patients, and thats something that we work very hard at.

Building trust and transparency is crucial to the success ofhis practice, Dr. Peachee emphasized. The trust that we build with ourpatients is crucial to not only the success of the practice but to thepatients outcomes. And not just with hormone therapy but also with ournonsurgical spinal decompression patients. These are patients with significant discinjuries, and we need them to tell us everything we need to know so we can givemore accurate and complete care for a better outcome.

I would say to anybody if you have any doubts or reservations to take some of the burden and some of the anxiety out of the equation and schedule an initial consultationabsolutely free of charge, Dr. Peachee encouraged.

Dont put off living your best life any longer. Visit Indiana Regenerative Medicine Institutes website at or call (317) 653-4503 for more information about its services and specialized treatments and schedule your free consultationtoday!


Janelle Morrison


Laura Arick and submitted

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Indiana Regenerative Medicine Institute Offers Innovative Approaches in Regenerative Medicine, Hormone Replacement and Pain Management - Zionsville...

The Impact of Weight Loss on Migraine Characteristics in Patients With Obesity – Neurology Advisor

Posted: February 29, 2020 at 2:42 pm

Among patients with obesity and migraine, surgical or behavioral weight loss is associated with reduction of migraine frequency, pain severity, attack duration, and disability, according to a new meta-analysis published in Obesity Surgery.

Previous studies have shown that obesity is associated with increased migraine risk and might contribute to more frequent and severe migraine attacks among those with pre-existing migraine. Several studies have suggested that weight loss may have a beneficial effect on migraine. The goal of the current meta-analysis was to assess whether any benefit of weight loss on migraine is correlated with the degree of weight change and if different weight reduction strategies may elicit different effects.

The researchers searched the MEDLINE/PubMed, ISI-Web of Knowledge, Scopus, and Google Scholar databases from 2000 to the end of 2018 and screened 98 records, of which 90 were excluded and 8 articles, corresponding to 10 primary studies (473 patients), were included in the meta-analysis. The outcomes measured included headache frequency (10 studies), pain severity (6 studies), disability (4 studies), and attack duration (6 studies).

Weight loss was associated with a significant reduction in headache frequency (effect size [ES] -0.78; 95% CI, -1.13 to -0.43, P <.00001), pain severity (ES -1.04; 95% CI, -1.49 to -0.59, P <.0001), and headache disability (ES -0.68; 95% CI, -0.96 to -0.41, P <.0001), and there was a small but significant reduction in headache duration (ES -0.25, 95% CI, -0.45 to -0.04, P =.017).

Improvement in migraine was not correlated to either the degree of obesity at baseline or the degree of weight reduction.

There was no difference between bariatric and behavioral approaches for weight loss on headache frequency, pain severity, or headache disability. However, the effect of weight loss on headache duration was significant only for surgical weight loss and not for the behavioral approach.

The beneficial effects of weight loss on headache frequency and disability were similar in adult and pediatric populations, but the impact on attack duration was limited to the adult population.

The researchers acknowledged several limitations of the study, including the relatively small number of studies and patients, lack of control group in most studies, and no data on changes of circulating inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines, energy balance behaviors, and psychological symptoms.

This meta-analysis provides further evidence for the efficacy of weight loss as an important adjunctive treatment for individuals with migraine and obesity, concluded the study authors. They do, however, note that results showing similar benefit regardless of the weight loss method and amount of weight loss achieved justify additional research to determine mechanisms, beyond weight loss, that account for migraine improvements.


Di Vincenzo A, Beghetto M, Vettor R, et al. Effects of surgical and non-surgical weight loss on migraine headache: a systematic review and meta-analysis [published online ahead of print, February 1, 2020]. Obes Surg. doi: 10.1007/s11695-020-04429-z

Read more from the original source:
The Impact of Weight Loss on Migraine Characteristics in Patients With Obesity - Neurology Advisor

10 Best Healthy Snacks To Buy To Help With Your Weight Loss – Essence

Posted: February 29, 2020 at 2:42 pm

Eating more throughout the day is actually one of the best ways to help you lose weight. Sounds crazy, right?

According to a Journal of the American Dietetic Association study, researchers found that participants who ate more snacks daily even weighed less than those who snacked less. However, the one part we fail to realize with this fact is that they must be healthy snacks low in carbs and fat, but high in nutrients, fiber and protein.

With so many foods on the market that claim to be good for you, it can be difficult to navigate which ones you should actually buy. Here are a few options that taste good, and wont expand your waistline in the process.

AYO Almondmilk Yogurt

With 20 organic almonds in every 5.3 oz cup, AYO Almondmilk Yogurt is made with less added sugar than many other non-dairy varieties and blended with organic strawberries, blueberries, vanilla or peaches. It's a high-fiber grab-and-go snack that provides healthy fats and balanced nutrition all under 160 calories! AYO Almondmilk Yogurt is the ideal low-sugar morning treat, hunger-kicking mid-day snack, or post-workout pick-me-up, and its packed with heart-healthy, organic almonds, which makes every spoonful a part of a balanced nutrition diet.

Chloes Pops

Chloes Pops are irresistibly delicious fruit pops made with the simplest ingredients: just fruit, water and cane sugar. Thats it! The creamy, clean, delicious fruit pops are available in varieties including Mango, Dark Chocolate, Strawberry, Raspberry, Blueberry, Cold-Pressed Coffee, and Pomegranate.

Kettle & Fires Keto Friendly Soups

Trying keto but unsure where to start? Kettle & Fires Keto Friendly Soups is the secret weapon for stress-free keto dieting and theyre easy to eat anywhere, anytime. From Butter Curry to Broccoli Cheddar, each flavor is chef-designed, organic and packed with the wholesome benefits of our slow-simmered bone broth: great for supporting gut health, healthy joints and workout recovery.

KOS Organic Greens Blend

KOS Organic Greens Blend is power-packed with plant life from both land and sea. Each mix features a generous helping of wheatgrass, oat grass, kale, broccoli and green bell pepper to help boost your immune system, flush toxins and take down the stress levels. The added apple, lemon, monk fruit and mint are thoughtfully included to offer you an unexpectedly flavorful and refreshing treat. Most green blend supplements taste like gr(ass) but after you try it once, youll be hooked! Just mix it with water or blend into your favorite smoothie.

GoodTo Go Bars

GoodTo Go bars are the perfect midday pick-me-up for that afternoon slump. They contain low net carbs (3 grams/bar), just a hint of sugar (2 grams/bar) and a whopping 13 grams of healthy fats. Swap that bagel and grab a GoodTo Bar for breakfast or to fill any other snack cravings!


ChocZero uses a zero-calorie, low carb natural plant called monk fruit to create delectable chocolate that's low carb and sugar-free. This way, you can satisfy that sweet tooth by indulging in chocolate minus the sugar crash and extra calories. Whether youre on the keto diet or simply hoping to reduce your sugar intake, ChocZero has savory options to fit a healthier lifestyle.

Cappellos Naked Crust

Cappellos is the creator of grain-free, frozen-fresh, Paleo-friendly pasta, pizza and cookie dough. The brands take on classic foods harnesses the power of almond flour to provide options that are nutrient dense, simple and uncompromising on taste and texture. Use the naked crust to create youre on healthy pizza, packed with lots of veggies, protein minus all the grains and gluten in regular crust!

Cleveland Kraut

Cleveland Kraut makes fresh and delicious probiotic veggies that will add a kick to any meal. Add these low-carb, gut healthy krauts to any hearty meal in the winter or to spruce up your boring lunch salad.

Clio Greek Yogurt Bar

This convenient, high-protein alternative to indulgent desserts and snacks, is not only delicious, you might actually think youre eating cheesecake! Instead, its yogurt, in bite size pieces. With multiple flavors to choose from, like the subtly tart strawberry, nutty peanut butter, and newly released salted caramel, theres something for every craving.

Biena Chickpea Puffs

Seeking a nutritious makeover to traditional cheese puffs? These Chickpea Puffs have 40% fewer carbs and a whopping 7g plant protein per serving. But, the best part these puffs achieve the craveworthy taste people look for in snacks and are available in three flavors - Aged White Cheddar, Vegan Ranch, and Blazin Hot.

Catalina Crunch Keto-Friendly Smoothies

Catalina Crunch Keto-Friendly Smoothies feature premium-quality, whole fruits and superfoods such as spinach and Brazil nuts packed right into a smoothie cup! Theyre available in three indulgent flavors; Mixed Berry, Strawberry Banana, and Tropical Pineapple.

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10 Best Healthy Snacks To Buy To Help With Your Weight Loss - Essence

Weight loss: NHS advise this is the best breakfast food to add to your diet plan to slim – Express

Posted: February 29, 2020 at 2:42 pm

Weight loss is achieved in the kitchen - and eating the right foods can boost success. The NHS have their own 12 week diet plan, with a specific food advised at breakfast time.

Kicking off week one of their plan, the NHS tell dieters to make sure there is plenty of fibre in their meals.

This is particularly true at breakfast time - often thought of as the most important meal of the day.

They said: "Adding some fibre to your breakfast can help you stay feeling full until lunch and reduce the urge for a midmorning snack.

"Eating food with lots of fibre will help you feel full for longer, so youre more likely to stick to your calorie limit."

READ MORE:Adele weight loss: Expert claims 'easy' diet plan behind incredible 7st transformation

So, what exactly should dieters prepare in the morning to get the right amount of fibre in their meals?

The NHS suggest two easy ways to modify popular breakfast foods to make them fibre-rich.

Swap white bread for wholemeal or wholegrain varieties.

Swap sugary cereals for high-fibre cereals such as wholegrain wheat cereals, unsweetened muesli, or porridge oats, and dont forget to check the salt content.

They also remind dieters that eating the skin on fruits such as apples and pears adds in natural fibre, and eating fruit and vegetables is a healthy, low-calorie way to fill up.

DON'T MISS:Adam Woodyatt weight loss: EastEnders star ditched one food for incredible transformation [PICTURES]Adele weight loss shock: Secret inspiration behind stars seven stone diet plan revealed [EXPERT COMMENT]Gordon Ramsay: How did he shed 3st? TV chef on heartbreaking motivation for weight loss [VIDEO]

The NHS suggestions are a good way to get started - but more those with more confidence in the kitchen might want to prepare food from scratch. Some of the best high fibre breakfast foods include:

Best high fibre cereals

The NHS suggests a list of the best wholegrain cereals to choose. They also recommed chopping up a banana to add on top for extra sweetness.

Exercise is also a key part of losing weight, and eating the right foods to fuel a workout is key to success.

Personal trainer and TV guru Jessie Pavelka explained what foods you should eat before training to get the best results.

He said: Whether it be running, cycling, yoga, that short and fiery HIIT session, or readying yourself for a weight session at the gym, were all guilty of failing to take a second to pause and think about how were fuelling our body pre-workout.

What slimmers eat depends on the type of workout they are about to do and it can make a huge difference to the results.

Read the original:
Weight loss: NHS advise this is the best breakfast food to add to your diet plan to slim - Express

Instead of Gaining the Freshman 15, Aime Actually Lost Weight Her First Semester – POPSUGAR

Posted: February 29, 2020 at 2:42 pm

College life often doesn't seem compatible with weight loss. Between the stress, new schedules and living arrangements, and potentially limited options for eating and cooking, it's no wonder so many students gain what's become known as the "freshman 15." But that wasn't the case for Aime La Fountain. In fact, it was the exact opposite.

When Aime headed to college in the Fall of 2005, she'd been struggling to lose weight for a while without much success. The new habits and attitudes she formed during those first few months changed everything. She lost nearly 20 pounds during that time, and while some may not consider that a "dramatic" weight loss, it made a big difference. "I'm only 5'0" tall, so in my case, it was significant and noticeable to people who knew me before college," she told POPSUGAR.

A couple months into her first semester, Aime noticed her weight loss the same way many of us do: by the fit of her clothes. "I dropped at least three pant sizes, depending on the brand," she said. "I also lost about five inches in my chest." Aime's weight loss didn't involve any fad diets or unhealthy practices, nor was it a fluke. Nearly 15 years later, she has kept most of the weight off and continued living a healthy and active lifestyle: "The jeans in the photo [above] are a tad tight on me now, but I can still wear them!" Read on to learn how her weight-loss journey started, one hike to class at a time.

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Instead of Gaining the Freshman 15, Aime Actually Lost Weight Her First Semester - POPSUGAR

How metabolism works and why you can’t speed it up to lose weight – msnNOW

Posted: February 29, 2020 at 2:42 pm


Metabolism is the set of chemical reactions that break down the food we eat into energy and muscle.

Though many people think that they will lose weight if they speed up their metabolism, this isn't necessarily true. Here's what you need to know about the complicated relationship between metabolism and weight-loss.

When people refer to metabolism being "fast" or "slow" what they are really referring to is a measure of Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). BMR determines the number of passive calories that you burn - these are the calories that your body uses up while at rest.

A popular misconception is that adding muscle will help you metabolize calories faster - and while this is partially true, muscles at rest actually burn very few calories. Most of the metabolizing energy you expend is through your brain, heart, kidneys, and other organs that are constantly at work keeping you alive and healthy.

There is evidence that cardiovascular exercise can help boost your metabolism for a short period after you work out, but this effect only lasts for an hour or so and is not usually enough to cause significant weight loss.

There's also the myth that eating certain foods will speed up your metabolism. But the reality is that even if certain foods can affect your BMR it's not nearly enough to make a noticeable difference in your weight. In order to lose weight, you must create a deficit between the calories you consume through food and the calories you burn through a combination of diet, physical activity, and passive metabolic processes that are largely out of your control.

The sad truth is that it's hard to change your BMR in any significant way. The fact that some people naturally have a faster BMR than others is largely due to genetics.

A review, published in 2011 in Molecular Genetics and Metabolism, that examined 9 twin studies and 19 family studies found that metabolic syndrome - and some of the symptoms associated with it including obesity, high cholesterol, and insulin resistance - are common among families, suggesting a significant heritability factor.

The exception to this rule comes up only for rare illnesses like Cushing's syndrome or hypothyroidism, which both slow metabolism.

As you age, your metabolism becomes less efficient, or what we think of as "slowing down," says Heather Seid, a registered dietician and Bionutrition Program Manager at Columbia University.

There are many reasons your metabolism slows down, including losing muscle mass and changes in your cells. But the main reason for metabolism change is that people become less active as they get older.

Unfortunately, you can't completely stop your metabolism from slowing down as you age but exercise may give you a boost. Studies show that keeping active as you grow older can help curb a metabolism slowdown.

Video: 7 incredible results you'll get from walking 30 minutes a day (Courtesy: Prevention)


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How metabolism works and why you can't speed it up to lose weight - msnNOW

This Guy Lost 300 Pounds Doing CrossFit Every Day –

Posted: February 29, 2020 at 2:42 pm

At his heaviest, 27-year-old Alex weighed more than 500 pounds and felt uncomfortable going to the gym. Now, after changing his diet and taking up CrossFit, he has dropped 300 pounds and is in the best shape of his life. Sharing his story with Barcroft TV, Alex explains what inspired his weight loss transformation.

"I've always had a problem with my weight, I've always been the big kid in the class, I was always picked last in gym," he says. "My weight just started to spiral and get out of hand right after high school. Food was always a comfort, and I just abused it. I was eating all the wrong stuff in all the wrong amounts. 12 packs of Mountain Dew, eating tons of Oreos, pizza, Chinese buffet, ice cream, you name it, I was just eating it. I had no knowledge of what calories and eating all these foods was doing besides making my weight go up."

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"Every year since I can remember, my yearly checkups have been 'You need to lose weight, we need to consider surgery,'" he continues. "At one point, the doctor actually told me if I didn't lose weight I wasn't gonna live."

Everything changed one day during his job a courier, when he was making a delivery to a warehouse with a pallet scale: "Just out of curiosity I stepped on, and I was shocked. I saw 480 pounds," he says. "But if I look back at pictures a couple of months prior, I was bigger. So I believe I was 500+ at one point. From that day forward, I just completely changed my life. I knew that this was my time, this was my final chance, my last, last shot. Knowing that I'm an adult now, this is my life, it can either end really soon or I could start taking care of myself, it was all on me."

He ditched the vast volumes of soda in favor of just water, and cut the fast food from his diet, which led to a weight loss of 40 pounds in the first month alone. And Alex soon got over his anxiety around working out in front of other people, hitting the gym six or seven times a week and throwing himself into rigorous CrossFit workouts which constantly changed and challenged his body to adapt.

"The gym used to make me uncomfortable, now I'm doing CrossFit every morning at 5 a.m.," he says. "I lost 280 pounds. The lowest that I hit was 199 pounds. 200 to 205 pounds is where I feel healthy and where I feel like I can perform the best physically."

Read more here:
This Guy Lost 300 Pounds Doing CrossFit Every Day -

On Nutrition: Weight loss worrisome for grieving friend that can’t eat – Tulsa World

Posted: February 29, 2020 at 2:42 pm

Dear Dr. Blonz: This may seem like an odd question for someone who writes about nutrition, but how long can a body go without food? A close friend recently experienced a loss, which has caused her to suffer a hard emotional blow. She says that she has no appetite. She hasnt been able to eat anything; when she tries, it results in nausea and her bodys rejection of the food.

As would be expected, she has lost a lot of weight lately and doesnt look healthy to me. F.S. San Jose, California

Dear F.S.: My sincere sympathy to your friend and any affected by the loss. Grief can affect the body in many ways, and while a loss of appetite can be one of them, overeating, ironically, can be another. For more on the bodys reaction to grief, visit

Addressing your question: Our body is designed to avoid waste, so we shift gears to handle food whenever its consumed. But if nutrients are not provided for an extended period, a sophisticated series of adaptations takes place to pare down the unnecessary use of energy and loss of essential resources. While we may be conscious of why we are no longer eating, the systems in our body are not in that loop.

One adaptation is a scaling-back of the metabolic efforts involved with digestion, which might explain that queasiness or nausea your friend experiences when food is reintroduced. The discomfort tends to pass, but reintroducing food in this scenario should be done gradually, relying on plant foods such as juices, soups, fruits and cooked vegetables.

A lack of food also causes a slowing of the metabolic rate, which brings about a lowering of body temperature. There will be less circulation near the skin surface, which is one of the reasons why people who go without food are easily chilled and may have a sallow look about them.

Friends and family serve as an invaluable source of support, but an inability to eat lasting for days suggests some professional assistance may be needed. In the meantime, given that the body requires more water than any other nutrient, encourage your friend to consume fluids even something like a sports drink, which provides not only fluids, but also electrolytes and calories. To emphasize this important point: We can last only a few days without water.

The human body can survive for many weeks without food, but much depends on ones state of health and the amount of excess energy (i.e., body fat) at the start. I hope that your friend finds the strength to work through her grief and is spared any testing of the limits of her endurance.

(Ed Blonz, Ph.D., is a nutrition scientist and an assistant clinical professor at the University of California, San Francisco. He is the author of the digital book The Wellness Supermarket Buying Guide (2012), which is also available as a free digital resource at

Send questions to: On Nutrition, Ed Blonz, c/o Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO, 64106. Send email inquiries to Due to the volume of mail, personal replies cannot be provided.

See original here:
On Nutrition: Weight loss worrisome for grieving friend that can't eat - Tulsa World

X Factors Emma Chawner shows off incredible 13 stone weight loss 13 years after appearing on the show – The Sun

Posted: February 29, 2020 at 2:42 pm

FORMER X Factor star Emma Chawner showed off her incredible 13 stone weight loss 13 years after appearing on the show.

The 30-year-old appeared on the show in 2007 when she was just 17 and then on a weight loss programme with her family presented by Lorraine Kelly in 2009.


But Emma was motivated to shed the pounds thanks to diet and exercise and appeared on Lorraine to talk about her amazing weight loss.

She said: "No one's pushed me to do it, I've done it all myself. I was always out of breath and diabetic."

Emma also explained the trigger for the weight loss: "It was the stress that I had with my mum and dad breaking up and losing my dog."

The former singer said she has been accused of using a gastric band by friends by denies it.



Lorraine gushed at the end of the interview: "You're like a different girl now!"

She replied: "I'm happy with how I am and it's not far to go [until she's at her ideal weight."

Emma went viral with her audition on The X Factor when she sang My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion.

She stopped her audition halfway through because she was so nervous.

Simon Cowell said: "First the dress is completely wrong. I'm not a fashion expert but... it's like a wedding dress, isn't it? Then you sang the song out of tune and a bit like a baby."


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She left the audition in tears and her mum and dad barged into the room to have an argument with Simon Cowell.

Then in 2017, Emma appeared alongside her sister, where she said she got evicted from her house for singing.

However, there was a dark side to appearing on the show, telling Lorraine there was "good and bad".

"The good was that we did a show with you. But then we had bullying and death threats online."

Emma now works as a child minder and doesn't think she'll get into the music industry.

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X Factors Emma Chawner shows off incredible 13 stone weight loss 13 years after appearing on the show - The Sun

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