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I’m Down 35 Pounds in 9 Months These Are the Simple Diet Changes That Actually Worked – POPSUGAR

Posted: February 28, 2020 at 2:47 am

In 2018, I was the smallest I'd ever been. Then I got pregnant, and it all went off the rails. I developed a sweet tooth for the first time in my life and started crushing Zebra Cakes and chocolate croissants like they were the foundation of the food pyramid. I fell into the elastic embrace of maternity clothing and paid no mind to the scale slowly creeping upward at doctor visits. After all, the other moms in my life told me the weight would "just melt right off" from breastfeeding. Surely there was no harm in ordering a side of mozzarella sticks with my pizza.

By the time all was said and done, I had gained 60 pounds in less than a year. Although childbirth and breastfeeding took care of the first 15 pounds or so, it became painfully clear that the rest would not be going anywhere without some assistance. Given my new gig as a stay-at-home parent, getting to the gym wasn't easy. Instead, I focused on making small, but meaningful, changes to my diet to achieve a healthy calorie deficit. After about nine months of effort, I'm down another 35 pounds and working my way back toward my prepregnancy size.

Here are some of the changes I made to get back on track. They might just work for you, too.

Read more:
I'm Down 35 Pounds in 9 Months These Are the Simple Diet Changes That Actually Worked - POPSUGAR

Weight loss tips: How to lose weight and get fit like this guy who lost 42 kg with the help of this one thing – GQ India

Posted: February 28, 2020 at 2:47 am

There are no quick tricks to lose weight or even magical weight loss hacks that can render the same effect as that of cleaning your diet. Weight loss begins in the kitchen by eating right. It is one of the foremost things you need to change to embark on a fitter future. 26-year-old Mohit D Anand, who recently worked alongside Sanjay Dutt in Panipat credits Dr. Siddhant Bhargava, Chief Nutritionist & Co-Founder of Food Darzeea Mumbai-based company that offers tailor made nutrition by serving customised diet mealsfor helping him stay on track during his weight loss journey.

Anand shares that at his heaviest, 4 years ago, he weighed 122 kg with 39 per cent body fat. And today, after following the below weight loss plan, he weighs 80 kg with 18 per cent body fat. Growing up, I never shied away from food. I ate a lot of food but also hit the gym. However, I started noticing a change in the weighing scale after realising that I had no idea about my body type. I was constantly binging on the wrong foods, he says. So I commenced on the below weight loss plan to help me get back on track.

I started running 10 km a day as well as monitoring my calorie intake, apart from still going to the gym. I reduced my total calorie consumption to 1500 calories and also learnt about how my body reacts to different foods.

QUICK READ: How many calories should you eat every day to lose weight?

My body type is that of an endomorph, which means I get bulky as soon as I start lifting and then overweight as well very soon. So, I worked very hard everyday to build muscles like that of my fitness idols Akshay Kumar and John Abraham and followed the below basic diet plan.

I started eating a lot of home-made food as well as avoiding sugar and oil after 7 pm. Now, Ive also turned vegetarian after watching Game Changers on Netflix.

Weight loss is difficult and asks for a lot. But if you are willing to go the extra mile then nothing can stop you. Not even excuses. Dwayne Johnson is one of the busiest celebrities in the world, yet he still has time to go to the gym daily - whats stopping you?

Disclaimer: The fitness journey, diet and workout routines shared by the respondents are purely for inspirational purposes and in no way intend to propagate a specific body type. Please consult an authorised medical professional before following any specific diet or workout routine mentioned above.


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Go here to see the original:
Weight loss tips: How to lose weight and get fit like this guy who lost 42 kg with the help of this one thing - GQ India

‘My 600-lb Life’: Is Dr. Now Married And Does He Have Children? – Showbiz Cheat Sheet

Posted: February 28, 2020 at 2:47 am

On TLCs My 600-lb Life, viewers learn nearly everything about the patients of bariatric surgeon, Dr. Nowzaradan where they live, where they grew up, how they grew up, and more.

Not much is known, however, about the doctor himself.

Find out a bit more about this world-renowned surgeon who is helping people change their lives.

Dr. Now feels that patients need to understand that losing weight is mostly a mental battle. It takes a big change in ones mind to get our bodies to catch up.

Severe obesity is a complex physical and psychological condition with many components, he told People in 2017. Not realizing how much of their struggle is psychological and not just physical can be the biggestobstaclefor change withpatients.

Many refuse to admit they have any emotional compulsions or compulsivepsychologicaldisorders driving them to overeat.

However, once we removed the physical compulsion to eat with weight loss surgery, we have our best window to get them to see that and address those issues that will lead to long-term success for them.

One point Dr. Nowzaradan makes to his patients frequently on the program is the importance of support, especially from ones family, and especially on weight loss journeys as arduous and overwhelming as his patients, who start at such high weights.

Families can either be enablers or encouragers. Having a supportive family for patients on a weight loss journey is an important component to their success, Dr.Nowzaradan said in his conversation with People.

If they dont have that, its almost impossible for them to be successful in the long term, unless they remove those people from their environment. So they either have to change their dynamic with those enablers or separate from them if they want to succeed.

There have been a few patients I felt I could no longer help, Dr. Now shared. I will always be available if they need me. If they wont stick to the program, at some point, I can longer help them and they are taking resources from someone else who needs it.

As for the doctors medical status, his wife of 27 years, Delores, filed for divorce in 2002.

The couple oldest child is Jonathan, CEO of Megalomedia, a Texas-based media company. Its in great part because of Jonathan that My 600-lb Life made it on the air at TLC.

He told The Austin Chronicle in 2007, The people who are over 700 pounds think that theyre the only person on the planet like that. But there are millions, some people suspect in the tens of millions, of people in America. We want them to know that not only are they not alone, but there are doctors who will help. Dont give up, and dont just decide to die.

The doctors two other children, Jenniferand Jessica, both work in the arts.

Read more from the original source:
'My 600-lb Life': Is Dr. Now Married And Does He Have Children? - Showbiz Cheat Sheet

Lose weight by cutting calories but eat MORE to blast fat faster, expert reveals – The Sun

Posted: February 28, 2020 at 2:47 am

YOU don't have to be an expert to know that eating and drinking more calories than you burn leads to piling on the pounds.

So, it would make sense that cutting down on what you consume - and increasing exercise - can help you lose weight.


Dieters who start counting calories are likely to see great results when it comes to weight loss.

But seriously restricting food might not be the best option for those that want to burn fat too, according to one expert.

Terry Fairclough, a personal trainer and nutritional therapist, says that eating more could actually be more beneficial.

He told Healthista: "While a calorie deficit may lead to weight loss, it wont necessarily lead to fat loss, which is what most people want to achieve.

"These days the Western diet is far larger than it needs to be. Many people do need to have a slight deficit in calories but thats only because they were probably overeating in the first place.

A calorie deficit may lead to weight loss, it wont necessarily lead to fat loss, which is what most people want to achieve

"However, in my experience when it comes to people trying to lose weight, they think under eating is the only way to do that, and this simply isnt the case."

Terry explained that when we eat, our body breaks down carbohydrates and converts them to a type of sugar called glucose, which is the main source of fuel for our cells.

So when you start cutting calories, what you lose is stored carbohydrate and glucose - not fat.

He added: "Although many of us seek to lose fat, a long term calorie deficit will panic the body into holding onto fat and to breaking down protein instead."

Here, Terry reveals why you shouldn't cut calories if you want to burn fat...

Cutting calories and restricting macronutrients and micronutrients can make us susceptible to nutrient deficiencies, Terry says.

This can have a knock-on effect on every system in the body, especially the immune, liver and digestive systems which can easily cascade into health problems and slow down your metabolism.

"Health issues caused by under eating include fatigue, malnutrition, osteoporosis, anaemia, polycystic ovaries, depression, amenorrhoea and other hormone related conditions and fertility issues," he said.

Terry said that many dieters will shun fats if they're trying to lose weight, but actually it's one of the most important food groups.

He said: "Fat is the bodys most important and long-lasting fuel source providing more than twice as much potential energy as carbohydrates or protein.

"It contains nine calories per gram of fat versus four calories each per gram of protein or carbohydrate.

"Fat is also stored within our muscle fibres, where it can be more easily accessed during exercise.

"Unlike your glycogen stores, which are limited, body fat is pretty much an unlimited source of energy.

"During exercise, stored fat in the body is broken down into fatty acids.

"These fatty acids are transported through the blood to our muscles for fuel.

"So basically, we need fat in order to exercise and get into shape.

"So quitting fat cold turkey will mean you simply wont have enough energy to burn the fat you dont want."

Most of us don't need any extra stress than we already have - but extreme calorie deficits can do this to your body.

It causes our bodies to release the stress hormone cortisol, which breaks down fuel for energy.

Terry says: "In the short term, this increase in cortisol can cause weight loss its why you may see a person going through a hard time lose a lot of weight.

"But long term stress with chronic increased cortisol causes the body to panic, breaking down all those important energy stores.

"Much of this breakdown is protein as the body will try to hold onto fat for as long as possible."

He explains that as a result, this can cause the metabolism to slow.

But chronic high cortisol release also panics the body into up regulating fat receptors around fat cells - especially around the belly so you might get increased fat around the middle.

Under eating can also cause us to stop digesting and absorbing essential nutrients needed for basic functioning and good health.

This can have a knock-on effect on our sleep.

Terry says: "When blood sugar levels drop, another stress hormone, adrenaline, is released to help bring levels back to normal, waking you up in the process.

"Poor sleep can have a massive knock on effect on liver detoxification, immunity, exercise and work productivity as well as leading to weight gain."

He added: "If we keep cutting calories, there comes a point that we cant cut anymore and the body starts breaking down and basic functions start to fail.

"This can impact your metabolism to such a degree that losing weight can feel like its impossible because anytime you eat anything over your prescribed calorie limit, your body which constant calorie cutting has led into famine mode will store it as fat for use in well, a famine.

Terry says the bottom line is that you shouldn't restrict yourself.

Instead, it's important to eat thecorrect number of calories, carbs, fat and protein for your specific body type, goal, activity level, height, weight and age.

He said: "I founded the Your Body Programme (YBP) to help people figure out their calorie needs based on their specific body types.

"You can click on this YBP calculator to figure out what your body type is which can then help you fiigure out what your body needs.

"You only have one body, help it to become optimal by being healthy and nourished, while keeping your metabolism firing.

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"My programme which does not restrict calories has proven time and time again that increasing your calories actually helps you to lose fat.

"Make sure youre eating plenty of lean proteins such as lean beef, chicken, eggs and fish, as well as pulses, legumes, tofu and tempeh if youre vegan.

"Plus, eat healthy carbohydrates in the form of plenty of fruit and vegetables, sweet potatoes, quinoa, brown rice and wholewheat pasta as well as healthy fats such as avocado, nuts, seeds, olives and olive oils."

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Lose weight by cutting calories but eat MORE to blast fat faster, expert reveals - The Sun

Weight Management Market by Type and Distribution Channel: Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast 2020-2025 – News Times

Posted: February 28, 2020 at 2:47 am

The global Weight Management market size is expected to gain market growth in the forecast period of 2020 to 2025, with a CAGR of 6.9% in the forecast period of 2020 to 2025 and will expected to reach USD 279850 million by 2025, from USD 214370 million in 2019.

The report also tracks the latest market dynamics, such as driving factors, restraining factors, and industry news like mergers, acquisitions, and investments. It provides market size (value and volume), market share, growth rate by types, applications, and combines both qualitative and quantitative methods to make micro and macro forecasts in different regions or countries.

This Report Provides an overview of Weight Management market, containing global revenue, global production, sales, and CAGR. Also describe Weight Management product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market driving force and market risks. The forecast and analysis of Weight Management market by type, application, and region are also presented. Next part of report provides a full-scale analysis of Weight Management competitive situation, sales, revenue and global market share of major players in Weight Management industry. The basic information, as well as the profiles, applications and specifications of products market performance along with Business Overview are offered.

Get Complete Overview of the report (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart):,-regions,-type-and-application,-forecast-to-2025/48887#request_sample

This section gives a worldwide view of Weight Management market. It includes production, market share revenue, price, and the growth rate by type. Next Section of the report focuses on the application of Weight Management, by analyzing the consumption and its growth rate of each application. The regional consumption and value analysis by types, applications, and countries are included in the report. Furthermore, it also introduces the major competitive players in these regions.

Major Players involved in the Global Weight Management Industry:

Herbalife, Technogym, Brunswick Corporation, Weight Watchers, Johnson Health Tech, ICON Health & Fitness, Planet Fitness, Kellogg, Nutrisystem, Central Sports, Medifast, Core Health & Fitness, Jenny Craig, Pure Gym, Slimming World, Town Sports, Atkins, Golds Gym, WillS, Amer Sports, Rosemary Conley, Apollo Endosurgery, Qingdao Impulse, Fitness World, Shuhua,

The report can help to understand the market and strategize for business expansion accordingly. In the strategy analysis, it gives insights from marketing channel and market positioning to potential growth strategies, providing in-depth analysis for new entrants or exists competitors in the Biofortification industry.

Global Weight Management Market Segmentation by Product:

By TypeWeight Management market has been segmented into Weight Loss Diet, Fitness Equipment, Surgical and Equipment, Fitness Centers, Weight Loss Programs, etc.

Global Weight Management Market Segmentation by Application:

By Application Weight Management has been segmented into Men, Women, etc.

Top Region Covered In This Research:

South America (Brazil, Argentina)

The Middle East & Africa (South Africa, Saudi Arabia)

Europe (Spain, U.K., Italy, Germany, Russia, France)

North America (U.S., Mexico, Canada)

Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, Southeast Asia)


Weight Management Introduction and Market Overview

1.3 Weight Management Market Scope and Market Size Estimation

Weight Management Market Segment Analysis By Type

Global Weight Management Market by Type

Global Weight Management Production and Market Share by Type (2015-2019)

Global Weight Management Revenue and Market Share by Type (2015-2019)

Global Weight Management Average Price by Type (2015-2019)

Weight Management Market Segment Analysis By Application

Global Weight Management Market by Application

Global Weight Management Production and Market Share by Application (2015-2019)

Leading Consumers of Weight Management by Application in 2018

Weight Management Market Segment Analysis by Sales Channel

Global Weight Management Market by Sales Channel

Global Weight Management Production and Market Share by Sales Channel (2015-2019)

Weight Management Market Segment Analysis By Region

North America Weight Management Value and Growth Rate (2015-2020)

Europe Weight Management Value and Growth Rate (2015-2020)

China Weight Management Value and Growth Rate (2015-2020)

Japan Weight Management Value and Growth Rate (2015-2020)

Middle East & Africa Weight Management Value and Growth Rate (2015-2020)

India Weight Management Value and Growth Rate (2015-2020)

South America Weight Management Value and Growth Rate (2015-2020)

Market Dynamics


Emerging Countries of Weight Management

Growing Market of Weight Management



Weight Management Industry Chain Analysis

Major Players of Weight Management

Major Players Business Distribution Regions and Market Share of Weight Management in 2019

Weight Management Business Cost Structure Analysis

Business Cost Structure of Weight Management

Major Downstream Customers of Weight Management Analysis

Competitive Landscape

Competitive analysis

Global Weight Management Market Analysis and Forecast by Type and Application

Global Weight Management Market Value Forecast, by Type (2020-2025)

Global Weight Management Market Value Forecast, by Application (2020-2025)

Weight ManagementMarket Analysis and Forecast by Region

North America Market Value Forecast (2020-2025)

Europe Market Value Forecast (2020-2025)

China Market Value Forecast (2020-2025)

Japan Market Value Forecast (2020-2025)

Middle East & Africa Market Value Forecast (2020-2025)

India Market Value Forecast (2020-2025)

South America Market Value Forecast (2020-2025)

Industry Barriers and New Entrants SWOT Analysis

Research Finding and Conclusion

More here:
Weight Management Market by Type and Distribution Channel: Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast 2020-2025 - News Times

Navin Waqar’s fitness routine focuses on fat loss rather than weight loss –

Posted: February 28, 2020 at 2:47 am

Being in your best shape is a lifestyle choice, and actor Navin Waqar seems to have aced at doing it right.

In a recent Instagram post, Waqar revealed her workout routine and diet plan and how the combination of the two has helped her achieve her body goals.

For starters, Waqar makes it clear that every person has different needs and should pursue a regimen customised to them.

"Everyone has different needs when it comes to working out. My aim is to lower my fat levels. For that I people lift heavy but I'm doing a mix of HITT/Tabata/Circuit training for now. It's hard but it works."

By focusing on fat-loss rather than targetting weight-loss, Waqar says it has built her stamina and endurance big time.

If one cuts down on food intake, the weight you lose will be both muscle and fat. The goal to successful weight loss is to preserve as much muscle as possible, and maybe even gain some, while at the same time lose as much bodyweight as possible. In the long-run, this helps in maintaining your weight.

When it comes to her diet, Waqar believes in balance. But more importantly, it's what you eat that seems to make all the difference.

She starts the day with overnight soaked oats for energy and proceeds to snack on blueberries, sugar-free/whole wheat cookies, almonds and dark chocolate.

And if that wasn't enough, her carbs include, "brown rice and roasted/steamed veggies. Chicken, fish, eggs and lean meat, in addition to seafood, is a must protein."

Waqar says what seems to work best for her is that she "counts her calories."

With a diet plan that has us salivating at the mouth, who needs to count calories? But one thing's for sure, Waqar's focus and consistency, guided by her trainer Ammar Qadir, has not only yielded desired results but has inspired those of us looking to get moving.

See the original post here:
Navin Waqar's fitness routine focuses on fat loss rather than weight loss -

D-III Draft Prospect Ben Bartch Drank an Unholy Concoction to Pack on 60 Pounds – Sports Illustrated

Posted: February 28, 2020 at 2:46 am

There are better ways to do this, man

Two years ago, Ben Bartch was a third-string tight end at D-III St. Johns University in Minnesota. His coaches didnt see a path to consistent playing time at his current position but they liked his blocking ability, so they suggested he add some weight to his 6' 6", 250-pound frame and start playing offensive line.

The position switch was life-changing for Bartch, who has gone from D-III backup to legitimate NFL prospect. He weighed in at 309 pounds this week at the combine in Indianapolis, and the story of how he packed on all that weight is truly harrowing.

Bartch told reporters in Indy on Wednesday that he would consume a frightening combination of foods just to up his caloric intake.

Heres the recipe:

Bartch then combined all the ingredients in a blender and choked down his improvised protein shake.

I would just throw it all in and then plug my nose, Bartch said. In the dark. I would gag sometimes. Thats what you have to do sometimes.

Without access to the nutritionists big-time programs have, Bartch resorted to using the internet to figure out how he could gain weight quickly and safely.

I just kind of researched online for the most clean and healthy ingredients for putting on good mass, Bartch said. That summer I went from 250 (pounds) to 275, and then after that I went from 275 to 305.

Did any of that research say you had to blend everything together, though? A breakfast of scrambled eggs with grits, cottage cheese and a peanut butter-banana sandwich on the side, washed down with Gatorade sounds decent enough. Putting it all together in one protein-packed slurry just sounds like a nightmare. It must have looked as disgusting as it tasted, especially if he used a brightly dyed Gatorade flavor like fruit punch or orange.

As horrifying as it may have been, forcing himself to consume the concoction has propelled Bartch to a likely spot in the NFL. Once hes in the pros, hell have a whole team of nutrition advisers who can help him maintain a healthy weight without drinking things that make him want to barf.

The Hartford womens basketball team entered Wednesdays season finale winless (028, 015 in America East play). Picking up their first victory of the season in their last shot would be a tough task for the Hawks, who were playing the best team in their conference, Stony Brook (252, 131 in-conference).

But Hartford pulled off the massive upset, 7067, and avoided becoming the only team in Division I (mens or womens) to go winless this season.

It was first-year Hartford head coach Morgan Valleys first career victory, and her old coach Geno Auriemma was thrilled to hear about it.

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A congressional committee wants to stop ticket sellers from adding so many surprise fees. ... David Ortiz is holding an estate sale,and his 2002-model HP printer is up for grabs. ... Time Tebow is going to represent the Philippines in World Baseball Classic qualifying. ... Many Kobe Bryant items have been pulled from eBay because the site prohibits profiting off of human tragedy or suffering.... A Texas woman stole Rockets owner Tilman Fertittas identity and was approved for a credit card. ... One of YouTubes most popular NBA highlight pages got nuked.

Earths orbit has captured a second moon. ... Conditions for Uber and Lyft drivers at LAX are truly abominable. ... This comedian wrote a funny diary about what happens when a tweet goes mega-viral.

Email with any feedback or follow me on Twitter for approximately one half-decent baseball joke per week. Bookmark this page to see previous editions of Hot Clicks and find the newest edition every day. By popular request Ive made a Spotify playlist of the music featured here. Visit our Extra Mustard page throughout each day for more offbeat sports stories.

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D-III Draft Prospect Ben Bartch Drank an Unholy Concoction to Pack on 60 Pounds - Sports Illustrated

Health beat: Get moving! The benefits and recommendations for exercise – The Deming Headlight

Posted: February 28, 2020 at 2:46 am

Diana Portillo, For the Headlight Published 11:49 a.m. MT Feb. 27, 2020

Portillo(Photo: Courtesy photo)

Maintaining adequate physical activity can positively impact many different areas of our lives.Of course, we all know that exercise in conjunction with a healthy diet is critical to attaining and maintaining healthy weight, but there are many other benefits to exercising.

Exercise assists in the prevention and management of chronic health conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol). Bone health can also be improved by exercising and it is recommended for the treatment and prevention of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.

Studies show that routinely engaging in exercise is beneficial to mental wellness and helps in coping with anxiety, depression, stress management, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Some of the daily benefits of implementing exercise may include increased energy levels, improved gastrointestinal mobility (decreased constipation), improvement in sleep, as well as improvement in cognition and mental alertness.

In addition to the benefits one gets from exercising, those who engage in group physical activity such as Zumba, dance fitness, CrossFit, or swim aerobic classes also have the opportunity to socialize with otherswhich, in itself, has many benefits for general well being.

Line dancing is a good way to build cardio-vascular health as a form of intermediate exercise activity.(Photo: Bill Armendariz - Headlight Photo,)

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has broken down the recommended amount of exercise that one should participate in into different age and condition categories. Children and adolescents need one hour or more of daily physical activity. For the recommended hour a day there should be a combination of aerobic, muscle strengthening, and bone-strengthening activities mixed throughout the week.

Healthy adults should be engaging in 150-300 minutes of moderate-intensity, or 75-150 minutes of vigorous-intensity, physical activity a week. Adults should engage in at least 2 or more days of muscle strengthening, focusing on the major muscle groups of the body.

Older adults, if able to, should engage in 150 minutes of physical activity a week. This should encompass balance-training, muscle strengthening, and aerobic activity. The elderly need to consider their current fitness ability and chronic conditions when choosing how much and what type of exercise to engage in.

Adults with chronic conditions should follow the recommendations for adults when able to. For the elderly and adults with chronic conditions which prevent them from engaging in exercise, efforts should be made to avoid inactivity and they should work with their healthcare provider to find activities they can safely engage in without putting them at risk of injury.

There are many different physical activities one can engage in for exercise. Consideration of current physical activity and personal preference can assist a person in deciding what activity would be better suited for them to engage in. Here are a few examples of exercise:


Chair exercise using items in the house (bottles of water, cans of food, books, towels, etc.) to add resistance or assist in movement training

Dancing at home


Tai Chi

Group exercises like Zumba, Jazzercise, CrossFit, spinning, and dance fitness

Bike riding



Weight lifting

Kick boxing

It is essential to know your limitations when starting to exercise or increasing your current physical activity routine. Starting off with low intensity and slowly increasing physical activity as tolerated is important to avoiding injury and early burnout.

If you are not sure if you are physically capable of engaging in exercise, or would like further recommendations on where to start, schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider who can assist you and recommend activities that will fit your current physical ability.

Information contained in this article should not replace treatment and management of acute and chronic conditions by a licensed healthcare provider.

Gila Regional Medical Center (GRMC) is a 68-bed acute care facility located in Silver City, NM. GRMC has outpatient family medicine clinics and specialty care clinics throughout Luna and Grant County ready to meet the medical needs of the communities they serve.

Diana Portillo is aDNP (Doctorate of Nursing Practice) FNP-C, PMHNP-BC, Family and Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner atGila Regional Family Medicine in Deming, NM.

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Health beat: Get moving! The benefits and recommendations for exercise - The Deming Headlight

Aimmune Therapeutics Announces Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2019 Financial Results and Provides Recent Operational Highlights – Business Wire

Posted: February 28, 2020 at 2:46 am

BRISBANE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aimmune Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: AIMT), a biopharmaceutical company developing and commercializing treatments for potentially life-threatening food allergies, today announced financial results for the fourth quarter and full year 2019.

The FDA approval of PALFORZIA was a defining moment for the peanut allergy community and Aimmune, and a culmination of years of commitment to bring an approved treatment to people with potentially life-threatening peanut allergy. We are thrilled to have achieved the first regulatory approval for a therapy for peanut allergy in fact, for any food allergy, said Jayson Dallas, M.D., President and CEO of Aimmune Therapeutics. We are now focused on PALFORZIA launch execution, which is well underway. Our field commercial team is engaging with allergists to help them learn how to safely incorporate PALFORZIA into their practices, and our market access team has begun its work to secure formulary access for PALFORZIA. We are encouraged by the amount of early interest we have received from allergists who want to offer PALFORZIA to their patients. We also are delighted with the funding we received from Nestle Health Science and KKR, which bolster both our commercial and development endeavors, including the addition of AIMab7195 to our pipeline.

PALFORZIA Highlights:

Ongoing Clinical Trials to Expand Pipeline and Support CODIT Platform:

Corporate Highlights:

Upcoming Milestones

1Q 2020

Roll-out of U.S. launch of PALFORZIA following FDA approval in January 2020 (ongoing)



Expected European Medicines Agency (EMA) action date for MAA of PALFORZIA for peanut allergy in children and adolescents ages 4 to 17 years



Expected completion of enrollment of POSEIDON phase 3 clinical trial



Expected completion of AR201 phase 2 clinical trial for egg allergy



Expected completion of Swissmedic review of PALFORZIA for marketing authorization in Switzerland

Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2019 Financial Results

For the fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 2019, net loss was $66.9 million and $248.5 million, respectively, compared to net loss of $57.0 million and $210.8 million, respectively, for the comparable periods in 2018. On a per share basis, net loss for the quarter and year ended December 31, 2019, was $1.06 and $3.97, respectively, compared to net loss per share of $0.95 and $3.67, respectively, for the comparable periods in 2018. The weighted average shares outstanding for the quarter and year ended December 31, 2019, were 63.2 million and 62.6 million shares, respectively, compared to 59.8 million and 57.4 million shares, respectively, for the comparable periods in 2018.

Research and development expenses for the quarter and year ended December 31, 2019 were $30.1 million and $124.0 million, respectively, compared to $33.0 million and $133.4 million, respectively, for the comparable periods in 2018. The decrease was primarily due to lower external clinical-related expenses, partially offset by increases in regulatory, quality and manufacturing expenses.

General and administrative expenses for the quarter and year ended December 31, 2019 were $36.9 million and $125.8 million, respectively, compared to $25.4 million and $81.9 million, respectively, for the comparable periods in 2018. The increase was primarily due to increased external professional services costs, employee-related costs and facilities and other costs related to medical affairs and the preparations for commercial launch.

Cash, cash equivalents, and investments totaled $158.2 million on December 31, 2019, compared to $303.9 million on December 31, 2018. The decrease primarily reflects net cash used in operating activities, partially offset by cash provided by financing activities, including net borrowings from our debt issuance in January 2019 of $36.1 million. In February 2020, we borrowed an additional $85.0 million under our debt agreement with KKR, and Nestl Health Sciences invested an additional $200.0 million in the company.

Conference Call Details

In connection with this announcement, Aimmune Therapeutics will host a conference call and webcast today at 4:30 p.m. ET. To access the live call by phone, dial (877) 497-1438 (domestic) or (262) 558-6296 (international) and enter the passcode 4527099. To access a live or recorded webcast of the call, please visit the Investor Relations section of the Aimmune Therapeutics website at The recorded webcast will be available for approximately 30 days following the call.

About AIMab7195

AIMab7195 is an anti-IgE monoclonal antibody with enhanced binding to the Fc gamma receptor IIb (FcRIIb). IgE recognizes and interacts with allergens and, as a result, can activate immune cells, such as mast cells and basophils, that drive an allergic response in patients. AIMab7195 is designed to clear IgE rapidly from circulation, to prevent the production of IgE by preventing the activation of IgE-positive B cells, and to block IgE from interacting with its receptor on immune cells. AIMab7195 has been evaluated in two phase 1 studies that enrolled more than 100 healthy volunteers and patients with allergy and atopic disease.

In February 2020, Aimmune licensed exclusive worldwide rights to Xencors XmAb7195 for the development of next-generation food allergy treatments.

About AR201

AR201 is an investigational biological drug in phase 2 clinical development for use in oral immunotherapy for egg allergy. Academic studies of the oral immunotherapy approach for egg allergy treatment have shown efficacy, and Aimmune is studying this more broadly with AR201 in order to enable widespread availability of a potential treatment.


PALFORZIA [Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) Allergen Powder-dnfp] was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in January 2020 as the first approved treatment for patients with peanut allergy. It is an oral immunotherapy indicated for the mitigation of allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, that may occur with accidental exposure to peanut. PALFORZIA is approved for use in patients with a confirmed diagnosis of peanut allergy. Initial dose escalation may be administered to patients aged 4 through 17 years. Up-dosing and maintenance may be continued in patients 4 years of age and older. PALFORZIA is to be used in conjunction with a peanut-avoidant diet. PALFORZIA is not indicated for the emergency treatment of allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis.


PALFORZIA is an oral immunotherapy indicated for the mitigation of allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, that may occur with accidental exposure to peanut. PALFORZIA is approved for use in patients with a confirmed diagnosis of peanut allergy. Initial Dose Escalation may be administered to patients aged 4 through 17 years. Up-Dosing and Maintenance may be continued in patients 4 years of age and older.

PALFORZIA is to be used in conjunction with a peanut-avoidant diet.

Limitations of Use: Not indicated for the emergency treatment of allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis.



PALFORZIA can cause anaphylaxis, which may be life threatening and can occur at any time during PALFORZIA therapy.

Prescribe injectable epinephrine, instruct and train patients on its appropriate use, and instruct patients to seek immediate medical care upon its use.

Do not administer PALFORZIA to patients with uncontrolled asthma.

Dose modifications may be necessary following an anaphylactic reaction.

Observe patients during and after administration of the Initial Dose Escalation and the first dose of each Up-Dosing level, for at least 60 minutes.

PALFORZIA is available only through a restricted program called the PALFORZIA REMS.


PALFORZIA is contraindicated in patients with uncontrolled asthma, or with a history of eosinophilic esophagitis and other eosinophilic gastrointestinal disease.



PALFORZIA can cause anaphylaxis, which may be life threatening. PALFORZIA is available only through a restricted program under a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) called the PALFORZIA REMS because of the risk of anaphylaxis. Only prescribers, healthcare settings, pharmacies, and patients certified and enrolled in the REMS Program can prescribe, receive, dispense or administer PALFORZIA.

Anaphylaxis has been reported during all phases of PALFORZIA dosing, including Maintenance and in subjects who have undergone recommended Up-Dosing and dose modification procedures.

Do not initiate PALFORZIA treatment in a patient who has had severe or life-threatening anaphylaxis within the previous 60 days. PALFORZIA may not be suitable for patients with certain medical conditions that may reduce the ability to survive anaphylaxis, including but not limited to markedly compromised lung function, severe mast cell disorder, or cardiovascular disease. In addition, PALFORZIA may not be suitable for patients taking medications that can inhibit or potentiate the effects of epinephrine.

All Initial Dose Escalation doses and the first dose of each Up-Dosing level must be administered in a certified health care setting.

Patients may be more likely to experience allergic reactions following PALFORZIA administration in the presence of cofactors such as exercise, hot water exposure, intercurrent illness (e.g., viral infection), or fasting. Other potential cofactors may include menstruation, sleep deprivation, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug use, or uncontrolled asthma. Patients should be proactively counseled about the potential for the increased risk of anaphylaxis in the presence of these cofactors. If possible, adjust the time of dosing to avoid these cofactors. If it is not possible to avoid these cofactors, consider withholding PALFORZIA temporarily.


Uncontrolled asthma is a risk factor for a serious outcome, including death, in anaphylaxis. Ensure patients with asthma have their asthma under control prior to initiation of PALFORZIA.

PALFORZIA should be temporarily withheld if the patient is experiencing an acute asthma exacerbation. Following resolution of the exacerbation, resumption of PALFORZIA should be undertaken cautiously. Re-evaluate patients who have recurrent asthma exacerbations and consider discontinuation of PALFORZIA.

Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disease

Discontinue PALFORZIA and consider a diagnosis of eosinophilic esophagitis in patients who experience severe or persistent gastrointestinal symptoms, including dysphagia, vomiting, nausea, gastroesophageal reflux, chest pain, or abdominal pain.

Gastrointestinal Adverse Reactions

Gastrointestinal adverse reactions were commonly reported in PALFORZIA-treated subjects, and dose modification should be considered for patients who report these reactions. For severe or persistent gastrointestinal symptoms consider a diagnosis of eosinophilic esophagitis.


The most common adverse events reported in subjects treated with PALFORZIA (incidence 5% and 5% than placebo) are abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, oral pruritus, oral paresthesia, throat irritation, cough, rhinorrhea, sneezing, throat tightness, wheezing, dyspnea, pruritus, urticaria, anaphylactic reaction, and ear pruritus.

Please see full Prescribing Information, including Boxed WARNING, and Medication Guide at

For more information about PALFORZIA, please call 1-844-PALFORZ (1-844-725-3679) or visit

About Aimmune Therapeutics

Aimmune Therapeutics, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company developing and commercializing treatments for potentially life-threatening food allergies. With a mission to improve the lives of people with food allergies, Aimmune is developing and commercializing oral treatments for potentially life-threatening food allergies. The Companys Characterized Oral Desensitization ImmunoTherapy (CODIT) approach is intended to provide meaningful levels of protection against allergic reactions resulting from accidental exposure to food allergens by desensitizing patients with defined, precise amounts of key allergens. Aimmune has one FDA-approved medicine for peanut allergy and other investigational therapies in development to treat other food allergies. For more information, please visit

Forward-Looking Statements

Statements contained in this press release regarding matters that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Because such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding: Aimmunes expectations regarding the potential benefits of PALFORZIA, AR201 and AIMab7195; Aimmunes expectations regarding the commercial launch of PALFORZIA; Aimmunes expectations regarding the timing of a potential acceptance and applicable review period of the MAA for AR101 by the EMA and by Swissmedic; Aimmunes expectations on the timing of completing a phase 2 clinical trial for AR201; Aimmunes expectations on the planned timing for the announcement of the completion of the POSEIDON clinical trial for PALFORZIA; Aimmunes expectations on the mechanisms of action of AIMab7195; Aimmunes expectations regarding the timing and availability of the full amount of proceeds under its loan agreement with KKR; Aimmunes expectations regarding the sufficiency of its cash resources; and Aimmunes expectations regarding potential applications of the CODIT approach to treating life-threatening food allergies. Risks and uncertainties that contribute to the uncertain nature of the forward-looking statements include: the expectation that Aimmune will need additional funds to finance its operations; the satisfaction of closing conditions for each tranche of its loan agreement; Aimmunes or any of its collaborative partners ability to initiate and/or complete clinical trials; the unpredictability of the regulatory process; the possibility that Aimmunes or any of its collaborative partners clinical trials will not be successful; Aimmunes dependence on the success of PALFORZIA; Aimmunes reliance on third parties for the manufacture of Aimmunes products and product candidates; possible regulatory developments in the United States and foreign countries; and Aimmunes ability to attract and retain senior management personnel. These and other risks and uncertainties are described more fully in Aimmune's most recent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2019. All forward-looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date on which they were made. Aimmune undertakes no obligation to update such statements to reflect events that occur or circumstances that exist after the date on which they were made.

This press release concerns PALFORZIA, which has been approved for marketing in the United States by the FDA; AR101, a product candidate that is under clinical investigation in Europe; AR201, a product candidate under clinical investigation in the United States; and AIMab7195, a product candidate that Aimmune expects will be under clinical investigation. AR201 and AIMab7195 have not been approved for marketing by the FDA, the EMA or Swissmedic. AR101, in Europe, AR201 and AIMab7195 are currently limited to investigational use, and no representation is made as to their safety or effectiveness for the purposes for which they are being investigated.

PALFORZIA, AIMMUNE, AIMMUNE THERAPEUTICS and CODIT are trademarks of Aimmune Therapeutics, Inc.


i United States Census Bureau Quick Facts (2015 estimates)ii Gupta R, Warren C, Blumenstock J, et al. OR078 The Prevalence of Childhood Food Allergy in the United States: An Update. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2017;119(5 Suppl): S11.iiiAmerican College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Available here: Accessed December 20, 2019.iv Gupta RS, Warren CM, Smith BM, et al. The public health impact of parent-reported childhood food allergies in the United States. Pediatrics. 2018;142(6):e20181235.v As reviewed in Burks, Sampson, Plaut et al. Treatment for Food Allergy. Journal Allergy Clin Immunol (2018)



(In thousands)

December 31,2019

See more here:
Aimmune Therapeutics Announces Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2019 Financial Results and Provides Recent Operational Highlights - Business Wire

The Confusing Truth About Dairy And How It Really Affects Your Skin – British Vogue

Posted: February 28, 2020 at 2:46 am

Weve all got that friend who gave up dairy and says it totally saved their skin. Its a tale so common in beauty circles that dairy is widely regarded as public enemy number one when it comes to our complexion. Whether its eczema, acne, or simply the dullness that accompanies unhealthy skin, apparently dairy has an awful lot to answer for.

According to the Vegan Society, the number of vegans in the UK has quadrupled in the last six years, with almost 600,000 of us avoiding dairy (and meat, of course) in pursuit of improved health, boosted energy levels and better skin. Oat milk is now de rigueur on breakfast menus, dairy-free cheese is stocked by local supermarkets, and ice cream is just as nice made with cashew nuts rather than cream. When it comes to our diet, we have options galore but does giving up dairy in pursuit of better skin actually make it so?

Read more: How Acne Patches Became The New Pimple Paste

While its been suggested that dairy products play a role in developing skin conditions, such as acne, the current evidence is actually very limited and conflicting, says Dr Megan Rossi, a dietitian and gut health specialist. Its important to note that most of the studies done so far are observational studies, which can be a useful place to start, but are pretty weak in terms of take-home messages. In fact, there are a number of variables that could be affecting the results it could be that people who drink more milk eat less dietary fibre and more added sugars. These types of stats make it impossible to determine if one thing causes the other, she adds.

Facialist Debbie Thomas asks her clients who suffer with acne to consider both diet and lifestyle. Yes, dairy can be a trigger to some, but not all acne is caused by it, she says. However, acne is usually more likely to be caused by sugar, stress thats sending hormones loopy, or underlying conditions, like polycystic ovary syndrome.

Both experts acknowledge that reports of dairys effect on the skin arent totally unfounded rather, that its impact has not been scientifically proven by a solid number of studies. Remember that acne is a condition you have and spots are the end result of whats being triggered by the reactions within the body so its important to work out, on an individual basis, what triggers your skin, says Thomas. Both experts advise keeping a food diary to track skin triggers and make links between your own diet and skin health.

Below, four things to know about dairy and how it relates to our skin.

We know that our hormones can impact our skin the spots that can appear at certain points in our menstrual cycle provide monthly anecdotal evidence of this. What we eat (and, of course, how we live) can affect our hormones, too. Cows milk and dairy products contain casein and whey protein, which are thought to raise levels of a certain hormone (insulin-like growth factor-1, or IGF-1) which is linked with increased production of sebum, the oily substance produced by our skin, which is, in turn, linked with acne development, says Rossi. Some studies have shown that people with acne have higher levels of the IGF-1 hormone. A link has been drawn between a high sugar, dairy and carb diet and increased incidence of acne in the western world, but as Rossi points out, a clinical trial is yet to have shown that dairy alone causes skin issues.

Dairy alone isnt the only foodstuff that can impact our hormones other foods, when combined with dairy products (like milk) can leave them out of whack, too. Milk, combined with other processed foods and sugar, disrupts insulin levels, pushing other hormones out of balance; because when we digest milk we break down the proteins it contains, turning them into hormones that are very similar to insulin, Thomas says. The higher our insulin levels, the more susceptible we are to infection, and the more inflammation our bodies suffer cue more breakouts and angry skin. Inflammatory skin conditions include, most commonly, acne, eczema, and rosacea, says Thomas. If the inflammation is present in the body as a long-term issue, it will eventually reach the skin, which results in a breakdown of collagen, faster appearance of fine lines and compromised skin health.

Read more: Are You Following The Right Skincare Regime For Your Age?

Lactoses in milk need enzymes to break them down, says Rossi. About 65 per cent of people lose these enzymes when they pass infancy. When were older, the body develops an intolerance or allergy to the lactose, which triggers an inflammatory reaction within the body. Of course, some of us are more intolerant than others, and if you suffer from any symptoms like bloating, nausea or flatulence Rossi recommends trying her three-step Record, Restrict, Retintroduce assessment (found in her book Eat Yourself Healthy) to find out if you could have a food intolerance safely and effectively.

If youre considering quitting all dairy in pursuit of better skin, know that not all cow produce is created equal. A 2019 study found that there was some association between overall milk consumption and acne, particularly for those consuming a lot of it. Interestingly, the relationship of acne with different types of milk whole, semi-skimmed or low fat and skimmed varied, with skimmed milk having the highest [negative] impact on the skin, says Rossi. Fermented dairy, on the other hand, has not been found to increase the risk of acne, so consider things like yoghurt and (hallelujah!) cheese, your friends, rather than enemies. Furthermore, fermented dairy, such as kefir and live yoghurt, has been linked with better heart and bone health, plus improved digestion and weight management, she points out. So perhaps, as with all good things in life, its about opting for moderation and balance, rather than total dairy abstinence.

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The Confusing Truth About Dairy And How It Really Affects Your Skin - British Vogue

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