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The Keto Diet: 7-Day Menu and Comprehensive Food List …

Posted: February 28, 2020 at 2:45 am

Following are some of the best foods to eat on the keto diet, along with their serving sizes and an explanation of why theyre good for people following this eating approach.

Per 1 tablespoon (tbsp) serving:124 calories, 0g net carbs, 0g protein, 14g fat

Benefits:This is a good source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids.

Per 1 tbsp serving:124 calories, 0g net carbs, 0g protein, 14g fat

Benefits:Researchhasshown that consumption of canola oil can reduce total and bad cholesterol.(3)

Per 1 tbsp serving:116 calories, 0g net carbs, 0g protein, 14g fat

Benefits:While high in saturated fat, coconut oil mayincrease good HDL cholesterollevels.

Per 1 tbsp serving:115 calories, 0g net carbs, 0g protein, 14g fat

Benefits:Derived from coconut, MCT stands for medium chain triglycerides.Limited research suggestsMCT oil may aid in weight loss and help promote ketosis.

Per 1 tbsp serving:100 calories, 0g net carbs, 0g protein, 11g fat

Benefits:Though the serving provides 11g of saturated fat,researchhas found that butter wasnt a major factor in increasing risk of chronic conditions, like heart disease or diabetes. (4)

Per 1 slice serving:113 calories, 0g net carbs, 7g protein, 9g fat

Benefits:Cheese is allowed as you please, but cheddar is a good example of its nutrition stats. One studyfound that cheese eaters had a 12 percent lower risk of type 2 diabetes. (5)

Per 1 tbsp serving:52 calories, 0g netcarbs, 0g protein, 5g fat

Benefits:This is an easy way to add calories and fat into aketogenicdiet.

Per 1 slice serving:43 calories, 0g net carbs, 3g protein, 3g fat

Benefits:The green light on bacon may be one reason youre up for sticking to the diet, as it can make eating occasions more palatable. Just watch the sodium content, as it can add up quickly.

Per 1 thigh serving:318 calories, 0g netcarbs, 32g protein, 20g fat

Benefits:Leave the skin on here for extra fat. One thigh is a good source of selenium, zinc, and B vitamins.

Per 1 egg serving:77 calories, 1g net carbs, 6g protein, 5g fat

Benefits:Eggs contains the perfect duo of satiating protein and fat; theyre also high in the antioxidant mineral selenium.

Per 3-ounce (oz) serving (measured raw):279 calories, 0g net carbs, 12g protein, 24g fat

Benefits:Ground beef (made with 70 percent lean meat and 30 percent fat) is a higher-fat choice but thats the point here. Youll also get an excellent source of vitamin B12, which is necessary to keep energy levels up.

Per 3-oz serving:224 calories, 0g net carbs, 22g protein, 14g fat

Benefits:Youll get an impressive amount of muscle-building protein plus satiating fat in this option. Its also rich in zinc, a mineral that promotes proper thyroid functioning.

Per 1 cup (raw) serving:27 calories, 2g netcarbs, 3g protein, 0g fat

Benefits:Asparagus contains bone-building calcium, plus other minerals, such as potassium and magnesium, which has been linked with blood sugar regulation.

Per avocado serving:160 calories, 2g net carbs, 2g protein, 15g fat

Benefits:The creamy fruits are packed with fiber, something that you may lack on the keto diet. They also are an excellent source of immune-revvingvitamin C.

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The Keto Diet: 7-Day Menu and Comprehensive Food List ...

Learn about the benefits of a High Fiber Diet on March 2 at Lake Region Healthcare Living Well session – Fergus Falls Daily Journal

Posted: February 28, 2020 at 2:45 am

Kary Sytsma, wellness coach at Lake Region Healthcare, will lead the March Living Well Series session focused on fiber. The session will be held at the Fergus Falls Public Library community room beginning at 5:45 p.m. on Tuesday, March 3.

Sytsma says that as a population we are only getting on average 15 grams of fiber, while the recommendation is for 25-35 grams of fiber per day to live our healthiest lives. Eating a diet low in fiber can greatly increase our risk of many different chronic diseases including colon cancer, she said. The problem is people tend to associate fiber with boring and tasteless foods like prunes or bran cereal, but in reality there are so many delicious foods that we can include in our day to reach our daily fiber goals, she added. Kary will lead a discussion about all the benefits of this nutrient and offer new ways to incorporate it into your diet. It will be informative for anyone interested in learning how to manage and prevent chronic disease through diet.

The 2019-20 Living Well educational forums are held the first Tuesday of each month at 5:45pm from September through April. The education series is designed to offer a broad range of information on health-related topics to address all seven components of wellness.

The March session will be held on Tuesday, March 3 from 5:45 to 7 p.m. in the Fergus Falls Public Library community room at 205 E. Hampden Ave. in Fergus Falls.

All Living Well sessions are free and open to the public, but registration is requested to plan for refreshments. Call 218-736-8699 or email for information or to register. Attendees are welcome without registration as well.

Individual session topics and details for future Living Well sessions are available on the Health & Wellness => Calendar link at The upcoming 2019-20 Living Well topics include:

April: Go Green this Spring: Cleaning, Decluttering, Gardening & More.

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Learn about the benefits of a High Fiber Diet on March 2 at Lake Region Healthcare Living Well session - Fergus Falls Daily Journal

Nothing Deceptive With Diet Drinks, Says the Ninth Circuit – Lexology

Posted: February 28, 2020 at 2:45 am

The Ninth Circuit affirmed the dismissal of a complaint against Dr Pepper alleging that using the word DIET in the name Diet Dr Pepper was deceptive under California consumer-fraud statutes. The court looked at the complaints allegations taken together, and held they fail to sufficiently allege that reasonable consumers read the word diet in a soft drinks brand name to promise weight loss, healthy weight management, or other health benefits. And [w]ithout this piece of the puzzle, the Ninth Circuit concluded, the district court properly dismissed plaintiff Becerras consumer-fraud claims.

Becerras essential allegation was that the word DIET in a sodas name is taken by consumers to promise weight loss (or at least weight management). The district court dismissed her complaint twice without prejudice for failing to state a claim. Despite several amendments to the complaint to make additional allegations to avoid dismissal, Becerra was never able to survive a motion to dismiss. Despite additional allegations regarding three types of evidence, namely: (1) dictionary definitions of the word diet, (2) print and television advertisements referring to consumers understanding that diet soft drinks offer certain health benefits; and (3) two online articles from the American Beverage Association (ABA) to support her reading of the word diet, the third amended complaint was dismissed with prejudice. Becerra appealed, and the Ninth Circuit reviewed the lower courts decision de novo.

Claims surrounding fraud or mistake, the court noted, are subject to a heightened pleading standard under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. They must state with particularity the circumstances constituting fraud or mistake, which includes the who, what, when, where, and how of the misconduct occurred. In other words, the plaintiff must specify what is false or misleading about a statement, and why it is false. Further, the court recognized that its not enough merely to allege the possibility of deception, or to show that some consumers may be deceived. Rather, the California statutes involved in the case are governed by the reasonable consumer test, and the plaintiff was required to show that members of the public are likely to be deceivedmeaning there was a probability that a significant portion of the general consuming public or of targeted consumers, acting reasonably in the circumstances, could be misled. (Emphasis added.) The court said that in this case, as a result, Becerras consumer-fraud claims could survive a motion to dismiss only if she could show two things: first, that a reasonable consumer reading the word diet in Diet Dr Peppers name would take that to mean that the soda promises weight loss or healthy weight management; and second, that this promise is false because aspartame (the artificial sweeter used in Diet Dr Pepper) actually causes weight gain. The court addressed only the first allegationfinding that Diet Dr Pepper makes no promise of weight loss or weight managementand thus did not reach the second.

The Ninth Circuit began by questioning the relevance of Becerras dictionary definitions. The court called the definitions selective, noting that they related to diet when used in a different contextfor example, as a verb or noun in phrases like he is dieting or she is starting a diet. In contrast, the court noted, the word diet in Diet Dr Pepper is used as either an adjective or a proper nounand that puts the word in a different light. Indeed, the court noted, Becerra omitted the definitions of diet as an adjective and the frequent usage of diet soft drinks as the primary example of the words usage in that context. The court then discussed some of those definitions, which indicated that when diet is used as an adjective, it is a comparative term meaning that the product contains fewer calories than the regular product. It said, for instance, that the Merriam Webster Dictionary defines the adjective diet as reduced in or free from calories[]a diet soft drink. And it went on to cite three more dictionaries that defined diet in this comparative wayi.e., calling something a diet product means only that it has fewer calories (or less sugar or fat) than the regular version of the product. Thus, in the context that Dr Pepper uses the term, diet doesnt promise weight loss or management, but only that Diet Dr Pepper has fewer calories than regular Dr Pepper.

The Ninth Circuit then addressed Becerras argument that even if it was not the case that reasonable consumers understood diet in the way she had asserted, it was a plausible misunderstanding of the term. But the court found that argument unpersuasive for the same reason the court had rejected a similar argument in Ebner v. Fresh, Inc., 838 F.3d 958 (9th Cir. 2016). Ebner, the court noted, involved an assertion that the net weight listed on some lip balm tubes was deceptive because the design of the tubes left 25% of the product inaccessiblebut the Ebner court rejected that argument, saying that the packaging was not deceptive just because some consumers could unreasonably misunderstand the product. The court in this case found Ebners logic persuasive, saying that [t]he same is true here and adding that the prevalent understanding of the term diet in the soft drink context is only that the diet version of the soft drink has fewer calories than the regular version.

Turning to the advertisements on which Becerra allegedly relied, the Ninth Circuit found them largely irrelevant. In the courts view, the statements in the advertisements were mainly comparative, implying not that people who drank Dr Pepper would lose weight but that Diet Dr Pepper tastes more like its regular counterpart than other diet soft drinks do. Further, the court rejected Becerras argument that the use of attractive, fit models in Diet Dr Peppers advertisements implied that Diet Dr Pepper would help people who drank it achieve those bodies. Relying on Second Circuit precedent, the Ninth Circuit held that [t]he use of physically fit and attractive models using and enjoying advertised products is so ubiquitous that it cannot be reasonably understood to convey any specific meaning at all.

The Ninth Circuit also rejected Becerras assertion that two ABA articles showed that consumers understood the word diet to promise weight loss. As the court noted, the articles emphasized that other lifestyle changes beyond merely drinking diet soft drinks are necessary to see weight-loss results.

Finally, the Ninth Circuit did not consider the survey results summarized in Becerras third amended complaint sufficient to salvage her case. While the court recognized its obligation to accept the complaints allegations surrounding the survey as true, the court still found that reasonable consumers would understand that diet in the soft drink context was a relative claim about the calorie or sugar content of the product. Moreover, the court faulted the surveys failure to address this understanding or the equally reasonable understanding that drinking diet sodas will result in weight loss only if the person consumes fewer calories overall.

This case is Shana Becerra v. Dr Pepper/Seven Up, Inc., No. 18-16721 (9th Cir. 2019).

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Nothing Deceptive With Diet Drinks, Says the Ninth Circuit - Lexology

High-Protein Diet: 4 Yummy Ways To Have Boiled Eggs For Breakfast – NDTV Food

Posted: February 28, 2020 at 2:45 am

Besides being high in protein and other nutrients, eggs are super versatile as well.


Breakfast is one of the key highlights of the day. You know you are up for a good start if you are truly satisfied with your breakfast, so why make it a boring affair? We understand you cannot churn out indulgent delicacies every day, but no one said you have to stick to an omelette and butter toast every day, right? There are plenty of things you can do with your regular breakfast staples if you are willing to explore and experiment. Those who are fond of eggs, especially, have a slight edge here. Not only eggs are high in protein and other nutrients but they are also super versatile.

Eggs may help support healthy weight management in a huge way. They help restore metabolic balance and keep you full. Eggs are also said to be the best source of bio-available protein. In other words, our body finds it easy to assimilate protein from eggs. If you are into fitness, you would know protein plays a crucial part in sustainable weight loss; it helps induce satiety. Feeling full leads to lesser bingeing, which further helps accelerate weight loss.

Protein also helps put a check on cravings and regulates the hunger hormone ghrelin. Another function of protein is to build muscle, and the more muscle you have lesser the room there is for fat to accumulate.

(Also Read:Healthy Diet: How Much Protein Is Enough? Celeb Nutritionist Rashi Chowdhary Reveals All About Protein)

Protein also helps put a check on cravings

One of the most preferred ways to have eggs is by boiling them. Since eggs are boiled in water, it helps you save many calories. Yes, you heard us; the way you prepare your eggs also plays a determining role in your diet. Here are some yummy ways in which you can have your boiled eggs for breakfast.

(Also Read:High-Protein Diet: Best Vegetarian And Non-Vegetarian Sources Of Protein To Add To Your Salad Meals)

Boiled Eggs Recipes For Breakfast

1. Sneak them in sandwiches and toasts. Apply any savoury sandwich spread of your choice on a slice of bread; you can also use mashed avocadoes. Chop your boiled eggs; you do not need to chop them too fine. Throw them on top of the bread slice, add some cheese or pepper of your liking and you are good to go

2. Toss them in salads. Boiled eggs and greens taste divine together. Take lettuce or spinach greens, mix it up with chopped boiled eggs, drizzle some balsamic or olive oil. You can also use a citrusy dressing if you like. Throw in some salt and pepper and you are done.

3. Boiled egg chaat is also a nice brunch recipe you can try at home. Toss some boiled eggs in a pool of chutneys (think: tamarind or coriander), sauces and masalas. You can also add some chopped onions, tomatoes and coriander leaves in the mix.

4. Cut your boiled eggs in half and top each half with mayonnaise, some cooked mushrooms, chopped tomatoes, salt and pepper. You need not be a genius in kitchen to get this recipe right.

Try these yummy ways to cook eggs for breakfast and let us know which ones you liked the best in the comments section below!

Read more here:
High-Protein Diet: 4 Yummy Ways To Have Boiled Eggs For Breakfast - NDTV Food

Coolhobo is Developing AR to Identify Dietary Restrictions in the Grocery Aisle – The Spoon

Posted: February 28, 2020 at 2:45 am

Ive been on a diet since the beginning of the year. Its nothing crazy, just trying to cut out a lot of sugar and carbs. This involves more time at the grocery store because I have to read the label and inspect the nutrition facts on every item before I buy it.

So I was intrigued when Chinese AR startup Coolhobo posted a video of a new technology its working on called Hobose that uses your phones camera and computer vision to quickly find foods that fit your particular dietary needs/restrictions. The Hobose technology can be integrated into a native app from a partner like a grocery retailer, and once opened, Hobose creates a personalized Traffic Light for shoppers. Users go through and select what they want to avoid, things like high calories, or high carbs, high fats, etc.. Theres also a ranking for how many additives a shopper will tolerate.

Once in the store, the shopper fires up the mobile app and points the camera at various products on the shelves. As each item is scanned, Hobose comes back with a green light (good!) or red light (too much of what you dont want). You can see it in action in this demo video that Coolhobo posted.

When we first wrote about Coolhobo almost two years ago, the company was working on much bigger, virtual assistant for grocery shoppers. It would direct people to items in the store, provide lots of information on that product (like the story of an imported wine), and also had social features.

This is definitely more of a stripped down solution from the company. Coolhobo Co-Founder and CEO Loic Kobbes told me via email Weve learned from many iterations that users dont want to be overloaded with information, they just want to know whats good for them.

Its easy to see the appeal of this type of fast, should I/shouldnt I information at the grocery store where there are a ton of products, some of which may make health claims that are at the very least, misleading. Other companies are working on nutrition guidance solutions as well, such as DNA Nudge, which uses a combination of your DNA and a wearable that scans products to give you a thumbs up or thumbs down on particular items.

Right now, Kobbes said that Hobose is in the development stage and the company is looking for partners to test it out. While Coolhobo may be offering a more svelte AR application than its previous work, it is expanding its worldview for the first time and looking to bring in partners from countries outside of China.

Im not sure if it will make it to my local market, but who knows? Perhaps I can replace reading each box I pick up with a quick scan of my phone.


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Coolhobo is Developing AR to Identify Dietary Restrictions in the Grocery Aisle - The Spoon

Stuffed poblanos adhere to Keto diet – The San Diego Union-Tribune

Posted: February 28, 2020 at 2:45 am

Cookbook author Urvashi Pitre says she has struggled with her weight for years. Five years ago, she had weight loss surgery and committed to a low-carb ketogenic diet. She has lost 80 pounds and kept them off.

She shares 100 international keto-friendly recipes in her new cookbook, Easy Keto in 30 Minutes, including a number of dishes from her native India. There also are keto versions of popular dishes from Korea, Italy, the Middle East and Mexico.

This Stuffed Poblanos recipe from the book has an estimated 10-minute prep time and takes a mere six minutes to cook.

Find more of her keto recipes on her food blog,

Roasting the poblanos as you cook the ground beef makes this recipe move ahead lickety-split. Air frying is also an excellent way to roast these peppers. If you have time, you can roast the peppers whole and then stuff them whole. But this way works faster: just laying them flat and layering them with beef and cheese. This feeds four people with the accompaniments or probably two hungry people without the added fat from the sour cream and guacamole.

Makes 4 servings

4 large poblano chiles, halved and seeded1 tablespoon vegetable oil1 pound 85 percent lean ground beef1 tablespoon plus 1 1/2 teaspoons taco seasoning1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro, plus more for garnish1 cup shredded Mexican blend cheeseFresh lime juice (optional)Sour cream (optional)Guacamole (optional)

Place an oven rack 6 inches below the broiler. Preheat the broiler on high.

In a medium bowl, toss the poblano halves with the oil. Arrange, cut side down, on a rimmed sheet pan. Broil until the outsides are charred and blistered, about 4 minutes.

Meanwhile, heat a large skillet over high heat. Add the ground beef and cook, breaking up the meat with a wooden spoon, until cooked through, 6 to 7 minutes. Stir in the taco seasoning and the 1/4 cup cilantro.

Fill each poblano half with ground beef and top with cheese. Arrange pepper halves on the baking pan. Broil until the cheese is melted and bubbly, 2 to 3 minutes.

Garnish with additional cilantro, if desired. Serve with a sprinkle of lime juice, sour cream and/or guacamole, if desired.

Even faster tip: You can prepare the poblanos and seasoned meat ahead of time and only assemble one, two or all four halves as needed. Youll need to reheat the pepper halves and meat in the microwave before stuffing the pepper halves, topping with cheese, and then broiling.

Per serving: 409 calories; 27 g total fat; 11 g total carbs; 10 g net carbs; 1 g fiber; 1 g sugars; 30 g protein

Excerpted from Easy Keto in 30 Minutes: More than 100 Ketogenic Recipes From Around the World by Urvashi Pitre. Reproduced by permission of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.

See the article here:
Stuffed poblanos adhere to Keto diet - The San Diego Union-Tribune

What is a gluten-free diet and why it isn’t for everyone – Business Insider Australia

Posted: February 28, 2020 at 2:45 am

If youve heard about the gluten-free diet, you might be wondering whether its for you. There are common misconceptions about what this diet entails, who its for, and the benefits that could impact your decision.

A [strict] gluten-free diet requires avoiding all naturally gluten-containing foods and foods that might be compromised through cross-contamination, says Melanie Sherman, a Registered Dietician of Westside Nutrition and Wellness.

Gluten is a protein found in some grains including wheat, barley, rye, spelt, and kamut and in extracts of these grains including some malt and yeast, Sherman says.

Common foods that contain gluten include:

But that doesnt mean all carby foods are off-limits. Some starchy foods that you can still enjoy on a gluten-free diet include:

Thanks to the gluten-free diets popularity, there are many products on the market that now advertise as gluten-free.According to the FDA, a product can only be labelled as such if it meets the three following criteria:

However, a product doesnt have to always dawn the FDA approved gluten-free label. All plain cuts of fresh meat and produce are naturally gluten-free. Its when you get into more processed meats like bacon, hot dogs, and sausage and processed produce like frozen, canned, or dried that you should check the ingredients label before eating. Here are 8 foods that you probably had no idea had gluten in them.

The gluten-free diet was first introduced by Williem-Karel Dicke, a Dutch paediatrician, in the early 1940s. Although the diet has since become a fad for weight loss, its original intention is to treat people who have celiac disease, an autoimmune condition that affects 3 million people in the US, according to the FDA.

Modell says there are three foods people with celiacs disease should avoid: wheat, which contains gluten, barley, which contains secalin, and rye, which contains hordein. These three grains contain a certain peptide that can trigger a gluten-related reaction to those who suffer from Celiac Disease.

A gluten-free diet does not necessarily lead to weight loss, despite popular belief. In fact, some people with Celiac may find they gain weight as their digestive system finally heals and they are able to properly absorb nutrients, Sherman says. Here are some other reasons why youre not losing weight on the gluten-free diet.

However, people may find they have a sensitivity to gluten, aslo called non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS). They may feel less bloated after eliminating gluten, specifically, from their diet, Sherman says.

Despite initial intentions, recently the diet has been introduced for purposes of IBS, weight loss, inflammation, auto-immune disorders and other health issues, Modell says. And though, those with IBS may also benefit from limiting gluten in the diet if their IBS is triggered, for example, by fructan, its also not a cure for these conditions. The low-FODMAP diet is another meal plan that is designed to help people with gastrointestinal symptoms linked to conditions like IBS.

However, both Sherman and Modell think a gluten-free diet is not a one size fits all diet that everyone should adapt to be healthier. A study in 2017 in The BMJ showed that long-term gluten-free diets in people without celiac disease may increase risk of cardiovascular issues because eliminating gluten also means removing some healthful foods that provide vitamins and minerals.

A lot of evidence points to the fact that whole grains in the diet are associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and cancer, Modell says. If youre following a gluten-free diet, including gluten-free whole grains will help you meet your nutrient needs.

Sherman agrees that the diet is not inherently healthier for everyone. Its unlikely that healthy people will benefit from a gluten-free diet.

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What is a gluten-free diet and why it isn't for everyone - Business Insider Australia

Ohio State will be shorthanded at Nebraska on Thursday – 247Sports

Posted: February 28, 2020 at 2:44 am

The hits keep coming for Ohio State. Not only did the Buckeyes lose key freshman DJ Carton a few weeks ago as he looks to work on his mental health, but Kyle Young, Duane Washington and Luther Muhammad have all missed games in Big Ten play. It has been hard for coach Chris Holtmann to nail down a consistent rotation as he constantly has to switch things around.

Ohio State may be safely in the NCAA Tournament, but its still looking to improve its seeding in the Big Ten Tournament as well as for March Madness. The Buckeyes are just 8-8 in league play and has a chance to move out of the 8/9 game and therefore avoid a potential game against Maryland in the quarterfinals in Indianapolis next month.

Thursday, however, brought another blow to Holtmanns group. This time, its Young and freshman wing Alonzo Gaffney.

Neither will play for the Buckeyes at Nebraska. This was first reported byJon Rothstein of CBS Sports and has now been confirmed by Bucknuts. Gaffney has played just 27 total minutes in Big Ten play, but Young has started every game he has played in. Rothstein reported that Young will miss the game with an ankle injury, while Gaffney is sick.

This isnt a surprise, as Young went down with a high ankle sprain in the Buckeyes win over Maryland on Sunday. High sprains typically pose longer recovery times than low ones, and Young put barely any weight on his left leg while being helped off the court. Holtmann didnt say after the win how long Young would be out for.

Kyle is, what has been described to me right now, is a high ankle sprain and he's still in the process of getting it looked at and worked on, Ohio State head coach Chris Holtmann said after the game. He's had really, really hard, bad luck. I just feel terrible for him.

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Young missed games against Wisconsin and Maryland in early January after having an appendectomy Ohio State lost both games without Young and is 7-5 since he returned. The Buckeyes will play their first Big Ten Tournament game two weeks from today if they dont move significantly up or down the standings, and theyve got key matchups with Michigan, Illinois and Michigan State to end the regular season.CBS Sports bracketologist Jerry Palm pegged the Buckeyes as a No. 6 seed in his latest projection, released Monday morning. A loss to Nebraska would likely end up as a Quadrant 3 setback, and one of Ohio States top selling points with respect to its resume is that it is undefeated against Quadrants 3 and 4. The Buckeyes could also use a road win, as theyre just 4-7 away from Value City Arena this season.

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Ohio State will be shorthanded at Nebraska on Thursday - 247Sports

American College of Rheumatology Releases First Guideline to Address Reproductive Health for Patients with Rheumatic Diseases – Myers Messenger

Posted: February 27, 2020 at 5:46 am

ATLANTA, Feb. 24, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) Today, the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) published the . This is the first, evidence-based, clinical practice guideline related to the management of reproductive health issues for all patients with rheumatic diseases. With 131 recommendations, the guideline offers general precepts that provide a foundation for its recommendations and good practice statements.

This guideline is paramount, because it is the first official guidance addressing the intersection of rheumatology and obstetrics and gynecology (OB-GYN), said Lisa Sammaritano, MD, lead author of the guideline. Rheumatic diseases affect many younger individuals; however, little education has been provided to rheumatology professionals on current OB-GYN practices. The guideline [and more detailed ] presents vital background knowledge and recommendations for addressing reproductive health issues in the full spectrum of rheumatology patients, with additional focus on specific diagnoses that require more detailed recommendations such as (SLE) and (APS).

The guideline provides 12 ungraded good practice statements and 131 graded recommendations that are intended to guide care for rheumatology patients except where indicated as being for patients with specific conditions or antibodies present. Good practice statements are those in which indirect evidence is compelling enough that a formal vote was considered unnecessary; these are ungraded and are presented as suggestions rather than formal recommendations. The recommendations were separated into six categories: contraception, assisted reproductive technology (fertility therapies), fertility preservation with gonadotoxic therapy, menopausal hormone replacement therapy, pregnancy assessment and management, and medication use.

While some of the recommendations are strong, many of the recommendations presented are conditional due to a lack of data. Pregnant women are not generally enrolled in clinical studies; and few maternal health studies focus on rheumatology patients. A few notable recommendations from each category include:


Strong recommendation for women with rheumatic disease who do not have lupus or APS to use effective contraceptives with a conditional recommendation to preferentially use highly effective IUDs or a subdermal progestin implant.

Strong recommendation against using combined estrogen-progestin contraceptives in women who test positive for anti-phospholipid autoantibodies (aPL) or APS.

Assisted Reproductive Technology (Fertility Therapies)

Strong recommendation for fertility therapy in women with uncomplicated rheumatic disease who are receiving pregnancy-compatible medications, whose disease is stable, and who test negative for aPL. Specific recommendations also address patients testing positive for aPL and suggest an anti-blood clotting procedure.

Conditional recommendation against increasing prednisone dosage during fertility therapy procedures in lupus patients.

Fertility Preservation

Conditional recommendation against testosterone co-therapy in men with rheumatic disease receiving cyclophosphamide (CYC) and a good practice suggestion to cryopreserve sperm before CYC treatment in men who desire it.

Conditional recommendation for monthly gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist co-therapy for premenopausal women with rheumatic disease who are receiving monthly CYC injections/infusions to prevent premature ovarian insufficiency.

Pregnancy Assessment and Management

Strong good practice suggestion to counsel women with rheumatic disease, who are considering pregnancy, on the improved maternal and fetal outcomes associated with entering pregnancy during low disease activity.

Conditional recommendation to treat lupus patients with low-dose aspirin daily (81 to 100 mg) starting in the first trimester. For women testing positive for aPL who do not meet the criteria for obstetric or thrombotic APS, it is conditionally recommended to preventatively treat with a daily aspirin (81 to 100 mg) starting early in pregnancy and continuing through delivery.

Menopause and Hormone Replacement Therapy

A good practice suggestion to use hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women with rheumatic disease who do not have lupus or have a positive aPL test; and who have severe vasomotor symptoms, have no contraindications, and desire treatment.

A conditional recommendation for hormone replacement therapy in women with lupus and without aPL.

Conditionally recommend against treating with hormone replacement therapy for women with asymptomatic aPL, and strongly recommend against hormone replacement therapy for women with any form of APS.

Medication Use (Paternal and Maternal)

Strongly recommend against use of CYC and thalidomide in men prior to attempting conception.

Strong recommendation against the use of NSAIDs in the third trimester.

Individuals involved in the development of the new guideline included rheumatologists, obstetrician/gynecologists, reproductive medicine specialists, epidemiologists, and patients with rheumatic diseases. ACR guidelines are currently developed using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) methodology, which creates rigorous standards for judging the quality of the literature available and assigns strengths to the recommendations that are largely based on the quality of the available evidence.

This guideline should open avenues of communication between the rheumatologist and the patient, as well as between the rheumatologist and the OB-GYN, said Dr. Sammaritano. A better understanding of the risks and benefits of reproductive health options will enhance patient care by providing safe and effective contraception, improving pregnancy outcomes by conceiving during inactive disease periods, and allowing for continued control of rheumatic diseases during and after pregnancy with the use of well-suited medications.

A draft of the guideline was presented during the 2018 ACR/ARP Annual Meeting in Chicago. Since that time, the guideline team has condensed the original three-part draft into a single, concise manuscript, with detailed background and discussion now available . The guideline development team also incorporated color-coded flow charts to highlight common decision-making points to make it user friendly.

The paper containing the full list of recommendations and supporting evidence is available at


About the American College of Rheumatology The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) is an international medical society representing over 8,500 rheumatologists and rheumatology health professionals with a mission to empower rheumatology professionals to excel in their specialty. In doing so, the ACR offers education, research, advocacy and practice management support to help its members continue their innovative work and provide quality patient care. Rheumatologists are experts in the diagnosis, management and treatment of more than 100 different types of arthritis and rheumatic diseases. For more information, visit .

Monica McDonald American College of Rheumatology ext. 332

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American College of Rheumatology Releases First Guideline to Address Reproductive Health for Patients with Rheumatic Diseases - Myers Messenger

10 Life-changing Wellness Trips to Take in 2020 – Travel+Leisure

Posted: February 27, 2020 at 5:46 am

This five-star property located in the heart of Miamis North Beach says to come as you are and leave as youve never been. Its a slogan that is well supported by the propertys 70,000 square foot spa (the largest spa and wellness facility on the east coast).

At the Carillon Miami Wellness Resort, your day starts with fresh juices and ends with an oceanfront meal. During the day, you have access to classes like boxing, rock climbing, yoga, and spinning, and spa experiences like thermal hydrotherapy, purifying herbal laconium, a crystal steam room, and Miami's only igloo. Spa treatments can range from IV therapy to acupuncture and cryoskin toning to salt float therapy.

For next level self-care, guests can work with the team of doctors and wellness experts, including a cosmetic plastic surgeon, an executive coach and life strategist, and anti-aging service providers.

The resorts 3-day wellness retreats include offerings like DNA deep dives with a genetics specialist and self-care workshops for women.

Trip dates: various 3-day retreats from April to November

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10 Life-changing Wellness Trips to Take in 2020 - Travel+Leisure

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