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Elma Brenner On Wellbeing In The Middle Ages Podcast Transcript – BBC History Magazine

Posted: February 24, 2020 at 10:45 pm

Note: this is an unedited transcript of a HistoryExtra podcast, which you can listen to here.

David Musgrove, Content Director at HistoryExtra: Im here with Dr Elma Brenner who is Wellcome Collections medieval specialist. Shes written a piece on medieval diseases for BBC History Revealed magazine, along with another piece she wrote a little while ago on medieval medicine for BBC History magazine, and that piece is now on our website. Shes also speaking at our Medieval Life and Death days in London and York this year, on medieval medicine, as youd expect. So shes an expert on medieval medicine. Were here at Wellcome Collection. So, Elma, first thing, youd better just tell me about Wellcome, what it does and what its all about.

Elma Brenner, Wellcome Collections medieval specialist:Yeah, were in a remarkable place, its a biomedical research charity, the Wellcome Trust, that funds all kinds of amazing and important projects. As part of that charity, there is a public venue, Wellcome Collection, which is based around a phenomenal collection of library and archive materials dating from the early centuries AD right up to the present day. And including a number of really important medieval manuscripts.

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DM: OK, so what were going to talk about today is medieval medicine, broadly. Were going to pick up on some of the themes that youve talked about in the feature that youve done. But before we do that, can you just define the general period and sort of geographical spread of your research? Where do you focus on?

EB: So I focus on the period, really, towards the end of the medieval period, the centuries between, roughly, really just before the Black Death in the mid-14th century up till the very end of the 15th century. And I look at Europe, particularly at France and England. But its really important to think about the global side of the Middle Ages and the fact that we can study all parts of the world in that period.

DM: OK, thank you. Now, we know of some horrible diseases that people suffered from during the period, and youve written about them in the feature, so plague, leprosy, dysentery, pox. We kind of have this view that medieval people were running the gauntlet of a horrible demise on a daily basis. Im sure thats not the case, so can you just sketch out the health landscape for us a bit, just give us a sense about the general tenor of health and medicine during the period.

EB:Yeah, as youve said, there were some terrifying diseases that were able to treat today and that in the medieval period, people didnt have the medical means to treat them. But, at the same time, its clear that people had many mechanisms to stay healthy and they lived healthy and incredibly fulfilled lives. You just have to look at cultural outputs like books of hours or sculpture in churches to see that people had a thriving, cultural landscape; they celebrated life and they lived life to the full. At the same time, they were aware of these diseases and of the dangers and one of the key things that they did was to try to live a balanced and healthy lifestyle to ward off sickness. So, the key thing was to try to avoid becoming sick in the first place.

A miniature showing doctors visiting a sick man in the 14th century. (Photo by Gustavo Tomsich/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images)

DM: I find that fascinating and theres a little quote that Im taking from the feature that youve written: Medieval people also believed that environmental factors and behaviour had an impact on health in terms of the quality of the air, diet, sleep and exercise. That feels quite modern, doesnt it? That feels like the concerns that we have today, you know, were always measuring how much sleep we get and how much exercise and how much fat were eating. So, they had the same concerns?

EB: Absolutely, and its really strikingly modern to us, actually, that people were thinking about what happened to their bodies in terms of health. So, what went into their bodies and how their bodies experienced life, in terms of how much sleep they got, in terms of how much exercise they got. And really, what I find really striking is that these things make sense. So, there are also ideas that were both present in incredibly learned medical treatises by authors who wrote in Latin and Greek. But they were also held by people in small communities to whom these ideas trickled down, but also I think the common sense factor really played a big role.

DM: Well come back to that. In terms of the medieval attitude to wellness, if thats not an anachronistic term, one of the things that perhaps is a little different to now is the importance of the soul. And you make the point in your feature that perhaps the soul was more important than the body in terms of peoples understanding of their health and wellbeing. Tell me a bit about that.

EB: That is something that is different from the way we live our lives today, certainly in Western Europe, most of us. I think we can safely say that most of us live in a very secular society and when we think about Europe in the Middle Ages, it is a deeply Christian society, although there were very important Muslim and Jewish communities as well. And in terms of the Christian context, there was a very big emphasis on preparing your soul for the life to come. And thinking about purgatory, a period when your soul would kind of be in transition and doing the requisite things to make sure that your soul achieved salvation. And this linked in to bodily health because people tended to think that when you became sick, this was a sign of some kind of intervention by God and so there must be something somewhat troubling going on with your soul. And so, it kind of made sense to primarily pay attention to what was happening with your soul. And then there was an expectation that naturally your body would then recover as a consequence.

DM: And you talk a little bit in the feature about the use of religion and magic, I suppose, as cures, and youve got an example of sort of invoking saints to ward off demons. So, practically, what did people do to improve their soul health?

EB: They did a number of things and this ranged from very orthodox religious worship to practices that were frowned upon by the Church, although interestingly were also practiced by some religious men and women as well. So, on the orthodox side, it was about prayer, it was about repentance and it was also about charity, so supporting charitable causes and showing your devotion in that sense. And on the less orthodox side, there were magical practices, particularly the use of healing charms, which were remedies based around appeals to the saints and to key religious figures, so Christ and the Virgin Mary and adopting ritualistic behaviour in connection with that. So, reciting religious words, inscribing them, possibly, on a piece of paper or a piece of parchment, attaching that to your body, or possibly putting it into a drink so that the words kind of melted into the drink and then you would drink it. And these were seen, these were seen as magical practices and, as Ive said, many religious authorities did not condone them but its pretty clear that they were very widespread.

DM: So if you lived in a village, the local priest would have frowned upon that sort of behaviour if you were a local peasant and you drank a bit of manuscript with some words on?

EB: I have to say it would depend on the priest. We see a real range of responses to this kind of thing and its clear that in some instances, priests were part of this system of magical religious beliefs. In other instances, you might find a manuscript, and we have a few of these here at Wellcome Collection, where there are magical remedies that have been very vehemently crossed out by someone. So initially theyd been written down because they were considered to be valid and important. Someone else came along, possibly after the Reformation, actually, and was deeply troubled by these and felt the need to erase the completely.

DM: You mentioned the Reformation there, so does this attitude towards magic and magico-religious ceremonies change as the period progresses?

EB:It does. After the Reformation they are bound up with the whole range of responses to Catholic ritual and there is the destruction of manuscripts and other kinds of artefacts that contain this kind of material. But its also clear that some of these forms of behaviour persisted; indeed they clearly persist right up until the 20th century in some instances.

DM: And you also mention astrology and celestial observation. How did that figure in this part of the story?

EB:This is another really key component for medieval medicine and its the idea that the movements of the planets, and particularly the phases of the moon, will influence the health of your body. And its to do with the way that blood pools within the body and the different zodiacal signs and a kind of linkage made between different signs of the zodiac and different parts of the body. And an understanding that at those particular moments in the calendar, it might be dangerous to treat that part of the body.

DM: Was that a widespread practice; was everyone aware of these sort of zodiac signs and living their lives by them, in a way, or..?

EB:Its certainly clear that it was very widespread. It was also linked to overall understandings of the cosmos and the overall calendar of the year as well. So peoples attention to the seasons and their concerns about things like harvests. At the very end of the period, we do find expressions of concern by certain physicians about these ideas. So certain physicians were becoming sceptical, particularly if astrological beliefs might cause the delay in treatment of someone who had an urgent illness. A physician, at the end of the 15th century, might look at that situation and say, Im not so sure this is a good idea, I think we should intervene and treat them, regardless of astrology.

DM: Moving away from the soul and those aspects of it, if you actually did want to get some practical, medical treatment as closer to the way we understand it today, where would you actually go to get medical treatment?

EB:This would depend very much on your socio-economic situation. So someone who was very wealthy would actually try to avoid going into a hospital. Hospitals were really there to cater for the sick poor, people who didnt have any other option. A wealthier person would seek out the services of a medical practitioner. And that might be a physician who had been to university, it could be a surgeon who had more practical training and it could be other types of very, quite specialised practitioners such as people who specialised in areas like the pulling of teeth as well.

DM: And monasteries?

EB:Yes, absolutely. So monasteries were very important sites for medical knowledge and learning but also for medical practice. In terms of the knowledge side, because monasteries were sites for the creation and production of manuscripts and for education, real expertise developed among monks and nuns. And then they also, because of their community setting, because these were quite self-sufficient communities with a monastic infirmary, monks and nuns would become specialised in how to actually treat the sick and would have particular skills, like bloodletting. And this would permeate through into lay society, so into the parts of society outside the monastery. We know of a number of monasteries which offered services to people to come there and receive a particular kind of treatment.

DM: OK, and so you talked about the socio-economic aspect to it. I imagine if youre a high-ranking individual whos ill, you would call upon the services of someone and they would come to you and you would presumably pay them. But if you were less exalted, you were just an every-day person, how would you access these medical resources? Who was the gatekeeper? Presumably you would have to pay, or would you not have to pay?

EB:Its likely that you would have to pay. There was a whole spectrum of medical practitioners, so you would be able to get hold of the services of someone that you could afford to pay. In certain instances, in a small, localised, community, quite often it would really revolve around the parish priest, potentially, who might, himself, have medical knowledge, who would have a network of contacts who would be able to come in. And it also might revolve around people in that community who had a number of areas of expertise. So you can think of, for example, the butchers trade. So a butcher might also have certain skills in barbary, in treating human bodies and performing certain things upon them, as well as obviously being able to engage with animal bodies as well. So it really depends upon the particular local setting. But the other important thing to mention is that in that kind of network of practitioners, women play an incredibly important role as well as men.

DM: Do you want to talk a little bit more about that? What was the role of women in this process?

EB:The most obvious role, which we know quite a bit about, was as midwives, so providing the expertise around childbirth and pregnancy. And that is the kind of knowledge that was learnt on the job. It wasnt necessarily book learning at all, but that it was absolutely about expertise and it was absolutely about having a prominent place in the local community. Women also practised other kinds of medicine. So they were clearly involved in the process of bloodletting and also related practices like cupping, which was another way of kind of expelling corrupt matter from the body through the skin.

DM: Youd better explain what cupping means

EB:Yeah, so cupping is something quite specific which is about applying a glass vessel and heat to the surface of the body and trying to draw out corrupt matter. And whats really interesting is that there are manuscript illustrations of women engaged in this practice, so it does seem to be something that women did as well as men.

DM: OK, and did that give a certain sort of level of agency and potency to women in local communities that they would otherwise not have had perhaps?

EB:I think so. I think its an interesting one because clearly women would have been paid for these services and thats an important type of agency that they would have. I think its also really interesting to think about it in the broader context of womens economic role and the fact that women did practice crafts and they did engage in certain professions beyond the realm of medicine. And that their situation is not always visible from the records or from manuscript illustrations but that they were definitely there, engaging in the economic landscape.

DM: Now I imagine that you would only seek the services of any of these people if you were feeling particularly poorly. Is there any similar example to, you know, if I woke up in the morning with a headache, I would take a paracetamol, I would take some self-care. I imagine that your average person would look to self-care first, was that a thing that they could do at all?

EB:Yeah, I think people absolutely were focussed on staying healthy and if they had an ailment that they felt they could treat themselves, then they would have done that. They would also have drawn upon their family and community network and, in particular, they would have been able to get hold of remedies that they could treat themselves with. Particularly from apothecaries who were the pharmacists of the day, but also from household production of medicines. And late-medieval manuscripts tells us quite a bit about how medicines were produced and a sense of ingredients and processes that could be done in the kitchen. And so it would make sense to try to do that yourself rather than to pay someone else to do that for you.

DM: And how effective were most of these remedies? Because we have this sense that, you know, medieval medicine is basically just a bunch of quack cures of things which have no scientific basis and would do more harm than good. Did these things work?

EB:I think in many, many instances they did. And its really interesting to look at the ingredients of the remedies and to think about what we know today about the ability to treat illnesses. So one particular ingredient that comes up a lot is honey, which is definitely there to sweeten unpleasant-tasting medicines but we also know today that it has wound-healing properties and antiseptic properties. And so I think, you know, thats just a small example of something that was an ingredient that we know today has an effective mechanism. And so I think we can say that a lot of the remedies did work. Certainly not all of them and certainly its really interesting to think about remedies that have incredibly convoluted or exotic ingredients. Theriac is a good example of that, which was a very kind of, a kind of cure-all medicine of the later Middle Ages that anyone who could, wanted to get hold of, particularly against plague. And its not clear that that would have worked. But it would have, we can also think about the placebo effect as well, which obviously is impossible to measure, but its something we can also think about today with some of the remedies that we take on a day-to-day basis like paracetamol. You know, that you take it, youre reassured that youve done something and you start to feel better.

DM: Do we know what theriac was? What went into that?

EB:It was a whole mixture of ingredients, some of which came from the East, so from outside Europe. It included things like snakes venom to counteract poison, so a sort of like-for-like counteraction.

DM: Are there any remedies or treatments that people took, that we are aware of, that we can say would definitely have been harmful?

EB:There definitely are. Some remedies, for example, involve lead, which we know is not a good thing. For the treatment of the pox, which is roughly equivalent to modern-day syphilis, in the early decades of the 16th century, mercury was an ingredient which we again, know is not a good thing. Overall, however, the overriding impression you get if youre leafing through the pages of a late-Medieval recipe compendium with lots of medical recipes is that these are plant-based remedies with a number of plants that we might use today in cooking, that we also know are actually ingredients for modern-day pharmaceuticals, that we dont think would have harmed the body. So the overriding impression is that these wouldnt have harmed people. You do get interesting, occasional law suits, actually, from the later Middle Ages, against apothecaries or physicians, sort of claiming that the remedy was harmful. So there is some evidence for that kind of thing, but not much.

DM: And generally speaking, do you think, did medieval people believe in the treatments that they took or were advised to take? Did they believe that they had efficacy?

EB:Thats a really interesting question. So, on the one hand, yes, because we see these remedies being copied numerous times and in the early decades of printing, from the end of the 15th century, we get printed compendia that were clearly selling very well and there were lots of different versions of them and they were kind of popular, kind of, self-help books. On the other hand, within those collections, you get multiple different remedies for the same ailment. So you might have something like excessive bleeding, which is a quite common thing that understandably was very alarming and you needed a remedy. You might have seven different remedies to try to counteract that, which suggests an awareness that it might not work. Which is an important difference, I think, from modern-day medicine when we tend to have complete faith in pharmaceuticals and we go and buy something over the counter and were confident that that will work, were not shopping around for a different version of aspirin, for instance. A different attitude in the Middle Ages where you might try several different things, youre quite open-minded, youre ready to see failure.

So thats definitely one for the surgeon and the surgeon will take a look at it and provide you with some kind of dressing that might be infused with various plant extracts. And also with extracts such as silver, which we know does have antiseptic properties.

DM: We ought to take a moment to just stop and think about some of the more unusual treatments that were aware of, which you do flag up some of them in your feature. So just give us a taste of some of the things which we would consider very unorthodox nowadays.

EB:Well, the most obvious one is bloodletting because that was something that was the kind of knee-jerk reaction, both to an illness but also actually to a concern to stay healthy. So on the one hand, if you became sick, the physician would say there is an imbalance of the humours inside your body. So these were four different fluids that were understood to exist and circulate in your body and they needed to be in balance for you to be healthy and any sign of sickness meant that they were, theyd gone out of sync, possibly they had become kind of corrupted, so you needed to get that humour out. And so you would bleed someone, possibly quite a large quantity of blood. On the other sort of side of things, if you were someone who had the means to kind of follow a regime to stay healthy, you would regularly have yourself bled in order to just keep the humours balanced. And we know that this certainly happened in monasteries as part of the monastic life. I think this is quite alarming to us, we cant see any benefit to your health to remove a quantity of blood. We do know, however, that donating blood is not that dangerous, that you can go along and donate blood and you can step up and go home, as long as you drink some fluid, you know, youll be OK. Its just it doesnt quite fit with our understanding of whats good for you.

DM: Yeah, OK, I gave blood last week and Im still alive, so, yeah. What did they do with the blood that they let? I often wonder that, did they find any uses for it?

EB:They, usually it was disposed of. So some medical ingredients of the magical kind, actually, might include a quantity of human blood, possibly. An interesting variant of this is the blood taken from the little finger of a child sometimes comes up as something that you would put into your magical remedy. Apart from that, I think it is disposed of. However, other human fluids, particularly urine, did have a range of functions. So urine had a range of industrial functions including in the production of parchment, which is quite interesting.

DM: Talking about some of these more unpleasant diseases, the bigger killers that we mentioned earlier, the plague, leprosy, dysentery, those sorts of things. I have a sense certainly that if you got such a disease then your chance of survival would be pretty low. You kind of think that, you know, youre basically a goner. You had an example in the feature of someone who survived the Bubonic plague. How widespread was survival from these more unpleasant diseases?

EB:So it depended. The mortality rates are pretty shocking, particularly for the Black Death, so the very first plague outbreak that hit Europe in 1347 and lasted for about three years. And that is, in some localities, its pretty clear that about two thirds of the population perished, which is terrifying. At the same time, about a third did survive and there would be a range of reasons for this, to do with your resilience, I think, your kind of ability to ward off the infection. Also about preventive measures that you took. The most basic preventive measure was to flee, so just to get out of a place of infection or to get away from a heavily-populated area and go into the countryside. And thats a remedy that persists right up until the 17th century that, certainly with the Great Plague of London in the 1660s, people are getting out of the city of London. So people did survive and theres a range of reasons for that. Other types of epidemic, such as the English Sweating Sickness which, kind of, there were two or three of these outbreaks from the 1480s onwards. These are less devastating, they strangely sometimes seem to affect particular groups of people, the Sweating Sickness seems to have been linked to young men, were not sure why that is still. So, on the one hand, if it does affect you, thats terrifying, on the other hand, you may survive it. And communities clearly did continue, theres been fantastic work looking at the social and economic aftermath of the Black Death. The disruption is vast but there is continuity none the less.

DM: And were talking today when theres the coronavirus in China, and across the world, seems to be spreading with alarming results. One of the responses to that is quarantine. I wonder is there any such thing as the concept of quarantine in the medieval period that were aware of?

EB:It really comes a little bit later, certainly than the Black Death. But by the beginning of the early modern period, so the 16th century, this is something that is happening. And it is, particularly in Italy, so in major Italian cities like Venice and Florence, there is a process of quarantine. But earlier on, I think really its about a kind of response on the ground that isnt able to incorporate that kind of practice. I think there is an awareness that it spreads very rapidly among heavily-populated areas and that it would make sense to kind of separate the infected. One thing that does happen is about sort of separating, on a local level, kind of enclosing people in their houses does happen. And there is also interesting evidence about getting rid of material objects that might be contaminated. So particularly cloth that is kind of burnt or taken away to a remote place and washed many times, this kind of thing. But not quarantine as we would understand it today.

DM: Who would have orchestrated those sorts of measures though? Because theres no public health body that would have said: Right, we need to burn all this cloth or we need to get people to move away. Would that just have been on individual agency or would there have been anyone sort of actively suggesting community response?

EB:This is where public health becomes a thing, and you can definitely see it, and it actually precedes the Black Death, interestingly. From the very early 1300s, town authorities are doing things. Were not thinking necessarily of national responses and I think in the Middle Ages, we dont have national measures in the way that we do today. And certainly, some parts of Europe were not united countries at all: Italy and Germany. But on a more localised level, civic authorities, or in the Italian case, communal authorities, which was kind of a whole region, were doing things. And they were particularly trying to enact measures to remove anything that was kind of filthy or foul-smelling from the city, that they associated with contagious illness. And with the spread of illness through, kind of, infected air.

DM: Modern medicine, were able to cope with lots of difficulties and illnesses and I assume that in the medieval period, there were things that would have struck people down that today were able to survive. Im thinking of infection specifically. How important was infection as a risk to people in the medieval period?

EB:So thats actually one of the core terrifying risks really that, again, today, I guess we have antibiotics so were confident that we can treat infections. At the same time, interestingly, some of the work of the Wellcome Trust is looking at resistance to antibiotics, something that is, you know, increasingly something that were concerned about today. But in the Middle Ages, people definitely understood what an infection was and the word fever is used. And its to do with heat, its to do with, if it is, you know, a wound that is kind of foul-smelling and hot, an awareness that that is something thats infected. However, they did not have the knowledge that we have today about how infections are spread and how, again, the treatments to get rid of them. And so an infection could be deadly. The mortality of women following childbirth was usually to do with an infection that kind of took hold after childbirth, sadly.

DM: Im a fan of Twitter and, on Twitter, I follow a feed called the Medieval Deathbot, along with 87,000 other people, so its a popular thing.

EB:Great. I need to follow that.

DM: But its a curious thing which basically summarises the ways in which medieval people died as recorded in coroners rolls. So theres lots of violent deaths and things like that but quite a few are from sicknesses of various sorts. So clearly, you know, theres 87,000 people who have an interest in this, what is it, do you think, that makes us interested in medieval medicine and illness? Why do we have a fascination with this topic? Its a bit gory?

EB:I think its about our own vulnerabilities, actually, and I think an awareness that I think the coronavirus is an example of this. Weve got huge anxiety about that right now. I think an awareness that, yes, weve got an amazing kind of infrastructure of modern medicine that can help us with so many things. But, in essence, were all vulnerable and there are things that we, that medicine cant help us with. And a sense that people in the past, who had so many more challenges, did a great job in surviving. So I think theres a positive story there for us, actually, in medieval medicine. But also, I think, there is a fascination with the gory and the terrifying and things that are shocking as well and theres a kind of drama to it that I think we all take an interest in.

DM: OK, now Im going to try some quick-fire questions.If Im an average Joe or Jolene in Medieval England, maybe living in a town, not got much money but Ive got some symptoms, Im going to ask you what I might do. So lets see if this works.


DM: Ive got a headache because Ive drunk too much beer the night before. What might I do then?

EB:I think you know what that is, I think there would be knowledge about alcohol drinking and I think there would be received wisdom, from you or your family, about resting and drinking fluid. I think you wouldnt seek any type of medical treatment.

DM: Ive broken my leg when I fell off my horse.

EB:You would find a surgeon. So that might be someone who had been university educated, it might be someone who was much more practice based. Youd find a surgeon and you would ask them what to do. And they might do something, actually. They would probably try to do something to reset the bone and they would kind of heavily bandage it. They might operate, that would be deeply risky. I think the key thing about that is that there was very, very widespread awareness that that kind of operation was hugely risky, an awareness of infections. And that it might be better not to do anything of that kind. And so, you might then have an issue about your leg and your mobility in the aftermath.

DM: Ive eaten something that doesnt agree with me and Im nauseous and having trouble at both ends, what might I do then?

EB:You would seek some remedies to help you with that. So there could well be some knowledge that your parish priest holds, actually, and your parish priest may have a book of remedies and might be able to look something up for you. You might go to an apothecary, a pharmacist, to make up that remedy for you. And then you would follow the instructions, hope for the best. If you worsened and if you were very poor, you might have to go into a hospital and receive care there.

DM: What about if Ive just got toothache?

EB:So you would, there would be someone fairly locally who was expert in matters concerning teeth. And this would be someone who was, it might be a surgeon, it might actually be someone who really was, that was their thing, they were specialised. Quite often those people were itinerant, they travelled around offering their services. Youd get their advice, they might extract it.

Right, but you might have to hang around for a bit before someone turned up who could help you out?

EB:Yeah, although depending on your contacts, your economic ability, you might be able to get hold of someone as well, I think.

DM: Would there have been any sort of effective pain relief that someone might have been able to take in the intervening period?

EB:Yes, alcohol was used. Alcohol was, yeah, really interestingly in the kind of 14th, 15th centuries, knowledge increased about distilling alcohol to make it purer and that was used as an anaesthetic. And opiates also existed and some of the remedies that we know about were clearly opiates and were clearly used for those purposes, among other uses.

DM: Two more. Ive got a cut on my arm that just wont heal and is going a green colour and smelling badly.

EB:So thats definitely one for the surgeon. And the surgeon will take a look at it and provide you with some kind of dressing that might be infused with various plant extracts. And also with extracts such as silver, which we know does have antiseptic properties. However, there would be no way of totally, sort of, providing a sterile cleansing of your wound. There was also not the knowledge that that was necessary and so you might actually be quite worried about that.

DM: OK, finally, Ive got a sudden pain in my chest and I cant breathe. So in modern parlance, Im probably having a heart attack. Would I be able to do anything about that or is that going to see me off?

EB:Not very much, basically. You would seek medical help and there would be, I think there would be knowledge about instances of this kind of thing happening, there would be knowledge about getting someone to rest or to, you know, lie down. I mean, if it went on for a while, they might even perform bloodletting but there would not be a surgical intervention of any kind.

DM: Thanks. Thanks, Elma, thats good, putting you on the spot there and asking you some difficult questions. OK, so finally, just to finish, you alluded to that in a previous answer, do you think there is anything we can learn from medieval approaches to health and wellbeing? You talked about sort of the more holistic understanding of living a healthy lifestyle, is that something we should be taking note of?

EB:Yeah, I think, definitely. I think about prevention really. And obviously, this is something that were aware of in terms of, you know, the dietary causes of diabetes, the dangers of smoking. But really that you can help yourself a lot and also that your body will have ups and downs and your life will have ups and downs. And you may not, I think its interesting, I think theres also a connection with ideas about happiness and wellbeing and that I think these are things that we prioritise hugely and I think they were definitely factors in the Middle Ages. But there was also a real emphasis in the Middle Ages on survival and on doing what you could to keep yourself a float. And that that resulted in resilience and in many instances in people leading long lives, actually.

DM: We didnt talk about this at all, and perhaps we should have, but the modern concern of mental health and mental wellbeing is obviously key to us. Was that a concept then, in the medieval period?

EB:It was, definitely. And one of the factors that you were supposed to kind of take care of yourself, for your health, was your emotional state. So to pay attention to what was happening to your emotions and to kind of care for yourself, if there was something difficult going on. I think this is also where religion plays a role and this idea about taking care of your soul and about seeking help for that if needed, about the kind of support network that could help you. But there was an awareness of this and it was also undoubtedly seen as an illness, if you had mental issues going on, that was categorised as an illness.

Dr Elma Brenner is Wellcome Collections medieval specialist. She recently wrote a feature on medieval medicine and the horrors of the Black Death in the March issue of BBC History Revealed magazine on sale now

Elma will also be speaking at BBC History Magazines Medieval Life and Death days in York and London click here for more information

See the original post:
Elma Brenner On Wellbeing In The Middle Ages Podcast Transcript - BBC History Magazine

Big Breakfasts, Calories in Nuts, and Heart Muscle mass – WGN Radio – Chicago

Posted: February 24, 2020 at 10:45 pm

Fasting or Big Breakfast

Are you confused about what to eat and what time to eat in the morning? Two hot topics now in the never ending world of diet and weight loss are the concept of intermittent fasting and diet induced thermogenesis. Now these two concepts could not be further apart and yet they both may work.

Intermittent fasting is not a diet, it is an eating pattern. This pattern cycles between eating and fasting, it does not discuss what foods or how much you eat it is all about timing. The most common form right now is the 16 hour intermittent fast. Lets say you have dinner at 6 pm, the goal under this plan would be to not eat again until 10am the next day. Fasting for 16 hours. Now in all reality this was probably the norm before we had grocery stores, refrigerators and preservatives. This plan does help you lose weight as long as you do not load up on the calories during the 8 hours you are eating, essentially if you eat normally during the 8 hours you will have a decrease in calorie u=intake and your body will use reserves during the fasting period thus ending up with weight loss.

How does the body react to this? We see that insulin becomes more sensitive and insulin levels drop, this allows the body to burn fat for energy. We also so Human Growth Hormone increase which also has the benefit of fat loss as well as muscle growth. This has been shown to decrease belly fat, increase your metabolic rate which in turn will lead to weight loss.

Now lets go to the other extreme, diet induced thermogenesis or DIT. The concept here is about the opposite of intermittent fasting. This concept is that you eat your largest meal of the day in the morning, followed by a medium lunch and then a small dinner. The concept is to give your body the energy (calories) when it needs it, thus the body burns more calories. It also has the idea that a large breakfast will slow or eliminate the snacking that many do throughout the day, where many calories are taken on without much thought.

Simply put the amount of energy we use every day is composed of 3 totals, the first is the energy we all need to sustain life at a basic level (30%), the second is the amount of energy we use with physical activity (60%) and the third is the amount of energy that is induced from our diet and the energy needed to digest the diet (10%). The concept of DIT is that we can impact the amount of energy expended by a specific diet and at a specific time of the day. Studies have shown that individuals who are lean had a higher DIT than those who were felt to be obese.

The main determinant of DIT is the content of the food, alcohol and protein lead to high DIT whereas fat and carbohydrates will have a lower DIT. A study out of Germany suggests that a big breakfast with higher calories than the dinner lead to higher DIT, it was also shown to lead to lower snacking thru the day which may be just as important. The concept of having your largest meal at breakfast or lunch is common thru out the world. There is some agreement that dinner should be your lowest calorie meal, something we rarely see here in the US.

So which plan works best for you? Or can you actually do both of them. That is one of the hot concepts now, it is to continue to intermittently fast and couple that with your largest meal of the day in the morning. The morning meal of more protein than fat or carbs appears to make the biggest impact.

Calories- are they changing the counting?

We all know that calories impact our weight, many common weight loss methods are simply counting calories, with the premise if we burn more calories than we take in we will have to lose weight. In 1973 the FDA regulated that foods must carry nutritional labels and since then we have looked at labels for calories, fat, protein amounts as we plan our intake. Over the past 47 years we have gotten better and more accurate as to the content of the food we ingest daily. Historically the caloric amounts were simply based on the type of food and the weight of the food. For example we know from testing in a lab that one gram of fat has 9 calories and one gram of protein has 4 calories, thus protein by weight will have a lower impact on your weight than fat would.

As we have progressed on this labeling over the past 47 years we have found that one gram of protein is not universal as we look at sources for protein, what I mean is that one gram of protein from salmon is not the equivalent of one gram of protein from almonds. How can that be if we have used the weight in grams times the lab based calorie number to get our answer. Well, the human body is not a bench lab, and all that is taken in is not necessarily absorbed into the body. Some forms of food are not absorbed well and in fact are important to our health in minimizing our risk of colon cancer as they are high in fiber.

Recently information has come out on almonds which has led to changing many dietary labels. Almonds are a low carbohydrate food that are high in calories but also have a decent amount of fiber and protein. But an almond is a generic term when discussing its nutritional value. Studies have shown that the nutritional value of almonds change as we process them. If we cook or grind them it breaks down the composition of the almond and thus more can be ingested and less acts as non digested fiber. Roasted almonds may have higher digestible calories than raw almonds however the salt and sugar content often will skyrocket. If the almond is not roasted, the studies have shown that they have a lower number of calories due to the amount ingested. This will impact protein bars that have almonds, allowing for a decreased calorie count and may actually increase that caloric impact of almond butter.

This allows us to be as accurate as we can and allows for individuals to make good choices when it comes dietary intake.

Heart News

As we exit the Heart Month of February results of a study completed over the past ten years may have men in their 30s and early 40s rethinking exercise and the importance of muscle mass.

A study was published recently that looked at the importance of muscle mass and maintaining muscle mass as we age and the protective properties of muscle mass. The study was completed mainly in Spain and Greece which is interesting as we look at the study and what they promoted and tracked. For years we have known that excess weight, smoking and diabetes will lead to much higher incidence of heart disease and stroke. What this study looked at was to take individuals who had no signs of heart disease and were over the age of 30 and the impact that maintaining muscle mass has on their risk of heart disease and stroke.

We know that as we age our muscle mass declines for most people. If you looked at all individuals you would see that their muscle mass peaks at the age of 30 and that we lose about 3 % of our muscle mass each decade from that point going forward and that rate increases as we age. We know that simple decrease in muscle mass impacts health in many ways, activity, mental health, bone health, balance and most importantly heart health.

This study started with simply signing up thousands of individuals and doing an extensive medical exam, testing and lifestyle questionnaires. They chose individuals who had no signs of heart disease at that time. Ten years after joining the study the individuals returned for a second round of testing with a focus on cardiovascular illness.

They looked again to see if these individuals who had no signs of cardiovascular disease 10 years earlier had progressed to having signs of CV disease. 27% of the individuals had, with men showing a 6x higher rate than women. They looked back at the data and it showed that those individuals that had significant muscle mass when the study started had a 81 percent lower risk of heart disease when compared to the others. The study showed that early muscle mass in your 30-40s may have a protective measure against heart disease as we age.

Now many of you may be thinking of course this is the result as those individuals probably eat better, exercise more and may be more educated about health. The researchers tried to remove these variables as much as they could and the results still held up.

The big message is having a substantial muscle mass in your 30-40s and attempting to maintain muscle mass as you age appears to have a substantial impact on protecting your heart.

See original here:
Big Breakfasts, Calories in Nuts, and Heart Muscle mass - WGN Radio - Chicago

What Is Speed Keto? Everything To Know About The Buzzy Keto-Plus-Intermittent Fasting Plan – Pulse Live Kenya

Posted: February 24, 2020 at 10:45 pm

Sounds wonderful, right? Well, a new version of keto aimed at upping all of these perks has keto fanatics buzzing, but some health and nutrition pros say it may be even more unsustainable than the keto diet you already know. The new version is called Speed Keto, and dietitians aren't exactly recommending it if you're looking to lose weight or start eating healthier.

Still, if you're curious about the eating plan and its origin, here's what you need to know.

Basically, Speed Keto is a combination of the traditional keto diet (made up of 60 to 70 percent fat, 15 to 30 percent protein, and 5 to 10 percent carbs) and intermittent fasting (IF), which involves alternating between various periods of fasting and eating. One of the most common styles of IF is the 16:8 method , in which you fast for 16 hours and can eat during the 8-hour period that follows.

When it comes to Speed Keto, the goal is to get the dieter down to one meal per day, which also has to fit into the keto guidelines of being high-fat and low-carb. The goal of eating less carbs is to get the body into a state of ketosis, which is when your body burns fat, instead of carbohydrate stores, for fuel, which can lead to weight loss.

Speed Keto, which you can buy as a digital program , was created by Harlan Kilstein, an expert coach and motivator with a doctor of education degree, according to his website. Per the site, Speed Keto is meant to simplify the dieting process and help people get past weight-loss plateaus that might occur after eating a traditional keto diet for a few weeks.

"I think keto and 'Speed Keto' diets will result in weight loss," says Hillary Cecere, registered dietitian at Eat Clean Bro . "Any time food is restricted and a calorie deficit occurs, so will weight loss, and when your eating window is smaller, you are more likely to consume less calories."

That being said, Cecere doesn't support the diet as a healthy way of eating. "This diet is unsustainable. Once it's no longer being utilized, weight gain will happen," Cecere says. "I also think it eliminates a lot of nutrient-dense foods . This diet is not for health or longevityit's only for quick weight loss."

In order to maintain weight loss, it's crucial that the diet you follow is something you can sustain long-term, notes Cecere. And if eating keto in general isn't your cup of tea, that's totally fine, too. "You don't need to be in ketosis to lose weight," she says. "Weight loss is determined by calorie deficitthere are plenty of other healthy, sustainable ways to lose weight if that's something you're interested in."

It's also worth noting that combining keto and intermittent fasting isn't exactly new. Many people have been following a diet that combines the two because eating mostly fats and proteins does fill you up and make it easier to fast between meals. The difference here is that Speed Keto recommends a specific IF schedule and one meal a day.

"Combining a super restrictive diet with long periods of non-eating is not good," Scott Keatley, RD, of Keatley Medical Nutrition Therapy , previously told WH . The body will cannibalize its own muscle for energy if intake from food is too low but the body does not differentiate between something like a calf muscle or a heart muscle. Keatley added that all your important organs are made of smooth muscle, "and going on a diet like this may harm something like your bladder or lungs just as much as provide fat loss."

It's also worth noting that following a regular keto diet can already have some not-so-pleasant side effects . At the end of the day, whether you want to follow a keto eating plan is up to you, but experts generally warn against pairing keto with an extreme intermittent fasting schedule in the way that the Speed Keto diet does, experts caution. Whatever you choose diet-wise, it's always wise to talk to a dietitian or trusted MD before you drastically overhaul your eating plan.

The bottom line: Speed Keto may not be a sustainable option when it comes to weight loss.

Go here to see the original:
What Is Speed Keto? Everything To Know About The Buzzy Keto-Plus-Intermittent Fasting Plan - Pulse Live Kenya

The Fight Before the Fight: Weight-Cutting in Mixed Martial Arts – MMA Sucka

Posted: February 24, 2020 at 10:43 pm

When MMA fighters meet in the cage, they attempt to knock their opponent out with an array of punches, kicks, knees and elbows, or force them to tap out with painful submission holds from chokes to armbars. However, theres a mandatory part of the sport that is arguably more dangerous than the fight itself: weight-cutting.

Fighters must make a certain weight one day before they compete in order to meet their respective weight class requirements. To do so, they cut weight, which entails artificial rapid weight loss through dehydrating themselves and sucking water out of their bodies in the days leading up to a fight. Fighters who fail to make weight are deemed to be unprofessional by fans and fellow fighters and are fined roughly 20 percent of their fight purse.

Its not an easy process. Between dieting from about a couple months before the fight to sweating out their water just days before, fighters routinely lose around 2535 lbs. Mixed martial artists have different reasons for cutting weight, but nutritionists, physicians, doctors and coaches regard extreme weight-cutting as an unsafe practice that constantly occurs in the sport of MMA. The process, if botched, has led to unconsciousness, kidney failure, hospitalization or even death for some of these athletes.

Between weigh-ins and fight time, fighters strategically rehydrate and regain most of the weight they lost in order to tip the scales at their weight class limit. For example, a welterweight who weighed 170 on Friday evening will be 190 on Saturday night. This has become the norm in all levels of MMA, different from when former fighter Ren Dreifuss competed on the New York regional circuit from 2004 to 2007 at 155 lbs.

Weight-cutting has become an essential part of the strategy to win, said Dreifuss. At 49, he is the head coach of Radical MMA in Manhattan and instructs a few amateur mixed martial artists. At this point in MMA, it is something that you cannot avoid. Its a dirty aspect of the sport.

Dreifuss said he walked around at 165 lbs., as most of his fights had either same-day weigh-ins or no weigh-ins.

Its an integral part of fight strategy right now, but it is also something that Im really conflicted about, Dreifuss said. I want my fighters to be safe. Obviously, we have to cut weight, but I really almost dont want them to do it. Were in this weird place where we have to.

In todays MMA landscape, fighters who dont fight at a certain weight class face a size disadvantage. With skill-level being equal, size can be the determining factor in a fight to the point where the consensus is that fighters reach their natural weight classaftercutting weight.

Ashley Cummins, a 32-year-old fighter for Invicta Fighting Championships, used to compete at strawweight (115 lbs.) in hopes that shed manage to break into the UFC. The lowest womens weight class the UFC has is strawweight, which meant Cummins had to compete against women naturally bigger than her to try and reach her goal.

She came close but lost via technical knockout to Lanchana Green on UFC reality show The Ultimate Fighter back in January 2016. Green was visibly the bigger fighter during the bout. After Cummins used her grappling to dominate the first round, Green was able to use her size and strength advantages to keep the fight standing in the second frame. Green delivered crushing knees that broke Cummins ribs, and Cummins lost her shot to reach the UFC.

That wasnt Cummins first time suffering an injury in a fight against a woman bigger than her. In her first career loss in October 2012, Cummins vision went out on the first punch landed by her opponent, Joanne Calderwood. She fought on but was TKOd a few minutes after. Cummins successfully underwent surgery to repair three broken orbital bones under her right eye.

She continued fighting at strawweight, but suffered three more losses in a row, including the eventual exhibition bout against Green. Then holding a 33 record after starting her career at 30, Cummins realized she needed to drop down a weight class to 105 lbs. atomweight.

I was just too small for the 115 lbs. division, Cummins, who is 52, said. Every girl I fought was a lot taller, wider and stronger than me. I had the technique to hang with these girls, but I was getting out-powered size-wise. I knew if I wanted to continue in the pro level of the sport, Id have to go to atomweight.

Smashley has since gone 32 as an atomweight, not including a win at a 110-lb. fight during her transition between the two weight classes. She holds out hope the UFC will add atomweight to its ranks so that she can finally accomplish her lifelong dream of fighting for the promotion but is chasing the Invicta atomweight championship in the meantime.

The fact I know Im fighting someone my size, I feel more powerful and that I can control the fight better, Cummins said. I can dominate more positions I couldnt at a heavier weight class.

While Cummins moved down to atomweight, Calderwood has since moved up to compete in the UFCs 125-lb. division. Cummins said she surprisingly has an easier cut to 105 than she did to 115 thanks to an improved diet and working with her nutritionist, Teri Howell. Cummins is naturally around 120123 lbs.

Jordan Dowdy, a professional MMA fighter competing on the Midwest regional scene, finds himself between two weight classes: 170 and 185. Dowdy, 33, is 61 and about 200 lbs. Top-tier middleweights are generally in the 62 range and weigh around 215. Dowdy said hes considered big for welterweight but small for middleweight. As a result, he can compete at middleweight on the regional scene against less-skilled competition but said he would have to drop down to welterweight if he wanted to compete for larger promotions. Hes not thrilled by the concept.

I think its archaic and outdated, Dowdy said of weight-cutting. I think originally, it was a way to make sure people were on the same page. People are getting so good at weight-cutting, the weight-cut is turning into the fight.

While fighters like Cummins and Dowdy cut weight to avoid being at a size disadvantage, some fighters discovered they were cutting more weight than necessary, which was not conducive to good fight performances. James Krause, a 62 UFC fighter who naturally weighs in the low-190s, used to compete at lightweight (155 lbs.), a weight class he was big in. However, in many of his recent fights, Krause has since moved up to welterweight, where he intends to compete going forward.

Krause, 33, pointed out past performances at lightweight and welterweight as case studies for weight classes in which he feels better competing. In January 2018, Krause fought Alex White in a lightweight bout and won a very close unanimous decision.

I think that fight speaks for itself, Krause said. I fought like shit. I fought terrible. I think I was just stuck. I just felt slow, lethargic. I felt terrible to be honest with you.

He then fought in August as a welterweight against Warlley Alves, a tough Brazilian prospect with a handful of good wins Colby Covington, Alan Jouban and Nordine Taleb to name a few. Krause finished Alves with a second-round TKO with knees and punches. It marked Krauses first win via strikes since May 2014 against Jamie Varner. He followed the Alves win up with a knockout of Sergio Moraes also at 170.

After un-objectively looking back, I legitimately perform better at 170 than I do at 155, Krause said. My cardio was great, my movement was good, my mind was good, I was having fun.

Krause said he had more trouble making 155 against White than earlier in his career and attributed it to being older, having a family and the fact that hes been a professional fighter since 2007. He added that hes not as strong at welterweight compared to lightweight, but he makes up for that by being even faster in his new weight class.

Krause isnt the only UFC fighter whos felt better in the Octagon since moving up a weight class. Louis Smolka, 28, moved up from flyweight (125 lbs.) to bantamweight (135 lbs.) and won his debut fight against Su Mudaerji via armbar. While the reasons for that were the UFCs looming shutdown of its mens flyweight division and Smolka taking the fight on short notice, he said he felt faster and more explosive since he wasnt depleting himself to make 125.

If the weight class was 124, I couldnt make it, Smolka said.

Alex Minor, a 27-year-old martial artist, said he cut roughly 20 lbs. down to 156 for a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu match earlier in 2018. He said after his cut, he felt woozy, weak and lacked energy.

You definitely dont feel like your body is operating optimally, Minor said.

Fighters are some of the most physically and mentally tough athletes on the planet; its almost a prerequisite in their line of work. Extreme weight-cutting, however, causes them a great deal of both physical and mental anguish. Cris Cyborg Justino, whos 34 and the former UFC womens featherweight champion, is shown in her 2016 biographical documentary film CYBORG to be crying and suffering while attempting to make 140 lbs for a UFC catchweight bout before the UFC created a womens featherweight division. She now competes in Bellator and is fighting for the featherweight crown against Julia Budd.

Dowdy, who cuts roughly 28 lbs. to hit the welterweight limit, detailed some of the physical and mental hurdles he encounters during his weight cuts. In order to lose weight before his water cut, Dowdy cuts his carbohydrate intake while controlling his portions, which he admitted makes him feel like crap. He says watching his emotions is then key, because being angry or stressed can negatively impact a weight cut.

However, the water-cutting part of the weight-cut is where Dowdy said it gets terrible. He starts to lose a bit of his vision and wants to slam every piece of food and liquid around him. He cuts roughly 15 lbs. of water after dieting down to about 185, which equates to nearly two gallons.

I should probably be hospitalized at that point, Dowdy said.

There have been suggestions from the MMA sphere that promotions abolish their 170-lb. weight classes and introduce 165 and 175, which Dowdy said he would love.

Those last five pounds are where all those voices in your head come in like, Fuck this. This is the last time Im ever doing this. I dont know why I do this. This is the dumbest thing we do. I cant wait til this parts over.

Adam Cella, 34, is a pro fighter who competed on the Midwest regional scene and is a former UFC member. He used to compete at welterweight but finished the last few years of his career at middleweight. When Cella, who is 62 and walks around at 205 lbs., used to cut to 170, he cut roughly 17 lbs. of water. Cella explained trying to lose 10 lbs. of that weight on Thursday night before Friday evenings weigh-ins, pointing out the final seven lbs. are more difficult to get off.

The weight isnt going to come off as easily because youve already put your body in a state of shock by sucking 10 lbs. of water out of it, Cella said. Youre extremely thirsty, youre weak, youre kind of delusional a little bit because youre starting to get spacey. Mentally, its defeating. Ill just say, Fuck it, Ill be heavy, I dont care. Ill have someone with me to motivate me.

If these fighters accounts of weight-cutting make it sound dangerous, thats because it is. Dr. Frederick Kaplan, an internist based on Long Island, said severe weight-cutting through dehydration can cause a myriad of problems for the body. Kidney failure, weakened muscles, and lowered blood pressure, which decreases blood flow to the bodys organs, are all potential risks of extreme dehydration. Sodium and potassium levels can be altered to dangerous levels, which can cause confusion, seizures or rhythm problems.

None of the functions of the brain will work as well, Kaplan said. Your speech may be a little off, your perception, your vision, your hearing. You can pass out or fall into a coma.

MMA fighters make weight dozens of times throughout their careers, and if not done safely, Kaplan said there could be potential long-term effects especially on ones kidneys.

It depends on whether theres damage to any of the organs, Kaplan said. You may not be able to measure it at the time, but it can add up. These people are having high protein diets which is a strain on the kidneys. And then theyre dehydrating which is a strain on the kidneys. So, every time they knock off a few more kidney cells, they can be closer to kidney failure.

According to apost by the Heart and Vascular Institute on UPMC, lower blood flow to the heart from dehydration can cause palpitations. Nicole Cutler, a certified specialist with the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association,wrote on LiverSupport.comthat not drinking enough water can increase the bloods thickness and make it harder for the liver to perform its detoxification abilities.

A lot of fights at the highest level of the sport have been cancelled as a result of a fighter struggling with a weight cut and being hospitalized.

Nicco Montano, 31, was supposed to defend her UFC flyweight title against Valentina Shevchenko at UFC 228 on Sept. 8, 2018. Instead, the UFC medical team decided she had to cease cutting weight and that she required medical attention due to issues regarding her kidney function. Montano was hospitalized and stripped of her UFC title, which Shevchenko claimed against Joanna Jedrzejczyk at UFC 231 on Dec. 8, 2018.

Khabib Nurmagomedov, 31, was slated to fight Tony Ferguson for the UFC interim lightweight championship at UFC 209 back on March 4, 2017. However, the bout was cancelled when Nurmagomedov was taken to a hospital hours before the Friday morning weigh-in after experiencing undisclosed issues during his weight cut. Nurmagomedov was released from the hospital that same day but was deemed medically uncleared to fight.

I feel I almost died, Nurmagomedovtold reporter Ariel Helwanion his old podcast, The MMA Hour.

Nurmagomedov has gone on to make 155 lbs without much issue four times since UFC 209, defeating Al Iaquinta for the lightweight title and defending it against Conor McGregor and Dustin Poirier in the process.

Former UFC bantamweight champion Renan Barao, 32, was set to fight T.J. Dillashaw in a rematch for the title at UFC 177 on August 30, 2014. Barao fainted during the weight cut to 135 lbs., and Dillashaw defended his title against promotional newcomer Joe Soto instead.

Barao weighed as much as 160 lbs. on UFC Fight Night 88 fight week in May 2016 when attempting to cut to 145 lbs for his UFC featherweight debut,according to ESPNs Brett Okamoto. Barao, after starting his MMA career at 322, has since gone 27 since fainting at UFC 177.

Aspen Ladd was visibly shaking on the scale after making the bantamweight limit for her bout against Germaine de Randamie in July 2019 at UFC on ESPN+ 13. After showing up to weigh-ins at 135 lbs, Ladd weighed 159 lbs the next night at fight-time, Yahoo! reported. She gained more than 17 percent of her body weight in a day.

Conor McGregor, while never missing weight, used to cut to 145, where he served as UFC champion. He has since fought at 155 and 170. Anthony Rumble Johnson, a longtime light heavyweight contender, used to cut to the welterweight limit. He is now considering a return at heavyweight.

While those examples of fighters experiencing weight-cutting issues led to cancelled UFC title fights, there are many more examples of fighters missing weight and looking dreadful stepping on the scale while doing it. However, in some cases, fighters have died due to extreme weight cuts.

Jessica Lindsay died from extreme dehydration in November 2017 at the age of 18. She was cutting weight to reach the 142-lb. limit for her second amateur Muay Thai fight when she collapsed while running near her gym in Perth, Australia,according to Perth Now. It was 30 minutes before Lindsay was supposed to weigh in for the bout. Doctors placed Lindsay in a coma, which she never came out of. Four days later, her family took her off life support.

Chinese professional mixed martial artist Yang Jian Bing, 21, died of severe dehydration and a potential heatstroke after cutting weight to fight Geje Eustaquio at 125 lbs. at ONE Championship 35 in December 2015. The fight was cancelled by the promotion one day before Bings death due to dehydration from the weight cut. He collapsed on the morning of Dec. 10, 2015 and was hospitalized at the San Juan De Dios Hospital in Pasay, Philippines, according to astatement from ONE Championship. He died the next day due to cardiopulmonary failure. The fight was supposed to take place on Dec. 11, 2015 in Manila, Philippines.

Rondel Clark died three days after his second amateur MMA fight, which was held August 12, 2017. He was 26. Clark, who walked around as heavy as 230 lbs. before working out to lose weight according to his sister, Tanigh Clark, cut down to the welterweight limit of 170 for his Cage Titans 35 fight against Ryan Dunn in Plymouth, MA. The narrator of a video on Clarks death made by Books Media saidClark had nearly 10 lbs. to cut the night before the weigh-in. To cut weight, Tanigh said her brother worked out a lot and cut weight in a hot tub.

We want to make sure that nobody ever goes through what we went through and what Rondel went through

Clark lost the fight via third-round TKO but collapsed after the fight. He was carried out on a stretcher and rushed to Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, where he suffered from exertional Rhabdomyolysis, or the rapid breakdown of muscle tissue, for three days before dying. Tanigh Clark said it affected her brothers kidneys first, and that blood transfusions were futile because his muscles were breaking down. From there, one organ after another started failing until Clark died of cardiac arrest.

Clarks exertional Rhabdomyolysis was brought on by extreme exercise, but Dr. Kadhiresan Murugappan, who works at the hospital that attempted to treat Clark, believes it was the exercise compounded with the weight cut that led to Clarks condition.

Rondel is a finely-tuned athlete who was training every day, and on those days, he didnt suffer exertional Rhabdomyolysis, Murugappan said in the video. The day that he suffered this profound problem was after he underwent a significant weight cut for a fight.

After Clarks death, several of his friends and family members created the Rondel Clark Foundation; its mission is to end extreme weight-cutting through education and regulation, as well as helping other families who are negatively impacted by extreme weight-cutting.

Were all still so devastated about his passing, Tanigh Clark, the foundations secretary of the board, said. We want to make sure that nobody ever goes through what we went through and what Rondel went through.

She said the foundation tries to teach fighters families, trainers and the general public the effects extreme weight-cutting has on the body and how deadly it can be. On its website,, the foundation lists all the physical and mental effects weight-cutting could have on someone, shares the stories of Clark and his fellow victims, and has a list of dos and donts when it comes to weight management. The foundation has a donation button on its site and raises money with fundraisers such as flag football tournaments.

The Rondel Clark Foundation advocates for the universal adoption of the California State Athletic Commissions 10-Point Plan, which was passed in May 2017 and enacted one month later.

MMA promotions must adhere to guidelines adopted by the state athletic commission of wherever theyre holding an event. California adopted a 10-figure plan regarding athletes safety when it comes to weight-cutting. The steps are as follows:

1) Athletes select the lowest weight class they intend to compete in, and the Commission follows up with questions related to dehydration and weight-cutting. Fighters then take a physical examination, and the licensing physician must certify that the fighter can safely make the requested weight class.

2) Fighters who fail to make weight are fined 20 percent of their show money, with half going to their opponent and half going to the Commission. Theyre also fined 20 percent of their bonuses (including win money), which all goes to the fighter who made weight as a reward for fighters who take the fight against the larger opponent and lose.

3) The introduction of four new weight classes: 165 (super lightweight), 175 (super welterweight), 195 (super middleweight) and 225 (cruiserweight). They have since been approved by the Association of Boxing Commissions and Combative Sports and officially written into the Unified Rules of MMA.

4) Emphasizing the way matches are approved with a focus on appropriate weight classes.

5) Fighters who miss weight more than once are required to move up a weight class. They can only return to the weight class they missed weight at the discretion of a physician and approval of the Commission.

6) Early weigh-ins will continue (as opposed to evening) to give fighters the maximum time for rehydration.

7) A second weight-check is conducted the day of the event to ensure fighters havent gained more than 10 percent of their body weight back in the 30 hours between the official weigh-in and the fight. Fighters who gain over 10 percent back will be advised by the ringside physician that he or she should move up a weight class.

8) Ringside physicians test fighters for dehydration at both the official weigh-in and second day weight check.

9) For high-level title fights, combatants have their weight checked 30 days and 10 days out from the event.

10) Promoters, matchmakers, trainers and athletes are educated on weight-cutting and dehydration related to the offering, accepting and contracting of official fight bouts.

The full document can be readhere.

The fight should be the dangerous part of this activity, Andy Foster, the executive director of the California State Athletic Commission,told MMAJunkiein a January 2018 interview. The weigh-in should not be more dangerous than the fight. Thats just an absurd thing thats happening, but in many cases, that has become the reality.

In order to make weight-cutting safer, ONE Championship is leading the charge in its policies, which the promotion revamped less than two weeks after the death of Yang Jian Bing.

Its website says ONE Championship fighters must regularly submit their current walking weight and daily training weight via a web portal. From there, athletes are assigned to their weight class based on data and random weight checks. Theyre forbidden from dropping a weight class less than eight weeks out from the event. Fighters weights are checked daily during fight week, and urine specific gravity will be tested for dehydration on the day the fighters arrive as well as three hours prior to the event; if an athlete falls outside the weight or fails a test, theyre disqualified.

For example, Ben Askren told Joe Roganon his podcast, the Joe Rogan Experience, that he fought at 185 lbs. when he was with ONE Championship. Askren competed at 170 lbs. when he fought elsewhere. Askren, a former ONE Championship champion, was traded to the UFC in October 2018, where he went back to competing at welterweight. Askren told Rogan that ONE Championships policies essentially forced its athletes to move up a weight class to curb dehydration-based weight cutting. The promotion even considers its 185-lb. division welterweight as opposed to middleweight, which is the case for all its weight classes.

I think every MMA organization should do it, Askren told Rogan, calling the system fantastic.

Fighters have also called for additional weight classes; specifically, the ones that the California State Athletic Commission added, but most top promotions dont use them. Dowdy said he would like to see this scheme used for weight classes: 125, 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 205, 225, 265. For women, 105 and 115 should be available as well at all top promotions.

Teri Howell, a certified weight-cut and rehydration specialist and founder of nutrition business Gut Uppercut, encourages fighters to hire a nutritionist who can assist them with weight-cutting to make the process healthier and safer.

When youre talking about your health, if you want to [compete] for a while and safely, its definitely worth the investment, Howell said. You dont pick the bum up off the street and ask them to be your striking coach.

Howell is based in St. Louis, MO, but works remotely with most of her clients. Some of the fighters she works with include UFC flyweight Gillian Robertson, UFC strawweight Mallory Martin, atomweight Ashley Cummins, bantamweight Tamikka Brents, PFL lightweight Bobbi-Jo Dalziel, Bellator featherweight Amanda Bell and plenty others.

She assists her clients with what meal preparation is and how to do it, making grocery lists, providing recipes and offering knowledge on how to cut weight and rehydrate safely. Cummins called Howell a mad scientist, which is fitting as Howell said she writes her fighters meal plans and beverages down to the gram or ounce.

Anytime you mess with electrolytes and hormones within the body and you create an unsafe balance, it can definitely be life-threatening, Howell said of the practice of weight-cutting. It can be very scary. Ive been in some pretty scary situations with fighters myself where they dont follow the plan to the T.

Some of the key safety issues Howell warned against is fighters completely cutting carbohydrates out of their diets and cutting their sodium intake 10 or more days out of the fight; that can be taxing on the body, as kidneys will stop urinating because theyre trying to hold on to as much sodium as possible.

The trick is to trick the system for as short of a time period as possible, Howell said. My fighters are drinking two-plus gallons of water the day before we even try to sweat out any kind of water weight. You want the body to believe that its completely hydrated, and you want to put the body in that state of a little bit of dehydration for as short a time period as possible, get the weigh-in done, and then rehydrate exactly how the body needs it.

When fighters starve themselves in order to make weight, its counterproductive, said Howell. When ones body goes into severe caloric deficit, it believes its starving and tries to hold onto as much body fat, water and sodium as possible.

[The bodys] going to hold onto all those key electrolytes that it needs to survive because it thinks its a life or death situation, Howell said.

After Howells fighters make weight, she provides them information on the foods and drinks they must consume in order to get their electrolytes back to proper levels.

Rehydration is crucial to the weight-cut process; its how fighters get their body weight back up to par as well as ensure a good performance on fight night. However, theres a reason why fighters tend to not reach their natural walk-around weight and peak performance level by fight time after rehydrating: it takes time.

If youve ever tried to over-water something while the ground is really dry, the water doesnt get absorbed properly, Jacob Sherer, a physician based in Illinois, said. Same thing with us.

Sherer pointed out the extreme importance of rehydrating after weight cuts, which are rough on the body by nature. He says that muscles are 79 percent water, and fighters lose a lot of muscle mass when they dehydrate themselves.

Think of a sponge that isnt hydrated and how easy it is to rip and tear, Sherer said.

This can also impact the brain. In a2005 studytitled The Effects of Dehydration on Brain Volume-Preliminary Results by Jon M. Dickson et al., it was suggested that dehydration may significantly increase the risk of brain damage after a head injury.

According to a2013 studypublished in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 39 percent of MMA fighters compete while significantly or seriously dehydrated.

Dr. Steven Sunderraj, a physical therapist at Recalibrate Physical Therapy in Manhattan, pointed out thats particularly dangerous for fighters with a striking base. When two strikers compete, theyre more likely to land blows to the head, including a potential knockout.

Overall, fighters tend to see weight-cutting as a necessary evil to succeed at the highest levels of the sport. If they dont cut weight like their fellow athletes, they end up at a size disadvantage on fight night; a natural 170-lb. fighter could fight a 190-lb. fighter in a sanctioned welterweight match-up. In a sport where athletes aim to batter one another, extreme weight-cutting has become the gravest aspect of MMA.

Many fighters, fans and pundits are hoping for weight-cut reform so fighters can compete at their natural weight without facing a size disadvantage. Unfortunately, theres no immediate signs of most promotions overhauling the weight-cutting system. Krause and Dowdy agree with UFC lightweight Kevin Lee, who toldMMAFighting.coms Luke Thomas on The MMA Hourin July that everybody is kind of waiting for somebody to die, before any serious solutions are made.

A handful of fightershavedied from weight-cutting, but Krause and Dowdy both feel it would take the death of a high-profile fighter in a major organization to spark serious weight-cut reform.

Read the rest here:
The Fight Before the Fight: Weight-Cutting in Mixed Martial Arts - MMA Sucka

You Need to Overcome Lightweight Construction Challenges Today – BOSS Magazine

Posted: February 24, 2020 at 10:43 pm

Reading Time: 5 minutes

In the quest to do more with less, lightweight construction materials may be the future of building livable structures. Lightweight construction is a bit of a misnomersome of these materials have enjoyed popular usage for decades while ruggedly standing the test of time.

Thats not to say working with lightweight materials in building projects isnt without its challenges. From thin plywood boards and composite lumbers to new-age materials made from industrial waste, heres how to enjoy the benefits of both new and familiar lightweight construction methods while mitigating the challenges.

Just because a building material boasts a low weight or a novel chemical structure doesnt mean it cant also stand the test of time. As researchers uncover new materials to work with, some of the burden rests on contractors and builders when it comes to using them safely and effectively.

Researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and elsewhere have identified lightweight materials that are stronger than steel but less dense than water. Working with these, as well as more familiar lightweight products like composite lumbers, requires that we take some inspiration from nature.

The 10-m-by-50-m beams designed at Karlsruhe provide optimal strength when fashioned into a honeycomb-style structure. Bones, wood, and actual honeycombs all present a similar structure thats far stronger than their low weight would suggest.

In trials of open-pore, non-massive construction, Karlsruhe researchers demonstrated a higher stability-density ratio than steel or aluminum. Using nature as inspiration to build walls and roofs unlocks the potential of these and other composite materials.

New Jersey is still working through the aftermath of a 2015 apartment building fire that destroyed a complex called Avalon Bay Edgewater. After residents reported the fire on a Wednesday afternoon, the complexs 400 occupants successfully relocated to a nearby school while responders tackled the blaze.

Nobody died, thankfully, but the loss of property was considerable. So were the lessons learned.

The Avalon Bay complex featured lightweight wooden materials, along with what a former New Jersey fire chief association president uncharitably referred to as toothpick construction. Both the materials and the methods are legitimate answers to cutting costs and material usage in the construction industry.

But hindsight says theres a right and a wrong way to go about it. According to Charles Aughenbaugh, the former fire chief association president, Avalon Bay met all existing code requirements. Builders clearly must go further. The apartment building in question featured an open-truss roof design, which is typical of this type of lightweight construction.

This design greatly hastened the buildings demise. In an interview, Aughenbaugh stressed that open-truss roofs combined with low-weight materials create a significant fire hazard. The answer lies in creating a firewall using more familiar legacy construction methods.

According to findings, an open-truss building made from lightweight wood collapses in just five minutes. Legacy construction methods with proper firewalls can last 20 minutes or more. That kind of response time could have saved the building, as well as many of the personal effects within.

Theres more to fire safety than the shape of the roof and the presence of a firewall. Sprinkler systems are another issue. It took three years after the fire at Avalon Bay, but the Edgewater City Council eventually addressed a critical oversight in local fire and building codes.

Construction industry representatives lobbied against the passage of Assembly Bill 135 and Senate Bill 1261, citing higher costs, while activists argued the proposals didnt go far enough. It contributed to the delay, but the resulting message is clear: Neither the council nor the apartments builders appreciated the risk of combining low-weight materials with lightweight construction.

The new building codes can serve as an instructive lesson in how to build lightweight, high-occupancy structures in the future, and throughout the country. The bills call for firewalls in all similar structures in the future, rather than open-truss designs, as well as fire-fighting sprinkler systems that cover the spaces between floors and walls, rather than just the open spaces of hallways and rooms.

In 2016, a team of researchers from the Universidad Politcnica de Madrid helped address two longstanding concerns in construction:

The team used waste from the textile industry to create an insulating, fire-resistant composite panel that puts the EU textile industrys 5.8 million tons of annual waste to use while eliminating the chemical binders found in familiar insulating products.

Minimalist construction using thin plywood boards carries some downsides apart from fire hazards. These include sound transmission and insulation. As it turns out, insulation formed from textile waste provides twice the thermal conductivity of competing commercial materials.

Builders throughout the world are, right now, successfully demonstrating the versatility, strength, sound-dampening and insulative capabilities of other materials as well, including mycelium. This type of fungi has these four qualities in spadesand shows a compelling way forward for lightweight construction with fewer downsides.

Its worth noting that not every building industry client fully appreciates the benefits of lightweight construction materials and techniques. As an example, aluminum isnt just a great lightweight structural materialits also less expensive than steel over the lifetime of the building, thanks to more manageable maintenance requirements.

Part of the problem is the bad press, as mentioned above. Another issue is that there arent enough enterprising builders willing to explore the advantages of next-generation, eco-friendly, lightweight building materials. Aluminum is hardly cutting-edge today, but asphalt roofs still hold dominion, despite being heavier and lasting a fraction as long. Engineers need to step up and develop more next-generation materials and create safer building designs.

The built environment needs more contractors willing to explore unconventional materials, too, including mycelium and wood composites. With proper attention to resident safety and some out-of-the-box material choices and building shapes, were well on our way to a lighter-weight construction industry with a vastly smaller carbon footprint than it has today.

Written by:Megan Ray Nichols, BOSS Contributor

Megan is a STEM writer and blogger at

More here:
You Need to Overcome Lightweight Construction Challenges Today - BOSS Magazine

Birds learn from other birds on TV to make better food decisions – CNET

Posted: February 24, 2020 at 3:56 am

The new study gave tit birds a choice between good-tasting and bad-tasting almond packets.

Birds can learn which foods to eat and which to avoid by watching other birds do the same on TV, according to a new study out of the University of Cambridge.

The study, published on Feb. 19 in the Journal of Animal Ecology, showed that blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) and great tits (Parus major) learned what not to eat by watching videos of other tits choosing food via trial and error. This learned behavior can help the birds avoid potential poisoning.

For the study, the researchers used almond flakes glued inside a white paper packet. Various almond flakes were soaked in a bitter-tasting solution. Birds' reactions when choosing good-tasting and bad-tasting almond packets were recorded, then shown to other birds. The bad-tasting packets had a square symbol printed on them.

A bird watches other birds figure out which almond packets taste the best.

The TV bird's responses to unpalatable food varied from shaking its head and vigorously wiping its beak. Both blue tits and great tits ate fewer of the bitter packets with squares on them after watching the TV birds' behavior when eating them.

"Blue tits and great tits forage together and have a similar diet, but they may differ in their hesitation to try novel food," University of Cambridge Department of Zoology researcher Liisa Hamalainen said in a statement. "By watching others, they can learn quickly and safely which prey are best to eat. This can reduce the time and energy they invest in trying different prey, and also help them avoid the ill effects of eating toxic prey."

This is the first study to show that blue tits are just as good as great tits at learning by observing other birds' eating habits.

Read more:
Birds learn from other birds on TV to make better food decisions - CNET

Is Growth Hormone Safe: Widespread Fear of HGH Therapy – Gazette Review

Posted: February 24, 2020 at 3:56 am

Human Growth Hormone, more commonly known by its acronym HGH, is an important part of the endocrine system that is responsible for muscle growth, fixing cells, promoting optimal metabolism, and a variety of other functions in the human body. Adequate levels are essential for good health. In most cases, our bodies produce the right amount. Sometimes, though, due to disease or advancing age, HGH levels can fall.

When HGH gets too low, negative health effects become noticeable. Low HGH levels trigger weight gain, fatigue, and, ultimately, disease if left untreated. Lifestyle and diet play huge roles in maintaining HGH levels getting plenty of regular exercise, eating lots of good fats (fish, avocado, etc,) as well as nutritious vegetables, and getting regular sleep are great natural ways to boost HGH.

Sometimes, though, despite lifestyle modifications, HGH remains too low. In these cases, HGH therapy can be a great option. Under the care of a licensed professional provider, it is possible to safely raise your HGH levels with minimal chances of negative side effects. Always remember: you must seek HGH therapy from a skilled and experienced provider never attempt HGH therapy on your own.

HGH is naturally produced in the pituitary gland. It is secreted into the blood in controlled amounts where it travels throughout the body, binding to appropriate cells and signaling important changes. Specifically, when HGH travels to the liver, it triggers the release of another important hormone called insulin-like growth factor 1, or IGF-1. Together, these hormones are responsible for the building of tissue in the body hence their name and their activity of encouraging muscle growth.

Most of the negative side effects of HGH can be avoided by taking the right dose and proper health monitoring by a professional throughout the course of therapy. Recorded side effect include:

As with any medical procedure, the key is to monitor your health throughout the process to see how your body responds to therapy. Each individual exhibits a unique reaction to any medical treatment, so its difficult to know exactly how the treatment will affect you. Most people respond positively, with little or no side effects.

The expert providers at HGH replacement Clinic are available to assess your fitness for receiving GH therapy. If you are a good candidate, our healthcare professionals will safely guide you through the process to become the best version of yourself you can be healthier, stronger, more energetic, and happier. Contact us today to get started on your HGH journey.

Excerpt from:
Is Growth Hormone Safe: Widespread Fear of HGH Therapy - Gazette Review

Aging parents: 8 warning signs of health problems | Journey – Wyoming Tribune

Posted: February 24, 2020 at 3:56 am

As your parents get older, how can you be sure theyre taking care of themselves and staying healthy?

When you visit your parents, start by considering these questions:

1. Are your parents able to take care of themselves?

Pay attention to your parents appearance. Failure to keep up with daily routines such as bathing and brushing teeth could indicate dementia, depression or physical impairments.

Also pay attention to your parents home. Are the lights working? Is the heat on? Is the yard overgrown?

Any changes in the way your parents do things around the house could provide clues to their health. For example, scorched pots could mean your parents are forgetting about food cooking on the stove. Issues such as failing to pay bills, having problems shopping and neglecting housework also might be signs of depression, dementia or other concerns.

2. Are your parents experiencing memory loss?

Everyone forgets things from time to time. Modest memory problems are a fairly common part of aging, and sometimes medication side effects or underlying conditions contribute to memory loss.

Theres a difference, though, between normal changes in memory and the type of memory loss that makes it hard to do everyday things such as driving and shopping. Signs of this type of memory loss might include:

Asking the same questions over and over again

Getting lost in familiar places

Not being able to follow instructions

Becoming confused about time, people and places

3. Are your parents safe in their home?

Take a look around your parents home, keeping an eye out for any red flags.

Do your parents have difficulty navigating a narrow stairway? Has either parent fallen recently? Are they able to read directions on medication containers? When asked, can your parents explain how they set up or take their medications?

4. Are your parents safe on the road?

Driving can be challenging for older adults. If your parents become confused while driving or youre concerned about their ability to drive safely especially if they have experienced a moving violation or an accident it might be time to stop driving.

5. Have your parents lost weight?

Losing weight without trying could be a sign that somethings wrong. Weight loss could be related to many factors, including:

Difficulty cooking. Your parents might be having difficulty finding the energy to cook, grasping the necessary tools, or reading labels or directions on food products.

Loss of taste or smell. Your parents might not be interested in eating if food doesnt taste or smell as good as it used to.

Social issues. Your parents might have difficulty shopping or have financial concerns that limit buying groceries.

Underlying conditions. Sometimes weight loss indicates a serious underlying condition, such as malnutrition, dementia, depression or cancer.

6. Are your parents in good spirits?

Note your parents moods and ask how theyre feeling. A drastically different mood or outlook could be a sign of depression or other health concerns.

7. Are your parents still social?

Talk to your parents about their activities. Are they connecting with friends? Have they maintained interest in hobbies and other daily activities? Are they involved in organizations, clubs or faith-based communities?

If a parent gives up on being with others, it could be a sign of a problem.

8. Are your parents able to get around?

Pay attention to how your parents walk. Are they reluctant or unable to walk usual distances? Have they fallen recently? Would a cane or walker help?

Issues such as muscle weakness and joint pain can make it difficult to move around as well. If your parents are unsteady on their feet, they might be at risk of falling a major cause of disability among older adults.


There are many steps you can take to ensure your parents health and well-being, even if you dont live nearby. Try to:

Share your concerns: Talk to your parents. Your concern might motivate them to see a doctor or make other changes. Consider including other people who care about your parents in the conversation, such as close friends.

Encourage regular medical checkups: If youre worried about a parents weight loss, depressed mood, memory loss, or other signs and symptoms, encourage your parent to schedule a doctors visit. You might offer to schedule the visit or to accompany your parent to a health care provider or to find someone else to attend the visit. Ask about follow-up visits as well.

Address safety issues: Point out any potential safety issues to your parents then make a plan to address the problems. For example, a higher toilet seat or handrails in the bathroom might help prevent falls. If your parents are no longer able to drive safely, suggest other transportation options such as taking the bus, using a car or van service, or hiring a driver.

Consider home care services: You could hire someone to clean the house and run errands. But discuss this with your loved one first. A home health care aide could help with daily activities, such as bathing, and Meals on Wheels or other community services might prepare food. If remaining at home is too challenging, you might suggest moving to an assisted living facility.

Contact the health care provider for guidance: If your parents dismiss your concerns, consider contacting the health care provider directly. Your insights can help the health care provider understand what to look for during upcoming visits. Keep in mind that the health care provider might need to verify that he or she has permission to speak with you about your parents care, which might include a signed form or waiver from your parents.

Seek help from local agencies: Your local agency on aging which you can find using the Eldercare Locator, a public service of the Administration on Aging can connect you with services in your parents area. For example, the county in which your parents live might have social workers who can evaluate your parents needs and connect them with services, such as home care workers.

Sometimes parents wont admit they cant do something on their own, and others dont realize they need help. Thats where you come in. Make sure your parents understand the problem and your proposed solution.

Remind your parents that you care about them and that you want to help promote their health and well-being, both today and in the years to come.

See the original post:
Aging parents: 8 warning signs of health problems | Journey - Wyoming Tribune

What Happens To Your Body When You Eat 12 Eggs A Day – Men’s Health

Posted: February 24, 2020 at 3:54 am

In addition to being a great,keto-friendlysource ofprotein,eggsalso contain amino acids essential to human nutrition and have been linked to decreased blood pressure and increased testosterone in men. Inspired by the strapping Gaston fromBeauty & The Beastand his diet of three dozen eggs a day, YouTube'sSimple Mandecided to test how eating more eggs would affect his health, and started eating 12 eggs every day, using home testing kits to track changes in his blood pressure, cholesterol and testosterone.

WATCH: Celebrity Chef Manu Makes The Perfect Scrambled Eggs

At the beginning of the challenge, he weighs 93kg, with a body fat percentage of 20.7 and a 37.5 inch waist. His blood pressure is 127/87, and he has acholesterol levelof 253 mg/dL which is already pretty high. "I was completely unaware that my cholesterol was this high when I started the experiment," he says. "You can look fine to the eye, but with cholesterol you just never know."

He keeps his calorie intake the same each day at 2,000, with around 840 calories taken up by the 12 eggs. Each morning he eats them poached, then in the evenings he eitherscramblesor fries them, makes omelettes, or improvises "egg tacos" to introduce a little novelty. "Towards the end of this experiment I was so sick of eggs I started to say screw it, I'm gonna get all 12 of these eggs in one meal," he says. "Honestly, by the end of this challenge I swore that I'd never eat another egg."

After eating 12 eggs a day for a whole week (that's 84 eggs), his weight had dropped by 1.5kg pounds to 91.5, and his body fat had gone down by 0.8 percent. "My waist also saw a noticeable decrease in size in just 7 days, decreasing by one and a half inches," he says. "While eating eggs I did certainly notice that my midsection slimmed down and the amount of fat in this area definitely decreased."

However, while he achieved some pretty fast weight loss results, the dozen egg diet also had other effects on his body.

His blood pressure also changed from 127/87 to 120/88, and his testosterone actually dipped slightly. His already-high cholesterol went up even further, from 253 to 276 mg/dL, although he notes that therewasan incremental increase in his good cholesterol HDL, which went from 48 to 52 mg/dL. However, his bad cholesterol went up too. "It's a good thing I stopped after one week because my cholesterol was not improving, it was only getting worse," he says.

This article originally appeared on Men's Health

Read this article:
What Happens To Your Body When You Eat 12 Eggs A Day - Men's Health

Gym etiquette 101: avoid doing THESE 10 things in a gym (for everyone’s sake) – T3

Posted: February 24, 2020 at 3:54 am

Gyms can be quite intimidating, even for people who have been frequenting them for a while, let alone to newcomers. Gym etiquette can be rather confusing and there are quite few unspoken rules in pretty much every gym, so getting lost in the dos and don'ts is commonplace. In this listicle, we collected ten things you shouldn't do in the gym, especially if don't want to be that person everyone knows for all the wrong reasons.

Once you've done poring through the list below, please check out our handy guide on how to pack a gym bag or the one about the top 5 gym machines for beginners. Not to mention our best workout shoes guide or the best full body workout routine.

Without further ado, let's see the list of 10 things you should avoid doing in the gym!

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(Image credit: Getty Images)

We are all in the gym to have a good session, undoubtedly. Sometimes, a gym session might even involve lifting pretty heavy weights I know, crazy! And also sometimes, as you exhale, you might make a sound, a groan maybe. But what you shouldn't do is to shout every single time you finish a rep, because it A) won't help at all and B) it will disturb other people in the gym trying to concentrate on their own session.

I'm not saying you should not make any noise, but try to avoid the attention-seeking loud groans and the rattling of the weights before or after you used them. Also, dropping the weights on the floor is also considered rude and just bad practice in general.

Oatein Hype Protein Bar, Box of 12, Salty Caramel Flavour | 25.36 at AmazonA 60-gram Oatein Hype Bar contains 18 grams of protein and it's also suitable for vegetarians since it doesn't contain collagen. Also, it is under 200 calories per bar and has less than 2 grams of sugar. Most importantly, it tastes amazing. And we don't mean 'considering it's a health bar'. The Oatein Hype bar tastes great on its own terms. A truly delightful and healthy high-protein snack.View Deal

Oatein Hype Protein Bar, 60...

Put those dumbbells back where they came from

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Talking about dropping weights: one of the worst sins you can commit in a gym is not to re-rack the weights after you used them. Keeping the gym tidy will make your and other gym-goers experience way better, not to mention the reduced risk of health and safety issues.

Most usually, weights are located close to the free weight area (they are in the free weight area) so taking the weights back to the rack shouldn't take longer than a few seconds, literally.

Even better, by carrying the weights back, especially the dumbbells, you can sneak in some extra exercising as well: farmer's carry is good for the traps and shoulders too. Free pro tip right there for you.

Theragun Liv | Buy it for 229 at theragun.comThe Liv is most affordable advanced deep muscle treatment machine, and now it got even cheaper. It comes with two attachments and the same high-spec motor to rid the pain that bothers you. Get a Theragun for under 200 this Black Friday!View Deal

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You won't need the whole rack of dumbbells for the full duration of your workout

(Image credit: Getty Images)

And whilst we are in the free weight area, there is another habit you should try to avoid: hoarding weights. Collecting all the weights you are going to use for the whole session and letting them hang around for 20+ minutes takes those weights out of the circulation.

What's the worst that could happen? They won't be available when you need them. What you can do is to get one size lighter or heavier weights and do more/less reps with those weights. You still get the same pump if you do the same volume (more info on this in the volume tips for better abs article) and it will also be less annoying for everyone else in the gym.

SIXPAD Electric Muscle Stimulation Training Gear | Prices from 175 at AmazonSIXPAD training gear won't replace hard work but it can make it more effective. These cordless pads can effectively enhance muscle stimulation and can "help users achieve a 8% improvement in abdominal muscle size after 4 weeks alongside a balanced diet and exercise" or so does SIXPAD claim. The percentage goes up to 12% after 8 weeks and many SIXPAD products can be used in other areas than just your abs.View Deal

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One side for your face, the other to wipe off the seat pad

(Image credit: Getty)

There are really only three things you need in the gym: a towel (travel towels are great for this purpose), a gym water bottle and something to track your workout with, like a running watch or a smartphone. All three items are essential but a towel is probably the most important item of the lot, because there is most usually at least one water fountain in gyms and you can always just freestyle your workout, but nothing will replace a towel.

Why do you need a towel? For two reasons: to keep your sweat off the machines and to keep other people's sweat away from your skin. Gym machines are used by thousands of people and you really don't want to rub your sweaty skin against the pads other people have sat on/leaned against before you.

Best to use a towel that has two different-coloured sides; this way you'll know which one was against the machine and which against your skin. Also, once you finished using a machine, use the towel to wipe off any excess moisture from the pads. And, most importantly, wash your gym towel regularly.

Garmin Forerunner 245 GPS Running Smartwatch | Prices from 249 at AmazonThe Garmin Forerunner 245 has it all: built-in sports apps, wrist-based heart rate, integrated GPS, VO2 max estimation, Pulse Ox sensor, training effect and status indicator and even features like Body Battery and menstrual tracking. Not to mention, the Garmin Forerunner 245 supports smart notifications and has an incident detection feature too.

Garmin Forerunner 245, GPS...

Garmin Forerunner 245 GPS...

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Gym selfies have been in existence ever since smartphones became a handbag staple, and it's completely understandable that we take photos of our bodies just after a good workout session: our muscles are pumped, they look pretty good, might as well snap a quick selfie in the mirror, right?

The issue arises when you spend more time taking photos in the mirror than actually doing a workout. It's the same issue as with loud moaning: taking selfies from every angle will disturb other gym goers. You might do the absolute worst and try to snap the best image of you squatting in the squat rack, hogging said rack.

Keep image taking time to the minimum and ideally, move away from the crowded areas or try to do extensive selfie sessions when the gym is less busy.

Fitbit Ionic Fitness Smartwatch | Sale Price 199.99 | Was 249.99 | You save 50 at FitbitThe Ionic is much like the Versa, but with a bigger screen and it comes with integrated GPS too. The Fitbit Ionic is also water rated to 5ATM, supports contactless payments and can store music on the watch itself. As such, the Fitbit Ionic is the best Fitbit for more serious outdoor exercisers.View Deal

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Squat racks should be used for doing squats

(Image credit: Leon Poultney)

It's in the name: squat racks should mainly be used for doing weighted squats. Not bicep curls, maybe overhead extensions or even hanging leg raises. Squat racks are big gym machines and therefore there aren't many in most gyms; so it can be quite frustrating when you are waiting for your turn in the squat rack, just to see some random bloke sitting in there busy texting somebody.

The issue with weighted squats and we are talking about the ones performed with a barbell, not goblet squats or even bodyweight squats is that you need a steady frame to store the barbell on between sets. Barbells are loaded with more weights that you can safely lift onto your shoulders, so the frame is essential.

Many other exercises can be performed outside the squat rack, including the rack pull, which is a great beginner deadlift alternative (more on this subject here: how to deadlift correctly). You can use a pair of aerobic steppers to elevate the barbells slightly.

Fitbit Aria Air Smart Bathroom Scale | Buy it for 50 at ArgosTrack changes in your weight and BMI using the Fitbit Aria Air. All data is fed back to the Fitbit App where you can further analyse all your body metrics using easy-to-understand charts. The Fitbit Aria Air runs on three triple-A batteries and measures weight up to a 180 kilos (that's around 28 and a half stones).View Deal

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Battle rope is a great exercise, as long as it is being done in the correct area

(Image credit: Fitbit)

Whilst we are at aerobic exercises, it is also recommended not to do them outside the designated areas. There is a reason why battle ropes are kept over at the HIIT area: it takes up quite lot of space and it will disturb other people if you tried to perform this exercise anywhere else.

You definitely want to steer clear away from the free weight area with any non-weight lifting related exercises. It is not only annoying but also dangerous: doing burpees and jumping jacks around people who try to lift heavy weights will put your and others' well-being in jeopardy.

Kings Vegan Friendly Black Bean Sauce Flavour Veggie Jerky, Box of 16 | Buy it for 22.99 at AmazonThe Kings Veggie Jerky contains 100% plant based meat-free proteins: each 25-gram portion has 22.5 grams of plant protein. This vegan-friendly jerky is also low on saturated 'bad' fats and has plenty of fibres too (6.8 grams to be precise). Perfect mid afternoon snack when you fancy something non-sweet.View Deal

Farmer's carry is one of the few exercises you can do with weights outside the free weight area

(Image credit: Getty Images)

You not only shouldn't move your calisthenics exercise into the free weight area, you also don't want to move weights away from the free weight area. It is bad enough when people don't re-rack their dumbbells, it's way worse when they leave it on the other side of the gym.

There are a few exceptions, of course: some exercises will require you to carry weights back and forth, like the excellent farmer's walk, but even after doing such exercises, you should always bring back the weights where you picked them up from, as soon as you finished with the exercise.

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Land a helping hand to inexperienced gym-goers

(Image credit: Getty Images)

You'll see a lot of new faces in the gym on a regular basis and this is especially apparent at the beginning of the year. Many people will wonder aimlessly around gyms in January, trying to find the correct machines and even if they did, they will be a bit lost on how to use correctly.

Given how detached we are from reaching out to other people when we are confused, we'd much rather just perform exercises incorrectly and use machines the wrong way instead of asking for help. The worst thing a more experienced gym goer can do is to mock these people who are clearly embarrassed and baffled.

This is largely frustrating since buff gym dudes are more than happy to give advice, even if they haven't been asked, let alone if they were. All you need to do is ask someone who looks like they know what they are doing and they will be happy to help.

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It's best to keep your private parts...private

(Image credit: Getty Images)

And finally, let's not forget about the changing rooms: in general, try to keep your pants on when in the changing rooms and avoid being nude for extended periods of time. Of course, while at the gym, you might want to shower and change clothing and that is absolutely fine.

What is not fine is walking around naked in the changing room, making other people uncomfortable around you. The way it should be, you get undressed, towel goes on, shower, dry your body and put clean clothing on. You shouldn't be too exposed for longer than a minute or so. If you follow these easy steps, you can save other people some 'cannot be unseen' memories.

See the article here:
Gym etiquette 101: avoid doing THESE 10 things in a gym (for everyone's sake) - T3

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