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Chin up vs pull up: what’s the difference, muscles worked and WHAT IS THE BEST ONE? – T3

Posted: February 22, 2020 at 12:41 pm

"What do you think, which one is better: chin up vs pull up?" You will hear this question very often if you ever mention to anyone that you did either and especially if you included both in your gym workout routine. The truth is, they are both excellent compound exercises, albeit not easy to perform correctly.

Although similar to some degree, chin ups and pull ups work different muscles, or at least work similar muscles differently. Choosing one over another very much comes down to what muscle groups you would like to focus on more in your workout routine.

There are many different ways to build muscle and lucky for you, we have many great workout options here at T3: have a look at the best full body workout routine, this two-day push-pull workout, we also have a two-day push-pull upper body workout as well as the best beginners calisthenics workout too, just to mention a few.

Make sure the pull up bar is drilled in properly at home

(Image credit: mirafit)

Especially is you are trying to perform chin ups or pull ups at home, make sure that the pull up bar you're using is safe to use before you apply your weight onto it. These exercises might not seem too dangerous at first but your bodyweight provides plenty of resistance and if you fall off the bars for any reason, you can hurt yourself, pretty badly.

Before you even attempt to do either chin ups or pull ups, improve your grip strength by just hanging from the bar, resting your legs on the floor or on an elevated surface like a chair or aerobic step. When hanging, try not to drop your shoulders and engage your core as well.

Doing multiple sets of chin ups/pull ups require a lot of strength so don't try to rush progress and hurt yourself in the process.

Important: if you are new to exercising or haven't done much exercising in the past, try easing your body and mind into working out rather than going too strong at the beginning. If you have some excess body fat, we have a few handy tips on how to lose weight fast (relatively) as well as many articles on different diet methods (link to these are in the article above). Just be sensible.

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Chin should go over the bar at the top

(Image credit: Future)

Best for: sculpting big arms, especially the biceps and strengthening the lats

Muscle worked: biceps, lats, forearm, shoulders, core

Chin ups are probably a tad bit easier to perform than pull ups, mainly because in the case of chin ups, your arm muscles especially your biceps can be utilised more during the movement. For the same reason, chin ups are better to build arm definition and to really make the biceps pop.

To perform a chin up, grab the bar with an underhand grip (palms facing you), hands being shoulder apart. Even in the lowermost position, you should drop your shoulders completely and engage your core too. This will help you stabilise your body, especially on your descent.

At halfway point, your chin should be over the bar. otherwise it's only a half-rep and you don't want to half-rep. It is not only less effective but also promotes bad form as well.

SIXPAD Electric Muscle Stimulation Training Gear | Prices from 175 at AmazonSIXPAD training gear won't replace hard work but it can make it more effective. These cordless pads can effectively enhance muscle stimulation and can "help users achieve an 8% improvement in abdominal muscle size after 4 weeks alongside a balanced diet and exercise" or so does SIXPAD claim. The percentage goes up to 12% after 8 weeks and many SIXPAD products can be used in other areas than just your abs.View Deal

Hands wide apart for a nice V-shape

(Image credit: Future)

Best for: achieving the coveted V-shape, building a strong upper back

Muscles worked: lats, teres major, rhomboids, biceps, core

Being able to perform pull ups correctly is the ultimate power move in a gym. Many people who can powerlift twice their bodyweight would struggle to do eight clean reps of pull ups.

Pull ups are challenging because you need to be agile as well as strong to be able to do the pull ups, not to mention shoulder mobility, something a lot of people ignore and just assume they have because "they use to rule the monkey bars in primary school".

To perform a pull up, hold the bar with an overhand grip (palms facing away from you) and hands being wide apart. A nice wide grip will help activate the lats even more and will help you shape that back-V sooner.

The same rules apply to pull ups as for chin ups: core engaged, not dropping shoulders, being mindful of the descent. As with any exercise, the slower you can perform it within reason the longer you activate the muscles and the quicker you are going to see results.

Munch on the right snacks

(Image credit: Grenade)

To avoid any injuries and to help recovery, keep an eye out on your protein intake and always stretch after your exercising sessions. And make sure you drink plenty of water as well. A decent gym water bottle doesn't cost all that much.

Supplement-wise, you only really need two: protein powder and creatine. The former will help in the muscle repair process and latter will boost performance. Both are safe to use and there is a wide variety of offerings so you can choose a flavour you prefer.

With creatine, we recommend you get the unflavoured variety because it mixes well with any liquid and you only need a small amount to keep your creatine levels saturated. This means you can mix your 3-5 grams of creatine with anything in the morning (water, juice, even coffee) without having to worry about an aftertaste.

If you feel like you need a nibble throughout the day, opt in for low-sugar protein bars and snacks as opposed to Mars bars.

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Chin up vs pull up: what's the difference, muscles worked and WHAT IS THE BEST ONE? - T3

7 Questions You Have About The Love Is Blind Pods, Answered By The Cast Who Fell In Love In Them – Refinery29

Posted: February 22, 2020 at 12:41 pm

While most of Love Is Blind actually takes place outside the pods, the love chambers were the most formative part of the experiment, so its no wonder memories have stuck with the contestants over a year and a half later. When speaking to Refinery29 at an event, a handful of the cast Jessica, Mark, Giannina, Damian, Lauren, Cameron, Carlton Morton, Diamond Jack, Kelly Chase, and Kenny Barnes reflected fondly on their time in the experiment, and, more importantly, they answered every nagging question viewers have been shouting to the skies as they make their way through the series. Like the cast, we didnt see a lot that went down in the pods behind-the-scenes twerk lessons, salsa dancing, and a whole lotta naps but I can safely say all of us fell in love.

See the article here:
7 Questions You Have About The Love Is Blind Pods, Answered By The Cast Who Fell In Love In Them - Refinery29

Does Walking Really Help with Weight Loss? – Pulse Ghana

Posted: February 21, 2020 at 10:49 am

Not only can you lose weight by doing it, but the more you weigh, the easier its going to be drop pounds, points out walking coach Michele Stanten, founder of and author of The Walking Solution .

How much weight you can lose by walking varies from person to person, but Stanten has seen women drop as many as 14 to 22 pounds within eight weeks of starting a walking routine. Men tend to lose weight faster. (So to do the math, if you start now, you could be down a size or two by Labor Day.) Other people lose it more slowly, and anecdotally, sometimes those who lose it more slowly tend to keep it off longer.

To make walking really work for your weight loss efforts, keep a few things in mind, says Stanten:

Theres no magic formula for how many steps, miles, or hours you have to walk to lose the amount of weight that you want. Starting out, the key is to do more than youre doing now. If you have a job where youre on your feet all day, you have to do more than that, Stanten says. But if you have a sedentary desk job, a walk every evening after dinner may show real results.

A lot has been said about getting a baseline of about 10,000 steps a day for health reasons. If your goal is weight loss, youll likely want more than that once you get into a routine. But you dont need to start there. Get your baseline first. If youre only getting 3,000 steps on a typical day, dont try to get 10,000 steps the next day. That can be really discouraging. Aim for 5,000 every day for a week. Then go up to 7,000 the next week, she says.

The best way to melt pounds off is to challenge yourself with intervalsperiods of faster walking interwoven with periods of slower walking. Research has found that interval walkers lose more weight than people who just go the same speed all the time. One study of people with type 2 diabetes found that interval walkers who alternated three minutes of fast walking with three minutes of average-speed walking not only helped their boost their fitness and control their blood sugar better than steady-state walkers, but their body composition changed, leaving them with less belly fat and body fat.

Of course, if you really want to change your body composition, youll want to add strength training to your life. Bonus: It helps you walk faster, Stanten says. Also remember that managing stress, sleep, and food well all contribute to weight loss, too.

You dont have to walk an hour every day to lose weight at first (though its good to work up to it), but its important to get in the habit of walking every day. Just make it part of your daily routinesomething you do without even thinking about iteven if youre only walking for 10 or 15 minutes on some days of the week.

Ideally, youll want two to three interval walks, or shorter, faster, higher-intensity walks a week, a couple hour-long ones, and the rest can be short, moderate-intensity ones. The shorter ones are great to do with your partner, your dog, a friend, or just head-clearing walks on your own.

Dont just leave walking to your workout; do it wherever you can (the whole park the car farther away from the store thing). And taking the stairs is such familiar advice that it can fade to the background, but it burns more calories than walking on a flat surface and helps develop leg and glute muscles, too.

You burn as many calories if you walk at 5 MPHwhich is doable with training and practice, Stanten saysthan someone whos jogging at that pace.

One of the things that keeps people motivated about walking is signing up for an event, says Stanten. Plenty of 5K and 10K races are walker-friendly. Most people dont know you can walk a half-marathon, Stanten says. Some races are better than others for that, so check time cutoffs carefully.

Although you don't need to run, picking up your walking speed can burn more calories because it increases heart rate. But don't worry, there's no need to sprintyou can get a good workout in by walking at a moderately intense pace. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a moderately intense workout can be obtained by raising your heart rate to 5070 percent of your maximum heart rate.

So how do you know whether you've nailed this sweet spot? The intensity of your heart rate can be obtained by using a heart rate monitor or activity tracker with built-in heart rate monitor.

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Does Walking Really Help with Weight Loss? - Pulse Ghana

Latest Study explores the Fire Damper Market Witness Highest Growth in near futu –

Posted: February 21, 2020 at 10:49 am

The ' Fire Damper market' research report now available with Market Study Report, LLC, is a compilation of pivotal insights pertaining to market size, competitive spectrum, geographical outlook, contender share, and consumption trends of this industry. The report also highlights the key drivers and challenges influencing the revenue graph of this vertical along with strategies adopted by distinguished players to enhance their footprints in the Fire Damper market.

The recent study of the Fire Damper market is an exhaustive examination of this industry, and contains insights pertaining to important parameters of this business space. The research report provides details about the prevailing market share, industry trends, market size, renumeration estimates, periodic deliverables, and price projections over the analysis period.

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Need to Lose Weight? 3 Easy Diets That Actually Work

Posted: February 21, 2020 at 10:48 am

Youve been there before: On a dead-end road that leads nowhere but diet dysmorphia. You want to lose weight, you want to get healthier, and you want to slim down and tone up. Unfortunately, its not always as easy as simply picking a diet, and vowing to stick to it. With a plethora of fad diets and fitness experts claiming to be the best on the market, weeding through all the hype can be a difficult process, and finding the right one for you can seem like a never-ending journey. According to the U.S. News & World Report, there are some diets that work better than others, which is good news for the estimated 45 million Americans who diet each year. If youre looking for a diet thats earned notable success, give one of these three a try.

In addition to being ranked No.1 by the U.S. News & World Report in both the Best Diets Overall and Best Diets for Healthy Eating categories, the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) Diet is also endorsed by several reputable organizations, including the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, The American Heart Association, The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, The 2011 AHA Treatment Guidelines for Women, and the Mayo Clinic. And the main reason behind such notable praise? The Dash Diet has been proven to lower blood pressure and is especially recommended for people with high blood pressure. The eating plan is rich in fruits and vegetables, low-fat or non-fat dairy, and whole grains; it is high in fiber, low in fat, and rich in potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

From the companys inception to its introduction of the Points System, the Weight Watchers Diet has been at the forefront of the industry, having landed a handful of influential celebrity sponsors, including everyone from Jessica Simpson to Oprah Winfrey. Designed for the masses, the Weight Watchers Diet ranked #1 in the Best Weight-Loss Diets, Best Commercial Diet Plans, and Easiest Diets to Follow categories. Of the diet, along with the Jenny Craig diet, study author Kimberly Gudzune, MD, MPH, assistant professor at the John Hopkins University School of Medicine, said in this Health article, Out of all the programs we examined, only Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig achieved a significant weight loss that was sustained for 12 months in multiple studies. The brand, which is based upon a Points System, meetings, and gradual change in lifestyle, appeals to anyone looking to lose weight in a supportive, noncompetitive community of like-minded individuals who are looking to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

Ranked No.1 in the Easiest Diets to Follow category, and No.2 in the Best Diets Overall category, the MIND Diet has garnered considerable attention due to its claims that stretch far beyond weight loss alone. The MIND Diet stands for Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay, and is a combination of the DASH and Mediterranean Diets: the Mediterranean Diet was ranked #3 in the Best Diets for Healthy Eating and #1 for Best Plant-Based Diets categories. The MIND Diet focuses on leafy greens, vegetables, nuts, berries, beans, whole grains, fish, poultry, olive oil, and wine; and the diet limits red meat, butter and margarine, cheese, pastries and sweets, and fried or fast food. Want an even better reason to try this diet?

As mentioned in this Womens Health article, a study from the Rush University Medical Center found that people who followed the MIND diet had reduced their risk of Alzheimers by an average of 53 percent. Kate Patton, R.D., a registered dietician with the Cleveland Clinic, further told Womens Health, The combination of lean protein, heart- and brain-healthy omega 3s, antioxidants, and fiber, as well as low levels of added sugar and saturated and trans fat reduces inflammation to help cut your risk of dementia.

Read more from the original source:
Need to Lose Weight? 3 Easy Diets That Actually Work

The Full List of Foods You Can Eat on the Noom Diet –

Posted: February 21, 2020 at 10:48 am

It's rare that a new diet trend gets a positive review from the health community, but for the most part, Noom has been praised for encouraging people to focus on healthier eating habits. A millennial-friendly app, Noom is a diet service that actually doesn't require you to give up the foods that you love to eat. Dieters, who pay a minimum of $59 each month for access to the app, are pushed to think about the Big Picture. Developed by a team of psychologists, the Noom diet is all about making long-term lifestyle shifts, unlike fad diets that might require a short-term fast or the shunning of certain food groups. It also connects dieters to live coaches and allows you to receive 1-on-1 health coaching during regular business hours.

Noom allows you to log exercise, weight loss over time, and blood sugar levels as well as blood pressure. The diet itself begins after you take an in-depth quiz based on a series of lifestyle questions calorie restrictions are recommended on a case by case basis, and they may recommend a diabetes management plan. Unlike the weight loss plan, the diabetes Noom plan is designed to particularly aid individuals suffering from both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and may help prevent overweight or obese individuals from becoming pre-diabetic (it's even recognized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

But how exactly does Noom enable you to lose weight if it doesn't restrict you? It all has to do with a color-coded system that is subtly different for each user.

Courtesy of Noom

Like Weight Watchers and other popular paid weight loss services, the Noom app helps you lose weight by asking you to track your meals. It measures the caloric value of every item you input and compares it to the exercise and other physical movement you've completed during the day, as well as weighing both those factors against your personal goals. While Noom aims to keep your body fueled with sufficient calories, it doesn't technically restrict you from eating any ingredients or food groups.

But as Jacklyn London, MS, RD, points out in her formal review of the service, dieters only get the best results if they enjoy highly caloric, sugary, or processed snacks in light moderation. Noom doesn't push a strict regiment by any means, but the app rewards you for eating wholesome, nutrient-dense foods through its color-coding system. Even when you do eat an indulgent meal, the app will try to help you reduce caloric blowback by encouraging portion control for certain ingredients that come up red.

It's important to remember that red foods aren't "bad" and green foods can also be considered unhealthy in copious amounts. If you're stuck trying to decide what to buy or eat, using Noom's color-coded list may help you make the best decision in the spur of the moment.

Green List:

Of course, the best foods to eat while on the Noom diet are designated in a bright green color these items are fresh vegetables, nourishing fruits, wholesome grains, and supercharged dairy items that work in tandem to regulate your digestive system. You'll find that you can enjoy bigger portions of these nutritional powerhouses throughout the day, and the more that you incorporate into your meals, the closer you'll get to your daily, weekly, and monthly weight loss goals.

Yellow List:

While the app encourages you to eat less foods that are coded yellow, you may notice that these ingredients are healthy in their own right. Noom has designated these items as second tier to foods on the green list only because they're denser in calories. This doesn't mean you should totally abstain from them, however; the app encourages you to incorporate lean proteins and other nutrient-rich items like tempeh into your meals, albeit in smaller amounts. If you find yourself frequently reaching for items that are on the yellow list, Noom's app is designed to help find a green-list item that you can easily swap for instead. For example, you may swap chicken breast out for tofu in a meal every once in a while because Noom rewards tofu more than it does chicken breast.

What you should limit:

As you've probably guessed, the foods that are tagged on Noom's red list are things that are high in calories, saturated fats, sodium, sugar, and processed carbohydrates. While you're not restricted from enjoying these items once in a blue moon, they should be avoided as much as possible on a daily basis. If you do enjoy a cheat snack, you may want to double up on foods found on Noom's green list throughout the rest of the day, or spend a few more minutes in the gym, in order to stay on par with your weight loss goals.

None of these items should be too shocking; highly processed meats, like bacon, are often restricted on most diets. Some of these items may be surprising, however, such as peanut butter, which can be quiet high in calories and (depending on the brand) sugars or sodium. While each of the items on Noom's red list vary in their degrees of nutritional value, you can always make them better for your own diet by choosing the healthiest variety possible: Stick to dark chocolate, natural peanut butter, or enjoying a sandwich made with low-sodium ham.

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The Full List of Foods You Can Eat on the Noom Diet -

Go Red for Women promotes healthy diets, hearts and fun – Char-Koosta News

Posted: February 21, 2020 at 10:48 am

Char-Koosta News

ST. IGNATIUS February is American Heart Month and Go Red for Women and the Tribal Health Department Diabetes Program took the lead on the locally acknowledged issue, and informationally celebrated it Friday at the St. Ignatius Tribal Community Center. The event promoted a healthy diet and physical activity. Seventy-five adults signed in for the event, and with all the children the attendance was nearly 100.

Go Red for Women is the American Health Associations national health movement with the goal of curbing better yet, ending heart disease and strokes among women.

There were numerous health related informational booths at the Go Red for Women event.

A good healthy diet and exercise prolongs life, a good quality of life, said Kati Burton, THD Community Dietician. One of the first steps to a long and quality life is knowing what a person is eating; that starts with reading ingredient labels on processed foods. A healthy diet with exercise makes for a healthy body that lowers pain levels in muscles and joints, improves eyesight and blood flow. All foods contain vitamins, minerals and nutrients that keep us alive. The biggest difference a person can do is controlling the amount of fats in the food they eat read the ingredients.

Burton said another contributor to an unhealthy diet is the shift from family dining and fast food dining. The social nature of family dining affects both the body and mind especially when combined with healthy foods on the plates. In the case of American Indians, those foods could include the natural foodstuff that sated the diets of tribal Ancestors.

Burton encourages people to look into gardening or purchasing produce from local gardens, eating and preserving what comes from the garden.

Its good to know where your food comes from, she said.

The Montana State University Food Products Development Lab is researching and promoting the use of natural and healthy foods including foodstuff that were historically a part of the American Indian diet.

Dr. Wan-Yuan Kuo, MSU FPD Lab director said part of the mission of the program is Sustainable food product development sourcing local, specialty, and Indigenous crops to create healthy, eco-friendly, and culturally acceptable food products,

The lab is working with the Billings based Native American Development Corporation to establish research and education efforts to develop Native American food products.

Edwin Allen, MSU Food Products Development Lab, discusses the Lab and what it is doing to use underused healthy foods for healty diets.

Edwin Allen of the MSU FPD Lab said the program is working with the Indian Nations in Montana to incorporate under-utilized crops such as lentils, chickpeas, and peanuts into diets of tribal people. Allen is a MSU graduate student from Ghana who also has promoted such an effort in Senegal, Africa. He has heretofore worked with the Northern Cheyenne, Crow and CSKT tribes to promote heathy natural foods into diets.

On the Flathead Indian Reservation, he and other MSU FPD Lab students worked with the CSKT Fish Keepers to promote the use of lake trout into peoples diets. At the Go Red for Women gathering the group had smoked lake trout fish tacos on the menu in traditional corn tortillas and another with tacos in fish skin, both had huckleberries as an ingredient. They were a smokie spicy and sweet taste that wasnt bad on the palate.

We help people develop underused food products and want to help the Fish Keepers promote the consumption of the lake trout, Allen said. Montana is the third largest producer of lentils and we would like to use that here in food diets.

The lunch at the Go Red for women was a healthy serving of vegetable soups and salads.

In fact, the main luncheon dish was two thick soups with chick peas as the main ingredient.

Allen said the MSU FPD Lab will soon began researching and promoting bison. We will be working with the tribal community to incorporate lean bison meat in their diets, he said. All the ingredients we use for events like this is promoted by the tribal communities we are working with.

Allen said MSU is working on establishing a relationship with Salish Kootenai College on the development of natural and healthy food projects. We want to increase the consumption of Native products, he said.

The diet of Indian women is high on processed foods that increase blood pressure and cholesterol, said THD Diabetes Program manager Brenda Bodner. Its pretty easy to turn that around with improvements in diet. That includes choosing quality foods. Beans are a big emphasis today they are rich in protein, and good for cardiovascular health.

THD nurse Chelsea Kleinmeyer said healthy food and exercise are good ingredients for a healthy lifestyle.

Get away from the TV or computer screen and get outside and be active, she said. Being outside is very beneficial, it reduces stress and lowers blood pressure and improves mental health.

Another highlight of the Go Red for Women event was the Native fashion show that featured all-age models in Native design apparel. The fashions all incorporated the color red.

Symptoms of a Stroke

Signs that you may be having a stroke:

You should never wait more than five minutes to dial 9-1-1 if you experience even one of the signs above. Remember, you could be having a stroke even if youre not experiencing all of the symptoms. And remember to check the time. The responding emergency medical technician or emergency room nurse at the hospital will need to know when the first symptom occurred.

Stroke is not only the number four cause of death in the United States, its also a leading cause of severe, long-term disability. Thats why its important to take action immediately. Research conducted by The American Stroke Association shows that patients who take a clot-busting drug, or thrombolytic, within three hours of their first stroke symptom can reduce long-term disability from ischemic stroke the most common type, accounting for about 87 percent of all cases.

When you know the signs of stroke, the life you save could be your own or someone elses. Learn to spot the signs of stroke, or spot a stroke F.A.S.T. (Face drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulty, Time to call 911) with the help of mobile app for iOS or Android. Your life is in your hands.

Learn more about your risk for heart disease and stroke as well as factors that increase your risk.

Knowing the Warning Signs of a Heart Attack, and Acting Quickly can Save a Life

Causes of a heart attack in women

Heart attacks occur when the flow of blood to the heart is blocked by a buildup of plaque in coronary arteries. While the initial causation can often be pinned on the usual suspects heavy smokers, people with high-stress lifestyles, or those who are excessively overweightthe not-so-usual suspects can also be at high risk for heart attack.

Heart disease is the number one killer of women, which is why it is imperative that women learn the warning signs and symptoms, see a doctor regularly, and learn their family history.

Symptoms of a heart attack:

As with men, the most common heart attack symptom in women is chest pain or discomfort. But its important to note that women are more likely to experience the other common symptoms, particularly shortness of breath, nausea/vomiting and back or jaw pain.

What to do during a heart attack

If you experience any of these signs or symptoms:

Why its important to know the symptoms of a heart attack

Women who consider themselves healthy often misdiagnose the symptoms of a heart attack because they dont think it could happen to them. That is why its crucial to learn about heart disease and stroke, know your numbers, live a heart-healthy lifestyle and be aware of the risk factors of heart disease.

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Go Red for Women promotes healthy diets, hearts and fun - Char-Koosta News

Fad of Matching Diet to DNA Ineffective, New Study Shows – The Great Courses Daily News

Posted: February 21, 2020 at 10:48 am

By Jonny Lupsha, News Writer

A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association on the JAMA Network website determined that the most effective diets can rarely, if ever, be determined by our DNA. Some studies have reported that genotype variation could predispose individuals to differential weight loss that varies by diet type, the study said. However, the diet-genotype interaction for weight loss was not statistically significant. The finding of no significant difference in weight loss in genotype-matched vs. mismatched groups in the current study highlights the importance of conducting large, appropriately powered trials such as DIETFITS for validating early exploratory analyses.

In other words, statistically speaking, matching a diet to your DNA rarely works and shouldnt be considered a winning method for weight loss. The relationship between your unique body physiology and the foods you eat determine your level of nutrition: Certain types of foods affect our cells on a molecular level, regardless of our genetic make-up.

What you eat will ultimately make up portions of your cells, skin, hair, blood transportation systems, muscle, fat, and more, said Dr. Michael Ormsbee, Associate Professor in the Department of Nutrition, Food, and Exercise Sciences and Assistant Director of the Institute of Sports Sciences and Medicine in the College of Human Sciences at Florida State University.

The nutrients you eat are not just being transported around throughout our digestive systems and in the blood; they are also an ingrained part of every cell tissue that makes us who we are and what we do. Our bodies are, to a significant extent, composed of the foods that we eat.

Dr. Ormsbee said that our cells bond together to make tissues, which make up our organs, which combine to make our entire bodies function properly. If your cells are not healthy, they will not work properly; and if the cells dont work properly, then the tissues wont work properly; and if tissues arent working, then the systems begin to fail, he said.

The best way to prevent this detrimental snowball effect is to keep our cells healthy by feeding them the right nutrients.

The structures of your cells are made up of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals, Dr. Ormsbee said. The foods we eat every single day are made up of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. The foods you eat have a major influence on your cellular function because they ultimately become your cells.

If this idea seems a bit coincidental, there are several examples to shed light on the relationship between your diet and your cells. Dr. Ormsbee said that unsaturated fats are one such example. Cell membranes are semi-permeable, and this is due to the fluid structure of the fats, as he called it. Trans fats and saturated fats are more rigid than unsaturated fats.

They dont function the same way as the unsaturated fats, and they cause membranes to be much more rigid than is optimal, potentially limiting the functionality of the cells, Dr. Ormsbee said. Diets that are too high in one type of fatfor example, trans fatsmight lead to a rigid, brittle cell membrane that cannot communicate as well as if they were comprised of a better mix of fat types.

This is one reason why many nutritionists recommend eating all types of fats so that one type doesnt predominate in the diet and end up altering the optimal functioning of those cells.

So, even though our diets help determine who we are, that doesnt mean that our genotypes should determine our diets.

Dr. Michael Ormsbee contributed to this article. Dr. Ormsbee is an Associate Professor in the Department of Nutrition, Food, and Exercise Sciences and Assistant Director of the Institute of Sports Sciences and Medicine in the College of Human Sciences at Florida State University. He received his Ph.D. in Bioenergetics from East Carolina University.

The rest is here:
Fad of Matching Diet to DNA Ineffective, New Study Shows - The Great Courses Daily News

Not fasting is killing us, but fasting can hurt us too. Here’s what to do. – Mashable

Posted: February 21, 2020 at 10:48 am

There's a switch inside every cell in your body. Flip it on and you're in growth mode. Your cells start dividing but in the process, they make a lot of junk like mis-folded proteins, which help create the conditions for our biggest diseases (including cardiovascular, Alzheimer's and the big C). Flip the switch off, though, and your cells literally take out the trash leaving them clean, renewed, effectively young.

We know how to flip the switch. The trick is figuring out when. Because leaving your body in cleanup mode for too long can also be extremely bad for your health, in the much shorter term. Doing so has been the cause of anxiety, misery and disorder, for decades. It's also known as starvation.

The delicate dance of food consumption is at the heart of The Switch, a new book about new body-energy science and how it can help us live longer. Author and research scientist James Clement studies people who reach the age of 110; Harvard's David Sinclair, who recently wrote a groundbreaking book on the end of aging, is his mentor. As Clement's book hit shelves, an unrelated study in Nature confirmed its premise: mTOR (your genetic "on" switch) cannot coexist with autophagy (trash removal), and that is "implicated in metabolic disorders, neuro-degeneration, cancer and aging," the study said.

In other words: We age faster, get sicker and harm our brains when we fill the hours we're awake with food, day in and day out. Organic beings need more of a break than just a good night's rest in order to properly take out the trash. We're the opposite of automobiles. We break down eventually unless we run out of fuel. (Glycogen, which is what the body converts food into, is our gas.)

These revelations shed a new spotlight on fasting, the main way to induce autophagy (you can also kickstart it with intense exercise on a mostly empty stomach). But this is where we run into problems, and not just because autophagy literally translates to "eating yourself." (It can be hard for scientists to explain that this is actually a good thing and that all living things do it, from simple yeast all the way up to primates; we were designed to work this way by millennia of feast and famine.)

The problem isn't the science, it's the culture. For most of history, fasting was locked into human lives at a steady, healthy pace in some form of ritual, religious or otherwise. But in the modern world, we make our own rituals, and they easily shade into obsessions. This happens a lot with new diets: We get the zeal of the convert. We bore our friends to death with the particulars. And we take it too far, which in the case of fasting can be dangerous.

In a column published this week, the New York Times' veteran health columnist Jane Brody came around to the value of intermittent fasting. But she sounded a personal note of caution: "For people with a known or hidden tendency to develop an eating disorder, fasting can be the perfect trigger, which I discovered in my early 20s. In trying to control my weight, I consumed little or nothing all day, but once I ate in the evening, I couldnt stop and ended up with a binge eating disorder."

Something similar, at least to the first part of that story, seems to have happened to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. Last year Dorsey boasted about fasting for 22 hours, eating just one meal at dinnertime, and skipping food for the whole damn weekend. "I felt like I was hallucinating," he enthused, boasting of his increased focus and euphoria.

But as many withering articles pointed out, Dorsey's words would have triggered concern if they came from the mouth of a teenage girl since focus and euphoria can also be early signs of anorexia and bulimia. Clearly there is a tangled set of gendered assumptions at play here. "Its both remarkable and depressing to watch Jack Dorsey blithely describe a diet that would put any woman or any non-wealthy man into the penalty box of public opinion," wrote Washington Post columnist Monica Hesse.

That's not what The Switch is about. Clement doesn't endorse Dorsey's extreme approach, since the research shows benefits diminish after 16 hours of fasting. "I have friends who are bulimic, I know how serious a problem it is," he said when I raised the issue. "The kind of fasting that I'm talking about is just making sure your mTOR and autophagy are in balance."

Indeed, The Switch is a very balanced book, with plenty of nuanced suggestions for how you can make your food situation just a little bit better without making too many radical changes. (That probably explains why it hasn't taken off on the diet book media circuit, which tends to favor rules that are extreme, unusual, and headline-friendly.)

Here's a breakdown of Clement's advice.

Like most medicine, the mTOR switch is good for you if used at the correct dose, and poison at high doses. There's a reason it exists: It's your body's way of saying "times are good, let's grow muscle and fat!" Fat isn't inherently bad for you, either on your body or in your diet. Indeed, the good fats are what Clement suggests we consume the most fish, avocados, plant-based oils and nuts, macadamias especially alongside regular greens, most legumes and a little fruit.

If you're cutting down the amount of time you eat, then the content of your meals matters more. Clement himself gets good results from a meatless version of the ketogenic diet, which he says makes him less hungry but he doesn't rule out other diets that focus on good fat and fiber.

At the very least, be sure to avoid the stuff that spikes blood sugar. It will make you too hungry too soon, which will make autophagy impossible. You didn't think this whole Switch thing was going to give you permission to snarf on soda and hot dogs, did you?

Well, it does, actually just very occasionally.

Clement brings a lot of science on protein to the table, and the bad news is you're probably eating way more of it than you think you need. Animal protein flips the mTOR switch into high gear (which is why Clement is into mostly vegan keto). Sadly, so does regular dairy, and as a milk fan I found the new studies on this particularly hard reading.

But it makes evolutionary sense. Cow milk is designed to make calves grow many sizes in a short space of time, and the way you do that is by activating the mTOR pathway. So it's hard to switch into autophagy if you're chugging milk all the time. (Non-cow milks and cheeses seem to be fine, mTOR-wise.)

Which isn't to say you can't have meat and milk at all. This isn't one of those fundamentally restrictive diets we always break. Clement suggests dividing the week or month or year into growth and fasting phases. You might decide to eat as much as you want for three months of the year (which takes care of the holidays problem), say, or try doing the fasting thing for five days a month.

Whichever way you do it, the sweet spot seems to put you in growth mode around 20 percent of the time. But that's not a hard and fast number, because again, this isn't one-size-fits-all. (It certainly doesn't apply to kids, who need to grow more like calves.) I told Clement that after reading the book I was thinking of only allowing myself meat or milk on the weekends; he enthusiastically endorsed the idea.

Ready to turn on autophagy for its disease-fighting benefits? Ready to avoid doing it too much? Ready to eat more nutritious food when you break your fast? Then it's time to figure out how long you want to fast for and you'll be surprised about how little time it takes to see the effects.

The math varies from human to human, but "you only have about six to 10 hours worth of glycogen stored in your body at any given time," says Clement. "So you can actually burn through those overnight if you didn't load up with carbs in your evening meal or 11 o'clock snacks."

That provides one particularly effortless way to fast for those of us who don't wake up hungry (and if you're eating the right stuff, you generally won't). Let's say you ate your last bite at 9 p.m. and wake up at 7 a.m. Congratulations, you're already out of glycogen and in autophagy! Now the question is: how long is it comfortable for you to stay foodless, bearing in mind you don't want to go past a total of 16 hours? (In this example, that would be 1 p.m.)

You'll definitely want to hydrate immediately, of course: Sleep literally shrivels your brain. You might want to drink some coffee, which enhances autophagy (the all-time Guinness World Record oldest human, Jeanne Calment of France, took no breakfast but coffee, and died at 122). If you can stand to do so, this would be a great time to work out. Exercise seems to act like an autophagy power up; one study suggests working up a sweat might boost our cells' trash-cleaning effectiveness all the way up to the 80-minute mark.

So if you went from 9 p.m. to 1 p.m., or whatever 16-hour period suits your schedule (7 p.m. to 11 a.m. seems to be a popular one for fasters who don't make late dinner reservations, and it is easily remembered as "7-11"), then congratulations. You just did the maximally beneficial fast. Take that, Jack Dorsey.

But if you didn't? No sweat. If you only made it until 10 a.m., or 8 a.m. before needing food, your entire body still got a boost of cleanup time. And if you needed an immediate breakfast, that's fine too. Fasting doesn't have to happen every day; in fact it's imperative that it doesn't. Every morning is an opportunity to listen to your body and see if it's ready for a quick restorative food break.

Everyone who's ever tried to diet knows the terrible guilt that comes after grabbing obviously bad food, Don't stress over it, says Clement. Don't be maniacal. The whole point is to be in balance. We all need mTOR-boosting feasts from time to time. "It's fine to have one pepperoni pizza on a Sunday, or whatever," he says. So long as you're eating well most of the time and fasting every now and again, you'll see positive effects.

And if you can't fast at all and can't stop snacking? No worries, just change what you're eating. "If you switch over to snacking on either very low glycemic veggies like broccoli tops or carrots, or nuts, then you're not going to be replenishing your glycogen stores," Clement says. Stick a small bowl of almonds and blueberries in the kitchen and you'll be surprised, over time, at how little it takes to satisfy supposedly giant cravings.

That was what I learned, not from Clement's book, but from David Sinclair's. The Harvard geneticist and Clement mentor doesn't focus so much on lengthy fasts, although he takes a number of fast-mimicking supplements. His dieting approach is to simply eat less, to "flip a switch in your head that allows you to be OK with being a little hungry." For some of us, such small moves may be more effective than going all-out on a new diet.

If youd like to talk to someone about your eating behaviors, call the National Eating Disorder Associations helpline at 800-931-2237. You can also text NEDA to 741-741 to be connected with a trained volunteer at the Crisis Text Line or visit NEDA's website for more information.

See the original post here:
Not fasting is killing us, but fasting can hurt us too. Here's what to do. - Mashable

Why the IRS might soon be ringing your doorbell and this diet will help reduce your risk of heart disease, scientists say – MarketWatch

Posted: February 21, 2020 at 10:48 am

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Why the IRS might soon be ringing your doorbell and this diet will help reduce your risk of heart disease, scientists say - MarketWatch

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