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To Burn Double the Calories, Try Eating a Big Breakfast – Healthline

Posted: February 21, 2020 at 10:46 am

Breakfast has long been deemed the most important meal of the day.

What we eat and drink after waking up has been shown to have a big impact on our cognitive performance, mood, and energy levels throughout the day.

Now, new research from the Endocrine Society shows breakfast plays an even bigger role in our overall health than previously thought.

People who eat a big breakfast burn twice as many calories compared with those who eat a larger dinner, according to the new study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism on Wednesday.

They also experience fewer cravings, particularly for sweets, and have healthier blood sugar (glucose) and insulin levels throughout the day.

Over the course of 3 days, researchers evaluated 16 men who alternated eating a low-calorie breakfast and a high-calorie dinner and vice versa.

Then, the diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT) a measure of how well the body is metabolizing food was tracked in the participants, as was overall hunger, blood glucose levels, and cravings for sweets.

The researchers discovered that, on average, the participants DIT was 2.5 times higher after breakfast versus after dinner, essentially showing that peoples metabolisms are more active after their morning meal.

Additionally, eating a high-calorie breakfast was linked to lower hunger pangs and sweet cravings throughout the day.

Compared with a richer breakfast, a low-calorie breakfast is more likely to cause snacking throughout the day. Plus, those who eat smaller breakfasts tend to eat larger meals at dinner, according to the researchers.

Peoples insulin a hormone that helps turn food into energy and blood glucose, which is used for energy, were also lower after breakfast compared with after dinner.

The findings may have huge implications for people looking to lose weight, along with those with diabetes who have higher than normal blood glucose levels.

Our results confirm that a large dinner has particularly negative effects on glucose tolerance, which should be considered by diabetic patients looking to avoid blood glucose peaks, the researchers stated in the study.

An extensive breakfast should therefore be preferred over large dinner meals to reduce the risk of metabolic diseases, they added.

According to the researchers, skimping out on breakfast is a common dieting practice tried by many hoping to lose weight.

But research has shown that people who eat less for breakfast often snack more and overeat later in the day, derailing their weight loss goals.

Dr. Minisha Sood, an endocrinologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, says she sees people skip breakfast time and time again in an effort to control their calorie intake.

This goes against our normal circadian rhythms, and for some with a strong morning hunger signal, it can lead to overindulgence once the fast is broken at the midday meal, Sood told Healthline.

It can also lead to overeating at dinnertime in part due to the psychology of making up for lost calories, and this often backfires, she added.

Our metabolism is greatly influenced by the circadian rhythm, or sleep-wake cycle.

Sood says people are more insulin sensitive in the morning, which essentially means their bodies need to produce less insulin to control blood glucose levels after eating.

We are most efficient at metabolism in the morning hours and the most insulin sensitive in the earlier part of our eating window, therefore it makes sense that our diet-induced thermogenesis [DIT] and overall metabolism would be more effective in the earlier part of the day, Sood said.

On top of that, people are more physically active during the morning and day, and physical activity helps manage insulin and blood glucose levels.

Dr. John Magaa Morton, the division chief of Yale Medicine Bariatric & Minimally Invasive Surgery, recommends eating your bigger meals earlier in the day, especially if youre trying to lose weight.

As the study shows, our metabolic rate slows down at night, making it more work for the body to digest food and burn it off for fuel.

Additionally, aim for a well-balanced breakfast such as fruit, eggs, oatmeal, and yogurt and avoid overly processed foods, like pastries and sugary cereals. Those get absorbed more quickly and can cause blood sugar levels to spike, Morton adds.

One saying I believe in is that you should eat like a queen for breakfast, princess for lunch, and pauper for dinner, Morton said.

New research has found that people who eat a big breakfast burn twice as many calories compared with those who eat a larger dinner.

They also have less hunger pangs and cravings, especially for sweets, throughout the day.

A big breakfast (compared to a bigger dinner) was also linked to lower insulin and blood glucose levels, implying that people with diabetes should prioritize breakfast over dinner.

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To Burn Double the Calories, Try Eating a Big Breakfast - Healthline

Unlikely Things to Overcome When Trying to Lose Weight – Gary Skentelbery

Posted: February 21, 2020 at 10:46 am

Humans are creatures of habit. Once you get used to doing something, you will keep doing it subconsciously and without a second thought.

This also applies on leaving bad habits behind; it might be harder at the beginning, but with time and effort, you will forget how you ever lived with that habit in the first place. Getting used to living without the learned behaviours that are affecting your life and your goals negatively requires some time, effort, and, most importantly, dedication. A stubborn needle might discourage many people from keeping up with their diets and the healthy lifestyles they are trying to lead. However, following the right rules and abandoning harmful habits will surely give you your dream body without suffering.

Countless people have gotten used to watching their favourite show while eating. This habit should be effectively put to a stop the minute you decide that you need to lose weight. Doing anything else while you are eating besides focusing on your plate and the food you are consuming is the biggest mistake you could make to your diet. Distracting yourself while you are eating will only lead to binge eating without even noticing. This can easily lead to a huge increase in the amounts of food you are consuming over time, resulting in weight gain. Instead, learn how to focus on your plate, what you are eating, and its quantity.

Some people think that if they starve themselves or skip meals, they will magically lose weight without a struggle. This couldnt be further from the truth. Skipping meals will eventually put your body in starvation mode. This means that your body will be saving calories instead of burning them and forces a slowdown in your metabolism. Instead, learn how to eat 3 or more small meals throughout the day without exceeding the number of allowed calories.

Some people prefer diet pills, as one of the medical treatment options, to other available options. However, depending on the type of diet pills you are taking, many treatment options are far better than diet pills that usually have so much caffeine that might hurt your stomach. If you are considering surgery, its important to determine if you meet the requirements for it, according to your country and doctors rules before you set your hopes up. If we take Mexico as an example, some rules for weight loss surgery in Mexico require that you have to be over 18 years and weigh 100 pounds to qualify for these types of surgeries. Its always better, however, to seek professional opinions when it comes to your situation; your doctor will determine whats best for you and your body.

Feeling hungry and actually being hungry are two different things. The human brain can easily trick you into believing that you are hungry when you are just thirsty, bored, or tired. If you find comfort in food, its expected to wrongly translate the signals that your body is giving you. Thats why its essential to fill up on water all day and to drink water the minute you feel hungry. After waiting for 20 minutes, if you are still hungry, then you can eat. People heard this tip countless times that they stopped believing how true it is. Drinking water can have numerous positive effects on your body, other than tricking your mind to stop feeling hungry. Water is necessary for the optimal functioning of the human body. Replacing water by soda drinks, or even other unsweetened drinks is one of the worst habits we developed over the years.

Practicing mindful eating is the most important aspect of any weight-loss program. Making sure that we drop the reward mechanism that we got used to while we are growing up is essential for the success of any diet. If you keep thinking of certain types of food as a reward, you will keep craving them. Comfort food, usually messes up how we view food and treats to be rewarding rather than dangerous to our bodies and health.

Changing your eating habits to adopt healthier ones is the first step you can take in order to reach your weight goal. Most of the diets fail as we follow fad strict diets that are only good for a while. Once you stop these diets, the lost fats are usually quickly regained as you get back to your normal eating patterns. While achieving your ideal weight might be a tough experience, motivation and determination are what keep people going through tough beginnings and weight loss stall to see the number on the scale go down.

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Unlikely Things to Overcome When Trying to Lose Weight - Gary Skentelbery

This weight loss pill may increase your risk of cancer – NewsDio

Posted: February 21, 2020 at 10:45 am

According to a recent publication, the drug Lorcaserin (Belviq, Belviq XR) has been withdrawn by its pharmaceutical manufacturing company Eisai after an FDA warning declared that there is a possibility that the drug may increase a person's risk of cancer . According to the FDA, Belviq apparently failed to pass a recent health test, and the agency requested the withdrawal of the drug shortly after passing that warning. In addition, the FDA also stated that because of this, there is a possibility that anyone who is using the medication has a greater chance of developing cancer in the future. By an updated statement released by the FDA, agency officials noted that when initially "Lorcaserin approved in 2012, (they) required the drug manufacturer to conduct a clinical trial to assess the risk of cardiovascular problems." However, a failed safety test is sufficient for the FDA to classify the drug as unsafe, immediately requesting its withdrawal from the market before it can potentially harm people who just wanted to lose weight. "A variety of cancers were reported, with several different types of cancers that occur most frequently in the lorcaserin group, including pancreatic, colorectal and pulmonary," the FDA said. In addition, the FDA also advised people to dispose of the medication (safely, of course) if they are already taking it. The best way to do this is to simply deliver them to an official medication return location.However, if the person cannot access a medication recovery site or is not near one, they can still get rid of the medication by mixing the tablets with an unattractive substance (such as dirt), sealing this mixture in a box or in a bag, and then safely throw the sealed mixture into the trash can.As for experts and health professionals, the FDA warned them to simply stop recommending the medication. They were also advised to immediately contact anyone they know who uses the medication because of their recommendation. The pill is just one of the many options that people take today when they need help to lose weight. Diet pills have been surrounded by a long time of controversy. However, with thorough research and careful choice, proper diet pills can help you lose weight and do it quickly. Here are 14 of the best Keto compatible weight loss pills on Amazon. Gundula Vogen / Pixabay. (TagsToTranslate) fda (t) lorcarserin (t) belviq (t) diet pill (t) withdrawal (t) medication (t) weight loss (t) cancer risk (t) insecure (t) safety test (t) ) statement (t) pharmaceutical company (t) eisai

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This weight loss pill may increase your risk of cancer - NewsDio

Dont Judge A Mother For Wanting To Lose The Baby Weight – BabyGaga

Posted: February 21, 2020 at 10:45 am

You are simply glowing!

Pregnancy agrees with you!

Youre all belly!

Any of these comments sound familiar? Thats because pregnant women get told all the time how amazing they look while they are pregnant. How often were you told how good you looked post-baby?

Women give up countless things when they become pregnant. They give up alcohol, caffeine, seafood, the list goes on and on. But above all women give up their figure. There is nothing wrong with saying you are proud of your figure. Many women work their entire lives to feel comfortable and confident in their own skin. Yet whenwe become pregnantour body is no longer ours. A womans body is now simply the home of a growing baby. It is a wonderful miraculous thing dont get me wrong, but for a woman who is proud of her figure, this can be a difficult time.

Women take on a different role when they become pregnant they are no longer seen as women, just "pregnant". Their identity shifts from who they once were to again the fact that they are "pregnant". Once the baby arrives yet again their identity shifts from who they once were to "mother". This is not a bad thing, but it can be very jarring especially for a new mom. All your young adult life youve worked to build up and discover the person you are. What kind of career youre going to have, what kind of relationship you want, all the identifying pieces about you fall into place. Then suddenly everything is blown apart when you become a mom.

Many women love the title mom and are happy to be one, but this does not mean that they should give up every other aspect of who they are. When women forget who they are aside from the role "mother" the result is often bouts of depression. Believe it or not, you can love the title of mother and also want more out of life. You should not be judged for this or made to feel bad about wanting more. You are a person, a human being with needs, and the worst thing you can do as a new mom is neglect those needs. There is nothing like getting yourself back on track after having a baby to make your mood turn around and start feeling normal again. One way to do this is to work on getting your body back.

Anyone else sick and tired of seeing women constantly judgeone another about their desire to get back in shape only to be secretly envious that some mothers are able to bounce back quickly? This does not mean that you dont honor the scares or stretched skin that is now a part of you. You are not saying that you want to attain the 18-year-old version of yourself. Your body has forever changed, has forever been altered because you've given birth. Wanting to get back in shapedoes not mean that you are dishonouring any of your experiences. You can be a wonderful mom who still honours the pregnancy process, yet still works to get herself back in shape.

Unfortunately, we live in a society where women are never 100% satisfied with their bodies. New hashtags promotingbody acceptance (which I fully support and commend) have popped up all over social media. But just because you except your body doesnt mean you cant work to make it its strongest and best version. For me working out after I gave myself a period of time to heal from having my son was extremely beneficial. I am someone who benefits from the endorphins that get released during exercise, (many people do). Taking the time to work out whether it be hitting the gym and lifting weights, attending a yoga class, or simply taking the dog for a walk, whatever you choose... taking the time for yourself to strengthen your body is extremely important.

RELATED:Makeup Used During Pregnancy May Affect Your Baby's Weight, Study Shows

I am all for excepting and loving every piece of you, and absolutely think that we women in America do not do this nearly enough. However, I see nothing wrong with a new mom working to lose the poundsshe gained during pregnancy ifshe wants to. If you like the way you looked in a bikini pre-pregnancy why not work to get that body back? No one saying you have to achieve this in the three weeks after giving birth. Give your body time to heal and gently ease it back into a work out routine.

In the long run, youll be much happier having accomplished the weight loss/body strengthening/toning that you wanted to because you put in the time and effort. You are doing this for yourself! This is one thing in your wild crazy upside-down world that at times seems completely out of control (especially as a new mother) that you have control over. For many women having this one sliver of time that they can controlwhat they are doing, and how they are doing it is immensely precious.

The misconception is that to be a good mom you must be 100% focused onyourchild at all times. Well believe it or not a new mother will go crazy if she is not able to do something for herself. If you want to lose your pregnancy weight then go for it, do whatever you need to do to feel better about yourself and regain a sense of normalcy. No one should shame you for wanting to work out and strengthenyour body. You are not ignoring the miracle your body has just performed by growing a child, you are simply doing what is best for you by re-energizing and revitalizing yourself, and working to create the best, happiest, and healthiest version of you.

This will help you to be a great mom!

SOURCE:What To Expect

10 Ways To Help an Aquarius Mom

Tags:moms,Baby Weight

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Dont Judge A Mother For Wanting To Lose The Baby Weight - BabyGaga

‘I have a new lease of life’ – Port Vale fan loses over 10 stone – and is now taking on half-marathon! – Stoke-on-Trent Live

Posted: February 21, 2020 at 10:45 am

Chef Matt Cauchi is limbering up for a half-marathon after managing to shed more than 10 stone in just two years.

The 32-year-old is taking on the challenge in Brighton this Sunday (February 23) to raise funds for The Donna Louise.

Matt first weighed in at 32 stone. But now he a shadow of his former weight at 21st 9lb - and this is just the start of his journey.

Originally from Burslem, he now lives in Eastbourne with his girlfriend, 27-year-old Stephanie Markides, who is a teacher.

It was a family holiday that pushed Matt to begin his weight loss mission.

The Port Vale fan said: "I've been a chef for years, so have always been around food and it's easy to get into bad habits.

"My family decided that they wanted to go on a skiing holiday to Poland and I just thought to myself, 'I can't ski at 32 stone.' So I set myself a goal of losing three stone before I went.

"I achieved that and, from there, it just continued. I didn't stop."

Matt is a freelance self-employed chef. One of his jobs is with Motivate Bootcamp, which provides all-inclusive fitness retreats for women in the UK and Portugal.

"I do the bootcamps in Portugal where I prepare the food - which of course is all healthy and nutritious." he said. "I did my third one in October and I have another planned for June.

"I love doing them. It's great to meet the ladies and pick up tips and tricks from them and everyone else on the bootcamp.

"I've changed my diet completely. As a chef, I'm able to cook a lot of things from scratch, and now I've learnt a lot about nutrition, so what I make is healthy and much better for me.

"It's a lot of trial and error at first. You quickly find out that what might work for someone else won't necessarily work for you."

Matt's weight loss has given him a new lease of life and enabled him to start running and training for the half-marathon, which his girlfriend Stephanie, suggested they do together.

Matt said: "I can exercise so much more now I've lost the weight. We went to America as a family in June 2019 and I was going to the gym while we were there, even before a full day in the theme parks. I was averaging about 30,000 steps a day while we were there.

"At the moment, I've been training for the half-marathon with around three to four runs a week. I just need to get the miles in my legs and stay consistent. Then it's all about building it up each week.

"I was nervous about doing it at first and, as time goes on, it's getting more and more real.

"A lot of people are supporting my fundraising efforts, too, so that definitely puts pressure on me to go for it and not disappoint anyone. I am nervous, but also excited to get out there and do it."

Matt now lives more than 200 miles away from the Potteries, but he's still keen to raise money for a local cause, with in excess of 200 raised so far on his Just Giving page.

Matt added: "I'm doing the half-marathon for Donna Louise. I have a friend who lost her child from sepsis and the Donna Louise were really there for her and her family. I'd love to give back and raise some money for them.

"My family are coming down from Stoke-on-Trent to support me. All of my family and friends have been so supportive of my weight loss and the half-marathon.

"We moved down South in August 2019. I do miss my Saturday's at the Vale and of course, bacon and cheese oatcakes."

Matt is hopeful that after this running challenge, he can move on to other things, to further his fundraising efforts and fitness goals.

He said: "Hopefully after the Brighton half-marathon, I can build my fitness and move on to do full marathons, maybe the London Marathon."

If you'd like to support Matt and find out more, you check out his Just Giving page here.

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'I have a new lease of life' - Port Vale fan loses over 10 stone - and is now taking on half-marathon! - Stoke-on-Trent Live

Is it easier to burn off a big breakfast than a big dinner? – NHS Website

Posted: February 21, 2020 at 10:44 am

"Eat a big breakfast to lose weight fast you'll 'burn twice as many calories'," reports The Sun.

The advice to eat more at breakfast than at dinner has long been proposed to help people trying to lose weight. The idea is that calories consumed at the start of the day are more likely to be burned off than those consumed in the evening.

German researchers say they found that people do burn off more calories after breakfast than dinner. They also feel less hungry in the afternoon and evening if they have a bigger breakfast.

However, their study included just 16 people, who were all healthy young men. None of the participants were trying to lose weight and the study did not measure weight loss.

We do not know whether eating a big breakfast every day would lead to weight loss in real-world conditions, or whether the results are relevant to women or people who have health complications due to being overweight or obese. The study was also just a 3-day laboratory experiment in which men ate only set meals provided and did no physical exercise.

However, other studies have suggested that eating a healthy breakfast may help people to eat less during the rest of the day. This could help people stick to a weight loss diet, rather than skipping breakfast and eating more later because they are hungry.

If you need to lose weight, read more about:

The researchers who carried out the study were from the University of Lubeck in Germany. The study was funded by the German Research Foundation and published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism on an open access basis so it is free to read online.

The report in The Sun overstated the results. The Sun report says that "The researchers claimed the hour of the day when you eat and how frequently you eat is more important than what you eat and how many calories you eat."

This is not true the researchers only said that the time a meal was eaten had an effect on calories burned and appetite. They did not say that this was "more important" than what people eat or how much they eat.

The report by the Mail Online was more balanced, making it clear that a big breakfast was only helpful if balanced by a small dinner. Both news reports included photographs of a fried full English breakfast, which is high in fat and salt and not likely to be a very healthy start to the day.

This was an experimental crossover study carried out in a laboratory.

These types of studies may be helpful to establish how the body behaves under controlled conditions. However, these studies may be of less immediate relevance in the real world.

The researchers recruited 16 men in their early 20s. The participants were all:

The researchers said they excluded women "to avoid possible effects of the female hormone cycle on energy metabolism". If such effects exist, that means the study results do not apply to women.

The men stayed at a research centre twice, 2 weeks apart, for 3 days on each stay. On the evening of their arrival they had a standard evening meal. For the next 2 days, they had either:

The researchers took measurements at regular intervals during the day, including before and after meals, of:

The men were allowed to read, draw, watch television, play games, listen to music and spend time at a computer, but could not do any exercise.

On their second visit, the men were given the reverse to their original meals. Those who had a high-calorie breakfast and low-calorie dinner now received a low-calorie breakfast and high-calorie dinner, and vice versa.

The researchers used the difference between resting energy expenditure before and after a meal to calculate diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT), or the amount of energy used while digesting a meal. They compared DIT after high- or low-calorie meals at breakfast or dinner.

Researchers found that the men's DIT, the measure of how many calories were burned digesting a meal, was around 2.5 times higher after breakfast than after dinner. It did not make a difference whether the meal was high or low calorie.

Their blood glucose, a measure of how much sugar is in the bloodstream immediately after a meal, was 44% higher after a high-calorie dinner, compared to a high-calorie breakfast. This suggests that glucose peaks more after an evening meal than a morning meal. The difference was 17% higher after dinner when both meals were low calorie.

Their concentrations of insulin, which the body releases to help it metabolise sugar, were also 40% higher after a high-calorie dinner than after a high-calorie breakfast.

The men said they felt less hungry after dinner than after breakfast, regardless of whether dinner was high or low calorie. Compared to hunger before breakfast, hunger decreased 5 hours after a high-calorie breakfast whereas it increased 5 hours after a low-calorie breakfast.

The men said they were hungrier in the period before dinner if they had a low-calorie breakfast, compared to those who had a high-calorie breakfast. They also craved sweets during the day more if they had a low-calorie breakfast compared with a high-calorie breakfast.

The researchers said: "Our results show that a nutritional pattern with an extensive breakfast and few calories in the evening has a favourable effect on energy as well as glucose metabolism."

They added: "An extensive breakfast should therefore be preferred over large dinner meals to reduce the risk of metabolic diseases."

Small, experimental studies such as this may help scientists establish how the body works under experimental conditions at least in the case of the healthy young men included in the study. It is unclear whether they are relevant to the wider population.

The study is limited by its nature. It included only 16 men and tracked their consumption and resting energy expenditure over a short time period. We do not know exactly what food they ate only the calorific value and the balance of carbohydrates, protein and fat.

The study shows us that these 16 men burned off more calories after their morning meal than their evening meal, regardless of how many calories in that meal. Because of the standardised conditions of the experiment, we do not know how the results would have been affected by doing physical exercise. The effect the different regimes had on the men's weight was not measured.

This makes it hard to know how relevant the results are to people trying to reduce their weight in the real world. People's choices about when and what they eat are affected by many things, including caring responsibilities, work schedule and the preferences of family members.

The important thing about dieting to lose weight is to find a healthy diet that ensures you are getting all the nutrients you need. It should also be something that you are able to stick to.

Many people have found the NHS weight loss guide helpful for losing weight steadily and safely.

Find out more about the NHS weight loss guide.

Analysis by BazianEdited by NHS Website

Go here to see the original:
Is it easier to burn off a big breakfast than a big dinner? - NHS Website

Weight Loss Pills Recalled As They May Increase Risk Of Cancer, According To FDA – Medical Herald

Posted: February 21, 2020 at 10:44 am

Eisai, a Japanese pharmaceutical company haswillingly withdrawnLorcaseri, marketed under the brand name Belviq. It is a weight-loss drug. The decision as mad post the warning from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that Belviq did not pass the latest safety test so there was a chance that the drug could increase risk of cancer for the consumer. Soon after the warning was issued, the Food and Drug Administration requested the drugs withdrawalfrom the market, asserting that the potential risk of cancer is more than the benefitsthe drug may bring to the consumers body. Lorcaserin is a drug intended to help lose weight majorly for the treatments of obesity as well as health issues related to overweight. The drug helps by decreasing the consumers sense of hunger.The Food and Drug Administration(FDA) has advised the consumers of the drug Belviq tablets to dispose them safely and the best way to do the same, would be to hand them to an officialdrug take back location. The consumerswere asked to remove or delete personal details mentioned on the prescription tag of empty drug bottles or packaging before disposing them.

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Weight Loss Pills Recalled As They May Increase Risk Of Cancer, According To FDA - Medical Herald

Are your thyroid symptoms a sign you need treatment for Hashimoto’s disease? Functional medicine may help – St George News

Posted: February 20, 2020 at 6:49 am

Stock image, St. George News

CONTRIBUTED CONTENT Do you take thyroid hormone medication for your thyroid problems but still suffer from fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, constipation, depression, cold hands and feet or other symptoms? Has your doctor told you your lab tests are normal and there isnt anything more to do?

If so, you may respond well to functional medicine for low thyroid problems.

Hypothyroidism, or low thyroid function, affects millions of Americans, most of them women. Its common for people with thyroid problems to go undiagnosed for years. Those who are diagnosed still experience low thyroid symptoms and a gradual worsening of their symptoms despite taking medication. This is because they are not getting the autoimmune disease treatment they need.

Approximately90%of hypothyroidism cases in the United States are caused by Hashimotos, an autoimmune disease that attacks and destroys the thyroid gland. If you have hypothyroidism symptoms, its likely you have autoimmune Hashimotos.

While you still may need thyroid medications in order to function, these meds will not address the underlying autoimmune condition damaging your thyroid gland.This is why its important to seek out Hashimotos disease treatment from a physician trained in functional medicine.

For starters, its not sufficient to only run a blood test for TSH, as most clinics do. Instead, you need to test for TPO and TGB antibodies. If either of these is positive this means you need Hashimotos thyroiditis help.

At the RedRiver Health and Wellness Center, our functional medicine wellness team willhelp you restore balance to your immune system so it stops attacking the thyroid gland.

This is a customized approach that takes into consideration each persons unique triggers for Hashimotos hypothyroidism symptoms. There are numerous approaches to treatment.

Going on a gluten-free diet

Numerous studies show a strong link between Hashimotos hypothyroidism and gluten, the protein found in wheat, barley, rye, spelt and other wheat-like grains. Whats more, studies also show that people who are gluten-intolerant are more prone to Hashimotos. Gluten also cross-reacts with the thyroid gland.

This means that if you are gluten-intolerant and have Hashimotos, your immune system mistakes portions of your thyroid as gluten and attacks it whenever you eat gluten.

The AIP diet for Hashimotos

For some people, going gluten-free works great and improves their thyroid problems. For many others, its not enough and they require spending some time on the autoimmune Paleo or AIP diet. This is an anti-inflammatory diet that eliminates common inflammatory foods, such as dairy, eggs, soy and grains.

After a period of time on the diet, you then introduce foods you eliminated one at a time every three days to monitor for symptoms. Its important to eat a diverse array of plenty of vegetables while on the AIP diet for Hashimotos so you dont risk developing more food sensitivities due to loss of oral tolerance.

Address a leaky gut

A common Hashimotos disease treatment is to address a leaky gut, or intestinal permeability. Its common for leaky gut to play a role in autoimmune diseases such as Hashimotos thyroid problems. Leaky gut happens when the small intestine becomes inflamed and damaged, allowing undigested foods, bacteria and other foreign invaders into the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, these pathogens trigger inflammation and autoimmunity in other places in the body.

Balance blood sugar

Balancing blood sugar is an important autoimmune disease management strategy. Many people do not realize how unstable their blood sugar is it is either chronically too low or too high. This is because the normal American diet is typically too high in sugars and processed carbohydrates, such as breads, pastas, pastries and desserts.

Blood sugar imbalances trigger inflammation and hormonal imbalances that make it difficult to effectively manage an autoimmune condition such as Hashimotos hypothyroidism. Blood sugar imbalances also cause unpleasant symptoms such as energy crashes, fatigue, excess belly fat, premenstrual syndrome and other hormone problems, mood swings and sleep issues.

These are just a few of the basics of autoimmune disease treatment for conditions such as Hashimotos hypothyroidism. Its important to manage your autoimmune condition to lower your risk of developing other autoimmune diseases, such as pernicious anemia, rheumatoid arthritis, vitiligo or Type I diabetes.

To learn more about Hashimotos and other factors that can cause hypothyroidism, read my book The Truth About Low Thyroidorcontact one of our functional medicine wellness centers for more information.

If you do not already have a functional medicine provider, call RedRiver Health and Wellness Center St. George at 435-767-9355or

Written by JOSH REDD, RedRiver Health and Wellness Center.


About RedRiver Health and Wellness Center

One of the main goals at RedRiver Health and Wellness Center is to work with patients to improve their health, well-being and quality of life. The RedRiver Health and Wellness Center team is passionate about helping ailing patients achieve optimal health, and we truly care about the success of each and every patient.

RedRiver chiropractic physicians are great advocates for prescribing physicians and endocrinologists. In fact, many of our patients see their prescribing physicians more frequently while under our care than they would otherwise. Our goal is not to replace our patients primary care physicians and specialists but to complement their care by providing patients with nutrition, diet, lifestyle and educational support and strategies.



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See the article here:
Are your thyroid symptoms a sign you need treatment for Hashimoto's disease? Functional medicine may help - St George News

Diet testimony retracted to match Abe’s retirement policy : The Asahi Shimbun – Asahi Shimbun

Posted: February 20, 2020 at 6:49 am

A National Personnel Authority (NPA) official retracted her Diet testimony, prompting opposition lawmakers to accuse the Abe administration of forcing officials to support its impractical explanation for extending the career of a friendly prosecutor.

Emiko Matsuo, director-general of the NPAs Remuneration Bureau, said she made a slip of the tongue when she told the Diet on Feb. 12 that the governments interpretation of the revised National Public Service Law in 1981 remained the same.

That interpretation clearly states provisions of the law on extending the mandatory retirement ages of civil servants do not apply to public prosecutors.

Matsuos comment raised eyebrows because it contradicted Prime Minister Shinzo Abes explanation for allowing Hiromu Kurokawa, chief of the Tokyo High Public Prosecutors Office, to work six months beyond his 63rd birthday, when he was supposed to have retired.

Abe said at the Feb. 13 Lower House plenary session that his administration had reinterpreted the law to allow the retirement age provisions to cover prosecutors.

Kurokawa is considered an ally of the Abe Cabinet. Opposition party lawmakers say the illegal extension of his retirement age is aimed at promoting him to the nations top prosecutor post.

At the Feb. 12 Lower House Budget Committee, Matsuo was asked about the 1981 government interpretation of the law.

We continue to hold that interpretation until the present, Matsuo said.

But she backtracked when she was called before the Feb. 19 session of the same committee.

I used the term until the present in an inaccurate manner so I would like to retract that part of my response, she said.

Shiori Yamao, a lawmaker with the opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, asked Matsuo, Why did you explain on Feb. 12 that the authority continues to hold the past interpretation without making any reference to the change in interpretation?

Matsuo said she had no intention of concealing the reinterpretation and explained that she did not touch upon the change because she was not directly asked about it.

Matsuo further explained that Justice Ministry officials on Jan. 22 consulted the bureau about allowing the retirement age extension to cover prosecutors. She said NPA officials sent a written response on Jan. 24 saying they did not oppose that change.

When further pressed for her definition of until the present, Matsuo said it meant until Jan. 22, when the NPA was consulted by Justice Ministry officials.

After the Feb. 19 committee session, Yamao told reporters, The NPA was forced to go along with the impracticable story put together by the Abe administration.

The Justice Ministry has jurisdiction over the prosecutors office law.

Justice Minister Masako Mori has said the ministry changed its interpretation of the retirement age extension in late January. The Abe Cabinet approved the change on Jan. 31.

The delay in Kurokawas retirement has also raised concerns within Japans judicial system.

The heads of all district and high public prosecutors offices in Japan held a meeting in Tokyo on Feb. 19 and issued a rare request for the government to explain its decision to hold off on Kurokawas retirement.

One top prosecutor from central Japan said prosecutors, who are supposed to be impartial and neutral in carrying out their duties, are now being viewed questionably about their ties to the administration, according to sources who were present at the meeting.

Unless something is done, trust in prosecutors will be called into question, the prosecutor was quoted as saying. It would be preferable to provide a more thorough explanation to the public.

(This article was compiled from reports by Ryutaro Abe and Naoki Kikuchi.)

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Diet testimony retracted to match Abe's retirement policy : The Asahi Shimbun - Asahi Shimbun

How to Work Out Effectively Without Completely Giving Up Alcohol – VICE

Posted: February 20, 2020 at 6:49 am

Dear Ask a Swole Woman,

First of all, thank you for your column, in all its various forms and locales. I had been lifting before you started writing, but you inspired me to take it more seriously and also just generally validated my experiences and made me feel less alone.

I was wondering if you could talk a little bit about alcohol and trainingboth how it affects training/macros from a scientific/nutrition standpoint, and also how (if?) you have found balance between building strength but also going out with friends for a few drinks?

Ok, thats it! Thanks again!


I did not know roughly until I started lifting weights that alcohol is actually a fourth kind of calorieit is not carb, nor fat, nor protein, technically speaking. (Further technically speaking, it is not really a calorie, just poison to your body, but we must die a little to stay alive somehow.) This means drinking, and when you drink, and how much you drink, has implications for your training, but even if you know these implications, its hard to know how concerned to be about them. I'm going to talk about all of the relevant data and then make a judgment call about what is best, based on the evidence and my experience as both an enthusiastic lifter and drinker.

First of all, these are two very good videos on alcohol as it relates to lifting/strength training created by Jeff Nippard (the second one is more concerned with how alcohol affects your body fat percentage than I think really matters here, but the rest is interesting) with breakdowns of relevant scientific research:

So the first question is: can you drink and still train and make progress? Yes, of course. Maybe if you were a professional athlete where your body and health are your life, you might consider cutting back, but there is plenty of room for booze in the life of a normal person who simply works out.

But research well talk about here has shown that there are longer-term effects that are not detectable by the average human; that research has its own shortcomings, but its the best weve got. A normal person who works out at least three-ish times per week, meaning they have a mix of nights where they have to train the next day, and nights when they dont have to train the next day (but you dont have to train the next day, because you just trained that day). So we can contend with this in two parts: how drinking affects you immediately after a workout, and how drinking affects you the day before a workout. If youre trying to plan out your week, is it better to schedule getting wasted for a day that you went to the gym, at the risk of undermining your workout? Or the night before, at the risk of undermining the workout yet to come?

If you get home from the gym and have a few beers, research suggests that alcohol (which jumps the digestive queue inside your body, meaning real food gets stored as fat while your body is breaking down your drinks) slows down your bodys ability to use protein to repair the muscles torn up by your recent training. In one study on actual humans, consuming a 25 gram dose of protein right after a workout and then again four hours later, mitigated this problem a little bit, but not completely. However, in this study, the subjects were getting absolutely wasted, taking in 12 drinks (plus or minus two drinks, per the authors) in the hours after their training. I am guessing you are not trying to get absolutely trashed, so we can reasonably assume the effect on your muscles will be less for a more modest number of drinks, and possibly even negligible for your purposes as a non-pro athlete, if you make sure to eat your food.

But what about drinking the night before a training? Obviously, as with the above, the effect will vary if youre having three drinks and are in bed by 10 p.m. versus going on a bender and going to bed at 5 a.m. If youre hungover, youre not going to want to work out, and even if you do, you wont be able to do all that you could if you were not hungover. According to a different study, alcohol lowers testosterone in men, but increases it in women (the study did not measure how much each person drank, but authors determined the subjects were sufficiently drunk according to their slurred speech [and] unstable gait). This matters because testosterone is an anabolic hormone, meaning it helps you build muscle.

This seems like a pretty wild finding, implying that drinking may even help women actually build muscle, but its a one-off, and its small, and no one has followed up on it; probably the safest thing to conclude is that drinking is maybe somewhat less bad for womens overall progress than mens, but it definitely doesnt mean to start supplementing your protein shakes with whiskey, because alcohol has many effects beyond what it does to your hormones: its dehydrating, its taxing on your digestive system, etc., etc.

As far as how to integrate alcohol calorie/energy-intake-wise, Nippard above suggests carving space in your diet for alcohol from your fat macros, because your body processes fat less well than carbs or protein while its processing alcohol. You can see the obvious shortcoming here: taking caloric space away from real food and giving it to alcohol, which is a not-super-efficient source of energy and a great struggle for your body to process, is overall worse than just eating food, but thats the compromise were making in order to drink.

An interesting thing about scientific literature around drinking and strength training, particularly as it relates to women, is that it is not super comprehensive; the studies are either small with only a dozen-ish subjects (or sometimes even mice) and without a lot of control for training background, intensity of training programs, or overall diet/sleep/other recovery elements. Its a lot of having people do leg presses and then get very drunk, or having them get very drunk and then do leg presses. This is not a knock on the scientific establishment as a whole; its hard to get funding for this kind of stuff, even as it affects so much of our lives. (I want to be able to drink but in a way that minimally impacts other areas of my life, and, like you, I feel sure it is possible but slightly unsure how to go about it.) I wish there were better data, but there is not.

Taking all this together, it is my opinion (and experience) that the best time to drink is on a day when youve JUST trained earlier that day, and do not plan on training the next day. This leaves you at least three, if not four, days each week when you can pretty safely drink a little and not ruin your own life too badly. It also means you don't drink many days in a row, which, to me, produces the absolute worst results. This does involve some planning, but, you work! You train! Treat yourself to scheduling your evenings of drinking, and saving some other evenings for not drinking.

Would it be better to not drink at all, in a strict health sense? Probably. While I cannot legally personally attest to the superiority of weed, I can point to the literature suggesting it harmonizes beautifully with many aspects of strength training: it stimulates appetite, reduces inflammation, helps some people with sleep, and the hangover stakes are not nearly as high (though you can be cannabis-hungover). Obviously, there are events where you might be drinking, like an after-work happy hour, where weed might not be as acceptable. But as a wind-down, it sure seems to me, academically and theoretically speaking, weed has a lot going for it over booze.

But hopefully you see here that, thankfully, there is plenty of room for life balance (drinking) even if you are trying to go to the gym regularly. While its not the best thing in a strict biological sense, I return often to the research that suggests light-to-moderate drinkers live longer", as researchers speculate that moderate drinking is closely linked with other demographic markers of health that dont have anything to do with alcohol intake. While no one needs to drink to have friends, there is surely more to it than intake in grams-per-kilocalorie, and you should find your balance.

Disclaimer: Casey Johnston is not a doctor, nutritionist, dietitian, personal trainer, physiotherapist, psychotherapist, doctor, or lawyer; she is simply someone who done a lot of, and read a lot about, lifting weights. You can read past Ask A Swole Woman columns at The Hairpin and at SELF and follow A Swole Woman on Instagram. Got a question for her? Email .

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How to Work Out Effectively Without Completely Giving Up Alcohol - VICE

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