President Trump comments on Governor LePage's weight loss
NEWS CENTER , WCSH 6:40 PM. EDT April 27, 2017
Gov. Paul LePage travels to Washington, D.C. to be present as Pres. Donald Trump signs an executive order mandating a review process for the designation of national monuments
WASHINGTON(NEWS CENTER) -- Among the many weighty issues being addressed by Pres. Donald Trump is...Gov. Paul LePage's weight.
Gov. LePagewas part of the crowd that surrounded Pres. Trump on Wednesday morning in Washington, D.C. as he signed an executive order mandating a review process for the designation of national monuments. Gov. LePage has requested that Pres. Trump go even further with regards to the KatahdinWoods and Waters National Monument in Maine by overturning the designation that was approved by the Obama administration.
Trump on Gov. LePage: "...has lost a lot of weight. I knew him when he was heavy & now I know him when he's thin. And I like him both ways."
The executive order carries big implications for the environment and economy. But even amid such serious considerations, Pres. Trump took a moment to lighten the mood by teasing Gov. LePage. The two men had crossed paths several times during the presidential campaign when the Governor was significantly heavier. After undergoing bariatric surgery, he now cuts a much slimmer figure.
Pres. Trump took note of the change by saying, "Gov. LePageof Maine, who by the way has lost a lot of weight. I knew him when he was heavy, and now I know him when he's thin, and I like him both ways."
2017 WCSH-TV
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Pres. Trump weighs in on Governor's weight loss - WCSH-TV