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Quinoa for weight loss: Advantages of including quinoa in your diet and top three recipes to try! – Times of India

Posted: June 26, 2022 at 2:01 am

1.Quinoa is gluten-free

It is naturally free of gluten and helpful to those who are intolerant to gluten. Quinoa is the best for such people as when it is replaced with white rice it is a wholesome meal as it provides your body with protein, iron, fibre and calcium. So you can eat a balanced dish that is also gluten-free.

2.GI value of quinoa is low

Since the glycemic index value of quinoa is low, it does not raise your blood sugar levels. So quinoa provides lasting energy due to low GI value and good for your health.

3.Quinoa is full of minerals

Quinoa has minerals like zinc, magnesium and iron which are essential for a healthy body. These minerals prevent the body from fatigue, insomnia, headache, muscle cramps, anemia, diabetes and many more.

4.It helps in weight loss

The high protein content in quinoa keeps you full for a long time and aids in weight loss. The insoluble fibre in it gives a feeling of satiation, therefore its advised to eat quinoa for breakfast. It also increases the metabolic rate and helps to decrease food cravings and calorie intake thus supporting the weight loss process.

5.Plant- based protein

Quinoa is a source of plant-based protein and amino acids. 100 grams of Quinoa has all 9 amino acids and 8 grams protein, that are essential for a healthy body. It makes a complete diet which also helps in weight loss while retaining the muscles at the same time.

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Quinoa for weight loss: Advantages of including quinoa in your diet and top three recipes to try! - Times of India

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