Red wine is perhaps the most widely praisedalcoholic beverage for its health benefits.Regularly consumed in moderation as part of a healhty Mediterranean diet, red wine is made from grapes that are high in antioxidants and polyphenols, which are known have cancer-fighting and longevity benefits.
In a new study conducted by Virginia Tech researchers, it was discovered that a compound found in red wine called resveratrol has the power to help keep the brain young and healthy. Resveratrol is anaturally-occurring compound inraspberries, pomegranates, blueberries, mulberries, raw cacao, dark chocolate and the skin ofgrapes, whichhas been shown to protect against the age-related breakdown ofmuscle fibers and connections between synapses in the brain.
To examine the effects of resveratrol, the researchers took two year-old mice (considered to be old in mouse years) and treated them with resveratrol for a period of one year. The researchers specifically looked at the effects of the resveratrol on synapses associated with voluntary movement, called neuromuscular junctions (NMJ), which carry motor commands flowingfrom neurons within the spinal cord towardthe muscles.
In a previous study, researchersdiscovered that a low-calorie diet and exercise helped protect NMJsynapses frombreaking down during the aging process. The mice that were treated with resveratrol had more youthful NMJsynapses compared to two-year-old mice that didnt receive treatment, showing similar effects to that of how diet and exercise benefited the youthfulness of NMJsynapses.
Theres just one big downside to this new discovery: humans cant get the same neuroprotective benefits as the mice did in this particular study just by deciding to make red wine a part of their healthy diet. Red wine contains such small amounts of resveratrol that theres no way to drink enough of it safely to get the benefits that were seen in mice, withprevious research on the effects of resveratrol in human subjects showing no significant benefits.
The next step for the researchers is to dive deeper into examining the mechanics of howresveratrol protects NMJ synapses. Once this is known, either modifications can be made to resveratrol, or the researchers can work on identifyingcompounds that have similar or better neuroprotective benefits.
This doesnt necessarily mean red wine has nothing to offer and that it should be given up altogether. If you enjoy drinking red wine in moderation, theres no reason to stop unless your doctor tells you so.
FollowingtheMediterranean Diet, women can enjoy one glass of red wine a day while men can have up to two glasses a day. So pour yourself a glass, breathe in the aromas, take a sip and dont forget to maintain a healthy diet overall because the bigger picture is what really counts.
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Originally posted here:
Red Wine Compound Benefits Brain Health, But There's a Downside -