Welcome to Rhead Pottery a website dedicated to the prodigious work of Charlotte Rhead, her father Frederick Rhead, and some other members of their family. I have been collecting (and trading in) Charlotte Rhead items for many years now, and believe that her work is still relatively unappreciated.
This website is intended to be a resource for people interested in researching items of Rhead pottery that they already own (or wish to own), as well as providing historical information on the family themselves.
There are already one or two websites dedicated to Charlotte Rhead and her work, however I havent (yet) found one that covers her whole career, as well as that of her family, which is why I decided to start this one. Links to the other relevant sites are provided on the Further Reading page.
I shall be submitting a blog from time to time, based on my own trading experiences, sharing new finds, and looking at recent sales of Rhead items worldwide, as well as hopefully provoking discussion amongst like-minded enthusiasts.
Finally, I have some Rhead items for sale on my separate e-commercewebsite.
Feel free to get involved either bycontactingme directly, requesting a valuation, liking the site on Facebook, following me on Twitter, or commenting on theblogposts. Your photographic (or written) contributions are more than welcome!
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See the rest here:
Rhead Pottery - rheadpottery.com