Who could have imagined a global crisis larger than climate change? But here we are! Life as we know it has come to a halt as we hunker down to shelter in place indefinitely, to protect ourselves and tamp down the spread of a virus. Everyone, even those less food- and shelter-secure, must press the pause button and stay put. Now what?
How can we contribute to the common good sequestered home, even if our concern about big issues like climate change, feeding the world, curing disease, and other environmental and humanitarian causes hasnt evaporated with our day-to-day lives? The good news is that there is much that we can do from our couch and kitchens.
Here are some ideas:
1. Work on Climate Change.
There is a simple and effective way to address the universal threat of global warming, through the bipartisan Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, or H.R.763. It will reduce Americas emissions by at least 40% in the first 12 years, and boost the economy at the same time; something government leaders are most concerned about as fallout from the coronavirus pandemic looms. This one policy can create over two million new jobs and promises economic growth in local communities across America A crucial way to propel our sinking economy.
The Solution: H.R.763, which is a revenue neutral act that allocates fees collected on carbon emissions at the source to all Americans. This funnels money into the pockets of American consumers to spend. The government keeps none of the fees collected, so its not a tax, but money returned to all Americans with a social security number.
Most significantly this bill is bipartisan. A growing numberof republicans and democrats alike have signed on as cosponsors as they reviewits effectiveness. The majority of Americans support Congress acting on climatechange, including more than half of republicans, and this relatively painlessmeasure is something that we can all agree on. Climate change is too urgent to forgetabout, or to get caught in partisan politics.
What you can do: Write or call your state representatives and urge them to support H.R.763. Join Citizens Climate Lobby, a non-profit, nonpartisan organization focused solely on this one national policy, because it is the most immediate and effective tool that we have. Their consistently respectful, nonpartisan approach is designed to create a broad, sustainable foundation for climate action across all geographic regions and political inclinations. Joining them is the easiest way to educate ourselves on the climate change solutions available.
2. Consider Your Food: Eat a Plant-Strong Diet and DontWaste.
According to a largebody of research including Project Drawdown,food choices make a big impact on global warming. Choosing a plant-based diet alongwith eliminating wasted food can reduce your personal carbon footprint morethan other habits; more than eating local, more than giving up a car, and morethan recycling, (1).It turns out that eating beans, vegetables,fruits, whole grains, tubers (like potatoes), mushrooms, nuts and seeds, is notonly good for us, but good for the planet.
The Food: Given that the global food system is among the principal drivers of climate change as well as the biggest indicator of chronic disease, imagine the impact each of us has on greenhouse gas emissions, soil preservation, deforestation and biodiversity. Fortunately for us, those health-promoting foods mentioned also tend to be the most climate-friendly foods whole plant foods, (2). Eating these foods delivers the nutrients to fight bacteria viruses, as well as boosts our immune system so our bodies can overcome foreign invaders like viruses.
Conversely, the foods that carry known health risks are alsothe most climate-polluting foods. For instance red and processed meat that isassociated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease (3), type 2 diabetes (4),and certain cancers (5), are the highestemitters of greenhouse gas, (6).
The Waste: Globally thirty percent of food is wasted. Americans waste closer to forty percent. That means food that is never eaten uses up precious land, soil, water, and fuel, with the biggest demand on these resources coming from animal food production; then processed foods, (7). Most of that wasted food ends up in landfills to generate large quantities of methane as the food decomposes, a potent greenhouse gas. According to the FAO, thirteen percent of animal food by volume is wasted, which is a low percentage compared to other foods, but due to their high emissions intensity, a high percentage of greenhouse gas. Meat alone accounts for roughly onethird of greenhouse gas emissions associated with food waste, (8).
By cutting food wasted globally we could reduce greenhousegas emissions by an estimated 4.5 gigatons by 2050, (9). Not only isthat significant, but we individual citizens have a say in it. Diet issomething that all of us can improve upon, in the seclusion of our own home.
3. Start a Garden, Indoorsor Out.
Your body needs green veggies nowmore than ever, and we can grow these, the healthiest of foods, even without ahouse with garden space, any time of the year, in just a few days!
4. Fight Hunger
What local food redistribution programs operate in your areathat may need assistance in this challenging time? For instance, schoolnutrition programs have been stymied while schools are closed. In my area theYMCA is stepping up to distribute foods to children in the school food programs.Volunteers are needed, and maybe from the safety of your car or home. Our localMeals on Wheels program, as well as many other charitable programs, cancelledtheir annual spring fundraiser due to the COVID-19 crisis and must depend ononline donations. Whatever you could do that feels right, will result in personalsatisfaction. Bonus: time spent on charitable work could lead to a rewarding interactionnow in the time of seclusion, as well as ways to give back to your communitylater, when were back to some kind of normal.
5. Practice Cooperation
Like global warming, viruses know no boundaries. We are all inthese planetary-wide challenges together. So protecting the developing world aswell as sharing what we have and know, is the only way towards a successfuloutcome. Now is the time to practice skills such as cooperation and diplomacy,and figure out how to work together to overcome a global crisis. Start at home.Start now, and keep busy with meaningful work thatll aid us all when we pickup with the work of survival on the other side. Well be facing new daily challengesfor a while, but its good to remind ourselves that were in this pandemic together.
As our local CitizensClimate Lobby leader recently did, I close with a timeless old song with a relevantmessage Itll end, and WellMeet Again! Now go and find your silver linings in this mostchallenging time.
Saving the World While Sheltering in Place - Thrive Global