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Science Proved Drinking Coffee Helps Improve Brain Functioning and Slow Aging. Now Research Shows Coffee Can Also Help You Lose Weight and Body Fat -…

Posted: March 24, 2020 at 8:46 pm

Science even says that the caffeine in your first cup of coffeeattaches to the part of your neurons thatnormally attract adenosine, the hormone that makes yousleepy,and causes yourendocrine system to release glutamate, a neurotransmitter that increases your ability to learn and remember... so yeah: Coffeekick-starts your day.

All of which might makecoffee sound like asuperfood.

Especially when you factor in the effect caffeine can have on weight gain and cholesterol production.

Recent research from the University of Illinoisindicates that caffeine seems to slow weight gainfrom anobesogenic(likely to make you gain weight)diet by reducing the storage of lipids in fat cells and the production of triglycerides.

For four weeks, researchers fed different groups of rats the same diet, one that contained40 percentfat, 45carbohydrates, and 15 percentprotein; think an anti-Mediterranean diet.

Some rats also ingested the equivalent of four cups of coffee per day from a variety of sources.

After four weeks, caffeine-consuming ratsgained 16 percentless weight and added 22 percentless body fat thancaffeine-abstinent rats.

To determine whythat happened, the researchers did what researchers tend to do and dug deeper, exposing adipose (fat)cells from mice to various forms of caffeine.

The result? Caffeinedecreased the accumulation of lipids in adipose cells by 20 to 40 percent.

They then tracked the expression of several genes associated with lipid metabolism and obesity. The result waslower production of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, as well astriglycerides in the liver.

The consumption of caffeine from mate or from other sources alleviated the negative impact of a high-fat, high-sucrose diet on body composition due to the modulation of certain lipogenic enzymes in both adipose tissue and the liver...

... (and) brought about lower synthesis and accumulation of triglycerides in the adipose tissue.

I know what you're thinking: Conventional wisdom saysdrinking fourcups of coffee per day is three cups too many.

But while caffeine tolerance differs from person to person,multiple studies show that drinking three to five cups of coffee a day poses no health risksfor the average person, and six to eight cups provides the greatest benefits.

Considering the findings...caffeine can be considered anti-obesity agents. The results of this research could be scaled to humans to understand the roleofcaffeine as potential strategies to prevent overweight and obesity, as well as the subsequent metabolic disorders associated with these conditions.

And you can lose a little fat as well.

Sounds like a series of win-wins to me.

Published on: Mar 24, 2020

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Science Proved Drinking Coffee Helps Improve Brain Functioning and Slow Aging. Now Research Shows Coffee Can Also Help You Lose Weight and Body Fat -...

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