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Six activities can help obese people lose weight and keep it off – Harvard Health

Posted: October 19, 2019 at 1:48 am

Published: November, 2019

Even if obesity runs in your family, certain activities may help you lose the weight and keep it off, according to a study published online Aug. 1, 2019, by PLOS Genetics.

Researchers recruited more than 18,000 adults ages 30 to 70 and examined their individual genes and exercise routines. Genetic profiles were created from blood samples that looked for certain gene variants related to obesity. Exercise was defined as at least 30 minutes of activity performed three times a week.

Most physical activity can help people lose weight, but the researchers found that the best activities for maintaining a healthy weight for those with a genetic link to obesity were, in order, jogging, mountain climbing, walking, power walking, dancing, and long yoga sessions.

The reason may be that these activities can involve higher-intensity movement and thus can burn more calories, suggested the researchers. They also may be more enjoyable than traditional gym workouts, so people are more likely to stick with them.

The results suggest genetic obesity can be countered, and that adopting enjoyable higher-intensity exercise may help people who struggle with weight loss and management.

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Six activities can help obese people lose weight and keep it off - Harvard Health

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