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Women taking part in a weight loss program at St. Anthony's Hospital said slimming down for the long term takes persistence, creativity, patience and accountability.
Bea Eberley pulls out resistance bands when she doesn't feel like exercising. LaWanna Porter keeps a list of what she eats and counts her calories.
Both are a part of a yearlong pilot study that could be a model health care professionals will want to reproduce. The program uses a multidisciplinary approach, calling on dietitians, fitness experts, psychologists and other health professionals to help participants lose weight and keep it off.
Overall, it helps them change their lifestyles, said the clinic's creator, Dr. Kautilya Mehta.
As doctors, we tell patients to lose weight all the time, he said. This is actually getting them to weight loss.
Living a healthier lifestyle and losing weight is important, he said, particularly in a place like Oklahoma where obesity, a lack of exercise and other unhealthy habits lead to heart disease and other chronic health conditions.
Weight loss process
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St. Anthony Hospital weight loss program shows results